#he like swiped em away after i was like ‘am i good to go?’ & i was 👁👁
bibleofficial · 2 years
this gas station cashier was fuckin around w my cigarettes after i bought them & i nearly hopped over that damn counter
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lunajay33 · 5 months
New World🍂Part.14
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world, now you and your best friend Daryl Dixon had to stay alive but will you finally confess?
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The next morning we packed up some of the food and heading out hoping to find the others and if we couldn’t then we’ll just have to come back here
As we walked along the ever lasting road Judith was snacking on little treats I was feeding her, thankful she was a quiet baby so we didn’t have to worry about another attraction for walkers
“Ya sure yer good holding her?” Daryl asked as he adjusted the crossbow over his shoulder
“Oh ya I’m fine, I gotta get use to it anyways”
“How’s the baby been?”
“She’s good, she’s been kicking around in there definitely gonna be a wild one definitely a Dixon” I said as Judith giggled
“I don’t know I don’t like calling her “it” and I just feel deep down she’s our little girl I dreamed of”
“Maybe she is, all we got left is hope”
Judith fell asleep in my arms as we continued walking as we came to a town full of deserted houses
“Maybe we should check these, there might be supplies” I said pointing to a White House on the corner, he grumbled in agreement, he searched the place first before he gave the all clear that I could explore the house
“Seems like someone was here recently” I said noticing the cereal dishes on the table
“Mmmm be on the look out”
Looking around the bedrooms I found another baby blanket for Judith and some baby clothes that’ll fit her better
“Find anything?” Daryl called from the doorway
“Just some baby supplies for Jude, you?”
“How about these?” He asked holding up a lacy blue thong
“DARYL! Put that away you’re crazy”
“Well I’m keepin em until ya wanna have some fun”
“Yer lucky I love you Dixon” I said trying to cover the rising blush on my face as I heard him let out a laugh
He sat on the bed watching me as I continued to rummage through the room, Judith tucked against my chest still sleeping
“Yer gonna be a great mom” I looked back at him smiling
“You think?”
“Look how yer with lil asskicker, she loves ya”
“I won’t say I’m not nervous or scared because I am, Jesus I’m terrified but to know I’ll be able to hold a little baby that we have together, that’s what keeps me hopeful that something might work out, that we can be a family” I said as I sat next to him
“Ya got nothin to be scared about, I got ya, all three of ya”
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After rummaging through a few more houses we decided to keep walking maybe meeting up with whoever was in these houses before us
“Did ya hear that?” He asks stopping me in my track as we listened out again, two voices in the near distance, a male and a female oddly familiar, he took my hand leading me through the tree until we saw a road, a silhouette of a two family members I thought I’d never see again
“I’m gonna go first, they’ll be on guard, wait for my signal” he whispered as he left the tree line approaching Rick and Michonne
They shot up hearing Daryl’s walking, katana and gun pointed right at him as his hands were raised
“Rick it’s me” he groaned in his gravely voice I love so much
They lowered their weapons sharing emotional hugs just like Daryl and I did when we reunited, we all really became a family at the prison so finding others again made that hopeless feeling dwindle just a little more
He whistled obvious signal for me, I walked out and they all looked in my direction
“Y/n?” Michonne called running to me and squeezing me tight
“I missed you”
“I missed you too”
She pulled back to I could see Rick
“I’ve got a surprise” I smiled pulling Judith out of her nap sack against my chest that was covering her, Rick ran over swiping her out of my arms holding her tight, crying in joy as he placed a kiss to my forehead
“Thank you so much” he said with so much hope as I saw Carl come out of van joining us
“She was amazing, never fussy, I’d do it all over again” I said resting my hands on my belly
“How’s the baby?” Michonne asked as we sat down on the road, Daryl on my left Carl on my right
“She’s good, tired but we’re doing better after finding Daryl again, now you guys, hope we find more” I said as Carl leaned against me, we were close at the farm and start of the prison before everything happened, it was nice to have him around again, just wanting to protect him
“She?” Carl asked
“I just have a feeling she’s a girl, call it mothers intuition”
“Either way she’ll be beautiful” Michonne smiled
We continued to catch up and everything, they told us about some guys they came across and had to run away from, when we heard rustling around us, men soon surrounding us, we all stood in defence, ricks gun out, Michonne katana, and Daryl’s crossbow
“Look at this, the prick who killed our guy” it was them, the group they were telling us about
A man I hadn’t seen behind me took hold of me wrapping his arms around me so I couldn’t move
“Weapons down or the knocked up one gets killed first”
Everyone dropped them, Daryl looking at me with fearful eyes
“Dont ya touch her” Daryl growled
“Hmmm I don’t think so I think I’m gonna have some fun with this one” he laughed in my ear as the other men started beating on Daryl, Michonne and Rick trying to stop them
I groaned when I was pushed to my knees feeling the pebbles from the road dig into me making me whine the emotions high, he took my shirt and ripped it in half exposing my chest and bump
“Don’t touch me pig” I said getting enough strength to kick him off, take my knife out of my waist band and stab him right through the chest
Everyone stopped what they were doing turning to me, but my eyes were on the man that had Carl pushed to the ground
“Let him go” he laughed mockingly, the rage boiled in me when I heard Carl cry, I walked over as he stepped back taking his hands off Carl
“Woah woah” he said before I pushed the knife straight into his throat blood splattering all over my face, watching him drop to the ground, this gave the others enough distraction to finish off the others, when they were all dead Daryl ran to me, his face busted but in this moment he didn’t seem to care about that
“Are ya okay peach?” He asked looking over my body, anger evident on his face when he noticed my shirt was ripped
“I’m….im fine, are you okay, you’re bleeding”
“Don’t worry, here change” he said as he went into my backpack pulling out a shirt we got from a house, he used the ripped shirt to wipe off the blood covering face then helping me put on the fresh one
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to but……but I had to”
“Ya saved us peach it’s okay” he said holding me to his chest
“Come on, let’s leave the men to talk you need rest” Michonne said guiding me to the back of the van with Judith and Carl, finally feeling the adrenaline wear off
“I feel sick” I groaned leaning against the window
“Just sleep, we’ll worry about everything tomorrow”
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Taglist: @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @willowshadenox @thebadbatch2022 @writer-ann-artist @i-wear-wet-socks313 @thestonedwriter @lettersfromyourlove @heidiland05
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lnfours · 2 years
Dude frat!Tom is such a vibe. Just seeing him out on campus and having him immediately put his arm around you with such male ease/confidence bc he wants to close UGHHH
yes UGH pls i need him so bad.
i got carried away LOL oops
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talk to me about frat!tom
you made your way out of the door to the lecture hall, swarming with the crowd of students as you pushed out the door. in the hallway of the marketing building, people chatted on their way out about which frat houses and sororities were hosting parties tonight and who was going to be there.
the typical friday evening routine.
you pushed the door open and almost immediately you were smacked in the face with cold air. you shivered, pulling the hoodie to the sweatshirt you were wearing over your head as you approached the tall figure ahead of you. you smiled as you got closer, noticing he was in a pair of sweatpants, a backwards snapback and his lacrosse hoodie, a cup of hot coffee in each hand as he greeted you.
"good afternoon, gorgeous," he smiled, giving you the warm cup of coffee as his other arm wrapped around you,"ready for tonight?"
"i love when you guys throw parties because, hands down, they're the best," you sighed as you let him lead you down the path that led to your dorm building,"but god i am so tired. these last 2 exams are going to kill me."
he smiled, tucking a piece of hair from your face as you reached the door, swiping your ID as it let out a beep, signaling that the door unlocked. you hurried inside in attempts to escape from the freezing wind.
"plus, it's cold outside. and i hate the cold." you whined and he chuckled as he followed you into the elevator.
"trust me, i know, you tell me every morning when i walk you to your 8am." he smiles over at you before taking a sip of the coffee, his glasses slightly fogging over from the warmth of the liquid. you roll your eyes and playfully hit his shoulder before the elevator doors open, letting you off onto your floor.
and once you were inside your dorm, you plopped onto your bed after putting the coffee down on the nightstand. tom followed your movement, climbing on top of you as your head hit the pillows. you giggled as he hovered over you, cold nose bumping into yours.
"wait, today's friday, right?" you asked and tom hummed a soft 'yes' into your neck as he moved your hair, placing a soft kiss on the warm skin. you shivered as his cold lips moved their way to the sweet spot below your ear. you tapped your phone to display the time, looking down at the big bold numbers that sat above the picture of you and tom outside the date party his frat had thrown a couple weeks ago. you were laughing, holding onto his cheeks as he smiled. the both of you so close and looking like you were about to kiss.
"megan won't be back for a couple hours, she has spanish tutoring." you smiled as he turned back to face you.
"oh really?" he asked, leaning down to get closer as his lips ghosted over yours. you scrunched your nose and nodded as you felt his hands move under your sweatshirt, cold hands meeting the warm skin of your abdomen.
"i've got a few things in mind that we can do."
"yeah? i'd love to hear 'em."
you'd giggle, his lips meeting yours.
"i'm sure you would."
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Long-time reader, first-time asker. Huge fan of your writing!
If you're still taking requests for the comfort prompts, can I request #18 for Borracho? I love the thought of reader having a terrible string of days at work (maybe they work together and aren't quite yet together) and Borracho (of course) notices and slips her favorite candy bar/treat into her jacket pocket to cheer her up?
Aw, thanks nonnie! Sure thing :D
Warnings: Light angst, tired reader, ends in fluff
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It has been a shitty, shitty week.
Your car broke down on Monday. On Tuesday, your date with the guy you were seeing, Ben (his friends often called him Borracho) had been cut short when he'd gotten called into work. On Wednesday, you found out that the repair costs for your car were going to be outrageously high. On Thursday, work had been absolutely slammed—but you'd had a brief bright spot when you managed to see Borracho for dinner between shifts.
Your Friday has, so far, been less than stellar.
You have to take public transportation to work, and to your chagrin, it's insanely delayed. When you finally reach the store that you manage, it's absolutely slammed with customers—and they just keep coming. You can't take your break when you'd like to, and when you finally make it to the break room, you're so exhausted and frustrated that you're on the verge of tears.
You glance at your phone's battery, huffing in annoyance when you find it nearing 5%. You walk over to your jacket, and begin to go through your pockets, looking for your wireless charger. You go still when you feel the wrapper of something crinkle beneath your fingers. You frown, drawing whatever it is out. You're perplexed still as you find yourself looking at your favorite candy bar. What the heck? You don't remember buying this. You spot a little arrow drawn on the corner of the wrapper, and turn it over. Your confusion melts to a watery smile as you eye a hastily scrawled, slightly-smudged message:
Take a deep breath. You got this. -B
You draw in a deep breath, then push it out after a few seconds. You grab your phone charger and plug your phone in, settling down. You open the candy bar, eyes sliding shut and groaning softly as it practically melts in your mouth. You sigh softly, feeling your tension dropping away just a bit more. You open your phone, swiping to Borracho's contact and opening it. Your finger hovers over the text field before you raise it to tap on the call button.
You raise the phone to your ear, listening to the brrrrrrrrrrr of the phone ringing. Frankly, you don't expect him to answer, but you'll be just as happy to leave a voicemail—
You perk up at the sound of his voice, gruff as it is.
"Hey," You greet, looking down at the candy bar. "Is this a bad time?"
"Ah—No! No."
You can hear the creak of his chair, and the scratch of his pen on the other end of the line before you hear it drop.
"You okay?" He presses. You can't help but smile.
"Better now," You admit, "Since I found the little treat you left for me."
"Oh, yeah?" He chuckles. "Good."
"When did you even put this in my pocket?"
"Grabbed it when I was getting cigarettes last night, put it in your pocket while you were texting."
"You sneaky little so-and-so. This is how you're putting your skills to use?"
"What else am I supposed to do with 'em?"
"Don't let your boss hear your say that."
"Don't worry about that."
You smile, biting your lip.
"Can I see you tonight?" You hedge.
"Course you can. If your car's ready, we can go pick it up."
"You don't have to do that with me."
"I don't mind. Besides, I can check what they did, make sure they're not padding your bill."
Your smile widens as you shift the candy bar in your hand.
"I'd really appreciate that," You agree.
"I'll come pick you up. Your shift's up at six, right?"
"Alright, I'll wait outside."
"Thanks, Ben."
"You don't have to thank me."
"Yeah, I do, I—" You stop yourself, feeling your emotions swelling again. "I appreciate it."
"...I know," He murmurs. You close your eyes, pulling another deep breath in.
"I'll see you tonight."
"Yeah, you will. Try to take the rest of your shift easy, baby."
Baby. It's a first from him, and it makes you flustered and warm.
"Don't work yourself too hard either," You urge.
"I won't."
"Okay. Bye."
You draw the phone away from your phone, eyeing the contact again. Baby. That felt nice. Sounded good, too, especially coming from him. You raise your candy bar, taking another bite as you hit the edit button on his contact information. You consider for a moment before you tap on his name, edit it, then hit save.
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grayintogreen · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Work on Chapter 36 is coming along swimmingly. It's a little under half done so I'm thinking it won't be late depending on how complex some of these, uh, particular scenes get.
Here's a nice, light-hearted scene proving that even after that horrible cliffhanger, there's still some joy... hah.
Also featuring a surprise guest!
A tall drow in fancier armor than his fellow soldiers with an ornate glaive on his back suddenly broke from a conversation he was having to jog towards them. “Essek!”
Essek planted his feet so that when the other drow grabbed him in a hug and attempted to pick him up, he couldn't actually lift him. The stern, stubborn set to his expression never changed. “Hello, Verin.”
Verin huffed and puffed from the exertion of trying to best whatever gravity spell Essek had placed on himself and then gave up. “Hey, yourself. What're you doing here?” He glanced over the top of his older brother's head- now that Caleb could get a good look at him, he could see the distinct familial resemblance. “Are these your friends? Hey! How much did he pay you? Because if he has to buy you off just so I'll stop nagging at him for not being social enough, it's not really friendship.”
“He didn't pay us. We like Essek,” Jester said, a bit stubbornly. She walked up to Essek and wrapped an arm around his and found his gravity spell still held when she tugged at him- he didn't budge.
“Light shine down upon us all, there can be miracles.“ Verin thrust out a gauntleted hand for Jester to shake. ”Taskhand Verin Thelyss. A pleasure to finally meet the people who have utterly confused and confounded my brother.“
”Verin please,“ Essek hissed. ”As much as I am thrilled for my friends to experience your insufferable charms for themselves, this is important.”
When his brother relented, Essek explained everything they had experienced and a handful of things he was aware of in regards to Jayne. For all that Verin seemed keen on jokes and pettily poking at his older brother, he could go deadly serious when it clearly counted. Not entirely unlike Fjord in that regard- Caleb even glanced his way to catch his nod of understanding and respect.
When Essek finished, Verin ran a hand over his face to cover a grimace. “I understand all of that, Essek. What do you need me to do? You should be telling the Bright Queen this.”
“After what happened in Asarius? She already knows, Verin.”
“She thinks it's just the Empire trying new forms of warfare, not… whatever this is.” He looked to Fjord like he recognized his own brand of leadership in him as easily as Fjord had recognized the reverse. “Don't you want more allies?”
“With all due respect to your people, Taskhand, it isn't that we don't want allies. It's that we aren't entirely certain what sort of war we're fighting at the moment and how much it has to do with the one you're already in. There's been enough loss on the Dynasty's side as is. I would hate to distract you.”
Verin chewed on the inside of his cheek and conceded. “So you're just asking me to keep my eyes open?”
“I am asking you to do what you have always done, but pay as close attention as you can to what is outside these walls. After what happened to Asarius and Den Olios-“
”I know.“ Verin hissed. ”I hate being told to just wait for something, Essek.“
”Oh I know it's the worst,“ Fjord interjected, helpfully. ”But if this goes poorly for us, you're our last line of defense to keep it from spreading.“
”It's nice to be needed.“ He grinned, rakishly, and then looked back to Essek, suddenly worried before Fjord could even have a chance to process that fully. “Are you going?”
“I was considering it-”
Verin swiped a hand in the air. “Have you seen the sacrifice engines?”
“Every time I come here.”
“You wanna see 'em today?”
Caleb, recognizing an attempt to politely lure someone away for a private conversation without offending the rest of the group, awkwardly began to herd the Nein back towards the city. “I believe we have some pastries to find, ja? Let's head that way and our friend here can rejoin us later.”
“Ooh! Verin!” Jester leapt on his attempts to awkwardly rescue Essek, but in the entirely wrong direction. “Where is the best place to get sweet stuff here?”
Verin grinned, flashing his sharp fangs. ”There's a cupcake place called the Sacrif-icing Engine. Can't miss it. Very tasteful, despite the name. Actually.” Verin gave a whistle. “Rhyl, Sorn.“
Rhyl and Sorn were a drow with cropped hair, a goatee, and the most intensely wide eyes Caleb had ever seen and an extremely skinny, sleepy-looking bugbear. The two of them had been engaged in an argument when Verin called them forward and were still arguing when they walked up.
”I'm just saying that I don't know that all of these things are coming from the Abyss, itself.“
”There are portals everywhere, Sorn.“
”Have you seen one?“
”No, but I… I see what comes out of them.“
”They could come from anywhere. No one's cleaned out that temple in years. There could be nests of all kinds of things.“
”I swear on the Light, I'm gonna kill you so hard, your next two lives will be stillbirths.“
Verin loudly cleared his throat and the two immediately snapped to full attention. ”Can you two give my brothers' friends a grand tour of the city? They've got a job to do under the mountain and they're gonna need an expert opinion on what they're gonna need.“
”These are experts?“ Lucien snorted.
”We're actually the best demon hunters in this entire camp, friend,“ Rhyl grinned a little too wide.
”Hey, good for you guys,” Beau said, more than a little condescendingly. “We've killed a bunch too.”
“We've also seen rifts that open into the Abyss," Molly added.
Rhyl looked immediately at Sorn. ”You hear that?“
”Yeah, I hear it. People say things, Rhyl. It doesn't mean they're real.“
Verin grinned like he knew exactly what he was doing sending these two to accompany them and begin to attempt to shove Essek in a direction. ”You guys have fun.“
Well. You have to admire his gall. Caleb, feeling a bit like stirring shit, turned to the soldiers and asked, fully deadpan, ”So what do you think all of these creatures you've been facing here come from, if not from the Abyss?“
Cree, Lucien, and Beau all groaned in anguish.
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brabe · 2 years
The Anatomy of the Bar Scene
the more i think about it, the more i’m leaning towards them being ex-something rather than them only ever having been on the cusp of it.
and the way hangman sets the scene has me in a fit. how it screams SCORNED LOVER from the top of the mountains.
the way he sees that rooster is here now at last, because of course he is—no one has ever believed in rooster more than hangman, that’s kind of the problem—and sneaks to the jukebox to select just the right soundtrack for his grand entrance. the song choice. the fact that he is so dramatic about it that he feels the need to announce his presence via song in the first place. an honest to god sex song. 'slow ride, take it easy. slow down, go down, got to get your lovin' one more time. hold me, roll me, slow ridin' woman you're so fine. i'm in the mood, the rhythm is right, move to the music, we can roll all night'. how he selects nr. 86 without a second of hesitation, muscle memory, like this song speaks of history between them, an echo of a long-standing inside joke recalling once-upon-a-time familiarity and intimacy.
rooster looks up before hangman even calls his name. he hears the opening riff, and already knows what’s about to go down, could do this song and dance with his eyes closed and his shoestrings tied up together.
now god help him, hangman is going to play this cool as a cucumber. you know when you have a chance encounter with your ex whom you are absolutely, 100%, no questions asked over (shut up, you are), and you are going to make it extremely loud and spectacularly clear how you are doing swimmingly, thanks for asking, and how they are sorely missing out.
thing is, rooster still looks like a fucking million bucks, all golden and glowing. heads turning like on a string as he struts in like he owns the place by birthright, like everything until now was just the supporting act to his one-man show, hawaiian print and aviators like limelights on a background of khaki. impossible to miss, impossible to look away from. like maybe he too carefully curated his stage entrance, fashionably late and effortlessly cool as can be.  
gain the home turf. the best defense is a good offense. one-up. one-up. one-up. 
thing is, hangman is just a man, after all, and a few beers deep to boot, and god help him, but he still looks at rooster like he wants to eat him alive, because he does, can’t imagine ever not wanting. lip bite.
like an apex predator establishing eye contact with its prey (who is who, though?), he prowls in, swipes bob’s cue stick, bends himself over the pool table, takes the shot blind looking up at rooster from underneath his eyelashes. the kicker is that he wasn’t even in the game. earlier when hangman left to order more beers phoenix said, ‘rack ‘em’ to bob as they started a new game. he just dive-bombs in, putting on his own little one-man show for his one-man audience.  
‘bradshaw, as i live and breathe.’ bradshaw, not rooster and definitely not bradley. distance. so here we are after all, after everything. ball in your court.
‘hangman, you look...good.’ rooster blatantly checks him out right back, always looking back, hasn’t even the decency to be subtle about it. tone lock, missile shot and landed. and hangman takes a split second to absorb the hit and recalibrate because rooster was supposed to take the bait for what it was, wasn’t supposed to be nice, how dare he? he has no right to say that, not anymore, by his own doing.  
‘well, i am good, rooster. i’m very good [bats his eyelashes]. in fact, i’m too good to be true.’ nailed it. or something. i like to think that hangman internally cringed at that final line, god that was cheesy, talk about acting so chill it circles right back to supremely unchill, transparent, chink in the armour.
rooster shakes his head, holds back a half grin, and looks over to phoenix like, ‘can you believe him?’ but it’s half exasperated and half, dare i say, fond. like, there he is, as insufferably and maddeningly wonderful as always. and phoenix knows enough, not everything, but about there being something to know in the first place. it’s been two minutes tops and now the whole detachment does as well. cue payback, ‘sooo...’
and let’s talk coyote and phoenix for a moment. their entire earlier interaction, but especially that little pointed, ‘hey, coyote.’ / ‘hey.’ how it screams of ‘we used to hang out because our best friends were dating, but the breakup was messy, and we loyally took to each side of the divorce. for the public record my best friend is totally in the right and yours a total asshole.’
thing is, the back and fort still flows between hangman and rooster too much like foreplay, like it doesn’t know how to be anything else. too close to slipping into jake and bradley’s territory for comfort. they were always so good at this.  
so hangman doubles down, and keeps figuratively shooting spitballs at the back of rooster’s head from the back of the classroom until he’s going to take the damn bait. drop the niceties and let the temper aflame. hangman got it down to an art after all. more peacocking, more bending over the pool table, more holding eye contact while slighting his leadership prowess and smiling condescendingly as he does so. BINGO.
and rooster does try, looks to the side like, ‘i know you. i know what you’re doing.’
but oh well, here goes nothing.  
rooster looks down, charges up. ‘hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.’ rooster looks back up and half the destructive force of this hit comes from his eyes, from his closed-off stare locked onto hangman, devoid of any lingering warmth now.  
trying and keeping up with you and all of your crazy, in the air, or otherwise, will drive a man insane. he would know.
coyote obviously hears it too. the look on his face is a whole picture. he looks seconds away from leaping over the pool table and making rooster regret all of his life’s choices that led him to this very moment. he’s saved by the bell by fanboy’s whooping that redirects coyote’s death glare momentarily. the camera pans to phoenix, who for all intents and purposes is on rooster’s side of the feud, and whose expression clearly reads, ‘well, fuck’. she doesn’t know the whole story, not like coyote does, rooster not one to kiss and tell. payback in the background obviously asking himself, again, whichever soap opera did he just walk into.
direct hit. hangman is frozen in place for a moment too long, his shark-like smirk brittle. it’s just his luck that his whole life has been one decades-long exercise in breaking down and building himself back up in the blink of an eye, blink-and-you'll-miss-it, like you’re supposed to. but bradley never looked away (until he did, at least), and it’s a daunting process he’s witnessed too many times. it never fails to be heartbreaking, seeing hangman emerge on the other side with a new shiny layer to his glamour.
there it is, hotheaded bradshaw, making it too damn easy to firmly put the gilded armour back into place. they were even better at this; shooting to kill, almost like their lives depended on it.
hangman short of barrels into phoenix on his way to deliver his own fatal blow, almost daring her to intervene in defense of her wingman.
hangman completes his prowl, the cutting edge of his smirk more lethal close range, closer than he’s been in years, ‘anyone who follows you is just gonna...run out of fuel,’ hangman looks down, charges up, locks him in his chilling stare, ‘but that’s just you, ain’t it, rooster? you’re snug on that perch. waiting for the right moment...that never comes.’
trying and waiting for you to catch up, to take the next step, to take that leap of faith, in the air, or otherwise, will be a man’s downfall. he would know. 
‘i love this song.’ a final acknowledgement of everything that was, a parting dare.
coyote looks as smug as he looked outraged before. he was there picking up the pieces in the destruction of the aftermath. his best friend surviving once more, albeit coming too close for comfort.
direct hit. and rooster just sits back and takes it. his whole demeanor changes and subdues. he knows that hangman got him there, and he walked right into that one, has nothing to say for himself. he has this strained fixed little smile, he is nodding along minutely like, 'so are you really going there...fair enough.’ he looks down at hangman's lips when he gets too close, closer than he’s been in years, because he’s just a man, and he still hasn’t ever wanted anyone more. he’s effectively stunned into silence. the fortifying little sigh he takes after hangman makes his exit and leaves him planted there like, 'shit. he went there alright. it's been years, why does it still hit bullseye?' (he knows why). that deflated, resigned, 'nope, sure hasn't' and then the 10-hour long stare watching him walk away.
how the turntables.
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Imagine being stalked and abducted by Incubus!Shanks part 1
Requested by @useless-potatho there will be a second Incubus shanks imagine.
Part 2
You: *straddling and drunkingly making out with a stranger at a Halloween party*
Shanks: *is the stranger and has never had such delicious energy and he is trying to devour you like a starved man*
You: *realizes it's the time you promised yourself you'd go home so you wouldn't hate yourself as much in the morning, so you pull away from him and leave without saying anything*
Shanks: * a little surprised you can still move, as he tries to pull you back into his lap, but you slip out of his grasp and he watches you leave before getting up and following you*
You: *feels his eyes on you and you hurry down the street to your house and shutting yourself inside*
Shanks: *stares at your door and makes himself comfortable in a nearby tree*
Two hours later
You: *is dragged out of your slumber by gently pooling pleasure in your belly to see movement under your sheets* Mmmmnn?
Shanks: *smirks and resumes lapping at you*
You: what?
Shanks: *yanks your hips up so your body is dangling upsidedown and starts to devour you as you tug on his hair and horns*
You: *cums so violently it makes your muscles tense up and lock just long enough to leave you breathless as you unwind*
Shanks: *let's your body slump down to the bed and wipes his lower lip after he licks them clean as pulls your thigh over his hip and wraps his tail around your ankle* you really have the most delicious energy to grace my tongue
You: ... You're from the bar
Shanks: most people would be too drunk on my venom at this point to even talk, you really are something. I'm considering keeping you now. *Slides into you* ooh I am definitely keeping you, I'm already so close to blowing my load.
You: *passes out from your next orgasm*
Unknown period of time later
You: *wakes to the gently bob of your surrounding and unfamiliar voices*
Yassop: they're pretty, where'd you find em?
You: *realizes you are on a boat out at sea, laying in the embrace of the man from the bar*
Shanks: I meet them by chance at a Halloween party at a club on the other side of the last island *pets your hair and peers down at your wide eyes* oh my little bird is awake
You: where am I? Who are you?
Benn: you kidnapped them! *Pinches the bridge of his nose*
Shanks: in a matter of speaking, yes I suppose I did.
Benn: you find a new way to make your rap sheet longer every day don't you?
Shanks: it's a gift, this one was too tasty to let slip through my fingers *cups your chin, pulls you into a starved kiss and breaks away and swipes your wet and swollen bottom lip with his thumb*
Benn: you'll kill them if you keep this pace up
Shanks: I've always been good a gauging the energy levels of the people I feed off of. And one of the many special reasons why I took this person is because no matter how much I eat their energy doesn't go down. My kind calls them powerhouses, they're pretty rare but not unheard of. I might even go out of my way to make them a vampire so I can keep them forever.
Benn: you'll have to get them to like you if that's the case. At least if you don't want them fighting you the moment you turn them
Shanks: ...Fuck.... Okay I already fucked that up. I need to go about making this right don't I?
You: *nods your head* you can start by getting me something to eat.
Shanks: *huffs but slides out from under you and makes his way inside the ship only to come out a few minutes later with a sandwich and a small serving of chips* anything else, yer majesty?
You: yes, I'd like answers now *pats the spot next to you*
Benn: *snorts* oh this is gonna be great.
Shanks: *pouts but sits down none the less* I'm Shanks and you are one my ship.
You: how come I passed out so quickly
Shanks: my venom is an aphrodisiac that boosts sensory stimuli in the brain and you got too overwhelmed that you forgot to breathe and you blacked out. My venom is also amplified by alcohol, which you had a lot of. You were out for two days, speaking of which doc! Come check them to see if they need iv fluids .
Benn: he's been dragging you around like a doll for almost the entire time you were out.
Shanks: *blushes* I wanted to keep an eye on them in case they had a bad reaction to my venom.
Yassop: and to make sure they didn't have venom withdrawals by giving them more doses.
You: does the venom have any other side effects?
Shanks: *squirming in his seat* feelings of love and euphoria, and intense calm.
You: that explains that, well I'm going to ask that you abstain for a week so I can work your venom out of my system before I make a decision
Shanks: but
You: can you not feed without using the venom?
Shanks: I can
Benn: he like using the venom because he gets flooded with it too, and he can only release the venom when "feeding" on your "energy"
You: in other words he's addicted to it as well.
Benn: bingo
You: I don't feel comfortable making such big decisions with someone under the influence since your motives would be to get more of your venom and not what's best for the both of us.
Shanks: *sags his shoulders but can't find a reason to argue*
Two days later
Shanks: *on top of you pounding away*
You: *sees his horns and tail coming in which means he's us trying to use his venom* no *pushes him away with your foot on his chest*
Shanks: *confused, concerned, and annoyed* what? Did I hurt you?
You: no, horns
Shanks: horns? *Touches his forehead and feels them* oh horns! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that.
You: it's alright, just please be more mindful,
Shanks: can I continue, I'm still hungry
You: *spreads your legs* of course
A week later
Shanks: *looking a little rough and twitchy and looks at you with a feral hunger*
Doc: he should be cleaned out of the venom by the end of the week
After the negotiations and a long talk about expectations and boundaries
Shanks: *fidgeting* so can I start using my venom?
You: do you think you should?
Shanks: *gulps* I want to but I'm not sure. These side effects, I don't think I want to go through this ever again. But I don't want to completely stop, but I think it'll be a once in a while thing.
You: sounds reasonable, I'll do my best to ease the side effect that I can. *Sits in his lap and rubs his chest in a soothing manner*
Shanks: oh well then, there are something you could do *pulls you closer and slides his hand under your shirt*
You: *pushes him on his back and gets on top of him* oh what's that?
Shanks: *smirks and flips the two of you over so he's pinning you down* let me show you *kisses you*
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 2
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: Explicit Language and Angst!
Author's Note: It's amazing how much one can write when they've got a story to tell, eh? Enjoy! -Thorne
Set Three Years After PT. 1:
Life for her revolved around work in the A.M. and community college in the P.M. If she wasn’t brewing cappuccinos and baking apple turnovers, she was writing research papers and taking physics exams. It was hectic and it was hard, much harder than anything she’d done, but it was her life, and she was going to make the best of it. The money she’d taken from her savings account had only lasted her long enough to get a decent one bedroom one bathroom apartment in a small complex and the rest went towards tuition. The coffee shop two blocks from her building had fortunately been looking for a new hire when she arrived, and she took the chance where it was, not going to look the gift horse in its mouth.
The life she lived now was a complete 180 from her old one. Back then, she didn’t have to work (though she did at a high-end department store in the mall—her father got her the job but at least she had one) and there wasn’t anything she couldn’t get with a swipe of a credit card. Now she was on a budget that consisted of five and ten tips and the last time she actually bought a new pair of shoes over a hundred dollars had been last year when she needed them for an interview, and even then, it cost her a limb.
Everything was so different, but she didn’t want to go back, preferring to be on her own and away from Gotham. From the newspapers and media, her family had convinced the world that she’d taken a few years to go overseas and spend time in Europe. A mental reprieve, they’d called it. Partially true if she was honest, but she wasn’t going to open her mouth about it lest they learned where she was. She didn’t go through all that trouble to be found within three years.
Maybe I should move again?
Moving would take a long time but it would be effective.
Someone grabbed her arm over the counter, and she jerked with a start, eyes widening as she finally realized someone was standing in front of her.
“Barry?” she asked, and he smiled.
“Finally,” he snorted. “I’ve been calling your name for like ten minutes now.”
She felt a flush creep along her cheeks, and she smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I was thinking about something. Usual?” she murmured, marking a disposable coffee cup with a marker.
Barry nodded with understanding and handed her a credit card. “I hear you. How’s studying going for that physics exam?” His blue eyes darted to the science book she had sprawled over the counter.
“It’s going,” she muttered and turned, starting to mix together his latte. “I still can’t get the thermodynamic laws down. They’re a bit confusing.”
“Yeah, it’ll take a while. You know if you need my help, all you gotta do is ask, right?”
Shrugging, she glanced at him as she poured. “You’re a busy man, Barry. I can’t have you trying to help me while trying to solve cases too.”
Barry chuckled and accepted the freshly poured latte. “I’m an excellent multitasker, Melisandre. Besides, you don’t have to worry about it messing with my work.” She opened her mouth to retort but he cut her off. “Seriously, shoot me an email about whatever questions you’ve got, and I’ll take a look at ‘em, okay?”
Her eyes narrowed warily, and she inquired, “You’re sure it won’t interfere? I’d hate for you to get in trouble for working on non-work-related things.”
“I promise, Melisandre,” he smiled and accepted a bag of apple turnovers too. He couldn’t help but pull one out and bite into it, letting out a delighted noise. “God, what do you put in these things? They’re phenomenal.”
She giggled and winked as he handed her a twenty. “A baker never reveals her secret, but if you really want to know, I use a little vanilla extract.”
Barry shook his head with a chuckle and started making his way to the door. “See you later, Melisandre!”
Waving at him, she called, “Bye Barry! Take care!”
Just as he opened the door, he stopped and spun around, suddenly asking, “Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?”
Blinking, she glanced at the physics book then back to him. “Well, I was going to be studying for the exam…why?”
“My nephew is in town and I wanted to introduce him to you. I’ve already mentioned you a bunch of times and he wants to meet you.”
Her face pinched. “Barry Allen, what did you tell that poor boy?”
He stuck his tongue out at her. “That there’s a lonely college student who has no friends but has the greatest baking abilities in the world.”
“I cannot believe you told him I had no friends! Why!”
“You don’t.”
“Well, yeah! But still! You don’t just tell someone that! It makes me seem like there’s something wrong with me!”
Barry waved a hand. “Relax. Wally’s the least jerky person you’ll meet.” He smiled. “You’ll like him.”
She frowned. “I still don’t think this is a good idea, Barry.”
“Why not?”
“Well, he’s here to see you and your wife, not come meet the person who feeds your apple turnover addiction.”
The blonde’s cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson and he spluttered, “It is not an addiction!” he spun around and marched through the door. “I’ll send him over tomorrow! Bye!”
And he left before she could even say a word.
It had to be hieroglyphics. It was either that or some ancient cuneiform he’d recently taken up interest in, because there was no way whatever he’d written on the paper was English.
She cocked her head to the side, muttering, “Jesus Christ, Barry, did you write this on a caffeine bender? Your writing is like chicken scratch.” She tipped her head to the other side trying to decipher it when someone leaned over her shoulder.
“Which problem do you need help on?” they asked, and she pointed to the sheet.
“I have no idea what that says.” She turned and saw a red-haired stranger. “If you think you can, be my guest.”
He took it and read over it a moment, green eyes scanning over the page then he said, “Let’s see, he wrote first, ‘The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system at absolute zero is a well-defined constant. This is because a system at zero temperature exists in its ground state, so that its entropy is determined only by the degeneracy of the ground state.’”
Pausing, he scanned it again and added, “Then he marked a note beside it and wrote, ‘In simplistic terms, if an object reaches the absolute zero temp. of (0 K = -273.15C = -459.67°F), its atoms will stop moving. In other words, at absolute zero, the entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance is zero.’”
Glancing at her, he smiled. “Make sense now?”
She huffed and nodded, taking the sheet back. “Yeah, thanks. I don’t even know how you managed to get all that from his writing.”
He nodded. “Yeah, Barry’s handwriting is deplorable.”
Her eyes went wide, and she immediately questioned, “How did you?”
Sticking a hand out, he greeted, “Wally West. I’m Barry’s nephew.”
Shaking his hand, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I can’t believe he actually told you to come up here and meet me.” A smile came across her lips. “I’m Melisandre Hale.”
“That’s a pretty name, Melisandre.”
“Thank you,” she grinned and waved him to one of the bar-stools on the adjacent side of the counter. “Have a seat and I’ll get you something to eat and drink.” As she slid behind the counter, she inquired, “Anything specific?”
Wally stared at the bored, offhandedly mentioning, “Barry said something about apple turnovers that could make you cry with joy, so I’ve gotta have one of those.” His evergreen eyes met hers. “Maybe two if I’m being honest.”
She grunted, but a grin crossed her lips, nevertheless. “Barry exaggerates a lot, Wally. They’re good, but they’re not mind-blowingly good.”
“Then I guess that leaves me to be the judge,” he countered with a smirk. “What should I drink?”
She thought for a moment then offered, “Have any judgments about drinking before five o’clock?”
He let out a startled laugh and shook his head. “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”
With a grin, she turned and started working her magic and a moment later, she was sliding a plate with two iced apple turnovers over along with a clear steaming mug of dark coffee with cream on top. She leaned her hip on the counter and watched him pick up one of the apple turnovers and take a bite.
Immediately his eyes went wide, and he exclaimed, “Holy shit.” He gaped at her. “This is delicious, Melisandre!”
Despite herself, her cheeks warmed, and she gave him an easy smile. “Thanks, Wally.” She nodded to the crystal mug. “Try the Irish coffee.”
He did so and tossed his head back, letting out an exaggerated groan that had her laughing until her stomach hurt. Wally was on his second turnover and he looked at her.
“You’ve gotta open up a bakery or something, Melisandre. Your pastries are awesome.”
She huffed and took the plate from him as he finished the last bite. “Let me get through college first and then I’ll wonder how to rack up enough to open a shop.”
“What are you studying?”
Pausing, she tossed a quick glance at him. “There’s no specification right now. I’m just doing general studies to get all the basics out of the way.” She put the dish in the sink and started rinsing it. “I’m at the four-C right now.” His brows pulled together, and she added, “Central City Community College.”
He snapped his fingers. “Right! It’s been a while since I went to the four-C.”
Her eyes found his and she curiously asked, “Did you go there?”
“Yeah, a few years back.”
“You don’t look that much older than I am. How old are you, Wally?”
He sipped his coffee and set it down as he replied, “I turned twenty-eight a month ago.”
“Happy belated birthday,” she smiled, and he gave her one in return.
“Thanks. How about you?”
“I turned twenty-one a few months ago.”
“Hmm, happy belated birthday to you as well.” He grinned, quipping, “How’s it feel to finally be able to legally do all the things you were doing before you turned twenty-one?”
She shot him a look. “Shame on you, Wally West, for assuming I was doing illegal things.” He chuckled and she shrugged. “But to answer your question, it feels great, so thanks.”
Wally snorted at that. “My best friend and I got absolutely hammered on our twenty-firsts and swore to never drink hard liquor again after we woke up in the bathroom in our underwear after passing out on the floor.”
A shudder passed over her at her own memory of waking up beside the toilet after her birthday celebration with a bottle of white rum. She cocked a hand up with her water bottle in it. “Here, here,” she toasted and took a sip as Wally raised his coffee and drank too.
She glanced at him. “Are you in school, or are you done?”
“I finished a while ago. I work out of a tower with a group of friends in Manhattan.”
For a moment, her eyes drifted to the simple pair of jeans and graphic shirt he was wearing. She lived in the upper area of Gotham and she knew what uptown Manhattan was like, and it wasn’t jeans and t-shirts.
Evidently, he did too because he scowled, “I have suits and ties, thank you very much.”
She snorted and took the empty mug from him. “I didn’t say anything, Wally.”
“You made a face.”
“Is a face a ground to be hostile?” she grinned. “I was just wondering what type of business in Manhattan ran on flash t-shirts and skinny jeans.” She eyed him. “Tech?”
He shrugged. “It’s…a bit of everything if I’m being honest.” It sounded like he didn’t exactly want to say, and she let it be, rinsing out his cup before setting it to dry.
A buzz sounded and she felt for her phone when he said, “That’s mine.” Wally pulled his phone out, read the message, and stood up. “I’ve gotta go, Melisandre.”
She nodded and took the twenty-dollar bill he handed her, waving her off when she tried to hand back the change. As he started towards the door, she called, “Wally?”
He turned on his heel and waited and she felt foolish for saying it, but she admitted with warmth in her cheeks, “It’s been a while since I had any semblance of a friend…so thanks for this afternoon.”
Wally gave her a pearly white grin. “Barry said you’d say something like that,” he chuckled as she scowled and he added sincerely, “Can never have too many friends, Melisandre…and I hope you’ll become a great one of mine. So far, you already are.”
She smiled, “Same here, Wally.” The bell signaled his exit and she let out a heavy sigh as her heart warmed in her chest at the feeling of a newfound friendship.
She was dead on her feet when she finally got through her front door and into her living room, practically collapsing onto the couch. Though it wasn’t far from the truth as she flopped down and toed off her shoes, heaving a long and winded sigh as she stared at the dark ceiling. She wanted to turn on the lamp on the table beside her, but she didn’t want to move. Hell, she barely wanted to get up and take a shower, so she didn’t go to bed sweaty.
Just a moment. She thought. Just a moment to close my eyes and I’ll get up and go shower.
Of course, the second the shut them, she was opening them to her phone telling her it was two A.M. She groaned and picked herself off the couch to shuffle into her bedroom, and when she got there, she peeled off the clothes from her body and let them fall, not caring about the hamper just a foot away. She’d do it tomorrow after class.
The shower was quick, and she crawled into bed a few minutes later, glancing out the window at the stars that were still in the night sky. Even if she tried to avoid thinking about it, she couldn’t, and her mind drifted to when she was a young girl and would stare out the window in her bedroom back in Gotham, watching the spotlight come alive and paint the silhouette of the bat symbol against the night sky.
She missed them. She missed them a lot. Missed eating meals at a full table and the laughter in the manor. Hell, she even missed being ignored, because at least then she could see familiar faces every day. Now, it was wake up, go to work, go to class, then come home. And the process repeated every morning. She was alone in a city where she didn’t know anyone except for one forensic scientist and his wife, going to a college that didn’t even have her real identity. She’d not even said the name “(Y/N) Wayne” out loud for fear that someone with super hearing would hear her and tell her father, instead going by “Melisandre Hale”, a twenty-one-year-old born and raised Central City citizen going to community college. It pained her to admit, that with her decision to grant herself the freedom she desired, it came with a heavy price, and that was the loneliness. And it was worse compared to what it was like back then.
Sighing, she rolled over and pulled the covers up over her head, hoping that when she shut her eyes, she’d stop thinking about what she left behind. Unfortunately, the universe and her mind were never kind, and as she drifted to sleep, she saw the pained faces of her family.
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havin-a-wee · 4 years
hey! I am obsessed with ur writing and I was wondering if you could pretty please do an imagine where you are best friends with Harry and you are REALLY horny and are cuddling with him and you get wet n stuff through your panties and he notices and offers to help? thank you SO MUCH ily🥰
warnings: oral (female receiving)
word count: 2.5k
hi! sorry this took so long but i’m rlly proud of how it came out so i hope you like it !
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“Harry get in here!” 
Your best friend popped his head in the door to your bedroom with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“What are you smiling about?” Harry only ever made that kind of face when he was up to something, and you weren’t in the mood to deal with one of his ‘surprises’ tonight. 
Instead of answering your question, he just stepped fully in the door, his hand gripped a tub of ice cream in your favorite flavor. You shot up from laying down and returned his dopey smile, your body filled with excitement. 
“I forgot I had brought this in the car.” he shrugged his shoulders with the ice cream still in his palm as he made his way to the bed. 
“Did yo-” Before you could finish your sentence, he held up two silver spoons with his other hand and you grabbed onto one of them quickly, eager to dig into your favorite treat. You pull open the plastic surrounding the cap with a satisfying zip and within a few moments your mouth has enveloped your spoon and the ice cream is melting in your mouth.
The two of you sit on the bed and eat the ice cream quietly for a minute, but once you have savored those first few spoonfuls you speak up. “So what movie are we watching?”
“I was thinking Call Me By Your Name because you said yesterday that you haven’t seen it yet,” Harry responds. You nod with the spoon sticking out of your mouth which made Harry giggle. He turns his attention to your nightstand and he grabs the small black remote and points it towards the large tv that is mounted on your wall. 
He clicks around a bit until he gets to Hulu, and from there he searches up the movie. Without saying a word, you both subconsciously shift into your favorite movie-watching position, which is when you lie down and Harry places his head between your thighs.
Yes, it is a more couple-y type of position, but it’s comfortable for both of you, and it allows for a good view of the tv. 
The first half of the movie went smoothly, and you found yourself quite invested in the story that was playing out on the screen. It was a cute love story between guys, but it had a bit of angstiness that kept you on your toes.
It was a little over halfway through when the scene arrived. At first there was a hand grabbing a peach off of a tree, which was a bit odd and out of place. But the pieces came together when the camera panned to Elio laying on his bed, and then to his hands creating a crater within the peach.
Now usually when a steamy scene began in the movies you watched with Harry, you contained yourself and we able to watch it without getting turned on. But there was something about the sensuality of the scene that sent a tingling down your spine and straight to your core.
It wasn’t until now that your brain registered that Harry’s head was placed right on the place that was currently warming up with your arousal. 
Even when the scene was over, you could feel your panties getting wetter and wetter. You were frozen in place, petrified due to the fact that Harry might be able to feel the difference in temperature. But your worries about Harry transferred to the aroused part of your brain, and you couldn’t help but to imagine him in the same scene that got you so worked up.
Even though he was your best friend, you still found him incredibly attractive. I mean, how could you not? But you realized about a year ago that it didn’t stop at simple attraction. You love Harry, as more than a friend, and that’s what makes this whole thing all the scarier.
You continued watching the movie but after a few more minutes your clit began to throb. It was at this point that you began debating going to the bathroom in your head, but you knew that there was no way you could be that quick. So, you made the tough decision to stick it out and pray that Harry doesn’t move his head.
Your prayers were not answered.
Your focus had been completely diverted from the movie and you were staring at a spot on the wall in a feeble attempt to distract yourself. But it was then that Harry adjusted his head from where it was laying between your legs. 
Almost as if on purpose, the back of his head pressed against your swollen button when he shifted, and despite your best efforts, a soft moan escaped your throat. 
You squeezed your eyes shut right after it happened, holding onto the small hope that he didn’t hear it. But when the weight of his head disappeared from where it was placed you knew that he did hear it. You opened your eyes slowly, to see him looking at you with a sly grin on his face. He had turned around fully to face you and was sitting on his knees, kind of like he was excited or anticipating something.
Before you could speak, he opened his lips that were still holding a bright grin and spoke.
“You okay?” You knew that he knew, and he was just testing the waters to see what reaction would make you the most comfortable. That was one of the many things you love about him, he always makes sure your comfortable.
“I’m really sorry I just-” Once again, he cut you off.
“S’fine Y/N, I’m the one who should be saying sorry.” His grin faded to a sympathetic smile as you lifted your head to meet your eyes with his. The two of you sat there in silence for a few seconds, before he spoke up again.
“Do you want some help?” You eyes shot up from where you were staring and you looked at him with wide eyes. His eyes went wide too and you could tell that he was scared of your reaction. “I-I mean only if you want to, if you don’t I can just lea-”
This time it was you who cut him off. “Harry..” Your voice was quiet, and you sighed his name, but it wasn’t in negative way. 
You placed your hands in front of you and pushed yourself up so your face was inches away from his. “Will you kiss me?” 
He nodded furiously and then his lips met yours. He tasted just like you had imagined, sweet and the best thing you had ever tasted. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you welcomed it openly and your lips mashed together sloppily. You mewled into his mouth as you felt his soft lips suck on yours. The kiss was filled with passion and excitement, and you could tell that you weren’t the only one who had been waiting for this for a long, long time.
He pushed you back while continuing to kiss you, laying you flat on the bed as he placed his body atop yours, propped up by his toned arms. He took the opportunity to begin sucking on your jaw, moving down to your neck. He sucked at bit vigorously at your soft skin and you moaned once again, but this time harder and with more neediness. 
Instinctively, your hands made their way down to his belt buckle, but his hand grabbed yours to stop you. Much to your dismay, he stopped his assault on your neck and looked into your eyes.
“None of that, m’takin care of you.” 
You bit your lip and nodded at his words. You had always found his voice sexy and hearing him say that to you caused you to squeeze your legs to try and get some kind of friction. 
He pecked your lips once more before averting his attention to the hem of your pajama top. He looked up at you for approval and you nodded, lifting up your arms as he peeled the garment away from your aching body. 
You weren’t wearing a bra, which Harry clearly had zero problems with, his head diving down as he took one of your nipples in his mouth, the other one tracing down your stomach. You jolted at the sudden sensation, your body quivering under his touch. 
He detached from your breast and worked at your bottoms, pulling off the flimsy shorts that covered the place that he really wanted to see. He latched two fingers onto the hem of your panties and looked up at you. You nodded once again, but he didn’t pull your panties down.
“Need to here y’say it Y/N. Need to hear y’tell me what y’want me to do to you”
“Please Harry,” you gasped. “Please take my panties off.”
Once again, he did not, but instead smirked at you as he watched you wriggle underneath him.
“What d’ya want me t’do when I take em off pet? Y’want my mouth on you? Y’want me to lick your pretty little cunt til’ you’re begging me to stop?”
“Yes, yes please!” He chuckled lightly before pulling your panties off in one quick motion. Instead of going right to what he desired, he began by sponging kisses from your collarbone down to your stomach until his head was placed right above your core. He took a second to admire your glistening heat and you watched his eyes filled with lust.
He lowered his head and placed his big hands on your thighs, lifting them up and over his shoulder so he has the best angle possible. All of a sudden you felt his tongue licking a stripe over your core. He then made small swipes at your throbbing clit, making you buck up onto his tounge. He moaned against you and you could feel the vibration against your core as he made work on your clit.
He sucked and bit on the sensitive nub, and you were putty in his hands. His mouth was magic, and you were falling apart under his touch. All of the pent-up sexual frustration he had caused you over the years melted away and all that you were thinking about was how good he was making you feel.
“Harry..fuck-oh my god” You stumbled on your words as your mind could only focus on the man who had his head between your legs. You felt him groan again you again and you shuddered at the feeling. The fact that he was enjoying this just as much as you was turning you on even more; if that was possible. 
You snaked your hands through the messy curls atop his head. He sucked harshly on your clit and you gripped onto his hair with such force that you were scared you were hurting him, but the moan he responded with calmed your nerves.
The sight of his head between your legs as he pleasured you was something you would never forget, and you also hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time you would get to see it. His tongue moved down to your folds and he began licking inside of you. You rolled your hips against his face while he licked your most sensitive area, and you could feel his hot breath hitting you clit which intensified the pleasure.
“So, so good” 
You could feel his lips curl into a smile against you as he buried himself in you. You maintained the tight grip on his curls, pulling harshly when did something that made you feel extra good.
His mouth moved back to your clit and he continued what he had been doing before, sucking and biting at it like he hadn’t eaten in a week. Your shouts of his name only encouraged him, making him go harder and faster every time. 
The knot in your stomach was tight, and it was a feeling that you knew, but hadn’t felt in quite a while. “Harry- I’m gonna-” you whispered shakily.
He pulled his mouth an inch away from your sopping cunt and mumbled hungrily. “C’mon baby, come on my tounge. I wanna taste you.” He dove back in and his tongue swiped across your walls. 
The pad of his thumb found its way to your aching clit and he rubbed it in quick circles while his tongue dipped inside of you once again.
The knot in your stomach burst and you arched your back as you reached your climax on Harry’s mouth. You saw star as he worked you down from your high, slowing his movements but not stopping. As soon as he removed his mouth from you your knees buckled and you collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily and trying to process what just happened.
You heard him laugh and you watched him slip your thighs off of his shoulders and come lay next to you. You rolled onto your side so you could face him, looking at his face for the first time since he found a place between your thighs.
His lips were glistening from your juices, and he smiled at you while he licked them up from around his mouth. The two of you lay on your sides staring at each other for a bit, but then it hit you.
“Wait Harry, I didn’t take care of you”
“S’fine love, I just wanted to make you feel good.”
It was almost bittersweet because you knew that he had to like you back in some regard, but you didn’t know if it was only sexual, or he wanted a romantic relationship like you did. 
You sat up, lost in your own thoughts in anxieties. He sat up quickly as well, and his face was riddled with concern.
“What’s wrong?” You could hear the fear in his voice, but you were scared because you couldn’t figure out why he was scared. 
“I just- what does this mean?”
Harry sighed and looked down at his lap, then looked back up at you. “I really like you Y/N. Like more than a friend. And I d’nknow if you feel the same, but judging by what y’just let me do, I think the feeling is mutual.” He smiled at the end, and you smiled right back.
“The feeling is mutual.” That was all you said before you leaned into him and kissed him again. This kiss was softer, more loving and affectionate than the kiss you had previously shared. He placed you on his lap, but it wasn’t sexual in nature. It was more of a ‘you’re all mine’ kind of gesture. 
He broke the kiss and the two of you looked down at each other with your smiles still bright and full. “Y’know I moved my head on purpose. I could feel you heated up.” His cheery smiled had turned into a cheeky grin as a blush color spread across your cheeks. You playfully slapped him in the shoulder and you both burst out into laughter. As your laughter subsided you leaned into his ear and whispered.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Last Night ii// Better Sober
After a show, you and Kells finally get around to the things you wanted to do sober.
Request: “I loved the new fic ‘Last Night’, any chance you’d write a second part where they sleep together sober-ish? If so could you write reader on top riding kells in it?””I just read “last night” (colson) and now I need a smut of their first time after the hangover omg pls 🥺”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+), cursing
A/N: Sorry this took so long *_*
Word Count: 2577
part i
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Slim and Baze were never going to let you live this down. Once you and Colson had finally built up the strength to stand up, you quickly packed the rest of your things and got on your band’s bus, ignoring the snickers coming from the older men.
“Are you sure you don’t want to ride with us, Y/N? Keep the party going?” Slim asked, jokingly. You sent them a glare as you handed your suitcase to your bus manager, who was in the process of loading everything onto the bus.
“I will end both of you.” You grumbled, walking towards the stairs to board your bus.
Baze laughed, “we’re only joking. We all knew it’d happen eventually.” His dramatic smile combined with your pounding headache and nausea made for a very annoyed Y/N.
“I will say this once, and then never again. Either of you bring this shit up again, I’ll kill you.” You jabbed two fingers towards them. “Now I’m going to take a nap in my bed, on my bus.”
You walked up the stairs, your bandmates giving you puzzled looks as Slim called “love you too, kid!” You threw yourself into your bunk, not even bothering an explanation to your bandmates, the only thing on your mind was sleep.
Not 2 minutes after you’d closed the curtain to shield you from the outside world did it open again. You were laying on your side, back to the curtain to be as comfortable as possible. When the light from the hallway flooded into your bunk, you pretended to be asleep, hoping whoever it was would just go away.
You had no such luck, as seconds later the mystery person was climbing into your bunk, lying beside you. Curious, you turned to see who it was, though you could make an assumption. Finding the sleepy face of none other than Colson Baker, you smiled, turning to lay facing him.
“Your bus is quieter than mine.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you closer to him. “And I like sleeping with you better than sleeping alone.”
You shifted so that he could lay further away from the edge, resting your head on his shoulder, and laying an arm across his stomach. “I don’t mind.” You whispered, eyes closing slowly, “But as soon as we leave this bunk, we’re gonna have a million questions.”
Colson shrugged sleepily, moving your head with his motion. He mumbled something that sounded vaguely like “eh, fuck em” but you were already slipping away from consciousness.
The show you played that next night was arguably one of your best, probably due to the fact that Colson was watching you from the side of the stage the entire time. You tried to keep yourself from glancing over at him every few minutes, but between the adrenaline from the show, the smirk on his face, and the fact that you were wearing his shirt made that impossible.
You were sure fans would notice the familiar “Lace Up” shirt, but Colson claimed he “didn’t give a fuck” and he wanted to watch you play while wearing his clothes. You had no problem with it, enjoying the fact that he wanted everyone to know that you were his.
Once your set had finished and you’d thanked the audience, you ran off stage, your concert high rushing through your veins. Colson was getting ready to go on stage, so you figured you’d let him be until after the show.
As you and your drummer walked towards the greenroom, bouncing off each other’s energies, you were snatched away by a set of tattooed hands. “I’m borrowing her for a second.”
You giggled as Colson pulled you behind a cluster of cases, lips finding yours immediately. Your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling you up closer to him. “God you are so fuckin’ hot” he mumbled against your lips.
“Don’t you have a show to go do?” You asked, a smirk on your lips.
He rolled his eyes and kissed you again. “You’re gonna watch, right?”
You chuckle lightly, “of course I’m watching. I was gonna go freshen up a little bit because I am soaked in sweat though.” As you spoke his lips travelled to your jawline, kissing up towards your ear. “You’re gonna be late if you don’t stop.” You told him, leaning your head to give him better access to your skin.
“We’ll finish this later.” Though the words came out in a whisper, there was clear dominance in his voice, making you smirk slyly. He moved away from you, hands lingering on your waist. “Keep that shirt on” he mouthed to you as he joined his band, putting his ears in.
You gave him a thumbs up, walking towards your dressing room to clean up as much as possible. The shirt you were wearing was drenched in sweat, but Kells had demanded you keep it on, much to your dismay.
Every time Colson looked side stage, you were standing there, watching him perform. You couldn’t see it, but the hungry look in your eyes had more of an effect on him than playing the set did. All he was thinking about anytime he found your eyes was dragging you to the hotel and fucking the life out of you.
And that’s pretty much the situation you found yourselves in, making out in the backseat of an uber on your way to the hotel. You barely made it through the lobby and into the elevator without his lips on yours, almost too intoxicated by them to care.
When you finally did get to the hotel room, Colson’s lips latched onto yours, pressing you up against the door. You moaned lightly as his teeth grazed over your bottom lip, the sound bringing a smirk to his face.
“Every time I looked over and saw you watching me, all I could think about was fucking you in this goddamn shirt.” When he spoke, his voice came out dark and dangerous, sending chills through your body. His hands moved underneath the shirt you were wearing, cupping your boobs as he reattached your lips.
You gasped as his cold hands made contact with your nipples, massaging them gently. “No bra?” He asked against your mouth, smirking.
“Figured it would make this a little easier.” You said before kissing him again. He hummed approval and continued to fondle your tits. The hands you had placed around his neck pulled lightly at the hair near his neck from pleasure.
His hands moved down your waist until they reached your ass, squeezing the skin through your shorts. He pulled you towards the bed, lips still locked on yours. Taking some initiative, you pushed him down onto the bed, pulling your shorts down to expose your underwear.
Colson threw his shirt off, exposing his infamous tattooed torso. You reached for the hem of the shirt you were wearing, but Colson stopped you. “Keep it on. I wanna think about this every time I see that fucking shirt.”
You let out a slight laugh, “the fucking shirt.” Colson rolled his eyes, pulling you by the elastic of your panties towards him. His hands went to your thighs, pulling them so that you were sitting on his lap, one knee on either side of his torso.
“You’re really lame, you know that?” He asked as you rested your arms on his shoulders. You bit your lip and nodded, pressing your hips further into his lap. His hands ran up the sides of your thighs and to your waist, pausing briefly to squeeze your ass. “It’s kinda hot though.” He mumbled, guiding your hips to roll onto his.
You leaned in, pressing your lips against his in a needy, passionate kiss. You continued to grind against his clothed hips, hands moving to run up and down his abdomen, taking in the muscle under your fingers.
Colson finally got impatient and pulled away from your kiss, gently moving you off of him and standing up. You gave him a confused frown, wondering if you’d done something wrong. Your silent question was answered when he pulled down his pants, leaving him in only his boxers.
The outline of his length through the thin material almost had you drooling. The wetness that had been between your legs since you’d put on his shirt made a reappearance. He turned around and shuffled through his bag, pulling out a foil packet and tossing it on the bedside drawers. “So we don’t forget.” He smiled, hands moving around your waist. His lips met yours briefly, but you had decided you wanted something else. You pulled away, pressing kisses to his jaw instead, travelling down to his neck.
The man chuckled as you took control, your lips finding their way to his collarbone and sucking on the skin between his tattoos, hoping to leave a mark. You continued your trek down his body, stopping just above his waistband to lick the three red X’s that lay on his skin. He threw his head back, “you are going to be the death of me.”
You looked up at him with a hum of agreement, your fingers grasping the waistband of his underwear and pulling them down to expose his hard member. He took in a sharp breath as you lightly stroked his length with your fingertips. Your tongue slipped out from between your teeth to lightly lick his tip, swirling around it. Colson’s grasped your hair, forcing you to look up to him, “don’t be a fucking tease.”
His voice was forceful, demanding. You obeyed willingly, wrapping your lips around his shaft, sucking gently. You heard the man let out a quiet moan of pleasure, encouraging you to take more of him into your mouth. What you couldn’t fit you jerked with your hand, Colson’s hand wrapping tighter into your hair as you did so.
You picked up your pace, eyes flicking up to take in his look of pleasure every so often. His moans were a music to your ears, the thrusts of his hips a work of art. “You feel so good, baby,” his husky voice flooded the room, “touch yourself for me.”
Using the hand that wasn’t pumping his cock to trail down to your panties, you moved them to the side and swiped across your slit. You hummed around his member, his hips jerking into you. “I bet you’re fucking soaked, aren’t you?”
You hummed again in agreement, one finger dipping into your heat, slowly spreading yourself out. Colson yanked your head back, making you look up at him again. “Use your words.”
“So wet for you.” You moaned, adding a second finger into yourself. Colson smirked at your confession, guiding your lips back onto his cock. Your pumps got faster, as did your sucking. The hand on your head pushed you further onto his length, speeding up your pace.
When you felt yourself nearing your release, Colson pulled your head off his member, cradling your face in his hands. He pulled you up lightly, your fingers removing themselves from you. He took your hand and guided it to his lips, sucking your juices off your fingers.
You reached over to the table, grabbing the condom. Your hands moved up Colson’s chest, exploring the skin. He leaned in and pressed a deep kiss to your lips, hands grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. You let him pull your underwear down your legs and took advantage of his momentary distraction.
As soon as he stood back up, you turned the two of you around, pushing him down onto the bed. “Oh hell no.” He said, sitting up to try and pull you onto the bed with him.
You gave him puppy dog eyes, toying with the condom wrapper in your hand. “What’s wrong, intimidated by a girl being on top?”
He chuckled, “you think you’re so tough, huh?” You nodded, moving to kneel at the foot of the bed, crawling up his body. “Don’t complain when you get tired.” He leaned back, arms resting behind his head to show he wasn’t going to help you.
“I think you’re scared of not being in control.” You whispered, landing in the position you had been working towards.
Colson scoffed, “I can still be in control from here.” You raised an eyebrow at him, hand reaching out to stroke his length. He tried to bite down his groans, but you knew they were there.
You rolled the condom onto his member, taking in the sight of him below you. “You were saying?” You shifted so that your body hovered above him, lining him up to your entrance. Slowly, you sank down onto him, both of you letting out synchronous moans of pleasure.
His hands moved to your thighs, rubbing up and down the skin. You allowed yourself to adjust before pushing yourself up with your knees and then sinking back down onto his cock. His grip tightened as you moved, trying not to guide you.
You sprawled your hands on his chest, watching his expression as you rode him. You swiveled your hips every once in a while, just to hear his moans. “Fuck.” He growled when you began to move faster, his length filling you up.
Colson’s grasp on your thighs began to lead you up and down, his hips thrusting to meet yours. He was right about one thing; he could still be in control from underneath you. You let out a whine every time he hit the right spot inside of you, your sounds filling the room.
“Fuck baby, you look so good,” he moaned out, looking up to you with your head thrown back and eyes closed in pleasure. “Getting fucked in my T-shirt. Want everyone to know you’re mine.”
You smirked at his words, “I’m all yours,” you whined out, the movement of your hips getting sloppier. One of his hands moved to your clit, rubbing circles onto the bundle of nerves. “Ah, fuck.” You moaned, hips bucking onto his further.
After a few more pumps you were at the edge of bliss, so close to falling off. You could tell Colson was close, his thrusts getting sloppy and his tip twitching inside of you. “You gonna cum, baby?” He whispered; eyes shut in pleasure. You hummed out a response, too indulged in the pleasure that you were so close to.
“Mm, cum around my cock, baby.” His fingers on your clit picked up pace, sending you diving over the cliff and into a pool of euphoria. Electricity spread through your body as your high washed over you. Colson continued thrusting into you, his orgasm following yours. You rode them out together, breaths heavy.
Once his thrusts slowed to a stop you lifted yourself off of his member and fell down beside him. He turned onto his side, eyes wandering your body. “You’re so beautiful.” His voice was breathy and tired, but one of the best sounds you’d ever hear.
You looked up to him, a small smile playing on your face. “Shut up.” You giggled, pushing him back down onto his back. He chuckled, standing up to dispose of the condom before climbing back onto the bed next to you, this time pulling you into his arms. His back leaned against the headboard, arm wrapped around you, with your head laying on his chest.
“Better sober?” You asked with a small chuckle.
“Better sober.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hiii i've just spent the last 36-48 hours reading your works and oh dear do i lOVE your writing and this universe :') . i dont know if you are taking requests but i think it would be kinda interesting (and low key hilarious) if you would write the lions reacting/reading thirst tweets? idk if this is a dumb idea or not but just like some of them reacting to them and going "well i'm actually gay/married so.. no!.. but thank you!"
Part two of the six-month celebration, everyone! Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who submitted comments--I had over 60 come in, and while I couldn’t include them all, reading them was a true joy. The Lion Pride channel was something I started writing on a whim; I never expected it to grow like this <3 Much love to all of you!
TW for alcohol mentions and thirst tweets (nothing explicit)
“Why do I always fear for my life around you?” Sirius asked as Marlene settled into a cushy chair to the side of their table.
She smiled, catlike, and crossed her legs primly. “Because only Finn appreciates me.”
“That’s just the Aries connection, Cap,” Finn said with a smug grin.
“We’re both Leos, Harzy.”
“Eh, close enough.”
Remus raised an eyebrow at her. “You should probably start asking questions before this devolves further, Marley. He’s gonna keep digging himself a hole and we won’t get anything done.”
Marlene’s smile returned with a vengeance. “That’s where you’re wrong, Loops! We’re not doing any questions at all today.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Read it and weep.” She tossed a small posterboard at him like a frisbee; he caught it, barely, though both Talker and Sirius had to duck out of the way. Marlene faced the camera and winked. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, everyone! Today I’m here with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Thomas Walker, and our wonderful cubs to react to your comments on our videos!”
“Bet you thought we’d never see ‘em, huh?” James asked.
“The comments fall into four categories: thirsty, funny, mean, and sweet. I will be reading two of those groups, and my lovely fiancée will be reading the others because she is the human embodiment of sunshine.”
“If you make Dorcas read the mean ones, I’ll be sad,” Leo laughed.
Marlene gave him a look of disbelief. “You think I’m passing up a chance to roast you guys? Puh-lease. We’re starting off strong with some thirsty, thirsty comments! Loops, you’re up first.”
“This is going to be fun,” Sirius said, leaning back in his chair.
She cleared her throat, then turned a smoldering look on their table. “I didn’t know I had a freckle kink, but then Remus Lupin appeared and now here we are.”
“Oh, shit,” Remus muttered, covering his face with his hands as the others howled with laughter.
“Lupin has been looking sexy as hell on the bench for years now. I'm so glad people are simping over him like he deserves,” Marlene read. “And there’s a little heart emoji, just for you.”
“This is every one of my nightmares come to life,” Remus said, though his voice was muffled by his forearms.
James lifted his glasses to swipe away the tears of mirth that had gathered in his eyes. “Are you kidding? This is everything I have ever wanted.”
“Y’know, it is so good to see people drooling over this hot piece of ass at last,” Finn sighed, reaching over to ruffle Remus’ hair as his face turned bright red.
“One more, and it’s a good one,” Marlene warned. She licked her lips, then had to take a moment to laugh before speaking. “I feel like Remus Lupin is the type of guy to bake you muffins—”
“Accurate,” Leo said.
“—but is also a kinky motherfucker.”
Remus’ mouth dropped open as the table erupted into cheering. Logan pumped both fists in the air and Sirius was laughing so hard no sound came out; Talker sank so low in his chair that only his head and shoulders were visible as he applauded.
“Why do people comment these things?” Remus asked, barely above a whisper. “Holy fuck, I’m engaged!”
“Speaking of…” Marlene raised her eyebrows and Sirius smile drooped.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes. Buckle up, Cap!” She rolled her shoulders out. “Get someone who looks at you the way Sirius Black looks at a hockey puck.”
Remus snorted; James’ laugh was so short and sharp that it set everyone else off as well. “That sounds like I have a hockey puck fetish!” Sirius complained. “Which is so, so not true!”
Finn made an ‘ehh’ noise, and he leaned around Remus to smack the back of his head. “Hey!”
“Next one!” Marlene announced. “Sirius Black was my bi awakening.”
A beat of silence passed. “Is that it?” Sirius ventured, looking nervous.
“Aw, man, that one’s lame,” Talker said, shaking his head. “Everyone thinks Cap is a little hot.”
Remus shot him a look. “A little?”
“Fair. Marley, I dare you to find one person who wouldn’t tap that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Me, though that dovetails nicely into the last one for our lovely captain. Ahem. I understand why Remus is with Sirius: he's hot as hell and rich, I'd hit that too.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re right,” Leo gasped. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Finn and Logan turned to him in unison with a mix of disbelief and offense written all over their faces. “Dude.”
“First of all, Leo, you found yourself two hot rich boys,” Remus interrupted. “Second, that comment is forgetting that he’s funny, and smart, and nice, and—”
Seconds after the initial cover, Sirius took his hand off Remus’ mouth as if he’d been burned. “Did you just lick me?”
“Moving on! This is in all caps, so be prepared.” Marlene shuffled through her posterboards and turned to Leo with an ominous smile. He glanced toward the camera in mild fear. “What does a person have to do to get some hockey player ass?! Like why is Leo Knut so fine?!”
“Amen!” Logan called as Leo blushed.
“According to six of the seven people at this table, the answer to that first question is to be a hockey player,” Talker laughed. “The world may never know the answer to the second, sadly.”
“Lily could play hockey,” James said, resting his chin on his hand. Every single one of the others rolled their eyes. “She could! She’d be so good at it, too.”
“We know,” Finn groaned. “You only mention it every other day.”
“Speaking of the lovely Mrs. Potter,” Marlene began with a sly look as she held up a new card. “Do James and Lily Potter need a third? Asking for me specifically.”
James paused, dumbstruck, while the others drummed their hands on the table. “…no?”
A general sigh of disappointment went up. “I was really hoping he’d say yes,” Leo said.
“Ask Lily next time,” Remus recommended.
James turned to him and blinked slowly. “What are you insinuating, Loops?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Don’t worry, James, you’ll like this one,” Marlene assured him. “James Potter is the ultimate dilf.”
“You’re damn right I am!” James whooped. “Vindication, bitches!”
“Marley, what have you done?” Talker whispered. “He’ll never shut up about that, now.”
“Oh, never,” James all but cackled. “I’m officially a dilf, you guys!”
“I hate you,” Sirius groaned.
“Tremzy, are you ready? We’ve got a couple very special ones for you,” Marlene said.
“Anything to get us out of this hell,” Logan begged.
“In that case: Logan Tremblay’s ass is better than Sidney Crosby’s. I said what I said.”
A pleased flush rose to his cheeks as Finn and Leo high-fived over his head. “Really? Thank you!”
“And they would be correct!” Finn announced. “Best ass in the league.”
“Come on,” Remus scoffed, though he was smiling.
Marlene cleared her throat to get their attention. “I don’t think I can legally read this on air without being censored or getting the video taken down, but…”
She turned the board around; all seven of them leaned forward to read it, then slowly looked at Logan, who turned vivid red. “Mon dieu. Is that—someone commented that on a video? Like, for people to see?”
“I feel like I need to bleach my eyes,” Sirius said just as Finn began shaking with silent laughter.
Leo’s face fell. “You wrote that, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Finn wheezed, scooting forward to fist-bump Marlene. “We wanted to see what you guys would say. Fuckin’ hell, your faces.”
“Alright, Talkie, are you ready?” Marlene asked around her laughter. “Seeing Thomas Walker with a baby makes me want to have his babies…please hit me up.”
He held up his index finger and took a second to laugh before responding. “If that’s Noelle, yes. If that’s anyone else, I’m flattered, but absolutely not.”
Logan made a face. “Ew.”
“We have two more,” Marlene warned. “For some very special people that aren’t here today, but I think you’ll like them anyway.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust the look on your face.”
“Daddy Dumo makes me swoon.”
A muddle of horrified noises echoed through the studio as all seven of them cringed. “Oh, my god, that’s my dad!” Logan yelped, covering his ears. Sirius looked vaguely ill and Remus’ shoulders crept toward his ears; James shuddered.
“The worst part is, we all know he can get it,” Finn said with a grimace. “God, I feel like I just heard someone talking about my parents having sex.”
“I’m sure he’ll love to hear that,” Marlene laughed. “Last one, from one of our truth or drinks.”
Remus went pale half a second too late. “N—”
“Hope Lupin is a milf.”
A broken noise escaped his mouth and he clamped his hand over it while Talker rubbed his back in sympathy. Sirius shook his head. “Somehow, that’s worse than Dumo’s.”
“Whoever sent that in, show some respect!” Leo said indignantly as Remus bonked his forehead against the table. “Hope Lupin is a lovely woman!”
“I think they noticed that particular fact,” Marlene pointed out, earning herself several scandalized shouts of her name and a whine from Remus. “That’s all we have for thirst comments! Are you ready for some funny ones?”
“Anything,” Remus pleaded. “I am begging you, anything else.”
Marlene shook her head as she stood, still smiling, and kissed Dorcas on the cheek when she entered the frame. “Go for it, love.”
“Dorcas!” they all cheered, lighting up immediately.
“Hey, guys, it’s been a while!” She curled up in Marlene’s vacant spot and took her own posterboards out from underneath the seat. “Alright, let’s rock and roll. Pascal Dumais is the team dad and nothing will change my mind, and Tremzy is the annoying youngest child.”
“That is so accurate,” Sirius laughed, leaning just out of range of Logan’s playful punch. “Whoever commented that has no idea how right they are.”
“We’ve got a whole sibling dynamic thing going on,” Talker agreed. “Tremzy’s the baby of the family, Cap is the quietly chaotic middle child, and Pots is the older brother that starts shit and inevitably gets blamed for however out-of-control it gets.”
Dorcas nodded. “You are one hundred percent correct. In a similar vein: Pots was the dad jokes friend before he was even a dad.”
“Painfully so,” Leo confirmed, shaking his head as they all groaned in agreement. James looked rather smug about the whole thing. “So many puns.”
“Oh, you’ll like this one,” Dorcas mused as she drew a new card. “If Tremzy looked directly into my eyes for even two seconds, all of my problems would be solved. I am sure of it.”
“Yes,” Finn and Leo said in unison.
“It’s something about the eyes, I think,” James added. “They just stand out so much that it’s a little startling straight-on.”
Logan looked to the camera and stared at it, unblinking; it zoomed in slightly on his face. “Everything will be fine,” he said with mock solemnity. “Your problems are solved.”
“Well, that was terrifying,” Sirius said drily. “Got any more for us, Ms. Meadowes?”
“Of course I do! We’ve got quite a few for Loops and Leo.” She took a sip of her water before getting comfortable again. “My favorite thing about these videos is that we can all see Loops get steadily buffer as the season goes on. Good for you, king!”
“Flex! Flex! Flex!” the six of them chanted; Remus rolled his eyes, but slid his sweater sleeve to his elbow and flexed his forearm, resulting in enough hoots and hollers that they could probably be heard a block away. Talker fake-swooned into Leo’s arms and Remus lightly whacked him on the shoulder.
“Remus Lupin looks like he has squishable cheeks,” Dorcas read aloud.
“He does!” James cooed, scooting over and reaching out.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “I swear to god I’ll bite you.”
Sirius cupped his face between his palms and kissed his nose, then pinched both his cheeks gently. “Ta-da!”
“How many of these do we have?” Remus asked, though his voice was a bit muffled by Sirius’ hands.
“Just one more for you, and it’s my personal favorite.” Dorcas assured him. “I love how the team probably had no impulse control until Loops joined.”
Sirius let go of his face and dissolved into laughter as Finn nearly fell on the floor. “Oh my—you think he has impulse control?” Talker slapped the edge of the table as he shook his head. “Absolutely not. Hell no, Loops is the first person to do stupid shit with us.”
“Yeah, I just don’t get caught,” Remus added around his own laughter. “Everyone thinks I’m such a hardass goody-two-shoes and it lets me get away with so much more than you delinquents.”
“Speaking of delinquents,” Dorcas continued. “This one is from our ‘Taste Testing Sexy Alcohol’ video: ah, yes, now I know how to do a body shot. 10/10, very educational video.”
“Do not take educational advice from us,” Finn blurted instantly. “I know this is a joke, but please exercise caution. That video was a ton of fun but a nightmare to recover from.”
Sirius winced at the memory. “I took two naps and then wished for death for a full day.”
“On a lighter note, who’s ready for some Knutty appreciation?” Dorcas smiled at her cards. “I've only had Leo Knut for a season and half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
“Big mood,” four of them said simultaneously.
Leo turned to the camera with a concerned look on his face. “That’s a meme reference, but are y’all okay?”
“No,” Dorcas answered. “Especially not this next person: Sometimes I do something productive and then I remember @LeoKnut is a 19 year old professional athlete who radiates happiness and with two of the hottest boyfriends the good lord has made, and then my bowl of packaged ramen seems less impressive.”
“I’m proud of your ramen,” Leo said, even as the corners of his mouth twitched in a smile. “And I appreciate the note about my boyfriends, because they are definitely the hottest people the good lord has made.”
Talker stuck his lip out in a pout. “Rude.”
“Sorry, Talkie, I’m biased.”
“Last one before Marlene comes back, so you’d better enjoy it!” Dorcas announced. “Did the Lions effectively utilize girl power when they wrecked toxic masculinity, yes or yes?”
“Can we utilize girl power?” Remus wondered, resting his shin on his hand. “Isn’t that exclusively for, y’know, women?”
“We can utilize himbo power,” Finn suggested.
James gave him an offended look. “Not all of us are himbos!”
“Okay, but you definitely are.”
“I am not!” James held up his fingers to count. “There are only, like, three qualifications, right? I might be strong, hot, and respectful, but I’m not dumb so it doesn’t count!”
“Pots,” Remus said quietly, hiding his smile for half a second. “Buddy, that was four things.”
James paused, then sighed in resignation. “Ah, fuck, I’m a himbo.”
“You really are.”
“At least we don’t promote toxic masculinity.”
They raised their waterbottles in a ‘cheers’ motion as Marlene and Dorcas switched spots; Marlene stretched her arms over her head and grabbed the new boards. “I’m back, beloved himbos. Talker, Leo, you are beloved by the people and have no mean comments. Cap, we’re starting with you.”
“Are they actually mean mean?” he asked.
“Sirius Black seems like a little bitch. Not in a bad way, necessarily. He just. Seems like he'd be a little bitch."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Oh, okay. That answers one question.”
“He’s not a little bitch,” Leo said. “Pouty on occasion, but not a little bitch.”
Remus gave him a long look, then shook his head. “Yeah, I mean, you teared up a little when Hattie got a splinter in her paw but didn’t even yell when you almost sliced your finger off while making dinner.”
“Duality of man,” Finn said sagely.
Marlene cocked an eyebrow. “Finn O’Hara’s hair kind of reminds me of Garfield the Cat.”
“Alright, that’s just rude.”
“It does not!” Logan gasped at the same time Leo made a noise of agreement.
Finn turned to him in utter betrayal. “Nutter Butter, I thought you liked my hair!”
“I do!” Leo defended. “But they’re not entirely wrong. It’s very orange in the sun.”
“I’m never going to forget that,” Finn muttered, staring at the floor.
“Ugh, it bothers me so much that Lupin just objectifies Black all the time!” Marlene read in a high-pitched, nasal voice. “No respect in that relationship!”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Pardon?”
Marlene stared at it for a moment, then shrugged. “Yeah, I have no idea what videos they were watching. Do you feel objectified in your relationship, Cap? I know the opinion of total strangers really bothers you a lot.”
“I’m really glad you picked up on that,” he said with false gravity. “Yeah, it’s such a bummer when my hot fiancé says I look nice. Such a blow to my self-esteem.”
“That was supposed to be a roast against me,” Remus said, looking amused. “Talk about backfiring.”
“Are you ready, Pots? This one’s pretty brutal,” Marlene warned. James nodded and Finn linked their hands for moral support. “James Potter is a swiftie and you cannot tell me otherwise.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “…yeah? That’s true? T Swift is a regular occurrence on the locker room playlist.”
“Also, James Potter looks like someone who would think black pepper was spicy.”
“Now that one is mean,” he complained as the others burst out laughing.  “It’s not my fault I have sensitive taste buds!”
“Oh, honey,” she said under her breath as she took a new card. “Get ready, Tremzy. This first one is short and sweet: Logan Tremblay looks like a lesbian.”
“That is not an insult,” Logan laughed. “Every lesbian I know is rad as fuck. I wish I looked that good in a leather jacket.”
“I just realized Logan doesn’t look short cause he’s next to bunch of hockey players, he’s short cause he’s 5’9.”
The smile slipped off his face in a millisecond as the others roared with laughter. “Quoi?”
“Oh, she got you good,” Sirius gasped, patting his shoulder clumsily. “Holy fuck, can I frame that?”
“That’s not what it says.” An edge of distress appeared in Logan’s voice. “Marley, that’s not what it says.”
James sat on the floor with the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. “You’re fucking—whoever sent that in, you are my new favorite person. Jesus.”
“Do you need a second to recover before we move on?” Dorcas asked as she draped her arms over the back of Marlene’s chair. “The next one is our biggest section by far.”
“It’s the sweet ones, yeah?” Leo asked.
“It might be a good idea to do those before Lo spontaneously combusts.”
“Agreed!” She swapped with Marlene and hauled a short stack of posterboards out from their hiding place with a smile. “A hug from Dumo can probably solve any issue.”
“Facts,” Logan said. “I could really use one right about now, too.”
“Has anyone noticed how blue Leo Knut’s eyes are?”
“Yes,” the six of them chorused.
Finn gave him a dreamy look. “Every single day.”
“When I first read this one, I thought I wrote it,” Dorcas said with a snort. “Someone give Marlene a raise. No reason why, I just love her.”
“Can we do that?” Sirius asked, looking toward the camera crew. “Can we lobby to give you guys raises? Because you definitely deserve it after all the bullshit you deal with to make these videos watchable, and Marlene, you’ve drawn the short end of the stick ninety percent of the time.”
“How?” she called off-screen.
“You have to actually talk to us and try to get answers.”
Dorcas finished scribbling something down on her notepad. “Just making a note of this conversation for future reference. Moving on! Sirius Black and James Potter are a prime example of hockey husbands, and I adore them.”
“The ironic part of that is that we’re both in committed relationships, but we’re basically married,” James mused.
Remus shook his head. “You guys are so married. Lily wanted to get you matching rings for your birthday, Pots.”
“That would be so cool!” they said in perfect unison. Remus turned to the camera and spread his hands in a case in point motion.
Dorcas stifled her laughter before moving on. “This one is cute. Give Remus Lupin all the hugs! I feel like I could tell him he’s an inspiration and he’d be so nice about it—” She paused to glance up at them. “—this next bit is in parentheses: all the LGBT Lions give me that vibe, but Cap and Knutty are super intimidating so I wouldn’t have the guts.”
Leo’s face fell and Sirius’ eyebrows pitched. “I’m not intimidating!” Leo protested. “I thought we already went over that! Loops gives fantastic hugs, but I want some, too.”
“He definitely deserves all the hugs in the world, but I promise I’m nice,” Sirius said, a bit softer than usual. “Is it because we’re tall?”
Dorcas half-shrugged. “Probably. It’s a little startling at first. Oh, I could’ve written this one, too: The Venn diagram of men I trust and the Gryffindor Lions is a full circle.”
Talker beamed at the camera. “Thank you!”
“So many hockey guys are such douchebags,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “I’m really glad we don’t do that shit.”
“Me, too.” Dorcas slid her old card under her chair. “Sirius Black’s hair looks so soft and I just want to touch it so bad.”
“It is so soft,” Remus agreed immediately. “You have no idea.”
“Everyone wants to touch Cap’s hair,” Finn said, sighing. “It’s so majestic.”
“I need a haircut.”
“No, you don’t,” Remus said as he tugged a stray curl. Sirius hummed.
“This one is from the interview some you did with Jules and Katie: these hockey boys being so soft with kids is my aesthetic! Like, it’s just so adorable to see these big, intimidating dudes be so, so sweet! Love them all!” She turned the card for them to see. “And then they added a heart at the end.”
“It’s impossible to be around those kids and not be happy,” James said. “They’re just too cute and wonderful.”
“Yeah, I love kids.” Finn nodded. “Especially the Dumais and Jules. They’re a hoot.”
“Jules would die if he heard you say that,” Remus laughed. “The hero worship is still going strong with most of you.”
“This one made me laugh when I first read it, but it’s really sweet,” Dorcas informed them. “Anyone else feel like we were deceived these past five years into thinking Cap was this hard-ass man, when in reality he's a cuddle bug who definitely captures and releases spiders instead of squishing them?”
“You weren’t deceived, I was just closeted,” Sirius said. “Also, I absolutely squish spiders.”
Remus gave him a look. “No, you do not. That’s my job. I’m the catch and release person if I can get away with it.”
James shook his head. “The third week of practices you saw a spider and threw me at it.”
“You did what?” Finn asked.
“There was a spider in my stall,” Sirius sighed, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else. “And Pots and I were talking so I didn’t see it until I almost sat on it, and my brain decided the only logical thing to do would be to grab him and shove him toward the spider.”
“That was after you shrieked,” Talker added. “Like, literally shrieked. I’ve never heard anyone make a noise like that.”
“Alright, alright,” Sirius grumbled. “We get it, I don’t like spiders.”
Remus shrugged. “But you are a cuddle bug. They got that part right.”
“We’re in the final two!” Dorcas announced. “This one has some pictures to go with it, so it’s on my phone. Fuck Romeo and Juliet, I want what these bitches have.”
“It’s us!” Leo cooed as the phone made its way down the line. In the upper corner of the screen, the photo appeared—it had been taken in New York, and Logan’s whole face was alight with happiness as Leo and Finn each pressed a kiss to his cheek. The camera caught him mid-laugh, so his eyes were closed and his chin was tucked slightly into Finn’s Strand hoodie.
“That’s my screensaver,” Finn said with a grin, pulling his phone out and turning it toward the camera without moving away from Leo. “One of my favorites.”
“I forgot you took that one,” Logan murmured. He hooked his chin over Leo’s shoulder and kissed his cheek; the four others at the table gave soft are you seeing this? looks to the camera and Dorcas smiled.
“Pots, I think yours is next. I hate to break it to you, Talkie, but they didn’t get any of you and Noelle.”
“We don’t take a ton of pictures together,” Talker said as James took the phone. “I mean, we take a bunch of selfies, but we don’t live close enough to each other to actually post that often. What picture is it, J?”
James was staring down at the picture with an unbearably sweet expression. “It’s our wedding. That’s my favorite one, actually.”
Like Logan, they had been captured while laughing—Lily was bent slightly at the waist as James clapped, his glasses just as askew as the flower crown on her head. It was impossible to tell who had told the joke originally, but they were both radiant in the sunset.
“That’s a really good one,” Sirius said with an unreadable look on his face.
“Well, well, well, fancypants, you two got a video.” James wiggled his eyebrows and Remus leaned in to see.
“What kind of video? One of our tikt—oh. Oh, this is so cute.” He shifted his chair over as the short edit began to play. “D, who made this?”
“A fan.”
“It’s really impressive,” Sirius said without taking his eyes off the screen. The edit was a series of photos, both on and off the ice; Sirius knocking their helmets together, then Remus looking back over his shoulder, then both of them in the water playing chicken in the sun. It was a slideshow of their life and their love.
“Can you send that to me?” Remus asked when it was over. “Cause that’s super cool.”
“Sure thing. Are you guys ready for the last one?” When they all nodded, she drummed her fingers on the posterboard and cleared her throat. “Arthur appreciation hours. He deserves it after managing to control the team.”
A cheer went up—all seven stood and applauded, half-laughing and half-whooping. “Miracle worker!” Sirius called.
“Best coach in the league!” Finn added.
“Most tolerant man to ever walk the earth!” Remus raised his water in a toast and they tapped the plastic edges together, nearly spilling all over the table.
Dorcas’ eyes crinkled in a smile as she turned to the camera. “That’s it for today, Lions! Tune in next time for more content of our boys, and thank you for such wonderful comments!”
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Camping:  Wrecker’s Ending
    “I guess I’ll go exploring with Wrecker,” you said.  He grinned ear-to-ear and reached over to give you a high-five.
   “Yeah!  This’ll be fun!” he exclaimed.
   “I’ll see you two later,” Omega waved.  “I’m going with Tech to check out the lake.”
   “Okay, see you,” you told her.
   Even though you’d been a little embarrassed before, you were glad that she gave you that extra nudge to spend some time with Wrecker.  Time with him alone was pretty rare with a ship full of people.  Sometimes the Havoc Marauder felt like a clown car, fitting way too many inside.
   “I packed some rope,” Wrecker told you, walking over to the first tent and fishing something out of his bag.  “It’s a sturdy one, good to use for a swing!”
   “That sounds like an awesome idea,” you replied. 
   “Yep!  Now all we need is to find a good spot for it.”  He swung the coiled rope over his shoulder.  “Which way do you wanna’ go?”
   You glanced around and settled on pointing in a random direction.  “That way?”
   “Alright, let’s check it out.”
   The two of you were met with thick greenery as soon as you stepped out of the clearing.  Wrecker walked just ahead of you to stomp down a good portion of it so that you could walk through without much resistance.  It was nice and cool under the shade of the trees, which made the walk more pleasant.
   The forest was filled with chatter as you and Wrecker talked about some of the things you looked forward to on the trip.  He was excited to find out if the lake water was good to swim in.  You were eager to play some games with the group.  Both of you had a hankering for an evening around the campfire telling stories with the others.
   “I’ve got a good one about our mission to Yalbec Prime,” he laughed.
   “I’ve heard bits and pieces, but I don’t think anyone ever told me the full story.”
   “No worries, that’ll change today.”  He halted, and you walked straight into him, almost falling back onto the ground before catching yourself.  He twisted to look at you over his shoulder.  “Sorry, _________!  You okay?”
   “Yeah,” you nodded.  “What’s up?”
   He pointed straight ahead.  “I think I just found the perfect place for our rope swing.”  You peeked around his large form to see exactly what he was talking about.  Just ahead, there was a tree that was much taller and wider than the others.  Its branches looked more than strong enough to hold Wrecker, and they were a few that were far enough off the ground. A break in the canopy of trees above allowed sunlight in.   “What do you think?”
   “Wow,” you gasped.  “It is the perfect place!”
   He began tying one end of the rope into a large knot while you approached the tree, running your hand along the rough bark.  A soft moss grew around the base of the tree.  There was one branch right above that stretched out several feet, and it looked quite strong.
   “This branch here looks perfect.”
   Wrecker nodded enthusiastically and set to work on fastening the knotted rope.  He gave it a few good tugs to ensure it would hold his weight.  ��Well,” he said, shifting.  “There it is.” 
   He stood there admiring his own work with his hands on his hips.  It was then that you noticed the twigs and leaves that had caught on his maroon t-shirt, most likely from the walk through the brush.  You stepped forward and reached a hand to swipe some of them off his chest and stomach.  His form was solid  like duracrete covered by a t-shirt, only warmer and more inviting.  It made you want one of his famous hugs.  Wrecker had gone quiet at the gesture, his eyes softening, while you took one last look and stepped back when you were sure he was clear.
   “Thanks,” he said gently.
   “You cleared the way for me,” you pointed out bashfully.  “Anyway, so let’s do this!”
   “Right!”  He turned and gave the swing one last tug before grasping it with both hands and backing up.  You gave him some space and watched with amusement as he got a running start and jumped onto the rope.  He went swinging pretty high on the first go, and the thrill was evident in the big grin on his face.  “Wooo!”
   “How is it?” 
   He jumped off the swing and held the rope out toward you.  “See for yourself!”
   You hurried over, and Wrecker backed up so you could give it a try.  To your surprise, he gave you an extra push that sent you swinging so fast that a shriek and laugh left your lips.  Wrecker burst into laughter at how you wobbled away from the swing once you came to a stop, steadying you with one hand.
   “Okay, that was pretty fun,” you giggled.
   “My turn!” he hopped on, and you tried to no avail to give him a push.  That only made him laugh even harder when you managed to get him to budge a little.  “You’re so cute,” he commented.  His own laughter died down as he said this, and suddenly he was looking at you with that soft gaze, like he was looking at something precious and small.
   “Me?  Cute?”  you tried to dismiss it.
   “Really.”  He hopped off the swing and folded his arms.  “You just seem so...small and cute.”
   “Yes, well, I’ve kicked some serious droid butt and revolted against an evil Empire with you guys,” you pointed out, though you were smiling at his comment.
   “Believe it or not, that just adds to the cuteness.  Especially that time you tried to arm wrestle me.”  He shook his head, chuckling.  “You really thought you were going to win.  I lift gunships, you know.”
   “I’ve seen it,” you nodded, recalling a few times he had unintentionally and utterly impressed you in the middle of missions with his strength.  “That’s part of the fun, I guess,” you admitted.  “You’re so strong and tough and…”
   His brow lifted, making you feel shy all of a sudden.  
   “...and you know, all that.”
   “All that?” he repeated.
   “Yeah, all that.”  You shrugged, avoiding his curious gaze.  “And you give the best hugs.”
   “I do, do I?”  He smirked, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as he scooped you up into his arms.  “Don’t you forget it.”
   “Never.”  You rested your cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt.  His chest rose and fell with each breath he took.  “Although, it wouldn’t hurt for you to remind me every now and then.”
   His hum of agreement came out as a chuckle, and it grew quiet between the two of you.  For a few minutes, you let your eyes fall shut as you enjoyed the warm embrace.  It felt like the sun was shining inside of you each second that passed when he didn’t put you down.  His breathing had slowed.  His heart was thudding steadily.  Finally, you pulled back a little to peek up at him, realizing that his chin was resting on top of your head.
   “You falling asleep?”
   He shook his head.  “No, but I could.  You’re so comfortable.”
   “So are you,” you replied.  “If you’re down, so am I.”  Not long after, he maneuvered himself to sit against the trunk of the tree, arms still enveloping you.  You breathed in his scent once more and sighed.
   “Hey, _________?” he murmured, hand running down your arm softly.  
   “Can I kiss you?”
  The request was unexpected, though you had to admit it was one that you wanted as well.  You lifted your head from his chest to see him already watching you.  The sincere affection that shone in his gaze made your heart melt.  You nodded, and he leaned in the short distance to press his lips to yours.
   It was so gentle at first.  So tender.  Your lips tingled from the contact, and you were glad when Wrecker leaned into the kiss.  His lips were dry at first, a little chapped, but the roughness was quickly smoothed away as he moved his lips against yours.  The large arms that encircled you made you feel so safe and secure, yet caused your heart to thrum like hummingbird wings.  The hand that had trailed down your arm earlier returned to cup the back of your neck as Wrecker’s kiss became more eager.  You pulled away, exhaling softly.
   He rested his forehead against your shoulder, and you brought your hand up to caress the back of his neck.  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he said.
   “And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” you countered with a kiss to his temple.  He lifted his head to grin at you, and you grinned back.  The butterflies were fluttering around in your stomach.  You wanted to kiss him again.  “You know, it’s probably almost lunch time.”
   “Yeah, we should get back,” he agreed.  With a grunt, Wrecker stood to his feet and set you down on your own.  “Can’t wait to bring the others here and how ‘em the swing!”
   “That’s true.”
   “But they can’t kiss you here.”  He chuckled.  “Only I get to do that.”
   You laughed as he took your hand.  “Agreed.”
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me
Warnings: thoughts and ideations of the un-aliving variety
Genre: Angst but it gets a lil fluffy at the end
Pairing: Mammon x oc
Summary: The way the witches and his brothers treat him leaves Mammon feeling replaceable and unimportant. His human takes it upon herself to try and make him feel better after finding out something heartbreaking.
A/N: since I hit 150 followers either last night or the day before, I figured I would do something a little different for tonight’s post and give y’all a little 2 part fic instead of art. I haven’t written in a long time and this is not proofread so please excuse any typos. I’m a little rusty.
Part 2| Part 3| Part 4
Another day full of studying for upcoming exams at RAD completed and Arella couldn’t be more greatful to finally shut her texts books. Sure, she technically didn’t have to meet the same standards as her demon classmates this time around, but if only one thing could be said about Arella, it was that she was a perfectionist at heart. She’d put in the hard work to get the best possible score- seeing the look of surprise on Satan’s face as she scored better than him would be worth it too, as much as a pipe dream that that would be.
With a soft yawn, Arella pushed away from her desk before grabbing a nightshirt she had stolen borrowed from her boyfriend and stumbled to her bathroom for a quick shower. As she brushed her teeth, she could feel a presence enter her room- well more like she could hear him. Mammon was never all that quiet or stealthy to begin with as much as he’d like to claim otherwise.
Peeking out from the small ensuite, she saw the demon sprawled out on her bed, his face buried in her pillows. Something didn’t feel right. Deciding the shower could wait, Arella made her way across the room to where the bed was located.
“Hey,” She started, gently placing a hand on his back to let him know she was there, “I thought you said you’d be out late with the Witches. Did something happen?”
“Not really….” Mammon starts, his voice muffled by the pillows before he turned to face her. “They got all they could get out of me so they jus’ let me go and I wasn’t havin’ a good time anyway so I jus’ came home….”
Arella frowned at his tone. He sounded upset, depressed almost.
“An’ then the moment I walk in the door, Lucifer’s on my ass ‘bout some stupid fuckin’ bill that came in…. So I got to sit there ‘n listen to him go on an’ on about how I’m such a fuck up and what worthless scum I am, not to mention the rest of my brothers took the first chance they could to hop on the bandwagon and I’m….. I’m just so tired.” At this, Mammon flops over onto his back, throwing an arm over his face.
“Mammon…” Her voice is soft, full of concern as tries unsuccessfully to pull his arm away so she could look him in the eyes.
“Arella, Am I important….?” Mammon asks as he tries -but fails- to hide the way his voice cracks. “Would everyone just be happier if I was….. gone?”
Its that question that shatters her heart to tiny fragments.
“Wha- Of course you are, Love. Why would you say that? I know your brothers take things too far sometimes but they’d be devastated if something happened to you. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to you. We all love you so much, Honey….”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Mammon barked out a laugh that sounded bitter. “Not with the way they rag on me like they do…. Actually, they’d probly be jumpin’ for joy if I were to off myself- don’t know why I ain’t done it already….”
“Mammon, don’t talk like that. You’re scaring me.”
“Its true though. If I take myself out, then they won’t ever have to deal with the consequences when I fuck up. Won’t have to worry ‘bout me stealin’ their shit to get my hands on some extra grimm.
“Stop it right now, please.”
“It’s not like they’d miss me much anyway. You probly would but let’s face it, ya could do so much better than me anyway... Ya know, I got this pills that I swiped the other day, plannin’ ta sell ‘em an’ all but I think-“
“Mammon, stop!” Arella pressed her hands over his mouth to keep him from finishing his sentence “Please. No more….. No…. More.”
She collapsed down to his chest as violent sobs erupted from her. She had lost someone to suicide before, she couldn’t and wouldn’t go through that again- especially not with the person who was most important to her.
“I’m here for you. I will always be here fir you.,” Arella tightened her hold on the demon beneath her, her body still shuddering with each breath she took in a miserable attempt to compose herself. “So please. Please just don’t do it.”
At her tears, the demon could only react with silence. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when letting his feelings out but it wasn’t a reaction like this.
Maybe part of him was hoping for her to agree with him and let her words feed into his terrible mood, or maybe part of him wanted Arella to scold him for daring to even think about taking his own life but there wasn’t any part of him that wanted her to react with sobs and wails, with her begging him not to go through with it.
Slowly, Mammon brought his arms to wrap around her, holding her tight against his chest. They were quiet for a long while as they just held each other.
“I’m….. I’m sorry….” Mammon was the first to speak, to break the silence that had suddenly become suffocating. “I don’t know what I was talking about….”
Arella didn’t reply right away, choosing instead to hold him just a little tighter a bit long.
“Do you feel better now that you’ve talked about what’s going through your mind?” She lifted her head from its place on his chest to look him in the eyes for the first time that night.
She smiled softly as he nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re so important both to your brothers and to me. There’s no one like you in the all of the three realms. If you weren’t here our lives would be so much darker and so much more boring, do you know that?”
“Yeah, I doubt that.”
“No it’s true,” Arella hums, as she pushes his hair back and places a peck to his forehead. “You want to know something else?”
“What?” Mammon arches a brow, “if it’s something cheesy, I’m leaving.”
Arella laughs at that. “I love you more than anything in this life or the next, and, no, you’re staying in here where I can see you.”
“What? C’mon, babe, I won’t do anything stupid, so don’t worry ‘bout me. And the last thing I need is Lucifer gettin’ at me because I spent the night in here when I shoulda been in my room.”
“Then I won’t give you a choice.” She starts matter of factly, “I’m invoking our pact. You’re sleeping in my room tonight where I can keep you close and pamper you all night. Also you’re going to tell me where you’ve hidden those pills you were talking about earlier and if their in one of your safes, you’re going to tell me the combination to it.”
“Arella, I-“ he groaned starting to complain
“No. This is important, Baby. I’m doing this because I care. Not to mention if Lucifer were to somehow find you in possession of those pills….. his rage would be so great that not even I would be able to stand between you two.”
Another moment of silence happened between them as Arella’s orders went into effect. Mammon let out a soft, discontented growl before finally breaking the silence.
“Fiiiiine. They’re in the safe that’s hidden in my pool table. The combination it 0127. Happy?”
“Very.” She replies cheerily. “Now, you’d better get comfortable, sir, because I’m going to remind The Great Mammon just how amazing, how wonderful , how special, and how loved he is.”
“Whatever, you dork, jus’ get off a me so I can move to a better spot.” He huffed as he shifted around under her, trying to hide the faint blush was already threatening to make itself at home of his cheeks.
Masterlist 2
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Game Night
EZ Reyes x F!Reader
Request by @beardburnsupersoldiers: If you are still doing the roommate prompts....maybe number 3 with Angel, EZ, and reader???? Bonus points if all that delicious tension is happening between reader and the Reyes of your choice! (Prompts are from This List btw)
Warnings: language, alcohol, EZ being a sore loser 
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This was really fun to write! I don’t think I’ve ever written a fic quite like this one before so it was a neat little dynamic. Hope you enjoy! xo
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EZ Reyes Taglist: @ly--canthrope @noz4a2 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @mayans-sauce @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @themoonandthewicked​ @garbinge​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @enjoy-the-destruction​ @encounterthepast​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists let me know!)
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“You grab beer for tonight?” you had your phone pinned between your ear and your shoulder as you tossed your grocery bags into the back seat of your car.
“I was supposed to grab beer?” EZ chuckled.
“You can’t even try to pull that shit, Memory Boy,” you laughed.
You could hear the smile in his voice, “Yes I grabbed beer.”
“You’re perfect. I think I’m still gonna go to the liquor store though.”
“What for?”
You could envision him rolling his eyes at you, forever fed up with your remarks, “I feel like that’s excessive.
“Live a little, Ezekiel,” you joked, “It’s game night.”
It wasn’t long after you had moved in with EZ you started up game night with him and his brother. It was a good way for them to unwind and forget about the stress of the club, and you just genuinely enjoyed their company. It was nice to play host every now and then, even if it was just for one extra person. You and Ezekiel made quite the pair.
You knew how potentially messy it could get, having feelings for your roommate. That’s why you kept your thoughts and emotions to yourself. But you couldn’t deny that there was something about EZ that was really hard to tear yourself away from. There were moments when you could swear that he wanted you too, but they were fleeting and you always ended up writing them off for the sake of your sanity. When EZ wasn’t paying attention, Angel gave you grief about it. He was at least gracious enough to keep his mouth shut in front of his brother, although on more than one occasion he would shoot you a suggestive look, and you would respond with rolling your eyes and shaking your head.
You popped open the door to your apartment, multiple bags hanging from each of your arms. EZ turned and looked over at you from where he was situated by the counter, pulling together food for the three of you to eat later. He laughed as he walked over and offered to take some of the bags from you, but you waved him off.
“I have a very delicate balance here, Ezekiel,” you laughed, “If you take one I’m gonna tip over.”
He laughed as he stepped out of your way, “Got more in the car?”
You gave him a disbelieving look, “You think I was raised to make more than one trip from the car with groceries?” you shook your head as you carefully started sliding bags off your arms onto the floor, “It’s like you don’t know me at all.”
He held his hands up in surrender, “My bad. Didn’t mean to insult your honor.”
He helped you put the groceries away before he got back to getting food ready. You made your way to the closet in your room that housed an absurd number of card games and board games. You had always meant to bring Cards Against Humanity to the clubhouse because you felt like it would make for an extremely fun night. You’d have to just put it in EZ’s bags one of these days so it would turn up there on its own.
You heard the sound of your apartment door shutting, and moments after Angel’s voice echoed through the apartment, “What game am I whopping your asses at tonight?”
You laughed loud enough so that he would hear you from the other end of the apartment, “You’re toast, Reyes. You don’t stand a chance.”
He appeared in the doorway of your bedroom, “Stand a chance at what? What’s the game of the night?”
“Wanna do drunk Uno?”
He laughed, “That sounds dangerous.”
“Really? Less than two minutes ago you were saying that you were gonna whoop everyone’s ass tonight. Now you’re backing out?”
“I didn’t say that. Gimme the fucking cards,” he swiped them from you with a laugh before heading back towards the living room.
Plates and beer bottles were scattered on the edges of your coffee table while the three of you took up the center of it with your Uno game. The bottle of tequila rested next to the deck in the center of your table, waiting for one of you to lay down a draw four and make the next person take a shot along with their cards.
Angel had been sitting back and watching you and EZ trying to destroy each other all night. Angel was the king of talking smack, but tonight he was more interested in spurring the two of you on than getting you riled up himself. It was an effective tactic, too, because the amount of tequila he’d had to drink was minimal. Instead, he happily worked his way through a couple beers with little to no interruptions. He was really just waiting for one you two to get enough alcohol in your system to do something about your feelings. He was sick of watching the two of you dance around it.
“Angel shuffles next game,” EZ said with a shake of his head, “There’s no way you fairly ended up with all of those cards.”
“You’re just mad because you hate the taste of tequila,” you teased, “But fine. If it makes you feel better,” you handed the deck over to Angel, “Here you go.”
“Told you he was a sore loser,” Angel chuckled as he shuffled the deck of cards.
“Shut the fuck up,” EZ laughed as he threw a loose bottlecap at his brother.
Despite Angel being the one to shuffle the cards, EZ was looking at another loss. You were kind enough not to say anything, but the look in his eyes as you smiled across the table at him let you know that he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“You’re about to go 0 for 3, little brother,” Angel laughed as he put a card down.
“Thank you, Angel, I wasn’t aware,” EZ chuckled and shook his head as he looked over the cards in his hands.
You stretched your legs out underneath the coffee table, not realizing that Ezekiel had done the same thing not too long before you. Your foot brushed lightly along the inside of his thigh as you stretched and he instantly jerked his leg, causing his knee to slam into the bottom side of the table. He cursed under his breath and Angel looked completely lost, not having realized what happened.
You, however, were sitting there with a smirk on your face as EZ looked over at you. The look in his eyes gave him away and you could see him make a concentrated effort to take a deep breath.
“Suck it,” Angel completely moved on from the tension between you and EZ as he threw down his last card, “Alright. That’s it. I’m out,” he slowly rose to his feet.
“Leaving already?” you laughed as you looked up at him.
“Already? Listen, querida, you make me take any more shots I won’t be able to ride home. Some of us have shit to do tomorrow. Imma take my win and leave,” he walked over and kissed the top of your head, “Keep whooping his ass for me. It’s good for him.”
He and EZ gave each other a brief hug, EZ not getting off the floor to do so. Angel looked back and forth between the two of you one more time before shaking his head and making his way for the door. Once it shut behind him, you looked back to EZ with a smile.
“Just you and me now, Ezekiel,” you said as you placed a card on top of the one Angel had just laid down.
“Yea, Angel isn’t here to team up on me with you anymore. You’re done for,” he chuckled.
That was the last thing that was said between the two of you for a few turns. You kept looking at each other, trying to figure out what the other was thinking as if it weren’t already painstakingly obvious.
“Uno,” you said as you got yourself down to one card. You paused, waiting for EZ to get enthralled with making his next card choice, “How’s your knee, by the way?”
He flicked his eyes up to you, “It’s fine.”
“Oh,” you nodded, a smirk on your face, “good.”
He lowered his cards, “What?”
You shook your head, “Just wondering. Sounded like it hurt. Thought it might’ve thrown off your game a little bit.”
He narrowed his eyes at you as he set a card down, “I’ll be alright. Draw four,” he pushed the bottle towards you.
You chuckled as you poured yourself a shot and got back into the game. The two of you were able to drag it on for a while. By the time you were getting towards the end of it, both of you were kneeling, leaning onto the coffee table as you tried to beat each other to the last card. You were down to two cards left, EZ only had four. But you could see him sweating it out, not wanting to have yet another loss for the night.
You laid a card down, chuckling as you said, “Uno.”
He groaned, clearly agonizing over which card he was going to put down next. You bit back a laugh, not wanting him to accuse you of trying to distract him. With a deep sigh he finally picked a card and set it on top of the deck between you. You looked back and forth between that card and the one in your hand multiple times, dragging it out.
Finally, you looked up at him and smile, laying the card down, “Take a shot, Reyes.”
His eyes grew wide as he looked down at the draw four that was staring him in the face. He looked up at you, “You gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“Read ‘em and weep,” you laughed as you sat back on the carpet.
“You’re so done,” EZ laughed as he stood up off the floor.
You let out a scream that turned into a laugh as you jumped up off the ground, trying to run to your bedroom and shut the door before EZ could get to you, “Angel’s right, you are a sore loser,” you laughed as you scrambled.
You threw open the door to your bedroom and were about to jump inside when you felt an arm wrap around your waist, his hand landing firmly on your stomach as he pulled you back towards him. You laughed as he spun you around, but your breath quickly got caught in your throat when you realized how close he was to you.
“I won fair and square,” you tried not to let your nerves shine through.
“Fair and square seems like a stretch,” he chuckled.
You couldn’t help but to focus on the way his fingers pressed into your skin. You swallowed hard, “Why is it more likely that I cheated than me just being better than you at Uno?” you laughed, “What you do want, a consolation prize?”
As soon as you said it, you almost wanted to take it back. Almost. EZ smirked, “What kind of consolation prize?”
You wanted to look anywhere but at him because you could feel what little resolve you had fading away quickly, “What’re you thinking, EZ Reyes?”
He leaned in close so that his lips were practically touching yours, but not quite. You took a deep breath before closing what little distance was left, hands resting on the back of his neck to keep his lips pressed to yours. When it clicked in his brain what was happening, that you wanted the same thing he did, he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, pressing your chest flush against his as he kissed you. Your fingers traced along his jawline as his lips moved against yours—it was everything that you had thought it would be and then some.
When you finally took your lips off of his, you both let out quiet chuckles. EZ loosened his hold on your waist slightly, pulling back so he could get a better look at your face.
You smiled at him, “That a good enough consolation prize?”
He laughed, nodding, “I’d say so. I’m willing to forgive you for rigging the deck for that.”
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kaistarus · 4 years
Mistexting Mayhem
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 1.6K
Summary: You accidentally send Nishinoya a text that was meant for Yachi and now he’s knows secrets you were hoping he never found out
A/N: If you think this fic is anything but crack you’re wrong lmao I’ve always wanted to write a fic with this style and Noya is great for the chaos i needed. It was fun
[6:40pm] idiot⚡: look y/n without adhd id be too powerful
                         i could beet god himself in handtohand combat
                         god was afraid of my raw fuckin awesomeness wen i bursted from the woom
[6:41pm] y/n: there is so much wrong with what u just said
[6:41pm] idiot⚡: i have absoltly no clue wat
[6:43pm] y/n: put those 3 brain cells to work. I believe in you
[6:43pm] idiot⚡: but theyve reached their daily quota
                          plz there so tired and overworked
You snorted, a dopey smile on your lips as you laid surrounded by textbooks and homework, swinging your feet in the air behind you. You focused intently on the cell phone in your hand doing everything you could to procrastinate the schoolwork around you.
[6:44pm] y/n: noyas so stupid
[6:44pm] yachi❤: i thought you liked him?
[6:45pm] y/n: jeez Yachi. dont come for my throat
                       i cant help that i have bad taste 🙄
[6:46pm] yachi❤: if it helps he tripped over a stray ball today
                               maybe think of that till you don’t like him??
Unfortunately, the image of Nishinoya waving to everyone then biffing it only had you smiling like a dork. How you’d gotten to a point that Nishinoya being an idiot made you swoon, you’ll never know.
You raised your eyebrow suspiciously at the new notification on Snapchat from ‘Tanaka’ and after swiping it open you nearly dropped your phone. Looking back at you was Nishinoya, his head tilted and eyebrow quirked in confusion with a gari-gari kun shoved halfway down his throat. The caption at the bottom reading ‘daaaammn look at your prince charming go 😩’.
You frowned at the picture, letting out a frustrated groan at how your heart accelerated against your ribcage. You quickly tapped out of it and reopened the messenger app.
[6:57pm] y/n: we have to kill Noya
[6:57pm] idiot⚡: we??? what kind of mission is this??? 😤
[6:58pm] y/n: i like him too much. he has to die. its for my own good
You waited impatiently for her response and almost debated doing your homework since it took longer than you felt necessary. You supposed you had suggested murder to Yachi, but still…
When you finally received a response your entire body froze.
[7:11pm] idiot⚡: U LIKE ME?!?!? 😍
                          UR KILLING ME?!?! 😢
                          IM��SO CONFUSED......
                          and a lil turned on ngl👀
Your hand covered your mouth in horror as you processed what the hell you had just done. This didn’t happen to people in real life. Mistexting was stuff people made up when they created fake texts for social media to get likes. You didn’t think people actually went through this.
You opened new notifications to escape the hell that stared you straight in the face.
[7:15pm] Tanaka💪: Yo, whatd u do. Whys Noya having a panic attak
[7:16pm] y/n: I accidently texted him instead of Yachi and told him i liked him 😣
[7:16pm] Tanaka💪: O wtf thats hilarious 😂
[7:17pm] y/n: ITS NOT HILArIOUS
[7:18pm] Tanaka💪: Hes askin if its a prank. Wat do i do?
He stopped responding and you banged your head against your pillow anxiously.
[7:23pm] idiot⚡: THIS ISNT YACHI!!!!
                           HOLY FUKC U DO LIEK ME!!!
You screamed into your pillow. Were you fucking kidding? This could not be happening.
[7:25pm] Tanaka💪: dude, twice? i cant save u now 🤪
[7:25pm] y/n: betraying me in my time of fucking need? i’ll remember this asshole
[7:26pm] Tanaka💪: so vulgar 👀
You growled at Tanaka’s uselessness and bravely peeked through one eye as you went back to your conversation with Nishinoya.
[7:26pm] idiot⚡: 1
[7:27pm] y/n: what is this twitch chat? fuck 
[7:28pm] idiot⚡: your heeeeererererreee 🥰
[7:29pm] y/n: soooooo………..
                        clearly there has been a misunderstanding
[7:29pm] idiot⚡: oh nonono. I understand PERFETCLY. u LOVE me
                         its ok. this is a safe space. we can discuss feelings 😌
[7:31pm] y/n: there are zero feelings to discuss
[7:31pm] idiot⚡: then y did u say u like me too much so i have to die?
[7:34pm] y/n: i am filled with rage 🤬
[7:34pm] idiot⚡: rage over how much u liiike me???🥰🥰🥰
[7:36pm] y/n: definitely not
You racked your brain for some kind of reasonable sounding excuse, eventually landing on:
[7:36pm] y/n: It was autocorrect
[7:36pm] idiot⚡: HAH????? FROM?????
[7:38pm] y/n: HAH???
[7:38pm] idiot⚡: Who TF is nora???? 😡
[7:39pm] y/n: someoe i like obviously 😏
[7:40pm] idiot⚡: so u like them but u use my name so much it autocorrected to me? 🤔
[7:45pm] idiot⚡: i pull them out for special ocasions 😌
[7:45pm] y/n: well how bout you pack those up and put em away
[7:46pm] idiot⚡: how bout two people who LIKE each other SAY something so they can DOOOOOOOO something bout IT 🙄
You began typing a frantic message about how it was none of his business until you processed the message. Then you read it over several times before letting out an audible, “what the fuck.”
[7:50pm] y/n: YOU LIKE ME
[7:50pm] idiot⚡: I FLIRT WITH U ALL THE TIME WAT DO U MEAN yOu LiKe Me!?!
                          FUCKING OBVIOSLY
[7:51pm] y/n: literally when. name one time.
[7:52pm] idiot⚡: I WALK WITH U EVERY MORNING!!!
[7:53pm] y/n: I thought that was a coincidence???
[7:54pm] idiot⚡: I BRNIG U SNACKS DURING LUNCH!!!
[7:54pm] y/n: I thought they were leftovers??
[7:55pm] idiot⚡: …....I call you cute and invite you to my games.
[7:56pm] y/n: you call everyone attractive and i thought there was like a audience quota or something........?
[7:57pm] idiot⚡: ….i cant tell who i should be upset with rn but i think its u 😑
[7:58pm] y/n: WAT WHY!?!
[8:01pm] y/n: whoa. slow down. I hate math 😣
[8:02pm] Idiot⚡: ===WE SHUD GO ON A DATE!!!
[8:02pm] y/n: HAH!? i think you started multiplying that addition problem buddy 🤨
Your cheeks were beginning to ache from how wide your dopey grin was. You couldn’t help but tease Nishinoya-it was second nature at this point-even if you now knew your feelings were mutual.
[8:04pm] idiot⚡: i suk at math but thats NOT the point
                         point iiissss i think deep down u want to hang out and cuddle and fall in love
                        maybe even..... 😏 kiiisssss
[8:04pm] y/n: WHOA WHOA WHOA
                        WARN ME BEFORE YOU GET NSFW
                        i would never premarital eye-contact. let alone k🤢ki-🤢🤢kiss🤢🤮🤮
[8:05pm] idiot⚡: well we would have socks on 🙄
[8:06pm] y/n: oh. well if there’s protection
[8:06pm] idiot⚡: Im not a maniac
[8:07pm] y/n: i suppose as long as you dont do something stoopid
                        like faceplant in public
                        that would be humiliating
[8:08pm] idiot⚡: I-
                          who told you that 😠
[8:08pm] y/n: i have spies everywhere noya
                        youre never safe
[8:09pm] Idiot⚡: kinda hot 👀
                         makin me fear for my life like that👀
[8:10pm] y/n: i hate that i like you
                        It kills me inside 
                        i feel braincels leaving with every conversation
[8:12pm] Idiot⚡: fan behavior 😏
                          so am i taking u to eat tomorow or wat?
[8:14pm] y/n: if I HAVE to 🙄
[8:14pm] Idiot⚡: No u GET to
                          I am a fucking delite 😤
[8:15pm] y/n: whatever helps you sleep at night
[8:15pm] Idiot⚡: nothing helps me sleep at night. this mind never rests
[8:16pm] y/n: thinking 24/7 and still not a smart thing comes out of that mouth 👀
[8:17pm] Idiot⚡: yas, bully me more 😫
[8:19pm] y/n: ok thats as much as i can handle for one day......
                       im gonna pretend to do homework
[8:20pm] idiot⚡: okie... good luck my sweet baby pogchamp 🥰
[8:20pm] y/n: no
[8:20pm] Idiot⚡: 😘😘😘
[8:22pm] y/n: 🙄✋
[8:23pm] Idiot⚡: oh FUCK yas 🥵 shut me UP
[8:25pm] y/n: suddenly all i feel is endless regret
[8:26pm] Idiot⚡: i have that effect on people
                          See you tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰
[8:27pm] y/n: unfortunately 😘
[8:27pm] idiot⚡: 🥵
You flung an arm over your eyes and let a small giggle bubble up from your chest. Nishinoya was probably the biggest idiot you’d ever met, but you couldn’t help that thinking of spending time with him had you kicking your feet with excitement.
You supposed you should actually get started on your homework. You reached forward when a notification popped up from Yachi, asking if her idea worked and you had stopped liking Nishinoya.
...you should probably break the news, huh?
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Bounty Blur
Din Djarin x reader (platonic)
a/n: jesus christ i am so sorry this took months to post. oh my god. i hope you check my blog enough to see this. omg.
prompt: anonymous: “Hi lacey! You write a din djarin x teen!reader one shot? I really liked your last one. The reader is a force sensitive Jedi but isn’t good at using it and is still learning. Din is pretty protective over reader. One day din has to go out to do something dangerous and doesn’t want reader to come with so the reader and the child is waiting for him in the ship. After a while there is someone trying to break in like another bounty hunter trying to get the child. So the reader tries to protect the child but ends up getting shot, nothing to bad but is unable to move for the moment and right after that din comes back and tries to fight of the other bounty hunter but kinda fails so right before the bounty hunter is about to kill din the reader uses the force to get their lightsaber and kills him. And afterwards they’re really shocked and feels really really bad because they’ve never killed anyone before. Maybe it ends with some tears and din comforting them.”
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“Y/N, wait here with the kid.” Mando suddenly appeared behind the door of your shared quarters. The one you alternated in, that is. Grogu was fast asleep above your head until the door had startled him awake. “I’ll be back soon, okay? Just a supply run. Do you want anything?”
“Meilooruns if you can find ‘em, please.” You asked him and the Child cooed in agreement. “I think he might want some.” You pulled him down from his canopy and sat him down next to you.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Mando nodded and turned away, nearing the exit of the ship. “Do not leave the ship under any circumstance. Understood?”
“Yes, Mando, I understand.” You rolled your eyes and held your finger up in front of Grogu for him to squeeze onto. Without another word, the Mandalorian had left the ship and your face was being held by the kid in your lap. “Hi there.”
Mando seemed all cold and serious, but he took in two Force sensitive kids. He’s got to have a heart somewhere under that Beskar armor. He saved you and Grogu when nobody else would. For once in your life, you felt safe, maybe even free. That was all thanks to none other than a Mandalorian. You’d heard of the rift between your people and his own. It was a miracle he even considered helping you out.
When will he come back? Grogu asked you through means of the Force.
Soon. You replied to him, not able to give him a definite answer. It was hard to tell from planet to planet, who knew what it was like out there. Especially with all the dangers you all had to face.
You dozed off again with Grogu calmly resting on your chest, rising up and down with your steady breaths. Good sleep was hard to find these days, but today felt so much more peaceful than the others. And you can’t forget that naps can pass the time.
So you woke up when Mando came home. There was a clank outside the ship that startled you out of your slumber, which unfortunately scared Grogu, too.
“Sorry, kiddo! I think Mando needs some help.” You scooted off the bed and set Grogu down to open up the door for your bounty hunter friend, only to be surprised by a bounty hunter foe.
“I know the kid is here, where is it?” The hunter pushed you back with his blaster to your stomach. When he peered over your shoulder, he saw the green alien with a shocked look on his face and ears drooping out of fear. “There it is.” He underestimated you when he shoved you aside, though. You yanked him backwards by his shoulder and swung out your leg to buckle his knees, watching him drop to the ground as you ran to Grogu and shut the door to your communal quarters. You were terrified of failing here, losing Grogu, disappointing Mando, but just before you could grab your lightsaber from the wall, you felt a painful burst of heat on your shoulder and cried out in pain, falling to the floor.
“That’s not good.” You mumbled while examining the impact point of the blasted bolt.
“Any last words?” You were asked as the same blaster was pointed at your head. You took a deep breath and waited for something to happen, but it wasn’t exactly what you expected. The bounty hunter harassing you had turned his attention to...the owner of this ship. You took this moment to rest and catch your breath, waiting for the pain to dull if it could. Before you knew it, Din was launched from the Razorcrest and the bay door was sealed, leaving you by your lonesome with the threat on a mission.
Panicked, you looked in all directions for any sort of opening for a plan. And then you saw your saber across the room, still hanging by the ring on the hilt.
Just focus, y/n. You told yourself. You closed your eyes and lifted your hand ever so slightly. Before you knew it, your weapon was rested in your hand. You ignited it without a thought and forgot where you were in this exact moment. You were in danger. So the bounty hunter went on the offensive and you swiped your blade straight across his chest, causing him to freeze and fall back before you realized what you had done. Seconds later, he was dead from his wounds. You fell to your knees beside him as your lightsaber disengaged and in that moment Mando was able to get the door back open and witness the scene you’d created.
“Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?” He ran up beside you in your overwhelmed state and placed a hand on your injured shoulder, causing you to jolt back. “Sorry, sorry.”
“I killed him.” You gulped, looking up at Mando with tears brimming.
“This is your first time, isn’t it?” He asked you as he observed the strike to the bounty hunter’s chest. “He was here for the kid?” You nodded at his question. “You saved him, y/n. I couldn’t have done it.” He tried to comfort you, but you were just a bit shocked by your abilities. You’d heard about the Dark Side, but you didn’t know how to combat it. What if this act pulled you closer to it?
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @lotsoffandomrecs // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @gabile18 // @sweetjedi // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @dontyousassmeok // @agentshortstacc //
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