#i was specifically thinking of dee from metal family
hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #38: 1987
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: The Bangles, Heart, Gregory Abbott, Whitney Houston, Starship, Robbie Nevil, Whitesnake, Bruce Hornsby and the Range, Bob Seger, Bon Jovi. End description]
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Lots of things happening this year. What I want to draw attention to first is the influx of glam metal (or hair metal). Heavy metal as a genre had existed for a few decades by this point, mostly branching off of the blues and psychedelic rock of the late 1960's. To avoid going on an overly-long tangent about metal, I'll leave it at that for now. Glam metal has its roots in the heavy metal sound while also (as the name would suggest) taking additional influences from the glam rock of the 1970's. MTV was very kind to this style of music, and glam metal reached a level of fame where you didn't have to be deep in the metal scene to be exposed to. Other subgenres like thrash and death metal would also grow in popularity around this time, but only to those who were aware of what was going on. Metallica would have to wait to breach the underground and MTV would probably have a hard time getting middle America on board with Necrophagia. So while there was a lot going on in metal throughout the 80s, there's a reason why when most people think of "80s metal", there's a very specific image that comes with that.
But that isn't to suggest that rock music in the mainstream was able to escape controversy by featuring more hairspray and less corpse paint, because there's another moment in music history that will culminate this year. In 1985, the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) put together a list called the "Filthy Fifteen", which listed fifteen songs thought to be inappropriate and damaging towards traditional family values. Songs on the list include Prince's Darling Nikki (which seemed to have raised the most ire out of the PMRC's co-founder, Tipper Gore), Mötley Crüe's Bastard, Twisted Sister's We're Not Gonna Take It, and Cyndi Lauper's She Bop. A senate hearing over the matter of explicit lyrics was held in 1985, with musicians Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Twisted Sister's Dee Snider speaking out in opposition to censorship. There is a lot behind this conflict, both inside the courtroom and outside, so I'm aware that I'm giving a very fly-over view of the events for the sake of this poll. I'll just mention that these hearings were sometimes dubbed "The Porn-Rock Hearings", the outcry from these concerned parents groups fit really well in Reagan's America, and Zappa gave this absolute bomb of a quote that has been sitting with me a lot as of late:
"Bad facts make bad law, and people who write bad laws are, in my opinion, more dangerous than songwriters who celebrate sexuality. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religious Thought, and the Right to Due Process for composers, performers and retailers are imperiled if the PMRC and the major labels consummate this nasty bargain."
There are so many good quotes, so I linked to the Full Video and Transcript
To make a long story unfortunately short, something of a compromise was reached by requiring musicians and labels to put "parental advisory" stickers on their albums, alerting potential consumers of the "objectionable" material within. Some musicians found the label as a loss for free speech and another example of the U.S. government deciding whose voices get to be considered moral or not. Other musicians predicted that the parental advisory sticker would only make their music more appealing to young people. You probably didn't need me to tell you this, but Tipper Gore and the PMRC did not stop the "moral downfall of America", if such a thing could even be quantified.
So now we all have little black and white stickers on our albums, yay. But this is far from the last time we'll see a major court case over music and obscenity. But we'll go over that next decade.
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Hey Mod Van / Vanny!! I saw you did metal family!! Do you think you could make a Dee fashion kit with neutral + masculine apparel? I'm a fan of baggy pants, neutral colours and 80's style fashion if that helps!! It's fine if you can't or need better specifications!!!
- 🌙
HIII can I get some more specifications from u? Liek websites price range whatevrrs u can message mh main blog or send another ask!!!! mhm thats all thank you byeee
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Forge My Heart
The Crown Prince ordered a sword from the blacksmith. He got more than he expected.
An anxceit oneshot
Taglist: @hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17
Ao3 - Masterlist
Forge My Heart
“You want me?”
“But- but why ?”
“Must you make me repeat myself?” The Prince gave a sigh. “You’re a skilled blacksmith who makes many swords, no?”
His eyes drifted to his father’s gaze watching from behind the Prince’s entourage. “But my father-”
“Give me more credit, blacksmith,” he said with a slight smile. “I know this is your father’s shop, but I also know that your father hasn’t made a thing in years. You’ve been doing all the hard work, while he takes your hard earned coin. So I wish to contract you personally for my birthday present... to myself. Oh besides your payment upon completion, I will provide money to buy the best materials and you can keep whatever you don’t use.” He paused before he turned to his attendant who was looking over a scroll. “Am I forgetting something, Logan?”
The man didn’t look up, “Giving him the money?”
“Right. Roman?”
One of his other attendants moved away from where he had been lingering by the anvil where Virgil’s current project laid before he had shuffled over and handed Virgil a sack of coins.
“Well?” The Prince asked him crossing his arms. “Do we have a deal?”
Virgil blinked before he nodded, “What kind of sword would you like Prince Dante?”
The Prince’s different color eyes gave a twinkle, “Surprise me.”
“ Surprise me, ” Roman mocked as they climbed in the carriage. “Didn’t you spend the whole ride over reciting to us all you very specific details of what you wanted in a rapier?”
“I will throw you from the palace tower,” Dee responded looking out the window as they pulled away.
“Please do so sooner rather than later,” Logan tossed in. “I won’t have the guests passing by a blood stain on their way into the ball.”
Roman rolled his eyes, “Wow, for a moment there I thought you were concerned about my wellbeing.”
Logan ignored him, “Prince, next in your schedule is a hospitality visit to the children’s home. Following that you will...”
Logan’s words continued, but Dee had zoned out as he hoped the blacksmith could get it right.
“My Prince!” The blacksmith yelped as he stumbled back dropping the hot metal to the ground as he did.
Dee blinked as the young man fumbled to pick it up with tongs before setting it aside. When he had looked up, Dee could see the surprise in his beautiful deep brown eyes.
“I wasn’t aware you were coming,” Virgil  said awkwardly brushing his hands off on his pants.
“I wanted to check in on your progress,” Dee said simply.
Virgil nodded as he picked up what he had been working on and held it for Dee to see.
It wasn’t a rapier, Dee noted silently. But then again he hadn’t asked for one.
“It’s going to be a saber,” Virgil started turning over the metal. “You can’t tell right now, but once it’s acid etched you’ll be able to see the design I put into the metal- a twisted pattern. The handle will have some good detailing in it and I plan to make it as intricate as possible. Do... do you have anything specific you want?”
Dee shook his head, “Not at all. Just making sure things are-”
“Whoa! The Prince!”
Dee turned in surprise to see as a small boy entered the shop.
“Patton!” Virgil shouted in surprise hurrying over to the boy. “Sorry my Prince. This is my little brother.” He then turned to the boy, “That’s not how you greet a Prince.”
The small boy blinked before he nodded, “Sorry. Hi your Majesty. Thanks for hiring my brother!”
Dee gave a chuckle as he joined the brothers by the ship entrance. “Nice to meet you Patton. And I had to pick your brother, he’s good at what he does.”
“I’m gonna be better one day!”
“Uhuh! Vee is gonna teach me!”
Dee raised an eyebrow and looked to the blacksmith, “Are you Vee ?”
Virgil gave a blush beneath his dark eyeshadow and wow Dee wanted to see him do that more. “Y-yeah,” he mumbled. “Its- it’s a family business after all.”
Dee nodded once and moved for the exit, “I’ll come back in a few days!”
“You don’t have time to be checking up on the smith,” Logan disagreed as Dee climbed in the carriage. “Do you not realize how many more things we need to do before the ball?”
“Remus is handling them,” Dee waved dismissively.
“You trust him with that many things?” Roman asked in surprise. “I only trust him to stare at Logan’s ass.”
“Well...” Dee gave a cough as he watched Logan’s stoic face. “Fine. Can I just go visit him once more this week?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Fine. Once more.”
“Hello Virgil the blacksmith!” Dee called as he entered the back of the shop. “I am shouting as my silence last time led to me startling you.”
Virgil gave an amused look as he looked away from his forge, “I’m sorry my Prince. Can I have one minute? I need to quench the blade.”
Dee gave a nod pretending he knew what that meant. At his affirmation Virgil put his face back to staring into the flames before he grabbed his tongs and pulled out glowing metal and hurriedly shoved it in a barrel- which immediately caused flames to fly up into Virgil’s face.
“Holy shit!” Dee yelled in response taking a step closer. “Are you alright?”
Virgil pulled the sword out the barrel and gave it a visual inspection with a bright smile, “I'm fine, why?”
“You just had fire erupt in your face.”
Virgil paused as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him, “Nothing different that usual. Anyway, I assume you came for an update?”
Dee nodded, “I did. And to tell you that you are personally invited to the ball.”
“Oh, you want me to deliver it then?”
“Yes, but you are also free to enjoy the ball as a guest .”
“So how’s the sword?”
“I should have it cleaned up and sharpened by the end of the day. And then I have the rest of the week to get the handle together. Should be a sword more than worthy for the Crown Prince.”
Dee nods once as he looks at the metal Virgil had set aside. It certainly looked more like a sword than the slab he had initially seen during his first day, but still he couldn’t quite picture the final product. He just hoped it would be as nice as Virgil had claimed.
“Vee you need to go! You’re late! The ball already started!”
Virgil didn’t move away from where he was grinding at the last of the sword. “Grab me the box! And the thing!”
“What thing?”
“The thing to wrap the sword in for the box!”
He heard Patton shuffling around behind him as he finished sharpening the blade.
“It looks perfect!” Patton cheered, setting the box down.
Virgil smiled in agreement before he got everything together. “Okay I’m going.”
“But you didn’t change!”
“No time!”
Virgil arrived at the palace out of breath and, present in hand. One of the Prince’s attendants was by the door dressed in a blue suit, and a large frown on his face. “Late and underdressed Mr. Storm?”
“Sorry,” Virgil apologized, holding the present out and the man took it. “Give it to him. I’ll head back to my shop, um... let me know if he likes-”
Virgil didn’t get to finish before the man had grabbed him by the wrist and began dragging him along as they made their way inside.
“Um, sir?”
“Logan,” he corrected letting Virgil go and pulling a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his hand. “The Prince wants you to hand deliver it.”
“Oh well uh-”
“Roman!” Logan called at a passing man.
The man turned and gave them both a smile before he looked Virgil up and down amused. “Couldn’t you at least take off the eyeshadow?”
Virgil’s eyebrows knit in confusion. “What eyeshadow?”
“Your... you know... eyes... Logan you needed something?”
Logan nodded once, “Go get him an outfit. And I’ll send Remus to join you, I think our Prince told him Mr. Storm’s measurements.”
“My measurements?” Virgil echoed awkwardly. “Why would he know-”
“In the meantime Mr. Storm I shall send you to clean yourself up a bit.”
“Oh, uh okay?”
“Something wrong dear?”
Dee shook his head and gave his mother a polite smile, “I’m just wondering about my sword. The blacksmith was supposed to be here by now.”
“Well then I guess we are right on time.”
Dee turned to where Logan appeared a man dressed in a beautiful purple suit beside him. Logan stepped aside and the man stepped forward holding out the box to Dee. “Happy birthday Your Majesty.”
Dee took the box in confusion before he looked at the man. Upon opening it he saw a beautiful saber sitting in it. “Virgil?”
“You're the same pretty blacksmith?”
His face flushed, “ Pretty ?”
Gone was the soot and grime from his face, and for the first time Dee could clearly see his face. Gone was this dirty clothing instead he wore a beautifully tailored purple suit which fit him perfectly in every way. And wow, if Dee had thought he was beautiful prior to this- then he wasn’t sure what Virgil was now.
“The sword?” Logan coughed taking the box and holding toward Dee.
Dee blinked and picked up the sword by its hilt, marveling in how natural it felt in his hand. It was wonderful.
“Look under the leather,” Virgil advised.
Dee lifted it confused and he froze in surprise and picked up the second sword. And wow, it was more beautiful than the first.
“A rapier,” Dee smiled, turning it over in his hands.
Virgil nodded once, “I finished the saber and realized I wanted to do something even more special. I hope you like them.”
“They’re perfect ,” Dee smiled. “Thank you so so much Virgil.”
Virgil’s blush returned as he took a step back, “Thank you for giving me such a good challenge.”
He moved to step away, but Dee put the swords in the box before moving beside the smith. “If you’re sticking around for a while, can I ask you to dance?”
“I can’t dance.”
Dee gave him a smile as he extended a hand to the man. “I’ll let you in on a secret, most people here can’t.”
The blacksmith looked up from his feet to the Prince’s face trying not to think about how close they were. “Yes?”
“You did such a nice job on the swords...” the Prince started slowly as he whirled Virgil around with ease. “and well I think I might need a set of matching knives. One for each sword. So um, why don’t you come back to the palace tomorrow? I can- I can treat you to lunch while we discuss the designs?”
Virgil gave a large smile in response despite the blush he could feel on his cheeks, “That sounds great, My Prince.”
“Dee... you can call me Dee.”
Virgil shook his head as he looked back to his feet. “I’m just a blacksmith . I- I can’t call you by your name.”
“Then maybe you need to be more than a blacksmith?”
“What do you mean?”
Virgil heard as the Prince hummed in thought monetarily before speaking again. “I’ve got it, how about you let me court you? Then you could certainly call me by name.”
Virgil’s ears must have stopped working. He stared at the Prince’s smirking face in shock before he dropped his head again. “I...I’d like that.”
“You would?”
The Prince’s surprised tone caused Virgil’s gaze to rise to see the Prince’s slight blush. “I would,” he confirmed. “I would... Dee .”
Dee gave him a smile as he leaned forward and rested his forehead on Virgil’s in a teasing way.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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By Adriana Cahill
Using a pendulum is a form of dousing and has been used as a divination tool for millennia. The ancient Romans used pendulum divination as described by the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus. Nostradamus, and is said to have used the following Roman method. A bowl was used made of a composite of many metals, or electrum, an alloy of gold and silver. A ring was attached by thread to a wand. The ring was probably a band of electrum with occult characters engraved upon it. The twenty-four letters of the
Greek alphabet were engraved into the flange of the basin. A laurel branch tripod probably supported the bowl. (Laurel was the substance specified by the Enochian angels for the scrying table of John Dee.)  
The simplest interpretation of the pendulum's movement is in answering YES and NO questions. Simply hold the string or chain of a pendulum as still as possible. Often people brace their elbow on a table to steady it, since even one’s heartbeat can be read by its sensitivity. However, since everyone tends to have their own magickal or psychic signature, there are differing interpretations on how it answers questions. So, you should practice, record your findings and discover if there is a particular way your pendulum chooses to work.
The most basic movement of the pendulum is the linear reading. Back and forth or North and South is a YES answer. And side to side or East and West is a NO answer. Different movements between YES and NO are often interpreted as an ambiguous answer like “Maybe” or “Possibly” or “Not Likely.” In my Family Tradition, we were never allowed to accept an ambiguous answer. Ambiguity in the answer means you’ve asked an ambiguous question and you need to rephrase the question until you get a definitive answer. You keeping working until you gain clarity or there is no purpose in the exercise. It’s ALL ABOUT THE QUESTIONS.
Another movement is the circular reading. If the pendulum swings Widdershins (counter-clockwise), it is a YES answer. If Deosil, (clockwise) the answer is NO. If this seems backwards to Wiccan thinking…it is because in group work the directions encircle the group, instead of being done by one person. In circle, we follow the Wiccan attributions of Deosil (attracting) and Widdershins (banishing). However, in my family tradition…all magickal gestures were interpreted as actions that either draw energy toward you or away from you. So, for a right -handed person, the above pendulum directions would do this. And since right-handedness is dominate, this is largely true for everyone. Yet, every so often, a left-hander might find that the movements and answers reverse for them. Let it. Rules are guidelines to help you find your own personal signature. Rules as to which hand to use are largely contrived. Use the hand that gives you the most accurate answers.
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Another interpretation is that either linear direction (back and forth OR side to side in a straight line) means YES and any circular direction (clockwise OR counter clockwise) means NO.
The method that Grandmother taught me was the after dinner pendulum. She would remove one of her rings, usually one that is top heavy, and suspend it from a silk thread or use a necklace with a weighted pendant. She would hang the jewelry over a crystal water goblet just below the lip. The answers came when the ring made bell-like chimes as it gently tapped the side of the glass. A single tap indicates a YES, while two taps indicate NO.
As the digital age has infiltrated the “old ways” there are dozens of pendulum charts that one can make and place under their pendulum, from a simple cross for YES and NO to printed references for very specific questions. I’m not sure this is better training to learn to ask better questions. But experiment and see what your results are.
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Most of the charts I’ve found are spoked, fan-shaped charts with the words arched across the top. The pendulum follows the direction of the spoke pointed to the word that is appropriate. Some charts are numbered while others have specific words to aid decision making. Other charts include charts that cover questions on colors, chakras, the elements, months, days or weeks. There are health related charts for vitamin use or disease diagnosis but I’d prefer to go to my doctor for those and not trust my health to a divination form. You can make a pendulum chart for anything you are trying to make a decision on, even if it’s what color to wear to work. You can also make a number chart or percentage chart for timing questions. And thirteen year old girls love to write several boys names on a chart and ask which one is interested in them.
One chart is like a Ouija board with the full alphabet on the chart. For me it’s just easier to use a Ouija board. Mother used to do a form of divination using only her eyes as the mechanism to pick out the letters. She called it Trick Sight. I can do a bit of that, so I can’t use the alphabet pendulum charts because my eyes move faster than the pendulum seeking out each letter.
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I prefer the Yes and No practice of the pendulum because it helps grow a better witch by teaching him or her to ask good questions. Again, never accept an ambiguous answer. In our tradition, you’ve failed the exercise if you do not achieve some clarity.
© 2009 Ardriana Cahill
Ardriana Cahill lives in Western USA and is a Hereditary Witch, den of Clan McCormick and a Kell of Brighid since 1998.
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orenashii · 7 years
Woo! Back with another chapter! We’re about to get to some fun stuff, I tell you what.
I Exist
Chapter VII
Jack entered the tavern with a deep sigh, exhausted from an entire day of walking.
His travels had taken him far, making friends with many people along popular trade routes. The weeks had stretched into months, yet Jack felt no closer to the answers he sought.
He had visited a number of his former teachers, seeking their wisdom. He visited the Shaolin, who assisted him in meditation techniques to ease his suffering. He visited the Mongol warrior, who reassured him that beings that have passed still exist in a different realm, even if it cannot be found. The warrior believed she was safe.
In the meantime, he had written letters to Kali. Two of them, actually. One was short, written days after he first left the mountain of the gods. He had asked her if she had ever picked up anything from her travels, or from her studies, about souls going missing. He told her he enjoyed her first story. He stayed in an inn that night, that bore the insignia of her family's name. He sent it off the following morning as he departed.
The second letter was much longer. He remembered that she was still his scribe and should do well to tell her his stories. Jack told her three tales: all the legend of the Scotsman. He wrote how they'd met on a seemingly never-ending bridge and how they'd later came together to eliminate their respective bounty hunters. He wrote of his kidnapped wife and his surprise at the ease with which she fought her captors. And he wrote of his embarrassing amnesia and how he knew he had a true friend who helped him rediscover his lost memories.
It was nice, writing that letter. Remembering his dear friend.
That had been weeks ago. He still had not yet heard from her. Perhaps her letters were being sent back to his home. He did not stay in any one place for too long. He now found himself on the outskirts of the Roman empire, in pursuit of one of his earlier teachers. Jack looked down at his shoes. They had become quite worn. He would have to seek new ones soon.
He took a seat at the corner of the bar, not bothering to remove his hat, away from the other patrons so that he could drink in peace. After a brief exchange, his server brought him a small teapot. Jack inhaled the steam of his drink, soothed by the scent.
He heard a woman's laughter ring out like a bell. He looked up and spotted a woman, one of the barmaids, with a hand over her chest and the other on the shoulder of the man making her laugh. He was tall, shoulder length red hair pulled back into a ponytail. The man brought a hand up to the maid's face, brushing back a tendril of her hair.
Jack narrowed his eyes beneath his straw hat. The man's hand continued downward, not touching her, but reached over the bar, plucking a small pouch at her waist. The woman was so enthralled by whatever was being said that she did not notice.
The man bid his farewell to the maid and turned towards the door, slowly walking past Jack.
"Your sleight of hand did not go unnoticed."
The man stopped. Jack's eyes followed him but he did not turn to confront him. A low laugh shook his shoulders.
"She warned me you were an immovable puritan."
Jack's eyebrows lifted. He felt as if he had been struck. Not by his words, but by his voice. His accent. It was slight, but it was there.
The man placed the pouch on the edge of the bar. "Miss? I believe you dropped this."
The barmaid spun around and gasped. "Oh my!" She grabbed the pouch and attached it to her waist. "Thank you so much!"
The man turned to Jack, fully facing him. He was lean, but with a broad chest on a small waist, wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt and a leather vest. He wore a simple rounded grey cap, possibly made of wool. Pale green eyes stared at him beneath thick, reddish-brown eyebrows.
Jack could not help but ask. "Are you Scottish?"
"Aye, I am," the man said. "Why? You've got something against the Scots?"
"No, no," Jack said hurriedly. "I just... once had a dear friend who hailed from that land as well."
"Well, la-dee-dah, the world's most famous loner has a friend."
Jack shook his head with a small smile. Was it in a Scot's nature to be insulting? Then a thought occurred to him.
"Famous? You know of me?"
"Are you serious? Stories of the Bushido Prince who traveled to some... futuristic wasteland fighting metal monsters then came back to destroy Aku? Those stories have been spreading ever since your bride disappeared."
Jack winced. The man did not even flinch.
"And now that you've got Kali, those stories are only going to spread further. Soon you'll be lucky if you can take a piss anywhere without someone recognizing you."
Jack's eyebrows furrowed. "You know Kali?"
"She didn't tell you about me? Of course not, she likes to keep things a bit of a mystery. Which works well for me since I'm a bit of a mystery."
The man bowed theatrically with a grin. "I am the courier. And you may call me that."
The man spoke slower. "I am the courier."
"And your name is 'That'?"
"What? No! I am The Courier. That's what you'll call me."
Jack still looked confused.
"You know, I'm starting to wonder how you were allegedly able to survive for so long by yourself when you can't even understand a simple title. Maybe all these stories of yours were weaved up in that empty head of yours."
Jack sighed, knowing the insults were not to stop there. The nostalgic feeling had lost its charm.
"Are you a loon? Are you lost? Does your mother know you're here? Do you need help crossing the street?" Jack raised his hand in surrender.
"I apologize. My long days of travel have left me rather disoriented."
"I should say so. Your eyes look like they're about to roll out of your skull, they do. Not to mention your tattered robes and tiny whiskers make you look like a nutty bum."
Jack ignored the supplementary insults. "You wish for me to refer to you as 'The Courier'."
"If that is what you prefer. May I ask why you do not reveal your true name?"
"Could ask you the same question," he huffed. "But like I said, I'm a bit of a mystery."
Jack's eyes narrowed. "Is it because you are a thief?"
"Bah!" The Courier exclaimed. "Former thief. Changed my ways, I have."
Jack arched an eyebrow. "As of... one minute ago?"
The Courier shrugged with a smirk. "I think I'm changing my mind about you. Anyway." The Courier dramatically waved his hand in the air before digging through a pouch on his broad shoulder. He took out a scroll and held it in front of the Samurai. "Here's your letter. Kali was a might pleased that you liked her work. Said she'd like to meet up again, if you would, something about hearing the stories in person being easier to translate."
Jack took the letter with a frown. "Did you read the letter?"
The Courier held a hand over his heart in feigned outrage. "First you call me a thief and now you accuse me of being a spy?" He muttered to himself. He rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright, former spy. But, no, I didn't read your letter! She told me. She went on and on about your stories and whatnot. Think she's taken a liking to you."
"I beg your pardon?"
"She says it's like a storyteller's dream, some kind of babble, to be relayed such fantasies."
"You sound displeased."
"You believe Kali has taken a... liking? To me. You do not sound happy with that."
The Courier squawked. "So you think I?" He laughed heartily. "No, no, no. It would be a fool's errand. Never work between us. For you see," he paused, looking directly into the samurai's eyes. "She killed my father."
Jack gaped at the man's words. The Courier stared back at him in silence for a few long moments before leaning back with a cackle.
"It was just a joke, lad! Should have seen the look on your face!"
Jack sputtered, unsure of what to say. "But... you seemed so... serious."
"That's the art of the joke, pal."
The Courier clapped his hands together as if wiping away dust from his palms. "Well, my work here is done. Haven't been in this area in spell and I'm itching to check out the sites. Want to visit the Quivering Hills before nightfall."
"The what?" Jack thought about it for a second before realization dawned on him. "You were going to take that young woman's money to visit a brothel?"
He grinned. "Makes your pure heart weep, don't it? I'll be seeing you around." The Courier tipped his hat and strode out of the tavern. Jack sighed heavily. That man was certainly... quite the character.
"Visit the Divine Nymph, born of my feet, at the sacred river Ganges. She can provide the tools necessary to liberate your soul from this darkness."
"Vishnu," Iset said, her features lit with a genuine smile. "I thank you."
"It is my pleasure. This girl, this woman, deserves her peace."
Navigating the spirit world was, for lack of a better term, odd. When Iset had first summoned her, she floated among the stars. It was a matter of instant transmission to visit the three Gods in charge of Jack's destiny. And the atmosphere had been similar if it were not for a slightly different color scheme.
But now they were walking. Where to, she did not fully understand. "Where we are going is a unique place, one of the many edges between the mortal world and the spirit world." Iset had said. It was so strange, following her. They would walk in specific directions with nothing discernible in sight. Then, suddenly, Iset would turn and walk in a different direction, leaving Ashi baffled. It was if she was walking through a maze but the walls were invisible.
Time was also virtually impossible to determine. There were no clocks, no days or nights, and her feet never grew weary from their walking. The only indications she had of time passing was her conversations with Iset, who proved to be quite a delightful companion.
Over the course of... however long they'd been traveling, she was beginning to feel a closeness to the goddess. Iset told her stories of the conception of her son and how she'd hidden him away, only to be visited by the spirit of his father, and taught him the ways of the warrior. How he would one day avenge the death of his father and set his mother free from the jealous hatred of her brother and rule the land as a great and merciful king.
"I was raised like that, too, you know," Ashi commented. "Hidden away, thinking that the world was being ravished by a single man. Only, it all turned out to be terribly wrong."
Slowly but surely, Ashi began to open up about her own past, apologizing sheepishly when she felt her stories ran too long, for the goddess was already familiar with her life. But Iset never stopped her; she never grew bored. She listened patiently and offered wisdom and advice, something that Ashi was largely unused to.
"Therein lies the beauty of your story. That you could be so open-minded."
Ashi shrugged. "I suppose. But everything leading up to that was so... painful." Ashi turned her head towards Iset. "I would have much rather had a mother like you growing up."
"Well, I am worshipped as the ideal wife and mother," Iset laughed. She turned to her companion with a warm smile. "But in all seriousness, I weep for your upbringing. Yet, I feel pride. The fact that you grew up in such harsh conditions, yet turned out so sweet and thoughtful is a testament to your own strength."
The two smiled at each other. Iset reached out and placed an affectionate hand on Ashi's shoulder. Ashi bowed her head in gratitude. "Thank you."
"Thank you, darling."
The darkness of the cosmos curved at new horizon. They approached its edges and could eventually make out the silhouette of a man who stood near a boat. Iset greeted him, charmingly as always, and the two set sail. Ashi gasped as her surroundings shifted.
The river was truly a stunning sight. Lanterns glowed like fireflies, floating lazily in the gentle waters. The skies were darkened, vibrant blues and greens streaked through it in a way that so reminded her of earth's skies but were still so different. But what was most striking of all were the attendants. They were human. They were praying, some with folded hands, some with arms stretched upward, some silent, some lips moved in murmurs.
"Iset," Ashi whispered in a daze. "Are we...?"
"Hm," Iset replied with a soft laugh. "As I mentioned, we are visiting one of the many edges where the mortal world and the spirit world connect. Though we can see mortals, we cannot interact with them."
They continued their path up the river, the humans they saw lessened, until only one being was in eyeshot. The being was seated on a lotus throne that had scales like a fish. Her skin was a radiant blue, like the waters, like Vishnu's, shining like a beacon amongst the soft glow of the lanterns. Her ears hung heavy from her head, the holes in the lobes weighed down by large ornamental earrings. She outstretched four arms in welcome.
"Iset, protector of the dead. It is so lovely to meet you."
Iset offered a dazzling smile. "Likewise. May I introduce my companion, Ashi. We seek your help."
"I shall provide." The being removed herself from her throne. Her delicately jeweled headband jingled as she approached.
"I am Jahnavi, the melodious, the fortunate. You have traveled far to see me, yes?" Melodious, indeed. Her voice had a sing-song quality to it as if she were reciting poetry.
Ashi bowed before her. "Yes. Thank you for having us."
Jahnavi looked to Ashi with a smile. "Your story has become quite popular amongst the gods as of late. What a fabulous journey you have embarked on. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you."
"I assume Vishnu has made you aware of what we seek?" Iset asked.
"Yes." Her delightful smile suddenly downturned. "But I am afraid I have some bad news."
"Oh, dear," Iset said. "I do hope we have not inconvenienced you."
"Not at all! It is just... I am the embodiment of this river. Humans visit here, from all around the world, seeking purity in their hearts. Cleansing their bodies of sin. But you, Ashi, you are not here to wash away iniquities of the heart, but to wash away that of your soul. A task such as this must be dealt with quite differently."
"I understand. Iset has made me aware that my... mission is not so simple. I am willing to do whatever is necessary."
Iset smiled down at her with pride.
Jahnavi moved a graceful hand up and back down, now holding a chalice of glistening, clear water. "This is the water of the Casual Ocean. It's purifying powers are potent. Yet, because the evil is so, if I may, embedded in your soul, after all, it is how you came to be, it can only act as a catalyst."
"A catalyst for what?" Ashi replied.
"The waters can separate the evil from the good. But it will not destroy the evil. That is something you must do on your own."
"I can do it."
Iset smiled in approval. "I agree."
"I am afraid there is more to this than you may comprehend," Jahnavi said. "This will not be an easy task, that is to be certain, but there are dire consequences if you do not succeed."
"I almost hesitate to ask," said Iset.
"If you consume this water, if you challenge the evil that taints your soul and you are defeated... you will be lost."
Ashi had a sinking feeling, remembering her possession, how she had drowned in darkness. "Lost?"
"Only one, only light or darkness can prevail. Neither I nor Iset can assist you. If the evil does consume you, my dear, we would have no choice but to," Jahnavi sighed with a worried expression. "Destroy your soul."
Ashi looked to Iset warily. Iset clenched her teeth together, hoping her own concerned look did not show through. She'd had a feeling that something like this could be a possibility. She lamented that her own thoughts were proven true.
"If that is the action we must take, make no mistake that we will carry it out. But this would mean, of course, that you will never live again." Jahnavi adjusted her grip on the chalice, hesitant to offer it forward.
"Ashi," Iset whispered. "This is your choice."
Ashi looked between the two goddesses nervously. Her instinct told her that she should do it, but her nervousness draped over her like an added layer of clothing. She had experienced trials and tribulations all of her life. She had always conquered them. But this, this had such a layer of permanence that had her second-guessing her own strength. If she failed, she would never live again. She would truly cease to exist.
Was it worth it? Was it worth risking her own soul just to live again?
She thought about Aku, who had exploited her soul once before. She could be freed from that misery once and for all. She thought about Odin and her defiance. She could prove them all wrong.
She thought about Jack and the promise she had made to him. She thought about Iset, who had already gone to great lengths to help her. She clenched her jaw as her focus sharpened. She would not let them down. She would not let herself down.
"I will accept this challenge. I am ready."
Iset surprised her by embracing her in a warm hug. Ashi returned it gratefully. "I have the utmost faith in you. I hope these words will give you strength in this trying time." Iset turned to Jahnavi. "Let the test begin. If I have learned anything in my travels with this young woman it is that she is quite adept at finding her own way."
"Thank you," Ashi replied with a genuine smile. She felt newfound confidence surge within her.
"Very well. Let us begin." Jahnavi held the goblet before Ashi.
She took the heavy cup into her hands and inhaled deeply.
Jack, I hope this letter finds you well. And I do apologize in advance if my courier has done anything to offend you. Some are lucky enough to drink from the fountain of knowledge, but I am afraid he has only gargled. (Let it be known that he has just fetched me a scroll to write a new letter. He was not pleased.)
Jack smiled at that.
But do know that he is one of my most trusted allies. And he's very good at his job. (He looks appeased now.)
I thank you for telling me your stories of the Scotsman. I should hope we see each other again so that I may ask questions. He certainly sounds like quite the character. And what timing! To hear such stories of a loyal, if not brash, Scot, only to meet one again in The Courier! Fate has a funny way of showing itself.
I am so sorry that your discussion with the gods did not bring you any closure. Although, I did find it interesting that her soul could not be found. I imagine there could be many explanations for that. Do you think she could be under protection of some kind?
Jack read her words thoughtfully, noting that Vishnu had said the very same thing.
There is another possibility. I've heard myths that even the darkest souls can be purged of sin. A trial occurs, measuring the iniquities of the damned and are sentenced, a finite amount of time, until they are purified and released, either to be born again or exist in the spirit world in peace.
I do not want to alarm you with my words but if these stories are true, it could be an answer to your question. Do you think, perhaps...
Jack's brows furrowed, worry tightened itself in his heart as he read the end of the sentence.
...that her soul is in Hell?
Author’s Note
Hooray! Another chapter in the books! I liken this chapter to a reverse Sour Patch kid. Light and sweet and funny at first then BOOM sad and sour. And the next chapter’s gonna be even worse. But don’t worry. It’s good. Everything will be okay. Eventually.
Also, the Courier is friggin fun to write. You’ll see him again.
Thank you for reading! Feedback is always loved and appreciated.
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rpchive · 5 years
123rd Encounter-- Fortissimo
another new guy! but will he be joining us...?
Demo and Maya wait around with Paprika in the console room for the IT to land at its next destination. Daedalus casually makes his way inside the console room and stops when he notices the others. "You guys seem like you're having fun." Maya: Well, we've been sitting here tossing some ideas for things back and forth, but aside from that, yeah, nothing's been happening. Daedalus: What, you guys trying to decide our next vacation spot or something? Paprika: Well, no; the IT is just a very...adverse atmosphere; so I was just thinking, well, why're the bedrooms the only really different looking things? Everywhere else looks pretty normal; so I figured maybe we could all just change the place up a little? Everything looked exactly the same in Lobotomy, so I don't see any reason to keep everything the same anywhere else. Daedalus: Huh, I wouldn't have taken you for an interior designer. So you want to remodel the IT? Paprika: Well, not alone, but yeah, why not? No sense in keeping everything all the same forever. You can have a bunch of different kinds of bread over time, but if you ate nothing but the same sandwich for a while, you'd get pretty sick of it. Daedalus: I... guess? I'm not exactly sure how you'd go about changing the place though. Seems like it just kinda does its own thing every now and then. Unless that console has a "press here to redecorate" button, I'm not sure where to start on that one. Paprika: Well, uhh...I mean, it does what people need of it, right? So maybe if everyone wanted stuff to change, it would? Daedalus: Sheesh, this is starting to feel like a Carebears episode or something. Paprika: Uhh! Umm, besides that...! The IT's gonna land soon enough, so...you don't need to stay here, unless you want to... Daedalus: Are we going anywhere specific, or is it just sorta following its heart again? Paprika: It's somewhere we haven't been before! But that's about all I know right now... Daedalus: Aaalrighty. I guess I can bounce while you guys try and make the place look nice. Anyone else going? Demo: Dunno, haven't seen tweedles dee and dumb yet today, but I'll come along.
Maya: I'll go too; we oughtta give Nydins and Rio a chance to look this over.
Paprika: Oh, yeah, of course! I'll go, uhh...find them, then. Soon enough, Jay, Collin, and Fawkes join the rest of the group in the console room.
Fawkes: Is this everyone? Maya: Looks like it for today. Daedalus: Cool, let's bounce then. I'm not sure what the IT's gonna do when it starts remodeling, but it's probably gonna be pretty funky. The exploring group exits the IT into a large city; the sun seems to have set some time ago, however, leaving the streets lit with lamps and the headlights of the occasional passing car; though no one seems to notice the group exit the IT. Daedalus: Huh, surprisingly urban for a change.
Collin: It's kind of pretty, honestly. Feels like it's been a while since I've been in a city like this. A man rushes by the group, bumping into Maya slightly as he passes. There is a moment where he glances behind himself to apologize only to truly get a look at his surroundings. Stumbling backwards a bit, he remembers what he's running from and keeps going regardless, however he does call back to the group: "You'd better run too; we've got company coming!"
Moments later, the ground begins to shake as something large charges forward through the mess of buildings, its form mostly obscured by the darkness of the night; however, it is clearly about half the height of any of the current surrounding buildings. Daedalus: Oh for fuck's- We just got here! alienrabitt: I don't think whatever's coming this way is gonna care...! Daedalus: Screw it, just run!
He spins around and darts after the man that ran into Maya just a moment ago, quickly followed by the rest of the group. Stopping for a second, the man looks around himself, muttering "I gotta get to a roof" before taking off again, making his decision as the beast behind the group rounds the corner and begins to make its way down the street; a mass of black scales, red eyes, and a multitude of arms, legs, and mouths running across the length of its body, which has a more round shape in comparison to everything else. Screeching, the beast continues to hurry after its prey.
Demo: What the hell is that thing?!
???: That's what we wanna know! Things like that just started showin' up outta nowhere one day! Collin: Why isn't anyone trying to stop them?!
Daedalus: I'm pretty sure eldritch abominations are outside of the police's paygrade! ???: I watched that thing eat a car; I don't think guns are gonna do anything! Besides, most people can't even see that! Or...me! Well, when I'm like this, anyway... Collin: What is that supposed to mean? ???: It's just...I don't know, unless I wanna be seen, most people just...can't see me here. It's like these things exist in a different dimension or somethin', but the damage they do happens on both sides. Fawkes: Do you know how to stop that creature, then? You said something about a rooftop a moment ago. ???: Oh, I can stop it, I just need to get some distance between us! Daedalus: Alright, you lead the way then, but if you turn into one of those things I'm gonna be pissed! Grabbing a fire escape ladder, the man yanks it down in one smooth motion and begins to race up the stairs as the creature slowly approaches the building.
"...These things get bigger when they eat metal; so if it starts eating the stairs, we're in trouble! Keep it back if you can!" Fawkes: They get bigger if they eat what?
you’re on the menu, buddy
Daedalus: Just don't try to hug it and you'll be fine! ???: Like I said, keep your distance!! Once I make it to the roof, just try not to get caught up in anything! Daedalus: Whatever that's supposed to mean!
He takes several steps forward as he summons forth a bow of flames, backed up shortly by Collin as he starts charging an electrical current. Fawkes changes his arm into a laser configuration as he keeps a sizable distance behind the other two. The creature reaches the edge of the building, desperately attempting to squeeze into the alley between the two buildings the fire escape is on as it snaps its jaws and reaches out for the man rushing towards the roof, who is only halfway there. All three open fire simultaneously, barraging the creature with a hail of fire, electricity, and concentrated energy. Fawkes tries to focus more on the eyes with his laser while the other two seem more preoccupied trying to take out the arms reaching for the man trying to climb up the building. The creature recoils from the onslaught of force, screeching and hissing as it desperately attempts to swat away its assailants. The man on the fire escape makes it up another few levels. Dodging a swipe, Daedalus looses another couple of shots as he calls out behind him. "Hurry up, will you? This ugly bastard can't seem to take a hint!" Reaching the edge of the rooftop, the man hastily starts to pull something out from somewhere on his person. "Working on it!"
Retrieving the currently unidentified object, which seems to be glowing purple and green in the dark, the man stands on the edge of the building for a moment. "Hey, ugly! You picked the wrong city to fuck with! Tell your friends the concert's gonna run as long as there's an audience!" The creature turns its attention to the roof and screeches one last time as it attempts to scale the side of the building, only for the sound of a string instrument to physically cut through the night air. The man on top of the roof plays an entire song, each note tearing into the beast below, sending chunks of it crashing down onto the pavement, only for them to burst like glass and dissipate into the shadows. The man's music continues to carve into the beast until nothing is left behind save for a small, glittering object that falls down onto the sidewalk in front of the building, unidentifiable from the current distance. With that, the dimensional disruption seems to stop, and pedestrians wandering aimlessly around distant buildings come into view.
Carefully, the man on the roof makes his way back down to the group, no longer having distance or darkness obscuring his features. The man appears to be no older than 30 at the most; a pair of yellow, round-rimmed glasses sitting atop his dark, round face; soft, green eyes staring out from behind him. The man's hair seems to be up in some small, tight braids that have been pulled into something like a ponytail; a gradient from a deep turquoise to a brilliant green color. His outfit seems to be some common street clothes; a purple jacket resting over a black shirt and some dark colored jeans over some white sneakers. Slung over his shoulder is what appears to be an old, blue gym bag of some sort; one of the ends has clearly been sewn shut several times over, a multitude of colorful threads sewn across in various patterns, some with added flair, as if it had become something of a game to whoever's been mending it. There are several patches ironed and sewn on across the bag as well; some with names or dates on them; some shaped like stars, or musical notes, or other miscellaneous things.
Letting out a sigh of relief, the man addresses the group again. "Thanks for the help! Couldn't have done it without you." Daedalus: What. Was. That?
he’s based off this guy, so imagine that when he plays!
He dispels his bow and pushes his sunglasses back up against his face, having slid down his nose slightly during the man's musical onslaught. "Did you just play an instrument so hard that you shredded that thing apart?" ???: I mean, yeah, I guess. Seems like it ran in the family. Magic, I mean; not...music, but that did too. Daedalus: Just who are you, anyway? ???: Folks around here call me Falsetto; but you guys can call me TJ.
short for Terrence Jones! neither of those are his last name
TJ’s our Daedalus’ bf!
Collin: So is this how you normally spend your evenings, or is this a recent thing? TJ: Well, those...things started showing up about 7 months ago. Nobody knows where they came from, and nobody knows what they are. Once something stops being a part of the body, it just...disappears; and if you kill 'em, then nothing gets left behind...
He glances off where the object fell. "...Most of the time." Daedalus: Oh right, I thought I heard something when you blew that thing apart. Did it leave us a present? Walking over to where the object fell on the sidewalk, TJ brings back some unrecognizable, crystalline mass twisted up in all different directions. "Just another one of these. I'd say about a third of these things leave one behind..."
Demo: ...It looks so...sad...who's art project broke out of an eldritch seal?
alienrabitt: 7 months ago...did, uhh...anything else show up?
TJ: Not that I've seen, why?
alienrabitt: Well, something else happened about that long ago, but we weren't here... Daedalus: Uh, someone want to get me up to speed here? I wasn't exactly around back then. You guys didn't break something, did you? alienrabitt: The opposite, actually. We kinda...fixed a god? Collin: But why would putting Phoenix back together make these things? alienrabitt: Well, um...I know that thing's really messed up, but...has anyone killed a shalvenn before? I mean, everyone kept saying it corrupted their bodies; why couldn't it ruin their oracles?
Demo: Wait, so you think these things are saas?
alienrabitt: Um, well, were...
Demo: That's bullshit; nobody here could be corrupting saas like this, especially if nobody else even has magic.
Maya: But you don't need bad magic to make a kleivenn into a shalvenn; Jay started turning just because he kept messing things up...
alienrabitt: H-hey, it was...more complicated than that...! Collin: But why would saas start corrupting more once Phoenix was back? Wouldn't the opposite make more sense? alienrabitt: No, no, I think it's that saas started showing up because Phoenix came back, but something is making them go bad!
Demo: But how would anybody here even know about what a saa is...? Daedalus: I get the feeling we're talking over TJ's head a little here at this point. How 'bout it, maestro? You know anything about magical creatures or anything that could turn them into those things? TJ: I've only seen the monsters; I don't know anything about them...nothing else weird's been happening. Collin: Something isn't right here. There has to be something that's causing saas to corrupt like this, but what? TJ: Your guess is as good as mine. I haven't found any leads on any of this...
Demo: Maybe if we took all those fucked up oracles to Phoenix she'd know what's happening? Even if she can't fix the saas, she could probably find out what happened before they...got twisty... Daedalus: Is that a patented term?
Collin: I think it's worth a shot, at least. Probably the best lead we've got at the moment. TJ: Then I'll have to go get the rest from my place. I don't carry 'em around in case somethin' comes out of 'em. Daedalus: You've got a collection of these things? TJ: Hey, I wasn't gonna leave 'em in the city! What if they reformed or somethin'? Daedalus: I doubt your closet or wherever you're keeping them is gonna hold up much better, but I get what you're saying. How many do you have? TJ: I'd say about 7; 8 including this one. Nothing else left one behind.
alienrabitt: You were probably breaking them...
TJ: Can't help it; my music's not precise. Collin: Let's not worry about that right now. We should take the rest that you have to Phoenix and see if she can figure out what's going on here. TJ: Alright; sounds good with me. I'll go get 'em and meet you back at your vending machine. Daedalus: I'm surprised you're not more confused about that one... TJ: I'm more confused about why you put a keypad on it... Daedalus: Hey, I didn't make the thing. Talk to that guy if you're giving critique.
He jabs a thumb over his shoulder in Jay's direction. alienrabitt: In my defense, it didn't look like a vending machine when I built it... Collin: It was also way more cramped inside though... alienrabitt: I didn't make it for like...four people; I just needed to get out of the session...y'know, 'cause I was the only one left.
TJ: I don't know what you guys are going on about, but I'm gonna go home to get the...whatever you called these things.
He shakes the twisted oracle a little for emphasis before turning to walk away.
Maya: You sure you should go alone? What if one of those things pops out?
TJ: I've got my instrument. Daedalus: If we hear another concert starting, we'll come running. With a dismissive wave, TJ heads for the eastern part of the city.
Daedalus taps his foot impatiently as TJ starts to walk away, a pensive look on his face, then lets out an annoyed groan before he begins to follow after him.   "Hang on, someone needs to go with you. If another one of those things shows up, you're gonna need someone to run interference." TJ: Suit yourself. Just don't get lost; not like you could... Daedalus: I don't intend to sightsee, don't worry about me. The pair heads off into the night, no passerbys nor cars paying them much mind. Daedalus: This place seems awfully tame considering their nightlife includes giant balls of arms and teeth, doesn't it? TJ: Well, most people can't see those things. It's like they exist in a separate dimension or somethin'... Daedalus: Oh right, forgot you said that earlier. That's pretty weird, considering most people can see kleivenn. Whatever's screwing with these saas must also be making them invisible to most people too. 'Course that begs the question of why we can see them... TJ: That's what I'd like to know. Daedalus: Guess that'll be Phoenix's job to explain. So, what did you do before taking up vigilante justice? Can't imagine fighting monsters was the first thing on your mind when you picked up... whatever that was you were playing. TJ: Not much. Dad was in music; mom...isn't around. I've been livin' with my aunt and uncle for a while now. Had a part time job as a barista for a little while, but I had to split the scene when some shit hit the fan at home. Daedalus: Ah, sorry to hear. So you don't have much luck with family stuff either then, huh? TJ: My dad's a real in and out kind of guy. Always has some new big project he's gotta get to; and, I mean, I don't mind, but when the family business became my business, I just wish everyone'd been honest with me from the start. Daedalus: Family business? TJ: Magical affairs; keeping the city safe from things that bump in the night; like these weird mouth things. Daedalus: Ah, so you suddenly found out that you're from a line of magical crime fighters. I guess that was probably a more interesting talk than the birds and the bees though. TJ: Less crime, more monsters. This whole area's got a long history of magic users; but a lot of the people here try to keep it a secret. Doesn't change the fact that there's something in the area that's basically a magnet for trouble, though; so every time some new kind of monster or somethin' comes tearing through a district, people just cover it up and move on. Daedalus: Is that so? Hmm...
He seems to drift off in thought about something, too far to finish a proper response.
watcha thinkin’ sunshine?
A little confused by the reaction, TJ ultimately doesn't confront Daedalus over it as he reaches the house his aunt and uncle live in.
"...You can come in if you want; I've never brought anyone home, but they'll probably be happy about it." Daedalus: Huh? Oh, uh, I guess? I figured I'd draw unwanted attention, but if you insist... TJ enters the house, entering a little room with some stairs to the left; a doorway to the kitchen on the right; and an open path to the living room straight ahead, where TJ's uncle can be seen sleeping in front of a TV he forgot to turn off while a couple of children play on the floor in front of it. One of the kids, a little girl with her poofy hair pulled into a pair of pigtails, glances up from their toys to wave at TJ, only to notice Daedalus and point it out to the little boy across from her. Excitedly, the kids get up, sneak around the uncle, and meet TJ at the base of the stairs.
???: You brought somebody home! You never bring people home! Who is he? Is he your friend?
TJ: Somethin' like that. Hey, Mika, keep it down, alright? Uncle Tom's trying to sleep; don't get grounded.
The little girl rolls her eyes, crossing her arms as she gives TJ a particular look. "I won't..."
With a little smirk, she glances over at Daedalus, then back at TJ. "Risa's gonna get mad if she finds out you came home this late again."
TJ: Yeah, well, she's gonna be mad if she finds out you two're still up too, so we should all be goin' upstairs.
Grabbing the little boy's hand, Mika rolls her eyes again as she heads upstairs. "Somebody had to wait for you..." Daedalus glances over at TJ. "Siblings, I'm guessing?" TJ: Niece and nephew, actually. Daedalus: Ah, gotcha. Sounds like you get along, at least. TJ: We try.
Heading upstairs, TJ goes off to what's presumably his room, then comes back downstairs with a backpack in his hands. "Alright, let's get outta here before anyone wakes up." Daedalus: You got it. You leaving a note or something? I get the impression that you're coming with us to sort this out. TJ: Nah, they're used to me going in and out too. They know what I'm doing. Daedalus: Fair enough. After you, then. TJ backtracks back into the city and starts heading back towards where he saw the IT. "So, do you guys just...show up in places?"
Daedalus: Sometimes. Other times we choose where we land! We basically just follow the smell of trouble and help where we can. It makes for a very, uh... adventurous lifestyle. TJ: Don't you get tired of it? Daedalus: I haven't been at it for as long as the others, so I'm not exactly burnt out yet. I've definitely seen it wear on some of the older members though. Not sure what the long term plan is there, frankly. TJ: Why're you all doin' that anyway? Do you have to? Daedalus: I think everyone has their own reasons. It started out as one thing, but as more and more people started to join up with us, it kinda turned into what it is now. Just a ragtag group working to make things better for others, and all that other sappy nonsense. TJ: I guess that makes sense; but why not just...have people stay where they're needed? Daedalus: Not everyone has a place to go back to, including yours truly. Hell, most of us don't, really. That soda machine's all we've got. TJ: So you're a bunch of...homeless orphan superheroes? Daedalus: Now you're gettin' it! TJ: I mean, I guess I know why you do it, but you can't solve everybody's problems forever... Daedalus: I'm not arguing with you there, but we don't have a lot of other options right now. I'm sure some day we'll hang up our hats and move to the countryside or go our separate ways or... whatever people do when they stop adventuring. Mm...
He makes a face like something he thought about left a bad taste in his mouth.
[bastille voice] and you’re scared of being left behind
TJ: ...Well, I'm sure everyone's gonna be needing you guys for a long time. However long that is.
The pair returns to the IT's location. "Anyway, guess you should let me in." Daedalus: Oh, right.
He swings the door open and lets TJ go inside before him, closing the door behind them as he follows TJ in.
I know it’s been like 3 seasons since it’s been relevant but there’s a code you need to unlock the door to the IT, and it’s “CC”
"Well, welcome to the IT. It's a lot bigger than you expected, probably." TJ: I mean...it is; I was just expecting a couple of rooms or somethin'; but this thing's a spaceship, huh?
Paprika: Not too far off!
TJ: ...Well, uhh...where do we need to go? Collin: Kujaar, the only kleivenn city around as far as I know. That's where Phoenix lives, and hopefully she'll know what's happening to all of these saas. Are the oracles you found in that bag? TJ: Yeah; all the ones so far. Hopefully there won't be more of those things while I'm gone. Daedalus: Shouldn't be too long. Do we have an ETA on that, Paprika? Paprika: Same day; shouldn't take longer than half an hour. Daedalus: There you have it. Not bad for hopping across worlds and dimensions, huh? TJ: That's genuinely impressive. Alright; let's get these things to Phoenix. The IT heads for Kujaar, where it eventually lands. Nine greets the group upon arrival, but has no further questions beyond who TJ is before allowing everyone back into Kujaar. Collin: Well that's good, we've brought new people here once or twice before, but I wasn't sure how smoothly that was gonna go. alienrabitt: Usually they're more wary of humans...guess they didn't care this time. Daedalus: I'm guessing they trust us not to drag in someone that's going to cause problems, so don't go blowing our winning streak now, TJ. TJ: I'll keep the violins to a minimum, then. Daedalus: Was... that a pun? Paprika: Yes; and sax is out of the question!
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Daedalus: Oh hell, I thought it was just Clair but it's already spreading. Demo: Hey, if puns are the worst thing he can do, I welcome the change of pace. Daedalus: True, he hasn't pulled a gun on anyone yet, so credit where it's due. Maya: It was one time...
alienrabitt: Uhh, I guess we should go talk to Phoenix about this stuff? Collin: That's the plan. I just hope she doesn't get too freaked out by a bag of oracles... Jay; TJ; Daedalus; Collin; and Clair all head off to Phoenix, who seems as pleasantly surprised as ever to have the company.
Phoenix: You're back again! And with such an interesting group again; you're always so full of surprises...! Collin: It's in our nature, I suppose. Anyway, we have something we were hoping you might be able to help us with. It turns out that saas are beginning to show up again, but... well... TJ: Well, I don't know if these are saas, but they're certainly...somethin'...
Opening the backpack, TJ shows Phoenix one of the twisted oracles.
Practically lying down to get closer to everyone's level, Phoenix squints at the backpack before shaking her head. "These aren't kleivenn. They look like they were made with the intention of looking like kleivenn, but they aren't quite right...something else is making these by itself." Daedalus: Someone's making bootleg kleivenn? I didn't even think that was possible. Phoenix: By all accounts, it shouldn't be possible to make a kleivenn from scratch; but...I don't know about these things. It looks like...like somebody heard about a saa, then tried to make one from memory.
alienrabitt: But how would anybody there even know about kleivenn? Didn't the war cover them up?
Phoenix: Here, yes; but we are an alien race. It's entirely possible they could exist beyond this planet. Collin: So someone or something back in TJ's world remembers kleivenn and is trying to make them itself? I don't suppose that rings any bells, does it? TJ: This is the first I've heard or even seen of all this stuff; so unfortunately, I don't think I'm gonna figure this out any time soon... Daedalus: Can we use one of those fake oracles to find the thing that made it? Phoenix: I could probably draw the memories out of it, but I don't know how well it would react. Collin: Do you think it would wake up and attack again? Phoenix: These things are twisted and ruined because they're unstable; who or whatever made them did it very hastily. I'm more worried the thing could detonate; and now that it's around actual kleivenn, if it woke up, who knows what it would do in its desperation to complete itself.
they’re eating metal because they’re mistaking it for oracles
Daedalus: Let's... not do that then, perhaps. That does leave us with the question of "how the hell do we find the source of these things", though. Phoenix: Unfortunately, I don't have any other answers for you, unless you can find a kleivenn that can definitely keep these things dormant while looking for answers... Daedalus thinks for a second, then reaches out behind Clair and gives her a fairly hefty pat on the back. "Found one."
Phoenix: ...You can?
Clair: I...haven't really tried anything like that, but maybe I could...
alienrabitt: Let's just be ready in case it tries to get back up again anyway. Daedalus forms a two-handed hammer in his hands and rests it on his shoulder. "You got it." Taking one of the twisted oracles from TJ's backpack, Clair sits on the floor with it in her hands, closing her eyes as she quietly begins to focus. She seems to look a little nervous every once in a while before she speaks again.
"...It looks like there's...a book? Somebody has a book somewhere...I can't quite tell...somebody young, but not a kid...I think they're a girl? She's sneaking off with something that doesn't belong to her...to a place nobody really goes...these things don't look so bad when she makes them...little marbles; tiny creatures..."
She puts the oracle back in the bag.
"...I...I can't figure anything else out; sorry..." Daedalus: Don't worry too much, it's better than nothing. Does that give you anything to work with, maestro? TJ: It's...close enough; uhh. A part of the city nobody really goes to, but it's close enough somebody could keep sneaking something like a book out to...I think I can find where that is. Daedalus: Look at that, Clair saves the day!
Dispelling his hammer, he reaches down to help Clair up off the floor. Accepting the help up, Clair quietly glances away before looking to TJ. "I don't think she's doing it to hurt anybody; I think she just...doesn't want to be alone. That or she's just practicing magic..."
TJ: The first time I saw one of those things, it swallowed a tanker whole. If I hadn't stopped it, it would've eaten an entire bridge. This is a little more than practice; even if she doesn't know what's happening. Daedalus: She's just worried about the girl. The monsters we can stop however we need to. TJ: ...I know; I just don't want this getting even more out of hand. Collin: We're with you there, don't worry.
Daedalus: Sounds like we're done here, then. Let's pile back inside and make our way back. You said you think you know where this girl might be, right TJ?
TJ: Well, I think I might know the area, but I'm not so sure I'll be able to find the exact building...
Daedalus: I mean, we just gotta find the one that monsters keep popping out of. Probably got some busted doors, maybe some holes in the walls, all that good stuff.
TJ: You've...got a point, yeah.Clair: But I don't think they're big and scary when they first show up; I think something's just...making them like that? I don't think it's the girl that's bringing them out, though...
Collin: I thought you said that she was making them just a minute ago. Or do you just mean she's not making them like that?
Clair: She's creating the things that are leaving these oracles behind, but they don't start out as those weird mouth things...
Collin: That's what I meant, yeah.Daedalus: Well, we're not gonna find 'em sticking around here, I can tell you that much.
Let's head back to TJ's place and see if we can track this book down, then.
Daedalus: Sounds like a plan.
Collin: Thanks for your help, Phoenix!
Phoenix: I wish you luck in helping these poor creatures find their peace./The group returns to the IT, which returns to the station it had previously parked at when the group had met TJ.
TJ: So, do we wanna split up or somethin'? I doubt we're gonna need a huge group, though...
Collin: I guess that depends on how long you think it'll take to search. If it's a big area, more people might help. If it's not so big, we might not need to.
TJ: I'd say the part of town that matched that description is roughly a block or two big.
Daedalus: Bah, that's not so bad. Alright, so who wants to go hunting for a monster factory?
I don’t think griffin’d appreciate these monsters
Demo, Jay, and Clair remain around.
Collin, Daedalus, and Fawkes also remain behind.
TJ: Alright, so this thing's probably gonna be in the northeastern district.
Fawkes: What makes you suspect that area?
TJ: Only one school nearby; a lot of businesses are pretty close; it's backed by the ocean; and there's a lot of empty buildings closer to the docks.
Daedalus: Sounds like a plan. I'll bet she's in one of the empty buildings in that case.
TJ: Just don't go racing around or anything. This kid's sneaking off with something she's not supposed to have, doing something she knows is wrong; if she thinks she'll get caught, she'll try to run or hide.
Daedalus: Don't you worry, fiddler man. I don't make a habit of running off on my own.
it’s a violin :/
The group heads for the northeast side of town, and TJ stands at the edge of the two blocks the girl could be at. "...Your best bet will be a building with a lot of metal missing. If these things eat metal to get bigger, people won't be parking cars or anything close to where stuff's gone missing."
Daedalus: If push comes to shove, we could always have tiny over here run around and try to lure 'em out.
Fawkes: I am not going to be monster bait!
TJ: Let's not get anyone eaten...
Daedalus: Fine, fine, I'll just rattle some tin cans or something then.
Collin: I guess we should start looking around, then. I get the feeling it'll be obvious when we start getting close.
The group searches around for a bit until they eventually find that a lot of cars seem to be parking on the opposite side of half of one of the two blocks, narrowing down the location of the building to that area.
Fawkes: I think we're getting closer now. I haven't detected anything too out of the ordinary yet, however.
TJ: We're definitely in the right place; just gotta find the right building...
Daedalus: My money's still on the one that looks the most abandoned or trashed.
Demo: I dunno, if these things started turning into creepy mouth monsters in front of a kid, don't you think she'd quit trying to make more?
Daedalus: I... can't argue there.
Collin: I guess all that we can do now is poke around and see if anyone is inside.
The group continues to look around the area, but there are no obvious signs of anyone breaking into any of the abandoned buildings. There is, however, a building missing its entire fire escape.
Fawkes: That seems to be a safety code violation. Do you think this might be our place?
Demo: I don't know what else'd strip a building of an entire fire escape...
Daedalus: Someone who really needs a nice set of stairs?
Collin: I kiiinda doubt that. Let's see if we can get inside.
It looks like some of the boards that have been sealing one of the windows up have all had nails pried open on various sides, allowing them to be rotated in a way that unobstructs the entire window, but only if all of them are rotated in very specific ways
alienrabitt: This kid seriously didn't want to make it look like anyone was coming in and out of here...
Daedalus: I get that she stole some special book or whatever, but she's acting like she's running a damn meth lab or something. Is the book really that big of a deal?
TJ: Is she trying to hide the book, or is she hiding from something...?
Collin: If that's the case, we need to find her first.
Demo: Do we seriously have the time to look through all these rooms?
Daedalus: Unless you've got a faster way, I'm not sure what else we can do.
Demo: What, can't the brave little machine gun scan for heat signatures or some shit?
that’s just the worst nickname possible
Fawkes: Already on it. Also don't call me that, please.
Aside from everybody on ground level, there's only one other person visible near the upper floors. They seem to have a couple of smaller, cooler signatures with them as well.
Fawkes: I see three signatures up above us. One is human, but the other two are unidentifiable. I assume they're more of those creatures in their early stages.
Clair: We can go look, but maybe you should, um...stay in the hall or something? If they get bigger when they eat metal...
Fawkes: I suppose that would be the best choice. Stay safe, I'll be waiting.
The remainder of the group heads up to where Fawkes found the heat signature, where they hear a young girl quietly talking to what are presumably the smaller monsters. "...You guys sure are hungry. That's all the screws I could sneak out from around town, though; you're just gonna have to wait til next weekend. But maybe you'll run off too. Seriously, how do you guys keep sneaking out of here...?"
Collin: Uh... excuse us? You might want to stop feeding those things, they're kinda making a huge mess when they get out of here.
The girl quickly drops something as she rushes over to the edge of the doorway, though she makes a point not to look into the hallway as she addresses the group. "Wh-who are you?! How'd you get in here?!"
TJ: Calm down; we're not here to hurt you. Your little friends in there just have some seriously big appetites, and the ones that are sneaking out have been eating cars and stuff.
???: "Wh-what?! Cars?! They can't eat--...!! They're...they're not even the size of a house cat! I know they eat fast, but...!"
Daedalus: Yeah, well, turns out things grow if you keep feeding 'em, kid. It's all fun and games until your little metal muncher is the size of a small house.
???: "That would take ages! They're just animals! ...I think..."
Demo: Yeah, animals that come out of a magic book and eat nothing but metal; totally normal.
???: "...Look, what do you want? If you're not here 'cause you're gonna rat me out, you're here for something else, right?"
Collin: We're here to stop whatever was creating these creatures you're making. I don't know why you have that book or why you're making these things, but you've got to stop. They're wreaking havoc once they get out of here.
???: "I just wanted to see a kleivenn up close! But they're starting out so small...I thought I needed to raise it or something; maybe that'd make it be like a real one..."
alienrabitt: Wait, so you know these things aren't actually kleivenn?
???: "I thought I could make one. This book's all about kleivenn; so I figured I could just...make one."
Collin: Trust us, it's not working the way you think it is. I don't even think you can make a kleivenn that way.
???: "How would you know?"
Demo: Two of us are kleivenn; will you come out now?
???: "You're just saying that to make me stop!"
Daedalus: No, seriously. The wonder-twins here are both fullblown kleivenn.
???: "Prove it!"
Rolling her eyes, Demo shoves Jay through the door into the room with the girl. "Would a human have an arm like that?"
alienrabitt: H-hey!!
The girl's quiet for a little bit before she lets Jay open the door the rest of the way as she heads back to the back of the room.
???: "...I...don't know what to say..."
Collin: Hey, don't go shoving him around like that! Why do you even want to see a kleivenn so bad anyway?
???: This book just makes them sound cool, so I wanted to see one...
Daedalus: .... Well, at least she's easy to read.
TJ: How'd you get a book like that, anyway? Those things aren't even from around here.
???: Oh, my dad got it from one of his business partners! He said the guy works with a kleivenn called, uhh...A Bus?
alienrabitt: ...A bus...? I don't think anyone's named after a bus...
???: He said they're named A Bus; not named after a bus...
Demo is suddenly trying to find a way out of the building without drawing any attention to herself.
Collin: ... Are you sure he didn't say "Anubis"?
???: No, not A new Bus, his name is A Bus.
Daedalus: Uh, Demo, where are you going?
Demo keeps her voice low, but urgent as she answers: "Anywhere but here! I don't know who the hell she's talking about, but every anubis I have is telling me that kleivenn's worse news than Xentrilis."
Daedalus unconsciously lowers his voice to match. "So you're just keeping that little tidbit to yourself?"
Demo: What am I supposed to do?! My anubis can't talk like we can; whatever I understand is the equivalent of trying to translate a phrase through six different languages before you can even get a word everybody else recognizes! I don't know who they're afraid of, or why; I just know that whoever's with that kleivenn is...whoever's with that kleiven is responsible for the whole war...
Daedalus: They're WHAT?
The little girl peaks into the hallway to look at Daedalus and Demo, though she locks her gaze with Demo. Speaking softly, she addresses Demo: "...Aren't you gonna let me see you too?"
Without even humoring her with a response, Demo summons forth the Candy Cane, smashes the nearest window open, and practically throws herself out of it, shifting to a massive, black sand dragon with a large, yellow stripe running all the way down its back as she races away from the building as quickly as possible. A little stunned, the girl backs back into the room. "Um...your friend just left..."
there’s Y, so we’ve seen R and Y now I think?
Daedalus: Yeah, because that book of yours is from someone who's worse news than an eye surgeon with Parkinson's. If I were you, I'd ditch that book and go back to whatever it is you were doing before you took up summoning these little shits.
???: But...! But I just wanted to see one first...! There's none left here! Dad said they're never gonna come back...!
Collin: Why'd he say that?
???: Because he and his friends don't want them here anymore...but you guys are here, so maybe they're gonna come back if I keep trying!
alienrabitt: N-no, we only show up if something bad is happening; we show up to stop things...
???: But...why would you wanna stop me? I just wanna bring the kleivenn back here...
TJ: Maybe they weren't sent here to stop you...tell you what, you quit bringing those little guys out of that book, and we'll make sure the kleivenn come back, alright?
???: How can I trust you?
Daedalus: Two of us are kleivenn and we haven't even tried to take your book despite the fact that you keep summoning monsters out of it. What more do you want, a friendship bracelet?
A little skeptical, the girl closes up the book, though the two small monsters continue to scavenge around the room, searching for scraps of metal. Neither of them are much bigger than a softball at the moment, essentially beaks with tiny bird feet and three tiny, slitted, yellow eyes on their faces. One of them is softly pecking at Collin's boot, though it doesn't seem to be doing much to it.
Collin: Hey, hey! You get away from that!
He pulls his left leg back and nudges the creature back with his other foot.
The monster hops a bit, peeping softly, though it can't seem to do much else than protest.
Daedalus: Alright, so problem one solved. Now we've gotta find Demo and figure out what the hell to do about this bus guy.
alienrabitt: Easier said than done...
Daedalus: Tell me about it. Why the hell did she have to go and take off like that...?
Clair: I guess we'll have to ask her...
Collin: Does she have a communicator on her? It has a GPS thing in it, right?
alienrabitt: She should...
Collin fishes his communicator out of his cloak and fiddles with the screen for a few moments, trying to figure out how to find Demo.
Managing to get to the locaters, there are two obvious groups, one where Collin is, and one where the IT is. Counting the icons, it seems like Demo's returned to the IT.
Collin: Oh, I think she just went back to the IT. Either that or she left it there...
alienrabitt: Let's hope she just went home...
Daedalus: Let's at least go look. If she's not there, we're seriously up a creek.
Reuniting with Fawkes, the group returns to the IT, where Silky; Firefly; Maya; and Karumet are all waiting outside with Demo.
Maya: That kid didn't do anything weird, did she?
Collin: Aside from thinking these weird bird things were kleivenn, not really. She's just a little uninformed about kleivenn.
Firefly squints in the darkness. "There's something trying to climb into your boot..."
Collin: Wh- I told you to shoo!
He bends down and hastily plucks the little creature out of his shoe and holds it out away from himself.
There's a small tinkling sound as the little bird monster's tiny legs kick against Collin's leg, the bird itself squawking in protest as it wiggles around in his grasp. Its beak does not open, however, as it seems to be holding something in it.
Collin: H-Hey, that better not be a piece of my leg!
Holding the bird firmly in one hand, he grabs onto the object in its beak with the other hand and tries to pull it out.
It is not a piece of his leg, but rather, one of the shards that should be inside of it. The shard seems to be entirely unharmed, but is no longer glowing.
Maya: That...doesn't look good.
Collin: How did you even...? That was inside a glass chamber!
Silky: Did it peck through it?
Maya: Wouldn't he have heard that?
Firefly: We can't take that thing onto the IT...we'll have to get rid of it here. I guess Collin's still able to walk alright if he got this far with that thing messing around...you guys go inside and see what you can do about that; I'll deal with the bird.
With a slight hint of reluctance, Collin hands the bird over to Firefly and heads inside the IT.
Clair: I guess we'll try to look into whoever's been getting rid of the kleivenn here. Are you gonna try too?
TJ: Yeah; I'll let you guys know what I find out.
Daedalus: Running your own investigation, huh?
TJ: Better to have people looking around in as many places as possible, right?
Daedalus: I guess. Just be careful you don't get in over your head. This "Abus" person is sounds like some seriously bad news, even by our standards.
it’s actually spelled Aebos but we’ll learn more about them later
TJ: Trust me, I'll let you know if something weird happens that I can't handle.
Daedalus: Sounds like a plan, then.
With that, the group returns to the IT.
alrighty, idk what happens next but that’s that log finally, lol
0 notes
apathylsdeath · 7 years
Black Night, White Light Chapter 9
“Are we sure this is going to work?”
On the bunk next to her, Raffe sighed and folded his arms behind his head. “You got any better ideas?”
Penryn had to admit that she didn’t. Still. The plan was one of the kind where a lot could go wrong. And a lot depended on things happening like they expected them to.
“What if the fire alarm doesn’t actually trigger the alarm system? Maybe the alarm can only be triggered from some sort of main control room.”
“They need a system that anyone who spots an intruder can use. If a patrol gets wind of a raid, there needs to be a way to raise the alarm quickly. That’s the whole point of an alarm.”
Penryn sat up on her bunk. She was too anxious to rest anyway. “And what if the alarm shuts down all doors?”
“How would they evacuate in case of a raid?”
“Maybe the point is to keep the intruders out?” Her voice was irritated. She grabbed her boots.
Raffe let out a long exhale, as if fighting for patience. His voice, however, was soft when he said, “Look, Penryn, we can’t know for sure what’s going to happen. But right now, a distraction is our best chance at getting out of this place. And you want to get out of this place, right?”
She nodded, feeling her anger drain out of her. She didn’t even know what she was angry at. Or who. Yet ever since she’d seen Raffe in the middle of that ring, beating a Resistance member to a pulp, she couldn’t shake the resentment that was growing inside of her. It wasn’t that she was sorry for the guy who’d taken the beating. It was his own fault for voluntarily participating in the fight. So why did the image affect her so much?
“Now is as good a time as ever,” Raffe said and jumped off his bunk, lifting the thin mattress. He bent a bedspring upward until it broke off with irritatingly little effort. Maybe the memory of him in the ring affected her so much because it had brought back what she’d seemed to have forgotten over the last few days. That he was a soldier, ruthless and violent, trained and able to kill. To kill her people.
“Time to do your little trick again.” Raffe threw he bedspring to her and she caught it out of the air. She finished lacing up her boots, then slid from her bunk and crouched in front of the door, inserting her makeshift lock-pick into the lock. This time didn’t take as long as yesterday and after a few moments, the mechanic lock unlocked and she slowly pushed open the door. Like last night, the hallway was empty.
“Apparently they still think a flimsy lock is enough for us,” Penryn whispered, tucking the broken-off bedspring into the waistband of her pants.
“Seems like one would do good not to underestimate you.” Raffe’s voice was low, but she was sure that she didn’t imagine the hint of approval in his tone. A warm feeling of triumph spread through her, and she internally chastised herself for it.
They made their way down the hallway, stopping at every corner to listen for guards before proceeding. They didn’t even have a specific destination, just to get as close to the exit as possible before triggering the alarm.
“Well, look who’s strolling around at night. Again.”
Penryn nearly jumped out of her skin at the voice behind her. She turned around to see two familiar redheads in the hallway behind them. They sauntered up to them, grinning like Cheshire cats.
“We were wondering if someone forgot to lock your door yesterday, or if you’ve been given permission to wander around. I guess now we know for sure. You two really are some troublemakers, aren’t you?” Dee (or maybe it was Dum, who knew?) waggled a finger at them like a parent scolding a child.
Raffe and Penryn said nothing.
“When Obi finds out that you’ve managed to snuck out of your cell twice already, he’ll be even more eager to recruit you,” Dum said.
“Assuming he doesn’t kill you first.”
“But we gotta hand it to you, you are resourceful.” They both nodded in approval. “So what exactly is it that’s got you sneaking around?”
For a moment, neither of them spoke. Penryn desperately tried to come up with an excuse, while Raffe seemed to prefer not to say anything.
Dee raised an eyebrow, lips quirked in amusement. “Well?”
Oh what the hell, Penryn thought, they know anyway. She sighed. “We were trying to get out of here.”
Dum gave a mock gasp. “You don’t say!”
Penryn shot Raffe a look, just in time to catch him roll his eyes. She looked back at the twins and gave them her most charming smile. “Look guys, it’s not like this place isn’t great and all, but we have something really important to do and we can’t afford to waste any more time. Which is why we need to go now.”
The twins exchanged a look. “We’re not surprised. We told Fitzroy you wouldn’t want to stick around. Why does no one ever listen to us?”
“Though I hope you weren’t planning on simply waltzing out the front door. What’s your plan?”
It was Penryn’s turn to roll her eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think telling you would be the best idea.”
Dee shrugged. “Well, we could turn you in either way, so why not humor us and tell us whatever genius plan you came up with?”
Penryn threw Raffe another glance, but his expression was once again unreadable. She sighed in defeat. “We wanted to trigger an alarm to cause a distraction.”
Dum raised an eyebrow. “Using the old fire alarm system?”
“Not a bad idea, though you’d have to press the button a specific number of times to actually trigger the alarm.”
“Otherwise, any prankster could do it.” Dee winked at them.
Penryn felt frustration building inside her. They didn’t have time for this. Why could the Resistance not simply let them go? “How do you know so much about the alarm system anyway?” she asked, suddenly suspicious.
“Oh, if anyone knows about it, it would be us,” Dum said. “After all, we rigged it up.”
“You- what?”
Dee winked at her, as if the baffled tone of her voice was a compliment. “I know, impressive right? We know a thing or two about tech.”
“You didn’t think we were just here for our good looks, did you?”
Penryn didn’t know what to say. Frankly, she hadn’t put much thought into the twin’s role in the Resistance yet. Seemed like these two were more important than she’d thought.
“So what now?” It was the first time Raffe had spoken since DeeDum showed up. He sounded irritated. “Will you turn us in?”
They exchanged a look. “That depends. Why are you so desperate to get out of here? Don’t you want to fight for your country?”
“I already have a family that I have to fight for,” Penryn cut in before Raffe could give a smartass reply. “And right now, my sister is in danger, so I really don’t have time to stick around any longer.” She realized that real desperation had crept into her voice.
The twins must’ve realized it too, because they once again exchanged a look.
“We knew you’d never stick around. It was only a question of time,” Dee finally said.
Penryn felt a sliver of hope grow inside of her at the tone of their voice. “Does that mean you won’t turn us in? You’ll help us get out of here?”
“Ah ah ah,” Dum shook his head. “We don’t deal in pleasantries. They don’t get you very far in the world we’re living in. We can help you get out of here. But you’ll owe us a favor in return.”
“A favor?” Raffe asked skeptically. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, we don’t know yet,” Dum said. “But something tells me we’ll meet again and when that happens, I’m sure there is something useful you can do for us.”
Penryn looked at Raffe to see if he was just as bewildered as her, but his face was one again unreadable.
“What’s the catch?” she asked.
“No catch,” Dum said.
“Just a favor,” Dee continued. “Some time in the near future. As an insurance for worse times to come.”
Penryn gave them a skeptical look. To her, that pretty much sounded like a catch, but what choice did they have?
“Alright,” she said finally. “If you help us get out of here, we owe you one.”
The twin’s faces split into identical grins as both of them reached out their right hand at the same time. “Excellent. We have a deal.” Penryn and Raffe exchanged a look, then grasped the offered hands to seal whatever ‘deal’ they’d just agreed on.
“Now, let’s get straight to business,” Dum said. “The fastest and easiest way to get out of this place is through the air duct system. However, all access points are being monitored.”
Penryn raised an eyebrow. “Does the Resistance often keep people that don’t want to be here?”
Dee grinned. “Often is a relative term. But the monitoring is to make sure that no unwanted visitor gets in without us knowing, not the other way around.”
“So how do we get into the air duct undetected?” Raffe cut in.
“Leave that to me.” Dee said. “You can follow my handsome assistant. He’ll show you where you can access the air duct the easiest and I’ll make sure that you get in undetected.”
Dum turned to his brother. “Dude, I’m so not your assistant.”
“Come on, I said you were handsome.”
Penryn blew out a weary breath. “Guys, can we just go?”
Dum gave a mock bow. “Sure thing. We wouldn’t want to keep a lady waiting.” He motioned for them to come with him. While they followed the scrawny twin through the corridors, he quickly gave them instructions. “Listen to me, and listen good, because I’ll only tell you once. When you’re in the air duct, you crawl forward until you hit a crossway. Then you go right. Then forward for the next two cross-ways, then left and left again. If you’re on the right track, it should get hotter, since you’ll be directly next to our boiler room. Keep going forward until the fine odor of sewerage hits you. That’s when you can start looking for an opening to climb out of the funnels.”
They walked into the main hall, which was deserted at this time of night. The massive ventilator in the far wall was still spinning slowly, giving off a droning sound. Dum lead them through the hall toward the far wall, pointing at a small square metal grid embedded into the concrete. When they were only about half a dozen feet away, Dum suddenly stopped, holding up a hand for them.
“If we go any further, the camera’s will spot us. We’ll need to wait for Dee’s signal to know that it’s switched off.” He murmured, pulling a small automatic screwdriver out of his pocket.
Penryn scanned the walls and ceiling around them. “I don’t see any cameras.”
Dum grinned. “Of course you don’t.”
“What kind of signal are we talking about?” Raffe asked.
As if on cue, the lights in the hall went out, plunging them into total darkness.
“That signal.”
Penryn felt a hand grasp her wrist and then she was being pulled forward, stumbling to keep up with Dum’s quick steps. A pocket light was switched on, throwing a beam of light onto the wall. Dum pushed the pocket light into Raffe’s hands and quickly began to unscrew the grid that covered the air duct. “The electricity will be out for exactly 85 seconds. That’s the max that we have unless we don’t want an alarm to be triggered. Blackouts aren’t rare down here, but for security reasons, we’ve installed an automatic alarm that goes off if a blackout lasts longer than one and a half minute.” The grid fell to the ground with a loud clang. “So Dee will turn the electricity back on in exactly-” he threw a look at his watch, “35 seconds. Quick, in there.” He pushed at Penryn, who quickly climbed into the narrow funnel, ignoring the throb of pain in her thigh. She scuttled forward on hands and knees, looking over her shoulder to see Raffe climb in behind her. The funnel was barely wide enough for him to fit in.
Behind them, Dum was already attaching the grid back over the opening. “Good luck,” he whispered when he was finished, then the pocket light was switched off and they heard him depart with quick steps.
For a moment, neither of them moved. It was completely dark around them and Penryn was overcome by a sudden feeling of claustrophobia. Nevertheless, she began to move forward on her hands and knees.
When the electricity switched back on, they had already rounded the first corner and the only source of light in the funnel was the few beams that fell through the occasional grid in the wall. Their proceeding was maddeningly slow since they had to move as quiet as possible to not make too much noise. Most rooms that could be seen beyond the grids they passed seemed to be storage rooms or sleeping quarters, but occasionally, they passed a room where people were awake and passing the time, either working, playing cards, drinking or… Penryn blushed and quickly scuttled forward. She didn’t want to linger around a grid that lead into people’s private quarters.
From Dum’s instructions, it had sounded as if they would be out of the funnel system within less than an hour, but the distance between the crossways stretched endlessly long. They fell into a somewhat mindless routine, crawling forward on hands and knees, one hand on the wall to feel for any corners or crossways.
It was only when Penryn felt a bead of sweat drip from her chin that she realized how hot it had gotten. She paused. “Do you feel that?” she whispered over her shoulder. She could barely make out Raffe’s silhouette in the darkness, but his presence was heavy behind her, somewhat calming.
“We must be close to the boiler room,” he murmured. She nodded, then realized that he couldn’t see it in the darkness. “Let’s keep going.”
They continued forward and sure enough, soon they passed a grid behind which they could make out a sparsely lit boiler room. Penryn peeked into the room, eyeing the various machines that stood in the room, some of which she’d never seen before. “This doesn’t just look like a boiler room,” she whispered. “I wonder what those other things are.”
Before Raffe could answer, the door in the room opened, and a Resistance member entered, followed by a tired looking Fitzroy. Penryn flinched and drew back from the grid.
“The rations won’t last much longer,” the guy with her said. “Even if we cut them in half, we’ll need to stock up soon.”
“We’re almost done with the logistics of the Port Pinkton hit. If it’s a success, we’ll get plenty of supplies. We just need a few more days to smooth over the last details.”
Penryn suddenly felt cold, despite the heat. Port Pinkton was a private harbor in the Northern District, mainly used by merchant ships in private property. Anyone wealthy enough to afford a ship in that harbor either had excellent connections to the Guardians, or was Guardian themselves. If the Resistance planned a hit on Port Pinkton, it could mean some serious damage to the Guardian’s stock import. Not to mention their trading relationships. But there were civilians in that harbor as well, privileged, ignorant civilians who turned their heads away from the problems and injustices happening in less wealthy parts of the city, but civilians nonetheless.
She took a deep breath and began to crawl forward again. No point thinking about that now. She had to get out of here, hold up her part of the bargain and then find her sister. And maybe then she would allow herself the luxury of thinking about other people’s problems.
They kept moving in silence. Penryn had lost her sense of time in the darkness. Her shirt was soaked through with sweat, the humid air pressing against her head, and her palms and knees were scraped raw from crawling on all fours for so long. But they kept moving forward. And forward. And forward. Until finally, the stank of waste-water and excreta hit them. Penryn never thought she’d be happy at the smell of that, but now she actually let out a sigh of relief. She stopped in front of the next grid, peeking out. Beyond, she saw nothing but dark canalization tunnels. “Think it’s safe to go out?” she asked.
“We can’t be sure. But I’d say we’re faster on foot.”
She nodded, pushing against the grid. As expected, it was screwed shut.
“Let me,” Raffe said and she moved forward to give him space. He gripped the metal grid, shook it once as if to test it, then pushed against it forcefully. It fell into the wastewater below.
Raffe climbed out of the opening, then helped Penryn out of it. Her boots landed in ankle high wastewater, splashing against her pants. Well, now isn’t the time to get squeamish, she thought.
“How is your leg?” Raffe asked her unexpectedly.
“It’s better. It barely hurts anymore.”
Raffe nodded. “We’ll have to keep walking for at least a few more hours.”
“Then we should get moving.”
Wading through wastewater wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it was better than continuing to crawl through narrow air funnels, so Penryn wasn’t complaining. Raffe lead the way, as confidently as if he knew where they were going and she was too exhausted to question it.
Hours passed in which neither of them said a word, and slowly, a fog of numbness spread over her mind, emptying her head. She just walked. She was bone-wary, an exhaustion that reached deeper than normal tiredness. They passed a ladder that lead up to a manhole cover and Raffe stopped. “We should get up here.”
Without waiting for her answer, he pulled himself up on the ladder, quickly climbing up the steps. Penryn watched as he pushed against the cover, lifting it slowly to peek outside. Whatever he saw must’ve satisfied him, because he pushed it fully open now and climbed out. She followed him quickly, eager to leave the canalization behind. Her head popped out of the manhole, her nose suddenly filling with a gush of fresh air – well as fresh as the air got in the city – and she saw that they had come up in an abandoned alley. Perfect.
“What luck, huh?” She said as she stood up and Raffe closed the manhole cover again. He nodded and looked around. Even without reading a street sign, it was obvious that they were close to their destination. The walls left and right of them were clean and free of soot like they only were in the Northern District. The usual cover of garbage was missing, just as the unsavory characters lounging around in alleys. Which was good because it meant that Azabu Boulevard couldn’t be too far. However, it brought up a new problem.
“We can’t walk around looking like this,” Penryn said, gesturing to their tattered and dirty clothes. “Not in the Northern District. We’ll stand out like a sore thumb.”
“That is a problem,” Raffe agreed.
He and Penryn walked toward the main street that the alley opened onto. Penryn scanned the shops and cafés that lined the street, her gaze catching onto a chick dress shop on a corner. “Don’t worry,” she murmured, an idea forming in her mind. “I think I got us covered.”
“I see you’ve done this before.”
Penryn ignored Raffe as she crouched in front of the shop’s back door, glad that the large containers in the alley hid them from the main street. They had successfully made their way across the main street and into the narrow alley next to the dress shop without being called out for their appearance. As expected, they had found a back door to the shop in the alley, probably a delivery entrance that lead to the storage room. It was absolutely perfect.
She felt Raffe crouch behind her, ducking behind the cover of the container, and his sudden closeness made her back tingle. “How long do you need to pick that lock?” Raffe whispered.
“Longer than it would take me if you wouldn’t distract me,” she murmured back and didn’t have to look at him to know that he was rolling his eyes. She turned back to the lock. They were in luck. The door was secured with a barrel lock, not with a code or hand scanner. This one was a type she’d seen many times before on other shops in this District, and she was familiar with the process of picking it. By now, she had the motions down in her cerebellum and so it didn’t take her much more than a couple of minutes until the lock gave a barely audible click that indicated that the door was now open.
She stood and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I don’t know if this particular skill makes you resourceful or just a common criminal,” Raffe said.
“Well, without this skill we’d still be stuck in the Resistance, so…” She grinned at him.
“Come on.” Raffe pushed the door open a crack and paused, cocking his head to listen. He’d proven excellent hearing over the last days, so Penryn said nothing and waited. “Sounds like no one is close,” he said finally and pushed the door open fully.
Behind it – as expected – lay a storage room, larger than the front of the shop had let believe. Countless racks and shelves ran through the room, boxes piling in large stacks. Raffe silently closed the door behind them.
Penryn didn’t waste any time and quickly began opening boxes and scanning the contents for anything wearable that would help them blend it. As customary for the upper classes, female fashion consisted mostly of elegant shirtwaist dresses, A-Line skirts and all sorts of expensive fabrics. While Penryn didn’t mind putting on a dress or a skirt, it wasn’t exactly practical in case they had to run or fight their way out of a situation, and so she was relieved when she found a box with simple navy blue women’s slacks. It didn’t take long to find a plain blouse that would go with them, and while she was at it, she grabbed a pair of underwear as well (with a sneaky look at Raffe to make sure he didn’t notice). Most importantly, she found a jacket that felt thick enough to protect her from the cold.
It was only when she had her full outfit assembled, that she realized that there was no space to change in private. She turned to Raffe, who held a few items in his hands as well.
“Alright, I guess we should change…” she murmured. Raffe nodded. She looked around, well aware that she would have to strip completely naked to change her underwear as well.
“Don’t worry, I’ll turn around,” Raffe said dryly, and her face heated up against her will. He seemed to notice, because his eyes lit up with amusement. “I won’t look.” He sounded sincere enough, but she saw the teasing smile he tried to stifle.
She huffed. “You better not!”
She caught his low chuckle as he turned around and for a moment she just stood there, glaring at the back of his head, before she remembered that they were standing in the storage room of a shop they’d just broken into, and someone could come in and catch them any time. Also, Raffe didn’t seem to be prissy about undressing in front of her, because he unceremoniously pulled his shirt over his head, baring his muscular back. He threw the shirt onto the ground and moved on to open his pants. That made Penryn snap out of it and she quickly turned around, cheeks burning. She hastily stripped off her clothes and changed into the new ones. The pants fit surprisingly well, the legs wide enough to hide most of her boots, which surely didn’t fit the rest of the chic outfit. She tugged her white blouse into the high waistband of the pants and turned around.
Raffe was already fully dressed but he still had his back to her and she realized that he was waiting for her to confirm that she was fully dressed.
“I’m done,” she said.
“Alright,” he said and turned around. He had chosen simple dark pants and had put on a dark coat that looked great on him. Other than her, he didn’t look out of place in expensive clothes, but rather as if they’d been tailored specifically for him.
Penryn nodded. “Good choice.” She looked up at his face and saw that he was running his eyes over her as well.
“You too,” he said. There was something in his voice that made her feel awkward for some reason.
“Well, I guess we’re good to go like this,” she muttered.
In that moment, the door at the end of the storage room opened and a clerk entered the storage, arms full of dresses. Penryn and Raffe looked at each other in a moment of shock. The woman hadn’t yet noticed them, but she would only have to come around the shelf to spot them. Quickly, Penryn scooped the heap of discarded clothes from the floor and stuffed them into the nearest box, before Raffe pulled her into a small nook behind a particularly tall stack of boxes.
Wedged between the boxes and the wall, there was barely enough place for one person, let alone for a man of Raffe’s size. They stood pressed together, peeking through gaps between the boxes to watch as the clerk made her way through the storage, carefully hanging clothes on racks or putting them into boxes.
Penryn tried to ignore Raffe’s presence behind her, but it was difficult, with his warm breath fanning across her neck and her back tingling from his closeness. She felt goosebumps erupt over her skin and suppressed a shiver.
She almost thought that they’d successfully evaded being caught, when the clerk suddenly made a beeline for the stack of boxes they were hiding behind. Penryn recoiled from the gap she’d been peeping through, instinctively drawing back and bumping into Raffe, who was still standing soundlessly behind her. He put a steadying hand on her waist as she faltered.
The clerk began rummaging through a box at the front of the stack. Penryn held her breath. The woman was only a foot away from them, and half a dozen boxes weren’t the best cover. She drew back as much as possible, which wasn’t much with the limited space that they had. The entire length of her back was already pressed against Raffe. Who, she realized now, still had his hand on her waist, his touch firm and warm through the thin material of her blouse. Her pulse was pounding in her ears.
The clerk still wasn’t done. Surely she was taking longer with these boxes than she had with the others? Raffe fidgeted ever so slightly behind her, his movement brushing against her. Penryn felt like she was ready to explode with tension when the clerk finally turned away, walking briskly back to the shop with her arms full of new clothes.
Penryn started to get out of their hideout, but Raffe tugged her back against him. “Wait!” He was so close that he whispered directly into her ear. “She’s still in the room.”
Penryn strained to hear. He was right. She could hear the gentle sound of rustling fabric, though she never would’ve picked it up without Raffe’s warning. Once again, he had demonstrated shearing well above average for a human. She wanted to mull over that fact, but it was hard to concentrate with Raffe standing close enough that she could feel his body heat against her back.
They heard the door clicking shut. They waited a few more seconds and when no sounds could be heard, Penryn quickly stepped out of their hide-out. She turned around to Raffe, who stepped out behind her. “That was close.”
He nodded. For a moment they looked at each other, a somewhat awkward silence stretching between them. She still felt his warmth against her back, remembered how solid and strong he had felt. Her skin tingled where his fingers had curled around her waist.
She cleared her throat. “We should get going.” Without waiting for an answer, she pulled on her new jacket and turned away. With her back to Raffe, she could think more clearly. His heavy gaze on her made her thoughts tangle. And she couldn’t afford to lose her wits.
She pushed through the door, welcoming the burst of cold air against her face.
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I recently managed to interview Dee Tails about his time working as a creature and droid performer in The Force Awakens, Rogue One & The Last Jedi. His roles in the franchise consist of, Cratinus, K-OHN and Slowen Lo.
Cratinus was an Ubdurian male and the identical brother of Prashee. The pair were fond of games of chance and would use their identical appearances to swap identities during profitable scams. In 34 ABY, both brothers were present in the castle of the pirate Maz Kanata on the planet Takodana. They sat together by a fire pit playing a game and interacting with another alien before the castle was attacked and destroyed by the First Order.
K-OHN was a manumitted L-1 tactical droid that provided people with his programming skills in exchange for energy and credits. K-OHN’s personal goal was to gather enough funds to obtain a processor upgrade that would allow him to comprehend the idea of spirituality, but he also shared part his earnings with a band of street urchins he once befriended. K-OHN was present in Jedha City shortly before the Galactic Empire’s Death Star destroyed it. He was equipped with an AA-1 VerboBrain.
Slowen Lo was a male Abednedo who resided on Canto Bight. He made a fortune selling driftwood sculptures and lived on the beach in the coastal city on the desert planet Cantonica. In 34 ABY, Lo saw Finn and Rose Tico illegally land and abandon their ship on a Canto Bight beach. Annoyed, Lo told Finn and Rose they were not allowed to leave the ship there, but they ignored him and proceeded to the Canto Casino. Lo informed the Canto Bight Police Department about this and accompanied officers to the casino, where he observed Finn and Rose and confirmed their identities to the police. He was startled as the officers stunned and arrested Finn and Rose.
How does working on Star Wars compare to all your work on other projects?
There is absolutely no comparison. Until now I’d never worked for a Production or a movie franchise that I had dreamt of working for. I find that regardless of how little we may or may not know about the story or script while I’m on set, that because I know and love Star Wars from the ground up I have a good idea of how to perform (which would be tweaked by Paul Kasey) and also how to conduct myself. I’ve worked on various obscure little productions as well as those a little bigger and found that the real difference working on a Star Wars movie, for me it’s probably being able to give 100% to a project that you feel everyone and every department is also giving. You don’t always get that on other productions; Yes some of it can be put down to a production’s budget and how people feel about the projects they’re working on but very few movie franchises have the ability to reach into your childhood and be everything and more than you could’ve ever expected like Star Wars.
How did you get the role of Cratinus? 
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Tom Bell (who went on to play Prashee, the twin brother of Cratinus) and I were originally brought in to see Neal Scanlan about playing Hassk creatures supporting Paul Warren who played the principle Hassk Varmik and was later teamed up with Nathan Plant to play the other one. I and Tom were going to be another two Hassks, I’m guessing when I say ‘we were probably going to be a part of Varmiks gang’. But no sooner had we been in for fittings we then found out that they’d given those parts to the actors from the Raid movies. Neal had said ‘Let’s see if we find something for Dee’ But I wasn’t holding my breath, because at this point I thought well that’s it, this is as close as I’m going to get to Star Wars and began celebrating thinking at least I was seen for Star Wars, because there was no way the sun was going to shine twice on me for something this huge, or so I’d thought.
But then a call came through asking me how I felt about working on my knees? And knowing that it was Star Wars asking there was no other reply than; ‘Of Course!’.
Over the weeks that followed, I was then brought in for fittings and was given these little slippers to put on which had these incredible kneepads attached in case they wanted me to walk around. I also got to try on the head which was unpainted at the time. Eventually, I was also reintroduced to Tom and found out that there would be two of us! On our final day of wardrobe Tom and I were waiting for them to bring in our heads, and as they did so they brought out what I thought was my head as it was the only one I’d been trying on, but they gave it straight to Tom, and told me mine was on its way. When they gave it to me I wasn’t sure whose smile was bigger, mine or the one on Cratinus’s face. They couldn’t have tailored that to me any more than they did, it was such an amazing moment. I love that little Ubdurian Dude, I think it was Jake Lunt Davies and Luke Fisher who designed them, with Luke designing mine.
Playing Cratinus wasn’t your only role though, you also played K-OHN and Slowen Lo.
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  K-OHN & Neal Scanlan.
  K-OHN The Manumitted L-1 Tactical Droid came about very early on in production, as he was intended to be the K-2SO droid, but as the project began to grow, so too did the development of the droid and began to make more and more sense to evolve the droid from the Super Battle Droids that were seen in Attack Of The Clones. But it was Neal Scanlan who put me forward for this role telling Gareth I was a perfect choice.
It was amazing to be apart of the whole development as my makers Neil Ellis and Toby meticulously built my suit to fit me perfectly, which it did. It was such a joy to be encased in that suit, I keep hoping that one day they’ll put me back in it, so fingers crossed we’ll have to see.
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  Slowen Lo & the Canto Bight Police.
  Slowen Lo was just another character I was coming in to play (so I thought) not knowing if he’d be seen much or what it was they were going to need me to do. Originally I was told he was going to be a beachcomber with a metal detector who looks up to spot a ship flying overhead. Then he became a swaggering local as he was then going to be a player in the Casino, to then finally becoming the concerned citizen he is in the movie.
Are there any other characters you have played that have not been mentioned?
  Lexo Sooger.
Letrun Pay
In The Last Jedi, I also play an alien called Brother Letrun Pay who appears just as the Fathiers break through a wall after Finn yells out ‘Too Much Cover!’
“Brother Letrun Pay was an alien male who spent time in the city of Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica in the year 34 ABY. He stood at a railing looking out over the edge of the city and speaking to a human female when a fathier carrying the Resistance agents Finn and Rose Tico crashed through an archway behind him at high speed and lept over the railing. Pay recoiled in surprise at the sudden appearance of the fathier, which was followed by a herd of riderless fathiers also fleeing the city. Pay had blue, light-sensitive eyes which he shielded with over-sized droptacs. He had white and pink skin and wore the white and black Vestments of the Sacred Circle.”
I was stood with actress/stuntwoman Claire Lawrence who was helping to guide my movements as I couldn’t see out of that head at all, while I had more guidance in my ear from Olly Taylor in between him singing.
I also play Lexo Sooger who appears in the Canto Bight book. The scene was cut from the movie but we hope to see him somewhere on the DVD behind the scenes. I was puppeteering this one. He’s Canto Bights best and most famous masseuse. This guy was beautiful to operate and was designed by Ivan Manzella and operated by Pete Hawkins.      
“Lexo Sooger was a Dor Namethian male who was the star masseur at Zord’s Spa and Bathhouse in Canto Bight. He was sought after by the gangster Sturg Ganna, who eventually kidnapped his daughter Lula.”
How did you get these roles?
As one of their Actor/Creature performers it’s up to us to make sure we can provide the production with the types of performances they’re after and we’ll be called in based on creature suits made to our specs, only sometimes will we be given a heads up on who or what they’d like us to perform. Some are massive suits that may need two people to operate or a really big suit they’ll need someone like Ian Whyte to put on etc.
It’s a beautiful team that is ready and willing to throw themselves into whatever’s being asked within reason of course, but that’s where the rehearsals come in handy. The type of work they call on me to do usually falls in Paul Kasey’s arena where he’ll get us up to speed with a better understanding of our specific range of performances, and then he’ll run off to go jump into a suit himself like Admiral Raddus or C’ai Threnalli to name but a few he has to his credit.
Even things like that are just awesome because I get prepped and trained by the best who are also part of the team/cfx family.
Can you describe your time doing creature and droid performance for Star Wars?
I’m beyond words to describe the feeling, I know Star Wars and love Star Wars, I played with the toys as a kid, watched the making of’s and eventually the movies. To be able to work and perform at such a high standard for Disney & LucasFilm on a Star Wars movie feels like I was always meant to be here doing this, in a realm far beyond it being a dream come true.
I feel very humbled every day to be able to contribute to Star Wars and work with all the puppeteers, wardrobe etc. All in production. I think due to the fact that it’s always so surreal helps me never to take anything for granted.   
How did you get into this line of work? 
I’d been acting for a good few years doing various Shakespeare projects here and there and also being involved in a few concept projects from people who were filming and making their own. But during this time I’d been acting at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden and also doing Christmas Pantomime shows, both for seven years; At the Opera House I got to wear a 15’ft costume in Wagners Ring Cycle for two years and in Pantomime I got to play Dick Whittington’s cat Tommy for five years. To be honest I think the suit and creature performing I was doing due to growing up watching the Muppets, Sesame Street along with their movies, and even though I knew they were either being operated or worn by people never seemed to spoil my enjoyment or understanding of what was taking place, which is why I think I’m able just to connect with this Galaxy Far, Far Away etc.
What are some of your fondest memories from your time in Star Wars? 
That’s a very hard question, I’m currently not being given the time to ponder upon everything, I can grab moments here and there to look back on but you gotta understand that for me every day I turn up to work is like the best day of my life, genuinely each day is outdone by the next. Right now I can tell you that being taken away on location to Dubrovnik for The Last Jedi was just incredible. The performers I was out there with, the crew I was out there with & the location pre-dressed for our arrival, not to mention how beautiful Dubrovnik is, it’s an absolutely incredible place. You see, I can recount this for you today but ask me this same question tomorrow and I’ll have another amazing moment to hit you back with.
Was there much interaction between yourself and the directors, if so, what sort of things would you discuss?
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Yes, I think we all do at some point, which is beautiful because there’s this thing where if you’re performing and no one says anything to you by giving you a note or something, means you’re doing just fine. But occasionally a director may want to give us a specific note. J.J Abrams had a few notes for me on The Force Awakens in Maz’s Castle, where he directed me to acknowledge Han Solo like everyone else does when Maz calls out his name. It wasn’t used in the end but that’s filmmaking, you kind of just do everything that’s asked of you because sometimes the director/s may just want editing options later down the road.
Rian Johnson was lovely, I’d been told that I could be asked to play Slowen Lo a few different ways in regard to his walk and movement mannerisms and it wasn’t until the very day where I was due to go on and shoot my first performance in the Casino, that Rian told me to play him as a ‘Chilled Out Hippie Dude’. Now here’s the thing about how things get developed; All those ‘Hippie’ body movements were still able to support Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s voice performance of his non-hippie character and vice versa. When you’re aware that this is part of how they do things and have grown to do these things since the prequels especially, it makes me feel that much more honoured to be apart of the process.
You have appeared in three Star Wars films now, how does that feel? Out of the three, which has been your favourite to work on and why? 
Yes, I have. How does it feel ??? I struggle with questions like this because I find it hard to find the words. I know the words are tucked away deep in my emotional feelings somewhere, but to push them out of my mouth is tough. I never thought I’d get to appear in any! Ever!
There was no chance on any of the prequels and when they were done most people thought ‘Well that’s that then’ Only to discover that there was a plan to complete Georges original vision for nine movies in the Skywalker saga, while plans would be made to continue telling other newer stories within the Universe George Lucas has created. So to have appeared in three is beyond a dream come true and to love the entire process as much as I do is just nuts.
My favourite? That’s tough, but maybe playing that little dude Cratinus alongside Prashee, because I think If I had totally messed up on that character I doubt very much if Neal would’ve had me come back so through Cratinus everything became possible I think.
If you could play any other characters, who would it be and why?
I don’t really know when I was a kid I never watched any movie even Star Wars wanting to be any of the characters, not even Lando. I had the toy figures for that sort of thing. I just wanted to be a member of the team helping really.
Who are some of your favourite characters from the franchise and why?
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  I’ve always loved R2-D2 his little beeps, his size and his attitude. Between him and C3-P0, their banter has always been brilliant. I love the moment in the first movie where they’ve just landed on Tatooine and he decides he’s going on his mission with or without C3-P0 which meant he’s not dependant upon his companion.
I also loved it when C3-P0 told him to mind his language, which told us that he just swore! The only character to do that in the entire franchise I think, and I’d say he must’ve said something far worse than ‘Poo-Doo’.
Oh, and I loved it when Captain Antilles was told to wipe the protocol droids mind and R2 starts cracking up! How could anyone not love this little droid?
What does Star Wars mean to you?
Star Wars is more than just movies to me.
I was already a huge Sesame Street fan and a Muppet Show fan and knew a small amount about Jim Henson and Frank Oz and it was one weekend where they showed the making of the Star Wars movies. I think they showed them individually at first until all the movies were made and I got to see them all back to back. It was like watching a more organised pretending session in the playground. And then I saw Jim Henson and Frank Oz on the Dagobah set and I was sold.
It’s also that continuation of storytelling in a palatable tone I had as a kid from the Ray Harryhausen movies, giving us those Greek fairy-taled myths of the past. And it wasn’t anything like watching Gene Kelly dancing with little Jerry Mouse, this was a fairy-tale sincerely acted by real people acting opposite people in creature suits, puppets, stop motion and ‘whatever it was they did’ to make me believe that they were in the model ship flying through space. Not to mention the laser blasts that travelled across the screen. That amazed me just as much if not more than the Lightsabers.
This was a big deal for me because I began to realise that these guys were doing what I and my friends were doing in the playground ‘Pretending’ but getting to show and tell a really good story. And Still, this is all before me even seeing the first one. Then I finally saw the movies and was blown away at how different some of those shots looked pieced together.
It was later that I then began to watch all the documentary’s on George Lucas and his struggle to get the movies made, some of this had been mentioned in the previous making of episodes I’d seen before, so his struggle and perseverance in making these movies all came hand in hand with my love of the stories and his personal struggle that told me; It doesn’t matter if no one believes in you, as long as you believe in you!
No one believed the music band MN8 I was in would succeed and we did. No one believed before, during and after MN8 that I would achieve my dream to become an Actor, working on feature films instead of dreary soaps.
When you see all the charities LucasFilm/Disney work with, and see just how far reaching the love for Star Wars goes it’s impossible to ignore how special this franchise is and to see how many people it has and will go on to continue inspiring. Nearly everyone I work with on these movies has been inspired to do what they do because of Star Wars or even the Muppets with Frank Oz being involved. If George Lucas could achieve everything he did and has with little to no support, what excuse do I have, is how I’ve always seen it.
I’m guessing that I’ll never work on anything else that I know and love as much as Star Wars.
What are some of your favourite scenes from the Star Wars films and why?
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My favourite scene in the entire franchise has to be watching Han and Luke riding on their Tauntuans on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back, merging my love for the Ray Harryhausen movies that came before with this new story set in space, and not here in some near biblical relatable past.
Do you attend many comic conventions, if so, what does fan interaction mean to you, and do you have any appearances coming up?
No, not unless I’m just visiting to look around or even to do a podcast interview. At the moment I truly prefer to have a chat on a podcast actually talking about Star Wars to a Star Wars loving audience. So not sure when and if I’ll do any conventions just yet, but we’ll have to see.
A huge thank you to Dee for answering all of my questions and sharing lots of information about his time working on Star Wars. Hopefully, we will continue to see him feature heavily in all the upcoming films from the franchise.
May the force be with you!
I recently managed to interview Dee Tails about his time working as a creature and droid performer in The Force Awakens, Rogue One & The Last Jedi. His roles in the franchise consist of, Cratinus, K-OHN and Slowen Lo. I recently managed to interview Dee Tails about his time working as a creature and droid performer in 
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I recently managed to interview Dee Tails about his time working as a creature and droid performer in The Force Awakens, Rogue One & The Last Jedi. His roles in the franchise consist of, Cratinus, K-OHN and Slowen Lo.
Cratinus was an Ubdurian male and the identical brother of Prashee. The pair were fond of games of chance and would use their identical appearances to swap identities during profitable scams. In 34 ABY, both brothers were present in the castle of the pirate Maz Kanata on the planet Takodana. They sat together by a fire pit playing a game and interacting with another alien before the castle was attacked and destroyed by the First Order.
K-OHN was a manumitted L-1 tactical droid that provided people with his programming skills in exchange for energy and credits. K-OHN’s personal goal was to gather enough funds to obtain a processor upgrade that would allow him to comprehend the idea of spirituality, but he also shared part his earnings with a band of street urchins he once befriended. K-OHN was present in Jedha City shortly before the Galactic Empire’s Death Star destroyed it. He was equipped with an AA-1 VerboBrain.
Slowen Lo was a male Abednedo who resided on Canto Bight. He made a fortune selling driftwood sculptures and lived on the beach in the coastal city on the desert planet Cantonica. In 34 ABY, Lo saw Finn and Rose Tico illegally land and abandon their ship on a Canto Bight beach. Annoyed, Lo told Finn and Rose they were not allowed to leave the ship there, but they ignored him and proceeded to the Canto Casino. Lo informed the Canto Bight Police Department about this and accompanied officers to the casino, where he observed Finn and Rose and confirmed their identities to the police. He was startled as the officers stunned and arrested Finn and Rose.
How does working on Star Wars compare to all your work on other projects?
There is absolutely no comparison. Until now I’d never worked for a Production or a movie franchise that I had dreamt of working for. I find that regardless of how little we may or may not know about the story or script while I’m on set, that because I know and love Star Wars from the ground up I have a good idea of how to perform (which would be tweaked by Paul Kasey) and also how to conduct myself. I’ve worked on various obscure little productions as well as those a little bigger and found that the real difference working on a Star Wars movie, for me it’s probably being able to give 100% to a project that you feel everyone and every department is also giving. You don’t always get that on other productions; Yes some of it can be put down to a production’s budget and how people feel about the projects they’re working on but very few movie franchises have the ability to reach into your childhood and be everything and more than you could’ve ever expected like Star Wars.
How did you get the role of Cratinus? 
Tom Bell (who went on to play Prashee, the twin brother of Cratinus) and I were originally brought in to see Neal Scanlan about playing Hassk creatures supporting Paul Warren who played the principle Hassk Varmik and was later teamed up with Nathan Plant to play the other one. I and Tom were going to be another two Hassks, I’m guessing when I say ‘we were probably going to be a part of Varmiks gang’. But no sooner had we been in for fittings we then found out that they’d given those parts to the actors from the Raid movies. Neal had said ‘Let’s see if we find something for Dee’ But I wasn’t holding my breath, because at this point I thought well that’s it, this is as close as I’m going to get to Star Wars and began celebrating thinking at least I was seen for Star Wars, because there was no way the sun was going to shine twice on me for something this huge, or so I’d thought.
But then a call came through asking me how I felt about working on my knees? And knowing that it was Star Wars asking there was no other reply than; ‘Of Course!’.
Over the weeks that followed, I was then brought in for fittings and was given these little slippers to put on which had these incredible kneepads attached in case they wanted me to walk around. I also got to try on the head which was unpainted at the time. Eventually, I was also reintroduced to Tom and found out that there would be two of us! On our final day of wardrobe Tom and I were waiting for them to bring in our heads, and as they did so they brought out what I thought was my head as it was the only one I’d been trying on, but they gave it straight to Tom, and told me mine was on its way. When they gave it to me I wasn’t sure whose smile was bigger, mine or the one on Cratinus’s face. They couldn’t have tailored that to me any more than they did, it was such an amazing moment. I love that little Ubdurian Dude, I think it was Jake Lunt Davies and Luke Fisher who designed them, with Luke designing mine.
Playing Cratinus wasn’t your only role though, you also played K-OHN and Slowen Lo.
  K-OHN & Neal Scanlan.
  K-OHN The Manumitted L-1 Tactical Droid came about very early on in production, as he was intended to be the K-2SO droid, but as the project began to grow, so too did the development of the droid and began to make more and more sense to evolve the droid from the Super Battle Droids that were seen in Attack Of The Clones. But it was Neal Scanlan who put me forward for this role telling Gareth I was a perfect choice.
It was amazing to be apart of the whole development as my makers Neil Ellis and Toby meticulously built my suit to fit me perfectly, which it did. It was such a joy to be encased in that suit, I keep hoping that one day they’ll put me back in it, so fingers crossed we’ll have to see.
  Slowen Lo & the Canto Bight Police.
  Slowen Lo was just another character I was coming in to play (so I thought) not knowing if he’d be seen much or what it was they were going to need me to do. Originally I was told he was going to be a beachcomber with a metal detector who looks up to spot a ship flying overhead. Then he became a swaggering local as he was then going to be a player in the Casino, to then finally becoming the concerned citizen he is in the movie.
Are there any other characters you have played that have not been mentioned?
  Lexo Sooger.
Letrun Pay
In The Last Jedi, I also play an alien called Brother Letrun Pay who appears just as the Fathiers break through a wall after Finn yells out ‘Too Much Cover!’
“Brother Letrun Pay was an alien male who spent time in the city of Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica in the year 34 ABY. He stood at a railing looking out over the edge of the city and speaking to a human female when a fathier carrying the Resistance agents Finn and Rose Tico crashed through an archway behind him at high speed and lept over the railing. Pay recoiled in surprise at the sudden appearance of the fathier, which was followed by a herd of riderless fathiers also fleeing the city. Pay had blue, light-sensitive eyes which he shielded with over-sized droptacs. He had white and pink skin and wore the white and black Vestments of the Sacred Circle.”
I was stood with actress/stuntwoman Claire Lawrence who was helping to guide my movements as I couldn’t see out of that head at all, while I had more guidance in my ear from Olly Taylor in between him singing.
I also play Lexo Sooger who appears in the Canto Bight book. The scene was cut from the movie but we hope to see him somewhere on the DVD behind the scenes. I was puppeteering this one. He’s Canto Bights best and most famous masseuse. This guy was beautiful to operate and was designed by Ivan Manzella and operated by Pete Hawkins.      
“Lexo Sooger was a Dor Namethian male who was the star masseur at Zord’s Spa and Bathhouse in Canto Bight. He was sought after by the gangster Sturg Ganna, who eventually kidnapped his daughter Lula.”
How did you get these roles?
As one of their Actor/Creature performers it’s up to us to make sure we can provide the production with the types of performances they’re after and we’ll be called in based on creature suits made to our specs, only sometimes will we be given a heads up on who or what they’d like us to perform. Some are massive suits that may need two people to operate or a really big suit they’ll need someone like Ian Whyte to put on etc.
It’s a beautiful team that is ready and willing to throw themselves into whatever’s being asked within reason of course, but that’s where the rehearsals come in handy. The type of work they call on me to do usually falls in Paul Kasey’s arena where he’ll get us up to speed with a better understanding of our specific range of performances, and then he’ll run off to go jump into a suit himself like Admiral Raddus or C’ai Threnalli to name but a few he has to his credit.
Even things like that are just awesome because I get prepped and trained by the best who are also part of the team/cfx family.
Can you describe your time doing creature and droid performance for Star Wars?
I’m beyond words to describe the feeling, I know Star Wars and love Star Wars, I played with the toys as a kid, watched the making of’s and eventually the movies. To be able to work and perform at such a high standard for Disney & LucasFilm on a Star Wars movie feels like I was always meant to be here doing this, in a realm far beyond it being a dream come true.
I feel very humbled every day to be able to contribute to Star Wars and work with all the puppeteers, wardrobe etc. All in production. I think due to the fact that it’s always so surreal helps me never to take anything for granted.   
How did you get into this line of work? 
I’d been acting for a good few years doing various Shakespeare projects here and there and also being involved in a few concept projects from people who were filming and making their own. But during this time I’d been acting at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden and also doing Christmas Pantomime shows, both for seven years; At the Opera House I got to wear a 15’ft costume in Wagners Ring Cycle for two years and in Pantomime I got to play Dick Whittington’s cat Tommy for five years. To be honest I think the suit and creature performing I was doing due to growing up watching the Muppets, Sesame Street along with their movies, and even though I knew they were either being operated or worn by people never seemed to spoil my enjoyment or understanding of what was taking place, which is why I think I’m able just to connect with this Galaxy Far, Far Away etc.
What are some of your fondest memories from your time in Star Wars? 
That’s a very hard question, I’m currently not being given the time to ponder upon everything, I can grab moments here and there to look back on but you gotta understand that for me every day I turn up to work is like the best day of my life, genuinely each day is outdone by the next. Right now I can tell you that being taken away on location to Dubrovnik for The Last Jedi was just incredible. The performers I was out there with, the crew I was out there with & the location pre-dressed for our arrival, not to mention how beautiful Dubrovnik is, it’s an absolutely incredible place. You see, I can recount this for you today but ask me this same question tomorrow and I’ll have another amazing moment to hit you back with.
Was there much interaction between yourself and the directors, if so, what sort of things would you discuss?
Yes, I think we all do at some point, which is beautiful because there’s this thing where if you’re performing and no one says anything to you by giving you a note or something, means you’re doing just fine. But occasionally a director may want to give us a specific note. J.J Abrams had a few notes for me on The Force Awakens in Maz’s Castle, where he directed me to acknowledge Han Solo like everyone else does when Maz calls out his name. It wasn’t used in the end but that’s filmmaking, you kind of just do everything that’s asked of you because sometimes the director/s may just want editing options later down the road.
Rian Johnson was lovely, I’d been told that I could be asked to play Slowen Lo a few different ways in regard to his walk and movement mannerisms and it wasn’t until the very day where I was due to go on and shoot my first performance in the Casino, that Rian told me to play him as a ‘Chilled Out Hippie Dude’. Now here’s the thing about how things get developed; All those ‘Hippie’ body movements were still able to support Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s voice performance of his non-hippie character and vice versa. When you’re aware that this is part of how they do things and have grown to do these things since the prequels especially, it makes me feel that much more honoured to be apart of the process.
You have appeared in three Star Wars films now, how does that feel? Out of the three, which has been your favourite to work on and why? 
Yes, I have. How does it feel ??? I struggle with questions like this because I find it hard to find the words. I know the words are tucked away deep in my emotional feelings somewhere, but to push them out of my mouth is tough. I never thought I’d get to appear in any! Ever!
There was no chance on any of the prequels and when they were done most people thought ‘Well that’s that then’ Only to discover that there was a plan to complete Georges original vision for nine movies in the Skywalker saga, while plans would be made to continue telling other newer stories within the Universe George Lucas has created. So to have appeared in three is beyond a dream come true and to love the entire process as much as I do is just nuts.
My favourite? That’s tough, but maybe playing that little dude Cratinus alongside Prashee, because I think If I had totally messed up on that character I doubt very much if Neal would’ve had me come back so through Cratinus everything became possible I think.
If you could play any other characters, who would it be and why?
I don’t really know when I was a kid I never watched any movie even Star Wars wanting to be any of the characters, not even Lando. I had the toy figures for that sort of thing. I just wanted to be a member of the team helping really.
Who are some of your favourite characters from the franchise and why?
  I’ve always loved R2-D2 his little beeps, his size and his attitude. Between him and C3-P0, their banter has always been brilliant. I love the moment in the first movie where they’ve just landed on Tatooine and he decides he’s going on his mission with or without C3-P0 which meant he’s not dependant upon his companion.
  I also loved it when C3-P0 told him to mind his language, which told us that he just swore! The only character to do that in the entire franchise I think, and I’d say he must’ve said something far worse than ‘Poo-Doo’.
    Oh, and I loved it when Captain Antilles was told to wipe the protocol droids mind and R2 starts cracking up! How could anyone not love this little droid?
What does Star Wars mean to you?
Star Wars is more than just movies to me.
I was already a huge Sesame Street fan and a Muppet Show fan and knew a small amount about Jim Henson and Frank Oz and it was one weekend where they showed the making of the Star Wars movies. I think they showed them individually at first until all the movies were made and I got to see them all back to back. It was like watching a more organised pretending session in the playground. And then I saw Jim Henson and Frank Oz on the Dagobah set and I was sold.
It’s also that continuation of storytelling in a palatable tone I had as a kid from the Ray Harryhausen movies, giving us those Greek fairy-taled myths of the past. And it wasn’t anything like watching Gene Kelly dancing with little Jerry Mouse, this was a fairy-tale sincerely acted by real people acting opposite people in creature suits, puppets, stop motion and ‘whatever it was they did’ to make me believe that they were in the model ship flying through space. Not to mention the laser blasts that travelled across the screen. That amazed me just as much if not more than the Lightsabers.
This was a big deal for me because I began to realise that these guys were doing what I and my friends were doing in the playground ‘Pretending’ but getting to show and tell a really good story. And Still, this is all before me even seeing the first one. Then I finally saw the movies and was blown away at how different some of those shots looked pieced together.
It was later that I then began to watch all the documentary’s on George Lucas and his struggle to get the movies made, some of this had been mentioned in the previous making of episodes I’d seen before, so his struggle and perseverance in making these movies all came hand in hand with my love of the stories and his personal struggle that told me; It doesn’t matter if no one believes in you, as long as you believe in you!
No one believed the music band MN8 I was in would succeed and we did. No one believed before, during and after MN8 that I would achieve my dream to become an Actor, working on feature films instead of dreary soaps.
When you see all the charities LucasFilm/Disney work with, and see just how far reaching the love for Star Wars goes it’s impossible to ignore how special this franchise is and to see how many people it has and will go on to continue inspiring. Nearly everyone I work with on these movies has been inspired to do what they do because of Star Wars or even the Muppets with Frank Oz being involved. If George Lucas could achieve everything he did and has with little to no support, what excuse do I have, is how I’ve always seen it.
I’m guessing that I’ll never work on anything else that I know and love as much as Star Wars.
What are some of your favourite scenes from the Star Wars films and why?
My favourite scene in the entire franchise has to be watching Han and Luke riding on their Tauntuans on Hoth in Empire Strikes Back, merging my love for the Ray Harryhausen movies that came before with this new story set in space, and not here in some near biblical relatable past.
Do you attend many comic conventions, if so, what does fan interaction mean to you, and do you have any appearances coming up?
No, not unless I’m just visiting to look around or even to do a podcast interview. At the moment I truly prefer to have a chat on a podcast actually talking about Star Wars to a Star Wars loving audience. So not sure when and if I’ll do any conventions just yet, but we’ll have to see.
A huge thank you to Dee for answering all of my questions and sharing lots of information about his time working on Star Wars. Hopefully, we will continue to see him feature heavily in all the upcoming films from the franchise.
May the force be with you!
Dee Tails Interview – The Man Behind Cratinus, K-OHN and Slowen Lo in the Star Wars Saga! I recently managed to interview Dee Tails about his time working as a creature and droid performer in 
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