#i was spoiled on this emotionally intense scene in this anime and they really make it seem like the mc's sister is going to die
landrick-lycidas · 1 year
unfocusing my eyes and scrolling quickly past every dndads post in a vain attempt to avoid what seems like a very major spoiler
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the latest chapter aaahhhhhhh 😩😭 how do i start like? IM ALWAYS SO. IN. AWE. OF YOUR WRITING PLSSSS😭🥰 reading things from jungkook's perspective was so so interesting honestly
first of all, i didn't realize anna still had that big of an effect on him. i mean...i knew she kinda affected him in a way but didn't think it was that deep.....makes me curious how he's gonna handle that or move on
oc as usual, even from his perspective is a cutie and i love her so much 🥰 and this may be besides the point but i kinda sometimes imagine her as one of those cute understanding bold yet adorable girls from anime who are just unable to express their emotions but are some of the most precious humans on the inside uwu
also, i could be completely wrong here but to me, it seemed a bit like jungkook already has some feelings developing for oc but he's just pointing it to a different direction by not accepting them or maybe he's misunderstanding it? i mean....man just wanted someone to care for him in the past and ofc maybe still does now 🥺 but it seems like he keeps getting pissed off at her bcs she's giving him what he wants in a way but she's not who he expected to get it from which makes him feel good deep down (bcs he's being at least cared for) but also confuses him bcs he has associated that emotionless aspect to her and so, that aggravates him and makes him act like a dick lmaooo but i could be wrong about certain things
its interesting how hard he's trying to stop himself from accepting the fact that she in fact is caring for him. makes me wonder how he's gonna turn out later....and even the whole delicious development
speaking of delicious, i see you checking her out jungkook 👀 and i was pleasantly surprised to see him getting into that thinking zone for her mmhmhmmhh
but also....he thinks she's unattainable? again...is that one of the reasons why he acts like he hates her? bcs he knows he's developing some kind of feelings for her or at least, is, in a way, attracted to her but thinks that he can't have her? due to whatever reason? which makes him act out in a pissy way?
i could totally be going off the tangent here, in case of which, pls just ignore my embarrassing ass 😭😭 i just have so many questions arghhhh
but above all, i just want to say i love this story so much 🥰 and i love how every chapter end leaves me feeling content with the development yet on fire from wanting to read more of them 😭 its amazing 😩🥰
AAAAHHHHH here as well 😁 So happy you enjoyed this chapter!! It’s been a lot of fun writing someone who feels as much as Jungkook does after writing so much of OC who… it’s not like she doesn’t feel, but she’s all logic and rationality, while Jungkook is all instincts and feelings.
To be fair, Jungkook didn’t realize that Anna still had such a big effect on him lol. But yeah, it’s been a long time but there are things he still hasn’t really… addressed, when it comes to her.
You know what, OC can work pretty well as a kuudere 😂
I don't want to get too into it because I don't want to risk spoiling stuff BUT I can say that Jungkook definitely has a lot of feelings about OC. Some of them are contradictory and conflicting and he kinda just bulldozes through all of them. You’re actually on point about a lot of things here, but if you feature Anna and what he's been through with her, you might be able to add a layer to that 👀 why am I acting like this is a treasure hunt adsfgnlfdcbfgml you don't have to do anything it's just like, if this is fun for you and if you want to 😭
He's horny what can I say 😂 But I like writing intense stuff so that scene was really cool to write I want things to get physical between them already asmlknjbwgdvg
OC's unattainability is definitely a thing that weighs on their relationship, is what I'll say about that 👀
Noooo please don’t apologize!! This was the coolest ask to read, it’s SO much fun to read your thoughts and it’s only honestly been so amazing as a writer to see how much people think about these characters. Like I enjoy writing very emotionally complex characters so I put a lot of thought into them, and it’s so so cool to see you put just as much thought into understanding them 😭
Thank you so so much for sending this in and for your support, I legit cannot express how much it makes me day to read this and how much it motivates me to keep writing 💜
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 18th-April 24th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble  chat that occurred from April 18th, 2020 to April 24th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What are your personal rules of thumb for determining whether a certain page needs a maturity or trigger warning?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i have no rule of thumb and i'm really curious to read what other people think about this
Deo101 [Millennium]
I usually ask people if they think it needs one, and I only ask if it is significantly different than what I've been doing.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I guess it depends on the subject and the severity. There are the basic ones, like rape, excessive gore, suicide, graphic sex, common phobias, etc. Things that can very easily trigger a large group of people or are generally not allowed in PG-13 movies. But there are other times I don't know if putting a warning or labeling it as mature is necessary. For example, profanity, suggestive material, violence (that doesn't involve gore), and again typically things that can make it into a PG-13 movie. Once it starts to be graphic enough to move into the realm of rated R, that's when you should start putting warnings. My problem with warnings as a creator is that the warnings can kind of spoil the contents of the chapter, so I try not to use them unless what happens in the comic could potentially harm a large number of people by not warning them.
As a reader I do want to chime in say I agree with that last part. Whenever I see warnings, they are very spoilery so there's no surprise when I get to the warning part of the chapter/episode/page. I expected it so it loses some of its emotional value for me. Or, on the flipside, is so minor it shouldn't have had a warning that its ultimately underwhelming and disappointing.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, that's exactly why I'm wary about it
I am very sparing with my warnings, because I don't want the readers to lose any of that emotional impact.
my target audience for my webcomic is middle schoolers so the content i produce is never something i feel i need to put trigger warnings for. personally i think you don't really need to tag things unless the content is significantly different from what is expected from the comic. like if it starts out a lighthearted romp and then suddenly there's beserk levels of violence that probably ought to have some warning
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I would probably put a CW for blood, gore etc. Of any level just to be safe. Different people have different sensitivities, and as a sex-averse ace I know I often would like CW on sexual/sex-adjacent content that others might not think was enough to need one so. I just err on the side of caution
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I specifically never put warnings in anything I write. If something I write deeply upsets someone or makes them extremely uncomfortable, that's a good thing. It means I've done my job in expressing and conveying the emotional context I set out to accomplish in most circumstances.
My background is poetry and I've only ever read a single book that had any warnings attached, and that was at the beginning of the book, not for each poem. Even then, it was from an author who was particularly, er, well a bit off their rocker.
Like, if you open a collection of poetry and you're surprised to see heavy topics covered...that's your own fault at that point.
If I had opened one of my favourite collections, The Flame by Leonard Cohen, and saw content warnings, I would have probably said in my head "Why the fuck is this here?" and "Well, no shit that's in here, this is Leonard Cohen."(edited)
My job is to convey and express regardless of what the reader might think. It's never my job to guide or warn them, it's my job to present to them.
Fiction, outside of that catered to younger audiences, tends to contain a lot of stuff that can be deeply uncomfortable to the reader (yes, even comedy). I've read stuff that's really gotten to me emotionally, and that's OK, that's a good thing, the author presented what they intended to (G-d knows they did). If you don't want that, then really, you just have to be cognizant of the fiction you're reading and remember that stories about life often have all aspects of life in them.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I have read things (though mostly non-fiction) that have made me want to cry or so sick that I felt the need to vomit. The author didn't warn me of that. They presented what they had without pretext nor excuse. They did their job. Those are very much extremes, but the point is that I consensually opened those texts knowing that might happen. I mean, it's not hard to look at the subject matter or what the reviews say and think "Hm, OK, this book isn't all sugar and roses". Frankly, though, I just feel that the content warnings and all tarnish the authenticity of a text that stands on its own.
Sorry for the rambling, but admittedly, I do include a content warning for that in my username!
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I don‘t do content warnings, but I try to make sure to be upfront about the type of story people can expect.
Seen the results of someone springing a graphic, surprise character-gets-raped-to-death into until then fluffy childfriendly story for „trolololOLOL, I made you have a FEEL, I am an ARTISTE.“
It‘s disrespectful to the reader at best, after all they need to be able to make an informed decision if they opt in or not.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Alright, that's plain bad writing, but dramatic tone shifts can and are used effectively.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I thought about content warning because I have seen comics that was upsetting to me and readers, and there was no trigger warning. Just a side note in the first chapter that the author explain that 'their characters' weren't a representation of every trans experience. But still had backlash for it. So some content warning when it comes to sensitive stuff like trauma, gender disphoria should be stated somewhere? I wasn't Trans but effected, I assume it was worse for trans readers seeing uncomfortable scenes that remind them of bad experiences.(edited)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
When I was younger, I used to be into a lot of animated stuff, and there was this one anime (don't judge, I was like fourteen) called Steins;Gate that, for the first half, is relatively comedic and lighthearted, before a very dramatic tone-shift in one episode where most of the main cast die on-screen and it becomes a conspiracy/time-travel thriller. It was actually very, very good, and it's an incredibly popular show because of it.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Yeah. I think this is what content warnings are coming from: trying to enable the reader to make an informed decision of they wanna opt in to a story or not. It‘s a matter of consent.
They‘re not perfect, but better than nothing.
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I agree with @chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa] here on the point that it's about being able to knowingly consent to a potentially unpleasant experience
Deo101 [Millennium]
Honestly I'd rather have a small spoiler at the end of the page before Something happens than potentially hurt someone
Again, only if it's really tonally dissonant
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
There's plenty of things I don't mind if I'm aware of it beforehand so I can make sure I'm in a good headspace, but the same things could totally put me off a story/creator and give me issues for months if I wasn't expecting them
Source: personal experience
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Webcomics are probably very different, but I'd find it would put me off a lot in poetry (and it's also something you don't see in it; it's just not a part of the industry culture). But people having negative emotions from reading is very commonplace and par for the course.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
But I also feel that content warning do give away bit of spoiler. I was taught the good way to protray an incoming dark topic is to give hints along the chapters, rather than 'spring it out of the blue'. I haven't written anything super dark/angst before though. It's uncomfortable for me and I haven't cross that threshold of feeling yet(edited)
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
Personally I feel like if your story or scene or whatever relies so heavily on the shock of specific content that it would be ruined by the "spoiler" potential of a content warning, it's bad writing
Deo101 [Millennium]
I feel like stories in general are not ruined by spoilers, though some people don't like them. But if we're in a scene and we're gonna see someone get cut in half and you say "hey this battle has extreme violence" that's hardly a spoiler
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Not always. Shock, if it's not in bad taste, can be used as a device to help set the emotional context for the rest of the passage. It's bad writing to use it bombastically and haphazardly, but in light touches, like a ghost pepper, it can help. On its own, though, yeah it's usually bad writing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Since comics are visual there is more need for this kind of a thing because it can be more intense for readers
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Ah, yeah, that's true. My field doesn't have visuals.
I can imagine it may be different in that case.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also, think like. Movies also have this, that's what the rating system is
A movie rated r for extreme violence isn't a spoiler
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Especially if it has Tom Cruise in it.
Yes but imagine if the movie paused right before the worst parts to say "Hey this is gonna be a mature scene"
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Age ratings ARE content warnings.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Tv shows do it at the beginning of an episode
And, with comics you have natural pauses
Putting a small banner at the bottom of an update doesn't interrupt the flow the same way putting it at the top of one would, and it can prep people to know not to even open the next update kind of thing
I haven't done content warnings my content is only pg13 but I've thought a lot about it for future, more intense ideas
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
In Germany‘s there are no tv show content warnings, but certain stuff can only be aired after 20:30 or on dedicated channels.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I agree with @RebelVampire . In my favourite movie of all time by far which you 100% have to watch (IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!) On the Waterfront, there's one scene which really gut-punched me when I first watched it because it's, well, fairly disturbing, but if the movie stopped before it and some dude came up and said "B'ys, cover your children's eyes", that'd be ridiculous. Age warnings pre-screening are fine because it's an audiovisual form, but considering that text doesn't have that visual or audio component, I just don't see the need. I can understand why you would do it as a comic artist, though.
Deo101 [Millennium]
There are also, for movies and TV, sites like "does the dog die?" Which provide this kind of information for people with triggers. Comics don't have this kind of a site though so it's on the creator
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
That reminds me, I need to put Nyx+Nyssa‘s age rating note up. g
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
People with triggers are the sticking point for me. Even if most people would be okay, there's people who won't be and I don't want to act like they don't matter when I'm putting warnings on my content. I feel like it's my responsibility if I'm making that content.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Yup. I know someone with cPTSD who cannot engage with media without content warnings; because disassociation is NOT fun and dangerous. „Does the dog die“ and similiar things mean she can engage with media without having to rope in others as betas.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes, same here. Obviously you can't warn for everything, many people have obscure and specific triggers, but there are common ones that are generally sensitive subjects that I don't think it's bad to warn a bit about
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I don't think it is your responsibility, but rather those with triggers to be careful. I'm a trauma victim and I do have triggers, but you know, I can't expect everyone to know that (especially with how hilariously specific they are). If you're worried, do your research
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
There‘s a huge difference between being responsible of for someone and being mindful for someone.
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
As someone who has triggers as well - I'd prefer to be able to see at a glance. It's awful having to be on guard constantly and worried about what if you didn't do your research quite well enough
Deo101 [Millennium]
I personally only read comics on reccomendation because of mine
They're not common ones but I've never been annoyed by trigger warnings that aren't for me
It usually looks much different from the comic so you can just quick look and scroll past
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I really understand that and I can understand it in the context of your industry because it has that visual component, but in the context of mine it's not done because content warnings wouldn't really make much sense for my industry. What will annoy me is when trigger warnings are uploaded for every part of the webcomic. Like, that's a little extreme.
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I understand it's very different context for poetry - but I'm talking about comics
Deo101 [Millennium]
I would agree that uploading for every page would be extreme, but I would think I'm that case it would be at the start of the comic or in the description
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
About pages! They exist for a reason.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
At the beginning of the entire comic, if you want to, that's fine. I think it does change the mindset of the reader and can be detrimental to the story in some cases, but if you know it's not, then that's fine! Of course, that problem can be solved just like @chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa] just suggested: put it on the About page.
Yeah, no, I could get behind that.
For webcomics, I think that would be a good solution.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Some sites don't offer about pages, though, and if it's not a major theme and only in a small part it's nice to put it in the comic itself too
Like my comic is generally very light-hearted but coming up I do have a scene that's significantly more violent than the rest of the comic has been, and I debated whether or not to warn my readers about it
I don't want to put a violence warning in my description though because it would draw the wrong audience
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I mean, it really depends. If it's suddenly looks like the notes of a medical student, then put a warning, but some light violence is probably fine.
Others could probably give a better opinion on that though.
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Yup. I liked how dumbing of age handled it‘s suicide warning - it was specific to that particular page because it dealt with specific details as opposed the more general discussion. So that page got a small note on top. Didn‘t remove the emotional impact, but allowed people to brace themselves or opt out.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Page the Poet refuses content warnings and enjoys their readers' suffering (/s).
All jokes aside, what do you mean about some sites not offering About pages? I'm not well-versed on hosting web-comics.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Well, for instance with webtoons you have a 500 (?) Character description, and that's it
Maybe it's 1500 or something idk it's been a while since I wrote mine. But it's not a seperate page like how I would have on my own site
On your own site it's awesome cause people can just, if they have triggers they can go there to see jf they're fine to read
But with webtoons, tapas, and other hosts you get one page and it's just your comic and description
So putting "violence warning" there is much different than on a seperate page
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I thought most web-comics had their own site?
Deo101 [Millennium]
I mean I do, but many don't
And most readers these days are on hosts I think
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Oh. Yeah, alright, I see the issue.
Deo101 [Millennium]
My description says pg13, LGBT, and slowburn and that's all it gets from me. I would be more descriptive in my about page which I do still need to code
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I'm curious, why specify the LGBT part?
Deo101 [Millennium]
But yeah so it's a very case by case basis depending on where you are and all that
Oh because I want lgbt people to know my comic has an LGBT cast and is catered to them
It's so my comic more likely finds my target audience
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
i think about stuff like school live and bokurano and consider that i'd be really upset if the sudden dramatic shift in tone was overtly warned beforehand because the shock factor was so important for those series in particular so i don't know how to handle warnings for stuff like that
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
That makes sense.
Please excuse my idiocy haha.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Not idiocy, it's a lot of potential to learn ;)
Carcarchu, it's really a personal choice of the author and what they want. If you don't wanna do it cause you think your story would suffer, that's totally fine. But personally and a lot of other creators agree, id rather potentially risk a slight decrease of my impact to protect some people.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
You see, in poetry, it works like this: you find a journal that suits your poetry, you submit it, you don't get published, and you cry yourself to sleep. Repeat twenty odd times until you get accepted somewhere. Then, you get published there and you tend not to worry about target audiences and stuff yourself. 'Tis a foreign world to me!
Yeah I agree that I think at the end its a personal choice cause you'll never please everyone whether you do or don't use warnings
i'm thinking about my experience reading those two series and being blown away by the sudden tone shift and really liking one of those series because of it. but then i think about my experience with madoka where i actually started watching it BECAUSE i saw a spoiler about the twist and it piqued my interest. i still enjoyed madoka but i wonder how my experience with it would have been different if i went in blind
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
@carcarchu , I'm with you. It really depends on what you can do, I think. If it's available to those who need it without expressly being there for those who don't want spoilers (An optional CW of sorts), that could work.
i like the idea of optional cw
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I don't know if it's an idea that could work, though, as I'm not experienced with web-comics. @Deo101 [Millennium] , your thoughts?
Deo101 [Millennium]
On a personally coded site you could probably with a lot of effort make something like that work, but that's not really so much an option on hosts
Tapas has a mature toggle where that specific page says "this contains mature content" or something, but everyone sees it
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
If it's personally coded, it should be fairly easy with a small bit of javascript, right?
Deo101 [Millennium]
And for other sites it's not an option at all other than for the entire series as a before you enter sort of deal
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I personally would put warnings Because some chapters deal with traumatic subject matter and I’ve had friends see them and warn me about those However I wouldn’t just do content warnings for something like swearing
Deo101 [Millennium]
I don't think you could code it easily, at least not with the systems I'm using.
Again the best solution I've come up with is at the end of the previous update, so people can skip over it easier and it doesn't interrupt flow the same way
the easiest way to do it on smth like webtoons would just to put some text on ur page that says something like "optional content warning for the next page in description, read at your own risk" but again that would spoil a potential twist
Deo101 [Millennium]
Honestly like Doesn't the twist just happen at the warning then instead of at the panel
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I think the real solution is to just not write anything.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Like it's not spoiling it it's just moving it a few lines up
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Don't even write the webcomic. Best solution.
Deo101 [Millennium]
And content warnings don't say who or how
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
i might be miffed if i read TWIST INCOMING and then had to wait a week to actually see it
Deo101 [Millennium]
Just a general, vague, "what"
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Say there's triggering content, but don't say where or what. Put it on the last page too.
but it could potentially drum up interest like WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT WEEK
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah that's what I mean
idk could go either way
Deo101 [Millennium]
Not like there's a twist!
Just hey things get intense
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I don't know, it could still be triggering. I think we should just write no webcomic at all.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Hmmmmm I never thought of that
But what if people forget about the trigger and just jump right in
if they forget the trigger isn't that their fault and not the creator?
Deo101 [Millennium]
People who have the trigger will remember
they were given ample warning
Deo101 [Millennium]
And if they do not then I did what I could
Sorry but I have a specific trigger of people watching someone sleep, I've had two people warn me their comics include it, and I remember. And that was like a year ago
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
My stupid sense of humour aside, I do agree with Deo and Carcarchu. If you forget the trigger, that's your own fault. The author making that information available is one thing, but they aren't there to hold your hand.
oh man that's a super common trope deo that must be rough
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah but it's cool
Like I know it's a common trope and it's not really one you can see coming or anything :/ so it's cool
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I think warnings are helpful tho if u be general like it contains a thing but u dont kno what it is till u read it
Like doe me it was doki doki lit club i didn't took seriously till it hit me and im like O
with dokidoki i knew about there WAS a twist but i didn't know exactly what it is so i was still shocked by it when it happened
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah like "Graphic violence" isn't a spoiler especially if you're already like 3 pages into a fight scene
but again they warned about it pretty vigilantly in the beginning before u play dokidoki? i'm not really sure how you could miss it?
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
In all seriousness, I like the About page option / optional CW, but I realize that might be impossible in a lot of scenarios.
Maybe put in the description of the first page "OPTIONAL CW BELOW" for example for those who want it?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, or the page before. Only concern is people not reading it, but then again that kind of falls under the "their responsibility" section
I’ve put one warning in before, but I kept it to promo images (so like social media update images) and in the comic description a few pages before. My reasoning was: it was tonally different & darker from the rest of the comic, but I didn’t put the warning in the pages because of the reader is paying attention, the fact that its coming is pretty obvious. Who knows if I did the right thing it handled it correctly, but I really struggled with figuring out what to do
Deo101 [Millennium]
Another concern is that some comics will run for years, decades even, and so its sometimes impossible to know at the beginning what might need to be warned for.
I think that's good Kay.
It's unobtrusive and gives the people who need it what they need
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Optional warning on the page before, then?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah that's what I said earlier I was kinda planning on doing if it ever became necessary
That’s essentially what it was. I think I wrote a caveat that the warning was a spoiler
Deo101 [Millennium]
That makes sense
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Hmmm if you’re doing it on the page before How specific should the warning be
I know a lot of people don’t read page descriptions, especially when binging, so I’m banking on the context of the chapter being the biggest warning
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Like do you just say optional warning?
What I did is I said something about the the content of the next page without getting into too much detail
Deo101 [Millennium]
I see things like "warning: graphic violence, sexual content, substance abuse," etc. Stuff like that
Yeah. Mine was graphic violence or gore or something
Deo101 [Millennium]
Where it doesn't say who or how or anything, just a vague what
Which usually, the context of the scene is around that kind of a theme anyways where we can tell it's coming
So a content warning is more like "this does get turned up to an 8 here"
Though it can be a surprise where Something like what Kay did is really good
Like okay so spoilers but be warned
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
B'y, turn it up to at least eleven. Go big or go home.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm on a 1-8 scale
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
But what about the saying? Heresy!
I think in the context of my comic it felt like, to me, that I was turning it up to 8 from a 1 or 2. It’s not the MOST GRAPHIC thing I’ve ever seen, but with the entirety of the rest of the work it’s tonally different, which is why I needed the warning
My comic, at its worst, usually just sees some curses and cartoon violence.
This was, like, full on blood and gore
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I jumped straight into 12 at one point for mine whoops
So I think context of the work is important with a warning as well
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, I'm usually around a 1-2 too. I've got pg-13 in my description and if I'm ever toeing the edge of it, I'm gonna warn about it
If you have a violent or heavy comic already, warnings for each page is ridiculous. It’s when you turn it up that you should mention something
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah exactly
Aaah you know, I don't put warnings on my pages, because practically half the comic would have CWs due to the focus on upsetting themes. There was one instance where I did put one up for a page containing a lot of queerphobic language presented in a way that was jarring, and potentially triggering for people who've experienced something like that. Although I've somewhat regretted singling out that one page since the comic from that point only gets worse, in hindsight that one instance isn't bad enough to warrant a warning. I'll probably take it down once I stop being lazy. In general I feel a page-by-page warning is best for comics that don't normally have heavy stuff, it makes sense to warning for violence if that's not a normal thing in your comic, it might shock readers too much otherwise. As far as content, everyone has different sensitivity levels (someone put a CW up once for a character being yelled at by his dad), personally I would only use CWs for excessive violence/abuse, blood, mental illness, suicide, rape, gore, slurs and/or substance abuse. I've gotten a lot of mixed reception on warnings, there are people who want them up, in detail, on every page with potentially upsetting content. People who want them chapter by chapter, some like detail, some want a general warning. Then there are people who don't want any warnings either due to them being too spoilery, or they feel it ruins the immersion. I went for a warning in a pop-up on my main site and leaving a list in my description on other sites, mostly for the non-spoiler crowd and because of what I said before about practically half my comic being potentially triggering.
There are two chapters coming up where I'll be putting up a general warning banner at the start of the chapter, with a hidden list of triggers in the author's notes and an option to read a safer summarized version at the end of each chapter, rather than forcing everyone to read the whole thing. Just because the content will be really difficult for some in presentation and/or subject matter, and I don't want to outright distress anyone... at least without them understanding what they're getting into.
Like, even compared to how my comic already is the next chapters will be really upsetting... for some people.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
It's not bad if people are upset or distressed. Like, full on disassociation from PTSD, obviously not, but I think these CWs are for them, not Alice Smith the average woman. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, I feel like, because of that, the general approach is best. Adding a CW for someone getting yelled at by their father is too spoiler-y/specific in my mind.
i really like dani's approach with the summary at the end for people who want to know what happened but can't stomach actually seeing the nitty gritty
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Here’s the problem tho...my series literally deals with trauma healing
So there’s going to be mentions of...going to therapy, friends talking about it
Not the actual trauma itself
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Yeah, I wouldn't bother with CWs there.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
But I’m really worried that if I have to put up trigger warnings every time...a lot of pages will have that warning
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
People know what they're getting in for.
If you're going to read a comic about healing from trauma...don't be surprised at content that's not very fun.(edited)
Yeah, my warnings are specifically for the mentally ill, people who've been in abusive situations and such. I don't want to end up bring back certain experiences, at least without them knowing what they're getting into.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Hmmm in that case I might have to put it in the summary itself then
That there’s trauma healing Of course it’s also about humor and slice of life, but I’ll add it in just in case
Would it help to get sensitivity readers to take a gander look?
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I mean, in my mind, a general synopsis of the basic plot is a good idea for a lot of stories so long as you aren't spoiling anything.
Me? Nah, I mean, I should but it wouldn't change my decisions since my story is really tight and changing stuff would end up changing everything.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
In this case, trauma-healing seems to be a part of that plot.
So, you know, if it's mentioned, I think that's blaringly obvious at that point to people that "B'ys, there may be some triggering shit here", y' know?
Oh, I totally misread the convo. Lol I mean, you could get a sensitivity reader if you want to be on the safe side, but if you're writing from experience and you've done research I don't see a problem with not having one.
having read the first few chapters of shadow's comic trauma healing was not an aspect that i picked up from it(edited)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Sensitivity reader?
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I agree, I get more light heart tone with Shadow's story, but I know stuff ahead of time(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh nooo
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
maybe the aspects will come up as the comic progresses shadow
My comic is also about trauma and healing, and while I haven't experienced all the things my characters have, I did do a ton of research and talked to people. Although my comic is a vent comic so most of it is based off my experiences.
I've just put general content warnings in the about page and appropriately rated my comic for its content. There will be things that are written thar i have no idea that could be triggering to people that exsist in a lot of media, it almost becomes impossible to sort through. And with the amount of content to sift through that would/wouldn't be sensitive to certain topics or just generally unaware, its tricky. If there is a reader with a potentially sensitive trigger, i would hope they could get a friend to do a read through if possible, but rarely have i seen comics go right into topics that would need such a hand to do so. Stories have descriptions and ratings for that reason, you're not going to find insane violence in Pokemon type stories, so the author has that responsibility of rating it correctly is what im getting at
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Sorry, what's a sensitivity reader?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
A sensitivity reader is like, a beta reader who specifically checks whether your work is offensive/ insensitive (e.g. when you're wondering "is my portrayal of this ethnic group offensive/ignorant?")
i think a sensitivity reader is for when ur writing a story that includes a particular cultural or ethnic group that ur NOT part of and u want to avoid making your story culturally insensitive
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Ooh Dani, is it Guide to Unhealthy Relationship? Your comic often stand out to me. I knew what I was getting into when I read it
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I was a sensitvity reader for someone who was writing a viet american and keii pretty much sums it up
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
That's a thing? Who does that? Ethnic Studies professors?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
And it's not just for ethnic groups
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I gave suggestions to add and avoid if ya writing a character from a certain ethnic group or marginalized group
like LGBT+, persons with disabilities etc
ethnic groups is the first thing i thought of but yes
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
No, not ethnic studies professors.
Members of the marginalized group.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
So if you're writing a trans character, you probably want a sensitivity reader who is trans
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
example the mangaka of golden kamuy has an ainu consultant who is ainu but i'm not sure if having a consultant is quite the same thing?(edited)
@Joichi [Hybrid Dolls] Yeah, it is. I'm glad you were able to know! I try to make it obvious since CWs are pretty much the main themes of my comic. xD
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i think so
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
A consultant can apply to sensitivity readers, yes, but goes beyond that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like the mangaka saught to reprsent ainus too
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I know an MMA comic with an MMA consultant, for example
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
But couldn't two members of that group, say, Jews, say completely different things? How can you guess the information to be reliable based on their simply being a part of that group? Surely, there are things people look for when hiring these people?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I have artist friends who are my sensitively reader and one friend who has had experience with abuse So they help me with what’s good and what’s not to write about
I have artist friends who are my sensitively reader and one friend who has had experience with abuse So they help me with what’s good and what’s not to write about
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's still gonna be WAY better than not getting any, Page.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I mean yeah but in that instance hearing from another perspective at least one person helps
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
At least you can be aware of possible....differences
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
And people who have experience as sensitivity readers know some common issues to look for, as well.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Or cross reference
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
It could be worse if the information is unreliable. What sort of qualifications does one look for?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like for me, reping viet folks and telling that to those saught viet rep in their comics
I told them "don't you freaking dare add tropes about the vietnam war I'm gonna come over to your house"
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Friend of mine was a trauma survivor that I witnessed first hand
I suppose that qualifies!
But I think it helps to ask around
This stems from writers writing what they think an experience/ person group is without doing research and just being ignorant and offensive and a call for ppl to do better
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah like those stories should be left to the group experienced it instead
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
TBH even when you do a ton of research on your own, a sensitivity reader can help you catch things that you never even thought of researching because you were unaware It Was A Thing
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like I still read some stories then they throw like the nam joke
and i'm like "I'm droppin this"
Yea I don't get cis ppl writing about the trans experience. Its not ur story
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
agreed ya
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Hmmm a lot of artists write from experience
Perhaps if you need a sensitivity reader for say...being bi for example
Maybe find an artist who themselves is bi(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like don't write how they got there, but write the experience they gonna deal with in the comic
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Because you get double: you get someone who’s bi and also someone who knows how to work the medium
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like i doubt cis persons have the nuance for trans folk, same goes for non-poc thinking is okay to do weird nuance things with poc
like lmao idk that's a pet peeve of mine if someone is writing an asian character and really just
"yea he's asian, idk what nationality but its there."
Im not into someone who isn't a minority writing about a minority experience as a personal preference, but the sensitivity readers aren't exclusive to that. There was an example in story help in this server where someone asked about writing for a certain group of ppl and wanted feedback
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I...remember that krispy
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i get what you're saying Tuyetnhi but i don't want authors to NOT include any representation just because they're scared of doing it wrong
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Several people warned him Including me
A good example of sensitivity readers is Moana. The directors were old white guys, but they got Hawaiians to look over the script to make sure it wasn't disrespectful to the culture, or totally out of left field, since the tribe in the movie is based on Hawaiian tribes. Even though I didn't have sensitivity readers I still sought out people who experienced certain mental illnesses, medical professionals and mental health professionals willing the share their experiences and knowledge on the subjects I'm tackling before starting the comic.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ye and I get that, I mean like if they trying to do extreme nuance takes
leave that for folks who experienced that
Asscreed games used to do the same too
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I ain't againist that kind of rep, but I have a paricular idea how to go about it that's all lol
Tho i don't know if they were successful
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
What's wrong with someone writing a character who is transgender if they're not transgender? There's a lot of good research done on transgender issues both medical and societal as well as a lot of written record. I also don't see the issue with writing an ethnic minority as a non-minority. "Far Beyond the Stars" was written by white men and it speaks about racial issues brilliantly. Consultants on the intricacies of culture, I 100% understand, though, for your narratives; that does make sense. Professors are hired by filmmakers and writers for just that IIRC.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sensitivity readers would not be a thing if people were not allowed to write characters outside of their own identity. Nobody's advocating that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
white people can write on poc's issues fine. but i have a problem when they act like they know more than the people who have experienced it first-hand
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Yep that's what I mean cara
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
As long as you’re respectful about it
And open to changing ideas
Ok Im gonna step in here now and say we need to take a step back perhaps cause I feel this convo might be becoming too heated.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I think you're misreading. I don't believe anybody here is heated over anything. I didn't know there was an argument, honestly. Is there? Am I losing my mind here?
Also these are instances that have been brought to light bc ppl want better rep from authours too. My last point on that!!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I don't think anyone's angry, but this is an extremely sensitive/ heavy topic so we're all treading carefully!
i'm with page i thought it was all very civil
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Remarkably so, frankly.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Usually these things spawn a lot of arguments. It's refreshing to see people, well, not do that.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ye lol
It is but this is the sort of topic where it can quickly hit the boiling point in a single message. And I've been seeing some warning signs in this convo. By all means if everyone can keep it civil, please continue. Consider this more a warning that right now, if you're getting angry, please step away from the convo cause I don't want to have to mute or ban anyway.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Warning signs? I really am losing my mind.
Let me know if I've said or will say something that might be insensitive. I try to be respectful, but I'm overly comfortable with uncomfortable topics and can be like a bull in a china shop sometimes.(edited)
Its just a sensitive topic, page
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
same with me, but i'm also speaking from experience as sensitivity reader too.
so yea lol
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Oh yeah, on most servers, when this comes up, you have those who take the opportunity to say white people should die, then the ones who say the same about people of colour. It all devolves.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
what the
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Oh, b'ys, Discord is a wild place.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I agree with Keii, these are sensitive topics, I'm reading each one carefully without jumping into a fight
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I mean yeah, I been on discord since 2015 lol
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Gosh, I've been on it for years too! Seems so long ago I first came here!
Time flies, eh?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
still like, I find it kinda ridiculous someone is willing to jump like that
but yeah er, the topic at hand lol
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It doesn't need to go to that ridiculous extent to offend people, so I agree with Rebel on that we need to continue to be careful
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
(going to step out now but good convo y'all)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Offer people a bit of the word "race" and soon it turns into Nuremberg.
Good talking to you, mate!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Goodnight Eilidh!
Also I’m actually new on discord
I think that its a good practice that writers today are more sensitive to the readers. Not in a hand holding way, but in a responsible way where their work is properly tagged and rated and the consistency of such content is a warning as well (like danis comic) It's important to want to improve the reading experience for many and keeping in mind that some topics need to be handled with some more care
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ye agreed!
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
In my field, I think it's a contest on how much emotion you can get out in one breath with gleeful abandon to how the reader feels.
but a problem with that is sometimes it feels like writers are held up to impossibly high standards and that they can't have ANY inkling whatsoever of any content that might possibly be construed as "problematique" by the purity police. the degree to which some authors are scrutinized is unreasonable and i think it often stems from having to be seen as a "pure" representation of whatever it is they are representing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sometimes it's not even that the standards are "too high"
@FeatherNotes(Krispy) Lol if the word limit allows it, every self-promo of my comic is plastered with age and content warnings, dang it!
There will ALWAYS be those standards, they were always there. Ppl just didn't have that voice. I would not be worried about writing however, as i def see a problem with the purity thingie going around.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think carcarchu is talking about something very specific, Feather?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
there will be some rep be messy and rip that's part of being human and making mistakes
There was an article talking about the direction of art and the consumers of such that covered this topic about the purity thing that i wanna findd
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
like everyone can't be a saint
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
like when an ownvoices writer gets pitchforks and torches because their portrayal wasn't wholesome enough, and you are only allowed to write happy and wholesome stories about that group(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
keii omg
yeah i'll die in the torches that's ok
Wait what
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah it's a thing
Thats a thing
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yes that's what i'm talking about keii
i also have a video about it
They're more upset at the story direction then
Not a purity thing
no it's a purity thing
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I agree with Carcarchu on this one. I feel like some people would be up in arms if I wrote a story where a white guy is the protagonist and a black guy is the antagonist. Some people just see race.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I know several LGBTQ peeps who are afraid to post their dark LGBTQ fiction because it might draw the attention of "only wholesome content allowed!!!" people
Oooh yeah, the puritans/sanitizers out there, they're a scary bunch. I've had a run in with a few people who've said my comic shouldn't be allowed to exist due to the content... and I've been called queerphobic... and that my comic is queerphobic torture porn... and other fun stuff. It happens.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
You'd be surprised how common this is.
Yeah I have to say I've seen it a lot too
where have u been krispy that you haven't seen this?
I have been in my silent cave apparently
I also haven't been in fandoms for years if that helps lol
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
You living like Patrick the Starfish?
Yeah, we're kind of starting to get back into the olden days of demand for sanitizing art, people who work on darker content or horror get a lot of crap.
This is patrick
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
All kidding aside, TL;DR: shit's kind of fucked in some ways.
i've even had run-ins with such people irl... hasnt been the most pleasant. i was once friends (note once) who tried to convince me that i should turn my het romance story into a lesbian one? for no reason other than she preferred to read that kind of content?
Ohhbsee thats where im confused
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Imagine if the sexuality were flipped. It would be outrageous.(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
rip I had a comment a year ago that the main love interest is "too gay to be straight"
and i'm like "excuse u?"
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
"Yeah, make it straight. I don't like gay stuff."
How is the relationship dynamic purity in that case?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
That's not purity police talk anymore, I think
not purity in that specific example feather but it's the same kind of person
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I’ve also had people come up to me and ask why I don’t write a more lighthearted story
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's... a different issue
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Or “shadow, your shit is too dark why are you writing about this”
So ppl be telling u how to write ur chars now?
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
"Life can only be happy and stuff :(( art can literally only be happyyy"
yeah this same person was also PISSED that there was a gem in steven universe who was "black-coded" and portrayed as a villain even though there were black coded gems who were not portrayed as villains as well
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Sorry Krispy Life be like that
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Black coded?....what series have they been watching carcarchu lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ah dang
These ppl have 2 much time on their hands RIP They wanna rip apart media, go after something that deserves it (likethebig2incomicscough)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
They’re gate keeping(edited)
Ah not too long ago I stumbled across an artist who drew more problematic stuff as a way to cope with trauma, which I guess was something their therapist suggested. Their stuff is pretty messed up, but someone started one of those "call out" videos on them, leading to thousands of people flooding their work with some of the most awful comments along with people trying to shut down their Patreon and social media accounts.
i later found out this person was also a terf so i ended the friendship right there when i found out
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Dani that’s...what the fuck
Oh nasty
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
searches up terf Oh...
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I remember reading one person talking about how presenting "bad ideals" and whatnot in fiction had to be demonstrated to be bad ideals and not work and stuff and so on so forth.
i've seen that too dani
sadly more times than i can count
we all remember what happened to cucumber quest right?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It is terrible out there
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
What’s cucumber quest
What is cucumber
Quest oop
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
"What is cucumber?": An essay in being Socrates.
long story short cucumber quest was a children's webcomic that was pretty popular but the author got bullied off tumblr for being "problematic"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh no
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Tumblr has a lot of crazies.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I like her work
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh noooooooooo
I still go on tumblr but I carefully choose my blogs
Because I don’t want this shit
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(All this being said, I wanna reiterate that just because those terrible pitchforks and torches people exist, doesn't mean all "I find this offensive" voices are invalid. Some things could genuinely be improved!)
Also def wanna say that even tho there will be these wolves waiting to tear 'non perfect' media apart, please dont feel like u have to stop writing, ever. Dont be afraid bc of these stories, yall have good heads on ur shoulders and obvs want to share ur experiences and that is something ur allowed to do
fyi she didnt stop making her comic because of the bullying thing, it was a separate, unrelated issue much later(edited)
i hear you keii
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I find it hilarious of the idea That there are people out there who tell someone not to write stuff like abuse even tho they’ve never experienced it
And the writers themselves have
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Oh, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
There was someone who tried to boycott assassins creed 2 bc the main char reminder her of her ex bf
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
It's really sad and a little terrifying if your work doesn't fit the sanitization standards... Sometimes I think of that "what if" chance just the right person finding my comic and launching a take down campaign on it. Which is why I'm totally fine with staying as a smalltime person in the shadows. Also people don't usually want to even read through my comic, so that's a plus.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
why lmaoo
oh dang dani that's one fear
but i'm also like "I wonder how folks react to me dealing with that like I ignore them"
would that be a power move or I'd be burning harder?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Shit I never thought of a takedown campaign
It's a genuine fear for the creating community for sure, but ur voice is necessary. Ur story will resonate with ppl, and those who choose to use their time to tear it down obviously have nothing else better to do
@keii’ii (Heart of Keol) Oh yeah, totally! People's feelings are super valid, and someone writing sensitive content should be open to listening to other people. I'm just talking about the extremists who think anything remotely uncomfortable shouldn't exist. Like, no.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Man, nowadays, people just throw shit and false accusations and all the rest at people because they don't like them and their stuff. They're truly pathetic.
I used to be so scared of a certain chapter in my comic bc its so violent at one point. It kept me up at night bc of these take down campaigns were a such a thing. But then i remember the content i enjoyed that inspired my own and im like Aint no one cancelling FMA for the niina part!
I mean unless its a topic that's super insensitive to a group or people/topic, which i know you're handling with sensitivity and grace, i wouldn't stop
this is a little bit sensitive so i'm going to put it in a spoiler there was another incident where an author received constant messages to kill themselves for writing gls when they did not at that time identify as a woman but then the author later did a whole comic about how how complicated her relationship with her own gender and sexuality was and that she de-transitioned and now once again considered herself to be both cis and lesbian and all those comments about her needing to kill herself for writing gl were so narrow-minded because you can never really know an author's situation if you aren't in their shoes
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
What's "gl"?
Lol yeah, I do get worried a lot, especially about the upcoming chapters. Although that's not going to stop me from pushing forward, and telling the story how I want to tell it. If my online presence is murdered in the process, at least it will die for a good cause... at least good for me because I'll be venting everything out.
Whhhh!!! People just gettin into ppls business damn. That's horrible
girl's love
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
GIrl's love?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I def see ur story as a personal one with healing and building that will resonate with others Dani. And i think that's very important
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
What's that?
stories about girls loving girls
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it's a genre that focuses on romantic relationships between girls ye
i really got chills reading that author's comic about her identity especially having seen those comments numerous times on her other comics
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
There was a similar incident except it was with an artist by the name of Zamii for supposedly drawing Steven Universe characters too thin (Yes, she did attempt suicide in the end, though she didn't succeed in her attempt).
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Is...is she okay now?
oh my god Page
I remembered that
The SU writers had to step in
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh rip sadly I remember that as well
i think she's doing ok! i'm not sure if that particular comic is still up but i can dm u it if u want shadow
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Yep! Not just the writers, even an executive producer.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Yes please carcarchu
And I think Rebecca sugar stepped in too? Not sure about that
Hopefully this serves as a reminder for all of us to have each others backs in such situations wow
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Another incident was in the Undertale fandom I think. One person gave a cookie to an artist at a convention they didn't like because of the ships they were doing. They author was suspicious, so, they cracked open the cookie. It was filled with needles.
oh my god i remember that page, what a horror story
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
........what the FUCK
always be careful about accepting food from events like that
Geez, the thing about the GL author is sad... yet not surprising, and it's sad that I'm not surprised. @FeatherNotes(Krispy) Thank you so much! I went into my comic expecting absolutely no one would like it, so if it resonates with even one person that would be the best surprise. TvT
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yee haw I love solidarity
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, never accept food/drinks from strangers, including "fans"
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
As someone who bakes and deals with food....that is horrifying
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
yeah rip that's horrifying
if it's packaged food like candy it should be safe, but still be careful if u have reason to be suspicious at all
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Remember, if you're suspicious, make them eat it too >:)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
And lace it with cyanide.
Gosh authours need content warning from readers it seems yikes
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Better safe than sorry.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Still not safe to have them eat it too lol
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I mean, hey, better second degree murder than dead.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I can think of some.... ways around that
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
"I'm alergic to needles"
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Give it to their friend
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Give it to their spouse.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
And if it’s poison they’ll go down knowing they did it
Make a marvel villain
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
They're called "Widower".
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Page you and I have like minds
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Indeed we do.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm not comfortable with that -- like, what if their friend or spouse is being abused by them and is seeking to get out of that relationship
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
...This conversation is freaking amazing And I’ve never done individual page warnings for my comic - never felt it necessary. Maybe someday someone will yell at me about it, but... meh. The comic never goes into the really deep dark potentially-controversial stuff. So maybe it won’t be an issue. Back to catching up on all of this, WOW.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh god it would be a complicated meSS(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
It doesn't matter. They must die for our agenda.
Morality? Pft.
If they're dead, they're no longer in the relationship.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I mean @LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) your story is really riveting But I’m not sure if you need warnings? I mean your story deals with...death
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
You see? Widower solves everything.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) I’m not sure! Someone tagged it with ‘limb loss’ elsewhere, which is debatable, haha. It’s something I would almost want others to tag. Sometimes I can’t stretch my mind far enough to imagine a page needing a trigger warning.(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Wow...the more you learn, huh.
Yes- those specific type tags are always going to be elusive to keep track of- ur general rating is just what ur story needs
Def wanna point out too that TV ratings and warnings are what i go by and the most helpful to me as a reader and creator. Also video game warnings too are good to look at if people ever need examples of how to rate comics!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yep, ratings are all I need too. In my ‘about’ page I described my comic as “no darker than the darkest stuff in Harry Potter,” but I’m sure someone would still find something extremely dark in that, so... SHRUG
Does anyone know of any of the big name comics that put trigger warnings or whatnot in their work? I dont read marvel/dc/etc so ive never seen if they took to rating their comics with any type of warnings?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I do have kids reading so I want the parents to feel comfortable
Is it weird that I rated my comic based on the level of nudity and lack of sex? Like, "Okay, these people are really naked but not in a sexy way, what is the rating for that?"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I'm thinking about snot girl rn and idk if their creators do that tbh other than marketed towards adults
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I read a couple of more-intense things from Image Comics and I’ve never seen any trigger warnings there either
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Hmmm I’m not sure I remember reading Hellboy and not seeing any trigger warnings
krispy, the only time i can recall it is when i read Bradherley's Coach and that was actually put there by the translation team and not the author himself but i will say that the warning was extremely warranted with that one because i consider myself pretty desensitized to traumatic content but even this one really got me with each chapter being traumatic in it's own unique way
Do they have ratings on the backs of the books like some manga?
Oh wow ty translation team
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Probably! I’m not sure if DarkHorse comics does it but they do have things like nudity and...portrayals of graphic death
if u read it on a website there is some degree of tagging for the content but i don't think that alone could have accurately prepared someone for what the comic explored
I think its clear that by these examples we're all already doing better at being responsible for the content we share and produce.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I hope so I wonder if those big name comics received flak about not having trigger warnings
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I wonder about that too tbh
Im sure to a degree? But no where near an indie creator would
Which is a whole other topic
i for one would love more tagging options for webcomics
makes it easier to find whatever niche content you're into!
genres alone just dont do it
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
That could work But there’s also a price to pay; less chance to get readers too
why is it less of a chance to get readers?
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I myself am looking at my Punisher comics, and there's no warnings anywhere, but i feel with an antihero like the Punisher, you go in expecting the gore and violence
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Hmmmmm....I guess my fear is that it’s a double edged sword carcarchu On one hand you can attract the readers you want But on the other hand you can also...possibly drive away readers who are mildly curious Some people need time to get invested in a story
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I guess some people will just avoid some tags no-questions-asked. Hopefully it’s the small minority that the trigger warning will actually help (in terms of anxiety) and not someone who’s writing off the trigger as problematic and will go on a tirade warning other readers about it. I know it goes both ways
oh i wasn't talking about trigger content tagging specifically
i was talking about stuff like being able to tag for example "witches" or "animals" or "music" whatever is a theme in your comic(edited)
guess it wasnt a logical throughline made sense in my head
eli [a winged tale]
I was looking for a universal way to show trigger warnings and came across this article. https://medium.com/@UntoNuggan/trigger-warnings-101-a-beginners-guide-e9fc90c6ba0a I guess for mine I’m thinking to add body horror and violence the more we go through the story... I do like the part about putting the informed consent power back to the reader’s hands
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I put both Fantasy Violence and Alcohol Use as general warnings for my comic. Alcohol is treated in a complex manner in CoR, both in a humorous light and as a way to cope, but I know there are a lot of folks that are triggered by the presence of alcohol.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I will be putting trigger warning in my comic but Ive wanted to write about mental health allegories for a long time as a personal self reflection.
I started to feel braver after seeing other creators boldly write about mental health topics in their comics.
Whispers the webcomic library is an excellent source and tool to find/avoid tags in comics
Luma does an excellent job with archiving the stories there and i hope yall have applied to have ur comics there too!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Yes I watch Webcomic library on Twitter, Luma does such a good job curating comics(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Same! Highly recommended
i think i follow it on twitter but i don't keep up with it
They did these tags for my comic(edited)
maybe i should change that
Super dedicated and a very great resource for webcomics!!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I got these! I originally only put down 'limb loss - leg' but 'limb loss - arm' popped up too, and I'm like "You know... that's kinda true." It's a really good resource!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
OOoh I should check it out
Webcomic library, right?
what's the difference between independent! and independent
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
...that's a good question and I don't know the answer, haha
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
“Eventual LGBTQ” yes
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I AGREE!! I'm on Webcomic Library too. Mine is tagged as Mobility Aids since Nocturne uses a cane to walk
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
hmmm how do you add your webcomic onto there?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I went thru the process like
you send an email to luma/webcomic libary with a submission form
and she'll add it for u with the tags that are relelated to your comic
Luma always puts up submission posts too Check out their tumblr/twitter!
I can't imagine how much time it takes Luma to go through all those webcomics! These are the tags they put for mine:(edited)
They've kept it up pretty well in spite of it not being their cup of tea. The only thing I was ever iffy on was the 'sexual nudity' tag since I didn't intend for that but for the nudity to be uncomfortable/awkward, and I don't like the idea of people going into my comic for sexual arousal, but on well. To each their own, also it may be a presentation mistake on my part.
It's funny because I didn't think about one of my MCs being disabled until seeing this, I had to think for a moment before realizing "Oh yeah, I guess ocular albinism is considered a disability."
Kind of an embarrassing realization on my part.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ooo that's a lot of tags
this from my comic
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) Here is the submission template if you're interested. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q48tZquhmNoGY_lcsE8FkByF614EISk_Pf3YoQKXYWA/edit?usp=sharing
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
probably not much is tagged since lmao it's 2 chapters in
Haaaah yeah, my comic has a lot of... stuff. It'll probably get even bigger once the next two chapters are finished, if Luma is willing to go through them.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
ahhh thank you Time to submit
honestly I don't think there'll be a lot for my webcomic, since I just started lol
All a good resource regardless! And a good place to find comics to read!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
fair enough! Also...uhh....
what's nsfw text?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
like, not safe for work things being talked about in the text of the comic typically sex stuff i imagine
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
or swearing lmao
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh god
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
get ready for a rideeeee
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
since someone saying "violence and gore" in the text wouldn't really count as NSFW lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
on my sailor ship lolol
Yeah, NSFW text is swearing, slurs, discussion of NSFW subjects, sexual language I'm guessing. In my case it's the former three, at least I assume as much.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
..........ohhhh boy
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
mine is just my characters speaking without filter
at least for the begining lolol
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
but yeah to me the limit for "what to warn people about" is generally dependent on the platform
those are my tags on archive binge
those are my tags on webcomic library (admittedly a bit out of date)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
lord almighty(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
on comic fury the only tag I have is high violence (with no nudity, sexual content, or swearing)
on tapas it's a page-by-page thing so I basically add the tag whenever there's blood on-screen
Nsfw is not swearing like bitch, shit fuck Its more slurs i do believe
Also forgive me for swearing on main lol
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
So yes, what dani said
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yeah I was wondering how deep into curse/slur territory it’d have to go
Gjs has swearing in it but its sailor mouth stuff, not slurs
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I’ve got fantasy slurs and I drop those RARELY because they still make me feel weird, haha
Dunno if I could ever commit to IRL ones in anything I do
Yeah, I imagine if swears did count it would be how they're used, like if they were said in a derogatory statement and/or bullying.
But yeah, slurs, definitely. Haaaah
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I don't think I could ever write about racial slurs either. The only touchy topics I will ever write are those I have experienced. Never experienced true racism so if I wrote about it I would feel like I'm faking knowledge of a huge and personal issue for other people
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Same. I leave that to people who can write about it better. Any discrimination I have in my stories is manufactured by the fantasy world and its own unique circumstances. I have some influence from real-world discrimination, but it's its own thing.
Ah but slurs aren't just race, there are also slurs for gender and sexuality. (The -cough- 'T' and 'F' word.)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
yeah... racial slurs make me uncomfortable, but depends with the fantasy slurs, that could be creative if it's done to show the social issues of that world?(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I feel like even if you're only using fantasy slurs (speaking as someone whose comic has a use of a fantasy slur...), you need good understanding of what it's like to be on the receiving end of a slur IRL. This isn't to say "you need [this qualification] to be Allowed to use slurs in your fictional work!" but more like, how to make it resonate with the readers in the right ways, how to make it not gratuitous, etc.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'm still learning myself. Like, I do have some experience dealing with racism toward me, but 1) it's nothing compared to the truly horrific stuff out there, and 2) even on comparable "levels" my experience could be very, very different from someone else's. All we can do is keep trying, keep learning.
Keep listening.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I'd had a fair deal of racism and microagression being a native in the US for so long
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
exactly, like I experienced childhood racism about my cultural upbringing. But it's different for other people.(edited)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
it's something that lmao won't go away but ye we have some different perspectives on how we can go about handling it
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
When I read a work or watch a film, I can tell if the creator has researched well, if it's racism similar to my experiences. It doesn't matter their background. But it'd be a nicer bonus if this came from a POC creator.(edited)
Yeah, based on that I'm probably not the best person to have characters using slurs. While the slur present is gender based, I have a complicated relationship with... everything that isn't white/cis/het. I'm a mixed race (mom's side(very white passing): German Jewish, black Irish, Scottish, Native American. Dad's side: Native American, Spanish, Mexican.), my mom was raised in a church in a tiny town that was totally against non-white people and race mixing, according to her when I was born people would come to the hospital to gawk at me. I've never been called a slur maliciously, but casually and I never noticed it until I was older after everyone naturally stopped. Every experience and memory I have of slurs has been of the "yikes!", "Woah, you really said that." variety, so I kind of project that energy a little bit in my comic. But in the form of a very yikes casually transphobic character.
For clarity on the cis/het thing, my family was also extremely bigoted but would hide it under casual language, so it never sounded queerphobic until you process what they said.
Not related to me, but I understand needing to experience racism to write it, although I think it can still be accomplished well if the person is empathetic and does a ton of research. Kinda like anything else sensitive, you just need to be really educated on the subject.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I agree with you Dani. Sadly some creators just don't have that empathy and want to write a fantasy token character. I had awkward story conversations before on race. "what do you think about this ambiguous Asian character? I'm thinking of a Japanese name, sounds Asian enough?" I always cringe inside(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I usually bring in other people to write about those things I haven't experienced. Friends, generous volunteers, etc.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I think it's 100% OK to write about things you haven't experienced. I don't think J.K. Rowling experienced being an adolescent male chosen one in a magical college, but she still wrote about it...and made a Hell of a lot of money.
Lol that's why I added in doing research, which I think brainstorming with experienced people counts, you're still educating yourself. I agree with everyone on experience being preferred, although I am on the anti-censorship side with art and storytelling, no matter how cringe it is.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ofc i think it's okay, but I personally don't feel comfortable doing it
i even feel a little weird writing male characters
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
If we can only write ourselves and our experiences, we're plain not good writers.
That's my view on the matter.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Again, I don't think any of us is advocating Necessary Qualifications To Even Attempt. This is a much more nuanced topic
I've never been a tall beefy dude, but that's what my MC is.
Never been a parent, but I write parents.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Yeah, "make the effort to write this well" is very different from "don't write this"
And there's plenty of people criticizing JKR for how she handles specific topics...
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Including me.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
JKR is probably not a good example to bring up as a positive example for this topic, simply because of the issues that can REALLY distract from why she's being used as an example.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I like writing male character more often since I'm less stressed about writing the opposite gender, I know it's my comfort zone. I based some of the boys on my guy friends and have fun with the story. Though I'm making a difference by insisting on adding women more and pushing for strength and vulnerability.(edited)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
J.K. turned out to be lacking a few brain-cells, but my point is that you can very easily write foreign experiences; every good writer does that all the time (as you all do yourselves!) and I think that extends to writing characters no matter the colour of their skin, sexuality, or gender identity.
True, I haven't seen gatekeeping here, I'm just giving my thoughts on it. A while back on another server I read a conversation where some people were dissing the person who made Magical Boy on Tapas because they're not trans, even though they did a lot of research beforehand. I was kind of reflecting that, but I also empathize with people who feel uncomfortable with people who've never experienced a certain form of oppression writing about it.
Pff I've never been a janitor, but dang it! You can't stop me from having a janitor character!
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Janitors are the coolest guys, I'm telling ye.
Most chill people in the land.
B'ys, they can get along with anyone, I swear.
They're like real life superheroes.
Deo101 [Millennium]
We're not saying not to write other skin tones, gender, etc. Just to be sensitive about it and aware that you can't extrapolate someone else's life experiences from your own, you have to ask
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
there's a difference between writing a janitor and writing a touchy topic like racism. Anyways, even if I was writing a janitor I'd do a ton of research on the job
Deo101 [Millennium]
Sorry I use a cane and I can tell when people didn't ask someone who uses a cane what it's like. It goes the same for a lot of things
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I'm not saying you are saying that! Simply addressing something I've encountered before.
I've used a cane before, though temporarily. It was...a pain in the ass, honestly.
Well, more like a pain in my leg. And my arm.
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) Sorry, I was joking since Keii was talking about writing muscular guys and parents. It would be sad if I didn't know the difference between racism and an occupation. Lol
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
In any case, I don't think that writing somebody of an ethnic minority necessitates much on its own. Delving into racial issues, sure, yeah that requires a lot, but I wouldn't say that of writing the character itself.
I'd say the same of sexuality and gender identity if you're not delving into the respective issues thereof. If you know what you're doing, i don't think there's too much to it.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
@Page, Rambler Extraordinaire! Yeah, I think that's what a lot of us are saying. There is a difference between writing a character who's [this identity] vs writing a story that's all about exploring that identity.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
The latter requires a lot more research, agreed.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh i know @DanitheCarutor , you write a lot of lgbt characters after all. just adding my thoughts, not diagreeing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
"If you know what you're doing" is the tricky part though
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Well, that's not that difficult in most cases. There is a sea of available literature.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There's.... the problem of marginalized folks pointing out concerns in a work, and non-marginalized people dismissing their concerns because they don't see the issue.
Deo101 [Millennium]
It's also really easy to ask a person for their real life experience
People are usually, in my experience, more than willing to take some time and answer a few questions.
On the Magical Boy thing, like I said, it wasn't you all, it was people on a different server and I wanted to bring it up since it's related to the topic. To do a more serious comparison, I've never had psychosis or schizophrenia but I'm writing a character like that. I did a lot of research beforehand though, like, A LOT.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Like for disabilities it's very easily to find all kinds of Medical information, but almost no first hand experience is available. So what happens is people are very accurate medically, but then extrapolate what living like that is like and still end up with a disengenuous story
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Surely, there's available literature on the subject? I'm sure that I could find some.
Deo101 [Millennium]
And Dani, same with me and schizophrenia. It's for a future comic, but I've been researching it and interviewing people for years now to be sure I get a story that would at the very least not hurt them
I mean I would think a better resource would be YouTubers with those things, actually.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
For a lot of topics, it's easier to find a firsthand experiencer willing to talk to you than to find some existing literature on the exact thing you didn't know you needed
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah like My condition is very rare and the best you could find on it for firsthand experience is like. A forum that's super old and inactive
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I still remember one review where the person said "I have a certain disability, and I'm sure this author doesn't have it -- but they know someone who does -- because they're describing the visible symptoms with uncanny accuracy, but are guessing all wrong about how it feels/how it affects your life in invisible ways."
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
That's a huge pitfall, I feel. There can be a big sensitive thing that you aren't even aware is a thing; therefore, you don't think to do any research on that facet.
Deo101 [Millennium]
It's really easy to make a post on social media like "hey can I interview people with ___ for a writing project?"
Openness depends on the topic. It's really hard getting people's experiences with certain mental illnesses, also the small number of people suffering from it. I had a really hard time finding people willing to talk about certain things, especially professionals since they usually don't want to talk to you without paying money for it.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
^ That's also a good point.
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's true
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I think we're going back to the purity thing. You can't expect someone to truly represent the "invisible ways" it affects you very well considering they're...invisible.
Deo101 [Millennium]
You can ask
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But I would definitely recommend trying to reach out to people with firsthand experience, and seeing if that's an option.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
I've been able to shoot emails off to professors before for questions. They're usually happy to answer a question or two.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is not at all like the purity thing IMO.
A decent resource I found was a mental health forum, you have to get accepted to join, but it's basically everyone talking about their experiences with being mentally ill or being a volunteer for mental health care centers. Unfortunately there aren't any psychologists on the forum... Just nurses and caregivers on the non-ill side.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Again, there's a spectrum here...there's all kinds of possibilities between "how dare your extensive research have a single imperfection" and "wow, you didn't even try".
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, and it's not even a single lane spectrum! It's very complex and multifaceted/multilayered
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
And we're talking about this for marginalized people, but it can apply to any group/culture/situation you're not part of -- just look at any story where a European writer has an American character drive across the US in a couple hours
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Or americans write Germans getting lost in their woods.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Alright, multilayered? How so? It's a spectrum from "B'y, you're writing about a black man in the 1700s being exalted in America" to "Why am I reading this ethnic studies textbook?"
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Naw mate, pick a direction and you‘ll find a street or at least marked trail in half an hour.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Okay, I can't answer that without draining my energy reserve for the next 20 weeks
Lmao! As dumb as it sounds, something like that can also apply to animals. Like the thing Disney did with lemmings, and how Jaws portrayed sharks which caused this spike in shark hunting because everyone thought they were these monsters.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Would it be possible to summarize?
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
We've talked about a bunch of different aspects already -- like, how well did you research the medical symptoms vs. how well did you represent the day-to-day experience
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
No (at least for me), precisely because it's so complex and multilayered.
This is a good convo and I am happy everyone has remained civil. That being said, I kind of feel it's gone a bit off-topic for an extended time regarding this week's question
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's hard to know what's worth a mature tag or not when even the websites themselves are vague. I started off with a character having the trait of cursing a lot, but then dropped that as i became paranoid of wts content guidelines
but i've gotten a decent audience since then and wts hasn't deleted my pages or anything so(edited)
i have no idea what the line is
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Webtoons is extra mysterious
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I host my own stuff, so I just put warnings up when a specific storyline is going to be more intense than the comic's average
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
because their comment system will auto censor words like "vague" (it becomes "***ue" or something like that) so you'd think they really don't want ANY cursing?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yes! that has happened to me
Deo101 [Millennium]
Is one I see a lot
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
someone commented "sperm" on my pages once so i know wt doesn't censor that at least
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
...is that why the kids these days are just saying "sus" now
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
******in's Creed
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i don't understand what is the swear in suspicious?
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
It's a racial slur in some regions
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
i know what you mean
yeah rip
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
An auto-censor like that just makes a normal discussion forum seem 100x more scandalous/insulting than it actually is...
Deo101 [Millennium]
I got used to talking around then from mmo games ahahaha
Those chats that squelch you if you say one curse or something close to it by accident
But! On topic, I think asking whether something is too mature is a good idea, having a kind of beta audience or sensitivity reader kind of thing.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I think it's fine to make your own judgment calls as long as you're consistent, so readers know the same things will be reliably warned for
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
a beta reader wouldn't neccessarily know more about wt than me though
when it comes to blurry content guidelines that is
might help with mature or triggering content
because your tolerance might be different from other people's
Deo101 [Millennium]
Oh I mean like "hmmm I think this is a bit much. Do you think this is a bit much?"
And they go "na this seems like pg 13 to me." Or "hmmm I think it could probably freak someone out you might wanna lightly warn."
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's a blurry line because sometimes an arm getting ripped off stylishly is less triggering than a realistic depiction of like, a fingernail being ripped off
just gotta go by feeling, i suppose
Deo101 [Millennium]
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I agree that this is a case where there's no reason to think a beta reader has better judgment than you have yourself
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yeah my friends are all like me
WTs is weird. I used to have my comic up there totally uncensored, they featured it on the front page for about a month, but when someone flagged the nudity they wouldn't put the pages back up. Like... you think they would have known already? The nude scene is within the first 20 pages.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
and don't think much of gore and swearing and such
fuck dani don't say that you're making me paranoid again
Classic it only takes one person to ruin something for everyone else
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) From what I've seen of your nude scenes, I don't think anyone will really notice. I didn't even notice until you brought it up one time on here... or maybe it was in the Webcomic Updates server.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i hope so but as rebel said only takes one staff member
Can i just chime in to say that the auto censoring with what y'all have said about WT really turns me off from that platform. Not into a site having that power, regardless of who uses it. It's like we said here, be responsible with your work with tags, but that extra hand in the pot makes me think of tumblr style censors and im not a fan.
Does tapas do that too?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Webtoon doesn't really have tags, it just has a toggle for a series being mature
They both do
So they don't get removed from app stores
Ye i guessed as much
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Tapas has this feature that lets creators tag individual episodes as mature. BUT there is an additional layer -- if your comic is too mature even with the mature tag, they're forced to hide it from their iOS app, due to Fruit Company regulations.
WT is trash, and the reader base is made up of children, don't go there! Tapas is pretty alright, they're fine with my comic being uncensored there, and they don't censor comments.
Yeah, there's what Keii said about the Apple app too.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
And it's up to Fruit Company to determine whether it's too mature or not. (Mine is too mature because of body hair, and I was told they'd put it back on the app if I erased the body hair in a specific episode)
Still not a fan of that kind of censorship. And i agree with dani
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ohh yeah i remember that body hair thing kei
Oh crap, were we not supposed to name drop the app?
Excuse me body hair
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Webtoons on the other hand will straight up remove any too mature episodes across all of their platform...s (site, iOS, android) if Google says "this is too mature"
Deo101 [Millennium]
I don't think it's censorship, it's more not allowing certain things on your platform
They're not saying you can't make it just that you can't post it there
It is censorship U cant post ur piece in its intended form
Like....body hair Wtf
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think that depends on how you define censorship
In any case, it's definitely not ideal.
That is so .... Like Way to show what standards they want
Gah the body hair thing. Thinking about it, I never got contacted by Tapas about my comic's mature content, but they probably knew trying to censor it would be a lost cause. Lol They probably just threw straight off the app.
That's horrible Dani
Naah, I don't mind. It's still allowed on the desktop site, and that's the only version I use so it's like nothing ever happened.
Still a gross move on their part. Not enthused with the passion to appease app stores with removing content that isn't 'suitable', but that is a diff convo.
As one last derailing bit, if you're ever looking for a hosting site, Comicfury is the best for mature and adult work. They don't censor ANYTHING! Except hate-speech.
Oh i keep seeing more and more talk about that! Can i ask u more about it in shop talk?
Sure, go ahead! I'll answer to the best of my abilities.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Just caught up
Back to the warnings thing...(edited)
In my experience, there are certain reasonable leaps in seriousness in comics, and other times when it appears jarring and out of nowhere, but in that case, I think it's simply bad writing, unless of course, it's a genre like horror.
But I think an author deciding to put content warnings should be up to the author on a case by case basis.
There are simply too many variables to come up with specific ground rules
As an example, I have a scene later on in my comic where a child dies. I don't show how it happens, but I was planning on showing the body afterwards. Nothing too gruesome, but definitely some broken bones. And I have been told completely opposite things, that it should be okay because I'm not showing the actual death, and on the other side, that showing the body at all is terrible, and I shouldn't do it. My concern is... If I don't show the body, how will the readers know that the child is dead? And how will I show the reactions of the other characters? It's just too complicated and specific of an issue to rely on general guidelines.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
B'ys, the real answer is to stop writing webcomics altogether! I'm telling ye! no webcomic, no problem!
I mean, sure, we'll be bereft of artistic output and dreams will be crushed...but hey, less stuff to do. Silver lining.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
what you mean most of us has made somewhat a living doing comics lol(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Lol, I want to make comics so uhhhhh???
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Aw...That sounds sad but depends how the body is presented? I mean I've seen mystery games with afew dead characters? Not a child yet.(edited)
Sometimes I've seen Anime do a light censorship by showing a bloodied child's shoe or gloves, or an arm but it can be disturbing(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
It's just that... dead children is a sensitive topic
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, a limp arm is what I often see
I think it's because showing dead children is considered taboo? Like some games where you can kill other characters won't give you the ability to kill children, as well as movies that show character deaths won't show a child's death. It might be too insensitive for some people because children are innocent, and many people have had/are having kids, so showing them might be extra upsetting? At least that's what I assume is the reason behind someone saying not to show the child's death.
Ah, didn't notice Cronaj already said it in much fewer words.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Ah yes, that reminds me that there are places where I put up different warnings than what the comic has - my side stories. Since my side stories are often ways for me to explore different styles of storytelling than the comic proper, they can often have different themes. Off the top of my head - one side story I wrote had a warning for cussing, one had a warning for descriptions of violence against a child, and one had a warning for getting in a bit deep into a character's PTSD. (oddly enough, both of those latter warnings were in reference to the same character, just with a time gap of a few years. though the PTSD in the one story involved a completely different event than the violence depicted in the other story. pejiba's had it rough)
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
@Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!) , @Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) , I was making a joke. :p
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I think the worst thing I'm going to show visually is a dead body and the whole story is about there being a dead body so I don't feel the need for any additional internal content warnings. I think my rule of thumb is just not to show anything that would be more shocking or upsetting than the premise of the comic would have you expect, and to have all warnings at the outset.
I agree with snuffysam's approach to separating darker and scarier content into side stories with their own content warnings or at least I would take a similar approach myself. It's okay to make stories that depict difficult topics but I think it's better not to disrupt the flow of a more lighthearted story if it can be avoided. Exploring difficult topics outside of the main story is a good solution to that
I put a content warning the first time there was some violence and blood in my comic, since the previous pages had been mostly cute so I figured it was warranted. I'm coming up to the second time something potentially triggering happens- a guy gets killed 'on screen', but I don't think it's rendered in a worse way than the first time so I'm considering whether it's good to warn every time a scene like this comes up or if the first warning is enough to readers to have opted out if they dont want that sort of content
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
I had a read-up on age ratings and found out Nyx+Nyssa would fall under PEGI-16 due to realistic violence towards human characters, and will simply stick a 16+ sign into the corner of my page, which links to a conscience explanation why.
So recently I've joined a writer's group and they ask people to stick warnings upfront so that readers can opt out of reading something that will upset them. I've found that it's helpful to warn for things that cause certain phobias, religious criticism, and minority experiences depicted w/o a sensitivity reader's guidance. I would also warn for drugs/alcohol usage since reading about that kind of experience can be a trigger for addictions.
I don't tend to write about anything super visceral but when reading I know I appreciate warnings about certain types of gore or violence
I think it's beneficial to be extremely specific with tags because for some reason YA-rated stuff can be very violent (so that makes age-based ratings completely nonsensical). Also not every story is going to treat serious issues with the same gravity so I think it's helpful to mention if some aspect is being treated in a melodramatic/unrealistic manner on purpose.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Like a standard comic might take say... 10 pages or more. Webtoon tends to shorten this roughly by half. Or by the 3rd or 4th episode, that major plot point happens.(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I feel "have a natural flow" is easier said than done, and also can mean very different things for different stories, and even different readers responding to one story.
(Maybe we should move this to shop talk as it's not relevant to this week's topic?)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
oh this is in shop talk? ok, I thought creator babble was relevant to this.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Nah, creator babble, if I understand it correctly, is specifically for weekly questions. This week's question is about content warnings
My story is heavily inspired by film noir, so I think the occasional burst of violence should be expected.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E17 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 362 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 354 Responses
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Similar to ranking systems seen outside of this poll this week, the episode has gotten a very high score, with no one voting for anything under a 4. WIT really outdid themselves with this one!
Chapter 82 is one of my top 5 favorite chapters of the series to date. This episode is top 5 of the series to date. Absolutely top notch.
Best episode of all media (and i'm not kidding!!!!) We don't deserve SNK/WIT
Absolutely amazing. I’m a manga reader who watched with an anime only. We normally discuss while watching, but even I who knew what would happen couldn’t make a sound. We were completely speechless. Amazing episode. Definitely top 3..maybe 2.
Best ep in the series. WIT and the cast absolutely delivered these past two eps.
It's great. Hats off for staffs who delivered this episode
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Levi taking out the Beast Titan was ranked as the most favored moment of the episode. Following closely behind was Armin’s sacrifice. The third most popular moment, aside from the votes of those who can’t just pick one scene, was Eren dealing the finishing blow to the Colossal Titan.
Let's not forget about the jawdropping Sawano music pieces, the music during the Armin burning scene made the scene so powerful i teared up, as well as Marlowe's monologue one!
I've waited almost two years to see Levi vs Zeke animated and it was so much more glorious and heart breaking in the anime. And the Armin scene had me in tears, every single time, which didn't happen when I read the manga. (Then again I didn't cry at all while reading manga).
I was extremely disappointed with the Levi vs Beast Titan fight, the music choice for that scene was so underwhelming and out of place, and the animation - while better than anything else in the episode - still manages to look extremely lazy.
Am I the only one who actually likes Zeke's monologue? Yes? Ok then.
I never cared much about Armin, he isn't even in my top 5 characters but his death made me cry and every time I see the scene I get emotional. Music was perfect and Inoue Marina did an amazing job.
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Armin easily takes the mantle as the Most Valuable Person this episode, with Levi following behind at 15.4% of the vote. In third, people voted Pieck as the MVP.
Armin is the mvp of this episode. No matter how much wit wants us to think it’s Levi with the end card, Armin is the mvp.
Levi was, is, and always will be glorious. That break in his voice, that rage... I'm in tears.
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Erwin and Armin had to make choices that brought them to the brink of death. 63.9% of respondents expressed they felt more emotional for Armin’s sacrifice while 36.1% hold Erwin’s closer to their heart. We thought about adding a “both” option, but some poll makers wanted to be evil and prepare you for the next episode. >:)
I HATE the question with Erwin and Armin as the only choices btw. :( Both of them sacrificed their biggest dreams to ensure victory for humanity, and choosing one over the other downplays the strength of both of them in making their choices. That's what made serum bowl so terrible imo. I love both the characters dearly, and the entire thing is a clusterfuck of a Sophie's choice type scenario (I picked not ready for the serum bowl question, if you couldn't tell).
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At 45.8%, Eren gets the most vote for “best final blow” for taking down the Colossal Titan, with Levi following closely behind at 41.6% with the Beast Titan.
Levi vs. Zeke was Imai at his finest, Marina killed it once again as Armin, Reiner vs. Levi Squad was incredibly satisfying, and Eren finally taking down Bert was breathtaking. This episode deserves all the praise it's getting.
Didn’t expect to be so conflicted over Eren taking down the Colossal - he finally got revenge but at what cost ;_;
Daaaaaaayyyyyuuuummmmm. Levi VS Zeke was just *chef kiss*.
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“Annie. Fall,” still remains as the more iconic pre-mortem one-liner from Mikasa.
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Nearly 66% of respondents were happy with WIT’s decision to keep the environment quiet during the Colossal Titan’s takedown, allowing the audience to truly focus on the moment. 21.4% were happy with the choice but also would not object to there having been music. 9% feel that it would have had more impact with some music.
Not having any music was a parallel to back when Eren tried to kill Bertholdt in Trost and failed, also because Armin is badly wounded, not having any music gave respect to his "sacrifice"
I never consider the music of an episode beforehand and I was too into the moment to notice there wasn't any
I'm pretty confused abouy how they chose to do it, i guess i was expecting something more impactful, and the no-music, seen from afar thing didn't do it for me
I was too busy crying to notice there wasn’t music
Would’ve been perfect if the silence hadn’t been blocked by berts needless exposition imo
Sometimes silence is better than music.
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It was almost a tie, but Zeke’s teeth win the yearbook vote with 30.9% of the vote. Just behind him with 30.7% of the vote is the random redshirt that got 2 seconds too much of screen time. 26.6% feel that the Attack Titan has the best teeth. Sorry, Bertolt.
The vast amount of weird looking teeth in this episode freaked me out
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Reiner wins the most handsome look with 61.3% of the vote. But you have to admit, the resemblance is uncanny.
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The majority of manga readers feel that the source material was handled extremely well this episode, with only 0.3% of respondents feeling it could have been handled better.
Mikasa taking down Reiner was definitely more badass in the manga too. Her expression is too serene here. Hange was infinitely more BAMF-y and I am very glad for this at least.
Levi vs Zeke had an amazing animation, but i didn't like Levi's slashing flurry at the end of it. It didn't make any sense
I thought I was going to be ready for that Armin scene, but it was so much more intense than the manga. I ended up crying so much.
I wish they added more emotional Levi's faces like in the manga, but it turned out pretty ok
The adaptation was pretty badass this time around imo. My roommate lost her appetite watching Armin's sacrifice
If it weren't for the perfect plot that WIT was adapting, this episode would have been one of the worst quality wise, and I wish they would have taken more time and care to adapt one of the best moments of this series.
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71.1% of respondents were left feeling extremely pleased with WIT’s adaptation of Levi vs. Beast Titan. 21% were happy, but perhaps not totally blown out of the water like the others. A few small groups of people are either neutral, or felt underwhelmed and/or disappointed.
This was so awesome!! Levi was so badass and damn, rage looks good on him. Zeke clearly didn't see any of it coming!
The voice acting on Levi's part was beyond what I'd hoped for so I was emotionally into it, but the over-the-top drama of the slishy-slashy moment kind of downgraded the actual visuals for me. But you know what, overall I think it was quite good - not brilliant, but good.
It was way too flashy
Zeke's monologue didn't really feel well this time. Yet, the whole scene was pretty good.
Couldn't fully enjoy Levi slicing Zeke now that I know he'll have him another time and fail at killing him again (with yet unknown circumstances for Levi) :c
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52.1% of respondents were pretty understanding of the situation, feeling that the censorship couldn’t have been avoided. 23.2% feel that they could have at least shown a little bit of sliced flesh. 14.4% are hopeful that we’ll get a more gorey version of the scene when the bluray animation comes out. A small percentage were very displeased.
Censorship is understandable all things considered, but it managed to be effective. Sometimes, your imagination makes things worse than the reality of it, such is the case here.
The guy got absolutely destroyed right before, the blade still pierced his mouth, I don't give a shit.
I actually think that too much realism would be overkill for fast paced animation. They managed to keep the scenes intense and smooth and i wasn't bothered by it at all.
I was pleasantly surprised we saw the blood from the blade thrusting in his face. I don’t require more gore than that lol
i wanted to see it SO BAD ugh :rip:
Anyone disappointed about censorship in anime in 2019 isn't really knowledgeable about the industry.
I don't care, gore is cheap, snk is better than that.
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Over half of the fandom felt more emotional about Armin’s sacrifice than they did reading the manga, a testament to how well WIT adapted the material, given we all know the ultimate outcome of Armin’s fate. 26.1% of respondents felt that the scene was equally moving in both mediums, while 12.6% felt more emotional while reading it happen in the manga.
Both were equally moving for sure but the anime version had that extra element of Body Horror™. Armin's skin literally melting off is something I will not forget for a long time.
Emotionally, this episode didn't get me as much as the manga did but that is mainly because I've got like 2+ years of rereading it and working through my emotions.
Armin was just as annoying with his ocean and he should've died here.
Showing the skin melting off was an absolutely brutal touch
After I read that scene I spent a lot of time thinking and mulling it over. After I watched that scene I had to pause because I couldn't see anything through my tears. They are just different types of impact, there's no way to compare them
Seeing his pants in pristine condition right after took me out of it, so probably manga > anime,  but both really good
I told you I wasn’t ready. I had to watch my son melt. M e l t. He is truly a hero and I’m sobbing.
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61.8% of the fandom felt that WIT’s animation helped really put into perspective the pain that Armin was dealing with during his sacrifice. 21.% really enjoyed WIT heating up the steam attack by turning it into an inferno as a cool effect. 9.3% may have felt that it was a little too dramatic, and a small few didn’t really care either way.
The inferno made the decoy plan even better and shows how powerful bert is with his titan.
It made it even more suprising that Armin survived this
Not really consistent to 02/06 where he just emits hot steam, but whatevs.
I was willing to buy Armin miRaCulOuSlY surviving in the manga bc it was just hot steam (and a nearly 50m fall but whatever). He was literally cooked alive. He caught fire, everything was fire. He’s dead. It’ll be even worse when he’s alive and starts the serumbowl in anime form. The inferno cheapened the whole premise of that fight because there’s no way in hell that armin should’ve survived all the shit they added in the anime. Rant over.
Bert for the win
Shinganshina’s first deep fryer looked pretty cool!
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45.6% of voters felt even more excited about Mikasa delivering the final blow to Reiner than they did while reading the manga. 41.1% felt that the scene was adapted well, but that it could have been done better. 8.8% found the animation a bit awkward and didn’t enjoy the moment as much because of it.
Finally Mikasa played bigger role in the anime. She was a real badass.
The only knock that scene has is just... Mikasa get out of the mouth! There's an explosive in there! How did you not get hurt?!
Mikasa has come a long way from being picked up and carried away to safety. The girl who watched Shiganshina crumble because of this guy just stuck her whole-ass body in his mouth like nbd and blew his shit to pieces. Call that narrative satisfaction.
It was wonderfully animated, but when I read it in the manga I felt very sad for Reiner. In the anime, the music was very triumphant
I loved the fluid animation. It’s so fitting for the scene!
Yes. It simply made me cry another time for my poor Reiner
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The majority of the fandom, at 64.9%, felt that moving the childhood flashback scene added more weight to Eren finding Armin’s burned body on the roof. 21.6% aren’t too concerned about the placement and are just happy to see it at all. A small amount of people felt it was better placed in the manga.
Torn, it made the end of this episode way better but might make the start of next episode a little less impactful, we'll see.
I think their voices should have been more childlike. They sounded too mature.
Baby armin is the cutest thing ever. I' m also glad they did some justice for eremin for the first time in the anime
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Seeing the Yeagerbros meet for the first time won out with 37.3% of the vote. Following closely behind is the moment when Levi tries to inject Erwin with the serum. 24% of the fandom are looking forward to seeing Eren and Mikasa’s defiance once Levi realizes that he can still save Erwin.
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34.2% of the fandom feel the impending turmoil coming up as they watch a number of beloved characters either dying or fighting each other. 29.7% are ready to feel everything. 26.3% are looking forward to seeing the characters express their very base and raw emotions. A small few either don’t feel affected or are not really looking forward to the chapter being adapted at all.
One of my favorite characters is Bertholdt so I'm not prepared to see him begging and death next week…
I watch with two anime-only siblings, the serumbowl is going to divide the household into WW3
oh jesus oh fuck i'm not fuckin ready for serumbowl 2.0
I’ve cried so much the past three episodes. I can’t even imagine how bad next week will be.
Last week before Bert dies please no
At least the serum bowl will be dealt with in one episode and we won't need to deal with the endless cliffhanger which definitely did not contribute positively to that part of the arc. It's inevitable with a monthly manga, but man, those few months were rough.
My body is not ready, send help
It was so good overall! The anime continues to do a really great job in bringing life to the manga, this episode especially. Not ready for the emotional rollercoaster of next ep tho asgskdk
It was fantastic. I'm so happy with this season. But how dare you guys not give us multiple choice or "all of the above" as options on some of these
So because of the manga I was reAlly beginning to dislike Floch but seeing the survivor scene really reminded me of why his character is the way it is
Zeke’s monologue was much more terrifying than in the manga, specifically when he raged at the soldiers, it was intense. It’s really got me hyped for the next chapter. “Game set” indeed. The way they are lining this up can’t be a coincidence.
i wonder what the cart titan/pieck was doing the whole time
The preview for E18 was wayy to much spoiler imo.
Armin is MVP 5eva but also RIP the anime only fans, it's been so satisfying to see their reactions all over the interwebs
NGL, they put more in the episode than I thought. Guessing that they’ll dedicate 3-4 eps on post photo exposition
This episode was the best of them all. It brought powerful emotions and made me 100% sure that Levi made the right choice with saving Armin's life. Armin is the bravest of them all and I hope he will become a hero in the final arc of the manga. However, for now I can imagine the feelings and emotions the anime-onlies have. They didn't expect Armin to sacrifice himself and die. In the other shonens main trio always survives, while here the situation is different. However, I hope they won't be disappointed after finding out that Armin is still alive. It may feel like strong plot armor for them. Anyway, I love this episode very much!
I've never been so glad to be a manga reader. Watching this episode without knowing that Armin will be okay would have fucked me up for a long time.
I do feel that Zeke's animation turned out a little too cartoonish as he was ripped from his Titan. Which is a weird critique on an anime episode I know, but. The style seems off. Sloppy somehow. Compare this animation to the beautiful chase scene with Levi in episode 2 of part 1 of this season and it feels like two completely different animes. The VA's have done an outstanding job, though.
Armin has evolved to Arman
Can we appreciate how Bertolt was rendered in this episode? His VA did a fantastic job as always and made him more sympathetic. You could sense that Bertolt was rather chill with his monologue. At several times he wasn't ready to commit but he did anyway. Emotional parting is hard for him.rman
Marlowe's scene in chapter 81 was heartbreaking and eerie enough, but this... that shit H U R T E D
My poor heart still hurts after Armin's sacrifice. Like if you cry everytime.
No question regarding Levi vs BT ost? They used such an awesome ost for Armin's sacrifice and made the scene more epic than the manga, which made me really really happy. On the other hand, in Levi vs BT, they used such an ost which didn't even match the fight's mood. Just because of the wrong choice of ost the scene had much much lesser impact.
For me, this episode was the most anticipated from the manga ever since I read it years ago, and they delivered. It's the best so far, but I hope Blu-Ray can make it better
Like a roller coaster of emotions this show was for me, Levi's fight against Zeke put the animation on a high level if I forgot the two last episodes (because it was "meh" for me but good anyways). The promise that's still remain in force, the sacrifices in vain, three epic and decisive battles that put a semicolon in the saga AND the next episode or serum bowl nightmare. Ugh, I need to take a breath because I've cried more that I expected
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Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again in a few days!
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xseedgames · 7 years
Akiba’s Beat - Localization Blog #2 - The Delusionscapes
With the release of AKIBA'S BEAT for PS4 and Vita alike less than a week away (or just over a week away, if you’re in Europe), we thought it might be nice to take a closer look at the game's "Delusionscapes" -- the dungeons created within the Tokyo district of Akihabara that make up roughly one half of the game's playtime. Some fans have been unclear as to what these are and how they work, so we figured we’d show you some of the original concept art from several choice Delusionscapes, along with providing thorough descriptions of how each one -- and the delusion that spawned it -- fit into the game's setting and overall story.
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Audio Delusionscape
For a brief moment in time, Akihabara was an audiophile’s dream, with stereo equipment plentiful and knowledgeable staffers on every corner. But when’s the last time you saw someone excitedly buying a several thousand-dollar boffo stereo setup with amp, subwoofer, big honking speakers, etc.? I’m willing to bet it wasn’t anytime since the turn of the millennium, and Akihabara – its finger ever on the pulse of current technological trends – reflects that, with the audio niche being all but gone from the Akiba streets of today.
One of the central themes of AKIBA’S BEAT, however, is that sometimes, people simply cannot accept change… and in the Akiba depicted here, those who have a strong affinity for the way things used to be can actually change reality to make it that way again.
One music hipster dude, who runs one of the few surviving audio specialty stores in Akihabara, did exactly that, and created this Delusionscape full of the most amazing audio equipment you've ever seen (with perfect acoustics, no doubt!). And where did he create it? Why, at the heart of Akiba, of course: Akihabara Station, where all those heading to or from the district inevitably must go. From the outside, it just looks like the station's got a larger-than-life sound system attached to it, but on the inside, it's a maze of graphic equalizers and top-of-the-line gear.
The key part of this delusion, however, is the effect it has on the people of Akihabara, unconsciously causing Akiba residents and tourists alike to have a strange desire to go out and buy new audio equipment…
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Idol Delusionscape
Cuteness, pinkness, and bunnies rule the day here, as the site of a simple concert fronted by up-and-coming idol singer Riyu Momose turns into an absolute idol paradise. Throngs of adoring (and rather creepy) fans flock to the site, guided to it like a beacon in the night, leaving our heroes with a bit of a conundrum: who among this crowd of hundreds -- nay, thousands -- could be the "deluser" responsible for dreaming up such a venue?
On the inside, the Idol Delusionscape shares its outer appearance, but dials it all up to eleven with neon color-changing lights and whimsical designs around every corner. One can only imagine the Grand Phantasm (read: boss) that awaits at the end of such a high-energy labyrinth!
The Idol Delusionscape is when the story of AKIBA'S BEAT really starts to kick into gear, presenting players with a large list of suspects as to who might be responsible for its creation, and forcing them to do some true sleuthing in order to find the answer. Is it the jovial yet overbearing Chunk Widebody? The scrawny, sweaty, and devious Twiggy Slims? Or perhaps it's the shy, awkward Megane Taro, who seems -- by all accounts -- to recognize that something isn't quite right about all of this...
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Maid Delusionscape
As with the Audio Delusionscape, this one represents a period in Akiba's history that's only just now starting to come to a close: the maid boom. Maid cafes are a staple of Akiba culture, allowing reclusive "otaku" (read: nerds) not only to eat lovingly prepared food full of hearts and flowers and frills, but to have cute girls in maid outfits waiting on them hand and foot the whole time, calling them "master" and doing everything in their power to cheer them up with song and dance routines, magic shows, games... whatever it takes!
Maid cafes are still abundant in Akihabara today, with locations like Maidreamin and Granvania serving as landmarks to travelers in the district, and girls in full maid outfits still handing out sale flyers to passers-by on a daily basis. However, if you went back in time only a few years -- roughly to the period when AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed was released -- you'd find maid culture to be more of a dominant force than it is today. In other words, it's still going strong... but it's noticeably waning, losing ground to idol culture and other otaku whims.
This is where the Maid Delusionscape comes in. From the outside, it appears as a beacon of maid symbology (frilly lace, rice omelettes with ketchup hearts drawn on them, etc.) at the site of an in-universe branch of the "Maidiators" cafe -- and this carries through to the inside as well (albeit with more imagery of bars and chains, suggesting the “deluser” responsible for this delusion might feel a bit trapped). But it's the effect the maid delusion has on Akiba that's most noticeable, essentially restoring the maid boom in full... and then some. As long as the Maid Delusionscape exists, maids will be more popular in Akihabara than ever, surpassing their peak numbers from the early-to-mid 2010s. And if that happens... well, it doesn't sound all that bad, does it? But one could argue that it'll cause the district to be thrown out of balance, losing its propensity for change. And without that, Akiba just isn't Akiba anymore!
As such, the Maid Delusionscape chapter is the first time the game’s characters really start to ask: is it right to destroy someone's delusion, even when it doesn't seem to be doing any harm? Should delusions be condemned simply for "defacing reality"? Or should they, under certain circumstances, perhaps be embraced?
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“Chuuni” Delusionscape
There are numerous Japanese terms that come up so regularly in the anime fandom, they've basically become adopted into the worldwide "anime lexicon" at this point. "Baka," for example, is a word most anime fans know means "idiot," and "tsundere" is a word most anime fans know refers to someone who's mean and abrasive on the outside to cover up her (usually her) inner emotionality.
One that doesn't come up as often, however, but is absolutely key to understanding the story of AKIBA'S BEAT (and is thus left untranslated, but clearly outlined to players during the course of the game, even in the original Japanese), is "chuuni." Literally "junior high sophomore," it's an abbreviated version of the larger slang term "chuunibyou," or roughly "eighth-grade sickness." This somewhat derogatory term refers to people who are obsessed with the types of "edgy" things typically associated with fiction targeted toward eighth-graders: large unwieldy swords, characters with mysterious pasts, pretentiously poetic dialogue that obscures the meaning of crucial passages, heroic acts of self-sacrifice, focusing one's power "over 9000," etc.
This Delusionscape, then, is fairly low-key and personal compared to a lot of the others in the game. Its effects on the district are minimal, but those who dare to enter it are met with a unique brand of opposition in the form of a dark-cloaked man with a large axe who speaks in riddles. The key to passing by him is solving his riddles, and the key to that is finding the source of the delusion -- the person who dreamed up this den of tired anime stereotypes in the first place. But can that be done before the power of the Chuuni Delusionscape collapses in on itself like a neutron star?! Find out next time... on AKIBA'S BEAT!
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Electronics Delusionscape
This is one of the more surprising Delusionscapes in the game, I think. When you hear “electronics,” you probably aren’t picturing quite what you get here – verdant green grass and moss, with a general feeling of nature encroaching upon everything around you. How does this relate to electronics? Well, if you look a bit closer, you'll see: mixed in with all the foliage (indeed, almost camouflaged by it) are air-conditioning units, fans, microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, and all manner of other home appliances (you don’t actually have to look THAT close in the concept art image, but in-game, these appliances are a bit fewer in number and more well-hidden). These aren't the electronics that first spring to mind when most of us hear the word, but make no mistake: these are the electronics that made Akihabara what it is today. And here, they're shown as being forgotten... abandoned... left out for so long that they're overgrown with moss and vines, likely never to function again.
This is the delusion of someone who controls a vast empire of home appliances, but either regrets that he’s still living in Akihabara’s past, or is afraid his goods will be rendered obsolete by newer, more advanced inventions. It’s the delusion of an insecure store owner – the hidden underbelly of a “home appliance boom” that's happening on the outside, with people suddenly snatching up home appliances in droves like never before... when in reality, one rarely goes to Akihabara for home appliances these days. The meaning of “electronics” – indeed, of “Electric Town” in general – has changed into a completely different beast over the last few decades. And there are clearly some who would prefer not to change with it, and will fight tooth and nail to keep things the way they once were.
Represented in one of the more emotional chapters of AKIBA'S BEAT, the events surrounding the Electronics Delusionscape hit pretty hard, and may be some of the more memorable and intense moments found in the entire game.
They are also, sadly, very easy to spoil, so I shall speak no more on the subject!
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In fact, to talk about any of the other Delusionscapes at this point would be virtually impossible without spoiling crucial story scenes, so suffice it to say we've only just scratched the surface here -- there are many, many more in this game, each with their own story to tell!
If you could make any delusion into reality, what would your delusion be? Where would it be located, and what effect would it have on your town/city/village/trailer park/biodome? What would the inside of its Delusionscape look like, and what “Grand Phantasm” -- representative of the core concept from deep within your soul that spawned this delusion in the first place -- would await at the end of it?
We’ve been asking ourselves that very same question here at the XSEED offices, and if you’re lucky, maybe we’ll share a few of our answers with you in a future blog. Because let me tell you, we're all delusers, baby (though please don't kill us!).
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In the meantime, you can join Asahi & co. on their delusion-filled journey May 16th in North America or May 19th in PAL regions, on PS4 or Vita, both versions containing dual voice and dual text (so you can play with any combination you’d like of Japanese or English voice-acting or text). And in fact, although we previously stated that players would have to download the Japanese voices as free DLC for the Vita version, it turns out we were able to include them as part of the base game after all, so all users on both PS4 and Vita will have all voice and text options in all English-speaking regions, right from the start.
Are you ready to be deluded?
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enchantedxrose · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast 2017: My Thoughts on the Title Characters
I have so many thoughts on this movie that I couldn’t smash all of them into one succinct review, so I’m going to compartmentalize a bit. This is just what I thought of Belle and the Beast and their relationship.
These are my initial thoughts after seeing it once, and as I have more time for everything to sink in, and to see it a second time, I may have more/different thoughts. Spoilers, so don’t read under the cut if you haven’t seen it yet!
Let me start by saying I really enjoyed it overall, and I’m glad I saw it. Was it perfect, or as good as the original? Definitely not, but I didn’t expect that, and I don’t think they’re trying to one-up the animated version anyway. 
Dan Stevens’ performance was stellar. His interpretation of the Beast is a little different from the animated one (he’s not so innocent and childlike, and he’s more of a scholarly prince) but I had no difficulty understanding what Belle comes to love in him, despite his flaws. He may be spoiled and petulant and a bit of a snob (the way he reacts when Belle says she loves Romeo and Juliet was priceless), but he’s also endearingly gentle and nerdy and has a wry sense of humor. I loved the moment when he actually makes a snarky comment and Belle is like “....did you just make a joke? you’re making jokes now??” It was a great moment of the ice between them breaking.
So like i said, the “lovable grump” aspect of the Beast’s persona is very recognizable from the animated version, even if they have tweaked some aspects of his personality. And I really feel all the effort they put into the motion-capture for Dan’s face was genuinely worth it, because--say what you will about the CGI in this film, but the Beast had so much expression, and so many mannerisms that screamed Dan Stevens, so this really is his performance through and through.
That said, I never felt that the Beast or his castle were ever really menacing the way they were in the animated version. Which kind of brings me to another thing that bothered me a little: this Belle was never afraid.
I’m not saying it’s a horrible change, nor am I saying I disliked Emma’s performance. There was a lot I liked about her (and to all those saying her performance was wooden, I really disagree with that). However...I feel like these writers wouldn’t allow this Belle to be afraid of the Beast or to cry after being imprisoned, because they wanted to make her “stronger,” and I sorta have a problem with that. 
Being afraid and being sad does not make you weak. Especially in a situation as frightening and upsetting as the one Belle finds herself in! She’s a human being, let her cry if she wants to. I always felt that ‘91 Belle was particularly brave and resilient because she stood up to the Beast and took her father’s place despite being terrified; despite feeling lots of dread and grief she still did what she felt was right. Overcoming fear, acting in spite of it, that’s bravery. It’s not until the Beast saves her from the wolves and acts like a baby when she’s patching him up that she realizes he’s not a monster, just an overgrown child. And that’s when her fear evaporates and is just replaced with righteous anger.
Meanwhile, 2017 Belle is pretty much just angry and determined to get away from the start. Which is a valid reaction and interpretation, I suppose. I did like that we had a brief moment of hopelessness from her, where she’s sank to the floor and is hugging her knees quietly. I just wish we would’ve had a little more of that.
I also found it a bit strange that, in this version, it kinda seems like Belle is the one who starts to fall first, and the Beast is more aloof longer. Whereas in ‘91, it’s very clear that the Beast loves Belle long before she loves him back. Then again, maybe it’s just harder to tell what exactly is going on in this Beast’s mind, because we don’t have as many scenes of him confiding in the servants and getting advice from them as we did in the animated--so maybe it was just harder to tell the moment his feelings changed. I almost felt like the story became more Belle’s this time, instead of it being equally about the two of them. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just different.
That’s not to say that there weren’t changes to Belle that I loved. Like in the animated one, they show Belle helping her father with his tinkering, and she clearly knows a lot about mechanical stuff from helping him--but I liked that, in this version, she knows what tool to hand him before he even asks. It not only shows that she understands his work as well as he does, but also that they know each other so well it’s a kind of unspoken communication. The scene with her homemade “washing machine” was so cool, it showed how clever and resourceful she is (and how she’d rather work smarter, not harder, and have a little more time for doing something she actually likes). It broke my heart when the villagers dumped her clothes out onto the dirty street to teach her a lesson. As the Beast remarks later, “your village sounds horrible.”
I did like the few more scenes they added of their courtship. The Beast doesn’t seem to woo her as actively as he does in the animated one (he even seems surprised by himself that he asked her to dance), but they do have sorta-flirtatious bonding moments that made sense to me and were rather cute. I also liked the scene with the magic atlas, when the Beast helps Belle find some closure about her mom’s death; it brought some emotional intimacy and  trust between them in a believable way.
I had a feeling, before I even heard it, that “Evermore” would be the song that would affect me the most emotionally and....yeah. I was right. The way it was blocked, with him constantly climbing the spiral stairs, looking out the window to catch a glimpse of Belle riding away, then climbing more stairs so he could see a little farther, was really effective. (And now I see why they had Belle keep the yellow dress on, because it stood out so much against the gloomy blues and greys of the snowy castle grounds.). 
Dan’s delivery, though, is what really sells the scene for me. His passion and his deep, rich voice lend the right amount of gravitas, without going too far into melodrama. This is the dramatic, melancholy Beast we know and love--and yet there’s also a kind of...not hopefulness, exactly, but bittersweetness. The Beast really does feel it’s better to have loved Belle and lost her, than to have never known her at all. Her presence in his life has altered him permanently, and even though he’s resigning himself to a lifetime of being cursed (“as the long, long nights begin”), he’s comforting himself with memories of her and even the foolish hope that she could come back. There’s a lot of self-awareness in that line, “I’ll fool myself she’ll walk right in,” because he’s also convinced that he’ll be “waiting her forevermore” (as in, it’s not actually going to happen, but he’s going to watch for her anyway). I’m a puddle of emotions right now.
I also appreciated the fact that, even though (as in the animated version too) we don’t see much of human!Beast after the transformation, the glimpse of them dancing sort of assures us that the playfulness and humor of their relationship is still definitely there. 
Overall, I was satisfied. The pacing was a bit weird, sometimes so quick that I didn’t feel we had time to appreciate great scenes or let them sink in before we were thrust into another intense situation. But overall, Belle and the Beast made me happy. I just have one major gripe I want to yell about for a second:
(Okay, i’m done. And I’m still going to call him Adam because I like it and I think it fits him.)
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theironweasel · 7 years
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and why Avatar hasn’t completely spoiled me.
Spoilers for both franchises!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is what I was looking for from the Original Series. While still not quite at Avatar Level for a number of reasons It’s just a step below and I believe I will consider it one of my favorites and I definitely want to rewatch it someday! I will do some comparisons between both the Original Series and Avatar as my gold standard for storytelling.
The Music. This is something I will give the Original series, there were a number of really memorable tracks, such as Dante’s Theme that really helped give some atmosphere. Brotherhood on the other hand while having a serviceable soundtrack, doesn’t have anything very memorable or any tracks that really elevate a scene beyond its other qualities. Avatar is, of course, renowned for its music, Legend of Korra, in particular, had top-notch music that elevated many scenes emotionally into truly epic, sad and many other emotions.
The Humor. The humor is about on the same level as the original series, though even more exaggerated at many points. Though there are a number of more natural humor moments, like a guard snapping to attention with “I’m awake!” Other than a few moments like that the humor doesn’t work that well and it’s pretty much abandoned in the last third of the series, which makes sense given how serious things get but even Avatar managed to get good jokes in near the end. Hell one of the best jokes in ATLA is the war balloon “birthday party” in the penultimate episode. I think this may also be a dub issue, unless an anime is focused on comedy it can be very difficult for a dub to pick up on the comedic timing necessary to make the jokes work.
The Pacing. Although better than the original series, a lot of the plot of the last half of the series feels kind of like padding and could have been condensed into 2/3rds or even half the number of episodes and the series would have felt a lot tighter. The Final Arc especially drags on for way too long though it does pay off for the most part.
The Plot. This felt like a significant improvement over the original series. First, the scale felt a lot bigger and more epic and where the original could come off as convoluted, Brotherhood feels more like it’s complex. While there are plenty of twists and turns I never really had difficulty keeping everything straight up until towards the end and it wasn’t that bad and all the stuff going on helped give things an epic feel. However, like I said earlier it does feel like the plot is stretched out more than it needs to be, I wish it had been trimmed a bit to keep things going at a better pace.
The Characters. Again, a significant improvement over the original series as the side characters get a lot more development and more tend to have full arcs such as Scar and Greed. However, this is where I feel the show could have lived up to Avatar but didn’t quite make it. I think the key to being on that level, for me at least, is with the characters. As I said in my FMA review, ATLA and LOK were great in creating minor characters that had interesting personalities and designs such as Huu, Ryu, and the Nomads. But they don’t overstay their welcome, only appearing in an episode or two and often with a lot of space between appearances. Even the less interesting of these tend to have arcs that lend to character development for the main characters such as Haru to Katara, Teo to Aang and Tahno to Korra. Brotherhood while focusing more on character development than the original series it does tend to have too many side characters to get on the same level as Avatar’s characters. While LOK isn’t quite as strong in this regard it knows when to put certain characters in more minor roles when they aren’t relevant to the story or their arcs have finished. I think the definitive difference comes in several points. First, while I wouldn't call the characters in Brotherhood one note, as many have two or three levels to them, however what Avatar, particularly ATLA, did was make characters with many layers such as Zuko and Lin Beifong or even characters who were almost two people in one such as Katara where this fact isn’t even fully looked into until the last regular episode before the finale but is also a fact that can be seen from the very first episode. The other aspect I think that Avatar has is it’s cast and voice director that manages to give some of the best performances I’ve ever seen from comedy to drama, from John Michael Higgins legendary Varrick that manages to be both hilarious and occasionally intimidating and believable as both a Villain and Hero, to Mae Whitman as Katara who manages to have some of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the show almost purely through her performance from breaking down in tears over how hurt she feels because of her absent father to making the word “Me” one of the most powerful and emotional moments of the series. I will give Brotherhood this, while I wasn’t super invested in most of the characters, I did appreciate how in the end they managed to use some of the characters very well. In particular Greed’s sacrifice and Hohenheim's arc with his family, both of which were played well enough to get me teary eyed, even if I didn’t really care much about the characters themselves.
The Fights. While being better than the original series fight scenes, having a bit more creativity and energy, I do think Avatar has spoiled me forever so that only purely fight focused animes can live up to the level of Avatar as they are extremely well thought out with real martial arts and elemental abilities that make the fight scenes feel so intense. Additionally, I feel Avatar has a wonderful ability to incorporate emotion very well into the fights both in the lead-up and how the fights play out. From the beautiful and almost artistic fiery destruction that was the Last Agni Kai to what may be one of the best fight scenes of all time in the final battle between Korra and Kuvira that has such strong intensity and speed with constantly shifting tactics and moves. Additionally, the fight cinematography is fantastic, always showing us the battlefield and movements of the characters, rarely resorting to speed lines or distortion to make the action look faster and more intense, something Brotherhood was guilty of even in it’s most epic and near end fight scenes such as Scar vs. Wrath.
The Villains. This was one of the biggest improvements from the original series in my opinion. While most of the villains are still pretty one note, they are handled much better. First, they don’t have the bizarre desire to become human despite how the reasons were only explained, poorly, in a single line. Two, contrary to the original series, the villains loathe human beings and revel in their own inhumanity, but for some at least it is a cover for their envy of humanity and while it’s the same idea as the original series it is done in a much more compelling way. In particular what they do with Greed is fascinating, showing how Greed as a concept is really just seeking empty things that a person believes will make them feel whole but that ultimately what they are “greedy” for is the love of other people, showing how it isn’t just an evil. This was hinted at in the original series, but Brotherhood makes it a complete Arc. And while I found Homunculus himself to be boring most of the time, I did really like his final moments which made me wish we had seen a deeper exploration of this aspect of his character.
Winry. She is done a lot better in Brotherhood, making her more 3 dimensional. When she makes a mistake she feels guilt and will actually apologize and try to change, and her issues with her parents’ death are fully explored and resolved. Finally, while her relationship with Ed doesn’t get an Avatar super romantic ending, it does feel way more resolved than in the Original series as in this they at least admit their feelings.
Izumi. This is probably the best improvement from the original series. While she isn’t an amazing character in Brotherhood, she was so insufferable in the original and was around far too long. While she is still a bit of a wacko, the hateful aspects of her character are toned down to almost zero. While she still has the brothers live on an island for a month, she doesn’t have some dude beat the crap out of them and the show does actually question if this is the right thing to do and implies that Izumi may have a skewed perspective. And she is able to have a legitimate emotional moment with the brothers without resorting to violence and recognizes her mistake in not telling them about messing up herself. Again while she is not an amazing character in Brotherhood, she was so bad in the original that it almost ruined the show for me.
The Ending. Again, while I feel the final arc lasted way too long the payoff was mostly worth it. While there were some plot details that were a bit confusing and some metaphysical stuff that made me raise an eyebrow (Avatar was great in establishing its metaphysical aspects in preparation for the finales). However I feel that most of if not all the important characters have satisfying resolutions to their stories, with Hohenheim finally wanting to live in his dying moments, Roy realizing he has to ascend to power while doing good instead of waiting until he’s there, Scar learning to look beyond his hate to do what’s best for his people, and probably the best with Ed. While Ed was a good character, I never really loved him, but I will give him credit for having one of the best resolutions to an arc I’ve seen, deciding to give up his power in order to save his brother. And I love how the seemingly indifferent/malevolent Truth was actually pleased in the end to see Ed make the right decision, that despite his harshness and some mean-spiritedness, Truth ultimately wants Humanity to learn and change for the better and will punish anyone both well and ill-intentioned who has the hubris to play god.
Ultimately, while I can’t put Brotherhood in the same ranks as Avatar, I do place it as one of my favorite shows I’ve watched and look forward to rewatching it someday and would like to share it with a friend who may enjoy it. But here is where I can define a tangible difference, I can show Avatar to anyone, I watched it with my rather intellectual father and he loved both series and even liked some of the humor quite well. I don’t feel him or certain other people would appreciate Brotherhood on that same level even though I am pretty close myself.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 7 years
thoughts after Yuri on Ice ep7
1:15 AM 11/25/2016 Honestly, I've been reluctant to post about Yuri on Ice ep7, because the fandom is so focused on the romance, especially in this episode, but I don't see Victuri ready for that step yet.  And more importantly, there are other things, some more important things, going on in this series.  
6:25 AM 11/21/2016 I have to admit that before I watched Yuri on Ice ep7, I had seen the spoiler screengrabs on Tumblr.  After ep6, I just wanted to see what the fandom was like!  I totally wasn't looking for spoilers!  ;o;  Everyone was posting screengrabs of the most spoilery moment in ep7.  -.-;  Fortunately, I've been mostly immune to spoilers for the majority of my life.  (It wasn't until Madoka Magica when I discovered spoilers were finally effecting me.)  For me, the value of a series is in every scene's ability to be an enjoyable experience, each and every time it's re-watched.  So I don't really care about knowing what happens.  To me, what counts is if the series is actually able to make me _feel_ what happens, with its presentation.  So I thought, "What the heck, I'll just go ahead and watch ep7, without writing my reactions during it."  After all, there's not much surprise for me to document in my reactions, when the most spoilery moment was already spoiled.  
But I will say that I was surprised to see the YOI fandom so gung-ho about this new series being like a flagship of homosexual romance anime.  It felt strange to me, because I had been aware of the yaoi/BL/shonen ai genre(s) for the longest time.  Not that that genre is realistic enough to count as an actual "homosexual romance" to take seriously.  Yuri on Ice is able to differentiate itself from those pre-established BL and Romance genres, because it was marketed as a mainstream anime.  (In this post-Haikyuu era, lots of manga publishers and anime producers seem to be betting on the "sports anime" genre for their next popular series.  Much in the same way that after Bleach and Death Note became popular, Shinigami became a copied trend, along with strong, no-nonsense heroines with short dark hair, styled after Rukia Kuchiki, like Tokiko Tsumura, Ryo Miyakozuka, Mikasa Ackerman, etc.)  With that mainstream marketing, Yuri on Ice was able to get a lot of eyeballs on it, which necessitated that it smooth out a lot of the niche quirks from the BL genre.  Actually, the series isn't rooted in the BL genre nor is it basing itself as a primarily Romance genre story, so that's probably what actually saved it from the unrealistic melodramatic cliches of the BL and Romance genres.  According to Tweets from both the director and writer, they initially wanted to avoid a romance story, especially a heterosexual romance, because both had been overdone and they were tired of all the associated cliches.  (Especially in Japan, where stringent gender roles had mapped out a whole overused outline of heterosexual romance stories.)  But when the writer noticed the characters taking on a life of their own and taking the story to a romantic leaning, the director simply encouraged that they just go with it and let the characters do what they want.  The story _organically_ evolved into containing a homosexual romance.  Still, it's also trying to juggle "character study", "sports anime", and Romance, all at once.  Because of that, even though the series is gradually embracing more romantic elements, Yuri on Ice is able to avoid being predominated by a lot of the trite "harlequinn novel"-esque cliches from the BL and Romance genres.  Yuri on Ice feels more like a Drama that happens to have some romance, rather than _just_ a Romance with all the cliche unbelievable melodrama.  In addition, Yuri on Ice is also trying to be a "sports anime", so it has no time to waste on becoming a primarily Romance genre series.  Though I still feel that Yuri on Ice isn't exactly an effective "sports anime", it is still enough of a "sports anime" to keep the story from becoming nothing but a Romance genre story.  Which I'm glad for, because like the writer, I'm getting tired of those cliches too (unless there's a good reason to pursue them).  So I was very surprised to see the YOI fandom so incredibly focused on the romantic subplot of the story.  
Not that Yuri on Ice doesn't have a few Romance genre cliches.  Like I noted in my reactions to episodes 1-5, so much of Victor's first appearance in Hasetsu, insisting on becoming Yuri's coach, is just too reminiscent of the "otherworldly girl" subgenre (what TV Tropes calls the "Magical Girlfriend" trope).  A specific section of the "harem anime" genre, it usually involves some unbelievably attractive girl, coming out of no where, from a completely different world, to insistently attach herself to the passive, herbivore protagonist, thus turning his world upside-down, with her "powers", lack of familiarity with the mundane, and the people from her world, following after her.  (If Yuri on Ice had stayed to that formula, Yurio would have stayed in Hasetsu, living with Yuri, Victor, and Katsuki family, all together.)  Urusei Yatsura, Ah! Megami-sama, Tenchi Muyo, Saber Marionette J, Wish, etc.  Very specific cliches and tropes from that genre, are preformed by Victor, despite the writer's interviews saying that she wanted to avoid Romance genre cliches.  Thank goodness that was her intention, because she kept the cliches to a subtle minimum, yet still kept enough, to use what was effective about them:  comedy and plot progression.  Even in episode 7, she kept the cliche "manly" trait of "I don't know what to do when people cry in front of me", because "manly men aren't experienced enough with emotions to know how to handle the intensity of crying"---as the misleading stereotype goes.  ^^;;;;;  Also in episode 7, Victor was threatening to enact another cliche, the BL genre "kiss to calm you down".  But even in that scene, you could still sense the writer's reluctance to let Romance genre tropes take the wheel.  She put a stop to that trope by writing Yuri as shouting back to Victor what would really be appropriate, rather than just allowing a big splash-page kiss, that editors usually tell their manga-ka to bait readers with, through fanservice.  That was refreshing.  Sure, 1 or 2 scenes later, the writer let Victor fully enact a different BL/Romance/Shoujo manga trope, the "dramatic tackle-kiss out of no where", but I feel it was appropriate to the moment.  Whereas, in the BL, Romance, and Shoujo genres, such a cliche is usually baseless or given little supporting context...other than cheesecake fanservice to snare an audience.  
Honestly, after ep7, the YOI fandom became a minefield.  Any criticism or differing interpretation of Victuri seems to be taken as a homophobic statement.  So I've been reluctant to post anything about Yuri on Ice anymore.  But my blog is a record of my fandom, for *me*.  It serves as _my memory_, so I should post what I want.  And what I want to acknowledge is that even though I would love some Victuri, Yuri is an inexperienced, unromantically-inclined virgin, and that archetype, in anime and manga, has repeatedly been used for much more slow-burn love stories, where that archetype often doesn't even realize they are in love.  (Ryo McClean from Fake; Sawako Kuronuma from Kimi ni Todoke; etc.)  It's very much unlike the usual Romance genre, where all characters are constantly looking for love, know it when they feel it, and often even jump too soon into misinterpreted relationships, based on false assumptions of love's presence.  And for those of us who relate to characters whose lives don't revolve completely around Romance, for those of us who relate to the unromantically-inclined, passive protagonist, there's preference for seeing a story develop solid reasons and at a gradual pace, to allow for emotionally visceral processing.  That is what the pure-hearted, inexperienced virgin archetype often provides in their romance stories, and it'd be a shame to turn him into another dime-a-dozen rom-com protagonist.  I mean, if virgin little innocent Yuri actually fell in love, I'd expect the story to show the full weight of that realization _ON-SCREEN_ and give it the time for dramatic weight.  I think anything less, like off-screen implication or narrative exposition dump, would be an insult to Victuri and to any fans of Katsuki Yuri.  Even the fact that the YOI series is trying to be a "sports anime" doesn't excuse it from relegating its romantic subplot offscreen, especially the milestone points of a romantic subplot.  YOI, in my opinion, has functioned more as a "character study" story than anything else.  And as such, a romantic relationship involving the protagonist, is too important of a life event, to give sub-parr portrayal, through limited time and mere on-screen implications.  Katsuki Yuri is a character who started the series feeling alone, and his whole arc seems to be growing into realizing he is not alone, by (re-)forging bonds with other people.  The most intense type of human relationships is romantic, and with such significance, especially in relation to Yuri's type of character development, if YOI doesn't portray his realization into love, on-screen and given all the time it needs in portrayal, for the full emotional impact---especially for a "character study"---I will pitch a fit.  I want my Victuri to have the red carpet rolled out for its portrayal and given all the luxurious prep it deserves.  Anything less, like simply laying responsibility on the audience to just assume things about the most important relationship in Katsuki Yuri's life, and I will be beyond disappointed.  
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