#i was tired a lot yesterday so i'm carrying on with the challenge today
mimsier · 1 year
in fairness, “most anticipated” is a stretch. I’m not totally up on upcoming releases because I’m not really in the book community like I used to be. these are mainly titles I found interesting in a quick search
the stolen heir by holly black admittedly the folk of the air series is akin to fast food for me. like it sustains me exactly as long as it takes to finish it, and twenty minutes later I’ve forgotten all about it. however it’s a friend’s favorite series and I’m looking forward to their excitement enough that it’s elevating my own
song of silver, flame like night by amélie wen zhao the cover is beautiful and I’ve been leaning more into fantasy lately. it’ll be a bit of branching out since I’ve not read anything else by this author
emily wilde’s encyclopaedia of faeries by heather fawcett another author I haven’t read and a cover that’s fun. I’m charmed by the summary of a socially struggling academic studying faerie folklore
the daughters of izdihar by hadeer elsbai it’s being shelved as lesbian and I’m shallow enough to be hooked on that alone. plus I love a good fight for your rights story so fingers crossed it fucks
vampire weekend by mike chen “about a boy meets what we do in the shadows” literally all this book has to do is be mildly good in the follow through and I’ll love it
clytemnestra by costanza casati I just think books about reviled women are something that can be so personal
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the golem and the jinni by helen wecker I read about 50 pages of this every six months and have never finished it. now that I listen to audiobooks, I’m determined to read it all. idk what’s stopped me since I enjoy it when I pick it up
sword of destiny and blood of elves by andrzej sapkowski I’m a good way through sword of destiny already. my witcher era never really ends but will shift between the show, the games, and the books.
cruel illusions by margie fuston it’s especially unfair to call this one a backlist read as it’s a very recent release. anyway, that noted, I just got the fairyloot edition and it’s so gorgeous. so this is kind of a vanity pick I’m hoping lives up to its presentation but vampires and magic and deadly games does sound dope
a closed and common orbit by becky chambers omg I was such a long way to a small, angry planet girlie when that was released only to then never read another in the series... planning to change that in 2023. I might even reread the first book because it’s been so damn long
saga, compendium one by brian k. vaughan saga has been tapping my shoulder lately begging to be reread and I definitely need the refresher before picking up vol.10
the ten thousand doors of january by alix e. harrow my favorite book in the world (top three at least) is the starless sea by erin morgenstern and no other book ever hits the way it does, but the ten thousand doors of january is always the first Similar Recommendation so it’s worth a shot
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lythea-creation · 3 months
Expectations - Shams x fem reader (Chapter 4)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: nothing new rlly
word count: 1.014
I woke up in Shams' bed, my girlfriend soundly asleep beside me. It was not anything unusual. Omar had carried me to her bed lots of times before when I had fallen asleep on the couch.
It took me a moment to remember yesterdays events and when I did my stomach was doing back-flips.
What was I supposed to do now? Would my dad come and search for me? How will he react? Will he force me to return home and isolate me even more? Make me switch schools to separate me from Shams and Omar?
Thousands of worst-case-scenarios were flooding my mind, but I gulped them down. It was not helpful anyway. I had to focus on how to solve this situation.
So I decided to get out of bed and take a shower, hoping to feel better after cleansing myself of the dirt yesterday.
Today was Wednesday, meaning we had to go to school. I had no idea what time it was, only that Shams' alarm clock had not rung yet.
I did not find my backpack when I returned to Shams' room. Therefore I blindly borrowed some of her clothes to leave as quickly as possible, hoping not to wake her up.
The clock in the living room was telling me that it was 4.26 am. A lot of time before school. Time to think and reconsider.
Right now I was missing my mom more than I had for a long time. How could you long for somebody you never got to know?
“Hey”, Shams uttered quietly.
I flinched slightly out of surprise. I had not heard her coming.
She sat down next to me, scanning me up and down as if she could read my mind simply by looking at me. Maybe she could somehow. After all she had known me for pretty much my whole life.
“He hurt you worse this time, didn't he?”, she inquired, a knowing glint in her eyes.
“He brought up mom”, I confessed.
He usually never did and Shams knew that. I barely knew anything about mom as he was shutting her away, keeping his memories of her out of my reach; my only chance to get to know her.
“What did he say?”, she wondered, observing me cautiously.
“Pretty much that he's glad she isn't alive to see how pathetic I am”, I mumbled.
Shams' hands immediately moved to hold mine. “You don't believe him, do you?”
I sighed. “I dunno”, I answered hesitantly. “I mean … I have no idea what kind of person she was.”
“I'm sure she would have loved you. How couldn't she? She was even willing to risk her life for you. Some grades wouldn't have bothered her, although your grades are incredible anyway”, she pointed out.
I sent her a small smile. She was probably right. I should not let my dad get into my head. Yet I could not quite help it.
“I don't wanna go to school”, I admitted. “I don't wanna pretend everything is fine anymore. I don't wanna stay away from you for my reputation.”
“Then don't”, she encouraged me. “You literally ran away from home. Do you think your reputation is such a big deal right now?”
“It feels like I'm daring him to ruin my life”, I remarked, resting my head on her shoulder.
I was feeling tired, rather exhausted. And it was the kind that no amount of sleep would be able to fix.
“Maybe you're worrying too much. Overthinking won't solve anything”, she considered.
I could not disagree with her. So I stayed silent instead.
“How about doing something fun before school starts? We got a bit of time to spare”, she stated and got us controllers to play video games.
How could I say no to that, especially with the challenging expression my girlfriend was wearing.
We only made it to school in time because Omar showed up in the living room. The game had done a better job at distracting me than I had expected and Shams was contributing greatly to it. She was even able to improve my mood during the bike ride to school.
But as soon as she stopped at our usual spot to drop me off, the bubble popped.
“Go on! I don't wanna get off yet. I need you by my side today and I don't care what the others will do about it”, I declared.
Her grin strengthened me in my decision.
“Alright then”, she agreed enthusiastically and continued the way.
Saying that we got a lot of weird looks would be a huge understatement. Basically all eyes were on us, most of them appearing shocked.
“Did you see their faces?”, I asked Shams while she was putting her bicycle away.
I could barely contain my laughter and honestly I did not want to.
“Priceless”, she chimed in.
We walked to our classroom together, talking and laughing the whole way. And obviously enjoying the reactions to it.
“Since when are you talking to Shams?”, Tasneem wondered while I was settling on my seat. Hiba was closely behind her; of course.
“Hm, let me think”, I messed with her. “I'd say since I learned talking.”
Her dumbstruck face was absolutely worth any consequences.
“I don't get it”, she confessed.
“Shams is Omar's sister”, I revealed, watching as their faces lit up with realization.
“I had no idea”, Tasneem exclaimed.
“We're really close. So you're offending me every time you offend her”, I added.
Tasneem simply nodded and retreated back to her seat.
Shams and I quickly laughed at each other before focusing back on the lesson ahead.
Despite Shams' great job at cheering me up, I was anxious the whole time, waiting for my dad to show up.
But among all the scenarios I had pictured in my head I had never expected him to not show up at all. And somehow this was destroying me in a tauntingly painful way.
Next Chapter
You asked for it, you shall get it! I hope you like the chapter. Do you have any suggestions for the next chapters. I have honestly no clue what I'm doing with this story.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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sablelab · 6 years
Santa Baby - Chapter 7
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Picture source: @TwilightCougar1
N.B. Due to this story being censored and most posts removed from my blog with no URL for recourse to review, I decided to post the chapters without any of @sassylover-stuff’s manip pictures to save any hassle.
DISCLAIMER: This nine part story is a Sam and Caitriona fanfic. This is a complete work of fiction and as such is an entirely fabricated tale created in my imagination.  I do not know the people in my story, nor do I proclaim to know anything about them whatsoever about their status or their life in general.  This is a complete fantasy story concocted from the Christmas song “Santa Baby” which was used as a prompt for my writing.
SYNOPSIS : Sam returns home after a whirlwind Outlander promotional tour to Australia and Japan and catches Caitriona singing in the shower.  She has visions of Sam dressing up as her “Santa Baby” for Christmas and everything that that might entail.   Based on the Christmas song “Santa Baby.” 
This Chapter is suggestive and THANKS  so much for reading my fictional Christmas story. ENJOY!!!
Earlier chapters below:-
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2  /  Chapter 3 (S)
Chapter 4 (S)  /  Chapter 5 (NSFW)  /  Chapter 6 (S) 
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 Very Early Christmas Morning...
Caitriona was wide awake. Although she tried, she couldn’t go back to sleep for her mind was going ten for a dozen with the thoughts dancing around in her brain and just one of them had anything to do with the guests that would be arriving today to celebrate Christmas with them in their new home.  Instead, she was mulling over the last couple of days since Sam had returned home from Australia and all that had happened since then.
They’d had a very busy day yesterday doing all those last minute preparations for Christmas Day so that everything would be less stressful when the family arrived for Christmas dinner. The Scots Pine tree was beautifully dressed and all the presents had been wrapped and placed under the tree.  The sliver baubles that Eddie had brought to their bedroom and which Sam had playfully placed on her big toe were now taking pride of place on the branches of their Christmas tree.  Caitriona couldn't help but smile every time she saw those two baubles.  They reminded her of Sam’s association with Cahonas Scotland and their timely reminder to check your partner for testicular cancer.  Sam always asked her to check out his “baws” at this time of the year and looking at those two baubles was a reminder that took on a slightly more personal significance.
Thankfully Eddie had not pulled off as many ornaments as they thought she would which was an added bonus.  Sam had brought her back a special Santa cat toy shaped like a koala and she had amused herself with that until she was tired out and just went to sleep in front of the fire.  Her adorable husband had even kissed her under the mistletoe that she’d placed in the lounge room and every chance he got he managed to manoeuvre her in that direction for another smooch.
“I'm sure that mistletoe should have a sign that says,  Kiss me I'm Irish,” Sam had said  laughing as he teased her and placed yet another toe curling kiss to her lips.
“I’ll put a sign up next year if you like hon.”
“Aye that would be grand … and a kiss a hot Scot one too.”
“Hmmm … Sure babe … I can do that for you.”  
Cait smiled remembering their conversation because that little exchange had resulted in a kiss that very soon got way out of control.  Just the thought of all that kissing and all the things that had ensued since her man had returned from overseas flashed though Caitriona’s brain; however, it was the events of last night that really had her in a dreamy state of sublime happiness. She never dreamed that when she’d asked Sam to be her Santa Baby that he would perform for her in the way that he did.  She was certainly one lucky woman.
Just the thought of her husband in that Santa suit had her heartbeats accelerating.
The words and music of Santa Baby were now firmly entrenched in her brain.  Caitriona began humming softly to herself with the song that just wouldn’t leave her subconscious and she couldn’t stop the smile that graced her lips at her most wonderful partner fulfilling her request with his performance last night.
Come and trim my Christmas tree, With some decorations bought at Tiffany’s, I really do believe in you, Let’s see if you believe in me
Santa Baby
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Oh hurry down the chimney tonight …
Santa baby
So hurry down the chimney tonight,  Hurry down the chimney tonight, Hurry, tonight.
As she lay in a dreamy but joyful haze, Cait couldn’t help the euphoric feelings that suddenly coursed through her body as her thoughts turned to the man who had brought her dreams to life last night. Slowly turning her head, she looked over toward her gorgeous husband who was soundly sleeping.  Sam looked so damn hot when he was sleeping and she couldn’t help but think how utterly adorable, funny and sexy he was.  Christmas Eve had been a night to remember and it was one she would not soon forget.  What had happened before they retired had been everything and more than she had ever expected or ever dreamed possible.  Her eyes filled with love as they caressed his features before resting on his fluttering eyelashes. Sam was smiling in his sleep and perhaps he too was dreaming about what had occurred last night, she thought.  He certainly looked very pleased with himself. Caitriona was sorely tempted to brush his lips with her own, but she knew if she did her love would awaken and she wanted to lose herself in remembrance of the feelings she had experienced with what he’d done for her.
Sam was just magnificent in everything that he did and he was more than true to his spoken words … “Of course … I’ll be anything and everything you want me to be babe.”  
Cait didn’t think that she could ever view Christmas Eve again like the one they had shared last night. Her wonderful, gorgeous, super sexy husband had fulfilled all her Christmas fantasies and then some with his performance that still had her heart racing. When she glanced over towards him again, Sam began gently snoring and Cait smiled beguilingly at her exhausted hubby.  Last night he had given her an early Christmas present to savour for years to come and one she would not easily forget.   Lovingly placing a kiss to his stubbled cheek, Caitriona turned over and lay in bed still thinking of his slow, sexy striptease last night as he had peeled off the red Santa suit piece by piece just for her. At that moment, she couldn’t love him any more than she did already … it was not possible.  
Oh, but she did.  She really did.  
Cait’s face suddenly felt flushed and she raised her hands to her cheeks and felt the telltale warmth of a blush. Placing her hand to her chest she also felt the rhythm of her heartbeats begin to thump while a tingling sensation zigzagged through her body as her thoughts began to wander to the man beside her. She bit her lip to prevent the little moan that bubbled up in her throat. Smiling like the cat that had swallowed all the cream, Caitriona remembered her love’s exuberance to make this little performance for her one she would always commit to memory of what happened on Christmas Eve in their master bedroom. 
Christmas Eve... 
When Sam entered their bedroom decked out in his Santa Suit, Cait couldn’t stop the smile beaming on her face.  Her husband looked glorious and oh, so sexy decked out in his Christmas costume. Caitriona watched as her Santa Claus came towards her as she lay on the bed with such a wicked gleam in his eye that he totally unbalanced her. Her amazing husband was dressed in a crimson red, fur lined jacket already part open and exposing his virile chest which immediately set her heart all a fluttering, a big black belt hung low on his waist and he was wearing black boots and a Santa hat.  Her wide eyes lingered on his body and lazily caressed him once more from top to toe. Her gaze stopped when she saw what was in his hand for Sam was also carrying his mobile phone.  That made her laugh as he never went anywhere without his phone.
“You’ve still got your phone in your hand honey.’’
“I know babe.  I mean to take some pictures … lots of pictures … of you my Cai-tri-ona and then you can do the same for me,” he purred in that sultry voice that had her catch her breath.
“Oh …”
“Starting right now.”  
Sam aimed his phone and snapped away as Cait struck a pose on their bed. “You look so sexy hon laying there in that provocative lingerie that I just want to rip it off your body. I think I could just devour you.”
“Not so fast buster … not until you perform for me Heughan,” she chastised him, a little flustered by what her husband was saying. “Do you think my Santa Baby fantasy will just go away with you dressed like that and nothing more?  I want to see you take it off Sam … all of it off,” were her challenging replies although given the way her husband was looking at her she was feeling anything but at the moment.
Sam merely answered with one of his enigmatic smiles that curled her toes.  It was predatory and menacing, full of innuendo and oh, so intimidating but promising at the same time because he knew that his words rang true. Moving forward towards their bed Sam leaned down and kissed his saucy temptress passionately, locking his lips to his alluring wife’s before he had even removed one piece of clothing. At the touch of his lips … Cait’s knees went to water.  
Just as well I am lying down, she thought, or else I just might collapse on the spot.
Caitriona knew that Sam too had been spellbound by the eager expression on her face and had returned the kiss in kind. Breathless, they severed their caress and her husband gave her such a penetrating look that Cait was very tempted to forget what she had just said.  
With added bravado and in a titillating, sexy voice she ordered, “Take your clothes off Santa.”
Equally seductive, Sam replied, “Say please.”
Caitriona’s eyes traversed her adorable man from head to toe before they rested on his face where a roguish smile bowed his lips.  Sam was enjoying this charade way too much, but then again so was she. Cait lowered her eyes before slowly raising them again as her lips irresistibly mouthed her retort.
How she had ever found the words to tell Sam to take his Santa clothes off before she herself ripped them off his body … Cait would never know.  God, she had wanted desperately to see him naked and she’d momentarily forgotten that she was watching this sexy man and that her Santa Sam was going to perform for her.  
Sam saw the change in his wife’s demeanour as she lay there watching him. She had anticipated this very moment ever since she’d sung that Christmas song in the shower, but now that her fantasy was about to eventuate she had turned into a provocative temptress. He heard the hitch in her voice as he approached the bed and gave Cait his Cell phone.
“Here honey ... take this.  It might come in handy.”
“For what Sam?”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out babe,” was his enigmatic reply.
“Oh ...” Sam had left his phone by her side no doubt for her to capture the moment that he began to disrobe.
Caitriona watched spellbound as her hub’s first movements were hasty and jerky as he began to tear the outfit from his body. She had to tell him to slow down.
“No … Slowly Sam … I mean my Santa Baby. Perform for me,” was her husky instruction.
Oh boy.  Where did those words come from? Cait thought.
Sam merely grinned at his wife. He was just testing the waters to see how she would react to a quick striptease.  Ah, very predictable Mrs Heughan. When she told him to go slowly, he knew that his tactics had worked. With a widening grin, Sam held her gaze with a piercing, smouldering look that had Caitriona squirming in anticipation of his next move.  Placing his hands onto his chest where the Santa jacket lay open, Sam sensually ran them down and over his chest before slowly edging his fingers over his washboard stomach and letting them lie pointing down towards his groin. Assiduously watching her husband’s every move, Caitriona bit her lip. Hawk eyed Heughan saw the sign of his wife’s flushed cheeks and face as her eyes were glued to what his hands were doing. Her Santa Baby gave her a smile and cheekily raised an eyebrow which always sent a thrill dancing down her spine. 
Although she was in awe of his tactics, she aimed his phone and took a picture while she still had a little rational thought remaining, for who knew how her body would react once he began to remove the Santa suit.
Enthralled by the affect his actions were having on his wife, Sam started to really get into the swing of things. He was enjoying himself immensely particularly knowing that his gorgeous lady was slowly unravelling before his eyes.  She was so sexy and he was intoxicated by her.
However, as he performed for her, little did Cait know that her husband was also feeling slightly unhinged too as he watched her lay on the bed watching him.
Sam could barely breathe as he looked at his desirable wife lying on her stomach, nonchalantly watching him and waiting for him to remove the Santa suit they had purchased earlier in the day.  At first he’d felt a little silly but when he saw Cait’s eyes light up when he’d come out of the bathroom, he’d puffed out his chest a little more.  They had never really tried any kind of role playing before and this was a first for them both. Sam couldn’t take his eyes off of his wife but it was the tell-tale look in her eye that was nearly his undoing.  He felt like ripping off the Santa suit as quickly as possible and forgetting about doing a slow reveal. Caitriona looked like an enthralling temptress lying there in her sexy lingerie and it was having a profound effect on his body’s reaction to his divine wife. He could just imagine running his fingers along the lacy briefs that hugged her delectable derrière before unhooking her bra and freeing the breasts that filled his hands like ripe peaches.
The come hither look in Cait’s eyes as she lazily scanned her husband from top to toe was turning him on something fierce and Sam wasn’t sure if he could go through with this little show before he totally lost it.  It was the little know-it-all smile on her lips that finally sealed the deal. If this was the last thing he ever did for his Cait before he expired then he was going to make it the best striptease she had ever seen or would ever likely to see again.  He was going to give her the performance of a lifetime.  After all he was a method actor and if he couldn’t demonstrate a stellar routine for the woman he loved then he was not worth his weight in gold.
Sam could see that his love was breathing a little hesitantly; he on the other hand was having trouble even getting oxygen into his lungs.  This woman took his breath away and just the slightest glance could wield him unconscious with longing. Caitriona Heughan was one sensual woman, beautiful, charming, charismatic, sexy as hell, endearing, smart, and adorable in all ways possible.   She was his reason for living, she gave his life meaning and seeing her lying on the bed and the way she was looking at him made him  just want to make love to her as if there was no tomorrow.  
Caitriona looked back over towards where her husband lay sleeping.
She had known that he would be good at this little charade but not as good as he was last night. Perform!  Wow, and what a performance it was.  Cait had been spellbound by Sam’s suggestive, tantalizing striptease and could still feel the awkwardness of his initial movements at performing.  However, he soon got into the swing of things until she watched him peeling his Santa suit more provocatively from his body. Her eyes had locked on his performance as he held her look with one of his own.
As her thoughts of last night danced like sugar plums in her head, Caitriona could feel her groin quiver at just the memory of Sam and his movements and those erotic looks he sent flying her way.  
When he moved towards the bed during his performance she was captivated by the sight of her husband’s bare, naked chest.  
Sam loved teasing her and he was relentless in giving his wife more than what she had bargained for when she’d asked him to be her Santa Baby.  He loved seeing her off kilter, however, as he stood by their bed Caitriona took full advantage of the situation and reached out her soft hands and placed them to his strong chest.  Placing her palms to his ribs she stroked them erotically over his rib cage. In response, Sam sucked in his chest unable to exhale as he felt his wife’s wonderful touch anoint him. Cait’s eyes sought his, and he saw the mischief registered there. Smiling he placed his own hands over hers and pressed them firmly to his vibrant skin. 
“Continue Sam,” she commanded dropping her hands and indicating that she wanted more.
“As you wish.”
And he did.
Turning his back to the bed Sam lowered the Santa jacket off one shoulder and gave Cait a smouldering, knowing look over his shoulder as he let the jacket fall down his arm and let it hang half off his torso. Turning back to face her he slowly removed the other sleeve stopping every so often to blow her a kiss as more and more skin was tantalisingly revealed to her eyes. Caitriona licked her lips as her Santa Baby was soon standing in front of her with a totally naked chest with rippling muscles so toned and perfect that it made her hitch her breath. Without severing her gaze Cait barely managed to hold up the phone to snap another picture.  Sam raised a little eyebrow when he heard her laboured breathing and merely flexed his muscles in reply.  Caitriona was practically swooning on the covers as her husband continued to torture her with his striptease.
Removing his Santa jacket exposing his ripped muscles of his chest had nearly been her undoing.  Her husband was such a conjurer, but at that time Sam had no idea how much his performance had affected her libido, or perhaps it was too many avocados that she’d consumed in the guacamole they’d shared last night with festive season’s drinks.  Either way she was mesmerized by the way her hubby had licked his lips, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth in a provocative pose that had her off balance. Oh, my god … how she had wanted him at that very moment.  She’d wanted to be the aggressor and suck those lips into her own and devour them until he begged for mercy.  
Yet she had lain on their bed in the master bedroom watching, just watching him turn her on and inside out.  
Just thinking about it now was making Cait shiver in remembrance of what he did next.
Caitriona was so sexually aroused and excited that it had taken all of her willpower not to rip those clothes off before Sam had a chance to remove them for her.  Her eyes had followed his every move, every gesture of his hands … every removal of another piece of the Santa suit until she was an intoxicated woman … high on the drug he was providing. Her eyes never left Sam’s face.  She couldn’t look away even if she wanted to … but she did close her eyes for a mere second or two before opening them to find her Santa Baby staring her down with mischief and intent radiating from his piercing look.
Sam’s tantalising come hither movements had woven a spell around her.  She was a goner.  Totally enthralled and turned on by her husband’s performance, Caitriona was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, like their cat Eddie to her food.  She was ravenous with longing but nonchalantly teased him with her next remark.
“Is that all you’ve got Heughan.  Surely you can do better.”
The words nearly caught in Cait’s throat when she uttered them, but Sam was far from finished.  His eyes held hers prisoner as he took up her gauntlet. Impressed by his wife’s challenge, he provocatively lowered his hands to the belt buckle of his Santa trousers. Hurriedly releasing the metal hold of the big, black Santa belt, Sam slipped it off and threw it to the floor. Following the path of his fingers Caitriona watched intensively then lowered her eyes to the package in his trousers beginning to show signs of hardening.
“Hmm … Santa Baby?”
“Take them off.”
A raised eyebrow was Sam’s mute yet roguish reply, his eyes twinkling with mischief at his wife’s brazen request. His fingers inched into the material of the trousers and he tantalising lowered the red fabric down a little but with excruciating slowness. A simultaneous raspy sigh escaped from both of their lips as he did so. Caitriona’s gaze quickly returned to Sam’s, then lowered again as his beautiful hands inserted themselves into the material pushing the trousers down, lower … and lower … until he revealed a cheeky peek of the skin on his hip and buttock.
Quickly kicking off the big black boots, the Santa trousers soon fell to the ground in the blink of an eye and pooled at his feet.  Santa Sam was naked … gloriously … magnificently naked except for the quirky Santa hat he still wore on his head. As he’d shirked out of the Santa trousers, Sam moved toward his wife like a predator stalking its prey.
“Oh my … Santa … Baby.”
Feeling a great satisfaction at her breathy response to his nakedness Sam moved closer to where his wife lay only to find that Caitriona had already risen from the bed and was now walking toward him like a beautiful apparition. His wife’s beauty overwhelmed him; she made his heart swell with love and his little performance had certainly been a lot of fun. Sam gazed at his love and he knew that Cait’s heart was beating as erratically in her chest as was his. He felt his body hardening in response to her soft garbled utterance of his name.
“Oh … Sam.”
Before she had even noticed that he was now breathing the same air space as her, a hoarse breath escaped from Cait’s lips. Catching the look in her husband’s eye she sighed as he stretched out his arms towards her.
“You were wonderful. Thank you”  
Early Christmas Morning...
She never tired of looking at her husband and Cait cast another glance his way as she lay beside him in their huge, big bed. She could still feel the exquisite touch of her man’s lips and moaning softly touched her own lips with her fingertips. Sam certainly had had her in a spin last night and what happened next was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  
All her Christmases had finally come at last.
It was impulsive of her, but she was drawn to this wonderful man like a fly to a spider’s web. She had got up from their bed and rushed into his outstretched arms.  She had felt Sam’s body hardening in response to her soft garbled utterance of his name and praise for being such a good sport and performing for her as Santa Baby.  He had enclosed her in his arms and she’d hugged him to her so fiercely that her feelings overwhelmed her. Sam had brazenly kissed her devouring her lips as her fine-looking husband had lifted her up and carried her back to their bed.
Cait recalled shuddering at the touch of his skin and the feel of her husband’s body pressed to her own as they fell to the bed kissing passionately. She also remembered licking Sam’s stomach … the taste of his skin was delicious, like ambrosia to her senses.
 It was a spontaneous thing to do but it came naturally to her and when he shuddered as her teeth bit his skin she knew there would be more teasing tonight. After several forays of stimulation Sam pulled her up his chest then Santa Baby was kissing her senseless. She’d wrapped her legs around his strong hips capturing him as close to her as possible. She knew that Sam wanted to ravish her as well, but he held back wanting to savour this night as long as possible. Looking into her love’s eyes had nearly paralysed her when she saw the utter longing registered in eyes that saw into the very depths of her soul.  Then her love had kissed her some more and her head had spun.
Their kisses were an explosive joining of lips. They couldn't stop … they could never stop. They had both wanted to make up for the lost fourteen days, so they deepened their kisses until each moaned the other’s name in supplication.
Christmas Eve had surpassed all of her expectations and her wonderful husband had given her a present to treasure.  Leaning over, Caitriona kissed her sleeping giant and snuggled into his warmth. Placing her arm across his body she nestled into her husband’s side and was soon fast asleep again.
Christmas Morning
As Sam sat on the bed waiting for his wife to wake he couldn’t help but notice that she was smiling in her sleep. This beautiful, ethereal woman never ceased to amaze him and just watching her in repose filled him with such happiness.  She usually smiled like that when she was dreaming about them and after last night he was not at all surprised if that was indeed what she was dreaming about. Sam watched his love intently, grinning and thinking that on this Christmas morning he had a lot to be thankful for.  Seeing that her foot was poking out from beneath the covers, he couldn’t resist the temptation to tickle her foot and use this method to wake her up, so very gently he began to stroke the sole of her foot with his fingertips. Her toes twitched against his ministrations and she finally began to rouse.
“That tickles Sam,” Cait murmured turning onto her back and looking into the benevolent eyes of the man she loved
“Good morning … my sleepy headed wife.”
“Morning … husband. I didn’t hear you get up.”
Leaning across the bed, Sam placed a tender kiss to Caitriona’s enticing lips. ”It was so very difficult to leave your side but I needed to get your present before you woke.”
“Merry Christmas darling. Thank you for last night,” she replied holding his face tenderly in her palms and gazing into his eyes. “I love you.”
“The pleasure was all mine … I would do anything for you because I love you too.  Merry Christmas babe.”
Sam brought the hand that was hiding behind his back forward and holding out his palm presented a beautifully wrapped gift box to his wife. Caitriona’s eyes went from his smiling face to the present in his hand, then back to his face.  Her face was beaming with childish delight at the gift Sam had presented to her and she immediately sat up in bed her eyes shining with excitement at discovering what he had bought her for Christmas.
With reverent anticipation Cait took the offered gift and eagerly began to unwrap the present and ever so carefully she lifted the lid off the box. Sam watched as his love bit her lip as she slowly revealed a beautiful velvet box from inside the larger gift box.  Cait looked back towards Sam waiting for tacit approval to open it and see what was inside.  She was nervous but so excited that her hand was shaking and very slowly she lifted the lid. Caitriona gasped in astonishment at seeing the most beautiful pair of opal earrings surrounded by diamonds that she had ever seen.  They were gorgeous and when the light hit them the precious gemstone glittered with a mirage of colours that was dazzling.
Cait’s eyes began to well with tears as her fingertips delicately touched the gemstones.
“Oh, honey they are so beautiful.  I love them.”
Sam leaned in and kissed his wife’s forehead and gently brushed away her tears with his thumb. “I’m so glad my love. I saw them in Australia and knew immediately that they reminded me of you. You shine bright like a diamond but nothing compares to the radiance of the essence of you my darling. That is what the opals said to me. You are iridescence personified, my beautiful gorgeous wife.”
“I love you Sam … so very, very much.”
Leaning up to him she placed the box on the bed and with both hands captured his face in her hands. Her lips snared his in a tender kiss and Sam gathered Caitriona’s body in closer to reciprocate.
“Thank you my darling,” she whispered against his mouth, gently biting his bottom lip sensually. Her lips glided up his chin, anointing Sam’s jaw before her tongue erotically swirled against his ear. “I have a present for you too …” Caitriona pulled back and held her husband’s gaze.
“So is my present under the tree babe?”
“There are many presents under the tree for you Sam, but this one is extra special.”
“Oh, that sounds exciting.  Where is it honey?”
“Under the bed.”
“Under the bed?”
“Yes … can you get it out for me please?”
Crouching down Sam peered under the bed and pulled out a very large box beautifully wrapped that Caitriona had put there earlier without his knowledge. He placed the box on the bed and sat down on the mattress preparing to open it and see what his wife had given him for Christmas. He smiled at Cait and she returned his smile with an excited but enigmatic grin that made her eyes sparkle. Inside the box he found several different sized presents all lovingly wrapped with tags on them in numbered order and a game of Scrabble crossword that Caitriona had specially made with the lettered pieces to complete the words. Placing the game on the lid of the box, he looked at the instructions and read the first question.
“Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tiles. When did we first meet? …That’s an easy one Cait … at your audition.”
Sam placed the tiles over the word.
“In what month were we married?  … I’ll never forget that day honey … it was the best day of my life.”
Caitriona smiled at her husband as he once again placed the Scrabble tiles over the missing word.
“How many days were you away from your wife this Christmas? … Arrgh, fourteen days too many is the answer to that question babe, and it felt like forever.”
Cait merely grinned as her husband continued to complete the game she had made.
“What happy event will happen by this time next year?
“Ah, that’s an easy one ... I’ll be Santa Baby again.”
“Oh yes, I like the sound of that hon ... but no ... that’s not right. The answer to this question can be found when you open your presents.”
Sam looked up at Caitriona with a perplexed look on his face at the riddle she had presented him and placing the game on the bed, he opened the lid of the box once more to see which present he should open first. The first gift was a pair of mugs with the words Grandma and Grandpa.
“Ha ! Ha! That’s hilarious babe.  You know I feel like a grandpa some days after a long day shooting and we will be grandparents on Outlander next year. Is that Frankenstein and his bride? Ha!  Ha!  That’s us. I love them. Thank you my darling.”
Sam leaned over and gave Caitriona a kiss and picked up the next gift. It was a card with a poem and a picture of something … he didn’t quite know.
“What in the Dickens’s name is that a picture of Cait?” Sam asked searching her face for a clue to this mysterious picture.
She merely smiled at him and said, “Perhaps if you open the next present it will make more sense.”
Sam unwrapped the small rectangular present and when he saw the writing on the box, he was struck dumb. Inside he found the result of a pregnancy test. He looked at his wife who was now smiling from ear to ear with his discovery.  Cait’s eyes misted over with tears of joy as she saw the look of bewilderment turn to excited understanding at what her present meant in her husband’s eyes.  Sam’s eyes began to well with tears as he ripped the paper off the last two presents, to find a t-shirt with Baby Daddy printed on it and a pair of baby booties.
“Oh honey.”
Tenderly taking Sam’s hand Cait placed it gently on her stomach. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she glanced at her husband. He too was crying but his smile was radiant. He was beaming.
“We’re going to have a baby Sam. There will be three of us for Christmas next year.”
Sam kissed his love, hugged her and kissed her again, laughing and smiling and crying tears of happiness all at the same time.
“I love you Caitriona so very, very much … This is the best Christmas present you could ever have given me … given us.”
Resting his head on Cait’s abdomen Sam cradled his wife’s stomach in his hands, then  with such reverence and gentleness he kissed the child they had created with love.
“Hello mo leannan … this is your father talking. I canna wait to meet you.”
 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ end Chapter 7/9 More in two day’s time. 
34 notes · View notes
thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and moonlight path and the slow awakening
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TGIWednesday News
I never know what spirit will bring forth to write about.  But I was given the topic of the slow awakening.  So many folks ask me daily, What’s my purpose?  And my immediate from the hip reply is, “I don’t know, what do you like?” We all must follow our passion/dreams and signs.  I am fortunate enough to do what I love and contribute to others 7 days a week.  Folks often ask if I get tired.  I always say, it’s not plumbing or roofing, THAT would be tiring.  As this Pandemic winds down, and it will, I am sending you the energy of the slow awakening.  Flowers don’t go from seed to instant flower.  There is a process.  Know that you are on the path, that this can be your great comeback and your awakening into what is better, healthier and more profound and an opportunity to show and contribute to others along the way! 
Started these last year, but am working on 3 Summer projects for you! To be released over time before years end.   We’ll see when they’re ready and released, you’ll get PLENTY of notice for sure!   New Audio MP3’s in the pipeline The Creative: Artist, musician, writer, empath, healer, designer... Without even mentioning the above this next Audio MP3 will bring about the subtle energy, frequency, and vibrations to allow spirit to show you the simple creative way! My Aching Neck and Back: A shorter Audio MP3 recording for those with ocassional neck or back pain.  We’ll go step by step top to bottom through the spine and correlating parts. Freeing, releasing and super charged praying for releases of any and all discomfort.  Even a prayer at the end where we’ll include bulging, herniated or slipped disks, pinched nerves, bone spurrs, scoliosis, surgical pins and parts, bones, mucles, ligaments, tendons, joins, fascia, and cartilege etc.   My Life’s Purpose: Still stuck?  At the crossroads?  Looking for passive income or your career 2nd act. This Audio MP3 will call forth the creative energies, frequencies and vibrations of change and inspiration that can inspire, invigorate and enhance your next chess move!
Monthly Zoom Event - MySwitchWorks
Next Zoom Event - Wednesday May 27th 7:30 PM Eastern Time These calls have become very popular and a great opportunity to get some specialized clearing each month. It’s always fun when we bring our tribe together and create MASSIVE clearings to help/contribute to all of us!!! Stay Tuned for the new sign up link and topic in the coming weeks. 
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ACCESS CALL REPLAYS HERE  Abundance Switches Luck Switches Love & Romance Switches Youth & Vitality Switches The Plandemic: Moving Forward
TGIWednesday Download
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I believe think, know and feel that the light of this full moon will illuminate what I need to change and create a path for success.  I know when, where, how and why to allow spirit to cast the light on the simple way allowing my life to flow with the divine. I'm  ready, willing and able to go with the flow of the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars that will shine a light on my success. I'm asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
**NEW TIME** TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT CALL IN (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest Jeremy Riden - Listen Here
4pm - May 12th - Nicola Grace | Intuitive Readings LIVE www.nicolagrace.com
4pm - May 19th - Kimberly Marooney | Angel Readings and Intuitive Readings   http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney
4pm - May 26th  Rev Debbie Dienstbier  | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday's at 4pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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MAY 6th "Today I will ignore the naysayers and those who do not believe in me.  I will be steadfast in my direction and the pursuit of my dreams and visions.  I will recognize and decipher through the signs that spirit sends and I will realize the fulfillment of my dreams."
From the Fish Box
"A very good afternoon to you Jimmy. I'm writting to appreciate you for your care and understanding during my session last month. One of my principal challenge was my injured spinal cord at the lumber and cervical area, from an accident i had in 1998 for which I carry an annoying implant following surgery. This situation like I told you led to my early retirement since I was in constant pains always tired, cant bend or kowtow. You worked on the lumber area that day with nothing eventful however around the third day I discovered that I could now stand up from sitting without the usual drama due to pains, I can now bend for a minute or two and stand up without much pains. It's like a dream to me Jimmy. I'm now planing on subscribing for more sessions. Sir I want you to know that I mean it when I say THANK YOU for this gift to me and I praise God for bringing me your way." - A. Daniel
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! To All Mastery Students:  If you haven't taken the time to complete the course and book your Certification test with Jimmy - now is a great time!!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and moonlight path and the slow awakening
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TGIWednesday News
I never know what spirit will bring forth to write about.  But I was given the topic of the slow awakening.  So many folks ask me daily, What’s my purpose?  And my immediate from the hip reply is, “I don’t know, what do you like?” We all must follow our passion/dreams and signs.  I am fortunate enough to do what I love and contribute to others 7 days a week.  Folks often ask if I get tired.  I always say, it’s not plumbing or roofing, THAT would be tiring.  As this Pandemic winds down, and it will, I am sending you the energy of the slow awakening.  Flowers don’t go from seed to instant flower.  There is a process.  Know that you are on the path, that this can be your great comeback and your awakening into what is better, healthier and more profound and an opportunity to show and contribute to others along the way! 
Started these last year, but am working on 3 Summer projects for you! To be released over time before years end.   We’ll see when they’re ready and released, you’ll get PLENTY of notice for sure!   New Audio MP3’s in the pipeline The Creative: Artist, musician, writer, empath, healer, designer... Without even mentioning the above this next Audio MP3 will bring about the subtle energy, frequency, and vibrations to allow spirit to show you the simple creative way! My Aching Neck and Back: A shorter Audio MP3 recording for those with ocassional neck or back pain.  We’ll go step by step top to bottom through the spine and correlating parts. Freeing, releasing and super charged praying for releases of any and all discomfort.  Even a prayer at the end where we’ll include bulging, herniated or slipped disks, pinched nerves, bone spurrs, scoliosis, surgical pins and parts, bones, mucles, ligaments, tendons, joins, fascia, and cartilege etc.   My Life’s Purpose: Still stuck?  At the crossroads?  Looking for passive income or your career 2nd act. This Audio MP3 will call forth the creative energies, frequencies and vibrations of change and inspiration that can inspire, invigorate and enhance your next chess move!
Monthly Zoom Event - MySwitchWorks
Next Zoom Event - Wednesday May 27th 7:30 PM Eastern Time These calls have become very popular and a great opportunity to get some specialized clearing each month. It’s always fun when we bring our tribe together and create MASSIVE clearings to help/contribute to all of us!!! Stay Tuned for the new sign up link and topic in the coming weeks. 
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ACCESS CALL REPLAYS HERE  Abundance Switches Luck Switches Love & Romance Switches Youth & Vitality Switches The Plandemic: Moving Forward
TGIWednesday Download
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I believe think, know and feel that the light of this full moon will illuminate what I need to change and create a path for success.  I know when, where, how and why to allow spirit to cast the light on the simple way allowing my life to flow with the divine. I'm  ready, willing and able to go with the flow of the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars that will shine a light on my success. I'm asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
**NEW TIME** TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT CALL IN (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest Jeremy Riden - Listen Here
4pm - May 12th - Nicola Grace | Intuitive Readings LIVE www.nicolagrace.com
4pm - May 19th - Kimberly Marooney | Angel Readings and Intuitive Readings   http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney
4pm - May 26th  Rev Debbie Dienstbier  | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday's at 4pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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MAY 6th "Today I will ignore the naysayers and those who do not believe in me.  I will be steadfast in my direction and the pursuit of my dreams and visions.  I will recognize and decipher through the signs that spirit sends and I will realize the fulfillment of my dreams."
From the Fish Box
"A very good afternoon to you Jimmy. I'm writting to appreciate you for your care and understanding during my session last month. One of my principal challenge was my injured spinal cord at the lumber and cervical area, from an accident i had in 1998 for which I carry an annoying implant following surgery. This situation like I told you led to my early retirement since I was in constant pains always tired, cant bend or kowtow. You worked on the lumber area that day with nothing eventful however around the third day I discovered that I could now stand up from sitting without the usual drama due to pains, I can now bend for a minute or two and stand up without much pains. It's like a dream to me Jimmy. I'm now planing on subscribing for more sessions. Sir I want you to know that I mean it when I say THANK YOU for this gift to me and I praise God for bringing me your way." - A. Daniel
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! To All Mastery Students:  If you haven't taken the time to complete the course and book your Certification test with Jimmy - now is a great time!!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and moonlight path and the slow awakening
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TGIWednesday News
I never know what spirit will bring forth to write about.  But I was given the topic of the slow awakening.  So many folks ask me daily, What’s my purpose?  And my immediate from the hip reply is, “I don’t know, what do you like?” We all must follow our passion/dreams and signs.  I am fortunate enough to do what I love and contribute to others 7 days a week.  Folks often ask if I get tired.  I always say, it’s not plumbing or roofing, THAT would be tiring.  As this Pandemic winds down, and it will, I am sending you the energy of the slow awakening.  Flowers don’t go from seed to instant flower.  There is a process.  Know that you are on the path, that this can be your great comeback and your awakening into what is better, healthier and more profound and an opportunity to show and contribute to others along the way! 
Started these last year, but am working on 3 Summer projects for you! To be released over time before years end.   We’ll see when they’re ready and released, you’ll get PLENTY of notice for sure!   New Audio MP3’s in the pipeline The Creative: Artist, musician, writer, empath, healer, designer... Without even mentioning the above this next Audio MP3 will bring about the subtle energy, frequency, and vibrations to allow spirit to show you the simple creative way! My Aching Neck and Back: A shorter Audio MP3 recording for those with ocassional neck or back pain.  We’ll go step by step top to bottom through the spine and correlating parts. Freeing, releasing and super charged praying for releases of any and all discomfort.  Even a prayer at the end where we’ll include bulging, herniated or slipped disks, pinched nerves, bone spurrs, scoliosis, surgical pins and parts, bones, mucles, ligaments, tendons, joins, fascia, and cartilege etc.   My Life’s Purpose: Still stuck?  At the crossroads?  Looking for passive income or your career 2nd act. This Audio MP3 will call forth the creative energies, frequencies and vibrations of change and inspiration that can inspire, invigorate and enhance your next chess move!
Monthly Zoom Event - MySwitchWorks
Next Zoom Event - Wednesday May 27th 7:30 PM Eastern Time These calls have become very popular and a great opportunity to get some specialized clearing each month. It’s always fun when we bring our tribe together and create MASSIVE clearings to help/contribute to all of us!!! Stay Tuned for the new sign up link and topic in the coming weeks. 
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ACCESS CALL REPLAYS HERE  Abundance Switches Luck Switches Love & Romance Switches Youth & Vitality Switches The Plandemic: Moving Forward
TGIWednesday Download
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I believe think, know and feel that the light of this full moon will illuminate what I need to change and create a path for success.  I know when, where, how and why to allow spirit to cast the light on the simple way allowing my life to flow with the divine. I'm  ready, willing and able to go with the flow of the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars that will shine a light on my success. I'm asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
**NEW TIME** TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT CALL IN (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest Jeremy Riden - Listen Here
4pm - May 12th - Nicola Grace | Intuitive Readings LIVE www.nicolagrace.com
4pm - May 19th - Kimberly Marooney | Angel Readings and Intuitive Readings   http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney
4pm - May 26th  Rev Debbie Dienstbier  | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday's at 4pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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MAY 6th "Today I will ignore the naysayers and those who do not believe in me.  I will be steadfast in my direction and the pursuit of my dreams and visions.  I will recognize and decipher through the signs that spirit sends and I will realize the fulfillment of my dreams."
From the Fish Box
"A very good afternoon to you Jimmy. I'm writting to appreciate you for your care and understanding during my session last month. One of my principal challenge was my injured spinal cord at the lumber and cervical area, from an accident i had in 1998 for which I carry an annoying implant following surgery. This situation like I told you led to my early retirement since I was in constant pains always tired, cant bend or kowtow. You worked on the lumber area that day with nothing eventful however around the third day I discovered that I could now stand up from sitting without the usual drama due to pains, I can now bend for a minute or two and stand up without much pains. It's like a dream to me Jimmy. I'm now planing on subscribing for more sessions. Sir I want you to know that I mean it when I say THANK YOU for this gift to me and I praise God for bringing me your way." - A. Daniel
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! To All Mastery Students:  If you haven't taken the time to complete the course and book your Certification test with Jimmy - now is a great time!!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and moonlight path and the slow awakening
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TGIWednesday News
I never know what spirit will bring forth to write about.  But I was given the topic of the slow awakening.  So many folks ask me daily, What’s my purpose?  And my immediate from the hip reply is, “I don’t know, what do you like?” We all must follow our passion/dreams and signs.  I am fortunate enough to do what I love and contribute to others 7 days a week.  Folks often ask if I get tired.  I always say, it’s not plumbing or roofing, THAT would be tiring.  As this Pandemic winds down, and it will, I am sending you the energy of the slow awakening.  Flowers don’t go from seed to instant flower.  There is a process.  Know that you are on the path, that this can be your great comeback and your awakening into what is better, healthier and more profound and an opportunity to show and contribute to others along the way! 
Started these last year, but am working on 3 Summer projects for you! To be released over time before years end.   We’ll see when they’re ready and released, you’ll get PLENTY of notice for sure!   New Audio MP3’s in the pipeline The Creative: Artist, musician, writer, empath, healer, designer... Without even mentioning the above this next Audio MP3 will bring about the subtle energy, frequency, and vibrations to allow spirit to show you the simple creative way! My Aching Neck and Back: A shorter Audio MP3 recording for those with ocassional neck or back pain.  We’ll go step by step top to bottom through the spine and correlating parts. Freeing, releasing and super charged praying for releases of any and all discomfort.  Even a prayer at the end where we’ll include bulging, herniated or slipped disks, pinched nerves, bone spurrs, scoliosis, surgical pins and parts, bones, mucles, ligaments, tendons, joins, fascia, and cartilege etc.   My Life’s Purpose: Still stuck?  At the crossroads?  Looking for passive income or your career 2nd act. This Audio MP3 will call forth the creative energies, frequencies and vibrations of change and inspiration that can inspire, invigorate and enhance your next chess move!
Monthly Zoom Event - MySwitchWorks
Next Zoom Event - Wednesday May 27th 7:30 PM Eastern Time These calls have become very popular and a great opportunity to get some specialized clearing each month. It’s always fun when we bring our tribe together and create MASSIVE clearings to help/contribute to all of us!!! Stay Tuned for the new sign up link and topic in the coming weeks. 
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ACCESS CALL REPLAYS HERE  Abundance Switches Luck Switches Love & Romance Switches Youth & Vitality Switches The Plandemic: Moving Forward
TGIWednesday Download
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I believe think, know and feel that the light of this full moon will illuminate what I need to change and create a path for success.  I know when, where, how and why to allow spirit to cast the light on the simple way allowing my life to flow with the divine. I'm  ready, willing and able to go with the flow of the planets, the sun, the moon and the stars that will shine a light on my success. I'm asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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Wed. May 13th The Alara Canfield Show  - Register Here Thurs. May 21st Soul Talk with Patty Malek - Register Here Mon. June 22nd - Straight Talk for the Soul w/ Cari Murphy - Register Here Thurs. July 30th - Your Divine Uniqueness with host Moncef Akfir - Register Here
The Jimmy Mack Healing Radio Show
**NEW TIME** TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT CALL IN (206) 806-9965 https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions
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Click Here for Previous Weeks' Show and a full archive of past guests & replays.
Yesterday's Show - Special Guest Jeremy Riden - Listen Here
4pm - May 12th - Nicola Grace | Intuitive Readings LIVE www.nicolagrace.com
4pm - May 19th - Kimberly Marooney | Angel Readings and Intuitive Readings   http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney
4pm - May 26th  Rev Debbie Dienstbier  | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show is LIVE on Tuesday's at 4pm EDT  If you want to Listen in only, go to this website: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/goldylocksproductions OR If you want to call in & ask a question CALL (206) 806-9965 No need to press #1, just dial in and you'll be in the queue. If the Call in Number above doesn’t seem to work, please use this back up Call in Number: (425) 535-9149 when prompted, enter 206.806.9965 followed by #  International Callers, click the link below for the International call in list for your country.  If you're using the Free Conference Call App, it automatically re-routes the best call In number for you.  Please unblock your phone number if you wish to speak with Jimmy and or his guest host. Blocked, Restricted and Private Callers are not brought on air.
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Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
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MAY 6th "Today I will ignore the naysayers and those who do not believe in me.  I will be steadfast in my direction and the pursuit of my dreams and visions.  I will recognize and decipher through the signs that spirit sends and I will realize the fulfillment of my dreams."
From the Fish Box
"A very good afternoon to you Jimmy. I'm writting to appreciate you for your care and understanding during my session last month. One of my principal challenge was my injured spinal cord at the lumber and cervical area, from an accident i had in 1998 for which I carry an annoying implant following surgery. This situation like I told you led to my early retirement since I was in constant pains always tired, cant bend or kowtow. You worked on the lumber area that day with nothing eventful however around the third day I discovered that I could now stand up from sitting without the usual drama due to pains, I can now bend for a minute or two and stand up without much pains. It's like a dream to me Jimmy. I'm now planing on subscribing for more sessions. Sir I want you to know that I mean it when I say THANK YOU for this gift to me and I praise God for bringing me your way." - A. Daniel
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Sessions at the Tampa Office 
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FRIDAY KODAWARI YOGA STUDIOS  *Appointments are either phone or Skype until further notice   
I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm EVERY FRIDAY.*IMPT! You must call Kodawari directly to schedule times and dates with them AND pay them directly at the front desk prior to your appointment Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk PRIOR  to your appointment - 15 minutes 38$ or 30 minutes 68$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! To All Mastery Students:  If you haven't taken the time to complete the course and book your Certification test with Jimmy - now is a great time!!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with you immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes