#i was told i need to apologize to all lesbians for my lgbt headcanons because its
goatpaste · 2 years
You would not BELEIVE the things their trying to cancel me for on twitter
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atla-confessions · 2 months
"I’m sure I delete the transphobic ones after I’m told they’re indeed transphobic. Not sure which ones you consider homophobic. If enough people are upset about the fat phobic asks then I’ll stop publishing those. I’m just one person after all"
I'm sorry for being antagonistic in my first ask, I initially assumed you were publishing them on purpose. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. I'll provide some examples of bigoted asks which are still published, since you asked for clarification.
1. Transphobic asks:
"i'm crying 😭 a "butch" TIM is literally just a masculine male IJBOL"
This is the transphobic ask. "TIM" is a derogatory term TERFs use against trans women which means "trans identified male". The anon I am quoting was saying that butch trans women are masculine males. I'm pretty sure this is the same anon who mocked trans men who like Zu/kka and called them "gay man fetishizing straight girls" awhile back as well. I'm pretty sure that ask was deleted though.
2. Fatphobic asks:
"dante basco is an obese whale."
"because he's a lard-ass pig/whale hybrid who needs to put the fork down and hop on a fucking treadmill ❤️"
I don't think I need to elaborate on why these asks are disgusting. Not only are they targeting a real living person, even if they weren't, calling a fat person "lard-ass pig/whale hybrid" is not just fatphobic but straight up cruel. Dante Basco won't see this ask obviously but fat people who browse the atla tag and who follow you will.
3. Homophobic asks
This one is nowhere as bad as any of the previous, but I still have a lot to say about it:
"As a gay ATLA fan I can just instantly tell all these “everyone is q*eer” asks are coming from unimaginative heterosexual teenagers who think being gay is a quirky subculture to dress up as. I know you probably won’t post this because you’re chicken shit but I just had to say it, it’s a new age form of homophobia and it’s annoying to watch as an actual gay person who grew up being threatened and called slurs in real life."
Making assumptions about the sexualities of people who shared their harmless queer headcanons, specifically assuming they must be heterosexual teenagers who are appropriating gay culture, calling them "heterosexual teenagers who think being gay is a quirky subculture to dress up as" and calling this "a new age form of homophobia" is ridiculous because I've been using this site for over a decade and every single time I've come across an queer headcanons Tumblr post it had been done by a fellow LGBT person.
Example: I submitted one of these headcanon posts and I am a lesbian! And one who has very much been called slurs and experienced a lot of homophobia in her life. Seeing that vicious ask made me apprehensive about submitting any further LGBT+ asks or confessions. Publishing asks that target queer centric confessions, even if the antagonist ask is by another gay person, creates a hostile environment for LGBT people to share further queer submissions in the future.
Thank you for reading, no need to publish this ask unless you wish to, but I wanted to explain my reasoning.
I’ll try to do better. As I’ve said before, I’m just one person but I am willing to learn better. Appreciate the feedback.
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yukiobeyme · 5 years
can i plssss get some trans man mc who's proudly feminine headcanons with the boys? like to where you wouldnt even think they were trans but they're comfortable with their presentation, you feel? (maybe some trans Levi and mammon maybe not who knows i dunno-)
I will admit this was a little bit of a challenge, but I wanted to take a shot at it. I looked up for reference and I relate a little because I still like feminine things, but I think I turn away from them because I find it harder to pass. So with a mix of research and some of my feelings I made these hc. Thank you for asking for these, because I tended to do an insecure occasionally secure masculine trans man, so yes let's do a trans man who is confident and doesn’t mind if he is feminine cause he still valid af. Article I looked at is
 Please let me know if any of these come off inaccurate, not LGBT friendly or can be perceived as offensive because that isn’t my goal. I’m totally open to having this conversation in the comments or privately. 
 Trans man mc who's proudly feminine
You are a transman
But you didn’t strive for masculinity
You adore being feminine
You sometimes bind but you were fine and comfortable with your chest
You didn’t feel the need to confide to people’s idea of what a man should look like
It was based on the culture of toxic masculinity anyways saying a man should be a ‘manly’ man all the freaking time. It was tiring.
You didn’t mind too much when people used the wrong pronouns, you gently corrected when you bothered but you were a man and you knew it, so it didn’t matter what others think
Does have a puzzling and curious look
But completely accepts you for who you are
Asks question, being cautious to not overstep any boundaries
It was cute but also a little frustrating, but you knew he was just trying to be respectful
You finally told him that gender expression comes in a lot of different ways
Which he agreed to and then followed up with how you do it, how comfortable you were
You told him it took a few years and maybe occasionally on Earth it was hard because people are rude when they don’t understand. Like why not just be a lesbian, sometimes when you are frustrated or had enough you can get by as a gay trans man. But you came to terms with it and realized it didn’t matter what others thought. You were you and those who matter wouldn’t mind and those that mind didn’t matter
He totally gave you a small smile at that, he was really happy you felt that way and was just comfortable in your skin
He felt more comfortable to give you the occasional compliment
You would totally try and see if he wanted to test out a more feminine style simply because when he was stressed, he come and watch you do your makeup occasionally. He said your movements were really strong and confident it was relaxing.
Would never let you do it though. Except maybe one he asked about eye liner (Honestly I just want Lucifer in eyeliner tbh)
Asked the most question, some borderline offensive and insensitive
But you knew it because he cared and wanted to understand
In Devildom gender wasn’t a big deal here
But Mammon knew Earth and it customizes so he was just genuinely curious
Especially how men where perceived or should act
But most of these came from a place of him being trans and did get how you could do it sometimes
Because Mammon was a model and was always desperate to ensure he passed and always looked like a manly man
Mammon couldn’t truly relate but he offered modeling experiences that he thought kinda relate
Which maybe they did maybe they didn’t
But you enjoyed spending time with him and learning more about him
He would totally shyly ask you to do his makeup, especially if you wanted to practice
Either practice a new technique, product, or look
Totally enjoys it even if he denies it
But he liked to spend time with you and he actually enjoyed some of the looks you created
He ends up asking you for eyeliner and mascara recommendations
Mammon still asked questions and liked having discussions with you
And pushes his own thoughts, feelings, and opinions
Allows himself to embrace a little more of his feminine side
But usually with a lot of encouragement from you
His was on edge when he first wore a makeup look out
It was natural but it would be noticeable to his brothers
Expecting to be teasing but only Asmodeus commented on it
Saying it looked lovely and brought out his eyes
Which after you went back behind clothes doors
Mammon would be on that high for a long time
Enjoyed to indulge himself more often
Even went as far as getting a modeling gig that allowed him to be more feminine
It was his favorite gig he had ever done and he said you being there made it that much better.
Wasn’t able to contain his surprise
But was quickly stumbled through an apologize
Because he didn’t mind
If he doesn’t have anime or manga with Femme Trans Men/ didn’t already know of any, he did his research and found some for y’all to bond over
And he used it for some education purposes, but asked you if it was accurate or not
He would eventually ask of the problems you face
He would eventually come around and said he has played with this idea he could possibly non-binary, but he tended to see himself as more transmasculine/ trans man but just wasn’t sure. He just knew he hated the idea of just checking a box for his gender
He disclosed how he was he was envious of how confident you were in feminine things
You totally dragged him on a shopping trip
You bought him stuff he liked and kept it in your room so he wouldn’t feel insecure if his brothers say it.
You ended up getting him a flower crown (I’m so sorry I couldn’t resist)
But you hang out a lot more and bonded with each other over anime, manga and even makeup
Levi won’t let you do his makeup, but he enjoys watching you
He says it’s really calming
You helped him push his boundaries
And telling him it doesn’t make him less of a man by enjoying feminine things
He would tell you, you helped him a lot with confirming his identity but you would refuse to take credit
Saying all you did was encourage him and create a place where he faced no judgment.
You casually mentioned it to him while he was reading
He simply hummed in response
Until it seemed to register with him
He was really sweet but casually with it
He asked how much people’s opinions impacted you
You told him it might get to you sometimes but you were confident enough in your identity and appearance that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter
He ends going to one of his many stacks of books and pulled out a book before sitting down beside you
He tells you it from the Celestial Realm, but it contained information about Devildom
He flipped to a certain page and read it to you
That angels didn’t have genders and only adopted a gender when they presented themselves to humans
And then he was up again finding another people
About gender identity and expression
And how there are cultures that have similar ideas
It was really sweet honestly
He said he just wanted to make sure you felt valid and while he didn’t understand what it was like, he understood the concept and completely accepted it
Whenever there was an event that required dressed up
You would do your makeup in his bathroom
He would read to you
Totally gifted you makeup look books as well as magazines that had feminine male in them
Just small things that show he thinks about you.
Probably the most understanding
He loved embracing his feminine side, so he had a better idea than most of the brothers
Says he desperate needs more shopping trips with you
Does your makeup or asks you all the time to do it
He honestly just loves and adores it
Completely hypes you up all the time
Wants (he says it’s a need) fashion shows
But you also help him embrace a more feminine style as well
He would tell you about how he always wanted to try dresses, skirts, things that always seemed forbidden to him
While he might not wear it in public, whenever you were behind closed doors, he would occasionally wear one and do fashion shows for you
Then it was your turn to hype him up because you found out he was actually really insecure
Beelz never questioned it,
Was your hype man
Thoroughly enjoyed watching you get ready
And seeing your style
Would totally buy you things once in a while
He stuck more towards jewelry instead of clothes
But they were still cute pieces and kind thoughts
You would incorporate every piece into your next day outfit
Beelz reaction was totally work it
You would talk about it sometimes
He would hype you up or comfort you if needed
But a lot of times you were okay, you knew when you looked good and you identify was valid regardless of what others think
Would occasionally ask questions but nothing to extreme
Definitely made sure you felt love and valid at all times
It was during lazy cuddling
Like he knew your name and how you presented yourself
But never gave it much thought
His eyes widen in surprise but went back to be somewhat shut
He told you it was all fine, all good
He made sure you felt valid and loved from his reaction
But in the moment, it didn’t go beyond that
Also lets you do makeup
Actually, you were dared to do his makeup while he was asleep
And you took the challenge
When he woke up he was annoyed at first
But later he told you, he actually liked how he looked
Eyeliner/smokey eye became a thing for him
You would talk a lot of what you thought/felt/ and your experiences
He just wanted to get to know you more and this seemed like to be an easy way to do so
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kob131 · 5 years
I’m tackling his reblogs from here.
I think it’s more about how the narrative built them up rather than the actions.
The narrative made Tai out to be a guy who was struggling to put his life back together for the sake of his kids and had a definitively good relationship with all of them and would go to the sun and back for them. Then it turned out that not only did he drown himself in his work, but he also opted to garden instead of go with Yang to look for Ruby.
Notice how he tries to treat ‘struggling to put his life together and ‘drown himself in work’ as if they were happening in the same timespan, not, you know: one after the other. Dudeblade, you don’t get to rewrite the order of events to support your headcanon while arguing it to be truth.
And let’s honestly think about this for a second. Do we REALLY want yet ANOTHER character to the cast? I could give the same argument of ‘he’s suppose to teach at Signal’ but let’s address the actual reason why Taiyang can’t go with Yang: He serves no purpose. There is NOTHING for him to do as Yang’s issues need to be dealt with by Yang, Ruby is closer to Qrow, we already have Qrow as the tragic member of proto-Team RWBY. We already have issues between Oscar and Jaune, we don’t need ANOTHER fight for screentime. So the question is: Do you want Taiyang to eat up screentime, especially considering your hatred of him is because of your issues with your mom, or can we just accept the excuse since it makes sense AND prevents more writing problems?
Willow, on the other hand, was made out to be neglectful at best, or abusive at worst. Since she got married to Jacques and ended up being an alcoholic, she was indeed made out to be neglectful.
No, that’s RAVEN.
Willow is portrayed as a victim who incidentally caused issues with Weiss, since her being an alcoholic is DIRECTLY related to Jacques using her. And by your rules, that means she should be attacked.
And Raven was made out to be a bitch.
You know Dudeblade, you’d be more convincing if you didn’t have a history of trying to portray Raven as basically being Summer or trying to downplay her abuse while completely rewriting canon to demonize Taiyang.
TL;DR: Willow and Raven fulfill what their characters were made out to be, Tai was not. Which is why he gets demonized while Raven and Willow do not.
Except by your own rules: Willow isn‘t fulfilling her character.
You BLATANTLY ignore canon with Taiyang.
And one look at your ‘savior mom raven’ series says otherwise.
Also, at least Raven saved Yang’s life once. Taiyang just belittled her and made callous comments about her lost arm. 
Raven: Saved Yang’s life once which she used to try and manipulate Qrow into siding with her while also using Qrow to tell Yang that she didn’t actually care about her.
Taiyang: Gave not one, not two but THREE speeches about how great Yang is while using moping as a way of empahsizing how little her depression is in comparison to her while raising her alone for over a decade and even trying to make Raven look good to Yang despite all the damage she caused not just to him but Yang and Qrow as well.
THAT is what you are comparing.
You could have directly had this conversation with me instead of doing it like this. I mean… Bashing me for my ship preferences? How much of a warning is that?
Dudeblade you BLOCK him in this chain because he corners you.
And your shipping preferences actually DO matter here since it feeds into the idea that you’re a man hater.
But also, your idea of Taiyang needing to teach at Signal is kinda debunked by the fact that both Port and Oobleck point out that it would be perfectly reasonable for him to go out and look for Ruby. Taiyang instead states that he has to take care of Yang instead.
And Port and Oobleck are right...why again? Also refer to my previous argument about this.
But let’s give the benefit of the doubt here. let’s say that Taiyang wasn’t teaching because he was taking care of Yang. Then why does the narrative choose to show him gardening instead of teaching or defending Vale/Patch?- That was a choice on the narrative to show him gardening instead of teaching or clearing out grimm. Which means that either a) Taiyang wasn’t teaching at the moment (In which case, that needed to be better conveyed to the audience),  or b) that Taiyang is slacking off.
Because the narrative needs to show Taiyang noticing the feather of Raven in order to communicate that he knows she’s there. It also gives us some insight into what he actually thinks of Raven (seeing as he looks miserable at the sight), connects Raven to the home in Patch (which itself acts as the grounds where the family lives) and makes Raven more pitiable (The ONE person left who might have accepted Raven is visibly miserable at her arrival? That’s pretty fucking sad even for Raven.)
Also, what canon evidence do you have that Taiyang is absolutely needed to teach at Signal? What evidence do you have for Taiyang even teaching at all?- That’s all your headcanon.
“With Beacon gone they'll need Dad at Signal more than ever-”
Nope, that’s what Ruby said. And if Oobleck and Port, two people who we never knew had a connection to Taiyang before are right, then Ruby Rose, Signal graduate and his fucking DAUGHTER, is most certainly right.
And Yang has two moments where she says that Taiyang wasn’t entirely there for her.  She explicitly says this twice.
Yeah, bullshit.
A. Don’t think I didn’t catch that manipulative little detail of yours. ‘entirely there’ and ‘always there’ imply VERY different things, with entirely saying that Taiyang is somehgow distant to Yang and always implying a period of tie of disconnect. You choose that word because while it’s surface level means the same thing, the actual meaning is very different.
And B. That second example also says Yang was being emotional and has Yang placing blame on Summer for dying. That is disingenious as fuck.
Do you have evidence to the contrary? Last I checked, all you have is a headcanon that Tai is best dad™. Meanwhile, I have actual canon evidence.
“ She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from Dad!”
The fact that TAIYANG TAUGHT YANG, meaning considering Yang’s level of skill and how she went through all years of training at Signal, means he was there for a significant amount of time.
And your evidence is one manipulation of intent and one disingenuous. So no, you don’t.
And “Sociopath”?- Really? Just because I sympathize more with Yang over Tai?
More like you demand fictional characters be killed off or maimed in brutal ways (Jaune or Taiyang) because you project onto them...or the numerous incidents where you either call people Nazis, call them brainwashed because they don’t fit your narrative or ACTIVELY CALL FOR DEATH.
You reblog from known harasser/stalker/racist/sexist KOB.
You reblog from known racists, know sexists and known SUCIDE BAITERS while all being ONE YOURSELF.
If he’s wrong, then you are. And funny thing is, I don’t believe that.
1: I never told anyone to drink bleach. I wanted it for myself because of knightof “BLM Is making things worse for black ppl by making more racists” balance. A person you reblog from regularly. Guess you didn’t catch him saying that.
He’s probably talking about Mage. The bisexual guy you said that to after you preached about LGBT suicide rates and he called you out ad then ‘apologized by putting the blame on him and saying you wanted him to go into a coma. And just for reminding me of that: I’m gonna be as sadistic as possible.
2: I apologized for that, and I took the post down.
You said you took it down because ‘neo-nazi right wingers’ were ‘harassing’ you and added on a fake ‘and it was wrong’ thing while keeping that waterboarding tag of yours. Also, that JSWV incident you keep pulling out even in THIS post? I did the same thing AND MORE. So you’re actually worse STILL by your own rules.
3: I headcanon Yang as a lesbian. I just get angry when people shove other headcanons down other people’s throats.
Then I assume you punch yourself whenever you call people homophobic for disagreeing with you?
Yang doesn’t have to resent Tai for him to be negligent. She can have other reactions to it. Like, say, not opening up to him about her issues. Or her calling him by name instead of “dad” like she did when she was talking to Weiss. It’s a complex thing.
Or you know, open up to him about her issues and call him dad like EVERY OTHER APPEARANCE?
Also: You ignore the resentment against Raven.
Aside from this, you are ignoring what my original response was about. It was about intended characterization
And you’re full of bullshit either way.
Y’know what?- I’m going to block you after this. And don’t think about using that as an excuse to claim that you won or anything, I’m just tired of your bullshit. Also, don’t think you can just pull a kob and just copy/paste my posts so that you can argue them. Otherwise, I’d have to report you.
Yeah, how many times have you tried that with me? It never works.
And you ARE silencing him. SO guess what? Time for a classic KOB-style beatdown.
(I’ll unblock you after  this for convenience sake, but next time,   don’t pull this shit because it could be seen as block evasion). 
Oh fuck off.
All I’m saying is that it should have been better conveyed. It was also the middle of the day when Tai was last seen, he should have been in school teaching if that were the case. I would have less of a vendetta against Tai if he was shown in a classroom, or out in vale clearing out some grimm when Raven went to him, but the narrative chose to show him gardening. Which is a poor look for Taiyang.
If you ignore everything we know about school, like days off, or the limitations of the budget while also maliciously misinterpeting scenes: sure.
Although you never seem to accept that with Yang or Raven...
And again: I have to go back to intended characterization.-
Once again: You CANNOT try ‘intended characterization while ignoring the intentions in other scenes and EXPLICTEDLY trying to make things look worse than they are. You’re bullshitting.
Lastly: It was bad writing that made Taiyang out to be a bad dad.-
No Dudeblade, as seen by how the writing continuously CONTRADICTS you: it’s personal bias.
On top of all  of that, Yang got shafted on screentime in volume 4 because the writers said that it would be “boring” watching her mope around a house all day 
Citation needed and when they tried that you all proceeded to huff paint and demand more fight scenes.
It’s your choice to like Taiyang and not ship ros/ebird, just like how it’s my choice to do the opposite. I ship rosebi/rd because I’m a slut for angst. And that Raven is leagues more interesting than Tai.
Except that A. You ship rosebird because you have a yuri fetish and B. you project a perfect vision of your mom onto Taiyang. Just more bullshit.
No really, if you love angst so much: PHOENIX should be your ship as there’s more angst on Taiyang’s side than Summer. Or SummerXQrow. Or hell, QrowXTaiyang. All of which have more positive chances (and thus, more angst) than from Rosebird, where one side nuked Ruby in the face for sounding like the other side.
Plus, I find it irritating that criticism about Tai always has to go in the rwde tag while criticism about Raven can go in her main one. It honestly feels like a double standard… Which is something that I have found to be commonplace in the fndm.
It doesn’t.
You just do it because the main tag isn’t your echo chamber in regards to Taiyang.
Did you know that some people unironically called Jacques “A stern parent trying to discipline Weiss” but then turn around and call Willow “A bitch who should take care of her kids”?
Citation Dudeblade, that sounds like a troll.
And it’s still not as bad as Taiyang “abusive parent who was never there for Yang” and Raven “misunderstood loner mom who totes cares for Yang more than the loving father who raised her.”
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girlxfriday-blog · 7 years
just let ‘em talk about it
I’m just gonna use my lil tumblr as a platform to talk about something. so, I joined SKAM fandom recently, one of my best friends who I met through a different fandom six years ago advised me to try SKAM. she warned me about how.. shaming... the fandom can be. I joined after we watched S3 together by writing a ABO fic which I ended up being quite proud of, considering I’ve only ever wrote for kinkmemes before, not multichaptered ‘proper’ fics. I also felt I explored ABO dynamics well, writing Isak as an omega who comes to embrace being an omega but very much being his own person, independent, intelligent, and Even as an empathetic, sensitive yet strong alpha. I certainly didn’t want to ‘police’ myself but it was important to me to consider how it might be to be an omega or an alpha in a ABO AU. Thankfully, no one ‘came’ for me the way some people have experienced in SKAM. The worst comments I got were from people who don’t like multishipping, which, ok, that’s your choice to not read anything except straight up Even/Isak.
My real bugbear is to do with the ever-difficult top and bottom discourse, always something that causes issues in fandom but it is quite strange in SKAM. Tops and bottoms exist in LGBT relationships and LGBT culture. This may be something tumblr wants to pretend doesn’t exist because it ‘forces gender norms’ or w/e, but as someone who has spent a lot of time on U.K gay scenes with gay and queer men, in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Nottingham… it exists. It’s totally ok for a guy to identify as a top or a bottom. They’re not being oppressed by gender norms by doing so. It’s healthy and normal if a queer guy chooses to do this, just as it’s healthy and normal if they choose not to. This fandom is young, sure, so I totally get that people may have very limited experience of sex, particularly LGBT sex, especially LGBT and queer men’s sexual lives and experiences, because the majority of those in the fandom are female but it does bother and worry me that young, perhaps sexually inexperienced women are acting as moral police over a very common, very significant part of LGBT culture such as sexual identities. As a hardened, older, 80% lesbian, 20% pansexual mess with friends of every persuasion, many nights and sometimes mornings spent in gay bars, gay villages, gay communities, with queer men, and women, and everyone in between… let me tell you, it’s ABSOLUTELY ok for someone to be solely a top or solely a bottom, as fine as it is for someone to be versatile…
…not only that, but think about it. If you feel it’s ‘unfair’ for someone to be portrayed solely as a bottom, think about why that is. Is it because you see bottoming as less? Unequal? Not as ‘strong’ as a top? What’s so bad about bottoms and bottoming? The answer is: not one single thing. Being a bottom doesn’t make you weak, doesn’t mean you have less power in the relationship, doesn’t make you lesser or more feminine… and if you are attributing ‘femininity’ to your bottom, upset that someone writes a character solely as a bottom, are we saying that all women and any man who chooses to be penetrated during sex is somehow ‘less’ because of that? It’s extremely misogynistic. So, yeah, I like bottom Isak, and I’ll write bottom Isak, and I’ll read it, that’s my choice and I make no apologies for my preference to view Isak in that way. I couldn’t care less if someone wishes to headcanon, view and write Isak as vers or a top, cool, go for it sweetheart. I will never hate on you for that or make shitty comments on that topic but I expect not to receive shitty comments myself, to be able to enjoy fandom how I wish, without being made to feel like I’m somehow perpetuating gender norms by choosing to use these labels and do so without shame.
I’m aware a while ago when there were photos coming out online of Tarjei looking super buff I tweeted, jokingly, that I’d never write top Isak, regardless of how buff and ~heterosexual~ Tarjei is/appears to be… that was a point I was making, that just because someone is muscular and tall or whatever doesn’t equate to them being a top, being a top or a bottom is a preference, not a characteristic and it’s ridiculous to assume people are something from the way they look. I’ve been targeted myself because of how I look, questions about my sexuality, intrusive questions, being told I’m a liar, I’m a straight girl, how could I possibly be a lesbian? Yet 9 times out of 10, it’s a girl I’m taking home, not a guy even if I don’t ‘look’ gay. I’m also writing fic about Isak, not Tarjei, so it doesn’t matter if Tarjei is the prettiest twink in the world or the most muscular, masc presenting guy ever. It’s Isak I choose to write about.
I get that it’s cool to go against the grain, and sure, I accept that bottom!Isak is much more widely written than the alternative which must be frustrating if you prefer top!Isak but don’t use that to bring down bottom!Isak, using sociological discourse to prove a point when really, it is just a sexual preference. No one is better than the other or worse than the other for their preference of their depiction of Isak. I will champion bottom!Isak, submissive!Isak, because it’s my preference, but I will never bring down top!Isak or dominant!Isak authors, tweeters, posters, because you don’t need to tear something down to big something else up.
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