#i was too busy questioning the adults that were teaching me incorrect history
trashworldblog · 7 months
i will always ignore all catholic news because it usually sucks. unless its funny.
anyways very excited to see the tradcaths become lutheran lol
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raisingsupergirl · 3 years
What Health Class Didn't Teach You About Life After 20
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I remember the first time I realized I was getting "older." I had just turned twenty-five. I'd planted my right foot during a pick-up game of basketball, slipped on a wet spot on the floor, and felt a pop in my right hip. Self-diagnosed labral tear. No need for surgery, but it did click and pinch and frequently remind me that I wasn't as invincible as I once was. Shortly after that, I hurt my left knee—self-diagnosed meniscus tear. Also more of a nuisance than anything, but also a good reminder of my mortality. Then there was the back, the neck, the creeping weight-gain, the creeping hair loss, and the general creeping dread of my impending death... eventually. And never—not ONCE—did someone sit me down and warn me about all of this garbage. No advice on how to process it, overcome it, or even come to terms with it. So this is me, warning all of you twenty-and-thirty-somethings out there about what's to come. So listen up!
First off, there's the orthopedic stuff—all of the hip and knee and back issues that would have completely wrecked my future if I hadn't been a physical therapist. I've never had great insurance or money to burn on a bunch of fancy-pants doctors. The hip and knee things I might have ignored. But I also might have tried "working through it" too early, which would have only made things worse (possibly to the point of needing surgery). But the neck and the back? Those were two weight-lifting injuries that happened in quick succession that absolutely floored me. Like, literally. I couldn't get off of the floor because of pain. And even with my education and experience, I still allowed the injury to happen due to incorrect exercise form and habits. And there was a short time after the injury that I was doing the exact WRONG thing, making the herniated disc in my neck much worse. To the point that I ALMOST needed surgery for that one. And most people would have ended up there. It took over a year of rehab to get back to (mostly) pain-free, and there aren't many people who would have held out hope for that long.
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So, my advice when it comes to acquired injuries? Be your own advocate. Take responsibility for your body. Remember that you only get one, and it's worth the time and effort to educate yourself on the best ways to take care of it. Ask a health professional friend (sorry, I'm busy). Make an appointment with a doctor who specialized in your injury, but also remember that most such specialists are surgeons, so their mind will usually gravitate toward surgery as the best option. It might be, but maybe also ask a physical therapist. Ask a chiropractor. And only AFTER you've asked enough professionals should you ask Google (unless you want to be told you have cancer literally every time). Then use all of that information like a grown adult. Write it all down. Compare and contrast the diagnoses and treatment options. Consider your needs regarding finances, recovery time, and desired outcomes. But remember: you only get one body. Any injury you decide to "live with" could potentially just keep getting worse until you stop living. And finally, above all else—no… wait. I'll tell you the most important thing a little later. First, let's talk about the OTHER stuff nobody ever warned me about.
The Great Hair Migration. It's a thing. It gathers on your head when you're young, but then it gets too tired to climb to the top. Instead, it starts sprouting out of your ears, your nose, your back... pretty much everywhere EXCEPT your head. Your mileage may vary, but it happens to everyone to some extent. For me, it started out as a receding hairline in my mid-twenties. The thing is, it happened so slowly that I doubted its existence. A wispy white hair here. Some more shiny forehead there. Then one day someone complimented my comb-over, and my life was over. Dead. Gray hair was one thing (even kind of cool in some ways). Going bald was another matter entirely. It's been over a decade since then, and the thinning has continued. Recently, I considered Rogaine or Propecia, but the former is too much work for no guaranteed results, and the latter is too much money with some, uh, undesirable potential side-effects. Then there's all the organic and alternative treatments that have little to no efficacy with plenty of dollar signs attached. No thanks. So, if I'm not going to recommend medical intervention, what IS my advice? Cut your hair. The shorter, the better. It looks less like a comb-over, and when the time comes that you have to start shaving it, it won't be as much of a shocker. Unless you're a woman. In which case, you CAN shave it, but maybe look into a nice wig first. Oh, and then there's the best advice... but I'm still saving that for later. First...
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Belly flab! Back flab! Butt flab! Where does this stuff come from? Cheeseburgers, that's where. And cookies. And chocolate cake. Heck, even protein smoothies and chicken breasts are to blame. Calories in > calories out = weight gain. That's science. When you burn less calories than you shovel down your throat, your body stores the excess "energy" in fat cells. You know, just in case you need to tap into those fat reserves to survive a harsh winter or whatever. Evolution definitely hasn't kept up with 1st-world probs. But I'm not going to complain too much. I'm not overweight. Never have been. But I AM human. And like all humans, my metabolism started slowing down in my twenties—because we all basically start dying after puberty, and a part of that is slower processing and utilization of energy because dying people don't need as much fuel (which is also why we don't need as much recovery sleep and why we don't have that youthful energy forever). Yay!
So I started gaining weight. My new "normal" went from 170 lbs to 180 lbs. Then 190. Then I broke 200. Then I broke down. I learned that a dozen cookies right before bed would float around in my body all night until I tucked them away in my fat cells. I learned that a little bit of exercise (especially anything that builds muscle) goes a LONG way. And I learned that there's a certain point when eating thirty hot wings in one sitting is no longer a wise life choice. My advice? Nothing new. Exercise consistently (without herniating a disc in your neck) and appreciate WHAT you're eating, not how MUCH you're eating. Enjoying things in moderation actually improves your appreciation for them. At least, it does for me. And, of course, there's that most important piece of advice that it's almost time for. After we talk about...
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Complete and utter decline of mental health because of ALL THE THINGS. I joke, but there's so much truth to this as we ease from childhood structure to adult freedom. Yes, adults are free (until we create our own prisons). As kids, our lives are fairly linear. Sure, we all had hobbies and preferences, but for the most part, we have one goal for the first eighteen years of our lives—learn what we're supposed to learn so we can avoid punishment and graduate from high school. For some of us, that structured bliss continues for a few more years. But eventually, we're all cut loose into the wild blue.
We can do literally ANYTHING (well, not "literally," but, yeah, anyway). Sure, there are some social norms to give us a little framework. Jobs, spouses, kids, taxes, retirement plans. But what's our PURPOSE? Why did we work so hard for those diplomas? How are we going to leave our marks on humanity and history? Do we NEED to leave marks? Is everything meaningless? Or just the things that OTHER people care about? Thankfully, humans are pretty good at assigning value to mundane things, and if we go about it the right way, we might even find some things that TRULY matter. So, what's my super-profound advise that you've all been waiting for? What's the secret to aging gracefully and finding the meaning of life?
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Honestly? I have no idea... But only because I'm not you. I know what's worked for me, but that's because I know myself better than anyone. So my best advice has been there all along: look at yourself in the mirror and embrace your own unique changes. Embrace the customized adventures and challenges created just for you. Find your own answers and your own way in your own time. Don't expect someone else to hand them to you (especially not in a blog post). Don't bury your questions and fears. Don't drown them with self-medication or temporary distractions or someone else's ideas of success. And don't assume it's just a phase. Because it's not. It's your life.
Come to terms with the fact that you WILL acquire some injuries that can't be fixed. You WILL gain some weight. You WILL lose some hair. You won't be as clever as you once were, and you'll wake up some mornings wondering what the purpose of everything is. And, of course, you'll eventually die. We're not MEANT to live forever. Ultimately, something will end us no matter how hard we try to beat everything back. And if we only focus on living as LONG as we can, we'll forget to live as WELL as we can. And living "well" probably won't look the same for you as it does for someone else. To be honest, it's not the end of the world if you never run that marathon or beat those punks at basketball. Heck, it doesn't even really matter if you never have kids or find a cure for cancer. Rather, those things don't have any INTRINSIC value. Who cares if the human race dies off? Do you think anything else will really miss us?
So what DOES matter? Well, whatever you assign value to. Whatever you take the time to contemplate, plan, and dedicate yourself to. If that thing is a lush head of hair, start popping Propecia like your life depends on it (I wouldn't recommend that life path, but who am I to judge?). If it's commitment to a loving God (a path that I WOULD recommend, but again, you do you, boo), start keeping an eye out for every opportunity to truly listen to others and share the Good News with them. But mostly, don't get so hung up on the fact that you're dying. It's really not a big deal unless you MAKE it a big deal. Instead, focus on life. It looks a little different to all of us, and every day is a different gift. Enjoy each and every one in all of its broken, wrinkly, chaotic glory.
And don't say I didn't warn ya.
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crazy-daves-crew · 7 years
New Post has been published on Crazy Dave's Crew
New Post has been published on https://cdcrew.com/disney-came-out-of-the-closet-shocked/
Disney Comes Out of the Closet! Are You Shocked?
Out of the Closet
Disney has finally come out of the closet!  Up until now they have hidden their beliefs and values away from the public.  Now they have shocked all of us with the sudden revelation of their support of the LBGT community (less than 2% of the population, BTW).  The big news lately is Disney actually has an “exclusively gay scene” in the upcoming release of the live action Beauty and the Beast movie.  Or maybe you have seen the news about several same-sex kisses being shown in the latest episode of the company’s animated Star vs. the Forces of Evil program. This show targets children and adolescents on Disney XD, the company’s digital cable and satellite television channel.
But is this really the bold move everyone says it is?  Is this the first time we have seen Disney’s support for the LGBT community?
Let’s take a look at Disney’s history to determine when they actually came out of the closet.
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Two Decades of History
Disney has been coming out of the closet for almost two decades according to lifesitenews.com. The speaker on this post says a whooping 40% of Disney’s employees are gay!  I just have two questions:
(1) Why, exactly, would your employer know your sexual orientation? Isn’t there some law against an employer asking such questions?
(2) How is it that a group making up less than 2% of the population has filled 40% of the jobs with Disney?  This sounds like a bit of employment discrimination might be going on!
Disney’s Gay Day
Please don’t tell me you failed to notice “Gay Day” at Disney!  Way back in 1991, Disney came out of the closet by hosting its first annual Gay Day.  Since Disney chose to host Gay Day long before being gay was cool, it is reasonable to believe, they have not only accepted the practice of homosexuality but actually lead in pushing the agenda.
Disney’s Argument Against DOMA
Do you remember way back in 2013 when there was a law stating marriage was between a man and a woman?  Something you might not know is Disney, along with several other big name companies signed the DOMA amicus brief for the Supreme Court hearing that ended the Defense Of Marriage Act.  Here are just a few quotes from that document:
For many employers, DOMA does violence to the morale of the institution itself.
Do what?  My sex life actually does violence to the morale of the company I work for?  When did my sexual orientation become fodder for conversation around the water cooler? Or anywhere else for that matter?
Our organizations are engaged in national and international competition— for talent, customers, and business. That competition demands teamwork, and teamwork thrives when the organization minimizes distracting differences, and focuses on a common mission. DOMA’s core man-date—that we single out some of our married col-leagues and treat them as a lesser class—upsets this imperative.
Wow!  Did I read that right?  Are they saying having gender confusion isn’t distracting? And once again, what does my sexual orientation have to do with my employment?  Maybe I am different!  I go to work each day for a certain amount of hours, perform my assigned duties and then I go home.  My employer pays me for doing that and nothing else!  Not once has my sexual orientation been discussed, caused a distraction, or did any violence to the moral of my company.
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Disney Promotes Their Agenda to Your Family
Then Disney decided to take its LGBT agenda to the next level.  On January 26, 2014, the family friendly show Good Luck Charlie, Disney introduced two lesbian moms to your living room.  This show is mainly targeted at adults and older teenagers who are having to deal with these type of issues in real live.  It was done carefully and tastefully.  I believe that this episode could be watched with smaller children and it would not have caused any uncomfortable questions with them.  But it was the beginning of Disney trying to show your family there is nothing wrong with choosing this lifestyle.
Now they have taken it to the next level.  Disney has started bypassing you as the parent and are now pushing the LGBT agenda directly to your children (early teens and younger).
Disney, like Satan, has spent many years easing us into believing this is okay.  We have been lulled to sleep!  Now Disney wants you to believe it is their place to indoctrinate your young children.  Our five-year olds are being taught homosexuality is normal long before they should thinking about sexuality at all.  In the words of Popeye the Sailor Man, “Enough is enough and enough is too much!”
So what should we be doing?
We have to protect our young children from this evil influence.  It is our job, as parents, to take the time to screen what the world is telling children.  In the past, we just assumed if it was Disney, it was safe.  Never again.  From now on, all new Disney movies or shows must be screened before allowing our children to watch.
Send a message.  This could be in many forms.  We could just send a letter to Disney, but that is unlikely to get the point across.  We could stop buying anything with a Disney label.  Believe me, money talks the loudest!  But once again, this message would take many years to effect a company so large.
Teach our children and others the Truth! I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1,2) All of the answers can be found in the Bible.
Were you really surprised by Disney coming out of the closet recently?  If you were, you haven’t been paying attention.
What are your thought?  Regardless of your stance on the LGBT community, is it really Disney’s place to try to force-feed their agenda to small children?
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