#i was worried she might look weird beside the official art since her outfit is so drastically different
delightfuldevin · 1 month
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Traced some official art with my redesigns,,
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wall-maria-fritz · 3 years
Calm the Fuck Down, Itadori
Yuuji Itadori x Jennifer Lawrence
Summary: Where Yuuji manages to drag Megumi and Nobara to a Tokyo Comic Con.
A/N: I took this way too seriously, jeezus.
“Calm the fuck down, Itadori”
Megumi wanted to shoot himself in the foot.
He absolutely loathed conventions.
Especially when you got a bunch of idiots with a complete disregard for deodorant and personal space simping around in costumes as if they aren’t fully grown men.
Idiots like Itadori, who was currently wasting his life savings on X-Men stickers.
“Yeah,” Nobara piped in, already side-eyeing a man in a green cape with white and blue wings, and funny looking swords that look like box cutters—he was asking her if he could take a picture with her Petra Ral look.
Who the fuck is Petra Ral anyway? Nobara is SURE she looks way cuter though.
“How are you still so gaga over X-Men anyway?” she continues, with a flip of her ginger hair. “You’re literally a sorcerer, Yuuji. You fight curses in real life.”
Almost like whiplash, Yuuji turns on Nobara with an intensity she’s only seen in battle.
“Never. Disrespect X-Men.”
Yuuji was wide eyed; one hand pointing at Nobara, another clutching a handful of stickers and keychains (when did he buy those?) with a very blue woman on them.
Is she… naked? Nobara wonders, but is immediately interrupted by Yuuji’s incoming sermon.
“X-Men is a poignant commentary on society, Kugisaki. It is a masterpiece that only people with taste can appreciate, with characters so well written—“
But Yuuji’s fanboying gospel was cut short when a smattering of whoops and applause erupted from onstage, as a man dressed as… Thanos in a thong—Thongos, he called himself. Ok.—officially started the day’s most awaited event, and that was to meet X-Men’s Hollywood actors, in the flesh!
It was then that Megumi verbalized what everyone was thinking at this point.
“I didn’t know Itadori knew what ‘poignant’ meant”
Yuuji Itadori raced towards the front of the crowd like it was an orgasm out of reach, tightly clutching onto the barricade (also like he was clutching his [redacted]).
He didn’t know when and how his friends managed to catch up to him, but when X-Men’s glittering line up of beautiful people came out on stage, both Nobara and Megumi looked to each other in complete understanding beside him-- of course Itadori was here to simp for Jennifer Lawrence.
And of course he’d spend every yen to his name just to catch a glimpse of this woman in nothing but a skin-tight blue spandex that left no curve nor valley to the imagination.
Yuuji proceeded to fucking shriek in broken English.
Megumi and Nobara both took a step from Yuuji.
‘Nope! The weird guy? They don’t know him.’
To their horror, they watch a grinning mouth appear at Yuuji’s cheek, already salivating.
“Gotta give it to ya, punk. That IS one fine ass,”
Sukuna’s mouth let its long tongue lick around his lips.
“I hope you got us some backstage passes, kid”
Megumi and Nobara shivered.
But clearly, Itadori and Sukuna weren’t the only ones going absolutely bananas for the X-Men, it might have very well been the entire building cheering for the cast.
It was until a bald guy in a wheelchair signaled for the audience to quiet down, did the sea of sweaty geeks calm down.
After a few introductions, and further hyping, the mic was finally passed to Jennifer Lawrence, whose character was apparently named Mystique.
Like a child showing off to his parents, Yuuji looks at Megumi and Nobara, pointing at Jennifer Lawrence as if saying, “Look! It’s her! That’s her! It’s actually her!”
Yuuji then proceeds to kiss three fingers raised up like he was doing a Boy Scout’s pledge, and raised those three fingers in there air, whistling three drawn out notes.
The idiot was giving her the Hunger Games salute, Jesus fucking Christ.
“Ehehe. Yeah, show her which fingers you’re gonna fuck her with,” Sukuna chuckles.
Which Yuuji responds to by forcibly jockeying Sukuna’s mouth off his cheek, shutting the curse up;
Yuuji Itadori drinks enough Respect Women Juice to give the Sahara a year of rain, alright.
Soon, everyone was giving Jennifer the salute.
Jennifer waves away the salutes, and stage-whispers into the mic with that raspy and sexy, according to Yuuji, voice of hers, and says, “Psst! Wrong fandom guys!”
The crowd laughs, as Jennifer awkwardly prattles about how she’s contract-bound to only talk about X-Men today, and that she really needs her job, ok?
And to be honest? Megumi and Nobara are starting to like her! I mean, who wouldn’t? Jennifer’s such a sweet, and down-to-earth girl. They’re glad that if there was anyone Yuuji was going to simp for, it’s Jennifer Lawrence.
“It’s such an honor to meet you, Tokyo!” Jennifer greets charmingly. “I was so excited to meet you guys, I didn’t even need to take a shot before I got here!” Jennifer shrugs with an exaggerated look on her face.
The crowd ate it all up.
“In fact, I was SO excited that I pumped myself up with enough anime references to say,” and in that magical moment, Jennifer Lawrence send finger guns down Yuuji’s way and winks--
“That’s one HECK of a JJK cosplay, man!”
And oh my Lord, it was like Yuuji died and went to heaven.
Even Sukuna was speechless.
But if Yuuji had to guess, Sukuna might have even been proud of him if only wasn’t you know, a jackass.
Megumi and Nobara couldn’t really remember what happened for the rest of the segment, because they might as well have leashed Yuuji with the way he was going crazy for Jennifer, hollering to her that he got her lasagna and Cheetos in his backpack in more broken English.
In the end, the two are left to rein Yuuji in as he eagerly waits for Jennifer out the backstage entrance, fully armed with an X-Men comic book and that lasagna he promised.
Yuuji was practically vibrating in excitement.
“Yuuji, it’s been two hours. Let’s go back to campus,” Nobara groaned, moaning to Megumi how Gojo better pay for their babysitting hours.
“She's almost out, you guys--!” Yuuji cries back, as the stage doors finally open to reveal Jennifer Lawrence in a much more sensible outfit of dress pants and a smart, low-neckline blouse.
“Eyes up, Itadori,” Megumi mumbles at Yuuji, who was already getting slack jawed at the sight of Jennifer’s cleavage.
Yuuji swallows the massive lump in his throat, and snaps his eyes back up to Jennifer’s hooded ones.
“Oh hey! You’re that JJK guy!” Jennifer greets good-naturedly. She was smiling radiantly at Yuuji and his friends, first shaking Nobara and Megumi’s hands as she laughed, “Damn, you even dressed up as the main character’s friends! You’re all like Hermione, Ron, and Harry Potter except… well, your characters won’t actually die, eep”
“Do we tell her?” Nobara nudges Megumi.
“Don’t you dare.” Megumi hisses back.
The dark-haired sorcerer then turns to Jennifer with a polite smile, and says in perfect English,
“Ooh, we’ll try not to spoil it for you, Jennifer.”
Nobara snaps her head to Megumi.
“Since when did you speak White???”
“Shut the fuck up, Nobara,” Megumi grits out.
Jennifer winked at Megumi, giving him an ‘I-get-you’ look and finally turned to sign Yuuji's comic book, only for him to freeze.
They both blinked at each other for a moment. One almost as awkward as the other.
Jennifer Lawrence though, god bless her, took this all in stride.
“No worries, dude, I freeze up, too,” she says while pretending to freeze up in jest. “Do you want me to sign your comic book?”
And if Yuuji wasn’t absolutely head over heels in love with Jennifer before, he certainly was now.
“I-- I…” Yuuji stammered.
Megumi and Nobara looked worriedly to their friend, there was no way in hell they were gonna let Yuuji fuck up now. Not after a whole afternoon of body odor and overpriced tentacle art, no way.
“Calm the fuck down, Itadori and give her the comic,” Megumi whispers to Yuuji.
And in a snap, Yuuji Itadori was bowing as low as possible, arms out with his offerings, exclaiming to the highest simping power-- “I BROUGHT YOU YOUR FAVORITE JENNIFER!”
Jennifer’s face lit up at the sight of the lasagna, “Oh wow! You got me food! Thanks for remembering!”
She takes the lasagna gratefully, and quickly signs the comic, “What’s your name?”
“Errr… Y-Yuuji.”
Jennifer returns the comic book to Yuuji, now signed--
‘Thank You for the Lasagna, Yuuji! You know me soooo well!
Stay Sweet <3
-J Law.’
And as if each and every one of Yuuji’s dreams came true, Jennifer leaned forward and gave Yuuji a quick peck on the cheek.
Yuuji couldn’t even react, because in a whirlwind, Nobara was taking a picture of Yuuji and Jennifer, a coral kiss mark on Yuuji’s wide-eyed face.
“Calm the fuck down, Itadori,” Megumi groaned for probably the hundredth time now.
But Yuuji didn’t care.
Jennifer Lawrence just kissed him.
He’s pretty sure he can be a little manic with disbelief.
“Yuuji, I swear to god, if you don’t stop, I’m deleting the photo from my phone.”
Nobara was done.
In the end, Yuuji may not have anything to eat for the next two weeks, but it was totally worth it.
He managed to convince Megumi to lend him some money.
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ngame989 · 5 years
“Drive” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 8
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Writing: @ngame989​
Art: @toxicpsychox​
Editing: @ubercelloczar​​, @toxicpsychox​, @seddm​
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: It's back to school for Marco, and Star is left to face the specter of real world responsibility once more - with a bit of help from the adorable antics of Mariposa.
Comic Page
Finally, a new chapter! This one took a long time to put together in a way I was satisfied with, so sorry as always for the delay. Writing is a bit of a secondary hobby for me, and while I absolutely love Starco and love making this series, the actual act of putting words to a page is rather draining for me. I'd love to promise more or faster updates, and if the right creative inspirations strike that is still what I'd love to happen, but it's gonna come at whatever pace it comes at. If that means I'm here for years to come, so be it. See below for the text, hope you enjoy!
“Alright, next up is Wilhelm… Wund? Want? Wouldn’t? Marco, this name is weird.” Star waved the flash card around in the air.
“Wundt, but the Ws both sound like Vs. It’s German.”
“German… that’s the place where that guy who was basically mustache Mina came from, right?” Marco froze in his tracks as his eyes widened in complete incredulity. Star uncurled from the ball she was in on their bed and sat up, hair and nightgown all astray as she tilted her head to the side in befuddlement. “What, did I say something wrong?”
“No, that’s- it’s just- that’s one way to put it. Don’t worry about it.” No way he was touching that subject with a mile-long pole.
She crossed her arms proudly. “See, I did remember something from school, then! OK, so Wundt, what’d he do?”
“What didn’t he do? He basically invented psychology! Before him, everyone just kind of thought about thinking, but he was the first one to really study it with any sort of scientific method.” The first week of school had been going fairly well, Marco thought, but it was certainly busy. Maybe it was the fact that this was his first classroom education in two whole years, but it was way faster paced than anything he remembered. All the reading he’d done to prepare before the school year started helped, sure, but it was a sizable effort to keep on top of everything.
“Mhmm, I see.” Star tentatively raised her hand, nodding thoughtfully to his every word. “Tell me about his glasses.”
“The glasses? For seeing someone’s problems really clearly? Come on, Marco, it wasn’t that hard to figure out. I bet they were ginormous.”
A few giggles escaped his lips and Star puffed her cheeks up in indignation. “No, Star, that’s not how glasses work. They just sorta- they make you look smarter, I guess?”
Star stuck her tongue out and pinched her fingers together to form two circles, aiming her hands carefully to position them over Marco’s eyes. “Nope, you seem just as smart without them. Anyway, let’s see here, next up is Pavlov.”
“Oh, you’ll love him. He studied stuff with his dogs.”
As if on cue, some of the laser puppies scrambled out from under the bed, jumping into Star and Marco’s arms. Star’s shout of “PUPPIES!” sounded like background noise behind the licking and panting invading his personal space, but it was a welcome change. With how big their yard was now, their pets were often gone for so long at a time that Marco felt like he barely saw them anymore, but they had a way of showing up randomly at oddly convenient times. Despite being laserless since magic had been destroyed, whatever dog breed the wand had concocted seemed to stay just as small and cute forever. Barko Diaz stayed in Marco’s arms while Star cuddled the rest and cooed over them one by one. “Anyway, his dogs drooled whenever food was placed in their mouths; that’s just the natural response. But Pavlov noticed that if he just held the food in front of them before feeding it to them, after a while they’d start to drool whenever they saw the food. That’s how he invented the name conditional reflex.”
“I, Star Butterfly, officially vote for puppy guy as the best- Sajak, hahaha, stop it!” The dogs pounced on her face and she fell backwards onto the sheets. “Marco, help! I’m being swallowed by a fur-ocious tidal wave! Get your jammies on and join the fun!”
Marco rolled his eyes as he pulled off his shirt and pants. Top drawer… nothing. Middle? Nope. Still only in his underwear, he quickly rummaged through both their sets of drawers in search of his usual blue pajamas to no avail. A frustrated groan rumbled in his throat as he bent over to check underneath the drawers.
“That’s it, mama like,” he could hear Star murmuring. He quickly glanced behind him to find… Star sitting up, his pajamas in hand. “Staaaaar,” his voice and brain both exasperatedly grumbled. Though he’d figured out that his own sense of sexuality was grounded in emotional intimacy more than anything, they’d still become quite comfortable with each other and themselves physically; normally he wouldn’t complain in the slightest about the attention, but he still had a job to do.
“Ooooone more second,” she drawled out while her half-lidded baby blues roamed his body.
“Alright, Star, let’s just pick one more card, OK? I need to make sure I’m ready for tomorrow.”
“Fiiiiine. The last one is… Freud. I’m probably saying that wrong, too. Wait a second, Janna talked about him once, after I told her about that psychology stuff we did years ago. She said he’d be really good at figuring out my mom issu-”
“Not the same thing. Come on, Janna…” Marco grumbled. Leave it to Janna to give the worst possible introduction to academic psychology. “Alright, that’s enough of that,” he stated decisively and snatched all the index cards out from under paws and tails before crawling onto the edge of the bed.
“Yay! Now scooty that booty, you cutie patootie!” Star gently cleared the space between them and the puppies all left the room except for Marco Jr. It wasn’t the best dog name, but it was at least better than it would’ve been for his sibling.
He propped himself up on his elbow and fluffed his pillow. “I’m honored to do my duty.”
“Hehe, you said doodie.” Before he’d even fully settled into his usual spot, Star had already climbed halfway on top of him and settled her head on his chest, prompting him to embrace her. Marco smiled and planted a soft, lingering kiss on her neck. Sometimes it was too warm, too cramped, and she’d strangle his limbs hard enough that it took him 10 extra minutes to stand up in the morning; despite all that, he couldn’t be happier to snuggle every night away.
“I-I know it’s been crazy this past week, so thanks for helping with this, even though you hate school.”
“Hey, I don’t hate it. I just don’t like classes, tests, homework, and having to ask to use the bathroom...” She paused and blinked a few times. “OK, maybe I do hate school.”
“If it makes you feel any better, in college you can just go whenever you need to.”
“You know, that actually kinda does. Anyway, learning can be fun, and you’re a good teacher. Keep it up and in a few years maybe I’ll have a secondhand degree,” she snickered. Her fingers started to fidget with his hands while her toes tangled themselves up in his pant legs. “Sorry I was so distracted. I guess it’s finally sinking in that you’re gonna be doing this for years and years and now I’m the one with no clue what I want to do. Sucks a little bit to think about.”
“Doesn’t mean we’re not still gonna be a team, but it- yeah, that kinda does suck. Maybe we can try looking through some more options, if you want? I know you didn’t like any programs at the college, but I’m sure there’s all kinds of jobs or volunteer work around town. We could-”
She squirmed in his grasp, tilting her head downwards and away from his. “Marco… I don’t know, I just really don’t think I’m even in a place where I can just point at something and say, ‘yep, that sounds like a great job to sign up for!’ Maybe I’m just not ready for that yet.”
It always saddened him when she had this little faith in herself because he knew firsthand how capable she was of the most amazing things. Whatever he could do to help get her self-confidence back and live up to her potential, he would. He brought his hand closer to her face, stroking her cheek gently - though not before clumsily misjudging distance and poking her in the mouth, which elicited a snort of laughter. “OK, whatever feels right. Besides, it’s not like I know what I want to do with my entire life right now either. We’ll figure it out whenever you’re ready. In the meantime, there’s a new season of Dude’s Food Feuds and a plate of nachos with our names on it this weekend! “Plus, I heard Mom and Dad say they might spend part of this weekend at Eclipsa’s…” he trailed off, nuzzling into her neck and pulling her closer.
She twisted herself to look at him as best as she could. “Oh yeah?” Her eyebrows wiggled  suggestively.
“Yeaaaaaaahn.” His attempt to continue being flirty was foiled by a giant yawn, indicating once and for all that it was time to sleep, and her laugh at his expense was stifled by her own yawn indicating she was in the same position. “Let’s get some shuteye, I’ve got another early morning tomorrow. Night, Star.”
“Night, Marco.” After a good-night peck Star turned herself around and they resumed their embrace. Less than a minute later, slumber claimed him.
“Dangit, Tom, again? You’ve gotta be free to chill at some point!” Angie folded the corner of the poetry collection she was perusing and looked up at Star who had her phone sprawled across their couch. “But I wouldn’t even mind doing kingdom junk. It’s better than another day on the couch by myself!” With her free hand, Star absentmindedly dangled around a spare doll of Marco in the princess outfit, which a starry-eyed Mariposa was stumbling around on the floor trying to catch. “So I’m not ‘physically capable of sticking my arms into lava tar’, I don’t see what that has to do with-” Even from the other end of the phone, Angie could still pick up on the mounting frustration in the demon prince’s tone. Star suddenly sharply inhaled and took a moment before responding. “Sure, maaaaybe it would have something to do with clearing a toxic hellgae infestation from the depths of the lava tar pits. Ugh, fine, you’re right. Can I at least see you next week, then?” Only a split second went by before Star sat up suddenly. “JANNA? Hello? Dangit,” she groaned while tossing her phone to the other end of the couch.
“Is everything alright, Star?”
Star crossed her arms and huffed. “Tom’s super busy with Underworld stuff, and I guess Janna’s there too for some reason even though humans really shouldn’t be able to handle any of it. Ponyhead has some kinda interview with some production company or something, Eclipsa and my parents are on vacation, and even Ferguson and Alfonzo are too busy to hang out!” She flopped facedown into one of the cushions; her final cry of “stupid school” was barely intelligible.
Mariposa giggled and yanked the doll from Star’s now-limp hand. “Mago! Mago!” Mariposa babbled while waddling around. Her little foot got caught on the fabric of the doll’s dress, and like a tiny giant she slowly toppled to the ground. Angie moved to help her daughter, who let go of the doll to grasp for her mother’s hand. “Mama!” It had been only a few weeks since Mariposa began to put together words with any regularity, and she’d already taken a fierce liking to calling for her parents and brother.
“Mariposa, I’m trying to be grumpy here and that’s really hard when the cutest thing in the universe is talking about the other cutest thing in the universe, and that includes the entire Puppybunny Dimension!”
Suddenly, an idea came to Angie. “Why don’t you come with me to the community college and help watch Mariposa? I’ve missed spending time with her this week but I couldn’t take care of her all day, plus it’d be good to get her out of the house.”
“Marco said he was really busy today, though,” Star pouted.
“Well, then I guess it’ll just have to be a girls’ day. What do you say, Mariposa? Do you want to go with mommy and Star to school?”
She clapped her hands cheerfully. “Gool!”
“Who am I kidding, I can’t say no to you,” Star cooed, pinching the toddler’s cheeks. “So when are we going?”
“I have office hours in an hour, so the sooner the better. Come out to the car whenever you’re ready.”
“Just gotta get my purse!” Star bounded across the living room and up the stairs quickly enough that her voice trailed off even at full volume. Angie smirked as she went about gathering her usual toddler travel supplies. While all the reasons she’d given for their trip today were true, she had an ulterior motive. It was pretty obvious that Star was in a funk from life catching up to them, and a change of pace never hurt. Well, that, and Star drives everyone a bit crazy with nothing to do at home. Seriously, who knew one girl could spill so many gallons of pancake batter all over the counter in a day?
Once she had everything, she headed out to the faithful family minivan and strapped Mariposa into her carseat, tossing in her small satchel for work and the much larger bag of baby supplies. Right as she finished, she heard the front door shut and lock behind her as Star made her way to the car. “Can I take Mariposa around the college today? Marco’s baby carrier fits like a glove.” Star quickly strapped it on, tightened it, and did a little twirl before taking it back off and climbing into the backseat.
While Angie was driving, she barely had any ability to check how the girls were doing in the backseat - there’d been so much construction on the Earthni road system that she could never trust the routes she was used to - but there were little glimpses of Mariposa being enthralled with Star’s playful antics. Star’s classic yellow smiling star purse swung like a pendulum for Mariposa to catch and they both cheered when she finally succeeded. Before she even knew it, they arrived at the Echo Creek Commewnity College, which had expanded dramatically in both size and architectural diversity as a result of the Cleaving. Most places in town (and throughout the world, so she’d heard) had merged in ways that left individual communities intact, but for whatever reason the college campus had become completely intertwined with a Mewman campground. It was certainly more of a spectacle than the once-modest town college and did wonders for getting both halves of the Earthni community involved.
Star marveled at the seamlessly blended hybrid buildings and scenery while Mariposa did much the same with her own thumbs. Nondescript brick buildings mingled with medieval wood and stone and the occasional ornate decorations, which is why the quad had a marble dragon standing proud among the trees. “Woah, is that a cornball and football field at the same time?”
“That’s a good question. Honestly, I’m still not used to all the changes myself,” Angie laughed. “A few months ago I tried to use the swamp water machine for my coffee. I had lily pads in my teeth for days.” While they were walking, Mariposa had become noticeably fixated on Star. Her dress, her hair, her hands, anything that was available to gawk at and grasp was fair game.
“She’s such a wonderful little tot, isn’t she?” Angie asked as they stepped into the cool air of Bonner Hall. She walked slowly towards her office while Star flitted around poking at every plant in the hallway.
“Yeah. So much calmer than Meteora. Remember the birthday incident?” Angie lightly chuckled in response; how could anyone not remember that? It wasn’t every day that a one year old just spontaneously grew a full head of hair and then got her tail hopelessly caught in it at another one year old’s birthday party.
Once they’d arrived at her office, she pulled out her key and opened the door to invite Star in. “Bienvenue! I’m teaching Intro to French Literature this semester, so I’ve got this whole theme going on.” Quotes and pictures of authors hung all around the room alongside some images of major landmarks and a little French flag sat on her desk next to a miniature statue of the Eiffel Tower. Angie helped Star unstrap Mariposa and set her down on the floor where she began waddling and crawling around.
Star sat on the edge of Angie’s desk kicking her feet back and forth, careful to avoid the toddler. “Soooooooo… what’s the plan for today?”
“You’re more than welcome to stick around but if office hours get too hectic it may get pretty cramped in here.” She’d have liked to do more with a larger space, but given how infrequently other community college faculty even got offices to themselves it was a blessing to even have this. “Although I have to teach later so you won’t be able to get back into this room if you leave after that.”
“Marco’s not free until, like, 6, so…” She trailed off dejectedly. The vibrant enthusiasm that Star normally exuded was still lacking. Hmm, this might be more serious than I thought.
Angie gently laid a hand on Star’s shoulder until those big blue eyes finally met her own. “Star, honey, it’ll be fine. I know it can be hard not being able to spend all your time with someone anymore.”
The headband on Star’s head shifted and almost fell off from how hard she was tugging and frazzling her own hair absentmindedly, “It’s not that… well, it’s not just that. Everyone else is starting their big life dreams now, you know? Marco wants to be a psycho therapist or something, Tom’s actually kinda happy about being a prince for once, and even Janna seems like she’s figuring it out in her weird Jannaniganish way! I have no idea what I want to do! Even went through a big ole’ list of ideas with Marco and they all just seemed blegh.” Star threw her hands up in frustration before curling back into herself more than before. “And I want to find something too, you know? Ugh, where’s Mr. Candle when you need him...”
The words resonated very strongly with Angie but it was difficult to put into words. She backed away from Star, her gaze darting around the room until she had a realization. “Have I ever told you the story about my summer in France?”
“Don’t think so.”
“When I was about your age, I wanted to get away for a while, so I packed up all my things and went to France for a whole summer. The food, the music, the history… everything was better there. For months after I came home I tried desperately to hold on to all of that after it was over, and I still cherish that experience, but it was just a fun handful of weeks that I spent someplace else and it was better that I just dealt with the fact that it was over. But,” she forcefully interjected when Star raised an eyebrow in protest at the seemingly antithetical point being made, “I know now that it’s not a universally ideal handling of such events. All the excitement of the last few years made me think about that… people might sort these things out for themselves in very different ways.”
“Like how Jackie literally spent a summer in France too, but she and Chlóe are still together long distance.”
“Mhmm, I could see that.”
“Or how Ponyhead started wearing a prosthetic tail for a while after staying with Seahorse’s family.”
“Hang on, what-”
“Don’t ask.” Never a dull moment.
“Or what about when-”
Alright, I’ll just have to get to the point myself. “I was mainly thinking about Marco, Star. I told him this same story before he left for Mewni, and honestly, I didn’t know how important it was to him. But he grew into such a confident and capable young man there and I couldn’t be prouder.” Angie softly took both of Star’s cheeks into her hands. “Star, you’re a wonderful, caring, smart young woman. So what if you’re not following every step at the same time as your friends? Everyone goes through these sorts of crises at some point or another, but what’s important is that you take the time to make the decision that’s right for you.” Star’s gaze sunk to the ground while the gears in her mind were so obviously turning that they might as well have been visible and Angie gave her some space in turn. “So, with all that said, what are you thinking now?”
Star crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. “Even if I’m not rushing to figure everything out, I don’t want to just do nothing until I magically find my lifelong dream. And I know Marco and I aren’t gonna literally live the same lives; heck, I don’t want to do all his school junk anyway, but… whatever I end up doing, I still want it to be together. That’s why I left for Earth,” she finished with her voice dropping to a solemn whisper.
“Didn’t he do the exact same thing? You don’t need me to tell you that you two are something absolutely special. I may not know what all is going through his head, what mother of a teenage boy does, but I know he’d do anything for you, Star.”
Nodding more to herself than to Angie, Star took a deep breath before speaking. “Thanks, Mrs. Diaz.”
“You can call me Angie, if you’d like. Or Angelica, or maybe ‘The Coolest Mom in Town.’ I’m not picky,” she said with a smirk.
After a short pause, Star hopped off the desk and wrapped Angie in a bear hug so deceptively strong that it knocked the wind out of her, but she still managed to reciprocate. “Thanks… Angie.” A rumbling sound interrupted the moment. “Heh, well, seems like I’m also thinking about lunch.”
“That’s an excellent idea. Why don’t we-” The digital clock on the desk caught her attention. “Dammit, office hours already started a few minutes ago. Don’t think I’ll have time for a while. But there’s plenty of places around here to eat, and a few of them are actually good!” she chuckled. Just as she mentally ran through some places in the student union, a thought struck her. “Say, Star… there’s a lot of clubs and events and such that are open to non-students too. Maybe it’d be worth looking into some of them? It’d be something to do, you and Marco would be closer, and I could even drive you some days if you needed. Why don’t you take Mariposa with you and explore for a while? She seems pretty restless today.”
Taking a few deep breaths to center herself, Star nodded her head. “Yeah, that’s a good idea! Heck, it’d be good just to know my way around for any time I visit Marco anyway.” She bent down and beckoned for Mariposa, who’d been ogling a bronze baguette for some time now. Once the carrier was locked and loaded with a docile toddler and some of her supplies once more, Star skipped out of the office. Angie’s time alone, however, was cut short when a student skidded in and immediately started nervously rambling about homework questions and grading policies and the works of François Villon. Back to teacher mode. Angie afforded herself one last glance through the door at her young daughter gleefully riding along with the girl who might as well be her other daughter. Rafael had mentioned to Angie on more than a few occasions that Star and Marco reminded him of themselves in their youth, and Angie had agreed at the time but now she wasn’t so sure. Her teenage - and even young adult - years with Rafael, while wonderful, had been filled with many bouts of uncertainty and it’d taken them many, many years to get it right once and for all.
But Star and Marco? As far as she was concerned, they already had.
Boring classroom… Boring classroom… Boring restroom… Hey, wait a minute, is that a cornshake machine? A few minutes, a few dollars, and one cornshake (plus a sippy kid size) later, Star found herself not much better than she’d been when she set off an hour ago, but the surprisingly high quality of the vended drink did bolster her spirits. She resisted the urge to call Marco because it’d be waaaay more fun to surprise him later. And also because he might still be in class, that too. A tall rock creature walked in front of her, interrupting her thoughts, and she saw a nervous expression on his face as he feebly tried not to disrupt foot traffic too much. Looking around, she was a bit surprised to see just how much the cultures of her own world had been brought to the forefront and blended in despite humans comprising the majority of people she’d seen on campus. Some people who she guessed were Mewmans by their dress glanced back for a bit longer than most but otherwise went about their day without a fuss. Two guys, one human and one Septarian, were laughing and holding hands on a bench. All in all the atmosphere reminded her of high school, but was freer in a way that didn’t discomfort her as much as she’d anticipated.
A few of the passersby looked her way as she wandered, and one or two even said hi to her - not that uncommon, given that it was public knowledge that she and Marco were responsible for the Cleaving, though Eclipsa had tactfully phrased it as a consequence of the two working together to destroy magic - but it was just as likely that Mariposa was the one attracting attention for a multitude of reasons. She knew she shouldn’t have expected it, but part of her was disappointed that after going through four whole bustling buildings she hadn’t run into Marco, or even anyone she knew. Glum and tired, she was about to abandon her pursuits when a huge bulletin board around the corner caught her eye. As she jogged over to it, her hopes came true: it was a giant wall advertising all the clubs and events on campus for the start of the year.
Her eyes roved the board up and down, left and right scanning for anything that seemed interesting or had some sort of meeting today. There were some fliers that Star dismissed right away, including a woodworking workshop series, a community choir, a sketchy-looking “how to date a demon” seminar. The last one might have at least been good for a laugh, but it had a note scribbled on it that attendance was maxed out already. She noted some sort of upcoming school dance for all local teens, but it was months away and the poster was uninspiring since the theme was still listed as TBD. It made sense that most extracurricular activities didn’t happen in the middle of a school day, but she still frowned at how few options seemed available and potentially interesting. Once she’d perused the entire wall and selected those that were, she set out on her mission to find her purpose.
“You ready, Mariposa?”
Chess Club
“Rook to G3.” Star’s opponent, whose nametag said Fred, positioned the black castle piece ahead of most of his pack.
“King to-” Her tongue stuck out as she concentrated on the board layout instructions, trying to find her place. “King to E3!”
“Um, first of all, the king piece is not allowed to move more than one square at a time. Second, since it is the most important piece, the singular goal of the game is to keep yours alive while defeating the enemy’s. Therefore it is ludicrously ill-advised to position your king into such immediate danger, and in most cases would automatically lose you the match” Star’s opponent responded matter-of-factly.
Star scratched her head in puzzlement, replacing the piece. “Why is the king so slow? My dad was literally a king and he can run at highway speeds.”
“Perhaps the Mewman traditions are different, but the Earthly ways of the monarchy are enshrined in a-
“Alright, whatever. Then I have my Queen ride the horse into combat! No, wait, can it be a warnicorn instead?” She ripped off a corner of the scoring sheet and deftly curled it into a cone before placing it on the top of the plastic figure with a satisfied grin.
“Although an intriguing concept, there is no precedent in the ancient tradition of the sport for-” Mariposa interrupted her tirade by kicking the edge of the table, which knocked over Fred’s black king. See, now this was the sort of thing she could see herself getting into!
“Checkmate!” Star shouted with a wide grin, one decidedly not mirrored by her opponent or any of the onlookers.
Cornball Tryouts
“Well, Mariposa, that was a bust. But cornball is a Mewni thing, so I’m gonna super nail it this time!” Star set Mariposa down and removed her from the baby carrier. “Stay right here, you little angel,” she cooed before jogging over to the group of hopefuls discussing strategy. “Hiya everyone!”
One of the girls who resembled a fox waved in welcome. “Sup, I’m Bleck, I was the Monster Cornball League’s ace stickler for a few years.”
“And I’m Jason, I was Mewni Cornball Alliance’s forward maizeman.”
Star shook both their hands. Did something seem familiar about them? “I’m-”
“Star Butterfly, we know,” Bleck responded. “You set up that integrated game on Mewni. Sorry about that, by the way. We were the captains and it, um, kinda got out of hand.” Ah, so that’s why Star recognized them.
“Yeah, that was our bad.” Jason rubbed the back of his neck shamefully with one hand with his other on Bleck’s shoulder. “I’ll be honest, this whole ‘monsters and Mewmans and Earth Mewmans all together’ thing is still new to me, but don’t wanna let some petty grudges get in the way of some good old fashioned cornball. These Earthers are crazy competitive, we’ll need the best team we can to have a chance of even making regionals.
“Speaking of which,” another Mewman spoke up warily. “Does anyone know anything about that new teenage husker that already made captain? CB Nation says she’s already poised to be hotter than Jispy Jenkins.”
“I heard she’s the reason the Cassidy bros quit moat guarding.”
“Well I heard she averaged 50 shucks per game in her rookie season.”
A hush fell over the group; as much as Star loved the sport she never really followed it, but it was still clear just how good this mystery player was.
“I think that’s her…” one of the monsters said, pointing at a shadow emerging from the clubhouse. “Oh corn, hold me!” He fainted on the spot.
“Star? Star!!!!!!!!” It was hard to make out details against the glaring sunlight, but there was a webbed hand waving at her. Wait, was that-
“KATRINA!” Star dashed as fast as her legs could carry her to meet her friend who was doing the same. Katrina scooped her up in a big slimy hug. “You’re so big now!” The girl was now taller than Star, with a stocky build, but her big sparkly eyes still had every bit of youthful wonder that she remembered. Given how much of a powerhouse Buff Frog was, Star could only imagine the athletic potential his kids could have.
“Yeah, I’m starting ECCC this year! I got a full ride scholarship as team captain! Sorry I haven’t been talking to you as much lately… I’ve been so busy working towards this, it’s a dream come true!” Katrina set her down and glanced over towards the sidelines. “Is that Mariposa over there! Hi, baby! Wow, humans age really slowly. You and Marco better not take too long getting your own kid, Auntie Katrina still wants to still be spry enough to play with ‘em.”
Star’s face heated up. “I- Katrina, you- We aren’t-” She stammered incoherently. This was going to take some getting used to.
“C’mon, Star, I’m kiddiiiiiing. I’m already four, I’m not a kid anymore. Anyway, are you here for the team? That’s so cool! You’re always so great at everything, you’ll definitely make the team.” She finally turned to the rest of the attendees to begin the session. “Alright, welcome to the ECCC cornball tryouts, I’m really happy you’re all here! Let’s go over some logistics. Practice is five days a week in the evenings until the league begins on Dartuk 30. That’s the 26th of September for all the Earth people here. We’ll have two regular matches each week and will be travelling most weekends. If we want to show who the real cornballers are, I’m going to need your complete dedication to this squad! School’s important too, but otherwise this will be your life while you’re on my team, so let’s talk drills-”
With each passing sentence, Star’s anxiously fidgeted more and more. It was… intense, more than she’d ever expected. She was ecstatic that Katrina was finding so much success and joy doing this and felt her heart swell with pride as the crowd hooted and hollered in support, but was this really what she wanted most for herself? While Star was zoned out, Katrina had apparently wrapped up her speech and everyone else had already dispersed. Katrina took Star’s hands and shook them up and down excitedly. “Are you as pumped as I am?”
“Yeeeeeeaaaaaah…” Star hesitantly cheered, casting a nervous glance back at Mariposa who now was booping Star’s purse repeatedly with her nose. “About that…”
Driver’s Ed
Maybe I should just learn to drive so I can visit Marco myself, Star pouted. “I could get us a pair of matching cool car driver sunglasses, so we can be rad Earth style,” Star whispered to Mariposa while Miss Skullnick (who was apparently working at the college now, and was human again) finished going over her slides.
“And that’s the introduction for this seminar series on automobile safety. Any questions?”
Star raised her hand and Skullnick sighed heavily before calling on her. “Is there a way I can start driving next week?”
“Get out!”
“Today sucked,” Star gloomily groaned. She was curled up sideways on a bench in one of the open quads while Mariposa was using her stomach as a pillow for her late afternoon nap, tuckered out after a recent diaper change. “I mean, it was so cool to see Katrina again, and in a weird way I almost missed Skullzy too, but I’m still completely stuck. But hey, at least I got to spend a day with you.” Star gently stroked Mariposa’s soft brown hair. Now that she thought about it, getting to spend hours a day with the adorable tot was one of the only consistently rewarding parts of the past week, it seemed. Even Meteora’s shenanigans were heartwarming in their own way, namely one that involved way more property damage. Her eyelids drooped shut, heavy with the weight of everything on her mind.
She couldn’t have been out for more than a minute when a child’s voice startled her. “Hello? Are you sleeping?” Was that Mariposa? No, it couldn’t have been, her mind concluded as she exited her half-conscious delirium. A small monster child, no older than the human equivalent of four or five with some features of an elephant, tugged on the sleeve of her dress with tears in his eyes. “I’m scared.”
Star rubbed her eyes and gathered everything into one corner of the bench so she could make room for the child. “What’s wrong, little guy? I’m Star.”
“My- my name’s Trevor but Mom and Dad call me Trev. I was playing on the slides but then everyone was gone,” Trevor began sobbing pitifully.
“OK, it’s OK. Let’s take a deeeeeeep breath, OK? Like this.” She inhaled as much air as she could, puffing up her cheeks and chest before blowing all of it out with an exaggerated flair. The boy nodded and took a small breath. “Again!” Star repeated, and he followed, back and forth until he had calmed down and was grinning at her absurdly over-the-top routine. “Feeling better?”
“A little.”
“How about we play a game? I’ll say one word, and you say whatever word comes to your mind. Ready?” He sniffled once, but nodded.
He cracked up a bit at that and she grinned back at him. “Silly.”
“Why does that make you sad?”
“My brother’s busy at school here all day now, so he has daycare watch me instead. My group was at the playground and Felipe bet I couldn’t go on the big slide so I did but I got stuck and when I got out, everyone was gone.”
“You poor thing,” Star responded. “I know how you feel. Tell ya what, let’s go try to find them together!”
“Can- can we stay here?” Her heart broke at how obviously terrified he was of the situation and the prospect of any more unfamiliarity wasn’t something he was ready to deal with at all.
“For a little bit, but then we really should get you back to the daycare.”
“OK,” he said somberly. “Who’s that?” He pointed at Mariposa who was crawling in circles around the bench.
“Oh, this is Mariposa! She’s my boyfriend’s sister.”
“What’s a boyfriend?”
Of all the conversations Star thought she might have today, this was far from one of them. “It’s like… boyfriend and girlfriend are like what a mom and dad are before they become a mom and dad.”
“My Uncle Matt is Mom’s brother but Dad calls him brother too. Does that mean she’s your sister too?”
Star met Mariposa’s eyes for a moment. It was weird to think about, but… was Trevor even wrong? She’d been living with the Diazes for almost all of Mariposa’s life, after all. There wasn’t a clear definitive answer in Star’s mind, but she needed one to sate the boy’s unending curiosity. “Yeah, I guess she is.”
“Cool! My big brother’s awesome. I miss when we used to play all the time. You’re really cool, too.”
“Thanks. I know change can be scary, but I’m sure your brother misses you a lot too. Sometimes big kids and grown-ups have to do grown-up things for a while, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still love being your brother.”
A few voices echoed in the distance; once they were close enough for Star to make out the words, she realized they were calling Trevor’s name. “Over here!” she shouted back in their general direction. A large elephant monster with ripped jeans and ear piercings ran as fast as he could and gave Trevor a tight hug. “Hey, Trev, buddy, where’d you go? We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“It’s OK, Star took care of me.” It came out muffled from how his face was still buried in his brother’s arms.
“Woah, wait- Star? Like, the Rebel Princess Star Butterfly?”
“That’s me. Or was me,” she shrugged.
“I was your biggest fan for years! Remember the cave hideout? Don’t think I introduced myself then, I’m Geoff.”
“Oooooh yeah, you were with the ‘alternative monsters’! How have you been?”
“Pretty dope. Once that wicked Cleaving thing happened, we found a bunch of humans just like us! Being alternative is just, like, normal now. They even sell clothes with all the holes in them already so you don’t have to do any work! It’s nice to just get to be myself now, and I don’t think I’d ever get to do that without everything you did. You’re the best, Star. And thanks for taking care of lil’ Trev here. C’mon, buddy, let’s get you home.”
Trevor hopped up on his brother’s shoulders for a piggy back ride and waved. “Bye, Star! Bye Mariposa!”
“You must be a miracle worker with the kids,” the human man who had run up with Geoff finally spoke up. He had a thick beard and glasses and wore a red flannel shirt and jeans. “I’m Antonio, by the way, I run the ECCC Child Care Center. We just call it the Six Cs.”
“Nice to meet you,” Star responded. “I just did what anyone would, really.”
“No, you definitely made Trevor’s week. He just joined on Monday and he cries almost all the time from missing his family. We see that a lot, but it’s definitely hitting him harder than most, going from being at home all the time to being with a bunch of strangers for hours a day.”
Star unconsciously turned away and rubbed her arm. “Yeah, I… I know the feeling.” She shook it off and turned back towards him. “So, what happened with Trevor?”
“One of the girls got a splinter on the playground. Everyone was busy trying to keep her calm when we left the playground that we skipped headcount. I called Geoff right away, he was very understanding. It’s no excuse, but we’re way too short on people right now with all the new students.” His attention suddenly pivoted to Mariposa who was reaching up to grab at the fabric of his shirt. “This is Angie Diaz’s kid, no? May I?”
“Yeah,” Star dumbfoundedly responded after a moment’s hesitation. “You know her?”
Antonio hefted Mariposa up like she weighed nothing and gently rocked Mariposa back and forth in his burly arms. “Her older son, Marco, used to come here every now and then. Heard through the grapevine not too long ago that she had another kid, I asked if she’d be coming to the Six Cs but she said she already had someone at home. I take it I’m talking to her?”
Star’s eyes widened. Angie had said that? She was the only one who didn’t have plans most days, so… it had to be her. “Marco’s my boyfriend. I was their foreign exchange student for a year, then he came to live with me on Mewni for a year, and then… well, you’ve probably heard about how the Cleaving happened.”
“Afraid not, I don’t keep up with the news much these days. I just try to take care of all the kiddos as best I can, doesn’t much matter to me what goes on with the world. So what brings you to this humble campus?”
“Well, Marco’s going to school here now and I don’t have much else to do, so... yeah.”
“Ah.” His deep voice was laden with sympathy, and with that one word Star felt like he immediately understood her turmoil. “Well, if you’re ever looking for something to do, we could use someone like you on the team.”
“You’ve clearly got a big heart and a keen eye for how to take care of the younguns, that’s more than enough in my eyes. This one’s been staring at you almost since we started talking, she clearly trusts you more than you may know.” Huh, he was right; even while being rocked gently into slumber, Mariposa’s warm brown gaze remained firmly on Star’s face. “Well, I should get back to the staff. No rush if you’re unsure, but you can come with me to meet the crew before they leave for the night if you want.” He set Mariposa back down on the bench while Star reassembled the baby carrier and got Mariposa settled back in.
Star couldn’t say she was any clearer now on a life goal, but maybe that wasn’t what she needed right now. Looking back on the day and week thus far, even the most exceptionally crummy day in recent memory could be salvaged by Mariposa alone, so why should she be worried about more of that? Though she hadn’t really thought of herself as Mariposa’s caretaker until just a few minutes ago, her breath hitched with pride at the notion.
When she finally answered Antonio’s question, it was the least unsure she’d felt in a while.
Done. Finally. Marco swiftly stuffed his assignments into the binder in his backpack and hustled out the door of the student union. Cramming all his homework into one day had drained him, but it was worth it so he and Star could have the whole weekend to themselves. He liked all the things about school that Star hated, sure, but his life had changed so much and so many times that he worried he wasn’t even cut out for it anymore. ‘B’ on the pop quiz, really Diaz? The rational part of his brain knew it was fine, but the Marco of old was disappointed. He’d aced the questions he’d studied with Star, at least, so maybe the Marco of old wasn’t the one to follow.
Nachos, ever the talented dragoncycle, had founded a part-time rideshare service in the town and was busy tonight, so Marco navigated his way to his mom’s office for a ride home. “Hey Mom, hey Star, h- wait, Star?”
“Marcomarcomarcomarcomarco!” Star excitedly leapt into his arms with a barrage of cheek kisses and a crushing embrace.
“Missed you too, Star,” he chuckled, kissing her on the forehead in return before backing away to take off his backpack and slump into a chair. “What are you doing here?”
She sat sideways in his lap, hooking her arms around his neck. “Surprising you, goofhead!”
He closed his eyes for a moment and drank in her affection, letting it wash away his fatigue. “Well, color me surprised. Really glad you’re here.”
“Long day? Did you defeat the quizzards?”
“Yeah, and for the third time, it was just a regular quiz and not evil mystical quizzards giving me riddles. Besides, don’t they have a game show now?”
“Totally, totally, totally… I knew that.”
“I just kinda miss you, Star. It hasn’t been the same going all day without seeing you. I guess the last few years have made me realize I don’t want to be wherever you aren’t.”
“So cheesy,” Star cooed while pinching his cheek. His mom and Star exchanged excited glances. “But don’t worry about that anymore, Diaz, because I’ll be here now too!”
“Hubbawha?” Marco blurted out.
“Star’s going to volunteer for the Six Cs and take care of Mariposa there.”
She stood up and walked over to Mariposa, poking her nose just as she came out of a nap. “Yep, and they said I can make a schedule around yours so we can dragonpool to school and have lunch together or whatever! Plus I get to spend time with my other favorite person in the whole wide world.”
Mariposa fully opened her eyes and stared vacantly at Star for a second before smiling wide. “Ta.”
Star stopped in her tracks. “Wait, is she saying-”
“Tar. Tar. Tar!” Mariposa bobbed up and down on the desk, clearly as overjoyed about her words as everyone else was. Tears welled up in Star’s sapphire eyes as she leaned down to gently snuggle Mariposa. Marco walked over to join her and caught his mom absolutely beaming with as much pride as he’d ever seen her have. The wholesome moment was interrupted as his little sister, not content to stop, kept rambling on. “Tar! Mago! Tago! Tago!”
“Not you too!” Star sputtered out, still choked with emotion, and Marco couldn’t help but laugh.
And later that evening, after the four had gotten dinner and piled into the Diaz van for the trip home, Marco looked over to see that Star had fallen asleep on the other side of Mariposa’s carseat. He took her hand in his, yawning as he realized a nap wasn’t such a bad idea. Just before succumbing to the day, he swore he heard a soft, squeaky murmuring from the toddler next to him.
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pepperf · 5 years
Cloud Number Nine
There's no such thing as too close to your team (or, "Jack And Sam Do SG-1").
Again, this is unfinished (this is Sam/Vala, Jack/Cam, Sam/Teal’c, Jack/Vala, and Jack/Sam, but would eventually have included four more SG-1 pairings), and unedited. It’s very freeing to let go of all these fics.
"Have you seen her yet?"
"Working on it, Cam," Vala muttered brightly, freeing another button. Sam snorted softly.
"Because I could come in and help you look—"
"We'll be fine," murmured Sam, with admirable composure. Then quickly put her hand over the radio mike hidden in her feathery hair ornament, and groaned. Vala's mischievous fingers were pressing harder against the seam of the black leather pants that fit Sam so snugly.
She'd sworn she'd never be able to get into Vala's leather pants, when this undercover operation had been proposed. How wrong she had been.
"You know you can't, anyway." Vala was still talking quietly to Cam. "We'll be just fine." One of the serving wenches passed their table, and Vala leaned into Sam, giving the girl a wink. "We're just fine, aren't we, baby?"
Cam made some suggestion about putting on a dress – he was remarkably keen, reflected Sam – but they both ignored him, knowing there was no danger of interruption by inconvenient teammates. He'd be stopped at the door: no men allowed in to this exclusive club, at which they were supposedly searching for a Lucian Alliance trader called Y'tall. Sam really hoped Vala was keeping her eyes open for the woman, because she definitely wasn't.
Vala's lips landed on hers, quashing that hope. Oh well, thought Sam, surrendering dizzily. Not to worry...
"Are you absolutely sure you don't need backup?"
Vala's hands – lips – the slight weight of her body – her warm scent... "We're just fiiiiiiiiiiiii—"
"There's no such thing as too close to your team," the General told him. Cam hadn't been asking, but he had been thinking, and he gave the man an uneasy glance. There'd been nothing about psychic powers in any of the reports... "They taught me that. Eventually."
"Yes, sir," agreed Cam. Not that he was in any danger of being too close to his team. He could still feel them looking at him and weighing him against the man in front of him now. And he had the worrying feeling that he wasn't quite measuring up.
The General looked him over, eyes unreadable, fingertips tapping against the beer that Cam had turned down.
"Are you fucking any of them yet?"
Cam choked.
"Or all of them?" continued the General. Apparently he was on a mission to give Cam a heart attack.
Cam laughed uneasily, deciding it was some sort of goddamn weird test. How the new leader of SG-1 stood up under pressure. "Sure, sir," he said. "We have a rota."
The General didn't crack a smile. Instead he looked him over again, until Cam was about ready to give in and squirm uncomfortably, like he'd not done since boot camp. "Give it time," he said. He sounded almost... conciliatory. His expression was softer. "And stop worrying." The order was soft.
"You're one of them."
Cam frowned. The damn man was psychic. "Yes, sir," he said, hoping they could please stop this weird conversation and go back to the reports.
The General, though, rolled his eyes. "Come on in the house. Wanna show you something." He got to his feet, groaning slightly, and when he thumped his beer down on the table Cam followed quickly. Hopefully it'd be some good blackmail material he could use to keep his team in line.
Two minutes later, with the General's fridge at his back and the General's tongue down his throat, Cam realized that there weren't going to be any photos.
"You're SG-1," growled the General, pulling back and holding his gaze. Cam swallowed, terrified and unbelievably turned on. "I can see it."
"Sir..." The General stepped his leg between Cam's, pressing his sharp hip against Cam's erection, and Cam groaned and forgot what he'd been about to say.
"And SG-1 is mine," concluded the General, fiercely possessive.
She ceased crying very soon, but held on to him for a long time, releasing him only reluctantly. Acknowledging her neediness with an averted gaze and a half-shrug, she invited him to dinner at her house. He gladly agreed. He had not given up hope, but he was beginning to accept the possibility that they might never see Daniel Jackson again, or learn the fate of Colonel O'Neill. With due respect to Jonas, it felt as though they were the last two members of SG-1. He felt bereft.
On the drive and as they waited for their pizza to be delivered, conversation was subdued, and skirted around the topic of rescue operations. It was as though, over the past few weeks, they had forgotten how to converse about anything else, and now that the options were becoming exhausted, so too was their ability to talk.
They remained physically close all evening. She sat beside him on her couch, sharing pizza from the same box. When their hunger was sated, she curled against him, and they watched television in silence. It was not uncomfortable – neither the silence, nor the closeness. At some point during a documentary on the 1969 lunar landing, her breathing eased into the soft rhythm of sleep.
Teal'c stayed put, feeling a sense of contentment that soothed the gnawing loss. At least one member of his team remained safely under his protection. He turned down the volume, tugged a blanket down over her legs, and switched off the lamp.
Some hours later, in the darkest part of the night, she awoke with a quiet gasp. She turned quickly in his lap, but relaxed again when she met his eyes, sleepily murmuring his name. The world outside was so still, he could feel the nightmare-speed of her heart. He brushed a lock of hair from her eyes, and she blinked up at him, coming to full wakefulness. Slowly, tentatively, she ran a hand up his arm, and a voice inside him stirred, murmuring of possibilities long ignored. He drew in a soft breath, surprised at the strength of yearning that sang through him. She paused when her hand reached his shoulder, and left him the next move.
Teal'c paused, considering. Should he decide that it was a bad idea, he knew that she would simply turn her head and it would never again be mentioned. On the other hand...
On the other hand, he wanted to be bound to her more tightly than ever. In the end, it was beyond resistance.
Vala knew men of power. She liked men of power: she understood their weaknesses, and how to use them. So when General O'Neill came to visit the SGC, and she realized that he was Jack of the reminiscent smile and series of annoyingly incomplete sentences ("Do you remember the time Jack—?", followed by laughter), and that, furthermore, Jack was General Landry's boss... well, that was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Or at least that had been the plan. But he'd been frustratingly unresponsive to her overtures. Flattery hadn't worked, nor had feigning an interest in his work, nor her attempts to discover whether he possessed great wealth, tracts of land, and/or a large vehicle (and that was a nasty cough that Daniel had developed). He'd remained mostly silent, hunched over a table in the commissary, dressed in the same nondescript, baggy, un-General-like green outfits that everyone wore, while Daniel made sarcastic remarks into his coffee and shot her meaningful looks – which, of course, she ignored; the poor boy needed to learn the art of unsubtlety.
So she wasn't exactly sure how they'd ended up in this position, except that when she'd given up on O'Neill and focused her attention on Daniel until he'd fled, fingers in his ears, she turned back to find Jack laughing hard and silently, forehead resting on his crossed arms. When he sat up again, he seemed younger, somehow. Then he'd asked her about his former teammates, and had listened intently, eyes bright, as she talked. When she'd asked him to walk her to her quarters, he'd agreed. When she'd invited him in "for coffee", his face went still and thoughtful, but he'd followed. When she'd wound her arms around his neck and kissed him, he hadn't resisted – and just when she was wondering if she'd have to do all the work, he'd begun responding with enthusiasm.
He walked her backwards to the bed, but then pulled back slightly. She took the opportunity to start undressing him. "Listen, it's... been a while since my Captain Kirk days, so..."
"I'll be gentle," she promised, tugging his shirt down around his elbows so he was entangled and easier to shove onto the bed. She pounced, and he gave an 'oof', and slid his arms around her waist, pulling her down for a warm kiss.
And as it turned out, although he wasn't in the slightest bit interested in playing power games, he was quite happy to partake in some mutual entertainment, to their mutual satisfaction.
It's in his cabin, squeezed between burying her father and calling off her wedding and taking up their new roles. Officially, they ought to wait, but Daniel and Teal'c aren't going to tell, and it's been eight long, hard, hard years, and don't they deserve this one thing?
Still, they're trying to keep quiet – mostly because they don't want to be mocked tomorrow – and for some reason this has reduced her to helpless giggles, to Jack's secret delight. "Shh," he insists, as he peers over her shoulder, trying to work out whether he's actually undoing her bra or somehow tangling it into some terrible Gordian knot. She snorts so hard it has to hurt, and buries her face in his neck, her whole body quivering with suppressed laughter. She can't see his face, so he stops fighting the broad grin that's been trying to break out all evening. Ever since she'd stood on his dock and kissed him.
"I think they hoped we'd be done with this already, that's why they took so long to get up he-mmmmf." Lips locked, they back towards his bed, but he's so absorbed in her – her taste, the softness of her skin, that sweet little moaning sound she just made – that he forgets this bed isn't the same as his one at home in Colorado. They fall over the footer, Jack bangs his shins, and lands heavily on top of her.
"Ow," they both complain. And then grin goofily at each other, like lovesick teens.
They shuffle up the bed into a more comfortable position, and he really doesn't care about his shins because she's in his bed and in his arms, and nothing else matters. Nothing at all.
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