#i watched this movie at work one day btw lolol
michals · 2 years
I love acting moments that are really specific: a tiny movement, a micro expression, a particular flip of the wrist. A moment when a choice was so distinctly made. This bit from Leopard (2016) where Tom Hopper moves in front of Eoin Macken, who’s playing his brother, and puts his hand on his knee in a sort of grabbing motion while desperately asking why Macken left him alone with their abusive father is exactly that kind of choice. I think about it all the time.
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jays-nook · 4 years
Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms (2018) - Review
mmkay thats all for my review, ty for reading it uwu 👉👈
heres my actual review of this heart-wrenching movie lolol
“Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou”, also known as “Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms”, is a 2-hour movie written by Mari Okada and produced by the studio P.A Works, who produced several other notable animes such as Angel Beats, Another, and Charlotte.
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first a little info about me before we begin....i love angst! i live for it snkbsb you may think im crazy, but angst is the first thing i wooudl look for what watching a movie, series, or even when reading a fic, most of the time, the angst in a certian work is what would keep me hooked and interested. i just love breaking my own heart and just crying in general since i am a VERY emotional person LMAO
this was the main reason why i decided to watch this movie, and even how i stumbled upon it yesterday. my day was nearing its end yesterday and i was in the mood to cry, i watched “Hotarubi No Mori E” (great movie btw) but i wanted m o r e and this movie gave me that. i found it in a video which recommended sad anime movies and decided to give it a go. going into this movie i wasnt quite sure what to expect to be honest, like i read a few reviews of it before i started it, the plot seemed interesting enough, and the inevetible angst was the final push for me to watch it. 
*may contain light spoilers idk honestly*
PLOT - 9/10
The movie takes place in this fantasy world where immortal elf-like beings called the Iorph who coexist with nature and a medieval human race where kings and knights rule their land in a greedy and not-so-peaceful way (+dragons!!). The human race seeks the immortality of the Iorph and as a result, destroy the society. A survivor of this tragedy, Maquia (a girld ophaned from a young age), finds an orphaned human baby and decides to raise him as her own, despite knowing nothing of the human world and how to take care of a person. 
I won’t lie to you, this particular movie is a heavy one. It deals with topics such as motherhood, family, war, consensual and non-consensual relationships between races and characters, politics, isolation, and loneliness.  
i am not joking when i say i had to pause the movie several times, just to take a really short break from the heavy atmosphere. the writer really did manage create a solid story inside a world that is so masterfully crafted. 
there were multiple instances where i felt the pacing or the plot of the movie was a bit choppy or that some events went unaddressed/unexplained. there were oven some moments where i went “uhhHHHhhh” because i found something weird skdsfdj
something i loved is that the movie presented the audience with more than one perspective in certain events and even the different circumstances of the characters, 
although the movie is drama-heavy, there are a lot of wholesome and just adorable moments between Maquia and her ‘son’ Ariel and the other characters. the tope of ‘found family’ is always one that warms my heart. 
but overall, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat, wanting to watch it more and more, as more time passes. there was so mcuh content within it that at times i felt as if i was watching a full-length anime skkskd
the ending just broke me ngl...it was perfect and just heart-breaking at the same time. i did not stop cryig the last 30-minutes of the movie!!!!!!!!! my heart hurts thinking about it all. even as i write this review djksjkfskj 😭💔
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Characters - 9/10
i dont want to go into the characters too much as to not accidentally spoil anyhing but like the characters are good. they are genuine, emotional,well-developed, and we as an audience are presented with their ups and downs throughout the movie which gives us a deeper understanding of them as charcters, their motivation, and even their thoughts and reactions.
 i would usually hear that a work, no matter what it is, is reliant on its character and how they are presented to the audience, and for the most part, that is true if you put aside the story itself. the characters in this movie are relatable, honest, and are simply trying their best. the audience is constantly aware of theirreactions, of the little changes they are going through as the movie progresses. 
the reason why i did not give this category?? aspect ?? a 10/10 is because there are many characters that i wish we had gotten more of, like i know that the story is essentially focused on Maquia and Ariel (their relationip, their development, the events they go through..etc), but i still hoped we’d get more scenes of certain characters, or just more background on them. i felt that some characters would have been able to have a bigger role and just impact in the story/movie.
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Art - 10/10 !!!!!!!!
the animators did an absolutely wonderful job!!!!!  
just the DETAILS!!! everything was so beautiful and it really managed to keep me immersed in the world of the movie and the events, just making me watch every movement of the character and the ever-changing backgrounds.
the animation can look occassionally weird but it is something that can be easily overlooked~
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Sound - 10/10
just the RAW EMOTIONS in the character’s voices was just 🥺💔 
the sounds and voices were great!!! the bgm was not all over the place and really suited the movie. 
the movie doesnt really have an ost, but the ending songs was just beautiful which you can listen to here !!
i was honestly so emotional after finishing the movie that i could not handle listening to it yesterday because i knew that i would just start S O B B I N G even more than i already was dsbdkjsdkjdkjs
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if you havent already guessed, my rating for this movie is 10/10!!! it is just so good and so painful!!!
you need to watch it, but be prepared to face some serious angst so make sure to keep tissues around you sfnskdnsk
its heavy, emotional, and can sometimes be a bit dark, which is why i would describe it as a movie that is geared more towards adults?? or like people in their mid to late-teens and up.
i dont see any major problems in the movie. it is impactful and just a really good watch. so if you’re interested in an emotional and fantasy movie, go ahead!! i promise you that you will not be dissappointed~
thank you for reading this fairly long review! if any of you watch it or have watched it, feel free to send me an ask or dm, we can cry and rant about it together rskfnskdk 💜
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I've been thinking about slytherin! Tsukishima dating a slytherin! S/o who joined the death eater because their parent force 'em. And they were so depressed and always crying every night, then tsukishima noticed and then comfort 'em. They ended up ran away with tsuki and joined the battle of hogwarts to fight against voldemort. Oh my god i love this>-
Okay I love this PLUS I’m a Slytherin (according to Pottermore) BUT I have a confession
I never finished the Harry Potter series bc I couldn’t be bothered w Order Of The Phoenix THERE I SAID IT SUE ME UNFOLLOW ME IM A DISGRACE
I DID watch almost all the movies though
But don’t attack me if this one isn’t like 100% canonically accurate though please I cannot
Btw I’m not gonna do the fight YET I might make a part two idk lolol it’s a bit too much for one fic and I need to go read a summary of the fight-
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Run away with me// Slytherin!Tsukishima Kei x Slytherin!Reader
Word Count: 1800+
Warnings: None
Summary: Controlling parents are never good, especially when they force you to side with evil.
“They forced you to do what?” Tsukishima was beyond furious. Fuming. He was absolutely ready to murder your parents if you didn’t do it first.
“Kei, stay quiet! They’re gonna kill us both if they hear you!”
“Do I look like I give a flying fuck right now?”
You looked at the floor, the guilt slowly consuming you as you avoided his piercing glare. How could you face him, when you broke such a huge promise you made to one of the most emotionally unstable people you know? Fiddling with your fingers, you racked your brain, hoping to find a sensible explanation for what you did. “I didn’t have a choice! You really think I would give up on everything? Give up on you, my friends, my education, my hopes and dreams, just to fight alongside Voldemort? You seriously think I would be heartless enough, to kill innocent wizards?” If anyone was around and heard your words, you would’ve been sent to Dumbledore instantly, maybe even gotten executed for treason. Just the slightest mention of He Who Shall Not Be Named, or the death eaters, was enough to trigger almost all the staff and students, especially with the situation going on in the wizarding world currently. With Voldemort back from the dead and on the loose, Hogwarts has one upped their security, the atmosphere tenser than ever.
Hearing the click of a door, Tsukishima clamped his large hand over your mouth, the other gripping your waist as he pulled you into the tall grass, putting a finger over his lips. From the hut, stumbled out a wobbly, possibly drunk Hagrid, a huge ass axe in hand. “WHAT’S THAT EVIL SHIT YER TALKIN’ BOUT HUH? COME ON OUT MUGGERS! I’LL GIVE YER A PIECE O’ THIS!” The man swung the axe from side to side, as if he was expecting it to hit someone. Not seeing blood on the blade, the shaggy haired wizard mumbled a few curses, swinging the wooden door open as he stumbled back in, tripping on his own two feet as he dropped the axe far away, the blade sinking itself into the wooden material of his little hut. Scrambling back to his feet, he grabbed the doorknob angrily, slamming the door shut with a heavy thud and a gust of wind.
The blond poked his head out slightly, looking around to check for people that might be lurking in the darkness. Sighing in relief, he sat himself back down on the ground, crossing his arms. Sweating, you bit on your nails nervously, anticipating his next words.
“Why was I in the dark about this?”
“Because you would leave me.”
His brows knitted together in confusion and pain.
“I won’t. I’m just mad.”
“You would if you knew more about me.”
Tsukishima may be a Slytherin, but that didn’t mean he wanted it. You saw the incredibly disheartened look on his face when the sorting hat blurted out the house. He refused to talk to anyone for days. He got in trouble countless of times for talking back to Snape. Everyone, even you, hated him. He was disrespectful, irritating, provoking, and inconsiderate to everyone that crossed paths with him. It wasn’t until months later, did you realise the reasoning behind his rotten attitude for his house. A fight broke out between Hinata and Tsukishima, with Hinata screaming about how the latter had no right to be disrespectful to his seniors. That was the exact moment, when the entire school was graced with his story. Later that night, you approached him, apologetic for your attitude towards him and hoping to understand more. Turns out both his parents were killed by death eaters. He was eight, and watched as his parents burned to ashes in front of him, the two murderers laughing to the screams and cries of agony. He was quick to run to safety, the two wizards too occupied with killing his parents to pay any attention to him. Since then, he’s never had a proper home, running errands for whoever would pay him even just the minimal amount of money. His dream was to get into Hogwarts, and kill the ones that eliminated his parents from the world, but his one condition was to never get into Slytherin. He was not going to associate himself with those disdainful, cold blooded murderers known as the death eaters. It wasn’t a surprise he would be furious about this.
You were now a shaking mess, not even noticing the tears that were streaming down your skin. The moon reflected off Tsukishima’s glasses, a look of fury and sorrow buried in his dull irises. The two of you sat in silence, not knowing what to say to the other. You cursed yourself. Why did fate have to do this? Why did fate have to send your soul to a pair of death eaters? The two death eaters that bragged to eight year old you about the victims they tortured, and eventually murdered, masking the truth and portraying it as if it was something to be proud of? Why did you have to fall for their victim’s son? Why were they so goddamn desperate to turn you into one of them? You’ve known all three of the Unforgivable Curses since you were merely a preteen. You constantly feared for your life in Hogwarts. You knew how powerful your parents were. If you disobeyed them, they could’ve had all your friends, everyone you’ve ever cared for, dead in a heartbeat. As a result of that, you never revealed anything about your family, not wanting to give anything away. However, that didn’t work with Tsukishima. Infatuation is a dangerous feat. Before you knew it, the two of you were meeting in Hagrid’s field every night, getting to know each other better. Your parents being death eaters accidentally slipped out one night, and for the next week, Tsukishima refused to talk to you at all. He avoided you everywhere, sat as far away from you as possible at dinner, left you waiting for hours in the field. And yet despite his cold attitude towards you, not once did you leave him alone. Maybe that was what he really admired about you.
A sob erupted from your throat, breaking the silence of the dark, cloudless night. You were done. You were done with this. You were done with hiding your problems from him. You were done with hiding your past, your parents, your feelings, everything. The suffocating guilt, the strained throb of your heart, you were sorry. You were sorry for not telling him anything earlier on. You hated yourself for being born to two cold blooded murderers. You hated yourself for acting weak in front of him right now, but the chord just snapped. The thin, thin chord that held your emotions just gave out, and you burst into tears. Hot, salty, flowing tears. You fell forward as your hands held you up, head bowed down and shaking. Your tears wouldn’t stop, flinging themselves onto the floor as Tsukishima just stared.
Salty droplets clumped up in your eyelashes, rolled to the corners of your lips, into your mouth, you could taste the warm liquid on your tongue. The blond was frozen. Never had he ever seen you like this, crying and wailing as you put yourself down for something that was out of your control. He was confused, because one thing lingered in his mind.
“I should hate you? What are you talking about?”
Chuckling hopelessly, you sniffled, enjoying the last few seconds of his obliviousness.
“Oh yeah, I never told you. My parents killed yours and bragged about it at home afterwards. I was eight.”
Something in Tsukishima’s heart dropped as his mouth staggered open. “Your parents were the killers?” You continued to laugh manically, screams emitting from your throat despite feeling empty inside. “Yeah, so hate me. Leave me. Don’t make yourself suffer any more.” Tears glistened in his eyes as his words got caught in his throat. Her parents were the murderers. Let her go. She’s becoming one of them as well. “Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!” Gripping his head, Tsukishima screamed, trying to block out the deafening voice in his head that urged him to just get up and walk away, break all ties with you, throw everything into the abyss, never to be seen again. The thoughts were dizzying as he fell to the ground, curled up. “I’m...sorry. I’m so, so... sorry.” His cries of agony never stopped. Desperate to comfort him, you slowly got up to your knees, leaning forward and grabbing his shoulders as you forced him to look at you. Your eyes were desperate, shaking and watery. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I don’t want to become one of them. I don’t care if you hate me, or leave me, or kill me. You have all the right reasons to. Just please... help me.” What you expected, was for him to fling you away. What he did, was lunge forward, arms wrapping around your neck as his head landed on the side of it, tears making your skin wet as he continued to cry.
“Kei, I’m so sorry.”
No reply.
“It’s okay, I’ll love you even if you don’t feel the same way anymore.”
His mumble sent vibrations down your neck, waking your entire body up. Strained breaths made their way into the cold night air. Wrapping your arms around him, silent tears continued to roll down your cheeks as you held him tighter, refusing to let go.
“Run away with me. I’m done with all this. I’m not gonna leave you, ever. I love you. I don’t care if your parents killed mine, or if you’re being forced to join the death eater. Come with me. We can run away to who knows where. No one will find us, maybe finally we’ll be free. We can get fake identities, hide in the city, I don’t care. I’ll keep my owl here, when the school finally fights the death eaters, he’ll tell us, then we’ll come back. I’m sick of constantly waiting for evil to knock on our door. Let’s just go and live how we want. Run away with me, (Y/N).”
An arm extended towards you, willing for you to take it.
“You’re absolutely insane Kei, I’ll come with you.”
Grabbing his hand, you hoisted yourself up, giving him another tight hug.
“You wanna go now?”
“Yeah, let’s just go.”
And the two of you run.
You run, and run.
Away from the school.
Away from your friends.
Away from your belongings.
And you don’t stop.
@sunshines-and-tatertots @justachillgirl @trashcanweeb @izzyphantomgamer @mariechan123 @macaronnv @itmekisuu @kaylacinderella @random-fandomlover @inlwlevi @bokutokoutarou @for-ests @emsvegetables @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @just-another-bored-writer @agentvicinity @sakusasgarbage @thirstyvolleyballhoe @tiredgr3mlin @animebsposts @artsamber @sneezefiction @xonfusedsoul @iwaigroomi @poppirocks @burnt-tomato @ewfilthymundane @skyeackermans
It’s probs just because I wrote it but I think you can see how I was slowly dying or maybe you can’t.
Apologies for the inaccuracy AHSHJDGAYGSDhAS-
Have fun reading:)
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Lolol, omg
This, but some manner of AU - FAHC? Hitmen/sekrit agent? - in which someone (Gavin? Ryan?? Jeremy???) is being followed by baddies and while looking around for escape routes/dristraction/??? spot someone and are like of course!!1!
Then smooches, because classic tactic! Never fails!!1!
Promise to send a copy to the smoochee in exchange and it’s all rather pleasant and such? Bonuis points for not being murderized by the baddies, so yes.
(And then situations like that just keep happening?)
Fast forward a few years to where they end up in Los Santos or working with.for the same agency as the smoochee(s) and it’s suuuuuper awkward?
Because, like.
Some of the smoochees totally remember and are either awkward about it themselves or lol, I remember you and turn it into this inside joke between them?
Also, though?
Please consider the fact that those smooches? Actually very good, and there was this initial bit of attraction that clearly didn’t o anywhere at the time, but now they’re in the same crew/working together and all that.
Learning to trust one another and - sometimes literally - putting their lives in the other’s hands.
Good days and bad, friendship forming and all that and suddenly it’s this advanced case of oh,no, he’s hot because wow, yes?
And then mutual pining and the whatnot that eventually ends in more smooching and such.
The smoocher  having realizing that they’re now working with people they smooched tactically while running for their lives?
All haha, well that’s a funny story, really, when someone asks how they met and all that since they seem to know one another already?
But instead of the one love interest, it’s all of the smoochees.
All of whom, btw, are like, hmm, interesting at realizing they have being smooched tactically by the smoocher in common?
And while they start off with this friendly wooing fest once directed at the smoocher once hey realize they’ve gone and caught feelings for them after working together for a while?
Little dates and the whatnot with the smoocher who is ??? but also kind of :DDDDD at it because it’s all weirdly adorable and also sweet and just. Nice? The smoocher trying not to think too far ahead because they like all the woo-ers and having to choose is an awful thing to think about, so they just make the most of it while they can because kind of an idiot.
But then it It turns into this oh, no, they’re all hot too, going on with the various smoochees who have been getting to know one another and all that too and realizing that wow, okay, yes.
More feelings????
The smoocher is like ??? because they, too, are utterly infested with these feelings for the smoochees and fretting about having to choose between them because idiot?
And then!
Some Dramatic Series Of Events take place in which enemies from the smoocher’s past come to town and it’s action movie all the waay, including either a Heroic Sacrifice moment for the smoocher to save one or more of the smoochees or the smoocher just gets kidnapped?
Whichever one it is, the smoochess stage a rescue effort that is super successful in that the smoocher and all the smoochees survive without serious injury while the baddies end up super, duper dead or about to be in jail for the rest of their lives?
And like.
This awkward moment of who gets smooched because c’mon, you know there’s got to be a smooch after all that?
But no!
(Plot twist???)
Smoochee realizes they have too many feelings and couldn’t possibly choose one of the smoochees over the others and therefore must choose none of them to spare them emotional turmoil or whatever, idk, just typical romcom bullshittery.
Smoochee carries on like everything’s fine - and honestly, so do the smoochees - up to a point.
A few weeks, months, go by and then the smoochee starts getting flowers and other gifts popping up all over the place?
Little looks and such from the smoochees - totally suspicious, but maybe the smoocher is just paranoid?
When they ask the smoochees about it they’re all “What are you talking about?” and moments where smoocher asks one of the smoochees if they want to go catch the newest movie in that franchise they like only to be turned down.
“Oh, alright then?”
It goes on for a while and the smoocher is losing their damned mind because the gifts and whatnot keep showing up, right? The smoochees claim to know nothing about them, and also never seem to have time for them outside of work?
Smoocher thinks something has gone terribly wrong in their relationships, and just as thy finally get up the courage to ask the smoochees about it, gets invited out somewhere by one of the smoochees.
Lunch or dinner or something like that and are like thrilled at the invite/worried?
Get to the place, cute little diner or whatever, but the place is empty when they get there.
Candles and the whole shebang for a romantic meal set up in this table/booth and oh and also oh, no because complicated feelings situation?
But then!
The smoochee who invited them there shows up, rambling on about traffic being awful and sorry they’re late and -
“Is something wrong?”
Smoocher is about to say yes, because complicated feelings situation and this it lovely of them, really, but the smoocher can’t - because idiot - and of course that’s when the other smoochees show up.
Bickering and bantering about the first smoocher cheating to get there before them - took a bike that managed to get through terrible traffic jams and the whanot.
At first smoocher is like, too !!! about things to realize it’s all friendly bickering and bantering and blurts out something about this is nice, but they can’t because complicated feelings situation and they never meant to lead the smoochess on or pit them against one another to woo them and just.
A lot to unpack, because comlicated feelings situation and guilt about thinking they were leading the smoochees on, or being unfair to them and being ~greedy in wanting all the smoochees and just.
The smoochess staring at the smoocher, and someone being “What the actual fuck are you talking about?”
After which it comes out that the smoochees thought the smoocher knew what was going on? That the smoochees have joined forces to collectively woo the smoocher because they, too, have complicated feelings situations and also, jfc, what the hell is it like in your head?
And, like.
Talking and the being functioning adults (mostly) who know what they’re getting into with this whole...complicated feelings situation, and also, complicated, yes, but also surprisingly simple?
And then this awkward, sweet little date with all of them being way too (or maybe just the right amount?) self-conscious about things because they really, really want this relationship between them to work out and there’s so much on the line and, just.
A lot going on for a quiet little lunch in a cute cafe.
Of course someone points that out, and they laugh at themselves and all that? But the lunch date goes a little more smoothly after that, and before it ends there’s this moment of post-date smooches, Y/N?
Everyone’s in favor of there being a post-date smooch, but also akward dorks, so it ends in quick little pecks on the cheeks and furuous blushing and the like?
They all drive back to the penthouse/HQ/whatever and go back to work because middle of the day on a weekday and they’re all that kind of idiot?
Also though, also.
Little look at one another and soft smiles and laughing at themselves because idiots and dorks and maybe, okay, maybe this isn’t doomed to end badly???
Of course it’s not, and the dates continue and actual!smooches happen and it’s. Complicated, but also not, and just. Good.
Also, also, also.
Geoff and Jack and whoever else Suffering watching this horrible, RL romcom playing out before their very eyes because the smoocher and smoochees are the worst kind of idiots,, jfc. /o\
(Or they’re also smoochees because OT6 or whatever, and honestly, you know they’d be Suffering if that was the case anyway because reasons.)
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prettyboylovemail · 5 years
I’m so sorry people treat your husband like that! Do you have any cute headcanons about him? (I mean Valentine btw)
Honestly it’s so exhausting dealing with this fandom sometimes when there are so many people who characterize everyone in ways that are incredibly surface level (and sometimes extremely toxic, but we don’t have time to unpack all that). As for Lily in particular, he’s always viewed as being nothing more than 1) a comic relief side character 2) a fanservice character or 3) a carefree, airheaded slut. And it really bothers me that the fandom as a whole collectively says that they like Lily as a character, and then turn around and say/do something that shows me that they really have no understanding of him as a person at all. And then these same people try to tell me that I’m the one making him seem out of character.
Moving on to the second part:
Goodness, I have sO many headcanons for him. It’s hard to think of one that I haven’t already gushed about before. Or one that’s interesting to tell, since a lot of the ones off the top of my head are just mundane, boring, domestic things that nobody else cares about but me lolol 😂
I was recently thinking about our daily morning routine, so I could talk about that! My alarm is set for 10am every day, but most times, I’ll wake up on my own around 9-9:30. Val is usually still asleep until the alarm goes off, so I’ll just curl up beside him and lay on his chest or play on my phone until he wakes up. When we are both awake, we spend some extra time just laying in bed cuddling together, saying our ‘good mornings’ and just chatting about anything. Lots of sleepy morning kisses and brushing tangled hair through each other’s fingers.
The first thing Val does when he gets up is takes a shower. He needs to take one every morning to feel refreshed and ready for the day. Sometimes I’ll join him, but most days, I’ll get up and make a pot of coffee for the two of us so that it’s ready when he gets out. We’ll then enjoy a cup of coffee together before we actually get dressed and ready for whatever we have planned for the day. If it’s my day off, then we’ll do our own separate things for a bit; me probably drawing/working on my laptop while he lounges on the bed reading a book or watching a movie. After some time to ourselves, we’ll spend the rest of the afternoon/evening together and maybe go out somewhere or just spend some time cuddling and watching TV or whatever we feel like doing ahah :)
Ahh, I’m sorry this ended up being so long, but thank you again Caedyn for sending an ask~ I always love to see you pop up in my notifications and I love hearing from you
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darlingnisi · 5 years
Celebration 2019 VIP Day 3
Opening Session
Spirited start to the day! Fams started a party line around the soundstage to Let’s Work.
JD Steele also led us in a sing along of Raspberry Beret
Bob Cavallo
Moderated by Bobby Z
Earth Wind and Fire’s studio the Complex was the inspiration for Paisley Park. They filmed pickups for Purple Rain there and Prince told Cavallo  “I want want one of these”
WB didn’t know much about Purple Rain until it was almost done. It was financially backed by Prince and Cavallo ( Cavallo said he only contributed about 20%...the rest was Prince’s money or advances on his royalties)
Cavallo’s management agreement was about to run out. He told Steve Fargnoli to try to get a Prince to sign a contract for 5 more years. Prince said “I’ll sign one if you get me a movie and not about some drug dealer and jeweler...and I want my name above the title.
They had trouble getting people on board to write the movie William (Bill) Glenn (of Brian’s Song) wrote the first version but it was “not edgy enough...too TV”
No director would sign with them
Watched a movie called Reckless. There was a kid sitting behind him who asked what he thought. Cavallo said it was okay...the kid said “Well I edited it.”
Cavallo had dinner with Albert Magnoli the writer of that movie to see if he’d sign on for Purple Rain. He initially passed. Cavallo “You passed? You don’t have a pot to piss in and you pass? I’d  pay you 75k and you’re passing.” Magnoli thought it was too square. Cavallo “Then rewrite it”
“Mo Austin didn’t have anything to do with Purple Rain”
“He made that movie Paul Simon made. That was a failure.”
WB passed on producing the movie, Guber Peters also passed, as well as others
Richard Pryor’s company Indigo Films did NOT pass! Jim Brown (the football player) was CEO at the time. Both Richard and Jim were thrilled to do it! However Jim got mad that Cavallo hired a cinematographer without checking with him as he wanted to hire Black staff to support the project. Bob said he didn’t have time to wait to find some so Indigo dropped the project.
They had a completion bond gaurantor for the film and ended up being 3-4 weeks behind at one point. To catch up, they got more cameras and filmed the movie at multiple angles vs doing several takes. This caught them up.
Promo department thought When Doves Cry was a flop. They wanted Let’s Go Crazy to be the lead single.
Cavallo managed Earth Wind & Fire. (Other info about Cavallo opening a night club his senior year of college which was very successful. Bill Cosby opened for acts when he was coming up on the scene. “He met his wife there and I guess he did other things...” *groan from the audience
On how Cavallo and Prince first linked up Prince had gone to an EWF show and said “When I saw that show, it scared me. I don’t know if I can do something that good.” Asked to meet their manager. Cavallo went to see his show...where he was wearing a Trench coat, panty hose, and g-string. He said “Well young man...show was great....but I don’t think it’s alright to go out on stage in your underwear.”
Prince : Okay I’ll take them off.
He said there was maybe 20 people at that particular show 
Purple Rain was made with 7.6 million dollars 
They had to fight to get it into theaters to show it. “It was the race thing”
Even WB wasn’t on board at first as a distributor. Cavallo was trying to rally them “If you’re a young Black person age 11-30 and you see Prince headlining his own movie, you’ll go see it opening night.” 
At first they could only get a couple of theaters...and were told they couldn’t do it in the south because they were worried about race riots.
Cavallo went to the Chairman of WB with his case and he was on board “Get me 800 theaters or I’ll get someone who will”. (These days movies open in about 2k theaters in the US)
Prince got 15% gross cash guarantee for 3 films
The Purple Rain sequel pitch Cavallo had for Prince  was Purple Rain 2 : Further Adventures of The Time. The Time went to Vegas and got in trouble with the mob and cops. Only showgirls liked them. Prince wasn’t in it except for a cameo to give advice.
He also tried to get P to get Madonna to star in Under The Cherry Moon
Prince wrote Under the Cherry Moon even though there’s another name on it.
Cavallo wasn’t a fan of Kristin Scott Thomas as the star. He gave Prince a tape of the options for actresses and put her last. 
Prince : “I see why you put her last in the group of girls you figured she would outshine the others!”
Cavallo went on to manage the Disney music catalog among other numerous things.
“The greatest joy I had in the music business was with Prince”
A memory : Prince calls “When are you gonna stop beating that dead horse?”
Cavallo : “What dead horse”
Prince : Earth Wind and Fire
Cavallo scolds him for saying such things
Prince : If you knew how good I was, you’d be meet me in Minneapolis
Cavallo thought about how cold it was there and sent Fargnoli instead
Tour Part 2
Video editing bay
More from Vienna 2014
Forever in My Life (With a Bass solo by P...noticed his voice and bass were turned WAY up in the mix)
I had to smh at Peach being played during the moment of silence haha gosh #bouncingtitties
Cream top is in the Diamonds and Pearls room which is where I usually spend most of my time watching the show footage in there
Studio B
Nothing really new here if you’ve done a VIP or Ultimate VIP tour. 
The isolated vocals for Breakdown are still in the control room
We took pictures with one of the P mic stand Symbols. 
The coat on display on the right is the same one he’s wearing on the left
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Musicology May 28, 2004 (Shout out to his sneakers)
Let’s Go Crazy
I Would Die 4 U
When Doves Cry
Baby I’m a Star
Shhh (Good job on the slow pans up his body btw)
Acoustic Set (Little Red Corvette, Cream, Raspberry Beret 12:01, Adore, Sweet Thing, Dear Mr Man/Hit the Road Jack, 7) He was super chatty during this. Told the story of going to an after party from the previous night and a “da-runk” (how he said it lolol) guy told him his favorite song was Strawberry Barrette. P made sure to sing that as the lyric when he did Raspbert Beret.
The Funk Soldiers Concert
(I def sprinted up to the front for this! This is MY CREW!)
Rock and Roll is Alive
Chelsea Rogers
Party Up
Black Muse 🙌🏾
Life of the Party
13 They had a dance troupe of 6 young Black girls from a dance studio Prince donated to dancing to this and it gave me LIFE! SO cute and completely appropriate!
You Make My Sun Shine
SHADES OF UMBER OMG 🙌🏾 (Sorry for how I tweeted about this btw, this is what I meant as a nod to the boot listeners. One of the only times this was performed live was at Montreux 2013. It was also extra special because they had local young people doing this song with them and it sounded FANTASTIC!)
Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad
Act of God
This was my favorite concert of all of them truly! They added nice touches like playing associated videos behind them or displaying the album art of the albums they were playing from. Their show is always a cross catalog musicology lesson of P’s discog and I appreciate that so much!
Also briefly talked to some reps from Sony again this day. I will say from our conversation I do trust that team with P’s music. They were not suits, they were FANS. Talked deep cuts and Prince nerd geekery with them. Really appreciate that the people trying to do things there are fams as much as we all are, truly. (No seriously I was like don’t look too close at my social media please and we laughed about it). Very excited about stuff that’s on the way! (Different department than the purple wax stuff so don’t ask, lol...)
Probably my favorite day of the 3 guys wow. 
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darcylindbergh · 7 years
can you explain your list system? i'm super curious how you can get 900+ items on a to-do haha
yeah! it’s The Darcy Method™ lolol. i basically use the List more as a place-keeper than as a traditional “to do” list. first, i break everything down into sections. so right now i have dailies, work, career, finances, health, tech, to clean, to watch, to read, to write, to stitch, to travel, and upcoming dates. everything’s color coded so i can really see what’s what. 
then i break down every task in those sections into as small of pieces as i possibly can. for example, i don’t just “write chapter 5 of de profundis.” i break chapter 5 down into it’s individual section pieces, so i have section 5.1, section 5.2, section 5.3, section 5.4, and section 5.5, then i send it to betas, final readthrough, final edits, post to ao3, post to tumblr, respond to comments. so instead of 1 big “write chapter five,” i have 11 tasks that make up writing chapter 5. and that way if i write, say, section 5.1 and 5.3, i can cross that off, and then on big long-term projects i leave those crossed off things there instead of deleting them, so that when i go back to the project i can see at a glance that 5.3 is done and i still have to do 5.2, 5.4, and 5.5. it also helps because instead of the BIG task of “write chapter 5,” it’s easier to tackle the little task of doing it one section at a time, and then i get the “win” of crossing something off my list more often. and at the same time i also have the same tasks of writing chapter 6 also on the same list, even though i’m not working on chapter 6, because it helps me think abt chapter 5 to know what’s coming in chapter 6. so instead of “update fic” or “write chapter five” i have 11 tasks for chapter 5 and (right now) 12 tasks for chapter 6, which is 23. so you can see how this adds up. 
this method, btw, is i guess clinically proven to help people with things like depression or other neurodivergencies, because you can apply it to any task really. instead of the big daunting task of “clean your apartment,” you can break it down to “clean the living room, clean the kitchen, clean the bedroom,” or if you’re having a real bad day, you can break it down to “load the dishwasher, run the dishwasher, clean the sink, get rid of the expired food in the fridge, get rid of the expired food in the freezer, wipe down the stovetop, wipe down the countertops, sweep the floor.” my current list is broken down mostly by rooms, but the dishes and the fridge are still separate tasks outside of cleaning the kitchen because i have some food-related problems that make these particular tasks especially hard. but that doesn’t mean that i shouldn’t still get points for wiping down the counters and sweeping the floors! there’s this common “myth” if you will about doing all or nothing, and that just ain’t the way. it’s still good work if you can only do a little bit of it. it’s still good work if i can wipe down the counters even if i can’t manage the dishes. 
i do this sort of break down for all my long-term projects, including writing, cross-stitching, work projects, etc. and as you can tell they add up real fast. i have over 400 things on my list in just writing and cross-stitching alone. 
i also use the List as a place-keeper in the sense of things i want to look into but can’t right now, so for example, if you’ve ever scrolled down your dash and seen something and been like, oh yeah i should watch that movie, and then you forget about it - i don’t forget about it. it goes on the List. and sometimes i take things off the List when i decide i’m not really interested in them after all, but i don’t forget about it. 
the trick to the List ultimately is to forgive yourself for not getting done everything on it. i obviously cannot do 400 pieces of writing and cross-stitch in a given week. i can’t even do that in a given year. that just isn’t happening. so i don’t worry too much about what number the list is at–i worry instead more about how that number moves from week to week. ideally, of course, the number would go down, but that isn’t always the case. the number went up this week by about forty because i fleshed out my “deep clean” section for my flat again and added xmas to-dos to it and i had a bunch of work projects added as well. but the highest the List has ever been was i think abt 1126? so overall we are improving lol :D
hope that helps! 
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goldenscript · 7 years
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author’s note: this is in the same universe as neighbor!monsta x <3
the friend crush (turned actual crush) candidate neighbor
in other words, she’s that girl you’re dying to befriend and to get to know and all that wonder stuff
she’s pretty, sweet from what you can see in your comfortable nook beside her home, and she definitely sounds like a blast to be around
minus the times where you can practically hear her and her screeching at each other for only god knows what
last you remembered it was over the last eggo waffle but you’re not gonna judge bc waffles are pretty damn good
you know she’s also a very attentive roommate to her roomie considering she’s always buying groceries and staying up to wait for her roomie too
which also brings up the mention that the walls between the apartment spaces are so damn thin, you can literally hear everything so it’s no brainer than you’ve learned all these things abt jennie by observation than actual talking
ofc you’d love to talk to her!!! you’ve been dying to for so damn long that it actually feels painful whenever you see chances to bc you don’t take them
your friend taehyung’s been nagging you to do it and even your roommate jiwoo who’s been nothing but an observer of you observing jennie and to say the least the two of them just want you to come out of your shell just to say hey bc that doesn’t hurt
well it doesn’t but it does hurt ur pride when jiwoo purposefully locks you out of the apartment for reasons unbeknownst to you (lmao lbr u kno why but ur in denial bC YOUR ROOMIE WOULDN’T DO THT TO U RIGHT?????,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
absolutely, postively incorrect
bc she does and ur stuck in the hallway wondering if she’s actually asleep or if she’s punking you bc you forgot milk tht one time sophomore year (mind you, y’all are third years rn n you rlly wouldn’t b surprised if jiwoo did that ‘cuz of milk tbh she’s that typa person)
and you’re abt to call taehyung and ask if you can stay at his place when you hear a voice that isn’t warbled from a thin wall and is actually directed at u
“ummmm,,, are u ok?”
you actually fumble with ur phone and that causes her to giggle and wow it just sounds so freakin’ nice but holy shit is she really talking to you rn??? is that really happening???????
you’re absolutely baffled but u manage to nod and tell her that your roommate locked u out and she actually pouts on ur behalf and ur actually starstruck a lil’
it’s one thing to hear and observe these actions from jennie but it’s a complete game changer when she’s performing such actions,,,in front,,, of you,,,, and ,,,, for,,, u,,,,,,,,,,,,, FOR YOU
all u can focus on is ur heart pounding incessantly and u swear it’s ur nerves bc hey friend crushes can still make u nervous y’know n ur so engrossed in this tht u don’t even notice that jennie’s grabbed a hold of ur hand and is leading u back to her place
aND UR BRAIIN IS SUDDENLY LIKE !!! bc holy fuck is that really happening???
you squeak out a ,,, “what”
and she just giggles at you n says “it’s no biggie, my roomie’s out with her bf n i can’t just leave a pretty face like yours out! someone might snatch u y’know??”
“t-thank u,,,,”
“jennie” she smiles tho u kno her name n u kno it well tht it actually makes u super happy that she even knows urs bc after u say it she just grins at u and says “i know”
and basically at her apartment, u see how neat and nice it is with all the black and pink decor on her end w/ roses n these really gnarly looking motorcycles tht she winks at u abt bc her baby’s still in the shop rn and she even offers to take u on a joyride somewhere bc you’ve never once been on a motorcycle but u wouldn’t mind going on one
it’s a first for her but it actually makes her light up to see someone showing interest in something that she adores!!!
u eventually find out tht next to motorcycles she actually rlly loves event planning n that’s why she’s doing communications as a major bc one day she’d like to be in her own pr firm n showcase new and vibrant things that’ll benefit others bc next tht she loves helping others so if what she does can helps others then she’ll feel fulfilled in life
it explains a lot considering she’s always helping people,,, like always
from making sure her roomie’s fed to volunteering at homeless shelters to even tutoring young children, she’s even trying to get into a peer mentor program at the local middle school (a lot of it happens at different times in the year but she has no issues with any of it bc it makes her happy)
srsly she works to the point of overwork and even her roomie has to drag her out by the ear just to get the girl to relax
and evidently this is one of those days where she is relaxing (by helping u lolol) but also she rlly appreciates the attention and attentiveness you’re showing her bc you love listening to her talk and explain what certain things are and it makes her so so so so happy ok
at first it’s miniscule things that make her happy from those little hang outs you two will do now that the ice has been broken to even the times you’ll actually accompany her to a few of her volunteering tasks and she’s so certain she’s found a great new friend, a wonderful friend even tho u can honestly say that the friend crush has become more bc holy shit ??? jennie’s amazing how could u not see her as something more y’know?
and even tho ur certain she doesn’t feel the same and jiwoo calls bullshit like every chance she gets with u, the ultimate game changer happens,,, The Sludge
so two doors down are Changkyun and Jooheon, the resident rappers who have had the notoriety of suffering from the horrific gross substance tht no one can rlly label to a T but to say the least it’s Terrible and Nasty and just N O
so even tho those two were struck with it bc of their lack of pay in the water bills, that gross stuff is just traveling all around the floor - even kihyun and hyunwoo and other residents have suffered thru it so on a very unfortunate day it struck jennie and her roomie’s
fortunately her roomie got a place with changkyun meanwhile jennie was kinda left without,,,, n on tht day u actually see her outside of ur apartment door looking v torn n ur like “jennie???”
her eyes go wide and she manages a wave n u ask what happened n she just deadpans n says “The Sludge” so you understand
and instead of waiting for her to ask bc you kno a part of her wants to but the other part that hates being a burden is lingering so you just invite her to stay n u give jiwoo a heads up and tht blonde roomie of urs is like “w/e she’s staying in ur room”
which she does cuz u force her to bc it won’t hurt u to stay on the couch esp when there’s a guest
she’s pretty begrudging abt it but she manages to deal n she actually enjoys the way you’ve decorated everything and notes just how nice it all is and ngl but she doesn’t miss the photo of u n her on ur bulletin board of ppl you care abt n it makes her feels so warm and touched,,,, it’s like the first instance of her becoming certain of her feelings for u
it’s all small ofc but the more she stays with u, the more ur on her mind n the more she enjoys her times at ur place (which ur loving btw bc she’s a wonderful roommate who will help cook n does grocery shopping bc the damn Sludge is still infesting their apartment)
she does what she can to help and jiwoo loves it and you love having her around so much
in this close proximity you’re able to really see those little things abt jennie like how she loves milk ice cream, how she’s very meticulous in the way things are placed, and how she copes with her stress by organizing even if it can be a bit of an issue
like lisa and jisoo have had their entire desktops cleaned n organized to an utter t after jennie’s done with it (jisoo: “there’s srsly never a simple sleepover with her man”)
but for some reason, she won’t do that to your stuff? like ok she doesn’t organize stuff just cuz she wants t disrespect the owner; most of the time it’s ‘cuz they gave her permission but with you??? she’s not sure and she hasn’t asked
it’s different cuz with her friends they let anyone touch their stuff
but you?? she doesn’t wanna just be anyone to you anymore
she wants to go on motorcycles rides with you and take you to her favorite beach when everything’s too much
she wants to take care of you and show you how much she cares and how much she loves those little things abt u even if u hate those beauty marks and “blemishes” and all that other stuff
she wants to hear you talk about ur favorite book and why then watch the movies to talk abt how lame they were or how you loved a movie and why
she just wants to do anything and everything with you and it’s really just eating at her bc this isn’t another event to plan or really something she can just organize away
hell she can’t even ride her motorcycle away bc all she can think abt is the way you practically lit up when she offered to give u a ride n she decides to just take a risk and stop you after one of your classes
you’re a little confused but you go with it bc she seems pretty distracted by something n u need a break from stats anyway so when she hands u her helmet u take it and watch her put on her space
she tells u to hold on and u do for dear life even if ur screaming at ur heart to shut up bc this is the first time you’ve been this close to her and it makes u tighten ur grip bc you dont want her to disappear
funnily enough, she doesn’t want u to either and she just relishes in ur touch
and so you both wind up at that beach and it’s so beautiful n ur in awe bc holy fuck tht ride was amazing and this,,, T H I S is amazing!!!!
she finds you so adorable and she’s just like “yeah,,, yeah this is.....”
n you look at her in confusion, sitting beside her on the shore even if the cool sand clings to ur legs, “what’s wrong? you seem off lately?”
and she shrugs, looking torn once again bc she’s thinking back to how you accepted her in, always offered a hand to her whenever she needed it whether it was helping her carry a box of event programs or even tutoring her in a class, like,,,, she never realized how much she enjoyed you taking care of her bc she’s constantly taking care of others
so she just blurts out “i like you” she goes for it bc why the hell not??? it’s better to get an answer this way
you’re shocked ofc but eventually you’re like “fuck, me too”
bc having her there? so goddamn close???? those feelings really bloomed and it’s silly and cliche but you can’t help but smile and say “jennie i like you too”
and lemme tell ya rn, she couldn’t be happier,,,,even when you both later find out that the Sludge was fixed nearly two weeks ago bc her roomie promised she’d get her back ,,,,, she just brings u close into her arms and u two watch the waves in ease and in this nice mutual satisfaction and rlly that’s all you both could ever ask for~
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evil-writer · 7 years
Questions tag
I was tagged by @belladonna2017 and @amoulaseojoonmadridista and decided to answer all of the questions in this one post. It’s a little late. But that’s keeping with the theme of my life. (Answers under the cut)
My questions:
If you could change one thing about one drama, what would it be?
Who is a popular actor that you can’t seem to get into?
What’s a popular drama that you didn’t like/dropped?
Underrated favourite drama?
An actor/actress you wish would do dramas more often?
A guilty pleasure drama?
What drama would you say has the best ending?
If you could crossover two (or more) dramas, what would they be?
Who is a female character that the fandom hated, but you loved?
What’s your favourite fictional found family?
tagging (no pressure, we all know i’m terrible at doing these tag things): @belladonna2017, @amoulaseojoonmadridista, @saranghaekoreandramas, @islandgirlbabble, @overthinkingkdrama, @theflowergirl, @swordsandparasols, @the-feminine-grotesque, @secondratedramablog as well as anyone who wants to do this! 
Top 5 OSTS?
Should I Say I Love You Again by Kim Dong Ryul (Reply 1994)
Though I Loved You by Kim Kwang Seok (Reply 1994)
(Listen, I like pain okay.)
You Are My Garden by Jeong Eun Ji (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon)
Because of You by Kim Tae Woo (Jealousy Incarnate) 
Flower by Seo In Guk (Tomorrow With You)
Top 5 Actors (males and females)?
Chae Soo Bin
Lee Bo Young
Lee Min Jung
Jo Jung Seok
Jung Kyung Ho
Note: I’m 110% more loyal to my female faves over my males. I can watch just about anything for my lady loves (except rape #still bitter), but if my male faves don’t hook me with the plot/chemistry with their partner, I’ll drop the drama like a hot potato. 
First Girl Crush?
Wow, it’s been a while since I started accumulating these. If I’m remembering correctly, it would have to be Kim Tae Hee. Stairway To Heaven. ‘nuff said. She’s so hot.
First K DRAMA you watched?
Stairway to Heaven, probably? As far as I can remember, anyway.
This is probably a bad idea. I’d probably just faint dead away. But if I had to choose: Chae Soo Bin. She’s just so sweet and talented and gorgeous. It’s one of my life’s goals to see her perform onstage.
Reply 1994. Which I’m still currently doing, btw hahaha. It’ll get done this year. Sometime. I’m hoping. Anyways, Sung Na Jeong deserved better, and I won’t have peace until I’ve given her stories that are worthy of her.
Ultimate K DRAMA otp?
Don’t even have to think about this one: Na Jeong/Chilbong (Go Ara/Yoo Yeon Seok) from Reply 1994. Broke my heart into 1000000000000000 pieces and changed the way I watch kdramas. I’ve written essays for these two, I started to write fic seriously for these two. Sung Na Jeong remains one of the greatest loves of my life. I can 100% guarantee you that no one has loved her or thought about her (no matter the ship) the way I have and still do, to this day.
#JusticeForSungNaJeong till the day I die, probably. haters can fight me.
Running Man. I like Yoon Shi Yoon, but there’s no women cast members on that show. And I love Song Ji Hyo in a way I love few others. Also, I just love the main cast’s interactions on Running Man. 
Jo Bo Ah. Oh my god, she broke me in Flower Boy Band, charmed me in Surplus Princess, and I don’t think I’ve been able to watch her in anything since. I should probably watch Missing Noir M, but I don’t know. I always 
Honourable mention: Im Joo Eun. Holy shit, she’s still playing second lead to idols? Listen, I know female idol actresses get a lot more shit than male idol actors and wrongfully so, since as a class they’re way better than male idol actors. Still, someone with half as much experience as her shouldn’t be booking leading roles ahead of her. Let the actresses do their work, this is their livelihood!!!!!!!
Wow, I didn’t mean to get mad. Sorry.
Listen. There’s a jinx. Anytime I think something’s gonna be good, it sucks. Anytime I think something’s gonna be bad, it’s spectacular. So Third Rate My Way is going to be the Worst!!! I’m going to HATE it!!!!!!!!!!! 
Favorite Period Film/s
This is hard, I can’t remember the last time I watched a period film. But I would have to say Atonement (2007) with Kiera Knightley and James McAvoy. If we want to get into dramas, then I’d of course say Rebel: Thief. 
Favorite Web Drama/s
I don’t know if 1% of Something counts as a web drama? I mean it wasn’t on any of the usual drama networks. Anyways, it was sweet and cute and I enjoyed it a lot.
Favorite Short Film/s
I...can’t remember the last time I watched one. Wow, I’m terrible at this lolol. 
Favorite Book-to-Movie Adaptations
From my childhood: Bridge to Terabithia. There’s also the Shadowhunters television series which is actually better than the books.
Drama/Movie where you cried BUCKETS!
Reply 1988 had me sobbing every episode. I’ve gotten really emotional over Rebel, too. And of course, finales make me cry all the damn time. Even Jealousy Incarnate’s lovely end. There’s also the final heartbreaking but super satisfying arc in Tomorrow With You.
Drama/Movie that you looked forward to but disappointed you in the end.
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I wanted to love this, I did. But there was just a few too many things wrong with it for me to not drop it. The cute looked cute, and I’m a shipper first and foremost, but if the rest is that bad, I can’t deal with it.
Imagine your bias—what role do you want him/her to have for his/her next Movie/Drama?
Chae Soo Bin in a campus drama, where she plays a recent entrant into the Judicial Research and Training Institute, and is on her way to becoming a high-powered attorney. Shenanigans ensue when she finds herself sharing a house with her fellow trainees.
(This is prompted by Hye Kyung and Joong Won’s frequent trips down memory lane to the good old days of the Judicial Training Institute.)
Imagine your bias—to whom do you want him/her to be partnered with in his/her next Movie/Drama
Listen, I’ll ask for a Go Ara/Yoo Yeon Seok reunion until the day I actually get it. That kind of romantic chemistry should never be wasted. I feel like this is a theme for this entire post haha.
Imagine yourself in a K-Drama story—which one would it be and why?
If I inserted myself into a kdrama story, it’d probably be as an assassin so that I could kill my enemies. In Hwarang: Ah Ro’s shittastic dad. In The Good Wife: Tae Joon. There’s a pretty long list of characters I want to assassinate, so let’s leave it at that.
Favorite Drama/Movie quote/s
“The reason I miss that time and that street isn’t only because I miss my younger self. It is because my parents’ youth, my friends’ youth – the youth of everything I loved was in that place. I regret not bidding a final farewell to the surrounding of my youth that can never be brought back together again. To the things that’ve already gone, to the time I can’t return to… I bid my belated farewell. Goodbye, my youth. Goodbye, Ssangmun-dong”  -- Sung Deok Sun, Reply 1988
I can’t think about that closing scene without getting teary.
Favorite Drama/Movie Trope/s
Does cohabitation count? It’s my favourite thing ever. But otherwise: friends to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, fake relationship turning real, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. Also mutual pining. 
Thanks so much for tagging me, you two! I had a lot of fun answering these questions, though it’s turned out a bit late. 
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