#i went so shoujo with this doodle actually
akihabaradivision · 9 months
It was now nightfall in Akihabara and a certain birthday girl was spending the day relaxing and sketching, mindlessly doodling before stopping as the doorbell rang. Pausing her sketching, she placed her sketchbook and pencil down and got up from where she was comfortably seated and walked towards the door, after looking through the peephole she opened the door and was greeted by her friend and fellow artist, Kureha Koizumi of Saitama Division.
“Happy Birthday, Keiko.” The gothic artist smiled lightly as the blonde let her in, she noticed that she held an assortment of presents in her arms and immediately knew that they were for her. The mangaka lead the other girl to the living room where they sat on the couch and Kureha placed each present on the coffee table in front of them, “I wanted to get here sooner but I had to finish up some last minute holiday commissions but I hope you like them.”
Picking up one of the presents, the blonde girl opened it to reveal a LED desk lap featuring the infamous characters of the popular anime, Sailor Moon.
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Opening the second gift, it was revealed to be a bundle of sketchbooks featuring various Sanrio characters on the cover.
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And finally, opening the last gift revealed to be a small yet beautifully decorated cake with a figurine of a pink version of Hatsune Miku on top. “Oh, that one is actually from Sayaka, she wanted to bake a cake for you but didn’t know what to decorate it with, I sorta helped her with that.”
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The blue haired girl rubbed her neck sheepishly, “I know it’s not much but I figured it’s better than nothing, plus, us artists gotta stick together, right?” Her lips quirked up into a slightly smile.
Happy Birthday Keiko! 💝
"Wow," Keiko said, looking at the amount of gifts that Kureha had brought for her. Truthfully, she enjoyed hanging out with Kureha more than most people. Though she wasn't as talkative or active as most of her friends and acquaintances, Keiko didn't mind at all. And when one, or both of them, were too busy with life to actually meet and greet, they often met up on an art forum they frequented and chatted there. Sometimes, Lana from Kyoto would join, if she wasn't busy taking care of her city or her younger sister, Kanade.
"Thanks a lot, Kureha." Keiko said, as she took almost all of the gifts from the young girl's hands. She was particularly interested in the Sailor Moon gift. Though this wasn't much of a surprise, that shoujo anime was one of Keiko's favorites when she was younger. She didn't watch it much these days, but she was definitely going to have to go back and re-watch it again. Thanking her friend once more, she bid the Gothic artist farewell with a wave and a smile.
After several minutes of organizing the gifts her artist friend had gifted her, the manga artist then went forward to completing the most important task of all: carefully peeling off the Hatsune Miku figurine on top of the cake she had so that she could find someplace in her room to put it, before partaking of this delicious birthday cake!
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eralea-art · 8 months
found some old sketchbooks
[artwork made by any other teenager] "this is great! I love your attention to detail!" [artwork made by my teenage self] "what is this trash toss it and never draw again"
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normally I have to put in a lot more effort to overcome this extremely unreasonable take, but these were drawn so long ago that I actually feel a bit disconnected from the version of me who drew them.
back then I usually drew on loose leaf paper and threw them out when I got tired of them (I still do this), so I didn't think I had any drawings older than a few years until I dug these books out from the back of a cabinet
(using the pencil in lieu of a signature, not that anyone would steal these)
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there was a fan artist I followed who could draw in (what seemed to be) every style in the world, so my younger self decided that being able to draw everything in every style in the world was obviously the pinnacle of artistic skill
I stopped caring about developing my own style and went through a phase of just practising other people's styles for a few months
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it's all very wonky and the lines are unconfident and there are smudges everywhere and I have a bad habit of drawing on both sides of the paper(I still do this)
but I feel like the young artist who did this was making a genuine attempt at learning how to draw everything
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ok, a mostly-genuine attempt at learning how to draw cute cartoon animals and not much else
there's also an alarming amount of 90s shoujo-style doodles here that I'm not putting online
bonus ponysona
idr her name (Feather-something) but I remember she sculpts clouds to sleep on (she contributes nothing of value to pony society)
I stopped watching mlp after Twilight became a princess so this has to be from before that. was that really 2012? what year is it??
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even though I neglected developing it, there is still a style that I call "my" style - it's the one that I find easiest to draw.
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These are more recent, maybe 2016-2017? 2017 is recent, right? omg what year is it???
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maybe it's because of the recent discourse about genAI vs human art that I've become more charitable towards amateur work, including my own. (it helps that while I know I drew these, I don't remember the process of drawing them, so it feels like I'm looking at someone else's work and I don't have the immediate gut reaction to trash it)
it's certainly more effort than what the genAI frauds are doing.
I don't think there's anything wrong with mimicking a style you like - styles can't be copyrighted, so if you have the skill to replicate it then it's fine.
Prompting "in the style of [artist name]"/img2img "to the style of [artist name]" is different because it's a cheating shortcut - you didn't earn that ability. You didn't put in the work. You're nothing like the max skill fan artist who could draw in every style.
New Year is in a few days
I'm going to ditch the perfectionism. My work is fine. My work from 10+ years ago is fine. Everything I do has more soul than the frauds using their plagiarism machines. I want to upload more often again.
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mimithealpaca · 3 months
chapter x - the singing bells (redraw of a picture from the vault)
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creating has been very difficult for the past two months. i'm forcing things to chug along, but i can feel it in my brain. sometimes when i get like this, i revisit older pieces and redraw them. i've been trying to be even more intentional with the redraws though--what about the original picture can i improve on? what from the original is worth keeping and expanding on?
in this case, as you see in the next slide, i think the biggest improvement i made was composition. the original pic was a doodle of OCs a childhood bestie and i made as kids (although i sorta took them when we grew up and went into the sunset with them XDDD). that old pic was drawn in mspaint in 2009 (15 years ago!) so i obviously wasn't thinking about composition or anything. i think at best, i was trying to mimicry anime posters/illustrations i had seen of character faces just collaged on top of each other…
for my redraw, i essentially did the same, but i wanted the characters to be more grounded in reality. (and again, i wanted the bell tower to be more of the focal point.) i also drew on a bit of hagio moto (i don't think it's visible here at all) or just the aesthetic of older shoujo manga, hence the loss of color.
what i like about this scribble is how i managed to still translate the positioning of the characters' faces. see how the girl on the leftmost in the original picture is looking at the girl with tears in her eyes in the middle? i made it more obvious this time in the redraw, turning her head in her direction. in retrospect, maybe i could've played with her hair or the lighting on the crying girl who now turned badass-showing-midriff so there would be some leading lines to dress girl but alas.
speaking of which, i'm so glad i made her more badass. i won't get into the lore, but these are all actually the same character, just at different points in their lives/timelines. and… well, my current iteration of the lore for these characters is that leftmost girl has an identity crisis that definitely would not have her wearing some boring ass pink tank top as an adult.
anyway, the title of the arc these characters showed up in was called "silver singing bells" but like, let me tell you, as the god of their world. THERE ARE NO SINGING BELLS. HELL, THE DEUS EX MACHINA THAT ALLOWS TIME FUCKERY TO HAPPEN ARE NECKLACES. YOUNG ME JUST RANDOMLY PICKED WORDS THEY THOUGHT SOUNDED KINDA COOL AND SAID "YEAH!" but. a homage is a homage. young me drew a lot, even when they were down in the dumps, which is something i haven't even been able to do so… kudos to them, yeah? and so, i kept the singing bells for the fake chapter title at least lol
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chuunibyouki · 3 years
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miss aira for day 5! 1bitheart is one of my most favourite medias to this day and miwashiba has been such a massive influence on me since i discovered their works. maybe ill do more miwashiba doodles for the rest of the month ww...
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bytebun · 2 years
Yoooo if you're doing requests, can I ask for Rexsoka or Codykin?
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when the senpai guy you’ve been trying to impress all this time finally notices you, and oh no
image description under the cut
[ID: Anakin and Cody are standing in front of a GAR ship, presumably waiting for Obi-Wan to finish talking to a Senator. 
Anakin: ...Instead of nat-born pilots we should ask the Senate to send us massiffs next time.
Cody: Hm?
Anakin: They’d do better in a dogfight. 
Cody laughs. Metaphorical sunflowers are blooming in the background. Still smiling, he says: You might be onto something, Commander Skywalker.
Anakin stares at Cody’s laughing face, transfixed. He’s blushing and holding onto his padawan braid, and shoujo style flowers are blooming in the background.]
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bloodsoakeddoodles · 3 years
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“I love everyone in KoiBo equally,” I say as I spend 90% of my time, energy, and thoughtspace on Souichi
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Hawks x Reader Warnings: N/A Genre: Fluff Word Count: 4.5k Synopsis: You're surprised when your best friend tells you she's dating pro hero Hawks. As you get to know him throughout his frequent visits to the tea shop you work at, your uncertain despisal of him may just turn into romance. 
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When your best friend told you that she was dating the number two hero you laughed in her face. “It’s true!” she pleaded. Her eyes gleamed against the hanging lights in your kitchen. She looked as if she were a lovestruck middle schooler doodling hearts and writing her initials in the margins of her notepad. But you knew her like the back of your hand and you were well aware of her habit of compulsive lying.
You spent the following week teasing her relentlessly for making up such an outlandish lie. Yui Nakamura, your best friend in the world. She was an up-and-coming actress who claimed that she was slowly taking Japan by storm.
“I guess I just caught the number two hero’s heart from my last film,” she told you. It was all she could talk about for a solid week, leaving you rolling your eyes and sticking your tongue out in a fake gagging motion every time his name was brought up.
It wasn’t until she brought him into your place of work that you finally realized she was telling the truth. The small jingle bells tied to the doorknob of the shop rang as you were crouched behind the counter, sorting loose tea leaves into their respective jars.
“This is my favorite place to get an iced tea in this hot weather,” her sickeningly sweet voice cooed.
Your ears perked up. Grabbing one of the jars of tea leaves, you stood up with a big smile on your face, ready to greet your friend. That smile, however, didn’t last long. Instead it was replaced with a punch in your gut and a ringing in your ears as you saw the person standing in front of you holding hands with your best friend was the number two hero in Japan.
You should have known something was off when the few people sitting in the leather chairs and at the counter looking out into the street had gone silent. Everyone’s jaws were slack in amazement at the hero before their eyes. A few people whispered about how much more handsome he looked up close or how they didn’t realize how vibrant his wings actually were.
The only person who didn’t look shocked or happy that he was there was the number two hero himself.
“(Y/n)!” Yui exclaimed. “How’ve you been?”
“Um, good,” you managed to choke out. Your eyes never left the winged hero.
“I see you’ve noticed my boyfriend,” she giggled. Her happy-go-lucky smile never left her face. It seemed as though her biggest wish had come true. It’s no secret that she had been pining after the hero for years, playing back footage of his rescues and showing them to you over and over again. She would always cover her eyes when watching his fights because she “couldn’t bare to see his beautiful face get hurt” and you would have to tell her when the scary parts were over.
“Hawks,” you spat out.
His golden eyes dug daggers into you. “Yes?” His tone was uninterested and very clearly bored. It left a sour taste in your mouth.
“I, um, well I, ya know, I didn’t–”
Yui cut off your stumbling with a fluttering laugh, the kind of laugh they romanticize in a shoujo manga. “(Y/n)-chan didn’t believe me when I told her you were my boyfriend,” she said in a sing-song voice. “Now come on, Hawky, what do you want?”
Hawks visibly cringed at the nickname she had given him. Hawky, like the sport but spelled like the bird. Even you could admit that it was pretty bad.
“I think I’ll have the iced hibiscus tea,” she said. Her hands fumbled for her wallet.
“I’ll take a small sencha.” You never expected the winged hero to drink tea. It seemed so unlike him. He seemed much more of a coffee kind of person, needing the extra energy to fulfill his hectic life.
“All right, your total is 540¥,” you said. As you brewed their tea, you couldn’t help but keep an eye on Hawks and the little things about him. Sure he was attractive, but was that really enough to satisfy your friend? He didn’t seem very interested in her as she tugged on his sleeve like a little kid clinging to their parents.
As you called their names with their orders in hand, you were surprised when neither of them went to grab their drinks. Instead, Hawks sent two of his feathers to grab them out of your hands. They were so delicate yet so strong.
Yui smiled as the feather fluttered around her before presenting her drink in front of her.
“Let’s go,” Hawks said, still with a look of boredom plastered to his face, but maybe there was more to him than you thought.
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You got to know Hawks a little more during the next few months. It’s true that when you first met him he was not your cup of tea. He and Yui would come into the shop and as Yui chatted your ear off about all the sweet nothings he would tell her, Hawks always seemed to zone out or lose interest in the conversation relatively fast. From the outside it looked like he didn’t care about her and that made your blood boil. But there had to be more to it, right? You’re sure that Yui wouldn’t bother with someone who didn’t seem to care about her.
It was at the end of summer when Yui told you the exciting news. She was cast as a major role in a new film and would be flown to Yakushima Island for the shoot. As she told you the good news, her smile never faltered. It was as if all her dreams were coming true and the different pieces of her life were being put together like a puzzle.
“I’m really happy for you,” you said while pouring hot water over a tea bag with oolong in it. “I can’t wait to see the film when it’s released.”
“I can’t wait for you to see it too! It’s going to be rough being away from Hawky for so long but I think we’ll both manage.”
You turned around before she could see you rolling your eyes at the ludacris nickname. You’re not sure how it managed to stick throughout the months, and every time you hear the words pass her lips it triggers a shudder to run through you. “When do you leave?”
“Next week. You have no idea how excited I am, (Y/n).”
You were happy for her, you really were. Yet part of you felt like you were being left behind, stuck in the mud. While she had her handsome top pro hero of a boyfriend, you spent your nights alone and as she went off to chase her dreams of being one of the most famous actresses in Japan, you were still pouring hot water over tea leaves as you have been for the past two years. It didn’t seem fair, but you would never let her know that.
The next week went by quicker than you had hoped and Yui was off to the airport. She, of course, stopped by for one last cup of tea before she left.
Once she was gone the leaves began to change. Red, orange and yellow leaves fluttered through the air onto the ground and gusts of wind would push them across town, occasionally dropping them off in front of the tea shop’s door.
This time of year was always your favorite. The smell of cinnamon and spice floating through every tea, pastry and coffee shop always made you smile in delight. A new shipment of pumpkin tea had just arrived and you couldn’t resist ducking down to stick your nose in the box and smell the leaves through their packaging under the counter.
The homey smell ravished your senses. Your mind was instantly filled with wonderful fall memories. Jumping in piles of leaves as a kid, drinking hot tea by the window and watching the rain outside trickle down the gutter of your childhood home. Carving pumpkins and dressing up in inappropriate halloween costumes back in your college days. It all came back.
“Do I even want to know what you’re doing?”
The all too familiar voice of Hawks startled you, and as you leapt up out of shock, you hit your head on the counter top. “Ow,” you croaked. Reaching for the fridge next to one of the display cases of teas, you grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and placed it on your head. “Hi.”
“Hello to you too.” There was a cocky grin on his face, unlike what you’ve seen of him before.
“Yui’s out of town.” Why was he here? There was no reason for him to be if his girlfriend was gone. Since he started showing up with Yui, the shop had gotten much more traction. More people had shown up asking when the pro hero was coming next or which seat he sat in. You were sick of it all.
“I know. Doesn’t mean I can’t get a cup of my favorite tea from my favorite barista.” His cheeky smile grew and you beat yourself up for blushing at him compliment.
“What’ll it be then? A small sencha?” You grabbed one of the small to-go cups in preparation.
“Nah let’s switch it up a bit.” He eyed the list of teas up and down, ogling the glass containers with delicate tea bags placed inside. “What box were you sticking your nose in just now?”
You looked down at your feet in shame, cheeks heating up at the memory. You had hoped he would forget about what he just saw or at least wouldn’t mention it out of pity for you. “Pumpkin tea. It’s a new shipment that just came in.”
“Huh,” he pondered. “Is it good?”
Your head shot up. “Seriously? You’ve never had pumpkin tea before?”
“Nah the commission doesn’t really like it when I eat or drink things that aren’t in my diet.” He wove his hand through his blonde locks, pushing them back out of his face. “They’ve been a bit more chill about things since I started dating Nakamura, but I’m still on a pretty strict food regiment.”
The fact that he referred to your best friend by her last name almost made your heart ache. For how much she doted on him he barely seemed to care. “That sucks,” you said. “Do you want to try it?”
He chuckled a bit. “Yeah, let’s give it a whirl.”
You heated the water and poured it out in a hot stream over the tea bag. “Here you go. That’ll be 280¥.”
He slid the coins over to you and held the piping hot to-go cup up to his nose, breathing in the heat and letting it run through him. A soft smile overcame his features and he pressed the cup to his lips, letting the brew hit his tongue. His eyes shot open. “Wow. That’s incredible.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Isn’t it really good?”
“It is!” He smiled up at you and you couldn’t help but drink in every detail of it. It was a happy and relaxed smile, one that a child would give after tasting candy for the first time. His eyes grew brighter than the sun as the tea coated his taste buds and pulled him into euphoria.
“Um, excuse me?” a small voice croaked from behind Hawks.
He moved to the side, revealing a small young woman holding hands with a little boy. He was chewing on an action figure and as he pulled the head out of his mouth you could see the bright flames of Endeavor coated in a layer of thick saliva.
“Hey there,” Hawks said. “I’m sorry, do you need to order?”
“No no no!” The rosey cheeks of the young woman deepened as chills of embarrassment filled her. “My son here is a really big fan and, well, we were hoping we could get an autograph.”
You weren’t sure how something like this would play out. You’ve seen the stares and the hushed whispers people give when watching Hawks and Yui in the shop. They almost look too scared to approach him, yet this flustered woman came out of nowhere.
“Yeah of course!” Hawks’ cheeky smile widened. He squatted so he was eye level with the boy. “What’s your name, little guy?”
The kid slid behind his mother’s hip, unsure of what to do or say.
“I see you like Endeavor. You have good taste. He’s one of my favorite heroes too.”
You watched in awe, jaw slack as if you had been slapped in the face, as you watched Hawks laugh and ruffle the kid’s hair. He signed a notebook that the kid’s mother gave him and just as he was about to say goodbye, the kid shot his arms up in Hawks’ direction. You could feel yourself melt on the spot as he picked up the giggling boy, spinning him around. It was so unlike him to do that, but at the same time it was everything you had ever imagined in the stories that Yui would tell.
That was the first time that you realized you were beginning to fall for your best friend’s boyfriend, and after that nothing would be the same.
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Hawks came in and out of the shop more and more frequently, only now ordering a small pumpkin tea. As the days went by, the weather grew colder. Chilly winds howled past the store and jingled the chimes out front.
Hawks sauntered in, giving you the grin and nod he was now accustomed to.
“Small pumpkin?” you asked, gripping your scarf and holding it closer around your neck.
“You know it,” he winked.
You hated how every time he walked up to the counter your breath would hitch and your heart would skip a beat. The little wink he gave you definitely didn’t go unnoticed by you. You hid the flushed feeling by burying your face up to the tip of your nose in your scarf.
“So what’s been going on in tea land?” he asked. His fingers danced across the display of cup sizes and tea cakes to the side of the register. They stopped, resting on the side of the jar labeled “TIPS” in a fat black marker over bright colorful construction paper.
“Same old,” you replied. “How’s hero work?”
“Same old.” The two of you had grown comfortable with minimal conversation, almost finding it endearing that the two of you could communicate so much with so few words.
“And Yui?”
Hawks took a moment before answering. You looked up from the tea you were preparing but averted your eyes the second you realized he was staring at you. “I’m thinking of breaking up with her.”
You couldn’t pay attention to what he said next. All you could hear was the ringing in your ears at hearing his words. He was breaking up with her. The recent nights you had spent fantasizing what it would be like to be the one held in his arms at night seemed more in your grasp. The thought scared you a little.
“Hey, are you listening?”
“Huh?” He snapped you out of your thoughts. “Sorry, I think I zoned out a little.” You could feel your face heating up. “Why are you breaking up with her?”
“It’s been about four months,” he said, still toying with the rim of the tip jar.
It bothered you a little how he kept looking at it. Either put in a tip or leave it alone, you wanted to yell at him.
“Four months,” he repeated as if he needed to double check. “That’s when our contract is up, at least.”
You were confused. What was he talking about? “What do you mean?” The skepticism on your face made you look like a puppy being taunted with a bone.
“Heh, you’re cute when you’re confused,” he said. “Our relationship,” he trailed off in thought, trying to find the right words. “It was never real, I guess. Never has been.”
As Hawks spoke about the contract the two of them were under, that her agent and the people working at the commission made them sign, your jaw became more and more unhinged.
“Why did they force you to date in the first place?” The shrill of your voice was hard to tame.
“Her agent knows my people well,” he admitted, referring to the commission. “And they thought this would be good for her publicity. They were right since it got her the big movie she’s working on, but they told us if nothing happens after four months we can end it.”
“I see.” You were still trying to put the pieces together in your mind. “So you never really loved her.”
He couldn’t help but bark out a laugh. “I thought that was pretty obvious,” he admitted. “Look, I know she’s your best friend and all but she’s kinda hard to be around and to get along with at times.”
Deep down you knew he was right, but hearing it come from someone that you knew Yui loved and trusted made your blood boil. What made you feel even worse was the growing hope within you that if Hawks didn’t like someone like her, he could possibly fall for someone like you.
He looked down at his phone to check the time. “Shit, I have training with my intern in ten minutes.” As you slid his drink towards him he fished into his wallet to pay. Taking out an extra bill, he folded it up and put it in the tip jar. “Promise me that when I break things off with her you’ll be there to comfort her?”
The question took you off guard but you nodded anyway.
He smiled a deep and genuine smile that showed so much more emotion than could be understood by the human brain. “Thanks. She’ll need a good friend like you to keep her company.” And with that, he dashed out the door quicker than your eyes could follow.
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A week went by and you heard nothing. Hawks didn’t come into the shop to tell you how it went and Yui hadn’t texted you with any of her usual updates for how the movie was going. It wasn’t until you were locking up shop on a Friday night that you received a FaceTime request from Yui. You texted her, assuring her that once you got home you’d call her back. You knew that he did it and she needed to hear from you right now.
Snuggled into the plush fabric of the side-of-the-road sofa in the middle of your living room, you called her back. It only took one ring before she picked up. Her face was blotchy and red and the makeup she wore on set was streaking down her features.
“What happened?” you asked, fully aware of the situation.
She explained in detail everything that had happened, from the warm tea she was holding in her dressing room when he called her to break things off to the way his eyes shimmered with both sadness and relief as he told her what was on his mind.
You tried to reason with her as she blew her snotty nose into tissue after tissue. Phrases like “I’m sure he doesn’t hate you” and “You’re better than him anyway” often came up. Truth be told, you were only paying attention to her side of the story half the time. You slipped in and out, mind wandering over to where Hawks may be and how he must be doing.
“Maybe he had a reason for doing it,” you finally said once she had started to calm down.
“Do you think he, I dunno, wasn’t happy?” You shrugged a bit. Your eyes traced the rhombus patterns on your carpet as they avoided Yui’s saddened expression. “Maybe he just wanted to be a free bird is all.”
You looked up from your carpet and came face to face with Yui’s eyes. Once doughy and glossed over with a thick layer of gelatinous tears, they now held a form of anger and hurt that you have never seen from her. “How could you say that?” she asked. “How could you even think of taking his side?”
“I’m not taking a side, I–”
“Yes you are!” Her face was turning red and as much as you wished to defend the man you had caught feelings for you also wanted to be there for Yui. “I don’t know how you could defend him right now, you guys aren’t even friends.”
Hearing her say that hit you deep in the chest. Of course she didn’t know how often Hawks had swung by the shop. Of course he wouldn’t tell her.
“You barely know him, (Y/n), so why are you defending him?”
Why were you defending him? Even with Yui out of the picture, there would still be a slim chance that Hawks actually felt the same way you did. He’s the number two hero, an icon in more ways than one. His fangirls pooled at his feet constantly. Why would you, just a simpleton working at a tea shop, have a chance with him?
“I can’t even talk to you right now.” She was looking down, refusing to make eye contact with you through the small screen.
“Yui, I–”
“No. Just,” she trailed off. “Call me when you know whose side you’re on.”
And with that she hung up and you were left alone. You felt terrible, like the worst friend in existence. You needed something to calm yourself down after the shitshow you had a feeling would be your last conversation with her for a long time.
Your shaky figure got up off the couch and went into the kitchen, putting up the water for a cup of tea. Your hands visibly calmed down once you gripped the hot mug with the pumpkin tea bag swirling inside.
“Hey baby bird.” As you walked into the living room, the person lounging on your sofa startled you. You let out a scream and the hot tea sloshed out of your mug and hit your chest, the thin material of your shirt and the knit sweater you dawned doing little to nothing to stop the burning sensation. “Ah shit.”
Hawks ran up to you and pressed the sleeve of his hero costume against your chest. “I’m sorry. Are you all right?”
The wince you gave him let him know his answer. “What are you doing here?” you managed to croak out once the heat subsided. “And how the hell do you know where I live?”
“Followed you home,” he said like it was nothing.
“So you stalked me.”
“I like to call it stealth training.” The grin on his face resembled a snarky cat and as pissed off and angry you were about him and Yui and everything, you couldn’t help letting out a laugh.
The aura between you two was both friendly and awkward. It seemed as though you both wanted to say something but didn’t know what. As Hawks kept rubbing his sleeve against your damp clothes, his eyes trailed over your face and tried reading into what you were thinking.
“I talked to Yui,” you finally let out. “She’s mad at me.”
“So I heard.” He stopped moving and rested his arm on your shoulder. “You deserve better friends.”
You looked away. “No. She does.”
He let out a laugh. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You, (Y/n), are kind, compassionate, care about your customers and you actually take time to listen to others. And I know Nakamura would say the same thing.”
Somehow the use of your friends last name didn’t bother you as much as it used to. What did cause you to blush was the sound of  Hawks saying your own name. The sound of it leaving his lips had an imprint on you like no other.
“And those,” he continued, “are some of the many reasons why I started to fall for you.”
You felt a sting in your cheeks as they grew hot from his words. He liked you? Did you hear that correctly? He fell for you? The same way you fell for him? The only thing you could think to do was let out a “huh?”
And Hawks let out a toe curling laugh. “I like you. Have liked you for a while now.”
You didn’t know what to say. You were so overwhelmed with emotion. All you could even think to do was stare at him with your mouth agape.
“Hello?” he waved his hand in your face. “Earth to (Y/n).”
You shook your head and the rest of your body, getting any jitters out. “Um, yeah.”
He barked out another laugh. “So, do you got something to say to me or are you gonna leave me hanging?”
You took a sharp inhale. “I think that I might also like you,” you said. “A bit.”
“Now was that so hard to say?” He took a step forward, raising a hand to cup your face. He wasn’t ready, however, when you stepped away, shielding yourself from him. “What’s wrong?”
“Yui is what’s wrong.”
It dawned on him how difficult and confused you must’ve been feeling, especially if you’ve liked him for as long as he’s had feelings for you. Yui Nakamura is your best friend so of course having feelings for her boyfriend, her ex boyfriend, would make you fall into a pit of despair.
“I’m sorry.” You turned away, walking back to your kitchen.
Even though you clearly wanted to be left alone, Hawks followed you and stayed in the door frame as you put up water for another cup of tea. “You remember when I caught you sniffing the heck out of that box of Pumpkin tea?”
You made a disgruntled noise of agony as you buried your head in your hands.
He chuckled. “That’s when I realized I had feelings for you. When did you know you had them for me?”
You sighed. “Look, Hawks. I really wish that things were different and that Yui wouldn’t be mad at me, but–”
“It’s a simple question, baby bird.” He reveled in the nickname.
Your eyes wandered over to the kettle and the soft heat that rose from the stove. “I think it was when I saw you give that kid and his mom and autograph and, I don’t know, you’re just...really good with kids is all.”
“Is that really all?” His cocky smirk struck you and you couldn’t help but hit him playfully.
“Shut up, asshole.” The kettle went off and you grabbed two mugs, placing pumpkin tea bags in each. “I like you, but I love Yui.”
“So I’m assuming that it would be inappropriate for me to kiss you right now?”
You handed him one of the now full mugs, your face lowered to hide your subtle embarrassment. “You are correct.” The two of you stood there in the middle of your cramped kitchen, neither darring to take a sip. “But,” you started. “We can maybe cuddle on the couch a bit and talk, if that’s something you want.”
His golden eyes brightened. “Yeah, baby bird. I’d like that.”
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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There! Finalized my model sheet for my HPMA girl, Anastasia Read! You can read more about her here at this moodboard post I did for her, but basically she’s a Gryffindor who dreams more than she talks and is determined to be the heroine of her own fantasy story.
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Some more info about Ana under the cut...
Ana doesn’t resemble her biological parents, John Read and Bonnie Pinkstone-Read, much at all except in hair color (both are also brunettes). Her soft, endomorph frame, strong shoulders, and bluish gray eyes come from her maternal grandfather. As an adult Ana’s even taller than her mother Bonnie, who’s very petite all the way around.
Poor Ana is actually quite self-conscious about her weight, thanks in no small part to the, um...attempts at support from her mother Bonnie, who frequently expresses “concern” about Ana’s health because of her size. At school she wears a highwaisted skirt to hide her tummy, as if she wore a skirt like all of the other girls’, she’d look like -- in her mother’s words -- “a sack of potatoes tied in two.” It’s also the reason she always wears pants, tights or leggings -- she thinks her legs are very chubby and unattractive. Despite her roundness, however, Ana’s also always had very strong shoulders and is on the taller side compared to her other female classmates, which helps her put off a tougher image.
Bonnie Read’s biggest foible as a mother is her immaturity. She wants to be Ana’s “friend” more than a mentor most of the time, and so has difficulty enforcing discipline or even in setting a good example. Bonnie almost immediately dated three other men after divorcing John, all of whom either pointedly ignored or expressed open resentment toward her daughter Ana, before she finally met, dated, and married her second husband. Bonnie’s dependent personality and (as mentioned) subconscious weightism doesn’t help matters either.
Ana’s father John Read is an active-duty soldier. He’s actually an incredibly absent father who never really had much interest in having a family, but Ana’s always put him on a bit of pedestal, partly because of her image of him having become a soldier for noble reasons like serving his country and partly because him not being there to actively be a poor parent like her mother Bonnie made it easier for Ana to romanticize John in her mind. Ana writes to John very frequently. John doesn’t write back much at all.
Ana’s best mentor figure is her stepfather, Bradley Pinkstone (a wizard and Gryffindor alumnus himself). He and his two grown sons Jasper and Preston (a Slytherin and Gryffindor in their day) are very affectionate toward Ana, which kind of weirded her out at first, considering she’s not their blood relative and she’d assumed they’d hate her...but oh, was she ever so glad to be wrong! The new Pinkstone-Read family live in a rather pretty brick house in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
Her best and favorite class is History of Magic, but she tends to enjoy all classes where she can write essays. She’s always been miles ahead of her classmates when it comes to writing, especially considering that there are no specific writing or grammar classes taught at Hogwarts. Just about every written assignment Ana’s ever submitted has gotten an O.
Contrariwise, she struggles in classes that are more “physical” like Care of Magical Creatures or Flying.
Despite not getting into Flying class or Quidditch, though, Ana does take time to practice flying on her own at night when no one else is around. She finds moonlit broom rides incredibly romantic and great inspiration whenever she’s suffering from writer’s block.
Ana’s an avid journal keeper! She goes through a good five of them every year. She generally magically shrinks her finished creativity journals for easier storage, and she always hexes whichever one she’s currently writing in order to make sure no one else can open it. (If you’re somehow lucky enough to get her permission, she’ll open her creativity journal for you so you can read it and look at the doodles she did.)
Her favorite authors are Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hans Christian Andersen, and William Shakespeare. Her favorite type of movies are high fantasy like The Princess Bride, Stardust, and The Lord of the Rings.
Ana’s also huge into Japanese manga! Her one true love is Sailor Moon, but she’s very fond of shoujo manga titles like Cardcaptor Sakura, Ouran High School Host Club, and Fruits Basket.
Ana’s favorite musical genre is symphonic metal, introduced to her by her oldest stepbrother Jasper. Her favorite bands are Within Temptation, Evanescence, and Nightwish.
As a teenager, Ana falls in love with the Victorian Gothic and steampunk subcultures, the first of which Jasper dabbles in and the second of which Preston is hard-core into. Being an INFP, she loves the creativity, historical bent, and romanticism in both movements. At the Pinkwood-Read family’s formal Christmas parties, you’ll often see all three of them wearing top hats with their holiday ensembles.
Ana does NOT make friends easily, but once you do become her friend, she’s always got your back. Her BFF is Hufflepuff Robin Isherwood @cursebreakerfarrier​. She also gets along pretty well with Gryffindor housemate Lorcan O’Donnell @unfortunate-arrow​, Slytherin Jordi Prewett @cursebreakerelmswood​, Ravenclaw Noa March @that-ravenpuff-witch​ and Hufflepuffs Mitch C. Hodge @department-shoe-stud​ and HG Gray @ljthebard1​. They all either call Anastasia “Ana” or “Annie” -- her stepfather and brothers call her “Anya.” 
Upon finding out how much her BFF Robin likes flowers and plants, Ana went out of her way to collect some books on the Victorian language of flowers. (Her brother Jasper gave her a hand with finding some good ones.) One Valentine’s Day she even sent Robin a friendship bouquet of irises, goldenrod, oak-leaved geraniums, and southernwood without any sort of note -- not that it was necessary, given that flowers’ message translated to “Just wanted to let you know you’ll always be my best friend.” (Everyone else assumed Robin had this mysterious secret admirer.)
If anyone rubs Ana the wrong way, they can expect a formal dueling challenge. Ana is witty on the page, but not verbally, and she’s upfront and honorable enough when she’s angry to want to “take it outside” and settle the dispute on the dueling field the way a knight would avenge a slight to their king’s honor, rather than be backhanded or sneaky about it.
Ana may be cisgender and identify as straight, but she is the ULTIMATE LGBT+ ally. Even when she was a kid, she would get very hot under the collar about homophobia, racism, or any other sort of prejudice, thanks to her Gryffindor sense of honor and her INFP sensitivity, and after Bonnie married Bradley and Ana met Jasper (who’s transgender FtM himself), Ana became all the more passionate about LGBT+ rights. She only becomes more vocal in her support after some of her friends come out of the closet too.
Ana’s greatest fear is being insignificant. This is depicted in boggart form as the whole room around her suddenly becoming huge, to the point where she’s as tiny and helpless as a mouse.
Ana’s Patronus is a black swan. If she ever became an Animagus, she’d be a large brown and gray tabby cat with oddly colored bluish gray eyes.
I could see Ana one day becoming a well-regarded author of fiction books for young magical children.
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dabiouz-moved · 6 years
aizawa, ochaco, kaede, byakuya (both from dangan ronpa) & sarina (ms site)?
Aizawa1. Fight them or fight for them
I wanna fite him for some reason, I know he gonna whoop my azz tho. I do wanna see how long he can last with his quirk
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
5, not the most excited about him but he’s Dadzawa so it’s nice seeing him with Eri and the kiddies
3. Would i smooch
Hmmm, I probably wouldn’t smooch him
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I’ve written for him couple of times, never drew him tho
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Well I think his lazy-ish fits him perfectly, so I don’t think I have another Headcanon for him
1. Fight them or fight for them
I WILL FIGHT FOR THIS PRECIOUS CHILD. I don’t think I can hit her on purpose e,,,,e;
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
5-6, im more neutral with her tbh.
3. Would i smooch
I like to give her smooches on her chubby cheeks or forehead!
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I’ve written for her couple of times on tumblr too. Like the same, i never drew her before
5. Voice HC they don’t have a voice already
Do I have a voice headcanon for her??? I can imagine her going from sweet to deep whenever she’s determined or something like that. It’s probably been done before
1. Fight them or fight for them
I would fight for her. She was really idealistic in the game and died too fast which was a huge, interesting plot twist. She could do no wrong
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
6.5, rip Kaede, you weren’t in the game for a very long time so I don’t think I can say much
3. Would i smooch
She pretty, but I think I’d like to hold her hands instead
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I never write or drew for her! (Only Kokichi and Saihara I made doodles of)
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Not really,,, don’t think I can think of one
Byakuya/Twokuya1. Fight them or fight for them
SQUARE UP! Pfffft, I would fight the original Byakuya because he an arrogant, rich jerk but at the same time he’s not that terrible of a character except for some situations. I trust Twokuya more than him tbh.
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Uhhhhhhh,,,, I think about 4-5 for the both of them
3. Would i smooch
I wouldn’t smooch them, not my type I guess? Then again I do get attached to azzholes. But I would hug Twokuya and smooch his cheeks, he’s adorable to me!
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
No art, no writing of them so far
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
I love how In the game, Twokuya actually has a childish-like voice in the end? But he can imitate anyone as far as I know so it went cute. No headcanon really

1. Fight them or fight for them
You had no idea how I hated her from the first couple of chapters ,,, like fck LEAVE MY DAUGHTER AYA YOU FREAKING PRICK. Yes I wanted to fight her at first but when the story progressed,,,, I actually grow to like her. I would fight for this girl even if she did made mistakes earlier. I just love the character development
2. On a scale of 1-10 how excited do I get when I see them
Defiantly about 6-8? I love seeing her with the other girls, especially in the latest chapters where they mad asf with this one character. Kick her azz, Sarina. I believe I you
3. Would i smooch
No I don’t think I would smooch her, she is an awesome character I’ve grown to like tho
4. Have I drawn/written about them/should i draw/write about them
I never written for the Mahou Shoujo Site girls, but I would love to. I never drew her either, I only drew Kayo, Anjou and Sakura from there
5. Voice HC if they don’t have a voice already
Not really. But her voice actor had a little softer voice when she was singing the ending so picturing with that is hmmm. Otherwise her voice it’s her.
Thanks for the ask babez, c": ♥
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nastytrashblog · 8 years
Stigma (Wings Fanfic)
A/N: I wrote this for 7 hours straight, I wanted to finish this before the weekend, but I woke up late and corrected it just now. This is the longest fanfic out of all so far. It’s 6,254 words, I struggle with a 1000 word essay, but I can make this? Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Fluff, bit of angst, suggestions of smut, high school au, V x Reader
Tae, are you okay?” You saw him in the corner of his room and walked towards him.
“No, I’m a monster.” He cries and shoves his face in between his knees.
3 years ago
“Class this is (y/n).” You just moved schools. You were in grade 11 and moving was harder now than it was before in grade 2, or 6, or grades 7 and 8. Your mom basically moved around the whole country for work. Okay that may be an exaggeration, but anywhere she had to move, you went with her. Your dad was a housewife, or a househusband if that’s even a word. He did work at home fixing computers and taking out the viruses. It wasn’t really an “under the table” job. Okay maybe it was, but he does get good pay. He receives a lot from his customers, and it helps keep the family going. You were an only child, but if you had a sibling, it would make the situation a lot harder. You didn’t keep any close friends because you moved around a lot. You were kind of lonely. However, your mom said for sure, that you are not moving anymore.
Everyone had their eyes on you. You felt nervous, but at the same time excited.
“(Y/n) you can go sit at the back seat there in the corner.” You nodded and went to the back. Your seat was right by the window. You looked out at the sky like it was some kind of scene in a movie or those shoujo animes. “It would be so weird if a guy came up to me just-” you were in the middle of your thoughts when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to a brown haired boy in a grey hoody and black pants.
“Do you have a pencil?” “Is this dude serious? He came to school without a pencil.” You looked on his desk, there was nothing but a textbook. You sigh and look in your bag for your pencil case.
“Need paper too?” You ask. You might as well offer it now before he bothers you later. He nodded and you took out 4 pieces of lined paper and a pencil. You handed it to him and didn’t even thank you. “What’s the deal with him?” In a blink of an eye, your class was done. You took out your timetable to see what class you had next. “Ugh, I have math.” Just then, someone picked up your timetable in a swift motion before you could even react.
“Hey! That’s mi-” You look beside you to see the same guy that took your pencil and didn’t even say thanks.
“You have every class with me, weird. Except for… law? You take law?” He looked up at you confused and raised up his eyebrow. You immediately take the paper out of his hand and shove that and the rest of your stuff in your bag.
“Yeah, is there something wrong with that?” You say without making any eye contact.
“Nope, nothing at all.” You get up swinging your bag across your shoulder and he does as well. You walk out the door and he trailed behind. You turned around and looked at him. You didn’t realize it until now, but he was exceptionally tall.
“Why are you following me?” He laughed and looked at you.
“I’m not following you. We have the same classes, but it seems that you need my help because math, it’s that way.” He pointed his thumb behind him. You stomp down the hall in the direction he said to go as he walked behind you. You finally reached math class and looked for an empty spot. You sat down at the back of the class and the guy sat in the desk beside you. You took out your sketchbook and pencil and drew. You try to ignore him, but 3 boys sat around him and started to talk.
“Sup man? Did you do the homework?” One asked.
“Nah, but I know Namjoon would’ve. I planned to copy off of him.” He laughs. One dude hit him in the arm, you guessed he was Namjoon.
“You have to do your own work, I won’t be saving you ass all the time.” Namjoon opened his bag and gave him a copy of the homework. He took it and thanked him. “Huh, I guess he knows how to say thank you, but he didn’t bother to say thanks to me.” He took out your pencil and started to copy it down.
“I didn’t know you preferred pink pencils.” The one in front of him said.
“It’s not mine, it’s hers.” He pointed at you with his pencil. You turn to them and all their eyes looked at you while he was busy writing.
“Oh, new friend Tae?” Namjoon said. “Tae? That’s his name?”
“I’m Jimin. That’s Jungkook, and that nerd is Namjoon.” The one in front of Tae pointed out. You didn’t know how to react. You feel frustrated for some reason. “Why is this Tae guy getting me in these situations? I’m awkward af, how do I respond to this? Just act cool. No be yourself, always be yourself.”
“Umm, hi-i.” Your voice cracks. “I cannot believe that just happened!” You clear your throat and try again.
“I’m (y/n).” You give them a faint smile and look back down on your sketchbook and continued to sketch.
“Whatcha sketchin there?” Jungkook gets up from his desk and stands behind you.
“Just doodling.” “Why am I being nice to him? Well, I guess he didn’t do anything, yet at least.” Jimin and Namjoon get up as well and crowd around your desk. Tae stayed seated trying to finish copying before the class starts.
“That’s pretty cool! What is it?” Jimin asked.
“It looks like a man with snakes as legs holding a whip in one hand and a ball in another with branches around it.” Namjoon explained. (A/N: this is the symbol that was on the garage door that Taehyung was vandalizing in his teaser. In Jin’s awake teaser, it is the wallpaper in the hallway so that’s how I know. Okay back to the story.)
“I don’t know. Wherever my hand moves, that what I draw. I don’t really think about it, I just get carried away.” You respond still looking down and shading in the figure.
“Here you go Namjoon, I’m done.” Tae said hitting his hand on his arm while holding the papers. Namjoon’s attention went from you to him and took the papers back. The teacher walked in telling everyone to get to their seats. You put away your sketchbook and took out grid paper. He then did attendance. “Jungkook.” “Here.” “Namjoon.” “Here.” “Taehyung.” “Here.” “Taehyung? I guess Tae is his nickname.” “Jimin.” “Here.” he went down the list and asked if he missed anyone. You raised up your hand and asked for your timetable.
“I see, you just moved here. And your name is?” He asked.
“(Y/f/n and l/n).” He wrote down your name at the bottom of his list and smiled at you.
“Well (y/n), welcome to my class. I’m Mr. Kim if you don’t already know. I guess we should start now, you may go back to your seat.” You went back and opened to page 10 as instructed and listened to the teacher. However, you saw in the corner of your eye Tae looking at you. You turned your head to him and he turned his away. You stared at him until he looked back. You pointed to the front of the board and he gave you a mocking face. You gave him one back and he sneered, and faced the board. You let out a smile and pay attention for the rest of the class.
Lunch eventually came and Tae invited you to sit with him and his friends. You agreed because it was either that, or sitting in the washroom stall. Both of you got your lunches and he guided you to a table filled with boys, some that you already recognized.
“Hey guys, this is (y/n). You already know Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook. That’s Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin and Mark.” He sat down beside Jimin and you sat across from him beside Mark.
“So how do you know Tae?” Hoseok asked.
“He’s in every single one of my classes.” You respond.
“Except law.” Tae added with his mouth full of his sandwich.
“Aww, I’m sorry. That must suck.” Yoongi said. They all laugh and you let out a little smile.
“You have a really nice smile (y/n).” Mark said looking at you.
“Ouuu! Does Mark like the new girl?” Jin teased.
“Wha- no!” He turned towards you “Not that there’s anything wrong with you.” he then turned towards Jin, “Why can’t a guy compliment a girl without having the assumption that they like her?”
“Because she’s ugly. Nothing to compliment unless you’re interested.” Tae said while taking another bite. You kicked him from under the table and yelled “ow” with his cheeks still full. You and the whole table laughed. You turned to Mark who was looking at you. “He’s not that bad looking. He has a nice smile, nice eyes, and ouu, those piercings, nice! Wait, what am I doing? I just met him, snap out of it!” You had fun meeting all of Tae’s friends. You exchanged numbers and became friends almost instantaneously. The next thing you knew, lunch was over and it was back to class. You were throwing out your garbage and Mark walked beside you.
“You have science next right?” You turned and faced the almost 6 ft man.
“Yeah, you have it too?” He smiled at you and simply nodded.
“Shall we walk together?” He asked.
“Yeah, I just need to get something from my locker.” He was okay with it and both of you walked together. You reached your locker and switched out your books. You took your science notebook out and put your math and English notebook inside. You look at your mirror and saw Mark staring and smiling at you. You closed your locker and looked at him.
“You seem to be happy.” You said. He scoffed and both of you started to walk to the science department.
“Yeah? Maybe it’s because I was introduced to you.” You felt your cheeks turning red. “Oh no, what’s happening to me? This actually can’t be happening. Do I like Mark?” You slap your cheek and surprised him.
“Are you okay? You slapped yourself pretty hard.” He stopped in front of you and leaned down to look at your face. You stood in shock and covered your face with your hands. He chuckled and moved your hands away from your face.
“Don’t cover that beautiful face of yours.” He smiles. “WHY IS HE COMPLIMENTING ME SO MUCH?! I CAN’T HANDLE IT!” Someone then bumped in between both of you removing his hands away from yours. You looked to your left and saw Taehyung.
“Flirting with her already? Hurry up and get to class, don’t block the halls.” Tae walked into class. You and Mark followed. All three of you sat at the same bench with you beside Tae and Mark in front of you. Class started right away, but you were distracted the whole time. Mark was staring at you and you told him to pay attention many times, it didn’t work. Class was over and all of you went to art. You entered the room saw a table with all of Tae’s friends. “I guess I have class with all of them, should be fun.” Tae rushed to the table and sat. He started to hug Jin.
“Jin, I was third wheeling all of period three!” He said in a baby voice. They all looked at you and Mark.
“You weren’t third wheeling.” You said.
“Yes I was!” He said once more in a baby voice and pretended to cry. Jin shook him off of his arm and you sat down next to Jimin with Mark following you.
“I thought you said you didn’t like her Mark.” Yoongi said looking from you to him.
“I don’t.” He said bluntly. It somehow felt like a spear going through your heart hearing him say that. The lights were turned off and the curtains were closed. A single flashlight in the front turned on and you jumped in your chair.
“Shadows, they’re everywhere!” The next hour and 15 minutes were all fun and games, literally. You had competitions figuring out what the figure is with just its shadow. You got closer to the guys, but most importantly, Mark. You talked the whole time and at one point he put his arm around you.
The day went by fast, but luckily it didn’t stop there for you. You got closer to Taehyung and talked about a lot. He asked about your past and both of you exchanged information, basically playing 21 questions. However, you got closer to Mark as well. It was awkward at first, it seemed so easy to talk to Tae, but you didn’t know how to start a conversation with Mark. You asked Tae for help. He felt weird at first, but then helped you anyways because of your constant pestering. This was usually how your day went. You talked and got closer with Tae during class, got closer to the other during lunch, talked to Tae after school and asked for help for Mark.
One night, you decided to ask Tae to help set both of you up.
“Hey Tae, can you help me again.”
“Ugh, every single day you ask, shouldn’t you know what to do by now?”
“No, not how to talk to him, but kind of, to help me date him?????”
“What? No! I’m not setting you up with my friend.”
“Why not? You’re already helping me to talk to him!”
“As a friend, but not as a girlfriend.”
You started to call him in the middle of the night and he gave in. You thanked him a billion times and he made it happen. It was obvious to everyone, except you, that Mark liked you, so it was easy for Tae.
“Yo Mark!” Tae yelled across the halls and ran to him.
“What’s up?” He turned around and faced Tae.
“You should ask (y/n) out.” He said out of the blue.
“What? We discussed about this. What if she doesn’t like me?” Tae took a deep breath in and out.
“Trust me on this. Oh and when you ask her out, don’t make it big. Buy her flowers, white tulips are her favorite, she thinks roses are overrated, and… Oh! Buy her a teddy bear. Kay thanks bud, see you at lunch.” Tae then ran off to math leaving Mark with what he told him.
When 2nd period ended, you went to your locker before going to the cafeteria. You opened it and saw a note fall.
Come meet me at the garden at lunch, I need to tell you something. ~ Mark
You didn’t know what to do. “Did Tae tell him already? This is too soon!” You looked in the mirror and fixed your hair. You powdered your nose and closed your locker. You went outside and met him there.
“Mark?” You approached him. He turned around holding a bouquet of white tulips. He walked up to you and gave them to you.
“Umm, (y/n), I wanted to tell you something, well I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while actually, but umm…” He stuttered. You found it funny yet cute and let out a giggle. He smiled and took a deep breath.
“(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?” He got the words out of his mouth. You walked up to him and hugged him. You heard his heart beating faster and faster.
You looked up at him, “I thought you would never ask.” He picked you up and spun you around. You suddenly heard clapping and he put you down. Both of you looked and saw the guys cheering.
“And you said you didn’t like her.” Jungkook laughed.
You dated for the rest of your high school years, and went to prom together.
3 years later
All was good, until university came along. He wanted more, he wanted all of you. You weren’t ready. He was understanding at first, but then he started to get aggravated. He thought that you loved someone else and would hurt you in so many ways. He would make fun of you, call you names, and when he was drunk, he would hit you. You wanted to leave him, but you didn’t know if you still loved him or not. You wanted to make sure before you left him, otherwise, you would regret it. You were still in contact with the others, but didn’t as much. They were busy with their own girlfriends, and some, fiancees, except for Tae. He was there for you, but you never told him what was happening. You had a free week by yourself as Mark had a vacation to Cuba with his family. He couldn’t contact you because a) He didn’t have a worldwide plan so he couldn’t text you, and b) The internet was slow in the lobby. You asked Tae if he was available that week, but you already knew the answer.
“Yo Tae, you awake?”
“Yeah (y/n), what’s up?”
“You down to go out tomorrow?”
“What for?”
“Nothing, I’m just going to be bored for the next 7 days.”
“So I’m just a backup?”
“No, don’t be so dramatic.”
“Yeah yeah, okay. Where are we going?”
“Is there anywhere you want to go?”
“Anywhere but my house.”
“Wow, very helpful.”
“Okay fine. Amusement park? I wanted to try that new ride.”
“Amusement park it is. I’ll be at your house at 8:00 am.”
“Then you better get off your phone now, good night tae.”
“Ha, you love me.”
You didn’t sleep much that night, you were excited for some reason. “Maybe its because I haven’t seen my best friend in forever. Yeah, that’s it.” You stared at the ceiling all night, planning what to do, and which rides to go on first. “It’s going to be a fun day.”
You opened your eyes and hear you alarm blaring in your ears. You got up and got ready. You put on a white shirt, black pants and brought a flannel just in case it gets cold. You wrapped it around your waist and looked in the mirror. “Wow, I look so basic.” You thought. You didn’t really care at this point. You went downstairs and drank milk and ate a cookie. You figured that you’re probably going to wake up Tae when you get there, so you’re going to treat him to a big breakfast. You grab your keys and run out the door excitedly. You jump into your car and call Tae. Of course, he doesn’t answer, so you drive to his house. Once you arrived, you skipped to his front door and rang the doorbell, no answer. You rang again, no answer. You opened his mailbox and looked for the secret compartment that he installed. You opened it and got the spare key. You opened the door quietly and got a glass full of cold water. You crept up the stairs and opened his door. You walked slowly to his bed and poured the water on him.
“GOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEAD!” You yelled at the top of your lungs. He got up and shook his head like a wet dog. He opened his eyes and looked at you with anger. You take that as a sign to run and you did. You ran down the stairs and you heard Tae chasing after you. You luckily got out the door before he could catch you. He always sleeps shirtless wearing nothing but his boxers, so you know he won’t be coming out.
“Get ready, if you’re not out in 5 minutes, I’m not buying you breakfast!” You yelled out. You opened your phone and started your stopwatch. You sat on the bench on his front porch. You heard running down the stairs and him panicking trying to get his shoes on. He got out at exactly 4:58:97.
“Wow, you almost didn’t make it!” You got up and laughed. He had a towel on his head and wore almost the same thing you did. A white t-shirt, a green jacket, black slacks, and timberlands. He looked at himself, then looked up and down at you.
“Oh come on!” He yelled still drying his hair. He tried to go back in, but you pull him out.
“Oh no, you’re going like this if you want to or not.” You grabbed his hand dragged him into your car as he whined. You got into the driver’s seat and turned to him.
“Okay, maybe lose the flannel, I don’t want people to think we’re a couple.” You put the keys in and started to reverse,
“Why? I thought you loved me.” He teased.
“As if!” You scoff. He laughed and was still drying his hair.
“Speaking of love, how are you and Mark?” You didn’t want to talk about it right now. Although he is your best friend, you didn’t want to tell him, not yet anyways.
“It’s fine. So where do you want to eat?” You changed the topic.
“Ouu, I really want to go to caffe Demetre.” He said happily.
“You crazy? You know how expensive that is?” It was at a red light and you looked at him. He did his pouty face which always disgusted you.
“Pwease?” The light turned green and you started to drive again.
“No, you’re getting Mcdonalds.”
“Okay fine! You have a point.” he smiled and you turned left on your way to demetres. He ordered a lot and the total came out to $80. You barely ate anything except for a part of his waffle.
“Let’s go Tae.” he was standing at the ordering area for take out. He got a plastic bag and walked towards you. “Oh come on, you just ate a billion crepes, and now you’re getting another?!” You say annoyed.
“This isn’t for me, it’s for you. Eat it in the car.” He walked out the door. “Well, that was sweet of him.” You trailed behind and entered the car.
“So, how am I supposed to eat this while driving?” You asked.
“I’ll feed you.” He suggested.
“Oh no, I don’t trust you. I’ll eat it now!” You try to take the crepe, but he moved it away from your reach.
“Wow, the years that we have been friends and you don’t trust me to feed you? I’m hurt.” He said sarcastically. “Just drive us there, you can trust me.” You accepted it and started to drive. You regret doing that because he teased you. Whenever the fork was under your mouth and you opened it, he would pull it away. Luckily, you finished it before you arrived at the amusement park.
You arrived at the ticket booth at 10:00 am and get your ticket to enter. When you stepped onto the park grounds, you took Tae’s hand and started to run to the rollercoaster. The line was already long and both of you waited there for an hour. You had a good talk and caught up with each other’s lives. Throughout the whole day, you would have competitions on who could keep a straight face, or who could eat the most hot dogs in a minute. When you were taking a break, you decided to verse each other at the carnival games. The ring toss was up first. You missed all except for one.
“I swear this is rigged!” You say throwing your hands up.
“Watch me get this, first try.” He threw every single ring and got 3 out of the 5, which meant he won a prize. He chose the giant teddy bear and a little red bow on it. He hugged it like a little child.
“Lucky! I wanted that one.” You said mad crossing your arms. He was extending the bear out to you, tell you to take it.
“No, it’s okay, I was kidding.” He shoved it in your arms and you held it.
“I got it for you, you think I want this?” You took it with a big smile on your face.
“You’re such a cute couple.” The man working at the game said.
“Oh no, we’re not dating.” You explained.
“Sorry, it just seemed like it. You look good together.” He walked away and assisted the next customer. The day went by faster than you thought. After all the competitions, it was a tie, but both of you still had a blast. It was nearing 11:00 pm, the closing time, and you walked through the gates.
“So what do you want to do tomorrow?” Tae asked.
“Maybe the movies. It will be cheaper.” You suggested. He agreed with it. Once you reached the car, you shoved the giant teddy bear in the back seat and put a seat belt on it. You sat in the driver’s seat and put on yours.
“Is that really necessary?” He looked from the back seat to you.
“Yes, Bubsy needs to be safe during this drive.” You say like a child.
“Bubsy? You already gave it a name?” He questioned.
“Yeah, got a problem?” You said. He shook his head and you drove Tae home. You arrive at his house and he turned to you.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to wake me up tomorrow like you did today.” He sighed.
“No, I didn’t get sleep last night. So whoever wakes up first will come over and wake the other one up. Deal?” Both of you shook on it.
“Wait, why did you not get-” You interrupt him by pushing out in the car.
“Byeeeeeee.” and you drive off. You arrived home and took Bubsy out of the car. You ran upstairs and placed Bubsy on your bed and took a bath. “Ahh, today was fun. This is going to be a really fun week.”
The next few days with Tae were just as fun as the first. You shared laughs, memories, it was like the old times in high school, before you started dating Mark. Eventually, Saturday came, the last free day that you know you’re going to have with Tae. You decided to stay at your house and order pizza. You had a lot of deep conversations about your futures. Eventually, Mark was brought up.
“So, you haven’t been talking about Mark lately. Anything the matter?” he asked and took another bite of his pizza. “Should I tell him? Maybe I should. It’s been going on for a few months now. He is my best friends.”
“I-um- I actually have something to tell you.” He sat up and put his pizza down. “So lately, Mark has been, frustrated, sexually frustrated. I told him I didn’t want to yet, but he keeps pushing.” His face scrunched up and thinking that that’s complete BS. “And that’s not all. Now, when I tell you this, please don’t freak out.” He nods and crossed his heart. “Well, he would kind of yell at me and hurt me emotionally… and physically.” He got up due to his anger.
“WHAT?!” His face turned red with anger.
“But that’s only when he’s drunk!” Taehyung paced back and forth.
“You have to break up with him!” You get up and face him.
“What?! No!”
“Why not?”
“It’s because- you said you wouldn’t freak out.”
“But knowing that you, someone I love, is getting hurt by a douchebag like him, of course I’ll freak out!” Tae was getting really angry you didn’t know what to do.
“I know you love me Tae but reall-” he stopped you by grabbing the side of your arms.
“No you don’t. I don’t love you the way you love me. You love me as a friend, I love you more than that. Ever since I saw you, I thought you were so pretty. You made my heart beat faster than anyone! Even just by looking at you, you make me crazy, and I can’t take it! I tried to get over you, but the past few days made me love you even more.” You were surprised at what he just said. You never thought that he felt that way.
“I didn’t mean for that to happen Tae, I’m so sorry.”
“Why did you do that to me then? Why did you become friends with me?”
“I’m sorry!” You yell. Tears are welling up in your eyes. You never had a fight with Tae before.
“Forget it, what right do I have to tell you what to do.” He grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door.
“Kiss me!” You yell out to him.
“What?” He turns around.
“I said kiss me. Please, kiss me. I want you!” You say walking towards him. He drops his jacket and pushes you to the wall. He places his lips on yours gently and then deepened the kiss. You flung your arms around him and a tear rolled down your cheek. He snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. You melted in his arms. You jumped up and put your legs around his waist. He walked up the stairs and placed you with care on the bed. He was on top of you and you played with his hair. “What am I doing? I’m making out with my best friend, but it feels so right.” You started to take control and pushed him onto the bed without breaking the kiss. You started to unbutton his shirt, but he pushed you away. You got off of him and he stood up from the bed.
“You should sleep now, I’ll clean up downstairs.” He walked out, cleaned up the empty box of pizza. He put on his jacket and shoes, and closed the door behind him. The whole time you were sitting in bed, contemplating on what just happened. You made out with your best friend, he took you to bed and you didn’t think twice about the possibility of you having sex with him. With Mark, if you even got close to what you and Tae were doing right now, you would push him off. When Tae did it, you didn’t mind. “Do I still love Mark? Or am I with him just as a habit?” You laid in bed cuddling Bubsy, replaying the moments of today. “But knowing that you, someone I love, is getting hurt…” “You love me as a friend, I love you more than that.” “Kiss me.” You hugged Bubsy tighter getting a whiff of his cologne.
You woke up the next morning to the door opening.
“I’m home baby.” You hear a familiar voice yell. You run to the bathroom to clean yourself up from the aftermath of you crying all night. Luckily, you wore your pajamas, which was just technically short shorts and a white tee, when Tae came over. You walk out of the bathroom and ran downstairs and jumped into Mark’s arms.
“Hi baby!” You kissed him.
“Ahh, I miss your smile.” he kissed you again and put you down.
“I’ll make you breakfast babe.”
“Now that will be great.” he smiles and kisses you again, but on the forehead. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV. You took out the eggs and bacon. You started to cook the rice first and made a cup of coffee for Mark.
“Thanks hun.” He sipped and went back to watching TV. You continued to cook and finished making everything.
“I’m done, let’s eat.” You set the plates on the table. He looked over your shoulder and looked at the food.
“Ouu yum, I can’t wait. Let me use the bathroom first.” He went upstairs and you go back to the kitchen to clean. After a few minutes, you heard him walk down the stairs. You turn around and see him mad stomping towards you. He slapped you across the cheek and clenched his teeth.
“You were fooling around with someone here weren’t you? I can smell his cologne in the house, in the bedroom, on that teddy bear, and… on you.” He said silently, but deadly. He placed his hand around your neck. “No no no, not again!” Then you heard the house door slam open. It was Tae.
“Get your hands off of her!” Tae yelled. He was carrying something in his hand, but was hiding it.
“Tae? What are you doing he-” Tae grabbed him by the collar and shoved something in his stomach. You looked down and saw it was a broken glass bottle. He stabbed him many times. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak. You’re watching someone you love, or you think you love, get murdered in front of you by someone else that you might have feelings for. You got the courage to move and run to Tae.
“Tae stop!” Mark fell once Tae let go of him. His hand was covered in his blood. He immediately had a face of instant regret. Tae ran out the door with the glass bottle still in his clutch and drove off before you could say anything. You called 911 to try to get Mark to the hospital. When the ambulance came, he was announced dead. They took his body away and you had to leave. You drove to Tae’s house and entered, it was unlocked. You walked to his bedroom and saw him in the corner.
“Tae, are you okay?” You walked towards him.
“No, I’m a monster.” He cries and shoves his face in between his knees.
“No you’re not!” You said putting your hand on his shoulder. He shook it off.
“Yes I am. Look!” He showed his hands that had blood on them. “This is how a monster looks like. I killed Mark, one of my best friends.” You heard two people calling for Tae’s name. They ran up the stairs and saw him. It was his brother and sister.
“Tae, are you okay? Once I got your text I drove here with your brother.” She said drying his eyes. “It’s going to be okay.”
“Okay? Sis, he just murdered someone.” her brother pointed out.
“Thank you captain obvious, but right now we need him to calm down, we need him to talk. (Y/n) can you get me a wet towel please?” You got up and got a hand towel from the cabinet and wet it. You also got a glass of water to bring to him. You head back to Tae and his sister. You wipe Tae’s hand to get the blood off. Her sister gave him the water and he stopped crying.
“Okay, now that he’s better, I think we need to discuss on what to do. I think Tae needs to turn himself in. It’ll get worse if we keep him in hiding.” Tae’s sister turns towards him looking at him like he’s crazy.
“I AM NOT PUTTING MY BROTHER IN JAIL!” She yells. “There has to be another way to fix this! What kind of a brother are you?” She looked at him with a disgusted look.
“Why am I the bad one? Are you calling me a sinner? Compared to what he did, I did nothing.” Tae’s sister started to cry knowing that there’s no other way. Tae brought his hand to her face and wiped the falling tear. He looked at her, then her brother. He got up and hugged you.
“I’ll do it, I’ll say I did it.” You pushed him off.
“No! I’m not letting you go to jail! Tae please! I finally realize what I’ve been missing, and that’s you! Please, I don’t want you to go.” Tae puts his hands on your face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back.” He kissed you on the forehead and then walked out that door. You tried to run after him, but his sister kept you back. It was like he disappeared into the darkness. It felt like you would never see him again.
4 years later
You heard unlocking of the door. Once it opened, you jumped up from the couch and ran to Tae. He closed the door and held you in a tight embrace.
“Good to see you too (y/n)-” you smash your lips onto his. He was surprised at first, but then kissed you back.
You look up into his eyes, “I had to wait 4 years for that, you know how much pain I was in waiting for you?” You chuckle. You were crying tears of joy from the sight of him.
“I’m sorry. Maybe we can start this whole thing over? This whole friendship?” He asked. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist.
“I think it’s a little too late for that.” You giggle and kiss him again.
“I guess so.” He kisses you back and walked you up the stairs.
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