#the excessive eyeshines
chuunibyouki · 3 years
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miss aira for day 5! 1bitheart is one of my most favourite medias to this day and miwashiba has been such a massive influence on me since i discovered their works. maybe ill do more miwashiba doodles for the rest of the month ww...
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su-inverted-au · 4 years
how you draw eyes?
you draw eyes so pretty and i want to know how you do it
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((Alright strap in kids, this is gonna be a bit long. I’ll put the full thing under a read more to keep things clean. Here’s a quick explanation on how I do eyes!
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First of all, I work primarily in Paint Tool SAI2. If you already have SAI (which can be bought for around $52 USD here) you can upgrade for free to SAI2 on their website, which I’d highly recommend.
There are mimic brushes on Clip and Photoshop, but I can’t attest for their accuracy.
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These are my primary brush settings. I adjust the blending on the marker as preferred when painting. I use the marker to sketch, blend, and paint. I use the pen when I need to put down solid colors without blending or to add fine details.
Now for eyes. I love eyes because they’re super expressive and can be so many possible shapes and sizes. I’m going to assume you already have the fundamental knowledge of anatomy and how eyes work, and go into my process.
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It’s very simple. I start with a top and lower lid, or lash lines. From there, I can place the iris with the marker tool, keeping the opacity low, and adding a shadow for the top of the eye. Easy!
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Really, you can stop at this point, depending on how detailed your style is. OR, you can be like me, and hyperfixate on little details because it’s relaxing and fun to paint.
Below, I have several examples. The first is a base, where I put in a regular pupil and some basic shadows. From there, I have a choice on what style I want to go with. For stylized realism, I go on the right and add a lot of finer lines around the pupil, varying up the tones because eyes aren’t all one solid hue or shade. Study pictures of eyes, you’ll see they’re very complex and subtly beautiful.
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For a simpler look, like what I go for in my Inverted comic, I keep things more straightforward. A blended gradient from top to bottom, and then picking up several lighter and darker colors to add definition lines. Nothing excessive, just a little bit of flavor. I give the characters in my comic stylized unique eyeshines as well, because it’s fun. Cotton is one of the only characters I really define the eyelashes on, mostly bc his eyes are very important to his character and design.
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And, just because it’s fun, I sketched up a few different eyes in color, varying the technique a little each time. You can go wild with shapes, colors, and painting techniques. I hope this was informative, and I’d love to see the kinds of eyes you guys paint!))
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verumking · 4 years
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       I’ve briefly written about YOZORA’S EYES in the past, specifically in his overall anatomy headcanon, but I wanted to DEEP DIVE into its origins and abilities a little more. Yozora’s eyes are AUGMENTED, and his ocular surgery was one of the MANY procedures he underwent during his captivity in GIGAS CORPORATION. Below the cut is some FURTHER DETAILS about his eyes’ appearance, technology, and the residual effects of the OPERATION - including fear and aversion. 
       Yozora was not BORN with heterochromia; his eyes are NATURALLY a gunmetal grey. However, following his INCARCERATION and consequent experimentation under GIGAS CORP, Yozora’s eyes have permanently adopted HETEROCHROMIA IRIDUM ( complete heterochromia ). The HETEROCHROMIA is caused by the lens technology implanted in his EYES via ocular surgery, and is a REFLECTION of his Gigas core’s stability:  
LUCID STATE ( stable ). Represented by ICE BLUE, the colour of the astral energy within Yozora’s GIGAS CORE. The colour of one’s ASTRAL ENERGY varies between models of GIGAS CORE.  
CORRUPTED STATE ( unstable ). Represented by CRIMSON, universal to all Gigas cores. If one’s Gigas core becomes CORRUPTED, its astral energy flows RED. 
       The lenses are TRANSLUCENT, bar three thread-thin rings encircling the PUPIL, of an aluminium colour. The aluminium RINGS can only be seen at an extremely CLOSE DISTANCE. The cybernetic lenses are made with COLLAGEN that has a notably glassy texture, so Yozora’s eyes are extremely REFLECTIVE of light, similar to cats and other nocturnal animals.
       The LENSES are a bespoke piece of BIO-TECHNOLOGY developed by the youngest scientist under Gigas Corp’s RESEARCH DIVISION. GIGAS LENSES are synchronised with the user’s GIGAS CORE, and in addition to ENHANCING human vision, were also developed as a way of ASSESSING the state of one’s GIGAS CORE from a single glance.
       The aluminium rings in the lenses REFRACT LIGHT similar to a kaleidoscope or a telescope, allowing Yozora to SEE up to three times further than the AVERAGE HUMAN. Yozora’s telescopic vision is ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED via his Gigas core, unlike REAL WORLD TECHNOLOGY that requires you to wink from ONE EYE to zoom in or out. Yozora can SWITCH between normal vision and ‘ tactical vision ’ ( ENHANCED VISION with Gigas user interface, very SIMILAR to how Gigas robots ‘see’ ) at his MERE WILL.  
Note how in the KH3 SECRET ENDING, Yozora is seen observing Riku inquisitively, despite being all the way at the TOP of the Tokyo Metropolitan Building– implying that he can see MORE than a grain walking along the STREETS BELOW.
       As well as emitting their OWN GLOW when activated, the lenses also REFLECT bright lights ( eyeshine ), as seen in NOCTURNAL CREATURES. Whilst these are naturally occurring in these ANIMALS via their tapetum lucidum, it is entirely ARTIFICIAL for Yozora, caused by the kaleidoscopic nature of the GIGAS LENSES. Much like these nocturnal animals, Yozora has NIGHT VISION, and can see clearly in extremely LOW LIGHT. 
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       Gigas Corp operated on Yozora’s eyes TWO WEEKS AFTER his astral core operation, and just a WEEK PRIOR to his coronation as the ‘VERUM REX’. Much like how Yozora was the FIRST to survive the GIGAS CORE OPERATION, he was also the first to RECOVER from Gigas lens surgery. Yozora was CONSCIOUS throughout the duration of the PROCEDURE, and was anaesthetised to near EXCESS. They operated on BOTH of his eyes at the SAME TIME.
       YOZORA was merely ten years old at the TIME of the ocular surgery, and human eyes stop GROWING in their early twenties. The Gigas lenses effectively ‘ WELDED ’ with Yozora’s natural irises and STRETCHED with his eyes over time. The LENSES are made with collagen similar to EYE TISSUE so the body does not immediately reject or react with the FOREIGN SUBSTANCE in his eyes. The lenses do not DEGRADE over time either. Should the lenses require repair, Yozora would need to undergo a SIMILAR OPERATION to remove and replace the lenses with ANOTHER SET. Yozora has yet to experience a NEED to replace his LENSES. 
       FOLLOWING the operation, Yozora experienced BLURRED VISION, including at his coronation ceremony. The MOST he could see were blinding lights, and Yozora found himself SQUINTING even in the dimmest of rooms. However, after SEVEN DAYS of treatment, his eyes BEGUN to gain clarity and ADAPT to the new lenses. 
       Whilst YOZORA was barely conscious throughout the OPERATION, having been drugged to EXCESS, Yozora was still awake during the PROCEDURE and can still very much remember the researchers CUTTING at his eyes. Inevitably, being a CHILD, the young Yozora developed a STRONG FEAR of eye trauma, however a RESIDUAL FEAR still remains even in adulthood. He strongly DISLIKES anyone touching his eyes, and immediately GUARDS himself when approached with SHARP INSTRUMENTS.  
       Yozora ALSO has a physical aversion to BRIGHT LIGHTS because the Gigas lenses are HYPERSENSITIVE to light -- the lenses refract light THREE TIMES as much in comparison to ordinary HUMAN VISION. Yozora suffers from migraines when EXPOSED to intense light. Furthermore, YOZORA is also emotionally averse to BRIGHT LIGHTS, due to associating them with the SURGICAL SPOTLIGHTS he was forced to LAY UNDER during the numerous experiments Gigas Corp SUBJECT HIM to. 
       Yozora also suffers from occasional DULL TO SHARP ACHES in his eyes ( eye strain ) due to the lenses exerting a lot of STRESS on his vision. He also cannot rub his eyes AT ALL, even though his lenses are a PERMANENT FIXTURE to his eyes and cannot be DISLODGED; rubbing his eyes hurts much like a BRUISE would if one touched it. Yozora CANNOT wear contact lenses over his GIGAS LENSES as it would not only detriment his VISION, but cause him more pain.  
       BEYOND the pain Gigas lenses cause, Yozora has grown to DETEST his eyes. His heterochromia was the RESULT of years of experimentation under GIGAS CORP, and strangers never fail to point out how UNUSUAL his eye colours are, REMINDING Yozora once again that he was CLOSER to a machine than a HUMAN BEING. He is considerably self-conscious of his ODD EYES, and becomes stand-offish when people STARE AT HIM for reasons none other than his COLOURFUL IRISES. Dare I suggest that Yozora would be far more COMFORTABLE in himself, even with his numerous CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS, if his eyes were an ordinary colour and did not immediately GIVE HIMSELF AWAY as something post-human. 
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ssunspotted · 5 years
(Tolya’s eyes are a very pale green, rimmed darker around the edges of the iris. They have Miosis (excessively constricted pupils) in both of them due to nerve damage that manifested in their early twenties.
Their pupils are oval rather than round.
By default they tend to have their eyes half-closed, and there are dark circles under them. They tend to look like they’re exhausted, which honestly, they usually are.
They also have a tapetum lucidum! Their eyeshine reflects a goldenrod yellow.
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