#i will be back with more wukong in the next few days though and thats a threat
randqme · 2 years
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”looking for something?”
— more stuff for @wu-kongs ! specifically for bite and holy blood ^__^
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
[Good chance of them being; the cutest things in the entire multiverse ever, much better than the fruit twins; according to Dawn.]
Oi, them be fighting words. If Dawn's not careful, he gonna end up looking like Eben Byers otherwise.
[Canon!SWK/Dawn is just sobbing from the cuteness of their daughters. He def ranks them higher on the cuteness ladder than any of the au! kiddos.]
Like, the other SWKs get it, they too find their own kiddos the cutest amongst the cubs, but still - "Oh, put them up, buttercup!"
[Jackpotshipping is unlikely. .. Unless they find another freebie in the trash .. Street orphans are negotiable.]
Ace coming to visit one day and leaves with a new kid he found in Megapolis, calling 'dibs' XD
[Canon!Red: "It will keep our parents off of our backs regarding children at least. For at least for a few months."]
A few months later, in the restaurant, MK and Red are sort-of being cornered and asked about the future kids, only for SWK bust through the door, an absolute manic grin on his face, tail wagging at speeds comparable to a jet engine, while holding Macaque in a bridal carry.
There is no sight of the nimbus, so the group wonders if he ran here...
"We're pregnant!" SWK announces, before backpedaling, "Well, not 'we', not like our alts, but we are, well, Mac is, ugh, I helped!"
"Give him a minute. He is so excited he left his brain back on Flower Fruit Mountain." Macaque laughs softly at that.
So much excited screeching incoming.
And relief, from Spicynoodles now that the group's attention is diverted again.
Even if Canon PIF and Mac are not more than begrudging allies, I could see them looking up things for the babies, for the former to see what's new and useful for rearing children since she now knows what needs to be done to make more.
Though, the best advice must come from those who have raised multiple kids by now:
"Color code everything!"
"Kids will argue about what belongs to whom. Especially twins - and triplets. Color coding saves your sanity. Can't argue the teddy bear is yours if it has a bandana of your siblings color, right?"
"Also, just because you're craving it, don't nonstop indulge. The weight makes the birth worse."
"What do you mean by that?" Gets shown the image of the Nodelets after birth, "Holy shit, she's huge!"
referencing posts about the Canon LMK Shadowpeach having kids in the Wukongverse.
["Give him a minute. He is so excited he left his brain back on Flower Fruit Mountain."]
Ok thats gotta be my favorite way to describe how Wukong reacts to such good news. I love the mental imagery of his tail going at the speed of a helicopter rotor as he tries to figure out how to announce it to the gang. Canon MK is def the first to start crying with proxy happiness.
[Though, the best advice must come from those who have raised multiple kids by now]
Aww, I love the thought of the other parent LEMs giving Canon!Macaque/Dusk baby advice. Like a moms club.
And ofc Plum using Yuebei's baby photo as a warning not to indulge. He jokes that the little girl "needed her own room" or else neither he nor Peach would have been able to move from the baby weight. Dusk shudders at the thought.
Liang tells horror stories of the 5 stone-fruit monkeys fighting over whos things are whos. Colour co-ordination is such a must to avoid in-fighting.
Zhanshi has softer advice on how to take care of a smaller/weaker baby (Xiaoyun hatched prematurely). And Olive just says "You are gonna feel like crap sometimes. Its normal."
Meanwhile in the next room, Canon!SWK/Dawn is getting roasted by the whole SWK gang for his worrying + his brain stuttering from happiness.
[Oi, them be fighting words]
I can imagine all the other SWKs letting Dawn have his moment of new-dad-pride when the twins are actually born, but you know the fists and staffs are flying the second Dawn tries saying his kids are the cutest of the whole multiverse. Smokey argues for Xiao Qi, whos so cute he literally heals the world. Dasheng in turn argues for Xiaoyun, his scrappy little cloud. Cherry is then like "nope, you're all wrong. your babies can't out-cute my pebble army."
Its worse than the time the other DBKs met and went full soccer-dad on eachother.
The LEMs come back only to see the living room completely destroyed. Someone has been tosed through a screen door. The table has been broken in half.
Only the ones that stayed out of it are the SWKs who don't have any kids + Ace ( s laughing up a storm).
Plum: "What in buddha's name happened here!?" Peach: "A matter of pride. Dawn tried saying his kids are cuter than ours." Plum: "...thats dumb. You know babies look ugly as frick to anyone not the parents. Simple biology." The Other SWKS, regaining conciousness: "Huh?" Plum: "Observe. I was just showing the other Macs a certain newborn photo of Yuebei. Does this look like a cute baby to you?" The Other SWKs: *looks at photo* Photo: *newborn Yuebei being weighed on a kitchen scale. Her face is super wrinkly, and her fur is really wispy and wet-looking. Looks like a little angry gremlin. Her smaller brothers are right next to her in the bassinet.* Smokey: "Sweet buddha..." Cherry: "Thats a HUGE baby!" Dasheng: "...did you say newborn!?" Plum: "Yup. Why did you think I warned Dusk not to give into cheese cravings?" Dawn: "I thought that was just photoshop..."
The argument is immediately forgotten, as now the SWKs are just glad that they didn't get a mega-sized 9-pound potato baby. Its all in good fun though, as Plum and Peach consider Yuebei to be their little ice lily.
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
okay, alright, Shadow Mountain AU, where Macaque joins Wukong on the journey, im stealing this from @winterpower98 because she has more AU’s than hands so-
yeah. im pulling most of this just randomly out of a hat as i go so we’ll see what happens
Macaque literally crashes into Wukong like, mere minutes after Wukong has broken free from the mountain.
y’see. while Wukong was trapped under the mountain, Macaque had also been caught, and was given the punishment of being permanently trapped in the shadows
he could hear the mountain crumbling though, and then he was being literally thrown out of the shadows and into Wukong’s arms
Tripitaka reasonably panics because he doesn’t know if this is an attack or not, and the monkeys have started yelling at each other-
but he calms down once he realizes that this is a verbal fight more than a physical one
“why did you leave me?!” “why did you never come to the mountain if you knew where it was?!” “i literally couldn’t!”
Tripitaka manages to calm them both down and “speak about their problems reasonably” which is a concept they both hate but they do manage to hold a reasonably civil conversation as they follow behind Tripitaka
then the whole “Wukong gets mad and leaves” thing happens. and Macaque is just kinda. stuck there. with Tripitaka. who is panicking, worrying about what’s gonna happen now, and Macaque just. sits off to the side, silent.
Macaque: he will come back you know. he’s just impulsive like this. Tripitaka: but how can you be sure?
and thats the thing. Macaque can’t be sure.
then the whole circlet thing happens-
Macaque does nothing other than scowl at the situation. he himself is given a necklace-esque thing, which he can’t take off, and glows, removing his ability to use his shadows and glamours. he knows he got the better end of the stick in comparison to Wukong’s pain, but that doesn’t mean he likes it.
Macaque basically becomes the silent-trickster of the group. he and Bai Longma typically just stand off to the side, silently watching. sometimes Wujing joins them.
the amount of times Macaque uses his abilities to make Bajie trip is exactly as many as you think it is.
most of the time when Macaque speaks, it’s to either argue with Wukong, or to argue with Tripitaka
still though, Macaque does end up growing just as fond of the others as Wukong does. he can’t help it, monkeys form groups, he’d end up feeling close to them even if he really didn’t want to.
going to be honest. i did not actually plan much for the actual journey.
because the idea of skipping ahead to when MK shows up is so much fun.
MK doesn’t actually know about Macaque, because due to Macaque’s whole “silence and shadows” thing, he was noticed even less than Bai Longma. there’s occaisonally brief mentions of him,but none of them ever give him a name
so...imagine MK’s confusion when he arrives at Flower Fruit Mountain, fresh out of getting the staff stolen from him by PIF, looking for help, and instead of the Monkey King, he finds someone who claims to be “an old friend of the Great Sage”, who takes one look at him, tells him he can handle it on his own, gives him the barest bit of advice when MK nearly breaks down crying, and then vanishes.
MK goes back to the mountain the next day, and this time actually does find the Monkey King sitting there waiting for him.
MK: where were you yesterday???? Wukong, who was asleep: i was uh....busy with some thing a few of my friends needed help with!
here’s the funniest part of this AU to me: MK doesn’t know Macaque’s name. he sees him multiple more times (yknow that part of Bad Weather where a lamp post falls down in the background while MK stares at Wukong in disbelief?? yeah i need u to imagine that Macaque was just there, dangling from it before it collapsed) but nobody ever actually bothers to introduce Macaque to him (Wukong just assumed MK already knew)
MK scours his books and everything he can find about the myths but not a SINGLE one of them mention Macaque’s name and he is SO frustrated by it but he’s been kinda-hanging around Macaque for so long that he can’t just ASK.
yes i did decide this was a plot point because it makes episode 9 being just called “Macaque” ten times funnier.
...no i did not actually plan any AU plot points beyond this point have fun with what little ive given you *(drops microphone)*
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