#i will be your ticket taker. 『 ooc 』
freeddead · 2 months
7. What is the one trend you miss the most that’s no longer popular or seen as much as it was before?
honestly, i miss greeters! like, i know why people don't do them now (we're all busy adults with lives and limited attention spans for new threads), but they were such a fun way to reach out to new mutuals and start new threads!
the days of writing new followers random starters are well and truly over, and it's disappointing! it would really fix a lot of the problems the rpc has now where we all just sit around and wait for other people to make a move
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hypnobyl · 7 years
might be a tad OOC but SQ going to the movies to watch a movie but not actually watching the movie if you get my drift ;)
From the passenger seat, the trip out of Storybrooke is appealing. The richly wooded area provides beautiful scenery--so she has something to entertain her while Emma drives her to an unknown destination. All she knows is Emma wants to share something special, which means she will not complain in the slightest. They’d been dancing around intimacy for months now, both physically and emotionally, and she’s ready for a good bout of progress on both fronts. Wherever they’re going now, she hopes there’s privacy and quiet.
As they pull into the parking lot, she realizes she got half of her wish: An indie movie theater is likely pretty private, especially this late in the evening. Quiet, however, is unlikely. She pushes her disappointment aside, still interested in learning more about Emma. She’ll stomach an indie movie as long as Emma is smiling at the end. The thought is mildly disgusting--but she supposes that comes with the territory of new love. She almost wants to retch.
Instead, she follows Emma inside and stands idly by while Emma orders two tickets for Night’s Edge, which is supposedly about a young woman growing up in some city or another. There’s no real plot, as far as she can ascertain from Emma’s rambling, but the character development in this slice of life piece has been getting really high ratings.
“So, you like this sort of… thing?”
“Well, yeah. I’ve loved indie movies since I was a kid. Tickets were cheaper for them than the big shit in the major theaters.” Emma shrugs and folds inward, a sign that she’s uncomfortable.
Regina sets a hand on her wrist. “Do you remember which film you saw first?”
“Oh, definitely. It was back in ‘89. I’d found a ten dollar bill in the gutter, so I got to treat myself to a movie. You ever heard of Young Blood, Old Bones?”
“No, I can’t say that I have.”
“Well, that one’s about a kid with that really rare disease--the one where they age really fast. Like, not Benjamin Button style, where they’re born old, but a real thing, where their bodies wear out faster or something.”
Regina doesn’t follow the rest of the plot. Her eyes are trained on Emma’s lips as they move--and Emma’s tongue when it darts out every once in awhile. Thankfully, Emma is lost in explaining the little details and doesn’t notice her lack of attention. It’s only when her gaze slips lower that Emma trails off and laughs.
“I lost you, didn’t I?”
“I just don’t have much experience with independent films.”
Emma pulls on her hand, like a puppy straining at the end of its leash. “Well, c’mon, then. We need to get good seats.”
The theater is hardly busy. Regina rolls her eyes and lets Emma pull her into screen three. She sits and then realizes that they didn’t stop at concession; rather than let her go, Emma jumps up and offers to make the run. As Emma heads for popcorn and soda, Regina examines her surroundings. The place isn’t nearly as clean as the theater in Storybrooke, where the floors are shiny and the seats eternally plush. But there is something genuine about this theater, from the vaguely sticky floors to the small stage just below the screen.
The chairs are at least comfortable, so she settles in and pulls her phone out. Ruby hasn’t called yet, so Henry is likely okay. He’s probably not doing his homework like he’s supposed to--she’s come to accept Ruby’s style of babysitting--but he’s safe. If he wasn’t, there’d be a torrential influx of messages about what happened, where they went, and his status.
“All quiet on the western front?” Emma hands over a box of very buttery popcorn and a large Coke with two straws jammed in the top.
“It appears so.”
“Hope you don’t mind sharing a drink.”
“Like we’ve never encountered each other’s saliva,” Regina comments dryly. She delights when Emma laughs, and sits a little straighter.
“Fair enough. Well, we have like five minutes until the screening starts.”
“No previews?”
“A few, but it’s not like half an hour of every big name, billion dollar blockbuster.”
“So, why do you like these films so much?”
Emma shrugs, digging her fingers into the popcorn and throwing a handful in her mouth. Between chomps, she says, “I guess I like that they’re about people that are different. Y’know? Like not every lead has to be a dashing white boy with perfectly straight teeth and a tight shirt.”
“Those can be appealing, sometimes,” she offers.
“Yeah, sometimes. But I found myself in a lot of the indie stuff when I was growing up, and it just sorta stuck.”
“That’s why I read a great deal during my childhood. I could escape through the pages and live another life.”
Emma grins crookedly. “That’s exactly it. I--”
She cuts off abruptly as the lights lower, and Regina lets the conversation fade. They can perhaps pick it up again on the drive home; for now, she’s going to try her hardest to like this film for Emma. The previews aren’t exactly her cup of tea, so she concentrates on slipping her hand onto Emma’s knee. If the blonde notices, she must not mind, so Regina leaves her hand there.
Thirty minutes in the movie, her hand creeps a little high onto Emma’s thigh. She can’t help it; the movie is dull and mind-numbingly slow-paced. Rather than watch and fall asleep, she can spend her time and attention on her date. Emma watches the screen with rapt attention until Regina moves her hand inward. There’s a rip in Emma’s jeans, along the soft, sensitive skin above her knee, and Regina rubs her fingers on whatever flesh she can reach.
“Um,” Emma whispers. “What are you doing?”
Regina glances around the empty theater. “Am I bothering you?”
For a moment, it looks like Emma is going to say yes. Then, with a deep sigh, she shakes her head and tightens her grip on the armrest. “Do whatever you want.”
Permission granted, Regina sidles onto Emma’s lap and ducks her head by Emma’s neck. “Keep watching the movie.”
There’s a distinct tremble as Emma replies, “I’ll try.”
Regina starts with gentle, wet kisses along Emma’s neck and collarbone. She has no idea if this is having an effect on Emma, who is starkly silent, but she can feel the moisture gathering in her panties. She doesn’t want to have sex, but she’s surprised by how turned on she can get just by giving rather than receiving. Her heart buzzes with the intensity of a sewing machine’s needle at top speed. Her excitement leads to using a bit more tooth in her kisses, gripping and tugging on Emma’s earlobe. That finally breaks Emma’s self-enforced cool.
Rather than watch the movie, Emma slides her hands around Regina’s waist and holds her snug. By the time the credits roll, Regina is on the cusp of doing something she doesn’t feel ready for. Her lips are swollen and in bad need of chapstick, and she’s a little proud to note a very visible hickey on Emma’s neck. As they walk out of the theater, the sole ticket taker looks at them, and she knows he knows what they’ve been up. She scoffs as they walk past, as this is hardly the first time two lovers have necked in this theater.
“What’s next?” she asks as Emma holds the car door for her.
“I’m going to take you home, give you a good night kiss, and then, go back to Snow’s place for a cold shower,” Emma says. She shuts the door and crosses to the driver’s side. “I really hope you don’t take this personally, but I just… I’m just getting comfortable in this relationship, if that makes sense. Like, it’s so different than I had before. Like I matter?”
“And I hope that you’ll respect that I’m not comfortable having sex yet.”
“Did any of your previous partners disrespect you in that manner?” Every protective urge she has struggles for control.
“I never really told them. I was afraid they’d leave. So, I just went along with it when they wanted.” Emma takes her hand and offers a tentative smile. “But I thought maybe that I could trust you to stay.”
Regina nods, trying to maintain her serious expression. She fails. “You can trust me, Emma, and I trust you. To tell the truth, I’m not ready, either, so thank you. I might have let hormones make my decision tonight, and you deserve more than that.”
Emma kisses her knuckles and revs the engine. “I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that independent films aren’t your thing.”
“How very perceptive. When did you know?”
“When I asked you on this date, you did this thing with your face.” Emma tries to mimic the expression with minor success. “But you said yes. You were still willing to do this for me. I can’t--I don’t have the words to tell you what that means to me.”
“You matter, and I’d like to spend as much time as you’ll give me convincing you of that.”
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performingtheartsrp · 7 years
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We received a fantastic application for Joe Hart, and we’re truly excited to welcome Sil into our family. Please take a moment to go over the New Member Checklist, and send in your account within 24 hours. 
AGE: 19
ACTIVITY LEVEL (1-10): 5-7/10, because I work a few days a month and am a full-time university student.
CHARACTER’S NAME: Joseph Abraham Hart, Jr.
CHARACTER’S BIRTHDAY: 28th of May, 1992
CHARACTER’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual, but gravitates more towards women (is not aware of his attraction towards men yet)
SHIPS: Joe/Quinn, Joe/female, Joe/chemistry
ANTI-SHIPS: Joe/no chemistry
MIDGAME SHIPS: Joe/Quinn, Joe/Mercedes, Joe/Kurt, Joe/Blaine (I have more than two, sorry)
@thatjoehart: I still cannot believe the Lord has blessed me to play Jesús Martinez in the new ABC series #PerformingTheArts!
@thatjoehart: I suppose that the crayon lines on my wall made by my little brother could be considered modern art…
@ thatjoehart: “How blessed is he who considers the helpless; the Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.” Getting this tattooed tomorrow!
On the 28th of May, 1992 a little baby boy was born in Sumiton, Alabama. He was baptized Joseph Abraham Hart, Jr. and was the first son of Joseph Hart, Sr. and his wife, Rebecca. His parents were both 21 years old when they had him and had both just completed their missionary training. That is why the young family didn’t stay in Alabama for long. When he was only six months old, his parents up and left for Congo where they lived for two years to preach the gospel. There, his little sister Sarah was born just before they packed up and moved again.
In the beginning of the year 1995, they left Congo to go to Brazil. He and his family lived there for five years and welcomed three new children into the family: in January of 1996 his brother Elijah and in December of that same year, his second brother Solomon was born. In 1999, his mother gave birth to his new sister, Ruth. Joe, as he was called by his parents to avoid confusion, loved Brazil. He loved his friends and soaked up the Portuguese language like a sponge. He became as fluent as his friends and helped his father translate his sermons from the time he was six. He also acted out the Bible stories his father told the people of the villages and that is when the seed for his love for acting was planted. He continued to do this for several years and got increasingly better at it. He is still fluent in Portuguese to this day, but that isn’t the only language he learned throughout his childhood because soon, they’d move again.
He considered Brazil his home until he was seven. Then he was told they had to go again, that his parents were to go to India. He had cried silently when they left their village, the village he had always known as home. His little sister Sarah was upset too, so his father reprimanded him. He was a boy; he wasn’t supposed to cry. He was supposed to be strong and be there for his younger siblings. He had to make them feel safe, so he dried his tears and did what he was told. “Thou shall not disobey your parents” is what the Bible says, so that is what Joe did.
His time in India ended up being quite interesting as well. His family lived there from March of 2000 until May of 2002. Joe learned quite a bit of Hindi in his time there but he didn’t make friends that easily. He knew that any day, they could move again. He knew that the attachment would only lead to heartache. Instead he became more focused on his faith, which honestly was the only constant in his life. He had always just gone along with what his parents said, the words they quoted at him. When he was nine, he started to read the Bible for himself, making notes and writing down his interpretations in a little brown notebook. It took him until he was twelve to finish the Bible and then he started again, rewriting and correcting his notes.
When he was twelve and read the last page of the Bible he was in a completely different place than when he read the first page of said book. He was in Chile now and they were packing up to move back to Alabama. He now had two more brothers, named Isaac and Jeremiah who were twins and about a year old. His parents had gotten weary of the travelling and wanted a quiet life back at home in Alabama. Joe wasn’t sure what to make of it. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to move back. He’d hoped they’d go back to Brazil and this America which his parents spoke so fondly of, he had absolutely no affinity for whatsoever.
His father became a door-to-door Bible salesman and his family could barely make ends meet. His mother was a housewife and cared for Joe and his six siblings, but it weighed heavily on her. Normally, his father was around to help but now, he was on the road six days of the week. That is why Joe stepped up and helped his mother out with the children. He did the preparations for dinner, he changed diapers, potty-trained the boys, disciplined his siblings when necessary and gave them the necessary religious guidance they needed. He also did pretty much all the ‘dad’ stuff. He went fishing with his siblings, taught them how to throw a ball and made his little sisters feel like princesses. He started caring a little less for his siblings when he went to a public high school for the first time, when he was around 16. He was tired of being locked away in his house. He wanted to make some friends, get a taste of what life was like and boy, what a taste he got.
During the first day of his sophomore year, which was his first school day, he walked around with his mouth agape. He couldn’t believe how some boys and girls were openly kissing (read: making out!), how short the skirts of certain girls were and how low cut tops were. He couldn’t believe the curse words he heard and how so many people took the Lord’s name in vain. He almost didn’t want to go back to that place again, that place full of sinners! He talked it over with his father, over the phone, who told him Jesus preferred the company of sinners for a reason. That did change his mind and he decided to go back. He still considers that to be the best decision of his life.
He went back and discovered that those people he had gaped at, that he had prayed for so they would not go to hell were not all that bad. They may not all believe the same things he believed, but they were kind, giving and open to him. His best friend, Alex, taught him how to play the guitar and another classmate, Lisa always saved a seat for him in the classes they shared together. The three of them became inseparable until the end of Senior year. The trio discovered that they had a common interest in acting and joined the afterschool drama club. They put on a few plays and even a self-made musical.
Joe wasn’t aware of it, but he was the best student in the drama club. His teacher approached him though, telling him to take acting classes. When Joe explained his family’s financial situation, the teacher offered to teach him privately for free. He taught him how to sing and act and laid the foundation that would eventually lead Joe to Los Angeles because now, Joe had a very clear goal in life. He wanted to act and perform.
After senior year, Joe started working as a cashier in a local grocery store. He was intelligent but had not gotten a scholarship and there was simply no money for college. He had a plan though. He’d save up enough money to pay for a plane ticket to Los Angeles and to make sure he could live off his savings for a few weeks. He trusted that the Lord would care for him and would lead him to where he was supposed to go.
It broke his heart to leave his family behind and move to Los Angeles but he felt that he had to do it, that there was something great waiting for him. His parents told him to follow his heart and what the Spirit guided him to do. They had once been risk takers and travelers too, and they loved that their eighteen-year-old son was so much like them.
His first months in Los Angeles were tough. There were nights where he had no place to sleep and days that he didn’t eat but he auditioned for everything he could… He prayed three times a day, a practice that kept him going. He was about to give up though, tired of the rejection and the emptiness of his existence… and then it happened. He landed his first role in a Christian movie. He played a son of Noah in a movie aimed at children, to explain to them the story of The Ark. He worked for the same Christian movie company until about two months ago. It allowed him to make a name for himself as a Christian actor and it paid enough so he could rent an apartment with three other Christian guys he knew from church.
It was one of those friends who told him that there was a chance to audition for a part in a mainstream TV series. It was called Performing the Arts and considering they were looking for an actor who could sing as well, Joe would be a perfect fit. Joe decided to just give it a try, not thinking that he’d land anything. He couldn’t believe it when he was cast as Jesús Martinez. He almost cried when he got the call to tell him that he’d gotten the role of Jesús Martinez, but not for the reasons you might think. He was afraid. He would be playing a character who was openly bisexual and the child of a lesbian. He didn’t know how that was going to go over with his fans and family. He wasn’t even sure how he felt about it! He’d always seen homosexuality in all its forms as impure and against God. How was he going to play this character in an honest and true fashion? What would he do if the script told him to do something that he considered immoral, such as kissing a man? He could have declined it; he knew that but the same feeling that he got about going to Los Angeles came over him. He had to do it.
This decision had some consequences though. His father hasn’t spoken to him since he found out and the Christian movie producer he worked for made it very clear that he will never star in another film of theirs again. Everything is riding on this role now. Joe must make sure that this role makes it possible for him to break into the mainstream entertainment business because where he came from has nothing more to offer him…
YOUR CHARACTER’S HEAD CANON FOR THEIR CHARACTER: Joe’s head canon for Jesús is that he is a great dancer, in addition to being a great musician. He has always hidden behind his guitar because it makes him feel safe but also because dancing was something his father disapproved of. He saw it as too feminine and not as something that his son should be doing. When he’d been caught trying to pirouette when he was ten years old, his father had made him feel so embarrassed that he hasn’t danced since that moment. At least not with the door unlocked. He dances every day, before and after school in his room and has gotten very good at it. Joe hopes that one of the other characters in the series will stumble upon Jesús dancing and convince him to take lessons and develop his talent more.
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frcgmentmuses · 7 years
Tags: Muse Related
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freeddead · 1 year
//after a couple of hours, i've finished my offline thread tracker!! bc of the way my new tracker works, i do have to change up the way i respond to stuff a little bit, which means inbox stuff may take me a bit longer to get through. or maybe not, i have no worldly idea.
but yes, we're in business again.
i've only added stuff that's up to 2 months old, so if i owe you something older than that, lol
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freeddead · 1 year
//thread tracker my beloved... 😦 please hold while i devise a new system by which to track my threads
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freeddead · 1 year
//i do love that gerry is, so far, my only blog to receive anon hate when like... i haven't done anything here? i post all my controversial takes on my multi and the onceler, and i don't hear a peep outta anyone over there lol
my biggest crime here is just. not writing, i presume. and i will continue to not do that <3
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freeddead · 1 year
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▸ anonymous ⟶ ❛ you truly are a worthless good for nothing shitstain ❜
//ha! cheers! i'll drink to that!
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freeddead · 1 year
//i love how every time there's a tumblr change, people freak out, and i'm the one guy on earth who's like, "idk i think it's cute"
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freeddead · 1 year
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▸ anonymous ⟶ ❛ where the hell do you get off being such a fickle bitch ❜
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freeddead · 1 year
//finally updated my rules page lol
Do not rush me on threads. I work full-time, and I run a handful of other blogs. Gerry is no longer one of my higher priority blogs, either. His muse has been harder for me to keep up recently. It’s not that uncommon for this blog to go more than a week with no IC posts. But I do try to answer stuff within 2 months, often less. If you want to find where I'm more active, you can look at some of the other blogs on my mun page.
particularly these two have become the most active
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freeddead · 2 years
//gerry has a carrd now! complete with his finally finished verses!
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freeddead · 1 year
do you have a tag for your desolation!gerard posts? don't look at my username /lh
*looks at your username* 👁️👁️
i don't currently have a fancy tag for his desolation verse, yet, no. it's just tagged with #desolation.
i have not written him yet either, but maybe someday...
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freeddead · 1 year
//i really need to update my rules to reflect the fact that gerry is no longer a higher activity blog for me lmao
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freeddead · 1 year
//i have responded to everything i perceive as Hella Old (2+ months) on here, so hurray! if you have something that's that old and it's not out of the queue by tomorrow, i've lost it :( sowwy :(
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freeddead · 1 year
//i'm going to be doing more au stuff or like... trying to branch into different dynamics with gerry bc i've been very bored of him lately and feel like a lot of his stuff is getting same-y, so you might receive some responses from an s5-based or corruption bitch, idk idk
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