#i will use that tag for literally everything im allowed because im a lesbian
lostryu · 11 months
i need gay rights because literally not a single self-proclaimed cis/het 'ally' understands the alienating experience that comes with being the only gay person in the workplace.
i am a gnc butch lesbian. i use he/him pronouns. when i came out to my manager regarding my pronouns (i had been an open lesbian since the moment of my hire), she told me that she supported me, but she could not enforce or ask our clients to use the correct pronouns for me. she told me it was something i would have to learn to deal with. she never uses the correct pronouns for me unless a person from a different department (who also happens to be LGBT+) is present. she is our HR in addition to manager.
none of my coworkers in my department ever remember to use my pronouns. if i remind them, they go over the top with the "im sorry's" and the "im still learning" and "you know i try my hardest's!" and "i swear im not homophobic!", it has been over 6 months since i came out. if i say nothing, they continue to use she/her (unless that other lgbt+ person from the other department is present, then they miraculously get it right).
sometimes they call me 'girl'. they always flounder and correct to "man-boy-uh youknowwhatimeanright". they laugh it off. they never bother to ask what terms i am comfortable with, or if i even cared in the first place. they don't care about my gender, they never bother to ask. somehow the subject gets changed every time i try to tell them, or set a boundary.
once in a while in a slow shift, the conversation will hop to our dating lives. somehow, it always jumps to how men suck and how dating a woman must be so much easier. they wish they could be gay and not straight. every time, they'll stare at me expectantly, like i am an animal at the zoo. no matter what i say, positive or negative, i must be lying. i cannot be that happy in my relationship, or if i have any issues, they must be minor. if i say 'why don't you try dating a girl then' to their remarks, they'll laugh, say something like "there is no way i possibly could" with that special tone of disguised disgust.
i am a prop, at work. they tell me about how much they love their kids. how they could bring anyone home and they wouldn't care. "they could be black, brown, or purple," they'll say "it could be a woman or a man! I support gay rights!" Then they will talk about how hungry they are, and how they will be going to Chick Fil a for the 4th time this week. 'as a treat'. it is thursday. they talk about going to Hobby Lobby again for christmas decorations, or another sale. sometimes i think i can taste blood.
its june. they talk about the pride parade and how excited they are to see the queens and their 'funny costumes'. they talk about how fun it is to go and watch, how they like the free things the corporations hand out. they don't want to bring their younger kids though. they're not old enough. they do not know that the first pride was a riot. they do not know what happened during the AIDS crisis, how many died. they don't really care when i try to tell them, they'd rather focus on the fun parts of the parade. the spectacle.
i wear a pronoun pin, to make it easier. still somehow no one can get my pronouns right. a client notices it. commends me for "being brave" and "coming out." she never uses my correct pronouns. i stopped wearing the pin after the 11th person asked me if my name on my name tag was my real one, and after the 45th person went out of their way to use incorrect pronouns every sentence. my manager, the HR, did not care.
i need gay rights, but somehow everything got resolved when they allowed us to marry in 2015. to our allies, the work is done. somehow i am left more alone than when we started.
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johnsotherbastard · 2 years
one thing about me is im a sleepy gal, i am always tired. Knitting? i fall asleep. Watching something? i fall asleep. In the shower? eyes are closed, it’s a miracle im still standing. dont matter how well rested i am, a bitch always sleepy
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aro-culture-is · 3 years
im starting to think I might be aro but I'm not sure... was wondering if you and your followers can give me some advice? i currently identify as genderfluid & queer. im 25 y/o and have never had a single partner, never been in love, never kissed anyone, ever. I've had many opportunities to, its just that i never felt romantically attracted to any of the people who have liked me (a few cis guys, a lesbian, and a trans guy). I definitely have had sexual desire for others, though. I did had a few romantic crushes on girls through my life but I think I might have forced myself to have them, if that's possible? The idea of romantic love has always fascinated me and I'm a sucker for cheesy romantic stories and stuff with lots of angsty longing and like, I WANT to feel that too. So bad. But I'm starting to think I literally can't? Does this sound like I could be aro? Or can I not really know until I've at least tried to have a romantic relationship with someone? Right now I just kind of feel like I'm broken because I want one but it just feels impossible.
[empty paragraph in case tumblr eats it]
so right off the bat i’m going to say: i am an internet stranger and I cannot decide your identity for you. that said, you definitely sound like you’re aro.
"never been in love", "i never felt romantically attracted to any of the people who have liked me", “I did had a few romantic crushes on girls through my life but I think I might have forced myself to have them, if that's possible?”, “Right now I just kind of feel like I'm broken because I want one but it just feels impossible”
everything i’ve quoted there is a STRONG sign that alone would make me suspect that you’re aro, but especially the first and last one. a lot of aro ppl “choose” a crush or try to force themselves to feel like they have a crush, and if you think you might have, that’s very much possible.
On a much sadder and more serious note, while I don’t see it quite as strongly with current teens, myself and a lot of a-spec people identified as broken before we knew there was a term and that we were allowed to use it and even feel pride in that. It’s so very easy to listen to society telling us that it’s normal to have crushes and decide not having them must be a problem with us. I knew in 7th grade that I didn’t seem attracted to boys or girls (and knew no nonbinary people aside from myself) and just as deeply “knew” that I must be broken. I’d strongly recommend following aro blogs - seeing representation helps most, in my experience.
that said, here’s some bonus comments which I think are relevant:
I definitely have had sexual desire for others
Strongly recommend that you should look into the term “allo aro” (a shortening of allosexual aro”
The idea of romantic love has always fascinated me and I'm a sucker for cheesy romantic stories and stuff with lots of angsty longing and like, I WANT to feel that too. So bad. / Right now I just kind of feel like I'm broken because I want one but it just feels impossible
a LOT of aros who have submitted to this blog have felt or do feel this way, I suspect. I personally never felt this way so I don’t feel super comfortable providing details on it, but I do notice a common theme of this being a comment from questioning / newly discovered aros who are still coming to terms with things.
That said, there are also some aro folks who do still chose to date/”partner”, both in the traditional romantic sense and in other ways, like in queerplatonic relationships (qprs) and other arrangements, and those can be long-term committed relationships. iirc at least one person has commented before on being a happily married aro person. If you still want a relationship even as an aro, there is a precedent. You won’t be alone even then.
can I not really know until I've at least tried to have a romantic relationship with someone?
there will be people who will tell you this. the venn diagram between those people and the people who will tell you that you cannot be aro because you have dated is a circle. (they never intend to believe you - just to find any excuse not to.)
if it gives you reassurance, you can enter a relationship where your identity as questioning aro is a known factor - but there is NO obligation to do so and i at least would consider it a bad idea to enter a relationship where this isn’t known. I would also caution about “curers” who take that as a challenge and may not express such, and who will take you being in a relationship with them / staying in that relationship for some arbitrary amount of time only known to them as a sign that they’ve “cured” you of being aromantic / aro-spec. In full disclosure, I have no idea how common that is but it is also my only dating experience and a very 0/10 one at that.
I hope that this (wall of text oops) helps! If you’re still not sure, I’d recommend looking through my “am i aro” tag, as on this post, to see me answering similar questions.
- mod kee
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starkerdayss · 6 years
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun]
Guys, these are not in any specific way. 
1. Starker
2. Destiel (Dean and Castiel from Supernatural)
3. Malec (Magnus and Alec from Shadow Hunters)
4. Stucky 
5. Delena (Damon and Elena from Vampire Diaries)
6. Drarry (Harry and Draco from Harry Potter) 
7. Marvey (Mike and Harvey from Suits)
8. Deckerstar (Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker from Lucifer)
9. Coliver (Connor and Oliver from How to get away with murder)
10. Britin (Justin and Brian from Queer as Folk)
Now answer the questions fo your followers can learn a bit more about your ships
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? - [Drarry] - I think it was actually because I ended up reading a fanfiction about them where they had very filthy sex and after that I just couldn’t unsee it. Either book or movie, they’re just... together in my head lol. 
What’s your favourite fanfiction for 4? - [Stucky] - I can’t remember the name but it was one where Steve was a prince and he had a harem of sexual partners and Bucky was one but he had been sent as a spy for the bad guy and his name was Winter but obviously they end up falling in love and Winter tells everything to Steve and they end up together and the harem I think is disolved because Bucky’s the main bitch now. 
What’s your favourite fan art/picture for 2? - [Destiel] - God, there are just too many. Destiel is an incredibly famous ship and it has been going around for ten years now. I just- everything made for Destiel is my fav. Specially one where they draw them as two women, so they’re a lesbian couple. 
What’s your favourite headcanon for 1? - [Starker] - High School AU’s will always be the reason of my sluttyness. 
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? - [Marvey] - They complete each other because they’re complete opposites. I also like the fact that they not only protect each other, but leave aside their differences and their fights to go save the other if needed. Always have the other’s back, and Mike’s just a child that Harvey needs. Am I right, @infinity-worried
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? - [Coliver] - I think it goes on both ways. Connor is very serious and sexy, and then Oliver is very shy and giggly and probably self-consious and ashamed so they go from being blushy and cute to Connor pushing Oliver against the wall and telling him the games are over. 
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry? - I think probably Britin or Deckerstar. They’re both cannon as fuck, so their chemistry is very shown on TV. I don’t know, Britin has to be the very first ship I started shipping, and Deckerstar is one of the few straight ships that I’ve managed to follow. they’re cute help. 
Which ship has the strongest bond? - I’m pretty sure the answer to that is Malec. But beyond the sex, they’re just really bonded through magic and the entirety of their world. 
Which ship to you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? - Starker and Britin. 
Which one was your first ship? - Britin, definitely. Probably started it out when I was 13. The show was only on YouTube, I remember everything perfectly. 
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? - [Drarry] - It would be in the most childish way. Probably Draco would say something horrible and Harry would be done with his shit once and for all and he’d break up with him and then Draco would be following him everywhere because that boy’s pride left his natural body the moment Harry took his hand for the first time. His boyfriend is just way too valuable to be a dick about it. 
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? - [Malec, Deckerstar] - I would put my hands in the fire for Deckerstar. I mean, Malec has magic, and Alec is a nephilim and Magnus a warlock, but... Lucifer is the devil. 
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? - [Marvey] - At first, yes. It starts off as a sexual thing and you know that you can’t be sleeping around with your boss, so it’s necessarily a secret, but then, they start falling in love with each other and Mike starts to believe that Harvey will never love him and he becomes distant and feels disposable and Harvey knows he has to put an end to it so he just... announces it to literally everybody. 
What is 9′s favourite date to go on? - [Coliver] - Probably really nerdy stuff. Connor has gone through some shit and one of the things that makes him the happiest in this world is seeing Oliver happy, and sci-fi makes Oli happy and probably just science fairs, really geeky movies and all. 
What’s your favourite canon moment between 10? - [Britin] - I mean. Fuck. Probably the first I love you, or when after the prom situation, Brian takes Justin to the scene of the crime to make him try to remember something of his abuser and he whispers (because he’s telling the story): “and that’s when I understood why they called you sunshine”)
What do 5 argue most about? - [Delena] - Damon has a real trouble being a good person (vampire?) and Elena is just- she has a good heart (that’s how the tv show makes it look anyway) and she struggles to mantain Damon as a caring individual. 
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? - Britin. Fuck, I hate myself for that because Starker is now my main on everything, but Britin is really special to me, and it opened the doors to the gay world in my eyes. That’s the first representation I was ever familiar with. 
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? - [Starker] - Femenization. God, Peter in a skirt, lashes, lipstick, high-thighs and heels? Fuck me the fuck up. 
Do 8 want children? - [Deckerstar] - I don’t know. Chloe already has a kid and she could potentially want another one but then again, Lucifer is the devil and I don’t think he’s allowed to have children with humans, especially considering the fact that they haven’t discussed Chloe dying (she’s mortal)
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather became canon? - [Britin and Stucky] - Britin is cannon, so please just give Stucky a go. 
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? - [Destiel] - Not really, mostly because they don’t have time. Sometimes Castiel kisses Dean’s cheek or something and every once in a while Dean says some corny shit that he didn’t want to say but usually, they keep to themselves (or under the table), and no, it doesn’t bother Sam. Sam’s the biggest Destiel shipper among us. 
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? - Deckerstar. Lucifer probably would do some hell things that nobody considers romantic mostly because they’re satanic, but the gesture is what counts. Plus, imagine Lucifer just bringing a vase of human eyes bc that’s romantic in hell and he’s with his grin... I would take it honestly. 
How would the proposal between 5 go? - [Delena] - I don’t think marriage is an option. They’re both inmortal (towards the end of the show) and they have all their lives. They don’t need a piece of paper that tells them how much their relationship is worth, specially if they’re going to trascend that. 
Who cooks more often in 3? - [Malec] - Magnus. Without a shadow of a doubt. He makes potions all the time, and Alec is always working on the institute. I think Magnus would be more than happy to cook (or summon) a meal for his boyfriend. 
Now tag!!
@im-a-goner-foryou @insatiable-spider @starker1975 @starker-garbage @peterscherry @peterparkerisaslut-x
Consider yourself tagged if you want to do this! Also, sorry for the lenght of this. I got a bit carried away. 
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latinalesbi · 6 years
The good trouble account doesn’t even follow the moms or boys lol so much for the family
Yes, they tag Sherri and Teri in posts. They are such users.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Cringe at some of the fans of the show I really do. On twitter for the 1st time in ages Joanna baits them. BB has gone quiet thank god. They’ve all moved on people. They got bored of writing for the moms-never really knew what to do with them s3 onwards. They wanted Maia front and center that’s evident, the spin off was their idea. The amount of new characters on their new show means money wasn’t the real issue. They’ve moved studios to cut costs. They gave up on Teri and Sherri thats the truth.
Yes, this officially makes Joanna the worst one. How she gonna tell a FAN that if she raises 30 MILLION dollars, she’ll produce the show. Bitch please. SHUT Up. She makes me so angry. They went along with whatever Freeform wanted. It’s so sad. They didn’t want the older lesbians and that’s a fact. These women weren’t sleeping around getting down with multiple women and they weren’t young things (yeah I am looking at you Bold Type and their male gaze), Freeform had no room to make a couple like Stef and Lena, front and center.
Anonymous said:                                                                      If only they had realised the storm their decision would’ve caused both Fform and the creators of the fosters. I think had they realised their new shows cloak & dagger etc would do as badly as they have they would have sanctioned a season 6. In fact I’m sure. They need the viewing figures. If the creators really wanted to go down the line of the spin off they could have run both show concurrently, that would’ve appeased every1. Like Blackish and Grownish do now Wonder if that idea ever came up?    
I think maybe you are right. Grownish came in like a hit, and that’s around the time they announced cancellation, but it’s clear now: Freeform show suck. No one wants to watch this network. The Fosters was a product of ABC F and Freeform hated it for that.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Roll my eyes at people on twitter telling us we should support this new show as The Fosters was a family and fam supports fam. Dear lord they don’t seem to get the fact that this so called family behind the scenes betrayed each other. They negotiated behind the back of Teri Sherri and the guys and left them blindsided by the decision. Bradley Peter Maia Cierra and Joanna were all complicit in that. Their ‘family’ lost their jobs whilst they not only kept theirs but no doubt got pay rises. Asses!            
Anyone who wants to sell me that shit, can go fuck themselves. What a waste of energy. This wasn’t a family, this was a job, people got fucked over, I want to see the backstabbers crash and burn.
Anonymous said:                                                                      It was the Callie show for the past two seasons. Literally everything that could happen to a person happened to her lol! They didn’t really have a use for the other characters anymore. The only reason they are bringing Cierra -Marianna on board for the new show is that they are good friends in real life. I really believe that. Can’t believe they are producers too, the former cast must have been shocked at that. It’s like a double kick in the balls.          
I agree with that and that’s why this real life friendship has an end date. It will always be Maia and guest. If production money is all she cares about then maybe it will last. However, if the limelight she seeks, then she will be disappointed.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I loved the first few seasons of The Fosters. It was so family orientated. I loved the relationship between Stef and Calli it was what I wished for if Im honest. The show became too political for me at the end, they lost a little of what made it special.
I’ve said it before, the Trump election ruined the country and specifically this show. I needed escapism, ok. Is that ok to say? This show was built on that fantasy of a life. Suddenly, everything was about Trump even though on their timeline, he hadn’t been elected. They should have left the fosters alone and made a political show elsewhere.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Thought of watching Good Trouble every week and who is Callie going to save next urgh!They’ll be lots of new young, good looking characters, lots of sex no doubt which is funny considering the moms were barely allowed to touch towards the end. The creators zoned out. They wanted this new show, probably preferred writing for the girls etc. If you read articles at the beginning of The Fosters in 2013 they were so enthused about Stef and Lena, excited to talk about their stories, its worlds apart.          
Well Bradley got divorced and clearly didn’t believe in marriage anymore. He bought himself a young boyfriend and everyone got bored of stef and lena, except the audience. Sadly. It also shows how fake they are. They are actors selling a product. Ultimately, they didn’t really care, they just thought that’s what the network wanted to hear then.
P.S. Just don’t watch troubled shows.
Anonymous said:                                                                      They harp on & boast about their social justice storylines and how this will continue when the real injustice happened on their show in front of all of us. They kept the 2 straight characters and let go the 2 older women who happened to play lesbians and their gay son. These were the characters that had the most social impact & brought the most awareness to the show at the beginning. They gave people hope and a feeling they were being listened too. It’s so sad tptb seem to have forgotten that.            
And their stupid show’s tag is going to an invade a rightfully political tag about a black activist. People looking for this will bump into white savior callie. This isn’t progressive, it’s the typical erasure that happens to lesbians.
Anonymous said:                                                                      The thing that has arisen, if that’s the right word 😂 is the huge love everyone has for Sherri and Teri and their characters Stef and Lena. They truly made a difference to people’s lives. That will never change no matter what the powers that be decide is best for themselves and their network. Maybe Callie and Marianna stories on this spinoff will be worthy but it will never compare to the real affect Teri and Sherri had on so many people. They’re loved universally and that will never go away. X  
History will tell, and no one will remember Good Trouble. No one. 
Anonymous said:                                                                      Famous in Love might not be cancelled after all now. What a joke. Could you imagine how much they are paying Bella Thorne, the ratings are shit and yet they are considering keeping it on the air yet cancel the Fosters, the highest rating show? They just want to keep Marlene King sweet no doubt, she’s got her PLL spinoff coming. It’s all trash, the network and the creators of the Fosters. In a few years time the Fosters will still be talked about, maybe then they’ll appreciate Sherri and Teri.             
It was. Thank god. Next, Bold Type and next cancel the network.
Anonymous said:                                                                      If it was a money thing why didn’t they just skim down the amount of guest characters they brought in and go back to family stories? There were so many new characters every week we couldn’t keep up & made the show feel disjointed, we didn’t have any loyalty to them. Getting rid of the boys and the moms will have saved them money, yes, they’ve moved studios too so that’s a cost cut. But then they’ve cast a load of new characters for the spin off and made the girls ep’s. Something isn’t right.             
It was not a money thing at all. They want to say that but it’s not. It was about older women and how Freeform can’t sell that. Or rather, about how they don’t know how to sell it.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Don’t worry peeps. They will realise their mistakes. The Fosters was the family. When that started to be phased out we stayed around honestly due to the connection we’d built with the characters and the those that played them. You don’t build that loyalty up overnight. They didn’t think about the fans, if they did they’d have known dumping some of the cast and picking others was a non starter. Go out on a high as the family you began with, that’s what they should have done. Everyone or no-one.             
Exactly. I think the good feelings would have remained if they hadn’t betrayed the family. Now things are tainted.
Anonymous said:                                                                      They thought we’d all continue to watch. The apathy towards us as fans is staggering. Unless they manage to generate a whole new sector of viewers which they won’t, their ratings are going to suffer hugely. They will lose so many of us. Some will be intrigued by the first ep, after that and realising the rest of the cast are really no more it will slide off. They created and had something special, this spinoff tarnished it for me.             
The thing fans aren’t really a thing to these people. The noise people make on twitter is completely just that for them, background noise. That’s why I enjoyed when someone ruffles their feathers. When truth comes close to home, they react. If Freeform knew how to create a  hit, they would have done so by now. The Fosters was successful because of the fanbase it had built from the ABCF days. Hours of politics, the law and callie. No thanks.
Anonymous said:                                                                      If their idea of family is to forsake their fellow cast then who’d want to be a part of that? Sellouts pure and simple, money over ‘family.’             
That’s it. Nothing else.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I watch the ratings for shows, it was odd to me when the decision was made. The Fosters at that point was their highest rated show both live figure and the delayed viewing. And yes most def their most stable show. Sirens had since done well. Grownish dropped, Cloak & Dagger, started well-ish but then dropped. The Bold Type has always been low and Famous in Love- terrible. Last season it always beat Shadowhunters too. That show had a big international deal to be fair. Really strange decision.           
And yet they canned Shadowhunters. If there was a show I could believe had some weird cult following online, it would be that. They didn’t care either. I don’t know what Freeform is aiming for. Race to the bottom with them.
Anonymous said:                                                                      My thinking: Teri and Sherri had the highest salaries. Fform knew the ratings were good. Thought Maia and Cierra with their social media following were popular and therefore could lead a show thus save money by getting rid of Teri and Sherri and it wouldn’t affect the ratings. They didn’t realise the demographic of audience was vast. People watched the show for a variety of reasons. They should have done some polling before making the decision, would have been clear pretty quick. Amateur network             
I don’t know. They made maia and cierra more money as producers then they would have with The Fosters. It’s almost as if those 2 were the problem with money. They were demanding so much, the network couldn’t afford to pay anyone else much. The network is trash. I will live to see it die.
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pride-of-eorzea · 3 years
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☆Welcome, Warrior of Light!☆
This is a request blog for FFXIV stuff! Whether you're here for kin reasons, rp reasons, you're seeking ship content etc... you can request here!
I can make:
1. Moodboards
2. Icons
3. Stimboards
4. Headers
In terms of what *kind* of requests I allow:
1. OC content
2. Canon characters (im only on heavensward though so make sure to be specific about what you want for post-HW characters! like make sure to include what themes you're after for moodboards etc bc I don't wanna read their wiki pages!)
3. Ships between adult characters (Canon or not, also 2 OCs are ok!)
4. Headcanons eg Trans Cid or Lesbian Ysholta
5. Pride stuff for ☆no good reason☆ like not even a headcanon but stuff like "I'm trans so I want a Trans Lesbian Tataru icon" is fine!!
6. Serious or fun stuff, as long as its sfw i don't care how silly the content is :3
if its not listed here then send me an ask anyway, worst case I'll decline the request if I can't do it!
Ask rules:
-Send a reference for OCs, i won't be like. Stalking your blogs or anything so you can either submit or dm or tag me i am Unfettered, just make sure to tell me what request its for sksk
-provide some general theme stuff like idk "WoL red mage, reference in DMs, Themes of sadness/melancholy/wanting to be better and woodland vibes/the sylphs." (Idk i am not your WoL, you can give as much or as little info as you feel like, I'm happy to hear about your OCs/kins!)
-this blog is not first come first served its "whichever ones spark inspiration in my neurodivergent brain first" though ill do all the requests! Feel free to check in if I've still got your request though, because tumblr eats things on occasion.
-im happy to do all of the standard LGBTQIA identities, if you have a mogai label or etc you can still ask! I'll find out what it is and decide based on that bc like. Idk what everything is so I don't think a blanket rule applies here. I don't have a stance on discourses like mspec lesbians bc I literally am a trans guy I have no stance on wlw issues? Ill do requests for all non-exclusionist and non-predatory/fetishizing identities but my making content isn't me saying "hey I agree w this specific bit of discourse" im just making requests for someone else.
-no TERFS/transphobes (im literally trans)
-if you're an adult who is attracted to minors or engages with adult x minor content go away
-idk what to put here like please use common sense and don't interact with blogs you wouldn't show to the cashiers at the local Tesco?
-will expand dni if there's an Issue anywhere?
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ignaviias · 7 years
im keeping with last years tradition so here we go for this years big ol gay post im putting it here bc its the place where i can tag the most people since i dont use twitter much anymore anyway the Gay is under the cut
fuck you!!!!!!!!!!! but on a serious note i really love having you as a friend!! im glad we're still in contact even though we cant do the whole sit around the table at lunch shit anymore (bc sixth formers """"""arent allowed"""" . bih. i do what i want) youre really funny nd ald just real nice so like Ideal content you also put up with my fucken Constant shit in the server bc i have zero self control and am too passionate abt bmc and whatever else is my interest at the time heck yeah ALSO I LOVE MILO. TELL MILO I LOVE HIM.
bitch do you even use tumblr anymore??????? idk if youll see this but fuck it anyway!!!!!! ur one of my closest irl friends!!!!! me you and jess are the worst team because we cant be trusted to do anything but thats okay because i love it youre a really nice person like if me and jess are Sad (tm) you always try and help nd thats Excellent i know that sometimes you dont feel as involved bc me and jess have known eachother longer but that doesnt make you any less important to us!! and like above, please tell evie i love her. this is important fuck 
do i know anymore irl people on here that i can tag . fuck it moving on 
 im sorry if i miss anyone out!!! dont take it personally im just really fucking shit
i dont talk to you often but youre a really chill person!!!!!! youre always there to give nice comments nd i like having you around!!!!! i Love tally and im thankful for the photos and updates you post because i would absolutely die for her love u sweden !!!!!!!!!!
youre!!!  a really good pal!!!!!! youre such a sweet person nd i love you in dnd too !! love bewick!!! and you also make the notes which are life savers bc i have those sweet concentration issues I hope things with uni are going well for you !!! 
i cant believe i have to have this cursed username in my gay post anyway !! gob!!! i dont speak to you much at all outside of dnd but youre such a chill dm its great - when i first joined i didnt know you but youre the kind of person whos so easy to get along with also you put up with all of our bullshit in dnd and we love you for that 
youre another person i dont speak to a lot but youre a really funny person and meeting you at mcm was really fun!! even though i saw you last year we never really all got to talk properly??? i dont count that as much of a meeting but like. this year. good fucken year the chicken incident remains in my heart always and the way that you launched yourself off the chair for that sweet chicken 
we literally only met like a few weeks ago but !! heck!! i love rping with you in that chat!! i love the way you play jeremy n im glad that i managed to join it bc its been really fun !! i hope we can keep rping in the future too !! - this applies to like everyone else in that server too but i dont know yalls usernames
okay. okay. these are the Gay ones im putting you two as combined gay then breaking it down to individuals after
 @arvoze and @octovine
 i. love. you two. WUV YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! youre honestly some of The most important people to me and i wouldnt want to change that for the world youre both so fun to be around and i love how easy it is to talk to you and how easy it was at mcm as well i wish i could go back to mcm and do it all over again because i loved it so much and leaving was so hard and i wont lie i was on the verge of tears while i walked away if im ever in a bad way and things seems so shit just like? talking to you two and pissing about makes everything so much better and im so mad we all dont live near eachother like this is homophobia let me be gay irl
 individuals time
lewis;  YOU. (the temptation to just leave it as this was overbearing) you were one of the first people i ever properly spoke to?? you were so chill and easy to approach so it made it so much easier for me to get closer to everyone else as well i owe you a lot because without you i probably wouldnt have spoken to anyone on that server??? iconic going to present time ; youre always sweet so and nice youre like a fucking dad w the way you reblog my shit i love it youre also always willing to help people even if theyve caused issues and stuff nd i love that!!!!! real fucken mvp!!!! wewis i wuv you 
 jack;  also wuv you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so glad youre around because i love your sense of humour (you and lewis are the fucken Dream Team) i also Love your art like ?? its a really good style brent. and if i wasnt supposed to be saving money for iceland/uni i would be comissioning you an unfortunate amount of times i know you dont always feel appreciated but trust me when i say you absolutely are nd if you ever need to talk to anyone or just vent shit at then like. hit me up youre really important to me so i want to make sure youre okay!!!!
 like i said earlier sorry if i missed people !! i love you all :* 
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pearlrebs · 8 years
I guess i wasnt very clear. Easy to seem angry over the internet unintentionally. I mean to say; rebs url (a small thing) represented something to us. Xe left and we all really miss xer. Xe mattered to us and was a special part of tjlc. 1/8
In many peoples eyes this is an aggressive act. Im sure that you can see at least a little how we would see it that way. 2/8
I wasnt implying that you are not queer or that i hate queers. i was saying that, this is the internet, im not going to always believe everything everyone tells me. 3/8
Most queers i know, try and stick together despite our differences. And the fact that you seem very angry (could be reading into it) at a group of people who are predominately queer tells me that you COULD be something other than queer. 4/8
As you yourself said this is just a tv show...but its more than that isnt it? Why you spend so much thought throwing shade at rebs or the tjlcers or whoever, tells me that theres something else going on and that it is important. 5/8
banding together with like-minded people is the solution to the political shitfest we are in. I'd like to think that we could work thru our differences to reach our common goals assuming, we have common goals. (if im wrong, please let me know) 6/8
I dont see myself as a victim, im only sad. not in a pitying way. Its hard to describe. You were probably the victim of an angry tjlcer on here or witnessed the chaos and theres really no excuse for hatefullness (im admonishing my own camp here). 7/8
debate, yes, but never being mean just to be mean. That doesnt get anyone anywhere. I hope this makes sense and im not trying to offend you. I just think life is too short to hate. And its sad that there has been much on here. 8/8
I’m actually not angry, I think it’s all kinda funny. Though I do try my best to respond seriously to serious messages. The “go fuck yourself”s will always be met with a “sounds good,” but when someone takes the time to send a message like this, I tend to pay attention. Anyways...
First you say you’re not going to always believe everything everyone tells you, then you turn around and say that the tj//lc group is predominantly queer. Who’s telling you that? Hard evidence? Demographics data? A census taken by a neutral third party to determine age range and sexuality, and what direction they believe the show should go? As I answered someone before: anecdotal evidence is inadmissible in science and court for a reason. Of course since you’re a lesbian (a factoid gleaned from your profile, but if this is inaccurate, please inform me. But I could easily say you’re not, but I don’t, because when someone tells me they’re queer, I believe them, who the hell wants to be in a [most places on the globe] hated minority? [by “hated,” I mean high risk of murder, bullying, and homelessness, and possibly being a criminal act depending on where you live]), your experience is going to be skewed towards finding other queer people. You think the group is predominantly queer people, but from the outside looking in, even as a queer person, I’ve mostly seen a bunch of straight women geeking over two middle aged white dudes possibly touching dicks, and using “representation” as a mask. I haven’t mingled with your community — I’ve got my own, who are and aren’t queer all the same.
And again, I say that with full knowledge that it is anecdotal evidence from my viewpoint and experience. I could be wrong. But that doesn’t mean you’re right either. 
Moving on. Most queer people (I don’t like the term “queers” personally, but as a queer person, you can reclaim that word however you want) you know stick together despite the differences. Okay. But if our difference is that you don’t think I deserve rights, or that my life is somehow worth less than a straight person’s (voting Dump/Pence, specifically Mike Pence, who would rather a gay person go to a conversion camp — where the risk of suicide is nearly 70% — than be gay), then that’s not a “difference.” That’s almost a hate crime (and it actually is in some countries). 
I assume you and I have similar goals — stop the carney-handed mango. I assume all but the 14% of LGBT people who did vote for that cheeto in a wig, do. Hence why I make a point of saying I don’t hate Rebs as a person (although the fact that xer Patreon is still up, and xe’s still collecting money, despite the fact xe’s publicly declared xe has no intention on ever making videos again, and even taking the existing ones down, is a little less than the perfect angel everyone is insisting that xe is). 
Tbh, maybe I tend to befriend more queer people irl, but you know what else is important? Straight allies. To me, being LGBT+ is a description of where I put my genitals/my gender identity, and I don’t exactly bond with people over that. A shared struggle, yes, and if I see a queer person being bullied, I will step in. I can support a gay man’s rights, even if that gay man is going out there campaigning for the orangutan in a suit (and some did). I’ll say he should be allowed to get married to whoever he wants, and when his Nazi buddies turn on his ass, I’ll be helping him find a visa out of here, but dear Ahura Mazda, I wouldn’t be caught dead having a beer with him. In fact, they most criticism I’ve ever gotten for being trans, is from other trans people. Yes, they should have rights, but fuck them as individuals, holy shit, don’t tell me how to transition. You can be trans (or any LGBT+) and still be a shitty person. 
But like... about 10%-15% of people are queer. 10%-15% of people couldn’t have voted for our rights and won. Meaning we have a ton of straight people on our side. And that’s what we are: we’re people. I love Steven Universe and pizza. I’ll find people that love Steven Universe and pizza that didn’t vote for literally satan. 
I’ve personally never been wronged by a hateful tj//lcer. But as you pointed out, there was a lot of hatefulness that was slung around. I watched as people attacked Mark Gatiss for not making their ship canon, or call him straight (they really care about representation, don’t they? /s), attacked other queer ships, tags, bullied some other queer shippers into self-harm, etc. 
No, that wasn’t you doing any of that, and that wasn’t anything you participated in... This blog really isn’t about you, I don’t know why you’re so sad about it. This is about everyone’s actions that I’m starting to suspect we both found deplorable. Though I guess if you were a close follower of Rebs, you hated Mary from second one, which was really uncalled for (hate her for shooting Sherlock — I don’t, but it’s a reason — but that didn’t happen until we knew her for two whole episodes, half of a third, and she was just a lovely person until that exact moment). 
The thing is, it IS just a show to me. I’m just responding to hate until I get bored with it. But tj//lc it became so much more to a bunch of people, and that’s why it got so toxic. 
Again, THE PROBLEM is tj//lcers were demanding representation from a show, and writers, who were always honest that they weren’t going to give it. At least not in the way they wanted (and when it wasn’t in the way they wanted, they had tantrums, which is why I say: it was never about “representation” for some of them.). Rebs, even if it started as just a hobby, quickly became, and fed into this mass conspiracy that ultimately did end up hurting a lot of people. Possibly including xerself. That’s why I don’t feel bad taking your symbol: it is just a show, everyone had prior warning that jxhnlock wouldn’t happen, so the conspiracy was always just going to be fanfiction, and Rebs did some shitty things. 
The way people are freaking out... they need to get over it. Or if not, okay, soak in grief forever over a fictional ship, but there’s probably better ways of dealing with all this besides sending me hate. Because honestly, what does anyone hope to accomplish by sending me hate? Me to delete? Sure, let’s say I did that. Jxhnlock isn’t going to be any more canon, and Rebs isn’t going to be any less wrong, and all of the hate xe encouraged is still going to be out there. Oh, and I’ll keep responding, which really just makes it worse. 
Had people just ignored me — never sent any messages — there would be precisely one post on this blog, which was my original announcement that I had it.
Also — what have I said that’s “hateful?” Yeah, okay, I called rebs a “twat” for being a misogynist, I thought it was delightfully ironic, having a misogynistic slur juxtaposed next to that observation (like saying, “don’t fucking swear”), but no one got the joke, so I took it down. But otherwise? Saying John Watson is Straight is just a fact. Jxhnlock never happened, and since it didn’t, the insistence that he’s bisexual has no standing. He’s always said, “I’m not gay.” I never took that to mean he was saying, “I’m not gay, but I like men, I’m bisexual/pansexual.” Jeez, no, if he was part of the community at all, I imagine he’d let it pass, rather than get angry about the assumption (like Sherlock does, who is, said by the writers, to be neither gay nor straight. In fact, I’ve often heard that if you’re a good straight ally, it means not being upset if people assume you’re gay for standing up with them — so in some interpretation, he’s actually a bit homophobic). I’ve also pointed out that xe was wrong, which xe is. My banner is of Gatiss confirm jxhnlock wasn’t happening again — this is a thing that happened. Are facts “hateful” now? 
Also... “life is too short to hate.” I mean... I think I’ve got enough life left in me to hate the sentient tire fire that uses too much fake tan cream, and the apparent resurgence of Nazis in America. Don’t you? Shouldn’t you? 
tj//cers are definitely not on that level, but I don’t hate them, is the thing. I said this before: I hate no one in particular, just what the legacy produced. 
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