#i wish i gave wriggle a shiny butt
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after a long hiatus i have returned with the imperishable night girlies...
individuals under cut
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diaco1968 · 4 years
Ice Ice baby
Wanted!Shoto Todoroki x hero!reader
Basically a request from my friend :D
Don't you just want to see this powerful boy helpless?
Warning! Cuffs. Handjob, orgasm denial
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You navigated your way through the dark unnaturally cold alley ways. A thin layer of frost on the ground, looking as if someone recklessly dropped white paint and the droplets freely scattered all around. Except it was droplets of glowing delicate ice. Mid summer. You smirked as you followed the trail, getting more and more certain that you were closing in on the person you've been looking for as the tempreture dropped.
Your squad back there was absolutely demolished by this guy. Every last one of the idiots frozen in place in mere seconds and he just walked away from their pitiful pleas like he just swatted a bunch of flies. The thought made you click your tongue irked. 'Useless bunch of total morons.'
"Came for more?" He had his back to you, his head slightly turned to the side as he kept you in his line of vision, without actually having his eyes on you. Not to your liking, you'd much rather he have his attention on you and nothing else.
"More? More what? Your tiny little popsicles?"
That caught his attention as he turned towards you with a raised eyebrow. Truth was he was confused how you managed to escape his initial ice attack. Unless you were not there at the time he froze those heroes to the ground. Not a problem, you'd get a taste of his 'tiny little popsicles' soon enough.
"I wish I could stay and chat, but I don't have time for this ma'am." He raised his right hand, a harsh freezing breeze shooting off his fingers and turning into sharp ice around your feet on the ground. You inspected your heavy ice boots rooting you to the ground, then your eyes moved up to his arm, and just like you expected little patches of frost had already started to appear as he used his quirk again."farewell." He started to turn and walk away but the sound of ice cracking had him snap his eyes back on you surprised.
"Not gonna even tell me that I shouldn't move, or my frozen legs are gonna break and come off?" You said as you effortlessly pulled your other leg free from the shattered ice completely unbothered. Looking up at his surprised eyes you gave him a haughty smirk "I think you do have some time to spare now, what says you?"
He narrowed his eyes as he looked down to your legs then back up at your face "somone is not bothered by ice, I see. No problem. Got just the thing for you. You have a pretty face. Pity." He lifted his left hand this time and before you could react, a burning flame flew past your cheek making you wince quietly. More so from the shock than anything. "Ouch, going straight for the face, are we? Not very polite of you." You rubbed your cheek lightly before removing your hand garing at him, secretly loving the way his smugness wavering and fading.
'Nothing!?' His gaze was intenese as he looked for any sign of burn on your cheek, but there was none. How can one be immune to both Ice and fire?! He had never had to face this problem before and as much as he tried to hide his anxious expression, his face was slightly off. He looked nervous. You offered him an evil grin. Too evil looking for a pro hero. "Where did your sharp wit go now?"
He clicked his tongue annoyed as he raised both hands, launching himself at you. You didn't know what he was going to throw at you, but it didn't matter. It's not like you had to block or repel anything. Truth be told, You did take damage, you were just too quick to heal for him to notice that. He did not hold back on you with both his quirks.
His whole body was shaking and mostly covered in now a thick layer of frost as he froze you to the ground again, raising his left hand but all that emitted from it was a puff of visualized air from the contrast of cold and hot, with a pitiful dying hiss. "Damnit..." he breathed out too cold to do more now, you had made him over exert his limits and yourself had barely broken a sweat.
"Aw, what was that?" You chuckled as the familiar sound of cracking ice echoed off the walls of the dead end signalling you were free of your icy binds once again. "Are you done yet?" You walked to him slowly and intimidatingly. He tried to step back but his body was too cold and heavy for him to move.
"Looks like you are done." You said smugly as you pulled the quirk nullifying cuffs out, making quick work of binding his arms behind his back. His jaw was clenched as he tried to stop his teeth from colliding due to the cold. "So what now? Turning me in, little lady?"
You raised an eyebrow giving him a look as if he had said the most stupid thing in the world. From close up you could see why he was known as the Todoroki masterpiece. Not only his double quirk was very outstanding, he looked like such a unique specimen. Two colored eyes, each deep, sharp and threatening enough to make you lose yorself in 2 completely different worlds. A mop of two colored hair you were sure no one else could pull off withouth looking like a clown. A burnt scar on his left eye adding to his mature expression. Peculiarly handsome.
Now, you would normally hand him over, like he had logically assumed. But, at the very moment there was no need. The crimes he was wanted for were pesky little things, no murder or anything, more like an honourable thief. It was the person who wanted him caught that was a big fish otherwise he wouldn't even have to get wanted at all. And honestly you couldn't begin to give a flying fuck about what a big fish wanted.
You smiled and much to his surprise pushed him down flat on his butt, his back hitting the wall and he hissed out annoyed, but soon was distracted as you pushed his torso forward and re-did the cuff, his hands now bound behind him to a pipe. "... you are a pro hero, right?" He looked up at you suspiciously with narrowed eyes, getting a deep chuckle in reply.
IsgoungWht You raised your foot and even though he thought you were going to kick him, he refused to flinch away. However he jumped as you brought your foot down lightly resting it on his crotch, adding more of your weight till you were bent down to his eye level resting your elbow on your knee "You bet I am."
He groaned, frowning as his eyes darted between your foot and your face, annoyed but intrigued. "Your guidelines seem to have changed quite a bit from what I remem-Ngh!" Both his knees jerked up a bit at the sudden add of pressure.
You only smiled at him, running the back of your fingers over his jaw and under his chin, raising his head a bit "now that you've found time, you're actually chatty, huh?"
He puffed out his cheeks and glared up at you.
"what do you want?"
"Now we're talking." You grinned and removed your foot, sitting in between his legs "I have no intention of turning you in to that prick that wants you."
He studied your face carefully "... that much is clear."
You gently put your hand over his mouth and rolled your eyes "shhh I'm talking." You removed your hand raising an eyebrow and daring him to talk, but he remained unfazed and quiet. "Good. You see, what you did back there to my squad doesn't sit right with me, so what we're gonna do is you endure a bit of humiliation then I let you walk free. It's a win-win scenario, trust me. Deal?"
He didn't look one bit like he trusted you as he scrunched up his nose and raised an eyebrow "I don't know, doesn't look like I have a choice."
Your grin widened significantly and you nestled comfortably between his legs looking throughly at his outfit for the first time. Black skinny jeans with a loose short sleeved shirt. Casual. You ran your palm up his bare arm, brushing off some of the frost that still persistently lingered. Your other hand wandered up his shirt curiously, fingers lingering on his prominent abs a little too long.
"You're weird."
He said maintaining a very intense eye contact. You rolled your eyes "you think?" He opened his mouth to retort but snapped it shut to suppress a surprised yelp, that instead escaped his lips in a strangled grunt as you pinched his left nipple hard.
You chuckled at the glare he shot you "oh wow, perky, are we? Is it for the cold?" Your hands moved down his body, fingers nimbly undoing his jeans. Eyeing him mischievously as he tried to discretely wriggle away from you to no avail "relax, I can warm you up."
"I'm fine, I don't need-..." he trailed off, watching curiously as you palmed him through the fabric of his underwear, running your fingers up and down his length, his leg jumping lightly in reflex as you squeezed down a bit too harshly, clicking his tongue annoyed once more. "I still have no idea what you want from me..." he grumbled eyes not leaving your hand as it dived inside to fetch his hardening cock, delicate fingers wrapping around it and lazily pumping up and down. "Improvise. You'll get it eventually." Your thumb rubbed over the head, squeezing a bead of precum out of it and smearing it around the tip. He hissed out a breath, twitching in your hand.
"Shit..." he did have a vague idea about what you wanted him to do but there was something oddly arousing about being helplessly bound to a pipe in a dead end at such a intriguing character's mercy.
He bit his lower lip to suppress his low grunts and moans, closing his eyes as your hand sped up, your other hand joining in to cup his balls and squeeze softly. His hips were bucking in your hands, abs bulging and rippling lightly in sync with your touch, covered in a thin layer of shiny sweat droplets. If his quirks weren't cancelled, he would be smoking with heat. Just as he was seeing white from the pleasure you stopped.
He threw his head back with a quiet sigh, opening his eyes "I should've known." He said with a breathy voice as he caught his breath.
You nod laughing at him teasingly "yeah you should've. Those sounds you make are very sexy though. Almost got me going too." He raised his head and smirked at you smugly "maybe you should give it a shot then?"
You shrugged your shoulders "tell me what I want to hear and I'll consider."
He chewed the inside of his cheek before finally giving up "...please." voice barely louder than a whisper.
"We've been over this, not enough." You scolded again. He sighed loudly "pleease!"
You smiled softly at him making him even more annoyed.
"please what?"
He narrowed his eyes at you before looking at you pleadingly "please finish me off and let me cum."
You grinned "nope, see you around, pretty boy." As you stood up and turned on your heels to leave.
"Wait what!? Not gonna Finish what you started?!"
you looked over your shoulder. It was the first time he looked this distressed
"I will. Later. We will meet again."
He growled and pulled at his restraints with a loud clinking noise "you can't leave me here like this! At least take these off and let me go!" He pleaded.
"I'm sure you can get out of them on your own. You're a big strong smart boy after all." You sent him a kiss from the entry of the alleyway as you winked and disappeared chuckling.
He growled hitting his head back on the pipe sitting there in silence for a while as he thought to himself.
'Strong smart boy'
'Smart boy'
"Bloody fucking hell! I'm going to get you back for this, I swear!" He grumbled angrily as he activated his ice quirk and froze the normal metal cuffs, breaking them and freeing his hands. He was basically not restrained at all this whole time! He smiled depite feeling like an idiot as he rubbed his raw wrists. He would be enthusiastically looking forward to seeing you again.
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serendipitys-lie · 5 years
Harry Hook x Reader Imagine “Trust Me” Pt. 1
Harry hook imagine
Authors note: Again I take requests on any fandoms I’m always free just ask away! This wasn’t requested but I thought about it haha :)
Also the part where you start with “I’m the girl who loves my island” is basically a passage from the reprise song that Moana sings in the movie Moana and I thought it’d be nice to include lol
Also i split this into two parts (maybe even three) because tumblr says its too long ;-;
Summary: You are the daughter of Moana and after the events of its going down you are left behind on the isle to fend for yourself. You run into Harry Hook who will end up being your best chance on getting out and along the way you will learn more about each other and grow closer in relationship.
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You woke up from your dream in a daze panting slightly. Taking in all your surroundings you realized, yes you were still in the same place and yes, that place was the isle of the lost.
Normally the isle of the lost was not a place where a princess should be, let alone the daughter of Moana herself yet you were here. You had begged the VKs to take you on their rescue trip to save your closet friend Ben who had been kidnapped on the isle. Sadly a mist the battle between pirates and royalty the group fled in a hurry and had forgotten that you were on the other side of the plank once Mal had kicked it off.
As soon as they realized their mistake they tried all they could to get you back, you assuring them you’d be fine and that they just needed to go. The last thing you saw Mal word to you was “we’ll come back for you” before they disappeared into the pipe and you fled from the pirate scene hoping to stay out of view from any villains.
That had been nearly three months ago when it occurred and they still hadn’t come… you still hadn’t left. Yet it all consisted of the same. Everyday you’d hide out in Mal’s old apartment and leave when you needed food and such making sure no villains or crew members of Uma found out there was a princess on the isle.
You had learned to steal, it wasn’t a favorite of yours but sadly you learned you’d need to do it if you were to survive anymore on this gosh forsaken dump of land. You hated it here, not for reasons many would think. You were homesick, tired, and alone. You’d give anything to be back in Auradon smiling with Ben and your friends yet, you were not.
You sighed preparing yourself to head out for the day. You put on your beige shorts, red top, white sneakers, and your signature Hawaiian flower (given to you by your mother) in your hair. Lastly you tied the look all off with a big, old, dirty cloak so no one would recognize you and you left.
You had been “shopping” around for what felt like hours before you began to grow tired. Your feet were starting to ache and you only wished to go home when something shiny had caught your attention from the corner of your eye. You quickly turned to see the object more clearly and couldn’t help but feel your curiosity grow. You definitely felt your mother’s childlike wonder grow in you more and more as you inched closer now in a more secluded area of the alleyways.
You had decided that you’d just take the item and be on your way. Yes stealing was wrong and always would be but you only ever stole food and you didn’t see why you couldn’t steal for your own pleasure for once. And so you did, you inched closer and closer till you finally grabbed the item, yanking it from its position, and running.
You ran as fast as you could feeling the wind in your hair and your cloak hood fall. You could hear footsteps approaching faster and louder and quickened your haste. When it suddenly seemed like you had won and the steps had died down you reached a dead end in a dark ally way and ran into the wall, falling to the ground with a thud and mentally cursing yourself for being so clumsy.
You were just about to get up and sprint when you suddenly felt a grip on your wrist and chills go down your spine. You were pulled to your feet and pushed in the hold of whoever had caught you. Your back was pressed against the strangers front, whoever it was clearly being taller than you and being able to keep a strong, tight grip.
You wriggled and squirmed but just could not break free of the hold they had you in. You suddenly felt a warm breath down your neck and the words, almost a haughty whisper by your ear,
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you that stealing from a pirate was a mistake?”
Your face flushed at the voice, feeling uncomfortable and hot at the same time. With one strong big push you were able to break free from your attacker, hitting the wall once more, dropping the stolen item, and falling on your butt. As you looked up, one hand shielding your eyes from the sun you saw it, those beautiful blue eyes, the shadow of the figure putting the shiny, stolen item onto his hand. you knew instantly who he was! You had recognized him from the battle to save your friend and what you had just happened to steel was his pirate hook… ouch.
“Harry Hook” you spat out.
“Well well well, you do know me. That’s a shame lass I don’t recall who you are?” He said holding one hand out to you to help you back up with a cheeky grin. As you stood up and were able to give the pirate a better look at your physique, many things seemed to finally come back to Harry.
“I know you doll, you were at the battle! To save king beastie! Oi you must be some kind of princess now aren’t ye? Let me guess lass, go on gimme a princess name” he said with a menacing grin.
You rolled your eyes at the pirate annoyed with his behavior and the fact that you had finally been caught.
“I’m not a princess, I’m the daughter of the village Chieftess. There’s a difference and frankly I’d rather if you didn’t know who I was thank you very much” you answered calmly seeing it as an opportunity to start walking away when he grabbed your arm once more and moved closer.
“Tsk tsk tsk” he began, “you’ve made two mistakes in one day lass. Never steal from a pirate and never walk away from Harry Hook. Now judging by your snarky attitude and rebellious behavior ima say your Y/N, the daughter of Moana ye?”
“H-how… how did you know that?”
“I know all royalty love, I’m a pirate, makes for good loot stealing plans.” You just simply nodded and gave him a straight face hoping he wouldnt ask why you were here.
“Now, what’s a good little lady like you doing all washed up on our shore hm? Are you lost? Stuck? Oh- oh ho ho!!!” He began chuckling and smiling all along. “Did the mean wittle villain kids leave their least favorite friend behind to rot on an island with no one but herse-“
“ENOUGH!” You yelled cutting him off by surprise but not long enough for him to smirk realizing he had gotten to you. “I chose to stay, no one left me, you can stop bothering me now.”
“Oh come on love, no one chooses to stay on this dreadful place, not even I wish to stay here, only madmen and witches. If you did so desperately wish to stay what was the reason? Did ya miss me?” He asked with a cheeky wink at the end.
You rolled your eyes and thought of a quick, untruthful, reply.
“I just wanted to know what it felt like… to fend for myself, to steal, to not be good for once. It’s not to much to ask for!” You began realizing your answer may not have been the best and quickly changing the topic. “Anyway what you did you say about even you wanting to leave?”
“Ah its true lassie, not even the most handsome devil on this island wishes to stay…” he took a seat on a barrel nearby, you taking up room next to him on some crates, listening to him begin to speak. “I wish to go to a place, I don’t expect you to know. Tis a place I come from. My sisters are there and my father, the one I am sure to make proud. I miss them… they were lucky to make it to the unreachable land were as me, I was too slow and got put here. I dream about the beautiful island everyday, a place I’d rather be with my mates and my family just chillin happily. Ah yes, what a glorious place it is… Neverland.”
You choked once hearing the last word… “Neverland”. No not Neverland. You wished to never think of that place again. You wished you’d never have to go back. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
“Only thing not too glorious about Neverland is Pan” he mumbled clearly annoyed with the thought.
“N-never. Never mention that name to me. I never want to hear of that man again, got it?” You snapped.
Hook smirked, “Finally someone who hates him as much as my family does! Welcome to the club lass! Whaddya hate em for?”
You didn’t respond. Rather than listen to Hook babble more about his “dream island” you began to think long and hard. You were tired of waiting for rescuers who were sure to never come. You needed off the island now, and you now had a better chance because you had something you didn’t have before. You had a useful persons motive.
Cutting the pirate of you stood up right in front of his sitting figure, gaining his attention and, looking dead into his serious eyes.
“Hook,” You began, “I have an idea and just hear me out. We both really want off this island for different motives but our goal is the same. To just get off the island. If you show me a way to get off the island I promise I’ll take you to Auradon and get you a way back to Neverland.” The last words leaving your mouth left a sour taste… you couldn’t go back to never land you couldn’t…
Hook was not the least to say intrigued at the idea you were proposing and didn’t know what to think. He really wanted out of this gosh darn smelly town but he didn’t know if he could trust you, yet something told him he could.
“How do I know I can trust ye?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
You paused for a second before responding with a smirk.
“You’ll just have to trust me and find out. Deal?” You said sticking your hand out towards him to shake.
He smiled for once, not a smirk but a genuine soft smile and took your hand sending tingles all over your body.
You arrived at what seemed to be like one of the far corners of the isle. A cliff that lead to a straight drop into the murky green water and the bright yellow barrier ahead. Straight across you could see a small rift in the barrier, a part that never seemed to have closed when they locked everyone up here. The hole was too small for even a human infant to fit through but barely big enough to fit a small rabbit.
“That’s our ticket,” Harry whispered behind you sending shivers down once again, man he really loved doing that.
“I’ve known about this hole for ages but never been able to get through it, no one has. It’s just there… taunting us and all we can do is stare at it.” He stated looking at the small tear coldly. You studied more of the surrounding and found out something amazing. The ocean water in the isle never listened to your call despite being friends with the ocean, it was like this water was hypnotized or poisoned. But the water just outside the hole was still blue and filled with life… what if…
“I can get us through,” you said to Harry. “Just umm…” you trailed off looking around. You grabbed him by the arm and sat him on a wooden fence not that far from the cliff. He seemed amused watching you walk back to the edge with excitement. As you reached the side you could feel his wandering eyes on you and just picture his evil smirk.
“YOU KNOW IT DOESNT HELP WHEN I CAN FEEL YOU STARING AT ME!!!” You yelled back at him not even turning around to know.
“Well excuuuuseee meee princess!” He said sarcastically with another huge smirk knowing he had gotten to you again and turning to face the other side of the fence.
You began to feel more calm and at peace. You took a deep breath and tried what had always worked before, you began to sing.
“I’m the girl who loves my island I’m the girl who loves the sea It calls me”
Harry rolled his eyes seeing as it was clearly no time for karaoke. He began to open his mouth to speak for you to knock off the foolishness but stopped as he felt the passion in your beautiful voice grow stronger.
“I am the grandaughter of the village chief We are descended from voyagers Who found their way across the world They call me”
You began to look out onto the horizon and sure enough the ocean seemed to be moving but as you had remembered! Your friend was listening to your pleas!
“I’ve delivered us to where we are I have journeyed farther I am everything I’ve learned and more Still it calls me”
You began to feel a smile creep on more and more on to your face as you watched the ocean rise higher and higher to greet you. Harry not being able to stand not knowing what was going on turned around to witness a giant mass of water squeezing through the rift in the barrier and reaching up to your forehead as if to give you a kiss. To say he was baffled was an understatement.
“And the call isn’t out there at all, it’s inside me It’s like the tide; always falling and rising”
You witnessed your great grandmother, a beautiful spirit Manta Ray leap into the air and splash into the water. You were filled with so much passion and determination tears began to brim your eyes.
“I will carry you here in my heart you’ll remind me That come what may I know the way I am Y/N!!!!”
With the last words you sang, you began to walk backwards a reasonable amount preparing to do the unthinkable. It took Harry less than a second to realize what you were about to do. Oh no, a fall from this height was certain death, there was no way.
Harry reached out to grab your arm but barely missed as you had already sprinted off the cliff and into the waters down below making a huge splash into the mass of crystal clear waves that were still floating.
You began to laugh happily, content to be with an old friend again. After what felt like ages to Harry and seconds to you the ocean hoisted you back up onto the cliff just enough for you to reach your hand out to Harry.
“Let’s go home.” You smiled at him extending your hand for him to grab. He reached out to grab your hand when a booming voice scared the three of you.
“HARRY!!!!” It screeched really loudly. You saw her surprised eyes and remembered instantly. How could you not… Uma.
The ocean immediately became frightened and set you down safely back onto the cliff with Harry, scattering it’s way back through the hole and far, far, away. However it wasn’t fast enough for Uma to notice you could have just found a way out for her.
“Well well well,” she began. “What do we have here? Little y/n! Daughter of the stupid ocean girl… blah blah blah. Grab her.” You suddenly were grabbed on both sides and couldn’t move. You tried struggling but nothing seemed to be able to break you free.
Uma began to circle you as she spoke. “Little poor y/n. Far away from her precious royal friends and even farther from her precious island! How cute! I’ve been rotting on this island for longer than you’ve been alive sweet pea and I was starting to lose all hope off getting off after that whole Mal and Ben fiasco. But now… now it seems fate has brought me something. You. And I’m not failing this time.”
Fear struck your heart listening to her speak “what are you going to do?” You asked. “Kill me?”
“Oh dear” she laughed maniacally. “Of course not… I wouldn’t dream of hurting you! Besides I still need you alive if I am to leave this wretched place, let’s just hope you’re really worth something.” She finished having gotten closer to your face and grabbing your mother’s flower from your hair.
No. You could feel the panic attack setting in. You needed the flower. It couldn’t leave you! It would protect you!
“UMA!” You begged and shouted. “PLEASE DONT TAKE IT FROM ME NO!!! PLEASE!!!! IT WAS MY MOTHERS YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO ME!! GIVE IT BACK PLEASE PLEASE!!!” You screeched, sounding like you were calling for bloody murder. The sobs became harder and the panic began to set in all the while pleas and begs leaving your mouth.
“You’re so cute when you beg!” She laughed evilly. “Harry, lock her up.”
You turned to look at Harry, your bloodshot eyes and sobs escaping your mouth directed right at him. Harry didn’t know why but he could feel his heart break and it broke even more when he heard the next words leave your mouth.
“t-traitor! TRAITOR!!!!!” You screamed. “I TRUSTED YOU! GIVE IT BACK PLEASE I CANT BE WITHOUT IT PLEASE!!! I HATE YOU TRAITOR!!!!” You cried all the way to your cell, Harry having to cover his ears with his hands and his heart with a mask.
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