#i wish i was able to get a screenshot of his clone on the cross cause hot damn that was absolutely insane
the first person to draw some thirsty fanart of rick in this look is going to the top of my will
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129 notes · View notes
cruelfeline · 4 years
Anyone who hangs about Twitter potentially saw an unfortunate Hordak take cross their timelines today. 
As is custom on this blog, I’ll be taking it apart for my own personal amusement (and for the amusement of any of y’all who like to watch me do so). I doubt the poster will see this, as they’re on Twitter and not apparently on here, but in case they do: this is for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of followers; it absolutely does not need to be responded to if that’s not your cup of tea. 
So, that little disclaimer in place, let’s see what we can make of this! Because this is on Medium, I’ll be using screenshots as quotes; just a heads-up.
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So... this first bit isn’t really anything Hordak-related. It’s more... fandom drama, I suppose? Not really something I can pick apart. I can, however, give my own personal opinion on this sort of thing, for what it’s worth.
It’s true that people can and should be able to feel whichever way they wish about a character. And to talk about that character. 
However: it is also true that people who dislike Hordak can be very unpleasant in making that known to those of us who enjoy him. Including descending into personal insults for no discernible reason. Add to that the fact that his character means a great deal to some fans for intensely personal reasons, and it is not difficult to see why some fans aren’t keen to see anti-Hordak content on their timelines, in their mentions, etc.
Censoring character hate isn’t a requirement, but in some circumstances, it can simply be a polite thing to do. It doesn’t take great effort, and it prevents people from experiencing just another bit of unpleasantness on their social media. And if you don’t want to do it? Well, that’s your right; but don’t be shocked when people voice their displeasure by replying to your words. Because that is their right.
And that’s all I really have to say about that. 
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Odd way to phrase things, really. These aren’t “reasons to forgive.” The first two scenes involve Catra’s asphyxiations and are things that would need to be forgiven, not things to forgive.
Though, y’know, I really only apply that to the first scene, where he assaults her without her necessarily doing anything wrong. Mind you, I believe he does it out of a combination of needing to maintain a hierarchy for safety purposes (this is a man who needs people to be afraid of him to maintain his own safety) and poor leadership skills mimicked from a narcissist, but it’s still a terrible thing.
However! The second time? After he asks her about Shadow Weaver? This isn’t torture-fun-times. This is Hordak neutralizing a threat to the entire Horde. Because that is what Catra is in this moment: a threat to the security and wellbeing of him and the entirety of the Fright Zone. She lies about a critical mistake. She proves herself to not only have poor judgment in serious matters, but to be very willing to lie about it in order to guard her own selfish motives. While I can’t condone the method Hordak uses, I do wish people would stop using this second instance of punishment as some sort of proof-of-torture. He does not do this for no reason. He does it because Catra released a dangerous prisoner into the wild and lied about it. And his concerns over it ultimately prove correct.
This entire qualification doesn’t have much to do with whether he deserves forgiveness or not, but it’s a point I want to make because it combats this idea that Hordak did this to an innocent girl “for no reason” or “just to be cruel.” That’s simply not the case; no matter how unpleasant the method, Hordak is a military leader punishing a subordinate for seriously endangering him and everyone else in the organization. Badly. I don’t know what the equivalent would be in modern military, but Catra’s error is massive. It doesn’t make what Hordak does right, but it does give a reason other than a simple “he’s a bad, bad man.” So.
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Adding this scene is... actually kind of odd because he doesn’t really do anything to Adora here. And also: this scene is... what’s the word... meaningful-in-hindsight, so to speak. Essentially: in this scene, Adora is claiming that Hordak is responsible for stealing her, for robbing her of a peaceful life with her family. And Hordak is claiming that he neither knows nor cares who she is, and that she does not matter to him. 
The interesting aspect of this scene, and something that OP fails to acknowledge at all, is that both Adora and Hordak are wrong.
let’s see if I can talk about this without crying... nope, already starting to tear up
Hordak never stole Adora; Light Hope did. Hordak did not orchestrate this unfortunate life for her. Rather, Hordak, a lost clone dealing with his own insecurities and fears and problems, found an equally lost infant in a field and gave her the only home he really knew how to create (and one that, for its flaws, was still better than the absolute nightmare he was “raised” in). In all likelihood, given Light Hope’s lack of understanding of infants, he probably saved Adora’s life by doing this: without him, she may well have perished alone in that field.
Hordak likewise does remember her, eventually. And she is not inconsequential to him: by saving her, he ends up saving himself, and all of his brothers. By forging this near-unknown bond with her all those years ago, by choosing to take in an infant rather than letting her die, he plays a key role in deciding the fate of the universe. 
This scene that OP sarcastically claims is a reason Hordak shouldn’t be forgiven has a sibling:
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The fact that OP apparently fails to recognize this and realize that these are the only two moments in the series during which Adora and Hordak directly interact, that they’re a pair, means that OP misses the connection between the two and the significance of how they misjudge one another initially. It indicates a lack of understanding of the themes of the show: themes centered around connections with other people, love, and forgiveness. Which, given the contents of this essay, is unsurprising.
Moving on!
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Y’know, whether or not one believes, in terms of definition, that Hordak is a colonizer (I personally don’t for pedantic and clone-cult reasons, but that’s not really relevant to this post), it’s interesting that OP notes how Stevenson confirms that he is... but conveniently leaves out the part where she confirms that he did it because he was brainwashed.
That’s... an important piece of information to leave out when discussing whether Hordak should be forgiven or not. A very important piece.
And it doesn’t really matter whether he’s a colonizer or a conqueror; the reason it comes up is because people seem very stuck in the mindset of “if it’s a colonizer, it must die” without acknowledging any sort of nuance. There’s also the question of whether what Hordak did actually caused the same sort of upheaval and lasting damage we see resulting from legitimate colonization, and all of the implications of that, but this isn’t really the place to go into that. Honestly, I don’t really think SPoP as a whole is the place to go into that.
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No. Hordak is not the person who taught her all of these things. 
Shadow Weaver is.
Hordak did not personally teach her that Princesses are evil. He did not teach her that wanton cruelty is fine in getting one’s own way. He did not feed her propaganda. 
Actually, as an aside: can we even confirm that Catra ever thought that Princesses where evil? I mean... she works with Scorpia, and she has no apparent morals to speak of. She does as she wishes for her own personal gain, not because she displays any sense of “fighting the evil Princesses.” And in terms of disposing of Entrapta because she was “manipulated” into viewing Princesses as evil: Catra disposes of everyone. She manipulates and uses everyone. That is one of the key aspects of her arc: she uses and abuses people for personal gain. She does this whether they are Princesses or not: just see Lonnie, Rogelio, and Kyle. Add to this the fact that Catra, from the first season, knows that she and Adora have been lied to, manipulated, and that the Horde is in fact evil, and... this entire line of reasoning falls apart. 
None of this is an attempt to “absolve Hordak of blame.” Hordak just... legitimately had no hand in raising any of the children. That was not his role (and while I know that this was confirmed by Stevenson at some point, I don’t have memory of where; potentially the last podcast?). And Catra did not operate on any sort of propaganda that she actually believed in: she simply used and disposed of people as she saw fit because she cared more about her own rise to power than she did about those around her. This was one of her major character flaws, and really? Trying to pin this on Hordak, or even fully pin it on Shadow Weaver? It absolves Catra of the blame, of the intentional bad choices she made (as emphasized by Adora) and thus weakens her entire arc.
All in all: Hordak may have created a poor environment for the raising of children, but of note is the fact that only Catra turns out this way. The other kids, whatever their problems, are not in the habit of manipulating friends, lying to them, using them, and then tossing them aside. That is a Catra Problem. Part of this can be attributed to Shadow Weaver (who only treated Catra in the poorest way), and part of it is just... Catra being not-the-best.
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All right. Now we get to the really disingenuous portion of the essay.
First, as just stated: Hordak is not Catra’s abuser. Shadow Weaver is. Hordak had no hand in raising her. Hordak did not direct Shadow Weaver to abuse her. Hordak did not personally feed Catra anti-Princess propaganda, and even if he had, we know by the first season that Catra sees through whatever propaganda she was exposed to and has no actual moral objections to Princesses. But that’s not the main aspect of this portion that irks me. 
The main aspect that irks me is that this is not the scene Hordak stans mark as abusive. And I cannot imagine that OP does not know this.
But let’s talk about this scene, for a moment, before getting to the actual, legitimate abuse.
OP talks about his scene almost flippantly: “Hordak finds out Catra lied about Entrapta, he becomes angry and attacks her with a clear plan to kill her.”
Yes. Yes, he "becomes angry.” He becomes angry and attacks because as far as he knows, Catra killed Entrapta. This isn’t some annoyed “you lied to me!” moment. He legitimately thinks Entrapta is dead because Catra sent her to Beast Island. OP just blissfully glosses over the fact that Hordak is attacking Catra in rage and grief because Catra, as far as either of them know, killed his only friend and then lied about it for approximately a year. Like... how do you gloss over that in discussing this scene? How do you gloss over the enormity of what Catra did, and the unimaginable pain Hordak experiences when finding out?
So. The writeup of this scene is poor. It misses all of the emotion, all of the reality of what Catra did and what Hordak felt. But! That’s not even the unfortunate part of this portion. Let’s get to the real disingenuity.
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This is the abusive scene. This is that stomach-turning moment when Catra removes a disabled man’s ability to move with dignity and without pain solely to force him to escalate a war for her own personal benefit.
Hordak is not a danger to her here. Hordak has not been a danger to her for a while because he has been holed up in his private quarters, trying to deal with the emotional fallout of Entrapta supposedly betraying him. He wants nothing to do with Catra. He wants to lick his wounds and gather himself and somehow heal from this deep personal pain that’s been inflicted upon him.
And that’s a problem for Catra because it stands in the way of her using the war as a way to best Adora.
So Catra identifies Hordak’s physical weakness and exploits it for the purpose of spiting her ex.
The fact that OP completely fails to acknowledge any of this is... well. Disingenuous. Absolutely so.
The next portion of the essay talks about people feeling that Catra was too easily forgiven and isn’t really Hordak-centric; I won’t really go into it here. Moving forward:
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Ah, one of the most annoying questions I see asked. Let’s, again, acknowledge and move past the fact that Hordak was not actually Catra’s abuser...
When, pray tell, was Hordak supposed to show this remorse? When? While he was serving on Prime’s ship, trying to forget the pain of losing Entrapta, of failing to prove himself, of losing everything? Should he have done it while screaming in agony in the purification pool? Should he have done so while alone on Prime’s ship, trying to serve quietly while piecing together his memories?
Not only was Hordak simply not in a position, narratively, to go into a whole remorse bit, but he had other problems. Like, life-endangering problems. 
The appropriate time to go into his feelings on Etheria and the Princesses and All of That would have been after Prime’s defeat, upon Hordak’s re-introduction to Etheria... but then the show ended. So.
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Agh, vulgar. Taking a brainwashed, conditioned slave and bastardizing his triumph at finally seeing himself as a real person, instead claiming that his intent was to glorify his own misdeeds. No. Just... no.
Again: this is not the time for guilt. And it is a demonstration of why guilt and remorse were not front-and-center in Hordak’s arc during season five: his arc was about finally realizing that he was his own person, a person worthy of identity and love and care and freedom. And this arc culminated in him separating himself from his abuser and declaring his personhood. 
That is what this scene is: not Hordak reveling in his makeshift empire, or in the terrible deeds he’d committed, but in declaring himself his own person. 
I should hope that he is proud of doing that. I’m proud of him for doing that daunting feat, of defeating his abuser and defying his god and recognizing that he is worthy of more than what Prime thought of him. And I recognize Entrapta’s role in it: not as the sole inspiration for his change, but as someone who showed him a foundation of love and acceptance, someone who introduced him to the idea that he was worthy of care and happiness and affection simply because he was a living being, no strings attached.
Trying to shoehorn in some sort of claim that this is about pride in his misdeeds, rather than joy at finally accepting his own sense of self is a massive misinterpretation of this scene, a misunderstanding of Entrapta’s role in Hordak’s arc, and... can I say it’s disingenuous again? Because I’m going to: it’s disingenuous.
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All right; we’re at the end. And while the first sentence here is something I absolutely agree with - the decision to forgive Hordak is personal and subjective both for viewers and for in-show characters - the whole conclusion falls apart from there.
It highlights another glaring omission from OP’s arguments: the fact that Hordak is a brainwashed clone slave.
Hordak did not choose to “spend his life trying to prove his worth to Horde Prime.” He did not choose the method of said proving: that Prime would look kindly upon conquering rather than some other task. And he did not choose to have certain concepts and ideas (all beings must suffer to become pure; all creatures, no matter how small, have a place in service of Horde Prime; failure is when something ceases to serve a purpose) conditioned into him.
Hordak was manufactured as a cultist slave. He was “born” with hardware implanted into his body against his will to better control him. He was indoctrinated and brainwashed to the point that he believed that Horde Prime was his literal god - and in a way, Prime was, because he could mentally invade and possess and physically control the clones whenever he wished. 
Hordak was not allowed to have a sense of self. He was not allowed to have a name. He was not allowed to express emotions. He was not allowed to live without that life serving to glorify Horde Prime. Hordak was so absolutely sick with this mentality that he saw himself as a failure due to physical disability and assumed it was his responsibility to fix that. 
The idea that Hordak simply chose to do what he did, that he had the same foundational morality and mindset as any “normal” person might, shows a glaring lack of understanding even the basics of his narrative. 
Yes: Hordak did bad things. But he did them for legitimately tragic, nigh-horrifying reasons that this essay just ignores for the sake of... I don’t know? Trying to justify OP’s distaste for the character? I am uncertain. But it’s a mark of a poor essay, of a poor understanding of the character, and is honestly just disappointing to read when the show itself tries so hard to drive home its wonderful, hopeful themes through Hordak’s story.
Whether one forgives Hordak or not is one’s personal choice, but I certainly hope one makes said choice with better insight into his character than this essay provides.
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“So Happy Together” Analysis
i don’t sleep
tl;dr: tbh not much to go off on about. i think we see a new skin for Iron Bear, one with some stripes. amara smiles, i do talk a little bit about little sisters in bioshock but tbh i think this was all just a stylistic choice lol. oh and handsome jack’s masks- probably Mount Jackmore. i don’t want to get to freaked out over jack returning, but damn gearbox lol u had me there for a second. im pretty sure it’s just a reused cut quest from bl2 that they never got to implement. 
EDIT: here’s all the cut content in bl2 (plus all the non-cut content as well for funsies). you can go to the cut quests and see the audio files for claptrap’s jackmore quest
holy shit can i just vomit all my emotions rn, they’re all good so imma do that so im rational when i start analyzing stuff okay? okay! 
holy shit that was fucking great and im really glad i tempered my expectations to something smaller than i thought because i feel bad for people expecting something huge, i was under the assumption we’d be getting a new mechanic that was like ‘choose ur +1 and they’ll be able to play the game with you if you’re both online even if they don’t have the game’ which was what someone said on reddit. altho im sure the poor company is gonna get spammed now with hate like ‘WTF YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE BUILT THIS UP AAAA’. not to lie, i was slightly disappointed it wasn’t a longer stream, but i mean if they’ve got nothing to announce, they’ve got nothing to announce and HEY! new trailer!!! gonna be combing thru on the assumption this has some easter eggs like the MoM trailer did, just in case. i thought it was a cute trailer, gearbox never explicitly said what it was gonna be, a lot people all just assumed what was gonna happen was a demo/beta which sucks so i hope this doesn’t negatively impact people’s perspective of the game. im staying off reddit for now bc when i first checked it people were pretty pissed and i dun need that negativity lmao
okay! emotions are LOCKED behind closed doors. i am shifting into study mode. here we go boys/girls/those of us who know better. haven’t done one of these in a while, let’s see if im rusty at all.
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claptrap! and the skull on the chair which reminds me of tyreen’s “favorite skull”. 
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tv says “we are under attack, please stand by”
and afaik claptrap is near the beginning of the game, you can see part of the recruitment center behind him when the camera pans.
im thinking there might be something in the roses, specifically the hand-drawn roses later on in the trailer. will be keeping an eye open for that.
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this is specifically a jakobs brand chest. i really like the see-through aesthetic of it
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intro area of the game again. possible hint to the opening cutscene? tbh i was worried that’s what we were about to get because i haven’t finished the roughs of my mock up lol
so what i didn’t notice my first time through is that you can then see claptrap, also being shown in the chest
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waving up at the camera. that’s not trippy at all or anything lol
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this car in the foreground (with no one driving it, mind you)
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randomly combusts, looking quite like elpis in that one shot of the claptrap presents pandora trailer. wonder if that means it’s gonna ‘splode.
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ohhh it spins. please no spin imma get motion sick blech
shot of some cultists. one appears to have a jetpack near the bottom right there
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another explosion to the beat
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the shock wave!!!! that’s awesome
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shock nomads cultists are back. f in chat for our shields
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another cultist seconds before he gets blown to bits
it cuts to black for a secco as it moves thru said explosion
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another cultist, i assume a psycho
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finally some good fucking angles
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idk what i expected from someone who’s first action skill line i ever heard was them shouting MAGIC WALL!!! TAAAADAAAAAAAAH
as a side note
who is shooting those lasers
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we see them coming from behind the VHs, but
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there’s nothing there
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they’re coming from... the wall???
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tfw u shot urself in the foot on accident
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amara is not amused
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`is this some human custom i don’t understand yet`
also i hate that i’ve done this exact dance before when i took dance classes as a kid
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with less style of course, i was like 7
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moze is into it, hell yeah
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this reminds me a lot of Kingsman. where all the blood is like fireworks and stuff. i wonder if that has anything to do with the psycho brainwashing. like little sisters in bioshock. they see roses instead of blood, right? maybe there’s something like that going on with the psychos
i’d certainly hope our vault hunters aren’t brainwashed, anyway.
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this dude looking SHOCKED to see that tho, lmfao
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i relate to this man on a spiritual level i stg
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man he looks pissed
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omfg lol
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“i guess this is okay”
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the body language in this is gold i am just having the time of my life
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this is so cute
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also in retrospect, i think this is one of the turrets we see on promethea. i wonder what it’s doing here!
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moze u ok?
oh nvm she’s into it, look at her! she’s dancing! She’s Dancin’!
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oooo one of the robots from the we are mayhem trailer! okay you can totally see why i think they’re jakobs, RIGHT???
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iirc this is a maliwan soldier
man this is a crossover event, isn’t it?
i get it now. togetherness. i gotchu gearbox.
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some maliwan ships in the sky. possibly sanc-iii on the right? or a ship of the same model as sanc-iii!
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this is a magitek dropship, change my mind
eh, they both start with M, fuck it.
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no idea what fl4k is doing here
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mayyyybe shielding themselves from the ‘firework’/confetti shower
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i like that the confetti explosions are backed up by purple, you know like eridium/slag/siren powers. seriously, maybe this is just how to cultists see us Vault Hunters and the mass murder.
at the very least, the psychos.
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fl4k’s into it. i wish we knew the name of their skag, if it has one. i hope it does.
well now the lasers are coming from the other side! what the hell
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moving on
i think this is the HBC from the speakers, plus im pretty sure that skull and the stained glass are the entrance to mouthpiece’s arena
we also get a different colored explosion. im paranoid jack is somehow making a return (please god no), so i’ll just note it’s the same color as his eyes.
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AND the chests are vomiting out gold guns, which i think, gold-plated gear, is the cult’s way of signifying standing. which im sure is a tongue-in-cheek commentary as gearbox gives out a gold weapon pack as a pre-order bonus. no, like, it even shows up as an ad on the video
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smh gearbox lmao
oh, also, the cultists are doing fuckin flying impressions
im not saying its a reference to the cultist with rakk wings on the cover, buuuut
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bitch it might be lol
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it’s an upside-down vault symbol! ive been trying to figure out what that is in those screens for the longest time!
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back on promethea and we get to see fl4k’s spiderant in action
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their skag, too, of course
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the jabbermon in the back there, too! i wonder if they’re going to be shock or cryo. i would imagine shock given how they’re glowing
also i love the way the flowers look in contrast to the character models
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moze is so happy aw
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i love the way fl4k’s skag comes flying in and slides to a stop. such a good doggo ;-;
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this is beautiful, i want it as a wallpaper
moze skipping? holy shit
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100% verified the best thing i’ve ever seen
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i lied. this is.
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is this the fast travel station effect?
also! IB is looking a bit different
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i wonder if this is a redesign or if IB is wearing a new skin moze picked out
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pan over to zane who clearly doesn’t notice the being of darkness and horror in the doorway
oh also, we’re on eden-6 now. which would explain the fast travel effect
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psychos dancing on the rooftops lol
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oh god my eyes
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nothing to really say here, i just like this screenshot
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pink shields booyah
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this is so fucking cute
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we also get a better look at that one facility on eden-6
is that... red i see? >w> i won’t say it i won’t i won’t say it i swear i just- ATLAS
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i like that zane’s clone spawns with his melee attachment
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not AS excited as the real life version though
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GB pls let this be a zane emote
is that a varkid? on eden-6?
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wtf is a varkid doing on eden-6???
more shots of the facility btw. reminds me a lot of sanc-iii so maybe this actually is the supamax mfg construction facility like i originally thought. hmmmmmmm
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ah yes, of course
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holy shit what is this a reference to?
im told it’s the sex pistols
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the back of the bullet turns into Athenas
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pans in
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enemy with a top hat on. some variation of/upgraded gravedigger? it’s like a psycho but recolored with blue pants and a top hat. you can see it fall off when amara shoots him
y’know, these guys
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some rakk in the background
i am hoping bc this is a celebration of togetherness we’re seeing all enemies everywhere, not that the planets don’t have their own unique fauna.
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she’s so happy omfg
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oh, you want some?
Uhhh then there’s THIS sequence
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they’re doing the flying thing again lmao
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there’s also whatever that black blob is on the left. a spaceship maybe?
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car wheel
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all their eyes started glowing red. uh oh gamers
also another fast travel effect
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hmmmm... zarpedon is that you??
back on pandora.
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“super 87 racetrack”, maybe this is near that motorcade fast travel we saw?
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huzzah! rainbows!
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i do believe that’s sanctuary-iii
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another ship. drop ship?
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elpis is looking nice this time of year. definitely not explode-y. yet.
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pret-ty sure that’s iron bear. moze is standing atop the tower lmao
also! back to it’s old paint scheme. looks like moze was using a skin or smth
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we also have this. are my eyes failing me or is that a big cross on the left? could be where jack was buried. 
also i know there was cut content in bl2 about Mount Jackmore! and this looks like a Mount Jackmore to me. it’s a cut quest where claptrap asks you to basically ruin the thing. but since the quest was cut, it’s still here in bl3. maybe they’ll reintegrate the quest lol
i can’t imagine it being roland’s gravesite. because it looks like the below.
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i do know we’re going to roland’s grave in bl3, but the statues don’t really match up. maybe it is and the statues were broken, or ruined or something and replaced by a cross. could be then that the gravesite was defaced with, well, the guy that killed him. 
im really hoping jack doesn’t make a return. im fine with dealing with what he set in motion, and his influence, and probably even some ECHO logs and movie trailers, but please, for the love of god, don’t actually bring him back, AI or otherwise. im really excited for the calypso twins, i’d really hate to see the focus shift back to that guy. he’s had his fingers in every borderlands game. it’s time to let him go.
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idk what this is exactly. it looks like maybe that weird eye bot troy stands next to in the intro for the behind closed doors panel?
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goodbye mr magical jakobs chest, it’s been real
the RC now has red drapes going down it. have those always been there? i don’t remember those
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hmmmmmmmmm maybe we’re looking at it from the back 🤔
anyway, that’s all she wrote. i haven’t see any hidden morse code messages or anything yet, but if something surfaces, i’ll be sure to add it here.
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newgeekcity · 7 years
New Geek City is Live Blogging MST3k The Return
Once a upon a time there was a bored kid. He just moved to a new place where he didn’t know anyone. Hair was coming in weird places. His face looked like it came from a rare Garbage Pail Kid card.
Other things were changing for the kid, namely his tastes. To him everything started to be so childlike. His books, Full House, even Saturday morning cartoons. There wasn’t anything that really appealed to him anymore.
Except for Batman the Animated Series, that was still awesome.
So one day while trying to avoid the Smurfs or some shit, the kid flipped on Comedy Central. Gamera was on. Everything sucked, but he wasn’t too big for Toho movie monsters. 
Just look at it...
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And see those guys on the bottom? They were cracking jokes, making astute observations. Then they would do silly musical numbers. It was the best, and for years after, no matter what, the kid would tune in to see what crazy schlock the boys of MST3k would do next.
And yeah yeah, the boy was me. Twist ending, M. Night Shyamalan style. Blah blah.
Since MST3k came into my life so early, sometimes I wonder where it started and I begin in the soup of neurons and my memories. Am I sarcastic and love terrible movies because it brings me back to my safe space? Or am I drawn to MST3k because I am sarcastic and I love 1960s Godzilla movies.
I don’t think there’s a real answer to that question. However, after a long long departure. MST3k is back and on Netflix... so lets dive into the first episode which is called... episode 1? Seriously guys? Way to be descriptive.
We got movie sign after the jump
00:00 - Hold on I need more coffee. 
00:00 - Alright, back. Lets see what’s up. I’m really curious about the opening. If I remember right the opening song was sung by Mike Nelson. So lets see how this stacks up. 
I’m not looking for a perfect recreation, but something in the same spirit.
1:39 - People? There’s other people in this universe? I thought there was like 10 tops in the entire world in the original series. Then there’s Wil fucking Wheaton. I don’t mind the people, but I do mind Wil Wheaton, that fucking guy. The DIY effects and models are really great though.
In what looks like the Gizmonic mission control, the staff are puppets. I love that.
Wait I know that lady... She’s Erin Gray. Colonel Deering from Buck Rogers. When I was 5 I wasn’t sure if I was going to marry her or Princess Leia. 
Hey it could have happened, I was a cute kid.
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But seriously, Fuck. Wil. Wheaton. 
2:00 - I have to admit, I’m sort of liking Jonah. He has the same affable quality as Joel and Mike. 
4:30 - Gypsy could talk? Like for reals? Weird.
I also did like the opening sequence, a lot. Its different. It feels like that’s what the sequence should have been for the movie. But I really liked it. Great work Joel. 
8:00 - Invention exchange is back. Patton Oswalt is perfect as TV’s son of TV’s Frank. Although I was doubting Felicia Day, I have to admit she is charming here. 
The movie doors are different, you could tell they used a computer for this one. Not sure if I like that, But whatevs its minor. 
The bots voices are actually pretty good too. Crow sounds like Crow. Tom sort of sounds like Tom. I do have to get used to Jonah though.
9:00 - Its not skin, its beef. Just saying.
Delicious ground beef.
10:30 - Tom can fly! He can fly!!
13:15 - We have Super Dragon reference! Also one of the best MST3k songs 
14:00 - “You know an aquarium is just a pet store that doesn’t sell anything.” Made me lol.
14:41 - Gypsy showed up and made a quip. I already forgot what it was. I wonder if it’ll be a thing.
16:35 - I’m hoping the movie picks up. I doubt it because its MST3k. But they did a “commercial break” just now. They repeated the name of the movie and showed I guess would be the Deep 13 House Band. 
I think a skit would have worked better. Its not like they have to fit in actual commercials. But they’re probably trying to keep as close to the original format as possible.
18:30 - Scientist 1: “I envy that young man.”
Scientist 2: “He will be busy now.”
Me: Yeah with your daughters, you Dane weirdo.
20:00 - Who just keeps an electric eel in a tank in a hallway? Nothing is gonna go wrong there. Nothing at all....ARRRRRGHG 
22:00 - I’m having a really hard time picking up who’s speaking. Particularly with Tom / Jonah. 
But Jonah’s Monster Mash / Reptilicus cover was definitely out of the Joel Robinson playbook. 
25:00 - Can someone tell me if that Dane blonde, scientist daughter has a single daughter along the R line? And that wound looks like pudding. Just saying it looks like delicious reptile pudding.
27:00 - Ok the skit break is this kaiju monster rap. The bots, particularly crow are more animated. He’s able to move his arms around now.
The song itself is way different from the original series. Which I’m giving it a thumbs up. It fits well into the original ethos. Its catchy, fun. Its a good update. Nice work modern MST3k writers.
32:00 - One thing I’ve noticed is the actual filmic quality of the movie. In the old MST3k’s you could still see the scratches and dust, and the warping. It looks like that this is a restored film. 
Its not awful or really a distraction. But its just something I noticed as a long time fan.
35:00 - Dickweed. It makes me laugh every time.
36:00 - Of course the goofus stuck his hand in the electric eel tank. You know comedy. It had to happen. Like the sun rising, and the rain falling in the amazon.
38:00 - I wish netflix would have some way that it counts up instead of down. It would make my life easier here.
Another “commercial break” I was wrong, in the new series its Moon 13 and Patton Oswalt gave a fun fact about the doors. The house band is playing at the same time. Its very Svengoolie.
39:00 - Xanadu reference. Not sure how many youngin’s would get it. I barely do because my dad had a bootleg VHS tape. 
It was awful.
41:00 - I was about to say a lot of the jokes are falling flat, but when that scientist “screamed” and one of the guys dubbed it with Opera, that was brilliant. 
43:00 - I get that MST3k was never really about plot when it came to the host and bots. But they seemed to jump into the riffing really quick. I was expecting some sort of intro for Jonah, like he’d ask questions about why he’s there throughout the movie and the bots would fill him in and he’d grow into the host role. 
I think it would have added some sort of dimension to it. But I would get why they would just jump right into it. 
45:00 - Also I’d expect the Mads would show up more by now. Maybe in the next skit sequence?
47:00 - No Mads, but the cloning of Tom Servo in the “genesis tank that’s conveniently off camera” was real classic MST3k. 
So far, Jonah I would say earned his spot. He nailed it. 
Crow, yup classic Crow. 
Tom, well. He’s not awful. He’s funny but I just can’t get past the voice. Kevin Murphy really owned the character. I hope its just matter of getting used to it. Like when Kevin originally took over in Season 2 (I think) of MST3k.
51:00 - Hold on I need a gif of that.. give me a few minutes.
Ok, I couldn’t get a gif. I’ll have to check into that. BUT I did grab a screenshot.
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Single handedly this is my most favorite special effect ever.
54:30 - Although another stray observation, when the people are in frame, the film is alright. Like no scratches (for the most part) but when the monster is up it looks like someone went through it with sandpaper. 
Which lazy bastard only did half a restoration?
55:00 - It feels like Tom should have had that ability to fly all along. His bottom always reminded me of a hovercraft.
56:00 - Yup the commercial breaks definitely is reminiscent of Svengoolie, Paton Oswalt should just show up on that set one day as TV’s Son of TV’s Frank. 
It would be some great cross promotion.
BTW, go watch Svengoolie. Its not as funny as MST3k, but it’s really charming and fun.
Occasionally they show a good movie. Which I guess defeats the point, but whatever.
60:00 - We’re about at the halfway point. So far, I will admit the new MST3k is... I don’t want to say a worthy successor but Joel Hodgson really did something special. This definitely feels in place with the originals. Almost like it never went away. 
I do want more Mads for this episode. Where are they?
62:00 - How did they get letters? This is like the first episode in almost 20 years. How many 8 year olds could sit still long enough to watch reruns? Aren’t they making methlabs and sexting? 
63:00 - Just a note, I know nothing about modern children.
71:00 - Have you ever wondered why Kaiju are impervious to tank shells? Think about it, they’re designed to punch through concrete, steel plating, etc. I don’t think they’d have a problem with reptile skin, prehistoric or otherwise.
74:00 - Another thing I noticed is that the guy and the bots are more animated compared to the originals. They’ll move around, fly by, bring in barrels to interact with the screen. 
I know the originals did similar, but it seems to be more frequent here. Its not unwelcome. Its actually nice.
77:00 - Another commercial break. Its a TV seal of quality with the Moon 13 house band. I’m still liking them.
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Patton talked about how Kinga established some TV group, probably to make profit. 
Its not so much how the joke was clever, I just liked how they used that to add some background of the world of MST3k. Because we really don’t know much about it, besides the SOL and Deep 13 and such. 
I never thought it was missing, but now that I’ve seen some glimpses into the surrounding world I am interested in learning more. Does the world know about the Forresters? Have they always run in secret? Or they make their intentions known and the government is powerless to stop them. Who is the government there anyway?
Are they considered brilliant or total fuck ups? Are they part of something bigger? Like SMERSH or the illuminati or something?
78:00 - They’re freaking out about getting a gallon of some sort of lizard knock out drug. Do Danes know how much a gallon is? It’s not that much, if it was like an oil drum’s worth then you got problems.
80:00 - The gallon is really just a beaker. So I guess Danes don’t get the imperial system after all.
83:00 - Seriously the guy playing Crow is really good. If I close my eyes I’d have a hard time telling the difference between him and Trace Beaulieu.
Although I noticed the mouth movement on Crow isn’t as pronounced as it was in the originals. Its a little detail, but it went a long way in figuring out who was talking.
85:00 - Monster’s dead, yay I guess.
86:00 - “Push the button Max” doesn’t have the same cachet as “Push the button Frank.” But I’m glad they brought that back.
87:00 - The end credit song sounds like it was made with a real orchestra. It gives it some gravitas. Its rather lovely. 
88:00 - They’re repeating the monster rap. Not bad, still cute. 
89:00 - Wait, in the end credits, They gave the proper name for the Moon 13 House Band, they’re called “The Skeleton Crew.”
I like Moon 13 house band better.
90:00 - Nice touch--
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And of course--
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The end tag. Its nice to see some old standbys come back.
Final Thoughts - 
I suppose if you really wanted to you could say its worse or better than the originals. I guess its like how you wanted to fight over Joel vs Mike. 
They’re different. They had their own styles, and they were very funny in their own way. 
MST3k The Return is a lot like that. There’s enough elements of the originals that it feels familiar, but stylistically its been updated. I personally think its a good thing. 
With the bigger budget, and more modern delivery I feel a lot of the fun, DIY, anarchic, lo-fi qualities that was so mind blowing about the original show is very much here. 
I like the new cast, except for Wil Wheaton (fuck you Wesley Crusher), and I think they’re as charming and clever as the previous casts. Just... different.
So if you loved the originals as much as I did, I definitely think its worth binging with your kids. Personally I plan to make this a Saturday morning thing like I did way back when.
One last last thing. From what I saw of the preview for the next episode it looks like Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are visiting. Hopefully Mike shows up too.
I. Can’t. Wait.
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