#i wish it werent true but the more time i spend outside the source
swellwriting · 6 years
A Silent Devotee Part Eleven- Aftermath
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Part Eleven- Aftermath
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: None, a tad of angst, Draco being sad and then a bit of an idiot ...so the usual.
Word Count: 2.1k     Series Masterlist  Part Twelve
After the news spread that Dumbledore was dead a lot of students left Hogwarts, angry and scared parents came to collect their kids and bring them home where they deemed it to be safe, in reality there was no safe place. Hogwarts used to be considered the safest place but now that Dumbledore was gone that was no longer true.
You feared for your friends, especially the ones who weren’t purebloods, they had a target on their backs with the rising of the Death Eaters and Voldemort. A lot of non purebloods were pulled from Hogwarts, simply because there blood status was a known thing at Hogwarts, it was like leaving them in a trap for Voldemort to come easily collect.
A lot of people went into hiding too, scared to be seen although attendance at Hogwarts was now made obligatory by the Ministry. If you didn't send your child to Hogwarts it would be seen as an act of rebellion against the Ministry, putting yet another target on your back. You were pureblood, which did not necessarily mean you were perfectly safe but it did mean you were safer than most. You decided to say at Hogwarts, at least for the funeral like most did your parents wouldn’t dare let you stay home you thought.
After the funeral service you were sat waiting for the others with Hermione. You expected Harry to hate you, blame you, but he knew where your heart lied and what happened was simply out of everybody's control. He didn’t mention anything of that night again.
“Y/N, we are leaving after this, you know.” Hermione admitted to you sadly.
“Well I assumed you would, and Harry. But where will you go, where is there safe to hide?” You questioned thinking of a place free from Death Eaters, maybe Canada.
“We aren't running away? Have you met us!” She half joked.
“I guess I wasn't thinking, I just...just be careful I know you guys are planning something. Not the type to stay here and follow rules, whatever you’re doing good luck. If you need anything just ask.”
“We can ask Y/N for help or Y/N and Draco?” She teased but was sort of serious.
“You can trust me, we aren't one person, I have a mind of my own.”
“Yeah a mind that's madly in love and would do anything to protect Draco.”
“Hey, I’d do the same for you.” You admitted honestly.
“I know you would, that's why you’re so likable, so much love and kindness and you have no fear of running out, you give and give, I just hope Draco doesn't take too much from you.” She said placing a hand over yours caringly.
“He won’t, don't worry about me. I will be fine here I don't have quite as big of a target on my back.” Hermione stood up as the others walked towards you, grief written on their faces, deep in thought.
Before they reached you she whispered so they wouldn't hear. “Is that why you’re sleeping with a Death Eater, for safety?” She smiled but only so you could see and raised an eyebrow , you couldn't laugh or yell or argue, you just let your mouth drop and tried to yell at her with your eyes, she just looked away and took Ron's hand walking ahead of you.
The whole group stopped and talked about anything else, trying to get their minds off what just took place. Molly Weasley started talking about the upcoming wedding of Fleur and Bill, although Bill was injured the other night it was still happening.
“You kids are all still coming yes?” Molly asked as cheerily as she could.
“Yeah mum we will be there.” Ron answered in a monotone voice and continued his conversation with his friends.
“You can come too dear!” Molly said to you even though she barely knew you, just wanting to include everybody.
“She could come but her date can’t.” Ron said flatly, not meaning to be rude but after Draco poisoned Ron you didn't expect them to get along any better, even if it was an accident. Molly made a “tsk” noise at her sons comment.
“That’s okay, we will just send flowers.” You smiled sweetly.
“We don't want Malfoy flowers.” Ron said, in a more playful tone, just trying to push your buttons.
“Well it’s not your wedding now is it?” You teased back and Hermione blushed lightly, probably imagining the scenario in her head.
Ron just rolled his eyes and they all said their goodbyes.
You got back to your room, the hallways were mostly empty instead of filled with light, there was pain and sorrow hanging in the air like a thick fog that weighed down on your heart. The paintings seemed less lively and the school a little less magical without Dumbledore. Classes and exams were cancelled and postponed until they decided what they would do so you waited around for Draco to come see you again, you weren't even sure where Snape took him when they left.
You woke up to the feeling of someone tapping your shoulder lightly, as if they almost didn't want to wake you. Opening your eyes you saw Draco and didn't hesitate to move back and pull him into bed with you, no need to even cast a silencing spell, all your roommates had left.
You laid there in silence as he placed  his face in the crook of your neck, your t shirt was low collared so his face was directly against your skin, you immediately felt hot tears trickle down your neck and felt Draco sob, his whole body shaking in your arms.
“I...I just…” He tried mumbling, wanting to speak all the words of sorrow, fear and regret that were pounding against his skull. You just cooed in his ear “Shhh.” You whispered rubbing his back soothingly and pulling him closer squeezing him against you, you knew he liked that.
“I missed this, I missed you so much.” He cried and cried, you just said comforting things back to him.
He started trying to talk about what happened but you shushed him yet again, insisting sleep was more important. It took a while too, longer than usual for his breaths to become less labored and for his tears to dry up. You stayed awake until you felt him still against you then followed him into a peaceful slumber, a dream world hopefully full of life and magic and no death or death eaters to be exact. You slept in late that morning, didn't actually get up until you both decided lunch was needed.
You walked through the halls hand in hand, also holding his upper arm to show him extra support, peppering his cheeks with kisses every now and then. You wanted him to know that although everything changed, your feelings and opinion of him had never faltered nor would they ever. At breakfast the tables seemed so empty compared to usual, still lots of students but the gaps were there and they screamed something's different, something's wrong. Students were also not sat according to house, you took the opportunity to drag Draco to an empty spot of the Hufflepuff table.
“So, where did you go?” You asked between mouthfuls of food, you and Draco were quite comfortable around each other now, he still tried to act proper sometimes but you assumed that was from being raised in a household like his. You were raised to have manners, yes, but you also had a few older siblings, and there was a polite and proper sort of madness in your house. Pureblood families were expected to act a certain way and hold a specific standard. Your family was like the perfect mix of the craziness of the Weasley’s and the order of the Malfoy’s.
“I went home, had to talk to a bunch of Death Eaters, my Aunt,  but not Voldemort, Snape said he would talk to him and they sent me back here before anyone noticed I was gone and got suspicious.”
“I noticed you were gone.” You said smiling cheekily.
“Well I would hope so, did you go to the funeral?” Draco asked quietly wishing he could have gone too, with you.
“Yeah, went with your favorite people too, it was sad yet nice. I even got invited to a Weasley wedding but declined, would rather spend some time with you.”
“Or the invitation did not extend to me.” He said looking up at you from his food, a playful smile on his face.
“Well you did poison-”
“That was a mistake!” he defended.
“The intent was there.” You teased smiling back at him. Draco never smiled as much as he did around you, like he was trying to mimic yours but his was never as toothy as yours was. He loved your toothy smile though.
“Anyways, I saw my mum.”
“How did that go?”
“Good. Good. She was all proud of me for being so strong and that's when I finally got to tell her about you.”
“Ah of course, the source of your strength.”
“You say that jokingly but it’s true, and she wants to meet you, like really wants to. She is very excited and I think she will like you a lot.”
“Well then I’d like to meet her too.” You smiled.
“Good, not anytime soon though so you don't have to worry.”
“Why not anytime soon?”
“Because it’s almost summer, exams were to be this week although I don't see that happening and then the week after that we go home.” Draco shrugged like that explained anything.
“Am I not going to see you over the summer?” You asked timidly.
“Well we don't have a train taking us places so I don't see how you could.”
“Draco I live like 15 minutes away from you.”
“Yes you idiot!”
“Well how was I supposed to know that?” He asked as a blush rose to his cheeks, he had no idea you lived so close to him for so long.
“I don't know, I knew where you lived, but I guess Malfoy Manor is well known in the area compared to my house.”
“You live in Wiltshire?”
“Yes Draco, you aren't the only one who lives there.”
“Where though?”
“Big house, looks good on the outside not quite as good on the inside, actually probably better now since most of my siblings are gone.”
“Yes Draco, I have an older sister and two older brother, only my one brother lives at home now but he might be gone now who knows.” You shrugged.
He frowned probably upset he knew so little about you and maybe a bit scared of the idea of you having older brothers who would judge your relationship with him. He hadn't even thought about meeting your parents and how anxious that made him. It was bad enough seeing students judge your relationship but family was so much worse if they didn't like him. 
“Sorry we were so involved in school, the plan and each other to ever talk about dumb things like the bullying I endured as a child from my older brothers and how my older sister was like a second mom, but in a good way.” You said smiling, realizing you hadn't told any of them about Draco, or anything about school at all really.
“So we can spend like all summer together?” He said smiling taking a bite from his food.
“Well, I spend most of my summer learning new things but i'm sure I can fit you in there.”
“Summer inst for learning.”
“We both spent out last summer learning new skills so you might want to rethink that,”
“Against my will.” He argued pointing his fork towards you, you just smiled in response.
“I'm gonna miss you he said kissing your forehead before you parents arrived to pick you up.”
“I just need a few days to catch up with my family see my friends maybe, then I’ll come see you.”
“Write me a letter the night before, actually write one every night and update me on things.”
“So do I walk the fifteen minutes and hand deliver it or by owl?”
“Owls fine, and you better use that blue paper and gold wax.”
“To bring back memories of how we first met! How cute, I didn't know you were so sentimental.”
“Oh shut up, I meant so I know which one is for me. Maybe a bit of that sentimental stuff to.” He said trying to hide his face from you placing his chin on your head and kissing it once more before he let go of your hand and walked away not turning back to look at you because if he had, he didn't think he’d be able to leave.
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