#i would have made an old man yaoi joke but there’s nobody to yaoi him with
shittysawtraps · 8 months
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i will NOT disregard your asks @afrominican. yes he is a psycho killer. yes he is my wacky grandpa. yes i have been tricking my followers into woobifying him. yes i should be saw trapped for it.
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jeidafei · 6 years
D.Gray-Man Vol.26: Komui’s Lounge (Extended) 4/5
>> Part 1 <<
>> Part 2 <<
>> Part 3 <<
Question 20: How many types of headphones does Marie have? And do they function differently?
Marie: Now I only have the latest model the Science Division developed for me. I keep it on at all times except when I go to bed.
Bak: I’ve contributed to the design as well. (ahem)
Marie: Did you? Thank you, Supervisor. 
Lavi: But you’ll hear countless noises and voices from a considerable range all the time, right? Isn’t that exhausting? 
Wisely: What!? You’re able to hear that much!? Where’s the respect for privacy?
Allen: Shut up about privacy, you.
Marie: Well, it was rough before I got used to it. I trained myself to listen for only important sounds from among countless noises. I’ve come to the point where everyday noises from people doing their chores and talking mostly just flow right by me, and since then I haven’t been “listening in” on anyone. 
Link: Aha. You really are a true man of character, Noise Marie. You’d better take notes, Walker.
Allen: How did this come to me?
Link: Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how you threatened me with Timcanpy’s recordings.
(T/N: I don’t remember where the omake in which this happened is, but it was the recording of Link when Timothy possessed him on the Louvre’s roof and made all those funny faces and slobbering in the Phantom Thief G arc.)
Question 21: I’m curious about the length of time Krory can maintain his enhanced capabilities and the amount of Akuma blood needed. And also whether it is possible to extend his activation time by training, etc.
Bak: As of now he can drink blood from Akuma up to Level Three, and can stay activated for 10 minutes with 250ml of blood. Looks like he’s also experimenting to extend that time with support from the Science Division. 
Lavi: Wouldn’t drinking more blood extend the activation time?
Bak: No, it wouldn’t. On the other hand, drinking less than 250ml will shorten the activation time to around 3 minutes.
Marie: When you said he can drink blood from Akuma up to Level Three, is it because he hasn’t experimented with blood from a Level Four yet?
Bak: Well, since obtaining blood from a Level Four is next to impossible...
Wisely: Ho ho ho. Indeed, indeed ♪.
Allen: Seeing Krory enjoying Akuma blood that much really does make you wonder whether it really is delicious, after all.
Link: Don’t try it out, Walker.
Question 22: Does Miranda always carry sweets with her while on a mission? And does she have a favorite flavor?
Link: I’ve heard that since her Innocence requires stamina, she’s come to carrying sweets at all times to supplement her calories, but about the flavor...
Marie: Miranda said she likes minty flavors.
Allen: Are you sure? Miss Miranda always gives me sweets whenever my stomach starts growling, and they’re always fruity flavors like strawberry or pineapple.
Lavi: That’s just coz you like fruit-flavored candies, isn’t it, Allen?
Marie: Haha. So she’s packing fruity candies just for you as well, huh.
Allen: Eh!? Is that so!?
Bak: By the way, whenever Lou Fa learns you’re coming to our branch, she’d always prepare Mitarashi dumplings, Walker.
Allen: Eh!? Now that you mention it, there really did seem to be Mitarashi dumplings around whenever I go to the Asian Branch.
Wisely: What!? If you really loved eating that much, then why didn’t you accept Tikky’s invitation to feast back then?
Allen: It’s not feasting that I have a problem with; it’s that Curly-Head. He’s the very man who tore a hole in my heart, have you forgotten? Do you expect me to enjoy a meal with such a groping pervert?
(T/N: Er, Allen...I think your point is a little off here...)
Link: So you won’t let your appetite win in that case, Walker?
Allen: Yes?
Link: Nothing. That’s a relief. 
Question 23: So before Lavi became an Exorcist, he fought with a dagger?
Lavi: Eh? What’s this?
Wisely: They’re probably talking about that time back in the Ark. When you were in Road’s dream, remember?
Lavi: Ohhhh, so that was it. Wait, how come you know about that?
Wisely: La-de-dah♪
Marie: Lavi’s an all-rounder, like Bookman, right?
Allen: What on earth is that?
Marie: Those who can make use of any weapon depending on the situation.
Lavi: That’s because as Bookmen, virtually all our logs are of war zones. So Gramps trained me to be capable of handling any situation, and that training also includes martial arts.
Link: What are you most skilled with?
Lavi: Hmmmm. I like cudgels best, I guess.
Allen: You’re always fooling about whenever we duel-train, Lavi, and I’ve been thinking perhaps you’re no good. Kanda beats you in a blink, you see. 
Lavi: Aaaawwww. Come on! It’s such a pain to fight seriously!
Bak: But back then, when you were dueling with Fō, you seemed quite serious, though.
Lavi: I wouldn’t call that a duel; Fō was coming at me like she’s dying to kill me, damn her. How could I not take it seriously!?
Allen: Yeah, Fō does mean it when she fights, doesn’t she. 
Bak: She’s more a berserker than a guardian deity, that one.
Link: I see. You will not get serious unless it poses a certain level of threat to your life. 
Question 24: Are Nea and the 14th the same individual?
Wisely: My my. Is this reader mistaking something here? “The 14th” is just the alias the previous generation of Noah bestowed upon Nea. There is only one Nea. 
Link: Though Nea himself doesn’t seem fond of it; he’s said it is “a nickname given out of distaste”. Guess I’d have to be careful from now...
Allen: Huh? Careful of what?
Link: Would you like some mango juice, Walker?
Allen: WEE-HEE!
Bak: I’ve been wondering. Why isn’t he called “The 14th disciple” like the other Noahs but simply “The 14th”?
Wisely: Perhaps that is the distaste Nea was talking about. As has already been revealed in the Gray Log Fanbook, Nea has no Noah Memory, and for that very reason, the other Noahs may have treated him as the black sheep of the family. Well, I guess I’ll leave you here with a cliffhanger until the boy uncovers Nea’s secrets in the main narrative. 
Marie: He has no Noah Memory, so he couldn’t reincarnate like the other Noahs, and that is why he implanted his memories within Allen?
Link: Exactly when did he implant them within you? Do you really have no idea, Walker?
Allen: Told you; I really don’t know! It’s said to be around 35 years ago! I’m sixteen, remember? I didn’t even exist then!
Wisely: ..............
Lavi: What the heck are you grinning about, Three-Eyes?
Wisely: Nuffink.
Question 25: Allen’s left eye should have become able to project the image of the Akuma souls to others, but it seems nobody apart from Lavi has seen it. Is it deciding itself whether to let other people see the souls within the Akuma?
Lavi: Ah, that...Just remembering it still gives me the creeps even now.
Allen: Back then when Lavi and Krory said they could see the Akuma’s soul, at first I was definitely sure the curse has strengthened in power, and from now people other than me will be able to see the souls, too. But after that, nobody ever saw it again. Looks like it’s just a one-time thing, after all.
Lavi: It was right after your damaged eye resurrected with the curse’s power, right? With your eye being in an unusual state like that, anything can happen. Me and Krorykins were just unfortunately caught up in the curse’s rampage. 
Allen: Well, it’s a relief, anyway. After all, it’s not a pleasant sight to behold. If it ends with you not having to see it anymore, I’d say it’s for the best.
Bak: I’m interested, though. As part of the Science Division, we welcome any information on the Akuma.
Wisely: So am I. For even my Demon Eye cannot see souls. In what state are they, the souls within Akuma?
Link: How could you say these things like it doesn’t concern you when you’re on the very side creating Akuma?
Marie: Must have been hard getting used to seeing those souls, huh, Allen?
Allen: When I first saw one, I was so scared I couldn’t even bear to look. But Master was patientーWell, for him. “Those things aren’t scary”, he’d scold me; they were once living humans just like us, and they’re just screaming for me to save them, after all. It took a long time, but just like that, little by little I became able to look at them. 
Question 26: What do Kanda, Allen, Lenalee and Lavi smell of? Lenalee would probably smell very nice. Well, she’s a girl after all; she’s definitely using perfume and the like, right?
Marie: Hmmmm. Kanda’s scent? Soap is the closest bet, I’d say.
(T/N: Sensei, considering the general negative image of D.Gray-Man as a Yaoi manga may I say this is not a wise move? *laffs*)
Allen: And me, Marie? What about me?
Marie: You usually have a sugary smell about you, Allen. Like dessert.
Lavi: Because there’s always crumbs all over your clothes, Allen.
Allen: Lavi’s eyepatch gives out whiffs of Fabreeze.
(T/N: the popular Japanese brand of air-freshener/deodorant spray.)
Lavi: Oi! Don’t say stuff from the old Instagram page! Some readers won’t get it!
(T/N: In Hoshino’s old Instagram there’s a drawing of Allen spraying Fabreeze at Lavi’s face for some reason. I don’t remember the caption. She’s also reposted it on her new Instagram just to clarify this joke. Maybe it’s just that he never/rarely takes off his eyepatch for cleaning and it’s moldy and sweaty...?)
Marie: Hmmmm...as for Lavi...he smells of tobacco a bit. 
Allen: Yeah! Just like Master’s scent.
Lavi: Ah, Gramps’ cigarettes, huh? I’m aware of that. 
Wisely: Bookman is a heavy smoker as ever. A wonder his lungs are still holding out even at his age.
Marie: I think Lenalee usually has a flowery scent, though.
Bak: Yes, she does! Lenalee-san smells like sweet flowers!
Allen: Bak-san, keep your voice down! If Komui-san hears you, we’d be in for big trouble!
Lavi: Lenalee doesn’t use perfume, and still she smells so nice.
Allen: There’s this thing she uses. You see, a while back I was talking to Lenalee about having more scars or something, and she said; “This works wonders, you know.” and gave me some of this thingーkinda like Body Oil? Could it have been that oil’s scent? The scars would fade if you keep rubbing this oil on them, from the looks of it. It smells wonderful when she’s putting it on me.
(T/N: Trust me I had a really hard time keeping this one from becoming Fifty Shades of (D.) Gray or Silence of the Lambs for that matter...)
Lavi: Body oil, huh...ah, my heart’s gettin’ all weird just hearing that.
Link: What’s with that dirty look on your face, Bookman Jr?
>> Part 5 <<
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lordyouko · 6 years
Chapter 5 - The Boss and His Boy [Inucest Kinktober]
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A/N: This chapter is a day late, but it deserved the extra time. I’ve also created a moodboard for this chapter above.
Prompt: Object Insertion | Sounding | Cross-dressing | Tribadism/Scissoring
Warnings: Object Insertion, Sounding, Inucest, yaoi, lemon, dark AU, Modern AU, mafia AU, Dark!Sess, moral ambiguity, dubious morality, dubious consent (dub con), Inuyasha is sort of OOC (out of character)
Rating: Explicit
Chapter 5 – The Boss and His Boy
The two security guards, dressed in identical black suits, toting two sets of identical large guns each, looked at each other as they both heard the call coming in over their headsets. There was an identical look of relief mixed in with terror on their face.
On the bright side, against all the odds, it was good news.
On the not so bright side, they were the ones who would have to relay it to the Boss.
Which meant being in the same room with him.
The two burly men looked at each other, sweat beading on their foreheads in the cool, air-conditioned corridor.
These two fine security agents, whom we’ll henceforth refer to as the Blond and the Brunet, served many bosses over the course of their lifetime. First, there was the government, then something close to the government, then something very very far from any government, and then the mafia. They had even served in the personal guard of other mafia bosses before. None had terrified them like this one.
For one, the man looked like some kind of fallen angel. The first time they’d laid eyes on him, they’d felt like laughing. Surely it was some sort of joke, this delicate looking man with his silver hair and weird purple tattoos and light coloured eye-lenses being the head of one of the largest criminal organizations in the world? But this pitiful notion of theirs was dispelled within minutes of seeing him operate, and they were left with awe and an unsettling feeling that they were getting themselves mixed up in something they absolutely did not understand.
Because blackmail, murder, the mob, that was all one thing. This– this was something else. They had once even happened to glimpse the very end of a top-secret meeting of the top crime families of the world. The other bosses called him my lord.
This, they would have just passed off as the man’s personal preference for an ego boost, if it wasn’t for what happened afterwards.
As gossip had travelled amongst their ranks about this strange incident, one lad, a smart chap well on his way up the ladder, had thought it a good idea to demonstrate how sharp he was by pointedly referring to him as ‘my lord’. The man had stopped the meeting, turned to him, and with a completely emotionless, unreadable face asked him, “Lord of what, pray tell?” The man had naturally been stymied and after remaining silent for a moment, had stammered some diplomatic bullshit. The Boss had quietly walked up to him and grabbed his neck. This man, who was a special-forces operative, trained in arts most people hadn’t even heard of, who had survived wars, and assassination attempts, had struggled in his grasp and could do nothing to fight him off. He was strangled to death right there in front of all those attending the meeting.
Nobody ever brought up the ‘my lord’thing again.
And that was the other thing. Most top mafia personnel they knew, never did their own dirty work. Because sooner or later, a thing like murder is bound to catch up with you. Somebody always slips up somewhere and your fingerprint or DNA ends up where it shouldn’t. For some reason, this man did not seem to care about that.  For the first time, they had to worry not just about what their superior would have doneto them if they screwed up, but what he would do himself.
And he was rumoured to be unpredictable.
They took a deep breath, sent up a little prayer to their respective gods, and knocked gently on the large, imposing double doors of the Boss’s office.
The gigantic, heavy doors swung open of their own accord without a sound, and the two men were left facing him, the dreaded mafia kingpin of New York.
In the large, sprawling room that they were in, ice-cold golden eyes met theirs imperiously from where he sat, flowing silver hair in stark contrast to the coal-black leather of the chair tall, swivel chair.
His chair, and the top-of-the-line computer monitor it was in front of, was on the side of the room where the floor level was elevated. The severe white walls and spotless white marble tiles on the floor below made it almost impossible to tell that the room was anything other than flat, but these two men were more used to entering it than most, and were therefore not too unsettled to be looking up at the seated man. The Boss also wore a black suit, although one that was clearly exponentially more expensive than theirs and a gold silk scarf hung loosely about his neck. They could just see a hint of a sleek silver watch, more expensive than their house, on his left wrist. They would indubitably be able to see their faces in the polished surface of his black leather shoes. They both fervently hoped that the situation would not arise where they would be forced to.
The security guards two found themselves desperately trying to recall what it is they had come in here to say. Their minds seemed to have gone blank. But they didn’t want the other man to have to ask. The Boss did not like having to ask pointless questions.
“S-sir, we found him!” one of them, the Brunet, blurted out. The other one – the Blond - threw him a relieved glance. “We found him. He’s being brought back to the compound as we speak.”
The other man’s features barely changed, but there was just the suggestion of a smile about his lips. The men trembled at the sinister look in the cold golden eyes. They didn’t quite know what the relationship was between him and the Boss, but it was rumoured that the boy belonged to him. Silently, they prayed for the soul of the poor bastard caught back in his clutches.
“Has he been harmed?” the Boss asked, his deep, heavy voice one of implacable authority and command.
The man who had broken the news shook his head vigorously. “N-no, my Lord, just – just scrapes and bruises.”
Golden eyes narrowed. “…that is not  unharmed,” he said, speaking slowly as to a dim-witted child.
Both men looked at each other and paled. The boy in question had killed several of their men and then tried to escape. Considering what the Boss had done to anyone who had ever attempted such a thing, much less succeeded in it like this one had, a few scrapes and bruises was nothing.
But the Boss didn’t seem to think so and that was all that mattered, as far as they and their well-being was concerned.
“O-of course not,” the first man stammered. “F-forgive us, Sir… we- we didn’t know – that is, we knewbut we were only told and -”
“Quiet,” the other man hissed, and the man fell silent immediately. Cold, ruthless eyes took stock of them unhurriedly, of the sweat on their brows, of the trembling in their knees, and the involuntary clenching and unclenching of their fists.
“I want the names of the ones who captured him,” the Boss said quietly. “And I want himcleaned up and in my room in one hour.”
“Y-yes, Sir,” the Brunet stammered hurriedly. “Right away, Sir.”
His answer would have been just as prompt if the Boss had ordered to have him quartered and served up for dinner with a light wine.
“P-please forgive us for our error,” the Blond added, bowing down deeply. Neither the Blond nor the Brunet were Japanese. Bowing did not come naturally to him at all, but the Boss was, and he didn’t want to accidentally leave out any sign of respect.
They were both of them too terrified to notice the momentary flash of amusement in the other man’s eyes as he watched him bow awkwardly.
“W-we will not disappoint you again,” the Blond continued, determined. “We will make sure-”
“Out,” the Boss ordered in a bored voice, and both of them jumped as though burned, and hurried out of the room.
[Explicit, NSFW writing under cut]
Inuyasha was dressed in a simple white yukata tied together at the waist with a red obi. He’d been subjected to the indecency of being thoroughly bathed, everything from his toenails to his hair thoroughly washed and dried. Then he’d been brought to the Boss’s bed and handcuffed to the large, imposing headboard.
He felt like he’d been waiting there forever. There was nothing to even distract him in the room. There was no clock, no art on the walls, nothing. It was large, white, and completely empty apart from the bed and the two nightstands on either side of it. On each of the nightstands, there was a lamp and on the one on the left, there was box of tissues.
Inuyasha’s bare feet shifted uncomfortable on the silk sheets covering the large plush mattress. Both his wrists were handcuffed close together behind him, which made it difficult to sit down comfortably. The bed was covered in off-white sheets which contrasted starkly with the dark brown wood of the large headboard. The mattress and the sheets were brand new, but the headboard and the bed, Inuyasha knew, were old, very veryold. The Master craftsman who had carved the intricate, yet solid design on the headboard to which Inuyasha was now handcuffed had once offered Inuyasha mochi when he was a little boy.
There were closets in the room, Inuyasha knew. He’d seen them. And there was a large table should the demon lord wish to use it, and even a fireplace, but they were all seamlessly hidden into the walls, ready to be brought forth at the press of a button when the owner of the room desired.
Inuyasha sat up as much as he could when the doors of the room finally swung open silently, and the man he’d been forced to wait for entered.
Inuyasha recoiled on the bed as he – the Boss - walked towards the bed with his usual, unhurried, predatory gait, unbuttoning his jacket casually.
“I- I-m sorry, Sessh, I’m sorry, brother,” Inuyasha babbled in a small voice as soon as the doors closed behind him. “I know – I know I screwed up, I know that but-”
“Inuyasha,” the other man interrupted him calmly, coming to sit down next to him on the bed. “Did you think you would run away from me again?”
Inuyasha flinched as though he’d been struck. Twisting in his restraints, he turned awkwardly to face the other man.
“S-sessh – Sesshoumaru, I’m sorry,” Inuyasha muttered, voice breaking, tears forming in large golden eyes. “I’ll make it up to you – I’ll do anything, please-”
Sesshoumaru ignored his pleading and instead, reached up to Inuyasha’s cuffed hands. He grasped the plain silver ring on the forefinger of his left hand, and twisted it. There was a small, metallic click as the ring recognized the demon Lord’s youki and it slid off his finger smoothly.
Two, triangular puppy ears seemed to appear on Inuyasha’s head out of nowhere. If his mouth were open, one would see fangs in the place of canines. His fingernails and toenails were suddenly no longer nails, but claws.
Only two people in the world could remove that ring – Sesshoumaru, and Inuyasha himself. Like fingerprint sensing, it incorporated the latest technology to identify the youki of the person touching it. If anyone other than the ones it was programmed to respond to tried, it would seem inexplicably stuck.
Sesshoumaru’s perfectly manicured hand rose to his captive’s face, and Inuyasha squeezed his eyes shut in the expectancy of being struck. But his hand only caressed the younger man’s cheek softly, the back of a soft finger running casually over the already light bruise on his cheek.
Inuyasha’s wild eyes were following every movement keenly like prey caught in a predator’s grasp. The demon Lord placed his ring on the bedside table next to him. Then he took a hold of his own ring, and pulled it off. Smooth, perfectly done nails were suddenly razor-sharp claws. His so far human ears morphed into their real shape.
Inuyasha felt his heart sink as the former demon Lord of the West smiled slowly, just the hint of razor-sharp fangs behind his lips. “Are you prepared to take your punishment… little brother?”
Inuyasha paled and the youkai got to his feet. Slowly, unhurriedly, he unbuttoned his jacket. Holding Inuyasha’s terrified eyes, he shrugged it smoothly off his shoulders and draped it over the back of a chair. Then he undid the cufflinks of his crisp white shirt, and rolled the sleeves up over his forearms. Inuyasha’s eyes were glued on the purple stripes on his wrist.
Next, he reached into the holster in his belt, removed the shiny silver gun, and placed it on the nightstand table. Inuyasha’s eyes lingered on the gun for a moment. He knew exactly what it was for. Sesshoumaru then reached into his pocket, pulled out his slim mobile phone, and placed that next to the gun.
When he sat back down on the bed, Inuyasha was tugging at his restraints, eyes darting around the large room, looking for a means of escape.
“N- no, no please, I’ll be good,” he begged, desperately holding his elder brother’s eyes. “Please just once? Just this once…”
The demon Lord simply held the lock of his handcuffs between two fingers. There was the hiss of poison releasing and the metal lock of the handcuffs melted down, releasing Inuyasha’s wrists.
Inuyasha was given not a second to do anything before his newly freed wrist was grabbed and twisted brutally. Inuyasha sobbed from the pain as his arm was forced behind his back and he was slammed face down on the bed.
“This is why you run away, Inuyasha,” the demon Lord chided, putting pressure on Inuyasha’s wrist and body with his own, watching the crying hanyou dispassionately. “If you wanted my attention so badly, you need have but asked for it.”
When dirty golden eyes looked back at him, tears were still brimming in them, but his pupils were dilated. He slowly blinked his eyes, now no longer trying to get away, just squirming a little in the older man’s grasp.
“I – I don’t. What makes you think I want your attention?” Inuyasha threw back caustically.
The demon Lord grabbed both his wrists and pulled them over his head, and twisting him on his back, forced his legs apart with his knee. The flimsy yukata fell open easily. Sesshoumaru’s men hadn’t seen fit to provide him with any underwear when they’d dressed him.
The youkai’s hard, muscled thigh met Inuyasha’s half-hard erection and he smirked.
“Do I need to say it?” the demon Lord mocked.
Inuyasha’s eyes grew suddenly furious and he snarled, sharp fangs flashing threateningly. “I didn’t want to come back,” he spat. “Your men… you sent them to find me… I didn’t want to come back.”
The demon Lord’s eyes had also darkened. “I will always bring you back,” he said, hard, merciless eyes boring into the hanyou’s.
“You got what you wanted, little brother. You have my full attention.”
The demon Lord released his wrists for a moment, and Inuyasha immediately flexed his claws and swiped at the face within his reach. Rolling his eyes, Sesshoumaru dodged the swipe and grabbed his wrists once again in one hand. The other clawed hand grabbed Inuyasha’s head and forced him into a brutal kiss.
Inuyasha panted against the other man’s mouth as he felt fangs on his lips. The hand on his head was now on the back of his neck, and he felt his brother’s tongue enter his mouth, brazenly swiping against his fangs.
Said fangs closed lightly over the elder brother’s tongue threateningly, and in response, Sesshoumaru bit down on his lip. Inuyasha moaned as blood dribbled off the side of his mouth, but his brother didn’t allow him to pull away from the kiss.
Lithe, lightly muscled thighs shuffled closer to their captor, and Sesshoumaru found the younger man crawling into his lap. Inuyasha hissed at the feel of the other man’s pant zipper against his bare crotch when he straddled him.
Sesshoumaru smiled derisively. “Such a lewd half-breed,” he chided, holding Inuyasha down effortlessly. “Can’t control yourself, can you, you slut?”
Inuyasha’s teeth gnashed at him for the insult. But he didn’t really have anything to say in denial. It was true after all. “If you’re so disgusted, just let me go,” he retorted instead.
Sesshoumaru sighed, seemingly sincerely. He released Inuyasha’s wrists once again, to grab a hold of the red piece of cloth that was holding Inuyasha’s yukata closed. This time, Inuyasha didn’t try to attack him, remaining still as practiced hands undid the pitifully simple knot. The yukata fell open, and cold golden eyes glanced slowly from top to bottom, taking in the milky expanse of Inuyasha’s exposed body.
“My father’s… mistake… is my responsibility,” the demon Lord said, still staring unabashedly at the beautiful body on display for him. His hard, emotionless voice was going straight to Inuyasha’s cock, and the hanyou had to make a real effort to keep from moaning out loud. “When he went out to die…” Sesshoumaru said, placing his hands negligently on Inuyasha’s hips. “…he gave you to me. As such, it falls on me to discipline this lascivious little body.”
Inuyasha smiled, and suddenly his smile was bright and sly, eyes filled with cunning. Slowly, sensually, his bare hips still caught in his brother’s grasp, he shrugged the yukata off his shoulders. Throwing it aside, he shifted where he was held over the demon Lord’s clothed legs, allowing the light to play with his lithe, undulating muscles of his things and stomach. “And how the hell are you gonna do that if this dirty half-breed body, as you say, likes everything you do to it, big brother?” he whispered in a low, breathy voice.
The youkai lord’s answering cruelly amused smile sent Inuyasha’s blood singing in his veins. This was why… this was why nobody else could ever satisfy him in the centuries he’d been alive. Only Sesshoumaru had this effect on him; all his life, he’d controlled his every breath with an iron hand, and most of the time, he used his little brother’s body for his own amusement, but Inuyasha could not help but crave the treatment. One look from those golden eyes set Inuyasha’s heart fluttering wildly. Inuyasha rubbed his thighs together and squirmed in his brother’s grasp, watching the other man sit back lazily against the cushions, fully clothed, and appraise him like a piece of meat.
“Do you think you have endured all I can put you through, little brother?” Sesshoumaru asked him.  
A clawed hand suddenly grabbed a hold of his neck and pushed him down onto the bed on his back, the softness of the youkai lord’s voice belied by his violent actions. Inuyasha shuddered where he lay splayed out and exposed before his brother.
“Y-yes?” Inuyasha answered bravely.
Cruel, sadistic colours flashed in the demon Lord’s golden eyes and Inuyasha gulped nervously. “You think wrong,” the youkai lord informed him.
Inuyasha smiled up at him, dark lashes falling over dirty gold eyes. Slowly, holding his brother’s gaze, he pulled his legs upto his chest, exposing his twitching, recently thoroughly cleaned hole.
“Will you show me then?” he asked throatily. “I’ve missed you in me,” he admitted.
Golden eyes swept over his form, and the demon Lord brought his eyes back up to Inuyasha’s calmly, a derisive smile on his lips. “I’m not in the mood to fuck this disobedient little thing,” he said, and Inuyasha flinched at the cold tone of his voice. “But if this slutty hole is so eager to be filled, I will indulge you.”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened as Sesshoumaru reached over and pressed a hidden button on his nightstand. Immediately, three shelves came up from below, seemingly out of nowhere, presenting their contents to the demon lord. Large toys – dildos, vibrators, eggs – lay on the top two shelves that Inuyasha could see, each cleaned and oiled and ready to be used without need of additional lubrication.
“N-no, no there’s no need-” Inuyasha tried to say, quickly bringing his legs back down, but the demon Lord arrested the motion midway.
With one hand, he grasped his legs and bent them back to his chest fluidly, once again exposing the young man’s hole to his eyes.  
Pink dusted Inuyasha’s cheeks as he saw his brother’s gaze on his twitching hole.
The demon Lord picked up one of the toys and held it up for Inuyasha’s wide, apprehensive eyes to see; it was made out of a purple rubbery material that Inuyasha and his ass were intimately familiar with.
“So ver yeager to be filled,” Sesshoumaru commented, taking in Inuyasha’s flushed face and blown pupils. Before Inuyasha could deny it, he began pushing the toy into his opening.
Inuyasha moaned and wiggled as his hole was suddenly forced to stretch to accommodate the thing without any preparation. He knew he was not meant to get any pleasure out of this; that was why his brother had barely touched him and hadn’t prepared him at all. But just the fact that this was Sesshoumarudoing this to him without so much as asking, as though Inuyasha’s body were his to do with as he pleased, sent tendrils of desire through Inuyasha’s body, hardening his already half-hard cock, making the whole experience more pleasurable than his brother had intended. If Sesshoumaru thought this would work as a deterrent, he was wrong.
But when Inuyasha met the demon Lord’s eyes with his own desired-filled ones, Sesshoumaru didn’t seem at all surprised.
When the toy was all the way inside of him, Sesshoumaru didn’t begin to fuck him with it as Inuyasha had been expecting. Instead, he let it remain there, and released Inuyasha’s legs, making the hanyou wince from the movement forcing the toy just a little deeper inside of him.
“Aah… brother?” Inuyasha asked, a little gasp escaping him at the sudden feeling of fullness after a long while, and a dull throbbing pain.
The demon Lord hmmed in acknowledgement, not really paying attention to what he was saying, more focused on the hanyou’s cock that was almost at full hardness.
“Sit up,” he ordered instead.
Inuyasha looked at him in disbelief. But his brother was looking at him expectantly and with a great deal of effort, he managed to bring himself into a half-sitting position. He was panting with pain by the time he was done, and he looked up at his brother.
The demon Lord was looking down at the younger brother’s opening. A small frown creased his forehead and he tsked in annoyance. The toy had caused some tearing inside the hanyou’s unprepared ass and his blood was dripping onto the bed.
Inuyasha glanced down at his own blood, glanced at the disapproving look on his brother’s face and shivered, knowing he was going to have to pay for staining his brother’s sheets now too, on top of everything else. He could forget about getting to cum today, and probably for weeks.
But to his surprise, Sesshoumaru’s hand was wrapping around his erection, beginning to pump slowly.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Inuyasha asked, blinking at him hazily.
“What does it look like?” the demon Lord asked in return. “I want you to cum for me, little brother.”
Inuyasha turned bright red, not used to hearing that sentence till he had been driven wild with arousal and had begged shamelessly to be allowed to cum.
“B-but I’m in pain!” he growled to cover up his embarrassment, even as his brother’s hand began moving harder and faster on his length.
The demon Lord smiled angelically at him. “That’s never stopped you before, half-breed. Now be a good boy and cum for me.”
Inuyasha bit back a scream as his body reacted to the commanding voice, his balls tightening against his will, and he came all over his brother’s hand.
Long, dark eyelashes fluttered slowly over dirty golden eyes that were just sliding into focus. Inuyasha panted, looking up at his complete asshole of a brother. The demon Lord was resting back on one elbow, idly flicking Inuyasha’s cum off his hands. When he saw the younger man had regained his senses, he casually held his soiled hand up to Inuyasha’s mouth.
The hanyou coloured darkly, understanding what was required of him. In the back of his mind, there was a voice screaming at him, telling him to protest at the treatment and ask his brother to go to hell. There was a box of tissues right there! But as always, that voice did not get heard. His brother wanted Inuyasha’s mouth to do the cleaning and that’s what he would get. Inuyasha quietly grabbed the demon Lord’s wrist, fingers sweeping lightly over the cold metal band of his watch, and began to lick.
If he hadn’t just cum, the demon Lord’s heated, pleased eyes on him would have made him hard once again. He could feel his gaze, could feel the weight of the demon Lord’s pleased approval on him almost like a thing, sending little jolts of happiness in his brain, even as his mouth performed this degrading task.
When his hand was clean, Sesshoumaru took it away. Inuyasha put his hands down in his lap and waited.
Sesshoumaru glanced at him once, and then turned away from him to reached over to the third hidden shelf.  He picked up the only item that shelf contained - a small plastic case, like a tool box, but sleeker. Inuyasha looked curiously over at the thing he hadn’t seen before.
The demon Lord opened it facing himself, leaving Inuyasha unable to see its contents. He reached inside and drew something out, and the cruel satisfaction in his eyes made delicious apprehension swirl in Inuyasha’s gut.
“This,” Sesshoumaru said, finally showing the instrument to Inuyasha. “Is your punishment for running away again, little brother. I warned you the last time, if you misbehaved again, your punishment would not be something you would enjoy.”
Inuyasha stared at the long, glass rod uncomprehendingly.
“What is it?” he asked tentatively.
The demon Lord grinned, and Inuyasha felt real fear for the first time tonight. “It’s called a sounding rod. This is what I’m going to fuck your little hanyou cock with, brother.”
“I – you what?” Inuyasha rasped, staring entranced at the innocuous looking glass rod.
Sesshoumaru reached between his legs, and casually gripped his length, rubbing his thumb over the slit in Inuyasha’s length. A little bit of precum spurted out at the stimulation.
“Do you see this little hole?” the demon Lord asked him softly. “It’s the one hole I haven’t fucked yet. And I’m going to fuck you in that hole today… with this,” he said, holding up the glass instrument.
All the colour drained from Inuyasha’s face.
“You want to… put that inside me?” Inuyasha asked in a hushed voice. “Inside my… cock?”
The demon Lord continued to look at him calmly.
“Are you outta your frickin’ mind?” Inuyasha demanded in a hushed voice. “There’s no way…”
“I don’t believe I gave you a choice, little brother,” Sesshoumaru told him, voice hard. “This is your punishment. You get no say in the matter.”
Inuyasha was staring wide-eyed from the glass instrument to him. “I don’t care,” he rasped. “I’m not letting you put that in me!”
The demon Lord cocked his head to the side, amused. “Letting me?” he asked softly.
Sesshoumaru slid the scarf off from around his neck. Inuyasha tried to struggle but his movements were limited by the large toy shoved inside his hole. He couldn’t kick or move too much without the danger of injuring himself inside. Plus, Sesshoumaru had centuries of experience doing this to him. Before long, his wrists were securely bound to the bed above his head, and all his struggling had got him was a pounding pain in his bottom.
Sesshoumaru glanced at the gold silk scarf, reminiscent of his obi, holding the hanyou in place and he smirked. “Just like old times, yes?” he asked his brother.
Inuyasha struggled half-heartedly against the bonds but he knew he wasn’t getting out of them.
“Brother… brother it will hurt… it will hurt like crap…don’t…” he begged, searching his brother’s eyes for some sign of compassion.
“Yes, that’s the idea,” Sesshoumaru said thoughtfully. Inuyasha felt his heart sinking at the merciless resolve in his brother’s eyes. So thatwas why he had made him cum earlier – so that his dick would be nice and flaccid when he did this.
He was distracted from cursing as colourfully as he knew at his brother in his head when the demon Lord held up the glass tube before Inuyasha’s eyes. “Now listen closely, hanyou,” he said, no longer joking in any way. “This is glass. I amgoing to do this today. If you struggle, the glass will break while it is inside of you.”
Inuyasha cringed, turning his face away at the thought. The demon Lord watched his reaction, satisfied.
“You don’t want that, do you?” he reiterated.
Inuyasha shook his head quietly, breathing quickening.
“Sess… Sess please,” he said quietly one last time.
The demon Lord leaned forward and running a hand over his head, kissed his forehead softly.
“I’ll be right here with you the entire time,” he told Inuyasha, holding his eyes. Unable to look away, Inuyasha nodded.
So Inuyasha lay on his back, slightly propped up against the headboard to which he was tied, his ass filled with a large toy, and stayed still while the demon lord carefully, precisely began to insert the tip of the glass into his limp cock.
The first bit did hurt. It hurt quite a lot in the strangest way that Inuyasha had never felt before. It felt like it hurt way inside of him, in a sharp line straight into his body through his cock.
The only thing that distracted him from the pain was getting to see his brother do it. Golden eyes were utterly focused on the task. Inuyasha’s legs were splayed open for him, and the demon Lord held his cock in his hands with unquestionable certainty, the youkai’s striped hands absolutely steady.
Inuyasha’s hands were bound over his head, so there was nothing he could do in any case, but it occurred to him that if this was going to be done, he would rather the demon Lord do it rather than do it himself. When it came to this, he had more confidence in Sesshoumaru’s hands than his own.
Of course, this wouldn’t be getting done to him at all if his brother hadn’t decided he wanted to punish him with this torture, but that was beside the point.
When the tip of it was in him though, the sensation felt very different.
When Sesshoumaru finally glanced up at his brother, Inuyasha was breathing hard, looking down in shock at his own cock.
“Sessh,” Inuyasha said in a hushed, awed sort of voice. “It’s… it’s really inside me.”
“Yes,” the demon Lord said.
Inuyasha looked up at him to meet his eyes, and seeing the calm confidence in them, he had the strong urge to lean forward and kiss him. But mindful of the glass thing still embedded in his cock, he remained still in place.
“Alright,” he said. “Alright, you did what you wanted. You proved your point. Now take it out,” Inuyasha panted.
Sesshoumaru looked up at him and smiled lazily. “Not yet,” he told him. “Are you ready, Inuyasha?” he asked softly.
Inuyasha looked up at him, a fresh wave of fear going through him. “Ready for what?” he asked worriedly.
The demon took a hold of the instrument and slowly, very slowly began to thrust it in further.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened at the sensation. He groaned lewdly, struck with the bizarre feeling of being penetrated in the organ that was meant to do the penetrating.
Then Sesshoumaru began pulling it back out slightly.
Inuyasha was almost relieved, until he stopped just with the tip inside of him and then pushed it back in smoothly.
Inuyasha’s pupils dilated.
“Brother,” he panted. “Onii-sama,” he said, slipping back to the term of address he’d used many years earlier. “You’re … you’re fucking me with it.”
The demon Lord held his eyes this time as he pushed the instrument back and forth gently. “How does it feel, getting fucked in your cock?” he breathed, enjoying the look on his brother’s flushed, frightened face.
“I-it doesn’t feel bad,” Inuyasha admitted. “It feels… it feels kind of good…”
The demon Lord laughed then, low and dark. “I should have known,” the murmured. “My little slut can get off on anything, can’t you?”
Inuyasha’s breath hitched but he was too preoccupied with the sensations going through his body to retort. There was something solid and alien in a place where all his life, only his bodily fluids had existed. And that solid, alien thing was there on his brother’s whim, because Sesshoumaru wanted him to go through this. Inuyasha felt desire coiling at the base of his spine, curling his toes.
God, it was so hot, to be taken like this, to be completely wreckedwhile his brother had not even undressed. The edges of the glass were perfectly smooth, and it was rubbing against the inner, most sensitive skin of his cock. And he could not even control its motion; his hands were tied up over his head with what was most definitely youkai silk, because try as he might, he could not tear it. And he knew his brother would be really mad if he broke the headboard.
And his ass was so full. The pain in his bottom had gone; whatever had torn had probably healed over by now, and all he was left with was the sensation of something hard inside of him, something other than a cock that his brother had casually shoved in there because Inuyasha had been being a naughty little slut -
“Inuyasha,” the demon lord said, and the commanding tone of his voice had the hanyou looking up attentively. “When I take this out, I want you to remain absolutely still,” he said. “Can you do that?”
Inuyasha, despite himself, turned red, but nodded hesitantly.
The demon Lord returned his attention to Inuyasha’s cock. After a pushing and pulling a final few times, the demon Lord finally pulled it out in one smooth motion.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened at the sudden onslaught of sensation, and with a silent scream and sob all mixed into one, Inuyasha spilled all over the sheets once again, just as the demon Lord withdrew the instrument from his cock.
He didn’t realize he’d blacked out, but when he opened his eyes, he was shivering, curled into a ball at his brother’s side. The toy seemed to have been removed from his bottom, and his hole twitched, still oily and now feeling embarrassingly empty. The demon Lord was still fully clothed and was holding him close, one arm thrown around his shoulders, pulling him into the warmth of his body.
When Inuyasha opened his eyes, he looked up tentatively at his brother and fisted his shirt in his hands silently. Sesshoumaru let him, allowing his brother that small comfort after the ordeal he’d been through.
“Are you feeling alright?” the demon Lord murmured to him, nuzzling twitching puppy ears with his nose.
Inuyasha nodded hesitantly, burrowing his head in the demon Lord’s neck, subtly inhaling his comforting scent.
The dull vibration of the mobile phone on the wooden table drew Sesshoumaru’s attention away from him. The demon Lord glanced at the number, and then picked up the device, swiping with his thumb to answer the call, even as he held his brother close with the other.
“Yes,” he said authoritatively into the phone.
Inuyasha made out muffled voices on the other end.
“Send them in,” Sesshoumaru said, then cut the call.
Inuyasha looked up at him in panic. Both their rings were off! And the humans didn’t know of the relations between them. They couldn’t find him naked in his brother’s bed like this, bleeding from his ass. He made to sit up and flee, but his brother pushed him back down on the bed, giving him a quiet order to stay where he was.
Against his better judgement, Inuyasha remained in bed while the door opened.
Two men and two women walked in, looking terrified.
The demon Lord was still lounging next to him on the bed and looking at each other uncertainly, they walked up to him tentatively. Seeing Inuyasha naked and bleeding on the bed, they forgot their fear momentarily.
“H-Hey Dennis,” Inuyasha said nervously, raising a hand to wave at the man who had captured him. He’d known the man from before; he was a good guy. Inuyasha held no grudge against him for capturing him; he had only been doing his job.
Dennis gave him a nervous half-smile, hand twitching at his side. All four of them were now staring at the twitching puppy ears atop Inuyasha’s head.
“These are the people who brought you back?” Sesshoumaru asked Inuyasha.
Inuyasha nodded nervously, staring at them. They were clearly elite fighters, to be able to bring a hanyou down like that. Granted, they’d had the help of weapons, but still. It was no mean feat.
Sesshoumaru allowed his cold eyes to sweep over each and every one of them. “You are the ones responsible for the marks on my brother’s body,” Sesshoumaru stated.
The men and women were still staring wideyed at the hanyou and the bed and the whole situation.
“W-with all due respect, th-there was no other way to bring him back, Boss” one of the women said, eyeing the gun on the nightstand warily. So far, the demon Lord had made no move to reach for it.
She glanced subtly at the others. What the Boss didn’t know was they, all four of them were a team. The idiots who had sent them in here hadn’t bothered to get them to disarm. They could each of them draw their weapon and fire before the mafia head could probably so much as blink. If it came down to it, there wasn’t any way he could shoot them all before one of the others got him.
“Hmm,” the demon Lord said thoughtfully.
Ignoring the others in the room, he leaned over and brushed his lips softly over Inuyasha’s to the utter mortification of the younger man.
Then he turned over and raised his hand. Inuyasha flinched and closed his eyes, hiding his face in his brother’s chest with a small despairing sound.
The poison whip unfurled lazily, striking each of the four people precisely in their mouths.
When he withdrew it, the four people fell down dead.
Inuyasha looked from them to his brother wide eyed.
“No,” he whispered in dismay. “No, it wasn’t their fault. It was my fault. It wasn’t their fault!”
“That is true,” the demon Lord agreed. “But they hurt you. You know nobody’s allowed to do that other than me.”
Inuyasha felt tears brimming in his eyes again, along with horrified nausea in his gut, seeing the four dead bodies, including Dennis, on the floor.
Kissing him once on top of his head, Sesshoumaru picked up the gun at his bedside.
Then he shot each of the dead bodies twice in the head.
Inuyasha closed his eyes, concentrating on breathing and calming his roiling stomach.
He’d always known what the gun was for. It was for appearances.
When the Cleaner was called to get rid of the bodies, he would find the gunshot wounds and think to look no further for the cause of their death. Because they’d been shot almost immediately after death, the bleeding would be consistent with being shot to death. The bodies would be disposed of and nobody would care enough to look deep inside their mouths for the burnt flesh within.
Inuyasha looked up at his brother’s emotionless face. Tears gathered in his eyes once more and spilled over his cheeks. Sesshoumaru lay the gun aside, and picked one drop up with a claw.
“What is it?” he asked his brother. “Is it the humans-?”
Inuyasha flushed, shaking his head. “No,” he whispered, and lowered his eyes, ashamed. “I – i-it’s hurting when – when my cock tries to get hard,” he muttered, hiding his face in his brother’s chest.
The demon Lord chuckled fondly. “That will get better with time,” he told the younger man. It no longer surprised him that Inuyasha was getting aroused by what was also clearly horrifying him. He’d found out a long time ago that his younger brother was as twisted as he was.
He gently raised the embarrassed man’s chin and kissed him gently on the lips. Pink dusted Inuyasha’s cheeks when he looked up at him, looking so very sweet and innocent and debauched.
“Next time you run away,” Sesshoumaru told him softly, caressing his head with one hand casually. “The rod that will go inside of your cock will be twice as thick. Do you understand?”
Inuyasha nodded sincerely, body already shivering from the thought of what was to come next time. And there would definitely be a next time. Inuyasha wasn’t capable of being good for too long. But his brother wouldn’t let it go at just that. He would think of some other, novel torture with which to punish him, along with this one. Something that would be painful and traumatic, something he would never forget, but that wouldn’t damage him in any tangible way.
And he would callously, without a second thought, eliminate any humans who were unfortunate enough to get caught up in their game.
Inuyasha didn’t think he could have been more in love with his brother than he was in that moment.
A/N: From now on, updates to this story will be once every two or three days. I will do the Kinktober prompts for all the days, but the series will go over into November. I also intend to create moodboards for all upcoming chapters so check on Tumblr after each update if you’d like to see them.
Next prompt is: Licking | Pet Play | Rimming/Analingus | Costume
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jsmlwriter · 7 years
Mangos and Oranges
Summary: Under the guise of a home tutor, Reborn was assigned as the mentor in charge of training Sawada Tsunayoshi to become the next Vongola boss.  He became so much more than that: a teacher, a partner, a friend, and occasionally, a father.  One-shot collection of R and 27 during the moments in between.  (Not yaoi or slash but their relationship is certainly close)
Target 02 - Hit
Prompt: Tsuna faces a real assassination attempt for the first time.
Warning: Brief descriptions of gore and graphic violence
Setting: Namimori; a little over a year after The Curse of the Rainbow Arc
It happened on the second day of high school while Tsuna was on his way to meet Hayato and Takeshi in front of the school entrance.  
The morning had started out like any other day. He’d been able to evade the majority of Reborn’s Spartan wake up methods but in his haste of escape, stepped on his own foot and crashed down the stairs. Routine, really.
While jogging his usual twenty laps around the block, Tsuna breathed in and tilted his head back to look at the stars still remaining in the morning sky and allowed his lips to twitch upwards in semblance of a smile. Building up stamina really helped a long way in allowing himself to enjoy his daily exercise. While halfway through lap twelve, the air shifted and Tsuna felt a knot of discomfort settle in his chest. He instantly felt wary. Something like this had only happened once before and that was the day before everyone had been sent to the future. This feeling was a little different and Tsuna didn’t like it. He slowed the pace of his jog and kept himself alert.
As he neared the corner of his home street, the knot of distorted into a sharp pang in his gut so poignant that Tsuna’s body stopped mid-run in chilling paralysis. He recalled Reborn’s earlier lesson about knowing when he was being watched by someone. The teen cast his senses around to locate any possible hostile presences. Finding nothing, he hesitantly continued walking home but the discomfort remained unsatisfied.
Once Tsuna’s yard and house were in sight, the high schooler exhaled in relief a the familiar sight. The feeling in his stomach faded away but Tsuna decided to be extra cautious throughout the day. He definitely didn’t want to get sent to an apocalyptic future again. He walked through the front door, kicked off his shoes and headed upstairs for a quick shower. The water droplets pelted against his back and whisked away the lingering ache of discomfort from before. Perhaps his paranoia had finally spiked out of control and he’d been imagining things? Afterward, Tsuna quickly dried off, slipped into his school uniform and met the rest of his family downstairs for breakfast.
“Ne, Reborn,” he began. “Earlier, there was, well…” He trailed off, unsure of where he was taking the conversation. “I guess...is there anything going on around Namimori? Or something I should know about?” He kept his tone light, not wanting to cause the kids or Kaa-chan any unnecessary worry. For that matter, he wasn’t sure he should be worried himself. The feeling was near non-existent now.  
The seven-year-old hitman frowned and shot him a puzzled look. “Did something happen, Tsuna?”
Tsuna sighed and shook his head. “I-it’s nothing. There’s probably a surprise exam today.” He didn’t want to imagine what may have caused such a dark feeling. Maybe there’d been an accident and someone got injured? ‘I hope my friends are all okay,’ he thought.
Reborn’s gaze lingered on Tsuna but he didn’t comment any further. They all enjoyed a lovely breakfast cooked by Nana and the eager assistant, I-Pin. Tsuna hurried through his food, not wanting to be late to class.  
He hurriedly stood up. “Thank you for the meal,” he said while running upstairs to grab his school bag. Before heading out the door for the day, he paused and looked at his tutor, who was just finishing his own meal, unsure of whether he’d be accompanying Tsuna on his way to school or not.
Lately, Reborn had decided to stop following Tsuna so closely outside of school to force him to figure things out on his own. His student was depending on his guardians and home tutor to be the first responders too often.
Reborn looked at his student. “Go along, I’ll join up with you soon.”
Tsuna nodded and shut the door behind him. Walking to school by himself before he met up with his friends seemed to be the only time in the day when his life wasn’t a chaotic mess and Tsuna basked in every second of it. The brunet soaked in the fresh morning atmosphere and welcoming sun rays. The majority of the walk to school was quiet and peaceful.  
And then it wasn’t. One last small breeze rolled over his body and the air stilled.
Suddenly, the feeling was back, twice as intense as before. Reaching into his back pocket, Tsuna pulled out his mittens and slipped them on. He focused his senses once again but could not pinpoint any causes of disturbance. His confusion heightened. He stood there in the middle of the sidewalk for a full minute. Why was his Hyper Intuition acting up? What was it trying to warn him? There seemed to be absolutely no reason for panic but he his breaths quickened and broke into a sprint towards the school regardless, hoping to reach his friends as soon as possible.
Tsuna continued running for another two minutes when the feeling of paranoia sharpened into a painful jab. His head was ringing wrong, Wrong, WRONG! He shoved some pills into his mouth and burst into Hyper Dying Will Mode, preparing for the attack. A slight tug. Right, his Intuition whispered. Tsuna leapt backwards, missing a miniscule needle by half an inch, no doubt dipped in poison, that flew past his face.  He landed, spread his hands to shoot flames at his attacker—
There was nobody to target. Tsuna spun around. Still no one.
He dove forward. He felt, rather than saw or heard, something fly over his head, just barely grazing the top locks of his hair. Tsuna rolled out of the dive and immediately got into a defensive position. Orange tinted eyes narrowed. There was still no sign of his attacker or attackers’ location. Locations? Focus. His senses hummed and buzzed crazily.
These guys, they really wanted to kill him.  
It wasn’t his first assassination attempt but he’d never gone against someone as serious as this before. When would they show themselv–BEHIND! The presence was so instantaneous, even Tsuna’s hyper reflexes had no time to react.
I can’t move!
The masked attacker swung his knife up, aimed for the sweet spot between the teen’s lungs.  Before the blade could lower, his hand’s momentum was promptly knocked off course by a yellow beam of light. It pierced through his flesh, ripped through the bones and muscles of his wrist, nearly decapitating his entire hand from his arm.  
The man growled. The shock of his interrupted attack passed. Pain spread up through his whole appendage. Undeterred, he spun around using momentum to throw his leg up and smash against his target’s body.
His foot stopped mid-air. A scowling child with inhuman strength, adorned in a black fedora and dark suit was blocking his foot with one hand. The grip tightened, crushing his bones.
“Ciaous,” the child greeted, meeting his gaze with a deadly glint in his own. “Nobody’s allowed to target this dame-student except me.”
As established, Reborn left a few minutes after Tsuna rushed out the front door, secretly trailing behind his now only semi-dame student (not that he’d ever admit that to anyone, especially said student).
Tsuna’s comment at breakfast immediately put him on edge. To date, there had been three assassination attempts on his student. The first attempt, made by Valensa and Toras, was a joke and terrible training opportunity at best. That time, Reborn hadn’t worried about the threat of assassination. His only concern was the knowledge that Tsuna was already a marked target to other famiglia.
The second two, Tsuna didn’t know about.
Reborn took care of the hitmen before they posed any serious threat to his teen student. He could have turned them into a lesson but he’d been reluctant to. A legitimate assassination training was a one of those dangerous topics that could become tricky to handle. And Tsuna simply hadn’t been ready. Defense against assassination opened the first of the three lessons he was most reluctant to teach a kid like Tsuna, who’d been raised as a sheltered civilian and was simply too good of a person for Reborn to taint like that.
As he trailed behind the future Vongola boss, a subtle feeling of dread settled in his stomach. Fate decided that today was the day he’d pay for delaying the first Hitman lesson. These guys were good. The neighboring civilians had even been taken care of, to ensure no accidental witnesses. It was only due to countless years of accumulated skill and experience that he was able to easily approximate the sources of aggression.  
They hid their positions of attack and their killing intent aura incredibly well. Despite his earlier training with Tsuna to identify and locate masked presences, the former arcobaleno knew that his student wouldn’t be skilled enough to successfully track these hunters.  
Reborn dashed forward to catch up to the future Neo Vongola Primo. His granted time of delay was up. It’d only been a matter of when before assassination attempts, like the one that would no doubt occur in a few minutes, would happen. Dame-Tsuna was in immediate need of a lesson plan change as of yesterday.  
He broke into a run, faster than a typical child’s body should allow. He constructed a plan, picking out the group of assassins and calculating the character information of each individual.  Number of targets: two, no. Three. That third member needed to be taken out immediately.  Reborn saw Tsuna’s sprinting come to a halt and his student activate his Hyper Dying Will.  ‘Excellent,’ he thought. The hitman tutor dashed off of his original course. Tsuna’s flames would buy Reborn a few extra seconds to reach that hidden third member and...
Good day, Mr. Sniper-san. Reborn silently appeared behind the gunman’s prostrate body. His two small hands wrapped around the assassin’s head, one covering the mouth and the other firmly planted among the roots of the hair. His hands sharply forced the head sideways and back at a twisted angle, with a hard Crack! and the sniper fell limp.
Reborn swiftly disabled the sniper gun. Seeing a switch knife in the sniper’s back pocket, Reborn snatched it up and tucked it into his sleeve. Not wanting to waste even half a second, he took off after Tsuna. Reborn arrived just in time to see one of the hitmen appear behind his student. He charged his pistol with sun flames and shot the man’s hand off course. Reborn switched his gun to his left hand and blocked the follow up kick with his right. He mentally profiled the man.
Age: mid 30’s. Hair, eyes, and facial structure noted. Large stature. Ethnicity appeared to be Greek. Greek? Really? Attire, weaponry and current fighting style suggested primary close-range combatant. These guys weren’t the type to any information concerning their employer. Interrogation would be useless.
Reborn tipped the brim of his fedora up and met the assassin’s dead eyes. Unbeknownst to Tsuna, Reborn’s aura was pouring with the darkest killer intent only seasoned hunters would be able to pick up.
“Ciaous, nobody’s allowed to target this dame-student except me.”
Reborn used his grip on the assassin’s leg to throw his balance off. The man stumbled back.  With a flick of the wrist, the knife Reborn had picked up, flew out and embedded deep into his victim’s throat. Minimum blood splatter. A quicker clean up after this mess.
Reborn waited for the third. There was absolutely no indication of where or when the next attack would happen. Even the child hitman’s gut instinct had some difficulty picking up the next guy’s moves.
On the faintest whim, Reborn reflexively leapt up. His fingers shot out and caught a poisoned needle midair, two inches from Tsuna’s forehead. Reborn, number one hitman in the world, was already using the needle’s positioning, angle, and velocity to exact the final assassin’s location whilst both the attacker and high school student were still processing that the hit attempt had been expertly intercepted.  
Reborn’s pinched fingers thrust the needle towards the ground. When his small feet landed, he pushed off, having already established his target’s hiding spot. Of course, by the time Reborn reached his destination, the assassin had already vanished. Tsuna’s home tutor promptly twisted around midair, readied his pistol and took aim. Following the same whim he had before, he took a shot. The bullet zoomed past behind Tsuna and landed in the final hitman’s shoulder, right as he suddenly appeared at the boy’s back.
The man didn’t have time to recover. Reborn was in front of him, breaking his fingers, which held two more poisoned needles. The assassin cried out in pain-laced fury. Recognizing the former sun arcobaleno, his skin paled. Their mission had failed and he knew it.
“You’re good,” the suited child smirked. “But I’m Reborn.” He cocked his pistol and shoved the muzzle into the assassin’s gut, right above his small intestines. He pulled the trigger. “Chaous Burst: Irradiare.” The assassin let out a yelp which pierced Namimori’s still air but was abruptly cut off. A dozen rays of blinding sunlight ruptured through his body. Life faded from the man’s eyes and he crumpled to the ground with a soft thud. Blood splattered the adjacent fence and collected into a pool beneath the corpse.
“Tch,” Reborn scoffed. Unlike the first two, this one would be a pain to clean up. And the moron’s blood had gone and ruined his suit too. It was a good thing Reborn was growing and in need of a new size anyway.
Tsuna’s dying will flame extinguished; his heart was no doubt pounding with adrenaline and his mind still trying to comprehend what just happened. The entire attack had not even lasted two minutes.
Reborn still vividly recalled a similar incident, with Dino. He remembered the panic, horror and fear in the young boy’s eyes when he saw his mentor standing in that blood soaked room, among a scattered pile of bodies. It was bound to happen...the very real awareness from his student that he was a ruthless killer. Reborn couldn’t have kept that from him forever. Hitmen weren’t supposed to care about their missions. It caused too many problems. But Reborn had never been conventional. Becoming a teacher and investing so much time and effort into these young boys made it so hard not to. It took a little over a month for Dino to stop looking at him like that, and for things to go back to how they were. It was only when Dino stepped up the Cavallone boss and was placed in difficult situations that full understanding demolished any left over wariness.
And now history was repeating itself.
For a minute, it was just them: the home tutor and his student. Namimori was still waking up and just beginning it’s day.
“R-Reborn, w-what just happened?”
Reborn’s gaze snapped up to meet his student’s face. The child hitman could see the eyes of the teen’s pale face that he was in danger of going into shock. Seeing Dino’s reaction prepped Reborn to face the young sky boss but for some reason, Tsuna’s felt so much worse.
“Are you uninjured, Tsuna?”
Tsuna jumped at the unexpected inquiry. The fog settling in his head muddled his thoughts. The question seemed needless. Both Tsuna and Reborn could see he hadn’t been physically harmed in any way during the whole fiasco, all thanks to the former arcobaleno. Miraculously, no blood had gotten on him or his uniform either.
“A-ah, I’m okay.” He didn’t think his answer convinced Reborn. The brunette was still shaken up. Suddenly, he had a terrifying thought. “The others! Takeshi! Hayato!”
“The target was you,” Reborn interrupted. “These three are the only hitmen, who did not ally with the Vongola, in Namimori this week.” He paused for a moment. “Are you certain you’re alright?”
There was a lump in Tsuna’s throat but he nodded. He still didn’t think he was fooling his home tutor. Regardless, Reborn nodded and thought for a bit. “In that case, I’m going to clean up this mess. You should still go to school. Your guardians are waiting for you and I don’t sense any other attacks happening today.”
“O-oh, okay.”  Tsuna gripped the straps of his school bag tightly. A small splatter of blood had landed on Reborn’s cheek and it slowly trailed down his face. Tsuna’s stomach clenched. He couldn’t force himself to turn away. Go to school? After this? His stomach lurched and he felt like he was going to be sick.  He managed to take a few steps backwards and then stopped.  
There was a slight tremor in his hand when reached into his pocket to take out his phone and dial Hayato.  
“Good morning, Juudaime!”
“Hayato-kun,” greeted Tsuna. “...I…” He found himself unable to tear his gaze away from that one trail of blood on his tutor’s cheek. “S-something’s come up...and I won’t be arriving to school today.”
“I’m okay!” he quickly reassured. His voice steadied. “I’ll explain after school. Ah, I hope Kyoya-sempai doesn’t bite me to death later. I’m just calling so that you won’t worry and come looking for me.”
“Tsuna-sama! Are you alright? Did something happen? Have you already left your house? Where are you? I’ll be right there–”
“No! Don’t!” he exclaimed, cutting off his best friend. “Reborn...ano, Reborn’s taken care of the problem. I will see you all later and explain. Please, don’t worry and go to class with everyone else. If you come to see me, Takeshi will insist on following and Onii-san and Kyoko-chan will want to be informed, and then Chrome, Shoichi-kun and Spanner-san will want to investigate...and then Hibari-san will arrive to bite us all to death for skipping...it’s better if you stay there. Reborn’s with me. I’ll see you after school, I promise.”
“As annoying as they are, we’re all happy to skip and come over!”
“No, Gokudera-kun!”
“But Juudaime–”
“Please, Hayato!” His voice wavered. “There’s just something I need to...figure out with Reborn and on my own right now, without everyone here.” There must have been some audible desperation in his voice because the silver-haired teen grew uncharacteristically quiet. Tsuna could imagine that Gokudera was gritting his teeth.
“Damn it, I’m coming over as soon as the bell rings.”
“Okay,” Tsuna conceded. I’ll try and be ready to answer your questions.”
“...fine,” Gokudera-kun relented.
“Thank you,” sighed Tsuna in relief. “I’ll see you later.”
“Be safe, Tsuna.”
Tsuna hung up and turned back to Reborn, who was frowning. “You’re skipping school.”
The teen walked up to his hitman and knelt so he was at eye level with the (not really) kid.  Hesitating for just a second, he used a thumb to wipe away the blood that was still slowly trailing down the seven-year old’s face. He didn’t like seeing that kind of red on his family.
He retrieved his hand and looked a the crimson liquid now on his hand. The shock was wearing off and as his senses returned to him, he found the smell the scene nauseating.
“Tsuna, what are you doing?” Reborn had an odd look in his dark eyes.  His voice was laced with a hard tone but he let Tsuna do…(whatever he was doing?)...anyway.
“I won’t be able to concentrate in class,”Tsuna began. “And if it’s not too much trouble, could I...stay with you?” His voice cracked and involuntarily shrunk to a whisper at the last of the question. He cleared his throat, embarrassed. “I...I could h-help. I’m sure the...the b-bodies will be less hassle if the two of us worked together. So…” Tsuna trailed off, unsure he’d made the right call.
Incredulity briefly flashed across Reborn’s features. He read his student one more time. Tsuna was wary and horrified. He was most definitely terrified out of his mind but...those feelings seemed to be directed more so at the current situation than at him, as a killer. This kid, he really was an all-encompassing sky.
Tsuna fidgeted.  “I just...I don’t think I can…” leave. I can’t brush this off. I don’t like leaving you here to deal the aftermath of this with this while I attend a stupid class in school like nothing happened. Please, help me deal with this?
He didn’t finish his sentence, at least, not out loud. He wasn’t alright. Reborn, the intuitive mind reader seemed to hear what couldn’t voice and sighed.  
“This can be your lesson today. Usually, I’d have someone else take care of the mess but unfortunately, Shamal and Bianchi are out of town and people will be passing by soon. We don’t have anymore time to waste. A boss should be aware of everything that happens before and after a hit.” Leon glowed and transformed into a large bag. “Get the first man and put him in the Leon-bag, fast. I’ll be right back.”
Thankful to have simple orders to follow, Tsuna took the bag and hurried over to the first attacker who had a blade embedded in his throat. The teen crouched down to pick the man up. He was probably nearly three times Tsuna’s own weight. Thankfully, almost three years of Reborn-driven spartan training gave him the strength to heave the large assassin into the Leon-bag with minimal struggle. He blinked as he thought about his current situation. Him. Stuffing an actual body into a bag to disposed. How was this his life?! Did people like Reborn do this all the time? He shuddered. He didn’t want to dwell on that thought.
Reborn returned, hauling a third man on his back and carrying a sniper gun. Tsuna blanched. A sniper? Hiiee! He hadn’t sensed him at all. He obviously had more training to go through or he wouldn’t make it through a single day as Decimo (or Neo Primo, or don Vongola, whatever they called it nowadays!).
He created a wide opening so that Reborn could easily toss the sniper into the bag as well. The third body, well, when Tsuna approached it, he choked back a gag. It was a huge mess of mangled flesh, blood, guts and other bodily fluids he didn’t even know existed. Reborn took care of that one. Tsuna didn’t envy Leon one bit. The shape-shifting chameleon was glowing with some sort of protective layer around it.
Apparently the Leon-bag was bigger on the inside than its outside appearance would suggest because they managed to fit all three carcasses into the sack and close it. Tsuna didn’t really question much things like broken physics laws anymore.
Reborn pointed out a route they would take that would lead out of Namimori and into the woods. Reborn reached into a pocket and sprinkled something over the bloodstains on the sidewalk, road, and fence. The red marks immediately began to fade.
“They’ll be long gone by the time we get back,” Reborn said. He turned, dragging the bag with unnatural strength and Tsuna numbly trailed behind. Once in the woods, Reborn kept walking and led them to an isolated clearing. With Reborn calmly directing Tsuna through each step, the whole process went by rather smoothly, in Tsuna’s opinion. They dug a small pit (Tsuna didn’t ask where in the world Reborn even got the shovels from) and dumped the bodies in a pile.
Reborn pulled out a container and sprinkled the liquid it held over the three men. The bodies started sizzling and disintegrating. Soon, the teen could see that the substance was eating away through the flesh, leaving behind dry ash. He sweatdropped. (Hiiieee!? Reborn was carrying something dangerous like THAT around in his pocket all this time? Scary!!)
“Why didn’t we use that stuff before coming all the way out here?” Tsuna asked.
“It’ll take time to work through everything and someone would have stumbled across the scene,” answered Reborn.
Oh. And that was that.
The tutor was right; Tsuna estimated it took over twenty minutes until they were left with a pile of disintegrated and charred...something...and ash. Tsuna and Reborn set to work filling the pit back up.  They worked quickly, neither willing to start up conversation. When all was done and finished, Tsuna stood there, looking at the ground where he had just helped bury three people. There was no evidence. Again, how was this his life?
“Do you think they had families?”
Reborn patted the once again even ground with his foot. “Maybe. Don’t make any of this personal. To them, it was just another job. To you, it’s another day survived. Such is the life in the mafia.”
“I’m not going to be a mafia boss.”
“Whatever the case, as the next in line to be the next Vongola leader, you don’t have a choice. You’re already involved in the world.”
Tsuna frowned in frustration. That was the truth and he didn’t like it. “Where did they come from?”
“Not sure. I’m going to call Nono as soon as we’re done here and look further into who sent them.”
The brunette thought about the entire morning’s events. He’d been targeted for assassination. It wasn’t the first time but this was way different from the one before. Someone, somewhere, really wanted him dead. If they’d succeeded, he wouldn’t be at school, returning home to his siblings or Kaa-chan...seeing his friends again...if it Reborn hadn’t rescued him...”
Tsuna’s legs gave out underneath him. “I-I was helpless,” he bit out. “Even with the Intuition and my flames, I couldn’t do anything. I was useless, dame.”
Reborn tilted his head. “Well all things considered, you managed to dodge the poisoned blades,  before I arrived so that somewhat contributed to your survival.”  
Tsuna’s facial features scrunched up. He wasn’t sure how to interpret that. Was Reborn was attempting to make him feel better about this? His hitman tutor, as always, remained unreadable.
“But you’re right. You were completely pathetic. Starting tomorrow morning, you’re going to run five laps around Namimori in preparation for the next lesson I’ve got for you. As for tonight, Gokudera and Yamamoto are going to catch you up on all of the school work you’re missing right now.”
All color drained from Tsuna’s face. “H-haiii…”
Reborn kept his true thoughts to himself. Tsuna had been far outclassed and that was on Reborn’s shoulders. Going against the Varia, Millefiore and Vindice provided the future boss with a fighting experience that didn’t fully cover defending from ambush assassinations like this one. They were different styles. Tsuna needed this push.
Previously, Tsuna’s strength and drive was only drawn from his desire to protect his friends and family. Now, a new flame was born; Reborn could see it in his student’s eyes. Tsuna wanted to get stronger, for himself. He wanted to live another day to see his family again. He could work with that. They would be diving into the first of his three most hated and feared lessons within the next twenty-four hours. Tsuna was going to need his rest.
He wordlessly offered his hand to his favorite student (Dino would never know) who was still kneeling on the ground. Tsuna blinked in surprise and accepted it. He pulled the high schooler back up onto his feet.
The (not really) seven-year-old tipped the brim of his fedora down. “Hm, you still have a long way to go, dame-Tsuna; as your tutor, it’s my job to ensure you make it to your next lesson. I’m determined to make you live up to your potential as the Neo Vongola Primo.”
I’m going to make sure you survive and come out on top.
Tsuna fixed his large brown eyes on his teacher and let himself latch onto that promise.
“Na, thank you, Reborn.”
The teen followed his hitman tutor out of the woods wordlessly. The sun in the sky seemed to simultaneously shine a little darker and a little brighter than it ever had before.
Alternate Ending:
“Na,” Tsuna murmured. “Thank you for saving me, Reborn.”
“Hmph, it’s my job as your tutor to ensure you make it to your next lesson, dame-Tsuna.”
Tsuna smiled, in spite of himself. “Still, it was...it was terrifying to be in that situation, where it was them or me. I feel a little safer knowing you’re around.”
The (not really) seven-year-old tipped the brim of his fedora down, subtly masking his surprise.  He lifted his leg and kicked Tsuna in the back, smashing him to the ground.
“Hiiee–tata! Reborn, what was that for!?”
“Don’t be sappy, dame-Tsuna. This Target chapter has had enough ellipses and potential drama chick flick moments to last through an entire arc. We’re not in a romance. The readers are going suffer from my out-of-character-ness.”
“Ellipses...? Hiiii, what romance? Out-of-? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?”
“You’ve gotten soft. A boss keeps his true emotions and thoughts in check.”
Reborn didn’t deem that response worthy of further explanation and he turned around, heading back to town.  His student, confusedly trailing right behind him.
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chickpow · 7 years
I Never Knew
Chickpow here: I found an old disc/floppy disc in my attic containing a lot of very old fanfiction from authors and websites that are either gone or taken down. I am not the author but I would like to share what I’ve found. if you find the author please let me know so I can credit them properly. Thank you and enjoy
I Never Knew 
Part 1 By: Missfortune Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (except Tytus, unfortunately he's all mine) they belong to somebody else. Sniff! I'm only borrowing them to have a little fun you can have them back when I'm done but they might not want to go back! Warning: This is a Yaoi fanfiction and if you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be here and if you decide to stay don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway It's pretty mild so far but when I'm done there'll be so much lemon I'll have to make lemonade! Once again if you have no idea what I'm talking about I highly suggest that you leave. Okay now on with the show. Enjoy! Notes: Turns out I was right on the mark and these age differences are correct although I'm still sure that I really bent the timeline to suit my needs. Gohan is 8 years older than Trunks and 9 years older than Goten. Therefore Gohan is about 26 and has yet to find the love of his life with whom he will procreate with. So Trunks is 18 and Goten is 17.
'I watch him as he watches him. If only he'd look at me that way, the way I look at him. But he is too blinded by his infatuation with my brother to see me as more than just a friend. Besides I'm afraid that if he ever realizes he might just take me on as a replacement of a sort. I know he loves me but only as a friend. My brother unknowingly holds his heart. A heart I would do almost anything to possess. At least in return for my heart which he holds in his possession without even realizing. Just as clueless as my brother in ways of the heart.
I've known him for all my life. I've always looked up to him. Loved him as a friend and then it turned into something more. But he has that hero worship thing going with my brother and he is in love with him. It's not fair. We know each other so well and yet obviously not well enough or I wouldn't be in such pain. I thought that love was a beautiful, happy thing. I was wrong it is sad and painful. Every time I watch him flirt with my clueless brother it feels like a knife twisting in my heart.'
A hand on his shoulder jerked Goten from his unhappy thoughts. He looked up into the eyes of the one who was his greatest joy and greatest sorrow all rolled into one. Trunks looked down at him concerned.
"Is something wrong Goten?" he asked concerned.
'If only he knew' Goten thought to himself. "No," he replied out loud forcing a smile onto his face. "Everything's fine. Why do you ask?"
"Because you were scowling and if I didn't know better I'd say you were brooding. You kind of remind me of Tousan when he gets in one of his moods. Scary!" He said giving a little shudder. "Let me say that brooding doesn't suit you. Now come on give. What's wrong?"
"I was just thinking." Goten replied.
Trunks gasped. Goten looked up sharply. "Goten thinking?! Now there's a first!" Trunks said.
Goten narrowed his eyes and punched his best friend in the shoulder playfully, grinning.
"Now there's the Goten I know and love!" Trunks laughed.
Goten's heart squeezed at that comment. 'If only it were true' he thought to himself.
Trunks noticed his best friend stiffen at his comment. His face lost the smile he had worked so hard to get shining. 'Damn What'd I say?' he wondered to himself. "Now what?" Trunks asked him.
"I just remembered I have to be somewhere," Goten mumbled as he took to the skies and flew off.
'Well that was weird!' Trunks thought to himself staring at the speck that his best friend had become. He shrugged his shoulders. 'He'll talk when he's ready' Trunks thought, trying to reassure himself. There was something niggling in the back of his mind though. In fact now that he thought about it, it had been bothering him for quite some time. Goten had been getting more and more distant lately. There was a sadness that shouldn't be there, lurking in his eyes. Sadness and something else that he couldn't quite figure out but it looked familiar. His friend was usually so cheerful and outgoing but lately he had been retreating into himself and flitting off to isolate himself from those around him. Trunks tried his best to involve him in activities like sparring with himself and Gohan but that only seemed to make it worse. The invitations only made him retreat further. Maybe if he gave him some space things would get better on their own. Yes that's what he would do. He'd lay off and give Goten his privacy to work things out. Now speaking of Gohan he wondered where the object of his affection was right now.
Goten flew off into the clouds. 'Well that was real smooth, Goten. You ran away from him! How pathetic.' Goten thought to himself as he navigated the skies. He flew aimlessly letting the air caress him as it flowed around his body. He had to control himself if he kept running off like this Trunks was going to get suspicious. It wasn't like he was afraid that Trunks would be disgusted by his feelings because Trunks himself had similar feelings for his older brother, Gohan. He was however afraid that Trunks would tell him that he didn't feel the same way about him or worse yet that his feelings might be laughed off as one of his practical jokes. He didn't think that he could live with that. He couldn't ruin their friendship.
Goten sighed. The sound was lost in the wind that whipped around him. This was getting him nowhere. He either needed to confess to Trunks or get over him. Neither was a very easy thing to do. In fact getting over him sounded pretty near impossible. So he had to talk to him. He sighed again. It was inevitable though. He either talked to Trunks or his secret longing destroyed him. He decided to tell him next time Trunks came over for him. 'Yeah, it's easy to say that you're going to tell him but when it comes down to it, it's gonna be a battle. Maybe the most important battle of my life. The battle of my heart.' Goten thought as he landed in his front yard.
If anyone had been watching the sky at that moment they would have noticed a small meteorite fall to earth. Little would they have known that it was not a meteorite though. It was in fact a small spaceship and the occupant of this space ship was very dangerous indeed. For the man inside was a very dangerous warrior here to challenge earth's strongest fighters in order to test his fighting skills. He wasn't after a friendly contest though he was in it for keeps. For every fighter he fought and defeated he took their power. Defeat meant death for his opponents because there was no room for other powerful fighters. Because he was out to rule the universe and the more fighters he defeated the more powerful he became and the less of a chance somebody had to defeat him. Soon he would be invincible soon he could set his plans in motion. Soon but first he had some fighters to defeat.
To Be Continued....
Well that's it for now, but there is more to come I promise. Please send me feedback I need it desperately
I Never Knew Part 2 By: Missfortune Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (except Tytus, unfortunately he's all mine) they belong to somebody else. Sniff! I'm only borrowing them to have a little fun you can have them back when I'm done but they might not want to go back! Warning: This is a Yaoi fanfiction and if you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be here and if you decide to stay don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway It's pretty mild so far but when I'm done there'll be so much lemon I'll have to make lemonade! Once again if you have no idea what I'm talking about I highly suggest that you leave. Okay now on with the show. Enjoy!
A few days after the incident Trunks flew over to Gohan's house. He walked right in as usual. He waved to Goku who was sprawled on the couch.
"Oh, Trunks how are you dear?" Chi Chi asked him.
"Fine thank you. How are you? Still cooking up culinary masterpieces I see," he replied with a grin as he sniffed the air.
Chi Chi blushed. "Flattery will get you everywhere. Sit down, have a cookie," she said as she held out a tray of cookies in front of him.
"Hey where's my cookie?" Goku asked.
"What have you done for me lately?" Chi Chi asked him.
He stood up and swept her off her feet. "Goku!" she squealed.
"Have I told you lately that I love you?" he asked.
"No," she retorted.
"Well I do," he said kissing her deeply.
"That will get you everywhere too," she said with a wink as she picked up a cookie and put it in his mouth. He carefully stood her back up on the floor. Trunks laughed at the display of affection. They both smiled at him.
"Goten's not here tight now," Chi Chi said. "Lately he just goes off without telling anyone where he's going. I'm beginning to worry about him."
"Yeah," Trunks agreed. "Every time I try to talk to him he freezes up and ends up flying off. It's really weird. I decided that maybe if I leave him alone for a while he'll come and talk to me when he's ready."
Chi Chi nodded. "I hope you're right Trunks it's just not like him to be so sad," she said. Goku hugged her to him.
"Don't worry Chi Chi I'm sure that whatever it is Trunks will find out and help him with it." Goku told her. Trunks nodded emphatically. Nobody noticed the front door slide open silently and Goten step in.
"So if you're not here for Goten why are you here?" Chi Chi asked curiously.
"Well I'm here for Gohan. We had planned to go to a movie." Trunks told them.
Goten flinched and slid back out the door just as silently as he had come. He immediately took to the skies. 'He's not there for me! He and Gohan are going to the movies. How can I talk to him if he doesn't even want to see me anymore?' Goten thought as he flew off for the horizon.
"That was an awesome movie!" Trunks said as they walked towards his house.
"Yeah plenty of fighting and lots of blood." Gohan agreed.
Trunks smiled. He had gotten to sit next to Gohan for a full three hours while they wolfed down popcorn and cheered on the heroes. They were constantly brushing up against one another as they reached for the popcorn and other snacks they had bought. He loved being close to Gohan. It made him feel happy and excited. And a little sad that Gohan never noticed him in the way that he wanted him to. He didn't realize that he was flirting with him. He didn't realize that he was in love with him. He hoped that Gohan would get a clue soon because all this silent yearning was getting him down. He was beginning to act like Goten. Realization struck him.
"Like Goten!" he whispered.
"What?" Gohan asked looking over at him.
"I think I just figured out what's wrong with Goten." Trunks said.
"What?" Gohan asked curiously.
"He's in love!" Trunks said smirking.
"Goten in love?" Gohan said. "Yeah that makes sense. I wonder who the lucky girl is?"
"He's probably miserable because she rejected him or something. Poor Goten!" Trunks said.
"Well if he's taking dating tips from you of course he got rejected. You have a really bad track record with girls," Gohan teased.
Trunks blushed in the darkness. Not because he couldn't get girls, lots of girls liked him. He just didn't want them. He wanted a certain clueless guy next to him. 'If only you knew Gohan' "Yeah well what can I say I get my girl skills from Tousan. He's lucky Kaasan is as persistent as she is," Trunks retorted.
"That's an understatement," Gohan said.
"Yeah well here's my house. You wanna come in for a drink or something?" Trunks asked hopefully.
"No thanks I'd better get going or else Mom will get mad at me for being late. Thanks for the movie. I had a good time. See ya later." he said as he floated above the ground.
"Yeah I had a good time too. We should do it again soon. See ya round." he said as Gohan flew off. He turned and walked up the path to his house. As he passed under the oak tree a drop of water splattered on his head. "What?" he squawked as he looked up into the tree. It was a clear night and he knew it couldn't be raining plus he was under the shelter of the tree. What was this moisture falling from the sky? Another drop hit him on the lips as he peered up among the branches. He unconsciously licked away the drop of liquid and was surprised that it tasted salty. There was a dark figure huddled among the branches of the tree. "Hello?" he called out. The figure stiffened. Trunks floated up to the branch the figure was perched on.
He looked closely at the figure and realized that it was Goten. "Goten?" he asked concerned. Goten slowly looked up at him. His face was wet with tears. He watched fascinated as another tear squeezed out of his eye and slowly traced it's way down Goten's face. He was frozen in place as he watched the tear glide down and drip off the end of Goten's chin. A snuffle brought him out of his reverie. "Goten?" he queried as he put his hand on Goten's shoulder. Goten stiffened. "What did she do?" he asked.
"She who?" Goten croaked wincing at his own voice.
"The girl you're in love with." Trunks replied. Goten let out a harsh laugh that startled Trunks. He floated back from Goten. "It is love troubles right?" he asked now uncertain of his theory.
"Close but no cigar," he said as he stood up and lifted off of the branch. Trunks grabbed his ankle.
"Talk to me!" Trunks said desperately. Goten shook the hand off of his ankle.
"I shouldn't have to talk to you. If you weren't so blind you would know what's wrong but you're too busy ignoring me to be with my brother," Gohan said bitterly.
"Goten! That's not true! You're both my friends but you're my best friend." Trunks said.
"Coulda fooled me," Goten snorted as he flew up onto the sky.
"Wait!" Trunks called following him.
"Just leave me alone, Trunks you're only making it worse," Goten said speeding away.
Trunks wasn't giving up that easily however. He sped up to catch Goten. "I'm not gonna leave you alone. You're my friend and I care about you!" Trunks told him.
"Not enough," Goten whispered as he sped off faster than Trunks had ever seen him move before. Trunks tried to follow but quickly lost him. Now he was getting really worried about Goten. He hadn't seen Goten cry since they were little kids. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes he never would have believed it. He recalled the taste of Goten's tears and the way they rolled down his handsome face to fall to the ground below. A cold wind shook him out of his contemplation. Well sitting here in the sky wasn't going to help him figure this out. He decided to go home and sleep on it.
Elsewhere, a mysterious warrior was challenging some of the world's strongest fighters and leaving corpses in his wake. The carnage was terrible. The battles were painfully fast often with only one blow being traded. The final blow. The killing blow. Word quickly reached Goku about all the dead fighters and the mysterious warrior. He decided to get the family together and warn them. He planned to have everyone meet at his house the next day and hope that they could figure out what to do about it.
When Trunks went down to breakfast the next day he still hadn't figured out what to do about Goten. He sat there slowly eating a bowl of cereal as he pondered the problem. He couldn't seem to shake the image of Goten sitting huddled in a tree crying. He recalled how the moonlight glinted silver off the trails of tears on Goten's cheeks. Looking back he wanted to wipe those tears away or better yet kiss the tears away. Kiss?! Where had that come from?
"Trunks!" his father yelled.
"Huh?" he said looking up at his angry father.
"I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes. What's wrong with you?" his father asked.
"Oh nothing just thinking. What did you want?" he asked.
"Kakarrot has requested that we come to his house for a very important meeting and we have to leave in a little while." his father informed him.
"What's it about?" Trunks asked curiously.
"Somebody is killing off some of earth's strongest fighters. He wants to warn everybody and get them together to think of a solution," his father replied.
"Oh," Trunks said as he looked down at his empty cereal bowl. "Well, I'm ready when you are." He said standing up from the table and putting his bowl in the sink. His father nodded and they walked out of the house and took to the skies. He was still unnerved by the turn his thoughts had taken at breakfast. Kiss Goten! That sounded too weird. Now Gohan on the other hand, he would gladly kiss Gohan. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he failed to watch where he was going and promptly flew face first into a mountain peak. With his concentration shot he fell down the mountainside crashing into a pile of rocks causing a rockslide. His body was smashed against the side of the mountain repeatedly with rocks crashing into him as he tumbled down. Finally after an eternity of falling he landed at the bottom buried under several large boulders. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was a familiar pair of feet.
To Be Continued...
I Never Knew Part 3 By: Missfortune Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (except Tytus, unfortunately he's all mine) they belong to somebody else. Sniff! I'm only borrowing them to have a little fun you can have them back when I'm done but they might not want to go back! Warning: This is a Yaoi fanfiction and if you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be here and if you decide to stay don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway It's pretty mild so far but when I'm done there'll be so much lemon I'll have to make lemonade! Once again if you have no idea what I'm talking about I highly suggest that you leave. Okay now on with the show. Enjoy!
Goten looked up as the rocks tumbled past the mouth of his cave. He saw a strange blur that looked suspiciously like a body fly past the opening. He ran to the mouth of the cave and looked out to make sure there were no more rocks falling then he flew to the bottom of the mountain where the dust from the rockslide was settling. He heard a little shift from the bottom of the pile and peered under a huge boulder. There he saw a familiar but battered face. "Trunks!" he cried but there was no response. "Kuso!" he cursed as he began digging his friend out from under the rocks. He lifted an especially large boulder off of Trunks limp body and threw it off into the forest. He knelt down beside Trunks and began checking for broken bones. He was relieved when he found none. Only a few scrapes and a really big bump on his head to show for his fall. Goten gathered Trunks into his arms and flew them back up to his cave.
He gently laid Trunks onto his cot and sat in the only chair in the cave. He positioned it next to the cot to wait until Trunks awoke. He watched his friend as he slept peacefully. 'Why does he have to be so beautiful?' Goten wondered as he studied Trunks' features. He unthinkingly reached out and ran his finger down Trunks' cheek. Trunks turned into his touch and sighed softly. Goten looked closer at the large bump on Trunks' forehead. Suddenly Goten wondered if maybe he had a concussion. He leaned over Trunks and carefully opened one of his eyelids. The pupil reacted to the light and Goten breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly hands caught his head and pulled him into a searing kiss. At first he was too shocked to react but the insistent probing of Trunk's tongue forced him participate in the kiss. He kissed back fiercely for that was what he had always wanted. He was in heaven, his tongue wrestling with Trunks'. He ran a hand through Trunks' soft violet hair as Trunks tried to suck his soul out through his mouth and hugged him to his chest tightly. Goten wanted this to last forever but he needed to breathe. He pulled back slightly and gasped for air. Trunks' eyes were open now. He looked up at Goten blearily.
"Gohan," he sighed.
Goten recoiled as if bitten. He pulled back so fast that he fell from the chair. 'No,' he thought to himself, 'No he just kissed me not Gohan. Me, who loves him.' His heart contracted painfully at this cruel trick. "No!" he snapped out loud at the rapidly waking Trunks. "No, it's not Gohan, damn it. It's me Goten."
"Goten?" Trunks asked as he sat up gingerly. Goten moved forward to help him sit up.
"Yes, Goten don't you remember me? Or did those rocks hit you too hard?" Goten snapped again.
"Rocks? Oh damn! I was going to the meeting with Tousan" Trunks said.
"What meeting?" Goten asked curiously his anger fading momentarily.
"Your dad called a meeting because somebody has been killing off some really powerful fighters," Trunks explained.
"Oh," Goten said. "So if you were going to this meeting how did you end up at the bottom of the mountain buried under those rocks?"
"I was thinking about kissing Gohan," he said dreamily. Then his eyes snapped wide. "Oh shit," he mumbled. He hadn't meant to say that out loud.
"Why?" Goten asked.
"Why what?" Trunks asked confused.
"Why were you thinking of kissing my brother?" Goten asked.
"Because I like him. If fact I think I love him," Trunks confessed.
"Why?" Goten asked once again.
"Because he's Gohan," Trunks said with a shrug.
"Aargh. Just state the obvious why don't you baka. What is it about him? Why do you love him?" Goten asked exasperated.
"Oh!" Trunks said finally understanding the question. "I love him because he's smart and funny. He's an excellent fighter and a nice person. He's strong and fast and can beat me when he spars with me. He's tall dark and handsome. He has that spiky hair that you want to run your fingers through to try and tame it. It looks like he just tumbled out of bed. He has this gorgeous smile that you can't help but smile with him. It's contagious. He has those beautiful dark eyes that always hold a twinkle of mischief. And his body is to die for," he said as he began to drool at the mental images he was forming.
"Trunks," Goten said trying to get his friends attention. "Trunks . . . Trunks!"
"Huh . . . What?" Trunks said pulling himself out of his daydream.
"Doesn't everything you just said qualify for me too?" Goten asked a little hopefully.
"Hmm . . . Oh yeah . . . Hey what do you know it does!" Trunks said surprised. "Weird! Anyway where was I? Oh yeah!" he exclaimed as he went off on more of the many virtues of Gohan, which all suspiciously fit Goten too.
"He's never going to love you, you know," Goten murmured.
"What?! What did you say?" Trunks asked surprised.
"I said 'He's never going to love you.'" Goten said more forcefully.
"What would you know?" Trunks asked defensively.
"He's my brother. I know him. He's not like that," Goten said.
"Like what?" Trunks growled as he narrowed his eyes angrily.
"Gohan likes girls. He'll never want you that way," Goten informed him. "He's not like that."
"You bastard," Trunks sputtered as he stood up from the cot. He approached Goten who never even saw the punch coming. Goten flew back and landed about three feet in the wall. By the time he had pulled himself free Trunks was gone.
"Oh shit! What have I done? I've got to catch him. I need to tell him before he never talks to me again," said to himself as he flew out of the cave. He scanned the sky and saw a retreating figure in the distance that had to be Trunks. He flew off in hot pursuit, but he didn't catch him until he had landed in Goten's front lawn. "Trunks wait I didn't mean it like that," Goten cried desperately.
"Then how the hell did you mean it Goten?" Trunks yelled. "Tell me cause from where I'm standing that sounded like some sort of rejection. Like you don't want to be associated with me cause I'm like that as you so quaintly put it. And from you of all people. My best friend. I thought that you would understand. I guess I was wrong though. You're just like everyone else," Trunks spat.
Everyone that had been attending Goku's meeting came out of the house to see what all the fuss was about. Unbeknownst to them they had drawn the attention of another. A mysterious warrior stood in the shadows watching amusedly as his next victims gathered together in a nice little group making his job easier. He chuckled to himself this would be too easy like fish in a barrel or lambs to the slaughter.
"Trunks, I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just angry," Goten said.
"No Goten I don't want some lame excuse. That was hurtful and degrading and for that I'll never forgive you. I hate you. I hate you for what you did to me. Just leave me alone I don't want to look at you its making me sick you and your prejudiced ideas," Trunks yelled as he turned his back on Goten and began to walk toward the house.
Goten couldn't breathe. He had really done it this time. His heart was breaking. He could feel it shatter into a million razor edged pieces each piece digging into him excruciatingly. He clenched his hand over his heart in a feeble attempt to ease the rush of burning pain. His body had beaten pretty badly through the years but none of it compared to this internal agony he was feeling now. Trunks may as well have reached into his chest and pulled out his heart to grind into the dust. Tears blurred his vision. He let out a single choked sob.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw something move. He turned and saw a dark figure send a strange blast of energy towards Trunks. Without thought he flew and pushed Trunks out of the way. The blast hit him squarely in the chest. He was knocked out of the air by the powerful explosion the energy caused upon detonation. He distantly heard his mother scream as he tumbled to the ground.
Trunks felt a hand on his back and then he was falling to the ground. He heard an explosion sound near him and heard a feminine scream. He slowly gathered himself up off the ground and turned to gaze behind him. Goten was lying on the ground with a small curl of smoke rising from his chest. He turned to the figure walking out of the cover of the trees. A tall man with yellow skin and hair emerged. He looked at Trunks and he could feel a shudder run down his spine. His eyes were the color of ice and his stare felt like winter. But the worst thing was that hint of madness that meant he held no concern for the consequences of his actions.
An agonizing scream drew his attention back to Goten who was now writhing wildly on the ground. Inhuman cries were wrung from Goten's throat as his veins began to pop up all over his body. Trunks ran to him and kneeled beside his friend as he squirmed over the ground. He pulled his head into his lap and attempted to calm Goten. Goten opened his eyes as hands brushed across his face in an attempt at comfort. Trunks watched horrified as the tiny blood vessels in Goten's eyes burst spreading blood across his eyes like blooming roses completely eclipsing the whites of his eyes. He heard a deep chuckle over the sound of Goten's desperate cries. He looked up at the laughing man.
"What the hell did you do to him?" Trunks screamed.
"Well its simple really. I just turned his blood into acid. It is as we speak consuming him from the inside. A very painful death but extremely effective don't you agree? The man asked evilly.
Trunks felt sick. His friend was dying. He looked down at Goten who was still crying out but more softly now as he lost strength. He ceased his struggles as convulsions began to rack his body. His body was now burning up as it turned against itself. Goten quieted as Trunks troubled eyes met his own crimson stained ones. He opened his mouth to speak but the only sound that emerged was a wretched whimper. Trunks leaned closer to him as he struggled to speak.
"You m-may . . .h-hate me . . .now . . . b-but . . . I love you," Goten managed to whisper. "Always . . . l-loved you . . . Trunks," he managed to gasp out before the pain got too great and he mewled plaintively. Trunks stared at his friend in wonder. He couldn't believe what Goten had just confessed.
"Goten," he whispered as tears began to sting his eyes.
Suddenly Goten launched into an extremely violent coughing fit. Blood started to flow out of his mouth and nose. His body was wracked with vicious spasms. He gasped and gagged as he began to drown in his own blood. "No Goten! No, please, Goten," Trunks pleaded. Goten gave one last violent shudder and fell back into Trunks' lap dead. His blood red eyes stared up at Trunks sightlessly. A single ruby red tear ran down Goten's cheek following the same path as the crystal one that had chased down his face only the night before. "No, Goten, no," Trunks whispered shaking his friends' body. "No! No! No!" he screamed as he leaned down and buried his face in his Goten's hair. "No you can't die. Not after that. No Goten . . . Goten," he wailed as the tears roll down his cheeks. "I . . . I just found you. You can't leave now," he whispered into Goten's hair.
"Oh how touching! You grieve for the one you hate," the mysterious man said interrupting Trunks' grief.
"I don't hate him!" Trunks exclaimed as he stood to confront the man.
"That's what you just told him not two minutes ago boy. I distinctly remember you saying that you hated him and that you would never forgive him," the man retorted.
Trunks looked stricken. Goten died thinking that he hated him. He had saved him even after Trunks turned away from him. Trunks felt like scum. He felt worse than scum. He just wanted to curl up next to his friend and die. He desperately wished that Goten had not given his own life to save him. He had hurt the one that loved him and at this moment he did not feel worthy of the sacrifice Goten made so that he, the worthless dog that he was, could live.
"Trunks! Look out!" someone called. Trunks quickly leapt up barely avoiding a bolt of energy that hit the ground where he had been. He stepped back to join the group of friends and family as the stranger approached them. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see his father looking at him with concern and the closest thing to horror he had ever seen his father display. Trunks turned back to Goten's body which lay in a puddle of his acidic blood. The grass was wilting all around where Goten lay. The stranger approached Goten's body. He kicked him in the side and Trunks heard the sickening crack of Goten's ribs breaking.
"Pathetic," the stranger whispered. "Just like all the others. And now just like all the others his power is mine."
Goten's body began to glow in a sickly yellow light. The light began to move towards the yellow man. Without warning Goten's body began to fade. Trunks and the family watched in horror as his body was consumed by the yellow light and absorbed by the mysterious warrior.
"What did you do you bastard?" Trunks screamed.
"I absorbed his power although I must admit that that has never happened before. Most interesting," the man commented. "Now I know what a depraved individual he was. You really got to him. I can feel his obscene love for you even now. Oh well. Good riddance. One last pervert to pollute my domain."
For Trunks that was the last straw. Nobody was going to insult Goten after what he had just done. His vision blurred red and his energy built up around him as he turned into a super saiyan.
"Impressive," the stranger murmured, "but nothing will save you now. Nobody survives a fight with Tytus. You will fall just like your tainted friend."
"That's what you think you bastard," Trunks yelled as he rushed his opponent. Tytus dodged but Trunks materialized behind him and punched him in the head. The warrior staggered back as Trunks battered him with a series of punches and kicks. Then Tytus disappeared only to reappear floating above Trunks. He pulled his hands back and let loose energy burst which Trunks dodged easily. The yellow man waved his hand and the energy burst followed Trunks' movement. Trunks dematerialized only to reappear higher up in the sky behind his attacker. The energy burst exploded midair having lost its target.
Trunks gathered up his ki and fired a blast of energy at the unsuspecting Tytus. Tytus looked up at the last second to witness the blazing ball of energy smash into his shoulder. He fell to the earth glowing with the power of Trunks' attack. There was a large explosion as he collided with the ground. When the dust settled he was lying dazed in a large crater in the ground. Trunks didn't give him any time to recover he immediately sent another blast towards the fallen fighter. Once again the blast hit its mark making the crater in the ground even deeper. Suddenly Tytus burst out of the crater.
"You'll have to do better than that boy!" Tytus crowed as he flew high into the sky. "Kame-hame-ha!" Tytus cried as Goten's attack burst forth from his hands. Trunks dodged but now he was really angry. Tytus stole Goten's life, stole his body, stole his energy and now was using his stolen skills against Trunks and he couldn't stand it anymore.
"Tytus your evil ends here and now. I will not allow you to harm anyone else as you have harmed so many others. For your crimes you will die." Trunks told him.
"Oh, I'm scared now tainted one!" Tytus snorted.
"You should be!" Trunks growled, as he narrowed his eyes at the monster that had murdered his best friend. He gathered his energy up around him. He brought in all his feelings his anger at this man and his newly realized love for his Goten. The energy roiled about him like a pot boiling over and when Trunks could no longer contain the energy he let it loose with a single battle cry. "Goten!"
The blast let loose and flew unerringly at Tytus. Tytus's eyes widened in surprise as the fierce blast consumed him. He didn't even have time to cry out before the energy exploded incinerating him. Trunks watched the blast consume the evil man who had stolen his friend's life away and gave a sad smirk as exhaustion overcame him and he fell from the sky.
To Be Continuted....
Well What did you think? I need to know! Tell me.
I Never Knew Part 4 By: Missfortune Disclaimer: I don't own these characters (except Tytus, unfortunately he's all mine) they belong to somebody else. Sniff! I'm only borrowing them to have a little fun you can have them back when I'm done but they might not want to go back! Warning: This is a Yaoi fanfiction and if you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be here and if you decide to stay don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway It's pretty mild so far but when I'm done there'll be so much lemon I'll have to make lemonade! Once again if you have no idea what I'm talking about I highly suggest that you leave. Okay now on with the show. Enjoy!
Trunks awoke to the feeling of something cool against his forehead. His eyelids fluttered open to reveal a blurry figure leaning over him. "Goten?" he whispered hopefully.
The figure shook its head. "No Trunks," a voice whispered, "It's me Gohan."
Trunks was just so tired and he couldn't fight the wail the escaped him. Strong arms pulled him up into a gentle embrace as he began to sob on Gohan's shoulder. It was a cruel twist of fate how only hours earlier he had woken up in a similar situation hoping to be in these arms and now that he was he just wanted the other ones back. He wanted Goten. He wanted to tell him he was sorry. That he didn't mean it, he was just upset. He wanted to tell him that he didn't hate him. He wanted to tell him that he was sorry for being such a bastard. He wanted to take him into his arms and tell him that he loved him with all his heart. He wished that he could take back all the hurtful things that he had said to Goten. He wished . . . Wait . . . Wished . . . Wishes . . . Dragon Balls! He sat up on the bed and looked at Gohan through teary eyes.
"Gohan," he croaked. "What about the Dragon Balls?" he asked. A little ray of hope shining through his despair. Gohan looked at him sadly, not wanting to crush the hope he saw shining in Trunks' eyes.
"We just used them two months ago. It will be another ten months before we can use them to bring Goten back to life," Gohan said resignedly.
Trunks was crestfallen. He would have to wait ten months, nearly a whole year until he could see Goten and apologize. In his whole entire life he had never spent more than a month away from Goten and now he had to spend ten without him. Ten months knowing that he had hurt him and living with the pain of not having him around. Ten months of agony until they could resurrect Goten.
"I'm sorry," Gohan murmured.
"Yeah, me too," Trunks said as his eyes began to prickle with fresh tears.
Ten months went by incredibly slowly for Trunks. He walked through life like a ghost. All he ever did was train and meditate. His mother would have to force him to eat. He slept when he passed out from exhaustion and only spoke when directly asked a question. And even then he said as little as possible. Gohan would come over and try to pull him out of his depression but nothing worked. They all knew that the only cure for Trunks was to bring back Goten.
Finally a month before the time they could resurrect Goten, Trunks managed to shake away a little of his depression enough to take on a secret project. Trunks would get up in the morning and fly off to some secret location known only to him. Often he wouldn't be seen for days and then he'd suddenly turn up only to disappear again later. Everyone was curious as to what he was up to but he refused to tell anybody what he was doing.
Then finally the day arrived when they could make their wish. Trunks requested that he be allowed to take the Dragon Balls and bring Goten back to life by himself. They all knew how hard it was for him and agreed to let him do it on his own. And so Trunks took the Dragon balls to his secret island and summoned the dragon under the light of the full moon.
"What do you desire?" the dragon asked.
"I wish to bring all the people that Tytus killed back to life," Trunks said staring up at the imposing dragon. The dragon looked thoughtful and then gazed down at Trunks.
"I can only bring back the people of earth that he killed. Will this do?" the dragon inquired.
"Yes. That is good," Trunks told the dragon.
"So be it," the dragon said nodding his head before he flew off into the heavens. About twelve dots of light began to glow around Trunks. They slowly took shape into human forms. There was a blinding burst of light and when Trunks' vision cleared he was standing in a ring of twelve bewildered looking people including a dazed Goten.
"What happened?" someone asked.
"You were all killed by a warrior named Tytus but I have used the Dragon Balls to wish you all back to life. Your families have all been informed of your situation and are as we speak eagerly waiting for your arrivals," Trunks explained.
"What happened to this Tytus guy?" a tall man asked.
"I killed him," Trunks replied.
"Why?" he asked him.
"He killed my best friend," Trunks said looking at Goten meaningfully, "So I killed him."
"Oh," the man said.
"How long have we been dead?" a shorter man asked.
"About ten months," Trunks replied.
"Oh no! I missed my wedding! Sirla's going to kill me . . . again!!!" the man exclaimed.
"I'm sure she'll be happy to get you back," a woman on his left comforted.
"You're right," the man said brightening. "Well, I don't want to keep her waiting then. Thank you . . . uh . . ."
"Trunks," he supplied.
"Thank you very much Trunks I will never forget this," the man told him bowing. Everyone else murmured their thanks and bowed also.
"Can everyone fly?" Trunks inquired. Most people nodded yes and proceeded to prove it by flying away to find their way home but a few shook their heads. "There are a couple of air cars over there," Trunks said motioning to a small clearing containing some cars. "Take your pick and the car is yours to keep courtesy of Capsule Corps." Trunks said.
"Thank you very much," the people told him again before hurrying off to the cars and flying away into the night leaving Trunks and Goten alone on the small island in the middle of the ocean. It was so good to have his friend back. He turned to Goten who looked down at his feet. But not before Trunks noticed the look of defeat on his handsome face.
"Goten," Trunks murmured. Goten looked up at him and burst into tears. Startled Trunks rushed to him and pulled him into a fierce hug. Goten pushed him away.
"Goten?" Trunks asked.
"What Trunks?" he asked tiredly. "What do you want? Do you want to continue where you left off telling me how much you hated me or do you just want to beat me up now and get it over with?"
"No! No, Goten. That's not what I want at all!" Trunks exclaimed.
"Then what is it? All I want is to go off and be with people who love me right now. I don't want to be with someone who hates my guts. I don't want to be with a former best friend who can't stand to look at me." Goten said dejectedly.
"Goten," Trunks said, "I-I want to apologize. I am so sorry for what I said. I was just hurt by your words but that is absolutely no excuse for what I did to you. I'll understand if you never want to see me again and I would deserve it if you chose to never grace me with your presence for the rest of my life but before you go I just have to tell you one thing," he said Meeting Goten's eyes. "Goten, I love you."
Goten gasped, then his eyes hardened. "What was that? Did you think that by saying that you could make me forgive you to ease your conscience? Are you just saying it out of pity or some misguided sense of honor? Don't lie to me! Stop playing with my feelings!" he cried.
"I'm not lying!" Trunks called desperately. "It's true it just took your death so show me how I felt and I was miserable without you! Please believe me. I-I really do love you."
"I'm sorry," Goten said as he turned away. "I just can't believe that," he said as he floated above the ground.
"No please!" Trunks cried out. "Not again!"
"Not again what?" Goten asked confused.
"Please don't leave me alone again. Please don't leave me so soon please stay even if it's just to beat me up for being such a bastard," Trunks pleaded.
"I could never do that but I can't stay it hurts to much," Goten told him sadly as he flew off into the night sky.
Trunks looked up to the twinkling stars as tears slipped from his eyes. They seemed to be laughing at him. Now he knew how Goten had felt when he'd turned him away. It hurt. It hurt a lot. It felt like a great weight was pressing against his heart preventing him from taking a breath. His chest burned as if on fire and his vision blurred with his tears and he slowly sank into the sand below his feet. Now more than ever he wished that he hadn't inherited his father's pride, then maybe he wouldn't have been so harsh with Goten that fateful day all those lonely months ago.
Goten gazed at the night stars trying to get his bearings of which direction he should head in to get home. Finally after about ten minutes of staring at the sky he gave it up as hopeless. His mind just couldn't focus on anything other than the look on Trunks' face as he flew away. He was pretty sure that was how he looked the day Trunks told him that he hated him. Thinking about it he couldn't bear the thought that, this time, he was the one to cause that incredible pain. Making a quick decision he turned around and flew back to the island he had left Trunks on. Trunks was in the same kneeling position that Goten had left him in. He landed soundlessly and slowly walked up to Trunks.
Trunks didn't know how long he'd been kneeling in the sand staring at the sky but he was suddenly shook from his stupor as someone approached him. He looked up into the eyes of Goten.
"G-Goten?" he whispered.
"Yeah, it's me," Goten confirmed.
Trunks stared up at him. "You came back," he said stating the obvious.
Goten nodded. "I couldn't leave you like that. No matter what you did to me, I couldn't leave you knowing how you felt. Besides I have to know," he told Trunks.
"Have to know what?" Trunks asked confused.
"I have to know if it's true. I have to know if you really love me or if you were just saying that." Goten explained.
"It is true. It is so true. I never knew how much I needed you until you were gone. These past months I've been thinking really hard and I came to the conclusion that the reason I was after Gohan is because he's so much like you. I was just too close to you to notice. This was the longest amount of time that I ever spent without seeing you and it made me realize that I don't ever want to do it again. Those were the worst days of my entire life and I mean that. I am really and truly sorry for what I did and I want to try and make it up to you by proving to you just how much I love you." Trunks said taking Goten's hand in his own. He pulled a small box from his pocket and looked up into Goten's eyes from his kneeling position. "Goten will you marry me?" Trunks asked as he flipped open the box to reveal a small gold band.
Goten's eyes widened. "Trunks!" he breathed staring first at Trunks, then the ring and then back at Trunks again. His eyes shimmered and a few silent tears slid down his cheeks. He slid down onto the sand facing Trunks. The scene was very familiar. Silver tears tracing down Goten's cheeks glistening in the moonlight. This time however Trunks went with his instinct and pulled Goten close and proceeded to kiss away his tears. Goten reached up turned and pressed his mouth against Trunks'. "Yes" he whispered against Trunks' lips. "Yes, I will marry you."
Trunks' then proceeded to kiss him to within an inch of his life. He wrapped his arms around Goten's waist and pulled him as close as possible. He pressed his mouth firmly over Goten's and captured his head in his hands pulling him closer as he traced his tongue over Goten's lips. He could taste the sweetness of Goten' skin and pushed his tongue between Goten's lips requesting entrance. Goten slowly opened his mouth admitting Trunks' tongue inside. He thoroughly mapped out the interior of Goten's mouth, tracing his straight teeth and rubbing up against the other slick occupant of his mouth. Their tongues slid together battling for the right to possess the mouth. Slowly Goten broke off the kiss, drawing back to stare at Trunks.
"Trunks, how can we be married though, when it isn't legal?" he asked confused.
"It doesn't have to be legal as long as we both agree. What does it mean anyway? A piece of paper, that's all it is. But what we have is real. Just you and me promising to love each other for eternity," Trunks told him. He looked deep into Goten's eyes and smiled gently. "Goten with the moon, the stars and God as my witness, I promise to love you forever. For the rest of my life and beyond eternity. You are my life. Without you I am a ghost walking through life, lost. You are the air that I breathe, you are the light, and you are the laughter. You are the reason my heart beats. You are my heart. You are everything to me and I promise to never hurt you again. I would sooner die than cause you anymore pain." Goten told him. "There is so much I want to tell you but I just can't find all the words."
"You don't have to. I see it in your eyes. I feel it in my heart. Trunks I don't know when my feelings for you changed into something more but I do know that it always felt right. No one could tell me that love is wrong. No matter what form it takes. Trunks here under the moon and stars, I want to tell you that you are my life, for without you there would be no me. I am you and you are me. We are one in this love we share. I am yours forever," Goten said. "I love you."
"And I am yours always. I love you and nothing shall ever keep us apart again not even death. For where you go I will follow even on that final journey and till the end of time. And so said let us seal it with a kiss," Trunks whispered as he pulled Goten into another soul searing kiss. When they finally came up for air, Goten laid his head on Trunks' shoulder panting. Trunks pulled them both to their feet and lead him down the beach holding hands. They walked near the gently lapping water towards a small cabin. As they neared Goten took a closer look at the structure glowing in the moonlight.
"That's not a capsule house," he said a little surprised.
"No it's not. I built it myself," Trunks told him.
"You built it! Why?" he asked a bit puzzled. After all Trunks' family owned Capsule Corps.
"I built it for you," Trunks told him.
Goten stopped and stared at the little cabin in front of him. It was a simple structure but he could feel that it was made with love. "Oh Trunks, that's the sweetest thing that anyone's ever done for me!" Goten cried as he turned and kissed him. Trunks chuckled as he picked him up and carried him into the house.
Still to be continued!.!.!.
I really want to know what you think. Please send feedback. ^_^
I Never Knew Part 5 By: Missfortune
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters they belong to somebody else. Sniff! I'm only borrowing them to have a little fun you can have them back when I'm done but they might not want to go back! Warning: This is a Yaoi fanfiction and if you don't know what that means then you shouldn't be here and if you decide to stay don't say I didn't warn you. Finally here is the lemon I've been promising!
Goten laughed as Trunks carried him over the threshold. "Guess this is the honeymoon then?" he asked with a sparkle in his eye. Trunks smiled as he carried Goten through the house.
"Close your eyes," Trunks instructed as they came up a door. Goten did as he was told and Trunks carried him into the room. He was laid out on what must have been a bed and he felt the mattress dip as Trunks sat beside him. "Okay you can open them," Trunks told him.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Trunks who gestured to the bed. Goten's gaze followed his sweeping arm and he gasped. It was beautiful. He was sitting in the middle of a large four-post bed carved of a dark wood. The posts were shaped like tall pillars with dragons twined around them sinuously. At the top of each pillar the dragons' heads rested, pointed skyward. Their mouths were open as they shot delicately carved redwood flames heavenward. Encased in each set of flames was a perfect replica of a Dragonball. The baseboard had small scenes carved into it. Goten crawled down the bed to get a better look. The scenes were of him and Trunks and their families. Each scene as perfect as a photograph. There was one in the center with him and Trunks when they were very small, Goten had glomped him and planted a big kiss on his cheek. He smiled remembering the occasion. Gohan had told them that they were infected with kissy cooties and teased them after that. He looked at the other small scenes that depicted family outings and other Kodak moments.
He turned back to ask Trunks a question. He forgot what he was going to ask as he caught a glimpse of the headboard. The headboard was mostly smooth blank wood except in the middle. There were two dragons curved into a heart and inlaid with gold and silver. Their tails were twisted together, their bodies separated to form the heart. Inside the heart their necks rejoined and twined together with their heads resting in the center of the heart depicting a draconic kiss. The miniscule scales winked and shimmered in the lamp lit room. The dragons' tiny emerald eyes twinkled as if they held some great secret. In the center of the heart were Goten and Trunks' names carved in beautiful characters. He looked up at Trunks who was smiling at him.
"You did this?" he asked in awe.
Trunks nodded. "I made it for you," Trunks told him.
"I was wrong," Goten said, confusing Trunks. "I thought that the house was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for me but this is even better. It is so beautiful." He said as he stroked the wood. "I have never seen anything like it. It doesn't seem real. It seems like it should be in a museum somewhere behind glass."
"It's very real and very much yours. I made it for you. I made it with love for my love," Trunks said. Fresh tears began to slide down Goten's cheeks. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned as he pulled Goten into a tight embrace.
"I just can't believe this is real. It's all happening so fast. First I died saving your life. I spent almost a year dead and thinking you hated me and then when I come back to life you propose to me and we get married." He faltered. "We got married," he said as the full implications finally struck him. They were now husbands, mates, consorts, call them what you will but they were partners for life. "Now we're married and I'm just so happy and you keep surprising me and . . . and . . . Trunks?"
"Yes Goten?"
"Make love to me," Goten whispered onto his shoulder.
"Of course," Trunks whispered as he pressed him down on the bed. "Anything you want."
Clothes were slowly stripped away until there were no barriers left between them, physically or mentally. Body or soul. Trunks stared at Goten's nude body in wonder. He'd seen him naked before but that was before he realized that he loved him, wanted to make love to him. This was much more intimate. Trunks sat back and stared down at the body laid out before him. It was magnificent. Goten's muscles had been sculpted by his years of martial arts training. In Trunks' eyes he was perfection. Goten blushed under Trunks' scrutiny even as he admired his view. Trunks lay down over Goten and the sensation of skin on skin was electrifying. They both gasped for breath as the small currents shot through them. Goten looked up at Trunks with wide eyes. Trunks bent down to claim his mouth in a soft kiss. Goten moaned into his mouth as their erections rubbed together.
Trunks then proceeded to worship Goten's body with his hands, lips, and tongue. He scattered feather soft kisses across his face, over his eyelids and on the tip of his nose before he moved off to the side and sucked his earlobe into his mouth. He tickled it with his tongue before moving to trace the delicate pink shell. His mouth then traveled down to Goten's neck where he proceeded to suck on it like a starving vampire. Goten's breathing was heavy as Trunks' hands continued their journey south. His right hand traced down the firm muscles of Goten's chest and soon encountered a peaked nipple. He pinched it and Goten jerked off the bed. He started playing with the hardened nub as he finished marking Goten's neck and began to trace patterns on his throat with his tongue.
Goten was breathing faster as Trunks played with him. Trunks moved his head down Goten's chest and began to suck on his peaked nipples as Goten moaned. Trunks smiled wickedly as he slid further down Goten's body leaving behind a wet trail of saliva. Goten shivered as the cool air hit the dampness on his chest. Trunks rested his head between Goten's legs. Goten moaned as he felt Trunks breathing on the erection that jutted from between his legs. Goten attempted to shift his hips but Trunks held him down. Goten whimpered and Trunks looked up at him. He caught Goten's gaze as he enclosed his mouth around his erection. Goten let out a choked cry and Trunks grinned.
Goten's hips instinctively pushed up, but Trunks pulled back. Goten made a desperate noise and Trunks took pity on him. He lowered his head once more and took Goten's entire arousal into his mouth. Goten clawed at the bed as Trunks began to suck. His whole entire awareness was centered on the actions of Trunks' mouth. Chills ran up and down his body as Trunks used his tongue and teeth. While Goten was distracted Trunks let one hand wander down to his virgin opening. He carefully pushed his finger inside and Goten shifted his hips. A small noise erupted from his throat as his body clamped down on the intruding finger.
Trunks cautiously moved his finger in and out of Goten as he redoubled his efforts on his erection. Goten was starting to thrash around on the bed. Trunks added a second finger to join the first inside Goten's body. Trunks explored slowly searching for that special spot within him. His fingers brushed against it and Goten bucked up off the bed. Trunks stroked the spot and Goten began to push back against his fingers. Suddenly Goten froze and he exploded within Trunks' mouth. Goten cried out Trunks' name as Trunks swallowed his seed. Goten's body went boneless and Trunks removed his fingers from his opening. He gave a few last licks to Goten's thighs and slid back up his body. Goten was still breathing heavily as Trunks mouth descended on his. They kissed deeply and Goten could taste himself in Trunks' mouth. Trunks ran a hand through Goten's wild raven hair as he pulled back and stared into his eyes.
Goten collected his breath enough to ask, "What about you?"
Trunks smiled. Goten was forever considerate of his feelings. "That's what I want to ask you," Trunks murmured. "Goten can I take your virginity? Can I make love to you?"
Goten smiled. "Our marriage won't be consummated until you do." he said softly. "It was always yours to take," Goten said as he reached up and pulled Trunks into another deep kiss.
Trunks pulled back slowly and looked deep into Goten's eyes. Goten smiled gently and nodded his head. Trunks turned around and opened the drawer of the night table. He reached inside and pulled out a tube of lubricant. He closed the drawer and turned back to Goten. Goten grinned at him.
"So we're prepared are we so you did have a plan all along," he teased.
"No," Trunks shook his head and his hair fell down into his face. "I was just wishing with all my heart that you'd forgive me." He looked down at the bed, hiding behind a curtain of soft lavender hair. Goten reached out and hooked his hair behind his ear. He pushed his chin up and looked him in the eye.
"Trunks, despite everything, I could never love anyone else as much as I love you," he said with as much conviction as he could muster. Trunks could do nothing but believe him. He felt humbled by Goten's open heart and acceptance. Goten dropped his hand from Trunks' face and Trunks jumped when he felt it stroking his erection. "Isn't it about time we took care of this?" Goten purred. Trunks nodded dumbly and leaned into the touch. "Well sitting there, isn't going to help any."
Trunks shook himself. He had other things to focus on. He moved down the bed where Goten spread his legs for him. Trunks unscrewed the cap of the lubricant and squeezed some out on his fingers. He spread it out liberally warming the cool gel before moving down to Trunks' virgin opening. He ran his fingers around the puckered ring spreading the gel as he went. Goten shivered at the sensation. Trunks pushed two fingers into the small ring of muscle and Goten moaned softly. He twisted the fingers gently stretching. When his fingers moved easily in and out. He removed them and spread more lubricant on his hand. He slid three fingers inside Goten making scissoring motions. He wanted him stretched so that there would be as little pain as possible. He had caused him enough other kinds of pain and he wanted Goten's first time to be pleasurable.
Once again he removed his fingers. He spread some the cool gel onto his proud erection and moved up between Goten's thighs. Goten looked up at him. Trunks smiled. He picked up one of Goten's legs and wrapped it around his waist. The other he positioned next to them to support Goten in position. Goten reached up a hand and Trunks laced his fingers through his loves.' With the other hand he carefully positioned himself. He looked up at Goten again, he looked a little scared but determined. This was what he'd been wanting. Despite the small prickle of fear he smiled encouragingly and squeezed Trunks hand.
Trunks nodded and slowly began to push in. Goten sucked in a breath but made no move to stop him. Trunks continued to move forward gradually, filling Goten slowly. Goten tried to keep himself relaxed. It hurt a little, his inner walls were stretching almost painfully. Trunks was going slow for him to get used to the sensation of being filled. Trunks moved his hand to his waist and pushed himself the rest of the way in. He moaned as Goten's body closed around him. It was so tight, so warm. In that moment of total penetration Trunks knew that Goten was made for him. Then he moved back out slowly. He hovered above Goten before sliding back in. He angled his hips so that he hit Goten's sweet spot. As his erection brushed up against it Goten cried out.
Goten's hips bucked up to meet Trunks' thrusts and his fresh erection rubbed against Trunks' muscled stomach. Pleasure washed over them in waves as Trunks thrust. Goten squeezed their clenched hands and Trunks leaned forward and captured Goten's open mouth in a kiss. Their tongues battled in a mimicry of the actions of their bodies. Trunks thrust a little harder and Goten moaned into his mouth. Trunks had been waiting for this for too long and knew that as sweet as it was, it wouldn't last long.
Trunks began to thrust faster within Goten. Pleasure was running through his body like an electric current. Goten was making soft noises in the back of his throat as Trunks pushed him into the soft mattress. They began to push against each other frantically. Their hands clenched together almost painfully. Goten's mouth opened but no noise came out. His bottom lip trembled as his eyes slid shut. He arched off the bed and exploded shooting his warm seed on Trunks' chest.
The pleasure was nearly unbearable. Trunks continued to thrust as Goten froze with pleasure. He wanted to scream, but his throat only produced strangled noises. Goten fell back on the bed in a euphoric haze with Trunks still moving within him. Trunks' every movement sent aftershocks of pleasure shooting through Goten's body. Then Trunks grip on his waist tightened and his eyes slit in ecstasy. He cried out as he came hard within his lover. They stayed in a motionless tableau of sensuality before Trunks finally collapsed heaving for breath on Goten's chest.
Trunks rested his head in the crook of Goten's shoulder. They lay silently for a long time, Just being there for each other. After what seemed an eternity Trunks heard a soft noise and turned to look at Goten. A wet trail was glistening down his cheek. Goten was crying. Trunks heart squeezed.
"I didn't hurt you did I?" he asked fearfully.
Goten shook his head. "No, you didn't," he whispered. Trunks sighed with relief. "I'm just so incredibly happy right now. Trunks, I love you," he breathed.
Trunks pressed his forehead to Goten's. "And I love you," he whispered against his lips leaving behind a soft kiss. Trunks rolled onto his side, slipping out of Goten's body. Goten sighed at the loss. Trunks enfolded Goten into his arms. He wrapped an arm around Goten's waist and stroked his back soothingly. They were both exhausted. It had been a long emotional day. "Good night," Trunks whispered into Goten's hair.
"Good night, husband," Goten murmured and he snuggled into Trunks' embrace. "I love you."
"I love you too, sleep well," Trunks said softly as he dropped a kiss onto Goten's head. and with all the important stuff said, they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Well now that I wrote it what do you think? Do you think I should continue? I need to know!
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