#inucest fanfic
fabaulti · 2 years
It’s been like a million years but I finally updated my inusess college au. I plan on seeing this bitch finished some day.
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iwouldliketoart · 2 years
New chapter of Mating Reason. I never promised quality.
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2stregafangirl · 1 year
Deep in the bedroom area of the Naganaki shrine sat two brothers, a black colored Shiba and Schipperke mix with deep crystal blue eyes an scar under his right and numerous scars on his back, long blackish teal curly hair with blackish teal eyebrows and a muscular build, he’s currently sitting on the bed wearing nothing but an black thong with his notable shaved crotch pubic hair being trimmed and dark black lingerie his tail wagging as his older fraternal twin brother Koromaru sat alongside him, the greyish blonde furred and haired man with long greyish blonde spiky hair and red eyes, and he is shirtless as well showing off his slightly more muscular body and wearing white socks and bright red boxers, Koromaru hums to himself as he brushes Kuromeru’s long curly hair.
“ Brother.. that feels so good!” Kuromeru says panting his tail wagging.
“ Really? I’m glad you think so! usually you would be trying to bite my hand off..” Koromaru sarcastically replied as Kuromeru snickered.
“ That’s just because you were being rough! And I only like it when you are rough with me in bed~” Kuromeru grins seductively as Koromaru brushed his hair Koromaru sighed.
“ Tell me that when I have to see a nude shadow monster man trying to dry hump me..” the greyish yellow furred Shiba Inu responded as Kuromeru starts to lightly blush.
“ Hehe! I only turnt into my shadow form because you turnt me on so much!” Kuromeru says blushing as Koromaru got done brushing Kuromeru’s hair and tail.
as Koromaru puts away the hairbrush onto the nightstand Kuromeru pins Koromaru back to the bed grinning mischievously.
“ Not so fast Mr Koro~ we’re not done yet… how about you groom my.. insides instead?~” Kuromeru asks Koromaru sighing as he feels his brother’s crotch rub against his,
and the act of mating between brothers again the clothes on both of them being stripped off and once again their sucking each other’s faces off for reciprocation.
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lordyouko · 6 years
5(inukag) and 32(kogakag)..... 😁😁😁😁😁
@oitreedeb That is one hell of a pick.
@n0vic3-4nastasia Bless you for giving me an excuse to write more inucest. I’ve never written A/B/O dynamic before but I’ll give it a shot.
What @oitreedeb and @n0vic3-4nastasia chose kind of go together and novice- asked for #1 with inucest so I decided to combine all of them in a sort of short ficlet.
@oitreedeb - *grumbles* making me write Kou/Kag. Finnee.
Here goes:
5. bad sex/sex fails (Inu/Kag), 32. Forbidden love (Kou/Kag), 1. A/B/O (inucest)
“Mmf! Inuyasha! What the hell are you-”
Inuyasha hastily let go.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, “Are you ok?”
Kagome huffed, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face. “My god, Inuyasha, don’t you have like the vaguest clue – you know, how stuff… works?”
“I do,” Inuyasha protested. “Here, let me just-”
“No, no that’s ok,” Kagome said quickly. “Don’t worry about it. I mean clearly, you don’t want to.”
“I do want to,” Inuyasha tried again. “Of course I do, otherwise why would I be here in your bed-”
“You tell me,” Kagome retorted. “Why are you here? Because obviously, some parts of you don’t want to be.”
Inuyasha turned red then, and sat back, scooting away from her supine body.
Kagome raised herself onto her elbows, her shirt falling open carelessly where he’d clumsily unbuttoned the top few buttons, revealing her lacy bra barely covering her shapely breasts. Kagome noticed he didn’t even look at them once. In a corner of her mind, she wondered if he would have noticed if Kikyou had been lying here in her place.
“Because… I want to be with you,” Inuyasha replied, not meeting her eyes. “And – now it’s clear that – that I can’t.”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said, voice becoming a little high pitched, a sinking feeling settling into her stomach. “What do you mean you can’t? If it’s a problem of – you know, performance, it happens to all guys sometimes…”
Inuyasha laughed hollowly. “No, no that’s not the problem. I – Kagome, I can’t because… because I’m an omega.”
“A- what?”
Inuyasha sighed, colour still dusting his cheeks. “It’s bad enough I’m a hanyou, and a bastard, but looks like that wasn’t enough for the universe because it decided to shit on me some more by also making me a – an omega-“
He glanced at Kagome; she still looked completely clueless. He swallowed hard. Damn, this wasn’t something he wanted to be explaining to the girl he had planned to spend the rest of her life with.
“An omega is a youkai that’s – that’s destined to be claimed by an alpha,” Inuyasha explained softly.
“Claimed?” Kagome repeated dumbly. “What is this, some feudal Japan thing? Because I’ll tell you, just because hanyou aren’t socially accepted doesn’t mean you have to-”
“This isn’t a society thing, Kagome,” Inuyasha interrupted, irrationally irritated by her defending him. “It’s my body. It’s – just the way it works. There’s not much I or anybody else can do about it.”
“You’re telling me the course of all youkai lives are predetermined from birth?” Kagome asked disbelievingly.
“No, not all,” Inuyasha said. “In fact, most youkai aren’t any of those things. They can choose who they want to be with, and who they become– ” bitterness laced Inuyasha’s voice. “But it’s not all bad for all the youkai who are born a certain way. Alphas have it made; it raises the honour of a family to have an alpha born in it. My father was one. And  –”
Inuyasha paused and with a short breath, changed the subject. “Anyway, omegas are just the opposite.”
“Ok,” Kagome said.  “So maybe if I-”
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said harshly. “You’re human. There’s nothing you can do.”
Kagome flinched, suddenly uncomfortably with the flinty look in his eyes.
“So what does that mean for you and me?” she asked softly, straightening up and beginning to button up her shirt.
Inuyasha swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat. “I –“
He lowered his head and let his bangs cover his eyes. “I can’t be with you…”
She’d been expecting the words, but they still felt like a stab to her heart. They were, after all, dashing away hopes she had been holding on to for so long.
“How long have you known?” Kagome asked, averting her eyes from his. “That you’re – you know-”
“…since I was a kid,” Inuyasha said. There was a moment of silence but Inuyasha didn’t elaborate. Kagome knew he was holding something back, but right now, the details weren’t seeming all that important.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” she whispered. “All this time… you strung me along..”
A muscle twitching on his mouth was the only indication of Inuyasha’s pain. “There – there are no omegas or anything among humans, and I’m hanyou so I thought maybe… if I tried really hard I could-”
Kagome felt some of her anger melt away at the heartbreak in his voice.
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he whispered. “I really – I really wanted to be with you…”
Kagome made a soft despairing sound, and Inuyasha sprang to his feet; in a trice, he was at her window.
Kagome sat there dumbly on her bed. A part of her wanted to go after him, wanted to stop him from leaving like this, but she found she couldn’t move. Her body suddenly felt so heavy and she was so tired-
She knew he would have scented the tears that were gathering in her eyes. He didn’t turn around.
Kagome sat there on her childhood bed where he’d left her and finally let the tears escape.
Kagome debated never again returning to the feudal era. She had almost decided never to jump down that well again, when it occurred to her – her life there hadn’t been all about Inuyasha. She had friends there, friends who would be hurt if she just vanished from their lives without saying goodbye.
So she went. One more time.
She hadn’t anticipated how quickly her friends would be able to read her desolation on her face. It took them no time to notice how upset she was, and how standoffish and ruder than usual Inuyasha was and they put two and two together – they were broken up, for good.
Then there was all the consoling and the kind words, and Kagome had never before known those things could make one feel like bashing one’s head against a wall.
So she fled.
Away from Sango and Miroku and Shippou and Kaede, away from anyone who wished her well.
She didn’t know where she had ended up when she stopped at last, winded, and dropped to the grassy floor.
She didn’t cry; that’s all she had done for so long, after all. Inuyasha entered her thoughts unbidden, and she felt the tears gathering like dark clouds in her chest, but she didn’t allow them to her eyes.
Instead, she concentrated on breathing, one hand clenching in the dirt beneath her fingers. She watched a drop of sweat slide off her forehead and mix into that dirt. It vaguely occurred to her that Kikyou probably never got all gross and sweaty like this.
The sound of her name, here, in this time, out in the middle of nowhere startled her.
She looked up and her heart leapt into her chest.
“Kouga,” she said, and was surprised to find her voice raspy and small.
Alien blue eyes clouded over with concern and Kouga knelt down next to her.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
Kagome looked down at her hands, and could not answer.
The wolf leader didn’t press her; instead, he came to sit cross-legged next to her on the ground.
“So what are we staring at?” he finally asked, turning to look at her after a while when the silence got oppressive.
“Are you alpha omega whatever too?” Kagome asked, without preamble.
Kouga drew back in surprise at the question. Out of the corner of her eye, Kagome saw his reaction. She knew she was being rude, but didn’t care right now. She sort of hoped she had offended the wolf, and he would leave her alone in peace. She sort of also hoped he would stay here with her and drive away some of her loneliness.
“I’m a beta,” Kouga answered, to Kagome’s surprise.
She huffed a laugh, resolutely refusing to meet his eyes. “So you can’t be with humans either, then,” she muttered.
“Why do you care?” Kouga began teasingly, but stopped when he saw she wasn’t taking the bait.
“It means I can be with alphas and omegas. I can be with whoever I want to be,” Kouga explained. “Except an omega that’s been claimed by an alpha.”
“But no humans,” Kagome added snidely.
“Humans too,” Kouga said quietly.
Kagome’s head snapped towards him. “Really?”
“Yes,” Kouga said. “Why, what’s brought this whole – mmph!”
He had to brace a hand on the ground behind him when Kagome kissed him suddenly.
Blue eyes were wide as saucers when she drew back. “Kagome-” he whispered, fingers brushing disbelievingly over his own lips.
Kagome said nothing; she just looked at him.
After a moment, Kouga leaned down and took her in his arms, lowering his head to meet their lips once more.
Kagome’s hand clutched at the fur-lined armour on the wolf’s chest, and it occurred to her that this was wrong.
Terribly, awfully wrong.
She had only just broken up with the boy who she’s planned to spend the rest of her life with. And she wasn’t the girl who did this kind of thing. She didn’t jump from one boy to the next.
She should be mourning the end of her relationship with dignity and then, only after a large number of months had passed, should she even begin to think about being in another relationship.
Kouga’s tongue entered her mouth, gently but surely, and Kagome decided she absolutely did do this kind of thing.
After all, if the first love of her life could break her heart without ever being with her, the least she could do was this.
And now, at least she had a reason to keep coming back to feudal Japan.
A/N: That was the first ‘chapter’. @n0vic3-4nastasia - the inucest will be in the next instalment. 
And, surprisingly, I’m having fun writing Kou/Kag. So @oitreedeb thanks for giving me a chance to write a pairing I never would have otherwise gone for ^_^
This will also be up on FF and AO3 soon.
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inusessweek · 3 years
InuSess Event Week Boost!
The InuSess Event week is coming along nicely! Our page is mostly set up and dates have been set! We are proud to announce that the InuSess Event Week will take place from June 24-30th! Each day will feature new prompts to engage in! Currently, we have a Prompt Survey that you can participate in here! We accept all prompts and are eager to hear from you! If you have any questions or are interested in helping to host this new event, please contact our current mod, SnowInJuly! We look forward to your participation!
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pikantuvich · 3 years
Get to know ~ Fanfics
Rules: Name 3 ship’s you're into and leave your favourite fanfiction ♥ Tag some people at the end!
Brian Moser / Dexter Morgan : One of my favorites right now. I actually read this smutty fanfic and completely fall in love with it. It’s not yet “finished” but completely worth it, believe me. R18
Fanfic:   Sanguinary Sins and Nightmare Desires by murderdaddies (lovebxllets) on AO3
Loki / Everyone : Loki can be with literally anyone but there’s a fanfic that involves Laufey (king of the jotuns) that I actually LOVED. It’s not a Marvel Style fanfiction but Nordic culture's one (mostly). R18
Fanfic: Laufey's Mate/ Ice Maiden/ Laufey's Bride (It wound up with three titles) by Icemaidenstory on AO3
Sesshoumaru / Inuyasha : The classic ~  This fanfic portraits a different story within Inuyasha’s Universe by showing Inutaiyo’s bloodline after his death. You really get trapped in the story and the new characters, it’s a very entertaining feudal fairy tale. R18
Fanfic:  The Tale of the Demon Lord by KittyGetsLoose on AO3
Are you writing? Want you to recommend something else?
Brian / Dexter : Yey, my fanfic, even if you’re not into Dexter’s fandom I would like for you to give it a try. It’s kind of a different story but still, has that serial killer's touch we loved // The plot: Dexter has lived in relative peace between his cover and his dark passenger for some time now, preparing himself to hunt down his next victim with a certain sense of balance when his plans are shattered abruptly. His brother, Brian Moser, suddenly appears at his apartment's door, greeting him as calmly as the first night they reunited... Only that now, six years has passed since he died.
Fanfic:  Tomorrow (Eng) by Pikantuvich AO3 // Tomorrow by Pikantuvich on Wattpad (español)
Levi / Mikasa : I’m helping from time to time to write this one. // It’s an AU of Attack on Titan where Levi and Mikasa had always this strange feeling of knowing each other... A feeling that hides a shady secret and grows deeper than they would ever think.... // It’s in Spanish, but it will be an English version on AO3 soon.
Fanfic: Glitch by Urokodake on Wattpad
Original Story: A friend is writing this original story. // Where we see Lewis, a young man who is looking for a cursed relic in a victorian era. There are warlocks, ghosts, and people disappearing...
Fic:  Unfair Stories From The Dead by  ardrgz on Wattpad and AO3
Tags: @jhincide @blume96 @vampirefrommars @lazy-ghost-zzz @ikikai @lordsephiroth @1storminsummer
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daenablackfyre · 4 years
Shakira representing my two moods when writing my fanfics:
“Mmm yes, this is going very well”
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“Oh no, what did I do, what am I doing with my life” *crisis*
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And so over and over again...
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darianaestrada · 4 years
Where can I find tender, slow burn inucest like poison?? I never read much ff from Inuyasha because I wasn't into the mating stuff at all. So I don't even know where to start.
Any recs? :(
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arathergrimreaper · 4 years
Since links suck, but I am a proud garbage peddler:
Mating Reason Chapter 13
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inucestlover · 4 years
The Coffee Shop AU
A RP from Inucestlover and GayleNightingale
from a tumblr prompt by Inucestlover.
InuYasha’s Thoughts: ‘____’
Sesshomaru’s Thoughts: ((____))
✿・゚:✲: ゚・✿ ゚・✿・゚:✲: ゚・✿ ゚・✿・゚:✲: ゚・✿ ゚・
The sudden rainfall forces InuYasha and Sesshomaru to seek refuge in a nearby café. While inside, Sesshomaru orders a black coffee and some milk tea with cake for InuYasha. They sat inside a booth in front of the shop watching the rain hit the glass outside. After a while Sesshomaru glances at InuYasha. He is slowly drinking his tea as the cool light from outside shines on his face. It looks like a frame from a cinematic film and all Sesshomaru could hear is the light rain from outside, and his heart beating loudly.
He’s had these feelings for a while now but it’s becoming too hard to suppress. He leans slowly towards InuYasha—
“Hello! Sorry for the wait~ Here’s the cake y’all ordered!”
InuYasha turns towards the waitress and accepts the cake slice. Then when he faces Sesshomaru again, he’s frozen leaning across the table.
“Whatcha doing Sesshomaru?”
“I-I was gonna ask for a sip of your tea.” Sesshomaru responds.
“Umm, sure. Here.” Inu shoves it to the far side of the table.
Sesshomaru takes a sip of the milk tea, while cursing internally. ((What was I even trying to do just then?))
“It’s very sweet”, Sesshomaru calmly states. “How’s the cake?”
Inuyasha watches Sesshomaru's face. ‘He's not gagging. Maybe he's ok with my hanyou germs.’ Hope arises in his heart. "Sesshomaru? Want to try a bite of my cake?" He puts a bite on his fork and holds it as he pushes it halfway across the table. His heart flutters.
Sesshomaru stares at the fork for a moment before biting into the cake. The cake itself isn’t anything worthwhile, but the act of eating something given by InuYasha made it delicious. It is then when Sesshomaru noticed a light blush spread across Inuyasha’s face.
“Are you getting a fever? I told you to dry off properly before sitting down”
Inuyasha blushes more and dips his head forward, his bangs covering his face. Mumbling he replies, “Maybe I am a little under the weather. Could you take me home and maybe stay awhile to make sure I’m okay?”
Sesshomaru’s heart skips a beat and the pounding in his chest quickens. It’s the first time he’s ever been invited to Inuyasha’s place. Up until this point, they would merely meet up at whatever place they need to be.
“Alright, I’ll go. Do you have medicine at home, or do we need to get some at a store?”
Inuyasha shutters with excitement. Sesshomaru is going to come to his home. HE is going to come to his home! “Umm, maybe we should stop by the pharmacy? For Tylenol?” Inuyasha blushes brighter as he thought of another item at the pharmacy he could purchase.
Sesshomaru begins to gather his things and stands up from the booth.
“Well the rain has stopped pouring outside for now. Let’s head to the pharmacy before it starts again.”
Sesshomaru then extends his hand to help InuYasha out of his seat.
Inuyasha takes his hand and notices it's sweaty too. He peeks out of the corner of his eye at his brother. Sesshomaru looks calm, cool and collected. ‘Just my imagination. I’m just nervous and excited. Kami! He’s so handsome.’ Inuyasha sighs as he stands and gathers his belongings. ‘Can’t act too eager. Can’t act too eager.’ The mantra repeats as they walk through the door and out on the street.
The pair begins to walk aimlessly in a random direction. InuYasha has been in deep thought since they left the café. His cute fluffy ears are twitching at the outside noises. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru is praying he can’t hear the beating of his heart. Whether it is on purpose or subconsciously, InuYasha hasn’t let go of Sesshomaru’s hand. Their hands are warm and fit perfectly interlocked with each other. Occasionally Sesshomaru rubs his thumb along the back of Inuyasha’s hand.
To break the silence, Sesshomaru speaks out, “Um, InuYasha, are we going in the right direction? I don’t actually know where you live.”
Inuyasha is embarrassed. He hasn’t been paying attention and raises his head to look around the street. He doesn’t know where they are. Shuffling his feet, he stammers, “I guess I really don’t feel well. I don’t know where we are either.” Embarrassed, his face turns red again. ‘He’s gonna think I’m an idiot. He’s going to drop me at the door and bolt. I’m so stupid. Why would my beautiful, intelligent brother even want to hang around me?’ “Let me ask my smart phone.” He pulls out his smart phone and pings their location. Fortunately, they are two blocks from a pharmacy and just a little out of the way from his flat. Feeling a bit relieved that he isn’t a lost cause, Inuyasha steps forward briskly pulling Sesshomaru with him.
With a tug, Sesshomaru is pulled towards the direction of the pharmacy. They quicken their pace as soon as InuYasha begins to recognize where they are. Now slightly out of breath, they both enter the store and buy the medicine they need
The rain is beginning to drizzle again and Sesshomaru suggests, “InuYasha, do you think we should run towards your place?” Then after a moment Sesshomaru remarks, “Can you run in your condition or shall I carry you bridal style? I don’t want to wait outside again.”
Just then a truck goes by through a puddle and both men are soaked.
Inuyasha, drenched, looks to his brother. The silk shirt is stuck to his chest. Erect nipples are visible. The outline of his defined pectoralis muscles and serratus anterior capture the inu hanyou’s eyes. ‘If he carries me, I’ll have a nosebleed.’
Sesshomaru is now visibly pissed, and glares at the direction of the truck. There are not enough words to describe how long he took to pick out and buy the best outfit for this date with InuYasha. ((They did that on purpose. Those fucking assholes)) It’s at this point when Sesshomaru feels InuYasha squeeze his hand and point the direction of his apartment complex.
Inuyasha feels the air around him get heavy. His big brother has released some of his youkai. He knows he needs to do something quick. So, he gets on his tip toes and leans into Sesshomaru’s chest. “Help me, Big brother,” he whispers. “That’s my flat over there.” Then he pulls Sesshomaru across the street and up the stairs to the 2nd floor apartment.
Inuyasha knows the apartment is clean because he straightened it before their date in hopes that Sesshomaru would visit. But he doesn’t remember if he put up his sex toy.
Before Sesshomaru knew it, he is inside Inuyasha’s flat. It is a lot cleaner and larger than he imagined.
There is a small kitchen near the front entrance that has a large red fridge covered in pictures of friends and reminders. And for a moment Sesshomaru’s wonders who they are.
In front of the kitchen is a bar table with three stools and further inside is the living room. There’s an old brown pre-owned couch, small wooden coffee table, and a tv hanging on the wall. On top of the table, InuYasha has aligned his tv remote and gaming controller to the side. Underneath the TV is a small cabinet filled with games, movies, and other stuff.
To the left is a small hallway that Sesshomaru presumes leads to Inuyasha’s room and bathroom. The door is open to his room. He wants to peek inside and see.
After finishing looking around the main area of InuYasha’s apartment, Sesshomaru remembers InuYasha’s fever!
“InuYasha, we need to get you out of your clothes!”
Inuyasha has been taking advantage of Sesshomaru’s distraction and is looking around for his anal stimulator. He would just die if Sesshomaru sees it. He is preparing to walk to the bathroom when he hears Sesshomaru tell him to strip. He startles and then moves forward to the bathroom. “I’ll just go to the bathroom and strip out of these wet clothes. Do you think you can find a robe for me in my closet? I have two. You are welcome to wear one while your clothes dry. The washer/dryer are over there. The tea pot is on the counter and the liquor is in the cupboard above the sink.”
A few moments later Inuyasha has torn the bathroom apart and can’t find the sex toy anywhere. He strips off the clothes and lays them over the shower door.
‘Brilliant. The toy isn’t here. I’m naked and my brother is in my room. Now what?’
Sesshomaru takes InuYasha’s offer and walks toward the bedroom.
((InuYasha went inside the bathroom in hurry, most likely because the cold clothes were freezing his skin.)) Or at least that’s what he thought.
The bedroom is small and has a large queen-sized bed that takes 70% of the space inside. Next to the bed is a nightstand with a lamp and a digital alarm.
As he opens the closet door stuff begins to fall around him.
((That’s where all the mess is! I was beginning to think InuYasha is cleaner than I am.))
He begins searching for the two robes that are falling off their hangers in the back of the closet.
He carefully walks around the mess on the floor and returns to the dryer. Sesshomaru puts his wet clothes inside and wraps himself in the robe.
Heading back to InuYasha’s room he feels bad for disturbing the mess and starts throwing things back inside the closet. ((It is already messy inside. Why should I be the one to organize it?))
In the corner of his eye, he sees a container roll underneath the bed. Sesshomaru goes down to pull the container out and what he grabs isn’t what he expected. It feels like silicone and starts vibrating the second he touches it.
Quickly retracting his hand, Sesshomaru bends down further to get a better look at what he grabbed. Pulling it forward, Sesshomaru would have never imagined InuYasha owned a prostate massager. Standing up he tries to figure out how to turn it off when he hears the bathroom door open.
Inuyasha peeks out the bathroom door. “Sesshomaru? Do you have a robe for me? I’m kinda cold.”
In a panicked state, Sesshomaru finds and pushes the off button and hides the toy under a pillow.
((This is so stupid. It’s like a child hiding their phone before a parent walks in to check on them during the night.))
In a slightly higher tone before coughing to fix his voice, Sesshomaru replies, “Yeah. *cough* I have your robe. Just give me a minute to walk there”
He hands the robe to InuYasha with his head turned. He couldn’t bear to see Inuyasha’s face because the images of InuYasha using the toy have filled his mind. He feels the blush creep onto his face. In moments like this he’s grateful for his cheek markings. Most mistake his light blushes as part of the marks and he prays InuYasha does too.
“I’m gonna go wait in the living room while you get dressed”
‘Man, I wish he would wait in my bed’ Inuyasha thought, but out loud he says, “Okay. Be there in a minute.”
He takes several cleansing breaths and then pulls the lightweight robe around his body and tightens the belt.
Walking out into his living room he notices Sesshomaru relaxing on his couch, his legs spread comfortably, and his left leg uncovered by the robe. The long pale leg looks as though it has been sculpted from fine white marble by the great Michelangelo himself. ‘There is a divine being in my living room,’ Inuyasha thinks. ‘This is not real. I can’t let myself believe it. My heart will be crushed when I realize this is a fever induced fantasy.’
“Hey Sesshomaru? Would you like some tea?”
Then Inuyasha swoons and passes out.
In an instant, Sesshomaru runs to InuYasha’s side. His fever burns the backside of Sesshomaru’s hand. Without a second thought, Sesshomaru carries his little brother to bed.
((Damnit! I’m over here thinking utter nonsense, meanwhile InuYasha’s condition is worsening by the second. I need to get some cold water))
Sesshomaru dashes to the kitchen and begins opening random drawers. Once he finds a decently sized bowl, he fills it with cold water and carefully takes it to InuYasha’s room. Using a small towel from the bathroom, he begins trying to lower his brother’s temperature.
InuYasha’s ears are flat on his head and his eyes barely open. The cold water hitting his skin causes a release of a small whimper.
Sesshomaru is then in and out of InuYasha’s field of vision. Bringing and giving him a variety of different things; Medicine, soup, ice water, etc.
But all InuYasha could remember before going to a dreamless sleep is a small kiss on the forehead.
Inuyasha shivers from the fever. Moaning he mumbles, “I’m cold.”
“Would you mind if I warm you up?” Sesshomaru whispers into InuYasha’s ear.
The bed creaks as Sesshomaru puts his whole weight onto the frame. It takes a long time to calm his brother’s temperature, but he is starting to look better.
The bed looks so inviting the more Sesshomaru moves towards InuYasha.
“Oooh, you feel so good and warm,” Inuyasha speaks in his delirium. “How I wish you slept with me all the time. So warm...” The inuhanyou wraps his body around his big brother. Inuyasha couldn’t get close enough to Sesshomaru and begins to burrow into the small space between Sesshomaru and the bed.
Sesshomaru wraps an arm across the smaller man’s frame, pulling him closer to his body. InuYasha responds by nuzzling his face into the nape of Sesshomaru’s neck.
Inuyasha wakes to sunbeams peeking through the curtains. He feels so warm and comfortable. He considers rolling over and pulling the blankets up to block the sun and snooze another 10 minutes when he realizes there is warm air rolling across his ear every 6-10 seconds. He stops to process this revelation. Then he touches his blanket. It feels different.
SESSHOMARU is in his bed! Hugging him! Inuyasha's heart starts racing.
Sesshomaru feels his pillow shift underneath his arm.
((I must have slept closer to the edge of the bed last tonight)), he sleepily wonders as he pulls the pillow closer to his chest.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
Sesshomaru feels the pounding of InuYasha’s heart against his chest. It is then he recalls the events of yesterday. He opens his eyes and is greeted by InuYasha’s golden eyes staring back at him.
Maybe because it is early in the morning, but Sesshomaru can’t suppress his emotions and flashes the hanyou a smile.
“Good morning, InuYasha”
“Ahhhh Uhhh Ohhhh. Sesshomaru? What—-Why? Wow.” Inuyasha is dumbstruck, embarrassed, speechless, and totally confused. He runs to the bathroom.
((What is that all about?))
Sesshomaru hears the bathroom sink turn on as InuYasha splashes some water on his face. With a deep breath of air, Sesshomaru sits up in bed. His robe falls off one shoulder revealing his sculpted chest. With one hand he begins brushing through the knots in his hair while waiting for InuYasha.
Inuyasha splashes cold water on his face and stares at his reflection. Sesshomaru is going to think he is a complete idiot. He’d better go face the music. Head down he walks back into his room and starts talking. “Uhmm sorry. I’m a little confused why you are in my bed, Sesshomaru?” Just as he looks up, he sees the sculpted chest of the god lounging in his bed and he stares.
After a big yawn Sesshomaru speaks, “You told me that you were cold and after spending hours trying to regulate your temperature, I didn’t feel comfortable leaving you here alone.”
“Oh,” Inuyasha ponders. “So, you were just watching over me? I don’t remember telling you I was cold. I remember walking out into my living room and that’s it. Guess I owe you something. Thank you for watching over me when I was sick. And thank you for keeping me warm and Good Morning Sesshomaru.”
Inuyasha drew out the thanks so he could gaze over Sesshomaru’s perfect body. ‘I got to sleep with him finally, but I don’t remember a thing.’
“Did you sleep okay? Do you need some more rest? I ruined our date by getting sick. I was really looking forward to spending more time with you.”
‘Maybe I can get him to stay in bed a little longer,’ Inuyasha hoped.
“I can bring us some coffee and Danish to eat in bed,” Inuyasha cringed. ‘Was that too suggestive?’
A light blush spreads across Sesshomaru’s cheeks when InuYasha calls their usual outing a date.
“Breakfast sounds nice”
InuYasha’s grins as he walks to the kitchen with a skip in his step. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru decides to move his body to give InuYasha a spot to sit.
((It’s a miracle InuYasha didn’t fall off))
Putting his head on the other pillow, Sesshomaru feels something hard underneath.
((THE FUCKING TOY! What the hell am I gonna do? Why didn’t I just throw it in the closet like everything else? Ok. Calm down Sesshomaru, we can figure this out. InuYasha is in the kitchen cooking and we have who knows how long before he comes back. Let’s just throw it back in the closet underneath the pile of forgotten outfits. That way he won’t discover you know about!))
Standing up Sesshomaru takes the anal stimulator 9000™️* and goes to open the closet door when he sees InuYasha at the room doorway.
*(I’m not actually sure that’s an actual product but it’s funny)
Inuyasha dashes out of the bedroom and starts brewing two cups of coffee while he prepares two Danishes he has picked up for a special occasion— This was that special occasion if there ever was a special occasion! He finds a tray and puts the cups and Danishes on it and heads back to his bedroom. He plans to set the tray down on Sesshomaru’s lap and then sit down next to him after grabbing the TV remote. He had even thought to ask about watching cartoons
“Want to watch cartoons? It’ll be kinda like it was when we were kids. Could be fun.”
BUT all of that evaporates the second he sees the sex toy in Sesshomaru’s hand.
“H-hi InuYasha”
InuYasha drops everything. The two cups shatter as the hot coffee splatters onto InuYasha’s feet. But he doesn’t feel physical pain anymore.
Sesshomaru tries to defuse the situation, “Um, don’t worry it’s natural for everyone to masturbate! We all do it once we reach sexual maturity!”
((God dammit stop talking. Why can’t I stop talking))?
It didn’t help that he was gesturing with the toy still in his hand. “Hell, I even masturbate from time to ti-”
Inuyasha grabs the toy from Sesshomaru’s hand and tosses it into the closet.
‘Time for another tactic.’ Inuyasha squares his shoulders.
“So that’s where it was. Well, I’ll just put that back in the closet, clean up this mess and, and, and we can watch cartoons.”
Inuyasha is having an out of body experience. He moves like a robot, cleaning up the floor and then walking back to the kitchen with the shattered remains of his self-esteem. Sesshomaru will never think positively of him again. He bends over the kitchen sink. He feels sick to his stomach from being so embarrassed. Why would his perfect brother ever want to hang out with him again?
Sesshomaru follows Inuyasha and comes up behind him as he leans over the kitchen sink. He hugs the hanyou from behind and whispers in his ear.
“I’m telling the truth when I say that the toy doesn’t bother me. The only reason I panicked is because...for whatever reason my brain goes stupid whenever your around. And I don’t know why that happens.”
Sesshomaru pulls away and looks at his hands. “My palms get sweaty and my heart pounds rapidly against my chest whenever you're near. Butterflies are also constantly in my stomach. But as unusual as this feeling gets, I still want more of you.”
Sesshomaru pauses for a moment, gathering his thoughts.
“I want to see you happy and healthy, of course like any brother would. But there is a part of me that wants something greater. And it’s not sexual or primal, it’s something more that I don’t know how to put into words! Have you ever felt that? And if so, what do you do? Cause I don’t know. For the first time in years I don’t know and it’s terrifying.”
Inuyasha’s large round eyes sparkle as he looks deep into the amber eyes of his brother. “You mean it? This isn’t a fever fantasy? You want more of me? You don’t want to run away because I’m some idiot?
Inuyasha has completely turned around by now and is inches from being chest to chest with his brother. That amazing sculpted chest is right in front of him. He could touch it if he could be brave enough. He has always dreamed of kissing it and stroking his hands over the defined lines. He licks his lips to capture the drool that is preparing to escape.
His ears pick up a rapid heartbeat and his eyes get even larger.
“Your heart really is racing? For me? Pinch me.”
Sesshomaru leans forward and kisses InuYasha, pushing him gently against the kitchen cabinets. Putting one arm around InuYasha’s waist and the other behind his head, his mind is blank as his body moves on its own. He can’t suppress these emotions anymore. And even more so as InuYasha melts in his arms. His lips are as soft as velvet against his lips. He wanted to make this kiss last forever.
Pulling away, Sesshomaru looks into InuYasha’s eyes and asks, “Does that answer your question?”
“Yeh. But can you tell me again?” the inuhanyou smirks and leans in to recapture his brother’s lips.
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hisokas-imouto · 7 years
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When your favorite fanfictions or archive stories haven't updated in weeks.
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butterflyinthewell · 3 years
Fandom antis want every proshipper to be Marion Zimmer Bradley and it shows.
She wrote The Mists of Avalon, which has every cliche fandom antis HATE with all their pathetic little souls.
She also aided and abetted a child molester and abused her kids.
Yeah. Fandom antis think all proshippers are like that.
Fandom antis want proshippers to harm kids so they can feel justified in abusing them. 👈🏻 Read that again. And again.
Proship literally means “I won’t harass someone for creating content I find upsetting, gross, triggering or immoral. I’m not going to assume their real world morals based on fiction they engage in or create. I look at real life actions to judge that.”
There are proshippers who don’t like adult/minor ships. (I don’t pay super close attention to character ages and have been known to make them up! Btw I’m SessKag trash. Most of my ships are all adults and some have huge age gaps. *cough* Whouffaldi, Optimus/Mikaela…😋)
There are proshippers who don’t like incest ships. (Hello, I’m one!)
There are proshippers who don’t like ships with unhealthy relationships. (I write Optimus and Mikaela as pretty healthy, but one of my WIPs is Hannigram and it’s kinda problematic!)
There are proshippers who make nothing but wholesome safe for work content. (I have sfw content, but a lot is nsfw.)
Guess what else I don’t like? Lolisho! It weirds me out, but my “weirded out” reaction is nothing like the rage, dread and disgust I felt when I had to report actual CSEM. My rage goes through the roof when people harm real kids. I will never see lolisho as on the same level as CSEM, ever.
Being proship isn’t about what you ship, it’s your behavior towards and around shipping.
I don’t care how shitty someone treats fictional characters in fanwork. I can scroll away and not click it. I care how real people treat other real people and fandom antis hurt real people over fictional characters.
Fandom antis think they’re so slick with their “I’m anti-what?” bullshit when nothing they do is protecting real kids from real abusers.
They claim there’s a difference between engaging dark media and glorifying it, yet they treat any depiction as glorifying. Then they’ll go watch a media that’s as problematic as some fanworks and be fine with it. There are fandom antis who watch nbc Hannibal and throw homophobic slurs at Bryan Fuller, the gay show runner, because he agrees that fiction isn’t the same as reality and doesn’t have to follow the same rules as reality.
They think seeing it will make someone think it’s okay when it’s usually a predator grooming someone into believing it’s okay…and the blame is always on the predator.
They claim the media can be used to groom. But anything can be used to groom.
Kids need to stay out of adult spaces and learn to blacklist and mute tags. I can write something gross and tag it to shit and back, but that’s useless if people ignore the tags, click anyway and spread it to audiences it isn’t meant for.
Fandom antis abuse real people over fictional content they can choose to avoid. They’re some of the nastiest bullies I’ve encountered anywhere. Their disingenuous behavior disgusts me so much. They’re little wannabe fascists who drank TERF juice and now they think they’re warriors out to protect people from something that most wouldn’t see if it wasn’t shoved in their face by fandom antis.
And guess who gets hurt the most by fandom antis?
Marginalized creators.
Oh, fandom antis will claim they’re part of that minority as if that absolves them of harm, but it doesn’t and never will.
They’re bullies and abuse apologists. There is nothing good about them.
I hate every single fandom anti. There is no excuse for their behavior and when I see them I block on sight.
If fiction affected reality as much as fandom antis claim, society would be completely unlivable.
Are there problems with how things are portrayed that need addressing? Yes, absolutely! Things like poor disability rep, poor queer rep, the sexualization of children in Hollywood, etc, that needs addressing.
Screaming at someone because their Inucest fanfic or their BakuDeku doujinshi grossed you out isn’t going to address the issue at all.
Web 2.0 was a mistake.
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lordyouko · 6 years
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Moodboard for chapter 12 of my inucest fic Kintsukuroi
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fictionalsadist · 7 years
Searching for a fanfiction beta reader
Ok, so not sure if this is gonna work but I’m gonna give this a shot.
I’m writing fanfiction and need someone to make sure that everything sounds ok (dialogue doesn’t feel forced, action/live scenes dont feel out of place and call me out if I go to far with something) but all my friends who *could* do this for me don’t share my ships so while they say they wouldn’t mind I’m not gonna force them to read something they’re not into.
Anyways I’m in need of a beta reader who’ll not only do the above but give me friendly suggestions on how to improve.
*Not paying money. Only benefit is stories*
So these are my (main) ships
Sealshipping (Mahad x Atem)
Covet (*cough*Divine*cough*) shipping (Priest Seto (Seth) x Atem x Mahad)
Prideshipping (Seto Kaiba x Yami)
Scandalshipping (Priest Seto (Seth) x Atem)
Outcastshipping (Theif King Bakura (Akefia) x Kisara)
I love to deal in Mpreg (give me an excuse and I’ll do it) Most of my ships are guy on guy. But not all. There are probably times I’ll need to issue trigger warnings cause there certain stories that deal in darker themes. I have no problems doing 3 (or more)-way deticated relationships (poly). Sometimes I’ll make Yami and Atem twin brothers. In those cases I’ll usually put Atem with Mahad and/or Seth and Yami with Kaiba.
Also when i was in high school I posted and Inuyasha fic on FF.net I called “Why Our Son Cries” and a sequel called “Why the Tears Come” under my former FF account Shinitoki. I have since taken it down for a major rewrite that i would like help on as well.
The ships in that are Sesshmaru x Inuyasha and there is mpreg in that.
Anyone interested in more detail please either PM me or email me at [email protected]
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lady-of-disdain · 4 years
Shoutout to the Inucest community. I am 3000% not at all for incest, nor do I like incest ships. However ya’ll are simply being cool, minding your own business and enjoying your ship without flooding the Inuyasha and Yashahime tags with yelling about how your ship should be canon, so that makes you all cool people in my book.
I bless thee all with the wish that your favorite fanfic that hasn’t updated in a really long time gets an update soon.
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daenablackfyre · 4 years
This is how I look when I try to read fanfics with an online translator because fanfics in the languages I understand are over:
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I should have taken Chinese or Russian classes...
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