#i would have put mettaton instead of flowey but i got lazy
chompsloudly · 1 year
So some character placements for my au plus explainations.I accidentally went on a rant at one point
fresh-burger pants
Horrortale sans-cannibal/butcher grillby
Dust sans-dustbelief papyrus
Geno-either muffet or undyne
King multiverse-asgore?
Blue-underscramble mettaton
Killer sans-killer sans
Sci sans- alphys
core frisk-core frisk
fell-idk. Possibly fell mk? Mad mew mew
epic- maybe undyne
Cross-I have no idea
Time kid- monster kid
Error explanation
Strings, threatening, muffets already kinda out of it if you read her genocide dialogue. Add an eternity in a white void and you get destroyer muffet
Ink explaination
It makes since for flowey to be ink since they both have no soul. I would've made asgore the protector but he doesn't do much protecting. Plus flowey seems to be capable of some range of emotion, which is better than nothing
Fresh explaination
Fresh is canonically a parasite and I randomly thought it would be funny to have him possess burger pants and it stuck
Dream explaination
Asriel is perfectly suited for the role. Just look at the fluffy boi. Kind, sweet, sunshine, helpful. I honestly don't know why there isn't any dream-asriel, well, anything.
Nightmare explaination
Chara is asriels sibling, and they're the more malevolent of the two. Also it only makes sense.
Horror explaination
Made a new au for this grillby since I couldn't think of a good one for the in-code cannibal role. Grillby was the best fit since he already owns a bar.
Dust explaination
I was lazy
I'm not sure whether to use muffet again or undyne. It would make sense to use muffet due to errors backstory, but undyne literally dies due to being too determined, which makes her the better candidate. But then that might result in an error undyne, so I'm not sure which one to do
King multiverse explaination
I didn't know where to put king asgore so I made him king multiverse. Admittedly I don't know anything about king multiverse at all, so I'm not completely sure
Swap explaination
Underscramble mettaton is my favorite when it comes to the 'excitable human catcher' role. It was the only character I considered and I can't think of any better anyways
Killer explaination
Unfortunately I can't leave sans out comepletely so I let my favorite of the sans au's stay. He's got a good reason to be a sans that isn't just sans reskin
Sci explaination
I'm going to be very honest when I say that I hate the fact that sci's a sans and not an alphys. Y'know, the literal royal scientist. So I decided to fix that by doing what should have been done in the first place. On a less rant-ish note, I'm kinda tempted to make her a fell alphys
Core explaination
The goal is to reduce the amount of sans aus, so changing core would be pointless. Plus core's a good character
Lust explaination
I have no idea who to use for this role.
Fell explaination
I originally didn't know who to use, but then I remembered mad mew mew existed. I actually want to use a mad mew mew fell instead of a sad mew mew fell though. Anywho I gave mad mew the fell role since she's knows for being angry in the first place.
Epic explanation
Im not completely sure, but undyne seems like a good fit. From what I've seen of epic while he seems laid back he is also a protector. Naturally undyne seems like the best fit. But now the geno problem shows itself again.
cross explaination
I have absolutely no idea who to use
Time kid explaination
A last minute thought, I only gave them this position due to time kid being a kid. Like king multiverse, I don't know anything about timekid. This position is most likely temporary at best
I still don't know where to put all of the characters on this list as I'm not completely sure of the sanses they'll be replacing. Or I can't decide between two characters. Still don't know where to put napstablook. Or gaster. And I want to give toriel a better role cause nim dies immediately.
overall I need help and any criticism is appriciated. Let me know any characters I forgot or would be better suited for another role.
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toxic-chasey · 2 years
Undertale: Inverted Lore (and first post)
Facts about AU:
• The au was not completed leaving the characters with an inverted colour palette and frequent glitches
• The characters health wise are slightly weaker than the classics
• The personalities of the characters are more unpredictable because of the characters not being completed
• Sometimes some of the characters will have episodes of soulessness lasting from minutes to days because of their incomplete souls
• Based on before the human came
• A finished parallel universe that is not inverted exists (I will create it soon)
• Would’ve been based on a neutral run if the au was finished
• Monsters will dust much sooner because of glitches sometimes having negative effects on a weaker monster
• The world is in mostly negative colours
• Characters will never experience a pacifist since the world is forever glitched
• Because of some events not happening, the underground is different
• Very similar powers to classic with the exception of better stamina
• He is faster than classic thanks to not being lazy
• Also very similar to science sans
• He fell into the void instead of gaster
• This sans where’s the same symbol as papyrus (the one on the battle body) on his jacket
• Wears proper shoes
• Enjoys tomusto sauce and puts chicken salt on everything
• Prankster and loves puns
• This sans wears glasses occasionally since he is near sighted and he thinks it makes him look more like a scientist
• Sans does recall having a brother but barely knows anything about him
• Vibes
• Sometimes giggles to himself about the smallest things like a random Doritos packet floating in the void will make him giggle for hours
• Gaster likes bagels instead of eggs
• He looks like discord light mode
• He can barely remember sans, it feels like a dream
• He gave up similar to sans
• He is not as merciful as sans
• Makes puns and is not above using his power for pranks
• Papyrus likes puns but thinks there’s a time and place for them
• Papyrus doesn’t understand most puns
• Papyrus doesn’t know who sans is because of Gaster replacing him
• Papyrus can also become soulless sometimes, making him one of the strongest and most feared when acting soulless
• Papyrus acts very similar to classic
• Papyrus can use Gaster blasters
• Papyrus knows a lot more than he let’s on
• Can do Physic breaking acrobatics
• Is still really kind
• Still leader of the Royal guard
• Very similar to classic
• Makes rash decisions
• Doesn’t know gaster too well
• Never met queen toriel
• Makes cheesecake instead of pie
• Talks to gaster instead of sans
• Talks similar to starfire from Teen Titans Go
• Stays in the ruins similar to classic
• Sometimes can act very blunt
• Hates parties until she gets involved (she becomes a party animal)
• Hates Asgore
• Since there is no pacifist she doesn’t know undyne, alphys, Mettaton and all the others
• Does what he has to for monster kind
• Merciful and merciless depending on the situation
• Makes dad jokes
• Poppies are everywhere instead of buttercup flowers
• Tries to make cheesecake but fails a lot
• Was never Royal scientist
• Never created the amalgamates
• Just a nerd
• Never really got to know undyne
• Likes anime
• Still shy
• More advanced since alphys had free time to think about it
• Sometimes crashes
• When turning on and off he makes the windows sound
• Can sometimes build up friction and zap someone (sometimes uses it for pranks)
• Very similar to classic
• Talks to nabstablook more
• Nabstablook is DJ for mettatons shows
• Body was completed so is not often sexy rectangle anymore
• Ohhhh yessssss
• Is now a robot similar to mettaton
• Acts very similar to classic
• Very similar to classic
• Is sometimes freaked out when monsters go soulless
• Bored all the time
Would you guys like to know more? This is my first au so I hope you like it! I only have a drawing of Inverted!Sans so far so if you'd like to see the other characters or (maybe) an ask blog let me know!
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Chapter 5: Was there any point in trying?
In which you wonder if this was a good idea. 
*Toriel's POV*
I put on the best dress I could find and perfumed myself with a gift that Lauren gave me. She has been too nice since we arrived on the Surface. I think I should give her a present!
...once all of this is over.
(Y/N) said yesterday that everything was fine and that the president only wanted to discuss the terms of our freedom. Let's just hope that is true.
Therefore, Asgore and I will attend a meeting with the president and, of course, (Y/N). She's been such a sweetheart with us, always supportive and encouraging. I would love to have her as a friend; she is just wonderful!
I was about to leave the house when I felt my daughter's hand tugging my sleeve.
"Mom, why can't we go?"
I felt how my heart slowly sank, knowing that my child wants to know everything about this. Such a caring, loving girl. She'll be a great woman.
"Oh, my dear, (Y/N) said that only Asgore and I should go. But worry not! You have your friends here to entertain yourself!"
"But, mom... they're as worried as I am"
I looked into the living room and realized that Frisk was right. Sans's smile was fading slowly, Arial's expression was as concerned as her first day on her new job, Undyne was probably waiting for an explanation, and so on. Even Papyrus seemed a little bit shaky for all of this.
"I promise that everything is going to be ok, my child. Now be a good girl, and behave yourself in front of Richard and Lauren"
"Yes, mom..." She pouted, seeing there was no point in complaining with her mother. I sighed and left the house, Asgore nervously waiting for me. Oh dear...
"Sha-shall we go, To-tori?"
"Don't 'Tori' me, Asgore"
"M-my apologies..."
And then we started our uncomfortable way to our meeting, trying our best to not break down.
*Your POV*
Suit? Yep.
Makeup? Yep.
Tie? Yep.
Perfume? Please don't put more of that thing.
I nervously sighed and looked at my watch, then at myself. Did I put little effort or too much on my outfit? Do I have enough makeup? Is it exaggerated? Should I have put my hair up in a bun instead of keeping it down? Should I have left my glasses at home?
My mind's been teasing me way too much ever since Mailey left the café, minutes after I ended my call with Asgore. I'm probably going to fuck up all my effort.
Why am I even tryi-
"Hello, Miss (L/N)" a tall and recognized man greeted, a neutral look on his face. I snapped immediately back to reality and extended my hand.
"Good morning, Mr. President" I answered, keeping my cool "Please take a seat. The rulers of the Underground should be here in a few minutes"
"Wonderful. Do you have tea, by any chance?"
"...sure! Which type do you like?"
"Goldenflower tea would be excellent- if you have, of course"
Oh, so now his questioning me?! What a jerk!
"Uh, yes I do, sir. It's one of the King's favorites, actually"
"Really? Hmm. Now I want to meet him more..."
I put the teapot over a small table I had and started to make the tea. I don't think I'm that bad making it, so maybe I have a chance. And just when I was serving him a cup in silence, a knock was heard on the door.
Good thing I have more teacups.
"Come in!"
Mr. and Mrs. Dreemurr entered softly in the room, immediately greeting the man. Of course he goes first, right? Eh, I shouldn't be thinking this way. 'Cause, after all, they indeed greeted me with a bigger smile.
I smiled to myself and grabbed two cups of tea on the main desk, then I returned for the other two.
And just like that, we started.
This is going to be a long day.
*Sans's POV* (oh boy)
This is gonna be a long day
The kid's been way more annoying than ever, poking everyone with desperation and trying to find the perfect game to entertain us. What a wimp.
Everyone's nervous, yes, but we have to hold on. Honestly, though, I already gave up hope. We are definitely going back to the Underground. It was just a matter of time. Oh well, the Surface was... something while it lasted.
I should text (Y/N) a message and thank her for giving us a slight spark of hope. Besides, from one of the few kind humans that tried to help us. She really shouldn't have wasted her time on us. We were a lost cause since the very beginning.
And now, it will hurt more. Because we had a chance to feel the sun and to see the stars, but that will be just a memory from now on. It hurts. It really does.
I just wished I could have really enjoyed my time here so far. Because I probably didn't. Mostly because I got to be with my parents way more than I did before in my whole life.
Paps has tried his best to keep me happy, but it's just not that easy, y' know? We have our history together, and it's not the best. Especially with my father, Gaster, and how perfect he wants me to be.
But I'm Sans. A fucked-up young skeleton that feels old. A comedian for everyone, an asshole for myself.
Arial, my mother, was washing dishes over and over, hoping nobody noticed. But I bet everyone did. I guess that's her way to deal with anxiety, huh? She's probably inexperienced with this feeling. How... fortunate.
I, myself, have dealt with this since I was a kid. Therefore, while everyone was trying to distract themselves, I was just laying on the couch with a lazy grin. I'm just that experienced.
I must admit I'm not that relaxed, though. Ever since Toriel and Asgore explained what was going on, I wasn't able to focus on my reading. And it's a science fiction book, so it's really weird. It's eating me up 'cause, well,  the kid could reset again.
And I'm not letting it happen...
I groaned, feeling useless than usual. I've been promising myself that I won't let it happen again; ever since Flowey, even, 'cause he had that ability before the kid came.
Those two little freaks have ruined my life. Well, them and my parents. But that's another story.
Alphys started to think negatively, just like me. The difference was that she did it out loud.
"Alphys! Don't think that way!" Frisk exclaimed, visibly angry.
"Hey! You just don't shout at MY girlfriend!" Undyne roared, angrier than Frisk "If you want to discuss something, THEN SAY IT TO ME FIRST!"
Aaaaaaand the fight began... shit.
Paps, being the kind monster he is, intervened in the fight between his friends. Alphys tried to calm Undyne, while Frisk just kept being a sassy prick.
Oh kid, if only Tori knew.
Flowey groaned at first but ended up supporting Frisk, just because she was about to punch Alphys. Arial grew worried and tried her best to keep Papyrus out of it.
But she couldn't. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
Gaster just silently watched. I bet he is mentally smirking at this point.
That fucking jerk.
Mettaton walked away from it some two good miles, avoiding any bruise that would affect his disgusting reputation. Napstablook... he just cried in silence. He is such a huge mood. I wonder if he knows that.
Then Undyne pushed Paps hard. Like, REALLY hard.
And no one, and I mean no one, touches my FUCKING BROTHER.
"hey! watch your goddamn moves!" I shouted, losing my cool completely. Way to go, Sans.
"Make me" She dared, with a stupid smile on her face. Oh, it's on.
I ended up having a fistfight with Undyne, throwing her on the floor and punching her face like if my life depended on it.
I just couldn't think straight. My mind went blank, and my left eye switched between blue and yellow. Again.
Arial tried to pull me away, and again, she failed. I glanced at Gaster briefly and saw a hint of hate on his face. Disappointment, anger, and shame. Ashamed of his own son. Oh, I hate this guy so much, I could do the same to him as I did to Undyne...
And I did.
I balanced towards him, shouting things like "stop looking at me like that!" or "what's your fucking problem?!". Undyne wasn't unconscious nor near to being, and that just made me angrier. I wanted to grab Papyrus, burn the house, then continue with my life.
Then I saw something I didn't want to- or well, someone...
Emily. Emily was still there, watching in horror.
I suddenly stopped, realizing my mistake. Everyone had a hint of surprise and horror on their faces. Everyone, except Frisk and Flowey.
They have seen me like this before.
And now, everyone has.
Now they know something I didn't want them to know.
I fucked up.
"emily, kid... i'm sorry" I muttered, feeling like a mess. "thank you for everything, by the way. it was great while it lasted".
Then, before I could hear her response, I teleported to my room, which wasn't even my own.
And I broke down.
I just fucked up way more than I thought.
No one will think of me as the same.
Not even Paps.
My life is ruined.
I would beg for a reset, but the kid and the weed would remember anyway.
They're gonna make my life fucking hell.
I continued crying and laughing, knowing that now no one out there would help me.
That, after all, I hadn't had any hope left.
And it hurts.
It really does.
*Your POV*
We ended up with a shake of hands, and when the president left the room, we three hugged happily.
We did it.
It was actually quite easier than I thought. I must thank all those people who fought racism and discrimination back in the past. Without them, this wouldn't have happened.
We reasoned peacefully with him, and he promised he would let all the country know the news: Monsters have now legal rights.
Maybe people won't accept them easily, but hey, they're legal citizens now! I was so happy I could have cried.
And I did.
And they did, too.
We were just that happy we could finally get rid of this.
However, they needed an ambassador: someone who could represent them.
"(Y/N), dear, I think you should be our ambassador!" Mrs. Dreemurr happily exclaimed between sobs, and I just froze.
Ambassador? C'mon (Y/N), you know you can't do it! Besid-
"Yes, young one! You deserve it!" Asgore added, letting more tears down his fluffy fur.
Wait, do they really want me to be the one? To have this honor? ME?!?!
"I, uh..."
I couldn't think straightly. My mind went blank, my vision blurrier, and my heart sank. And, without thinking, I finally agreed.
"I'll be your ambassador. I, (Y/N) (L/N), will represent you all!"
And with that, we hugged again, making me the happiest girl on the Earth.
It feels good...
It really does.
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