#i wouldnt eat food if it had animals or their secretions
swagging-back-to · 2 years
new challenge just dropped for plant based recipe authors; write a single recipe without saying "so good you wont even miss the meat and dairy"
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regret-breathing · 10 months
last night i had a dream that my ex girlfriend was getting married to Armie Hammer. I was invited to the wedding, and invited to be her maid of honor, because we were secretly sleeping together and she needed moral support from her lover while she got married to her awful fiance. Also because like, even if we hadnt been sleeping together I imagine she wouldve brought me along because in the dream she had like. Just gotten back from the ISS (or dream equivalent, she was an astronaut in the dream, she isnt an astronaut in real life), and was not really prepared to be in a huge public event after being in space for a considerable amount of time. you know how it is when you come back from being in space after a considerable amount of time.
this is loooong so. yeah. the rest is under the cut.
anyway so I’m at this wedding, helping my secret lover get ready and helping keep The Fucking Hammers (who were giving extreme Bluths from arrested development energy) at bay as much as possible. wedding’s being held on this GOOORGEOUS little secluded island off the coast that they own (ew), we’re enjoying the sea air, we’re eating bonkers delicious food that probably cost enough to feed me for a year, when she fills me in about The Book.
Apparently in my dream world the Hammers have this whole ritualistic practice centered around The Family Book, a massive ancient tome supposedly containing the signatures of every Hammer dating back centuries, as they sign some sort of oath or contract when they come of age. Think like. what if the eagens from severance had the same unsettling religiosity but it was more antisemitic blood rituals trope and less corporate strategy. there were holidays about this book there were seasonal traditions about this book they were on some wild shit with this book. according to dream-ex “all old families like them have something like that”. i dunno man this book feels a lil fucked up, and again a little too close to some antisemitic tropes idk why my heavily jewish brain did this to me.
Anyway so she tells me all this because apparently it’s Hammer tradition that as a part of weddings, they have a private ceremony before the legal one where they properly induct those their children choose to marry into the Family, and so have them Sign The Family Book. i’ll be expected to go and serve as Witness, because i’m the maid of honor. she says it like it like it’s some great and incredible honor, to see the book signing ceremony as an outsider (and of course be sworn to secrecy as long as i shall live).
I’m like o.o maybe tell ppl that before they accept being your maid of honor, but fuck it! in the dream i love this girl so i’m like, in for a penny in for a pound i’ll go to your scary blood contract party to help you stay calm during it. so after everyone getting ready, she’s in her beautiful wedding dress I’m inexplicably wearing the himemiya anthy red wedding dress from utena (but without the crown or gloves) and i gotta say this is the first truly unbelievable thing in this dream so far. i wouldve worn a suit it wouldve been great and i got some audacity but i knooow i wouldnt roll up to my secret lover’s wedding in an anime wedding dress thats just gauche. and reeeeally obvious. im a bit buffooonish at times but im slicker than that.
So we’re all prepped and pretty and it’s wedding time, dream-ex is understandably anxious, i’m understandably anxious, and someone waylays us in the halls of the (seriously goooorgeous) venue to let us know it’s time for the Book Signing. we follow them to the chamber, and it is Weird in there. Basically, picture a very large cavernous room, totally dark in there, no windows, inky almost cave-like blackness. at the center theres like a corporate looking metal-and-glass conference table with super tall backed matching chairs, illuminated only by these blinding spotlights that blare down at each seat at the table, a double wide one encapsulating the two seats at the head of the table for the couple getting married. i like just woke up im glad i still remember this because it was an insane visual.
the whole collected living Hammer family is gathered around the table, all looking solemn and almost grim, they turn to us and beckon us warmly to join them at the table, she is seated to the left of her fiance at the head of the table, and i am next to her across the corner because i guess thats where the witness goes. Armie Hammer (first time i see him in the dream) is wearing basically the same fit he wore in Sorry To Bother You, except with the biggest Sonic blue high tops you ever seen. vividly remember these shoes. it’s kinda swaggy. He is also clutching the largest clearly hand bound leather tome i ever seen in real life, with slighly mismatched pages, dark almost black leather, with notably a large brownish stain on the spine where supposedly Grampappy Hammer fatally struck a rival with it and they’ve respectfully never cleaned the stain to remember.. something. i think there was a reason. this was an anecdote people were telling the whole fucking time. heard it like 4 times over the course of the wedding. miserable vibe. So he’s clutching this book tight, barely acknowledging his fiancé (dick move but i guess he was swept up in the ceremony), only occasionally mumbling to his best man, his brother (i have no idea if armie hammer has a brother but my dream said he did so im going with it).
i dont remember how or why but i guess dream-ex made an excuse to leave for a second?? or maybe im misremembering and i got there first and she was late?? or something?? but i pretty clearly remember getting there together so maybe she made an excuse to go to the bathroom or something i dunno. either way she steps out for a moment and im like. pretty heavily spooked by being alone with The Collected Hammers And Their Fucked Up Book in this Creepy Weird Ritual Chamber. the vibes are Off. theres sort of awkward chatter and I try to participate but Armie Hammer gives me a Look when i try so i shit tf up. Eventually dream-ex comes back, and she’s visibly more anxious than before. I try to discretely check in on her and she brushes me off, but sort of slowly takes my hand which is a little weird because we’d agreed not to do pda around the Hammers.
Then. Fucking. Okay. If you’re ever in this situation for whatever reason. DO NOT. DO THIS. TO ANYONE YOU LOVE. But yeah so she’s taken my hand, takes a pause while the Hammers look confused at her, and before the booksigning can begin she says she has something to say, and fucking TELLS THEM ALL THAT WE HAVE BEEN HAVING AN AFFAIR. I am flabbergasted right, we’d agreed that she was gonna go through with the wedding and i was cool about it because i woudlnt want to fuck over the Hammers they scare me. but yeah so she totally blindsides me with this, and i get it right i woudlnt want to sign their fucking book either, she probably made the right call, but cmonnnnn at least let your secret lover know BEFORE you tell the richest people ever that youve been screwing behind their backs WHILE THEYRE CARRYING THE MURDER BLOOD BOOK. So the Collected Hammers are shocked right, i’m surprised but kinda impressed by her absolute audacity, she’s doing a great job of appearing calm even though by the grip she has on my hand she’s freaking out, and Armie Hammer is just utterly confused by this turn of events. And she takes it one step FURTHER. she tells them that she fully intends to marry ME that day instead of Armie Hammer, when we’re on their private wedding island, with a wedding ceremony they paid for, surrounded by 100% of living Hammers and VERY few other guests, and I WAS NOT AWARE SHE WAS PLANNING THIS. and at this point, yknow what, i gotta give it up to dream-ex. brass fucking balls. looking Known Cannibal Armie Hammer in the face and telling him shes been fucking around on him, that hes not getting married today, and that some fucking dyke is gonna steal his girl right in front of him, all while he’s holding The Family Book no less. He’s gone from shocked staring at her, to death glaring at me, and im pretty sure hes gonna murder me with the book, or maybe his family will kill me with their hands because theyre looking Agitated, but he sort of sighs and just tells us to get out. And we do! we leave the spooky vaguely antisemitic corporate ritual chamber and get the fuuuuuck out of there.
admittedly not very far it’s not like we leave the island or anything, all the boats are Hammer boats. we go back to her dressing room and i’m like forreal we’re getting married today?? she seems relieved not to be marrying into the Hammers and doesnt seem like she thinks we’re about to die so i decide not to be unhappy with being blindsided like that. shes like yeah and im sort of giddy, theres some smooching, etc etc etc.
So we go to the much more normal wedding ceremony, which I’m expecting to be empty because like 80% of the guests were Hammers or Hammer adjacent, but it’s a full fucking house, and it is some WEIRD energy in there. We get married by the priest (who I’m pretty sure looking back is the priest from the season 4 finale of Peep Show), irl i wouldve been pretty salty about having a christian wedding but i guess when youre stealing someone else’s wedding and are pretty sure theyre gonna kill you because Armie Hammer is still holding The Book, you try not to be a stickler about it not being a rabbi. So we get married to utter silence from the host of Hammers and a modest amount of dream-ex’s family, it’s awkward, theres a smooch, yaaay woo should be the end of the dream right? right?
wrong!! because my brain hates me and wants to put me through MORE torture, for some reason instead of just getting on a boat to the mainland and finding somewhere Not Full Of Hammers to celebrate, we fucking go to the reception! for some reason!! and inexplicably, so does the entire Hammer family. It’s a nice party, the vibes are BAD but the food remains excellent the drinks are frighteningly expensive and the decor is tasteful if a little bleak, we’re sitting very awkwardly at the Big Table completely surrounded by Hammers and Armie is still holding the fucking Book for some reason, I’m trying not to look too frightened so i can make sure dream-ex is okay, i give us plenty of excuses to leave but dream-ex steps on every one of them, insisting on staying in the Hammer Zone. We do try to stay around her small number of guests though, spending time with her parents, answering lots of bewildered questions about how the fuck this happened, generally avoiding the Hammers as much as possible who for some reason DO NOT LEAVE. I dunno i guess it’s their island so whatever but if i were Armie Hammer and my fiancee ran out on me and then stole my wedding and claimed squatters rights to stay there I think I’d just go home???? maybe that’s just me but I’d definitely bounce if I were the Collected Hammers.
Oh right another awkward wrinkle— dream-ex is an astronaut in this dream right, so she’s been back from the ISS for a while now, and part of why she was getting married at all is because either the following day or two days later or something she was either going back up to the ISS for another shift up there or maybe to the moon??? i remember people mentioning the moon, but i dunno because like, they dont stay on the moon forever, doesnt seem like astronauts stay on the moon for even a full day, so it’s not like a Getting Shipped Out To War thing where you get married before you go because you might not come back and if you do youll be gone a while thing, right?? it’s a moon visit not a moon stay, right??? i think???? but from my memory people kept bringing up the damn moon so i gotta assume it was a moon trip even if that doesnt make a lot of sense to me. I dunno near the end of the dream is where i forget a lot of it. but yeah so she’s getting asked questions about the moon, I’m getting death glares from the family and sniffing my food for poison, we both look fantastic, she’s kind of getting tired of me hovering around making sure she’s alright which isnt a great sign for the marriage but yknow what it’s been a long day no reason to read too far into it.
Eventually, I take a little smoke break because she seems like shes getting overwhelmed by me being there, and I call a different ex of mine (one who i actually talk to in real life as opposed to dream-wife-ex who i havent spoken to irl in like four years minimum) to complain about the Hammers because hahahaaaa they never got to do the ceremonyyyy so i wasnt sworn to secrecy about their boooooook naa naa na boo boo.
And that’s the whole saga. i don’t remember what happened after that but i think i woke up pretty soon after. weird fucking dream.
but yeah if any fancy dream interpreters wanna tell me what the fuck any of THAT means do let me know.
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brelione · 4 years
JJ X Reader X Rafe heacanons
The boys are both dating you, not eachother.
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Am I gonna write a whole series with a polyamorous relationship between JJ, Rafe and the reader?Yes, yes I am.
You literally never get a break
When you’re not being fucked you’re out surfing with JJ or hanging out with Rafe
They’re so rough with you
JJ likes to spank and choke you while Rafe likes to overstimulate you and eat you out
“You like that, princess?”JJ asked, pounding into you hard while a bullet vibrator was pressed to your clit.Rafe was panting, getting himself off to the sight.You were moaning loudly, wanting nothing more than to tug at his blonde hair but your wrists were tied to the bed. “JJ!”You moaned, clenching around him for the third time that night.He sighed, pressing a kiss to your collarbone and pulling out, staring down at you.He looked over to Rafe, raising an eyebrow.Surprisingly Rafe was the more gentle out of the two, replacing the spot that JJ had once occupied.He pressed a few gentle kisses to your lips, untying your wrists so you could touch him.Your hands went to his hair, thumbs caressing his cheekbones as he slowly slid into you, smiling at the sound of your moans.JJ was getting his pants back on, watching your reactions to Rafe’s touch.The older boy was moving slowly, face in the crook of your neck as he whispered that he loved you over and over again, knowing it wouldnt take much to get you to another orgasm between him and the vibrator. “Rafe.”You whimpered, nails scratching up his back as you came, panting.He licked his lips before pulling out, kissing your forehead. “You’re such a good girl for us.”He whispered, rubbing your jaw with his thumb.You sighed softly, too tired to move.JJ grinned, walking over to leave a small kiss on your nose. “He’s right, babe.You’re the best.”He smiled, heading into the bathroom to run you a bath.
Believe it or not they were pretty romantic
They loved to take you on dates.Usually to a diner for pancakes or on a small picnic on the beach.
Rafe was a lot like a sugar daddy to you
The three of you often went to stores like Victoria Secret so your boys could pick things out for you.JJ loved to see you in pretty lace bras and panties, loving when you wore the bluish gray set he had picked out for you.At this point you had more bras and panties than actual clothes.
The way that they kissed you was completely different.JJ was the roughest when it came to sex but his kisses were so gentle, often smiling when he pulled away.Rafe was a little more rough, liking to press you up against the wall or stand between your legs when he kissed you, squeezing your jaw lightly.
You never had to deal with lack of attention.You got at least ten hugs every day, forehead kisses and light make out sessions on your couch as random movies played in the background.
Cuddling with them was always fun.They always cuddled with you after sex, resting on JJ’s chest while Rafe’s arm was wrapped around your waist with his head on your shoulder.
They loved to fuck you but if you werent in the mood they were always down for cuddles
JJ’s hand moved up your thigh and over your clothed clit, pressing down lightly.His attention was still on the tv, Rafe was at a family dinner so he was unable to make it.You frowned, gripping JJ’s hand and pulling it away, rubbing your thumb on his hand.His eyebrows furrowed, looking up at you with a questioning expression. “Im too tired.”You told him, leaning against his shoulder.He sighed,gripping your waist and pulling you onto his chest, rubbing your back. “Then take a nap.”He told you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You were the one that had gotten them to finally get along.It had been at a kook party that you just happened to be at.You and JJ had a bit of a flirtatious relationship but you knew that Rafe had a thing for you.You and JJ had ended up in a heated makeout session, ending up in a random room.He had forgotten to lock the door, Rafe walking in a few moments later with wide eyes. “You gonna stare or are you gonna join us?”You asked, seeing how JJ was shocked.Rafe was going to decline the offer, not even wanting to be near JJ.But the look on your face and your naked body pressed against the bed of his guest room was too much for him to resist.
From that night on you three had a relationship, the two of you eventually feeling comfortable to call you their girlfriend.
The Pogues had met you when JJ introduced you as his girlfriend.They had taken a liking to you, understanding why he liked you so much.
But then Kiara saw you and Rafe kissing at the beach and her heart broke.She thought that you were cheating on JJ.
She had brought it up to him, surprised when he laughed. “Yeah, no.We share her.”He had explained, not saying anything else.
You guys got a few strange looks in public but none of you cared that much
Topper couldnt understand how Rafe could handle that sort of relationship.Rafe had always been the jealous type so it was unbelievable that he could even stand the thought of you kissing another guy.
Most nights were spent in your house since your parents were hardly ever home
Whenever they were home the three of you would stay in the guest house.The two boys would sneak in in the middle of the night, waiting patiently for you.You’d wait until your parents were asleep to sneak out into the back and see them, trying your best to be quiet.
They loved the softer parts of the relationship like baking and dancing in the living room
Once JJ finally teaches you how to surf all you want to do is teach Rafe
Rafe slowly started to not hate JJ, becoming rather protective over the pogue
You were the bridge that conjoined the kooks and the pogues, the three of you eventually becoming comfortable enough to show up to events together
You,JJ and Rafe had all went to Midsummers together.JJ’s arms were around your shoulders, chin on your head while Rafe held you by your waist.
The kooks stopped messing with JJ a few months into your relationship
Your drawers were full of your boyfriends’ hoodies, pants and t shirts
After a year of the three of you being together Rafe had bought you a necklace with an ‘R’ and a ‘J’ on it
They liked when you wore it as they fucked you
JJ really liked to touch you in non sexual ways
kissing your cheeks, braiding your hair, carrying you on his back, forehead kisses, cuddling, showering together
The Pogues even started to like Rafe, the boy often making appearances at John.B’s house.
You, JJ and Rafe would cuddle in the hammock while the others sat by the fire
It took a while for them to finally accept Rafe.He had told you how stressed he was, really wanting them to like him so that he could be around you as much as possible.It took a lot of Mountain Dew, chips, brownies and sandwhiches for them to finally warm up to him.
The three of you often stayed up late at night to talk about your future together.JJ would become excited by the idea of enjoying the kook life with you.
You guys often talked about children and who would get you pregnant.
“We should have two.Rafe gets one and I get one.”JJ grinned, kissing your forehead.You shook your head. “Nope, im not giving birth twice.”You answered.
You guys eventually decided that animal children were better than human children
You’d giggle whenever you saw JJ wearing Rafe’s shirt or vise versa
Rafe eventually started to shop for JJ too, finding out that you loved to see JJ wearing white tanktops.He had bought a few of them, picking out a few dress shirts as well and giving them to JJ when you were out grabbing food. “Im telling you, if you wear these she’s gonna be soaked.We’re gonna get so much.”Rafe insisted, becoming excited by the thought.He was right.The two of them fucked you for hours that night.
Grocery shopping together
The two of them fighting over the last bag of hot cheetos, Rafe standing on his tip toes and holding it high up in the air.
“Guys, theres another bag.”You told them, the two of them pouting.Rafe ended up carrying you on his back with JJ in the cart, running through the store.
“I love you” X 900
If one of them spent the night you’d wake up to little notes on your nightstand
Christmas with them was immaculate
Rafe had gotten JJ a monster hoodie, a big smile when he watched the pogue unwrap it.JJ had gotten him a chain, the two of them standing up. “Bro!”JJ exclaimed, hugging the boy that had once been his enemy. “Dude.”Rafe chuckled, hugging back.
@nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc  @cherryobx @poguestarkey @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98 @negativity4you @nxsmss @ofmaybankheart @broken-jj @joshy-obx  @curroptbunnie @outerbnx-stiles @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie @sadnessrehab @purple-vodka-99 @annmariek8 @harryswigss @imagines-07 @sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @jj-iz-bae@sunwardsss @meaganjm  @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @natalie-kate-98 @nxsmss @broken-jj @joshy-obx @prejudic3 @annmariek8 @imagines-07 @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha episode 3 recap: Hyejin goes on a roadtrip to Seoul and takes care of a patient
Short trip to Seoul
Hyejin invites Dusik and the 3 ladies a trip to Seoul. While driving Hyejin gets into a road rage one of the elder ladies gives the driver who caused a close accident a piece of her mind too. During the trip of course there will be eventual rest stops and bathroom breaks which turns out to be hilarious especially when they bought older music, played it in the car too. Hyejin tells the ladies about her parents when they talk about their family histories. She doesnt have alot of patience and is late. Dusik thanks her for driving the ladies despite her annoyed complaints. Dusik has business in Seoul too, she drops him off and he forgot about his phone. Dusik visits a dentist psychiatrist clinic.
Hyejin attends a dental conference. They all brag about their practices and Hyejin lied about the quality of her dental practice saying that she works in a hospital, also how the seaside is more developed. Hyejin continues to mock them and accidentally meets Dusik. Dusik tells her that he saw her invitation inside the car hence knowing her location. Whiel they were talking, one of her acquaintances saw them both and took photos. While driving around Seoul, Hyejin and Dusik competes themselves about their preferred home. Hyejin says that Seoul is better while Dusik prefers the seaside and tells her how suffocating Seoul is with all the buildings. He got a point. Not everyone is meant for either the city life or the seaside. These 2 are totally polar opposites. Dusik asks her to drop him off at the restaurant as there’s an emergency meeting.
When she returned. One of her acquaintances asks her who the man in the photo is and Hyejin doesnt respond at a classroom groupchat. She defends herself and tells them that he’s not her boyfriend. Zooms in on the photo and tells herself that its not cute, but her expression tells different. A flashback scene of Dusik falling asleep in her car. She feels bad for his uncomfortable sleeping position and adjusts his seat. Dusik notices and he remembers that moment. At night, Dusik had a nightmare and we dont know what. He wakes up and drinks some sort of pills. Maybe it was the reason for him visiting Seoul? Does he have a past that we dont know?
Treating Gamri
As dentist and doctors they dont like patients wasting their time. If they come for a checkup they have to pay. Gamri who is pain wants a implant complaints how the fee is expensive and wants to remove her weak teeth. Since she doesnt want to spend on her treatment and tells them to leave. Respect the doctor’s time, they would rather have time with patient who’s willing to pay and pay attention to rather than not. Dusik complains why she’s rude to Gamri.
He eventually paid for Gamri’s treatment but she threw water at him clearly annoyed and tells him to get lost. Dusik convinces Hyejin to treat Gamri since he’ll be paying. Tells her that Gamri’s completely selfless and yet doesnt take care of herself. Hyejin tells him that Gamri is selfish but defends her and says that she’s the most selfless woman that he’s ever met.
Dusik defends her saying that she burdens herself to take care of her children. Hyejin doesnt understand and its frustrating to watch. She tells him that parents being healthy for a long time is what a good parent is to their kids. So when the kid grows up they wont struggle taking care of their parents. Hyejin has a different upbringing so she couldnt relate. They shouldnt endure the pain just so they could save money for their children. Because in the end children will have to take care of them. Hyejin gets teary eyed and emotional when mentioning this. Leaving Dusik teary eyed too and in shock by her response. A flashback memory of Hyejin and her mother. She sees her mother struggling in pain in the bathroom without her mother knowing that she saw the incident. She was very young when it happened. Then the time they were in Seoul, Dusik observed Hyejin watching a mother-daughter and remembered her saying to him that her mother passed away. He inwardly thinks that Hyejin lied to him and obviously she still remembers her mother.
Dusik gets to know her from this alone and understands her view point. Pains to see that Hyejin didnt really had a good childhood and care. Dusik visits Gamri the next day. Tells her that someone told him advice and repeats Hyejin’s words to Gamri. Gamri thinks about his words and i think she’ll do the treatment. Also the reason why Dusik is paying for Gamri’s treatment is because the son refuses to pay. Hyejin complains about the food she eats and notices how the food is difficult to chew. She probably was reminded of Gamri.
Hyejin sees Gamri’s name and meets her infront of her house and Gamri invites her into her home. Gamri showed her appearance at a tv show. It showecase her father who finally gets recognized as a military man who fought for the country’s independence. The piece of certificate has chinese characters that Gamri couldnt read. Gamri new Dusik as a young boy and read the characters for her. He also showed up in the recorded tape. The taping was aired 2 years ago and Gamri tells her that she was named after the flag. Gamri was very proud of her father. They enjoyed their time together and Hyejin enjoyed her meal. Gamri tells her for driving her to Seoul.
Every visit has a reason, Hyejin tells her that she will give Gamri a discount for the materials that will be used. Hyejin tells her to keep it a secret for the reputation of her clinic. Hyejin tells her that she found out that her favorite food is squid and is reminded of her own mother. She eventually helps her with her implants. Gamri probably noticed and tells her that Dusik likely said something to her to make her change her mind. Gamri tells her Dusik is kind but so nosy. Hehe. Hyejin agrees. Gamri tells her that Dusik hung the bell that she likes so much.
The next day Gamri eventually visits the clinic on her own & pays for the entire fee. Gamri reports to Dusik about her implants and Dusik is shocked by her statement. She complains about her anesthesia wearing off. Dusik is very happy that she got treated and tells him that Ms Yoon visited her and offered her a discount. Gamri tells him that she may look cold as ice but she’s a softie. Gamri tells him that she probably been through alot in her life.
Dusik goes to Hyejin’s house after she reported that her lights went out and apologizes to her for judging her. He finally found the other pair of her shoes and returned it to her. Her lights went back on too. Hyejin tells him that she made a mistake, hopefully after earning money she’ll eventually return to Seoul. But i bet Dusik is hoping that she wouldnt and stay.
The epilogue: Dusik found her other pair of shoes while fishing. It was hiding behind the log. Hahaha. Dusik also makes an effort by searching how to clean up the shoe. Dusik also brought the other pair of shoe when Hyejin wasnt looking and sneaked it back to her shoe closet!
Episode 3 - Dont judge the book by it’s cover. Sometimes the way people act is because they were affected from their past. Hyejin is a good person but sometimes her actions comes off wrong and rude but Dusik sees the light in her and treats her better only when she does treat others better too.
Parents also have the right to live the way they want. They earned it but children will always be their priority but in the end it shouldnt be the end of their own life, not caring for themselves. Take care of yourself then you can take care for others
I also love the hedgehog reference. I always wonder when they're going to bring that up! Theyre sharp on the outside but once being cared for they're soft animals. Hyejin is just misunderstood and Dusik is slowly realizing it.
Honestly find the drama really slow and i understand why some may find this boring but i do appreciate the subtle character development each episode. Dusik seem to slowly be more nice and caring towards Hyejin too. Im not entirely sure about this drama. Its definitely more character driven than plot development and its slower compared to other healing dramas. There isnt much going on but hopefully there’s more to it than what they’re showing.
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knifesxedge · 3 years
hi pi! i hope you are well :) if you'd like to, could you share more abt poison and ghoul as parents? i love them so much <3
hi eden! i’m well ty!! and i would LOVE to
uhhh so they’ve raised a kid before, obviously, but when the girl was a baby all of them were teens (ghoul & poison specifically were about 16 when she came home for the first time) so the ‘parenting’ style with her was different than it was with charlie. mostly because it was their first time trying to take care of a child and so when charlie came home they were a bit more confident but ALSO definitely because they mellowed out a bit (poison mostly) when they got older. with the girl it was a more complicated situation — the fab four were somewhere between parental figures and older siblings to her, she was able to get away with a lot more stuff but also saw a lot more claps because they didn’t have any way to keep her from that. with charlie they were able to keep a bit more from her — the girl could watch her, when claps happened, and by the time charlie was born they’d stopped looking for violence/picking fights with dracs, crows, etc. too, which helped.
i think when they were talking about having a baby, one thing that was really important to them was being a Team. so they do their best to talk to each other about everything. and especially when charlie is very little, she always wants to be held, so they take turns passing her back and forth. if poison’s got her, ghoul will make her formula and bring it out for her, with a kiss for both of them and a can of power pup for poison. if ghoul’s got her, it’s poison who’ll get the clothes/bottle/diapers/etc. teamwork!
ghoul has a tendency to talk to babies like small adults. serious faces, serious questions, “uh huh, mm hm, tell me more” with babytalk. i think he kinda talks like this with charlie (and the girl. but this clip specifically makes me think about charlie). he’s very gentle, very good with kids, diagnosed with older sibling syndrome. the problem with that is that he can be a little fussy and overbearing when charlie gets older (he tries not to be. but sometimes he can’t help it 😔) um i think he’s particularly good at doing charlie’s & the girl’s hair. at the same time that he’s good with kids he also has a tendency to take the girl and later, charlie, to dubiously safe situations (ie bomb deals/trades with sort-of dangerous rough-and-tumble crews in like. a jerryrigged baby bjorn/sling with a bag of teddy grahams and a sippy cup in a diaper bag. it does occasionally help deescalate situations if the other crew is jumpy.) also i think ghoul will sing her little songs to help her go to sleep and keeps her with him if he’s working in the shed/diner and she’ll be in either her highchair or on a blanket with her toys where he can keep an eye on her.
poison loves kids and is an older sibling but is also very nervous about turning out like what he vaguely remembers his parents being. also between starting the crow program and leaving the city with kobra he wasn’t....the BEST older sibling (he was actually kind of a dick, and really regretted it later). and they really don’t want to project any of that (any issues whatsoever, really) onto a child, so they’re really careful with kids. they kind of treat the girl and charlie like they’re breakable, especially when they’re very small babies. almost....touch-shy? like especially as a teen he would smile at kids and play with the sandpups at gravel gertie’s when the four volunteered, but he wouldn’t want to hold them, wouldnt want to touch them too much, and that carried over a bit with the girl and even when they had charlie. they got better about that, though they still have a tendency to overthink the way he interacts with kids and talks to them. the upside is that he’s very soft with the girl & charlie, and once he got more used to it, he wanted to make sure they weren’t touch-starved and started being a lot more touchy-feely. it’s like all their sharp edges that outside crews see (and even some that friends/members of their crew see) get smoothed over with their kids. poison’s a bit of a pushover for the girl & charlie so they’ll come home from the market with a new pack of crayons and a little pouch of candy just because charlie pointed at them and made big puppy eyes. ghoul’s more willing to tell her no, so they DO balance each other out. on the other hand if poison is on a run alone with charlie there’s no one to stop them from buying her a new toy or stopping on the way to let her play at gertie’s even if there’s a time crunch <3 (and they will). poison will also take her out on drives if she’s fussy during the night, and he’s a night owl so he’s pretty willing to sit up late with her when she’s an infant and needing to eat formula or be held at like 3 or 4 am.
they keep her crib in their room until she’s old enough to have her own; ghoul made her a mobile out of meticulously cleaned and sanded down spare parts from discarded projects and poison painted the wall behind it. i don’t wanna call them crafty because that makes them sound like a diy pinterest couple (tho. modern au that’s honestly what they are) but they do make a lot of stuff for the girl/charlie (and even later jet’s little cousin) including but not limited to: a new highchair (the girl’s was a lil old by then and also uh. made of a crate and some wood planks), a set of blocks with her name on it, a drac-in-the-box, a monkey halloween costume based off a picture in one of cherri’s many books, and a plush animal (rabbit? giraffe? horse? yes) only a little more finessed than the one ghoul made for the girl when they first adopted her.
other assorted thoughts: they do the little swinging thing between them when they’re standing on either side holding her hands.
poison draws pictures with both the girl and charlie.
charlie will help ghoul make food in the kitchen and steal little bits of batter while ghoul pretends not to notice.
charlie loves being in on a secret so she gets to help plan birthday “surprises” for both her parents & uncle kobra and jet. sometimes it’s not so secret but she gets so excited about it that obviously no one’s going to point it out to her.
when she’s about four charlie finds a hurt baby bird out on the carpark in front of the diner and through the combination of her & the girl making a “presentation” on all the reasons they should be allowed to keep it and ghoul making soft sad eyes at the baby bird in the shoebox poison reluctantly says she can take care of it until it’s better. by the end of the chick’s stay with them poison cries when they have to let it go, so.
this isn’t necessarily a poison/ghoul parenting thought but it is charlie-related um i think the girl was super excited to be an older sister and even though they have a ~14 year age gap between them the girl and charlie are very close. charlie thinks the girl is the PEAK of cool and if they aren’t going to be doing something overly teenage and stupid the girl will let charlie tag along with her and her friends sometimes. she’s also very patient in playing games with her and charlie’s most vocal advocate when it comes to doing stuff she wants (charlie wants to go to see doc. charlie wants a popsicle. charlie wants to play at the playset in zone 3. charlie wants to borrow a movie from uncle cherri) and can understand her when she’s first learning to talk even better than poison or ghoul especially really early on. she’s the diner’s best CJ translator (also i think charlie has a bit of a speech impediment & is hard of hearing so for people outside of the fab four & their circle of friends it can be hard to necessarily understand everything she’s saying; the girl really helps with this and they practice sign language together with ghoul since he’s the best at ZSL in the crew. also she’s autistic just like poison)
anyways wah i talked a lot sorry but i hope this is what you were looking for! (i always love talking about my canon tysm for giving me the opportunity 🥺❤️)
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this is dom harry bro no questions he'd just sit there eating u out for hours but wouldnt let u come
“Harry, please.”
It’s been hours. Literal hours.
Her best guess is two, but it feels more like twenty. She’s hypersensitive, and it’s not helping that he’s refusing to let her cum.
Y/N can only hold out for so long before her body takes on a mind of its own and breaks down without his or her permission, so she tries to focus her thoughts on something—anything— else. Anything but him.
Her mind wanders to how she’d ended up in this position in the first place.
How she had thought he’d come in from the airport and they’d go out for some dinner and maybe save all of the raunchiness for the later half of the evening.
But of course he couldn’t wait. He’d been waiting for three days, and now he was refusing to leave his post between her drenched thighs to make up for it.
Harry had gone to Cancun for a couple of days to shoot something top secret, leaving Y/N behind in Philly, where he was planning to come back to put some more business details in order for his next album.
When he had walked through the door of the hotel room, she almost didn’t recognize him.
He’d gotten very tan during those days in Mexico and she could tell it was natural. His nose was already starting to peel and the edges of his hairline were sun-bleached, along with a wave of honey and auburn highlights running through his usual chestnut brown curls. He was sporting crisp white shorts, a simple black button-up with the first two buttons undone, a black windbreaker, and her own pair of scuffed up white Vans that she had let him borrow.
He tended to take something of Y/N’s with him whenever he went away, even if just for a little bit. An old oversized Jurassic Park t-shirt that smelled like her, a wooden bead bracelet she got when they visited Animal Kingdom, the silver charms from one of her favorite necklaces that dote her initials, which he would loop around his cross chain. A ruby and black diamond ring he had gifted her for her birthday that fit perfectly around his pinky, her favorite pair of cactus-patterned socks— the list is endless. Point being, this time around he decided on the pair of Vans he found at the bottom of her suitcase.
Harry loves that he never had to ask to borrow her stuff; she just let him raid whatever he wanted because it truly touched her that he always wanted to have a piece of her on him.
Those pair of raggedy Vans had ended up kicked into the corner of the room beside his suitcase as he distractedly shrugged off one shoulder of his jacket, the other occupied holding his phone to his ear.
“Yeah, that’s what we planned. Mitch texted and said he was boarding his flight so he should be here by tonight, probably around ten. The latest, twelve, depending on traffic.” Harry had grabbed his phone from its spot between his ear and shoulder, switching sides to slide off the rest of the windbreaker. “Okay, so nine tomorrow morning? The room’s booked and everything? Alright, sick! I’ll text you when I’m on my way. Later.”
Harry had tapped the screen of his phone, releasing a long sigh of relief through his nose as he chucked it onto the free bed along with his jacket, running one of his large hands up his tired face and through his messy locks.
Y/N had spoken up first, voice clear even over the Sugar Rush episode playing on the TV in the background. “How was Cancun?”
Harry’s drained gaze had focused on her and somehow, just looking at her— just seeing his girlfriend laying on the disheveled bed in one of the lavish, creme-colored hotel bathrobes with rainbow fuzzy socks covering her wiggling toes and her bangs pinned back haphazardly with a clip— had inflated a certain warmth inside him that rose up from the heels of his feet to the tips of his fingers, expanding in his chest and squeezing out any stress and exhaustion milling in his veins.
He had pursed his lips into a small, lopsided smile full of tender fondness, his eyes softening and glossing over with the comfort that comes from her familiar scent of chamomile shampoo and apple lip balm. “It went great. Everyone was lovely, the filming got done quick and easy, the food was as amazing as ever, but...”
Harry had trailed over to the front of the bed, falling onto his knees and then hands, crawling across the mattress until he was hovering over her with arms propped on either side of her head and knees straddling her hips. He’d pressed a delicate kiss to the center of her forehead, leaning down to nudge her nose with his. “...I missed you.”
Y/N cocked her head back to lock eyes with her boyfriend, his smile contagious. “Well, I missed my Vans.”
Harry had broken into an amused snort, shaking his head lightly as he speckled pecks all over her face. His tone was dramatic and full of pretend anguish. “My poor heart!”
She was reduced to a giggling mess as she wrapped her arms securely around his neck, his own arms weaving their way between the bed and her lower back to keep her trapped as his mouth brushed across every tickle spot he’d learned like the back of his hand.
Harry had pulled back from his little attack, grinning ear to ear with his dimples on full display. He’d balanced himself on his elbows, fingers reaching up to tuck her unkempt hair out of her face.
They’d laid like that for a moment; Harry snuggled between her legs, irises flickering over the tiny details of her face, taking her in. The way her lips were lightly chapped, her cheeks warmer than usual, her chest heaving and neck flexing with every breath she’d gulp down. The way her eyes were bright, almost as if infused with literal starlight. The way her hands were gripping at his wrists gently and the way she kept glancing down at his mouth, inviting it to meet her’s.
“Y’know what I’ve been thinking about all fucking day?” His voice had been soft— barely above a mumble— but filled with a type of desperate conviction that she rarely saw in him.
“Mm?” Her fingers had tightened around his wrists curiously.
He’d taken in a shaky breath, letting it out slowly in such a way that it rattled his lungs. His tongue had peeked out to swipe across his bottom lip, which had then pursed with his top one in anticipation.
“Been thinking about eating you out for hours.”
Y/N’s heart had tripped a step at his confession, which had come out as a sigh of needy pleading. 
Harry had nodded his head sluggishly, leaning forward to lightly touch his lips to her Cupid’s Bow. The warmth of his words traced the outline of her mouth suggestively, sending a shiver racing down the knobs of her spine. “All fucking day, baby. Spent every second on that plane thinking about how sweet you’d taste on my tongue and how good it’d feel to have you dripping down my chin.”
One of Y/N’s hands had left its spot, opting for tracing his top lip with its fingers instead. “For hours?”
Harry had nodded almost feverishly, a small whimper stringing at the back of his throat at the sensation of the ridges of her skin passing over his. “Just been craving you a bit extra, lately. Was practically running through the airport to get here.”
She’d release small laugh in the form of a scoff, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. “I thought we’d go out to dinner first or something and save this for later, but if you really need it that bad...”
“Fuck, minx, I need it so fucking bad.”
Harry had left no time for her to think it over twice, pushing back to sit on his heels and tugging the tie of her bathrobe loose. “Jesus Christ...”
Y/N had prepared for the occasion.
In the short time he’d been away, she’d gone shopping at a mall near the hotel. She hadn’t really gone with the intent of purchasing anything, but then she ran into a specific set of lingerie that she just couldn’t pass up.
It was bright red lace, the fabric littered with glitter. It came with a bra (which had a bow over the middle of each cup and one at the center of the piece, which could be undone to remove the article from the front) and a pair of high-waisted cheeky panties with matching garters that fit perfectly mid-thigh.  
Y/N could practically see Harry’s mouth watering as he had blinked at her a few times, utterly dumbfounded, mouth slightly parted. A hue as red as her undies had crawled up his neck and spilled across his cheeks, as well as the shells of his ears and the tip of his button nose.
“I was saving it for later.” She’d murmured softly, keeping her vision trained on his face, drinking up every twitch and jolt of his expression and letting it overflow her ego. She had spread her legs, hooking them over the back of each of his knees as she sunk further into the sheets, allowing her plush robe to skim down her upper arms. “But you can tear it off now, if you want.”
And that brings her to where she is now, with her head thrown back against the mound of expensive feather pillows, fingers woven into Harry’s damp curls as she bucks against his face, his forearms draped over her outer thighs to keep her pinned down to the mattress.
“Fucking hell, Har, please just let me cum.”
When he said for hours, she thought he’d meant it hyperbolically.
“Stay still.” His voice is low and raspy, thick with lust and drunk on her taste.
She thought it would’ve been maybe twenty minutes— forty, tops— but those minutes had turned to an hour, and that hour into two. The first hour he’d spent biting into her inner thighs and tonguing her over the lace panties, only removing them after they were embarrassingly drenched (and with his teeth, of course). The last hour had been him nose-deep between her thighs, fingers working into her thoroughly as he lapped at her folds like he hadn’t eaten in weeks.
“God, you’re so fucking wet.” Harry pulls back a bit, lips, dimples, and the point of his nose gleaming with her excitement. He messily drags his knuckles up her pulsing clit, trying to clean her up a bit so he can get in further without feeling suffocated.
The milky liquid coats the back of his hand generously, dripping down onto his fingers and smearing across the soaked sheets. He glimpses down at it, instinctively bringing it up to his mouth and licking every drop off his knuckles. His tongue passes over his skin and between his fingers, eyes flickering upwards to lock onto her’s. His irises glitter with a form of self-satisfied snarkiness, glittering with different tones of green, light blue, and crystal amber in the deeper crevices.
Harry pushes his first two digits entirely past his lips, lids fluttering shut as he inhales a quaking sigh through his nose, humming a moan in the back of his throat. His words are muffled over his full mouth, but passable nonetheless. “Shit, you taste so bloody sweet.”
Her whole body caves upwards, thighs clenching and heels digging into the bed. Her voice is broken and whiney. “Wanna cum so bad.”
“I know y’do, darling. I know.” He pulls out with a wet pop, licking over his swollen lips and glistening chin. “But I’m just having too much fun. Just a little longer, I promise.”
Harry’s large hands cup over her quivering outer thighs, yanking her back towards his face. He picks up again with tiny puppy licks across the sensitive bud at the center of her folds, hips absentmindedly grinding into the bed to ease the radiating ache itching the underside of his balls.
Y/N tugs harder at his sun-kissed curls, feeling him hiss against her— the vibrations cause her knees to twitch. “I c-can’t hold off anymore...”
The pads of his digits bruise her skin. “Y’can— know y’can. If you want me to fuck you tonight, you better.”  
Harry flattens his tongue out across the thickest part of her crotch, turning his face slowly from side to side as his fingers gently curl inside her, brushing against her tightening walls and resulting in a shattered whimper straining her throat. “That’s a good girl, hm? Love the sounds you make for me— they’re so fucking pretty. Love the way I make you squeal.”
Y/N’s words choke out in sputters, interrupted by abrupt breaths she can’t help but inhale. “Feels—so good— fuck—!”
“Such a darling little thing, aren’t you?” Harry looks up at her from underneath his thick lashes and cockily furrowed brows, the edges of his lips peeking up in a smug simper from between her legs. “Bought yourself something nice for me to fuck you in and thought you could go prancing around in it all night without me knowing until we got back.”
“Wanted it to be a s-surprise.”
“Yeah? Well, I’ve got a surprise for you, too.”
Harry backs away from her slightly with a final rough lick, removing his fingers from inside her and sloppily wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. He reaches over her left hip, hooking the ruined panties with his index finger and holding them up above her abdomen for her to see. A certain mischievous glossiness washes across his darkened eyes.
“You’re going to put these back on and spend the entire night in them. Want you sitting at dinner in the mess you made, thinking about how hard I’m gonna pound you when we get back.”
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Humans are Space Orcs “Baptized in Blood”
A bit of a gore warning for this one :), But I was fulfilling the request of a few readers.
As always, I would love to hear your questions, comments, and requests. Always willing to answer writing questions as some of you have come to me for advice. :)
I will be covering this same topic in one of my short reports later on, so wait for that.
They were holed up inside the, “grocery store” The lights were off and snow had piled itself to almost two feet deep outside the glass doors, trembling from the powerful blowing of the snow. The humans milled about in confused packs.
Apparently blizzards of this power weren’t common, and the human’s hadn’t expected the storm to be as bad as it was. Now they were help up in the powerless store, thought the emergency lights and backup generator kept the place marginally lit and livably warm.
Krill could feel his body working to heat itself, but he wasn’t half as efficient as the humans. Captain Vir had given him his coat. It still had some of the human’s body heat, and so warmed Krill nicely.
Captain Vir sat by the checkout counters head resting back against the wall eyes closed.
Krill panicked silently to the side.
“Adam!” his one eye popped open and looked towards the sound of the voice.
Krill looked to find Captain Vir’s nest-mate or sister waddling towards them. She was even bigger than Krill remembered, and was impressed that she didn’t just fall over from the weight of her stomach.
Captain Vir stood, “Maya, what are you doing here?” He glanced down at her swollen belly, “Where is Jack…. Shouldn’t he be the one out doing this stuff…. You’re due in what? Two weeks?”
She waved him away with a hand, “If I avoided doing thigs just because I was pregnant, than I wouldn’t be doing anything. Besides, I needed to get up and walk around.”
Captain Vir tilted his head to the side, “Why?”
With a sigh, she rested one hand on her stomach and the other on her lower back, “I have had a backache all day. Besides this is the first time in days I haven’t been exhausted, so I wanted to get things done.”
From the corner of his eye, Krill saw Captain Vir tense lightly….. “Um…. I know I’m not like an expert or anything, but. Isn’t increased back pain a sign of labor….?
Krill was alerted by the sudden palpable tension in the room. Nearby humans turned to look at them worried expressions on their faces as they turned to glance at the blocked glass doors.
Maya went white, “I…. didn’t even think about that.”
“Any contractions?”
“Well no, not really.”
“What is that supposed to mean.” Vir was sounding frantic now, not something Krill understood. On his planet a mother laid her eggs in two minutes flat and then they were done…..
How big was a human larvae again?
Suddenly the female human stiffened up and closed her eyes resting a hand against the purchase lane taking a slow deep breath.
“Are you kidding me Maya? You’re in labor in a F***ing blizzard at the grocery store.” It was Vir’s turn to panic.
She frowned at him, “Excuse me for not timing it right.”
Captain Vir looked down at Krill, “Um…. You’re a doctor.”
Krill stared at the two of them, “You aren’t serious.” He looked back at Maya and the encouraging smile on her face though her eyes were very, very worried. He sighed, “Yeah, I am.”
It was almost impressive how fast Vir whipped up some extra support. Doing their best, they turned one of the back offices into a passable medical room wiping down all the surfaces, binging in anything soft and Pillow-shaped for support. Any useful tool was rounded up on Krill’s instruction. Maya insisted on helping despite being racked by pain every 45-60 seconds. She took it like only a human could with an easy smile and a pleasant request for some water.
Despite offering to let her sit down, she insisted that walking would probably be better.
Krill honestly wasn’t sure what to expect, and the true horror wasn’t really foreshadowed until, a few hours later, Maya went suddenly very still doubling over in pain eyes closed teeth gritted. Vir came over to support her arm as she whimpered through her teeth. She was there for almost sixty seconds standing back up face streaked in sweat eyes wide.
“F***k.” Vir muttered, “Krill, she’s getting closer.”
They transitioned her to the other room having her lay down. Krill did what he would do during surgery, though he was setting up for a procedure he had never performed.
The true horror hadn’t exactly been revealed yet. Upon request, captain Vir said that a baby could be anywhere from three to ten pounds whispering that it was very possible for the baby to get caught the wrong way, or break the pelvis, or get wrapped up in the umbilical cord.
Krill felt cold. Pregnancy wasn’t supposed to be dangerous…
Vir Knelt next to his sister’s head holding her hand, he kept his eyes very intentionally focused on her face stammering out instructions for breathing and reminders to try and keep relaxed.
Then it was like a switch was flipped, and the human began to scream…
Krill had never heard such a terrible grating noise, like an animal being tortured to death. Under her protective covering, the human writhed in absolute, and complete agony hands becoming claws nails dug into skin and Vir yelped in surprised pain drowned out by the terrible sound of her agony.
Sixty seconds…. And she collapsed back down eyes opening wide, bloodshot, face red body drenched. Those eyes turned on her brother, and the sweet human female bared her teeth at him, “F***K you…. Adam.”
He blinked, “What.”
“You heard what I said.” She snarled, “Now shut up.”
Krill was shaking. Did human females…. Kill people during labor.
She threw her head back and screamed again. The tone could have shattered steel like glass. It rocked the room as if the gates of hell had opened. Vir whimpered in pain, blood trickled down his hand, but that was…. That was absolutely nothing….. this was…. This was horror.
More than once he was forced to dodge out of the way as something was thrown at his head. The human screamed abuse at him, she screamed at Vir, and then she just screamed. Rivulets of sweat ran down her face, and she huffed in exhaustion.
He was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane.
Vir was shaking with him. For once the human and Krill were in agreement. This was just…. Horrific.
By his calculations, they were close. He ordered her to push.
She snarled at him, but did as told.
Her scream could have ripped the fabric of the universe body straining as if she were about to spontaneously burst or rip in half, and then he was covered in blood struggling to maintain a grip on the slimy wriggling creature bright red and screaming. The human shrieks died away replaced by the screaming of the slimy, maggoty, blood-covered, thing he held in his arms.
A dull thud followed the sudden transition.
Vir lay collapsed on the floor to the side completely passed out.
Hm…. Weird?
In shock, and still shaking, he cut away the slimy red cord before washing away the blood.
The tiny human shrieked in indignation.
With the way his arms were shaking, he just prayed that he wouldn’t accidentally drop it. He felt as if he were in shock, the room moved in slow motion around him. And there was the female human, she had crawled to her hands and knees and was concernedly peering over at him. Her hair was in tangled wet ropes around her face, but her eyes were wide, the anger was gone.
In pleading, she reached out to him, and he gladly handed the mess over to her.
She smiled at the ugly creature in her arms cooing and stroking at its red-screwed-up face as if she held a bar of gold or the secrets of the universe, but no…. it was more than that, it was the kind of expression that expressed her willingness to walk through fire if only to hold that which she now held in her arms.
You didn’t walk through fire for gold.
They had moved her to the next room over and piled all the used materials into a trash bag. They would need to be taken away with medical waste when the blizzard was over.
Captain Vir had originally woken up. He was shaky, and shell shocked, which Krill would have found funny if he didn’t feel exactly the same way. The two of them sat in the hall together one of them looking nauseous and the other trying very hard not to scream and run away from the humans. Through the open door, they could see the human resting quietly next to her sleeping larvae: resting in a large plastic container robbed from the store shelves. Both of them slept quietly now.
“You’re species is horrifying.”
“Tell me about it.”
The “Miracle” of birth, you absolute batshit crazy idiots. That isn’t a miracle, it’s not beautiful. That’s like calling a potful of intestines beautiful. How have your species survived? Why would your females willingly CHOOSE to continue your species?
Terror germinates inside of them, slowly growing upwards, getting bigger feeding on the nutrients of the body. It saps your strength and steels your livelihood, it forces you to eat and gain wait so it may subsist on the food you eat. Then it crawls its way from your body, ripping itself from the womb squalling and screaming. It tortures you as it exits, what kind of thanks is that?
And when it is all over, you love it, you keep it, and you feed it. You hold it for hours on end and sing to the monster that rests quietly in your houses.
In reality, it is a fitting way for a human to come into the world. Everything you do is dangerous, being a child is dangerous, being a mother is dangerous, and continuing your species is a sacrifice uncomprehended by the rest of the galaxy.
Though all of you participate in war, dance with pain, only your women fight with death to bring life, at cost to their own health and their own sanity.
As deathworlders, you are pulled from the blackness, children of death.
 Humans are born in pain, heralded by a chorus of screams, and baptized in blood. 
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euphorieds · 4 years
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oh finally ur here bitch u got a dollar ?? so i can go buy some LOVE AND AFFECTION ,, open ur purse i kno u hav it !!! anywaysjkhskehjks tiktoks literally making up my entire identity aside ,, hi ! i’m mira , im 19 nd its so nice 2 meet yall !!!
♡. jung haein. cismale. he/him. — there goes ARTHUR KANG, who appears to be a TWENTY-NINE year old VAMPIRE. word is the ELEMENTARY TEACHER was born in 1991 and has been in town for A YEAR. you might know them as + SINCERE  and - RETICENT. stray paint on his cheek, smiles dipped in sunlight & gold, late nights through winding streets, polaroids of anything & everything covering walls. 
life b4 the vampire stuffz
so arthur was born to a Human single mom nd had a little sister younger by 9 years who he adored Very Much , and they lived in a small apartment above his mom’s restaurant . they weren’t like ... Totally Rich ? nd they had their struggles,, but arthur was always v content nd happie w his life bc he had his mom nd sister nd thats what rly mattered !!
he was popular in school bc of his ~good looks~ nd also bc he was just a rly friendly nd dependable person !! nd he had his Fair share of confessions from both guys nd girls but he was always like “no sorry!! im not v interested in dating” nd then he’d go home to his mom nd his little sister nd when he was done w all his schoolwork, he’d help out at the restaurant
his mama always complained abt the Swarms of fans that hogged tables at the restaurant nd it was in good nature !!! but arthur had to go convince his fans 2 buy smth so his mom wouldnt throw a towel at him
arthur graduated high school nd decided to get into teaching bc he just loved being able to see the way his sister’s eyes lit up when she understood what he was teaching !! he thought it was v sweet nd endearing :( <3 so when he wasn’t studying, he was working at his mom’s restaurant even tho she always told him to go away nd live his life JHHDJK
so . in college . while he was drinking w a few friends . he also realized he was Very Much Bisexual when he was looking at his guy friend nd was like oh thats rly nice nd then told his mom nd she jus patted his cheek nd said good job . 
anyways JHGHDK he graduated college , got that slappin degree nd got into teaching at a local but private elementary school !! so he was getting that coin !!! and this is the part where his life got turned upside down !!!
arthur met june when he was 28 . they had come 2 the restaurant and eventually, the pair struck up a friendship (mostly bc arthur was Intrigued that a vampire would eat normal food like he knew they could but he was like ... why tho ) . and june jus kept coming to the restaurant everyday . they became close, hung out after hours all the time, nd arthur was rly thinking like ... did he have feelings or is this jus a good friendship ?
anyways those feelings backfired bc the whole time arthur had known june,,, they’d been slowly exchanging their blood w his in hopes of turning arthur . why ? we dont know (it was for fun nd bc they Could)
so arthur . he turned bc eventually the magic took hold , nd june disappeared . in response , arthur locked himself up in his room nd tried to jus . undo what june did . bc he didnt want to live forever, but he didnt want to die either bc he still has friends around, and his family .
after the vampire stuffz ...
arthur was So Scared of hurting the ppl he loved , nd he tried to last as long as possible w/o feeding on animals or ppl nd isolating himself, but it just . didnt work . so arthur took himself out of his confinement, packed all his things nd left home for coeur cove . he never told his mom or his little sister , nd he feels Immense Regret for not saying anything .
a year in coeur cove meant that he took up a job teaching at the local elementary school, nd it was one of the few things that rly made him smile !! he also bought a polaroid camera , nd has a habit of just taking photos of everything that makes him happy bc hes licherlaly just terrified of living for a long time nd not being able 2 remember the small things
honestly he still hates the fact he’s a vampire but he jus doesnt think abt it .... arthur: we are Compartmentalizing laidease ... we do not See .
now hes just ?? hes jus vibing . hes still as sweet as he was back then but hes definitely a lot more ?? secretive abt a lot of things . he doesnt talk abt who he was b4 Turning :( bc hes scared to .. hes jus baby .. 
wanted connections
a frIEND .... listen these are limitless i want him to have FRIENDS but its just gonna be like ... no one knows Anything abt him before coeur cove nd he keeps it that way . but hes someone who will listen 2 ur problems and also get into the weirdest positions to take a good fuckin photo of u !!! (unLIMITED spots ....)
give him an Almost Romantic Relationship ... but they fell out bc he just never opened up JHSSJKSHJKS listen the DRAMA of that .. very sexy . (1/1 w/ katherine carter)
close friend .... this is the One Person . Or Two People . in all of coeur cove who know abt his past ... like . these are the ppl he’d consider a True Ride or Die . there’s som MAJOR trust for these ppl bc he liCHERALLY jus says nothing abt who he was (0/2)
neighbor(s) who put(s) up with arthur and the occasional loud noises that come from his apartment but no he aint smashing hes just very clumsy and has too much knockable furniture in his place 
give me like .... ppl who he Parents unintentionally . hes been taking care of his little sister his whole life,, hes an elementary school teacher .... ppl who hes gonna say “say bye bye bus” out loud to and then be Mortified for the rest of his life . but if ur ever sick he shows up w soup nd is like ‘hoW could u get sick do u not eat ur vitamins ??’
also u know what would be absolutely sexy . give me june . i actually should put a wanted connection for this but can u imagine the absolute DRAMA of arthur meeting the person who ruined his life . i think that’d b VERY sexy . anyways . im keeping this in mind 4 later jHSJHSHSKSJ
going off from the top one give me like . an enemy .... or like they jus cant fucking stand each other for some reason nd its like .. arthur when he sees them: oh :) . hello :). would u like 2 be dropkicked :) ?
anyways gOD ok my brain tiny but like.... lms if u wanna plot... u better lms or i’ll aggressively renegade on dash...
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goddsnmonsters · 4 years
Moon all the way to wooden fence. Good luck
moon: what is your astrological sign? Aries
gingerbread: your moral alignment? idk bout that neutral/chaotic shit but im good hearted and kind generally but i can be manipulative, mean or inconsiderate sometimes. wouldn’t hurt people out of malice tho and wouldn’t hurt those i really care about.
birdseed: family or friends? family but real friends is family.
sheets: your sexual orientation? skraight
warm milk: when do you usually fall asleep? when the gods decide. joke answer but honestly depends, i try to sleep by 3-4 am but if i have a reason to stay up ill be up till the morning.
pot of honey: your gender identity? male
snow: what is your favorite time of year and why? i love the spring cuz i fkn love flowers and weather is super chill.
yarn: what are your most enjoyable hobbies? music and drawing 
bicycle: what are you talented at? i’m naturally gifted at drawing i feel. im also really good at writing.
folktale: what stories remind you of your childhood? ummm idk honestly idk stories like that. 
woods: where do you feel at peace? at home, or with somebody i love
chicken feet: what is your emotional “flaw”? im too kind and ill make a fool out myself and go way out my way loving ppl that dont feel the same w me. also assuming the worst when someone is away for a while. learned my lessons tho so i try to keep those in check.
red cheeks: what makes you nervous? texting ppl i dont know very well esp if im tryna be closer with them
sunflower: what do you love and cherish? thats a loaded question i love so many things im a walking heart. i love the sky and flowers and my mom and yung nibs and music esp long songs or foreign songs and finding low key stuff that’s really cool. i love artists and visionaries especially those that have been through shit and wear their hearts on their sleeves. i love frank ocean and lana. idk i love so much shit i could go on for days. cherish is a strong word and only one person comes to mind for it, my nephew. 
bells: what sounds are your favorite or calm you the most? ummm thats a bit tough but i think my favourite sound is a tie between piano keys and strings (esp cello) also a soothing female voice
turnip: what is a food you could eat everyday? steak and pasta with brocolli, sweet potato mash and cream gravy.
spit: do you get jealous easily? umm i wouldnt generally but if its with a certain someone i probably would. i’d keep myself in check if im being unreasonable tho.
mushroom: list unique things you like about yourself. too many to list honestly. biggest one would be music taste
cupboard: a good childhood memory. having a big breakfast with the whole family on friday mornings.
eyebags: what do you think makes a person attractive? lots of stuff can’t really decide that shit subjective af. if i had to choose one i’d say depth. 
fallen log: something you’ve gotten over that you never thought you would. that one night
dagger: your worst fear. wasting my time not being able to create the life i want and having to settle for one that i dont. also never getting a chance to see my loved ones again.
whisper: do you have any secrets? if its from all ppl then yeah i have a lot. honestly who doesn’t.
wild boar: which person do you feel closest to? yung nibs
sweet: what candies or cakes are you fond of? i dont like candy or cake anymore really i lost my sweet tooth. im still a sucker for kinder bueno tho thats my one weakness. 
footprints: do you remember your past lives? weirdly i feel like i do, not in the sense of memories but in the sense of my purpose, character, and certain people i feel connected to in my life. i feel like i’ve felt it all before..
fur: name an animal you feel connected to. cats brooo catssss
vodka: do you drink? yea but only recently started drinking drinking
sour cherry: an obscure tradition from your family? idk can’t think of any
pine needles: what is your favorite scent? i love the smell of cologne, no specific one but i always have some really nice scents with me. also fresh laundry
heart-shaped: do you believe in love? are you in love? i do and i think so but still gotta make sure. love can be very confusing esp if you love too hard. i felt that i knew love before but it wasn’t the case. this time it feels very different tho so idk ill get back to u 
home: where do you dream of living? in the south w bae
spice: list your favorite herbs. lol idk i fw mint
mud: something you’re insecure about but trying to love. my big ass heart
tobacco: do you have any addictions? tobacco but hopefully not for too long
sock: how would you describe your clothing taste? simple but elegant. lots of black with some nice coloured pieces here and there. also love sweats and comfy clothes that still look nice.
cuckoo clock: are you a morning, a noon, or an evening person? night night night 
wooden fence: a favorite memory. getting her hair out my face that one time.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 5
Let us continue.
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Miku wakes up to see her wife has run off yet again. This is the part of the Sam Reimi’s Spiderman franchise phase where the Mary Jane (not weed) begins having a rockier relationship with Peter Parker (not slang for penis) due to lack of availability.
It’s contrived.
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It’s almost impressive that she left a note and had time to draw a tiny Hibiki saying something in a bubble. Glad to see you have your priorities straight, Hibiki.
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“you know she might have had a better time in the local art school that doodle aint half bad”
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Hibiki is motherfucking Rocky all up in this.
She’s going to kick some ass and nobody’s getting in the way.
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I wasn’t joking when I said she’s not fucking around anymore. Did you think I was joking? I can see how you can get the impression given the first few episodes, but I really can’t emphasize the thoroughness of the ass kicking she is going to be capable of.
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That’s totally not ominous in the slightest.
Meanwhile, in the middle of an unnamed McMansion in the middle of who knows where...
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Gratuitously spoken English is heard. To be fair, it’s actually really impressive pronunciation coming from people whose native language are systemically different to ours. Most shows would just settle for “this dude is actually speaking english but everything is said in japanese for better interpretation” but not Symphogear! No siree!
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Relic business is afoot.
We have a random blonde lady shooting random Noise from the thing The Gremlin had in her hands.
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She’s really trying her best with her accent. She’s also casually shooting Noise because let’s face it, would we not do the same if it were in our hands?
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“i do whatever i want with my big stiff rod pal”
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Also, she’s a nudist. To also be fair, if you lived in a fuckoff rich McMansion with weapons beyond your comprehension, you likely couldn’t help but walk around naked doing whatever the fuck you want.
The people she’s talking to are the Americans, which we explained before are portrayed strictly in an antagonistic light. They want some relics, and this lady clearly deals them like like some sort of glorified drug dealer.
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Suffice it to say, she’s not a very nice person.
Also, the subs don’t match what they’re saying in English in the slightest.
The name of this woman... is Fine (pronounced fi-neh). And she is the main antagonist of this series.
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Fucking identical.
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And here is the most unpleasant scene in the entire season.
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The person we’ve repeatedly alluded to as The Gremlin is called Yukine Chris. She serves Fine in whatever the hell they’re up to right now. In this case, it’s using the Nehushtan armor to run around with Solomon’s Cane to throw Noise around the city.
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“shits gonna get real abusive, pal”
Fine is a narcissistic sociopath. She’s manipulated Chris into servitude by believing she is the only one that can pave humanity into salvation.
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“i dont like that smile”
Chris thinks Fine can secure her deepest wish. Ironically? It’s world peace.
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“yeah! yeah yeah, world peace, yeah, totally. just treat me like jesus and we’re gucci”
Anyway, she proceeds to thoroughly shock Chris.
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The lore behind this is that this is helping her resistance with dealing with the physical demands of the Nehushtan armor, as well as deal with the pieces of Nehushtan that may be still inside. Let’s be real, though. Fine’s a sadist, and just likes hurting people willy nilly.
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“fuck... that hurt like shit... hey wait... wouldnt some of the electrical arcs hit you and shock you too, given you’re so naked and close to all this...?”
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“ya nevermind that food looks real nice and i want a piece of that fuckin turkey”
It’s a real creepy scene, and it cements Fine’s horribleness really well. One of the most pivotal things to take note is that Fine says that people can only communicate with each other universally through pain. Strong, terrible BDSM overtones notwithstanding, this will be a common (though varying in quality) motif of the entire series.
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“i was gonna invite her to the circus with the rest of the class ‘cause i felt bad about how i treated her but i guess she’s not here”
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“the only clown im interested in is hibiki, in the carnival tent of my own bedroom”
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“isn’t being a part of /fit/ great, hibiki? can you just feel the gains?”
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“yeah who needs doting wife based significant others when you have your gym bros, right newly acquired father figure?”
Hibiki, having acquired a new brain cell during her training, asks the million dollar question:
“Why the fuck are we relying on schoolgirls to deal with all this stuff?”
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“anime just be that way, hibiki. i’m just the wrong protagonist in the wrong show.”
Japan is super big on keeping the Symphogear a secret because they are strong and the world really, really wants a slice of the Symphogear pie. These people are basically walking super-weapons. Tsubasa literally dropped a sword the size of a skyscraper. It’s like the premise of the series of Iron Man films.
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“do i get like a superhero name too or”
Something to wrap your head around. This was released around 2012, and while the setting seems to be slightly more futuristic, the world it was made in at the time had not been through the era of social media/smartphones we have right now. It was on the cusp of doing so, which means the idea of decent (yet vertical) amateur footage of things happening wasn’t something in the mainstream yet. Why do I say this?
Because in Symphogear, the fact that Symphogear exist is the biggest open secret in this unidentified city ever. NDAs are passed like hotcakes to keep people’s mouths shut on seeing monster-fighting singing superheroes. And they sing, too! Symphogears as an entity are the most high-profile fighting agents out there. Bright colors, no masks, constant singing, fighting in broad daylight in populated areas. Everybody knows, but no one says a word.
Which means every politician on the face of Japan hates these idiots, but they’re stuck with them out of sheer necessity.
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“i swear to god if you bring up sam reimi’s spiderman one more goddamned time”
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“look it’s the truth, all anime comes back to sam reimi’s spiderman. fate zero did it. uhhh, fucking...baccano, probably? now us. face it. its pretty much the bible.”
It’s also pointed out that the very concept of a Symphogear is born from a science that didn’t exist, and it probably contributes to political frustration as well.
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“im going to microwave all your sam reimi spiderman dvds. im gonna do it. you try me, motherfucker. i didnt go into acting and get into this position to hear lectures about a decades old film franchise nobody cares about anymore.”
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“can we stop fighting about the validity of sam reimi’s spiderman for five seconds and get back to helping me thing of a dope as hell superhero name? now, lemme lay one on you: Mister Fister”
Hibiki asks where Code Ryoko is.
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“any answer besides Not Here works”
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“oh, she left to talk to the americans, why?”
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“huh, shes sorta late, actually”
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In the mother of all Mom Vans, no less.
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Tsubasa has reached the sea floor of the water metaphor dimension surrounded by water, which is her feelings, which are very gay. Imagine the Mariana Trench but like, deeper. Way deeper. That’s where Tsubasa is.
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Leave it to Kazanari “I am literally a sword” Tsubasa to successfully spin the very act of surviving a suicidal move during combat as a failure. That’s a special kind of self loathing right there.
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“the sheer force of my love for big ladies is keeping me alive”
Tsubasa asks about the point of Kanade’s sacrifice. Why’d she do it? Why was she so hungry at the end?
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She personally shows up to answer that question, because that’s Kanade for you.
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“being badass is cool, but you know whats cooler? caring.”
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“sharing the sauce... you... you shared the sauce...”
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“thats right, tsubasa. i wanted to protect the sauce, but... ultimately... sharing it was better. it wasn’t my sauce, tsubasa. it was everyone’s...”
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“im gonna suck on a ketchup packet in your memory, tsubasa”
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Kanade’s spirit pulls her out of the dimension of water metaphors as she is slowly undrowning from her emotions.
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Tsubasa, like Kanade, was lost in the sauce. But now, after Kanade’s touching peptalk, Tsubasa is lost no longer.
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“will i ever see you again in my dreams, kanade...?”
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“where there’s a sauce. i’ll be there.”
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“ill eat taco bell every day just to see you again kanade”
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“and i dont even like taco bell... im more of a chipotle girl...”
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After accepting Taco Bell as her lord and savior, she is immediately pulled out of the metaphor zone.
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And wakes the fuck up.
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“b..... b..... b............”
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“Baja Blast....”
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dreamsanddreams88 · 5 years
Mel had lived with me and jess but moved out suddenly, that grey dog from SD was hers and she left it along with most her stuff. I was gonna temporarily take care of the dog, but she was in jess's car who was going to some party and was all weird, wouldnt let me and took the dog w her. Being a real bitch about it, like "I just think it would be best for the dog since she's already in my car." In mels room, bought skin and beauty supplies in bulk so there were tonnnns, let jess n her friend take some. Also tons of rings, anime books, who knows what else it was like a store. Then i was in her bathroom n it got creepy. She had back door to basement, it locked but Kevin Spacey came in and went to door and it lowered n opened, i think the devil answered? Also a secret panel in back wall, i knocked and mexican man let me into his very nice studio apt. First was illusion of door shutting n floor dropping tho. He said i was there for a class, most ppl fail, n he was "guidance counselor". Book he gave me was a bunch of fucked up cartoons in old mickey style, just weirdness like butts growing out of ground like crops, confessions about dogs eating underwear, ppl licking each others shoulders. It got more and more fucked up as i went, I was gonna ask him if he was god or the devil and i woke up
I was linnea in forest, straight up killed a guy for some reason? Only evidence was a cleaner bottle so i dumped it in neighbors garbage and stole a white truck from a lil asian ladys house, her friend saw me. Later it was on news and the asian lady was hounding me, couldnt stay up late in parents house cuz she would see my tv from another room n come yell at me
I was kid from home alone, very scary, no old man to help but i got on zip line in time. Then hid in garage but dude left marty behind. Then in weird class or training, camping or staying in a lodge? We had to make art project of our year, pagan style. Then prank called this author i really liked, pretending they were the wayons bros?
Dreamed alex had secret insta full of his selfies, he used it to like one of jessica colvins pics and i threw a fit about it. Also at cispus, and matthew had gone there years ago n there was a polar bear there
Scariest fuckin dream ever about chucky.  B4 that, about being LI in special dining hall, didnt get as good of food. My mom was there
Olivia hottle was dating luke, he had super long hair. We were all in midwest and bad snowstorm coming, i was gonna move but didnt know where, south or to canada. On special plane w only airline employees
Kept going into kevynnes mom and step dads house without asking, told them i knew her in hs but the mom was so sassy and mean. Neighborhood was flooding, smthn bout going to a playground Trackers used v to go to but there were lots of bees
Birdbox dream! Jess was a crazy, i had to go back to house for my work lunch but her and crazy dude were there, i stabbed them a bunch but they wouldnt die. Then trying to get somewhere in a big forest
Joe had become a cop and moved to WA, pulled me over 2 diff times, 2nd time me n alex were just in an uber that was speeding. Then going to sequim library but big snowstorm coming, also tryna shoplift from them. Then surprise visiting justin n rhonda, jason momoa was driving. Roads different, kept getting lost or driving thru a creek. Finally got there, it was dark out, they lived in apartment. Then i was back in car having sex w olivia hottle?? Then in sci fi movie where people could morph to look like others, evil girl was morphed as the good girl and went to her house. Big brother knew it wasnt her, her room was super 90s filled w kiddie nail polish n lipsticks n Sims game
Scary ass birdbox dream, started outside w wcc crew maybe? Very gruesome, ian n jenna were there too. Outside, all blindfolded. Eventually heard cops and helicopters n stuff, and ian looked. Then went inside factory type place, mostly safe except one lady
Was cashier at safeway, pretending to be in wheelchair. Then was cashier at restaurant, at closing time had some class going on watching a movie? Sitting behind counter w some guy too, smthn bout a little baby i was carrying around. Bird box, tryna take shower with eyes closed
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150 for the hella cute questions?
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Who was the last person you held hands with?2. Are you outgoing or shy?
shy man i hate people3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
JOJO SIWA4. Are you easy to get along with?
depends. im noice but i choose not to hang with people? if that makes sense5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
no one lmao6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
anyone thats not me but also democrat 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
nah8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
ryan my friend9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Y E P10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
probably my sister11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
me too lmao 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
idk i dont listen to new songs?????? AAAAAAH 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
yes unless but not if its in my face14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
LMAO LUCK IS REAL HOW DO YOU THINK DUMB PEOPLE GET FAMOUS?15. What good thing happened this summer?
i dont remember 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
lmao no fuck them17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
UH YEAH...OBVIOUS18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
idek who it was19. Do you like bubble baths?
yes but they are bad for you vag so i dont do it20. Do you like your neighbors?
ew no. 21. What are you bad habits?
i have OCD so i guess my compulsions22. Where would you like to travel?
israel, UK, Poland, Canada, Austrailia23. Do you have trust issues?
YUP24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
coffee25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
stomach then boobs then arms and then pretty much everything else26. What do you do when you wake up?
eat breakfast while watching youtube
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
im ok with it now?28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my parents/siblings29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
yeah lmao30. Do you ever want to get married?
that’s gonna be a no from me dog31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
ya32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
team free will, chris’ (evans, pratt, pine)33. Spell your name with your chin.
no.34. Do you play sports? What sports?
i used to play volleyball 35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
music. WATCH MUSIC ON THE TV.36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
all the damn time.37. What do you say during awkward silences?
nothing.38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
black curly hair, pun and meme connoisseur, loves dogs, loves horror movies
my aesthetic boy type is: people who look like kurtis conner basically39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
American Eagle, Bath and Body Works, Victoria Secret. But i go into forever 21 to just hate on everything then leave without buying stuff.40. What do you want to do after high school?
im in college now and im majoring in anthropology41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
depends on the severity of the sin/crime42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
im seriously traumatized and have shut down.43. Do you smile at strangers?
yeah i feel bad if i dont 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outerspace45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
the fact it costs money to live so i have to get up if i want money46. What are you paranoid about?
nothing much anymore I have meds for paranoia now47. Have you ever been high?
no i got asthma48. Have you ever been drunk?
yeah its fun49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
no im an average person i dont do weird things50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
green!51. Ever wished you were someone else?
YEAH WTF DOESNT EVERYONE?52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
how i look53. Favourite makeup brand?
tarte or benfit54. Favourite store?
starbucks55. Favourite blog?
animatedtext56. Favourite colour?
sushi 58. Last thing you ate?
ice cream59. First thing you ate this morning?
i think cereal60. Ever won a competition? For what?
volleyball and county art contest61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
i got expelled for not wearing sleeves when i had self harm scars62. Been arrested? For what?
no63. Ever been in love? 
ya :/64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
too long but it wasnt awkward and it was on the harbor with an emo guy65. Are you hungry right now?
nah im constipated66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
i dont have tumblr friends :////////////67. Facebook or Twitter?
twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr?
tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?
no youtube70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Abbey Mell Nikki71. Craving something? What?
to shit tbh72. What colour are your towels?
white and purple and blue72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
373. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? 
embarassing but ya74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
idk i have several stored so im guessing 40-45?75. Favourite animal?
piggies raccoons dogs 76. What colour is your underwear?
white and black77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
cinnamon, blueberry, bubblegum, chocolate covered strawberries, oreo79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
green80. What colour pants?
black81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
lots final destination and heathers83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
karen smith86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
dont like finding nemo so idk87. First person you talked to today?
my parents88. Last person you talked to today?
my parents SORRY IM LAME89. Name a person you hate?
trump, rosie, loren, danielle, jacob, pence, so many more90. Name a person you love?
my dog remington91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
always92. In a fight with someone?
no93. How many sweatpants do you have?
394. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
10????95. Last movie you watched?
greta- not very good96. Favourite actress?
winon ryder97. Favourite actor?
all the chris’ and all of supernatural actors change my fucking mind.98. Do you tan a lot?
never99. Have any pets?
1 dog100. How are you feeling?
sad :/101. Do you type fast?
yep102. Do you regret anything from your past?
MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE103. Can you spell well?
???? like grammar or spell the word well104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
always105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
no ive never been invited anywhere i was bullied a lot106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
yeah felt really bad, i rejected someone’s homecoming invite107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yeah as a baby108. What should you be doing?
homework109. Is something irritating you right now?
everything110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
have you seen my account?111. Do you have trust issues?
yup112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
my parents113. What was your childhood nickname?
mosh, moshi, mashalala114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yep to oregon washington hawaii and colorado and poland and germany115. Do you play the Wii?
used to116. Are you listening to music right now?
no117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
ye118. Do you like Chinese food?
YE119. Favourite book?
probably beastly i read that so many times and how to ruin your boyfriends reputations120. Are you afraid of the dark?
nah121. Are you mean?
idk122. Is cheating ever okay?
I’d say no123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
NOPE124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
haha no.125. Do you believe in true love?
doubt it but it’s possible126. Are you currently bored?
no127. What makes you happy?
128. Would you change your name?
probably 129. What your zodiac sign?
gemini130. Do you like subway?
it’s aight131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
i wouldnt date a friend132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
sister133. Favourite lyrics right now?
hey hey mama just the way you move gonna make you sweat gon make you move134. Can you count to one million?
i refuse135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
i cant my blood hurts136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed137. How tall are you?
5′7″-5′8″138. Curly or Straight hair?
wavy139. Brunette or Blonde?
brunette orange140. Summer or Winter?
summer141. Night or Day?
night142. Favourite month?
october143. Are you a vegetarian?
no144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
dark145. Tea or Coffee?
both!146. Was today a good day?
it’s aigh147. Mars or Snickers?
snickers148. What’s your favourite quote?
“they may forget what you did or what you said but never how you made them feel”149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yup150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
im too lazy(via itsgracesdrunkmametown)
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childeapologist · 3 years
Your Santa is back and truthfully lowkey dying from juggling adulting and studying part time. Apologies if my asks has been inconsistent ...
Nonethess tumblr & y'all are my safe haven 💕
So how has your week been for you? Do share more about your day to day and random thoughts that intrude your mind!
Just today I was wondering;
" Wouldnt it be cool if humans gained the ability to undergo photosynthesis "
P.s Do help me answer your question to help me touch up your gift!
What are you favourite colours?
Moon, stars or sun?
Aesthetics that you like?
P.s.s. yes most secret santa does it online but my forte is to produce the gift traditionally. Dont worry I'll still post it online 💕 Therefore, would you like it to be sent to you?
No worries, I feel you. Life is exhausting. I love how you always have lots to say when you do write me! 💕
(I was only worried at one point because it seemed like you were having a hard time finding my responses bc Tumblr can be a bit lame with how some of their features work.)
Tumblr is a safe have for me, as well 💕 Ya’ll here just get me 
My week has been nice! Getting the Christmas tree up and trying to get into the festive spirit. My day today got away from me after I stayed up late making Itto gifs and then slept in. But I had fun watching the new kny and making some gifs! I also threw together some fancy ramen with slices of leftover steak and it was pretty good! 
My thoughts lately have been consumed by Itto brainrot 😅 With his upcoming banner and all the content mihoyo has been coming out with, I can’t help myself. Between all the Itto content and the Uzui screentime in kny, I feel well fed rn ✨ 
Omg human photosynthesis sounds interesting. Would it be like we wouldn’t have to eat food at all anymore or we just don’t need quite as much food to survive anymore? I enjoy food so much. Have you ever seen the anime Knights of Sidonia? Human photosynthesis is actually a thing in that anime, although it was like through biological modifications. It’s cool, your question reminded me of this!
What are you favourite colours? Purple, blue, pink
Moon, stars or sun? STARS!!
Aesthetics that you like? I love galaxy/stars aesthetic I love pastel/soft colors But I also love vibrant colors and high contrast  Autumn Winter/snow  Wow I think it’s really incredible you’re producing something hand made! I love that! If it’s not too much trouble to have it sent to me, that would be very cool! ✨💕
0 notes
oswednesday · 6 years
dream journal for june 21-22nd 2018
i dreamed like it was a post apoco situation where heaven and hell had like that Last battle while we were having a third world war and hell won and they had like hard reset the timeline or something where hell was just in charge and i was a student in a school and it was lunch time and you had to give up basically a whole weeks worth of food tickets to get a single decentish meal and most people did that
 i had an in with the cafe workers to score more bread and while i was in this back like open to the public area me and a like temporary sibling? fellow student (i was like being family hosted by a neofuture islamic family) we saw soliders on the street and one was a human who had survived the wars and his body had been warped by the hell energy and outside was just indie lighting from the early 00s washed out and bright and sunbaked
 he took off his mask to show us his fucked up face and told us secrets about the reality of the world we live in as a full demon soilder decended from the sky and grabbed him and seeing the full demon up close put me into a shock? like i woke up in this big nice bed in like the nicest part of the hospital wing in the school complex? like my host family was there and then like the highest ranking woman of the school came to see me with all her spouces and i greeted them all and like in this world like the second, third, fourth, ect spouce had specific greetings to do and one of them was impressed that i even knew these given that im not from around here Wink and my host family was uncomfortable with this like muslims in this timeline had a totally different sort of history about marriage (but the women was also being super sexual charged and there were Kids? in the room) and she made an off hand comment about like you know in A past polygamy was practiced in islam and my host mom was like well its not practised now, like i got the feel from the interaction that polygam was the norm for the world i was in and then everyone cleared out
 i eventually met the headmaster dean guy? and i had gotten better and i was back in class (i remember this bit not as well) and by this point in my dream the dude was basically black hat and i was in class and we were learning something like Actual that i wish i could remember there was an actual class happening in my dream and something was happening outside like a BOMB? or something and we were in like after classes activity period and i was excused to go do stuff outside the class room and black hat basically guy joined me as we were going to grab food from the caf that was like heavily gaurded (there were three others with us like the crew from the show but they looked totally different) and he got bounced by this massive girl like a giant kid like ten feet at least tall and i like, got in through cause i knew all the lunch room based secrets at least and before we did i kissed his forehead because he was? sick feeling sick? and i wanted to see his temp and he was all like !!!???? !!!!! push me away and his face was like!! really warm and i was like what up youre not doing well lets get some soup 
 the others went in, in front of us and it turned out the lunchroom was going to be closed For A While and this was legit the only source of food even for the school staff so we were loading up and i was in The Know the In i left it to the other staff im p sure to get the food while the headmaster looking black hat guy turned into a tiny sphinx cat and started to puke up on top of those fold out chests where they keep the frozen ice cream stuff and i was like oh wow youre really sick hey buddy its okay like petting his wrinkly sphinix body while he puked? like i was being nice to him and it was making him like super sick and we got the food 
the others were ahead of us and i used like, an aquired superpower???? to get on ahead of them just like clipped through the fabric of space time and was all like sup have our food and the guy was still a cat like i was holding him in my arms while we grabbed the food and we slipped into a class room that was watching a movie on a huge project that wasnt the one he taught like the teacher in there was flaberghasted but he was like all humanoid again and higher ranking so she wasnt going to say anything and then we started to eat (and i realize like after this dream that like hghgfj we were in a classroom full of likely starving children just eating omg) and the others had gotten me tons of food but the headmaster guy like NOTHING edfgthjk and he was like I Literally Cannot Believe Them and i was all like hey its okay we can share!! and he was all like you dont have to do that youd do that for me??? and then he knew like meta dream that i liked him geninuely and then as we were eating the dream switched
and it was like a different setting like a family of three where one of the family members had died like it was the death aniversary and the youngest child was being chased by these people and a friend of the family had grabbed her and the oldest remaining child was watching and like relieved his friend was there and then he got into this beat em up military green van and drove away and from his dream point of view she was tied up to a checkered board wall and there were knives being thrown at her and they were asking him like the secrets of the demons and he had given them something but wasnt going to tell them everything and then he put one of the pairs gun to his head and he was like something like "The sun will rise in a few moments" and shot himself with like mind powers to pull the trigger in someone elses hand and then it was like a clip cut to the news reporting on the murders on the anniversary of the other murders then i was sitting in the bleechers with a guy with a military from earlier part of my dream that had got me all fucked up wearing a mask and i had made a comment and he was like gasp there is an anonimally detected theres altering timeline stuff in your brain and i was like Anime Heh a little late for that and he was taking off his gas mask and there was a bunch of these dark tendrills like he was pulling his literal face off and that was the skin and stuff and then i woke up
this made me remember my other dream (that i had before the school in the demon world setting where i was selling stuff like a farmers market in a big yard but it was illegal or something? so another group let us all get into their van to make a get away
it was like this big party van and i had left stuff behind but the family we were with wouldnt let me go get it, and then we were like in their house? the family had two parents and kids  and my mom and my brothers were there and each family member had these big rooms i felt sure i wasnt suppose to go into and there was this arcade, i saw my mom doing laundry and i felt like i had to sneak around like we werent allowed to leave but also not touch anything, the house went down into the ground and had a lot of exposed wood features a little like the one house my mom had us live in with one of her mega abusive exes
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
100 Questions
1. What color are your eyes? : green
2. What’s your favorite type of milk? : I have goats milk for cereal and milkshakes but hot chocolate has to be normal cows milk. 
3. What’s your passion?: if I knew that I wouldnt be an unemployed 22 year old with no idea what to do with my life
4. What’s your favorite color?: purple, teal, sky blue, black
5. Are you shy? : yup
6. What is/was your favorite school subject? : honestly nothing, I hated school  
7. Do you celebrate Christmas? : Yasssssss
8. What’s your favorite quote? : “and above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it” - Roald Dahl
also by Roald Dahl- “we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams”
pretty much anything by Roald Dahl
9. What is your natural hair color? : auburn/brown
10. Do you like it? : yes
11. Are you happy with the way you look? : No
12. What would you change about your appearance if you could? : straight teeth, get my 18 year old body back
13. What would you change about your bedroom if you could? : I’m literally in the process of redecorating. I've painted all but one of the walls a light grey colour and one of those great walls is this wallpaper with bumpy lines on it and I'm painting those bumpy lines copper. The wall I didn't paint is purple and has been purple for years, but I like it. 
14. Are you rich or poor? : not rich, but compared to most of the country not poor either. 
15. Are you double jointed? : no
16. What’s the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced? : a few months ago I sprained a ligament in my back and couldn't move for like a week, SO painful I cried a lot :’) 
17. Do you like shots? : No
18. Are you afraid of spiders? : some spiders yes, others I can deal with 
19. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to something? : Yes, my skin is a sensitive soul so I have to be careful what creams and wipes I use :’) also every summer when its ‘flea season’ I tend to get bitten a lot (doctor said I have sweet blood..?) and I'm allergic to flea bites so yay for that...
20. Name a food that you like that’s green.: peas
21. Do you like to read? : Yes, but I have to be in the right mood. also I'm dyslexic (why the fuck use such a hard word to spell) so reading can be difficult
22. Do you know what your purpose in life is? : NOOOOOOOOOOOO and I think about that every day.. 
23. Are you lonely? : Yes
24. What’s something you are good at?: being clumsy af
25. What’s a color that looks great on you? : black... also Burgundy and blue according to my mother
26. What’s something you would like to improve at? : Life? <same gurl
27. Do you believe you have great potential? : nope
28. What’s one word to describe you? : complicated
29. Are you spiritual? : Yes
30. What’s one thing that you get a lot of compliments on? : My hair
31. What’s one hidden talent that you have? : eating a whole tub of ben and Jerry's ice cream in like 15 minutes and not feeling sick.. 
32. What are three girls’ names that you really like? : Esther, Lilly, Leah
33. What are three boys’ names that you really like? : Ezra, Ethan, Samuel
34. What is the most beautiful scenery you have ever beheld? : pretty much every part of Australia I visited (travelled along the east coast from Sydney to port Douglas) 
35. What is your favorite pizza topping? : extra cheese and meatballs
36. Name a food that you like that’s red.: tomato soup
37. Are you color blind? : No
38. Have you ever had a crush? : Yeah
39. Can you type fast?: Yes if I'm not being watched
40. What’s your favorite type of cereal? : I like krave choco roulette, and coco pops. so basically chocolate
41. What is one of your dreams in life? : to be in a stage musical, but I have no talent so yay for dreams
42. What are your top three favorite colors? : I swear I already answered this... purple, teal, black 
43. What is your favorite book? : the Narnia chronicles. the harry potter books. 
43. What is your favorite amusement park ride? : I dont really like amusement park rides because anxiety but I do like water rapids. 
43. What are three middle names you wouldn’t mind having? : my middle name is Frances. When I was younger I hated it but now I'm older I like it. I like that its not a very common middle name and that its my great grandmothers name (apparently I'm a lot like her & having her name makes me feel closer to her). tbh, I don't really want any other middle names. 
44. Are you flexible? : Nope
45. Do you consider yourself religious? : Yes
46. Are you bold? : no... I don't really know what that means.. 
47. Are you spontaneous? : not really no
48. Do you have a significant other? : Nope.
49. What’s your pet peeve?: just people in general. especially morons. example; today at a roundabout I nearly had a car crash because this absolute dickface didn't seem to know how to use his indicators. THAT is a huge peeve of mine. 
50. How tall are you? : 5,8 I think 
51. What’s your sexual orientation? : Straight
52. Can you sing? : when I sing it tends to rain..
53. Can you dance?: I like to think so. I mean, I used to be a Zumba instructor and you kinda need to be able to dance for that so I guess yeah 
54. Can you draw? : if I have the patience I can be quite good at drawing but most of the time I just cba to sit and do it 
55. Do you play an instrument? : I play ukekle
56. What school subject do you hate the most? : science
56. What’s your least favorite color? : mustard yellow or fluorescent green 
57. Do you eat healthy? : I try, but nope not really 
58. Do you think you look better with short or long hair? : I don't know. I did have long hair but I recently got it cut quite short and I don't know what I prefer. 
59. What’s a color that doesn’t look good on you? : white
60. Are you passionate? : don't think so 
61. Are you doing the most you can with your life? : Nopeeee.
62. Are you proud of yourself for the way you are living?: No I’m very disappointed in myself
63. Do you love yourself? : No
64. Do you have regrets? : Yes
65. Do you have wishes and dreams?: to be healthy again. to be more confident. to be able to sing, and act. and to be a professional dancer. to basically be living a different life 
65. Do you have a huge secret you are keeping from the world? : not a huge one no
67. Do you have neat handwriting? : if I write slowly then I can be neat but I find it hard to write slow so it tends to be scruffy af
68. Name a current favorite song.: reggaeton lento
69. List a song lyric that you like.: “its never too late to turn it back around, and I know you can. don't bury your demons deep in the ground. when it all falls down, the only way is up” - James Morrison
70. Are you happy? : nope
71. Are you a generally optimistic person? : it depends what mood I'm in 
72. Have you ever had something horrible happen to you? : of course, everyone has. thats life 
73. Have you ever been abused?: thankfully no 
74. Have you ever been harassed and/or bullied? : bullied yes
75. Do you love nature? : I can appreciate its beauty, but I’m not one to spend much time out in it. <same
76. Are you free-spirited? : I don't think so nope 
77. Are you carefree? : no
78. Would you say you are an overcomer? : I try 
79. Are you a good friend? : again, I try
80. Do you like animals? : better than humans 
81. Do you meditate? : No
82. Do you pray? : Yes a lot 
83. What month were you born in? : June
84. What’s your favorite season? : spring, and Christmas (yes I class it as its own season)
85. What’s one place you’ve been to that you want to visit again? : Disneyland
86. What’s one place you want to go that you’ve never visited before? : New York & Italy
87. What’s your favorite type of tree? : christmas
88. Are you laid-back? : sometimes. it depends who I'm around 
89. Are you hard on yourself? : Very
90. How’s your self-esteem? : Crappy
91. What medical conditions do you/have you had? : I'm currently on levothyroxine (which I will be on for life). I used to be on paroxetine (antidepressants) but I managed to get off them.
92. What are you allergic to? : flea bites, which sucks when I live in a house full of animals that get fleas every summer and according to the doctor I have ‘sweet blood’
93. Do you like to try new things? : not really no 
94. What’s one word to describe your style? : comfortable 
95. What’s one word to describe your bedroom? : gold
96. What’s one thing you like about yourself? : my eyes
97. What’s one thing you dislike about yourself? : My teeth
98. Are you competitive? : sometimes 
99. Are you faithful? : Yes
100. Can you cook? : quite well yes, I have my handful of recipes that I can cook well (all Italian dishes)
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odingyuu · 7 years
Tagged by @sumeragimikoto​ !! Thanks miko kyaaaa! Under cut bc it’s super long!
Idk if i have anyone to tag so i wont wooo \o/
1. Real name : Odin gyuu
2. Nickname(s) : Odin, Odun, Ochin, Udon, Ood etc!
3. Fav. color: PINK!
4. Male or female : female
5. Nursery/Kindergarten : uhh
6. Primary School : SHS
7. Secondary :  WGC
8. College : I’ve been to 3 lol but rn QUT
9. Hair Color : Dark brown!
10. Tall or Short : short!
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans!
12. Phone or Camera : Phone!
13. Health freak : absolutely not--
14. Orange or Apple : APPLE
15. Do you have a crush on someone : Nope but ofc I love Otoya the most!
16. Eat or Drink : Hmmmm i need both always
17. Piercings : One each ear!
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke!
19. Been in an airplane : Yup!
20. Been in a relationship : Nope thank god DJKGLASD
21. Been in a car accident : yes actually!
22. Been in a fist fight : uhhhh I sparred at karate?
23. First piercing : it was before my 4th bday!
24. Best friend(s): my ichiban is @reachintothesky​ :3c
25. First award : uhhh birth certificate SDGJKLADG
26. First crush : 2015 DGJKLSADG
27. First word : “There!“
28. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
29. Last person you texted : My mom! Last person I messaged was Gaah tho!
30. Last person you talked to: Gaah! We were watching Tsukista!
31. Last person you watched a movie with : Ehh an actual movie-- probably Miko! But if you count stageplays then Gaah! They’re just as long right-
32. Last food you ate : LMAO I HAD BK
33. Last movie you watched : Ousama game live! But if you count livestages then the first Tsukista live Black ver!
34. Last song you listened to : WELL JUDGING BY THE TSUKISTA ANSWERS I WAS PROBABLY Gravity! by Gravi?
35. Last thing you bought : BK,,,
37. Fav Food : Japanese Curry probably LOL
39. Fav Bottoms : Otoya, Rikkun-- wait you mean clothES-- /SHOT and skirts!
40. Fav Flower : Sweet pea! And Hydrangea!
41. Fav Animal : DOGS P7 I LOVE YOU
42. Color/s : pink, white, red, purple!
43. Fav Movie : Spirited Away!
44. Fav Subject : English!
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] fallen in love with someone.
46. [x]celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken. (By a friend tho)
48. [x] went over the data on your cell phone.
49. [?] had someone like you
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country.
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend. (NZ is a beach so i guess?
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
67. Eating : air
68. Drinking : water!!!
70. Sitting/Laying : SITTING!
71. Plans for today: Sleep,,,
72. Waiting for : me to get my shit together?
73. Want kids : like maybe but not really
74. Want to get married : ughhhhh like if it turns out that way but for me there wouldnt be much of a difference if i married someone or not
75. Career : no idea
76. Lips or eyes : what does this even mean
77. Shorter or Taller : I would love to be even shorter
78. Romantic or spontaneous : YIKES i just wanna take it easy
81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship but honestly neither
82. Looks or personality: Personality!
83. Lost glasses/contacts : uhhhhhh no
84. Snuck out of a house : nope but ive broken into my own house!
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense : uhhhhh no
86. Killed somebody : hah (no)
87. Broken someone’s heart : Uhhh in a friend way 
88. Been in love : uhhh yes i guess?
89. Cried when someone died : always
90. Yourself : guh in my own way i do! Sometimes you have to, esp if a person is more anxious than you are!
91. Miracles : yes!
92. Love at first sight : Uhh not for me but for others i can!
93. Heaven : yes!
94. Santa Claus: Uhh i dont think about him much but i know my santa was my mom LOL
95. Aliens: scawy but yes
96. Ghosts : yes!
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : P7
98. Do you know who your real friends are : that’s scary, don’t ask me that
100. Post as 100 truths : No because my name isn’t actually Odin Gyuu
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