#i wrote a ficccc
strawberrysturniolo · 4 months
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guccifrog · 5 months
tag meeee
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broomsticks · 1 year
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@tahtahfornow all-around terrifically cool person with the best taste in high literature, you are amazing and i am forever in awe of literally everything you write and do. finding poppies (a year ago exactly!!! also! a @billsfangearring cameo!) has more than made up for all the psychic damage i’ve taken from being on wolfstar reddit, and if i have caused you any psychic damage from dragging you onto fandom tumblr/discord i am honestly not sorry. SO glad to have you here with us in this madhouse.
wolfstar ship manifesto, fic edition. poppies in october • wolfstar • 20k, M. confession: i have been shamelessly hogging this ao3 collections url in an attempt to hunt down and hoard all the multi-era canon-compliant-beyond-ootp wolfstar fic, but nothing comes close to poppies.
no seriously if anyone likes my taste in recs, like, at all, you have to read this. this is the one fic i would save if ao3 burns.
a fic that made me see AUs in a whole different light. White Sheets, in the Closet (or: the earth from a great distance is perfect and whole) • wolfstar • 12k, M. THIS FICCCC is the absolute pinnacle of what AUs can be, made possible only by your deep understanding and love and care for both the original characters and the new setting AND your. just. divine mastery over the stupid cudgel that is the english language. i'm in love with everything you write!!
also confession #2: you happened to post this on my birthday and billie & molly both posted me birthday snippets so i have been secretly & very presumptuously considering this a birthday fic 🙈.
i also ALSO have to shout out your literary wolfstar classics rec list part 1 (pre-2010) & part 2 (modern classics/post-2010) (and on AO3) because YES. SECONDING! so many classics.
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
(alsoo can i be 🪴or🪼 anon ^^ TYY >3<)
It was my utmost pleasure, angel!! You can choose whichever you want, both emojis aren't taken ❤️❤️❤️
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myanettes · 2 years
my thought process is usually
*has brain rot* *realizes no one wrote said brain rot* *write brain rot*
as for how i plan them, i like to record myself going through how i want the story to go and then write it downnn
i hope this helps ♥️ (and i cant wait to see your next ficccc)
This is such a good idea!!! Thank you <333
*runs to go write down brain rot while I still remember it*
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syoish-aot · 12 days
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*sobbing alone in my room as I write the letter Edith wrote to Jean when she finds out he's joining the scouts*
When I started writing chapter 5 I hated every second of it because it's all action and no jedith but then I kept working on it and I- laskdjflkasjdflkasdf
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toontwink · 1 year
☆ ☆ ☆ficccc
Star 1: Excerpt from Brassius/Grusha fic I wrote in February.
If Grusha never had to attend one of those league parties again, it would be too soon. The night air outside was frigid, but nothing compared to what it would be like on the mountain when Grusha eventually got home. He figured the least he could do was walk Brassius home, especially knowing that he intended to walk back on his own otherwise. It was something that a date would do, after all; even though Grusha didn't think the role suited him, he wanted to make an effort for Brassius's sake. That being said, however... "You said Artazon is close by, right?" Grusha felt somewhat foolish asking this question after they had been walking for upwards of 20 minutes already. Truthfully, Grusha wasn't very good with walking long distances. "Yes yes, we're about halfway there." Brassius said, unphased. Halfway? Grusha could feel his eyes glaze over. He did notice, however, a picnik table nearby; an opportunity for reprieve from his aching legs. "Could we... sit down for a moment?" Grusha asked, getting flashed a quizzical look from Brassius; unlike Grusha, he showed no signs of being winded from the trek. "Oh! Of course." Brassius smiled. Grusha felt warmth creeping into his cheeks but pretended it was just the cold air. "Thanks." He said sheepishly before setting himself down on one of the wooden planked seats, feeling immediate relief from being off of his feet. Brassius took a seat beside him. It was a little close for Grusha, especially when the entire table was available, but he decided against saying anything; if Brassius didn't think it was weird Grusha certainly didn't want to make it weird by speaking up. "We can let our Pokemon get some fresh air as well." Brassius suggested. "Ah, that's a good idea." Grusha agreed as the two sent out their parties. Right out of the gate Brassius' Smoliv demanded to be held by it's Papa while the other Pokemon played with one another. Brassius plopped the tiny Pokemon on his lap, giving it affectionate pets and scratches as he watched the others enjoy themselves. "Thanks for coming with me today." Brassius' eyes didn't leave the scene of playing Pokemon as he spoke. Those gray eyes -or perhaps they were more like thistle, Grusha was unsure- were oddly beautiful. "Don't mention it." Seriously; it wasn't like Grusha wasn't going to be attending anyways. "You know, it was awkward though." Grusha admitted. "Yeah." Brassius agreed, "but it would have been much worse if you weren't with me." That was probably true, Grusha thought to himself. Amidst Brassius' Pokemon was a familiar face that Grusha had not been expecting. "You brought Snover." Grusha remarked. Brassius grinned and Grusha could have sworn he saw a light flush on Brassius's cheeks.
[I did not write any connective tissue here]
"Her." Grusha corrected. "Hm?" Brassius seemed confused. "Snover is a girl." Grusha repeated, pointing at the Pokemon. "Look at the body for a second." Brassius did so, his gaze settled on the small Pokemon. "Yes? I'm looking." "See how the midsection is white? Male snover have a brown midsection." Grusha explained; it was a rare opportunity for him to show off his knowledge of ice-type Pokemon. "Oh! So that's how it is!" Grusha couldn't tell if Brassius was just humoring him or if he was actually interested in Snovers' sexual dimorphism. He decided not to think about it too hard. "You two really did hit it off, though. I wonder if you're always this popular with grass-types..." Grusha said this to himself, but since Brassius was right beside him, he responded anyways. "Well certainly not always, but you know... I just love grass-types. And... sometimes -if I'm lucky, that is- grass-types will love me back." It was such a simple idea, Grusha understood completely. To love freely and receive that same kind of love in return... The thought made Grusha feel warm. Brassius smiled awkwardly at the expression on Grusha's face. "What?" He asked with a light chuckle. Grusha blushed; what kind of expression had he been making while he had been lost in thought? "N-nothing." Grusha stammered, "I was just thinking that I know what you mean." After all, Grusha himself was fond of ice-types, even after he had to quit boarding. There was a moment of silence before Brassius spoke up. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. He must be bored waiting for me, Grusha thought to himself. "Yeah. Sorry, I guess you don't want to stay out here all night, huh?" "... Maybe I do." Brassius said softly. "Huh?" Grusha asked but Brassius shook his head. "Nothing. If you're ready, we should probably keep walking." Grusha got up from the picnik table only to find Snover standing by his feet, looking up at him curiously. "Hey girl." Grusha crouched to get closer to eye-level with the smaller Pokemon. His knees screamed at him for doing such a thing but he ignored it. He couldn't help but be fond of her; she was an ice-type, after all. She was also Brassius's Pokemon, but that probably wasn't related. "You're going to be such a strong big sister, aren't you?" He asked with a small smile on his face. He could already imagine how she would look as an Abomasnow, easily towering over Brassius's other grass-types. "I'm counting on you." He finished, barely a whisper as he tried to hide his words from Brassius's ears. When Grusha looked up, however, the grass gym leader was already watching him. "Who was it who's loved by grass-types again?" Brassius teased. "Snover also happens to be an ice-type. So obviously that's why..." Grusha smiled. The two chuckled before finally settling their Pokemon away.
Star 2: Excerpt from the Hassius fic I mentioned a few days back about the fluffy bedtime snuggles.
"Let me know if you're too warm." Brassius said softly, his free hand curling around to secure Hassel's head against his chest, thumb lightly brushing against his hair. The silky material of Brassius' pajama top smoothed across Hassel's cheek as Brassius' chest smushed against him.
"Do you remember doing this for me all those years ago?" Brassius asked. "Mm, you're referring to back at the hospital?" Hassel asked, unsure. Brassius began petting Hassel's hair in longer strokes. "Yes. You told me -well, I don't remember the exact words, but it was something like 'cry as much as you need to; I'm here with you'." Upon hearing Brassius mention crying, Hassel clearly remembered the night that Brassius was referring to. The night before a major surgery, and Brassius was terrified, inconsolable and shaking in his arms. He had felt so powerless then, only able to provide a body for Brassius to weakly cling onto.
"Once I finally wore myself out, I noticed I could hear your heartbeat and feel your chest rise and fall with your breathing." Hassel noticed this as well: the gentle thumping of Brassius' heart in his ear, his soft breathing with the ascending and descending of his chest. It was soothing. "I don't mean to dredge up rough memories. I only bring it up because I'm grateful that you've stayed with me all this time. That's precisely why if you want companionship, I want to be there for you. Not out of an obligation to repay you, but to reciprocate your devotion with my own." "Brassie..." "Ah I'm talking too much, aren't I? I'm sorry, I'll let you sleep." "No, that's not it." Does Brassius even realize the things he's saying? Hassel wondered that to himself, poorly resisting the urge to cry. A sniffling noise all but confirmed he had failed at this. Brassius' chuckled, fingers returning to stroke Hassel's hair again. Another sniffle, a slight headbutt to the chest and a muffled approximation of "thank you so much". Brassius rested his head on Hassel's, smiling lips pressed against his hair.
Star 3: This is from, like, a chapter 2 ish point in a young hassius fic I've just been calling "the apartment au".
Morning came with what seemed like a single wink as Brassius struggled to get out of bed; stuck between his body feeling too tired to rise and the rays of sunlight creeping through the window being too warm and bright to sleep through. He turned his head so that his face was absorbed by his pillow, letting out a groan. It didn't take long, however, until Brassius could hear the pitter-pattering of tiny footsteps running across the floor; undoubtedly prompted by the sounds of Brassius being awake. He heard small whimpers and the thumping of steps, then, felt a thud into the bed beside him. Brassius turned his head to look at his little friend: a Smoliv. "Good morning, Minnie." Brassius smiled softly at her. There was something about that perpetual sobbing face that made him want to handle her as if she were made of glass. He knew that it was just a Smoliv's usual countenance; much like Sunflora's smile, it didn't always reflect the way the Pokemon was actually feeling. "I hope you weren't awake by yourself for too long." He said, more to himself than to her. Minnie was somewhat displaced on her side, her small body sunken into the sheets from where she initially landed. She had launched herself into the sheets from the foot of the bed after climbing the step ladder that Brassius had left for her. She kicked her stubby legs. "Full of energy, are we?" Brassius asked, surprised by the sound of his own chuckle that followed; the sheer volume of it. He pet her head affectionately and she replied with a small coo. Brassius was thankful that Minnie came to retrieve him from bed; the sight of her giving him some energy. "OK, time to get up."
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slow-wth-anxiety · 2 years
Hello! How are you? I stumbled upon this acc and i'm in LOVE with your writing!
I see the request open 👁️👁️ so i'm gonna harrass it and ask for...
How would Diluc and childe react to a very patient god!reader who's somehow always smilling?
like for example, some random woman mocked y/n and saying that she should be the one worshipped instead, but y/n's responded with a smile, bow, "have a nice day ma'am" and made their way like nothing happened all with a smile on their face
Sorry if it's specific! It just came from my hea at 3 am and i'm craving for the ficccc 💕
Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you like my work ❤️ I haven't written much soft things before, but I will try my best!
Enjoy ❤️
I wrote way too much 💀
GN God reader!
Tw! People being verbally mean to you
Featuring Childe 👁️ and Diluc 💖
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How would they react to patient/smiley Darling?
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Childe 👁️ :
I first see Childe as being outraged that some unknown nobody would have the adacity, the sheer GALL to disrespect you in the first place, let alone in front of not only you but one of your acolytes? One of the more battle driven ones at that?
He'd instantly try to usher you away from however was being rude, simply smiling meanicling at the offenders, who can't help but feel a chill run down their spine, all of a sudden dread making a presence in their chest. Acting like he couldn't hear anything, he'd make a note in his mind of who exactly the person or people were so he could find them later. What happens later when he does find them, is obvious to anyone who knows of him. The 11th of the Fatui Harbingers is not known for mercy after all.
Walking along the streets of Liyue was always refreshing for you, reminding you of a distant past where you'd bring your team to do commissions and farm in the area. The hustle and bustle of the harbor settled your mind in ways you didn't think it was going to be able to.
Smiling, you turn towards your companion of the day, Childe. After telling your acolytes you were going out, they insisted upon you having a guard, and you decided on Childe.
" Thank you for coming with my today Childe, I enjoy spending time with you" After speaking those words to a flabbergasted Childe, you continue on your way down the streets of Liyue.
Glee and pride flared up in a still Childe, having his God, the one he loves oh so much, tell him they enjoy his company? It puts him on cloud nine. After taking a few seconds to let your words settle in, and his joy to spread through his body, he hurries after you.
He finds you stopped before a corner, seemingly listening in on a conversation that was being had. He approaches you, eventually being able to hear the words being said, as he hears them all aspects of the joy he just had is wiped from his body, a slow burning rage taking it's place.
" They don't deserve to have all these things, I bet they aren't even the All creator!"
" Right, they're so plain looking, there is no way they're our god"
" They're just a fake! A nobody! If just anyone can pass off as our god, I might as well have done the same, I'd be much better than they are"
Hushed words and the discontent they carried reaches Childe's ears, and he sees red. How dare these no named fool slander his loving God? Focusing his gaze on your form, he's shocked to see that instead of being upset, your smiling.
Confused, and still seething in his mind, he hurries to your side, loudly calling your tittle to make those fools realize who's presence they were in.
Childe ushers you away, not giving those heretics even a glimpse at your form, but making sure they saw him, and felt his murderous intent focusing on them. Childes rage is somewhat soothed once he seeing how those people clam up and avoid looking at him. Everyone knows that they had heard them, and that punishment, if not from you, but your loyal acolytes would follow.
Later on, he would ask you why you didn't seem upset, and the answer you gave only further solidified in his mind how good you were, how lucky he was to have such a benevolent god.
" People will talk no matter what I do, but knowing I have you all with me makes it easier to bear"
Softly smiling, you gaze at Childe.
" I will not fault them for being jealous, it is a human emotion, besides, I have you by my side Ajax, and that's all I will ever want"
Grinning, you throw your arms around Childe, squeezing him softly while he brings his arms up to hold you. Looking at you in his arms, all happy, even with the foul things spoken about you, fills him with a sense of awe and determination. He won't allow anyone to ever disrespect you again, starting with those fools from earlier, he'll find them after he brings you back to your abode safe and sound.
Diluc 💖 :
You and Diluc were walking through the dark streets of Mond, after you asked if you could accompany him on his self determined duties as the 'Dark Knight Hero of Mondstat'.
Hearing a commotion from further down the street, Diluc gently pulls you behind him, staring down the supposed threat that was coming down the street.
Sighing softy when it was only a group of common drunks walking home from a night of drinking, Diluc pulls you too the side to avoid the group, when he overhears them talking about you.
" I don't see what's so special about that bitch" fumbles from the mouth of one of the drunks
" I would be so much better then them! They haven't done anything, yet so many people are drooling over them."
Freezing in place, Diluc clenches his teeth in rage, he slowly turns around and begins to advance on the group attempting to stumble past you both. Paying little attention to anything but the group that dared to insult his God, so when you placed your hand softly on his arm, he jolted from the shock.
Turning to face you, he's surprised to see a small smile on your face, softly gazing back at him.
" it's alright Diluc, there's no need to go after them"
Turning to face the group, you smile at them, shocking the drunks from your presence, far too gone to fully realize that the person they were just talking about was right in front of them.
Softly calling out to them, you wish them a good night and to get home safe. Turning back to the shocked man, you squeeze his arm softly, dragging your hand towards his and clasps it in your grasp. Pulling him from the area, you walk hand and hand with him, humming softly.
" I know you were mad about what they were saying about me, but you don't need to worry Diluc."
Bringing his hand closer to you, you give it a soft squeeze, smiling gently at the wine tycoon.
" It doesn't matter what they think, I have all of you! Besides, even if I would have said anything to them, they still would have been mad"
Watching you, Diluc thinks about how this just solidifies in his mind how you are his kind, gentle, loving God. He smiles at you, bringing your hand to his lips for a quick kiss.
" of course your grace, you never fail to amaze me with your benevolence"
Diluc holds your hand, and thinks that while you might forgive them, he won't, and he'd be back to find them after he takes you back to your home for the night.
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the-sinking-ship · 2 years
HI I LOVED FDL SO MUCH. like seriously so much!! What are your future plans?? Another ficccc or time offf like what are u thinking??
Thank you!!!!! I'm so so glad! It took me ages to get that fic through the editing stage. For over a year, it was the one wip in my folder that I couldn't let go of, but also kept pushing back. I always intended to finish it, but then something else would come up and it would be abandoned again. It's almost a little surreal that it's finally out there in the world.
And a break? Pft. Never heard of it. I've got so many irons in the fire it's getting a little hard to keep track. I have a cute lil rom-com that I wrote for @fictional's birthday that I'm editing and hope to start posting within the next couple weeks (I posted a teaser here).
Then I'm moving on to my Fandom Trumps Hate submission! My winner gave me some brilliant ideas to work with - things I've never written before and I'm really excited about it. I've plotted two lengthy fics for that, I just have to decide which one I'm going to write first.
And finally, I'm working on something BIG. I can't say much about it for Reasons, but I'm kind of obsessed with it. I've also got some fest fics that are fighting me and with whom I am not currently on speaking terms.
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ncteaxhoe · 3 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want so we can spread the love and link each other awesome works.
tagged by: @lavenderxuxi thanks so much em💖
um i don't really have much favourites but here goes
BETWEEN 8AM COFFEES AND YOUR SMILES (fluff, romance) - this one is my absolute favourite jaehyun fic. wrote this in like two days. it got so much love that it's now close to my heart :')
SCREAM (angst, smut) - um this was like a two hour write? i think this was my second or third fic on this blog. it doesn't really have that much plot but i love the angst in it i guess. oh it's a taeyong fic
A SUMMER LOVE (fluff,romance) - another jaehyun fic oops- yeah i just write a lot for jaehyun cause bias thingssss
JASMINE (angst) - a doyoung fic, this just came out so satisfying,,, not much plot, just a short drabble. but like yeah i liked it
LOVE SONG (fluff, smut) - mark ficccc, the fluff in this came out cute, it's a short fic without plot (again), but yesss
tagging: @immabiteyou @ppangjae @smoll-tangerine @puppywritings @prettyjaems @hangsxng @ethaeriyeol only if you want to and whoever else wants to, feel free to say you got tagged by me!
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sheraayasher · 3 years
Ahhhhh I am so glad you liked the ficccc!!! 😭🤣
Babe first of all you wrote it obvio I'll like it and second i loved the concept and the way you have written it. It's just amazing
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queenjanai · 4 years
2 5 6 10 11?
2. What is your favorite snippet of dialogue?
this is from the next part of “all of my love and all of my hope” that is giving me hell of a time to write it (that is, it refuses to be written). i’m not any close to the dialogue, but i wrote it in a script form a few months ago when i got the idea so:
janai: and the person who'd try to dictate me on who I take to my bed will meet the end of my blade
amaya: you’d fight for me?
janai: i fought for you before
i looove it, so muuuch
5. What’s your favorite headcanon you use in fics?
janai is insecure when it come to being queen. she has no political background, she doesn’t always know what to do, but she’s learning even when she’s struggling. also i probably make her a thousand times softer than she is in canon, i don’t know why i do that
6. What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
the ori and the summer solstice detail from the end of the sunforge ficccc. i think i should change it
10. What would you change if you had it all to do again?
that is a very hard question. i think, giving myself more time between prompts. when i just started out, i’d literally write every day. i’d finish a batch of like 4-5 prompts, each one being at least 2k, then i’d request more. in january i wrote prompts and for the janaya week. and that left me so tired and burned out, i don’t even remember the recent prompts from knights of sunshine. i literally cannot tell you a single paragraph about them. 
i’d also say no more often, and with less fear. starting out, i never wanted anyone to feel bad because i don’t agree with their opinion. so i wrote things i didn’t really want, i answered asks i didn’t really agree with, all to make sure i don’t accidently hurt anyone. but i’ve gotten better and politely telling people ”i’m not the person to write this for you”
so, basically, breathe more and learn my boundaries
11. What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet?
so many! only two weeks ago i’ve never written from a fic from a pov of a minor character that isn’t ship focused, and i did! and i’m writing more now. i’ve never written khessa as i really see her. i’ve never written a super angsty scene, i’ve never written anything that made me cry or feel really sad. i haven’t written anything that topped moderation, and i don’t think i will. i’ve never written a weird first meeting scene, tho i love those. there’s so much to be done. good thing i’m always coming up with new wips (no, i’m tired)
thank you so muchh these were very fun to answer!
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harrywritingsbyme · 3 years
Hi baby, i just wanted to ask if you know who wrote the fic where the journalist interviews harry as part of a reunion? I cant remember and i really want to reread :(
Does anyone know of this ficccc🥺
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Hey this from the anon who asks about nora and Gary being siblings n and I LOVE THE FICCCC.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! It was pretty fun to write and I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it!!!
Also, @noradarhkpalmer wrote her spin on the idea- family matters.
Also, lemme plug something for supporting my fellow fic writers. Right now with the coronavirus/COVID-19, if you’re at home (any of you) under quarantine and are unable to work or need a break from things- drop a review! I know people always say this about reviewing, but it really does boost a writer’s morale. And it might go a long way right now with stress and anxiety about the virus to just have something nice. 
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unicornsandphoenix · 6 years
Mid year writing round-up!
I was tagged by my favorite people in the whole wide world, @drarrymylove (the love of my life and actually the reason I started writing), @snortinglaughter (one of my actuaL IDOLS omg you guys), @foularcadebanana (literally the most supportive person ever who worked with me on my last fic to save my life), @violetclarity (the most talented and sweetest person ever who I strive to be like) and @gnarf (who I can’t believe I didn’t tag at first up here, but who actually always has the best ideas for stories and stories that just FLOW SO FUCKING NICELY)
So fun fact, I only started writing January of the year of our lord 2018, and I could make like ten billion posts on why this fandom and these people all helped me to continue, but for now, here are the stats (as of on ao3? I’m scared to go back through all my drabbles and head canons there are mANY):
Fandoms/Parings: mmmmmm literally just Drarry and one Jeddy fic (but so many more HP pairings in my drabbles)
Total word count: 21,879 words so far, which, and because it’s not including my drabbles, I am actually super proud of this!! Fuck I didn’t even know...
Number of stories: I have 6 works posted and then another work coming out for wireless (but it’s finished!!!!!!!!!!!) ^.^
Story with most kudos: 153 kudos from Roses of Hope (Summary: Draco’s mother had left him as swift as the winter breeze and as painful as the frost when Draco had just grown tall enough to steal her cookies off of the kitchen table.Now Draco, known as Cinders, tries his best to please his stepmother and stepbrothers.Can a handsome stranger at a ball and a sentient rose garden turn it all around for him?)
Story with most comments: 10 comment threads from each Roses of Hope and Beat that, Cinderella (Summary: Draco stared at the small but bright spirit bobbing in front of him. He opened his mouth, promptly closed it, and squinted.“So you’re…”“A fairy godmother. Yes.”“And you…”The fairy, Jeni, Draco remembered, rolled her eyes. “Make the wishes of truly innocent repenters come true.”“And I am one of these?” He said narrowing his eyes.“Yes.”“And because of that you want to send me to the annual Ministry Ball? Because that is my wish. To go to a ball. Tonight. Filled with people who hate me.” Before Jeni could cut in, he added, “An ex-Death Eater. In a room full of Aurors.”Or, a drarry tale based roughly off of Cinderella)
Story with most bookmarks: 29 bookmarks from Roses of Hope, and the runner up with 20 was a present for carpetmaidtales called Number 12 Grimmauld Place and the Very Bad Fight (Summary: Number 12 Grimmauld Place was having a rough day. A rough life, actually. It had been looking up for a while, and after the Potter-Malfoy wedding it had finally felt as if it had the family it was meant to hold. Until The Fight.***Harry and Draco talk about the future, and their misunderstandings provide for a rough couple of days)
Story with most subscriptions: 2 subscriptions from Roses of Hope, but Beat that, Cinderella and Tuesday Morning (MY FIST FICCCC) each have one subscription (Tuesday Morning Summary: Based off of the amazing song Tuesday Morning by Staganddragon, this fic follows Harry and Draco's relationship on Tuesday mornings throughout their entire life)
Story I’m most proud of: In perfect fashion, the two pics I am possibly most proud of are also the ones that I have not mentioned yet. I tend to really like deep descriptions, and that’s essentially all that these were. One was a birthday fic for Janel, or goldentruth815, called Colors of Love (Summary: It was ritualistic, the way that Teddy would worship him in the mornings. Freckles first. Neck kisses would be next, followed by whispered endearments in his ear. ***James and Teddy share a quiet morning together, full of love.). The other, I wrote for Valentine’s Day when I was just so filled with wanting of love that I had to have a release. And it was in the form The Color of his Eyes (I know I’m the worst at names I’m sorry, Summary: Draco cannot stop staring. He is lost in Harry. And as always, Harry cannot help but to be lost in Draco)
What’s next: Oh my god guys so fucking much!! I am partaking in wireless first and foremost, but also in drizzle!!! I have so much planned for you guys just you wait!! I also am writing for food fair but it is sUPeR SeCraTiVE so I won't say more but I’ll write some drabbles to hold you guys over <3 <3 <3
Hmmmmmm for the next victims I would like to tag @jet-playin of whom I would love to see the stats from <3 <3 <3
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danfanciesphil · 7 years
I just realised you wrote "raise your arms and hold" holy hell i LOVED that ficccc!!! Ahh i cant believe i didnt know it was yours!
aw thank you so much! just an fyi - i think im gonna be writing more of that fic so stay tuned :)love you sweetheart
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