#i´ll get to it all eventually I PROMISE ;;; thank you all for being so patient with me
kingrove-a · 2 years
A STUDY IN                    HOW DOES JAZZ RUN THIS BLOG ? 
I am extremely slow. i do my best but my writing depends heavily on inspiration not to mention that I get distracted by all sorts of things all the time. I also tend to start avoiding my drafts pretty heavily once they reach a high number (like they are right now, RIP) I´m usually quicker with people that I talk with ooc - mostly because I´m probably plotting with them and my motivation is super high for any plots that are plotted and talked about. 
Like I said above, I`m usually drawn to the replies to the people I talk to with the most ; just because my motivation is the highest for those threads / or dynamics that we talked about. Speaking from experience over the past few weeks, those tend to be multiple paragraphs that make me go insane and rob me of all of my writing juices so I´m really just shooting myself in the leg everyntime but what can I say. I am a bit of an idiot 
I´m not the biggest fan of random starters - it´s why I haven´t posted a starter call ever since the one when I first started this blog like a month and a half ago lmao ;; I just tend to lose muse for them pretty quickly unless our muses REALLY click and pop off but in general I prefer to plot things out a little more just to get some ideas flowing ;; to give us a chance to get really invested in whatever dynamic we came up with? But if we´ve been writing for a while and we have an established relationship between our muses I absolutely might hit you up with a random unprompted starter from time to time whenever an idea really tickles me - anD I INVITE YOU TO DO THE SAME FOR ME, PLEASE !!! 
Oh man I swear i LOVE memes, I really, really do - but again I kinda shoot myself in the leg sometimes by hoarding them like a Dragon hoarding it´s mountain of gold. Again, I´m just extremely slow when it comes to writing - if you´ve sent me some in the past I promise I`ll get to them!!! just.....very slowly....and in time lMAO 
It´s exactly because of all of the above that I tend to be really selective - though I have to admit that I haven´t been as selective as I perhaps should have been considering how overwhelmed I am with all the things I owe - rip. I always make sure to read everyone's rules before I follow / follow back which is why it might take me a while to do so sometimes. 
I do have a very basic wishlist that I wrote around the time I started writing Billy - it is a little outdated at this point and there´s a lot of things i´ve thought about since then that I really want to write at some point so I really need to update it but you can access the wishlist really easy through a link in my pinned post!! and if any of the plotlines there strike your fancy please always feel free to hit me up in my dm´s or my discord if you have that!!!! In case it didn´t come across earlier, i LOVE plotting so much I´ll literally always welcome you with open arms and all of my enthusiasm.
I am an extremely anxious person. I struggle with getting to know new people because I get really nervous. if we follow each other and haven´t talked yet / or have talked only a little bit here and there I swear it´s not because of you or anything it´s probably because I got extremely anxious & or am too chicken to message you first and go “hi!!” like a normal person. The fact of the matter is, if we follow each other I´d absolutely LOVE to write & interact with you! I´m just sorry that I can´t really follow through sometimes because it just doesn´t work out for some reasons. 
tagged by; technically no one I just stole it from @pagetorn <3 tagging: daring you to steal it from me if you´d like >:)
4 notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
I See Red ~ PJM [Request]
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GENRE: Mafia AU, CEO Jimin, quite fast paced (i need to work on slow burns I’m sorry guys)
PAIRING: Ceo!Jimin x Fem!Mafia!Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of torture, blood, violence, hitting, threats, kidnapping, y/n is a boss ass mother fucker, I’m not sure what mafia businesses do so I hope this is all good for you my love!
A/N: I hope you don’t mind what I did with Jimin and Y/n! Thank you to my wonderful editor @moonprincessdiviniation Who caught a few mistakes and changed them for me! @killerharleyjaderose I hope you like it and it’s as you had imagined it!! I had a lot of fun with this one!
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If you could be doing anything right now it would be staying at home with your twins, brother and sister - Min Jae and Yeobin. It was the perfect weather to play out in the garden with them, which was their favourite thing to do with you. The sun was up and shining brightly, it was hot outside thanks to it being the start of their summer holidays and they were on their way back from their dad’s. It would have been the perfect day to hang out in the garden with them but instead, you were here in a meeting with people you didn't want to be in a meeting with. The kids adored playing out in the garden or doing anything if it meant they got to spend time with their extremely busy mother. 
The meeting you were in seemed to be dragging on from one moment to the next as you stared out of the huge floor to the ceiling glass window, just looking out into the city. You were doing anything to keep yourself entertained while whoever was speaking spoke. Normally you would be more than interested in the meetings that were being given but right now you didn't care. A room full of men asking you countless pointless questions or asking for more security on their businesses when they just weren't worth the hassle.
"Miss Y/l/n?" You turned around in the black leather chair, to see your assistant standing at the door. The small brunette had her clipboard clutched to her chest as she looked at you nervously. The man - Mr Hoonjoong - that had been speaking stopped as he stared at you with an annoyed look on his face. He didn't seem all that impressed that he'd been interrupted by a woman and that you hadn't even been listening to him in the first place. 
"Come in, Areum." You told her as you motioned for her to walk into the room with your two fingers, ignoring the men that were in the room watching you. Areum glanced over at you nervously before giving you the secret hand signal that you had together. It was just a simple Shaka hand sign and that meant that your kids were in the waiting area. 
"Sorry men, I think we're going to have to cut today short," You mumbled, as you got up from the chair you were sitting in, slipping into the black heels and straightening out the black pencil skirt you were wearing. 
"We've only just started-" Mr Hoonjoong said as he looked at you, 
"Mr Hoonjoong, we will continue this extremely boring meeting when I'm back from my personal life...Maybe you should use this time to take your wife...Or your mistress out to dinner." The old man froze as you mentioned the multiple partners he thought he kept a secret, and you smiled condescendingly at him. It was your job to know everything about everyone and that included everyone who worked in and around your company. Hoonjoong was one of the many men who worked with you that didn't think you belonged where you were. No men liked to believe that a woman could be a mother of twins as well as a powerful mafia leader and most of them hated the fact that they had to run everything by you.
"Now, if you don’t mind you’'ll kindly be escorted out by Taehyung and Namjoon. I'm sure they would be happy to listen to any complaints you may have," You tried to mask your sarcastic comment as much as you could while smiling at the older man. Your two most trusted security guards walked into the room and waited patiently for everyone to leave, ignoring their disgruntled grumbles as they made their way into the elevators at the end of the hall.
As soon as it was clear Areum let the twins into your office, smiling brightly as the two seven-year-olds sprinted over to you with huge smiles on their faces. 
"Mum!" They cried out as they wrapped their arms around you, you laughed softly as you wrapped your arms around both of them and took in a deep breath. Whenever they were away at their father's you missed them and it filled you with anxiety knowing you had no idea what they were doing while they were away.
"How was your time at your dad's?" You questioned them both, but Jae took the lead in explaining what they had been doing over the weekend. It wasn't that you and your ex-boyfriend didn't get along, it was just that your lifestyles were completely different from one another. While you were a big-time mafia businesswoman Yoongi was just a simple music producer/hacker. He wanted nothing to do with that side of your world which caused you to drift apart and out of love with one another. 
"He got us these cool looking swords, they light up whenever we clash them together! His new girlfriend got a puppy too!" Yeobin said excitedly, as she jumped up and down. Since she was five she'd been wanting to get her own dog which meant you knew what was going to come. All of the questions about if they could get one soon but your mind was lingering on the new girlfriend situation and as if she could read your mind Areum handed you a folder. 
"Everything on Miss Lee Nayeon we could find," She promised you, as you laid the folder down onto the glass table and smiled weakly. You hated being this overprotective in front of the twins, but when Yoongi was bringing someone you didn't know into their lives you had to be cautious. You did this with everyone you knew, including the scumbag that you were currently dating. Inside the folder were photographs of a brown-haired female that looked nice enough, her background check on her had come back clear, you trusted Yoongi enough to make his own decisions of course, but you still had to make your own up too.
"Anything new on San?" You questioned as the twins began to play on their own, running around your large office as they played in their imaginary worlds together. Choi San; The man you were currently dating...Or were dating and trying to figure out what to do with him. Areum nervously flipped through some files before sliding a red one in front of you. Inside were bank statements from your many accounts and then receipts of what San had been buying for himself and the mistress he had with him. 
"Is there enough on him yet?" Areum asked, as she sat down on a chair across from you. You stared through the folder while reading over everything he'd been doing. Yourself and San had only been dating for six months when you first started to notice what was going on and how confident he seemed to be at doing it. Slowly stealing money from you and trying to work his way up in the mafia game. You would have to be blind and stupid not to see what he was doing but you wanted to see how far he would take it. How far he was willing to go with everything that he was doing.
"Not yet...Do you have anything on Rose yet? All we have is this security photo from a mall." You mumbled as you turned over a photograph, she was a 5''0 bottle-blonde who seemed to be beautiful from what you could see in the photo. 
"Nothing yet, just that she does the same thing she did here everywhere she goes," Areum mentioned, as she pointed at the security photograph. Rose was known in most of the malls in and around Seoul for stealing high-end products. If she wasn't so bad at it and dating your boyfriend, you would have hired her to come and work for you. 
"I'll confront him when I have enough on him," You told her as you shut the folders and then slid them over to her, glancing over at the twins who were jumping up and down on the sofa. 
"How about we go and have lunch?" You called out to them as you stood up once again. The twins instantly jumped down from the sofa and began yelling out yes as they got ready to head out again. 
"Areum, do you want to join us?" Areum seemed shocked that you turned and asked her, but she was one of your favourite employees. She was always so loyal to you and you wanted to show her how much you respected her and her time with you. 
"Thank You," She whispered, as she got ready to join you and the twins for a day out in Seoul.
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By the end of the night, the twins were asleep in the back of the Black BMW SUV that was taking all three of you home. Taehyung was driving while Namjoon sat up front to make sure no one was following you the usual thing he did whenever he was out with you. They were your two main trusted guards out of the four that you had, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook. All of them had been working for you for around seven years now and were your most trusted employees. 
"Long day?" Taehyung chuckled, as he pulled into the driveway in front of your house looking at the kids who were sound asleep. You hummed in response as you looked at the sleeping twins, not wanting to wake them up. They'd had a long day and you didn't want to wake them up only for them to get back to sleep in the house.
"Can you and Namjoon help them inside? I don't want to wake them up." You mentioned, as you glanced at Namjoon who was already looking at you in the mirror. He nodded his head in reply, happy to help with anything you needed. 
"Of course," He slid out of the front seat, and you looked up at the house still in awe that you even lived there. It was a huge mansion that had been passed down through your family for generations, given from your great-grandfather to his son and then eventually given to your mother. Mafia businesses ran in your blood, which meant even if someone wanted to overthrow you in the mafia world they would have a hard time doing so. It was also why so many people respected you in the industry, they knew not to fuck with you and you knew just what to do if anyone ever did. 
"Do you want us to check inside?" Taehyung questioned, as he picked up Yeobin and carried her in the direction of your front door, but you shook your head. If there was something wrong inside you would have known about it before now, but San was standing in the front door waiting for you with a huge smile on his face. 
"Welcome home," He whispered as you walked up to him, letting him kiss your cheek as you tried to brush off his affection and keep walking into the house. Taehyung and Namjoon took the kids up to bed while you looked around, the whole house was a mess and you wanted to scream out at San for it. He was supposed to be the one looking after the house while you were away but it seemed as though he hadn't done anything except make more of a mess. 
"I thought you were going to clean the spare office today?" You questioned calmly, as you walked past the bottom floor office to see boxes were still all over the place, along with dust all over the desk. 
"I was, but then I got busy." You rolled your eyes with your back turned to him, busy spending your money on the girl he was sleeping with behind your back no doubt,
"Busy with what? You don't work," You mentioned, as you turned to face him placing your hands on your hips as you waited for some kind of answer from him.
"I was having a job interview and I got the job...You're talking to a new and valued employee of Lee Industries," You smiled at him, doing your best to seem convincingly happy for him when you knew he was lying straight to your face. It was as if everything that ever came out of his lips was a lie and you had a human lie detector inside of your brain. The main reason you knew he was lying this time was that Lee industries wasn't hiring anyone, considering you'd bought them out last week and the CEO was now under your company. 
"That's great, what will you be doing for them?" You asked, as you took off your coat and went to hang it up on the porch. You wondered just how far he was going to take this job lie, but as soon as you saw the state of the porch you wanted to rip your hair out. It was even more of a mess than when the kids played in it as toddlers. Shoes and coats were left all over the floor as if he had no common decency to clean it up.
"I'm not sure yet, but I have a business meeting next week. I'll be away for a while, do you think the twins will miss me?" His question made you want to turn around and punch him in the face, but you resisted the urge and smiled once again. Turning to look at him as you thought about everything else he would be doing instead of what he was telling you he would be. 
"I'm sure they will, you know how much they love you." Another lie. The twins hated him. They told you multiple times what they thought of him and how they hated him. Which was why they were never allowed to be alone with him, that and you didn't trust him as far as you could potentially throw him. Whenever he was alone with the twins he was never truly alone, there would always be a guard or a babysitter with them at all times no matter what. Even if they were just inside of the house you wanted to make sure your children were protected at all times. They came first for you no matter what. 
"I'm feeling pretty tired, so I'm going to head to bed...Long day tomorrow," You told him, as he tried to come close to you and give you a kiss. He would do things like this whenever he could feel you distancing yourself. He would try to be more romantic or kind to you, but you knew what was really happening. San was just trying to use you as much as he could for everything you had. 
"Oh? What's happening tomorrow?" He questioned, as you both began to walk up to the bedroom. You smiled at Taehyung who was passing you on the landing, as he headed down to take the first shift in the house, he would be replaced later by Hoseok.
"I'm meeting with Jimin, you remember him right?" Your back was to San again and you smirked to yourself, you knew how much he hated your “friend” Jimin which only made you love him more. Jimin was a CEO of a company you always wanted but could never have so you kept him guarded. You made sure he was always well protected and had anything and everything he could need in case any other mafia families came sniffing around him. The mafia business was cutthroat, if you weren't protecting small and large businesses you were bringing in shipments of drugs or illegal cars to sell-off. Anything to earn the money you needed to get by, within life. 
"I do, but why just Jimin? Why not take a guard with you? What if he's planning something?" You could tell by the tone of his voice, he was getting angry at the thought of you meeting alone with another man, which made you laugh. While he was allowed to sleep around and be unloyal to you, you weren't allowed to do the same?
"He's a friend I want to have breakfast with, what's the big deal?" You didn't give him time to answer, as you locked yourself in the bathroom and switched on the shower. With the hopes that by the time you got out he would be asleep in the bed, or not in the room so you could pretend to sleep when he came back in.
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The next morning you made sure to wake up earlier than usual so that you could clean the house, you didn't trust anyone enough to come and clean it for you. You got everything perfect before waking up the twins for private school and finally changing for your meeting with Jimin. You ignored San while he tried to be a loving boyfriend with you that morning, trying to give his input on what you should and shouldn't wear to your meeting with Jimin. You did whatever you pleased anyway, settling on a white tight-fitted office dress that clung to your body perfectly. It was showing off everything you wanted to show off, while not looking like you would appear on the front of a playboy magazine. Much to San's disapproval, you went out dressed that way and went to meet Jimin in one of the many restaurants that he owned in downtown Seoul.
"Thank you Jin," You whispered to Jimin's guard, as he opened up the glass door for you, letting you inside. He shut it swiftly behind you so that nobody else could go in after you. Jimin smiled as you walked into the empty restaurant, his eyes lighting up as soon as he saw you walking towards him. He'd had strong feelings for you for years, but he'd kept them a secret since you were a powerful woman and now you were in a relationship. But that didn't mean he couldn't be friends with you. It wasn't until recently that you had told him about your problem with San over an open bottle of wine. A couple of drinks later led to a drunken confession on both your parts, until you conspired on a plan to get San back for what he was doing to you. Opening his arms for you Jimin smiled brightly, watching as you rushed over to him to give him a huge squeeze. Cameras outside the large glass window flashed but the two of you ignored them, sitting down in front of one another as you got ready to speak. 
The cameras followed you everywhere, documenting your every movement which normally annoyed you. But today it would play in your favour, it meant that people would be mentioning you and Jimin were together and San wouldn't be able to escape from it. Although you and Jimin had to be friendly today, instead of cuddled up like you usually would be if you were alone, you knew this would push San into doing something messy. Which meant you could trip him up and confront him about everything he had been doing. You just needed enough to make him sweat, but not enough to ruin your reputation.
"How is our rat problem?" Jimin laughed as he poured you some tea and looked at you. He would have given anything to reach across and kiss you right now, but he knew what the plan was. 
"He's still a pain, but I think I'm close to getting him caught...I just need him to mess up, just once and I'll get him." There was one thing you couldn't do with San. Most of the transactions that were going out of your account and into his looked as though they were payments for something he was doing for you. Whether that be painting the house, or you simply paying him to be quiet about something you couldn't do anything about with the police. Not that you would need to involve the law since you owned most of the department but you liked to do everything legally...For the most part. Not counting for the illegal cars, drugs, weapons and shady dealings that you did. 
"Why don't you confront him, surely that would be better?" You sighed, as you took the small teacup from Jimin and sipped on it. Although it would have gotten you out of the relationship quicker there would be too many consequences for it. San knew too much of your personal and business life to just be let go, you needed something over him so that you could silence him into not talking about it all. 
"He knows too much..." Jimin glanced at you and he knew instantly what you meant. Much like San, Jimin knew everything too. He knew everything about your life and lifestyle including the twins who were kept out of the press and given fake names whenever they had to be mentioned in the business world. No one knew who they were, how old they really were or who their father was except for you, Jimin and San...And of course, Yoongi but that was it. Other than that it was kept silent and on a need to know basis.
"You could kill him," Jimin smirked as he looked at you raising his eyebrows at you, you shook your head at him choosing to ignore it as he teased you flirtatiously with the thought of it. 
"Nothing he's done has warranted it....yet." The two of you laughed together before ordering some food and catching up like old times.
"Do you know what I would give to lean across and kiss you right now?" You smirked at Jimin's question and shook your head wanting to know what he would do for it, 
"Sell your company to me?" You teased as he shook his head at you, 
"Maybe...Right now I'd give up anything to be able to hold you," You whined at him for doing this to you, he knew you wanted to be with him and him alone. Then you looked out at the window at the cameras, smiling and waving a little as you knew exactly who would be watching back home.
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San stared down at Rose's laptop as he crushed the bagel he was supposed to be eating, your face was plastered everywhere he went, it was as if he couldn't escape from it. 
"I thought you said she was in the palm of your hand?!" Rose snapped as she looked at the photograph and Jimin hugging you. It looked more than friendly to her and it was ruining their plans with San. 
"She is, I have her giving me whatever I want. She doesn't even suspect anything," San mumbled, as he pushed the plate away from him and read through the article about you and Jimin. All of it splashed with facts about you and Jimin, how long you had been friends and rumours about how you could be dating.
"You're an idiot, you have to think of another way to get this money for us, Baby..." Rose turned on a whiney voice as she looked at San, her eyes getting watery as she waited for him to do something. 
"You promised me we would be married by now, no more stealing...Married to you with that mansion and the money." She was beginning to pout and whine like a spoilt teenage girl who wasn't getting her own way. Which she almost was since she was only 19 years old and dating someone ten years older than her, San smiled weakly at her as he nodded his head knowing what he had promised her. 
"We will princess...I promise. I need to come up with a new plan," He grumbled, as he looked at the laptop. A video was playing of you leaving the restaurant with Jimin, his arm linked around your waist as you threw your head back in laughter. 
"The new plan should be something with those bratty kids of hers, I don't want them in the house with us." She grumbled, while folding her arms over her chest. The original plan was for San to marry you and then you could mysteriously go missing, or die in a plane crash he would organise, but it was proving to be harder than that. San hadn't been able to propose to you since you'd only been dating for six months and he wasn't sure if it would look suspicious. 
"That's not a bad idea..." He said slowly, as he looked at Rose coming up with a plan in his head. He'd seen all of those kidnapping stories on the news, he could stage a kidnapping and get enough money for him and Rose to start up somewhere new together. Never letting on that it was him involved with the kids going missing, he would play along with you looking for them. Then finding them, before eventually ending the relationship when everything had calmed down and run away with Rose.
"You're a genius Rose," He called out excitedly as he kissed her roughly, pulling her onto his lap as he chuckled into the kiss.
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A week later while San was on his "Business trip" you were standing in front of your office workers and guards in your office. There had been a breach in security that week with a story being leaked about just how close you and Jimin truly were with one another but you'd been able to stop it before it got out. 
"Furthermore, I want that person to know that if they ever do something like that again-" You stopped ranting when the door to your office sprung open, hitting the wall behind it to reveal a panting Areum covered in sweat. 
"Areum I'm in the middle of-" You tried to speak, but Areum cut you off quickly while shaking her head reaching for your desk as she tried to speak while catching her breath, 
"Y/n! Turn on the news," She didn't even give you time to move, she did it for you, ignoring the looks of disgust from everyone in your office as she turned the volume all the way up. A woman was standing on the screen with her face covered by a black balaclava and a script in her hand, 
"This is a live message for Y/n Y/l/n, we want to have our message displayed on every news channel she could see," The voice was monotone as they spoke into the camera. The only distinguishing features you could see about the girl was some false eyelashes poking out through the eye section of it. Whoever it was that was sending the message knew you would be watching, your name was constantly being monitored by those who worked for you so they could make sure no threats were happening but they'd clearly missed this one. 
"Find the signal." You ordered at Namjoon, who was already rushing over to the laptop with a scared look on his face. He was clicking through everything on the computer as he tried to find the source but it was being bounced from too many IP addresses, ranging from India to Indianapolis. 
"I want to tell you not to do anything dangerous or risky, don't call the police or any of your friends. We have your children and they will be returned to you if you do exactly what we say," Your heart sank, as the camera moved to reveal a dirty wooden door that was kicked open to show your kids tied up to a chair. Their mouths gagged with ties and their hands tied together with what looked like cable ties. The two of them stared at the camera terrified as they tried to scream out through the gags but they couldn't do anything.
"Namjoon!" You screamed through your cracking voice, trying to make him hurry before the broadcast ended but he was already moving as fast as he could. Areum was shuffling everyone out of the room as she tried to bring order to everything.
"We want 2.5Million won in untraceable notes," Areum was writing this all down on her small clipboard, while you watched the twins and everything around them. You were trying to determine if you knew anything inside of the room they were in, that might help you locate where they were, but you couldn't. There was nothing in the room beside a dirty bathtub that looked like it had never been cleaned, and a tub of brown hair dye on the counter, a knife and some dirty looking scissors. 
"We will be in contact with more details." The broadcast ended and you stared at Namjoon, who silently shook his head as a sign that they hadn't been able to trace the location of the broadcast. Screaming you threw the closest thing to you at the wall, which so happened to be your mobile and you whined.
"Areum ring Yoongi now, I want a full team looking for the location of that broadcast. Now!" You ordered, as you could feel yourself beginning to panic. The doors to your office opened again and Jimin was standing there with a team of people. His face was full of guilt as soon as he saw you but he knew just what to do,
"To help find them, I just saw the broadcast." He panted as he walked further into the room, bringing you into a hug as he could see how panicked about it you were. Kissing the top of your head he reassured you that it was all going to be okay,
"I'm right here, it's going to be okay." He whispered, as he sat you down on one of the sofas trying to bring you down but you kept running over everything that had happened that morning. The twins were in school, you were in a meeting by 10 am and you knew the kids wouldn't go with someone they didn't know and the private school would never let them out of class. 
"Someone must have gotten them on the way to school, someone who knows the route which means they're close to me," You told Jimin, who was already shaking his head at you, he'd already thought over all of this and had everyone he had on his side going through things. All he had to do was focus on getting you calmed down. You would be no use to them if you were panicked the whole time, they needed the boss bitch that ruled the business. 
"I know, I have my people going through your employee files but you need to breathe." He held onto your arms and made you stare into his eyes as he helped you through some breathing techniques. 
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An hour later Yoongi was working alongside Jimin's men as they spent some time going over the broadcast images. Someone had been recording the entire thing making it easier for them to try and pinpoint anything in the video, but there was nothing there that could help. All anyone knew was it was some rundown looking hotel room or apartment that they were being held in and the kids looked unharmed for the time being. 
"Do you think it could be San?" Jimin questioned, as Yoongi came over to you and him on the sofa. You shook your head, taking the cup Yoongi was holding out for you to take. They were still trying to get you to calm down but since seeing the kids you hadn't been able to get calm, your mind was wandering in too many different directions with different outcomes. 
"He wouldn't have the balls or the brains to pull off something like this..." You whispered, as you looked at Jimin. You'd thought about it already, but you knew he'd gone to some fancy hotel with Rose that week since he was on a "business trip,"
"Any news?" Your eyes lit up as you stared at Yoongi but he shook his head, sitting down on the sofa and feeling defeated himself. There had been no calls or videos since the broadcast and you were starting to lose hope of any communication, 
"I'm sure-" Yoongi stopped speaking, when the news was turned up once again and the same person as before was standing on the screen. Yeobin was standing in front of her this time and the woman clutched onto your daughter's shoulder tightly enough, that Yeobin looked as though she was in physical pain.
"You will leave the required money amount in suitcases in the middle of Gangnam Station by 12 pm tonight before leaving the scene. If anything suspicious happens we won't hesitate to kill them," Yeobin moved a little and the woman pushed her down into the chair once again, ignoring the girl as she winced in pain.
"As a sign that we mean what we're saying-" The woman pulled out some scissors and began to cut off Yeobin's hair and then some of Jae's hair, before turning to the camera again and holding the scissors as if they were a knife this time. 
"For every moment you waste not giving us our money or trying to catch us we will cut off their ten fingers or ten toes until we have to get to the limbs." The broadcast ended and you stood up on your feet, your blood running hot. Dropping the cup onto the floor, you stormed over to your computer looking through your accounts for the money you could get. 
"Don't you think it would be better to track them?" Taehyung suggested, as he watched you going through everything. But you shook your head not wanting to waste any more time on tracking anyone or any signal that was being bounced around from place to place. 
"Not if it puts my children at risk. Areum. Get me every account I own, including the company ones." You mumbled, as you began clicking through everything. Yoongi joined you as he began to go through his own accounts to get the money together.
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"Y/n."  Yoongi's voice sounded strained as he looked over at you. Areum, Jimin and yourself were counting out the money as you placed it into two suitcases, while Yoongi was on his laptop. He'd been spending the afternoon searching through everything he could on San provided to him from Areum behind your back. Although you had said you didn't think he would have the brains Yoongi didn't want to leave any stone unturned, 
"What's wrong?" You sniffled as you looked over at him, you'd been counting the money while crying at the thought of your kids. All you wanted was for them to be safe and at home where you could look out for them. 
"Where did you say San was?" The thought of Yoongi looking in on San after already telling him not to do so irritated you, but you shook your head. 
"With his girlfriend, he said business trip so he probably took Rose somewhere fancy with my money." You grumbled, as you went back to counting but this time Jimin looked up and frowned as he thought about it. 
"Don't you find it odd that they're away when your children go missing..." You shook your head at first, you thought it was weird. But you knew that San wouldn't have the guts to do something like this and you had been on the phone with him an hour ago. He was travelling home after seeing on the news what had happened, 
"He called me to tell me he was coming back tomorrow after he "cancelled meetings"...Why would he come back if he was the one that took them?" You asked. Yoongi began to dive deeper into the accounts that San had, finding secret accounts under different names including one under Choi Rose. 
"I think I know where they are." Your heart sank to your stomach, as Yoongi brought the laptop over to you with everything he had found on them. As soon as your eyes read over everything, the protective side of you took over and your blood began to boil once again. The mafia side of you was in control and no one would be able to stop you from doing what you wanted to do. 
"Jimin." You mumbled, as you grabbed your keys and looked at Yoongi and Areum, 
"Mind if we use your private cars?" A devilish smirk took over his face as he nodded his head with you,
"Only if I get to join in," You nodded, as you began to gather everything you needed for the mission. 
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You had a team on the ground making sure that no one knew you were the ones leaving. You had someone keeping the money packing going as a backup plan, but you knew exactly where they were and what to do when you got to them. San hadn't been good at keeping his tracks hidden and Rose wasn't as good as she thought she was hiding a paper trail. Yoongi had been able to trace the fake hotel room San had booked, along with this one at the run-down motel. 
"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, as you watched the motel that San and Rose were hiding out in. You'd followed San home from wherever he was to this dingy little motel in the middle of nowhere. You nodded at him before looking at Jimin and Yoongi, who were already carrying guns and enough ammo to take San and Rose out five times. Cars had surrounded the place and made sure all of the ground was covered so no one could get away.
"Move in slowly," Yoongi whispered into a mic, as your team of guards all surrounded the one motel room they were in, breaching it as soon as you gave the okay signal. 
"DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!" A voice screamed out, making a woman squeal out in a high pitched scream. San looked over at the door and made a break for the window as soon as he laid eyes on you, but Taehyung was already standing on the other side pushing him back inside. 
"Where are they?!" You yelled out, while Namjoon and Taehyung tied up San and Rose sitting them on some chairs from inside the room. But it didn't take long for you to hear the muffled screams of your kids. 
The bathroom door was pulled open and Yoongi jumped around you to get to the twins, who were still tied up on a chair and sitting in the bathroom. As soon as you saw them you rushed over and began kissing all over their faces, removing the ties from their mouths as soon as you could while Yoongi cut the cable ties.
"Mummy is going to take care of everything, I promise you." You whispered as you looked at them. Tears were running down their faces and they looked terrified, which only made your blood boil more. No one messed with your family. All you could see was red as you thought about someone hurting one small hair on their heads.
"Yoongi, take them home. I don't want them around for what's about to happen." You mumbled, as you rose from your feet and walked back into the bedroom of the motel room to see Jimin staring at San. 
"Is he talking?" You questioned, as you walked over to Jimin. Standing beside him, you stared at Rose and then to San who was looking anywhere but at you. 
"Nothing. But you have your ways of getting them to talk," He smirked, as he nodded for his men to go with Yoongi and the kids. Leaving the two of you alone with the two kidnappers in front of you.
"I need somewhere to be alone with them, do you have anywhere around here?" You questioned Jimin, as you took off the blazer of your suit. Jimin shook his head. 
"No, but I'll buy the motel, don't worry about it, babe," As soon as the pet name left Jimin's lips,  San's head snapped around to look at both of you. You smirked along with Jimin. It felt good for it to finally be out in the open and you looked at San, as you saw the look of confusion and anger plastered across his face.
"What's wrong San? Did you think you were the only one who could cheat?" You chuckled, as he struggled against the cable ties. His face turning red as he looks at you both standing there together. 
"Did you really think you could get away with this?" Your question was genuine as you looked at him. You wondered how he thought he would be able to get away with something so moronic, like kidnapping your children away from you. 
"Did you really think, I'd just forgive and forget - I know everything you've been doing San," You took out the gun from your holster and cocked it back before taking off the safety. Just to show him that you were serious about this. 
"I was willing to let you go after catching you with her...You're nothing but a two-timing, cheap, lying wannabe." Jimin kept his eyes transfixed on you, as you looked at San with red in your eyes. It looked as though you were ready to murder him for everything he'd been doing to you, and Jimin would help you clean everything up. 
"I was going to let you go with everything, but you put my kids into it...You're a fool if you thought that I'd just let this go..." You smirked, as you took the gun in your hand and placed it against his left temple as you stood behind him. Enjoying the way sweat began to bead around his head and slowly fall down, struggling against your hand. 
"Gun to your head, now all I see is red!" You smirked, as you did nothing but hit him around the face with your gun, laughing when he spat out blood onto the floor. This time Jimin stepped forward and punched him in the jaw making San grunt out in pain but neither of you were going to stop what you were doing. 
"This was all her idea...She meant nothing to me Y/n!" He cried out as Jimin went to hit him again, your hand stretched out to stop Jimin as you laughed sarcastically. 
"Did you really just say she didn't mean anything?" He nodded, as blood dribbled down his chin and onto the floor. Looking up at you with pleading eyes as he tried to pass the blame onto somebody else. 
"You've been cheating on me with her since the start...Did you not think I knew everything that you've been doing?" You questioned, as you squatted in front of him. You pushed the gun against his chest, as you tried to remind him who you were and what you were threatening him with.
"You dug your grave now lie in it," You whispered to him, as you got up from the floor and pressed the barrel of the gun at the back of his head hard enough to leave an imprint, 
"Executioner style, and there won't be any trial don't you know you'll be better off dead..." Jimin knew that he wasn't supposed to be as excited by seeing this side of you as he was. But there was no lie that it was attractive to see you so passionate about something. 
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"How did you do it?" You asked Rose, as she stared at you anxiously. Jimin was in the bathroom with San and all that could be heard was grunts of pain coming from San as Jimin questioned him. There wasn't a single mark on Rose though, as you sat across from her on the bed. San's blood on your white skirt from where you had shot him in the leg, when he lied to you for the sixth time that night. The two of you had been questioning them for the last five hours, but it was ultimately leading nowhere as you got nothing but lies from San and pleads from Rose. 
"How did I what?" She stuttered out, as she flinched at the sound of San yelling out in pain, 
"Don't worry about that, we won't hurt you. How did you get my kids out of school?" You were taking a calmer approach to Rose, as far as you could see she had done nothing on her own actions. It was all what San had told her to do and you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and let her explain it all while San wasn't in the room.
"San had me pose as your assistant...Told me to tell the school there was an emergency," That explained why her hair was so dark and why there had been dye on the sink in the broadcasted video.
"Why did you do it? Why go along with it knowing who I am?" You tilted your head to the side as you questioned her, but she started the tears, shaking her head violently as she tried to skip over it. 
"Now, now. No crocodile tears. Why did you take my children?" But she continued to annoy you as she sobbed hysterically, so you shot a warning shot into the ceiling and yelled at her, finally having enough of the innocent act. 
"I said no crying! Answer the question!" The tears instantly stopped and she stared up at you. Her eyebrows knitted together, as she admitted to everything she thought she and San would get away with.
"I wanted to overthrow you. We wanted to start our lives together with some money and a big house...Big business." You rolled your eyes at the thought of it, but at least now you knew how to make it harder on them both if you wanted them to live. 
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Jimin dragged San out backwards on the chair and you smiled at him happily, you kissed Jimin on the lips softly before turning your attention to San. He stared up at you through swollen eyes. 
"Enough...I-I told you everything, will you just stop torturing him!" Rose pleaded as blood dripped from Jimin's knuckles, he'd clearly hurt himself when trying to get information out of San. So you wrapped it up with one of the cloth ties that had been used on your children. 
"I'll get you some ice later babe," You promised as you kissed him again, turning back to Rose,
"I will but...There is one more thing," You whispered to them both as you looked at San, 
"Run....hide, do whatever you want as long as it's not in South Korea..." You took in a deep breath, as you looked over at Rose and then to San once again. Trying to think of a way to make your message as clear as day to them both.
"You're so done, you better sleep with one eye open every night...If you take one step into South Korean again I'll have you killed on the spot..." The two of them shivered as you stood up and turned to leave. But you turned back around, not wanting them to get off so lightly, tutting to yourself you looked at each of them.
"In fact...If you even so much as stay together in one country I'll have you killed...That means San in one place and little Rosebud here in another. Do I make myself clear?" Neither of them did something to acknowledge that you had spoken, so you slapped San across the face with your gun making him whimper out, 
"I asked if I made myself clear?" He nodded his head, before spitting blood out onto the floor and looking away from you and Jimin walked over. 
"I'll call someone in to clean up and I'll meet you back at your place?" You nodded, before kissing him softly and walking out of the motel to see Taehyung standing with Hoseok and some of Jimin's men. You knew they'd been waiting for you both to finish up before they cleaned up so you looked at them. 
"Ready to head back?" Hoseok questioned as he looked at his watch. It was getting close to 4 am but he knew the kids were waiting up for you to come back if Yoongi would let them. 
"There's one thing I have to do first," You mumbled, as you got into the back of a black SUV and began looking through your phone.  Hoseok told you it would be his pleasure to help with anything.
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Walking into the house you found Yoongi asleep on the sofa, with your daughter and son on him, their heads resting on either of his thighs. They must have fallen asleep while waiting for you to come back. Jimin looked at you as you bent down to kiss Yeobin and Jae on the head and then he hugged you from behind, 
"Do you think they'll be okay?" You questioned, as you watched them all sleeping together, Jimin nodded as he kissed your shoulder softly. The one thing you'd been most worried about was that they would be affected mentally by what had happened to them. 
"I think they're just like you, strong-minded. They'll be fine," He reassured you, as he kissed you again, stopping when he heard Yoongi waking up and looking over at you both. He smiled when he saw you standing there together glad you were back from the small trip.
"Everything taken care of?" Yoongi was afraid of the answer he was going to get, but he needed to know no one was going to hurt his children again. You nodded at him as you sat down on the coffee table across from him, never taking your eyes off the kids. 
"Where are they?" He was nervous that you were going to tell him that the pair were dead, but you looked up at Jimin who simply smiled at you before rubbing your shoulders softly and explaining where the pair were to your ex. 
"Taehyung is on his way to England with San while Namjoon is taking a trip with Rose to Australia, they'll be busy for a while...Never allowed to come back," Jimin assured Yoongi and you smiled weakly. Part of you knew you should have killed them for what they did, but you knew it would be wrong on so many levels and there would be lots of questions from the police. Even if you did own half of the station, it didn't mean you could go around murdering whoever you wanted without consequences. Yoongi looked at the time and then back at you. 
"It's almost morning, where were you?" You nodded over at two crates in the living room and smiled at the thought of what was sitting inside of them. You'd asked Hoseok to give you a quick detour on the way back to pick up the presents you'd been saving for the twins, 
"I got them dogs each...T-They were asking for a while and I figured what better way of saying sorry you got kidnapped, then buying them a dog," You mumbled sarcastically as Jimin walked over to the puppies and let them out. Two identical black labrador puppies coming out shyly as they sniffed around their new home. Yoongi's eyes widened as he stared at the puppies before he stared at you, 
"I had this planned for a while but I thought I would give the puppies to them early..." Yoongi laughed softly, as he carefully got up from the sofa letting the twins sleep as he greeted the puppies on the floor. Stroking them softly as he tried to get them to look around on their own.
"Will you be okay?" Jimin questioned, as he sat down on the coffee table beside you, your eyes glued to the twins as you thought about the question. 
"Maybe...If I had someone to stay with me while I stayed home for a while," You looked up at him and he smiled at the thought of it. The two of you had been together long enough for you to move in together but you'd not have the chance until now to ask him. 
"Is this your way of asking me to move in with you..." He raised his eyebrow up at you.
"Maybe it is," You answered shyly, as you glanced back at the kids and back to him, 
"Then maybe this is me saying yes," He whispered to you, before kissing your lips softly and smiling happily to himself. 
"We should put them to bed, it's almost 6 in the morning," Yoongi whispered, as he noticed the twins starting to stir. But before any of you could move to get the twins to bed, Yeobin was awake and staring at the puppy that had jumped onto her chest. 
"Little late for that," You laughed as she let out a loud squeal of excitement, looking at you and then to the puppy wondering if it was a dream or not. Jae mumbled as he rolled over to shut his sister up before letting out a small gasp as he saw a matching dog next to hers.
"I think it's time we had breakfast," You called out, as you looked at the twins who seemed happy with their dogs and that they were home safe and sound. 
"I'll cook with you," Jimin hummed, leaving Yoongi and the twins together with their puppies as you got breakfast ready for everyone. As a big and happy family, making sure to cook enough for all your guards you knew had been working hard since last night. 
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @kneel-begyourpardon @taestannie @sweeneyblue1 @sw33tnight @innersooya @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity @that-anxious-bisexual​
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
Request from @zebra0909zebra
"I loved the Valentino fic you made about the actor may I request one about Val either getting jealous of the readers ex trying to get back together with them and if he would just shoot them"
First off, thank you! I really enjoyed writing that fic! I'm glad you liked it!! Second, I can already see where to take this! And I'm excited
It's gonna be in Val's pov
Valentino and Y/n were walking along the hallways to the recording studio when an out of breath intern ran up, carrying a bouquet of flowers.
"Ah, Mx. Y/n! Someone left these for you in the lobby!" They handed Y/n the flowers, acknowledged Valentino, and then ran off again. They looked at the flowers, their favorites. A note amongst the foliage. The continued walking, Val being concious of his steps so they wouldn't have to rush to keep up with his long legs.
"Did you get me flowers again, Boss?" They grabbed the note and opened it. Val felt his blood boil and chest tighten.
"If I did, I would have sent them to your home," he chuckled, slightly annoyed. What kind of rude do you have to be to send such things to a workplace. Shameless. They hummed and read the note aloud. At this point, they both had stopped outside the studio.
"'To my dearest love, holder of my heart, I love you, signed E/n.'" There was a heart drawn underneath the message, Val noticed as he leaned down to look at the note. He memorized the name for later. Y/n sighed in slight annoyance. "It's my ex, (pronoun) has been texting me nonstop and giving me little gifts and it's getting irritating." Val let out a chuckle, his smile growing impossibly wide with malice.
"I do those things, too, you know." His smile was strained but his voice was light and playful. Y/n opened the door and they both went inside. He wasn't mad at them, never, but rather the flowers. Those pissed him off. Who did this shithead think (pronoun) was?!
"Yes, but you're my boss. I can't refuse those." Their tone told him he was joking, but he couldn't help the slight sting at those words. Their boss...That's all he was to them. He shoved those thoughts aside, ignoring the ache in his chest.
"You could, if you wanted to." He leaned down at the waist to look them in the eye, putting on a facade of amusement. he wouldn't let them be upset before the shoot, it makes their expressions all wrong. No, he would stuff down these emotions so they could focus on their work.
"'If I wanted to' my ass, you don't take 'no' for an answer." They laughed as they waved their hand to dismiss the thought. His gut twisted at the sound of their laughter. How beautiful that sound was! He loved it. He hummed in response, still slightly distracted by their laugh.
"That's true, babycakes." He stood up straight again and moved over to the cameramen. He began telling them the angles he wanted to acheive with this. Val always did this before any of the actors' shoots, but mainly Y/n's. He needed them to look their best no matter what, any unflattering angles are cut from the final product. Once everyone had understood, the scene began, Val watching over the entire thing, making sure it was all perfect, and ignoring the strain in his pants.
The video ended and Y/n, having put their clothes back on, got a call. Valentino watched as they picked up and spoke into the phone.
"Yes, I got them...No...I know...I don't care." They rolled their eyes and looked at Valentino. Y/n mimicked shooting themselves and he smiled and laughed lowly. "Listen, I'm at work right now and need to get back to it. Bye." They hung up and tossed their phone into their bag before zipping it up.
"Was that your little admirer?" Val couldn't help the bit of venom his his question. This cheeky shit was walking all over Val's territory and he hated it. They nodded with another eyeroll.
"Yes, (pronoun)'s so annoying! Like, we broke up MONTHS ago, ya know, get over it already." They slung their bag over their shoulder. "And besides, (pronoun) broke up with ME, like, come on!" They shook their head in exasperation. Valentino remembers the day the break up happened.
He hated the asshole back then, too. Y/n dating shocked him into realizing he was in love with them. He carefully bided his time, however, patiently waiting for Y/n to eventually break up with the loser. Unfortunately, it was the other way around and Y/n had come into the studio with puffy eyes and tears running down their cheeks. He doesn't remember why he didn't kill the bitch then, but he does remember holding the crying sweetheart with three of his arms while the fourth brushed through their hair. How soft it felt and how the ache in his chest worsened when they looked up at him with tears and explained what happened. And now (pronoun) wants them back?
Not on Val's watch.
Valentino saw to it that Y/n got home safe (and to make sure there weren't anymore gifts waiting for them) before he rolls up the window on the limo and gives the driver the location of E/n.
Earlier, he had some people find out where this scumbag lived so he could pay the little shit a visit. His connections didn't disappoint.
The limo stopped outside a little house. Normal, quaint. A white picket fence around the place, and rose bushes planted under the windows. The house, he noticed on his way past the gate, was a pretty mauve color, not too dull, not too bright. Y/n must've enjoyed this house when they visited. It suits their dream of a peaceful living. The door was a creamy pink, the knob a lovely bronze. Maybe he would buy this piece of property and give it to Y/n after he had it cleaned of all the blood that was going to spill.
He could see it now, him coming in the front door, just like he was now, a smile on his face. Y/n would be reading one of their little thriller books on the couch over there, though it'd be a different one. The furniture in here was tacky, white couches? That's just inviting a mess. Valentino shook his head, continuing with his fantasy, walking into the place. He'd have the ceilings fixed higher so he wouldn't have to crouch, they would greet him with that pretty little smile. The book would be set aside as they stood to come give him a welcome home kiss. He sighed at the thought of their soft lips against his.
Yes, he decided, he would buy this house and give it to his little babycakes. They deserved to have a lovely house than that dingy apartment anyhow. He made his way towards the hallway, having little interest in the kitchen. The hallway, like the living room now that he thinks about it, was full of framed pictures of E/n and Y/n. None of the pictures have Y/n's real smile, just the one they use for their acting, real enough, but once you see the true one you can easily tell the difference.
The bathroom and guest rooms were overlooked in favor of the master bedroom. It had the same tackiness the livingroom had. White sheets to match the loveseat and arm chair. Awful. The wood was even a brightly polished makore wood that looked orange in the light. Yes, the furniture would have to go. He made his way over to the closet, maybe find a few skeletons? The opened door revealed a collage. They were all pictures of Y/n from various angles. Ah, he thought, a stalker. It was a good thing Val had decided to take (pronoun) out before things got out of hand.
Speak of the devil, the nusiance walked through the front door. Valentino smiled viciously as he made his way quietly back down the hall. E/n went to the kitchen, no matter, (pronoun)'ll be out soon. He sat down on the loveseat facing the front window, lifting his feet onto the coffee table, and pulled out a cigarette. The smell of burning tobacco must have alerted the stalker, as he walked out to see Valentino let out a puff of red smoke.
"What the fuck?!" (Pronoun) dropped (pronoun)'s items, which happened to be a glass of apple juice by the smell. How childish. Valentino stood, pulling the cigarette from his lips.
"Hello, E/n," he puffed out more smoke from his pink teeth, "nice to finally put a face to the name." His chuckle was anything but friendly. It intimidated the pathetic demon, Val could tell. Good. He took another puff.
"Uh, hey..." E/n trailed off while staring at the tall overlord, who blew out more red smoke. A visible gulp would have given his fear away if the look in his eyes didn't already. "Wh-what's up?" Val could almost respect the way (pronoun) tried to keep talking, as if (pronoun) did nothing wrong.
"Oh, Y/n sent me. They say you've been sending them flowers, little gifts." He stepped closer, threateningly, putting the cancer stick back between his teeth. "Apologies, phone calls, love notes, promises you couldn't possibly keep." Val stood in front of the creep, towering over the quaking being with a cruel smile, smoke still floating off the cigarette.
"O-oh? Uh..." The attempt was almost laughable. Val leaned down, his lower right hand reaching into his coat to pull out his pistol as he blew more smoke into E/n's face, causing him to cough and gag. The lower demon's eyes follow the movement and grow wide at the sight of the weapon.
"And," He pointed the gun at E/n's head, "not to mention that collage on the inside of your closet door, how charming." Val's smile became a sneer, ashes falling off the cigarette. (Pronoun) whimpered as the gun pressed into E/n's forehead.
"What are you-what are you gonna do to me?" The question was so stupid, Val almost burst into laughter right then.
"Normally, I wouldn't give a damn what you would do to my employees as long as they were able to still work. However, you chose to fuck with my favorite actor." He breathed out the last bit of smoke, putting out the butt on the asshole's arm, making (pronoun) yelp in pain. "So, I'm going to just kill you." and with that, he pulled the trigger. Blood, brain, and bone exploded from the back of the fucker's head , splattering across the wall and kitchen floor. Valentino stood up as much as he could. He really needed to fix these ceilings.
"No one fucks with my favorite."
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bards-witcher · 5 years
Perdita - Chapter 8
Are people out of character? yeah probably, but we’re 2 chapters ftill the end and gold star to whoever guesses what’s going to happen.
And let me know what you think :D
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[Luke POV]
For the next couple of days, he kept vigil of his brothers’ bedside, watching as his life barely hung by a thread as he refused to even think of sleeping as he knew his friend would need him when he woke up, that was one reason. The other was that if kept unchecked, his mind would bring up visions of Ryan no longer himself again and he wasn’t quite strong enough to be dealing with that just yet.
In the mad rush back to the base to save Jon he’d learned that Lui and Ryan had been ambushed on their way over to help them, which also happened to be the exact time that Anthonys’ comms went down, meaning that he had no way of telling them, and sure enough if it wasn’t for the other man then sending Nogla, John and Craig he’s sure that he wouldn’t be sitting here now, nor Lui for that matter.
Not that it made it any easier to deal with, he’d failed both Ryan and Jon, the two people most important to him and he’s sure that fact would’ve hurt a lot more than it did if he was anything more than the empty shell of a man he currently was now.
He hadn’t spoken to anyone but Brock since that day, and even then it was just to find out how Jon was doing, ignoring the worried looks and gestures of support by his friends as he kept himself by Jons’ side, refusing food and sleep until he knew for sure that the other man would pull through.
He’d lost track of the days since the shooting, but sure enough he felt his energy begin to waver, slipping in and out of conscious and startling awake at the slightest sound, and it’s with Brock entering the room that he wakes, gun raised at the other man until he knows who it is, ignoring the pained look on Brocks face as the younger man approached Jon.
The other man doesn’t bother trying to say anything as he knew he’d get no answer in return, instead, he simply checked over the fluid levels and Jons’ vitals from the last couple of hours, a small, tired smile gracing Brocks’ face as the younger man then turned to him.
“Del’s gonna pull through” He’s too exhausted to deny the relief he felt at that statement, practically feeling himself deflate as he released the air that he’d been holding ever since that day “We’re gonna keep him in a coma for a few more days to help him heal and he’s going to be out of commission for a while, but he’s stable, half an inch to the right and Jon wouldn’t-“
“Thanks Brock” He gave the other man a wry smile and watched as understanding came across the other man’s face for a moment before he then turned back to face Jon, Ryans’ shot had been half an inch away from being deadly with both he and Jon now and the fact was enough to light the smallest flame of hope in him.
“Luke, go get some food and rest, I’ll keep watch of Jon” He looked up at Brock then, unaware the other man was even still in the room as he just gave him an empty gaze “You’re barely functioning right now and you’ll be no good to Jon or Ryan if you’re dead on your feet, go look after yourself for a little bit and I’ll let you know if anything changes”
He’s far too tired to even think of arguing, so instead, he settles on giving a small nod in thank you at the other man before he offered a final look to Jon.
“I made some pecan pie earlier, should still be warm, figured you could use some comfort food” He gave a final murmured thank you to Brock before in an almost trance-like state he left the room, no thought to where he was going until he found himself outside of his bedroom door.
Without hesitation he opened the door, glad that someone had the sense to remove the couple of pieces of Ryans’ clothing that had littered the floor before they’d left, not wanting the reminder that for a time he had the other man with him again, only for his efforts to be dashed when he caught movement on the bed and looked up to see Tiny staring up at him, an all too hopeful look in his eyes as they studied each other.
He felt tears start to form in his eyes, losing what little resolve he had left as he let them fall freely whilst he slowly approached the bed, extending a hand out to rub on the dog’s fur as a gesture of comfort, whether it was for him or Tiny he didn’t have the heart to answer as he let the guilt of losing Ryan consume him once again.
“’m sorry I couldn’t bring your daddy home Tiny” He had to stop for a minute to catch his breath which now seemed to be caught in his throat, the small dog taking the moment to move his head and begin licking at his hand, almost as if he knew that he was upset and was trying to offer what little comfort he could “I promise I’ll get him back for you, but you’re just gonna have to put up with me for a bit”
His words and the realization that came with them shred through his control and he quickly crumpled to his knees, moving his hands to try and cover up his face somewhat so as not to disturb Tiny, only the dog didn’t care for that, using his new advantage to stand up so that he could move closer to begin licking fervently at his hands and face, which meant that now his efforts went into keeping the small animal at bay.
The somewhat welcome interruption had him then pull Tiny closer to him so that he could cuddle against him for a moment whilst he tried to form some source of strength to compose himself a little, and although it took longer than he’d like to admit, with Tiny who was ever patient arms he eventually found it, now given another reason to go rescue the other man, but first he needed to sleep.
As much as he wanted to remain by Jons’ side, his body would not allow it, spending most of the next two days catching up on some much needed sleep intermixed with eating a whole pecan pie to himself and various other comfort foods that were given to him whilst he willed himself not to breakdown and cry.
He’s not sure how long he slept this time, he just knew that he felt some semblance of his former self, wincing at the sour taste in his mouth and feeling an itch under his skin that told him he hadn’t showered in what was probably far too long.
Carefully, he got out of bed so as not to disturb Tiny, an action which was futile as the small dog seemed to wake with the slightest movement he made, but nevertheless he left him to stretch across his bed whilst he took off his clothes and got in the shower, the hot water far too good for words as he took several minutes to just stand there and let it melt away any thoughts that had begun to intrude his mind.
Eventually, he picked up the shower gel and made quick work of washing over his body several times for good measure, already feeling significantly better than he did before as he washed about a week’s grime and muck off of him.
As good as it felt though, he knew he couldn’t stay in the shower forever, so it was with a sigh that he turned the water off before stepping out to quickly dry himself off where he then made quick work of brushing his teeth and putting a bit more care into his appearance.
Although he felt somewhat rejuvenated when he left the room he bypassed the kitchen entirely to instead make his way towards the infirmary, giving brief murmurs of greetings at those he passed by, barely noting their comments of how he looked like he was doing better until finally, he’s pushing through the doors.
He felt Brocks’ scrutiny for a second, as if he were being judged on whether he was allowed to be here or not, and whilst he had no idea what he saw, apparently it was good enough as the other man stood up to leave, ignoring most of what he said apart from how Jon should hopefully be waking up within the next several hours, and then suddenly he’s alone again.
His mind was racing as he sat there watching Jon’s prone form, and although he knew the other man was alright, well as alright as he could be, it didn’t make the sight any easier, hoping that the other man would wake up sooner rather than later to help put him somewhat at ease so that he could turn his mind onto other matters.
The seconds ticked by, which quickly turned into minutes and hours, unsure how long it was since he arrived at Jons’ room but he was quickly startled to attention when he saw the other man stir a little as he slowly became conscious, unable to do anything but hold his breath until he finally saw the stark blue of Jon’s eyes squinting up at him.
“What happened” He winced a little at how hoarse Jons’ voice is but then he’s quickly leaning forward to stop the other man’s attempts at getting up, all but shoving him back down until the younger man settled back with an annoyed huff.
“You got shot you dimwit, you’re still recoverin’ so don’t think of goin’ anywhere just yet”
Jon seemed to mull over that answer for a couple of minutes, what the other man was thinking or how much he remembered he had no idea, too relieved at the fact that Jon was actually here and that he was alive in front of him.
“You get Ryan? Kill G?” He flinched a little at the question, a reaction he’s sure gave Jon his answer and sure enough, he saw the look of pain flash across the younger man’s face for a moment “Why the fuck didn’t you save him?”
“Because we needed to save you, I wanted to go after him, trust me, but after findin’ out you got shot I haven’t been able to think ‘bout anythin’ else. You’re my brother, Jon, and if anythin’ happened to you-“
“I’m here aren’t I? Luke, I love you man, and I appreciate the sentiment, but you gotta get your head outta your ass and bring Ryan home” He was somewhat stunned by Jon’s outburst, it having been the last thing he expected but he supposed it would be the closest thing to a thank you he would get.
“It’s not as easy as that, Jon”
“Why not?”
“I don’t think we can bring Ryan back this time, we got lucky last time, but I couldn’t break through to him and we’re nowhere close to findin’ a cure” He had to stop for a moment, looking down and away from the other man to instead run a hand down his face to try and keep some composure “Plus you heard what G said, whatever shit they put in him is stronger this time, I just don’t see a way of gettin’ Ryan out of this alive”
“Luke, I’m gonna ask you to shut the fuck up from now on alright” He looked up startled, giving a confused look at the other man who had a fire burning behind his eyes right now and looked less than impressed with him, silencing whatever protest he went to make “Whatever G said is fuckin’ bullshit, I’m livin’ proof of that, literally, Ryan was given the kill order and I’m still here to talk some sense into your broody ass”
He still can’t seem to form a response to Jon’s argument, but he also can’t deny the truth in what he said, and he felt that small flame of hope in him grow just that little bit bigger.
“Ryan knows what he’s doin’, hell he’s never missed a shot, except when it comes to us Luke, he’s lost yes but he needs us and everyone else, his family, to help guide him back, he’s the strongest person I know, we just gotta have faith”
Now it was his turn to mull over the statement, turning it over in his mind and trying to find some fault, only he can’t, it’s the most sense he’s had of the whole situation since it began and as much as he doesn’t want to, to him the situation didn’t seem as bleak as it once did.
“That was awful deep of you Jon, you watch that in a movie or somethin’”
“I have my moments, now that’ll be 200 cash for giving such sage advice” He can’t help but roll his eyes a little at the statement as Jon laughed a little, noting the slight wince of pain the younger man gave that suddenly brought him back down to earth and the realization of their situation.
“You just take it easy Jon, I’m gonna go get Brock to look you over and keep you company for a bit” He chuckled at the way Jon seemed to perk up a little at that, giving the man a final smile before he got up to leave, sparing him a last glance and a brief smile just before he left “Thanks Jon, for puttin’ me straight”
“Don’t say that, Ryans’ gonna hate me if I made you straight” Neither of them could hold back their laughs now, sparing one last ‘Fuck you’ to the other man before he began his search for Brock and to assemble the rest of his friends for what he hoped would be their last mission for a while.
It’s far too long before everyone joined him in the living area, too eager now to get this whole ordeal over with and to have Ryan in his arms again where he had no intention of letting him go again.
However, when he started talking, going briefly over a loose plan he formed in his head as well as potentially bringing in a couple of other faces to help them out, he couldn’t help but note how antsy some of the other guys looked, as if they didn’t believe in a word he was saying, ignoring it as best he could until he simply couldn’t anymore.
“Clearly not everyone agrees with savin’ Ryan, so how ‘bout y’all say what you wanna say” He’s met with nothing but silence, most of the guys choosing to avoid his gaze and he quickly got tired of the act “You guys lost your balls all of a sudden, spit it out”
The guys all seemed to look at each other to dictate who’s going to be the one to speak and it seemed that they settled on Tyler, probably more so due to his size, a fact that didn’t threaten him in the slightest.
“Look, Luke, we want to save Ryan, me more than most but you’ve got to accept that we’re probably not gonna get him back, that we’re gonna have to kill-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there”
“It’s the last thing I want to do too, but you’ve gotta face facts, G let Ryan go once and he sure as hell ain’t gonna do it again, plus we have no idea where to even begin on finding some sort of cure”
He scoffed a little at the turn of events, Tyler being the last person he thought would leave Ryan to his fate “Didn’t think you gave up so easy Tyler, if we get Ryan back here we can do some tests, there’s always somethin’ we can do” As much as it made sense to him, not everyone seemed to agree, most of them casting small glances towards Scotty and Nogla who both refused to look at him until his stare became too much for them.
“We could do that, but honestly I don’t think we’re gonna get anywhere unless we get some of whatever shit they used on him, I mean we’d do our best but it’s not looking good, I’m sorry, Luke” He stared towards Scotty, frozen for a second as he processed the new information, well it definitely put a wrench in their plans but it still wasn’t impossible, however, before he could say anything, it was Brian’s turn to speak up.
“Look Luke, we wanna save him, but he shot Jon, the next person he goes for might not be so lucky and we can’t take that chance, unless of course, he means more to you then the lot of us” Now it was his turn to look somewhat uncomfortable as he was put under the microscope, with some of the guys squaring up a little, ready to argue with him if need be.
He took a deep sigh before he spoke, not wanting to come out and say this but it had to be done if he was to have the support of everyone, no matter how much he was against it “I’m gonna be real, I love you guys and I love Ryan, and as much as you don’t want to hear it, Ryan will always come first for me, but it also doesn’t mean I’m gonna let him kill anyone else if I have say”
He had to stop himself for a moment, debating with himself if he should come forward with this promise, but the expectant looks from everyone else made up his mind for him “If it comes down to it, if there’s no way of savin’ Ryan without casualty’s or if he’s too far gone to be saved, then I’m gonna be the one to take him out”
The sentence felt like a vice around his chest, squeezing the life out of him until he felt nothing more than an empty shell, surprised that he could even say the sentence without faltering, surprise that seemed to be shared with his friends as it was Evan that spoke next.
“Luke, that’s the last thing you should have to do, you don’t have-“
“Yes, I do, this whole thing is my responsibility and if Ryan’s too dangerous and hurts any one of y’all then that’s on me” He looked around the room at each of them, all of them giving him small nods, some more hesitant than others but eventually they all agreed “and if anyone else kills him I’ll make sure to kill them too, now can we please get back to fuckin’ work”
With that everyone hesitantly moved closer to him to glance down at the table, never settling on any one thing as they weighed the risks involved, and he was sure it would take them the better part of two days before they had any sort of plan formed.
It was the night before they made their final move against G, whether the other man knew they were coming he had no idea, not that he cared much, he just wanted this whole shitfest to be over, to get on with his life, but would he ever truly live again without Ryan beside him.
The constant reminder of what seemed to be the inevitable outcome weighed heavily on his shoulders and left him gasping for breath, unsure if he’d even have the strength to actually shoot the man he loved, let alone live without him.
As he mulled over their plan in his head whilst looking out on his home, standing on that roof that he reunited with Ryan on all those weeks ago, he couldn’t help but note that it was his family in there, a family he was willing to die for, but his heart was elsewhere, lost and fragile and on the verge of breaking.
Before he could carry on down that self-destructive path, a noise off to his left caught his attention, immediately bringing up the gun he always carried on him only to notice that it was Evan that joined him, letting out an exaggerated sigh before putting his gun back and turning back out again to look at the base and the sun set behind it, not looking when he felt the younger man move to stand beside him.
“For the record, I hope we bring Ryan back safely, he’s family you know and kil- losing him is the last thing I want”
All he could do was give a huff a laugh, one that was empty and hollow just like him, refusing to turn to the other man “Guess that makes two of us, surprised you don’t want him dead like the others after what he did to Del”
Now it was Evan’s turn to huff an empty laugh “I know that wasn’t Ryan, hell Ryan’s the reason Jon’s even still alive, I believe he can be saved, and I know you’ll bring him home”
“You know Ev, you almost sound like you’re not comin’ with”
“That’s cause I’m not” He can’t help but turn to the other man now, ready to chew him out for not being there in his hour of need but Evan interrupted him before he could say anything “I’m staying back in case G tries to counter-attack, the dude always seems to have the upper hand over us and I don’t want to be caught short this time, especially as Del and Tyler are still out of commission.
He can’t help but agree with the logic, it was better to take every precaution, but that also meant he was down four people, Brock included, and the odds against them only seemed to stack higher and it seemed Evan knew his doubts as he spoke up again.
“Del’s right, Ryan is the strongest of all of us and I have faith you’ll bring him back”
“At this point, I don’t know how much faith I have left”
“I’ve always had faith in you, Luke, we all have, it’s why we chose you to lead us and you haven’t lead us wrong yet”
He didn’t know how to answer, although simple, Evan’s words brought all the emotion he’d been keeping down to bubble up to the surface and he had to settle on the cracked voice when he next spoke “Shouldn’t you be getting’ back, they might start worryin’ about you”
He could practically feel the eye roll Evan gave him but nevertheless he took the hint and made a move to leave, but not before he reached into his pocket and the next thing he knew he had what looked like a bracelet being offered to him, trouble is, with Evans’ gadgets you never knew what you were truly getting.
“It’s got a tiny needlepoint in it, nothing that will hurt you, trust me, unless you want to stab yourself in the neck that is, but it has a toxin that’ll make someone unconscious and slow down their heartbeat enough to be considered dead”
“That’s all well and good but what the hell am I gonna use this for”
“I’m sure you’ll know when the time comes, could be a good way of getting out of a tricky situation, for you or someone else, if you catch my drift” He could almost feel the implied wink Evan was giving him, and suddenly their plan didn’t seem as bad as it once did, he had a way of saving Ryan, or at least getting him out safely, he admired the bracelet for another moment before putting it on, a comforting weight against his wrist that took off some of the weight that had settled on his shoulders.
“Thanks, Ev, for everythin’”
“’m just doing my job, just be sure to give em hell for me” He couldn’t help but smile then, his first genuine one since Jon first woke up but even that felt like a lifetime ago.
Before the other man could leave he quickly pulled him into a hug, it was only brief, but it definitely offered some much-needed comfort to him that Evan seemed all too happy to give.
Just as suddenly as it started the two of them pulled away, Evan bidding him a final ‘Good luck’ before he left, leaving him alone once again to return staring out at his city, his home.
Without thinking he reached a hand up to grasp the bullet he still kept chained around his neck, a symbol that signified the hope that Ryan wasn’t beyond saving, and all he could do was pray that whatever he did was enough to bring the other man back to him.
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hookedonapirate · 5 years
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The Princess and Her Sultan
Summary: Crown princess Emma of Misthaven is second in line to the throne, her brother Leopold ll being the first, but her parents see her with a future as a great ruler. King Rumpelstiltskin of neighboring land, strikes a deal with King David, promising to uphold the peace between the kingdoms if Emma marries Prince Baelfire. With the promise of his daughter becoming future queen of the Dark Kingdom, David accepts reluctantly.
Before her wedding day, the princess is kidnapped and taken overseas. She is sold as a slave to a palace where Crown Prince Killian of Neverland ascends his father’s throne and is sworn in as Sultan. Meanwhile, Killian’s mother pressures him to sire a prince and presents him with gifts for his birthday, one of them including a blonde princess from Misthaven. Dazzled by Emma’s charm, intelligence and beauty, he summons her to his bedchambers every night and eventually finds himself casting aside his harem and centuries of tradition.  
A/N: Alright, so here’s the deal, the next chapter is finished, so if you lovelies want, I can post it possibly tomorrow? But then I am going to pause this story to work on the next chapter of AHH, so would you want me to post chapter 8 sooner rather than later? I have so much more to cover with this fic so it’s probably a quarter of the way done if that, but I will definitely be continuing this, I just miss AHH and I know some of you have been waiting so patiently for an update. 
Thank you @gingerchangeling for your wonderful suggestions and ideas for this story, and also @ilovemesomekillianjones for gifting me with your wonderful editing skills at. I also want to give a shout out to @onceuponaprincessworld for being my sounding board, constant cheerleader and good friend, thank you, darling! This story wouldn’t be the same without these lovely ladies!
And all of you have been so supportive and awesome, thank you all for following along and for your feedback!
Rated: Explicit
AO3 l FF.N I Prologue l Ch 1 l Ch 2 l Ch 3 l Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6
Chapter 7
Emma awakes the next morning to the sun shining clear and bright through the windows. For a few moments, she has to remember where she is and how she’d gotten there. After rubbing the tiredness from her eyes and allowing her mind to clear from the heavy haze of sleep until it slowly wanes, she remembers the Sultan had rescued her from the dungeon and had taken care of her. He had returned after a while and had stayed with her past the wee hours of the night before he'd left to sleep elsewhere. A smile crawls across her lips. She will not forget how tender, sweet and protective he was with her.
Emma looks around the room, taking in the luxurious surroundings. Though she had been in the Sultan’s bed since the prior night, she had not been feeling well enough or cared enough to take the time to get a good look at her Master’s bedroom. It’s a large room with rich accessories, yet spartan in its furnishings, with high walls, made of blue, orange and viridian mosaic tiles, and multiple windows overlooking the Sultan’s garden and the vast waters surrounding the palace. The center of the room hosts a low table surrounded by multi-colored cushions, and there’s a fireplace shaped like a copper pyramid with a fire glowing softly, a velvet gold divan across the room and a large wooden chest banded in gilded leather near the terrace doors. The square bed where Emma lays rests on a cream colored dais hung with a canopy of gold and red silk brocade curtains, and supported by columns of fluted silver. The quilts and cushions are of rich crimson velvet, each one laced with pearl.
The bedding is warm and soft, and though she wishes to remain wrapped up in the cocoon of blankets and pillows, she also does not want to overstay her welcome, so she pushes herself out from underneath the covers, the bottoms of her bare feet reaching a soft rug. She stands and slowly stretches her limbs before making her way across the room. She had been bathed and her clothes had been changed, so she’s now wearing a long, ivory colored, silk nightgown. There’s a pale pink robe sprawled over the edge of the bed she assumes is for her, but she decides she will wait to be offered the clothing. She will no longer test the limits of her place in the palace. If she is to rise through the ranks of the harem hierarchy, she will obey the rules and she will wait to be invited and offered things rather than behave and act how she pleases. She knows it will be difficult, but it’s something she must do.
Before Emma can reach the double doors to knock, they spring open, and Mother Superior enters with a large tray of food, the wonderful smells wafting into the room.
“I see you are up,” the petite woman says with a small smile. “Are you feeling better, my child?”
Emma nods and offers a smile in return. “Yes, I am, thank you.”
The Kalfa places the tray on the low table as Emma's eyes widen at the array of food. “Who is this for?” she asks as Mother Superior offers her the robe. Emma inserts her arms in the sleeves, and the other woman drapes it over her shoulders.
“Why it’s for you of course. The Sultan wants you to eat well.”
Emma reverently kisses the back of her hand and presses her forehead to the same spot. “Thank you.”
“You mustn't speak of this to the concubines of the harem,” Mother Superior chides gently, but even a scowl on her face looks soft, showing the kindness underneath her stern facade. “If they heard you were having breakfast in the Sultan's bedchamber, they would lose their minds. We’ve already had to sweep word under the rug that you were sent to the dungeon for sneaking off from the harem. If everyone knew, they would all want to break the rules of the harem with the hopes of the Sultan taking care of them.” Her voice is firm, yet her eyes hold a twinkle of amusement.
Emma bows her head. “I am sorry, Mother Superior, it will not happen again.”
“Say no more, my child, and eat so you can get healthy and strong again.”
Emma obliges and sits on one of the cushions at the table, starting to eat her breakfast, but her eyes are much bigger than her stomach. Nevertheless, she savors the taste of the food, devouring each morsel she can afford in her belly.
When she decides she cannot possibly eat another bite, the doors open and the Sultan passes through the threshold. Emma quickly rises and bows her head.
“How are you feeling, my swan?” he asks in a gentle voice.
“Much better, thanks to you, My Sultan.”
He strides over to her, gently lifts her chin and plants a kiss to her forehead. Emma’s skin tingles and warms at the soft touch of his lips. He draws out a long sigh of relief, his quivering breath fanning her forehead. “I’m glad,” he whispers softly.
“But, I’m occupying your space. I shall leave, Your Majesty.” Emma curtsies and waits for him to excuse her, but he gently takes her arm in his hand to keep her from leaving.
“Wait, love, don't leave yet,” he pleads, his voice cracked. “We must finish something, first.”
Emma cocks a brow at him. “And what would that be, My Sultan?”
Killian grins, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he extends his hand to her. “Follow me.”
Emma eyes him warily, and slides her hand into his, allowing him to lead her to the adjacent room, which is his study. It dawns on her what he wants to finish, he wants her to finish her turn.
“It would be bad form not to finish the game, love.”
She lets a small laugh spill from her lips and takes a seat while Killian takes the chair across from her.
Before, Emma had to think about where to go next, but now it's clear as day. She moves her queen but does not take his king.
Killian’s brows wrinkle in confusion. “I have allowed you the path to my king, why do you not take it?” he asks softly.
Emma answers easily. “Even as a princess, I never took what was not mine. The same rings true with chess. I will not accept a win I have not rightfully earned.”
Killian nods. “Very well then, my swan.” He follows his statement by placing his hand on the white king and lays it down gently on its side. “I shall resign respectfully then,” he says with a smirk.
Emma's eyes widen at this. How could a Sultan of all people give up his position so easily, even if it is just a game? “You surrender your king to me, My Sultan? But why?”
“Because, my swan, if I had not, we would be dancing around each other for hours to come, and I'm afraid my imperial duties will not allow it.”
Emma has to hold back a laugh at his logic. “Fine, I win this time, but there shall be a rematch another time, of course, if My Sultan allows it.”
Killian nods, a warm smile gracing his lips. “I shall. For now, I will let you get back to your quarters.” Emma rises from the chair, and Killian gently places a hand on her shoulder. “Just promise me one thing, love...”
“Anything you wish, my Master,” she says loyally, staring into his cerulean eyes. She can see the warm gaze he offers her but she also detects the storm brewing within those stunning blue depths, his features clouding with worry. But even with a grave expression, he is still the most handsome man she's ever seen.
“Take care of yourself in the harem. I don’t wish any harm to you, but despite my position in the palace, not everything is under my control.”
Emma nods in understanding, his words crystal clear to her. He fears anyone he loves will receive the same fate Milah did. She bows her head. “I promise, Your Majesty, I will not leave the harem unless you request it so.”
Killian lifts her chin again. “What have I said about bowing your head to me?” he asks in a gentle voice.
A small smile tugs at her lips. “My apologies, Your Majesty.”
The Sultan grins playfully, his cheeks coloring with rosy red. “You are forgiven. Now return to your quarters until I summon you.”
Emma’s green eyes widen in surprise, her mouth slightly falling agape.
Killian's grin only stretches wider across his face, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Don’t act so surprised, my swan. I made a promise to you and I plan on keeping it.” He lifts her hand and presses a kiss to the back of it.
Emma flushes, gracing him with a coquettish smile. “I shall wait for you patiently, My Sultan.” With that, she curtsies once more and leaves him.
She hurries to the harem, where she is greeted exuberantly by her waiting friends.
“Oh, Emma, I am so glad you are okay!” Elsa cries out, drawing Emma into a hug. “We were so worried.”
Anna and Merida take turns hugging her as well, and they sit on the couch to chat.
“Can you keep a secret?” Emma asks them, making sure there is no one within hearing distance. Mother Superior had warned her, but Emma knows she can trust her three friends.
The three girls nod. “Of course.”
Emma speaks quietly. “They kept me in prison for leaving the harem, but I am fine now,” she assures them. “The Sultan rescued me and brought me to his bed to take care of me.”
Elsa's eyes widen. “Oh my, we were told you were ill, but the dungeon sounds worse.”
“Were you afraid?” Anna asks in concern.
“No, and if I were, Mistahavians do not show their fear.”
“Did you really get to sleep in the Sultan’s bed?” Elsa asks.
Emma laughs. “Yes, but he did not join me. It was not exactly the ideal circumstance.”
“Still, the Sultan himself took care of you, that is something,” Elsa gushes. “He must have been very impressed by your chess skills,” she says sarcastically, but at the same time, she’s donning a smile. “I knew you had seen him before, the pool must have been great, but only a man could put a smile on a woman’s face, like the one you wore that day.”
Emma blushes and offers an apologetic smile. “I really wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know if I should.”
“It’s okay, Emma, I’m not mad, I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“So, the Sultan took care of you, tell us what it was like?” Anna urges, her eyes buzzing with curiosity.
Merida, on the other hand, rolls her eyes. “Who cares? The Sultan does not impress me. I will never want to trade places with you, Emma.”
Elsa gasps at the redhead. “What have I told you about saying such things about our master?”
Merida’s eyes widen at Elsa. “You, the would-be queen of Arendelle addressing a man as your master, you should be ashamed of yourself! You all should be. Just because he is handsome, does not make him a good man.”
“But he is,” Emma snaps defensively. “I have spoken with him in person. He is like no other Sultan we have ever heard of. He is kind and gentle, you must not speak of him as a lesser man. You should be proud to be his gedikli.”
Merida scoffs. “The three of you have already been cast under the Sultan’s spell. He will take all of us one by one and then turn us against one another.”
“We made a promise to always be friends,” Elsa reminds her. “Besides, I have no interest in the Sultan. He is handsome and kind, yes, but I am content with sitting and watching from the sidelines and experiencing the Sultan through Emma. And as for Anna, another man already has her heart, Kristoff, right sister?”
Anna nods, her face growing solemn. “Yes. Though I will never see him again, he will always have my heart.”
Emma sighs in relief. “Oh, I am so glad, I feared you all would hate me for catching the Sultan’s eye first.”
“Of course we don’t, Emma,” Anna assures her. “We love you no matter what, and we have no intention of betraying our promise to one another.”
Elsa nods in agreement. “Please, do not be afraid. If you adore the Sultan, do not be deterred. You deserve to be happy.”
“As do the three of you,” Emma says, though she cannot tell them how she wishes them to be happy. As much as she wants to, she cannot tell them that in the future they will be freed as slaves and sent back home; if word gets out that Emma is planning to rule the empire and make changes, then anyone with any seniority in the palace would turn against her.
“We are just glad to see you well and happy,” Elsa says, and Emma can feel her eyes prick with tears.
Emma hugs them again, including a reluctant Merida, who is still holding on to the resentment Emma had felt in the beginning, but the redhead also wants Emma to be happy, so she agrees to hold her tongue for Emma’s sake. When Emma turns her head away from her friends, she can't help but notice a blonde woman she’s never seen before, shooting her a death glare from across the courtyard. “Who is she?” Emma asks her friends quietly.
Elsa turns her head to see who Emma’s referring to. The silver blonde frowns. “Oh, don’t mind her, she took your place for the ceremony, but the Sultan frowned in disappointment when he saw her,” Elsa laughs, remembering vividly the expression on his face when Bellina's identity was uncovered.
Emma has to suppress a smile at that. “Really?”
“Yes, I don't think he meant for anyone to see, but he was definitely frowning, and at the time we did not know it, but he was disappointed because she was not you.”
This makes Emma’s heart sing with joy. And here she had spent that entire time in her cell worried he would find another maiden, but instead he had charged out of the Imperial Hall enraged because she was not there to dance for him.
Before Emma can comment, the double doors fly open and Nemo appears, clapping his hands together. The chatter stops and they all stand as the Chief Eunuch approaches Emma. “Gather your belongings, my lady,” he says with a small smile. “Our Majesty has named you as his favorite and has requested you be moved out of the dormitory and to your own apartment.”
Emma gasps in shock. Though she knows he will summon her, she can’t believe the Sultan has made the decision to make her his favorite already. She has been to his bed, yes, but she has not yet given her maidenhead to the Sultan yet. She decides not to question it any further though.
Instead, she rejoices with her friends, and they chatter in excitement as a few attendants move Emma’s things upstairs to her own room. As Emma ascends the stairs to the Apartment of Favorites, she can’t help but notice the blonde woman glaring at her in disgust and walking away. Panic ripples through her. If word gets out about the actual circumstances that had led to the Sultan naming Emma as his favorite, she knows the blonde and the other concubines will start gossiping about how she had gained the Sultan’s favor by breaking the rules. She still doesn't know how the Valide Sultan found out about that. But Emma is confident she would’ve gained his favor no matter what.
She shakes off the negative thoughts and explores her new quarters. There is a large sleeping couch hung with green, silk curtains, a fireplace glowing with small flames on the other side of the room and a pair of double doors which lead to a private terrace where pretty birds chirp in their cedar cages, and the balcony overlooks the sea, She even has use of her own bath with a cascading fountain of scented rosewater, and is allowed her own gedikli as her maid. She chooses Elsa, whom Emma knows will be more than delighted to take the position. Excited about these turn of events, Emma dances blithely around her private apartment, laughing and twirling around like she is five years old again.
“I take it you are feeling much better?”
Emma stops suddenly, feeling dizzy as the room stills. Her eyes widen as they land on Kira, who appears with an attendant, carrying some folded red fabrics. Emma immediately folds her hands together, bowing her head.
“Yes, I am, thank you for asking, My Sultana.”
“Very well. My son has requested your presence this evening. You have two hours to prepare.”
Emma lifts her head, her eyes wide. She’s not surprised he has called upon her, but she’s surprised his mother has come to deliver the message personally, after throwing her in the dungeon.
Kira extends her hand offering a silk, red handkerchief to Emma. “He has asked me to give this to you as a symbol of his affection.”
Emma accepts it, her eyes still wide with disbelief. She takes the Sultana's hand, kissing the back of it before pressing her forehead to the same spot as a gesture of respect. “Thank you so much, My Sultana.”
“I did not decide this, my son did,” she mutters resentfully. “All I ask is that you present yourself as a Neverland lady should and do not do anything to displease my son. Your manners must be flawless.”
Emma nods. “Of course.”
Kira reminds her of a few more details for when Emma enters his chamber. “Custom demands you show your obeisance by prostrating yourself upon entering the room and touching your forehead to the rug, is that understood?”
Emma knows very well of these things already. Nemo has taught her and the gediklis well. “Understood, My Sultana.”
“Very well.” For the first time since Emma's been to the palace, she can detect a hint of a smile curving Kira's lips, pleased to hear Emma's compliance.
Emma's facial expression is impassive, but she is grinning on the inside. She now knows the key to the top of the hierarchy is not only to please the Sultan, but to appease his mother as well.
Kira waves her head toward the fabrics. “My son has requested you wear these garments he has gifted you, and prepare to dance for him. When the time has come for my son to take you to bed, the Eunuch will divest you of your clothes and depart. Then you are to approach the edge of the bed, take the corner of the coverlet in your hand and first press it to your forehead and secondly to your lips. Only then are you allowed to enter his bed. Do so by climbing up from foot until you are on your knees and level with the Sultan.”
Emma has to suppress a smirk since she has already entered his bed, and instead she nods respectfully and listens to the Valide Sultan. Although, she hopes Killian does not actually make her humble herself in such a debasing way.
“Come now, I will escort you to your private bridal bath.”
Emma smiles and follows behind the Valide Sultan, admiring the handkerchief in her hands. According to Neverland culture, an ornate handkerchief is a high compliment, and the one her Sultan has gifted her is very elaborately decorated. It’s embroidered on all four sides with a thick border of gold thread, small seed pearls and intricate designs. She kisses the handkerchief and touches her forehead to the fabric reverently as Kira tells Emma to take good care of it, for it shall be a reminder of her and the Sultan’s first night together. She also tells Emma if she does everything Kira tells her, the Sultan will invite her to his bed again.
Emma has to smile, and not only because she knows this will be just one of a thousand nights she will spend with the Sultan, but she also smiles at the irony of it all. Kira is the one who had sent Emma to the dungeon so she would not be presented to the Sultan, and now Kira is escorting her from the Apartment of Favorite’s to her son’s bed while advising her how to please him. It will only be a matter of time before Emma is pulling the strings of the palace as the Sultan’s wife.
As the Valide Sultan babbles on, Emma’s sweet smile borders on malicious. She is confident knowing Kira will the rue the day she tossed Emma into the dungeon.
Tagging: @andiirivera @kingofmyheart14@courtorderedcake @teamhook @onceuponaprincessworld @nikkiemms @followbatb @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @snowbellewells @artistic-writer @ultraluckycatnd @kmomof4 @darkcolinodonorgasm @lovepurplepumpkins @kiwistreetswan @therooksshiningknight @deathbycaptainswan @tiganasummertree @superchocovian @emeraldwitches
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thanksjro · 5 years
Eugenesis Part Three, Scene Two: Nightbeat Heckles God
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before- three giant robots are trapped in the corpse of another, even larger robot.
Yeah, since Metroplex bit it, Wheeljack, Centurion, and Mainframe can’t get out, seeing as everything got locked up tight during the city-to-battle station transformation sequence. Also, they’re upside-down, which adds another dimension of complication to the mix.
Wheeljack’s managed to weaken a wall via weld torch, so maybe they can get out of this first room at least.
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Never change, Wheeljack. Never change.
They eventually get out of Metroplex, finding that they landed in the Rust Sea. This whole thing is new to Centurion, so he’s a bit shocked by being on an alien world.
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Ooh, this one’s subtle: they just cesarean-sectioned themselves out of Metroplex. Very cheeky, Roberts.
Our trio decides to head for the Sonic Canyons, and in the distance, another, more flying-fucky trio can be seen up in the air.
Meanwhile, out in the Acid Wastes, Nightbeat and friends are hitting the town. And by ‘hitting the town’, I mean driving through a leveled city.
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Hey, mnemosurgeons don’t go through eight years of medical school to be insulted like this. They’re professionals. They may have crippling addictions that put their marriages and very lives at risk, but they’re still professionals!
Nightbeat’s team arrives at the temple, and Sunstreaker, ever the patient one, almost immediately blasts the doors off of this sacred place. The space-catholics aren’t going to be happy about this one.
They enter the temple, and spot the friggin’ massive wormhole right off the bat. This thing is literally over three-hundred feet wide. I know they’re giant robots, so it kind of has to be a large hole, but that seems excessive.
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The clergy don’t seem to be anywhere- Nightbeat theorizes that they’ve gone through the wormhole, which could pose a problem if they went anywhere that wasn’t the future. Said theory is quickly beaten to death once they look up and find all the bodies glued to the ceiling and wearing grim masks of death. Something drops to the ground behind them.
Hey, so you know that finger they found under the floor under this church? Turns out it wasn’t Primus after all, but a faulty Guardian drone. This thing thinks it’s god, and that’s a problem, because it’s going to kill our Autobot friends for defiling the temple. Way to go, Sunstreaker.
Nightbeat distracts Not-God by going full euphoric neckbeard on it, long enough for Sunstreaker to blast it in the CPU.
And I mean, FULL neckbeard.
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Jesus, he makes MTMTE/LL Ratchet look like a Southern Baptist.
They throw the smoking husk into the hole it’d just been dug out of, and then approach the wormhole. They go in.
Time for a scene change!
Thunderclash gets to go first for his horrific surgery at Quintesson hands… er, tentacles.
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I think we may be approaching the horrors we were promised. I don’t know if I’m ready for this.
Xenon shows Thunderclash something in a test tube: it’s that hip new Inhibitor Claw he was promising for Phase Two. What exactly is it though?
It’s a microchip.
Little anticlimactic, ain’t it?
The chip is loaded into a syringe and shot into Thunderclash’s neural cluster, where it starts doing some weird shit to his brain. He’s promptly thrown off the operating table and told to transform.
He can’t. He tries his damnedest, but he just can’t.
Xenon thinks this is the funniest thing he’s ever seen in his life. He orders all the chips they made to be shipped to Cybertron. Then someone makes a very good point to him; Thunderclash is busted all to hell thanks to that explosion. He might not be able to transform due to that, as opposed to the chip. Xenon agrees, and decides that they’ll repeat this experiment again with Galvatron, as soon as they’re done with the operation. The surgeon starts taking wires and circuits out of Thunderclash’s chest.
That’s right.
He’s not a Prime.
He doesn’t hold the Matrix.
Xenon unloads an entire clip into Thunderclash’s chest cavity once he realizes he’s got the wrong guy, then calls for Galvatron to be brought to him.
We’ll see what Nightbeat and his time-travel pals are up to next time.
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zayashmaya · 6 years
Gods and Monsters - 7 - Love.
Marvus x Reader ll Tagora x Reader; SFWish (mention of pailing in the beginning)
More chapters here!
You meet Marvus’s lusus, and Tagora handles you in typical Tagora fashion.
this chapter was inspired by the most magnificent set of tweets to ever exist, as well as my partner in crime @compositecreature :3
Look at you kids, you know you're the coolest 
The world is yours and you can't refuse it 
Seen so much, you could get the blues 
But that don't mean that you should abuse it 
Though it's enough just to make you go crazy, crazy, crazy 
But you get ready, you get all dressed up 
To go nowhere in particular 
Back to work or the coffee shop It don't matter because it's enough 
To be young and in love
- Lana Del Rey
Bathtime was calling for your filthy body.
You had been eager to see the ocean, but something steered you towards sleep instead. The night had been rife with cat-fights and debauchery, and when you caught a glimpse of the enormous ablution trap, you were hit with a wave of exhaustion that drained you of any motivation to visit the beach.
Marvus was busying himself with removing his jewelry while you turned on the shower spray, letting the water heat up on its own as you padded over to him. You took it upon yourself to wet a nearby wash cloth with the intention to clean off his facepaint. As you stood on your tip toes and struggled to reach over the sink, Marvus grinned and taunted you for your height.
“Ain’t got no ladders round here babe, u gonna b climbin me like a tree to get anywhere.”
“Hilarious. How’s the weather up there, by the way?”
“Feelin a lil chilly axxually, mite need a warm rusty to help me w dat.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, wringing out excess water from the cloth. Marvus looked down at you with a teasing smirk, and it might have looked attractive if not for the comical mess on his face.
“You look like an abstract painting,” you snarked and patted the countertop. “Get me up on here so I can clean that paint off you.”
Marvus quirked a brow at your command, yet obliged you all the same, sitting you down before him and patiently letting you run the wet cloth along his face. You dug your fingers into his mussed up hair to keep it out of the way, focusing diligently on your task while Marvus watched you with amusement.
The paint gradually gave way to neutral gray, and even his eyebrows darkened to their natural black color. You finished off your task with one last swipe along the long, graceful arch of his nose, silently admiring how long his lashes appeared while he kept his eyes closed.
You realized you were staring, much to your embarrassment.
“All done,” you weakly said, tossing the dirtied cloth into the sink, scooting closer to the edge of the countertop in preparation for absconding from this intimate proximity, until you noticed the dark circles under his eyes. You reached out to run a thumb along the evidence of his exhaustion. “Look at this … don’t tell me you’re overworking yourself."
A flash of hesitation flashed across his face. Yet it was gone as quick as it had appeared, replaced with his normal easygoing demeanor. He gently grasped your wrist and moved your questing touch away. “Ain’t nethin to worry bout,” he said, pressing a kiss to your fingertips.
“Liar,” you asserted, stubbornly glaring at him. “I got rid of the facepaint, and yet it seems you’re still hiding behind a mask. You’re lying, and I know it.”
Yet again you managed to shock him into a state of silence, his eyes wide and focused on you during your short tirade. “Damn mama u rly gunna roast me like that?”
“Damn straight.” You took back your hand and crossed your arms, entirely unintimidated by how much larger than you he still was, his arms on either side of you as he leaned over you. “If that’s what it takes to get some honesty out of you.”
“Whoaaa, i don’t remember the last time sumone talked to me this way. 'Specially not a lowblood.” His hands found their way to your hips, and he grinned at you with hooded eyes. “Dat shit b hot, like some kinda pale porn feelz jam. U gettin freaky w me rite now, babe?”
You covered your eyes momentarily and sighed. “No, Marvus. This isn’t a solicitation.”
“Aww :o( “
“Look, all I’m saying is, I notice these things about you. And if there’s no one around to tell you to take better care of yourself, then it may as well be me.”
“Oooh? ;o) “
”Not pale porn.”
“Now who b lyin … “
You were starting to feel a blush bloom across your cheeks. “What did I say about teasing me?” you murmured, bashfully looking away while he pulled you closer to him. With his handsome sculpted body in sight, you were quickly reminded that a platonic relationship with Marvus was out of the question. “Besides,” you continued, sliding your hands up the wide expanse of his chest towards his neck to tilt his face towards you. “ — would a moirail do this?”
You brought him down to your level and planted your lips on his, coaxing his mouth open with a teasing lick as he hummed into the kiss. He effortlessly gathered you in his arms while you made out and brought you both under the running shower spray, reluctantly letting you break off the kiss when you reminded him that you were still filthy.
Everything had been chaste enough, for the first few minutes. You managed to get your hair rinsed and pointedly avoided staring at Marvus’s gorgeous body. The same could not be said for him, however. It all started with his hip bumping against yours as he reached over to grab a bottle, and an offer to help you wash off with something that looked like a mix of a giant beetle and a loofa.
Innocent touches soon led to full-blown groping — you just knew Marvus wouldn’t be able to resist — and eventually you found yourself pressed up against the shower wall with his bulge pumping slowly into your sensitive cunt, overstimulated and yet still craving more of him.
By the time you were clean and swaying on your feet like a sleep-deprived child, Marvus had insisted you stay for the night — or rather, the day — and you couldn’t find the energy to fight him on his impeccable hospitality. So you thanked him with a tired smile and huddled up in the corner of the couch, adorned with a fluffy towel and ready to pass out the moment your head hit the cushion. But Marvus crouched down in front of you with a stupefied expression, and asked, "The fxxk ya doin, baby?”
“Um … going to sleep?”
He blinked at you, still not understanding. “Iz dis a human thang? Sleepin on a couch?”
“Technically we sleep on beds — not that you’d know what that is.”
“Well i ain’t got any o that shiz but i got a slammin cocoon so.” You let out a startled yelp as he scooped you up in his arms. “U coming w me, lil mama.”
And that was how you ended up falling asleep atop Marvus’s very inviting bosom, smiling contently as the sopor slime soothed your aches away.
Marvus had a busy schedule the following day, so unfortunately he was gone by the time you woke up. You blearily rubbed your eyes and stretched, letting loose all the tension in your frame as you looked out to see the sun’s last rays disappearing behind the horizon. Seems like he really doesn’t get that much rest if leaving before sundown was a regular thing for him.
You took a quick moment to freshen up in the bathroom, and after one final glance at the painting tainted with Marvus’s genetic material, you began lazily scooping up your scattered clothing and redressed. The weight of your palmhusk stashed away in a discrete pocket reminded you to check your messages, and sure enough, you had quite a few of them.
Stelsa had texted you about her safe return last night as promised, Chixie hit you up with an invite to a show later, and Marvus sent his apologies for not being able to stick around.
— couldn’t wake u up cuz u were lookin too cute but there’s food downstairs if u want
— n i got a guy parked outside to take u anywhere
— b seein u sumtime soon bby thx fr the amazing time ;o)
You smiled shyly to yourself, hoping that he truly wanted to see you again.
Your good mood promptly disappeared when you realized you had several texts and missed calls from Tagora. You knew exactly what he wanted from you, and you were too hungry to deal with it right now.
Stashing away your palmhusk for later, you made your way downstairs and spent a few minutes looking around the spacious floor for the kitchen. The clicks of your heels echoed through the hallway as you wandered, glancing into spare rooms and admiring the beautiful graffiti decorating the walls.
One particular room caught your eye — a shimmer of aquamarine blue in your periphery steered you inside, and you were met with a gigantic in-ground pool that curved beyond a translucent wall fixture, forming a long U-shape. To the right was a spectacular view of what you believed to be a portion of the backyard deck, the entire wall replaced with floor-to-ceiling window panes. The moonlight from outside filtered into the room, illuminating the glistening pool water to an ethereal color.
It was stunning, to say the least. You kneeled at the edge of the pool and gently dipped your fingertips into the water. The temperature was lukewarm and pleasant, stirring up the urge to take a swim. Maybe you could coerce Marvus the next time you visited his hive.
As you pondered on the future, something seemed to bump against your fingertips. You furrowed your brow and felt around for the obstruction, feeling something smooth and uniform taking shape.
The strange object pushed gently against your touch, moving higher and higher until something white emerged from the water. You quickly retracted your hand and leaned over to get a closer look —
And the water bursted upward like a geyser, splashing you as you fell back onto your ass with an indignant shriek. You protected your face with your hands and curled inward, fearing what horrors you managed to rile up in the depths of this pool.
A loud chitter soon followed, and when you lowered your shaking hands, you were suddenly face to face with a white dolphin, its razor sharp teeth on display as its gaping maw puffed air inches away from you.
You let loose a scream and scuttled backwards from the creature, losing your grip on the wet floor and careening onto your side.
The dolphin chirped at you and tilted its head as you came down from your panicked breathing. You stared back at it, wide-eyed and frozen in fear, until you realized that the beast was actually smiling at you, bobbing innocently in the water and patiently waiting for your next move.
Mirthful Messiahs, this was Marvus’s lusus!
You clambered onto hands and knees and crawled back to the dolphin, hoping you looked every bit as pathetic as you felt. “Oh my gosh that was so rude of me I’m so sorry! It’s so nice to meet you my name is — “
You were cut off by a jovial chirp, and the lusus bumped his snout on your forehead. Thank goodness, he didn’t appear to be as horrid as Zebruh’s custodian. Judging by how kind Marvus was, you always assumed his lusus would have led by example. You giggled and carefully petted his head.
“I hope I didn’t frighten you — “ The dolphin let loose a string of eek eek eek’s and shook his head. “ — no, please, don’t be sorry, I reacted like an idiot. I’m a friend of Marvus’s, by the way! Maybe he told you already?”
“Eek eek! Eeeee!” Another nose bump, followed by a nuzzle to your cheek.
You cupped your cheek and blushed. “I’ll take that as a good sign … “ Your conversation was cut short by a low grumbling, and you peevishly smiled. “Do you mind pointing me to the kitchen? I accidentally wandered in here because I got lost.”
The lusus nodded, and instead of tipping his head toward a direction, he slowly emerged from the water’s depths. You stood up and backed away to give him some room, and you nearly gasped at how enormous he was. Sure enough, the lusus was a dolphin, and yet he sported a pair of dinosaur-like back legs that allowed him to stand upright, trailing his tail behind him as he offered a flipper to you.
You smiled gratefully and held onto the proffered flipper as the lusus led you out of the room, stopping briefly for a moment so he could show you were the spare towels were stored away. You grabbed one on the way out and wiped yourself down as you let him guide you, eyeing the trail of water the lusus left in his wake and wondered if it was okay to leave it all over the floor like that.
The kitchen was as grand as the rest of the hive, a circular space with a towering ceiling from which hung a massive chandelier, its multicolored crystalline lights casting rainbow beams everywhere they could. Everything was as large as Marvus said it would be, but thankfully his lusus caught on to your short stature, and took over the task of getting you well-fed. Within minutes you had a whole five course meal set out in front of you at the table, and you couldn’t stop thanking the kind dolphin with tears in your eyes before he ruffled your hair with a flipper and trilled a happy tune.
When was the last time you had this much food at your disposal? Your heart swelled with love for your generous friends as you stuffed your face with questionable meats, deciding that the delicious taste outweighed their strange appearance. The lusus kept you company all the while, sitting across the table from you and chowing down on some sort of large aquatic animal laid out on a giant dish.
You spent your breakfast in amicable discussion, regaling him with tales of your adventures, your worries about the future, and your ever-growing homesickness. You don’t know why, but you felt like you could trust this dolphin with anything. In turn, he eek'd up a storm of stories about Marvus as a wiggler, and how good of a child he had been. You realized, then, how suitable a dolphin was for Marvus — his lusus chirped with as much flare and gusto as the showman, waving his flippers around and smiling all the while. Two whimsical yet powerful individuals. A match made in heaven.
Unfortunately, the time to leave had come. You didn’t want to overstay your welcome.
Marvus’s lusus seemed disappointed by your announcement, and you imagined he might feel lonely in this mansion all by himself, considering how often Marvus had to go on tour or do other work-related things. You helped the dolphin place the empty dishes by the sink and hugged him tight, marveling at how he was just as cold to the touch as Marvus was.
“I promise I’ll come visit you the next time Marvus invites me over,” you murmured into his soft belly, and you were rewarded with a pat to your head. The palmhusk vibrated in your pocket, startling you out of your hazy comfort and reminding you that you had a certain tealblood to attend to.
As the lusus waddled you over to the front door, you looked up at him and noted how sad and quiet he had gotten. “Hey,” you called out, lightly tugging on his flipper. “Why don’t we take a picture together to show Marvus we met?”
Your idea was met with joyous chirps, and as the lusus crouched down to your level, you snapped a ridiculous amount of selfies from all angles, choosing one where you were both sticking out your tongues. You sent it to Marvus and typed:
— i met your lusus, he’s so cute!!
— and he told me to tell you he says hi.
— so in his own words, i say to you, “eek eek!"
You paused and quickly added:
— i had a wonderful time last night too.
And left it at that, because as much as you wanted to pour your heart and thank him for being so selfless and understanding in light of your self-consciousness, you did not want to come off as desperate. Sometimes it had to be like that. Even with him.
You were settled in inside a cab as you drove straight for Tagora’s hive, scrolling through the texts he had sent you with increasing anxiety.
— Please let me know how your search goes, I’m very eager to move this case along.
— Have you found any dirt on a certain someone yet?
— Still waiting.
Those were sent last night. The more recent ones were more concerning.
— Seeing as you are not responding to me, I’m going to take that as a no.
— You disappoint me, human. Expect an exorbitant fee added to your balance for every minute you are late in texting me.
Shit. Tagora was always serious about those pesky charges. You fired off a quick ’I’m on my way!’ and spent the whole ride looking at troll memes to lighten up your mood. Tagora may be pissed at you right now, but not for long. He could never stay mad at you.
That thought replayed in your mind as you meandered up his front lawn, trying to come up with a million excuses for your tardy end of the deal. At least you managed to protect the clothes he bought you. Maybe that would cheer him up a bit.
You stared at the door and counted to ten before knocking.
Tagora opened the door just a crack, peering at you through the narrow opening. You sucked in a deep breath.
“Okay. You’re going to be upset — “ The door was swinging shut. You hastily shoved your foot through the threshold and fought to keep it open. “ — but I promise I can still make it all worth your while!”
He paused for a moment and leered at you. “How so?”
“ … gossip?”
Surprisingly, it worked. The door opened a little, and as Tagora finally got a good look at you, his peeved expression fell away to one of shock and slight revulsion, perhaps even a hint of concern. “Have you even looked at yourself today? Did you get mauled by a purrbeast?”
You smiled sheepishly and absentmindedly rubbed at a love bite on your neck. “More like I got pailed senseless by a purpleblood.”
”What? And you’re still alive?”
A chatty, questioning Tagora was a good sign. You slipped past him and wandered inside, waving at his lusus in greeting as you toed off your shoes. “This particular highblood is a good friend of mine. I’m sure you remember who he is, considering I begged you to blackmail whoever uploaded that video of him hand feeding me … “
“You pailed with Marvus Xoloto?” Tagora whirled you around and grabbed you by the shoulders, bringing his face inches away from yours. “Did you mention me?” he excitedly asked.
“In what possible context could I bring you up while getting laid? ’Oh Marvus that feels so good, by the way I happen to know a fantastic lawyer —'"
“Uuugh!” He lightly pushed you away and rolled his eyes, running a hand through his impeccable hair. “You’ll pay for giving me that horrible mental image. And furthermore, you are so damn useless.”
“It’s not my fault,” you grumbled, making your way to the couch and sagging down onto it. Tagora’s lusus instantly materialized in your lap, rolling over to expose his tummy while you scratched it. “My night took a turn for the worst during the party, and after all was said and done I was feeling so shitty that I needed a distraction. I just didn’t have it in me to sleuth around for you, I’m sorry.”
Tagora eyed you quietly as though in deliberation. Maybe you looked tired and mopey, because his expression softened marginally. “Are you.” He paused. “Are you hungry?” You shook your head. “Wait here then.”
You watched him curiously while he wandered away to the bathroom. His lusus chuffed at you when you forgot to keep scratching behind his ear. “Soooorry,” you whispered to the ferret, and you were rewarded with a nuzzle to your face as he rearranged himself like a flailing noodle.
Tagora returned with a tube of neon green paste — it was a familiar sight to you by now, considering how often you were getting injured. He sat beside you and shooed his lusus away, motioning for you to turn to him. “Tell me what happened,” he ordered, squirting a dollop of paste on his hand and massaging the medicine into the bruises along your neck and shoulders.
“Well,” you said with a sigh, tilting your head to let Tagora work his magic. “I had the misfortune of stumbling upon Lanque. Or rather, he made the effort to confront me, and made me look like a fool by bringing up personal bullshit.”
“Ah, that cretin. I hope you told him off properly this time.”
“I tried … but it still sucked to have my insecurities thrown back at me out of nowhere.”
Tagora huffed. “At least you’re not the one crashing parties in search of cheap thrills. Show me where else you’re bruised.” You lifted the hem of your dress and up over your hip to reveal fingerprint shaped marks along your outer thighs. You tried your best to keep your private area covered, wishing you still had your underwear. Tagora seemed to not mind, working with detached efficiency. “And. You know. You’re the one who got lucky in the end. Although judging by how fucked up you look, ‘lucky’ is pretty subjective. Was this a pitch romp?”
“Nope, it was really sweet and fun and a hell of a lot more intimate than I expected,” you gushed, blushing at the memory. “But let’s not get side-tracked. I didn’t even tell you the worst part the night!”
“There’s more?”
“Unfortunately. So, Remele apparently had the wonderful idea of painting me as the main subject, and she auctioned it off to the highest bidder. Which thankfully turned out to be Marvus, and I’m pretty sure he did it just to spare me the embarrassment. It was so vulgar, Tagora! Like, she made me naked and cowering in an alleyway and — and covered in troll blood because she was recreating that time we got into trouble with a purpleblood and — “
Fuck. Tagora didn’t know about your and Remele’s connection to that murder. And you knew he tracked it with fervor when news first hit, trying to tie it to her earlier event.
As if on cue, his eyes widened in excitement, pupils narrowing like a predator honing in on its prey. “Wait, wait. First of all, why didn’t you tell me you were involved in such a high-profile case? And how could that conniving bitch know enough about the crime scene to portray it in such an accurate light?”
“I — um … I can’t tell you!”
“Oh you absolutely will. I think this will be more than sufficient to cover for your failure last night."
You groaned and dug your hands into your hair. “You don’t love me, Gor-Gor! You just love my drama. Is that all I am to you?” Tagora reeled back, biting his lower lip. "Just a — an associate who does dirty work for you? A henchman? A dumb, worthless human? A — “
Your freak-out was cut short when a hand gently yet firmly slapped itself onto your cheek.
You blinked and looked at Tagora. He stared right back, looking equal parts shocked and panicked. His hand was slightly cold, yet ridiculously soft.
“Oh my gods are you shooshpapping me — “
”No!” Tagora wrenched his hand away as though he had been burned. "This is strictly a platonic show of camaraderie, as evidenced by your updated fee charge right here — “ He had the nerve to pull up some sort of app on his palmhusk that tracked your debt, pointing at an absurdly high number.
You bemusedly glanced at the screen as he held it right up to your face before moving his hand out of the way. “Does that mean you’d drop your fees for a moirail?”
“I would consider it a fair trade-off in light of their services towards my mental wellbeing.”
“Hmmm.” You did have a lot of debt accrued … and you were technically just inadvertently proposed to. "Well lucky for you, you have just the right candidate for obsessing over your mental wellbeing right in front of you!”
Tagora blushed a vibrant teal and jerked away from you, stammering several times as he tried to unsuccessfully offer a rebuttal. “Th — that’s — you can’t just say that, you uncultured creature! Don’t you have any tact? Any sense of romance?”
“What do you want me to do, serenade you? Build you a nest out of the finest quality of ablution robes and drown you in expensive chocolates for luxurious feels jam sessions?”
“You are ridiculous.” He paused. “As if you could even afford any of that.”
“Are you seriously considering what I just said?"
“I never said that! The absence of evidence is not evidence in of itself!”
"What does that even mean?”
“I swear I don’t even know why I put up with you — “
“Because I’m so cute and pitiable.”
“Well, you’ve certainly got parts of that right,” he said, turning away from you in a valiant attempt to hide his blush. “You’re so pathetic it’s practically obscene. Indecent, even.”
“Is that some backhanded way of saying I’m quadrant material?”
“This conversation is over.” Excellent, hopefully he forgot about Remele. “And don’t think I’m letting that whole Remele thing go so easily.” Damn it. “But you’re clearly not in your right mind to continue that discussion, so we’ll talk about it later."
“You are so benevolent, Gor-Gor.”
“Yes, I am,” he said with a grin. The majority of your bruises had been dealt with by now, so Tagora screwed the cap back onto the tube of paste and stood up to put the medicine away.
“Tagora?” He turned to look at you with a quirked brow. “Thank you.”
He smiled lightly and nodded before going on his way. His lusus was back in your lap in no time, slipping into your waiting arms with a delighted meep. You pulled out your palmhusk and checked if you received any new messages, and sure enough, Marvus had responded to your earlier texts.
— o shit yo pops lookin happy af
— u gonna have to b comin over to keep him company now
— and maybe me 2 ;o)
You giggled and gripped your palmhusk a little tighter between both hands. Tagora glanced back at you for a split second, his smile mirroring your own.
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notwhelmedyet · 6 years
Is 'Ratchet has a nice day' a sufficient writing prompt?
yes, of course! This ficlet is called Still Waters and I’ll probably throw it on ao3 tomorrow after I edit it / after work bc I really like it. Post-war, post-LL, inexplicable happy ending with a deeply dreamlike feeling. Married Dratchet, bc that’s my speed.
The space between patients was a good one. Sunlight came into the corridor through the skylights above and soaked into his plating, doors of the examination rooms built thick and insulated so the air hung still. Ratchet let himself sit in the bench while he read through the notes on his next patient, warmth from the solar radiation loosening up his aching joints.
When he got to the examination room, his assistant was still there, bouncing on his heels as music warbled out of the speakers they’d rigged up in the corners of the room. The patient was hooked up to as many readouts as was feasible, but was still swinging his legs in time with the beat.
“Oh, hey Ratch,” Beacon said with a lazy salute. “Got you a Cybercrosis case. Skywave, this is Doctor Ratchet, he’ll be handling your case while I assist.”
Skywave smiled a little pinched smile at Ratchet. A couple years wasn’t near long enough for anyone to get used to the idea of Cybercrosis being easily curable. Ratchet could understand, still had to catch himself on the diagnosis every time. But Skywave wasn’t far along and the cure they’d been improving ever since Luna I was a perfect fit for him. Ratchet got him settled and set up in the energon filtration system, and made sure Beacon had scheduled up the follow-up appointment while he walked him through the theory of the cure. Beacon was a promising medic, Ratchet hoped he’d stick around after his apprenticeship was over. His students kept leaving to found hospitals all over the galaxy and it’d be good to have a helping hand around the clinic.
After Skywave’s appointment, Ratchet excused himself to take his mid-shift break. He was partway through a book Nautica had recommended him and he was hoping to finish it before they saw each other next. The book had a nice audio narrator, so he took a walk around the neighborhood while he listened, grabbed a few things from one of the corner store where they didn’t mind if you kept your audio feed running and limited your interactions to the business essentials. The air was swirling with sweet scents from the snack stands Drift could never resist. Ratchet didn’t feel hungry yet, so he just let all of that soak into his chemoreceptors and imagined how they’d taste.
After break, he observed Beacon on some simple cases, fixing broken limbs, replacing parts, cleaning and upgrading. It was a quiet day at the clinic, the way Ratchet liked them. He took a call from the local hospital, looking to see when he could act as lead for a fairly complicated surgery, spark chamber embrittlement. Ratchet put them on his calendar for the day after next after checking to make sure the patient wasn’t reaching the terminal stages yet. Then he had to call up First Aid and see if he still had those old case files on the embrittlement surgeries they’d attended over together. Ratchet had them somewhere, but he was still at the “dump all the files in a pile“ stage of his ongoing file organization project. He’d get to it eventually.
The night nurse, Latency, came in a few minutes early and they caught up on a few administrative things they’d been meaning to talk about. Beacon headed out while their heads were still together, going over their supply ordering calendar. Ratchet was reminded of the time with a jolt and stood up out of his seat midsentence. “I forgot—”
Latency grinned and waved him off. “Go! We can talk this over tomorrow.”
Ratchet nodded and made his way out through the waiting room, where a few patients were filling out forms with the help of Latency’s apprentice, whose name Ratchet still hadn’t memorized. They all paused to wave him goodnight as he hustled through. He stepped out into the cool blue night air, brushing invisible specks off his plating as he went. He checked his chrono and realized it wasn’t nearly as late as he’d imagined, barely two minutes over his habitual departure time. He chuckled, shaking his head at himself. Getting all flustered about being two minutes late, some things never changed.
“Hey there, handsome. You waiting for someone?” A mech strode down the walkway, hands resting loosely on his hips and a sharp-toothed smile playing on his face.
Ratchet groaned and reached out to grab Drift by the wrist and pull him close. “You’re ridiculous,” he said, smiling into the crook of Drift’s neck where Drift wouldn’t be able to see it. Drift threw his arms around Ratchet’s back, fingers tracing gentle circles on his plating.
Drift hummed agreeably. “Sure am,” he said. “You ready to go? Need anything from home?”
“I’m good,” Ratchet said.
They stood there for a long moment, nobody willing to step back first. Eventually, Drift pulled away, trailing a hand over Ratchet’s arm to catch his hand and he did. Ratchet squeezed back and smiled at Drift. Under the white streetlights, Drift’s plating practically glowed, whole and perfect. Drift caught him staring and ducked his head, biting at his lower lip in that old habit of his.
“How was your day?” Ratchet asked, starting them down the street. The storefronts on this block were bright at night, panels of light across the walkway guiding them towards the rail hub.
“It was good,” Drift said. “I like teaching, you know. It’s good.”
Ratchet liked Drift teaching too, better than the days he worked the perimeter of the city scouring the wilderness for dangerous creatures or orbital security. Drift was untethered, you couldn’t expect him to be content doing the same thing every day like Ratchet did. It was enough to ask him to stay planetside with Ratchet.
“I’d love to see you teach sometime,” Ratchet said.
“You could take a day off any time,” Drift said. “Beacon could fill in, or call up one of your old students. Or even just close the clinic for the day; it’s not like there aren’t other hospitals.”
“I’ll have to think about it,” Ratchet said. The train pulled up and slid to a silent halt, doors opening into the brightly lit space. Drift and Ratchet crowded together in the back, nearly in each other’s laps, Drift’s head tilted back against Ratchet’s chest as they talked over the day and the little things that had filled it. The space filled up as they went along, packed to bursting when they hit the shore and Drift and Ratchet squeezed their way out onto the beach. There was already a crowd and music going, lights spotted along the shoreline and the moon bright above. Drift pinged out for them and immediately set out through the crowd to meet up with their friends.
Ratchet spotted Thunderclash first, a head and shoulders above the crowd even if Rung hadn’t been riding on his shoulders, laughing away. Thunders spotted Ratchet and Drift and beamed at them. The rest of the crew parted like the sea and folded them in, surrounded by a mass of patting hands and careening conversations. Someone pushed a drink in Ratchet’s hand and Thunderclash offered up a toast.
They hung close by Thunderclash, Ratchet and Drift each with one arm slung around the other’s waist as they chatted and sipped new mixes Swerve had dreamed up. Thunderclash drew out a few stories, forming worlds with his hands as he went. Eventually Rodimus rolled up, fashionably late as always. The music had picked up a driving rhythm and Rodimus came over already half dancing.
“Ratch, can I steal your conjunx for a song?” Rodimus said with a laugh, overcharged slur to his words. Ratchet rolled his optics and waved Drift on, watching as the two speedsters scooted out into the crowd of dancers. The two friends grinned at each other and twirled until they were lost in the crowd. They came back a few songs later, Rodimus clinging to Drift’s back like a sucker as Drift lurched, half collapsing under Rodimus’s weight and his uncontrollable giggles. Drift dumped him out on the sand and flopped on the ground, watching Ratchet from across the crowd.
Ratchet made his apologies to Thunders and went to his conjunx, still lying on the ground in a pose he probably thought was alluring, covered in sand. “Having fun down there?” He asked, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Tons of fun,” Drift agreed. “You should pick me up, I’m tired.”
“Nah,” Ratchet said. “That’s just you trying to trick me into getting dragged into a sand wrestle with you and Rod. I know your tricks.”
“See?” Rodimus said. “I told you, he’s onto us!”
Drift pouted. “You’re no fun, Ratch.”
“I just don’t want sand in my hip joints again. Once was plenty. Twice was excessive.”
Drift shrugged, not contrite at all. With a quick roll back onto his shoulders, he threw himself back onto his feet and offered Rodimus a hand up before pressing himself up against Ratchet’s side again, sand gritty between their plating. Rodimus hooked his thumb over his shoulder, mouthing something that looked like “Finding Magnus,” as he backed into the crowd. “It’s a beautiful night,” Drift said.
“Yeah, it is,” Ratchet agreed.
“Thanks for coming out with me.”
“Of course,” Ratchet said. “How’s our favorite terror?”
“Roddy’s great,” Drift said. “He wants to take me asteroid surfing again.”
“Of course he does,” Ratchet said. “You going?”
“Said I had to check with you, I wasn’t sure if it’d conflict with our plan for the anniversary trip.”
Ratchet tipped his helm against Drift’s and rested a moment. “We’ll check when we get home. You want to find a spot to watch the show?”
They ended up sitting out on the pier, waves lapping up against their ankles. The shore was packed, mechs shoulder to shoulder as they watched the night sky. Ratchet had completely lost sight of the rest of the crew in the thick of it.
The first firework split the sky with a shockwave that sent waves slapping against the pier. Drift startled, but he was smiling when Ratchet looked over. The next explosion wasn’t any quieter, and Ratchet lowered his audial sensitivity with a wince. Fireworks were a lot louder up close, when you shot them off in atmosphere. Drift jumped again at the third blast and someone banged their knee against the back of Ratchet’s head.
He turned to Drift to ask but Drift was already speaking. “Do you want—”
“—to go home?”
He snorted and crouched on the pier, scooping Drift up into his arms as he stood. Drift wriggled and started laughing, throwing his arms around Ratchet’s neck like he thought a medic frame wasn’t capable of lifting a lightweight speedster like him. Ratchet didn’t complain, about that or the sand. The other spectators on the pier gave them dirty looks as Ratchet picked his way back to the shore. Frag them. The lightshow happened every year and went for hours, they weren’t missing anything. Ratchet didn’t set Drift down till they were back at the rail station for fear of losing him in the crowd. From up there the crowd was a shifting chaos of bioights in the dark but the explosions were still strut-shakingly loud.
On the train home they sat in seats across from one another, alone in the railcar. “I can’t believe we bailed on our first date in months,” Drift said.
“It was my fault. I just don’t like being surrounded by that many people,” Ratchet said. “Sorry if I ruined your evening.”
“Don’t lie, I know you left because I wasn’t enjoying it.” Drift smiled, a little sad. “I thought it’d be easier.”
“We’ll catch the second half at home,” Ratchet said. “We’ll get up on the roof and watch, you can bring those ridiculous snacks you like.”
“Best of both worlds,” Drift said. He swapped over to the seat next to Ratchet and cozied up against his side. They’d be home in a few minutes, and Ratchet would manage to forget the keycode again. They’d wander through their hab with the lights off and bump into everything and each other gathering up snacks and blankets and whatever else Drift suddenly needed desperately. They’d curl up under the stars together and they’d be home and everything would be good.
Primus, what a life he’d lived.
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theworldhopper · 8 years
AN: So...this one is a Mama Nishikino x Mama Minami fic I wrote a while back. As with every LL fic I’ve written, I’ll be posting this here as well. This fic happened like years prior to LL’s season 1 for your information. So, hope y’all enjoy.
It was around 2AM in Japan and the Nishikino General Hospital was a bit silent, aside from a few nurses and doctors working the graveyard shift. Nishikino Hana was one of those doctors. It’s not a surprise since she’s the wife of the hospital director. Plus she liked the graveyard shift; it was a blessing and a curse at the same time. A blessing because it’s quiet and it gave her some form of peace of mind. A curse because if it’s this quiet with only her rounds to do, she’s usually left to stew in her own thoughts and that usually leads to her thinking of the regrets she has in life and there was only one regret that she absolutely hated thinking about…
Her ex-girlfriend, Tori.
She can remember almost everything about her; her ash brown hair that borders on the color gray, her amber eyes, her strict but kind demeanor, amongst other things. All those she remembered but there were also things that she forgot such as the feeling of their lips pressed together. She couldn’t remember what her lips felt or tasted like or the smell of her body. It was those little things that she sorely wanted to retain in her mind but couldn’t. And thinking about that brought tears to her eyes.
“No…stop thinking about it…just stop…” She berated herself as she leaned on a wall and slid on the nearby chair as the memories persisted, her brain torturing her with the memory of their break up. It felt like it was just yesterday…
“Hana-chan.” A familiar voice greeted her. 18-year-old Hana stood up from her seat at the outdoor café she was waiting at and smiled at her.
“Tori-chan, how are you? Have you eaten?” She asked as they embraced. They decided not to be too affectionate in public when they started their relationship three years ago. A hug was one of the few things they can do in public without arousing suspicion. After all, they were just kids and kids feared being ostracized by society.
“I’m fine. And yes, I’ve eaten. Thank you.” Tori replied with a bright smile.
“I see. Let’s go somewhere, then.” The redhead said as she stood up and held her hand out. The pair spent the day in each other’s company; from going to the arcade to window shopping to having snacks together. Eventually, they arrived at the park, still holding hands as they stood by the tree they usually sat under.
“Tori-chan, I have to tell you something.” Hana said as she turned to face her.
“What is it?” The ashen haired woman asked. The redhead hesitated; she knew what had to be done but that didn’t make it any easier. Tori deserved better than what was in store for her if she didn’t do this.
“I…you know I love you. I love you more than anything in this world which is why this is so hard to do…”
“Hana-chan, just tell me.” She said with a gentle smile.
“We can’t do this anymore.” Was her response. Tori was dumbstruck and different emotions were running through her all at once.
“What? Why? D-Did I do something wrong? Haven’t I agreed to your wishes to keep everything a secret?”
“Tori-chan, it’s not that simple and it’s not your fault. Let me explain…my parents arranged a marriage for me with the heir of Nishikino General Hospital. Our parents have been friends for a long time and I couldn’t refuse. I’m so sorry but we have to stop this. I can’t live with myself if I turned you into a third party because you deserve better than that. I can’t keep the promises I made you. I am so sorry.”
Tori could only stare at her in disbelief and she slowly backed away from her. Each step was like a knife down Hana’s chest; each step signified that she was slowly losing faith in her. She didn’t want that. But then again, if she was in her shoes, she’d probably be doing the same.
“So…that’s it, huh? Just like that. After three years. Okay. I’ll make it easy for you. Let’s end this. I’ll walk away and you never have to see me again.” Tori said with a bitter smile, her eyes glistening with tears that she refused to shed. She leaned in and gently pressed her lips to Hana’s cheek.
“Goodbye, Hana-chan. Good luck with med school and your engagement. I hope he takes care of you. I should go.”
And go she did. Hana could only watch as the woman she loved walk away from her, not once sparing her a glance as she rounded the corner. She wanted to reach out and call for her, take back everything she said and kiss her until she got tired. But she didn’t; instead, she turned the opposite direction and walked home, keeping a strong front until she got to the safety of her room, where she was left to stew in her own thoughts and she was left to think about the regrets she has in life until she was reduced to tears and she passed out. And in the morning, she gathered enough strength to stand up on her own and keep moving forward as if yesterday didn’t happen with nothing but her thoughts and regrets to keep her mind company…
In the midst of her reminiscing, Hana pulled out a photo from her wallet of the two of them when they were in high school. They were so happy back then. After their break up, she buried herself in her studies to get away from her grief until she completely forgot to grieve for it altogether. Last she heard of Tori was that she married some years after her college graduation and she now worked at their alma mater, Otonokizaka, as a teacher. Hana, meanwhile, eventually graduated from med school and married a year afterwards. Her husband was a kind and sweet man but he was a bit of a workaholic and Hana found it in her to tolerate him and they eventually grew to love each other. But she knew that deep down, she still loved Tori. She took the risk and invited her to the wedding but she never received a reply; that probably meant that she finally forgot about her or wanted to forget her. The redheaded doctor was knocked out of her stupor when she heard her pager beeping with a message asking her to come to the ER. She complied and met with the nurse immediately.
“Doctor Nishikino, thank god, you’re here. We have a patient giving birth and her doctor is on bereavement leave.” The nurse explained.
“Why is her doctor on bereavement leave when she’s close to giving birth?” She asked in concern.
“It’s a premature birth. The doctor trusts only you to deliver since you’ve helped him in several deliveries before.” The nurse said as she handed Hana the file. It’s true that she’s helped out a few doctors whenever she could but this particular doctor she helped out because she wanted to learn a little about delivering babies. He was a bit of an eccentric too so it came as no surprise to her that he would trust only her in this situation. Brilliant but eccentric. She hesitantly opened the file and her eyes widened when she saw who her patient was.
Minami Tori
She immediately put some surgical scrubs on before bolting into the room and saw Tori in bed, writhing in pain with a brown haired woman next to her. She’s known the brunette woman since high school, being Tori’s childhood friend, and has recently seen her around the hospital when she was pregnant. Last time they saw each other was when she gave birth a month ago to a ginger haired baby girl.
“Doctor Nishikino.” The brown haired woman greeted her somewhat coldly.
“Kousaka-san.” She greeted back before turning her attention back to the ashen haired woman.
“Minami-san, I’m Doctor Nishikino. Your usual doctor is on bereavement leave at the moment so I’ll be filling out for him. I’m told that your little one wants to see the world a month early.” She professionally said as she did the standard procedures necessary. “Where’s your husband, Minami-san?”
“Business Tr-Trip. He-He won’t be back until tomorrow morning.” Tori struggled to respond. She was in total pain and she was sweating bullets to the point that her hair was plastered to her face. It brought a pang to Hana’s chest to see her in such a state. Truth be told, this is a bit awkward as it should be but she had an obligation as a doctor to bring that baby safely into this world. Plus she felt that she owed Tori that much.
“Kousaka-san, please wait outside. She’ll be in good hands.” Hana informed the brunette. With a nod from Tori, she reluctantly left the room.
“I-I can’t do this. It’s too painful.” The ashen haired woman said as tears streamed down her face. Hana approached and kneeled beside her.
“Hey, yes, you can do this. Don’t worry; the pain won’t last much longer. We’ll have to perform a cesarean section on you so we’ll have to knock you out with an anesthetic. You’ll be alright. I promise.” She said with a gentle tone as she cupped her cheek. Tori nodded as she leaned into her palm. Some other doctors came in to assist and they proceeded to administer the anesthetic to her system and she fell asleep almost immediately. They started the process needed to safely extract the baby and after an hour or two of surgery, the little girl came out and she started crying. Hana held the crying baby and they cleaned and examined her. She saw that the newborn had wisps of ash brown hair and she knew in an instant that she would inherit Tori’s eyes and would grow up to look like her. She found herself falling in love with the infant and bitterly wished that the child was hers. Or rather, theirs; instead of Tori’s and her husband’s. If only she fought back then. They took the child to the maternity ward to rest and they took Tori to another room, where she rested. Before going home since it was the end of her shift, she paid her a visit. For a few minutes, she sat there and held her hand. Then she stood up and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“I still love you.” She whispered before she exited the room. Just before she got to the parking lot, she heard someone call for her.
She turned around and saw Kousaka standing there.
“Yes? Is there something you need?” She politely asked.
“I saw what you did. Heard what you said too. Did you mean it?” The brunette asked her. Reluctantly, she nodded in response.
“You tell her that now. What if she heard you? Do you know how hard it was to watch her get over you? She spent many a night crying because you left her. I know it’s not my place to tell you but stay away from her. Please. There’s a reason she didn’t go to your wedding. Please, let her go so she can let you go. Let her live her life and move on. You’ve hurt her enough.” She said.
“Don’t you think I know that? Not a day went by where I don’t regret leaving her. I want to be a part of her life even as just a friend. So, I’m sorry if I can’t do what you’re asking of me.” Hana said as tears streamed down her eyes and she turned around and walked away. Heading home to a lonely mansion in the city where she would lie underneath the bed sheets and most likely fall asleep waiting for her husband to come home.
Hours later, Hana was back at the hospital for her shift and was doing her rounds when she passed by Tori’s room. The door was left a bit open and she found herself listening in.
“What should we name her?” A male voice asked. Hana deduced that her husband has arrived from his business trip. She took a peek and saw that Tori was holding her newborn daughter. Her husband was gently holding the baby’s hand with a proud and happy smile in his face. For a moment, she tried to picture herself in his position but she snapped out of it almost immediately once she realized the absurdity of her thought.
“I don’t know. What do you think we should name her?” She asked.
“Hmmm…what about Kotori? Didn’t you always joke back then that if you had a daughter you would name her Kotori?” Her husband lightheartedly reminded her. Hana let out a bitter chuckle; she once promised Tori a daughter that that they would name Kotori. That way the older woman would be the bird while their daughter would be their little bird. Just another promise she wasn’t able to keep and she regretted making in the first place.
“Kotori…I like it. Let’s name her that. Kotori, that’s your name, little one. Papa and I love you so much.” Tori whispered to her daughter, who cooed as if in response to her words.
“I think she likes it.” The baby’s father said with a happy tone. With a bitter smile, Hana forced herself to walk away and continued her rounds.
Midnight was upon them yet again and Hana’s shift was almost over. And yet, she found herself walking to the maternity ward as if there was something pulling her there. She found the reason for her sudden impulse when she approached the window and had her eyes fixated on one baby.
Minami Kotori
She entered the nursery (being the director’s wife comes with A LOT of perks) and quietly approached her so as to not disturb the other sleeping babies. She gently caressed little Kotori’s cheek, rousing her from her sleep as she shifted about. Strangely enough, she didn’t cry but rather looked at her with curious eyes. The redheaded doctor gave her a bright smile as her eyes glistened with tears.
“Hello, Kotori-chan. Welcome to the world.” She greeted the infant with a smile as she gently held her hand. Kotori wrapped her little hand on her index finger immediately.
“You are such a beautiful baby. Beautiful just like your mom. You’re going to grow up and look just like her, I know it. I know you’ll be blessed with the same kind heart that she has. You’re going to grow up a strong and kind girl with a knack for getting what she wants like her mother.”
Hana looked around and checked if there was anybody else around. When she saw that there wasn’t a soul to be seen, she picked up little Kotori from her crib and held her close.
“You know I love your mother so much. Even though we went our separate ways and married, I still love her and never forgot about her. I desperately wished to see her again and you gave me that opportunity. So I thank you, little bird, for letting me see your mother again. I know you and your papa will make her happy and that’s good enough for me. Your Aunt Kousaka was right…I have to let her go. I have to let your mama go because your dad deserves her more than I ever did.”
At this point, tears were quietly streaming down her face. She had no idea where all of this was coming from but she felt the need to justify herself to Kotori. She held the tiny infant close to her before kissing her forehead and she was met with a confused stare from the child.
“You granted me a wish but now I have a new one; I wish that you were my daughter and not your father’s. I wish I could have a life where you and your mother are my family. But I learned early in life that you don’t always get what you want and that the world is not a wish granting factory. Goodbye, Kotori-chan. I know this is a selfish request but…please, make your mama happy for me.”
Hana gently set Kotori back down in her crib and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. Once her shift ended, the same thing happened again. Like many years before, Hana kept up a strong front until she got to the safety of her room. She was left to stew in her thoughts and think about the things she regretted the most in life until she was reduced to tears and cried her eyes out and she passed out.
And just like back then, the next morning she plucked up enough strength to stand up on her own two feet and keep moving forward as if nothing ever happened, with nothing but her thoughts and regrets to keep her mind company…
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