#i’m literally sitting in my bed before work tearing up at all the nicest comments people have left on my fic ohmygod
lemonzestywrites · 1 year
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jaybird-redhood · 3 years
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wc: 2.2k
pairing: jason todd // gn reader
The first thing you think when you see him for the first time is that he has the cutest smile.
That’s a lie, the first thing you think it that he is so incredibly in shape, and it looks great on him, but the smile thing sounds better in your head.
He's moving into the apartment across from yours a month after you moved into yours. Weird, because the two people in your building closest to your age are 2 and 63, respectively.
You suppose that some wicked twist of fate must’ve brought this upon you for missing your cousin’s birthday party last week, because the guy standing across from you is crazy hot. And looking right at you. And you are in the huge neon Wonder Woman t-shirt that your best friend got for your birthday last year.
Yeah. Karma.
“Nice shirt,” the guy offers, holding in a grin. “You’re really making it work.”
“See you around, neighbor.”
And with a shut of a door and an awfully charismatic smirk he’s gone.
The next time you see him is a week later, and this time- luckily, you think- you’re dressed somewhat put together. You run into him while unlocking your door.
"What's got you in a twist?" he asks.
"Um," you start, "I just. Ugh I have so much to do. Like 3 hours of homework, a lecture tomorrow that I cannot skip, and I'm completely out of bread and eggs and can't even you to the store until, like, Thursday at best."
Once you start rambling you can't seem to stop. You slouch against your door. You're not entirely sure why you're telling a stranger all this, but he seems to be listening, so you suppose that’s a good sign
"I get the feeling," he offers, and you look up at him. "I'm majoring in English Lit and my classes are kind of kicking my ass."
You give him a small smile, "Glad to know someone in this building is struggling as much as I am."
"Jason," he says, and he reaches his hand out to you. "My name."
You shake it and tell him yours.
As you both turn back into your respective apartments you think that he maybe isn't as intimidating as you thought.
The next day goes by with a really boring lecture and another 3 hours of work you need to do.
The ride home from uni isn't that long, but it's long enough for you to contemplate all the ways that your life went wrong after moving to Gotham. And, maybe as payback for thinking mean things about the city, rain that you think should belong to a category 3 hurricane starts to whip around your car 10 minutes into your drive.
Your clothes are dripping water in literal puddles by the time you get back to your apartment.
Groaning, you start fishing for your keys in your purse while walking up the last flight of stairs.
When you get to your door you stop. Right in front of it there’s a grocery bag. Picking it up and looking inside you see a loaf of bread and a small carton of milk.
You pick it up smiling.
“Jason?” you ask, knocking on his door.
No response.
You shrug and turn around. Remember to thank him the next time you run into each other; you think.
That next time doesn’t happen to be that long and thank goodness for you.
“You know, we really need to stop meeting like this,” he says to you.
You’re sitting on the floor outside of your door looking rather pathetic, and he’s giving you the most awful smirk you’ve ever seen. (Not that it looks bad on him though. You seem to think that nothing could really look that bad on him)
“I swear I’m usually more put together than this,” you sigh to him. “You moving here jinxed me!”
“Yeah yeah. You’re locked out, aren’t you?”
You give him your best withering I’m going to kill you stare, but it must not be working because he just laughs even harder at you.
“This is completely not my fault it’s just I lost my second set of keys like right when I moved in and then today when I got home, I accidentally left them in my car, but my second set of car keys is in my apartment so now I can’t get them out, stop laughing at me!”
“God you’re a mess,” Jason says- finally finished laughing at you and maybe taking a bit of pity on how disheveled you look. “You couldn’t call anyone to get you in?”
You shake your head.
“My friend is the only other person with a set, but they’re out of town, and our landlord is being a dick and telling me it’s my fault in the first place, so I need to deal with it. I’ve been sitting out here for like an hour.”
“All I’m hearing is that it is your fault and now you’re just moping about it feeling bad about yourself.”
You tilt your head against the door so hard that it makes you wince a bit.
“Ok fine,” he says crossing his arms.
“Wait right here.”
He goes into his apartment and comes back out with a skinny metal thing you don’t recognize.
You look at him in confusion and he just motions for you to scoot out of the way as he sticks it in your locks and starts to pick it.
You sigh in relief.
“Thank you thank you thank you. For everything. I swear I will get my life together, so you don’t feel like you have to keep cleaning up my messes.
“I don’t mind,” he says with a small smile, “Take your time.”
And with that he opens the door to your apartment and turns back to his.
“By the way, you should really get better locks. That was way too easy.”
You make a note in your head to get that done sometime. As you’re lying on your couch that night, you’re AirDropped a photo on your phone. Saving it up you see it’s a piece of paper with neat handwriting on it: a phone number and a smiley face, Jason’s name at the bottom.
You smile too and add the number to your contacts.
Over the next few weeks, you and Jason start talking more, both over text and through the various times when you run into each other outside your doors.
Each interaction is better than the next, and you soon start to realize that Jason isn’t just some hot guy with no brains. He’s sweet and charismatic, has a whole wall full of bookshelves, could probably quote any classical novel by heart, has incredibly good taste in music, and best (or worst) of all, would make incredible friend material.
It’s just that as you become closer friends, you start to realize that that might not be all you want.
It’s a stupidly cold Friday morning when he texts you, and you’re covered in blankets and wrapped in sweatshirts in your bed. Movie at my place tonight?
You text back your approval and a quick be there at 6 before getting ready for classes.
The day goes by slower than you hoped.
It might be the anticipation of seeing Jason again, or more likely the hours of lectures you have to sit through, but you’re elated when your final class for the day gets let out.
The hours in between are a blur.
A blur which leads to the two of you sitting on his couch watching Romeo and Juliet together, a blanket thrown over your bodies.
You have the obligatory bowl of popcorn resting on your legs, and every few minutes Jason reaches across your lap to take a handful.
The way you’re laying half on top on him is completely deliberate, as to take as much of his body heat as possible. Your landlord had turned off heating 3 weeks prior to ‘save money’ or some other bullshit.
Jason’s not complaining though.
Once your popcorn bowl is finished and your head is in his lap, he runs his fingers through your hair absentmindedly. It might be the nicest feeling you’ve ever felt.
Throughout the movie you exchange snide comments about the plot back and forth. You start trying to say funny things whenever you can just to hear how sweet his laugh sounds to your ears.
By the end of the movie, you’re only slightly in tears, or so you tell yourself.
“Are you crying right now?” Jason asks incredulously, wearing a teasing smile.
“It’s not my fault,” you half say half moan, “Leonardo DiCaprio just has that effect on me.”
He just laughs and pulls you upright until you’re sitting on his lap.
His eyes are a shade of blue green that you’ve never seen before, although you could swear their getting greener by the second.
You watch his gaze drop down to your lips before staring you right in the eyes again.
“Can I kiss you?”
“God yes,” you tell him, and kiss him right back.
The next week is somewhat uneventful, even though you and Jason had been meeting each other almost every night, rotating apartments based on whose house was warmer each particular night.
Tonight is your night, and you’ve been waiting the whole day to show him the film you had rented to watch together.
The walk up to your door is easier than usual, and you have a bounce in your step that’s making you feel even more elated than normal taking out your keys to unlock your apartment.
You open your door and your bag drops. The keys clatter when they hit the hardwood, and the silence that follows is deafening.
“You’re bleeding on my carpet,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth.
There Jason is, bleeding quite profusely, and using your kitchen counter to keep himself vertical. He’s wearing what looks to be a torn half of a domino mask and an extremely hot leather jacket.
(Not that this was the time for noticing his fashion choices, but you filed that thought away for later.)
What really catches your eye though is the huge red bat symbol on his chest, and the red helmet next to it sitting on your counter.
He shifts a little to the side before stumbling through saying, “Um, so, I know this isn’t ideal and I’m really sorry to put you in this situation, but I seriously do not feel like bleeding out tonight and-”
“Oh my god this is great,” you cut him off with. “I thought you were a hit-man!”
“Wait what.”
“Shit no that’s not what I meant- kind of, hang on we should probably stop you from dying before having this conversation.”
You walk over to him to get a better look at his wounds.
“God Jace, you look like death warmed over.”
He just stares at you.
“You have a bunch of stuff in your bathroom, right?”
At least this elicits a reaction. He grimaces in pain but gives you a nod of his head in conformation.
“Ok I’ll be right back, don’t move.”
He gives you a look that says seriously, where would I go.
3 minutes later you’re back with a needle and thread, and some sterilizing spray.
“This should be fine,” you tell him, “I took a first aid class last year with my friends and passed with flying colors according to the nurse.”
“Just try to keep them tight and neat. I trust you,” he says, and your heart pounds just a little harder.
You respond with a nervous laugh but take a deep breath and start working.
An hour and a half later you’re done.
The combination of pain meds, bandages, and a whole lot of stitches eventually led to you and Jason laying in your bed together, both completely exhausted.
He turns his head to face you.
“Could we maybe go back to the hit-man thing?”
“Oh uh. Well I saw a bunch of shirts covered in blood in your laundry in the bathroom, not to mention all the weirdly specific first-aid you had,” you tell him.
“And also the assorted guns and knives you have hidden all over. I guess I just assumed? But the whole Red Hood thing is so much better,” you reassure him.
“You found all my knives?”
You smile up at him.
“I love that that’s thing you chose to focus on.”
“And you’re really not mad that I didn’t tell you about the whole vigilante thing before?” he asks.
“Jay, I had already resigned myself to life forever with some shady hit-man that also happened to be incredibly good looking. Red Hood is ten times better than that. I’m not going to run away from you just because you’re incredibly intimidating and probably could kill me. I see that as an added bonus,” you say, with as much charm as you can muster without yawning.
“Just. Be careful, ok? I’d hate to make this a routine.”
He responds by pulling you closer to his body.
“I promise,” he whispers into your head. “You really to remember to get better locks by the way, breaking in was still way too easy.”
You let out a small laugh and finally you let yourself give into sleep.
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realcube · 3 years
sleepy haikyuu headcanons 💤
pairings: nishinoya x reader, tendō x reader, kageyama x reader
tw// swearing, violence(?), she//her reader, angst, overthinking, fluff 
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Yū Nishinoya
midnight pillow fights with Noya 💓
i could leave at that but i shall elaborate 
whenever you sleepover at his house (or vice versa), every time y’all say that you are gonna pull an all-nighter and have chaotic fun
but it never works because being chaotic requires a lot of energy, so you both end up falling asleep at like 2AM-ish 🥱
the closest that y’all have gotten to an all-nighter is 5AM
anyway, it’s not a tradition - more like something that just ends up happening every time Noya is over, perhaps a curse lol
but at some time of night, you’ll say something to irk Noya and he’ll throw/hit you with a pillow 
not to intentionally start shit but just as playful ‘shut up’ sorta thing
but something about the sharp impact of the pillow just pisses you off and you instinctively launch a pillow right back at him and it’s always a bit harder than you meant for it to be  
thus, a pillow fight ensues  
Noya had always envisioned a pillow fight with a female as a playful, sensual experience 
but there was absolutely nothing playful or sensual about the way you powerbombed him and then proceeded to suffocate him with your pillow 
you would both be feistily beating each other with the pillow, the room filling with your battle cries and screams ╰(‵□′)╯
and this would only end once both of your harsh, quick hits turned sloppy and tired 
eventually, you’d both just drop unconscious during the fight and wake up in the weirdest positions 
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Satori Tendō
he is the self-certified ‘worst cuddler’ (ಥ _ ಥ)
not only is he extremely sensitive to temperature, he’s also filled with too much energy to just stay in the same position with you for god knows how long 
it’s not that he didn’t like to cuddle, though. 🥺 i mean, nothing made him feel more safe than you in his arms but he was just unable to stop himself from getting restless when he did it for too long 
but there were some nights that he wasn’t as fidgety, though
most of the time, it was after a big volleyball game or a hard day at practise and he was absolutely exhausted (_ _)。゜zzZ
he’d literally just detours to your house to catch up like he usually does but his demeanour clearly isn’t the same when he’s worn out so you invite him in for a few minutes and he’d gladly (and gratefully) accepts 
he’d just flop down on the couch beside you, his arms just automatically finding your waist and thoughtlessly pulling you against his chest as he laid back, staring at the ceiling
he found himself muttering random things about his day when you asked him, but nothing he said seemed to be in chronological order - unless he brushed his teeth during volleyball practise, which - now that you think about it - doesn’t sound too out of character for him.
his hand found it’s way into your hair and started caressing your scalp, slowly drifting off as the little tune you hummed into his shoulder sent relaxing vibration throughout his body ( ̄o ̄) . z Z
and this wasn’t a one-time thing either, whenever he comes to your house drained from practise, a similar chain of events always end up happening 
the only difference being that sometimes it was in your bed rather than on the couch 
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Tobio Kageyama 
i feel like bb has nightmares, like frequently 🥺
i mean, if i was him i’d have nightmares too; he has so much important shit riding on his performance - it’s a miracle that this man can even sleep with how much stress he must be under 
like, he’s kinda failing school/ he doesn’t have the best grades and if he doesn’t do well on tests then his opportunity to go to camps and train volleyball could be taken 
speaking of volleyball, he probably is so stressed from being a part of a team and having people rely on him - not the mention that he clearly isn’t very good at processing his feelings considering that he expresses most negative emotion he feels towards Hinata in the form of anger   
then there is the pressure of keeping his relationships and not naturally distancing himself from the people he loves
like you, for example
he goes to bed with all these horrible thoughts in his head and whenever he tries to think positive, it  always backfires
he’ll be like ‘i’m the worst person to be around, it’s clear nobody likes me.’
then he kinda shakes it off like, ‘wait, no. don’t think that. i know that (Y/N) loves me and i love her back.’
but his mind never leaves him alone, ‘am i even sure she loves me? i mean, i act so stand-offish towards her - yeah, she probably barely tolerates me. and she was talking about hinata’s spike yesterday, she’s probably going to dump me for him.’
it was a heart-wrenching thought but what could kageyama do? 
for now, he’d just lie down beside you on your bed as you scrolled away on your phone, completely unaware that he just mentally rehearsed how he was going to react when you broke up with him
“goodnight, kags. love you.” you hummed, turning around to place a kiss on his cheeks like you always do when he sleeps over
kageyama nodded, trying to act cool and collected despite the fact he was internally nervous as hell, “night, (y/n).” he paused, trying his best to lift the corners of his lips into a kind - rather than intimidating - smile, “love you too.”
‘look, i called her by her first name - i’m so romantic.’ that was probably the nicest thing he’s thought to himself all day
with that, you both try to get some rest 
aaaannnndddddd cue the part when he wakes up in a cold sweat, shivering slightly as he looks over to you with wide eyes to reassure himself that your not gone 
his heavy breathing alerts you that he is awake so you pry one eye open to look at him, “not again, tobio.” you said wearily, forcing yourself to sit up and attempt to wrap him in a hug but he just jerked away from your touch
you sighed, “what happened?”
kageyama blinked rapidly, darting his gaze around the room before it finally landed back on you
“i- the walls- and you were almost d-” he began coughing, resulting in you immediately reaching over to your nightstand and handing him the bottle of water you had lying there
he took a few gulps before letting out a refreshed ‘ah’, his stare glued to your lips the whole time
eventually, he was able to grumble “it was nothing.” (⊙_⊙;)
upon hearing his evidently fake answer, you shoved out your bottom lip and whined, “shut up, tobio. i was obviously something; why won’t you tell me?”
“because it was nothing.” he said without missing a beat, then he proceeded to lay down so he could fall back asleep - as if this time it’d go better for him
“Kageyama!” you barked, resulting his eyes jolting back open, “You always have nightmares at my house; I’m starting to wonder if you’re scared of me or something.” 
kageyama shook his head before nonchalantly responding, “it’s the cherry blossom air freshener - maybe use vanilla or something next time.” he joked, unable to resist a smile as you playfully punched his shoulder.
you sighed, clearly not going to get an answer out of like every other time you’ve tired, so you just decided to  try fall back asleep and try reclaim the little bit of sanity you had left
“(y/n).” kageyama grumbled, wanting to make it seem like he was half-asleep but he was far from it as he pulse was still going crazy as that nightmare shook his to the core. “are you going to dump me? because if you are, now would be a good time.” 
he spoke, praying to every deity he could think of that you wouldn’t say yes - but if you did, now would be a good time as he could storm out and since it was dark outside, the streets would be deserted meaning that nobody would be there to witness the tears streaming down his cheeks as he sprinted through the night 
you rolled your eyes, “is that what this is about?” you didn’t mean for it to come off so harsh as you actually felt a great amount of sympathy for kageyama but just unable to express it in the way you desired
“stop crying.” you hissed, making kageyama quirk an eyebrow.
“I’m not crying-” he replied until suddenly, he realised that your comment was directed at yourself as you hastily buried your head into his chest and he felt something soak through the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m not going to break up with you kageyama, you stupid moron idiot!” you snapped against his shirt.
don’t ask why that nickname made kageyama’s heart flutter
“get those crazy ideas out of your head or i’ll have to take them out for you 🔪--” you could barely even finish your sentence before both you and kageyama burst out laughing
it was probably just the ambience of being cozy under a blanket with each other in a freezing cold room that reeked of cherry blossom but some how you both some how fell even harder for one another
although what you said wasn’t the most moving or motivating, your intention was clear and from then on, kageyama was a lot more upfront with you💕 
he’d tell you if he ever felt uncomfortable or if he was ever worried and you’d either make him feel better or make him laugh and then insist that he goes to talk to suga or daichi
also after that night, (and once you ditched the air freshener and started burning vanilla essence) he only had ‘sweet dreams’ whenever he stayed over at yours 
(or at least that is what he said whenever you asked him. in reality, his dreams were about volleyball and tsukishima chasing him through the mall on a velociraptor but whatever, it was a step up from the nightmares anyway. 🏃‍♂️ 🦖 )
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isabellitah · 4 years
Hey could I maybe request a fix with reader and Ben and klaus all just caring for each other. If they could all be around 14/15 that would be great I love your work!!
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Title : three idiots
Pairing : none but this focuses on Eightie's relationship with Ben and Klaus
Warning : uhh none I think but be warned that the one focused on Klaus is slightly shorter because y’all I wrote two other fics focused on Klaus today so I’m sORRY hahahah
Request : Hey could I maybe request a fix with reader and Ben and klaus all just caring for each other. If they could all be around 14/15 that would be great I love your work!!
Note : hiii 🤍 i hope this is to your liking and thank you hehe
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Klaus, Ben, and Number Eight were known as the three idiots within the Umbrella Academy
not literal idiots but like-
y’all are the golden trio-
the marauders (three- Peter doesn’t count; he’s a traitor ew)-
the mischief makers
well not really Ben-
i mean he joins every once in a while
but he’s mostly there to make sure you and Klaus don’t go too far with your trouble-making adventures
he’s the Hermione to your Harry and Ron-
the Remus to your James and Sirius-
the Lee to your Fred and George-
Ben sometimes plots your mischief of the day
and when he plots something oof
g’luck to whoever was the target
because Ben? Def a Slytherin
wait no this isn’t a HP AU
y’all cause trouble together
but y’all also comfort each other-
y’all are each other’s walls bro
you depend on the other whenever you feel your lowest
you’re all at the prime of your teenage lives-
and of course there were ups and downs throughout your entire life aka the entire fifteen years of it with the downs caused mostly by your ever loving father Reginald
but you three will always be there through and after each down the other has
“How was he this time?” you whispered to Ben, keeping in mind that Klaus was asleep on your bed not that far from you two.
“He didn’t get to swallow two- just one so he wasn’t that bad. After he ran out of arguments, he listened to me so that’s good.” Ben swallowed before continuing, “I guess our argument tired him out because he slept not long after the first pill took effect- just a few minutes before you came home.” Ben smirked before lightly chuckling while you snickered before resting your head on his shoulder.
Both of you stayed in that position for hours before Klaus woke up- just watching over him and monitoring his breathing; making sure he has no nightmares. Once awake, Klaus immediately started apologizing and calling himself a burden while tears clouded his vision. You and Ben were quick to shut that down, telling him that it’s okay and that he’s never a burden. Ben assured him that he tried his best and he’s proud of him for doing so while you hugged him and started running your hand through his hair to calm him down. This resulted in you three having a group hug and falling asleep with Klaus in the middle.
You three agreed to host your weekly sleepover in Ben’s room and had fun. Your weekly sleepovers were exclusively for you three. Even the other siblings knew and accepted that.
You three prepared your fort on the floor of Ben’s room. The order was : Klaus, Ben, and you. Whoever owned the room you slept in always slept in the middle. It was an unspoken rule. And there, you watched movies, ate late night snacks, and painted yours and Klaus’ nails because “there is no way I’m having either of you touch my nails.” well fine Ben hmph. At around 11, as usual, Ben fell asleep first. You and Klaus knew not to prank him after the first time - cue shivers running through both of you - and just as you were both about to sleep, you heard Ben whimper. Looking at Klaus to see if he heard it too, he nodded, and so you looked over at Ben.
“Ben?” you whispered, and when that didn’t gain anything but louder whimpers, you placed your hand on his shoulder, “Benny, can you hear me?” you whispered near his ear while Klaus remained sitted on Ben’s other side, looking at him in concern.
Feeling your hand in his shoulder slightly woke him up but upon hearing your voice clearly- he forced himself awake and away from his nightmares, “y-yeah I’m- I can hear you,” he paused to gather his scrambled thoughts before sighing, “how long was I out?”
Looking at the clock beside Ben’s bed, Klaus quickly subtracted the time, “you were out for about an hour but started having nightmares around threeish minutes ago...” Klaus looked at Ben’s stressed features before putting his hand on Ben’s shoulder, “was it because of your powers, again?”
Ben’s ashamed look was all the amswer you both needed to Klaus’ question. Ever since he was dubbed 'The Horror', he's only been thinking of himself as such. Your father's treatment on him wasn't any help. He felt like a monster after using his powers- all the blood on him just terrified him no matter how long it's been since his first kill.
For once both you and Klaus had nothing to say. You knew assuring Ben that he wasn't at fault for the deaths wouldn't do anything so you decided to assure him of the truth that you know would comfort him, "Ben... you're not- you're not a monster."
Ben scoffed and just as he opened his mouth to retaliate, Klaus added, "Yeah- I mean like after Vanya and Eightie you're like the third nicest sibling."
"I made that kid cry last week," Ben deadpanned.
Klaus shrugged, "eh. He was weak. I mean- crying because you smiled at him sarcastically after asking him what he was doing? What a wimp."
"He looked nine, Klaus."
"Yeah well he flirted with Eightie so he deserved it. If he couldn't defend himself, how'd he defend Eightie?"
You zoned them both out. As much as you wanted to interrupt their conversation- this seemed to ease Ben more than any other topic would. Something completely random and unexpected- Klaus' specialty. And you're instantly reminded of how opposites attract- you're rarely serious brother with your more friendly yet can be sarcastic brother.
You joined in on their conversation and before you knew it, all three of you fell asleep without even feeling it.
You rarely had nightmares but when they come, they're the worst. And you can remember them for at least half the day. Sometimes you can wake up and calm yourself, sometimes you wake up and distract yourself with your phone, and it was rare for you to not be able to wake up. But it just so happens that now was one of those rare times. All your siblings knew the signs of your nightmares and how to help you. Sometimes your light snores turned into hurried sounds like whimpering or hyperventilating or just outright panicking, and sometimes you were quiet. The tell tale sign, however, is when your eyebrows furrow.
Fortunately for you, it happened during one of your sleepovers with Klaus and Ben. After Ben managed to wake you up, he and Klaus started doing random and stupid stuff to not only keep you entertained to the point where you're distracted from your nightmare but also to make you smile again. They danced around- and I say this nicely- they looked like idiots. It worked though- seeing the normally serious Ben dance all silly with Klaus' side comments and his narrative of what they were doing managed to make you smile and giggle in no time.
Once you assured them that you were calm and that they can sit down and relax, you thanked them to which they simply kissed your cheek and told you that it was in Klaus' terms, "no biggie.".
To truly make sure that you're okay, Ben shared a new plan with you and Klaus on how to get back at Diego for eating your ice cream without permission because now you're all out and he knows that that was yours- he also has his own tub hmph.
Watch out, World - especially you, Diego - The three idiots are back at it again.
Diego woke up in cold sweat. He was so confused- he had a good dream as far as he can recall yet why did he feel- catious?
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jamaisjoons · 5 years
golden daddy | jjk
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Summary: Jungkook’s tired of you seeing him simply as your best friend’s brother, so he decides to show you exactly who he is. Best friend’s brother AU!
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: masturbation, use of sex toys, exhibition, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, overstimulation, cumplay, daddy and baby girl kink, penetration, dom!Jungkook, sub!reader, rough sex, cunnilingus, slight degradation (use of slut), spanking, anal play, squirting, creampie
A/N: Hey there demons, it’s me, ya girl, fucking around and updating twice in one day cause im w i l d and have no control. Let me know if you enjoy it, let me know if you hate it too idk i need feedback (and friends ᵘʷᵘ). It’s half 3 in the morning cause i’m a mess™ and so this is barely edited rip
“Well, if you didn’t want me to fuck you tonight why the hell were you wearing that damn dress? I can practically see your tits” Joonho spat out and you were instantly reeling. You picked up your half full glass of red wine and threw the contents at him, spilling the moderately expensive wine all over his preciousVersace suit. Honestly, you were sure he spent the entirety of this train wreck of a date either staring at your tits or talking about the money he had and how much he had splashed out on the damned suit for this date. You had triedputting up with all of it, however you drew the line when he quite boldly asked you to head over to his for a quick tumble in the sheets.
“You prick. My clothing choices don’t mean shit. I could literally stand here naked and that still wouldn’t mean I’d want to fuck you. In fact, we could literally be the last two people on earth and I’d set myself on fire before even thinking of letting you touch me, asshole” You hissed before grabbing your purse and stomping out of the restaurant.
The cold wind hit you like a freight train and you immediately began shivering, cursing yourself for not having the foresight to bring a jacket. Whipping out your phone, you quickly ordered an Uber, wanting to be home, out of the dress and sitting on your sofa with your best friend while the two of you watched horror films that were so bad, you couldn’t help but laugh at them.
“Hey! ____, you bitch. Get back here. I hope you’re going to pay for the dry-cleaning bill. This suit is Versace” Joonho yelled in indignation, stressing ‘Versace’ as he stomped out of the restaurant just as your Uber pulled up.
“Oh, fuck you and your damn Versace suit, you god damn troglodyte” You screamed back, your face twisting into a scowl; you quickly got into the car, flipping him off as you did so.
You sighed once you were safely in the Uber, the driver quickly driving off, leaving Joonho behind, even as the pompous male tried to chase after you. You huffed, wondering when your taste in men had dropped so low. This was the fifth date in the last month alone. Somehow, each and every one of them had turned out to be wrong. The first was far too disinterested, refusing to maintain a conversation the entire night. The second had outright ignored you, preferring to text whoever the hell he was texting. The third had literally broken down into tears, crying about how the love of his life had left him and how he was still not over her. The fourth had ‘forgotten’ his wallet at home and pulled a runner, leaving you to pick up the bill. And finally, the latest and the biggest dick of them all was Joonho.
Eventually, you arrived back at your dorm building; groaning as you noticed the ‘out of order’ sign on the elevator. This was a fantastic end to the night. The elevator to your building had fucking broken down. Simply wonderful. You huffed as you dragged yourself up the ten flights of stairs, in your stupid six-inch heels, wincing as said shoes pinched your toes. You almost yelled out in victory when you finally made it to your flat. You quickly pulled out your keys before throwing the door open and dragging your exhausted body into your home.
You noticed that most doors in the dorm were closed, meaning that most of your house mates were all either asleep or out. It had been weird living with so many people under one roof at the start, especially considering there were seven boys and only four girls. But that made complete sense, as most girls tended to stick to single sex accommodation only. You, yourself, didn’t really care who was under the roof as long as you had somewhere to sleep. Besides, your dorms were one of the nicest dorms to live in, slightly more on the pricier range for a student; but still affordable. You quickly kicked of your heels and shoved them into the shoe rack before walking into the large, spacious common room.
“Wow. I didn’t expect you to be home this early” Your best friend, and one of the girls living in the dorms with you, Sooyun said, looking up from her spot between her two boyfriends, Namjoon and Hoseok. Jungkook, Sooyun’s older twin brother, was spread out on the loveseat, scarfing down his snacks, sending sideways glares to Namjoon and Hoseok whenever he felt they got too ‘handsy’ with his precious babysister. You stressed baby because really, she was only two minutes younger than him.
“Hands where I can see them!” Jungkook suddenly yelled, causing all of you to jump. Hoseok immediately pulled his hands away from under the blanket the three were sharing and off of Sooyun’s thigh. You watched as your best friend let out a frustrated groan.
“Jungkook, whyare you still here? Didn’t you say you had some project you had to work on. Also, if my boyfriendsof a whole fucking year, want to touch me, they’re allowed to! Besides, they do much more than just touch-” Sooyun began only for Jungkook to let out a screech.
“Please stop talking! It’s bad enough that you’re dating not one but twoof my best friends, I don’t need to hear your sordid sex life. I’m still going to pretend that hyungs haven’t defiled you and that you’re waiting till marriage” Jungkook said sending both boys glares as Hoseok snickered at the younger boy, Namjoon simply smirked, pressing a kiss to Sooyun’s shoulder.
“It’s not like we were the first to defileher. Although we’ll definitely be the last” You heard Namjoon mutter against her skin. Jungkook immediately stiffened and you had to roll your eyes. Hoseok and Namjoon loved teasing and riling up their younger friend; and it turned out, Sooyun was a sure-fire way to do that. Sooyun quickly cleared her throat, pushing Namjoon away as she turned her attention back to you.
“Anyway. _____, why are you home so early? How bad was this one?” Sooyun asked and you sighed, throwing your purse onto the table before sinking onto the love seat, next to Jungkook.
“He thought that because I wore this dress, I’d put out. Plus, he spent the entire time speaking about himself and how much money he made and how expensive his stupid Versace suit was” You groaned and Sooyun sent you an apologetic look.
“Well that’s what you get for dating random dickheads” Jungkook muttered and you turned to him in shock, as you spluttered, unable to respond to him. That was completely out of the blue for Jungkook. You had known him three years now, the entirety of your university life, and never once had he commented on your choice in men.
“I said what I said. Anyway, I think its time I actually left, that damn film project isn’t going to edit itself. I’ll see you guys tomorrow” Jungkook said standing up, before looking at Hoseok and Namjoon expectantly, expecting them to leave with him. Namjoon and Hoseok refused to budge, instead the later raising a single eyebrow in response. Jungkook huffed, grumbling under his breath before turning to you, giving you a once over. Your breath caught in the middle of your throat, your skin burning under his heated gaze. His eyes were dark, shining in the dimly lit living room, and he had the slightest smirk on his soft pink lips.
“You look good by the way. See ya” Jungkook said with a wink before crossing the common room and entering his own room, the door slamming shut.
You immediately stiffened, unsure of how to react. Without realising you were doing it, you pinched yourself, unable to believe what had just happened. Had Jungkook just… had he just flirted with you? No. There was no way. He was an entire three years younger than you, not to mention your best friend’s brother. You were just imagining things. You were sure of it. Even if you still had trouble breathing and heat was pooling in the pit of your stomach.
There was no way you were hot for Jeon Jungkook.
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A couple hours later, you find yourself lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. You groaned in frustration; you turned to look at the alarm clock on your bedside table, almost screeching when it read 00:34am. You had work in the morning and ideally, you wanted enough sleep. Especially considering you worked as a baby sitter for a 4-year-old and a 6-year-old. The last thing you wanted to do was spend the day sleep deprived while running after a couple of screaming kids.
A part of you knew exactly why you couldn’t sleep. It had been a good four months since you’d had sex and the pent-up sexual frustration was finally getting to you. You bit your lip before your hands began wandering over your stomach and down to your shorts, before dragging both them and your underwear down your legs. You threw them off the bed, uncaring as to where they landed in your bedroom. Your knees began rising as you slowly spread your legs; almost groaning at the feel of the slight chill of the night air against your heat.
Your hand trailed up your leg before brushing against the inside of your thigh. You dragged a single digit up and down your slight, lowly groaning at the slight stimulation. You spread your lips with your pointer and ring finger before rubbing your clit tightly with your middle finger. Your breathing began deepening as you continuously rolled your clit between your fingers, eyes fluttering at the sensation. Soon however, the stimulation wasn’t enough and you needed more. Your fingers trailed through your dewy hot lips, finger circling your slit before plunging in knuckle deep.
You pumped the finger in and out, feeling your slick walls clench around the digit. You let out a quiet moan, another finger joining the first, whining at the slight stretch. You continued pumping into you, your walls fluttering in pleasure as your juices slowly trailed down your fingers until you were so wet, all you could hear was your fingers thrusting into you and your low breathy moans. Soon, the pleasure began dulling and you groaned, thrusting another finger inside, back arching at the burn of the stretch. It was a sweet pleasurable pain and you began thrusting your fingers in even faster, looking for release desperately.
Ten minutes later and no matter how much you fingered yourself or rubbed at your clit, your orgasm still hadn’t approached. You yanked your fingers out of you and glared at the ceiling as your chest heaved. You felt unbelievable empty and the need for release was entirely too strong. You flipped yourself over, blindly feeling around your bedside table before reaching the draw. You quickly opened it and began rummaging around until you felt the cold, slightly ridged vibrating dildo.
You spread your legs once again, rubbing the head of the dildo against your slit as you wettened it. You rolled the tip against your pussy, mewling at the sensation. Once it was slick enough, your turned it on and slowly began inserting the thick head into your tight pussy, breathing deeply at the stretch. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation of the vibrations deep within you as you continued push the toy into you. When you inserted it in as deep as it could go you pulled it out, before pushing it back all the way in once again.
You began pumping the toy into you, hips swirling slightly as you tried to stimulate yourself further. The vibrations against your walls were helping, and despite being filled, you couldn’t help but feel empty. Sweat covered your entire body and you groaned, bucking into the vibrator harder to try and pull your orgasm closer. However, nothing was working. You let out a small frustrated cry and pulled the silicon toy out of you, turning it off and throwing it beside you before staring at the ceiling in irritation.
“Why” You whined into the night air, writhing slightly on your cotton sheets, fingers digging into the mattress as your clit throbbed for relief, your walls clenching and unclenching uncontrollably. You were so wet your thighs were sticky and you could smell it thick in the air, and it only ceased to incense you further. You knew exactly why you weren’t satisfied with your toys. You needed a cock. A realcock and you’d gone far too long without one.
Your heart was racing and your slit began dripping as you imagined fucking yourself on a big, thick cock. Sliding up and down as it split you open. Your throat died up and your hips thrust against the crisp night air, uselessly humping the air. You continued imagining a nameless figure, one that seemed entirely too familiar, even though you couldn’t place him. His face was blurred but his arms were well defined and he had thick, strong thighs with bulging muscles. You imagined him sliding between your spread legs and into the depths of your heat. You threw your head back and pressed two fingers into your swollen clit as you continued imagining the faceless man fuck into you with his big cock.
“Fuck!” You cried, you could feel your orgasm near you but no matter how hard you tried, you simply couldn’t reach your peak. Although, the faceless man was helping slightly. You plunged two fingers into you, letting out a small hiss as your hands moved as fast as they could, fucking into you.
“Hey ____, you okay? Holy shit” Jungkook enters your room without knocking, catching you with your legs spread and your fingers buried as deep as into your cunt as they could be. You still all of a sudden, sitting up straight, your hand still between your thighs as you stare at him in shock. As soon as your eyes adjust to his figure in the doorway you gulp. The faceless man becomes cleared in your mind.
You were fucking masturbating to Jungkook.
Your best friend’s brother Jungkook.
Three year’s younger than you Jungkook.
You were fucked.
“I’m just gonna go” Jungkook says, beginning to turn around and against your better judgement you call out to him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Wait Jungkook!” You call out and he turned back to you, cocking up his eyebrows. You look at him in embarrassment and begin stuttering, unable to form the words that you want to say. Jungkook immediately draws himself to his full height, a small smirk on his face.
“Is there something you need baby girl?” Jungkook asks, his voice deep and raspy and dripping with satoori. You immediately flush under his gaze, your slit gushing slightly at his voice. You had no idea that Jungkook calling you baby girl would have such an impact on you, especially considering you were definitely older than him.
“I… I need” You stammer and Jungkook’s grin widens. He’s almost like a wolf who’s found his prey. He stalks towards your bed, eyes trained on your figure as you breathe heavily under him.
“Do you need me baby? Do you need daddy?” Jungkook asks and you let out a low groan at his words, nodding furiously.
“No baby, I want you to say it. Tell daddy you need him” Jungkook says, crouching down in front of your bed and levelling his gaze onto yours. Briefly his eyes wander over your body, eyes stopping at the hand covering your pussy. Hot lust courses through your veins and your eyes darken slightly, losing all inhibitions.
“Yes daddy, I need you so much. I need you to fill me up and make me yours” You reply.
“Bring that juicy little cunt to me baby” Jungkook purrs, curling one of his fingers in a come-hither motion. You immediately get onto your knees and crawl towards him. Once your nearer to him, you lay back down, your ass on the edge of your bed and pussy almost face to face with Jungkook. You flushed with the heat of embarrassment once again, however Jungkook ignored you, instead choosing to stare unabashedly at your swollen and dripping pussy.
He runs a hand over you, over your chest, squeezing your breast slightly before he continues trailing down to your legs. He grips your bare thigh in his hand, fingertips pressing hard into the soft skin before pushing it out, watching as your cunt lips spread with your thighs. His ministrations draw out low moans from you and he smirks at your wanton noises, the noise going straight to the pit of your belly.
“Daddy please fuck me” You mewl and he chuckles once more, slapping your thigh harshly and drawing a soft whine out of you.
“My baby girl is being so needy today” Jungkook snorts in amusement and you whine slightly. His hands move to spread your pussy lips for his viewing pleasure, groaning slightly when your slit gushes with your arousal. You’re sure you’re staining your bedsheets by now, but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
"Don’t worry baby, I’ll wreck you tonight. I’ll show you exactly why all those guys you dated before were wrong for you. How I’m the only one who can satisfy this pretty little pussy. But first, show me how you played with yourself before I got here" Jungkook commands, his voice husky and you almost go delirious from his completely erotic words. You blush lightly as you spread your legs wider, one hand trailing down your body and towards the juncture between your thighs.
“That’s it baby, don’t be shy for daddy” Jungkook whispers his own hand moving to palm at his bulge under his tight dark jeans, eyes darkening with lust as he watched you play with your clit, your thighs wet with your arousal.
His cock jerked violently at the sight of you, watching with rapt attention when your fingers slicked with your dripping  He quickly stood up and began divesting himself off his clothing, slowly teasing you as he did so. Jungkook began by pulling his shirt up and revealing inch by inch of smooth, delectable tanned skin. Hard abs rippled under his skin, making you groan, your fingers moving slightly faster at his little strip tease. Once it was off his torso, his hands trailed down his body and passed the snail trail of thin wiry brown hairs that led to the waistband of his boxers. He slowly unzipped his dark jeans, slowly slipping them down his thick thighs, muscles bulging and twitching.
Finally, he was down to his boxers. You watched in desperation and lust as his hands trailed around his boxers before slowly sliding them down too, leaving him completely naked. You breathed in deeply, mouth dry at the beautiful male specimen standing in front of you. Your eyes were instantly drawn to his cock, eyes widening slightly. It was impossibly long and even thicker, your mouth watering as you imagined him sliding slowly into you, stretching you out in a way you’ve never been stretched before. His cockhead was red and angry, dripping with precum and making his tip sticky. You longed to wrap your mouth around his cock, suck and worship it until he was fucking it into your throat.
“Continue playing baby” Jungkook ordered, wrapping his hand around his dick, pumping it as he watched you. You ran her fingers up and down your slit before spreading your lips and sliding a finger into your dripping sex. You were so drenched that he was sure you could easily slide in three fingers without an issue. However, he wanted to watch you slowly stretch open your cunt, knowing that you’d need the preparation for his cock. Jungkook began fisting himself more, pumping his dick and imagining that it was you instead; meaning you added a second finger into your depth, Jungkook groaning as he watched you stretch your tiny little hole out.
"Play with your clit" Jungkook commanded, his attention completely on you, watching as you used your other hand to prod and pinch your clit, your fingers moving into you quicker. Jungkook’s hand tightened around his girth, moving his thumb to brush against his angry cockhead. You plunged another finger into you with a cry, curling them to press against your g-spot, your other hand furiously rubbing and teasing your clit. You placed your feet on the edge of the bed before your hips flew off the bed, bucking against the air as you lost yourself in your own pleasure-induced haze.
“That’s it baby, fuck yourself and imagine it’s me instead” Jungkook groaned, his hands sticking with his own precum as his eyes were trained on the way your fingers disappeared in and out of you, watching as your hips bucked into the air.
“Daddy! Please” You whined, pleasing with him as you slowly brought yourself closer and closer to the edge, your own eyes watching as he jerked off in front of you, his precum leaking profusely.
"Cum" Jungkook demanded and your eyes snapped shut; your fingers brought your to a quick end, body shuddering as you screamed his name. Your body writhed on the bed uncontrollably, thighs quivering and womb spasming uncontrollably before you pulled your fingers out, when the stimulation got too much. You breathed harshly, chest heaving and pussy trembling as your cum leaked out onto the bed. You slowly opened your eyes, staring deep into Jungkook’s dark brown ones and drawing up all your courage, you brought your hand up to you lips and licked them clean, sucking your own cum off your fingers.
The sight of you sucking your digits threw him off the edge, Jungkook roared your name as he came, angling his cock against your clit and rubbing it furiously. You let out a small whine and tried to shut your legs from the overstimulation; however, Jungkook’s free hand shot out and held your thigh down, keeping you spread open for him. He continued rubbing his cockhead against your dripping pussy, groaning when you coated it in your cum. His cock erupted, cum shooting out and dousing your clit in his milky sperm. You gasped at the sensation, clit throbbing as the heat of him cum covered your sensitive bundle of nerve.
“Jungkook please” You croaked, pleading with him to stop as overstimulation took over. Jungkook fell over, arms bracing himself above you as his head buried into the valley between your breasts, snuggling and placing soft kisses against your sternum.
“Fuck, you’re so hot baby” Jungkook says before picking himself up and grinning down at you. Your eyes widen when you feel him still hard against your inner thigh, wondering how he still has stamina after cumming so hard. Jungkook looked down, moaning at the sight of your pussy covered in his cum. He kneeled onto the bed, between your thighs and gently began rubbing his cum into your pussy, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as his thumb rubbed against your clit.
“Look at your pussy baby girl, it’s so wet and messy” Jungkook says, voice raspy and your pussy flutters. You know Jungkook’s noticed it too from the way he groans, his eyes staring directly at your slit.
“Please fill me up daddy” You plead and Jungkook growls, he grabs the base of his shaft and rubs at your lips, coating his dick in your arousal before he begins pressing into your entrance.
“It’s gonna be a tight fit baby, look at how small you are compared to me” Jungkook says, voice filled with lust as he rubs the head against your entrance. Finally, he begins pushing into you and you let out a slight shriek, mouth gapping at the way he stretches you out. Your walls are stretched to their limit just from how girthy his head is and you reach up, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He continues guiding himself into you, inch by agonising inch and you let out a small hiss.
“Fuck daddy, you’re so big” your eyes rolling back in a mix of pain and pleasure. Jungkook chuckles slightly as he continues rolling his hips into yours and you let out a small groan of pain when he finally bottoms out, his tip resting against your cervix. You feel so unbelievably full, your wall muscles rippling around him as you try to adjust to his size.
You moan after a couple moments, rolling your hips against his as you silently beg for him. Jungkook pulls out, straightening his back before pulling out until just his tip is nestled into you before plunging back into you in one smooth stroke, going as deep as he possibly can. You let out a small shriek, not caring whether you wake up the entire dorm, his dick is slightly curved, aiding in rubbing against your g-spot every time he enters into you.
“Fuck baby girl, you take cock so well, look at your tight little pussy being wrecked by my cock. Fuck… fuck you’re so wet you’re drenching me baby girl” Jungkook moans, throwing his head back as your walls flutter around him. He moves one of his hands towards your hips, his grip so tight, you know he’ll leave finger shaped bruises on your hips. He continues bucking his hips into yours, increasing his speed and power until he was jackhammering into you as hard as he could. Your breasts bounce in circles on your chest from the power of his thrusts, your legs shaking continuously from the pleasure he wrought onto your body. He runs one of his hands from your hips, down your thighs until it comes to rest at your knees before pushing it up against your chest, spreading you wider for him. He leans down, his chest braced against your bent leg and giving him for leverage to fuck deeper and harder into you before his hand moves to play with your clit.
“Fuck daddy, I’m going to cum” You moan, lip pulled between your teeth as tears fill your eyes as pleasure fills your every sensation.
“Cum for me. Cum for daddy” Jungkook snarls, his movements become rougher, a feat you thought was entirely impossible. You shudder, your walls clamping tightly around him and drenching his cock in more of your cum as you wail out his name. Jungkook groans at the feel of your wet, hot walls; his thumb pressing harder into your clit. You expect him to slow down and allow you to recover slightly, but he doesn’t.
“Jungkook?” You gasp out as he continues rolling his cock into you.
“I’m not done with you yet baby” Jungkook snarls before roughly flipping you onto your front, pushing you onto your knees as your head is pressed into the mattress. He shifts, spreading your ass cheeks before groaning at the mess he’s made of your pussy. You let out a little moan when he surges forward, pressing small kitten licks against your fold.
“God, you taste like such a slut, so sweet” Jungkook groans against your lips, his tongue moving frantically as you coat his mouth in your juices. You flush as the wet sounds of Jungkook eating you out fill the air, his lips flush against your pussy, mouth slurping and sucking obscenely. One of his hands moves to your clit, fingers playing with it roughly.
“Fuck” You stammer out, pushing your hips further into his face against your better judgement. Jungkook kneels behind you, lifting your hips higher as he drags your over-sensitised cunt over his cock, rubbing his length against your dripping slit until his cock is once again pressing into your entrance. You shudder against him, Jungkook leaning over and pressing a soft kiss against your shoulder blade before thrusting his length back into you. The new position allows him to thrust even deeper inside of you, his hips slightly angled so he was buried to the hilt every time he enters you.
Jungkook continuously impales his dick into you, hands gripping your hips and pulling you back into him every time he thrusts. He watches the way your ass jiggles every time his hips impact with the plush of your ass. He draws one hand back and spanks the flesh with a groan before squeezing it and rolling it in the palm of his hand. He repeats the ministration and before long he’s spanking you so hard, his hand repeatedly meeting your ass, that you’re sure he’s going to bruise you.
“Who’s your daddy?” Jungkook asks, each of his thrusts shaking your body, your knees pressing as hard as they can into the mattress to stabilise your body.
“Jungkook!” You reply with a breathless gasp and you can almost feel the smug smirk from behind you.
“That’s right. I’m your daddy and now this pussy belong to me, you understand? You’re mine _____, which means no more dates, no more giving it up to anyone else. You. Are. Mine” Jungkook grits out; punctuating each of his words with a thrust. His fingers entwine into your hair in a fist before pulling your head up, using it as leverage to pump even harder and faster into you. You can hear the squelching of your pussy every time his dick enters you and the sound of sweaty skin slapping against sweaty skin fills your quiet bedroom.
“Gods, your milking my cock so well baby. Do you want me to fill you up even more?” Jungkook rasps into your ear and you find it in yourself to nod, despite how fucked out you are.  His hand grips your ass cheek before spreading it, he moves his hand to where you’re joined and coats his fingers in your wetness before he begins pressing a finger into your tight ass.
“Fuck Jungkook” You whimper; you were sure he was going to be the end of you. The sensation is foreign but not uncomfortable and you quickly begin adjusting to the single digit. His fingers time in with his cock, thrusting in and out of your ass and stretching you for him. Suddenly, you feel him pressing a second finger into you and you let out a soft cry at the burn of the stretch, Jungkook shushing and cooing at you. He lightly begins thrusting them in and out letting you slowly adjust to the bigger stretch and before long you’re bucking back into him.
“Does Daddy’s little slut like being stuffed full?” Jungkook taunts and you blubber your response, barely able to form coherent words at this point. Jungkook uses his free hand to spank you again, causing you to shriek in pain.
“I asked you a question slut, I expect an answer” Jungkook growls with another slap against your tender ass.
“Yes! I love being stuffed full daddy” You squeal back, Jungkook patting your ass in praise.
“Good girl. Oh? What is that” Jungkook praises before spotting your vibrator from the corner of his eyes. You dread what’s about to happen, wondering how much more your body can take before you collapse from exhaustion.
“Were you playing with toys before daddy found you?” Jungkook asks and you nod tiredly, you can hear the mischievous tone in Jungkook’s voice.
“Use it. Turn it on and rub your little clit for me baby” Jungkook orders and you stiffen, unsure of whether you’d be able to stand the added pleasure on top of everything else.
“Fuck- Daddy I don’t know” You reply uncertainly and Jungkook plunges the fingers in your ass deeper, following it with a hard thrust.
“You can and you will baby. I want you to use the vibrator to make yourself cum and then daddy will let you rest, okay?” Jungkook says and you wonder how he can sound so soft yet domineering at the same time. You weakly feel around your bed, your hand coming into contact with the vibrator. You sluggishly turn it on before moving your hand between your thighs, pressing the vibrator against your clit.
“Fuckkkk” You whine, your pussy spasming uncontrollably while your clit throbs at the strong vibrations from the silicon toy.
“Move it down so it’s pressing against my cock too baby” Jungkook orders and you obey, moving the vibrating toy until it’s pressing against both your clit and his cock. Jungkook begins bucking wilding into your cunt, his moans turning into whines. His pulls him fingers out of your ass and grips your hips tightly as he thrusts wildly into you.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my cum so good baby. I’m gonna cum so deep into this tight little pussy, you’ll be dripping for days” Jungkook says and you let out a small whine, your thighs shaking as your orgasm draws nearer.
“Damn, your pussy just clamped so tight. Does my little slut like being filled up? Does my baby want her daddy to cum in her and watch it spill out?” Jungkook asks and you whine your answer, nodding furiously. The idea of Jungkook filling you up has you gushing with wetness once again. Jungkook’s hand moves to play with your clit and all of a sudden cum squirts out of you in a violent rush, splashing against Jungkook’s abs and dripping down to where the two of you are joined. You couldn’t scream, couldn’t moan, all you could do was choke and stutter, your body wracked with tremors as you rode out your orgasm.
“Fuck! You just drenched me baby. Fuck. Fuck I’m cumming. I’m gonna fill up your sweet cunt baby and then I’m going to watch it all pour out of that greedy cunt” Jungkook taunts and you can do nothing but lay limply as he continues pounding into you, exhaustion taking over your body.
“Jungkook please, I can’t” You sob, your pussy on fire from the pain and pleasure of Jungkook’s actions. With a strangled roar, Jungkook cums, his cum splashes out of him powerfully and violently, rope after rope of thick, hot cum being emptied inside your cunt, until you can feel it slowly start to seep out from where the two of you are joined. Jungkook falls forward, biting your shoulder as he rides of the aftershock of his orgasm, his cock twitching in your walls. When he’s finally done, Jungkook pulls out and flips you back onto your back before spreading your legs. His hand reaches out and spread your pussy wide, watching in satisfaction as his cum starts to seep out of you.
“Fuck that’s so hot” Jungkook says, his fingers playing with your mess cunt, pushing his cum back into you before rubbing his cum covered fingers against your slit. You shudder at his actions before pushing him away as hard as you can, closing your thighs. Your pussy throbbed and ached in the best way possible and you were so fucked out that you could barely speak, instead panting and gasping for air as you calm down from your high. Jungkook falls down beside you, pulling you close into his body before placing a soft kiss against your temple.
“Jungkook what happens now?” You finally ask, your voice croaky from screaming out his name.
“I meant what I said ____. You’re mine. I’ve wanted you for the longest time and the past few months, watching you date pricks who don’t deserve you, has been hell. I like you. Have since my sister introduced us. But you’ve only ever seen me as Sooyun’s brother and honestly? It fucking sucked” Jungkook reveals and you bite your lips. You no longer think he’s justSooyun’s sister.
“Jungkook… that was the best fuck of my entire life. And if you honestly want to try and make this work, I’m willing to try too” You say softly. Jungkook’s only answer is to pull you closer into him, his nose nuzzling into your hair.
“Wait! Fuck Jungkook! How are we going to explain this to your sister? She’s my best friend!” You yell and before you can respond, you hear laughter from the room next to yours.
“You don’t have to explain anything! Just next time you fuck my brother, do it where I can’thear you” Sooyun calls from the room across from yours, Namjoon and Hoseok laughing loudly. You flush bright red before stammering out an apology as you bury your face in Jungkook’s neck out of embarrassment.
“I forgot how thin these fucking walls are” You groan and Jungkook chuckles, pressing another kiss onto your head.
“I’ll just think of it as payback for all the nights Sooyun kept me up when she was fucking Namjoon and Hoseok” You say all of a sudden and Jungkook chokes, spluttering out words.
“I didn’t fucking need to know that! I’m going to kill Joon-hyung and Hobi-hyung” Jungkook groans and you chuckle, pressing your body closer into his. Jungkook lightly runs his hand up and down your back, drawing lazy circles into your skin and soon exhaustion begins taking over, Jungkook’s soft caresses slowly lulling you into a deep slumber.
A/N: Yo, peep my other works if you want
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charmingcentry · 5 years
Bechloe - Secret
Summary: Chloe’s family invites Beca over but the redhead’s family doesn’t know the two are dating.
Chloe’s eyes slowly flutter open, the sunlight beaming through her thin curtains. There’s an aroma of chocolate and vanilla wafting around the redhead’s room, a sign of baking happening in the Beale house. She sits up from the mattress and glances towards her ominous cat clock - her older brother Elijah purchased the clock for Chloe’s 14th birthday and somehow still works. The time only read 9 A.M and the redhead wondered why her mother is already baking. Chloe then stands from her bed, shuffling her feet as she walks downstairs.
Chloe’s been home for the past week to visit her family while she’s on summer break - a much-needed break after the Bellas’ USO tour. Her girlfriend, Beca, had flown three days after Chloe, Theo having her immediately start on a project with a rising musician. The redhead would’ve insisted on having the brunette room with her but Chloe didn’t want the risk of her family walking in on the two cuddling or... other activities. Nevertheless, Chloe frequently saw the brunette during her lunch break or after she finished for the day. 
“How come you’re baking early?” Chloe asks, retrieving a glass of water as she examines what her mother is baking.
Mrs. Beale pours a cup of flour into a bowl. “Just for tonight.” The redhead sits at a stool on their kitchen island, raising an eyebrow.
“What’s tonight?”
“Oh, Beca didn’t tell you? I invited her over today for dinner!”
Chloe’s heart stops for a moment and she immediately downs the glass of water, walking away swiftly. “I- I’ll go ask her about that.”
The Beale family has known Beca for many years; Chloe’s constant rambling about the brunette from Day 1 of meeting Beca has been non-stop. 
And for ranting and gushing over the brunette, Chloe hasn’t mentioned their secret relationship. Granted, the two recently began dating one another, Beca pulled Chloe aside after her performance for DJ Khaled and confessed her love - as cliche as it seems, Chloe wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Well, except right now she’s in panic mode, frantically moving her thumbs across her phone screen. She selects Beca’s name and presses her ear to the phone, shutting the bedroom door behind her. 
Chloe hears Beca pick up and takes a deep breath. “Okay, first of all, good morning, I love you. Secondly, why didn’t you tell me that my mom invited you to our place?! I mean, we now have to pretend that we aren’t dating and are just friends and that’s going to be really complicated since I’m super affectionate. Also, she’s already baking so I know she won’t have her mind changed about this!” 
There’s a pause.
“Well good morning to you too Chlo,” Beca chuckles into her phone. “First, let’s calm down okay? It’s just a dinner it’s not like they’re inviting us to like a double date or something.”
The redhead grimaces at the idea of a double date with her parents. “Ew gross. And I cannot be calm! They don’t know we’re dating!”
“Well, why don’t we tell them tonight? It shouldn’t be that hard... your parents are the nicest people ever.” Beca adds, attempting to comfort her panicking girlfriend.
“I- But I’m scared... what if something bad happens?”
“I’ll take you to my hotel room and we can cuddle or whatever. I’ll be right beside you throughout the whole thing okay?” Chloe smiles at Beca’s suggestion
“I’d love to talk more Chlo but Theo is on my ass... not literally but, yeah. He’s making work extra hard today since I’m leaving early. Love you, babe!”
“Love you too Becs.”
The call ends and the redhead collapses face-first onto her mattress.
Tonight is either going to be a shit-show or the best night of her life.
Chloe is seated on the couch, anticipating for the doorbell to ring; her family is preparing the table while the redhead pretends to read a novel. Each sentence she reads ends with a quick glance towards the door, her heart rate increasing if she notices a car passing by or a dog-walker. The redhead resumes her fake-reading and the first note of the doorbell has Chloe climbing over the couch.
“I’ll get it!” The redhead rushes towards the door, making sure that her family doesn’t open the door before her. Chloe swings the door open and sees Beca, fiddling with the hem of her collared shirt. The redhead glances behind herself and presses a short kiss on the brunette’s lips, keeping the door open with one foot. Chloe escorts Beca inside her home, the brunette walking in casually as the redhead begins to fidget with her hands, rubbing the sweat on her jeans. 
“Mom, Beca is here!” Chloe yells; her mother immediately exits the kitchen to greet the brunette.
“Hello, Beca it is so nice to see you!”
The two share a quick embrace. “It’s nice to see you too Mrs. Beale.”
“Agh please,” Chloe’s mother waves Beca off dismissively. “Call me Theresa. Anyway, the food is still cooking so you guys can stay in Chloe’s room for now!”
“Sounds good mom.”
Ignoring the temptation of the aroma of roast beef and pastries, the couple begins to walk upstairs, heading for Chloe’s childhood bedroom. Beca smiles at the number of stuffed animals huddled in the corner and the flowery wall-pattern that adds character to the redhead’s room. The brunette sits on Chloe’s recently made bed and frowns at the sight of a panicking redhead.
“Hey, you wanna talk about your pacing around the room?” Beca says, watching her girlfriend pace back and forth in the small room.
“Just, I’m scared of telling them!” Chloe says and the brunette urges her to continue. “Like what if they don’t accept us? Or maybe don’t let us see each other anymore! Or they kick us out!” The redhead begins to hyperventilate, along with her eyes beginning to water. Immediately, Beca stands up and holds Chloe’s hands, pulling the redhead closer.
“I don’t know your family as well as you do but I do know one thing. They love you no matter what Chloe and it always be that way. Okay?” Chloe nods, a smile spreading across her face. “Everything will be fine. And I mean hey, at least I’ll be with you.”
The redhead nods once more and places another kiss on Beca’s lips, this one lasting longer than the last. Their lips break apart when they hear footsteps approaching Chloe’s room and when the two look towards the open door, they let out a sigh of relief from the sight of no one there. 
“Chloe! Beca! Dinner is ready!” The redhead’s older brother screams from below
Beca looks to Chloe as they both let out a deep breath. “Ready Chlo?”
The brunette and the redhead walk downstairs towards the dining room, loving the scent of freshly made dinner. Chloe sits next to Beca and once they join the table, the redhead’s family starts grabbing for food - Chloe’s family waits until everyone is joined at the table to start eating. Beca places food onto hers and Chloe’s plate, immediately stuffing her face with Theresa’s famous roast beef.
“How’s the musician life Beca?” Chloe’s father, Michael asks as he pours a cup of iced tea for himself
The brunette swallows her food before answering. “Pretty busy, it’s keeping me productive at least. I mean, I would’ve preferred being a producer but being a musician is pretty cool too.”
“Didn’t you work as a producer beforehand?” The oldest Beale, Robert, questions
“Ah, I quit. The people there were gigantic di- I mean rude people. They just uh, didn’t treat me well so I left.” Chloe lets out a laugh at Beca’s avoidance of using a cuss word, she’s happy that the brunette knows not to swear so often around her family.
“What about you sunshine?” The redhead blushes at her mother’s old nickname for her. She glances towards her mother’s direction and notices Beca teasingly mouthing the word “sunshine” and kicks her under the table. 
Chloe faintly smiles as Beca’s face begins to scrunch up. “N-nothing much actually. Vet school will be starting soon which is exciting. But, uh, yeah nothing really.” The redhead gulps loudly. “B-but Beca here is very productive actually.”
“You okay Chloe? You seem kind of nervous.” The second oldest Beale, Elijah, inquiries, his mouth forming a frown. The redhead begins tapping her fork against her plate repeatedly as she tries to form an answer.
The brunette slips her hand under the table, placing her hand on top of Chloe’s thigh and gently squeezing it - Beca’s way of secretly comforting the redhead other than holding her hand. The redhead glances quickly towards her girlfriend and back to Elijah. Chloe clears her throat as she places her silverware down. 
“Actually I uh, have to tell you guys something.” The family slowly lowers their silverware as they focus on the youngest Beale. “So uh...” The redhead slips her hand under the table as well, lacing her fingers with Beca; Chloe begins to relax. “Me and Beca are dating. And we have been since her DJ Khaled opening performance...”
She slowly raises their interlocked hands up, awkwardly smiling and blushing. Chloe squints her eyes, preparing for screaming and anger... yet, she’s met with a few chuckles. Her eyes slowly open and she sees her family, grinning cheek to cheek. 
“Oh Chloe... we always kind of suspected that the two of you were dating.” Chloe’s father says, chuckling at the end of the sentence
“Yeah, I thought you two were dating since like you met her from the way you spoke about Beca.” The brunette’s ears flush red at Robert’s comment, fighting back an amused smile
“Same here sweetie. But just know we love okay? And are fully supportive of this relationship.” 
Chloe’s eyes begin to tear up, feeling emotional from her family’s acceptance of her. The redhead turns to the brunette and plants a quick kiss on her lips, both of their eyes rolling when they hear Elijah fake gag. They pull away and continue eating, small smiles on everyone’s faces.
“Also I kind of saw you two kissing upstairs in the bedroom and told everyone,” Robert adds, quickly standing up from the table with his plate
Beca and Chloe shoot their heads towards the oldest Beale who is making his escape. 
“If you could excuse us for a second mom, dad.” 
The redhead and the brunette stand from their own chairs and begin chasing Robert around the house. 
“Get back here you idiot!” 
Chloe couldn’t have asked for a better family and a better girlfriend. 
Hello! Thanks for reading this whole thing lol. Anyway, school for me is starting up again and this may be my last writing piece for a couple of days or weeks. I may not have time to create ideas for future stories so if you want, please request me any prompts that you would like to see me write! I will try my best to get to them during my free time. Thank you!
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hawkeyesquiver · 7 years
hello it’s been a while and i’m mostly just here to talk about my feelings about the cutest boy in the universe
so his name is cyrus and he is a hospital corpsman in the navy and he’s 6′ even and in good shape and has the cutest smile and loves game of thrones and harry potter and lord of the rings and 2/3 of our dates have just consisted of us eating out then going to my house and watching harry potter and us just making a lot of sarcastic comments and he absolutely loves it and thinks i’m amazing
our first date consisted of a revolving sushi bar where we ate too much and i got a keychain of an udon bowl and then eating dessert at this boba place and just talking and i had a great time and i texted him afterward saying i had a good time and he said “no thank you, i don’t remember the last time i enjoyed talking to someone that much” and that was such a nice thing to hear
so then both of us go on vacation so there are like two weeks in between dates #1 and #2 so #2 is us going to a taco place (i know my taco places) and him saying he hasn’t had enough tacos did i mention he deploys in 5 days from the day i’m writing this and will be gone for six months hahaaaaa so then we were going to see the kingsman sequel but it turns out he had not even seen the first one so he says something about me not being 21 (less than a month now!) and we could have gone to a bar or something so i suggest we just go back to my place and grab some drinks on the way so we drive to my house and get some beer/angry orchard and he suggests that we watch harry potter 7 pt. 2 and i just make really dumb comments the whole time which he just loves and i just shit on snape a lot (i turned him into a snape hater) and at the scene were (spoiler) tonks and lupin die, i teared up a little and wiped it and showed it to him and he started holding my hand which was just like the perfect thing and my heart screamed and then we finish the movie and then go up to my room and he looks at all my nerdy shit around and loves it and at one point we are siting on my bed and he says something like “are you going to kiss me or what?” so i did and we kissed and cuddled and talked until like 3am. at one point, he mentions that within five minutes of seeing/talking to me on the first date (combo of my adorable dress and me talking and my harry potter tattoo), he wanted to make me his. and his first thought when seeing me for the first time was “don’t fuck this up.” we talked a lot about other things and cuddled and then he had to leave because he had work at 5 (he’s crazy) EDIT: oh and while he was on vacation he bought me this candle that smells like butterbeer and i DIED 
so there is one week between dates #2 and #3 and he is not a big texter so that gives me a lot of anxiety bc i’m not used to it but i try to play it cool and i feel like i pulled it off but by the time date #3 comes around, i’m sitting at the pho restaurant freaking out while waiting for him bc i was convinced that he just was not interested so he shows up a little late (with prior warning) and we get food and talk and i just feel really awkward bc i don’t know how he stands on PDA or even if he likes me so i just eat pho and have the best egg rolls i’ve ever had in my life and then we decide to go back to my house to watch harry potter 7 pt. 1 but we take separate cars to he stops to get some alcohol while i go home and wait for him and we watch the movie on my laptop in my room and hold hands and cuddle a little during the movie and i make my dumb comments and he says he wishes he could record them so that he could relive them and i kiss him at some point during the movie and then we finish the movie and talk a little and make out a lot
we both comment on how natural and comfortable we feel around each other and so we met on okcupid right and started talking in june but didn’t go on a date until september and both of us are annoyed at ourselves for not going out earlier since he is leaving and he says that he loves holding me and i say that my brain shuts up when i’m around him and he says the exact same thing and the whole night consisted of me just saying things and him saying “i was literally about to just say that” to the point that it was creepy. we talk about how he wants to go to med school and become a doctor and he’s really passionate about medicine and i talk about aerospace engineering (my major) and school and my catering job and how i’m really looking forward to graduating in june but also low-key terrified and both of us just love how passionately we talk about our respective futures and i showed him my old notes at one point and he just thinks they look so cool and he really likes hearing me talk about college bc he always wanted to go but couldn’t afford it so he enlisted in the navy so they would pay for it. and i love hearing him talk about his medical stuff bc he is so smart and knows so much and just really loves it and i feel like it’s hard to find passionate people around anymore. he also tells me that he thinks i’m gonna go great places because of my intelligence and drive and positivity or something and it just made me feel really nice
backtrack to dinner and he gives me the address that i can send him letters to when he’s on deployment, which he had mentioned on the last date, without me bringing it up which means he does want to keep in contact while he’s gone which is cool. so i don’t remember exactly when we talked about this but i told him that i would send him dumb pictures of myself and keep him updated on the major memes and send him movie reviews of like Thor: Ragnarok And Star Wars Episode VII and anytime i mentioned this he just sounded so excited and i’m honestly looking forward to sending him cheesy little letters about nothing
and we kiss a lot and he calls me perfect a lot and beautiful a lot and i just feel so safe and comfortable around him and he says the same and he has the cutest smile and the nicest shoulders and he’s really gentle and did not pressure me into anything whatsoever and both of us voice that we really don’t care what time it is because we are just enjoying the moment. also, since he is deploying, he will return with a lot of money and I said something unrelated to that money about how I want to go to wizarding world in florida at some point in my life and he offers to take me as a graduation present and I am immediately like that's a lie don't lie to me but that offer is something straight out of my dreams. but at some point we do take our clothes off and we’re gonna have sex but then he says that he was so overwhelmed by how my body looked that he was just too nervous to do it and that was totally fine and we just made out and cuddled and i’ve literally never felt that comfortable naked around someone before and it was great and then he left at 6am (we slept for maybe 45 minutes) and he’s just so cute
and i’ve never gotten attached this quickly to a boy and i’m really annoyed that he’s leaving right after we meet and he’s really annoyed too, but both of us acknowledge that nothing would work out long distance since we’ve known each other for such a short amount of time and honestly we don’t really know each other very well but both of us intend to try again once he comes back in April and while i’m not going to close myself off to other opportunities (aka other boys), i’m not going to seek them out and i’m going to focus on school since i’m graduating in june and i really just feel like everything about him is right and i’m not gonna get my hopes up but i think he and i could make it work. he and i both agree that if he were staying, he and i would have been officially dating by now and i just really like him
and so i’m supposed to see him maybe one or two more times before he leaves but there aren’t any guarantees but he said he was going to try really hard and i think i’ll get to see him but i’m not gonna get my hopes up obviously
also i convinced him to save my number in his phone as “Nicole the Greatest Human in the Universe” (which i suggested as a joke) and he brought it up multiple times later in the night and kept saying how true it was and it was great
this turned out really long but whatever. my brain is still pretty quiet compared to how it usually is and that’s thanks to him. 
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Scandal chapter 4: Prayer (Vincent Phantomhive x Julia [OC] x Diedrich)
Scandal (FF)
*This new chapter will be uploaded on FF in few hours later.*
"You are much more mellow when sober." He commented while leaning against the haystack near her makeshift bed with half bitten bread in his hand. Julia was currently enjoying her second piece of cake.
"Yeah, I'm much more fun when I'm high, aren't' I?" She mentioned after swallowing the piece of food in her mouth.
"When I'm under the influence of drugs." She clarified.
"Ah…" He remembered then smiled, "I much prefer this side of you."
Her mouth stopped chewing, then looked at Vincent and gasped, "Don't be so mean!"
Vincent blinked, puzzled. His comment was meant to have been a compliment.
"Some of the best and nicest people are high people!" She defended.
Vincent sighed, she reminds me of Diedrich…always in their own little world, impulsive and clueless. Then again, this may be her own way of dealing with things.
"I have enjoyed the small cakes you have given me." He told her.
She tilted her head as if reaching out inside her memory to figure out what 'little cakes' he was referring to.
"Oh!" She nodded, "You mean the Jaffa Cakes? I never came across anyone that didn't like Jaffa Cakes!"
"Tell me about your world." He suddenly mentioned, "I want to know."
"Hmm…" Julia stared at the ceiling, mustering up her memories, "Well, I was born in '98–1998 and my sister was born two years after me. My mum's family is originally from Pretoria, moved before mum was born and my dad was born in UK but his parents are from Texas. They both went to same school. She was year three, so she was like seven I think and he was year five, so ten. My dad told her that she needed to shave her legs –– I have no idea why and he don't really know why he said it –– so she kicked him in his balls." Vincent tilted his head and elevated a questioning aristocratic brow, "Fast forward few more years, they met again in the café she was working and he kept spilling his coffee so she would have to come clean it up and they got married, had me and my sister and divorced when I was seven."
Vincent allowed the information to sink in. It was fascinating how much the world seemed to have change from the way she worded certain phrases or meant certain things or even how people behaved.
"And the society is fine with..divorce ?" He asked. The fact that she spoke of such personal affair easily seemed to hint that people's views have become much kinder.
"Oh right, you people think divorce is like the world's end." She muttered, it was more to herself than to him, "Yeah, we're much more relax on subjects like that. They weren't happy together so why stay in a relationship that's just gonna hurt you all the time? And before I ended up here, I just finished my second year at uni so I was out celebrating with my friends."
"You went to university?" He repeated, as if it was an absurd concept.
"The world progressed." She simply explained rather than taking it as an insult.
"What did you study?"
"Chemistry." She said as she finished the last bit of her cake.
He raised a brow, "Chemistry?"
"Why do everyone give me that look when I tell them I go to uni and study chemistry?"
"Yes, I wonder why. With your drug taking habits and drunken stupor…I'm not sure what it could be."
"Well you shouldn't judge the books by its cover then." She told him, tapping the side of her forehead.
"May I ask which university you attend?"
"Um, not sure if it exists but Imperial?"
"Imperial College London?" He clarified.
"Yeah, so it exists?"
"His Majesty was the founder of the Imperial along with avid support from Her Majesty, who always had a great interest in progressing the England's scientific and technological power."
"I literally prayed for five month straight to try and get into that uni because I messed up on maybe few of my tests."
"Yes, it's certainly is a miracle." He agreed, earning a blank, pointed look from Julia.
"What happened to your leg?" Vincent nodded toward the site of the scar all while gazing toward the wall behind her to avoid prolong staring at her exposed calves and thighs.
"Oh this?" She traced the line of the thin scar that ran vertically down her right calf. Vincent watched as a small, sad smile appeared and regretted bringing up what it seemed to have been a painful memory.
"I apologise. It seemed my question was inappropriate. You don't have to answer."
"Nah, it's fine." She shrugged, "I was eight I think…I had a dachshund called Sausage and I was laying on the bed when Sausage jumped into the bed with me and his full momentum collided with my face; my nose broke and as I fell down the bed, I scratched my leg against the sharp part of the bed and that's how I got this scar."
Julia felt tears gather in her eyes. The fond memories were now just a hallow whisper of her old life in 2017. Now she was stuck in 1867; alone and without a reason as to why this had happened and why her. It took a while to notice that the boy has been very quiet, his head buried in his arms and shoulders visibly shaking.
It looked as if he was crying.
"Hey…are you ok?" Julia was startled when the laughter he was holding broke out of its constraint and his head thrown back.
"What's so funny?" Julia's eyes were widened with surprise. She had no idea why he was laughing. Yes the story about her injury was funny but it wasn't so funny that it evoked this kind of reaction. The laughter died down soon after, wiping away the falling tears.
"You have a knack for trouble, don't you?"
"Well apparently I do." Julia smiled, "Oh, do you want to try some German sweets?"
Vincent frowned, brows furrowing on his forehead, "German sweets? Where did you get them from? He asked as he watched her crawl to the top side of her bed. He examined the few sweets Julia had laid out in front of him.
"I snuck into that German guy's room and stole them." She said without shame.
"Diedrich?" His brows shot up.
"Is that how you pronounce his name? Dee-ed-rik?"
"Diedrich." He corrected, "How did you manage that?"
"Well basically, I thought that maybe if I go back to where we first met, the magical portal that I fell through would appear and I'd be sucked back in but unfortunately it didn't happen. So I was just sitting down, having a smoke," She didn't miss the disapproving look Vincent gave her, "And then he was like 'you can't smoke in school' and recognised me as Sebastian Rolls-Royce and chased me down. Luckily I didn't get caught and decided to away with my boredom by just irritating him. Yesterday, I followed him to his dorm and rummaged through his belongings and found some snacks. I thought you'd know about it since he's been going around the campus asking if anyone seen Sebastian Rolls-Royce and that he was the culprit for missing stuff like his food."
His frown deepened, "No I was not aware. I decide to leave the manor early and came here straight away."
"Why would––aww for me?!" Julia made a gesture of touched, "That's so sweet!"
"I was worried for the school." He explained, "You may burn it to the ground."
"Whatever you say, Vincent." Julia sang, "Can I hug you?"
She gave him a quick arm wrap around his shoulders and moved away before he could manage to push her off of him. His cheeks were stained red although his expression was cool.
"Do you want some pocky?"
"Pocky." She said, taking her bag out and taking out two rectangular boxes, "I always carry lots of snacks around because I tend to get hungry after a night of binge drinking and I need constant upping of my sugar levels just to get through my life as student. Which flavour do you want? I've got strawberry, chocolate, cookie 'n' cream and green tea."
She could see his eyes sparkle as he eyed the confectionery in wonder, "Let's try it all then."
Later that evening, she found that he liked cookie 'n' cream and green tea flavours. Immediately he tried to bargain with her for the sample.
"I'll just give it to you." She said, handing the boxes to him and directing him to as to where he could find the list of ingredients.
He looked up to her surprise, "Are you sure? Is there anything you don't want? I can give you whatever you need, money, jewellery, anything."
"I would love to have some ice cream." She said after a few minutes of pondering.
"Ice cream? Just ice cream? Is there not anything more you want?" He asked, unsure. She had the power to ask him for anything. Money or beautiful jewels or dresses, perhaps even a land or a small manor if she needed, seeing that he was confident these novel confectionaries would buy over many of their customers and the company would grow prosperous as result.
"You can magically transport me back to 2017 but I don't think even you have the power to do that." Julia sadly said.
He was quiet because he knew she was right. He might have the necessary title and power to provide and fulfil her any materialistic demands but he was powerless to give her what she truly needed and wanted.
"I'll bring the ice cream tomorrow with the evening's meal." He nodded and stood up, dusting his uniform, "I must get back to my dormitory."
Julia's hand reached out to grab onto his sleeves but stopped mid-air before bringing it back to her side. Vincent noted her hesitant from the corner of his eyes but made no announcement of his observation.
"Goodnight." She said, "Thanks for coming to check on me."
"It is no trouble at all."
He watched as she closed the door, her eyes not meeting his and in fact turning away from it even before the door was fully closed. Vincent knew that she was growing increasingly lonely from the forced isolation.
As Julia had warned, the rumours of a mysterious student by the name of 'Sebastian Rolls-Royce' had spread among the other students. What worried him was the whispers will sooner or later; inevitably end up in professors' ears. He can't have a German dog barking everyone awake in the middle of the night.
"I do not quite remember about having a student named 'Sebastian Rolls-Royce' in our year." Vincent spoke up, heads turning toward his way.
Diedrich narrowed his eyes, "Well Mole, I saw Sebastian Rolls-Royce few times with my own two eyes. Some of you have seen, few days ago, a boy stepping onto the lawn, no?"
Murmurs of agreement among other student body could be heard, earning a frowning look from Vincent.
"Ah, yes, I think I remember.."
"Perhaps he's a ghost of a student who died here!"
"Now that you mention it, I believe I have seen a boy few days ago being reprimand for stepping on the lawn."
"Perhaps he gave you a false name and year." Vincent suggested, leaning against his chair, "After all, you cannot possibly know all the students attending the college by name, no?"
Vincent could see the nodding of heads at his suggestions.
"Then how do you explain the missing of my belongings? My sweets?"
"Have you checked the lost property? Maybe someone ate them thinking it was theirs'. All of it is replaceable; I am not sure why you are making such an unnecessary big fuss."
"Diedrich, perhaps Vincent is right." One of boy, Alexis Midford, put a comforting hand on Diedrich's shoulder. The distinguished Midford family had long history with the Phantomhive family. While his family protected the country and the Queen from the dark, the Midford family were entitled to the rank Marquis as the head of knights that had protected England for generations in the light. It was common for the light and dark to clash with each other on occasions when their respective tasks called for a joint of hands.
Diedrich gave the Marquis heir a glare before directing it to him.
"I am raising this seemingly absurd case because I have witnessed him breaking several rules," Diedrich glowered, "Such as smoking within the premise."
That had raised a few brows from other students while Vincent supressed the urge to massage his aching temples. Drinking, smoking and drugs. What a dangerous combination.
"That is a serious problem," Vincent agreed, "However, a simple words of accusation only has so much strength. Were you able to catch him?"
"No." He huffed angrily, "I lost him."
"Well…" Vincent started, "No culprit, no physical evidence, no witnesses –– other than you –– it's not a well prepared case, is it not?"
The other students looked at Diedrich for the answers but the German noble, despite his distaste for the Phantomhive heir, grudgingly nodded, head hung low. For now, the German dog seized his barking, ear hung back, tail and head lowered. But dogs with their stubborn streak, don't back down once they caught the slightest scent of their prey.
Vincent wondered if the trouble was worth his time. She had her uses in providing him with ideas that could further Funtom but he wasn't as concerned as his metier as Watchdog.
But… a small smile appeared, my life is much less boring.
Diedrich silently studied the Phantomhive heir who seemed to be lost in his thought. A cryptic smile proposed a trouble in brewing but did not know what that smile meant. For whatever the reason, his mind nagged something was going on. Something in his head presumed the mole and Sebastian Rolls-Royce was also a part of the ingredients. He did not voice it out loud as not to have the Phantomhive up his guard more than he already has –– which Diedrich is already having hard time trying to penetrate it –– but Diedrich was very aware that Phantomhive knew this Sebastian Rolls-Royce. He was very sure. And for whatever the reason, he was going to a great length to distract others from the subjects.
What are you up to, Mole?
Vincent Phantomhive was the perfect child of the infamous noble Phantomhive family. For generations, they were entitled to the Earldom and all the favours and prosperity that came along with nobility. Their philanthropy and successful businesses were well documented among their peers. Only one could imagine the burden that fell on their one and only heir –– their first born. His image and record was impeccable just as expected of an heir and nothing was out of place than what was expected of him. But recently, Diedrich noted cracks appearing in his little bubble of perfect. It was small that most would not really notice or care. But the fact that after all the years of immaculate effort that he started to crumbles was worrying.
If it hadn't for a random chance of coincidence, he'd never have seen the crumbs. The Phantomhive heir was always up and ready before anyone and the last to go to sleep after hours of study in the library. It was easy to get around the mandatory curfew and many teachers were willing to turn blind eyes to some, more likely if you happened to be the son of more prominent noble. Fortunately for Vincent, being professor's favourite and Phantomhive heir, being late out curfew was one of perks he had in his disposable.
Diedrich had been about to return to his dorm from the library having skipped his supper when he saw a familiar figure heading out from the window of the upper part of the building. It would not have been strange had it not for the covered basket and that Vincent was running. Running. A noble never ran. Unless the country was about to fall to ruin or Her Majesty dire the need one's presence or their wealth were lost, there weren't many other reasons that would have set someone like Vincent Phantomhive into a near sprint.
Diedrich quickly staggered down the stairs and out of the building in attempt to catch the sight of fleeting Vincent but he was too late.
"Damn it." He cursed. Just what are you up to, Mole? What is going on with you?
He had only few minutes to get to the barn before the ice cream inside the basket melt. He wasn't like his sister who was the more athletic of the two much to others' disapproval who believed a lady should be a frail damsel in distress rather than running around with a dangerous sword and wear trousers and ride horses like men. There hadn't been much reason in his life for him to run in a way he did and it wasn't a pleasant sensation to feel your lung tighten.
He didn't even bother to knock or to think beforehand that she might be indecent before he barged open the door and invited himself in without waiting for her to give him the clear.
Panting furiously, he looked around and saw a glimpse of her leg sticking out from the stacked hays on the upper attic.
"Are you asleep?" He asked.
No answer.
"..Julia?" He called, her name sounding foreign and awkward on his tongue.
"Wake up!" He shouted. The only answer was the quiet snore of her deep slumbering state.
Putting the basket on one of the hays, he climbed up to the attic and carefully stepped toward the unconscious figure sprawled across the dirty floor. She doesn't seem to mind her hair was full of odd hays that resembled a bird nest. He wondered if she wasn't too hot wearing burgundy baggy top although she was still wearing the inappropriate body hugging short bottoms that only covered her mid thighs.
All thoughts ran through his mind in speed that he couldn't catch. His life has been so ordinary, so normal..so boring before she came along.
'Give me a meaning in life. Something. Anything.' He had once prayed. All his life there had been nothing but an endless cycle of dull and bored life of luxury.
"You must be the young Lord of Phantomhive family." One of the young woman said, half of her lower face hidden by the lace delicate fan held in her gloved hands, "What a promising young lad."
"It is nice to meet you, Mr. Phantomhive." Another man curtsied, "This is my son, Leon. We hope to make your acquaintance."
"The heir to the Phantomhive family…"
"You must befriend the young Phantomhive boy. He is to be the next Earl."
"Claudia, what a lovely son you have."
"He exceeds in everything he pursues."
"A perfect child."
"We must be nice to him."
"Do whatever he tells you. He is your friend."
"Vincent, come, this is Emily, the Baroness Campbell of Surbiton."
Boring, ridiculous woman.
"Hello, Baroness Campbell! My name is Vincent Phantomhive." A toothy grin appropriate for ten years old should suffice.
Are you my answer? He asked inwardly as his eyes studied the sleeping figure beneath him. Something novel that I hopefully won't become bored of..
His arm strayed away from his side to hover above her face, her breath grazing his knuckle and it almost looked like he'd close the gap. Instead his hand moved away from her face and went to shake her shoulder to awake her.
She jumped, startled at the sudden interruption and he saw her eyes open. Her eyes were dark, black, a colour of abyss pit as opposed to his much lighter orbs.
Julia turned to look at the face that hovered above her. Blinking as she registered the blurry image, she said, "Kid, is that you?"
"I'm not a 'kid'." He sighed, "I have called you many times to no avail. I brought your ice cream. Although I cannot assure that it has not melted."
"As long as its ice cream, I don't mind." She murmured sleepily.
She lazily rolled over into an upright position, rolling her neck and stretching her back, "Morning."
"It's afternoon and only eight o'clock." He answered.
"Yeah, yeah." She waved dismissively. Wordlessly, she climbed down to where the basket is and pulled back the covering to reveal butter, bread, milk, water, ice cream, chips, vegetables, Sunday roast and Yorkshire pudding. Her eyes widened at the delicious and sumptuous content, "Woah, this is like a feast!"
Vincent didn't say anything as he climbed down, simply watched as she grabbed the pudding with her hand and bit into it. For a moment, he almost saw his sister's face on hers'.
"You're just like my sister." He unconsciously revealed. Much to his horror, she dipped a chip into the partially melted ice cream.
"You have a sister?" She gaped, "Don't look at me like that! Dipping chip into ice cream is like the best combo ever!"
"I do." He weakly let out as his frown deepened as she dipped a bit of Yorkshire pudding into the ice cream.
She waved him closer. He stepped toward her, stopping just a short of arm length. Dipping a chip into the ice cream, she held it to him, "Try it."
He made a disgusted face and pulled away, "No, thank you."
"Try it!" She forced.
"No." He firmly replied.
"You said you can give me anything right?"
"But that deal was sealed." He retorted.
"I gave you what like four recipes? So that means I can get four favours. One was spent on ice cream; another is that you eat this chip!"
Vincent groaned but quickly supressed it for it wasn't fitting for someone of his standing to show such relapse in social situation.
He eyed the ice cream dipped chip, a horribly mismatched duo.
"Come on! Don't tell me you're scared?" She grinned, "Ha, you're scar––"
Vincent snatched a chip from her hand and quickly shoved it into his mouth, chewing quickly. The texture and taste was foreign in his mouth but then, much to his surprise, he found that the odd pair actually made for a delicious taste. The oily, salty chip and the sweetness and coolness of the ice cream seemed to complement each other in weirdest way possible.
"It's nice isn't it?" Julia quipped with a smile.
"..It's certainly an interesting taste. Not bad."
"I told you." Julia flipped her hair having proven herself right, "Wanna try the pudding one?"
Vincent was hesitant but nodding.
She dipped the piece of pudding into the vanilla and held it up. He wasn't used to being fed by hand, the act was more common amongst the commoners and was seen by his peers as dirty, unhygienic act.
"Eating from my hand isn't going to kill you." She said, "Beside, you 19th century people don't have much to say what's hygienic and what's not. Some things you've done are considered unhygienic in my time."
"And eating by hand isn't considered unhygienic in your time?"
"Well people's opinions differ." She said, "My hands are clean so eat up. Quickly before the ice cream falls!"
He leaned forward, opening his mouth as her hand came toward him. As he bit onto the bread gently as not to accidentally bite down her fingers, he felt her fingers graze his bottom teeth then his lower lip. His lips tingled at the intimacy. She stood there, blinking curiously while waiting for him to comment his opinion on the food.
"It's good."
"Right!" She grinned and grabbed the spoon to scoop out the melted ice cream. Sitting on top of the haystack, she used the fork to eat the steak and vegetables while Vincent sat across her.
"So what's your sister's name? How old is she?"
"Her name is Francis. She is 12. I fear this is what she will be like when she's all grown up."
"Huh, you seemed more of an 'only child' type."
"I am not spoiled." His brow twitched.
"No comment."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I rather not say anything to that question or comment." She explained, "Usually when the said questions or comments are the 'you know it, I know it, everyone knows it, what's to say otherwise'."
"Which means you still think I am a mere 'spoiled kid'."
"No comment."
"I can promise you I'm far from spoiled."
"No comment."
He sighed.
"Hey, do you think you can grant me my third wishes?" She noticed how he suddenly became gloom as if dreading her next sentence, "It's simple really." Her eyes lowered to her dangling legs.
"I want to see the outside world."
He would be lying if he said that he was surprised at her request to escape this lonely isolation. Vincent was simply anticipating that request, biding when she will ask to go out.
"I shall think about it."
She grinned, "Thanks! I just want to get out of here."
On certain weekdays, with the permission of a parent or guardian, the school permitted their students to make trip to the central London for two hours of free activities. He decided that the oncoming special week would be a better time to take her out under the disguise of another fellow student of the school. Being seen with a man was much more invisible than being seen with a woman.
The carriage left nine in the morning, hours after morning tea and register.
"Wear the hat and uniform and blend in with the others outside the dormitory." He said to her as she diligently listened and nodded to his instructions.
"I will look for you and we will get in the carriage together." He continued, "Try not to speak or get noticed than necessary. If they ask you for your name, tell them your name is Charles Spencer. If they ask you for your year, tell them you're in your third year."
"Don't worry. I watched all the 007 series. I can be James Bond."
Vincent frowned and sighed in frustration, "I do not know what you have just said but I hope it means you know what to do."
She simply gave him the thumbs up and a smile.
Vincent wondered if he made a mistake. He didn't usually make many mistakes and did his best to avoid making one from the beginning. As his professor checked his name on the list and headed out, eyes continuously moving in search for the person in question, trepidation slowly crept in.
I'm sweating. He realised, unable to comprehend the strange sensation he was experiencing.
His head was down, the top hat hiding most of his upper face from others but still sharp enough to search through the crowd for the very person he was looking for, he stayed back from others and slowed his pace. As the students' steps quickened and neared the area where the carriages await, inwardly he began panicking. Vincent couldn't find her, overtly turning his body to look around.
Then a cold hand covered his eyes, blinding him. A warm breath on the crook of his neck that flustered him in a way he could not describe and shallow whisper, "You lost someone?"
"I did." He smiled.
Julia removed her hand from his eyes and he turned to glance over his shoulder. Her hair was tied into a bun and hidden by the hat and donned a standard uniform like him. Even with the disguise, he could still detect the feminine features leaking through.
"'Sup, bro." She greeted with her deepened voice.
"What does that mean?"
"It shortened for what's up, brother. 'What's up' is a much fun way of saying how do you do?"
"I see."
"I found you." She said with a smile; this time with her real voice seeing that they were alone.
"It seems you did." He said, "Come, the carriage is about to leave."
They managed to get on the last carriage and much to their relief, they were the only occupants. Opening the window, Julia watched in awe as the carriage travelled through the large thicket surrounding the school until River Thames were within her sight.
"I can't believe I'm actually looking at 19th Century London! Holy shit!"
"Language." He chastised her.
His words remained unheard to Julia who was engrossed with the wonders of scenery discordant with her own memory of London that she came to know.
"What does your London looks like?" He asked, watching as some of her loose strands blew against the direction of the wind.
She began to describe all the architectures and landmarks she could remember from her memory, the London Eye, the Tower Bridges, and The Thames House. Although he didn't show it, something akin to awe and proud was felt within his chest.
"Across that bridge, there'd be this really awesome food stalls," She pointed to the far distance, "Over there you can get the bus that'd go to my university, over there would be the Trafalgar Square and there'd always be something fun going on. And few minutes from there would be China Town that I always go to eat…" She trailed off as hazy memories began to clear like a foggy bathroom cooling to reveal her own reflection in the mirror.
Vincent remained quiet throughout the journey, silently observing the changes in her countenance as the carriage wavered through the paths to the destination.
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hollywoodx4 · 7 years
Sticking With the Schuylers (39)
Hi! It’s been a crazy week, but 39 is finally done! There are so many things I want to do with this story and these characters, I’m always very happy to hear you guys are reading and enjoying because that means I get to have the most fun in this world even longer :) 
Shoutout to @oosnavi for being my sounding board for the 2 weeks we’ve been developing Emily and literally listening to the paragraphs upon paragraphs I’ve sent. The true MVP right there. 
1  2  3  4   5   6   7   8   9   10   1112   I  13  14   15   16   17   18A  18B   18C  I  19   20   21   22   23   24   25  26   27  28   29   I  30  31  32 33 34 35  36  37  38 
Tagging: @linsnavi  
Warnings: This story is pretty heavy on mentions of both physical and emotional abuse.
               When an old flame dies out it leaves ashes, and embers, and rivers of tears.
               These are none of the things that Peggy Schuyler is feeling. In fact, there is a sensation of lightness when Enzo calls her to end their relationship-a really shitty move on his part-that helps to soften the blow. Instead of tears, there are upturned lips and a curious heart. She hangs up the phone, tossing it on her upturned covers, before moving to change her relationship status on social media.
               Single. The word that had once carried the weight of a natural disaster now floats in the air above her, through the glow-in-the-dark stars that line the high ceiling. It doesn’t come down to her level, although she feels it should be. And in this haze of feelings, of solitude and relief and peace, all she can do is shift over, grabbing her phone and holding it gently between two hands. His name is still etched in her contact list, four letters. They’re just that-letters. Attached to the name is a photograph, one they had taken while stuck on the subway one afternoon. Enzo is fun, lighthearted. His broad nose and face-consuming smile bring her own lips to turn in the memory. They joked, they laughed. He was comedic, and impulsive, and just weird enough to bring into her circle of misfits.
               But even then, had he been enough? She should be crying-isn’t that what girls did after breakups? She hadn’t cried when she’d broken up with Leo or Nick, either, but she’d been young then and the relationships consisted of group trips to the movies and sweaty hands held over greasy, aromatic popcorn. This should be different. Peggy had been dating Enzo for a few months; they’d gotten serious. In this frame of time, in his mind, serious had meant a few fumbling moments of awkward sex while her parents were out of town and ‘really great’ beer purchased by an older cousin of his. She’d thought it was cool, feeling older and more mature even though the beer made her stomach bloat and her head spin a little.  And sure, the sex was awkward but when Peggy had told Maria about it she’d just laughed, tipping her head back and shaking her head. It’s just because he’s your first. It’s always awkward the first time.
               It hadn’t gotten less awkward-in fact, the longer their relationship progressed, the more out of place Peggy began to feel. She wasn’t sure just what was wrong, or how to fix it, but she knew it couldn’t be Enzo. He hadn’t changed one bit. He hung around a separate crowd-ones who were swimmers like he was. They weren’t particularly harsh but Enzo’s friends weren’t the nicest, either. They were concerned with higher-class outings and getting drunk on their parents’ boats. She often sat low in the bleachers, watching him swim back and forth with concentrated gusto. He was good, but not the best. He liked to pretend that he was, though. He’d climb out of the water, shining with fresh droplets that cascaded down bare skin as if they belonged there, and reveled in the cheering of the crowd. This was-is-his home. Peggy, on the other hand, holds court with a grouping of mismatched friends on fire escapes with vodka mixed into sugary drinks. She prefers these nights, when inhibitions are released and expectations forgotten. These people, this family of friends she had acquired, don’t treat her any differently. Their statuses are different; a scholarship student, an immigrant, a wild child, and a senator’s daughter…together, they fit. Together, they enjoy their nights on the rooftop as equals in their own right. Societal standings cannot find them hovering above the city lights.
               Not even Enzo could ruin their nights above the crowds. He’d been invited; multiple times, in fact. But each time he answered Peggy’s request with a hesitation that ended in words woven together on the spot. An excuse. She’d known that each time, but let it slide. He’d never liked her friends, but she’d never particularly wanted to include him in their plans anyway. She and Enzo were their own separate unit, away from friend groups and families and anybody else but themselves. That’s how he liked it-and Peggy, as well. While others worked best as one unit joining everybody together, they kept things simple. Easy.
               But easy hadn’t been comfortable-it hadn’t been right. While the relationship had been pleasant and the sex adequate enough, Peggy craves more than that. She knows that what she’s missing isn’t the level of devotion Eliza and Alex have for one another, or the simplistic domesticity of Angelica and Church. She and Enzo hadn’t had any of that, but her mind and her body don’t seem to pull toward it. Whatever it is that he doesn’t have-whatever is making her so nonchalant about the breakup of a three month relationship-she wishes that she could decipher just what’s going on.
               She calls Eliza first, and it’s when she conferences in Angelica that’s when her middle sister knows that something must be up. She doesn’t sound upset, however. She speaks in her normal, lifted tone as if it were just another day. But it isn’t. When she breaks the news to her sisters they gasp, both speaking at once. The general consensus, she gathers, is the question of how he’d done it.
               “I mean, he called me. Just now.”
               “He called you?!” Angelica spits her consonants with harsh diction, and although they’re only speaking through the phone she translates the very sudden and visceral protection through the hardened tone of her voice. Peggy cringes, shaking her head. But before she can respond, Eliza jumps in. She’s more calm; even and gentle as she speaks.
               “Are you alright?”
               “I think so…no, I am. I am alright. I feel like I should be really mad but I’m not.”
               “He was a jerk anyway.” Angelica interjects, letting out a breath of air. “You‘re way too good for him. I can’t believe he did it over the phone though, what kind of asshole,”
               “Ange, it’s alright. I’m over it.”
               “Are you sure? Because I can come over there, it’s not a big deal. Maybe I can even stop by his place on the way there, just have a chat…”
               “I mean I wouldn’t object to that because it was a dick move but I’m fine, so we’re just going to leave it. He did the right thing,”
               “-In a shitty way,”
               “-But it still was the right thing, Ange.” Peggy lays across her bed, phone pressed to her ear, listening to the evolution of a conversation between her sisters. It’s a debate, actually, over her situation. She doesn’t join in. She doesn’t feel like it. In her train of thought, he’d broken up with her and that was it. What was the sense in getting worked up over a moment that left no hard feelings on her part, anyway?
               The week crawls slowly for Peggy, who is back at school from winter break while her sisters are god knows where, basking in the freedom of another week away from their responsibilities. They’ve come to visit a few times but she’s been in school, stuck in uniform pretending to care about senior studies while sitting in the back of the class with Maria, her best friend. The news of her breakup with Enzo had spread rampant, and even before she’d set foot on campus that following Monday she’d been bombarded with questions. Most of these inquiries came from strangers who pretended to know her; one-sided acquaintances who were more interested in her amount of Twitter followers than her actual life. She takes these things in stride, brushing off the comments in a nonchalant light.
               “He and I are fine, we just…didn’t like each other anymore.”
               Maria thinks she’s ridiculous. But then again, that’s her best friend. She’s more like Angelica than anybody else, ready to throw back insults if Peggy seems even slightly offended. She restrains Maria. She’s not sure why everybody is making such a big deal of things. It was only three months. It was only a few awkward afternoons in one of their bedrooms while their parents worked. Enzo hadn’t really even been a big deal. He still isn’t. And now, as passersby watch as she waves to him in the hall, she wishes the entire relationship hadn’t happened at all. If life after a breakup was supposed to be all drama and tears, why even bother with one in the first place?
               Also, what did feeling absolutely nothing at all make her, or their relationship?
               She’s still mulling the situation over on Thursday night, curled up on the window seat with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. She’d burrowed herself deep into a YouTube rabbit hole, progressing from makeup tutorials to toy reviews to personal vlogs from people all over the world. She’s content in this place, where she can be alone. Her mother had gone to a book club meeting, and her father had holed himself up in the office after a Christmas break that had lasted ‘far too long.’
               Her private time is interrupted by a shift of weight on the grey plush cushion, a shadow cast on the window she’d been staring at. Eliza pulls the end of Peggy’s blanket so that it’s draped in the middle, over both of their legs, before taking a sip of her own large mug of cocoa. It isn’t like Eliza to stay away too long; although Peggy had said time and time again that she was fine, her middle sister isn’t one to drop the subject and move on. Angelica tends to see the other side of the issue; what had been wrong with the boy to hurt one of her sisters. More importantly to her would be what she could say to them in return for the heartbreak. Eliza, on the other hand, had always been the one to tend to her sister’s moods and well-being rather than the actual issue. She’s the counselor, the spokesperson of the heart. This is why, when she looks up at Peggy from a sip of cocoa, the younger Schuyler actually groans.
               “I brought you some things-just some candy, and some bubble bath, and a new lipstick. I know you said you don’t want to talk about it,”
               “-Bets, I never said that.” Peggy sits up, using one hand to push back the wild curls from the frame of her face. She’s exasperated. The word breakup has become overused, so much so that it feels like it goes right through her, in one ear and right out the other. “I said I was fine about it.”
               “I just wanted to make sure. You remember my first real breakup? With,”
               “-Henry Ackert, yes I know. He was the ‘love of your life’ and he broke up with you in the middle of the cafeteria freshman year and you cried in front of everybody and Angie punched him. How could we ever forget?”
               Eliza sits back then, and for a moment a pang of offense crosses her features. She smooths it out quickly, though, sighing before reaching for her sister’s hand.
               “My point is, I’m here. If you want to talk. Or not, that’s fine too.”
               “Honestly? I’m kind of done with this whole breakup thing. Can we do something? Something that doesn’t involve you giving me a sugar-coated pep-talk about valuing myself as a human being and how I need to dig inside of my heart and listen to my feelings?”
               The words don’t come from the younger sister as harsh, or ungrateful; rather, they’re jesting. Peggy has one eyebrow raised, lips turned up in a smirk as Eliza raises her hands and shakes her head in disbelief.  Her little sister knows her; the words from her mouth are an exact outline of what she’d prepped to say on the way over. She’d expected tears, and hugs, and honestly a lot more hot chocolate than they’d drank. But then again, this is Peggy; a constant surprise, a continual outpour of loud laughter and impulsive choices. She’d always been the one to turn everybody else’s bad days into fun ones.
               Eliza knows that this is what she must need-they’d all been through the breakup circuit at Manhattan Prep before, she knew what it was like to be the one everybody suddenly couldn’t shut up about. And that kind of limelight; the pity, the ‘what actually happened’ kind of talk…is exactly what Peggy can’t stand. The older Schuyler understands her sister’s pain, but not the recommended dosage of social medication needed to bring her little sister’s mood back up. For Angelica, the two of them would sit on the bed and listen to her rant until her face turned red. Eliza would heal with a few sad movies and some ice cream. Peggy-Peggy hadn’t yet experienced the breakup of a long-term relationship. But she was her party-loving, social butterfly of a sister. The treatment had to fit the patient, and she’d been all wrong about how to help her sister.
               “Hey, Alex and I are going to John’s tomorrow for tapas. There’ll be music, family…a perfect distraction. Wanna come with us?”
               It doesn’t take long for Peggy to formulate her answer. Her plans for tomorrow night had included nothing but staying in with their parents-meaning long conversations at the table, and leaving the meal early to get away from any more questions about Enzo or school or topics that she just no longer cared to speak about. At least with Alex and Eliza and John there would be good conversation…normal conversation. And then from what she knew about John from game nights and the sporadic hangout over Alex and Eliza’s dates that they’d crashed, he was pretty entertaining. There’s a weird sense of humor about him that she enjoys, a shameless mixture of dad jokes and on-the-spot comedy she hopes will be helpful in curbing whatever kind of slump everyone seems to think she’s in.
               The next day, she tags along in the car for the short ride to the Laurens apartment. Alex begins a full-blown thesis about ‘boys like Enzo’ that nobody asked him to complete. Eliza shakes her head at him, still lovingly, while Peggy stares at him through narrowed eyes. He responds with the idea that this pseudo-lecture is something she needs to hear, although she’d just had to listen to a different variation on the same topic from Angelica just hours before. That hadn’t been as bad as this ranting. Nothing beat Alex when he got off on a tangent.
               That’s what they’re discussing when they walk through the door- Eliza leads, apologizing for the scene behind her before hugging Valeria and John in turn. Aromatic scents waft from the kitchen, the sound of brassy trumpets and acoustic guitars floating above them. Peggy and Alex add a dissonance to the mood. She rolls her eyes as he speaks one hundred words in one second, with flailing arms and a hand on her shoulder, breaking down his thoughts on the proper treatment of a breakup. Eliza slides between them, ending their conversation with a bemused expression shot Alexander’s way. The lift of his eyebrows and mouth slightly agape tell Eliza that he’s slightly offended. She ignores the concept completely.
               “This is my sister Peggy.” Eliza gestures toward her with a long, graceful turn of her arms and she nods, responding with a slight wave and a smile.
               “Thanks for letting me join in-tapas sounded so much better than take-out Chinese and listening to this one rant at me all night.”
               “It’s really no problem, sweetheart, any Schuyler is a friend of ours. Come in and take off your jacket, we’ll have dinner in an hour.” Valeria bustles back to the kitchen, where her voice lifts and chirps along to the radio in a free-formed version of a scat. In the living room, John has already gone back to the sofa, patting the place next to him. Eliza settles easily between him and Alex, John shifting her closer to his side and propping her against him. Alex feigns jealousy, kicking his feet over the pair and taking up the largest portion of the couch so that his feet are next to John’s face. He laughs before shoving them off, shaking his head and shouting about the smell of sock-clad feet mixing terribly with beer.
               Peggy lingers for a moment, scanning the situation before finding an empty seat next to a face she’s never seen before. She makes a beeline for the other half of the loveseat, grinning before settling herself in.
               “Mind if I sit here? I’m really not looking to get maimed by Alex’s gross socks either.” The girl nods, the only noise a hum of approval just barely loud enough to hear. Her gaze is cast down to her phone, and although she tries Peggy isn’t quite close enough to get a look at what might be keeping her from making a real introduction. She turns her attentions to the three on the long sofa for a minute; their escapades have died down, Eliza settling for her head on John’s chest and her legs slung over Alex’s. They’re deep into conversation about some show Peggy has never seen, and soon the comparisons of characters from season one to three bores her.
               When she turns her attention back to the girl next to her she’s still on her phone. Peggy bites her lip and waits. Then, she clears her throat. The girl barely budges. Finally, the youngest Schuyler has had enough. She shifts her weight higher on the couch, smoothing the fabric of her grey knit sweater with purpose. She won’t let it slide like Eliza would. She won’t make a huge deal out of it like Angelica would. No, Peggy Schuyler would take being ignored in a completely different direction.
               “Hi, I’m Peggy. I don’t think we’ve met yet?” It isn’t the way her voice inflects-that is completely normal. Peggy Schuyler uses her loudest voice to get these words across, so much so that her companion jumps from her seat with the sudden influx of noise. The Schuyler stifles a grin and tilts her head slightly, waiting for the girl in the seat beside her to say something.
               The first thing Peggy notices is how beautiful the girl is-when she finally looks up at her it’s through dark eyes that make immediate contact with hers. She has hair the color of espresso that falls in effortless waves past her shoulders. She pushes it back from her eyes before holding out her hand, nodding.
               “Emily.” And that’s all Peggy gets. The girl kicks one leg over the other, leaning back against the couch before casting her gaze back down at her phone. It hits her very suddenly, how short their interaction had been, and she looks up at their company to see if anybody else noticed the exchange. John is staring at them, and shrugs his shoulders at the youngest Schuyler before reaching behind him. He takes one of the circular throw pillows on their seat and chucks it over the coffee table, hitting Emily square in the head. John whoops and high-fives Alex, Eliza and Peggy looking on in horror.
               “Hey Em, we have company.”
               “I’m aware of that, John, but I,” There’s a shift in John so sudden that the room is filled with it, an unannounced feeling directed only at Emily but shot throughout the entire room. He looks at her with lifted eyebrows and arms crossed in defiance over his chest, daring her to continue. And Emily sighs, tucking her phone into the pocket of her elaborate elephant harem pants. She shifts to sit cross-legged on the couch, an expression both embarrassed and stoic decorating her features.
               “Sorry. I was working.”
               Peggy is jarred; the slight chill of tone coming from such warmed and softened features has sent her for a loop, and it takes her a moment to come up with a suitable answer. In the end, all she can muster is an acceptance of the half-assed apology before they’re called to the dinner table.
               Valeria Laurens keeps her guests entertained with lighthearted stories and heavy food; she creates an effortless dome of conversation that Peggy has no trouble settling herself into. They laugh over stories of John’s time in little league baseball, then delve straight into a tale about the possibility of their neighbor harboring a dead body. Eliza keeps mostly to herself tonight, Peggy notices, although she seems to be very good at pretending she’s at the forefront of every conversation. It isn’t clear whether or not Alex notices. She figures he mustn’t based on the rapid-fire conversation he is having with Emily. She sits next to him with her chair pushed close, speaking low and in a rushed mixture of English and Spanish words too stirred for her to understand through eavesdropping. Every so often he nods, but says nothing past a mumble or a whisper. Peggy watches the exchange with heightened interest, but not until Eliza disrupts her.
               “Stop staring!” She hisses through her teeth, chiding her younger sister before hiding her frown in a large bite of her tapas. Peggy stares back at her in disbelief; Eliza is acting as if she can’t see the absurdity of the situation in front of her. Instead she sits back, chatting and laughing as if the girl whispering in Alex’s ear isn’t one of the most beautiful people she’s seen.
               The rest of dinner goes on as such; Peggy enjoys Valeria’s cooking and her ability to weave tales that leave her breathless. She cracks up at John’s lame attempts at food puns; badly timed and off-beat. She continues to watch Emily from across the table. Alex is clueless. Eliza smacks her leg, or nudges her, or rolls her eyes. Why are you staring?! The question lingers longer than it should. It’s for the sake of Alex and Eliza, for her sister’s well-being. Staring is just part of the process.
               When they’re leaving, sending their goodbyes and grabbing their jackets, they move in an awkward circle to hug each other before parting. Valeria plants a kiss on Peggy’s head, extending an invitation for both of the sisters to stop by whenever they please. John ruffles her hair cracking one last joke.
               When she gets to Emily she isn’t sure what to do-the girls hover for a moment before Peggy shrugs her shoulders and extends her arms to her new acquaintance. But then, she’s thinking about dinner and where all of that staring had gotten her and so she pulls away, still with one hand on the Latina’s shoulder.
               “Alex is really happy with my sister. And she’s really happy with him.”
               “I just thought you needed to know.” Emily steps back from Peggy’s touch, torn between laughing and shouting. Her unfiltered response is a laughter that spills from her with a natural gusto accentuated by her natural alto timbre. She shakes her head, hair flowing with it, before moving one of her own hands to Peggy’s shoulder.
               “Alex is my brother-my pain in the ass brother I never asked for.” Eliza and Alex stand by the door, waiting, as Peggy finishes buttoning up her jacket. She moves to join them but Emily follows, walking the short distance to the door with her in silence before holding a hand up to wave. “Eliza might be your sister but Alex is my brother, and as much as you try to protect her, I’ll protect him. Also, I like girls, if that makes you feel any better.”
               She waves one last time, to all three of them. Her eyes raise slightly at Peggy, just enough to stir her blood and bring offense to the moment they’d shared. Emily shuts the door behind them, then, a resounding click acting as the last word of conversation. Peggy stands dumbfounded and staring at the cream colored door for a moment, replaying the moment in her mind. Then, she’s strumbling to keep up with her sister and her boyfriend, who’d already started to walk away. Eliza walks in the middle, arm linked around Alex’s while Peggy squeezes in beside her. The youngest Schuyler has tensed shoulders-lips drawn into a thin line and eyes narrowed at the path in front of them. She takes breaths that are deeper than normal, more concentrated, and says nothing as they journey to the car. She huffs. She scowls. As Alex converses with Paul, Eliza finds her window to duck closer to her sister, whispering in her ear.
               “What was that all about?”
               Peggy shrugs. She turns her attention to the view outside her window, letting the mass of buildings and damp grey sky consumer her vision and begin to erase her frustration. Then she mutters under her breath, just loud enough for Eliza to hear.
               “Emily Laurens is a bitch.”
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