#i’m so fragile rn 🥹
goldennika · 8 months
not to be all dramatic on main but a MOA i met at their dome show in Osaka last year added me to her close friends list/stories on instagram 🥺
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galaxywhale-moved · 2 years
the girl checking the tickets at the cinema started to ask me for my ticket and then interrupted herself to tell me she loved my shirt and I’m like thank u and now it’s been 10 minutes and I’m still thinking abt it 🥹
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lilgoblinbitch · 4 months
i just need someone to talk to about carol peletier 🥺
that woman is one of the most versatile and quick-witted characters in twd. she is also one of my favorite characters, because how could she not be?
when i first started watching twd, in season 1 & 2 i just remember being like “holy fuck give this poor woman a break,” i mean her husband was a sack of shit and then her daughter goes missing and turns... and then she has this immaculate character arc. i mean here's this pure, fragile woman who went from being a punching bag for her husband to a literal ass-kicking anti-hero boss ass bitch.
when i got through seasons 3 - 4, i was totally rooting for her! she was presumed dead in the beginning of season 3 but saved by daryl — which btw i have to say they are beautiful together (idk if i completely ship them but i am not against it and do love seeing them together; i’d say i’m a sideline caryl supporter rn) their friendship blossomed very quickly and i loved seeing that happen. season 4 was where carol really started to show her quick-wittedness; she killed karen and david to stop the illness from spreading in the prison. rick said himself later on (i think in like season 6) that he would’ve done the same. also during season 4, carol had to do something extremely difficult—and that was killing lizzie. she knew she had to do it, and she made sure not to let it eat her up for the rest of her life. i think that’s what i love most about carol, her strength. geez, that woman holds so much weight on her shoulders, but never fully lets it bring her down. she’s resilient.
my all time favorite carol moment was during season 5 when she blew up terminus. GODDAMN BADASS BITCH ALERT!!!! and ooohhh my god the look on rick’s face when he found out she saved them — priceless!
there are so many more epic carol moments, but if i talked about them all i would have to make a novel lol. needless to say, i can’t wait to see her on screen again with daryl. 🥹
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rustbeltgothic · 1 year
Taylor and Joseph in Minnesota for Michael’s wedding don’t talk to me I’m so fragile rn 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥹🥹🥹🥹
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marydublinauthor · 1 year
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Random gt drabbles: Tackle
Short #1 Request from my SITD prompt!
Requested by: @kendsleyauthor
Request: Cliff and Oliver, dark future AU, fluffy + steamy, lush forest
A/N: the amount of Cliff and Oliver that was requested omg THANK you 🥹 they are the moment rn
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As the sun set behind the distant mountains, the forest became drenched in amber hues. Cliff had ventured out to forage with six of the safehouse fairies, hoping to maximize a harvest of wild parsnips that grew nearby. The rest of the crew had flown inside ahead, but Cliff was taking his time on the rugged terrain, still nursing an ugly bruise on his left leg from a recent mission. Zia had healed the worst of it, but bruises were particularly tricky to resolve, even for advanced healers.
One fairy remained, keeping pace in flight beside him.
In a month’s time, Oliver had already adjusted well to life with the Safehouse community. Still, Cliff couldn’t help but notice how he seemed to stay bonded to him after their trial in the wilderness. Generally speaking, Oliver’s discretion wasn’t exactly his strongest quality. Cliff had caught him staring at him a number of times over the past weeks, always averting his gaze like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“I’ve literally never heard anyone who hates parsnips,” Oliver was berating.
“I think it’s because everyone you know grew up eating moss, and it shows,” Cliff said, smirking at his own joke.
A small, playful jolt of electricity zinged through his leather jacket.
“We did not have moss in my home village,” Oliver grumbled. “For your information, it was a dried algae, and it was delicious.”
“Serve that with some fries, and I’m set.”
“Listen,” Oliver said. “I know you’re joking, but that would actually taste really…”
He sucked in a sharp breath as a shadow crossed over their path. They paused to observe a hawk gliding through the trees overhead, on the hunt as dusk strengthened.
Oliver cursed, blood draining from his face.
“Come on, we should get a move on,” he said, flying faster. His flight pattern became erratic — obviously spooked.
Cliff quickened his pace to match. “You want a pocket?”
“It’s fine. Let’s just hurry.”
But as he spoke, the adorable dumbass flew straight through a spiderweb strung in a bush, tangling his wings in the thick, dew-covered threads. His flight immediately began to falter, dropping him closer to the ground with every dialed wing beat.
“Should’ve taken me up on the pocket,” Cliff called.
He was still catching up when a shrill scream came from above. For a moment, it felt like time slowed down, and horror gripped Cliff’s insides. Oliver’s frantic flapping had caught the hawk’s eye.
It dove down.
Cliff sprinted, closing the distance and putting his body between the bird and Oliver. Momentum barreled him forward. Instinct took over. He clapped his hands around Oliver’s fragile body and crushed him to his chest, rolling to land hard on his side.
Panting, Cliff watched the hawk veer off to another part of the forest in search of an easier meal. He released Oliver onto the forest floor and rolled over top of him.
“You okay?” Cliff demanded.
Oliver’s small body shuffled against the fallen leaves as he gasped for air, making sense of his surroundings. His blue eyes widened when he looked up at the new source of the shadow over him.
“Damn birds. Never realized what a menace they were until I started rooming with fairies.” Cliff brushed out some of the spiderweb out of Oliver’s hair with his thumb. Little broken pieces of leaves and dirt were scattered across his clothes.
The way Oliver’s little head whipped around to follow the path of Cliff’s hand, up to his wide shoulders and chest and the rest of him walling him in… Cliff clenched his jaw. He felt the familiar urge to apologize for being so impsosing and too big for their world.
But the way Oliver’s chest was heaving wasn’t from fear. His expression was so precious, and he was safe, and there was something magnetic in the air now.
He didn’t know why— why here? why now?—but it was as tangible as the forest around them. Like a gentle, guiding hand, it pulled Cliff down slowly until he shut his eyes and Oliver’s stunned expression vanished.
He let his lips fall against Oliver’s face with the gentlest pressure he could manage. Cliff lingered there for a moment, enthralled with the sensation of those delicate features against his skin.
He pulled back, scrutinizing any emotion in those tiny blue eyes carefully.
“Thank you,” Oliver finally said, flushed like a spring tomato. They gaped at each other for a while longer before he added, “You could do that again, if you wanted.”
Cliff shifted on his knees, his shadow dancing over Oliver’s prone body. “Do you want me to?”
“Yes. Please.”
Cliff arched an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You look like you’ve barely caught your breath.”
“Breathing is overrated,” Oliver said with a flippant gesture.
Cliff grinned and dove down.
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fallinforgyu · 2 years
okay. star crossed has been in my to read for ages now and i don’t have a reaction note i wish i did 👎
but WOW what a fucking piece of writing oh my days, so beautiful and thoughtful and perfect and heartbreaking and heartwarming it was truly truly beautiful oh my god
it was literally POETRY and i mean that with everything i am that was so stunning i can’t even believe it.. and the works that you chose to include within it too and the way you did include them agh ☹️
also i like that they got to have a happy ending, your writing always seems very intentional.. like sometimes i read fics and it feels a bit like the ending is sad just for the sake of it being sad(?) but your work always feels so true to the characters you create and i really love it so much
you really have such a way with words and i mean from the bottom of my heart your work is absolutely beautiful .. so so so so amazing and it always has me hanging off of every single word and you convey and elicit emotion so beautifully.. i’ll literally be giggling and kicking my feet sincerely and then bawling my dumb eyes out.. i don’t know how you draw so much out of me but i adore it
luv u longtime, sweet bunny 🫂
SAAAAAAAAAAAX 😭😭😭😭 i’m way too emotionally fragile rn when i tell you i WEPT
thank you so much for reading star crossed 🥹💔💔 that story is so close to my heart and so special to me and the fact that you even took the time to read it makes me want to cry but thiS IS REALLY TOO KIND 😭😭
i actually can’t believe u said that bc i just answered an ask a few minutes ago and said that i never wanna make my stories sad just for the sake of being sad and knowing that you can see that in my writing…. nope i’m crying i’m actually crying
thank you so much sax :( from the bottom of my heart thank you so so so much i love you so much and i can’t even begin to tell you how much this means to me :( 🫶✨💘💫
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