#i’m so lucky my best friend anakin was there to whisk me away to a private area until the drug wore off😌
billowypantss · 1 year
obikin oneshot where anakin isnt totally 100% sure that obi-wan loves him, so instead of doing something normal about it, he devises a bonkers and extremely unethical plan to get obi-wan to ingest truth serum and then ask him if he loves him❤️
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ashthewaterghoul · 3 years
“What if Ahsoka Went to Mustafar”
Chapter 7
Rex’s voice came over the comm link, “The Chancellor is here with a division of the Coruscant guard led by Fox”
“We’ll be right there.” Anakin replied. He looked at Padmé, confusion on her face made him feel guilty; he kissed her and said “I love you, never forget that.” Then he ran out of the room with Obi-Wan. Ahsoka and Yoda were in the hallway and joined them in running to the front of the station. When they got there, Rex was stationed with Organa’s men and they had already engaged the enemy.
“Well, you’ll need these!” Ahsoka said while tossing Anakin and Obi-Wan their weapons. All the force wielders, including Palpatine, had their lightsabers ignited, ready for battle.
“Come, Lord Vader.” Sidious demanded.
“No.” Anakin replied “You lied to me!”
He ran at Sidious and started to attack him.
“Your hatred is giving you strength, you aren’t even trying to supress it, see how powerful the dark side can be?”
Sidious knew what he was doing been as this made Anakin so angry that his eyes glowed red. From then, flashes of red and blue replaced the two men. The fight went on for some time, Palpatine’s acrobatics and Anakin’s lightning fast strikes caused both to start losing their stamina. As Yoda witnessed this, he quickly came up with an idea.
“Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, apart help me push them!”
The two nodded as they all called upon the force to separate the two. Yoda brought Anakin back over to them but the success was short lived as the clone battalion’s incredible combat training paid off and quickly started to overwhelm the opposition. The Jedi’s team were doing their best to keep the clones at bay but it was taking its toll on the Alderaan troops. Being in close proximity to Fox allowed Rex to tune in the frequencies only carried in clone helmets.
“This is Commander Fox to Commander Cody, we need your help, I repeat, we need your help.
“Cody?” Rex thought, but before he could relay the message, Yoda stated his new plan.
“Attack Sidious I will, join one by one you will to assist.” he said.
He used the force and jumped over to Sidious. The Sith was surprised to see the little green Jedi was alive, which briefly played to Yoda’s advantage. The momentary surprise allowed Yoda to slide past Sidious and take his gaze away from the station. Sidious called his second lightsaber down his sleeve to his hand and ignited it, the crimson blade illuminating his disfigured face under his hood. He was determined to finish their business. As his back was turned, Ahsoka ran to join in but Sidious used the force and held Ahsoka back, but she was soon released when Obi- Wan jumped in to attack also. Ahsoka ran to aid the Jedi masters. Even though it was 3 vs 1, Sidious was somehow still getting the upper hand.
“Any time… now… Anakin!” Obi-Wan said struggling and panting.
The flashes of the lightsabers clashing made it almost impossible for Anakin to see where he should jump in. He remembered what Qui-Gon said about staying on the light, he pulled himself into a brief meditation and used the force to see the action. He saw what to do but all the clones were in the way. He couldn’t get past them without killing them, which he didn’t want to do. He looked at Rex who seemed to know what he was thinking.
“You have my permission, if that’s what you were going to say.” He said, after what happened to Fives and Ahsoka, the Coruscant Guard had a lot less respect from Rex.
Anakin nodded at his friend, gripped his lightsaber tighter and practically ran through them, slicing each one of them like a Tusken Raider. It took some time to get through them but in the end he saw his friends becoming more and more fatigued by the very quick combat of the sith. He didn’t know how to do this while staying on the light, he couldn’t, it was impossible; he just dipped back into the dark then, Anakin could already feel it’s seductive nature intoxicating him, clouding his conscious.
“Don’t worry. I am with you, Anakin.” Qui-Gon said through the force. Anakin swore he felt his master’s large hand on his back like he did all those years ago. While he had the courage to do it, he leaped up and flipped over the lightsaber caused chaos. As he landed, he sliced Palpatine in vertically in half. Palpatine grunted before he could take his last breath, and fell to the ground. The three of them stared at Anakin with complete and utter shock. Ahsoka couldn’t look at the mutilated corpse so she turned and ran back to Rex’s aid. Yoda, Obi-Wan and Anakin’s gazes went from each other to the body, all were expressionless. The moment was over powered by the LAAT’s of the 212th legion arriving. Obi-Wan saw his old battalion and flashes of what happened on Utapau invaded his mind.
“Oh, not good.” He said as the orange clad clones descended from the gunships and immediately started to attack.
Rex saw his brother, Cody, for the first time in weeks and decided to try and talk some sense into him. He tried to act like his chip was still in to blend in with the rest.
“Cody!” he shouted,
“Rex!” he replied, happy to see his brother alive. “Or should I say Commander? I do believe that congratulations are in order!”
“Not anymore, demoted.”
“I’ll tell you another time but for now, what do we do now the Chancellor is, well, dead?” he motioned to the decapitated body. Cody hadn’t even noticed, he was shocked at the sight and left speechless. Before he could respond, Fox ran towards them and said “We carry out Order 66 and execute the people responsible for treason.”
The mention of the command made Rex wince. He saw Cody straighten up and look almost robotic, just like the droids they fought against, programmed to do whatever is needed of them.
“Yes sir!” Cody said and started to run off but stopped when he realised that Rex wasn’t following.
“Aren’t you coming?” He asked.
“What? Oh right yeah.” Rex started to follow Cody, but while he wasn’t looking, he ran to the Jedi generals.
“Order 66 has been activated again for yours and Ahsoka’s termination.” The Captain said.
“Lovely.” Obi-Wan said completely monotone.
“A laughing matter this is not, Obi-Wan.” Yoda scolded “Stop this how do we, Captain?”
“All the clones have an inhibitor chip implanted in their brains; Ahsoka was smart enough to remove mine, but the rest of my men weren’t as lucky.” He turned to Skywalker “Remember when Fives told us about them?”
“He was right?” Anakin responded.
Rex nodded.
“How do we remove these chips?” Obi-Wan asked.
“We need a scanner and a surgery droid or capsule, it’s a short procedure and then they can function normally right after.”
“Look for one of these capsules inside, I will.” Yoda said, he then quickly ran through the commotion and into the station.
The three men ran back to help the other troops, Rex wanted to fight alongside Cody again, but he couldn’t betray his General. He could feel Cody’s confusion as he ran past him to the man-made trench.
“Rex, what are you doing?!” Cody shouted over the comm. Rex quickly thought of an excuse for his behaviour, “Doing it from the inside.” He shouted back.
“Smart move!”
Rex hated that his brother’s unique personality had dissolved to become just like all the other clones. The laser bolts flew between the two sides for a long time until Yoda’s voice finally came through the comm.
“Found the resources for the surgeries I have. Many of the capsules are there.”
“Understood, Master” Obi-Wan replied.
“How do we get them in?” Ahsoka said while blocking rounds of blaster fire.
“Try to pull them over with the force while Rex stuns them. Then Anakin, put them inside and the droids will get to work.” The Jedi master replied.
They all nodded their heads in agreement.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka called to Rex as a trooper flew his way, Anakin dragged them one by one into the lobby onto a gurney which was quickly whisked away to a med-bay.
The clones started to see that there brothers were being forced behind enemy lines.
“They’re taking hostages!” Fox yelled out.
“We need to recue our brothers!” replied Cody.
They started to charge at the station.
“Rex! Get out of there!” Cody shouted.
“No can do, Cody.” He stunned his brother and dragged him in to Skywalker.
“There are too many of them!” Ahsoka said.
“Fall back!” Kenobi ordered.
Everyone went into the station and held the doors shut.
“How many are left out there?” Anakin asked.
“About half, sir.” Rex said.
“That’s too many.”
Bail Organa ran around the corner, “We have clones coming in the south entrance by some of the other med-bays.” he said.
“That’s where Padmé is!” Anakin said “Rex, how many are out of surgery?”
“We have around 20 left to go.” The Captain responded.
“Take them to the south entrance and get ready to evacuate the place if we need to.” he ordered.
“Yes sir.”
Yoda came round the corner.
“Skywalker.” Yoda called
“Master.” Anakin responded.
“Subdue the clones from here we can. Together we must work to do this. All their heads, hit against each other make them, but not too hard or kill them it will.”
Anakin nodded and they both held their hands out, reaching deep into the force. The clones all rose up in the air and all crumpled into a pile on the floor with a loud clang.
“To the med-bays, get them.” Yoda ordered. Everyone there obliged and carried a trooper onto a gurney. Rex ran back from the south entrance.
“All the troops are ready for the procedure.” He reported.
“And Padmé and the twins?” Anakin asked.
“I … I couldn’t see them sir.”
Fear once again rose in Anakin.
I’m sorry this chapter is so long, I couldn’t condense it or find a place to split it into 2. But I guess it makes up for how short the last chapter was😅. Also there is one chapter left of this and then its the epilogue! I hope you enjoyed it and please leave any feedback or suggestions for future fics. Please interact with my posts as much as you can! You can follow me on Instagram if you want @siriusly_a_jedi.
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thesoobfiles · 4 years
one stubborn senator – a. skywalker
Words: 2.1k
Summary: Senator (L/N) of Kyoi knows what she wants and she wants Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker; however, she’s also very stubborn and refuses to acknowledge her feelings for the prophesized Chosen One. Will her false front crumble when a certain Skywalker is assigned to be her escort?
A/N: this story is inspired by write-i-do’s drabble, ‘The Senator’. i suggest reading it because it’s great and maybe you’ll have a better grasp on this one. i might have used some of it (i hope that’s ok) in order to keep true to the drabble… also, Kyoi is not a real Star War planet. anyways, i really hope you guys like it, especially @write-i-do. since it’s based off your drabble and i don’t want to disgrace it with this madness… enjoy!
Anakin thought he was a generally lucky person; however, his luck seemed to change whenever you were involved. Whenever he wished to talk to you, you were always whisked away by another; whether it be Senator, clone or Jedi. He thought he had finally caught a break when he was assigned to be your Jedi escort.
Anakin waltzed up to me and began his introduction, “Senator (L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m-“ He was quickly cut off with my snippy remark.
“Anakin Skywalker. Yes, I’m aware; I’ve seen the holo-net before...” I said, unimpressed, “Decorated General, poster boy of the Republic as well as close, personal friend of the Chancellor.”
“What kind of Senator would I be if I didn’t know who you were?” I asked, a bit coldly; however, Anakin couldn’t help the blush that bloomed across his cheeks.
He cleared his throat, trying his best to hold some semblance of professionalism, “With the pleasantries out of the way, shall we get going?” I looked downwards at his extended hand and turned away with a huff.
“Why did the Council send you anyways?” I asked, making my way to the door, “It’s not like I can’t take care of myself; plus, I think you’re much more useful on the battlefield.” I said as I finally exited the room and left behind a much frazzled Jedi.
Little did he know, your distant behavior didn’t express how you truly felt; it was a front to hide your adoration for him.
I hope my cold demeanor wasn’t too much... Just wait until my Senator friends hear about this one! How lucky I am to have the Anakin Skywalker assigned to me! I thought with excitement as I made my way onto my ship, Anakin not far behind me.
He walks on the ship and heads for the cockpit, throwing a glance your way. You’re sitting on the bench attached to the wall with your legs crossed one over the other and your eyes closed; a mix between a scowl and a blank expression over taking your features. He continues his trek to the pilot’s seat and sits down, defeated.
Even with her face in a scowl, she is the most beautiful creature I’ve had the pleasure of casting my gaze upon. He thought while preparing for take-off.
I wonder the purpose of her prickly exterior… Anakin began to ponder, whenever I see her conversing with others, she always has a magnificent smile on her face and her eyes twinkle with joy… Perhaps the next time we engage in conversation, I can try and sense what the issue is… Anakin decided as he notes the ship is approaching the Kyoi system.
He puts the ship on autopilot as he heads to where you’re seated. Your face is still contorted into the blank expression from earlier as you appear to be… meditating? Your hands rest on your knees and you rest crisscrossed on the floor.
Has she been sitting this way for the entirety of the trip?
“Senator, we-“
“We’ve entered the Kyoi system, I know.” I respond with my eyes still closed, “Did you know it’s considered rude to interrupt meditation, Master Jedi?” I say as I open my eyes and tilt my head up, Anakin’s face coming into view.
“I apologize, I’ll-“
“No, it’s fine. The aura has dissipated anyways…” I reason as I leave my spot on the floor to walk up to Anakin, “and yes, I have.”
He furrows his brows in confusion, “You have what?”
“I have been sitting that way for the entirety of our journey.” I reply coolly as I make my way to the cockpit, sitting in the co-pilot seat and overseeing the rest of the trip to Kyoi.
“I didn’t say that out loud… How did you know?” Anakin asks curiously as he reclaims the seat of the pilot.
“The ability of telepathy is rare among my people. Many years ago, telepaths were hunted and killed for being… different.” I say, looking out the large window that separates the cockpit from the vast, emptiness of space, “Our ways have changed since then; however, there are still those who hold strong grudges against telepaths.”
“Do you wish to expose me, Master Skywalker?” I ask, turning in his direction. His mouth hangs open before he quickly closes it.
“No! Of course not!” He rambles out, “I was just unaware of this part in your history…” He trails off.
“Not many are; consider yourself lucky…” I say as I flip the switch that opens the door of my ship and leave him with his thoughts.
He does not remain there long as he hurriedly joins my side.
We exit the ship and head for my residence near the crystal caves.
The walk is filled with silence and Skywalker’s mind runs like a faucet; thought after thought entering his mind.
I wonder how much longer the walk to her home is... I’m not complaining, just curious…
The terrain here is wonderful… This is truly an amazing place to live, unlike Tatooine… I wonder if the crystal caves are anything like Ilum…
I wonder what I could do to change her attitude towards me…
Oh, an interesting thought indeed; but, in order to hide my affection, I’m afraid my attitude won’t be changing anytime soon, darling.
-like? Wait, I forgot she was a telepath… what if she’s listening?!
Anakin’s eyes glance over at me and my eyes are trained on the path in front of us. His gaze returns to the front and his thoughts continue. However, I’ve decided I shouldn’t abuse this power; I wouldn’t want anyone listening in on my thoughts…
While (Y/N) has left Anakin to his thoughts, Anakin has not left (Y/N) to hers.
Almost home, a little longer on this path and we’re there. Wait. We. Anakin and I… Oh my stars, I never took into consideration that he’d be in my house... THE Anakin Skywalker, in my house; how unnerving…
I wonder how much longer I can really keep this up… Why waste time hiding my adoration when I can just say, ‘Anakin Skywalker, I love you.’…
Actually, that might come off a bit high strong and this is only our first meeting… But, he’s so amazing… It’s honestly hard NOT to adore him… He fights selflessly for the Republic and his compassion knows no end; not to mention he’s crazy good-looking.
Anakin raises his eyebrow and smirks in the Senator’s direction; however, she is none the wiser and is completely lost in her thoughts.
I mean, wow. His shoulder-length hair looks so soft and lush I just want to run my fingers through it all night… Seriously, what kind of hair products is he using?
Anakin holds back the urge to laugh.
He also smells amazing. I have no idea how, but he does. He spends his days fighting, probably sweating buckets, and he still smells great. Do all Jedi’s smell this good?
Probably not; Padmé actually insisted I try this new body wash because ‘It’s better than the cheap crap the Jedi make you use.’
And his skin is practically flawless… I have no idea how, but I’ll have to ask what his skincare routine is…
Also thanks to Padmé; she’s vowed to provide me with all of my toiletries from now on because she despises how much chemicals are in the ones the Jedi give us…
He looks up to see that they are within a 10 foot radius of Senator (L/N)’s home.
I’m impressed. She does a really good job of making it seems like she hates my guts. It’s crazy how she can keep such a straight face when her thoughts run rampant like this…
It’s a shame the Jedi are so conservative…
She walks up to the door and places her palm on a rock next to the door; it’s flat and embedded into the structure as if nothing was there.
Those robes probably cover up the most delicious muscles and no one would ever know…
I’m dragged out of my thoughts and stop walking in when Anakin bursts out laughing. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him with confusion as he doubles over with laughter. An unexpected noise, but a pleasant one. Who knew Anakin Skywalker’s laugh was such as blessing to hear?
“You, Senator, are a master of deception.” Anakin manages between laughs as he tries to catch his breath.
“How so, Master Skywalker?” I ask curiously, walking the rest of the way in my house with Anakin right behind me.
“How can you look so stern yet think such thoughts?” He asks with a smirk as he shuts the door behind him.
My eyes widen at the accusation and I swallow the lump in my throat, “What thoughts?”
“Shall I repeat them for you?” He asks with that glorious smirk on his face.
He holds up one finger, “My compassion knows no end,” My eyes widen once again.
He lifts another finger, “You wish to run your fingers through my hair all night,” I can feel the heat beginning to form in my face as he slowly walks towards me.
Another finger joins his other two, “and my personal favorite, how these horrid Jedi robes could possibly be covering up the most delicious muscles and no one would ever know.” He finishes with a triumphant grin. By the time he’s finished, my entire face is flushed and my heart is beating out of my chest. I collapse on my couch and bury my face in my hands.
“How embarrassing! Having such thoughts about a man who is forbidden from forming attachments…” I mutter from within my hands. I feel the couch cushion on my right sink and an arm wrap around my shoulders.
“If it’s any consolation Senator, I think you’re compassionate as well. Fighting for your people not on the battlefield, but in the Senate chamber.”
“And your hair looks as soft as it is feels.” He says as he takes a piece and twirls it around his fingers.
“And fortunately, your people are not as conservative as the Jedi.” He finishes as his fingers stroke the skin of my upper arm. I remove my hands from my face, sit up and look in his direction, “Are you flirting with me, Master Skywalker?”
His signature smirk returns as his beautiful blue eyes look straight at my (E/C) ones, “Would it be so bad if I was?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite in fact; however, what about the Jedi code?” I ask, concerned.
He looks thoughtful, facing forwards and he stops stroking my arm.
I would leave the Jedi Order for you.
“What?!” I exclaim and push him away, his hand dropping from my arm, “No, you can’t do that.” I say, crossing my arms.
“You’ve probably trained your whole life to be a Jedi! You can’t give that up; especially not for me!” I say, surprised by his words.
“I’m only 21, Senator. My whole life only consists of 21 years and 12 of those years were dedicated to becoming a Jedi.”
“That’s more than half of your life!”
“So far…” He counters, “I’ll hopefully live many more years and I wish for those years to be by your side.” Anakin looks over at me and grabs my hands.
I look him; I look into his captivating blue orbs and really think about how he’d give up everything to be with me and we’ve only just met.
“2 years.” I say. He raises his eyebrow in return and I elaborate further, “If you still love me in 2 years, you can leave the Jedi Order and I’ll accept what I assume is your proposal.”
“Deal.” He replies with a toothy grin.
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