#i’m so tired of bs and made up shit being spread and i’m doing
luckheist · 2 years
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lady-oyanka · 2 years
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Sorry to have to vent like this on here
But I’m two steps away from
From going on a killing rampage. So to prevent myself from catching a case; I must vent. Yes I know venting publicly is considered NUTS but I have been keeping this shit bottled up inside since April of 2022. I have had a lot going on and I have been just doing the Capricorn thing and keeping shit to myself. But I just can’t stay silent anymore.
In this very PC and BS world now when one defends themselves all of a sudden you are a Drama Queen or a Bully.
Yeah well in my book someone that doesn’t defend themselves is a fucking pendejo
I for one like to be nice to everyone and helpful but when someone you have helped and been nothing but kind and nice to, turns around and starts talking shit about you. It then brings out the Evil side of me that mom (may she rest in peace) used to try to beat out of me.
I personally don’t have anything to hide or am I ashamed of anything I have done in my life. Life is Life things happen for a reason, but one must keep Living.
But if you going to spread lies/false information Let’s start with some “FACTS” so think, before you try to come for me.
This goes for one Yolanda E (Miss Juliette or Miss Mango as she likes to call herself) and the subhuman reject known as Keyser aka clawsweb.
I have never in my entire life ever made fun of someone especially someone like these 2 shitbags. But for this cunt to talk shit…bitch check yourself before you wreck yourself
Sorry that you feel a certain kind of way because your refrigerator is next to your bed.
But don’t go talking shit about how I live or where I live when you are deflecting because your ass lives in the shithole that you live at.
Just because your 46 year old ass can’t get pregnant and have a kid, or because your bf of 6 years left your ass for a younger woman. None that shit has to do with me nor do I give a shit.
It’s not my fault that you are a miserable cunt.
At the end of the day having a roof over one’s head when they have a child is what’s important. Having a job or several (because it’s expensive to live in NY) isn’t shameful. But for you to talk shit when your ass don’t even pay taxes, because you’re living off the government. FUCK YOU…
Oh and Keyser sorry that you have zero roots or culture, not my fault. Newsflash anyone can be a racist piece of shit no matter what race, ethnicity or nationality they are. You are a racist POS, and so is she.
And let’s not even talk about how you go around getting BJs and more from TS SWs and then try to act all high and mighty… I have eyes and ears everywhere.
So don’t try to play that bs with me,
And before anyone tries to defend this cunt and the moron that doesn’t bother to check the source before he opens his mouth.
Let me tell you that they had doxxed me back in August 2022, all because she lost in court. People should learn not to lie in court. I won in court because she was lying from start to finish. Plus she had this cockbag there claiming that he was there as a witness…witness to what cockbag when your ass had never been on my sets, ever…he got lucky that he wasn’t called on because that would have been amusing. Either way I walked out of there John Gotti style… #IWON
However, I’m tired of the lies & false information she has been spreading since. #done
A normal human being would stick their tail between their legs and just keep it moving..but no not this cunt.
You two can go stick a cactus dildo up your asses and make sure to ram it all the way up.
Now enjoy seeing this cunt with her bed next to her refrigerator. My 1 bedroom Apartment in LONG ISLAND at least is in a house and I have a kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. Plus a full backyard. Don’t say shit about me and how I live when you are living like this in your ghetto ass neighborhood. Bet your Fat Albert Cocksucker doesn’t know how you live, well now he will since he thinks he knows so much….Now everyone can see the real Miss Juliette in her environment. Like the cockroach you really are. You don’t even have money to buy bdsm equipment so you had to borrow mine. Maybe if you actually worked instead of sponging off the government you would have a car, clothes, real furniture, maybe even real bedding…instead of plastic bagging your bed.
Oh and let’s not forget this one eyed Fat Albert looking mother fucker that has the balls to say something about my weight and looks. I may no longer be the spring chicken I was but at least my fat ass goes to the gym oh and I don’t look like the fucker from “The Hills Have Eyes” like him.
These 2 can suck my dick.Now that I have vented I feel better. Carry on and enjoy your night.
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
I'm the original anon you're so mad at. The reason why I haven't reached out to express my feelings is because i don't want to interact. It's as simple as that. The only issue I'll share now is the fact that you're all saying you're entitled to your opinions. Why, then, am I not entitled to mine? It's as frustrating to me at it has to you. Also, another issue is that your stuff is being spread through reblogs, so I see it even if I don't follow you, and blocking doesn't do anything for rbs.
For fucks sake why is it always 5 in the morning when I have to use my head the most. Anyways I said I wanted nothing more to do with this drama because frankly we all seem to want the best for rivamika.
But for starters you're not only saying we are toxic ( and that we are not even aware of it), you basically said we are ruining the fandom, you've not made your issues clear ( like what is it so wrong that we've doing that's really bringing the rm fandoms rep down??) But you also implied we aren't helping the community and other anons ( maybe yourself ) have gone to my friends inboxes as anons and accused them of these things and more. Why should I respect these kind of opinions when I clearly don't see how any of whatever me or my friends have done is worth being called "toxic" and everything else you guys said?
Yeah your entitled to your opinion which is why you shared yours and I did I say you couldn't? And if that opinion is of me or the people closest to me in the fandom, I have every right to speak on it.
If you don't want to reach out to me, that's hardly my problem because I'm willing to sit down and talk and even stop doing shit if it means y'all will stop this division between inside the fandom. I don't fucking understand why my friends have to apologise for simply doing what's the norm? And I'm sorry (??) We didn't read the shippers guide basic etiquette thing because for me, I've never been into a shipping fandom as I've been with rivamika. I don't understand why my friends should feel like leaving the fandom they love so much because some anonymous ask won't specify the things we've done to receive such words. Surprise surprise I'm also sick of seeing these shady ass anon asks and comments CLEARLY made about some specific people and the weird energy that is created by them.
And as for seeing my posts or reblogs, what do you want me to do? First you don't want me to express my thoughts and feelings on certain things even if it does stay within my own blog now do you want me to tell people to stop reblogging my posts? It's funny how last time this shit happened last month I said sorry if you had to see my content through my reblog but I'm not sorry anymore. If you can't ignore what you dont like and yet you want me to do the same thing with the antis asks and comments,,um,, don't you see your own hypocrisy?
Don't you see that your no better, you're just as toxic as I and everyone else and that is not an opinion, that is the uncomfortable truth.
The only difference between you and I is the fact that I've never expressed an opinion on you before now that could've effected you in a bad way. I've never said you people are whats bringing the downfall of your own beloved fandom. You do realise that most of us here are just to share and consume content and the fact that we get called these things you guys say fucking hurts?
I can't speak for everyone but I've never felt at home in any other community before rivamika and everyone here are the nicest people online nowadays and the last thing I wanna do is leave this community. But if YOU could be more honest you would want us to leave. I'm sorry if I sound hostile in this post, I'm tired both physically and tired of seeing this bs get dug up from the dirt over and over again.
If blocking doesn't do anything for reblogs doesn't it mean the people who reblog my stuff also agree with me which means that if you shouldn't be engaging with them in the first place if you know that they share the views as me 🤔
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mindninjax · 3 years
First off I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to read any of your longer works besides the lovely domestic Katsuki drabbles you’ve posted. I started reading ‘’ TOY BOX’’ last night ,and i might have smoked a little too much and passes out a few paragraphs in(I’m sorry) but i made me my biggest mug of coffee and sat my ass down to finish it AND LET ME TELL YOU i was so absorbed in it I forgot all about my coffee and it went cold(i never let my coffee go cold) that’s how good it was!!!
I might now know you that well but i saw a lot of you i this fic. I was reading a Marqsuki fic,not a Bakugou x reader fic. And loved it from begging to end. Sharing a flat with Katsuki sounds exhausting but i would gladly put up with it. Watch me sit in the same room as him and sip at my coffee slooooowly as he works out,watch the veins on his arms pop when he does his set of curls and GOD try not to choke at the way his tits perk up after his done doing push-ups. FUCK IT I don’t care if my coffee gets cold while doing so(Iced coffee is a thing is it not?)
I love reader,she got character,not scared to go head to head with his grumpy ass. Love how she call him out on his BS.
‘’God you really do ruin everything with every sentence that comes out of your mouth,huh? You sure that’s not your quirk?’’
How she was upfront,saying what she really thinks about him starting his own agency,about him not being ready and i love him for accepting that he’s not,that he got a long way too go. Sad he thinks so little of himself,how he compares himself to Shoto and Deku .
‘’I get the job done. That’s what matters’’
I wanna kiss him so hard for that. How long has he be pining after reader exactly? To really care about what she thinks of him? To finally try to get to know her..
I was close to tears when reader shares her frustration with wanting something more out of life than what she has right now. It gets tiring when things become routine after a while,doesn’t it? Heart beating a mile a minute when Katsuki tells her:
‘’Your life isn’t over. You still got plenty of time to do all the shit you wanna do,so stop sulking and go do it’’
Hate it when he says exactly what you need to hear.
Katsuki thighs spread wide,cock fucking his fist to thoughts of us lives forever in my mind so thank you so much for that amazing bit. Had me biting my fist.Seriously SOOO GOOD.
The interaction between the bakusquad had me cackling. Bakugou and Kirishima are boyfriends( I’ll fight whoever says otherwise)
And then Katsuki not wanting to do nothing else after French kissing us on the kitchen counter but having a ‘snack’ regardless its just plain rude.LMAO
Does Katsuki have a little bit of a power play kink? Did i get that right…oh the possibilities after the relationship is set. Bossy partner gets him bricked up!!AHHHHH
Post orgasm whiny Katsuki asking us to be his…he so needy<33 for a minute there I thought maybe he threw away the dildo lmao.
This was such a lovely read Marquie!!!!! Very well executed,loved the humor in it and even the angsty bits…i will eventually gets stared on “TO SHPE A HOME’’as soon as i got some time. Thank you for writing this 💕
This comment made me cryyyyy (happy tears) bahaha please! Also please don’t apologize! The fact that you even wanna read my stuff is such an honor🥰
Ok so I’m actually laughing so much because I’m so happy! Lololol so many people were like “I don’t know Op like that but after reading this I feel like I do.” Because Bdjdhbdbd be I DIDNT MEAN TO FULLY WRITE MYSELF INTO THIS FIC BUT HERE WE ARE BAHAHAH
Please their banter was some of my favoriteeeee to write because she’s so sarcastic and witty and quick on the draw but also she’s a lil shy and dumb and nervous but like Katsu is so thankful for that because she’s so incredibly herself around him. And because she is he feels like he can be himself around her and it’s just sigh… they’re idiots. Bahahah
THE JACKING IT SCENE DHHDJRBDBRB ONE OF MY FAVES! Oh yes He and Kiri absolutely are boyfriends. Lolol I couldn’t not have a lil hint to kiribaku in it . They’ve stolen my heart and soul lol.
😈😈😈 he does indeed have a little bit of a power play kink. You see hints of it when he mentions the way he’s heard Reader talking to some of her coworkers on the phone. Where she takes charge. Many times he’s thought about how she would sound talking to him like that. And when she holds his thighs and tells him to shut up when she’s sucking his dick, he fucking loses it bahaha.
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killiths · 4 years
so where do i start...
well... i just wanna say that i’m fucking sick and tired of this shit. like, i am done taking this shit from natalie (@/simon-haynes) not taking any fucking responsibility and not being able to be accountable for the shit she’s done and people eating up her lies like she’s a fucking saint... i am totally, completely and unbelievably sick of this bitch... can’t even say it differently. and whilst the reason im writing this is because of rae, i have my own story with natalie to share :) because i am SICK and TIRED of this bitch acting like a saint compared to rae... because trust me on this... she really is NOT. also, the reason she’s going round spreading lies abt rae is pretty much similar to what ive gone thru w her so... like, not in what happened but like... rae upset natalie and she snapped and went around spreading lies. i got upset bc of natalie but i didn’t snap and go into other servers that weren’t even remotely involved to talk smack about her and spread lies. innit funny how i am literally like 7 years younger than her but clearly more mature? :)
anyways, i might not have all the receipts but nor does she, actually, and ppl believe her bs lies about rae so here i come with the TRUTH that i’ve been keeping quiet for so long because i didn’t think i’d need to bring it up for people to see how fucked in the head she actually is ???
but yeah,lemme just mention some of the shit she’s been doing to rae recently:  compulsively lying about her to make herself look better to people we don’t know in servers we ain’t in... plus we’re also mentioned in there several times for god fucking knows why so...
but to what natalie did to me, well... it’s been months actually, i think it happened all the way back in july ??? so yeah, that’s how long i’ve kept quiet about this bc at the time i thought we were friends but this bitch is as fake as it can get. :) 
back in july 2020, i joined the womens server created by fleur and i was actually talking to her and the people there. i genuinely liked them and was really happy that i could talk to them too along with my other friends, but then the womens server got mentioned in our friend group and suddenly everyone wanted to join. rae and i have already been in there, but rae was barely talking. bru and zoe joined and dipped the instant they saw the chat, so that’s that. and the only person who stayed was natalie :) fleur kept saying how the womens server is supposed to be a positive and safe place for everyone in the chat, so i warned her that natalie can be a demon, in a joking/not joking way bc our friend group is known to be cunts to each other and it also projects to other ppl who don’t always take it the best way but anyway...
so i warned fleur about natalie possibly acting like a cunt bc that’s just what she did at the time bc it was all fun and jokes... but then fleur actually brought it up to natalie in private messages that natalie herself shared with us, and what she did afterward was make a bunch of REALISTIC manips that said I (ME) was bullying natalie into being a cunt and a demon, a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD (i was still 17 at the time) bullying a grown ass TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD woman into being a cunt to a bunch of strangers :)
yeah, sure.
but that happened and natalie was joking and laughing about it. until i had a BREAKDOWN and an ANXIETY ATTACK because of it. she literally “joked” by compulsively LYING to fleur about me a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD bullying her into being a cunt. do y’all hear this?
anyways yeah... i had a breakdown. i was shaking, i was crying and i couldn’t calm down. until RAE offered to go on call with me to help me calm down. and it actually helped. but the funny thing about that is... as i was on call WITH RAE, natalie literally messaged rae that i’m and i quote “a little bitch” for having a breakdown over her compulsive lying, trying to make me into a bad person to people that i was befriending at the time. obviously i was fucking UPSET.
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and you know what? i never even got an apology. because natalie genuinely didn’t think she did something wrong, even though she caused me a fucking breakdown. to this day, natalie still doesn’t think she did something wrong because by now, she doesn’t even remember it. but you know who does? ME. BECAUSE I WAS FUCKING TRAUMATISED. NATALIE IS LITERALLY THE REASON I DECIDED TO GO TO THERAPY. and i wish i was lying about that.
so say what you fucking will, think what you fucking want about rae. but whatever natalie says... it’s all fucking lies that are written purely from her point of view, and often wrong (which she also admitted btw but still acts as if she’s the victim and WE’RE attacking her).and yeah... rae is a demon, but she actually helped me through a breakdown that natalie caused whilst natalie called me a little bitch for it, so natalie has NO FUCKING RIGHT to act like a saint in comparison to rae. because she made a MINOR cry and didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. :)
i’m just done. and sick. and fucking tired. this bitch doesn’t deserve anything. not even a fucking apology from anyone because she’s just as bad as anyone she decides to shit talk in her dozens of servers that we’re not in.
(note: been sent more receipts of shit natalie said about me back in july that i didn’t even know about for this post. innit fun?)
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and to y’all believing natalie’s lies
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the chat is full of bullshit that natalie said and lemme tell you she likes to make the victim out of herself because she’s such a fucking saint isn’t she? well, fuck all of you who side with this bitch. honestly i could write a whole fucking essay about the shit natalie said about rae but then again that doesn’t concern me because it’s not about me of course... but even as a person outside of all this drama who has an objective point of view on everything that happened, i promise you... natalie is NOT the angel she makes herself to be.
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comicalsansa · 3 years
I just need to scream into the void for a minute, feel free to ignore this or whatever. Sorry for the lack of break, I can't figure out how to do it on mobile.
Come on, did anyone actually expect the portion of America that has been protesting masks and downplaying the severity of Covid to a) get vaccinated and b) continue wearing a mask off they didn't? Like, with how stupidly politicized (and I do mean stupid) everything with the pandemic has been, how the fuck does anyone have the nerve to be surprised at the fact that the hospitals are filling up?
People aren't vaccinated, and they aren't wearing masking, of course the new variant is going to spread like wildfire. None of the kids are vaccinated (because we need to make sure their immune systems can handle it, there's a reason why the usual vaccines are on a schedule), and people don't make their kids wear masks.
There are literally people protesting mask mandates for the schools in my state. What the fuck. Have they already forgotten how fast illness spreads in schools? Fuck, there've been times an individual school or two has shit down because so many people (kids and adults) got the flu, or norovirus. And this shit spreads even faster. Why on god's green earth would you want your kids to not wear a mask?
Like, I get that wearing a mask is really uncomfortable and makes communication difficult. The precautions that we have to take are absolutely fucking up an entire generation.
You know what else will fuck up an entire generation? Dying. Long term effects from a serious respiratory disease. Watching their family members die; rather, watching their family members go into the hospital and never come out because they aren't allowed vistors.
Given the choice between the two flavors of trauma, I would much rather keep the kids alive and uninfected.
We are learning as we go about all of this, that's why the information keeps changing. That's how science works. Numerous studies have shown long term effects in kids already, so while it may not be as serious (oh wait, the new variant is), who knows what effects this will have on them in 20-30 years?
You know what else had serious long term effects? Fucking polio. You know why we don't have polio in the US now? Because everyone had to be vaccinated against it for decades. Fuck, they were still vaccinating against it in the 80s, I know because I remember getting a tiny cup with a swallow of liquid for one of my vaccines as a kid.
You know what else has serious long term effects? Chickenpox. And I know older people will be like, "BS, I had chickenpox and I'm fine," or, "My parents took me to a chickenpox party to make sure I got it, and I'm fine." Yeah, you ever hear of shingles? You know why you need a shingles vaccine? Because you had chickenpox. That's right, if you never had chickenpox you can't get shingles.
Point is, who the fuck knows what this is going to be doing to survivors 20-30 years down the road and if you gave a shit about your kid, you wouldn't want them to get it.
And I'm so pissed off because you know what? I fucking hate wearing a mask, too. I hate it. I don't care what the nurses with pulse oximeters say, I cannot breath as well with two layers of fabric covering my face, especially not for hours at a time (fun fact, pulse oximeters are not an accurate indicator of whether or not you can breathe as it takes time for an oxygen shortage to hit your blood--i know this from experience as an asthmatic). Everyone covering their faces and the plexiglass and paranoia and shit has been driving me nuts, I can't fucking live like this either. That's why I wore masks and got vaccinated as soon as I could, because the ONLY way this stops is with vaccines. And yeah, we're going to need boosters, we were always going to need booster shots, almost every vaccine we have requires more than one dose. And we had a period of time where cases were hella low and if you were vaccinated you didn't have to wear a mask and it was so great!
But some of you dumbfucks didn't want to get the vaccine because a) you didn't think Covid was a big deal b) it's made from aborted babies (I want to punch you if this is your objection) c) the vaccine is too new, they rushed it (it was in the works since SARS and they tweaked it, also the flu shot is new every year, your point?) d) it's the mark of the beast! (If you believe this or spread it please exit the gene pool) or e) we don't know what's in it! (This and a especially bothers me from hospital workers, who are required to get an annual flu shot).
There is exactly one valid reason to not get the damned vaccine and that is if your immune system can't handle it. So if you have a serious health condition that weakens your immune system or you're allergic to a vaccine component, you are absolutely off the hook, and none of this is directed at you. You're one of the ones who needs the rest of us to do our part to survive this, and I am so sorry.
And people keep screaming about my freedom! Look bitch, your freedom ends when it impinges on mine, and you are sorely impinging right now. You have the freedom to do what you want with your body, but not with other peoples. If you want to get Covid, fine. But you do not have the right to spread it, which is what is going to happen if you get it. Vaccinations used to be mandatory. You still need to get vaccinations if you travel to certain countries. If you join the military you are going to get injected with every vaccine we know of and probably a few we don't. Vaccines are one of the things that make modern life possible.
I understand being skeptical, I mean, I would've preferred a bit more time and more studies before getting vaccinated. But I did it anyway because:
Widespread vaccination is the only way we get out of this.
The alternative is over crowded hospitals (which is starting to happen again) and just accepting people dying. Sure, death is part of life, but this is needless and overtaxing already broken systems.
If you have not gotten your vaccine and have no medical reason not to, you are part of the problem. You are the asshole on the zombie movie who gets bitten and hides it until it's too late and you become a threat to the rest of the party.
Stop being a dumbass and do something for other people for once in your miserable life.
I am tired of wearing masks. I am tired of all the pandemic protocols. I have done everything I can do, as have many others. But it's not enough. Everyone has to do their part.
If you want this to be over, instead of protesting, get vaccinated, it's a hell of a lot more useful.
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mihidecet · 4 years
Tibi’s MCYT WritingTober, day 30
I’m back on my bs, dears. Warning for many many swears because Mr Ram President Man is back again! This is somewhat of a sequel to the post-possession one, so ... uh.
Today’s prompt from @the-only-gamer-gost ‘s list is “Stuck in a Room Together”!
I do hope you’ll enjoy! <3
Schlatt's fist pounds furiously against the stone wall once more, as if the first few times it had been able to change anything - except for making his wrist hurt. 
"Fundy you better let us out right now!" He yells to the cold surface, hoping the edge of worry in his voice isn't that clear. Or maybe hoping it is - maybe if Fundy thinks he's not doing that well he'll let them out and then he won't have to deal with this.
"You're not getting out until you talk!" Replies Fundy's muffled voice through the wall and Schlatt can't help but let his head thump on it. 
The sound of somebody heavily sitting down on a couch reaches his ears and Schlatt freezes, remembering he is definitely not alone in the room. 
"I have nothing to say to this asshole." Quackity says as he starts to fix the pillows on the sofa, piling them all on one side. 
"I told you he was possessed!" Fundy yells back, an edge of frustration in his tone that makes Schlatt want to bash his head in - the last thing he needs is that kid trying to fix all the messes he made. 
"That doesn't excuse him being an asshole." 
Schlatt whips around, arms crossed over his chest and chin raised proudly - while inside he screams, this is the worst reaction he could have had - as venom tinges his words. 
"I- I'm not going to fucking- apologize!" He protests, knowing that Fundy is probably pulling at his hair on the other side of the wall. Quackity instead just chuckles, looking neither surprised nor insulted, and he spreads his arms wide as he reclines in his spot - he now owns all of the couch in that meeting room - with a mix of amused sarcasm and exhaustion. 
"Then I guess we might as well get comfortable."
Schlatt is sitting on the ground - he refuses to accept that he's not getting out anytime soon, even if he's in one of the most uncomfortable positions ever. No answers come from the outside world. 
"Fundyy …"
He tries again in almost a whine - even though it is definitely not, he would never whine - but the only answer he gets comes from behind him.
"He's gone." After his last quip, Quackity had stopped talking and firmly refused to acknowledge his existence. Which, for all that he is right in doing so, stings. Schlatt, nerves on fire and back hurting, falls face flat in the metaphorical pit he previously dug himself.
"Oh, so now I am-"
Quackity opens one fiery eye, shooting him a look that shuts him up instantly.
"Shut the fuck up before I shoot you again." Schlatt deflates and turns back to the stone wall with a murmured grumble.
"I guess."
"So-" It's been forever since he heard anything but the sound of his own breathing, or the subtle shifting of fabric against fabric as he tries to find a comfortable position to sit in - too stubborn to move from the ground, too stubborn to move anywhere else, too stubborn to back down. 
But he is but a gust of wind crashing against the solid rock that is Quackity, who doesn't even open his eyes. 
"Your apology is not accepted."
Like clockwork, he launches himself back into the ground; one hand trembling by his side as his chin whips up so fast he almost crashes the back of his head against the wall.
"Fuck you, I wasn't going to-" Quackity's lips curl up in a bittersweet, cruel smile.
"Are you sleeping?" His voice is soft, but it fills the silence of the room like the booming sound of a- of a megaphone. Not that other booming sound. He's not thinking about that. 
The room is cold and Quackity almost sounds exhausted when he answers, one arm over his eyes. 
"Shut up."
Schlatt"s eyes move to the ground. He feels cold, so he brings his legs closer to his chest - standard procedure for when you're lost in a snowstorm, or when you're sinking into your own shit. 
"Oh wow, didn't know you had it in you." Quackity comments, sounding genuinely surprised, and it almost breaks him. Almost.
"I- what did I say? When I was possessed." He asks, voice pitching wrong in all the worst moments, but he powers through, because it's worth it. God, how much he misses hanging out with the other man. 
Only silence follows, and with Quackity's arm over his face he doesn't even know if the man heard him. So he tries. It is worth it. 
"I don't hear you shutting up."
And he breaks a little.
"You tore down the white house."
This time it's Quackity that breaks the silence, but Schlatt almost wishes he didn't. He's tired, cold, hungry, and the only thing that could make it worse is if Quackity took his arm off his face and saw how his face is currently wet - it's not that hard to cry silently if one is prideful enough. 
"Insulted me, belittled me. But I mean, you'd been pushing people away for a long time. Hell, the festival had just happened. But I had been staying by your side because I believe in democracy, first and foremost. And you were just … pissing all over everything I'd worked for. Everything I stood for." 
For better or for worse, there is no mercy for Schlatt. Quackity stretches as he speaks, tone deadly serious as he lays down what happened. And a part of Schlatt always knew that the other man has always been stronger than him, more mature. That's why he's talking calmly, head level despite how evident it is that he was hurt, while he is crying silently, curled up on himself and still unable to allow himself to take the first step. 
"You made me feel like shit, Schlatt. And I trusted you." Quackity sits up, rubs a hand over his face tiredly, and then finally looks at him. Freezes. Blinks. 
Schlatt wishes the earth would instantly swallow him whole. He wants to run, to pretend it is a joke, a prank. He knows he can't. Doesn't want to. 
His hand moves to wipe at his burning face as he flushes in shame, feeling it coil around his stomach.
"I- I'm so sorry. Fuck- I- shit, this is embarrassing-" 
"Jesus Christ, are you actually crying?" Quackity asks, disbelief clear in his voice, and Schlatt can't help but push back, because it is getting quite a bit too much and that is simply all he knows to do. 
"Have been for the past hour, thank you for noticing." He jokes, voice cracking only twice, never once stumbling on a word, never once letting out the sob he's been holding back for forever. 
He can do this. He forcefully grabs his own hands, mentally gripping the reins of his emotions and thoughts and stomps down his pride as he looks up at his former friend. 
"Quackity I am so sorry. I fucked up and I- I just miss you. I don't care about the politics, I- I fucked up. And I don't know how to fix it." 
For a moment, all Quackity does is stare at him, as if he's seeing him for the first time. Then, he shrugs. 
"I don't know either."
"But I- I want to try!"
Quackity smirks, raising an eyebrow as he crosses his arms. 
"Is that why you've been avoiding me?" Schlatt's shoulders fall, one arm circling around his legs to bring them closer to his body as the other rubs self-consciously at the back of his neck.
"I- come on, you know I'm shit at dealing with emotional stuff!"
Quackity bursts out laughing, gesturing vaguely at him
"I can see that."
"Hey, fuck you!" 
Quackity raises an eyebrow.
"Fuck, shit. Sorry. I'm doing it again."
This time, thankfully, Quackity is smiling as he shakes his head and looks up to the sky. And then, when he looks back at him again, there's a fondly amused look on his face. 
"I guess you can join me on the couch."
As Schlatt stands up - body aching and joints popping, making Quackity laugh out loud and call him old - he thinks that, maybe, there is hope for them yet.
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
okay! tma au time!
so i’m gonna start off by saying jgs is elias in this au. i dont care what you say about elias’ sexy voice or charisma or whatever, they’re both slimy and evil. also gertrude, so to speak, is wen chao. (bear with me pls)
most other people are assistants. i think? i mean lwj, wwx, jzx and a few others are?
(my brain says it would be funny to have lwj as sasha and su she as not!sasha but lwj deserves better than that)
i’m not really gonna follow the plot of tma bc rip
the assistants are just kind of vibing in the archives when they discover that wrh, who’s like the chief of police and is an avatar of the slaughter, is actively killing people for the fears bc acab
does he have a deal with jgs and that’s why wen chao is the archivist? yeah probably. wen chao is the archivist bc daddy had connections. wrh put jgs in charge and sent wen chao to make sure everything was running how wrh wanted it to be
yeah, wrh wants to have control over all the fears or something idk
so wen chao is the archivist. but unlike gertrude who purposefully made things really messy and a nightmare he’s just really incompetent. wen zhuliu is the avatar of the distortion and theyre tight bc zhuliu owes wrh or whatever.
so the wrh stuff comes out and a bunch of people band together to try and bring justice to him and thus we have the sunshot campaign
maybe all the families have their own fears? the lans are the lonely and the nies are the hunt. jfm and yzy are avatars of the bad parenting idk. 
anyway, before they took any action, wwx had already started investigating bc wen chao is a lil bitch and very suspicious
while investigating wwx gets sucked into the archivist stuff and ends up being thrown into the tunnels under the institute with wen zhuliu who then proceeds to do distortion fuckery for three months
he finally escapes and kills wen zhuliu using the powers he’d begun to develop in the tunnels (it’s so strange that he stumbled across a tape recorder which he’d named chenqing and after that he kept finding statements,,, so strange)
he’s killed wen zhuliu so he goes off and kills wen chao and now he’s the archivist whoo
he joins up with the others and they go kill wrh, sweet it’s all dealt with but jgs starts spreading shit about how all the wens are terrible and must be killed (including wen qing’s family who are like paramedics who work ed with the police, so not cops but forced to work w/ them)
while jgs is touting that bs jgy is in the background slowly manipulating wwx into getting all the different marks (idk what they were called) from the different fears
he gets kidnapped by xue yang who is nikola and spends a month getting moisturised by him and told that wow he’s so impressive killing the other avatars,, im gonna follow in your footsteps (let’s say that avatars have a truce not to kill each other in this world. like they’re all equals and pretty much the same strength so there’s no real point in killing each other or trying to kill each other)
wwx escapes and im kinda annoyed we dont have enough bad guys for wwx to properly get his marks but whatever
he goes back to the archives and they come up with a plan to kill xue yang and they go off and do it
imma let you pick what happens here. does jzx die? do we let xxc and sl have the spotlight and this is where their story comes into play?
whatever happens, wwx goes into a coma for thirteen months and enter extremely hot avatar of the end who helps him wake up (mo xuanyu?? mo xuanyu.)
he goes back to the archives and lwj has been taken by the lonely while he was gone so he’s working with his uncle again (the lans are the lukases and i take no criticism)
side note: in this au wwx gets two phobias! (gee wwx! how come you get to have two phobias?)
so mr spider was definitely a thing and so were the dogs
while wwx was on the streets he found this book and he’d just started learning how to read so he decided to practise but then some other kid stole it from him and he ended up watching him get eaten by a giant spider also the dogs attacked him bc no rest for wwx
does wwx pretend not to be aware?? i’d say yes. if not bc of trauma then bc it’s super obvious and the look on lwj’s face when the jane prentiss equivalent attacks and wwx says wow those worms were a lil weird huh? is so funny to him
anyway lwj was in the know the whole time and he probably moved out of his family home and joined the archives so he could investigate jgs but then wwx dies and hes like aight yeah imma feel real lonely right now
so wwx comes back and jc, who had been the host of ghost hunt CW (cultivation world) and was attacked by an evil ghost, tries to kill him
after their fight and subsequent freedom from the slaughter and the eye (sans eye removing bc fuck that) jc moves in with jyl
im sorry that what the girlfriends isnt a thing here but i love the idea of a jyl who just isnt scared of anything because she’s seen death and just can’t get scared anymore
she still dates an archives employee though. it’s jzx, who is kinda like tim in this au i guess? did he die in that explosion? (i want to say no so jyl would be happy but if he dies and she’s mourning him and jc and wwx fought,, well now wwx is alone for bad decision times)
one day wen qing comes up and is like pls help my brother, he’s been taken by the buried so wwx runs off and finds breekon and hope (su she and jin zixun), kill jin zixun and steals the coffin
the rest of the wens are in hiding atm so he doesnt have to like monkey chain all the wens out of the coffin 
so wwx goes inside the coffin and rescues wen ning (bc jon and daisy’s relationship was super sweet)
they get out and immediately run away with wen qing and the rest of the wens
where do they go? wen qing’s cute cottage in scotland (or cultivation world equivalent)
so they’re living as farmers and wwx is getting sick bc he can’t get statements from here but he has to protect them bc the jins keep attacking (what are the jins working for?? idk. the vast? the dark? who knows, not me)
anyway lwj comes and is like you have to come back to gusu/the archives and wwx is like no! bc he has to protect the wens
so lwj is like fuck ive gotta move my timeline up and find a way to off jgs
jgy ends up doing it and lwj is like /: my revenge,,
everyone is happy! jgs is dead, wrh is dead! but then jgy starts stirring up rumours about wwx and lwj is honestly so tired of this shit
and bc people keep attacking the wens, wwx manages to collect the rest of the marks from the other fears
jgy sends his letter: dear wwx sorry for the deception yada yada yada
but wwx is aware of that shit and just kills himself before he can finish reading it
whoo apocalypse averted but lwj comes to help with the wens just in time for his burial so not whoo?
anyway we know wwx isn’t dead and he’s just vibing in another coma or something equivalent (why does he die twice in this au? bc idk how s5 will end but it’s a tragedy horror podcast and i want them to be happy so he gets to die twice)
anyway, the avatar of the web, mister manipulation and secrets extraordinaire nie huaisang is very pissed after jgy manipulated his brother into becoming an avatar of the slaughter and decides to just expose the dude
lxc kills him bc he deserves to kill jgy tbh,,, manipulative toad
nhs also restores wwx’s rep bc they were besties in uni and i refuse to accept anything else
he rocks up to the cottage/farm and is like hey guys i helped clear wwx’s name and wen qing is like hes fucking dead what help were you? and nhs is like ?? he’s not dead
so they unbury him and lwj wakes him up through the power of love and all that jazz
anyway, wwx manages to do *insert super cool thing here* and gets rid of all the fears and they get a happy ending bc i really want them to have a happy ending
do they stay living on the farm/cottage with the wens?? no but they buy a cottage nearby and happily live there together raising rabbits and growing idk pumpkins
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OC background story//Secondary Characters
1: i’m aware they’re sorta boring in a sense (literally all 3/4 profile busts lol) but I couldn’t be bothered to get super detailed about them yet. I was trying to work out a look, and this is the quickest way lol. Lots of mistakes here, don’t focus on that. Just...jive with me.
2: idk that anyone is going to be interested, but i’m happy with my little babies! :) This kept me busy lol. 
Long post ahead!
Okay, so the band, Adria was formed sort of by accident. None of the members thought they were really going to get anywhere and were mostly just learning to play instruments and jamming to escape the pressures of adolescent life. 
Niri--her parents were very strict and proper. “Yes, sir. No, ma’am.” type people who do what they can to keep up appearances. Her father is a police detective and her mother was a homemaker after the birth of her children, but was once an attorney. They expected the same level of success from their children, having picked out career paths before the kids were even a speck in the womb. When Niri and her older brother showed excellence in academics, they moved to a new city, enrolling them in an academy that was known for churning out high level success stories--Politicians, Judges, CEO’s of major corporations...you get the drill. They were happy to practically go into debt forever if it meant their kids would be successful. 
Year 1...Enter KOU. 
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Kou’s dad was always business first. He expected his son to be the same. So much so that the day after the birth, he went out and bought a whole building to keep for his son, the future doctor, to house his practice. Being from an old money family, there was never a shortage of opportunities to rub elbows and make a way for this kid to be a success no matter what. Through years of primary education, he was a quiet kid, but there was something under the surface that loved to go against the flow of where his life was forced to travel. His mother passed when he was very young, but she was the reason he was able to have few moments of peace and fun. He and Niri were school rivals, fighting for the top spot on the scholar’s board, but...they wound up giving up the struggle when they realized they had a lot in common and neither really cared to pursue their parents’ dreams. They stopped attending after school programs and chose to graffiti and vandalize the building Kou’s dad bought while it was still empty. When they weren’t tagging, they were listening to “inappropriate music” and that soon became them teaching themselves to play the songs on instruments they bought...with Kou’s dad’s credit card. They didn’t sound bad after a while! 
One day, the pair skipped school altogether to avoid an exam they had not studied for. On their way out of the academy, they were tailed by someone they never expected would keep their secret so well...
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Kriss and Kou are cousins. Their mothers were twins, so the two share a few features, but their personalities couldn’t be any more opposite. Where Kou is a grounded, sensible person, Kriss is carefree and...kind of an idiot. His mother raised him on her own and as a very open, artistic soul, she taught Kriss to always follow his heart and his dreams. He’s basically never been told “No” in his entire life. He was a very energetic kid, so his mother urged him to try out the drums (maybe it would tire him out enough for a nap) which he ended up falling in love with. It’s one of the few things he ever really kept an interest in despite being pretty flighty with his pursuits otherwise. Once he realized what his cousin was up to, he set up a drum kit within a few hours and was glued to their side ever since. 
Kriss’s mom is the only person who really believed in the band from the start. She would be a big help through their early years and to this day has a reserved spot to watch them play shows whenever she wants (usually stage right). 
Did I mention Kriss was part of the percussion section of the academy band? Well, it was more of an orchestra, but still. He felt there was something lacking in their sound during jam sessions so after a few weeks, he called up a few friends. 
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Vash is a complete wildcard. He’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, but it takes a while to realize that because his personality is quite...Sharp. He has no problem speaking his mind, never has, and he’s not afraid to call anyone on their BS. Does an expert job of providing entertainment with his outbursts. His first words when he dropped by the “clubhouse” were “so you expect me to play in this shit hole?” His mouth usually got him in trouble at school so he was somewhat happy to have something to occupy his mind so his mouth wouldn’t run so often. He’d been playing music for many many years, his parents both being famous musicians themselves, so he has mastered quite a few instruments and often provides backup vocals because “none of the rest of you dingbats can be trusted to stay on key.”
He is the glue that holds everything together and his honesty keeps everyone grounded. He expects everything to run smoothly and on time, so he was made leader of the band within the first hour. It’s effortless and he keeps his cool pretty well under pressure, but the one person who manages to make him snippy is Eri.  
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Eri is a mess of a human being in the most endearing way. He’s a walking contradiction and he loves to push buttons. He and Vash have been neighbors and best friends since they were born. They’re the Yin to each other’s Yang and act like an old married couple, always  disagreeing on the most basic things. It has never been an issue and the others love to watch a match go down. Where Vash is hands-on and always on track, Eri is laid back and couldn’t care less if something goes wrong. That’s not to say he’s not passionate about their dream, he’s just more of a “Things will happen as they happen, just go with the flow” type. His easygoing nature lends him a very grounded and rhythmic personality...perfect for a bassist. His favorite thing is spending time with friends and being able to just do what his soul calls him to do. He does, however, absolutely hate attention. It makes him feel pressured to act a certain way or do a certain thing and it just clashes with his entire vibe. He broke out in a rash when they got their first major gig and had to do a meet and greet. He loves his fans, but...can they not want pictures all the time? “I look awkward when I smile.” He really does. The boy doesn’t smile, it’s always a grimace. 
Eri’s dad owns a very successful restaurant and often got the band small gigs like birthdays and weddings that he was hired to cater for. He doesn’t understand what they’re hoping to do, but hey, the kids play some mean covers of songs he grew up on. Besides, if his son is happy, that’s good enough for him. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the first few years, they snuck around and the others lied for Niri and Kou when their parents had questions. They couldn’t say they weren’t all hanging out together, so once things got real, they moved their practices to Vash’s house since his parents had all the equipment they needed and didn’t really care one way or another about what was going on, too busy with tours and things.
Once they graduated, it was harder to cover. Niri came clean to her father, her mother having found out shortly before but promising to keep it quiet if she just quit and focused on school. Her father was furious and demanded she cut ties with her “hooligan friends” immediately as she was set to go to college and become a lawyer like her mother. Niri refused and was kicked out of her home after being called a failure of a child. This only fueled her fire to pursue her dream. She called Vash, mostly to cry in frustration, but he met her at the front of her neighborhood saying “I just felt something was up with your dumb self so I came by to check. Good thing I did. Let’s go, you’re moving in with me til we figure all this out.” The two soon became three when they got an apartment with Eri two months later. 
Kou had a similar experience once he told his father he didn’t want to be a doctor and had no plans to attend his father’s alma mater (which he only got into after his father wrote a very generous check being Kou’s grades had slipped to an abysmal level) he was removed from the premises by security, cut off financially, and removed from the will within 2 hours. The only thing he managed to keep (for a while anyway) was his car, so he hopped in and drove over to his aunt’s house and lived there for a while with her and Kriss. 
During this time, they still had small shows coming left and right. One night after a few years of a rough grind with no money and shitty daytime jobs, while playing a local club (that didn’t even pay them by the end of the set), they met a small time producer who liked their sound and asked them to record a demo. The producer played the demo to a group of friends that called a separate group of friends and eventually their little song made it to the ears of a real band who had an unexpected opening in their roster for an upcoming festival tour. Adria got the call and had to scramble to get their set list ready. It wasn’t anything big, just a side stage gig, but the more stops they played, the bigger the crowds they drew. 
When they made it home after several stops, they were met by the producer who found them, asked to record a whole album and from there they filmed a very low budget MV and soon after their first single was playing on the radio. They were asked to appear on small time local talk shows. They spread like wildfire once their second single dropped, played on stations nationwide. More MVs and a headlining tour followed with a second album set to drop. Kriss and Niri were asked to be part of a 6 episode arc on a popular TV drama and a second tour.  It was a tough climb, but they’ve been at it for 15 years. Niri and Kou did go back home at one point and faced their parents, attempting to make amends and build a bridge. Kou and his dad are in a much better place now, the old building they used to play around in was transferred into Kou’s name and they now use it as their recording studio/ band headquarters. 
Niri’s family reunion was a little less of a happy ending, in fact, it’s still a work in progress. Her mother apologized and they cried a little over the years missed, but her dad is a very tough man to get through to. He acknowledged he was harsh in his actions but still feels justified in what he did. He says if it weren’t for his tough love, Niri wouldn’t have felt the need to work so hard to get to this place in her life. He did at least say thank you when Niri handed him a check to cover the hit her parents’ savings took when her brother went to medical school. She has weekly calls and video chats with her mom and her brother often makes it out to shows and sends her snaps when he sees her on TV or hears the band on the radio. Her dad sometimes texts her “Heard your new song. It’s loud.” That’s his way of saying he's giving it a chance and doesn’t exactly hate it.
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tinixoxo · 5 years
OK leeets get some shit straight because I’m tired of reading bullshit in the tag and on twitter
Let’s read that again
And again
And one final time for the peanut gallery
The comment was a part of a longer response in a question she got asking what would she do or what would happen if social isolation/lockdown lasted until July.
I’m not saying what was said was right or that people shouldn’t feel how they feel. But don’t spread bs and you can watch the actual live video here where she literally starts the video one minute in asking people to be responsible and be prepared. And not just in the live but throughout the week. She also posted about being prepared, helping the elderly and being considerate and about feeding people who need it. 
The Coachella part happened later in the video and she actually talked about how excited she is it’s happening on October because of Halloween. I understand the anger but get the facts straight at least. 
She said something dumb, she admitted to it and she apologized. Both via video and a twitter post.
Also the “I respect it” part. She didn’t say she respect the freaking virus people. Come on. She said she respects the way we’re handling it
We all do or say dumb shit but we learn from our mistakes, educate ourselves and move on.  We live in a dangerous age and demanding someone’s head on a plate because they made a mistake isn’t helping anyone.
Are we all so perfect or never slip up that we cannot accept someone’s apology after they realize they did something wrong? This is just my opinion so whatever
 Anyhow. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and stay safe. <3
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kob131 · 5 years
If bb becomes canon, then I think that the anti-bb shippers should simply shut the fuck up.
And this has anything to do with you..because?
Need I remind people that these posts exist/existed at a point in time?
Need I remind you that you’ve done EVERYTHINg you list, if not WORSE shit, and try claiming the moral high ground.
Or are we supposed to just say that “All bb shippers are evil, and anyone who doesn’t ship it is good”?
Hold on...
“Or are we supposed to just say that “All Jaune fansare evil, and anyone who hates him it is good”? “
According to you, yes.
Yes, there are toxic bb shippers, and yes, there are a lot of them. That’s inevitable since this is the most popular ship in the fndm. But sure. Go ahead and pretend that anyone who says something negative about a different Blake or Yang ship is automatically a “bb” shipper.
And yet when other shippers or even certain races or genders is involved, it’s totally because they’re all evil right?
Then ignore how bb shippers were compared to nazis, and how a bs shipper wished for Arryn to be fired because she wanted to make sure that the writers weren’t baiting.
How about remembering when you supported someone burnig RT to the ground over a meme, constantly harass the staff and have made indirect death threats at Miles?
Go ahead and do that.
I’m fucking sick and tired of people shitting on a ship because it’s popular.
Or characters *cough* Jaune *cough*
Boo-Hoo. Your ship isn’t popular. I have a fucking crack ship that isn’t happening anytime soon, and do you see me being an ass about it?
If we replace ‘ship’ with ‘character’ then yes
bb shippers get compared to nazis, but then this got dropped after a week or so. But remind me again: How long did the “bb shippers harassed Arryn over the bmblb incident” thing last? About a year or so last I checked.
Nice try DUdeblade, I still see people botching about this constantly.
This fndm is full of heternormativity and it shows. They don’t actually care about “stopping the toxic shippers” they just want to use the toxic parts as an excuse to harass the ship group as a whole.
Says the misandrist.
My proof?- The fact that bb shippers have to constantly tread on thin ice while other shippers can have that blacksunwillbecanon guy in the second screenshot, monanon, ash-“I compared bb shippers to literal nazis“ of-the-eclipse and so many other toxic shippers, but they never get generalized as toxic at all. Just because they aren’t as popular.
Cool, now replace ‘bb shippers’ with ‘Miles Luna’ and try saying it without ripping your own throat out.
It’s disgusting. It’s a double standard. It’s infuriating.
Says the king of double standards.
So yeah. anti-bb shippers can kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP! You guys don’t get to complain about toxicity when your own toxicity is never held over your heads.
And you don’t get to do anything except stand there and ask for seconds and thirds and fourths and fifths when you outright JUSTIFY WORSE SHIT.
Though, I guess bb shippers should start, considering how many of you got to get away with toxic parts in your section of the fndm with little-to-no scrutiny, I think it’s about time y’all finally realize how toxic you are. bb shippers are able to call out their toxic shippers, and spread word about their toxicity so that people can know to avoid them. Meanwhile, the other side has “AsH aPoLoGiZeD, sO tHaT mAkEs It OkAy!” “ThAt OnE sHiPpEr SaId ‘SoRrY’ fOr LeTtInG tHaT sLuR gO tHrOuGh! DrOp ThE aCcUsAtIoNs!” and other bullshit. They get to get away with toxicity because they’ve convinced everyone that “It’s really the bb shippers that are toxic.” and stuff. Meanwhile, other shippers can act as toxic as they want, and they get to be treated as isolated incidents.
But one bb shipper slips up, and suddenly, it’s the whole group that’s to blame.
And yet when any other creator doesn’t toe the line, you’ll defend them to the death while trying to harass and bullying the CRWBY.
And gee, calling out toxic behavior because that group thinks they can do no wrong...hm, sounds an awful lot like what I do huh?
“ What goes around comes around. And most of you decided to throw rocks at a beehive just so that you could then say that “bb shippers are all toxic and don’t respect others’ opinions!” “
Oh don’t you know Dudeblade? They’re just critics. They don’t hate the show-I mean ship, they just want to see it grow and evolve properly. They’re even nice enough to keep their shit out of your tags. If you can’t handle it then maybe you’re just a fanboy...
Well, according to you that’s whats happening.
‘ Get stung. You deserve it.”
Swallow your own shit. You preached it. You advocated for it. You most certainly DESERVE IT.
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kasiapeia · 5 years
Alright, so I’d like to preface this with the fact that I don’t like to vague blog about shit because honestly? That shit’s immature and quite frankly, pathetic, but the user this is directed to has blocked me from every means of communication after my previous attempts to reach out to her.
So, fuck it.
You want to talk shit? I’ll fucking talk shit.
You’ve made, what, five posts in the past three days about your view of the situation? You’re that desperate for attention and recognition? I’ll fucking give you attention and recognition, but you sure as hell aren’t going to like it. And if you want to call me out right back for this? Go right ahead. I don’t think I can possibly think worse about you, but let’s see if you manage to change that.
After the amount of shit you’ve pulled, I think you should’ve seen this coming.
“In a perfect world, this will simply never be spoken of again and the two people for whom I dearly care will be allowed to heal in private from the traumatic event.” You’re right. You’re absolutely right. This was never our problem to fucking begin with, but you’ve got the most AMAZING saviour complex I have ever seen in a single person, and I don’t think you’re capable of staying out of other people’s business. I hate to be like “you started this!” like we’re goddamn children, but you really, really did. It is not your duty to speak on others’ behalf about things. This isn’t the first time you’ve done this, so I don’t know why I’m surprised. The amount of times you’ve told me I wasn’t offended enough by something that was directed at me is staggering, and I’m not surprised you felt it necessary to involve yourself in this too.
The two people involved in this should have been allowed to heal from this in private, you’re right, and my sympathies go out to the two involved, but when you’re publicising this everywhere? Unprompted? And all but demanding sympathy for something you absolutely, under no circumstances, deserve sympathy for? I won’t go anywhere near your health or monetary situation because you’re right, those situations suck and you have my sympathy. Nor will I touch your creative works because honestly? They’re good. Your writing is good.
But no writing in the world is good enough to convince people to look past this sort of bullshit.
“Half the people I told decided I was just being dramatic and making a mountain out of a molehill, adding their own fucking knives to the bunch.” Here’s a newsflash: people aren’t obligated to agree with you, and their disagreements aren’t equivocal to a betrayal. The fact that you see any disagreement as a direct betrayal, the fact that you see anything but absolute loyalty as a betrayal is mind-boggling to me. How delusional do you have to be to believe this? Morality is complex, and people are even more so, and people are not obliged to side with you on things. People are allowed to abstain, people are allowed to disagree with you, and people don’t fucking owe you shit.
“There is no betrayal greater than someone repeatedly telling you that your words and actions saved their life and then that person hearing some bullshit, preposterous lie and immediately believing it.” Can we talk about the implications of this for a second? You went out of your way to help people, to supposedly save their life, but this makes it seem like you want them to be eternally indebted to you. You chose to help. You chose to support someone. You can’t take that back now, and if you did, you want that person to, what, die?
Oh, no, wait, you said something about this didn’t you. “So next time you decide to pile on someone because of hearsay, I want all of the joy and happiness and self-improvement that I gave you to wither and die in your soul because you don’t deserve it.” And here your saviour complex rears its ugly head. You expect people to owe you for your friendship. You view it as a transaction. And the instant people turn on you, you remind them that they “owe” you.
Here’s the thing.
Your friends don’t owe you shit. Not after the things you did to them. You were the one who spread the lies. You were the one who told people what to do, and what to say. You were the one who yelled at all those who dared to ask what was happening. I’m sorry that your Patreon is being affected by this, but what did you expect to happen? No one’s been attacking your patrons so they don’t support you. Your patrons have been jumping ship because again:
No writing in the world is good enough to convince people to look past this sort of bullshit.
Content creating is hard. I won’t make light of that situation, and I commend all content creators for continuing to work even under the most difficult of circumstances, but a lack of comments and boosts, or reblogs, or whatever you want is often just how it is. That’s not a sign of sabotage. That’s a sign of usual fandom BS, combined with you pushing away those who used to support you by accusing them of stabbing you in the back. Not, as you say, “[people] spread[ing] nasty lies about you, directly target[ing] your patrons so you make zero money and bully[ing] you out of all fandom activities.”
You said to not fight toxicity with anger – is that what you call this? People calling out your toxicity with justifiable anger? No. These are what I like to call consequences. You can pretend to be filling your own little corner with as much love and as much fun as you want, but that won’t change what you did. You misconstrued something, and then proceeded to slander someone I care about very dearly, and you’re surprised when myself, and many, many others choose to no longer associate with you? To no longer support you?
And I know, with absolute certainty, that this isn’t the first and only thing you’ve done to people you once called friends.
“No one deserves harassment. No one deserves punishment.” On that, we agree, but why, then, did you decide to bring this up now? This happened months ago, except… Except now, you’re seeing the consequences, aren’t you? You’re finally noticing you have fewer people to turn to than you used to. You’re finally noticing that a lack of your friends’ support hurts. You brought this all up again, months later, bringing up painful memories for those involved, and honestly? I’m sick and fucking tired of seeing you hurt people I care about.
You were the one who spread lies about a situation, and then demanded sympathy for it. I can promise you this: you will garner nothing but pity at best, and viewed as pathetic at worst. All lies pertaining “illegal activities” you spread yourself. All disassociation you’ve received from your patrons, you caused yourself.
 “God has decided that I didn’t get the message when He had my mother strangle me that I wasn’t meant to be happy.” I know you’ve gone through a lot terrible things in your life, but how dare you use that as an excuse for acting this terribly? How dare you? As an abuse survivor myself, how fucking dare you? This was never about what you went through. This was never about how I’m still proud of how you overcame what you went through to become a better person. This was about how you manipulated your friends, how you lied to them, how you spread lies in order to garner sympathy, and cut out all those who dared to oppose you?
“I would never call anyone stupid for fostering friendships, even with people I don’t like.” But that’s what you did, isn’t it? You yelled at anyone who dared to ask you why they were supposed to cut someone out of their lives? That’s what you told me. That’s what you told several other people. You kicked them from your life, removed them from anywhere they could contact you. You told us to cancel someone we cared about, and when we asked why – we didn’t even say no, we just asked why – you told us to trust you.
Because in your eyes, people are either with you or against you, and there is nothing in between.
And I pity you for that. Your world is nothing but shades of black and white, and unlike you, I will not wish you suffering. I hope you’re happy in your own little bubble. I hope one day, you can learn from this. I hope that you’ll learn that life isn’t that simple, and if you have anything to say? You’re welcome to say it, because unlike you, I’m willing to admit that I’ve made a mistake or two.
But don’t blame any of this on anyone but yourself.
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fire-fira · 6 years
More TMNT Junk (this time 2003 post-canon!)
[Ao3 version]
Soooooo I was vaguely thinking about posting this, and then I saw shit that the soggy cheetoh’s doing on my dash, and decided screw it-- to temporarily shove aside that unpleasant BS here’s some more TMNT stuff.
(Full disclaimer, most of this came from me babbling to @sounddrive about this concept. Plus a couple added things thanks to @babblingweirdnonsense. Because why the hell not?)
Just imagine the 2003 turtles living a ridiculously long time. I mean ridiculously long. Like still going strong when they’re around 121. (You can’t really tell me that it couldn’t happen when the Ninja Tribunal are thousands of years old and still look like they’re in their 30s-40s. If they can do it, so can these boys.)
It might be their mutation or it might be their level of chi control (or it might be both), and somehow Usagi's hanging on as long as they have (because separating Leo from his husband after that long would be cruel).
Yes you read that right, we’re going full-on Leosagi/katanashipping for this.
Of course with them being so old that brings up the question of why they wouldn’t have been present for the events of season 6 (since most of it takes place 100 years after they were 18). But I’ve got an explanation for that!
20 years prior to those events they got caught up in a war in Usagi's world and got stuck there. It wasn't supposed to become a war-- it was probably originally just supposed to be a vacation, time away from loud city noises and all that-- but nope! One thing led to another and escalated out of control, and they couldn't turn their backs because that wouldn't be fair-- and then some pain-in-the-ass magic user tried to trap them in that world (maybe to make sure they couldn't get reinforcements).
- Needless to say, they weren’t happy about that.
- So much inventive swearing from Raph. SO MUCH.
Plus Mikey probably adopting who knows how many kids. Because it’s Mikey and he’d hate the idea of leaving any orphaned kid behind when he can do anything about it.
- Though of course this is in addition to any kids he had already adopted over the decades who were spread out over their world and Usagi’s. So he just ends up with even more kids even though he’s already a grandpa... and a great-grandpa... and very likely a great-great-grandpa.
- Mikey will not be stopped.
- Leo and Usagi probably also have their own gaggle of adopted kids/grandkids/great-grandkids (although some actually related to Usagi through his son Jotaro, which is the family secret everyone pretends not to know, at least in Usagi's world), but they've got nothing on the sheer number of children and babies Mikey has taken in. There've been jokes that Mikey alone is going to completely rebuild the Hamato clan just through the number of kids he takes in.
Donnie in Usagi’s world mourns his lack of access to the tech he's used to, but he's been figuring out work-arounds. Mainly because sometimes when he's out in the field he wants nothing more than to just electrocute someone in a fight. What scares others is that he's got several nieces/nephews/etc. who have taken an interest in his inventions and tech to the point that they're sometimes referred to as a specific 'sub-division' of the Hamato clan (which can 'command lightning' and other such claims that most of them scoff at).
Raph's also got parts of the family that will happily glom onto him and follow him around and gleefully switch into 'coordinated ninja mode' when he gives the signal. People outside of the family tend to see Raph as one of the most terrifying of the family, but everyone in the family see him as a big old teddybear.
- Raph tends to lean on the 'scary' facade to keep people at a distance, because by that point he knows that if he doesn't then he's going to end up with a fan club. Again. And people are going to be throwing themselves at him. AGAIN. And he learned his lesson the last time (mostly).
- Though not being able to go anywhere in Japan in Usagi's world when he was about 50 without having people trying to throw themselves at him in increasingly desperate attempts to court him or while pledging their undying love to him was enough of a nightmare that he's amazed that sometimes he still forgets about trying to maintain a distance. Even worse, he still has a few diehard hangers-on that have yet to give up even though they've been trying to chase him for decades. (Usagi thinks this is absolutely hilarious and routinely ends up in cackling fits with Leo over it.)
- Mikey sometimes helps Raph dodge his fans and plays innocent if they spot him.
- (Raph was not counting on being seen as so attractive the first time he went to Usagi's world. For several subsequent visits he still wasn't prepared. When he found out about the first 'fan club' the poor man almost fainted, only to end up hiding for about five hours instead.)
People in that world are reasonably unsurprised by the fact that the turtles are still around (because I can easily imagine turtles in that world on average probably being a little longer-lived), but the surprise comes in with the fact that Usagi's still alive.
- He has made vague comments that maybe living with turtles for so long has affected him.
- He's also made vulgar jokes of varying levels of subtlety that have led Leo to facepalm, blush, clamp a hand over Usagi's mouth, or deliberately interrupt so that he won't have to hear one more comment about how sleeping with Leo has 'magically extended' his life.
- Mikey is terrible and cackles every time. Naturally he encourages Usagi's comments just because Leo is 'Too Old For This Shit™', and therefore it's all the more hilarious to him.
- Usagi’s comments may have drawn them more attention than Leo would prefer.
- (You can thank @babblingweirdnonsense for this sub-point addition.)
Usagi: "The true secret of immortality is to worship the flesh of the Kappa Ninjas. I have bedded the leader, and he in turn worships my flesh and gives me life."
Leo: "Stop telling people that sleeping with me will make them live longer."
Usagi: -winking- "I'm trying to make our bed a bit more fun."
- Leo: "...Look what you did. I bet you're proud of yourself."
Usagi: -smirks- "I am indeed. After all, I know all about the magic of a skilled turtle."
Leo: ". . .I love you, but please stop saying words.”
- Raph and Donnie have mastered 'tuning this shit out for the umpteen-millionth time™'. (The kids still have various levels of shrieking about it though, which is part of what makes it so hilarious to Usagi and Mikey both. They both have a terrible sense of humor.)
Mikey's go-to excuse for why he won't settle down with someone while they're stuck in that world for those 20 years is that he's "married to being a parent" and doesn't have time for a partner. Considering the number of great/grand/kids he has, no one's going to disagree.
- It’s mostly because he doesn’t want to end up in the same situation as Raph.
Then there's the perpetual argument over whether Mikey trying to refer to their family as a clan of 'ninjurai' or 'roninja' is remotely acceptable. He insists that both mashup terms fit perfectly since their family is made up of so many ninja and samurai/ronin. Most of the family disagrees on the principle of 1) those aren't real words, and 2) as old as he is why does he still insist on butchering Japanese as much as possible? (He insists because even as an old man he gets a kick out of being a little shit.)
- Other contenders for mashup terms Mikey’s gotten his family to shoot down are: samuninja, shinorai, ronobi, shininja, and rinjarai.
- Even his great/grand/kids have jokingly threatened to disown him for that.
- The argument has had various iterations going for decades
Everyone who knows anything about the family knows that if they want to interact with anyone who gives a sense of being calm, respectful, polite, and so on to go to Leo. And yet despite this everyone also knows that the five old men are possibly the best fighters in Japan; that all five of them are skilled, resourceful, and responsible. It still doesn't change the fact that at times Leo seems to be the only one who cares even a tiny bit about formality anymore.
- It also doesn't help that Leo probably knows entirely too many secrets from too many high-ranking officials scattered throughout that world's Japan.
- 'Oh yes! The responsible one! The leader! Now we can get some proper negotiations out of the wa- Oh no. It's him.'
- Old man Leo keeping a polite face even while the barest hint of a smile is on his face and amusement is dancing in his eyes-- because he knows.
Donnie's gotten so used to saying outrageous things in a deadpan due to having to occasionally explain his tech as 'magic' that there are times where he'll say something like, "No, it's intended to make an entire wall of a building explode if you sneeze near it," without even giving a hint that he knows he said anything that doesn't make sense.
- Raph may or may not have scared off some obnoxious would-be trouble-makers by telling them that if they didn't straighten up that he'd tell Donnie to just go ahead and summon the demons already.
- Leo's given up trying to tell the two of them to not say things that imply they're sacrificing people in some sort of twisted blood ritual. He's just grateful that their reputation is so wide-spread and they're so well-thought-of (if regarded as very strange) that most people seem to know not to take those comments seriously.
- Usagi may have once claimed that he was sacrificed and brought back from the dead several weeks in a row. Leo just rolled his eyes and pretty much told him to stop telling people that he'd let his brothers ritualistically kill his husband on a regular basis.
When Mikey wants to be lazy or a pest at the kids, he absolutely pulls the 'I'm old, I'm so achy and tired, I can't possibly get to my feet and walk that short distance to get (insert whatever here)' card. No one buys it. They've seen him in a fight, during training, etc. They know he's not 'frail', 'weak', or 'fragile' no matter how much he plays it up.
- Which at least once has resulted in a bout of--
"I can't possibly go on! I'll just stay here. And die. Of thirst. Because my grandchild who I thought loved me won't help dear old Grandpa."
"Grandpa. You were running across rooftops an hour ago. I highly doubt that you 'can't' get up."
"Dying. Of thirst. Leo! Leo, are you there?! Everything... going... dark..."
Leo just shaking his head. "No one in the family believed it when we were kids, no one's believing it now."
"I... can't possibly... move..." Over-exaggerated theater gasp.
"...Grandpa. I don't believe you. That didn't even sound close to a death rattle. And you can see the tea kettle from where you're sitting."
"...Too bad I don't have a good swivel-chair here."
"Mikey, no."
- (This is another sub-point you can thank @babblingweirdnonsense for.)
Mikey: “Child! Please give me that plate of food one foot away from me. My knees hurt.”
Child: “Father, I saw you beating an enemy ninja not two hours ago.”
Mikey: “I am sore from the fight.”
Child: “You were doing a handstand five minutes ago.”
Mikey: “I can no longer walk on my feet! Only my arms work now.”
When they’re finally able to go back to their world (a year after their younger selves return to their time) the media almost has a meltdown. Especially since Cody is able to confirm that they’re them. (Because realistically you can’t tell me that Donnie isn’t a famous scientist in that time. All four of them probably ended up in history books.)
Donnie keeps his deadpan semi-nonsense explanations. (Explaining to family or someone who gets what he’s talking about or doing is one thing. To others? He’ll still say things like “It’s magic” and leave it at that.)
- "No, really, how does it work?"
"The power of jesus."
- It even carries over to Donnie talking to reporters.
Reporter: “Where were the four of you for all these years?”
Donnie: "I could tell you-"
Raph: "-but then he'd have to kill you."
Donnie: "-No I wouldn't. But it'd be difficult to answer."
Reporter: "Could you try to explain?"
Donnie: "...Somewhere over the rainbow and in another dimension."
Raph: "Don, we weren't in frickin' Kansas."
Donnie: "Close enough."
Raph: "No it wasn't. Wasn't even on the same side o' the planet.”
And to top it all off, there’s the random thought of someone trying to suggest that one of the older turtles should probably sit in a chair normally (while they're either sitting on the back or on an arm or upside-down, who knows what), mostly out of concern that they might fall since they’re so old, and just the whole,
"Child, I am far too old and nowhere near straight enough to care about how other people think about how I'm sitting when I'm comfortable."
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cottagecrowe · 5 years
So I’ve been following the creation of Hazbin for 2 of the 3 years it’s been in production, and I just wanna say that it’s really telling to me that most people who are Hispanic/Latino, Ace, Gay, Bi, etc., and have actually seen the pilot (especially if they’ve seen it after following it for a long time as well), actually love the representation in it. It just appears as if the ones saying it’s trash and garbage, refuse to actually see it. Or to consider, for God’s sake, this is only the fucking pilot episode. There’s still so many questions to answer, and world building to do. So I don’t know where you’re getting assumptions like “clearly in this world, being LGBT means you go to Hell!”
Though, I can say, after following it for so long, I know that’s not ever something Viv even thought about making a deciding factor in someone going to Hell, and never will be. People do bad things. Regardless of their identity. Grow up. How can you get the normalized representation you want, if you don’t actually allow people to make flawed poc/LGBT characters that have an arc where they change for the better?
If you want to make sure that there’s nothing in the lore that might make you uncomfortable, ask people (hi! I volunteer as tribute!) who’ve been following the development for forever, if X things are true. Or go through all the Hunicast streams on Ashley Nicole Art’s YouTube channel, or Viv’s channel and learn for yourself~! Go read the character wikis! Do your research. Please. Don’t kill an amazing cartoon just because someone on tumblr said you should, and are spreading rumors off information that A. Isn’t even correct, and B. Is mostly just jumping to conclusions the show hasn’t even gotten a chance to address yet.
As for the shit floating around about the creator, I’ll repeat myself again: just because someone on tumblr or Twitter or wherever, said something, doesn’t mean you should instantly drop your support. I see a lot of people that are good, and just trying to do the good thing, not even sparring a second glance after hearing things. There are people out there that don’t like other people, and will try to slander them. You have got to be responsible, and make sure you look into wether it is slander or not. If you were a popular creator, and someone tried to create false slander about you, you would want people to do the same with you, too. Just be halfway decent. All the drama is years old, she has changed since then, and both explained herself, and apologized. The claims of her being an actual pedo and criminal are false, and slander. Do. Your. Research. Please.
And for the love of god, before you say she made Vaggie racist, just...look into what her own race is, please. Before you make yourselves look, and sound, stupid.
At the end of the day, I’ve finally been able to see way more people saying they love how Vaggie, and all the characters, represent them. For their race, for their identities, for their personalities, styles, and interests~. And I sure know I do too, and see myself in a lot of them~. Isn’t that all that’s important, here? Is that not the goal? Yes? Good, let’s put the pitch forks down now please, I’m very tired and would like to finally enjoy this in peace.
Disclaimer, just because: None of this means you have to suddenly like Viv, or Hazbin Hotel. Dislike them all you want. But at least have enough respect and common decency to know that all the bs going on is ridiculous, unacceptable, and childish. Know your shit, so you don’t promote and encourage stupid things.
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theresnoturningback · 6 years
First Kiss
[Kind of requested by @randomfandom-bs] Summary: After the rescue from the boat, Aasim goes back on a solo mission to find Ruby who has somehow fallen behind. A/N: It took me so long to write this angsty work, because everytime I sat down to write, I’d cry my heart out. Angst is not relaly my forte, that’s why I’m practicing more. Please, don’t hate me and please be kind with your words. I ended up sensitive after writing this. Also big thanks to K who helped me with the proof reading and editing. Love you so much!! Word Count: 4805
They were getting close. Louis and Aasim helped a limping Omar who was too in pain to walk on his own.
  Their eagerness to reach Ericson’s was far more powerful than any other encouraging speech Aasim could have come up with at the moment.
  It’s not like he wanted to talk anyway. And judging by Omar’s constant wincing, he didn't want to open his mouth, either
  And Louis; as much as he’d love to forget the past for one second by coming up with a witty observation or a dumb joke, he just couldn’t.
  The minutes they spent running away from the boat in flames were the longest of their lives.
  The three of them were all alone, with only each other as company in their silent journey.
  They didn’t know anything about their friends. No signs of Clementine, AJ or Violet.
Aasim’s only consolation was the idea of finding them at Ericson’s all safe and sound, and the only way to get that certainty was to keep walking until they reach home.
‘There’s no place like home’ He reminded himself everytime he thought he was about to collapse.
  Soon enough, they reached to the familiar traps that lead to the high walls that surrounded their school.
  Up in the watchtower, Willy waved at them and hurried down to open the gates for his incoming friends.
  Louis helped Omar sit down in one of the benches, before plopping himself down next to him and rested his head on his forearms.
  As drained as Aasim was, he didn’t allow himself to sit or stand still.
‘Willy, give them some water, I’m going to get Ruby so she can patch them up’
  Before Aasim could run off, Willy grabbed his arm and gave him a silent look.
Aasim could read the worry in his eyes.
‘Where is Ruby, Willy’ He asked, anxiety building up again.
‘I’m all alone in here, Ruby-
‘She wasn’t on the boat, where is she?’ Aasim insisted
‘I don’t know, she should have been here by now, but nobody else has arrived so far’
‘When was the last time you saw her?’
‘B-by the hay, before Clem and the others got into the boat’
‘Shit’ Aasim shook his head ‘You mean she’s still out there?  That was hours ago!’ The volume in his voice made Willy take a step back.
‘We need to wait for the rest to come back. I’m sure she’s with them, man’ Omar said as an failed attempt to calm his friend down.
‘We can’t fucking wait!’ Aasim yelled, tired of everyone’s passiveness ‘Louis could die if ...a-and Ruby could be in serious danger all by herself…We need to get her back’
Words came out of his mouth with difficulty as he spoke, but he didn’t care. It was an urgent matter and his friends needed tot wake up.
  When he got no response from any of them, he ran off towards the school, desperately looking for something, anything he could use to defend himself that was better than the small knife he was carrying.
‘Let me go with you. I’m tired of waiting’
  Aasim shook his head and put a hand on his shoulder.
‘I need you to take care of them and be alert. Protect the school. Can I count on you?’
Willy nodded and Aasim walked away without further words.
  Though tired and hurting, he walked decisively towards the forest in search for his friend.
  He needed to find her, or he would lose his mind. Many doubts assaulted his mind as he continued walking.
What if she was hurt?, or worse,
What if he never found her?
  She was the only one who could truly help their friends and if she was really gone, then all hope was gone with her.
  He shook his questions off, refusing to believe such ugly fate for her.
‘Ruby knows how to defend herself’ He thought, trying to reassure himself, wiping sweat and frustration tears off his face-
  All through his hurried walk, he felt observed. He knew there was something following him, but everytime he turned around and observed his surroundings, he found nothing besides trees and leaves. He began thinking maybe it was a squirrel or a rabbit scuttling away as he made his way through the forest, but he never stopped feeling like he wasn’t alone.
  The shot of adrenaline he got after he left the school was starting to wear off and he suddenly felt every possible physical discomfort at once. He sat on the ground with a tired groan, never letting go of his bow. Right as he was starting to get comfortable, the sound of rattling leaves in the distance startled him and made him turn around and shoot an arrow without thinking twice.
‘Lord Almighty!’ A voice cried from the shadows. Aasim immediately recognized the distinctive intonation and ran towards its source as fast as the arrow he shot moments earlier.
  When he found his friend hidden in the darkness, he couldn’t contain his joy.
‘Ruby!’ He smiled, relieved he didn’t hurt her. He wanted to hug her tight and kiss her, so he could truly convince himself he wasn’t dreaming, but before he could even think of walking closer to her, he got punched in the arm.
‘You could have killed me!’
  Aasim didn’t mind the violence or the set of curse words that followed her scold. He knew he had it coming.
  Ruby felt silent as he took a moment to really see her under the poor moonlight. Her tired eyes glared at him. She was dirty, furious and just as exhausted as him. Maybe even more, judging by her unusual heavy breathing.
  She truly was much stronger that she ever let on. Aasim embraced her, feeling a kind of bliss he hadn’t felt in a long time.
‘I’m sorry about the arrow...I just’ He tried talking through his happy tears ‘I’m just so happy I found you safe and sound’
  He tightened his grip around her without noticing and all he got in response was a muffled whimper.
  He looked at her as she flinched out of his arms. His worry grew when her guilty eyes met his.
‘Ruby, what’s wrong?’ He asked as softly as he could.
‘I…’ She hesitated ‘I don’t think I’m safe at all…’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I got bit’ She confessed quietly, looking at her feet.
‘What?’ He breathed
‘A walker bit my arm while I was trying to distract the people guarding the entrance of the boat, so the others could get in and-’
‘How, how didn’t you see it coming? Fuck, Ruby, how could you be so…?’ Aasim ranted  angrily as the girl shed her first tears in front of him.
  The boy was too busy cursing at everything and everyone to notice the frightened girl before him.
‘I was too focused on not being seen and the walker came out of nowhere and I couldn’t get the motherfucker off in time’ She explained. The boy still couldn’t believe it. There was a lot to process in such a little time, but it would be easier to believe all she was saying if he had solid evidence.
‘Show me’ He demanded.
  Ruby shook her head, instinctively covering up her forearm with her left hand
‘No, Aasim, you don’t need to-’
‘Show me, now.’ He insisted with impatience in his voice. He frowned as she painfully lifted up her torn up sleeve. Deep down he knew he didn’t want to see it. He wanted her to tell him she was just joking, but he knew she would never joke with something as serious as that.
  His heart sunk when she revealed a noticeable set of teeth marks darkening her skin. A chunk of her forearm was missing.
  Ruby winced when he examined the open wound closely. The color had changed from a healthy pink to a yellowish green, due to the infection now running in her blood.
‘Not so hard’ She mumbled at the verge of tears. He was only checking the tension of her skin, but to her, it felt like he was burning her with his fingertips.
‘Can you…?’ He looked up, only to find Ruby already shaking her head. She knew exactly what he was thinking.
‘Even if I tried, cutting my arm wouldn’t help. It’s been too long. I already feel weak, I’m not sure but I think I started a fever, too’
  Aasim reached to feel her forehead. His hand almost burned against her skin.
‘How long...until…’
‘I don’t know’ She shrugged ‘It could be a couple minutes, or a couple hours...There’s not really a way of knowin’...All I know is there’s nothing I can do, I’m going to-’
Her quickened breathing soon turned into hyperventilation as she finally surrendered to panic.
  Her sorrow started to spread outside her, reaching his friend who was watching her cry her heart out without knowing what to do.
  He didn’t give it much thought and embraced the girl to contain her as she kept weeping against his chest.
‘You’ll be alright’ He whispered.
‘I don’t want to die, Aasim, I don’t want to go’ She begged, clinging to him as if some kind of force was pulling her away from him.
‘We need to go back, I’m sure we can find something there that will bring you back to health’
‘Nothing can fix me up, it’s too late for me’ she sniffled ‘ I ain’t comin’ back. I don’t want to be there when I turn. I don’t want to scare or bite anybody’ She looked at Aasim straight in his eyes ‘You best leave me here’
‘What? No!’
‘It’s for the best, trust me’
‘Are you serious? Letting you turn into a walker?’
‘You need to go’ Ruby insisted ‘Just...let nature run its course’
‘Do you really want to be one of...them?’
  The shake of her head confused him even more.
‘I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to turn into anything but it’s gonna happen no matter what I do’
‘You’re not thinking this through’
‘I also don’t want you to kill me before my time. It’s not your burden to bear’
‘What kind of person do you think I am? Aasim exclaimed. Killing her wasn’t an option to him and he started to believe maybe she really thought of every possible option available.
  Her tearful eyes blinked at him, evidencing her silent resignation.
  Aasim tried not to cry in front of her, but it was almost impossible at that point.
‘It’s for the best’ She insisted, quietly, trying to convince herself of her fate and her inability to change it.
‘There’s still so much...I can- You can’t die yet, you hear me? You won’t-’
  She lifted her left hand to fix his hair. A sad smile adorned her face as Aasim continued crying.
  His heart was pounding fast. It was different from the last time they were alone together, though. Knowing she wasn’t going to be around anymore only made it worse.
  He wanted to say all the things he had kept in secret all those years, but she beat him to the punch.
‘If only I knew I would end up like this...I would have used my free time a little better...’
  Aasim frowned. Her words caught him off guard.
‘W-what do you mean?’
  A soft stroke in his cheek made him close his eyes, giving in completely to her caring touch. His heart raced even faster now. It was starting to feel like the last time, only ten times more intense. He wasn’t imagining anything. She was there for real, being her most tender and sincere self.
  In any other scenario, he would have been thrilled to be this close to her in the middle of the forest, but reality was different and as he realized the cruelty of life, he couldn’t stop his tears from flowing.
  He couldn’t believe he was losing her right as he got a real chance to let her know how important she was to him; tell her about the countless sleepless nights he spent trying to understand his feelings for her and the many lines he dedicated to her in the dead of the night.
  Now, the future he would often envision was lacking its bright light.
  He opened his mouth to say something in response to her display of affection, but all his thoughts were grim and she didn’t deserve any more hopelessness, so he decided to stay silent and show back his love in another manner.
  Ruby’s hand rested on his chest as he kissed her forehead. She suddenly felt the world was spinning around her. Her eyes closed slowly as her head nodded against the boy.
‘Careful’ He helped her sit down.
‘I got a little sleepy’ She said with a drowsy smile, trying to stop her own body from trembling.
  He let her lean on him, passing one arm over her shoulder. The night was at its darkest point. The air was cold and reeked of death. He could only imagine how scared she was.
  Despite everything, her smile remained. At least he was there.
‘I don’t know if you know this, but-’ She coughed ‘I used to have a crush on you’
  He never knew
‘Really?’ He breathed, blushing in the dark as he felt her nodding against his chest ‘I never noticed’
‘It was silly at first. It started when I first got here. I was a mess and you would never say a word. I guess I wanted to be like you but I couldn’t keep quiet if it killed me and the other boys would always make me so angry all the time’ Aasim chuckled at the memory, as she continued talking ‘I still find it cool, that you are like that-I still like you, you’re the only person I’ve ever liked...you know, in a special way’
  Aasim took a couple of seconds to process Ruby’s words. Maybe she was delirious, but he wasn’t asking for clarification in a moment like that. Instead, he took a chance and reciprocated her feelings.
‘I’ve always liked you for your energy, from the little feisty girl I met years ago, to the driven woman you are now. I have to admit, sometimes, I wish I could have gone and punch a couple of teachers like you did in some occasions’
  Ruby looked up, while he mindlessly played with her hair and spoke casually about his feelings towards her. She wanted to ask if he was serious, but his gentle touch was evidence enough.
  A sense of safety surrounded her, making her forget these were her last moments.
‘Well ain’t you cute’ She whispered with some difficulty, forcing a grin through her stinging pain.
‘It was a long time ago’ He shrugged.
‘I wish we could have talked about this sooner’ She confessed ‘Imagine how different this would have been if we…’
  She forgot what she was saying when she looked up and found him starting at her lovingly. She knew what he had in mind and just as he leaned closer, she flinched and quickly scooted away from him.
‘I don’t want you to end up like this’ She covered her wounded arm, fear running cold in her veins.
  He was hurt, not by her rejective attitude, but her fear. He wanted to make her feel better, but didn’t know how.
  He apologized, extending his hand to her. When he got no answer, he crawled closer and held her left hand.
‘I’m sorry if I was too invasive’
‘I didn’t mean to, I just- I really don’t want to hurt you’
‘You couldn’t…’
  Ruby let go of his hand and traced his mouth with her thumb- Aasim listened to her soft plea.
‘Promise me. I need to be sure you won’t get...this if we kiss’
‘I don’t think it works like that’ He chuckled. She kept serious and as soon as he read her expression, he corrected himself ‘I promise’
  There was no way to know for sure if he was lying.
  Not even he knew if that was a possibility.
  At this point, he didn’t care.
  Maybe she wanted him to kiss her despite her biggest fears.
  Maybe he could kiss her fears away..
  She believed so as their lips met. For one second, she forgot about the world ending, at least for her.
  Their first kiss burned in their mouths while a mixture of newfound feelings and sensations filled their minds.
  She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest, still not believing what happened.
  She didn’t care about the pain anymore. She only cared about the moment she just had with Aasim and how happy he made her feel, even if it was for a couple of minutes.
  She made a mental list of all the things she’d give just to be like that with him for as long as they wanted.
  But time was running low quickly. She felt weaker by the minute.
  She tried to pull away from Aasim, but he knew what would happen if he let her go.
  He tightened his grip as she tried to struggle.
‘Come on, now...’ She sighed ‘You have to let me go, it could happen anytime and I don’t want you near enough to hurt you’
‘I’m not leaving you’ He insisted ‘You’re not dying alone’
  She wanted to yell at him to leave her alone, but she knew well she would only be wasting her last bit of energy.
  Instead, she stopped struggling and went back to her quiet begging. He couldn’t understand her, but decided to let her go.
‘Thank you’ She smiled and kissed his cheek ‘For bein' here’
  Right as she finished her sentence, her smile faded as her vision was covered by a fog-like whiteness. She felt her own voice echoing Aasim’s name as she slipped out of consciousness.
He watched in panic as she collapsed against him.
  Trying to regain his strength, he cradled her, hoping she’d wake up soon. She never responded to her name, no matter how many times Aasim called. Eventually, he stopped insisting.
  He laid her on the ground, making sure she was comfortable in her deep sleep, and lay down beside her for a while, silently considering his options and all the possible consequences to his actions as he admired the beautiful starry night above them. It reminded him of the particular shine in Ruby’s eyes every time she talked about her plants or the animals she used to have as pets when she was little.
  A smile flourished among these melancholic thoughts.
  He looked over at her, realizing for the first time her eyes might not open ever again and the breathtaking glimmer in her look was now a thing of the past; something he would treasure as one of his most precious memories from now on.
  Only then he realized how much he would miss her.
  Struggling with the panic building up inside him, he decided to check her vitals, just like she taught him once.
  She was hardly breathing, the beat of her heart was getting slower and slower as minutes passed.
  Helpless, he brushed a strand of her fire-red hair while fighting back tears.
  He glanced at her arm. Most of the skin around the wound was now blackened and decaying due to the severe infection.
  He looked around them. Someone had to be around. He refused to believe this was the end. Someone would eventually come over and save them both.
  But that didn’t happen. No matter how long he waited, he was alone in this. Nobody came to their rescue and Ruby was still unconscious next to him.
  He finally gave in to his despair. The cursing became recurring and loud. Nobody was really there to see him break down, anyways.
  His tears fell on Ruby’s jacket as he leaned over. She was dying before his eyes and there was nothing he could do to save her. He shook his head, refusing to believe that with the last drop of hope he still had.
  There were still so many unsaid things he would have loved to share with her; so many gifts, so many experiences he never go to give her. And all because she was bitten while trying to save him.
  Aasim dried his tears with his sleeve and held her hand.
‘I love you, Ruby’ He kissed her forehead before he realized he was already saying his goodbyes ‘Thank you for keeping us alive for so long’
  Deep down, he knew she couldn’t hear him, no matter how much he wanted to reach out to her, wherever she was. He uttered no further words. Instead, he watched in silence as her once pink cheeks gradually turned into a sickly yellow and then a lifeless gray.
  He soon realized she had stopped breathing.
  When he finally came to terms with the fact that she was gone for good, he stood up and wiped the last few tears off his face . With his bow in one hand and an arrow in the other, he walked a little farther from Ruby, waiting for the inevitable.
  About ten feet away, he heard the distinct groan of a recently turned walker. He didn’t turn around, he didn’t want to shoot her, even when he knew that wasn’t really her. Not anymore.
  She never wanted to die.
  She never wanted to turn.
  It would be cruel of him to let her wander the forest like that.
  He turned around and tensed his bow.
  He wanted to apologize to her. He knew all that wasn’t fair. Life was brutal. Especially when it decided to give Ruby a premature death, and especially when it decided to give him the opportunity to meet and love Ruby only to take her away from him just as he was finally going to be loved back.
  He aimed directly at her.
  Life was unfair to them both. Death was cruel, too. 
“Why did it have to be her? Why not take me, instead?”
  He let her walk closer to him before he shot his arrow straight in her right eye.
  Her body fell to the ground slowly, her left hand reaching out to him in a last attempt to get him, although Aasim read that as her last attempt to stay among the living.
  He dropped his bow and ran closer to her lifeless body. Once it finally stopped moving, he turned it over to retrieve his arrow as it was is routine when killing walkers.
  He grabbed the arrow, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull it out.
  His stomach couldn’t handle it. He stepped back hastily, retching. He fell on his knees, feeling sick of himself.
  Even when it was all over, he still felt like the worst person alive.
  He fell to his side and curled up, unable to contain himself, mourning in long wails, feeling almost as if his own soul was escaping his body.
  Nobody was coming to help.
  Hope was already lost.
  He remembered the small knife he had in his back pocket and took it out to examine it while toying with the idea of quitting the losing game he dared to call life.
  He sighed deeply, and closing his eyes, he placed the sharp blade against his neck.
  He couldn’t. He didn’t have the guts- or at least that’s what he kept repeating over and over while his agitated chest kept making him cry out of sheer panic. Right as he was about to push the knife against his skin, he heard his name loud and clear.
  He looked over at Ruby’s body, but it was right as he had left it. Instead, he was lifted up by two people.
  On his right, there was a guy he had never seen before. On his left, Clementine.
‘Let’s take you back’ She said, taking the knife from his hands and putting it away.
Aasim shook his head violently , trying to speak through his tears.
‘What’s the matter?’ The stranger asked Clementine in a soft voice, but she was just as lost.
  Aasim tried again, but AJ spoke first when he walked a little farther.
  Clementine walked closer to where AJ was to confirm the little boy’s suspicions.
  In the faint first morning light, they could clearly see it was indeed Ruby’s corpse, turned into a walker, with an arrow in her eye.
‘What the fuck happened here?’ Clementine asked, turning to Aasim, who was too ashamed to look at her in the eyes.
‘I couldn’t save her. She got bit and I couldn’t save-’
‘We can ask all the questions later, we need to help him soon, he’s clearly not okay’ The stranger interceded.
’N-No!’ Aasim cried ‘ We have to get her back. She can’t be-she can’t stay here. We need to bury her, we need to take her home, we-’ Clementine interrupted his rambling with a tight hug.
‘We’re not leaving her here. She going home with us’ She reassured him.
  After a while, they got everything ready and headed back to the school.
  The welcome was warm until everyone saw what Clementine, James and AJ brought along with them.
‘Ruby’ Willy whispered, watching in disbelief as James and Aasim walked inside, carrying her body.
  The atmosphere turned tense with the general shocked silence.
  Aasim walked away from the small crowd without saying a word. Nobody stopped him as he grabbed the shovel and started digging next to Ms. Martin’s grave.
  His pacing showed his determination to make it as deep as he could. He felt as if he might break down again if he ever stopped.
‘Here’ Clementine interrupted his train of thought ‘Let me help...you need to rest’ She took the shovel from his hands. Aasim walked inside the greenhouse. He looked around, looking for anything alive that could serve as an ornament to Ruby’s grave.
  She would have wanted it to look pretty.
  He was too focused on a pot with tiny white flowers, when a knock on the door startled him. He turned around to see Louis on the doorway, looking devastated.
‘Come in’ Aasim said, leaving the small pot back on the table. Louis walked in, and before Aasim could say anything, he was a being hugged again.
  Louis wasn’t attempting to give his friend comfort. He was looking for consolation himself and from Louis’ silent tears, Aasim realized he was not the only one hurting from Ruby’s parting. The two of them stood in the middle of the greenhouse, crying into each other’s shoulders the loss of their dear friend, until Clementine announced quietly that it was time for the burial.
  Louis walked out, but Clementine stood in Aasim’s way just as he was heading out.
‘Back there, when we found you guys, you had this in your hand’ She pulled out his knife out of her pócket ‘Can I ask-?’
‘No’ Aasim interrupted ‘No, please don’t ask’
‘I hate to be that person, but you realize that killing yourself wouldn’t have fixed anything? We would have lost you, too…’
‘I understand’ He looked away, clearly uncomfortable with Clementine’s little lecture.
‘I mean, this is not over yet, and we already lost Ruby-’
‘I know. Clementine. I was there’ He snapped at her, walking out.
  Right outside, Tenn was putting a flower crown on Ruby’s head. Violet held the crying boy as she said a few last words in her memory while James refilled the grave with dirt.
  Aasim kept quiet the whole time. He felt like staying silent for the rest of his life.
  After everyone left, he sat in front of the grave to plant the little flowers he had found earlier.
‘I’m going to miss her’ Willy mumbled as he sat next to him ‘I can’t believe it...First Mitch and then, Ruby…’ A hopeless sigh escaped his mouth. Aasim looked over just to find a broken little boy. He believed Willy had adopted many personality traits from Mitch, but only then he realized how much he truly took after him. Rough on the outside, but forever a lost boy on the inside.
‘Willy…I’m sorry’ He wanted to explain more about how it all went down, but couldn’t find the words. Losing Mitch had already been a tough blow on him. Now, he lost the only mother figure he could clearly remember  ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t bring her back alive’
‘Just...promise me you wont die soon?’ He said, sniffling. Aasim looked at him as the boy faced him to insist ‘Promise?’
  He passed one arm over his shoulder and cuddled him.
‘I promise I won’t die soon’ He muttered.
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 4/?
It had been a hot minute since Lucy had laughed so hard.
The group had decided, much to Chris objections, that it was still too early to part ways and they headed back to Boston, a lively discussion happening via facetime while they drove. In the end, they all had agreed on Cure, a bar lounge on the theater district. For an early Sunday night the place was quite full but a look of recognition crossed the hostess' face and she quickly found them a place a near one of the two bars that divided the place in two, one side with a dance floor surrounded by vinyl couches and the other a little more subdued, leather couches and chairs, lights deemed and people drinking and mingling.
That had been two hours and many beers and glasses of wine ago, with tales being shared left and right, a recount of the game and its highlights leading up to a heated debate about Tom Brady being the greatest quarterback of the league.
“Oh come on, the guy is just that good, he doesn’t need to deflate the damn ball to throw a perfect pass,” Chris said from his spot on the couch next to Lucy. He had his left arm resting on the back of the couch while his hand played with the nape of her neck, his thumb gently stroking the hair there. His legs were spread out and a little while ago he had grabbed both her legs and draped them over his left one and she was now sandwiched between the arm of the couch and Chris’ body. “He’s the hardest working man on the league, that’s why he’s so good. Did you know he doesn’t eat dairy or flour products?”
“You know, if it wasn’t for the boner you’ve been toting around since halftime and the pissing match you had with Samuel at the end of the game, I’d swear you had the hots for Brady.” Guillermo said and laughter erupted, Dix and Garret, letting out an ‘oooooh’. “How do you even know these things, man?”
“Fuck you, Gui,” Chris’s hand lifted from Lucy’s neck and flipped his friend the bird before resuming its place. He finished the beer that was left on the bottle and set the bottle at the low table in front of him. “Samuel was being a prick, he had no right to talk about Lucy like that. He’s being stupid since whatshername dumped his ass, but after today I don’t blame her. And stop looking at my dick you pervert.” Chris shifted in his seat, bringing his now free hand to cover his crotch.
“Do make note he didn’t deny his attraction to Brady.” That earned Lucy a dirty look and a playful slap on her thighs.
“The mouth on you,” Chris exclaimed, and his fingers tightened on her neck, bringing her face closer, his mouth lingered for a moment, eyes locked and his breath hot on her face. They’ve been like that since they arrived, relaxing and enjoying the exchange between their friends at a moment and slowly kissing on the next, bodies close and hands wondering. “I really like when it’s pressed against mine.”
This kiss was harder than the earlier tentative kisses they shared. Like a sensual slow dance, Chris’ full lips caressed hers with pecks soft as a butterfly, gently coaxing her mouth to open while his left fingers stroke her neck, his right hand sliding from her thighs to cup her waist, keeping her from moving. She left a soft moan escape and her mouth opened, giving him a chance to touch her tongue with his own. Chris groaned and closed his mouth around hers, his tongue touching every corner it could reach, the roof of her mouth, sliding against her tongue, her teeth, then coming back to kiss her bottom lip and starting it all over again. Lucy’s hands had taken residence around his neck, fingers twisting on his hair, tugging at the dark strands and she was rewarded with a purr that made her insides clench with want. He broke the kiss and dragged his lips across her jaw, nipping his way up to the shell of her ear. One of her hands left his hair, her fingers gently tracing downwards his nose, caressing his cheek. Their eyes locked and a small sigh escaped her lips before they smiled at each other.
“You make me gag a little, just so you know,” Penny’s amused voice reached them from the leather chair in front of them before she popped a french-fry on her mouth.
“Consider it payback for all the times I had to put on music to drown the sounds coming from my guest bathroom.” Lucy looked at her sister, happy to dish as hard as she got and grinned before continuing, “I had to rearrange the whole bedroom because the headboard kept hitting the wall, there’s just so many times one can handle being jostled awake because her sister is getting her freak on.”
Chris threw his head back in laughter, his hand grabbing his left peck and sliding a little on the sofa cushion.
“Bitch!” Penny laughed, shrugged and pecked Garret’s red cheek, murmuring something that made him grin back at her.
“Love you too, skank,” a bright smile contradicted the harshness of her words. “You’re welcome to rock the walls now if you want, the dude on 4B is a tool.”
“He totally is, did you know he told Garret delivery guys should wait downstairs?” The smile vanished from her face. And she shushed her boyfriend when a small ‘Baby…’ left his lips. “No, I should’ve have told Lucy right there, it’s not the first time either.”
“The fuck you saying?” all traces of laughter left Chris’ voice when he looked at Garret’s chagrined face.
“You should’ve clocked him, bro,” Dix said from the opposed chair, knuckles white around his beer bottle.
“I’ll have his ass on the next tenants' meeting, I’m so tired of his racist, misogynist hogwash. He’s the worst kind of human being.”
“Let it go, guys, there’s nothing we can do it about now.” Garret’s voice had a hint of resignation and he shrugged. “We’re here having a good time and he’s probably at home watching porn alone.” Chris went to say something, but a shake of Garret’s head silenced him. “I’m going to the bar, anyone wants something?”
“Water please, I need to sober up a little.” Lucy patted Chris’ knee before getting up. “Penny, where’s the bathroom?”
“I’ll go with you.” She kissed Garret again, whispering I love you to him before joining Lucy.
They silently made their way through a narrow tunnel illuminated by purple LED lights behind the bar. Reaching the bathroom, they each headed for a stall, meeting a few minutes later at the sink. Lucy watched her sister’s reflection while she dried her hands
“Why didn’t you tell me Pen?” Lucy’s voice was soft. “It’s not the first time he’s seeing sputtering out that racist bs, Doctor Harris confided in me Brian once told her that he was glad her apartment was on the level floor, as he’d never share the elevator with the likes of her. Doctor Harris!! She’s the sweetest lady ever, always helping everyone, she handles Morris like he’s a kitten instead of a twenty-five pounds monster.”
“He’s a monster alright, tried to kill me twice now,” the smile never quite reached her eyes and she sighed. When she spoke, her eyes shone with unshed tears. “I… I forget sometimes you know? I forget what he goes through daily because I don’t look at him and think ‘here’s my black boyfriend’. He’s just my Garret. But some other times he comes home and I just know some shit went down or we’ll be having dinner at a restaurant and people look at us funny and… I hate it what it does to him when that happens. Hate it.”
Lucy closed the space between them and hugged her sister.
“I can’t even imagine what that must feel like and I’m sorry you have to go through that. You’re my favorite person in the word and I love you.”
“Thank you Babyboo. I love you too.” Shaking her head, Penny exhaled and gave her sister a sly smile. “Sooo… You and Chris hit it off well…”
“Yeah… From the moment he took my hands I was smitten. And then he pulled me into a hug and it was like this fire erupted within me.” The amber inside her burned brighter when she remembered the way his arms felt around her. “He’s funny, smart, and has the sharpest tongue of anyone I know except maybe for JP.” She reapplied the reddish-pink lipstick. “There’s something about him, he’s all man you know, not afraid to go after he wants. And to think he wants me? That’s both ridiculous and incredible.”
“Don’t start with the self-deprecating bullshit Lucy, you’re gorgeous, full lips, toned legs, boobs I’d kill for and an ass that Chris can’t seem to keep his hands off. So you’re not a size four, who the fucks care? Certainly not the man out there with a bulge in his pants just from kissing you.”
The muffled sound of the music coming from beyond the walls was the only sound in the bathroom for a while before Lucy sighed, capped the lipstick and put it away.
“You guys have an unhealthy obsession with Chris’ penis.”
The sisters looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“The last time I had a one-night stand was two years ago, he probably had one last week. What if I suck?”
“I don’t think he’ll have any problem with you sucking, babyboo.” Penny laughed and ducked when Lucy sent a balled paper towel at her head. “Look, he’s not a saint, but he isn’t a whore either. He had a fling with Jenny something from his last project, burned red and hot and sizzled in four weeks, she sold him out to the papers and he’s been licking his wounds ever since. Has he been with someone else between then and now? I have no idea, but Chris’ a good guy Lucy and I know he’s not two-timing anyone else by being with you.”
She nodded, that would be enough for now.
With linked arms, they made their way back to the bar.
“I was ready to send a search party after you,” Chris and Garret were waiting by the end of the bar, right by the exit to the dark tunnel. He handed a small bottle of water to Lucy, plucking it out of her hands when she was finished. Chris extended his hands and circled her waist, turning her around and bringing her close to his hard body.
“We’re talking about you.” The mirth on her voice gave away to a soft moan when his lips closed on the point where shoulder and neck met, taking advantage of the one shoulder sweater she was wearing.
“Good things I hope,” soft bites followed by a lick of his tongue had her head spinning and she grounded against him, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music surrounding them. “Damn woman, you don’t play fair.”
Give it to me, I’m worth it Baby I’m worth it Uh huh, I’m worth it Gimme gimme I’m worth it.
“But where’s the fun in playing fair Chris?” she rotated again, reaching behind her to grab his strong hips, fingers sinking on his thighs, making him move with her. Jade eyes sparkled on her tilted head, lips procuring his, sweeping it with her tongue. Time stood still for a second, eyes locked, lips barely touching. Her breath hitched and she closed her mouth around Chris’, tongues dancing together to the beat of the song.
“Dance with me, Lucy.” It was not a request. His eyes were dark as the sky in the morning right before the sunrise, not a trace of the green specks she saw earlier that day. She shivered at the intensity she saw there, desire pooling at her lower half.
Penny and Garret went with them to the dance floor, the music becoming louder as they got closer to the other side of the club, the DJ playing a remix of hip-hop and pop songs.
Chris swayed with Lucy, hands low on her hips, thumbs hooked to the belt loops of her jeans, chests pressed close together, not a single inch separating them. They were surrounded by other bodies but only had eyes for each other. Fingers twisted around the hair on the nape of his neck while the other hand traveled up his arms slowly, the white t-shirt outlining every muscle, and Lucy reveled at the thought that those arms would hold her in a much more intimate embrace later on.
Oh don't you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me" I said, "You're holding back" She said, "Shut up and dance with me!" This woman is my destiny She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo Shut up and dance with me
We were victims of the night The chemical, physical, kryptonite Helpless to the bass and the fading light Oh, we were bound to get together Bound to get together
“I love this song,” Lucy laughed, throwing her hands in the air, hips sashaying back and forth, back arched, feet apart, waiting for the chorus, singing together when it started.
Chris laughed and twirled her around, bringing her back to his wide chest, voices mingling together while grounding against each other.
“You’ll definitely be the death of me.” The whisper was followed by a nip of her earlobe. She pushed away from Chris, giddy, happiness seeping of every pore as they spiraled around each other.
A deep bass replaced the guitar riff and the next song started, a different mood taking hold of them. Lights swirled and the air heavy became with want. He brought her back towards him, one hand closing on her upper thighs pulling her ass down against his hard length, the other moving up her rib cage, skimming her breast, nipples hardening with his ministrations.
With her wine-stained lips, yeah, she nothing but trouble Cold to the touch but she's warm as a devil I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul She takes 'til I break and I can't get more
She turned around, her fingernails skittering his chest, grazing his nipples, her mouth closing on his throat, sucking lightly. His palms reached her bottom, big hands squeezing her cheeks and bringing her impossible close, sliding a knee between her legs, making her moan when the inseam of her jeans hit all the right places. She felt his hot breath on her ear, lips leaving a trail of fire till her mouth, a bruising kiss that made her head spin.
You got me in chains You got me in chains for your love But I wouldn't change No, I wouldn't change this love You got me in chains You got me in chains for your love But I wouldn't change No, I wouldn't change this love
“I believe it’s time to get out of here before I snap and have my wicked way with you in front of everybody.” Chris stared at her like a caged animal ready to pounce, a thin layer of perspiration on his brown.
Not trusting her words, she nodded and took his outstretched hand, fingers intertwined, almost running to keep up with his pace.
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