m4ymask · 1 year
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eddievedders · 1 year
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Mom, what’s wrong? Why are you here? I mean, if you got something you need to say to me, I'd appreciate it if you just went ahead and said it.
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theinfinitedivides · 3 months
hey don't cry remember that if it falls i would hold on for all it's worth bc the future's so bright it's burnin'
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cheriafreya · 23 days
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Let my heart bravely spread the wings, soaring past the night, to trace the bright moonlight. Let the clouds heal me of the stings, gently wipe the sorrow of my life... I dream.
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glorbs-dominion · 3 months
I'm just Emu
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Surprisingly, this meme was shared a couple years back and got both 13 blue and 13 red eggs, making it qualified for both "Fame" AND "Shame" channels!
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Brand New Cherry Flavor // Jeff Ward as Roy Hardaway //
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master-tonberry · 3 months
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[Artist-Made Collection by SEVENTEEN] Season 2. Making of Log - WOOZI
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gizzberg · 10 months
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Goofy ahh art I be posting
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ibuproffee · 2 months
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Gimbops @ France v Chile
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unknownuser93828 · 3 months
so, everyone is making sonadow fankids so I thought to myself: "how about I join the trend?"
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This was so much better at 3am
So! The lore basically is that they where made by Eggman when trying to make a unstoppable warrior using both sonic and shadow DNA, but then sonic and company(tails, Amy, knuckles and shadow) broke into eggman's base to stop whatever he was planning to do then found a tube with *(not named yet fankid)* found out they were created with sonic and shadow DNA
[tais:--they were created...*reads the information about the project*...with sonic's and shadow's DNA???
Sonic: *confused asf* ...wait...doesn't that make us the parents??
Shadow: *processing*
Amy:*whispering* it kinda of make sense]
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streets-in-paradise · 2 months
His Weakness - Achilles x (Fem)Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Warnings: Injury, brief description of healing practice.
Summary: Achilles is taking care of you after you injured your heel and the situation iniciates a talk on the legend about his only weakness.
Note: For the medical part, i tried to make it as accurate to the period as possible through what i remember of the descriptions of medicine found in the iliad.
Tags: @zoegarfield
Racing across the landscape of the myrmidons was so much fun, but it could be dangerous for reckless racers that didn't know the grounds as well. Phtia was a rocky territory, but you were so used to run carefreely on your old homeland that you didn't entirely acknowledged the difference. The result was a fall that put end to the amusement as Achilles rushed in aid of you before Patroclus could claim the victory. He felt very bad for challenging you despite the wise advice of his cousin, but you didn't allow the sweet lad to take any guilt.
Pain aside, being carried back by your beloved hero felt very nice. He held you in his arms to ease the scare of the fall and although you tried to play tough for him, it was evident that you had trouble with your left foot and he didn't let you take one more step.
Laying on his bed for further inspection later revealed that the source of stronger pain was a badly bruised heel hurting you whenever you tried to stand up. Used to see way worse in the wounded from battle, he probably knew it was something you would recover from giving healing time to the injury. With proper rest, you would be alright in a week. However, in the meantime you would be in pain and very bored, so he wanted to be the one in charge of making you feel better.
Achilles loved you too much to stand your great discomfort without trying every measures he had available to help to go through it. Keeping you company, playing the lyre to help you relax, or telling you stories while staying in bed with you so you would fall asleep to the sound of his voice and the heat of his body.
Despite you would insist in wanting to do it yourself, he allways ended up applying the wet cloth on the wound and giving you the calming drugs to ease the painfull inflamation. The lovefull respect for your temporary fragility would have shocked anyone among the people who didn't know him for real. Those who used to see him as a fighter beast wouldn't believe their eyes regarding his caregiver performance. His hands knew how to inflict and calm pain giving death or caresses with the same amount of skill.
After finishing the task, he was carefully drying your skin when an ironically cute thought occured to you that you simply couldn't keep to yourself.
" Can you believe that, from all the chances for damage, I had to hurt my heel? " You commented to him. " Now we share a weakness, no one can deny we are meant to be. "
Achilles chuckled and your glances briefly meet.
" Where did you got that from? Didn't you hear they call me the swift-footed? You are mine, but we aren't bonded by the heel. "
" There is a local legend that the myrmidons whisper to each other, a secret they believe to be protecting. " You recalled in a mysterious tone. " Eudorus told me about it, they say that when you were a baby your mother inmersed you in the waters of the river Styx and that made your skin invulnerable to the wounds of bronze. Given that she was supposedly holding you by the heel, this is the only spot of your body that remains mortal and your preference for closed footwear has fed that rumour. "
He should have guessed that it was going to be a matter of time untill you would bring that up.
" Each city you go, they have made up a different idea of what may kill me. " He answered in a mock. " I'm like the minotaur, or the hydra. The fear I inspire forces people to invent mystical ways of feeling in control of their fright. They all believe they have found my weak spot, but nobody trully knows of my true human weakness. "
" Can you please stop comparing yourself to monsters?" You interrupted him. " You frightening, beautifull man. In your hands I feel blessed even in sickness. "
Still delicately holding your exposed leg, he placed a soft kiss in the front of your ankle.
" I'm so weak for you … Can't you tell? " He purred, teasing you. " The messengers of Agamemnon could come ríght now asking me to follow them to war, and I wouldn't leave your side not even if I would be told to be paid with lands and a share of the treasure as big as his. No fighting untill you would be back on your feet, nothing can get me away from you when i know you need me. "
He made you giggle in pure enjoyment of his love.
" Very beautifull, but not compelling for the legends. " You sweetly corrected. " When people invent a hero, they wouldn't expect him to list his lady as his mythical weakness. It's not attractive in symbolic terms. "
Achilles wasn't very concerned about the observation.
" That's why they will never guess it. "
With that, he resumed his playfull kissing in a road going up over the skin of your leg. You could tell he guessed you were starting to feel better, or otherwise he wouldn't have seeked for that sort of intimacy so suddenly.
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
I, Carrion followed right by Eat Your Young. Icarus is the young and the carrion, the dinner cooking and the edges starting to burn this now turns into some kind of eucharist this is his body and blood. this makes no f*cking sense ik but the actual f*ck Andrew this is evil and cruel
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cheriafreya · 10 days
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Getting ready 💄
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beif0ngs · 2 years
Jinbei: (easily saves all 3 Devil Fruit users from drowning out at sea)
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floscrap-blog · 4 months
Here is my very first text published on Ao3! 😱
Also it's smut 😏
Feel free to let me know what you think ���🏻
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