#i'll just keep the rest of my gems for the twins soon
ryllen · 11 months
Trey's birthday is here :)
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tt205 · 4 years
- Love is a different book -
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REQUESTED by softjisoo-exe :
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Today you are not wearing your usual white colored dress .
WARNINGS: none, just pure fluff & some minor crack
You looked down to your purple dress as Yanli styled your hair in a tight bun , adding hairpins with rare gem stones on them .
Today you are dressed in purple , honoring the Yumeng Sect family & your soon - to - be husband.
You felt tears forming in your eyes as a knock on the door shooked you out of your thoughts and you know straight away who is it .
" Time will be up soon y/n you will have to rush !" Lan Xichen's excited voice entered the room .
" I'm finishing her hair Zewu Jun ! Tell my brother to wait 5 more minutes if needed!"
" Can I come in ?" Lan Wangji asked in a sad tone you expected , too afraid he will lose his twin sister for ever .
"A-ling go open the door sweetie !" Yanli told her 4 years old son as he went to do his mother task instantly.
"oh you are beautiful y/n !!! " said Wei Wuxian your brother in law both by him marrying your brother and be your husband's step one .
"Thank you Wei Ying !!" You said shyly.
You looked down your dress too afraid of what was going to happen .
For a moment you thought about giving up , the bamboo forest outside your window seeming too welcoming now .
Of course you loved Jiang Cheng, with you whole heart , but leaving your house was something you never dreamed of .
You loved you family and Clan members , you had friends here but at the same time your lover was a couple of miles away and the burden you felt was big .
He told you a thousand of times that you could visit your home daily but you know that you will miss them overly too much .
You felt Wangji hugging you from behind as his tears were wetting your collar.
" I'll miss you bunny!" He said as he sobbed harder .
You turned around hugging his head and shoulders with your shorter hands " I'll miss you too carrot !"
" Don't! Your makeup will be ruined!" Yanli told you before you could set a tear along with your brother .
From the other corner of the room you heard another sob and it was no other's but Lan Xichen's.
" Why don't I have a code name too? Am I not your brother ? Shame on you guys! Both of you are getting married and I'm here single and without a code name ! " he sobbed harder this time as all of you started to laugh at his cuteness.
" Don't worry uncle I'm here for you! " said Shizhui as he went hugging his uncle's leg .
"Thank you A-Yuan ! That's a precious person ! Nothing like you 2 punks ! " said the future Clan leader before hugging his niece and sitting up .
" We have a wedding to attend! Hurry up !" Wei wuxian said as he rushed his way through the long hallways of the Cloud recesses.
You walked down the aisle with one of your brothers next to each one of your sides as they held onto your hands tightly.
You looked up on Xichen as he gave you a reassuring smile.
The lilac see-through satin fabric over your head made it a little harder to see around, but what it couldn't cover were the smiling faces of your clan and his own.
Looking at the end of the hallway you could see your uncle smiling proudly to you and then him .
The man you could sooner than soon claim as yours .
The man you were ready to build a family with,
And the boy you fell in love with years before he became a man .
He is Jiang Chen of Yumeng Sect , the little boy who became one of the greatest leaders .
But most importantly , your Jiang Cheng .
He reached his hand forwards to you once you arrived on the final step , welcoming you with one of his cutest smiles .
You took your place next to him as you bowed your head to your uncle.
The ceremony officially started and after everything important became complete, it was your turn to leave the place you called home for the past 18 years of your life .
He took your hand leading you inside the little ship that would lead you to Yumeng through the canals .
The water was decorated with floating white cherry blossoms the ones that Lan Clan threw in wishing you a safe and joyful life .
You looked back to your brothers and the rest of your family and Clan, waving at you as the boat took you a couple of meters away by each passing second .
"You look beautiful y/n " Jiang Cheng said moving an arm protectively behind your back , making sure there is no danger for you falling inside the water or get scared by the moving vehicle.
"Thank you Master Jiang " you bowed your head down making the fabric slip from its place .
You tried to move and catch it but it fell making you rush to put it back on .
" there is no need for you wearing it y/n I've already seen your pretty face over a thousand of times !" He spoke calmly.
" Sorry ma-" you tried to apologize
" why keeping formal with me my love so suddenly? I'm sure you knew my name years before .. it doesn't makes any difference calling me by it now ." He said a little irritated but still smiled at your cuteness and flushed cheeks .
" I sincerely apologize A-Cheng .. I'm just quite nervous right now .. " you confessed
" why darling is there anything you are afraid about ?" He asked clearly concerned by now .
" well .. to be honest there is a reason I'm acting like that .. I think your mother doesn't like me so much and I'm been awkward around you because of it ... I have no clue of how to act towards you around her . " you spoke each word with doubt, to anxious if your words would affect him negatively as he watched you the whole time closely .
" Y/n you don't have to be afraid of my mother , she indeed likes you pretty much and you were her most preferable choice between the brides that were meant for me .. act around her as you please . Both I and she love your true self so it's no need to hide yourself .. better now?"
" Partly.." you answered
" what's up now little minx ?" He asked full of curiosity.
" Where there other girls you could choose to marry ?" You asked pouting a little.
" definitely yes but to your reassurance .. even if I could marry 1.000 in my life i would just choose you over and over again. There is no other woman with such a spark in her eyes , so charming, so talented, so beautiful. There is no other like you , and I'm a pretty lucky person myself for having you here next to me .. as my wife " he spoke gently, his eyes honest and calm, full of love .
" I love you y/n " he spoke
" I know that " you said , teasing him
" YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO ANSWER LIKE THAT " he whined like a little child
" ok ok my mistake .. I love you too Jiang Cheng ! Happy now?" You asked
" Lots more than happy!!" He said taking your hands in his and kissing your temple.
The sun was disappearing in the horizon as the boats made their way through the full of lotus flower waters .
A book of your life just closed but a new one is already opening before your very eyes .
You are not alone on it this time , you are with someone that will love you a lot more than the meaning of love itself.
Because in this book two things are needed, his paper and your letters, in order to make a story that will be traveling from generation to generation again and again until you reunite through the centuries to make a new , better one .
Ok this cringed the living shit out of me BUT alright I still hope you enjoyed reading this ..
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Stay happy and healthy ♡♡♡
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