#i'll make the link in my name go to a random youtube video or something idk
bones4thecats 2 months
It is currently 3:54 in the morning where I'm at and I haven't slept one bit.
I have literally been sitting in my bed for over 5 hours reading a bunch of fanfic, listening to music, and watching maybe to much youtube. I need to set up a medical appointment soon, suspecting I have a hormonal issue that is making my 'times of the week' a lot more difficult to bear. By that, I mean by I don't get them for almost 1/2 of a year, and when they return they are a son of a fucking bitch to handle. Basically, cramps have kept me up and I just wanted something to do out of sheer boredom.
Anyways, I have a surprise coming out here soon. It's about requests and my fandoms. So, stay tuned. Y'know what screw it I'll just announce it now.
(I'm literally pouring what I'm thinking onto my keyboard and on this post so bear with the confusion and small rant plz)
Now to the surprise. I am possible
Hint the word
adding two previous fandoms back onto this list. While the names are not going to be revealed yet, I will make the post tags lists and the characters as well and have the announcement with their names come out right before posting them.
Also, I am posting a couple things from my Upcoming Pieces List because I have been needing to get that thing trimmed down for a while but have been busy with having requests come through first.
Okay I'm gonna make this quicker because my pelvic area feels like it wants me to suffer the physical amount of pain that I felt after watching Optimus die in the og series' movie.
These parts'll come out here soon and I will end up releasing a monthly schedule that shows days I plan on having requests open and I'll probably have vacation days on there as well. P.S: be aware that I may be posting random shit about 'The Dark Crystal'
Idk why but I watched a video made by TheOdd1sOut and have practically fallen head-over-heals for the movie. I literally saw the puppets and went 'childhood nostalgia: unlocked'. You guys should also go check out TheOdd1sOut, the guy is a boss when it comes to making entertaining content for somebody like me to watch. I watched like 3 minutes of his review of 'The Dark Crystal' movie from 1982 and went;
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Just a heads up! Now, enjoy the rest of your morning/nights. Idk where y'all live so pick one ig... I need some goddamn sleep... if anyone has a solution to a comfortable sleeping position when on your period please leave a comment for me to see because I NEED THE REST. MY SLEEP SCHEDULE IS SHITTING BUT THIS IS WORSE THAN NORMAL.
Or if you have another over the counter medication name that helps with periods (other than Midol, I need to get more soon)
Thanks y'all for listening to me half-awake and painfully-not-thought-through announcement!! Love you guys to bits!!!
Btw here's a link to TheOdd1sOut in case you do wanna check his videos out;
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elliespectacular 2 years
Regarding that "Raffle"
On March 17 2023 I uploaded a YouTube Poop called "The King Files His Taxes" where King Harkinian is kidnapped by an IRS agent and finds out he owes $6000 - an unsubtle allusion to my own tax situation. The first half is on DaThings Archives if you want to see it, but the second half was a promotional stunt I pulled. There were a lot of things wrong with it. Things that could have legally gotten me in trouble had they come to pass and still has the potential to do harm. So we're gonna talk about what went wrong and how to move forward in a way that treats you fairly and with dignity.
Here was the initial pitch - Link talks about a raffle where you can join my monthly Ko-Fi supporters for a chance at winning some prizes. Already we've hit a couple of roadblocks and to understand why we need to talk about Raffles.
In a raffle, one person sells the opportunity to win something in a game of chance where a winner is selected at random and the odds are determined by the number of participants. The raffle holder tries to make a profit by selling beyond the number of entries needed to offset the cost of the prize.
However in most of the US, events like this are classified as an illegal lottery. The main sticking point is that the raffle holder takes in a profit rather than supporting a school or charity. But beyond that, the law is there to protect would-be participants from getting scammed.
I don't want you to get scammed, so we need to think about how to do things ethically. But before we get there, there's another roadblock to my original plan. Ko-Fi's terms of service clearly state that "You are prohibited from using the Ko-fi platform, service or page in connection with [鈥 Raffles, lotteries, giveaways or games of chance where a fee is paid to enter and winners are selected at random". Ko-Fi is a great platform and we want to stay in their good graces too.
So let's look at our situation again. I as the event coordinator have two goals: Drum up enough Ko-Fi support to get out of the $6K hole, and send my belongings to good homes. However, promising supporters the chance to win prizes creates an illegal lottery.
And I'll admit, I didn't do enough of my research before posting the original video. I could have gotten in huge trouble if it weren't for the folks who gently pointed me in the right direction. I figured being upfront about what's at stake would be enough, but it turns out operating things this way creates an undesirable scenario for everyone.
So here was my original workaround: People who support on Ko-Fi are paying for the listed perks - names in the credits and Discord privileges to be specific - and agree that their purchase is not in any legally binding way considered a Raffle Entry.
But we're still violating Ko-Fi's terms on the same line because now it's a giveaway where winners are randomly selected.
We could get around this a little by selecting winners "arbitrarily" instead of randomly - basically I can use any logic I want other than randomness to determine the winners and we can call it a game of skill. But that feels phenomenally less fair, especially if I were just plain evil and decided my logic is to just pick my friends.
So where do we go from here? First and foremost I want to very sincerely apologize for this whole entire mess. The raffle idea was misguided and poorly researched, and was predicated on promises I can't legally keep. I tried to mask my desperation in confidence and spin it into a fun event, but in doing so I not only dipped my toe into legally hot water, I also misled many of you. That was the last thing I wanted and I've already lost sleep over it.
So before I get into my spiel about making things right, just know that if you were misled and you sent a Ko-Fi tip with the expectation of getting a raffle entry, you can get a refund no-questions-asked.
Refunds for PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/how-do-i-issue-a-refund-help101 Refunds for Stripe: https://stripe.com/docs/refunds
The reality we're in is that a bunch of kind people believed in me and already gave me their money with no expectation of a refund. I still have a debt to pay and objects to share. How do we make everyone happy?
Well first, I have to legally tell you that there is no raffle and that paying for Ko-Fi only earns you the perks listed on my Ko-Fi page, which does not include any kind of raffle entry.
HOWEVER I do still have all the would-be prizes and I'd like to thank my supporters by giving them away. Since I can't do that randomly as per Ko-Fi's terms, I'm going to do it arbitrarily. So all I can say is don't be surprised if I message you and ask if you'd like one of the Lots.
And as a gesture of good faith, I'm going to be considering ALL Ko-Fi Tips that have been made - not just the monthly ones - going back as far as the opening of the Ko-Fi page itself. Honestly the whole reason I made that restriction in the first place was because I was scared of being in this debt situation again - but that was selfish of me. I shouldn't have prioritized certain kinds of support over others. I am sorry for that.
In addition, there is no more unlocking Lots at different combined tiers - I don't want to keep all this stuff. It's all gotta go, including the YTP requests.
No amount of apologies can fix the heart of this whole ordeal though - the truth is that my carelessness got the best of me and I have to accept the consequences of that. Some might see this as a whoopsie, but others may see this as broken trust - which they're right to, and I accept whatever negative reactions folks might have.
I plan on moving forward with DaThings as I have the last few years - focusing on silly videos and keeping updates like this rare. I'm sorry for flooding your subscription boxes this week. Please take good care of yourself.
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togetherasone 1 year
I thought, since you've mentioned that you're kinda new to the Ghost fandom, that I could send you an ask and hopefully make you feel more welcome here! 馃槉
Feel free to answer or ignore these questions as you wish.
How did you get into Ghost?
Favorite song and album?
Favorite papa and ghoul?
Hi, Jay! Oh, goodness, thank you so much for the ask! Don't worry, these questions are so sweet! Let's do this :)
Just... Be ready... I got carried away... Sorry...
How did you get into Ghost?
Well, I got into Ghost on a completely random Saturday night back in May, hah... Sometimes I have these bursts of unconditional love for music that make me listen to music for hours on end, and on this random Saturday I had one of them! I was off to bed, but, instead of actually sleeping, I stayed awake listening to music, and, at some point, my playlist was over and recommended songs started playing. And, well, it was a mix of known and unknown songs, as Spotify always does.
Mary On A Cross started playing, and I vividly remember opening my eyes in amazement when the final harmonies came in (I got goosebumps for real!) and unlocking my phone to check the name of the song. I replayed it. And replayed it. And replayed it! Then, I went to YouTube and discovered a live version of the song. Watched it. Didn't understand what was going on. Masked band members, face-painted singer... Felt strangely attracted to Papa... And the video was amazing. The harmonies! Then, I messaged a friend of mine who always sends me songs to listen and said "Hey! I have a song for you! It's so damn good!" and sent him the link to the song.
Before he listened to it, he said "I'll listen to it, but be aware that I'm prejudiced against this band" and I asked him why. He told me he had seen Ghost live when they opened for Iron Maiden back in 2013 (I guess?) and stated that "the concert had a fucking strange energy, I just wanted it to be over". I asked him why again, and he said that it all looked like a "fucking Satanic ritual" and sent me the link to the Year Zero music video. He said, "Listen to this and tell me what you think of it".
Well, I listened to it and I'm not gonna lie that I felt a bit unsure of what to think of it. It was... Odd, you know? But I... Liked it, hah... I had never listened to something like Year Zero... And was mesmerized by it. I didn't tell him that I liked the song, though... Just agreed with him that it was a fucking weird band. By the way, he listened to Mary On A Cross and said "Ohhhh, everyone is using this song on TikTok, so this is the song! Well, this one is good, better than the ones they sang when opening for Iron Maiden...". I simply said, "Oh, okay? I don't have TikTok, so whatever... I'm just glad you liked the song!"
On the next morning, I went to their profile on Spotify and played a few of their songs. That was when I fell down the rabbit hole :) However, it took a while for me understand Ghost, you know? I think it was only in July that I decided to search the band on Google, and find out that there was an intricate lore behind it, and, bang, here I am now...
Sorry for the long story... Just pretend we're having a sleepover and I've just spent half an hour telling you all of this while we eat our favorite snacks!
Favorite song and album?
Hmmmm, right now, in this very moment in time and space, Kaisarion and From The Pinnacle To The Pit are my favorite songs. And... Ceremony And Devotion is my favorite album! I already said too much, so I'm just gonna leave the answers here without explaining why, eheh...
Favorite Papa and Ghoul?
Probably Terzo... He mesmerizes me. The 2016 Hellfest concert has me in a chokehold for real... I saw a meme that said everyone new in the Ghost fandom would eventually fall for Terzo, it鈥檚 like a canon event. Well, for me it was so true! Anyway, I have a soft spot for Secondo...
And, uh, I don't know enough about the Ghouls (I ended up not going too far when reading about them, because I don't want to find out any of their identities) but my favorite ones are Dewdrop and Aeon (I guess?), but simply because they play the guitar and I do, too. I'd say Mountain too, since I have a soft spot for drummers...
Oof! This was such a ride! I hope I haven't bored you! If you feel comfortable, I'd love to know your answers to these sweet questions, feel free to reblog this post or message me whenever :)
I hope you're doing okay! Lots of love!
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goldstargloww 1 year
hi :D i'm gold, just a random blob you encountered on the internet :>
this blog used to be @starglowwos (our collective blog), but seeing as this is my account's main blog and mainly i use it, i've decided to move @starglowwos to a sideblog. also, here's all my links!
i use they/vae/void/ender/it pronouns, among others, but if you need to, just they/it is fine! i enjoy variation but no need to go out of your way to do so :>
i'm neurodivergent, queer, plural, and alterhuman, and a lot more (and if you don't know what some of those mean, don't worry about it! feel free to ask tho)
this is a blog for whatever i feel like talking about, really, which as of now tends to be mcyt and isat! my current special interest is the life series/traffic lives im pretty sure lmao, and i'm hyperfixated on in stars and time. as for mcyt, i very much enjoy the life series, hermitcraft, rats smp, pirates smp, and probably some other stuff.
speaking of fandom things, i do in fact do fanart! if any creators see my stuff, (thinking mcyt specifically) feel free to name drop or show my stuff on stream :D (keep in mind this blog isn't necessarily pg)
i do a lot of art in general! here's my ao3 and artfight if you're curious. also, reminder that nothing i make is ever okay to use to train AI models, prompt AI models, create NFTs with, or anything similar.
other than that, i enjoy liomogai stuff and i'm tangentially in the warrior cats fandom, and i very much enjoy omori! i'll try to remember to tag that stuff seeing as its a horror game
i make emojis over at @emojistargloww, all my art gets reblogged to @artstargloww, and i do liomogai things at @liomstargloww. i also run @isat-emoji-archive and help run @mcyt-emoji-archive!
i'd also like to say go check out my mallowfriends they're very cool :> @thecardinalcoven @milo-handsoftime
more detail in things under the cut :D
interacting with me
here's some notes on interacting with me, if you find that helpful!
dms are always fine! just explain why you're dming me instead of just saying "hi" or something
feel free to @ me pretty much anywhere!
when it comes to tone tags, i essentially mirror your usage. if they help you, go ahead and use em! if you want me to use em, go ahead and ask! if i'm not sure, i'll usually use the common ones like /j /srs /gen /lh, but otherwise i'll just clarify what i mean :>
squicks, warnings, and censoring
i don't really have many common triggers, so don't worry about triggering me - i do prefer warnings though in some situations!
note that聽this list does not contain anything that seriously would trigger me. it's dangerous to give that information out and i am aware. don't worry about accidentally triggering me, and don't purposefully try to do so.
warning that i will be talking about common triggers and squicks here!
common things like聽bugs聽and other small animals like snails don't bother me
flashes and eyestrain聽don't need censoring for the most part, but if it's a flashy thing (especially if it autoplays), warnings would be nice
i do need聽volume聽warnings though, please warn me for volume ^^
horror聽generally doesn't need any warning with me, except for maybe jumpscares and realistic horror, if you'd like.
things like聽suicide and self harm聽generally don't need censoring, but i don't mind a warning
if you're talking to a headmate of mine who you know may be triggered by something, it's usually a good idea to at least warn for that, just in case
i appreciate warnings for mentions/talk of removal of devices and restrictions on them (like screen time limits or phone lockers)
swearing and the like is completely fine by me ^^
images, videos, and other media
for videos, a video description would be really helpful for me! there's a lot of times that i can't watch videos in posts (clips, for an example鈥攍onger youtube videos i can make time for) and video descriptions are really helpful for me! to anyone who does this, thank you :>
image descriptions are also helpful, especially for text in an image. i can see the image fine under normal circumstances, but especially for things that might be hard to visually understand or to get without context, they can help a lot
audio descriptions of audio files could also be helpful (like, if talking, a transcript would be helpful for me as a form of captions鈥攂ut if it's just music or something, there's no need)
oh, and for me, there's no need to make them entirely screenreader compatible as i don't use a screenreader, but it is good practice to regardless for those who do and for general accessibility :>
i try to do all of these things, but things like image ids are hard for me sometimes. i do video transcripts (with small descriptions of what's happening if needed for context) and audio transcripts fine though, for the most part! if you want to help me with accessibility on any of my posts, feel free to do so, i'd appreciate it ^^ if you do i'll probably add it to the original post :>
tagging system
my tagging system is a bit of a mess lmao, but here's the system ill try to be using
c:/sgos - any post by me or the brain beings
c:/sgos/user/[name] - a post by [name] (one of the brain beings鈥攎ost things will be from me, gold), or intended for them if it's a reblog
c:/sgos/groups/[name] - anything for or by a group of brain beings
c:/sgos/talking - probably me just ranting honestly. probably about traffic lives
c:/sgos/creations/art - any art by me
c:/sgos/creations/animatic - animatics i've made
c:/sgos/creations/apmv - AMVs/PMVs i've made
c:/sgos/creations/writing - if i happen to post any writing, it'll be tagged as this
c:/sgos/creations/commissions - anything i was commissioned to make (i have commissions btw! dm me for info!)
c:/sgos/creations/skins - minecraft skins i've made
c:/sgos/creations/coding - code i've made
c:/sgos/creations/emote - emotes over at @emojistargloww
c:/sgos/creations/term - terms over at @liomstargloww
c:/sgos/creations/flag - flags over at @liomstargloww
c:/sgos/creations/other - any other creations i dont have a tag for
c:/sgos/projects/[name] - a project, such as an animatic/amv/pmv, that i'm working on
c:/sgos/quotes - i collect silly/weird quotes. they go here
c:/sgos/clips - stuff i've clipped
c:/sgos/asks - asks i've answered
c:/sgos/my asks - me reblogging things i've asked/requested
c:/sgos/saved - things i've saved for myself
c:/sgos/saved/btgbr - things saved for characterization reasoning, usually :>
more serious stuff - stuff that's more serious that you might want to filter out in case you don't wanna see it right now
heavier stuff - same as last one but for stuff that's more emotionally heavy
here's how i do warnings
cw [x] - warning for [x] (ex: cw eyestrain) (i don't use tw)
[x] spoilers - warning for spoilers for [x] (ex: limited life spoilers)
[x] slur - warning for [x] slur (ex: f slur)
[x] word - warning for [x] word (ex: fr word)
[x]phobia warning - warning for [x]phobia (ex: trypophobia warning)
eyestrain - eyestrain warning
flash warning - warning for flashing or fast moving visuals
paranoia trigger - warning for something that might trigger paranoia
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everything--random 1 year
About me!
Ah Bonjour, and welcome to my little weirdo village! (Why do I feel like I've already said that...?) My name is Josie but if you want you can call me Joey! My pronouns are She/Her and I'm a Panromantic Demisexual! My life is all over the place but hopefully I can hold it together enough to continue making stories! Sorry I'm cringe I can't help it!
I love video games mainly Bendy and The Ink Machine, Five nights at Freddy's, Doki Doki Literature Club, and many more! I love watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye! I like G/T and G/T Vore...*cough* I've always been a theater kid so you'll maybe see some voice acting out of me! I'm big on crafting and wish to become a director when I'm older!
Writing and Art
I try to write as much as I can. I'm really bad at making up ideas unless I have something to go by so feel free to ask for suggestions! I'm currently finding my drawing style. Just so you guys know what to ask of me when it comes to writing I'll list them here.
I will write
Child reader (no romance though)
Nonbinary reader (reader can be any gender)
G/t Vore
Any sort of dere such as Yandere, Tsundere, Dandere, etc.
(If I'm comfortable with the story idea) Smut
I will do any fandom I enjoy (list below)
I won't write
(If I'm uncomfortable with the story idea) Smut
Same size vore
Humanoids of characters or turning them into different species entirely such as FNAF animatronics and so on
Pregnancy (because I鈥檓 particularly uncomfortable with it and don't fully understand it)
No offense but no furry or therian stuff... I don't want to offend anyone but I genuinely don't want to do that stuff.
Things and fandom's I'll write about
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Five Nights at Freddy's
Doki Doki Literature Club
Poppy Playtime
G/t and G/t Vore
Random shit!
Possibly my OC's
Current Projects!
Sundrop/Moondrop x reader
My Bendy AU (that currently needs a name but for now on Wattpad it's called Your Little Devil Darlin'!)
Some random thoughts of Antisepticeye and Darkiplier...
Follow me on the links below!
Follow me on DeviantArt:
Follow me on YouTube:
Follow me on Wattpad:
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jcraftisreal 3 months
2 Years Later, Im So Glad I Haven't Forgotten About This, I Saw A Random Spanish Video From My Youtube Homepage, Showing How You Can Apparently Download "Minecraft For Free." I Don't Remember What The Title Was Called, Since I Don't Know Very Much. The Video Is What You Expect. Just A Usual "Helpful" Tutorial At Some Sort. Although, The Video Isn't Showing You How To Download Free Minecraft. But In A Different Way, The Person In The Video (Who Wasn't Talking In The Video) Is Making You Go To "www.minecraft.net/jcraft."[REDACTED] After Entering The Link, The Site Will Download A Jar File Called "jcraft.jar" Me Being Convienced I Entered The Link Myself, And As I Remembered, It Worked! The Site Did Download Something On My Computer Called "Jcraft.jar"! But, Why On Earth Though? Was Mojang Hiding This For Us Not To See!? After The Jar Fully Downloaded, It Only Took A Minute Or Second. I Went Ahead And Clicked The Jar File Myself. Seeing What It Was Like. :) After The Game Loaded. It Took Me To A Void Filled With Bedrock As Wall And Floor. You Can Move Around Too, And Its In FP. (First Person) I Went Ahead And Moved Forward, As What The Games Trying To Make Me Do. Oh Yeah! I Did Provide Screenshots, Take A Look.
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After I Went Forward Like A Confused Little Mice, I Saw A Sign That Was Just There, And There Was A Huge Wall Of Wood Fences Behind The Sign For Some Odd Reason. I Went Ahead And Looked At The Sign, (See What It Says.) After I Looked, The Sign Said The Following "This Is Where Your Adventure Begins." After I Looked, The Game Was Cut To Black, And After A Second, The Game Showed A Official Menu For The Game! Welcome To Jcraft.
Humble Beginning
Upon The Game Loaded Its Game Menu, I Realized The Game Was Playing A Slowed Down Version Of "Subwoofer Lullaby By C418." This Was 2011 At This Point. Here's Your Usual Game Options, 1. Start Game, 2. Options, 3. Quit Game. Then It Wasn't Very Usual When I Clicked On "Start Game." 1. 1x1 2. 2x2. 3. 3x3. 4. 8x8. Are These Generative Map Limits? Like Something YOU Would Do, I Went Ahead I Clicked On 8x8. And The Game Went Load, After The Game Had Loaded All We Now Officially See Is The Grass From "Minecraft" Itself! (Including The Trees Too.) The Gameplay Is Nothing Usual And Ordinary, But It Feels Different Though. I DON'T KNOW if Im Crazy Or Not. But, It Feels Oddly Different. All You Can Do Is Pure Minecraft, Break Things, Place Things, Break Trees Of Course. But Nothing Drops Out Of Them. Also, I Forgot To Mention These Weird Looking Steve Guys That Always Roams Around The Map. That Will Later Be Important Throughout This Story.
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There Was Also A Map Barrier Which Prevents You From Leaving The Map, All You Can Only See Is Nice Blocky Water With Bedrock Under The Map. Also I Hope Im Not The Only One That Noticed This, Where Tf Is Rana? You Know, Those Cute Frog NPCs! Just Like Those Steve Guys! Unlike When I Played Minecraft, It Was Once Filled With Her! But Why In This Version Its Filled With Fucking Steves? I Guess We Will Never Know. Just Like Me Being A Silly Person, I Quit The Generated Map (I Was Playing On.) And Played The Other Maps, 1x1. You Name It. And, Its What You Expect. lol. I Got Stuck On Many Steves On 1x1. Kinda Hilarious lol. Although, This Game Doesn't Give Anything Else. Theres No Biomes Such As Sand, Just.. Grass. And Weird Steve Guys. Im Yet So Confused On Why Mojang Decided To Put The Download Link Up Publicly. I Guess We Will Never Know Further On This Point. I'm A Very Busy Man, So I'll Work On This Story Later On.
Minor Discoveries (Not Yet Over.)
2 Days Later, I Decided To Play Jcraft Again. And As I Loaded The Game When I Clicked On The Jar File Again. HALF Of The Bedrock Walls Were Missing. I Go Check And See What's up, Theres A WHOLE Another Map Just Waiting To Be WALKED on! Even More Crazy Is There's A NEW NPC That Looks Like a Real Digger Unlike The STEVES. He Looked Just Like The Minecraft NPC Concept Art That I Saw 3 YEARS AGO.
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He Looked He's Been Digging In The Grass! When I Walked Up To Him, He Said Something In The FUCKING CHAT. "Wanna Dig Boy?" Im Not Even Playing Multiplayer. His Name Is Literally "Digger" There's TWO NPCS ALREADY. This Literally Blow My Fucking Mind When I Played This 2 Literal Days Later. Anyway I Did What He Told Me To Do, I Thought For A Second To Wait For Him But No I Had To Go Down The Dirt Under The Grass. I Don't If The Dirt Walked Through Was A Maze, But I Walked Down Deeply, Upon Reaching To The End Of This "Dirt Maze." I Literally Saw Him Sitting In The Concrete Infront Of This.. White Abyss. Here's My Mockup Drawing Of It.
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When I Saw That He Was Literally Sitting There All Alone, The Game Was Cut To Black, And The JCraft Menu Shows Up... Wtf.
I Also Forgot To Mention, I Played The Generated Maps Again And I Didn't Care Less. I Saw Literal Signs Out Of The MAP BARRIER. And They All Spelled "Nil."!
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I Didn't Notice When I Played The Game, I DO Now. It Seems To Spawn In Possibly Many Occasions As We Generate A Map Again, I'll Put A Grid Up.
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This Is Where The Sign Spawns Outside The Map Barrier. Here Are The Numbers: 2 3 1 4
I'm So Fucking Dumb I Haven't Realized This, When You First Load Up JCraft. Look BEHIND.
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WTF WAS HE THERE WHEN I FIRST LOADED THE GAME? HOLY SHIT. you can't really walk up to him. there's an *invisible wall.*
The End
Hold On, I Now Discovered That 2314 WAS A LITERAL FUCKING CODE. You Know Me, I Tried This In Game, Not In The Beginning Of The Game, MID Game. You Know, The Maps. First I Didn't Know How To Put In The Code. I Found Out You Literally Had To Type IT IN.
After Typing It In, The Game Will Look... Different.
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This Weird Steve Character Just Standing There, And... He Looks All Black, Next Thing I Know. The NPC Starts Freaking Out And Says "LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE" In Chat, Shortly Later The Game Closed Itself, I Was A Little Freaked Out... wtf, I Decided To Play JCraft Again After What Happend, I Was Literally Shaking Beyond This Point.. After I Loaded JCraft Again, I Looked Behind Again. The Other Steve Wasn't There Anymore. Next Thing I Know, The Steve Ran Towards Knowing I Was Looking Behind. Once He's Finally Infront Of Me, He Said The Following Words, "What You're Seeing Isn't Real, You're Not Supposed To Be Here." I Stood Infront Of Him Literally Shaking, But I Knew I Could Type In Chat Because Y'know, Minecraft. I Said To Him, "Who Are You?" The Steve Said "Im NPC-04. I Lived Here All Alone." NPC What Now? I Actually Knew That Was More NPCS In This Game, There's More? Next Thing I Know, He Says "Follow Me." And He Went Away, Expecting Me To Follow Him, I Agreed And So I Did Follow Him, There's No Invisible Wall Anymore! I Can Fully Get Out In The Beginning Where I Couldn't Before! I Couldn't See Because Of The Fog, It Was A Long Run, And Once I Got Out Of The Bedrock Place, There Was Finally Another Map Just Like The Digger Man Maze We've Seen Before! And There Was A House Built With Stone Infront Of Me! Did He Built This When He Was Outside Of The Bedrock Place? & He's Been Staring At Me All This Time Through The Beginning? The Steve Or, NPC-04. Showed Me To His House, I Said "Did You Built This?" He Responded With "Yes, I Do Need To Talk With You." He Went Inside Of The House And Sat Down On His Stone Chair (I Didn't Know Chairs Were Implemented In This Version, lol.) I Did What He Did And We Sat Down Together, Once He Sat Down, Remember When He Was Staring At Me? I Said To Him "Why Were You Staring At Me From The Beginning?" He Responded Back With "I Was All Alone, I Felt Pretty Bad, We're All The Same." I Was Yet Confused, And I Said "What Do You Mean We're All The Same?" NPC 04 Responded With "You're Exactly Like Us, How We Look." Is He Saying We're Exactly LIKE Him? Are WE ALL STEVES? I Said, Why Weren't There No Animals? He Responded With "They're Not Here, It Depends On The Map Limit. Nothing Is Capable Beyond This Point. There's Only One Way."
I'm Still Yet Confused, I Said "What Do You Mean Nothing Is Capable, And What EXACTLY Do You Mean By One Way?" He Responded Back With "Do You Remember The Digger Man?" Yes, I Do Know Him! I Meet Him I Came Back To The Game Days Later! I Responded With "Yes." Then NPC-04 Responded With "He's More Powerful In This World, He Can Travel Through Time. He Can Reach Limits, He's Nocturnal. Can Meet Animals." I Responded To Him By Saying "What's His Real Name, NPC Whatever?" He Responded Back With "His Name Or ID Is NPC-10. He's The Tenth In This World, Not Beyond The Universe. What You Said About The Animals Is Not Beyond Either, But They Can Live Here, But They Will Die," Huh? Animals Dying In The JCraft Universe At Some Kind? How Is Digger Man Nocturnal? This Is Somewhere Relating To Death. I Said To Him "Are There Many Other Steves?" He Responded With "Yes, We're Too Many. They Didn't Mean To Create Us, Rana Is The Opposite." He Responded Again In The Chat Saying "Do You Know The Hanging NPC?" Now THIS IS GETTING Somewhere. I Said "Who Is He?" He Responded Back Saying "He's NPC-110011. He's The Real Threat To This World, He's Giving Us A Warning. We're All Gonna Die, Unless There's Hope And Rejoice." I Said To Him "What Do You Mean?" He Responded With "Life Gives Us Air, He Won't Live Without It, They Won't Care About Us." Me Having No Other Questions, I Said "Mojang?" But Then He Said "Jcraft." Huh!? Hold On, JCraft? Is It Depending On The Mojang Devs? I Said To Him "JCraft? What Do You Mean? I Hope Im Not Upsetting You." He Said "JCraft.net. They Still Haven't Cared About Us. They're Different Then Mojang, They Didn't Mean For This To Happen." He Said Something Again Saying "We're Having Support, We're Finally Getting Love, There's Hope." How!? That Hanging Guy Was A Threat To Them!? I Said "How Is There Hope?" He Said "I Wouldn't Say Because We Have You. Something That Keeps Us Track. We Geninuely Care & We're Finally Getting Rejoice, The World Knows Aswell." Does He... Know How I'm Feeling? I Was Actually Worried For Him Or What's Happening To Him I Didn't Need To Bother Mentioning This In The Story. Since Half Isn't Worth It. I Said "You Know How I'm Feeling?" He Responded Back With "We're Souls, We Do Care No Matter What, We're Rejoice." From This Point It Sounded Like A Religion. I Said To Him Since He Knows How I'm Feeling "How Are You Guys Getting Rejoice?" He Said, "We Built Something Made Up, It's Entirely Different. You Wouldn't See It In Reality, Because It Worked."
So... I Guess There's Already Hope For Them It Feels Like. Its Like A Schrodinger's Cat Situation Where They All Live. Even If They're Abandonded. I Said To Him "What About The Digger Man?" He Said "I Don't Think He Cares. He Will Die If He Doesn't Join Us." I Start To Get Pretty Bad For Digger Man, He Felt Like A God Because He Can Stay Up At Night, Apparently There's A Day And Night Cycle In Game, But Who Knows He Felt A Bit Cruel Just Because He Wasn't A God I Would Feel The Same Way Too. I Said "Is Everything Here Not Real, Are You Still Gonna Appreciate Everything We Do?" He Said "We Embrace In Our Hearts, We Don't Fear. We Rejoice." He Responded Back Saying "Theres A Downside. You Will Completely Get Taken Over." And Then The Game Closes. THIS. Was Something Unexpected. I've Never Seen A Minecraft Game Like This, Although THIS WAS ON The Minecraft Website Itself! Actually Felt Kinda Sad, And Once I Knew. I Clicked On The Game Again, The Game Was Normal Again, I Looked Behind, He's There Again, Watching Every Step I Make. :)
Sooo, This Marks The End Of This Whole JCraft Trilogy. Through The Beginning, I Actually Knew That "Jcraft" Was A Placeholder Name For Minecraft. Heres Proof.
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I Don't If Its THE REASON Why Its In The Minecraft Site In The First. But There. I Heard Rumors That The Digger Man Can Been Seen On The IOS Version Of Minecraft! The IOS Version Was Made On 2011! It Could Be Possibly Where JCraft Was Released On The Same Year Too! Was The IOS Version The Cause Of JCraft's Existence? Who Knows. I Noticed The Characters In The Game Are Docks Work! (Notch's Friend) I Have No Idea If He Has Any Afiliration With The Company JCraft.NET But Im Not Entirely Sure, Im Just Gonna Say No. EDITED: When I Played JCraft After All Of This Happend I Went To The Generative Maps. And I Actually Noticed A Quite Familiar NPC That NPC-04 Told Me, THE HANGING STEVE. I HAVE NOT SEEN HIM FROM THE BEG I Also Forgot The Mention What NPC-04 Said "We Built Something That Keeps Track." He Actually Kinda Refers To The Beacon From Minecraft That Was Worked On Last Year After I Am Writing This! This Could Mean What NPC-04 Said Was True! The Steves Are Still Alive! And Not Digger Man Though. Rest In Peace.
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salmonskinrolltf 2 years
This is a story prompted by random photos that I requested, sent to me by the following kind folks - @beardobession @guytransformedforever @tf-vigilante @dumb-and-jocked @mylifeforeva-blog @usb-cee @sjw-publishings - and inspired by a post I saw months ago that I'd like to link to, but I think it's been taken down :( I'll keep looking for it though.
Hello, my name is Evan. This is me:
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And this is my boyfriend, Paul:
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He's super hot, right? Obviously. There's just one thing. I'm super into muscle, and he is a little lazy. That stubble is sexy, but he only has it because he hates to shave. And of course, he hates to go to the gym too. But get this. I have the power to change the future. I can't change everything that results from a decision that I make, and my magic speeds the process along, physically and mentally changing whoever I use it on to make their life a better match for what I've requested.
That's why I've been a little nervous. I love Paul. I don't want anything to change except this ONE thing. But I've spent too much time scrolling through Instagram lately and seeing post after post from ripped dudes just rubbing it in my face. I think it's time.
Hi, I'm Paul:
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I can't explain it. A couple months ago I woke up with this uncontrollable urge to start working out. I started lifting weights every single day, feeling gains at an unprecedented rate. I would cool down afterward with a dip in the gym's pool, but soon I found that the pool wasn't enough and started taking up scuba diving at my local beach club.
Have you met my boyfriend Evan? He's super adorable, and he loves me so much. But I get so lonely when I'm at the gym without him. But here's the thing. I have the power to change the past. I can make a decision about something in anyone's past, and their present will shift to accommodate my change. But there's always a ripple effect. More changes than just the one thing. It's a whole butterfly effect sitch, you know? So... Should I do it? You know what, fuck it.
Hi, I'm Evan:
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Don't be intimidated by how yoked I am. This is what comes from a lifetime of hard fucking work, my dude. You'll get there if you just put your head down and commit! But here's the thing. I love that my boyfriend Paul and I can be gym buddies and fuck in the showers after a pump. I love licking the salt water off his skin.
But if I want to get serious about entering a bodybuilding competition next year, I need even more time at the gym that I can't afford. Both of us spend way more time here than we do at work. But I think there's something I can do about that.
Hey guys, I'm Paul:
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A couple months ago, I got an offer to start doing Let's Play videos for one of the top YouTube channels. They discovered I was really good at it, and I started making money hand over fist. I'm so proud to be able to support Evan's bodybuilding dream. He was even able to quit his job and pursue it full time!
I don't get to the gym quite as often as I used to, but I still have a pretty nice body, if I do say so myself. But here's the thing. As I spend more and more time online, I've kinda started to become obsessed with anime, k-pop, and all kinds of Asian pop culture. I've started jerking off exclusively to Asian porn stars. I don't want Evan's life to change too much... but what if my fantasies could become a reality?
Nice to meet you, I'm Evan:
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Sometimes, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I can't help but admire myself. I've always looked like this - good genetics, you know? But sometimes I feel like when I get an unexpected look at myself, I'm seeing an entirely new person.
That couldn't be possible, though. The only new people that are created around me are created BY me. Speaking of... I love Paul so much, but I was raised in such a buttoned-up family that sometimes I'm a little frustrated by how polite and gentle he is. I want to be a bit of a rebel. I want someone just a LITTLE edgier who doesn't fall asleep in front of My Hero Academia on the couch by 8PM. Should I...? I should.
Hey motherfuckers, I'm Paul:
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God, my life has gotten so much better since I stopped giving a fuck and got back to the gym more regularly. Sure, the YouTube channel dropped me when I wouldn't stop swearing on mic and showed up wasted to record a couple times. But life is so sweet, man!
Except for one fucking thing. Evan can be boring as shit sometimes. Like, dude needs to take a chill pill, stat. Or... What if he'd taken that chill pill a long time ago? Shit, almost forgot what I could do.
Sup bros, I'm Evan:
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God, it feels so good to rest my feet after a day at the skate park. But my Black Ops game keeps getting interrupted when Paul keeps wandering in giving me a puppy dog face and asking me to do tequila shots with him, then flipping me off when I say no. I think he's had one too many today, he keeps acting like we're boyfriends or some shit.
I mean, look at me. Do I look gay to you? Ew, now he's on the couch, trying to wrap his arm around my shoulder. Ugh, he's the worst roommate ever. You know what, if he wants to act gay, I can fuckin' help him.
Hiya neighbor, I'm Paul:
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Don't I look cute in this? I always want to look cute for Evan. I know my roommate is straight, but sometimes if I clean extra well he'll let me blow him. I know I look a lot different than I used to, but it's hard to find time to get to the gym in between doing Evan's laundry, making him breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and keeping the house just the way he likes it.
He has a girl coming over tonight, which I'm not looking forward to. But if I'm a good boy and stay quiet in the closet all night until she leaves, he says he'll give me a reward. God, I'm gonna be hard all night imagining exactly what it's gonna be...
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miniwolfsbane 2 years
Been working on my superhero game (in Dreams for PS4) for the past few days. Just watching a tutorial for a character selection screen and it's not as intimidating as I thought. (But making a single-player RPG is no walk in the park either.)
I've really overwhelmed myself and I bulldozed through it, starting with making characters instead of making cut-scenes or the setting first. (Though you do need characters for a cut-scene.) It's been a lot of fun, but I ended up making 42 different colors of eyes for my female characters. (Limiting it to "only" 11 or 12 body types and like 8 different skin tones. 10 or so if you count the two or three non-human faces I want to make.) Originally I wasn't going to release the game to be remix-able (letting other people mess with it), but if it's possible to turn that feature on/off, I might just leave it on. I want to see other people make powers and add to it, doing what I can't. I have to remember that I'm only one person and I'm NOT going to create this game in weeks. I've been working on it since 2020 and it's going take LOTS of TIME and PATIENCE!!
That is to say nothing of my mostly secret project, which I'm trying to work on a lot more just to get it done. I still don't know if the idea itself is compatible with Dreams and it won't turn out exactly how I envisioned, thanks to the small limitation of having no gadget for players to input their own text, but that's life. (This is also a big hang-up for my superhero game, but I'll just work around it I suppose? Might just have to make a random name generator or something if I can.)
Also, getting some inspiration from a well-known choices mobile game. I decided if characters can't be inherently shy or outgoing (There's probably A WAY, but it might be too time-consuming or use a lot of in-game gadgets (known as Logic). I'll just make the dialogue text that. A bit disappointing I can't make it have voice actors, but it'll be nostalgic? Because before games got all realistic, us 90s kids played those types of games on 8-bit Nintendo or whatever.
I just hope making cut scenes won't be that hard because I have an idea for an opening scene that will be cute and simple, not overwhelming. (If I didn't have so many IRL responsibilities, I'm sure I could make it more impressive, but I'm still working out character details.) Trying not to spoil anything for anyone either, (assuming the game will reach completion and be released!) but I have made knock-offs of some of my favorite characters. I don't have the hutzpa to make them look just like said character and certain companies are VERY protective of their intellectual Properties, so semi-bootlegs it is then. I know like everyone in Dreams makes well-known characters, but I don't want any company giving me a cease and desist letter or having something I worked mega hard on shut- down in one fell swoop because I used an owned character. Make it your own, like Lauren Faust did with MLP, and you're golden. ^_^ (Most times? IDK, I'm guessing.) Who knows, maybe if no one has come down on other people I'd be safe, but I'd rather not risk it after the hours and literal years I've put into this thing.
Okay, thanks for reading my rambling.
Also, some of my favorite tutorial creators for Dreams (Will link these later):
NeonTheCoder - YouTube
Dreams with LadylexUK
Lucid Stew
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