#i'll think about posting more of the wips
flymetosnarryland · 3 days
My Snarry WIPs' list.
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I would like to share something. My Snarry WIPs' list, yup. Why? I always felt weird writing about myself and stuff I do, but I'm processing changes and thought I can share not only art, lol.
How many project are you working on? I'll dive into couple of mine:
Date with a Star - a Post-War romantic comedy. Harry is in love with Severus, Severus secretly loves Harry. Both are too scared to say what they feel to not lose their friendship. A friend in need asks Harry for help and this is where the wild ride with dumb dating TV-show starts. Especially because Harry don't know that the same friend-in-need blackmailed Severus to get him into the same show too. This is actually a second Snarry fic I ever started to write, inspired by dating TV-show from 1992. I remember that when the idea for this one hit me, I was laughing for a good hour (that TV-show was absolutely ridiculous). And I still feel a pinch of positive embarrassment when think about what's going on there. In fact this story made me want to learn how to translate my wiritngs into English. It's half written and translated too. I really have to finish second part.
Infraction - my first monster fic. My baby. Crime (serial killer), slow burn, Muggle AU featuring Marauders and Death Eaters, political sheananigans and Severus' old flame. I have entire story written out from beginning to the end. What's more... with an ending that allows me to dive into second book (I'm excited lika a child) including the initial idea for it, ahh. Every time I think about Infraction, I feel butterflies in my stomach and a tear comes to my eye, damn. However, the entire project requires a huge amount of work. And a few modifications that I finally have to do to complete the first stage. It's not simple, though. I regret a bit that I released the cover, prologue and first chapter. I was prematurely carried away by the joy of creation, but that's okay. Going to fix it all in time.
In the Moonlight - working title. Something I planned to write for last year's Snarry AUctoberfest, but the beast got bigger, lol. Crime (kidnapping), Muggle AU - my great weakness and, most importantly, inspired by the movie Bodyguard (the one with Whitney Huston). Much like Infraction, this fic is fully planned and scripted. I can't believe I managed to do it. I wrote 1/4 of the whole thing and even have the lyrics of original song that Harry dedicates to Severus, although I don't know anything about music at all (an elephant stepped on my ear).
In between - a drawing series. Harry and Severus in a cute/fluff version. Post-War and happy life, because that's what they deserve!
First time - Drama/Romance, Muggle AU (gosh, yeah, again!). This is a project I want to do 50/50 as a fic/comic. A few works and dirty sketches have already landed here. I have a little dream of writing something that includes e-mails/text messages. In general, a romance that started online. Aren't Harry and Severus purfect for this? (Plus doing art in colour for this project was a test I wanted to start before 3B.)
3B - a Vampire fic, yessss. Can you believe that once I said, I'll never ever write or do anything connected to vampires? Hehe, now I'm in the middle of it, fully commited and over the moon. A bit dark/angsty story with a bonus: illustrations. Crime (more like, cri-me a river, lol; I mean, again? Yup xD), Post-War, a few intrigues, even a SnarryWedding o_0 gosh. That is another thing I said: "No, that's not going to happen." I guess, I fell on my head since now I do everything I promised to myself not to. But it's fun. And bloody, mhaha. I also created my own Vampire Villains and I kinda fell in love with them. Going to sneak into this fic a bit of blood magic mechanics that I created for my fantasy book, too. The picture at the top is one version of the cover sketches ɷ◡ɷ
Adrenaline - working title. Post-War/Drama/Romance and slow burn, a bit of Hogwarts, a bit of Quidditch and for a change Severus will have to show that he wants something more. I mean, I always writing/thinking about Harry chasing Severus. So here the dynamic will change a little. Can't wait for it! The idea for this one was accidentaly born last week and I can't stop it anymore. The inspiration comes from the cover art for Witch Weekly that I did, lol. I had no idea that at the stage of brainstorming, it would turn into another monster. It supposed to be a short story, but, apparently, I'm not good at short stories and it's time to come to terms with it xD I won't cry either because I like Harry and Severus pairing up in different ways/AU's, hehe. And most importantly - creating all these things, even if they don't fully see the world outside my drawer, still gives me great joy!
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somethingsteff · 3 days
Hello there!!
I see in your WIPS you have a Smash fic and let me tell you I AM 100% SAT for this fic and I hope it’s one that you write! Anakin saying “smash” by accident and revealing his feelings about Obi-Wan to others is so genius!!!!
Thank you, lovely anon! I actually have some of it written, but I'm not sure when the inspiration will strike again or when it will be posted. In the meantime, enjoy a little bit below the cut!
“Okay, Skyguy, let's keep playing Smash or Pass.” Ahsoka pulled up the search engine on her datapad. “Padme, you can play too! I think you'll have fun. I'll pull up some celebrities and then we'll each say either smash or pass depending on if we’d get with them.”
Anakin took a fortifying swig of his beer. “I don't know why Ahsoka keeps wanting me to play, halfway through she always makes a big fuss about it being gross to think about who I’d sleep with.” Another drink and he realized he'd drained the bottle. C3PO brought him another. “She never makes Obi-Wan play with us.”
Ahsoka scrunched up her nose. “He's more dad-dad master, you're like brother-dad master, you know? And when Rex and the other guys are busy you're the only one I've got to entertain me.”
Padme just laughed at the pair. “It sounds fun, Ahsoka, I'd love to play. And Ani, try sipping that drink. You're a lightweight as it is and we haven't had dinner yet.”
Anakin just waved her off and took another drink, as if he could hold his alcohol better through sheer determination. 
“Okay, here we go!”
A muscular Twi'lek man holding a guitar with two frets appeared in the small holo projector of Ahsoka's datapad. Anakin didn’t even think before he declared “Smash.” Ahsoka agreed while Padme hesitated.
“Pass. I don’t have a great history with musicians.”
“Yeah, but think of how good he’d be with his fingers,” Anakin wiggled his fingers around the bottle in his hand.
“Oh Force, not this already,” Ahsoka murmured to herself and pulled up the next projection. A Kaminoan female (or at least, Anakin thought it was a female) hovered above her datapad.
“Pass!” They all yelled in unison, bursting out into giggles.
It went on much the same for another hour, until the Corellian ale caught up with Anakin, and the girls stopped answering in favor of coming up with the most absurd options they could think of.
Master Fisto.
“Smash. Tit Fisto every day.”
A male Dug.
“Pass. I had some… unpleasant interactions with a Dug as a kid.”
Breha Organa.
“Smash. Think she’d get Senator Organa in on it? Double smash?”
Grandmaster Yoda.
“Blech, pass! I mean, he’s probably got some tricks up his sleeve but I just can’t.”
Quinlan Vos.
“Hmmmm. I’d have to really think about that one.” Anakin drank the last of his second beer. “He is an attractive man, but I don’t know if I could ever sleep with someone who’s that good of friends with my master. It would be too weird, right? Pass. Yeah, pass.”
As she was about to pull up an image of her next selection - Master Unduli - Ahsoka’s datapad got a notification of an incoming holo call from Obi-Wan, and she accepted. Before she could greet her honorary master, however, Anakin started talking.
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cpericardium · 9 months
this is a small part of the last big thing I tried to animate (2020) before I fucking died btw. don't tell anybody. DON'T show wildbow.
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heartorbit · 5 months
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just how can i protect your smile?
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lit-in-thy-heart · 11 months
been trying out a new writing technique recently and it's called chilling tf out and reminding myself that fic is written for fun.
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thousand-winters · 7 months
Thinking again about Force bonds and the first years post Order 66 in which Baylan had to go in hiding.
We know, because of cases like Kanan and Ezra's, that the Force sometimes does push Force users gently into the direction of someone they're compatible with for a bond.
I can imagine Baylan right after Order 66, heartbroken, trying to survive. Along the way he sees other jedi trying to survive just like him. He doesn't approach them, not even when he sees them being hunted down because the odds wouldn't be in their favor even with an extra pair of hands helping. Baylan wants to intervene, he itches to, it's almost physically painful to walk away from it. But helping is what a jedi would do, and if he wants to survive, Baylan can't be a jedi anymore.
So he runs. From planet to planet, keeping a low profile, staying hidden, only looking out for himself. He sees the clones hunting down jedi along the way, he sees the surge of the Inquisitors. He keeps going, never staying long anywhere, never finding a reason to do it. Every time he sees someone get killed and stays idle, he feels himself edging a little closer to the darkside. The pain leaks into his saber and the pure green it used to be now dances with tendrils of crimson.
He used to be able to look at the people on each planet and see hope, he used to want to help them with their problems to ensure their peace. He learns to let go of those impulses.
Or that's what he thinks anyway.
But the day comes where he lands in a planet that seems practically devoid of life. A wasteland more than a planet, truly, even if it used to look worse decades ago. He doesn't even fully get why he's here, though he's heard the stories, like every other jedi around his age that was a padawan when he was. Another quasi-miracle performed by Kenobi and Skywalker. Is that what he's looking for here? A miracle?
What he finds instead are Inquisitors, only two of them, but enough to make him decide he should turn tail and run. He's only looking out for himself now, he thinks, but his mantra isn't enough to bury the screams in the Force. His own screams? Screams from ghosts of the past?
Or the screams of the girl the Inquisitors are chasing?
Baylan doesn't even realize he's running in that direction until he's already there, almost like a puppet whose strings have been pulled in that direction. It's instinct what's moving him, but not only that. There's something more at play.
When he steps in front of her, the green in his saber that hasn't been already consumed by the spidery cracks of bloodied red seem to shine brighter than ever, directly in the surprised eyes of the girl.
But not just a girl.
'Mine. Mine. My apprentice. My own.'
Are those the whispers of the Force or Baylan's own wishes? Is there any difference?
Once upon a time, perhaps he would have answers, but not today. The only thing he knows is that for the first time in ages, there's a feeling of contentedness in the Force.
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lynaferns · 3 months
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I just spent the past 4 hours in these random senseless ass blocks
It's just a corner of the canvas.... and it's making the rest of the background look too simple in comparison. Now I have to put more effort in the rest smh
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meymeyzart · 1 year
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onebizarrekai · 8 months
*bangs my fist against the table*
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have some buttons. it's the polycule (without parker since they already have an alright ref)
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mortellanarts · 6 months
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2023 go bye bye
#999 spoilers#art summary#art summery 2023#my art#shoutout to all my monster high drawings that are still in the oven#I haven't posted them anywhere but! my friends made them pins and I've sold them on cons throughout the year :3#I only started drawing them as a request from a boothmate actually and they're such fun designs to draw!!!#I went to a lot of local conventions to participate in the artist's alley and made so many friends that way it was wonderful#I think the next thing I'll reblog will be the game I worked on!#found out the nda doesn't cover me simply saying 'hey I worked on this thing coming out in a few months!'#so I made artist and cosplayer friends selling my art on the beach and I got my first proper job#....then I proceeded to give me a shoulder inflammation because my setup was terrible and it had to catch up to me eventually#but! already managed to get a new tablet and desk for myself!! it's even a screen tablet so there'll be a learning curve but I'm excited#I'm hoping this display will make things easier I always had trouble sketching on digital#and I am more carefully taking breaks now also because turns out relying on hiperfocus is bad for you? never knew#I was going through some stuff in the middle of the year there though I had so many vent drawings of akane from may to october qwq#not featured here are the tons of utena and umineko wips I have accumulated those were my favorite new media I got to experience for sure#in fact I'm watching the adolescence movie rn!! what in tarnation is this last act lol whatever! go Anthy go!!! floor it queen#also not featured the tons of oc stuff I made :D I'm glad I feel like I can start properly working on them soon ^^#but yeah that's that I felt like writing a whole diary entry in these tags and you read it and that's what tumblrs all about ♡♥︎
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funkbun · 7 months
@tales-of-snaktooth cooking something :V
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musical-chick-13 · 8 months
"Truly GOOD works don't have thriving fandoms because people aren't interested in fixing them, so what do they have to write fics/make art about."
Idk about you, but I don't write fic for properties I don't genuinely enjoy and think are, on some level, actually good.
#like I'm here to EXPAND on shit I like is that not a common experience?#if I think a work is bad why would I care enough to create something in response to it?#you think I did all those episode reviews and wrote all that shit about cxgf because I thought it was BAD?????#I have ten (10) wips and ONE of them is a 'rewriting canon to be in line with what I wish happened' fic?#idk if I'd even call it a FIX fic. it's more of a 'slightly less personally depressing resolution' fic#I'm sorry. truly I don't understand this viewpoint#'if a story is well-constructed enough there won't BE any extra dimensions to explore' WRONG. I'LL /ALWAYS/ FIND THINGS. U UNDERESTIMATE ME#I WILL /CREATE/ BLANKS TO FILL IN /BECAUSE/ I LOVE THIS THING SO MUCH#like yes everyone is probably going to have at least one piece of media that they don't think is High Art™ that they get unhinged over#(ctrlz squad sound off)#but I just...I'm sorry I cannot imagine spending all of my time going 'I will create things in honor of something that I believe is Bad™'#or 'this thing made me angry I'll exclusively spend my time fixing it' instead of just. watching/reading something else that I DO enjoy#also like...things that ARE widely-agreed to be genuinely good still have big fandoms sometimes?#tgp is pretty popular on here. csm is MASSIVE. both on and off tumblr.#and some things WOULD be otherwise easily fandomize-able: cxgf is one. dpat is another. but these don't HAVE huge fandoms because the shows#are not popular. like just. we live in a world where people are somehow both elitist and anti-intellectual at the same time#ANYWAY this is in response to that one post I saw about--*I am dragged offstage for my own safety*#In the Vents
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miabrown007 · 1 year
a minute of silence to my skills to estimate how long a project is ever going to take
#my google calendar and Carl bot (and my friends) have been kind enough to inform me today was the estimated posting date of heist au#suffice to say that is not happening#it would have been rad to make a habit out of the co-occurrence of starting a new job and starting to post a finished WIP but alas#that will not be happening for a while longer#I have no idea when will I find the time for writing between two jobs and the big bang but. we'll work something out.#but hey it's good to give your projects breathing space so your brain can do the work in the background and solve the problems for you#I'll probably need to go back and revamp the whole last chapter I've been working on#but I'm still too sick and jet lagged and sick to be thinking about that so I'll consume some more media in the meantime#and complain about how bad the fic I'm listening to is. like god it's supposed to be so romantic and cute and he's literally#depriving her bodily autonomy and her friends support him I want to leave a strongly worded comment so bad#I will not be doing that but god it's so awful I should have stopped listening to this fic long ago. so that's a lesson learned.#put the fucking fic down there's plenty of stuff that's going to be better#hot take I sure no one saw coming sometimes things that are popular are actually bad#anyway have some stream of fucking consciousness /ref to another fic I'm fighting hard to keep discontinued#I know I won't like it why is this so hard#heist au should have been posted today based on maths btw. maths I did wrong for the first time which means it should have been posted#a year ago really#not like I have the proper structure to do a heist au daily#but it would have been fun to post the first chapter on the exact day it takes place. idk just for flavour#does all this make any sense? hardly. this is a diary entry and my two braincells are firing random thoughts at each other#that's fine though. it's all fine. here have some popcorn to go with all this nonsense 🍿🍿🍿 <3#(and also all the drama in the new shadow and bone season. ugh it's so good I love Wesper SO. MUCH. or just Waylan. and Nikolai.#he's my blorbo assigned at first relevant information. relavant information: he's my friend's blorbo#but gods he's so my type it's scary. of course I'll have him as my blorbo. of course of course!#*puts him on a shelf next to Adrien Draco and Hunter*#*steps back to think before putting Waylan there too and sitting Zuko on the far end*#war crimes look so good on them :3#miaing#heist au
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dormarunt · 1 month
There's no God, capital G or not, to save me from what I'm about to post later. Brainrot of the highest degree, so much so that I wanted to get an alt AO3 account for this. Complete fever dream.
And only Berlermo in (one of the) themes.
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dazzelmethat · 3 months
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another ren wip.. I always have time to practice with Renoir wips
For a guy with high tastes he sure is impossible to come up with designs for his doublet-vest. Most doublet designs I see are with vertical stripes to contour the seams. But I didn't want the details to be too top-heavy, ideally I'd want the designs to gradient down to the simpler colors. hmmmm
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