#i'll think stuff like this and then immediately go 'well back to google docs hell i guess' but its fine. art contains multitudes
dualdeixis · 1 year
sometimes i think about how many stories/works of art have essentially saved my life by inspiring me to create my own - like "i can't die until i draw this, i can't die until i write that" - and yet the people who created them have no idea that i exist or that their work impacted me like that. it's actually weirdly comforting because i can think to myself, maybe there's someone like that out there who feels something similar about my work and they just never told me so i'll never know but that doesn't make it any less real. it's real to that person. i think that if your work is able to give someone any amount of ease or joy or strength to go on, even if only for a day or a moment, then you've won. even if it really is only a single person, because even a single life is a vast and important thing; to add to something so vast is no small feat. even if that single life is only your own life. Especially if it's your own.
i guess inspiration in the end is really just being inspired to save your own life. even if you hold your own work in such low esteem that you can't bear to tell yourself, "your work saved my life." it doesn't make it any less real.
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Paring: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, fluff, some angst, minor injuries, mentions of black eyes, mentions of blood (fake blood but still)
Summary: Tom and the reader meet on set, and their relationship develops into something new
My guys this is NOT super edited on Tumblr, I write on Google docs, so it should be good, but trying to edit or format on my phone will be hell, enjoy this "little" piece of writing❤💫
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Walking on set for the second time, since the first was just the intro to the place was as exciting as it was terrifying. You were really just an assistant to the Makeup artist, and thus believed it better to sit in the background, help out where needed and leave it at that. Chat if people spoke first but just keep yourself to yourself. 
You had heard of Tom, seen a few of his movies and now to be working on one of his was a real dream come true, despite your position, being on set was something that brought you immense joy. You just loved being around a group of people, creating something spectacular. 
You dropped your bag off in the makeup department and greeted your mentor, a lovely woman with short bright purple hair. You loved her enthusiasm for the place and her odd joy when splattering blood everywhere. 
As you turned to offer to grab her a coffee, someone bumped into you and immediately grabbed your hips, going to apologise for being in the way. You notice who has a hold of your waist. You swallow the lump that had formed in your throat and back off quickly. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll be more careful in the future.” you say instantly, going to stand behind your mentor, dipping your head. Tom frowns and tilts his head. “Not at all love, I’m the one that walked into you.” he said simply. Despite knowing he was a good person, you were still taken aback by his demeanour. Once more, you just stared at him. “Uh. Hm.” you bit your lip, truly at a loss for words.
“What's the matter, love? Cat got your tongue?” he raised an eyebrow playfully and glanced between you and your mentor. “She’s new yeah?” he asked her. She nodded, a warm smile present.
“It’s lovely to meet you, I’m guessing you're going to be helping with makeup?” you nodded mutely. He watches you carefully and you feel your breath hitch in your throat as his eyes roam your form, dragging over your figure from tip to toes. You shift in your spot. 
“I’m Tom, and your name is?” he introduced, holding out a hand politely. Very awkwardly, you reach out an arm and shake his hand, telling him your name. He smiled. “Lovely name, it’s going to be great working with you, I have to go meet up with the directors but I'll see you shortly.” with that, he let go of your hand and walked off. The sensation of his skin against yours lingered dangerously long. 
“He’s a charming one isn’t he?” your mentor commented, going to unpack her makeup kit. You didn’t say much, instead just going over to help her. It was going to be a long day and being star struck and developing a crush on the first day of set was not what you wanted. Or needed right now. 
All of the actors came through to get their makeup done. Mostly the extras, but soon the main cast came through to get their makeup ready for the first scene. Your mentor, being the maniacally lovely and evil human she was, called you over. 
“Dear would you mind taking over for Tom here, I need to get on Zendaya’s hair.” 
You nod instantly, scan what she was working with and get to work. Tom sat back calmly as you applied the makeup.
“Are you planning to be a Makeup artist too or just working with Angel for a while?” he asked, looking up as you used some setting powder gently across his nose and cheeks. 
“Well honestly I’d like to act, but I don’t think I’d ever look good on camera. So I’m sticking to some behind the scenes stuff you know?” you told him honestly. He nodded.
“Have you tried any acting?” he persists as you get out a brush and the hairdryer. “Not too much, I did some school plays back in the day but that's about it.” you shrug, turning the dryer on and going to fluff up the front of his hair, expertly twirling and shifting the brush, getting just the look that was needed for the scene. Peter Parker had an interesting flick in his hair that you had to perfect. When that was done you got the hair spray out and did that, covering his eyes as he spoke to you.
“Well maybe you could help me run lines or something sometime. I like to get in early to read them so it’s fresh for the scene.” you nod simply. 
You made sure everything was good and sent him off to finish with Wardrobe. As Angel walked past she winked. “You’re evil.” you comment and she chuckles. “No, I’m merely assisting with young love.” you roll your eyes. It’s just a stupid crush. It’s not going to go anywhere. It never will. You’re just a simple makeup student, nothing special. Especially not Hollywood Marvel star status.
During lunch break. It seemed that Tom had purposely picked you out to sit with. Was Angel up to something? She bloody had to be. You shifted awkwardly while you guys spoke. 
“What did you think of the scene?” he asked. You shrugged, feeling somewhat bad. “Uh, I was in the back packing up most of Angel’s things for her. There aren’t too many more takes for this last scene left and she wanted it clean for when she left.” he nodded simply.
“Fair enough. Are you going to be here tomorrow?” you frown internally but don’t show it.
“Yeah, I'm here until Angel lets me go or I annoy someone to death.” you say, mostly jokingly. Tom tilts his head. “What makes you say that?” he asked. You shift uncomfortably. “Sorry, what?”
“What makes you say you’re annoying?” he clarified. You shrugged. “I don't know, I’ve just been told it a couple of times so I'm more mindful of it in the future.” you say. His expression softens. “You aren’t annoying at all, you’re lovely.” you wanted to counter back with the fact that he barely knew you, but you didn’t say anything.
“Before we start shooting again would you mind spotting some stunts for me?” this time you did frown. “Wha. Why?” you ask. There are like four stunt coordinators on set right now. Any one of them were four hundred times more capable than you.
“I don’t know, just thought I’d ask” he said. Tom gave you a smile and stood up from the table. You decided to follow him anyway. He walked to an off section of the set, with training mats and some larger mats for stunts. Tom looked over his shoulder at you, gave an excited smile and raised his brows. “Do you have any experience with stunts and stuff?” he asked, standing up straighter and stretching, twisting his body side to side and pulling his arms. You nodded. You had done a little cheerleading in school. You weren’t the best by any means, but you always tried when someone was there to support you.
“Awesome.” he said happily, “I want to try that flip into the Spiderman pose, see how smooth I can get it before we shoot it.” you nodded simply and stood off to the side. Close enough to jump in and stop him from falling but far enough not to get kicked in the face because lord knows that's happened more than a few times. Tom counts in and launches up on a trampoline before doing the flip and landing. Honestly, you were impressed. You knew Tom was a gymnast and whatnot, but man was this guy was smooth when he did flips. The selfassurdness was also a plus. 
“That was awesome!” you say happily. He gives you a smile. “One more time.” you had a flash to your high school coach, that meant at least three more times. You prepared for it and the next two went great, him landing the stunt better each time. The third and final time he tried it again was when things went wrong. As he flipped, someone called him, so he twisted differently, which resulted in you being elbowed in the face as Tom landed awkwardly. You cried out in pain and dropped to a crouch. Angel and one of the grips guys ran over to check on you, but Tom was beside you instantly. “Oh my god are you okay!” he asked, trying to lift your head to check the damage. You nod carefully, breathing though the shock of pain that waved across your face and down your body. 
Angel handed you an iced coffee she had and let you hold it to your left eye as you got to your feet. Tom apologised profusely and you just waved it off. 
“I'm so so sorry!” he said again, and then got called off for the next shoot. “I will make this up to you.” he promised before dashing off. Angel looked at you and smiled. 
“Having fun?” you glare at her with one eye.
“Loads.” you say sarcastically. 
Tom tried to catch up to you before you got into your car and he did. He pulled himself into the passenger seat beside you. 
“I'm so sorry.” he repeated. You chuckled. “Tom, really it’s nothing.” you insist. He shakes his head. “I still feel awful.” he admits. You shrug at him. “I’m just going to ice it for a bit, not harm no foul.” he gave you this look.
“Lunch, tomorrow. My treat. To make up for it.” 
“No, don’t stress yourself about it.” but Tom was determined. “I will see you tomorrow.” he says. You sigh and agree. What on earth had you just gotten yourself into?
Sure enough the next morning, Tom was there, rather early, holding two coffees. You parked, got your things and walked up to him to say good morning and then get to your station. Today was going to be a stunt heavy day and you needed everything ready for reshoot after reshoot. Despite loving the job, the repetition was irritating sometimes.  
Tom followed you. “Hey, how is your eye?” he asked, seeming a little sheepish. You sigh and put down your things. “Like I told you yesterday, it’s fine.” he squints and leans in closer, lifting his hand to your face. You daren't move. He gently brushed at your cheek and just under your eye. You winced at the feeling and pulled back slightly. He had rubbed the makeup off. Clearly in your rush to get here early for set up, you had forgotten to set the makeup. Damn rookie mistake.
“I’m fine.” you repeat, turning away and getting your things, going to busy yourself with work. You couldn't get involved with him. You couldn’t let him become a distraction from your job. You just couldn't.
“Your eye is swollen and nearly purple.” he said, clearly upset. 
“Doesn’t matter.” you say insistently. “I have a job to do and it’s not stopping me.” Tom sighs. “Fine, if you insist. Again, I’m really sorry. I’ll let you get to work then.” With that he left behind a coffee and walked off. You felt a little bad but it was true. You were fine and you had a job to do. In this line of work, you can become replaceable very quickly and that wasn’t something you wanted.
The day dragged on and doing Tom’s makeup was awkward. But you made due and kept to your job. At lunch, he brought you your favourite meal. You had to pause. 
“Where on earth. How did you know I loved this?” you asked in shock. Tom gave a sheepish smile. “Angel told me. I said I’d get you lunch didn’t I?” you had almost forgotten. You had a bit of a constant headache and felt dizzy on occasion, but you felt fine-ish. Nothing drastic. 
“Thank you Tom, you really didn’t have to, but that was very sweet of you.” 
“Nah of course I did.” he said happily. “Had to make it up to you somehow.” he shrugged. 
You two ate together and he asked about what you knew of stunting, so you shared your Cheering past and he seemed really excited to hear about it.
“Man that’s awesome.” he said. “I’ve always wanted to try some of those stunts.” he added. You smiled. Cheering was a really fun thing, despite the danger of it and the hard hours, it never felt like work.
“Yeah, they look super cool.” you explained a little more about it and showed him some videos on your phone from the good old days. 
Later on, after some of the cast had left and they were doing simple set ups for a few other scenes Tom pulled you aside. “Hey, I’m sorry if I’m bothering, I just wanted to ask if you could maybe help me with this?” you nodded and let him pull you past the makeup section to another end of Set. “What is it?” you asked. He sighed and looked around. “Zendaya was really busy today so we didn’t get to go over this scene earlier, because we’re shooting it tomorrow and I just wanted some kind of prep ya know?” you nodded and waited as he handed you a spare script. You read through it briefly and felt your cheeks flush, heat rushing through your body.
“Why ask me, couldn’t you ask someone more qualified to-” he shrugged.
“I just thought you could help me go over it. If you don't feel comfortable or anything that’s perfectly fine. I just… I don't know what I was thinking. This is crazy. I’m really sorry.” he said, seemingly shrinking in on himself. You frowned. You weren't against practicing, but. You just felt like someone else would have been better suited to the role. 
“I’m fine going through it with you.” you said, and explained your train of thought. “Are you sure?” you nodded and got into position.
You went to give him a hug, delivering the first few lines. He smiled softly, his demeanour changing slightly as he fell into his role.
“Ah, Anyway, there was this sweaty guy, I uh, I think he works for you or something? He gave me this.” I read off the script, pretending to pull a necklace from my pocket. Tom stepped closer, his practiced American accent coming into play.
“No, Aw MJ I’m so sorry.” he said, looking regretful. He was good at this. “I had this. This plan, this stupid plan.” he continued, seeming esasperated. The script did say he was banged up and bloody after a fight, so I guess he was setting into that. “And I wrote it all down and I was going to buy you this and give it to you in paris on Top-'' he paused. You swallowed and waited. Tom looked up at you and gestured you forward with his hands. A simple, keep going, we’re getting this. You breathed in carefully and nodded. He repeated the last line. 
“And give it to you in Paris on top-” this time you followed the script, stepping forward and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. You felt your lips and face explode. Man he was a beautiful human and his lips touched yours and you felt far too hot for the cold air around you. Tom kept going with the scene.
“And you kissed me,” he said, raising a brow with a small smile. Everything about him in this moment screamed Peter. You swallowed and kept going. You tried to make the words a little awkward and shifty.
“I don't really have much luck when it comes to getting close to people.” you said, glancing back at the script. “So I lied. I wasn't just watching you because I thought you were spiderman.” you admit, shifting into the role of MJ.
“That’s great.” he said. His acting was superb, you almost believed he liked you.
“Black dahlia,” you commented, holding up the pretend necklace. 
“Like the murder.” you said in sync. There was a soft chuckle.
“Sorry it’s broken.”
You gave a tight lipped smile, keeping it sweet but still a little awkward. “I actually like it better broken.”
There was a pause before ‘Peter’ said the next line. “I really like you.” you breathed carefully.
“I really like you too.” he stepped closer and looked from your eyes to your lips then back up. You glanced at the script. 
He was dedicated to his craft.
You stepped in too and leaned closer. Tom closed the gap and kissed you. The kiss lasted longer this time, a few seconds at most before you two parted. He smiled. 
“That was great.” he said, breaking character. “That really helped me visualise the whole thing and get it right in my head. Thank you so much.” you nod and turn away, going to walk off. 
Tom caught your wrist and called your name. You swallowed hard and turned around to him. Despite knowing it was acting. Knowing it was just a practice run so he could get it better tomorrow, a small part of you felt betrayed. Your mouth was a straight line. 
“Yes Tom?” you answered, voice far firmer than you felt. 
He paused, looking you up and down, like he did the first day you met. He sighed. 
“This is incredibly unprofessional of me.” he said, looking away before back at you, as though you were the only thing here worth looking at. “May I kiss you?” shock smacked the expression right off of your face.
“If this is a joke it’s in incredibly poor taste.” you tell him, steeling yourself against whatever came out of his mouth next. 
“Believe me this isn’t a joke or a prank or anything. I just. I really feel something for you and… If you don’t feel the same I’ll walk away. No hurt feelings, you don’t have to worry about it.`` He was such a dork. 
“Of course I feel the same way, you idiot.” you said flatly. He broke out into a grin and what sounded like a sigh of relief. 
He stepped in slightly closer and the warmth you felt earlier returned with a vengeance, he placed a hand on your cheek and sparks shot through your body. Shit like this only happened in movies. Or on movie sets apparently. He repeated his earlier question softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. This time your lips locked and moved in sync. You were close enough to hold him and he used his other hand to grasp your hip firmly. Man it was hot when he did that. After about a minute of solid making out, you two parted. “That’s probably the best kiss I've had in a while,” he said, smiling wider. You chuckled softly. “Better than the previous ones?” you joked. He gave a laugh. “Well of course.” he answered. “That was acting. This isn't.” he said, gesturing between you two. 
You looked over your shoulder and saw how dark it was outside. “I should probably get going Tom. I’ll call you later?” he nodded and gave you a final hug, kissing the top of your head and walking you to your car. 
The next few weeks on set were very sweet, you guys would get in early, have coffee and get his makeup done, let them shoot throughout the day and then go your separate ways. The next week however was when your relationship shifted. That day was more focused on the rest of the group rather than ‘Peter’ and that meant that Tom pulled you aside and dragged you to his trailer so you guys could hang out -and makeout-
Tom sat beside you on the small couch and held your hand. “You’re wonderful.” he says simply. “No, you are.” you shoot back. He goes in for a kiss and lets you close the gap. All the time he would ask before kissing you and it was incredibly sweet. Your only other relationship before then was far less loving.
Tom kissed you and licked your bottom lip to ask for entrance, you granted it, shifting to sit in such a way to face him better. He held your face with one hand and gripped your hip with the other. Man it never got easier. Your breath hitched a moment before you kept kissing him, coping his movements. He pulled back softly. “You alright?” he asked, looking you up and down. You nod. “Sure? Could have sworn you stopped breathing a tick or two ago.” you flushed red and looked away. “Uh yeah, but it's nothing.” he raised a brow, “If you’re at all uncomfortable please tell me.” he says, his voice shifting. Him giving you as much control in what happened just made him more attractive. Your cheeks are definitely bright red by now and there’s no point in hiding the heat between your thighs. “Believe me Tom, if I was uncomfortable I’d tell you, that wasn’t discomfort.” he leans back a little, studying you and the flush decorating your cheek and neck. He got the idea and smirked a little.
“You like it when I do this, don't you?” he teased, pressing his thumb into the dip of your hip, massaging the muscle there. You nearly choked on your own saliva, involuntarily bucking your hips into the touch. Tom chuckled, somewhere deeper in his throat. God that sound was hot.
“What else do you like?” he asked, still massaging your hip. You shivered and bit your lip, face burning brighter. “It’s alright darling,” he said. “I don’t mind working for the answer.” Tom assured, leaning in and using his other hand to grip your hair carefully, guiding your head to the side so he could place soft kisses down your neck. Your carotid artery was practically thudding with all the blood flow traveling through your body. God, everything about this man was just a turn on. He paused to suck at the base of your neck and you whimpered softly, slowly melting into his touch. He massaged a little harder and pulled your hair slightly, gauging your reactions. You just moaned very quietly. He was drinking in every sound you gave him. He lifted his hands to the buttons of your blouse and paused. Your heartbeat had definitely dipped lower at this point and you nodded your affirmation. Tom carefully undid each button, kissing your neck at the same time. Your hands were frozen where they were on his waist. He chuckled and slowly brought off the blouse, tossing it behind you. This exposed your bra and a shiver went through your body. Technically, you had never done anything like this before and you were nervous. 
Tom kissed your collar bone, across to the other one and started sucking. Your breathing shifted. As nervous as you were, you were also practically on fire with anticipation. Tom laid one hand behind your head and gently scratched at your back. The sensation combined with his lips on your skin only heightened your arousal. He was very very good at this. His other hand rested on your thigh, not moving until you gave the word. You shifted and went to straddle Tom’s hips. Knowing he had to be on fire too. Sure enough you were right on the money. Or right on something more…
Tom hissed carefully but grinned against your chest, resting his hands on your hips in this newfound position. “This okay?” you manage, your voice far more raspy than you would have liked. He chuckled and nodded. “It’s actually wonderful.” he admitted, breathing across your torso. “You can touch me too you know,” Tom added. You looked over the incredible man before you, and under you. “I know, I just don't know what to do.” you say. Tom slows, “You haven’t done this before?” he asked, pausing his motions entirely. You swallowed carefully. “Well not this, just like, oral I guess.” you admit sheepishly, looking away from him. You suddenly felt incredibly self conscious. “We can keep it here if that's what you want.” he said simply. “I'm more than happy to do more if you are.” you say. He looks you over. 
“Okay then, but seriously, let me know of anything.” he looks at you seriously. You nod. “Same for you.”
You slowly got back into the mood. Tom held your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You rolled your hips into his and Tom’s breathing changed. “That feeling will never get old.” you chuckle softly at him and do it again, slightly harder this time. “If you’re going to keep doing that I’m going to need to remove these pants.” he said. 
“What’s stopping you?” you challenged. He raised a brow and smirked. Tom wrapped his arms around your waist, stood and hoisted you higher onto his torso so he could use his forearms to balance you while his fingers swiftly undid his belt and jeans, letting them drop. He sat back down and you fell back into your previous position. You could feel a lot more like this and that arousal came back with the force of a hurricane. 
“Your move princess.'' he said. You met his eyes and bit your lip. “Alright, bet.” with that you reached back and dropped your bra. Not breaking eye contact as you disrobed and tossed it aside. He smirked. “Fair play.” he answered, gripping your hips tighter and rolling his up into yours. The feeling was wondrous. You steady yourself against his shoulders and went to take it off, Tom complied, allowing you to take off his shirt and pulling you in for a long, passionate kiss. 
You shifted back, kissed him again and went to kneel in front of him. Tom looked down at you, those brown eyes shining. “Do you mind?” you asked, hooking your fingers in the hem of his boxers. “Not at all.” he said, lifting his hips to help you get them down. You ran your hands up and down his thighs. His cock was a beautiful one. Somehow the perfect length, and near perfect girth. You admired it and carefully pushed his thighs apart. He couldn't help but smile. “May I?” you look up for approval and the look on his face screamed that he would bust a nut right then and there. He nodded profusely. You closed one hand around his dick and slowly lowered your mouth over it. He shivered and breathed out, carefully placing one hand through your hair. You sucked experimentally and he whined. The sound went straight to your arousal, making you feel even more desperate. You wanted to please Tom though, so you sucked harder and moved your hand slowly up and down as you bobbed your head over the top of his cock. Tom’s breaths were very pant-like and he squeezed his eyes shut. “Oh my god.” he managed, the muscles in his thighs and hips were poorly holding back a thrust. “You’re doing beautifully.” he praised. You smiled internally and worked him slightly faster, using your other hand to fondle his balls. He choked at the sensation and then immediately moaned. “Jesus, I never thought about that before.” he huffed. You loved each and every sound, committing each movement and noise to memory. You pulled off with an audible pop but kept stroking him. He tensed and shifted. You played with your grip and kissed the tip. “Show me how you like it.” you whisper. Fuck. the tables had really turned here hadn’t they. He definitely wasn’t complaining. 
“Fuck.” he moaned, going to hold over your hand, changing the pace so something a little firmer but faster than before. He panted and you watched as his abs moved with each breath. God this was beautiful. He helped you stroke him off for a little longer before he let go and moaned again, dropping his head back. You kept up the pace, changing between speeds here and there, dropping your head to suck his dick again. He cried out and breathed harder. “Oh my- fuck. I’m so close.” he warned, his hips bucking involuntarily, you took him in deeper and sucked harder, twisting your grip. With a loud moan, and resounding huff he came. Hot strings of come shot to the back of your throat. You nearly coughed but didn't. Swallowing the release instead, milking him for a moment or two until he sighed heavily. “That was fucking Marvelous.” he praised. You smiled and wiped your mouth. Knowing he was pleased and relaxed made you feel warm inside. The heat between your thighs hadn’t subsided and Tom helped you get to your feet, going in to kiss you. You kissed back, stopping abruptly when there was a solid knock on the door. You both froze. 
“Tom? You’re needed on set for a while. You okay?” he flushed a bright red. Nearly being caught by Zendaya was a very very awkward moment. He cleared his throat. “Yeah I’m good, just relaxing for a bit. Give me a minute yeah? I’ll be there now.” he covered. 
“Okay, I'll see you shortly.” she said before walking off. You two locked eyes. “Oh my lord. I did not expect that.” he said hastily. “I’m so sorry, I will make this up to you okay?” you nodded happily. 
Swiftly, you helped him get dressed again and fixed his hair. Still half naked, he pulled you into a hug and kissed your neck. “I’ll be back soon and we’ll finish this. Yeah?” you kissed his cheek and nodded. “Yeah.” with that, he dipped and you collapsed back onto the couch. You considered finishing the job yourself but decided against it. He had to make it up to you apparently. So you found one of his jackets in the trailer, pulled it on and rolled over on the small couch. For now you would just keep yourself occupied until he came back. 
It was nearly an hour and a half until Tom arrived back at his trailer. You guys would be ending soon and that meant going home, alone. Again. He opened the door and peeked inside. “Babe?” he called. You answered. “I’m so sorry about that, since we're going to be closing soon, would you maybe, want to come back to my place?” he offered. You agreed. 
“You’re wearing my jacket,” he commented. 
“Is that a problem?” you asked, hugging yourself. He shook his head. “Not in the least. Keep it love, it looks good on you.” he said, coming over to kiss your forehead. You notice Tom had already packed up all of your stuff for you. 
Shortly, you two were on the way back to his apartment. You were still topless underneath his jacket, with your top and bra hastily stuffed into your bag. The whole drive, Tom had one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. You left your things in his car and followed him inside. As soon as the door shut he hoisted you up and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his body, your arms snaking around his neck. He grinned, kissed your neck and made for his bedroom. 
“You’re still comfortable with this?” he asked, holding you close before he put you down.
“I am incredibly comfortable with this.” you confirm, going to kiss his neck. He sighed contentedly and placed you down on the bed. You loved how vocal he was. 
You pulled at the buttons on his jacket and Tom reached up to keep it in place. You raised a brow at him and got a short response. “You look good in my clothing.” he answered, undoing the rest of the buttons but leaving the item of clothing on. He went for the waistband of your flowy black skirt. You helped him pull those off and tossed them into the darkness of his room. You look around and Tom pasues. “What's the matter love?” 
“I want to see you,” you say. He kisses your forehead and moves to turn on the lamps at his bedside. They provided enough light to see comfortably but not too much so as to ruin the mood. “Better?” 
“Much.” you say, leaning up to catch his lips again.
“Remember what I said earlier?” he questioned, kissing past your jaw and going down your neck, his kisses turning to little nibbles. Faintly, in the back of your mind. 
“Remind me?” your voice was soft but inviting and he huffed out a breath then smiled, clearly amused at your antics.
“Gladly,” with that he held your wrists in place above you on either side of your head. Capturing your lips in a deep kiss, your breath hitched as he kissed and licked at your bottom lip, you opened it so he could explore your mouth. You struggled slightly against the hold he had. 
"Babe, let me quickly move my arms," he released your wrists. You smiled and moved them higher, above your head where he could hold them with one hand. He smirked. "So I got one thing you like." You gave a playful shrug, the best you could here. 
"My arms were getting sore, this is more comfortable." You tell him, wiggling a little. He giggled and kissed your nose. 
"You're adorable." He said, holding you in place with his right hand, his left running down to tease your breasts. You whimpered softly at the sensation and watched him as he bore down your nearly naked figure. He kissed your neck again and lifted up to move lower. "Stay," he whispered and released your arms, you obeyed, keeping in place as he shifted down your body to your panties. He looked up at you and kissed down your torso, in-between the valley of your breasts and to the right side of your hip, where he drew down the fabric just enough to nibble at your pelvis. And holy fuck did that feel nice. You told him as much, he looked up and smirked, using his right hand to grip the other side of your hip while he bit and sucked at the skin, so close to where you wanted him but still so far. God it was amazing and infuriating. 
You quietly said his name as he worked his fingers near the hem of your panties. "Can these go?" You nodded and he waited, "I'd like a verbal confirmation, beautiful." You whined and rolled your hips up into his grasp. "Please get rid of them." You managed to huff, a thin layer of sweat had gathered over your skin and seemed to be staying put. He grinned and latched onto the fabric with his teeth, drawing them down your legs. You helped him pull the article of clothing off. Leaving you entirely bare except for his jacket. Tom, still fully clothed, seemed very pleased with himself. You were far too turned on to be embarrassed about the position. You whined again and he crawled over top of you. 
"What's the matter beautiful? You look exquisite like this." His eyes raked over your form, anticipation burned through your gut.
"I want to touch you." You spoke breathily, catching his gaze. He nodded and allowed you to switch positions, straddling his hips as he lent up to pull off his shirt. You threw the garment aside carelessly, going in to leave hickies near the base of his neck. You knew where each piece of clothing would sit on his body and thus where you could and couldn't leave marks. Tom's breathing got louder as you did this, his hands finding permanent residence in the crevices of your hips. You moaned at the feeling and kissed down his torso. Your hands roamed his form, detailing each muscle and mark, rolling your hips over his, you both groaned. You went for his belt and he stopped your hands, you looked up instantly, pausing your movements. 
"I'm meant to be making up for lost time beautiful, we'll get there." He promised, leaning up and holding your hips firmer as he captured your lips again, rolling his hips up into yours. God you needed the friction. Your lower half seemingly gained a mind of its own, chasing some kind of relief for the built up tension. He chuckled at this and flipped your positions, dropping you onto the bed, mostly laying down as he discarded his shoes and undid the buckle of his belt, dropping his pants. Only a thin layer of fabric was stopping you from getting what you wanted. You knew he would feel amazing. You gently scratched at his biceps, silently urging him on. "What do you want gorgeous?" God, you internally sighed. Was he really going to make you spell it out for him. The smirk on his lips told you that was a yes. "Could you eat me out?" You finally say with a huff, hoping that he would comply. He grinned and captured your lips in his, gently biting your lower lip and fuck was that hot. "Of course my love, I knew I could get you to tell me." He mumbled, going to suck a hickey right into the nap of your neck, you sighed contentedly and rolled your hips upward. He chuckled and nibbled the spot, "I'll get back there later." He said, kissing past your collar bones before latching onto your right nipple, teasing and sucking it while rolling the other with his other hand. You whimpered and bucked your hips again. Tom kissed and sucked his way down your form until he finally reached your core. 
He sat back on his knees and gripped your inner thighs, spreading them for him. You immediately moaned his name as he licked up your wet heat, detailing his tongue in every crook and crevice before sucking on your clit. You gasped loudly and bunched the bedsheets in your fists. Him buried face deep in between your thighs, strong hands holding your legs apart as he ate you out. God this could have been a dream. Tom sucked and licked at your clit with some level of expertise as he massaged your inner thighs, the sensation had you rolling your hips up into his mouth. He gladly took it, moving one hand from your thigh to tease your entrance. He pulled back from sucking but used his thumb to keep the sensation flowing as he asked: "What feels better to you?" You moaned again and shook your head. "Common love," he asked, rubbing his thumb around your clit in an attempt to coax an answer out of you. 
"I don't really know." You admitted, your knuckles turning white from where you gripped the sheets. He raised a brow at you.
"Really? You never experimented." He commented, slowing his movements, which was just evil to say the least. 
You nod your head. "Not much." You tell him, gripping your teeth and moving your hips to try and get more friction. "Okay, will you let me test a few things?" He asked. You trusted Tom to look after you, to please you and stop if that's what you wanted. "Yeah, try them." You answered. Tom lowered down again and started sucking your clit again, reigniting the flames of arousal as you moaned. He used his hands to tease your entrance, slowly going in and out, not too deep but the sensation was lovely. You told him as much. "And this?" He asked as he plunged them deeper, rubbing your insides. You were incredibly turned on and it did feel nice, but not the same. He hummed to himself, "Interesting, and this?" He curled his fingers upwards and stroked, the feeling immediately collected with him rubbing your clit with his other hand and you gasped loudly. "Fuck Tom, that's beautiful." You manage. "Perfect." The man said as he moved faster, sucking and licking your bundle of nerves, with a newfound passion, stroking your insides perfectly. You nearly yell out as your orgasm catches you off guard, claiming your entire body as it tensed and spasmed with your release. Tom happily rode you through your high, keeping pressure on your clit as he slowly and carefully milked your orgasm. You breathed heavily and tried to focus on reality again. That felt fucking amazing. 
"Oh my god." You huff, shaking with the aftershocks of relief. 
"That was beautiful, my love." He tells you, moving up to kiss your forehead. You smile, a blush finally forming over your cheeks and neck. You noticed he was still rock hard and clearly hadn't done much to relieve it. "Babe." You complain, sitting up and cupping his cock with one hand over the fabric. He moans softly and shivers at the feeling. "We could take care of this now?" You suggest, fondling the bulge. He whimpered and nodded into your shoulder. "Can I ride you?" You ask, kissing his cheek and going to nibble his earlobe. The goosebumps forming over his skin made you feel accomplished. "Holy fuck, please." You smile and flip him over, grabbing his boxers and tearing them back, you toss them off the side of the bed. "Condom." He reminded you. You nod and look to his right, he nodded. You got out a condom from the dresser and found a bottle of lube too. Might as well add to the fun. You remove the condom from its confines and kiss the tip of his cock before sliding it down the shaft. He breathes heavily as you do this. 
Experimentally, you pour some lube over the condom and rub it around a little before lifting yourself up. "If I do this wrong it's because it's my first time." You warn as you line up his head with your entrance, slowly sinking on top of it. It filled you completely and you immediately moaned, going to grip his shoulders. He was softly panting. "There isn't a world in which you could do this wrong." Tom tells you, grabbing your hips. He held you in place for a moment, letting you adjust to his perfect size. You nodded into the crook of his neck and held him. Tom rolled his hips up and you gasped. You knew it would feel good but holy fuck, not this good. "You alright love?" He asked, one hand supporting your back. 
"You feel so good." You manage, lifting and rolling your hips back down. You both groan. "Fuck you feel just as good." 
You two start moving together, first nice and slow, then faster, him pounding into you at a wonderful pace. Every second or so breath that escaped your lips was a moan as you gripped his shoulder with one hand and pulled his hair with the other. He moaned into your ear as you did this and the sound went straight down. Finding a rhythm fairly quickly, you guys kissed, sloppy and dirty but full of emotion. "Can I flip us over?" You nod hastily. He pulls out for a moment and you whine at the loss of contact. Tom quickly solves this by twisting you around, ass in the air and on full display as you gripped the bedsheets. He filled you once more, gripping your hips tightly he slammed in once, twice. You cried out each time, moving back into each thrust. The two of you moved in perfect sync, him into you and you back onto him. The new angle allowed for better leverage and a deeper feel which was amazing. "Fuck. This is so good." You cry, panting through each breath. "You're doing perfectly my love." He groaned, his voice gravelly and so hot. Tom thrust into you at a quick pace, his movements slowly just slightly as he poured over you to reach one hand down to your clit, rubbing it in time with each thrust. You cried out his name loudly as he moved, pouring everything he had into making you come a second time. As soon as you got close enough to warn him he said "Not just yet love, hold it for me." You whined but nodded, hoping the pause was worth it. He thrust a good couple of times more and you were shaking with the effort of not coming just yet. Whining with need Tom finally said: "Now love, come for me." And you did, instantly and insanely hard, your orgasm ripped through you as you cried out, tears brimming in your eyes. You saw white. Tom's motions slowed but he stayed buried inside you. You both panted heavily.
"That, was fucking amazing." You say savoring the feeling of your body still shaking with the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
"Pun intended." Tom added cheekily, going to kiss your forehead. You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "Let's get cleaned up and then we can sleep, it's a long day tomorrow." He suggested, pulling out carefully and discarding the condom in the nearby bin. 
You relax for a little while longer. "Alright," you agree. "We should definitely do this again sometime."
Tom looked over his shoulder and gave you a smirk. "Of course beautiful." He winked and came to collect your hand to take you for the shower.
Sleeping that night was absolute bliss. Working on this movie set was a great idea. And sometimes, dreams come true, in the most unexpected of ways.
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