#i'm curious if some of the camera angles have improved
eeldritchblast · 8 months
The fun thing about gnomes is that it's easy to forget just how bigger everything else feels when you play as them, until you do it again.
Like. Look at my new gal and her gigantic stick:
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
Most of my photos were from 2012 to 2016. I have learned a lot since then. My photo restoration hobby has improved my image editing skills in general. And I was curious if I tried editing one of my photos from scratch if I could improve upon my original edit from years ago.
This is my friend Nicole.
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( @nicolebelongs I hope you don't mind being my guinea pig for this.)
This is just a direct output of the original RAW file. RAW files are typically flat by nature so you have more latitude when processing and editing.
This is my original finished edit from 2016.
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I actually made a pretty big lighting mistake when shooting this photo. A beauty dish can cause harsh reflections on makeup and so Nicole's forehead bounced all that light directly into my camera. I was still learning back then and didn't know anything about makeup. All that was required was angling the dish a few degrees up or down, which feels like a pretty silly mistake all these years later.
And here is my 2023 edit. I did not reference the 2016 image until after I finished.
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The main priority was the glare on the forehead, but I think this is much more balanced overall as well. I also tried to fix the weird neck shadow and the lack of light in the eyes. I probably should have used a reflector originally, but thankfully Photoshop has a solution to almost any photography blunder. I removed some vellus hairs on the edge of the face, as that is not something you would notice in real life, but the camera and lights can exaggerate them. I'd also like to say I love the new remove tool. Getting rid of flyaway hairs was such a monotonous pain in the ass before and that thing just zaps them with a click.
I am also trying to learn new editing techniques I was never good at. There is a retouching technique called "dodging & burning" that I had trouble with back in the day. Mostly because finding advanced tutorials can be difficult. Much of the content on YouTube focuses on beginner techniques.
Dodging & burning was originally innovated by Ansel Adams back in the days of film. He would block portions of his negatives for a second or two so those areas would develop darker. Or he would let sections expose longer so they would be brighter. It was basically analog Photoshop. You can see a neat video of his darkroom here.
While Ansel mostly did landscapes, portrait photographers of the digital age utilize dodging & burning to help bring out dimension in the face. It's quite similar to makeup contouring, actually. It is very hard to perfectly light every nook and cranny on a face and many portrait lenses are slightly telephoto. Longer lenses compress faces to remove distortion, but you end up losing three-dimensionality as a tradeoff.
My first attempt dodging and burning did not go well but I played with this photo for a few hours trying many different approaches and I think I landed on something I like. But I have been staring at it for way too long, so it is hard for me to look at it objectively.
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I do wish we could all look at this on the same display. Green is notoriously difficult to keep consistent from screen to screen.
In any case, there are a dozen subtle things I did with my upgraded knowledge that may not be noticeable individually, but I'm hoping it all adds up to a better finished result.
And I guess we'll see if there is a consensus regarding the dodging & burning. Either good, bad, or just... different.
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spooky-pop · 2 months
Hi!!! I absolutely love your art style so much, it’s what I aspire to be able to do someday. I want to eat it.
On a side note, I find it fascinating how neat and cleaned up all your characters are. The character designs stay very proportional even with all the angles. I wanted to ask how you manage that? What methods do you use?
I’m not sure if you’ve already been asked this, as I’m fairly new to your blog. But I’m just so curious! I’d love to be able to use different methods
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me!! I'm happy to hear you enjoy my drawings! <3
So my background is in character design, and that plays a huge part into how I tackle drawing characters or even designing new ones. I was thinking about making image examples for this ask, but since I get asked about trolls and my drawing style quite a bit, I'm working on making a post eventually tackling all these questions! But, I can gladly explain my thought process/journey to getting to this point.
When I start sketching, it usually starts as a very rough page of various poses and figures until I can get to the sketch I want to work with. I think a common issue I notice is some artists will get caught up in the details too early, and the most important thing is to get that structure down! I will loosely scribble and sketch until I get to something I can work with. Then I start refining, fixing anatomy, scale. Be messy with it! Who cares if it's ugly and imperfect, it feels good to just let yourself sketch. It's in this process where I can determine if an idea is working, or just not working at all. Also when refining, I use guidelines/a grid to help make proportions and height more accurate.
I will always say this but when I started drawing trolls, I had no idea what I was doing. Drawing consistently has absolutely helped me improve, and it took a lot of bad and good drawings to get there. Personally, I went back to the movies and shows to gather so much ref material, I would screenshot these characters from every and any angle to study and practice. I even screencapped directly from the video game too by rotating the camera around to see the angles I wanted to try lol! Don't be afraid to trace screencaps too. Because tracing will help your brain really retain the angles and shapes you're trying to accomplish! I did that a LOT with Branch because I struggled with drawing him so so much.
I'm at a point where after relying so heavily on refs and practicing so much, I can confidently draw trolls from memory. But I always use references to polish and correct, to really tie it together. That's what really helps keep the consistency from drawing to drawing!
This is not the best explanation but, I DO have a post with images coming eventually to fully explain and demo how I draw characters. :) So I will absolutely be breaking this down better with a visual guide.
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logorrhea5mip · 1 year
Has anyone considered how messed up it is that any interaction with the law costs money? Because until now i haven't, and I feel like it's one of those horrible things we don't notice just because we're used to them.
Like, the big selling point of modern neoliberal 'democracy' is that the law is the same for everyone, and that's nice in theory, but in practice, it's obviously not.
If you need any of your human rights to actually be enforced by the state, you need to pay a lawyer, administrative fees, and some more if the court feels like it.
And it's not at all hidden that the more money you have, the better that 'same' law servers you. With the logical conclusion that you, a poor wage-slave, can't(if you want to win lol) sue them, the multi billion dollar corporation, unless they beat you with a stick for 3 hours while recording from 7 camera angles, and even then only maybe.
I'm reminded of the first constitution/book of law ever made in medieval Serbia, that had the curious rule stating that the richer a person is, the smaller their punishment is.(this was considered an improvement to the previously used "im the king and you can suck my balls if you don't like it" system)
And like, if we brought that back, nothing much would change except that the world would get a lot more honest.
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buy-peephole-camera · 2 years
Peephole Cameras: A Look Into Safety and Technology
When you're in search of a new level of security and safety, peephole cameras are an excellent option. The idea of a camera on your door can sound intimidating at first, but in reality, peephole cameras are designed to make your life easier and more secure.
There's no question that technology has changed and improved the way we live. Peephole cameras are no exception to this rule—they have become an essential tool for home security. But with all of the options available today, it can be difficult to know which camera is the best for you.
In this article, I'll provide an overview of the different types of peephole cameras, their advantages and disadvantages, and tips for choosing the right one for your needs. Whether you're looking for extra peace-of-mind or curious about what these devices can offer, I'm sure you'll find something here to help you understand how this technology works and why it's so important in today's world.
What Is a Peephole Camera?
Peephole cameras have been a popular security device for many years. It is a device that you can use to monitor your front door with a camera lens, allowing you to view who is outside without having to open the door. This gives you the added security of not having to open your door when unexpected visitors come knocking.
While these cameras are commonly placed on the outside of doors, they can also be used indoors in other rooms of your house or even the office. This allows you to keep an eye on the people and activities going on inside your home or workplace during times when you are away.
The technology behind these cameras has evolved significantly over the years, and they now come in a variety of shapes and sizes with different features. Some models have night vision built-in and can record video footage from any angle, while others are equipped with sensors and alarms that will notify you when someone is at the door. No matter which option suits your needs best, peephole cameras allow you to feel safer inside your home or office.
Benefits of a Peephole Camera
Peephole cameras—also known as doorbell cameras—are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, making them an attractive option for homeowners. Not only are these devices discreet and cost-effective, but they can also provide numerous benefits for your safety and peace of mind.
Here are some of the advantages of installing a peephole camera:
Enhanced Security: Peephole cameras come with a range of features, such as motion detectors, two-way audio communication, night vision and more. This allows you to easily identify visitors at your door and keep an eye on your property even when you’re away.
Convenience: Instead of having to physically open the door when someone knocks, you can have a live video conversation with anyone outside your home directly from an app on your mobile device. You can also allow remote access to friends and family members while you’re away or automatically enable access to delivery people with the touch of a button.
Safety: Even when you’re home, you never know who might be outside your door at any given time. A peephole camera can help deter potential intruders by alerting you that someone is there before they knock or try to gain entry in any way.
Different Types of Peephole Cameras
Thanks to advancements in technology, there are now a variety of peephole cameras out there. Each one offers different options, depending on what you're looking for in terms of security.
Digital Peephole Cameras
The most popular choice for modern households is the digital peephole camera. These are easy to instal, and offer the benefit of being able to view images on a display screen mounted on the inside of the door. Some models also come with audio and recording capabilities, making it easier to keep your family safe from potential hazards outside your home.
Wired Peephole Cameras
Wired peephole cameras offer you the ability to see who is outside your door without having to open it. They can also be used as a motion detector that will alert you if someone is approaching your doorstep.
Wireless Peephole Cameras
Wireless peephole cameras are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and portability – they can go anywhere with you; even when you're on vacation! Some models also come with night vision, motion sensors, and other features that can help you keep an eye on suspicious activity outside your home.
Considerations for Installing a Peephole Camera
Do you want to invest in a peephole camera? Hopefully, now you understand why they're so important for safety, and how they work.
But before running out and getting one, there are some considerations to take into account.
Connection type
The type of connection your peephole camera needs is one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing one: does it need to be wired or wireless? Wired cameras require little maintenance and have a more direct connection to the doorbell or chime; however, installing one can be time consuming. Wireless cameras are easier to instal since there's no cables or wires, but you may need an upgraded Wi-Fi network.
Viewing angle
Depending on the door's size and thickness, you'll want to check the field of view that a certain camera can offer. A good rule of thumb is that wider angle lenses provide an increased field of vision, allowing you to see more while maintaining detail. Be sure to check whether the camera offers either horizontal or vertical viewing angles (or both).
Power source
Do you want a battery-powered option so as not to leave any cords exposed? Or would you rather get a wired model that runs on power? Keep in mind that wireless cameras might require battery changes more frequently than those powered by AC cables.
Make sure that whichever peephole camera you buy is compatible with your smart home system, if applicable—you don't want it not working with everything else!
Tips for Using a Peephole Camera
If you're thinking about installing a peephole camera, there are some factors to consider before you make the purchase. Here are some tips to help you out.
Security Features
When shopping for a peephole camera, pay attention to the security features of the product. It's important to find one that comes with a secure login feature and encryption to help prevent potential hackers from accessing your camera feed.
Another thing to think about is the installation process for your peephole camera. Some models are more complicated than others, so if you're not comfortable with DIY installation, it's a good idea to hire a professional installer.
Motion Sensors
Motion sensors are a great way to ensure that your peephole camera is always on alert and ready to start recording any activity at your door. Many cameras have customizable settings that allow you to tailor the sensitivity of the sensors for different scenarios, depending on how active your area is.
App Integration
Finally, if you want an added layer of convenience and control over your peephole camera, look for one that can be integrated with an app on your smartphone or tablet. This will let you check in on your home anytime, anywhere and provide peace of mind knowing that you can keep an eye on things even when you're away.
Popular Brands of Peephole Cameras
It's no surprise that peephole cameras come in all shapes and sizes, and there are numerous popular brands. But which ones should you consider? Here's a breakdown of the most popular ones.
Ring is one of the biggest names in home security, and they make both traditional peephole cameras, as well as digital models. Their digital models have the ability to detect motion and send notifications to your phone, so you can have peace of mind when you're away from home.
SkyBell is known for their high-tech doorbells, but they also offer traditional peephole camera options too. They offer a wide range of models and features, so you can choose what best fits your needs. Plus, their customer service is top-notch so you can always get help if you need it.
Vivint makes a range of smart devices for the home, including their own line of traditional peephole cameras. Their cameras are easy to instal and feature two-way audio capabilities so that you can communicate with whoever is at the door — even if it's just your cat!
No matter which brand you choose, your family will be safer with a trusted peephole camera installed on your front door. With all the great features available today like motion detection, two-way audio capabilities, night vision and more, finding the right solution has never been easier or more cost effective!
In short, peephole cameras are an innovative tool for home security and safety. They can provide an extra layer of protection, allowing you to see who's at the door before you open it. Peephole cameras offer a sense of control and safety, as well as peace of mind.
Peephole cameras come in all shapes and sizes, and they come with a wide range of features. From motion detection to Wi-Fi connectivity, these high-tech features offer an added layer of security. With the right peephole camera, you can rest assured that your home and family are safe. Technology is constantly evolving, and with the right peephole camera, you can stay ahead of the game and up-to-date with the latest safety and security trends.
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
The fights were so amazing! I can already hear the bumblebee's crying out in joy! Plus I'm starting to think. The plane is crashing. Oscar and Maria are on it. Oscar semblance time? Plus thank god they allowed oscar to contribute yes!
Yoooo! I gotta give hella mega props to theCRWBY for this episode. Heck for this season as a whole to be honest in termsof the combat animation. There is no RWBY Critic who can’t admit that the fight animations haveimproved tremendously this season. I also have to give props to my people---whoever the storyboard artists for RWBY V6 were ---I need to praisethem because the staging of the fights---thecamera work and the way how the characters moved on screen during the fights. 
Storyboarders make the visual blueprints for these episodes in collaboration withthe animation directors, animators and series directors to make the magic cometo life on screen. That is some beautiful stage work for this episode! I couldwatch the JNR_QROW vs Mecha Cordo fight on repeat because the shots man. Iloved how dynamic the shots were in that fight with how it transitioned between thedifferent team factions. One of my favourite shots was where when Cordo firstfired missiles at Ruby and we got to see Ruby manoeuvring through the projectiles,jumping from missile to missile with her semblance. That was super cool! Ifreaking love this shot! Absolutely boss!
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I looked like something straight out of avideogame cutscene. I actually laughed when Ruby compared it to a videogame to a confusedOscar because that’s how it felt like. Speaking of Oscarand videogames, clearly after this season is done, Ruby hasto pull Oscar in on one of those team buildingexercises she talked about in V6 C1 because clearlyour boy needs to be exposed to the world of games. Rosebudsbonding over playing videogames together andRuby teaching Oscar all about them videogames with the final bosses and allthat shizz. I want it. I need it!
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Also…why is anyone not talking about that stupendous Renora moment where Nora is all like:
“…You get back here with my man!”
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Oooh Nora I love you so! Only you could pulloff that line and make it sound both bat shit crazy and badass at the same timewhile firing explosive grenades at a giant robot. Waiting for the day where we can get a possible RoseGardenparallel to this moment where an enemy grabs Ruby and Oscar is all like “Get you paws off my girlfriend!” while firing magical lazer beams from his magic wand cane. 
MyRosegardening heart; forever wishing and hoping and praying!
One of my favourite shots was when Jaunenoticed Cordo going for Nora and we get this nice upwardangle shot of him running across the screen towardsNora while we’re also watching Cordo readying herself to fight. Now THAT shotis straight out of a game. I felt like I was watching a videogame playthroughwhere you’re controlling the character run across the screen but you also havethe camera controls set in a way where you can see the enemy preparing tostrike.
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Beautiful! As an aspiringstoryboard artist myself, I want to study this episode so muchbecause I just loved and appreciated how the fights were staged. Amazing,fantastic work from CRWBY! I dare anybody to say anything bad about thisepisode and its fights because it was practically flawless in its execution---at least by my bias.
Also, I don’t know who was the animatorbehind the Adam vs. Yangand Blake fights respectively but those were super amazingtoo. Like wow! The CRWBY animators weren’t playing this season. Those twoseparate fights with Adam were also well-staged and well-choreographed withamazing camera work. One of the complaints I heard regarding the fights sinceV4 was that it fell flat in comparison to Monty’s work from V1-V3. After twoseasons, I think it’s worth saying that the CRWBY animators have officiallyfound their footing with animating fights in Maya. It actually reminded me ofthe old school Monty fight scenes but with their own new spin on them. Now theharsh Critics can finally shut up about the fights in RWBY not being the samewithout Monty comments. As you rightfully said m’friend, the fights today wereamazing and the CRWBY should feel proud. I can’t wait to see the actual finalenow. I want more fights!
I especially need to see Oscar fightfor this finale! I mean I’m glad that Oscar got tocontribute in some way to the battle by being the extra eyes in the skies.Buuuuut you know me! I wanna see my baby boy kick some ass for this finale andI would rather if it’s as himself and…notOzpin. I mean, I expect Oscar to get in contactwith Oz somehow before the end of this season but I still wanna hope that whenOscar busts out dem Oz-cane magictricks, it as him and not Oz. Please.
Still happy that Oscar was able to contributeto the fight in C11 though. It also seems like he figured out a way to takedown Cordovan’s mechazord. It definitely sounded like he had figured outsomething before he realized that Cordo was going to attack Ruby and warned herand Weiss to move. I feel like that could come into play for next episodegranted that Oscar somehow survives the crash and stays conscious. We shallsee.
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Whelp! This squigglemeister was looking forward to V6 C11 so that it cangive me a sense of what the finale was going to look like. Judging by today’sevents, I guess we can officially debunk any ideas of Neo and Cinder showing upuntil Atlas. So Ruby’s so-called trial by fire is going to be prolonged for another season or two. We shall see once we get to the Atlas Arc inV7.
In the meantime, it seems like the V6 finalefights are going to be Adam Taurusvs. Bumblebee and JNR_QROWvs Mecha Cordo. Cool. Although; I am still very curious aboutthe Wall of Argus. What does it mean? The way how the series kept cutting back to  the people of Argus feeling the effects ofthe fight makes me wonder if something is going to happen to the city involvingthe Wall. I’d like to think that there is a reason for everything shown andsaid on screen in the show.
Cinder told Neo to help her get to Atlas sono Fire and Ice-cream till Atlas. Tyrian and Watts said they’re going to Atlas to prepare forour heroes arrival and we even glimpsed their airship flying over Argus in C8.
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So something is going to go down with that Wall.I’m just here waiting for it. But I dunno, we shall see next week for C12.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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