#i'm diabetic AND fat i'm not diabetic because i'm fat
freckledsweetpea · 13 days
the way that people genuinely believe type 2 diabetes is a fat person disease is just...so fucking ignorant. it's extremely hereditary. I know 4 people with type 2 diabetes or who are pre-diabetic. All of them thin or extremely average weights with very small amounts of body fat that come with aging. All of them have siblings or parents who also have/had it. Of course healthy diet and exercise will be a huge help in keeping it at bay, BUT BEING FAT DOES NOT CAUSE DIABETES TO MANIFEST BECAUSE YOU ARE FAT. IT IS IN YOUR GENETICS.
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spoopy-sloth · 5 months
Dude, Tumblr just recommend me an insulin for me to lose weight.
I'm diabetic. What the actual fuck.
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ushiwhacka · 2 years
i don't mean to be controversial by saying this because, yes, men are the main perpetrators of the patriarchy and body standards. but women also can and do enforce these same standards and uphold the patriarchy. at some point you just have to take some personal responsibility and break thei cycle or else we're always going to be stuck here.
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lilalilan · 2 months
Putting this in it's own post to not detract but like. There is no such thing as sugar addiction.
If you aren't eating carbs/sugars, your body craves those things because it needs them. Your body depends on sugar for energy, and if you aren't consuming enough you're going to crave it so that you eat and correct the deficiency, just like with anything else your body needs.
If you are eating carbs/sugars regularly, especially if it feels like you can never get enough of them and it feels like you're addicted, please get checked out for diabetes mellitus.
What diabetes mellitus boils down to is the body being unable to process sugar, either because it doesn't make insulin (type 1) or because it can't use the insulin it makes (type 2). Insulin is a hormone the body needs in order to use the sugar in your blood. This leads to high blood sugar levels, weight gain, being thirsty often/drinking a lot of water, and frequent urination, because the body can't get the sugar out of the bloodstream so either stores it as fat or gets rid of it in urine (and has you drink a lot of water to make that happen).
Diabetics don't crave sugar because they're addicts who can't get control of themselves, they crave sugar because their body desperately needs it but is struggling to use what they're giving it, because it's having issues with insulin.
Going in for a diabetes diagnosis can be scary and stressful, usually due to the stigma and fatphobia/fatshaming diabetes patients often have to deal with. A lot of people are uneducated about diabetes and see it as a punishment for eating unhealthily, and if you have or have had this view in the past it can be really upsetting and scary to think that you might be diabetic. Despite what the stigma may have led you to believe, diabetes is often in large part genetic, and people who are predisposed to it can have it triggered by anything from stress to covid to seemingly nothing at all. But even if you did cause your diabetes or make it worse by eating a lot of sugar/carbs, you deserve compassion and you deserve care, you deserve accurate information about how your body does/doesn't work, and you deserve treatment free from judgement and blame.
Diabetes is manageable, it is something you can live with. Diet and exercise can help, but in the long term even folks who've made lifestyle changes usually need medication, because lifestyle changes don't change the fact that your body is struggling to make/use insulin.
For something relatively common, diabetes isn't well understood by most people, and the actual symptoms of it are often overlooked because of that. Hunger even after eating, especially after eating carbs/sugar, and constantly craving carbs/sugars, was what led my doctor to assess me for diabetes, so if that's something you struggle with please consider looking into diabetes.
#sugar addiction#diabetes#diabetes mellitus#disclaimer I'm not a doctor and this is my understanding of things after talking to my doctors#didn't want to detract from the person complaining about people talking about having sugar addiction on their posts#about being an addict#but also as someone who has experienced strong urges to eat sugar/carbs no matter how much I ate#and later found out it was a symptom#I wanted to make this in case there are people who are unaware that an insatiable craving for carbs/sugar can be a symptom#there's also a lot more symptoms than what I put in here#like yes it's the struggles with blood sugar disorder but it also can include things like nerve damage causing vision loss and nerve pain#so if you might be diabetic it's important to at least research it even if you don't go to a doctor#due to things like the fact that nerve damage can mean you don't notice infections/issues with your feet until they're real bad#fun fact: having diabetes is one of the most common causes/contributing factors for foot amputations#it can also lead to cardiovascular issues#Diabetic ketoacidosis is also a thing#if I understand correctly it's when your body burns fat instead of sugar which releases acidic ketones into your bloodstream#but when there's too many ketones in your blood it gets too acidic which causes problems and can be deadly#as in I know someone who almost died from it because he didn't know that his being diabetic could lead to that#I know the stigma is awful and that people can be horrible about it but please take care of yourself if you are or might be diabetic
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sirnica · 7 months
To my nonnies and friends (and friends who are nonnies) worried about my health:
My endocrinologist was less than helpful. He didn't tell me to lose weight because he wasn't listening to me. Like "lalalalaala get out of my office".
I mean, mood, for sure, but at least I somehow got him to assign me to do the glucose test (the one where you take it three times in a day), so it's a partial win even if I had to raise my voice at him, which is something I don't do, ever. That's in a month.
Then, for the hell of it, I went to get blood analysis done at a private lab (mom was worried) and my iron is low, my trombocites are high and my triglycerides and cholesterol are also high.
But, the important thing is: IT'S NOT ALL IN MY HEAD!
Hypochondriac win, if I ever saw one.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
"Mmmm, my transition is going better than I ever could've dreamed. My doctor just upped my dose of estrogen a couple months ago and put me on progesterone. Look at these tits I'm growing! They're so suckable, so perfect for grabbing and slapping around. They're totally perfect! My hips are getting wide and I'm finally getting a girl-butt, it already jiggles as I walk. So do my thighs. I've put on like thirty pounds in two months but my doctor says it's totally normal and not to worry at all. He said I should expect to put on more weight, that it's just my body naturally finding its perfect size as a woman, every trans girl goes through it! I can also expect my boobs to grow. And apparently my libido!
Before starting on these drugs I had like zero libido. My cock rarely got hard. I'm tucking it and pushing it against me bed right now but my cock is actually really hard, which feels kinda nice even if it's pretty embarrassing. I've started humping my pillows and other things around the house, I'm just so horny, I can't help it. My cock grew out of nowhere from about two inches to six! My doctor said that's normal, too, and not to worry, if my cock gets too big we can always remove it. But I confided that I sorta liked the idea of having a big dick, and he said most trans girls secretly do.... Guess I'm not alone! The only thing that even remotely helps soothe my constant horniness is eating. So, I miiiight have started stuffing my face when I'm super horny. Hey, my doctor said I can expect to gain weight. What's the harm? I can't go around constantly shooting ropes in my panties all day. Well, I could but I don't want people to judge me negatively as some kind of nympho. Even if it's totally true! ❤️"
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"Urpppp..... ugh.... Fuck, look at how big my gut's getting guys. You can't even see my huge cock under all this blubber. It feels so good when I drop it and it smacks into my fupa and thighs. Fuck! Why does being this fat turn me on so much? This is so disgusting. I only shower once a month..... I should've told my doctor to take me off progesterone back when I was still thin and sexy and not such a goddamn pile of lard. Who gains this much weight in two years? I'm 630lbs! I guess that means I'm piling on about 260lbs a year..... Over 20lbs a month! And my doctor couldn't be happier. I think it turns him on to see me get this big. Every time he checks my blood pressure and sees how bad it is, or tells me how my diabetes is advancing, you can tell his cock is getting rock hard. He loves seeing girls get fat! I can't believe I didn't realize he was turned on by it sooner.
My family is already prepping our house for me to become immobile like it's totally inevitable. I can't stand it, but I'm also morbidly turned on but just how much fat I've piled on so quickly. Just a couple years ago I was a perfect, curvy trans girl, big perky boobs, my cock was like ten inches and crazy thick from me playing with it all day, especially as I ate. Guys loved my body and it felt so cathartic to be so desired. I loved being fucked in public, or even just having men come up to me to reach up my skirt and jerk me off on the bus or on the train. My thick thighs would jiggle, my tits would bounce as I'd roll back my head and eyes, moaning as these strangers would come up just to grab my fat cock and jerk it off for all to see. Now my pretty boobs are just fat folds, barely distinguishable from the rest. My cock is about twenty inches but it's so buried by rolls and folds of lard you wouldn't even know I'm trans. Guess I finally pass.....
I can't even jerk off anymore. At best I can push my thighs together and press my belly down to crush my cock to masturbate, but that's about it..... I'm just a filthy, sweaty, pile of lard. A total pig. My parents are just as much enablers as my doctor. They bring me food all day, even rub my belly and compliment how fat I'm getting. Once I got over 300lbs and stopped going out as much because walking wore me out so fast, my mom started jerking me off as I ate, because she saw I was getting too fat and weak to masturbate on my own. My mom still relieves my cock but it's much more humiliating now. She'll comment on how I never shower, how much I stink, laughing at my uncontrollable gas and constant stomach gurgles and loud noises. She calls me a hopeless cow and says this is what I get for wanting to be a girl. That finally I have a real woman's body and she hopes I'm happy with myself.....
She'll push through my fat folds as I lie back and grab my oversized cock. She'll smack my balls, each the size of coconuts, really hard to 'get me going', then she'll jerk my cock and usually shove two or three fingers in my urethra to fuck it. She'll do this until I climax, all the while calling me a fat, hopeless pig who's gonna weigh over 1000lbs. My dad runs my old social media pages and films these jerk off sessions to upload to all my old pages, so everyone can see what a disgusting fat pig I've become. My dad will gloat, walking in as I sit in a huge pile of my own mess, sweating, belching, my heart pounding through my chest as my body forces more of the junk I pile into my mouth out all around me. I'm just way too fat and lazy to get up and use the toilet.
They let me suffer and sit in my messes for a day or two before they hire a crew to come in and clean me off, treating my body like an oversized object instead of a person. Pushing and pulling me every which way, hosing me down, scrubbing with long brushes between my folds. I still try to shower on my own every month or so but I know I won't be able to much longer. I'm just getting way too fat..... It's all my doctor's fault! And there's no way he'll ever help me lose a pound. The faster I'm headed for a heart attack, the more it turns him on. I wonder just how many trans girls he's done this to? Judging by his Instagram page and the girls commenting on his posts, I'd say hundreds..... Most of them are thanking him for getting them so fat, so maybe I'm just ungrateful? Next time I see him I should tell him to fuck some of my rolls if he wants. He got me this fat, he might as well enjoy his work....."
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championlaura222 · 8 months
I'm sick of the moraliazation of illness/disability. I see it a lot when it comes to type 2 diabetes. I'm sick of the idea that it's just "fat person disease." Talk to pretty much any doctor and they'll tell you that the main factor in type 2 diabetes is genetics. My mom's side has a higher likelihood for type 2 diabetes, my dad's side does not. Despite my dad being extremely overweight for much of his life, not even a sign! My Nan had some weight gain in her 50s, not that much from how much she weighed, and she ended up with it. There's no "right" way to be ill, I'm tired of the stigma around the idea that a person "does it to themselves" and thus is okay to ridicule and not listen to. In fact, Weight in general has more to do with genetics than most other factors! Think about how many people live off redbull and fast food and don't gain weight from it! And even if someone did get sick because of their actions, you shouldn't go around ridiculing them over that!
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ariesstelle · 10 months
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Character: Alhaitham
A/N: It's past midnight and I got bored so I wrote this.
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BASE: #ffc094 TIP: #cb9191
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demonslayedher · 10 months
Just thinking about how Chachamaru is a male calico, at least according the Taisho Secret right before chapter 195 that calls him manly. It really doesn't surprise me that he's male, because so many references to calicos I've seen in manga, mascots, and temple architecture specify that the featured calico is male.
This is because they are rare, and therefore considered lucky.
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The figure that gets thrown around the internet is that supposedly only 1 in every 3000 calicos is male. (I'll bet the people who did the often quoted study at U. of Minn. College of Vet Med would love to tell you how it's more complicated than that.) This has long made male calicos popular not only in Japan, but in other countries as well. The thing is, though, the male calico might not always be so lucky.
To be very brief about why calicos (and some other multicolored cats) are almost always female, this is because, put very simply, one X chromosome gives us the black splotches, and one X chromosome gives us the orange splotches. That might leave you wondering where the white patches come from, and this is the part where I say that genetics is never simple and you should have fun reading about it. The important takeaway here is that in order to show this color pattern, a cat needs two X chromosomes, one from its mother and one from its father.
Typically, a male cat has an X chromosome (from its female mother, who only has two X chromosomes) and a Y chromosome (from its father, who had both an X and a Y), but because the calico coating can only occur with two X chromosomes, this male cat somehow got an X, a Y, and... hmm, another X somewhere.
So not a typical XY male, not a typical XX calico... this sterile XXY male calico has an extra chromosome, and mutations often are not ideal for the health of the animal with the extra chromosome. This particular condition is Klinefelter’s Syndrome, which can lead to a male calico having cognitive and behavior issues, weaker bones, increased risk of diabetes due to higher body fat, and perhaps a shorter lifespan.
Now, none of the fictitious lucky cats I've seen have ever been portrayed as anything less than smart and pleasant, though a lot of the maneki-neko are pretty round. For everything Chachamaru is tasked with, I have to assume he's above-average when it comes to intelligence, reasonably healthy enough to handle long-distance travel, and for a cat, he's extremely, extremely cooperative. For the record, the same Taisho Secret (as well as Yushiro's statement in Chapter 194) makes it clear that for most of canon Chachamaru was a regular cat, for he was not made into a demon until right before the final showdown with Muzan. Even with her hands full making the medicine for Muzan, she still put a lot of effort into changing Chachamaru so that Yushiro wouldn't be lonely. It's ironic that Chachamaru winds up immortal, rather than doomed to a potentially shorter lifespan due to his mark...ings. In the first place, was Tamayo perhaps moved with pity for a sickly kitten and nursed him to the health he's in now?
Or did she always keep her eye out for a male calico, wanting to put some faith in them being good luck?
Also, what sticks out to me in this Taisho Secret is that Chachamaru, not having a language in which he could communicate with Tamayo, had no choice in becoming a demon. Tamayo felt sorry about that. The word bubble over manly little Chachamaru says, with bravado, "Fine by me, if that's what the woman I'm smitten with wishes." If Chachamaru truly is that smitten with her, that perhaps accounts for what an unusually cooperative cat he is. But it also reminds me of a fan theory that I saw once (and found worthy of weight) which said that perhaps Tamayo's blood technique has an effect like makes others smitten with her, and Yushiro might had been under its influence, however strongly or subtly. If such a thing were the case, it might or might not had been something Tamayo was conscious of. If she was conscious of having some effect like that, she probably felt awful about it but found it a necessary precaution to keep any demon she made under control. If she wasn't conscious of such a thing, that means she might had subconsciously developed it out of loneliness, and had been trying to keep company at her side.
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ms-demeanor · 11 months
I went diabetic earlier this year, since then I've had far more serious health concerns to really focus on it. I've listened to my primary care and reduced my average a1c from 13 to 7. I've recently been looking into diets and what not that are the best. Currently, I'm trying to cut out all carbs, on my doctor's orders. What I'm seeing though is that a plant based diet is best. It looks like a ketogenic diet is what my doctor wants me to follow? I've watched videos on both diets and I don't know, I agree with you that keto is evil. What are your thoughts about this?
I am not a medical professional so i can't give you medical advice, but I'd say that you should ask your doctor for a referral to a dietician (an RD or an RDN, NOT a "nutritionist" - RD/RDN are protected terms that mean they have completed specific training and have specific board certification) and ask the dietician for advice on your specific dietary needs for your specific medical conditions.
What I can say is that trying to cut all carbs is pretty dangerous - not only is it a macronutrient that our body uses as the most available fuel for your body processes (we *can* get fuel from protein and fat, and ketones can *theoretically* replace sugars for energy but nobody is actually sure how long our bodies can do that and we know it's a LOT less efficient, it's supposed to be less efficient, and what that means is it makes a lot of people feel exhausted when they try it because they literally have less available energy) but also there are certain nutrients that are fortified in the US that are going to be hard to get if you're cutting carbs completely. The example that I always use is folate, because when I had to cut wheat out of my diet (i have grain allergies and celiac disease) I didn't know to supplement it and ended up with a form of anemia and stuff like "fainting" and "dizziness" and "low oxygen saturation."
Which is part of why massive diet changes should be undertaken with the assistance of a dietician! That's why I started studying nutrition! Because nobody supervised my medically necessary diet changes and it went very poorly!
Your GP very likely doesn't have a ton of training on nutrition, and is even less likely to have training on nutrition specific to your condition. If your GP is telling you to cut all carbs, they are telling you to do something dangerous and not nutritionally sound (even really restrictive keto diets call for 20g of carbs a day). Ask either them or your endocrinologist for a referral to a dietician (again, you are looking for a Registered Dietician or a Registered Dietician Nutritionist, RD or RDN, NOT just 'nutritionist') who is familiar with helping diabetics manage their nutrition.
Now, all of that said, in the choice between two fairly restrictive diets I will always say to try the one that requires less effort. It is much easier to eat a plant-based diet long term than a keto diet, and it is vanishingly unlikely that you are going to end up protein deficient (the primary concern for most people who are starting plant based diets, and it's just not all that likely - we need a lot less protein than a lot of people seem to think; though if you're going completely vegan you do need to be careful to supplement your B vitamins and to ensure that you're getting plenty of omega fats)
Because the thing is, for a diet to "work" you have to be on that diet forever. If you stop being on that diet, and stop adhering to its restrictions, whatever benefits exist for that diet go away. So the best diet for *anybody* is one that will provide them with the nutrients they need in a way that they can access regularly and affordably, that they enjoy eating and can comfortably maintain for long periods of time, and that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables because the only diet advice that is nearly universally applicable is that people should be eating more fruits and vegetables and they should be eating a wider variety of them.
I am not a fan of "diets" as a concept and I think that people should think of nutrition in terms of "my diet" not "the diet that is meant to be one-size-fits-all for millions of people that I am attempting." Your diet is what you eat and drink, and that is what you should be looking at adjusting. If you want to reduce carbs in your diet it's better to tweak your consumption than it is totally replace your diet with a one size fits all keto diet. If you want to increase fat in your diet it is better to tweak your consumption than it is to replace your diet with a one size fits all atkins diet. If you want to go plant based I think it is better to start by adjusting your diet to include more plants and to slowly replace animal based products than by trying a one size fits all vegan diet right out of the gate. You can always (and should!) make adjustments to what you eat as circumstances change and you may end up at a vegan diet or a low carb high fat diet and find that that works for you, but part of the reason that I think nutrition studies on diets are so screwy and hard to pin down is because your body is going to *flip the fuck out* when you change from, say, an average american diet to a study-provided Mediterranean diet for a 12 week experiment. If you drastically change your diet all at once and get good results immediately it's very hard to say if those results will be lasting because your body may just adjust to the "new normal" of your diet six months down the line.
But like seriously if your GP is telling you to cut all carbs you need to see a person who specializes in nutrition, and to prepare for your appointment with that person you should make a list of your goals (for you it sounds like you want to manage your blood sugar levels, reduce a1c, and *ask about* low carbs if that is something that interests you), a list of things you think that you'll have trouble with or that you want to include in your diet because they're important to you (if you really like nuts but have to be on a low fat diet, ask if there's a way to work around that with your needs, for example; if there is a cultural staple that you will find difficult to cut from family meals, TELL THEM THAT), a list of questions that you have about different types of diets, and *VERY IMPORTANTLY* information about your food budget and cooking skills. Be clear about it if you can't cook. Be clear about it if you can't afford certain ingredients.
Anyway. Once again, not medical advice, please speak to a medical professional, good luck.
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thatguywhofedme · 5 months
My old account got deactivated, but I'm still here, still diabetic af, and still neglecting both my blood pressure and blood sugar. I'm really hoping I end up on insulin soon because I'm absolutely ready for that huge increase in weight. I'm ready for my heart to become large and yellow with fat. I'm ready to see my mobility start slipping away. Give me an oxygen cannula and I'll be happy as a pig in slop!
I'm sorry your account got deactivated, but we're glad you're still here
From the way your health is going, I'm sure it won't be long until you need insulin, especially if you plan on gaining this much weight with all this fat enveloping your weak little heart, barely able to function with your body becoming an immobile mountain of lard and that oxygen cannula will be coming faster than you think 🐷
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sixth-light · 2 years
(tws ahead: discussion of food, diets and diet culture, eating disorders, calorie counts, and fatphobia in the context of pregnancy)
Truly one of the most bizarre things about being pregnant has been the official advice around food. Food and eating is difficult enough already when you're pregnant - there's excellent scientific evidence that it's advisable to moderate your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol, and an entire laundry list of stuff you're supposed to avoid for food safety/food poisoning risk reasons. (I am a nerd and I read the last scientific review of the linked advice from the NZ Ministry of Health, so I can say with confidence it's also pretty well supported.) Personally, I am largely indifferent to going without alcohol, but after half a year or so my brie cravings are getting pretty intense. That's going to be even tougher for people with food restriction issues. And then there's the potential nutrient deficiencies that come when a baby is sucking up all your available iron, calcium, etcetera.
But on top of all this...a couple of things are also true:
later pregnancy and breastfeeding require a higher calorie intake because you're, uh, feeding an entire baby with your body and those calories have to come from somewhere
healthy pregnancy also requires weight gain because of the aforementioned 'growing an entire person' thing
Western Anglophone society absolutely loses its goddamn mind at the thought of telling women (and other pregnant people, but they are clearly not thinking that far) that it's okay for them to eat more than normal, let alone gain weight
So there's reams and reams of official advice which has like one line saying "maybe don't diet when you're pregnant" quickly followed by "but it's OK! you can diet afterwards! you'll lose lots of weight when you breastfeed!" and then like. eight paragraphs on how while technically, they suppose you need some extra calories during some of your pregnancy, it is DEEPLY IMPORTANT that those calories only come from the most healthy and boring possible foods, because otherwise you might gain too much weight which is the worst possible thing that could happen. Try carrot sticks! Fat-free yoghurt! Dry toast! I have literally seen advice suggesting the extra calories you need can be gained from a "small snack". Maybe an apple. (Most of the estimates I've seen about extra calorie needs in later pregnancy are in the range of 3-400 extra calories a day. That apple would have to be the size of your head.) This is all followed up with dire warnings about gestational diabetes, which is lurking in the wings waiting for any pregnant person who dares use it as justification for eating that extra biscuit. There is clearly a really deep-seated belief at play that if you give them - us - an excuse to eat more we will gorge ourselves on, IDK, chips and ice cream, because the only thing holding us back from obesity is the constant reminder that gaining weight is BAD and that eating too much food is BAD (even though the reality is that weight gain and higher caloric needs are part of a healthy pregnancy). This reality has to be held at arms' length and hemmed in with restrictions and cautions lest all hell break loose. You are very literally advised to calculate your BMI, weigh yourself regularly, and have a target weight gain - i.e. implicitly to restrict your food intake if your weight gain is higher - which I'm sure is just chill and fabulous for people with a history or present of eating disorders.
(The cherry on top of this is that it's normal for pregnant people to have suppressed appetites in late pregnancy despite needing more food because, again, there is an entire baby in there squashing their organs. Add in all those foods that you can't eat, and it can actually be somewhat challenging to eat enough.)
The bit that haunts me is that we know that caloric restriction during pregnancy makes children more likely to have higher weights later on, and you know who is most targeted with this diet-but-don't-diet-but-actually-kinda-do rhetoric? Fat people, who are advised to gain at absolute most about the weight of a healthy full-term baby + amniotic fluid/placenta/etc - and that it's fine if they gain much less weight than that, barely more than the weight of a healthy baby, which would actually equate to total weight loss. During pregnancy. It feels like there could be a lot of self-fulfilling prophecy going on here vis a vis fat parents having fat kids. which is now sometimes characterised as a form of child abuse. FUN.
Anyway, I am sure I'm not the only person to have made these observations (and if you know good writing on this topic I'd love to be linked to it, because I'm way too chicken to try Googling) but man. As I said at the start: the level at which fatphobia and diet culture are institutionalised during pregnancy, to the detriment of actual health, is wild.
(For my money, sane advice would be 'healthy eating advice is the same during pregnancy as it is other times except for the specific foods you should avoid because of increased food poisoning risk, and you need to eat a bit more in later pregnancy. The end.')
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tepkunset · 6 days
Can't stop thinking about my first appointment at the diabetes clinic a coupe days ago. They said they're not convinced it's type 2, because to them my sudden and acute experience apparently sounds far more typical of type 1. So it's entirely possible I am currently being treated for the wrong type. But the ER doctor didn't do any testing to determine that before I was discharged; he just assumed it was type 2, probably because I'm fat and that's a stereotype! For fuck sake, even if it is actually type 2, if you're a doctor, you should not be assuming anything!
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
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I really wish we could reorient how society talks about weight loss. Because losing weight is very challenging and I don't want to take the joy away from someone who accomplished a difficult goal. But it would also be nice if people didn't imply if you are overweight you are just a miserable blob.
I have a lot of complicated feelings about weight and weight loss. I know I don't always agree or align with the fat positive outlook. I am too fat. It is causing me a lot of health difficulties. I don't think weight should be the only consideration for doctors when diagnosing a health issue. I do think overweight people can be healthy. But I also think there is a line where that is no longer true. And I think some people don't want to acknowledge that line exists.
When I have a health issue, I just want to be able to go to the doctor and not have them automatically conclude, "It's because fat." I want them to do tests and properly diagnose what's wrong. And if being fat is a contributing factor, I want proof, not an assumption. But I'm not going to pretend that being fat has no health risks either.
And then there is the fact that meaningful long-term weight loss is extremely rare. But if you are past the line where it is a major risk, what other option is there to avoid inevitable health complications?
Then you have all the people calling stretch marks "tiger stripes" and they spend all of this time trying to convince people that everyone is beautiful and that just seems like a fool's errand. I don't need everyone to think I'm beautiful. Why is beautiful the goal? If someone doesn't find me aesthetically pleasing, that is fine. It's when they care that I am *not* pleasing to them. When they feel the sight of me is an insult to them, that is when I care. I just want people to think, "That's not for me" and move on.
There are 8 billlion people in this world. There are plenty of folks who like what I've got going on. I don't have the energy to convince everyone else my stretch marks are an attractiveness multiplier.
Honestly, it is all a mess. I saw an article on Ozempic and they interviewed some fat people that seemed angry it existed. But if I can lose 30% of my body weight I can reduce the risk of heart disease and control my diabetes much better. Why would anyone be angry I have access to a tool like that? I'm more angry that people who are using it for aesthetic goals are messing up the supply. It should be prioritized for people with health risks first.
So, yeah. I want to be respected. I don't want to be pitied. And if someone doesn't find me attractive, I just want them to not care about my appearance at all. I know some feel differently, but that is where I've landed.
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avianyuh · 11 months
***this masterlist took forever because I had to scroll through SIX YEARS worth of work. this is the most updated masterlist on my page so use this one if you need navigation :) ***
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Who I write for:
-NCT🟢 (mainly anyone that was apart of NCT 2018, but if you want WayV, I can do that!)
-Enhypen -
-Monsta X 🫡 (but I'm emotionally scarred from Wonho so idk...)
UPDATE 02/28/2024: girlies i have nothing to say about ATEEZ anymore, it's just not gonna happen so I took them out of the ML😥sorry. BUT, I will now be adding *some* second gen groups because the fics are LACKING. I already said in the past I would write for SHINee and I stand by that! I just don't have much to write for them atm. Does anyone want a BF!Minho? idk...Who wants SUJU? Well, it doesn't matter cuz I do😁 I will also add Jaejoong from TVXQ/JYJ, not the whole group for TVXQ cuz I'm really only familiar with him and Junsu. I will also start up again with EXO so keep a look out if you like those fics. Anyways, this was just a PSA I wanted to make.
UPDATE 08/2024: FUCK SUJU, no I'm just kidding but....I'm not writing for them lol. Also, I don't see Shinee happening either. HOWEVER, I am thinking of adding Enhypen to my list of groups I write for! I have only written one fic (specifically a Jungwon fic), I'm currently writing something else for Enhypen.
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🔍navigation help🔎
-If a group is crossed out it means I no longer write for them
-Please don't be afraid to request something. idc if it's anon or not. if you want something written, just send in a request :) it will encourage me to get to whatever group someone requested faster. as long as they're mentioned above, I'll write for them (only because I like to be familiar with the members so I can write accurate depictions of them)
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📢Upcoming Works🆕
🗓️ yoongi fanfic (september)
🗓️ enhypen idk yet
🗓️seventeen idk yet
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BTS reactions:
🌱requested; bts reaction to you having diabetes and not taking care of yourself
🌱requested; namjoon taking care of his chronically ill girlfriend
🌱requested;BTS getting jealous over crush giving more attention to Yeontan or Bam
🌱requested; Giving BTS flower crowns
🌱requested: BTS accusing reader of leaking sensitive info
🌱requested; BTS helping S/O with finals
🌱requested;BTS misses crush on tour but is too shy to confess
🌱request; BTS gets jealous and confesses to crush
🌱request; BTS comforts S/O who starts flunking exams
🌱request: BTS Suga, Taehyung, Jungkook and their pets
🌱requested: BTS as your brother
One Shots;
🌱Dinner Date, Jeon Jungkook
🌱Time Off; Jung Hoseok
🌱Boring | Min Yoongi Chapters; TWO THREE
NCT: *in the process of finding new picture*
NCT headcanons;
🌱a soft day with nct part one (johnny through jungwoo)
🌱a soft day with nct part two (lucas through jisung)
🌱nct as boyfriends (johnny through jungwoo)
🌱nct as boyfriens (lucas through jisung)
🌱christmas with nct (johnny through ten)
🌱requested; how nct would confess to their crush (johnny through jungwoo)
NCT reactions:
🌱nct u reaction to meeting your parents
🌱requested; nct reaction to someone touching you inappropriately (johnny through mark)
🌱requested: NCT reaction to you asking to move in together
nct reaction to you thinking you're fat: 🌱yuta
🌱jaehyun 🌱mark
🌱taeyong 🌱johnny
🌱requested;NCT 127 commenting on GFs IG post
Individual member posts;
🌱dating jaehyun
🌱requested; dating mark
🌱requested; dating haechan
🌱requested; dating johnny
🌱dating lucas
🌱dating taeyong
🌱dating yuta
🌱requested; soft dom! winwin
🌱haechan request; idol reader
🌱requested; NCT 127 MLT break up with current GF for their crush
🌱requested; NCT 127 give their ex a second chance
One Shots;
🌱making time;mark lee
🌱tattoos; Yuta Nakamoto
🌱'I'll Call You; Jaehyun' [part one] [part two] [part three] [part four]
🌱requested; Taeyong fic
🌱requested; Taeyong fic 2
🌱requested;NCT 127 group one shot
🌱deadline;Mark Lee
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EXO headcanons;
🌱Oh Sehun as a boyfriend
🌱Baekhyun as a boyfriend
🌱a soft day with EXO (hyung line)
🌱a soft day with EXO (maknae line)
One Shots;
🌱insecure; Kai
🌱baekhyun request
🌱requested;baekhyun missing his ex
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🌱Too Late; Yang Jungwon
🌱 Irresponsible | Lee Heeseung
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Kim Jaejoong:
🌱Thank You For Waiting
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Day6 headcanons;
day6 as boyfriends
One Shots;
'I Love You'-Jae Version
'I Love You'- Young K
GOT7 as boyfriends
TWICE one shots
Requested: A Trip With Jeongyeon
BlackPink headcanons;
Jennie As Your Best Friend
Root Beer Float
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