#i'm fucking scared
dez-wade · 1 year
The smoke next to the bull and the apple trees makes me think Richas is a distraction for Pomme or they're gonna attack both. But I would still prioritize Richas, because unlike Pomme he only has one life.
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honks-n-stonks · 1 year
okay so I'm going to made an incredibly BAD decision
hazard primordial malzeno. if I do not return within 30 minutes or (way) less, assume he has broken the barriers of reality and has claimed my soul irl
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feamyngthesuperb · 2 months
It's so surreal to wonder if my civil rights will all be gone by this time next year. I've been planning on HRT, but I don't know if that will just make me a target.
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bladeofthestars · 1 year
i wish it didn't take so long to get literally anything done in the american health care system
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spoonietimelordy · 1 year
When everything happening in the world right now makes you think of the pre holocaust era, maybe it's time for people to trust their instinct.
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ourmaladies · 1 year
what in the wattpad is this
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5yin · 2 years
no bc how did my dr. (a specialist at that) appointment get moved up from february of next year to next week
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chillllii · 2 months
hey by the way you lose nothing by voting. you lost at most some time and that is the extent of what you have lost please vote for the minorities in the south. please vote. please make yourselves known. please dont go down quietly. please loudly proclaim that we are here and we want to fucking live
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bumpscosity · 7 months
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tealbard · 10 months
I will die without you. I will live my whole life without you. I will never be able to replace you. I will never find anything better. You were the height and last light of my life.
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midnightstarshadow · 11 months
Why the fuck are people vanishing from my dashboard?
I don't like this Thanos Snap BS
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Y'all quick question because I'm confused as hell right now, when was AO3 starting to post fics exactly??
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just-some-sillies · 1 year
one of our mutuals has said that they might commit suicide and I'm fucking scared :(
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sunnys-day · 1 year
I'm pissed! For over a week now my family has been dealing with someone knocking on our windows at 1am, looking into our home, staring at myself and my children and THEY STILL HAVENT BEEN CAUGHT! We've given a description of the voyeur to the police, stating clearly that it is a GROWN MAN and they keep telling us "it's just teenagers"... NOTHING is being taken seriously and I'm losing sleep over this. Idk why I'm posting this, I'd intended to write something funny about hitting a wall in writing but that's not what is happening. I don't have writers block, I potentially have a stalker and my concerns are being blown off.
Before someone says to get cameras... we have them, as do our neighbors and this person has manged to stay out of view. Again, idk what this post will accomplish. Guess I just need to rant a little bit.
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Listen, friends.
Someone is going to be elected president in November. There are going to be two options. There is no world in which someone who is not Biden or the GOP nominee -- presumably, somehow, Trump -- win the election.
Is Biden my favorite politician? No.
Has he accomplished a ton of good things in the last three years? Absolutely yes.
Pretending otherwise is disingenuous and dangerous.
If you do not vote, you are voting for fascism, full stop. Because you know who always shows up to vote? Your shitty racist neighbors, and the white nationalists trying to stop affirmative action, and the homophobic gun owners who want the party that's made dismantling marriage equality and civil protections for queer people a part of their platform, and religious fundamentalists who believe that women should be the subject of their husbands. They vote in drives, because they don't demand perfection from their candidates, just that they hate the same way they do, and do it loudly.
This left wing thing where people yell about how voting for a candidate that doesn't check every box is a valid political protest is deeply stupid and absolutely wrong. All this accomplishes is to discourage voting and make people stop trying to push for better from our politicians.
Not voting for a candidate that doesn't do everything you want them to is giving a point to the one that wants to bring out loud fascism to the US.
There will be a winner in November, and it's going to be A or B. The system sucks, but it's the one we have, and if we don't vote for the one who is actively working for at least some of the right things, we're going to end up with the one that's working for stripping rights away from the majority of Americans.
Just fucking vote.
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