#i'm getting ahead of myself in terms of my drawing skills but
raiiny-bay · 16 days
thinking about... monster boyz... slice of life
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arom-antix · 8 months
Yuri!!! On Cards collaboration!
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So, I know I've been pretty inactive recently, at least in posting my own art but for good reason! In the Yuri on the Web Discord server artists and writers alike have all collaborated to illustrate a deck of cards and write stories for each of them. And as a resident artist myself, I couldn't not take the opportunity to draw for this project UuU
Oh and if anyone was wondering, yes, I am to blame for inflicting this giant project onto the server BUT I REGRET NOTHING AND NEITHER WILL YOU IF YOU CHECK OUT EVERYONE ELSE'S WORKS. Trust me, they are amazing! The masterpost can be found here!
GIANT thanks to @lines-on-ice and @yaoiconnoisseur for helping so much and being amazing co-administrators and basically making this entire thing possible! You really saved me from my own overambition XD
The guidelines for this project can be found on the Yuri!!! On Cards blog as can the masterpost with all the links to everything. All the art that gets posted to Tumblr will also be reblogged by the blog.
With all that said, here's the actual art I made! (Break for those who don't want their dash to die UuU)
Okay, I lied. First, I'd heavily recommend for you to check out the guideline posts, both the general and artists' and even the writers' if you're up to it to get a grasp of the perimeters of this project. There's also some vague lore and AU stuff about the whole thing to find which will give you context for why the art looks the way it does to a certain extent.
You can also just jump right in and take everything as I ramble about it which, I mean, I won't stop you, the guideline posts aren't short. I will not blame you. You can still just look at the art. If that's your choice, go on ahead!
First up!
Ace of the Kingdom Otabek, The Deep Shadow
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Being of the Kingdom of Diamonds, he's skillful and sharp. He moves quietly as a shadow and is just as mysterious.
Okay, I can't comment much on how he actually is, you'll have find that out by reading his fic(let?). They were supposed to be ficlets but as writers tend to do, none of us could manage that so take "ficlet" with a big grain of salt for every written work.
I've, by the way, not read any of the ficlets for this project beside my own so I'll get to experience the reveal with y'all and I'm gonna perish waiting.
Anyway, about the art. The yellow of course comes from the Kingdom of Diamonds' designated colour. As for the outfit, it's based on this handsome fellow I found who's supposed to be a Kazakh archer which I thought fit Otabek's whole shadow thing perfectly (and Writingfromtheshadow's fic Equivalent Exchange has me in an iron grip and I don't want to be released).
If there are any Kazakhs in the audience, you are free to laugh at me for any inaccuracies or missteps, I am but a humble little not-Kazakh, I don't expect to have gotten it all right UuU
Next up!
King Yuuri, Wanderer of Dreams
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The ruler of his realm, he is as the mind flows. Kind and benevolent yet of fickle thoughts, the spirals of the subconscious are ones he both masters and bows to.
Again, gonna be waiting for his fic with everyone else but like. It's Yuuri. Anxiety is kind of a given.
In terms of art, I don't know if you can tell but this was where I started writing my will because oh my stars, what did I get myself into. If you follow me or my art, you'll know that I don't draw lineless. Like ever. And apparently I decided this project on a deadline that others were depending on me making look nice was the place to go all out.
And the worst part is that I'm not even mad at it so I have no argument to not do it again.
Anyway, the blue is from the designated colour of spades and yes, you've guessed right as to why this colour was picked for this suit. I'm predictable, leave me alone. As for the rest, the outfit is inspired by traditional Japanese dress that the Internet told me about (again, Japanese may laugh at me all they want UuU Your culture is very cool but also there was so much info, I hope I got it at least a bit right).
Also I spent like eight hours looking at hanakotoba for this and I've never been this happy about a decision I regretted so much while I was having to draw that many flowers. And you know I had to include The Gay Flower^(TM).
The Japanese iris is now Yuuri's btw.
All the flowers used are: Japanese irises, Jasmine flowers, Forget-me-nots, cherry blossoms, white roses, green carnations and blue roses (Viktor's flower. Read: I am predictable).
And finally!
Queen Minako, Tamer of Minds
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Of the Realm of Dreams, she sees your fears, the snares laid by the subconscious and, strict and blunt as she is, she clears a path for the motivated and lets no potential go to waste.
Again, haven't read a word of the fic.
This one was by far the one that I made the fastest and I would've loved to do more with it but like deadlines. I'm gracefully skipping over the fact that I set the deadline and am fully to blame for being late.
But, as with Yuuri, blue is for spades. And since I wanted her to have a leotard but still match Yuuri and make her outfit look even slightly Japanese inspired, sheer fabric to the rescue! With cherry blossoms, of course, because CSP had the pattern preinstalled UuU
And I don't know if it worked but I tried to make her hair both look like her signature style, traditional Japanese hairstyles I found on the good ol' Interwebs and then kind of a spade by having that middle stick be the stem and the hair the spade's butt.
Also this probably goes without saying but the ranks of the characters are just titles. Yuuri is not married to Minako, she is just the Queen and he the King, don't worry.
Again, a BIG thank you to everyone who also participated, it was so fun to work together on this and see everyone's progress! Nic and Lil, you're amazing, thank you so much for everything you've done for this!
And to everyone who's made it this far, thank you for sticking around and please go check out all the other art and the ficlets! I promise it's worth it!
Masterpost | AO3 collection
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meibaestars · 9 months
(Meiji thing btw so if you dont like them, go ahead and move on)
(But also an in-lore interaction so if you like that then stay)
Genji: Are you alright, Mei?
Mei: Yes. It's just... this is all still new to me!
Genji: I would not have guessed.
Mei: Really? ... thank you, Genji!
The way they address each other by name.
The way he asks if she's okay.
The way he compliments her on her skill, implying she's doing a good job.
I can die happy now, they canonically have a conversation and are on good terms. My delusions are taking over but I could care less. With all the ship wars going on, I cannot EXPRESS how refreshing it is to get fed even the smallest non-canon interaction of my favorite ship. I love Blizzard so much. I love ClearTogether so much for making this literally the best day ever, especially when I have been feeling like literal shit all day.
God I'm so happy. And delusional but, rarepair shippers ya'll know what I mean. I'm literally swimming on cloud nine right now, this is the best day ever. This is literally fueling my delusion that Mei has such a crush on Genji secretly (it's like a crushing x hasn't really fallen yet sort of trope) because AHHH SHE SOUNDS SO CUTE SAYING THANK YOU LIKE THATTTTT
I'm gonna die happy. Life is complete. I don't think it can get better for this.
Blizzard I forgive all the PvE drama (even though I already did bc I loved PvE before) and everything most people hate you for. You've made me a happy woman. Gonna die a very happy woman. (not before I draw them tho :D)
God I can't stop listening to it with a stupid smile on my face I love them so much-
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todd-machine · 30 days
@milekael tagged me so I thought I would hop onto this!!! TYSM FOR THE TAG MILES UAHAHAHA
are you named after anyone?
Not really! I mostly just picked some random things I vibe with tbh.
when was the last time you cried?
I can't actually remember :'D it couldn't have been awfully long ago tho, for some reason
do you have kids?
nope! I don't really plan on it.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so, once in a while. If I do I normally tend to clarify tho, it does tend to pass over my own head a at times so if I notice it happening to others I'm usually quick to explain myself.
what sports do you play?
I've not been so active in recent years, but I used to love taking dance and swimming classes when I was younger tho! I've also dabbled in martial arts and ball games (football and basketball) over the years and I still really like a good walk or run.
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Usually? Honestly the way people dress or their mannerisms like hand gestures and stuff, since I sometimes gravitate there to understand how people are speaking.
what’s your eye color?
Brown n green on both :3
scary movies or happy endings?
I'm usually not fond of jumpscare/shock horror and I'm more into the suspenseful or slow type really. Happy endings are sweet and very neat ways to end a plot but depending on the case they can sometimes leave me wanting more, idk.
any special talents?
Can measure out a perfect portion of rice by eye for some reason
where were you born?
That one I'd rather not say here. I have lived the majority of my time in England though 💀
what are your hobbies?
Aside from drawing I like... drawing XD but in all seriousness, I really like doing observational drawings from time to time, it helps clear the mind after spending so long animating for uni! I also love working on some short stories slowly, I collect stamps on the side and I've been really getting into cooking lately. I'd love to pick up traditional art to a more serious level once I have the time, too!
do you have any pets?
I don't :'D I'd love to once I can afford to and have the space to keep them though. Thinking mainly of cats honestly.
favorite subject in school?
Probably history! Art was fun too just wasn't so fond of the programme structure there. At least we had some great field trips for that though.
dream job?
Not really sure! I'm close to graduating from my animation undergrad though, hopefully, and I'm hoping to take that into short form stuff or TV within the industry eventually, probably as an animator. I'd love to be able to improve my skillset over time, though, especially in terms of technical and people skills, and maybe do some animation lead or directing at some point. At some stage later down the line I'd love to spend more time on my bigger personal project's production as well.
Augh tags- uuuhrbmrhrm idk @helio5 if u wanna do it go ahead, no pressure tho ofc!!! Anyone else who wants to pick this up as well feel free (sorry for not directly tagging many people, I simply get nervous easily XD)
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tunapesto · 10 months
whos ur art inspo, if u have one? And what inspires you to draw in general? :3
WOWWW 1st one is a bit difficult to answer so I'll get the 2nd one out of the way. Long answers ahead I like to ramble
I honestly don't have like, a clear cut inspiration to draw. it's just a skill I've known all my life and thought, "might as well" whenever I have any interests. it's an important one to me though, it helps me express my thoughts and feelings and interests, and has helped me connect with many people over the years that I don't know what I'd do if I never met them. The internet has helped in that greatly, and it's also another source of income which is nice. I'm a very simple person, art and drawing is one of my ways to live not just financially but socially. it's a big part of myself and that's why I keep going- who am I if I didn't, you know?
as for artists that inspire me... I'm not really one to look at classical artists hahaha, of I'm sorry if that disappoints. I probably should but it's never piqued my interest aside from my general opinion that classical artists are cool and I like to study them every now and then, no specific piece is a favorite though.
I just get inspired by anything I locally come by, i.e the internet most of the time. It also depends on whatever media I currently fixate on. Before, I usually focused on one media at a time because of neurodivergency I think, but now I'm on the complete opposite end of that where I consume multiple media at once to prevent a single thought. It's cool to have ideas and concepts and inspirations crossover each other, it's fun
anyhow, I find my fave artists through fandom and just general socmed algorithms . I'll start w the ones on tumblr (note that some are also on twitter lol) a lot of artists inspire me but I'll be listing out the big ones for the most part
daneesoro has just. very good linework and it inspires me a lot. knows how to put weight on the right parts of drawing and good animations. kny mostly, fem giyuu afficionado. very swag!
ohrsoh I found through mp100 but draws a lot of other stuff like drhdr iirc. similar to daneesoro in how they inspire me, just good drawings all around
taffypointby is a Big inspo in terms of art style and colors. good ideas and incredible execution that really scratches ur brain u know. variety content as well but I found through jjk and wha I believe
twitter time
elodeas is mainly genshin, Incredible color and renderwork it's insane. she just has good stuff all in all
diinnple yet Another big inspo ahhhh, variety content. really cute art style and I learned a few tricks on ibis from. just gorgeous works w lovely drawings
samzalong has an upcoming comic which I highly recommend following up on if you're interested in horror elements. mostly oc stuff. colors are soooo good and art style is very charming and I adore it
galoogamelady , mostly ocs I believe. art is just very humorous and I adore how facial expressions are done in their art
tunneisnakes... mostly horror , sometimes oc sometimes not. found through resident evil stuff. facial expressions, details, color, texture, concepts, everything... just good stuff all around!!! if u like horror and creepy stuff they're an incredible artist for it
pomsteak , a mutual of mine hehehe . really pretty linework and drawings and colors are amazing too . gives me a lot of anime nostalgia w their art style but it's got its own spin on it, very charming and lovely. mostly fandom, found through genshin but they do jjba too iirc! please check em out o7
nymria has very gorgeous art with a mostly warm color palette I enjoy, and they are mostly of women (I love women!) cutesy art style and it makes me feel like I just got shot by cupid and I'm flying in circles. good stuff
there are many others but I'm also largely inspired by a lot of artists that are on the r18 side haha , stylization of anatomy and colors are hard. but I cannot recommend those since this blog isn't really focused on that age range and I wouldn't want to send people who aren't their target audience on their way
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juupajaa · 3 years
Hi Julle, I was wondering if you have any hot and spicy tips for managing anxiety and stress on a regular basis. I'm going through a massive transition in my life and it's causing what kinda feels like a permenant panic attack; and it's making me realize that I don't really have any coping mechanisms other than ignore it and hope it goes away. I know you get anxious too and I was wondering what are your go-to ways to handle it healthily? Thanks for the advice and I love you btw ❤
Man I hate massive transitions in life 😵😵 I hope it goes well baby, I love you too💖
What coping skills work for me might not work for you, so for example my main coping methods are planning ahead and making checklists, but for someone else they might be completely useless as ways to relieve stress or anxiety. Another example would be meditation and mindfulness, they don't work for me at all as a stress reliever, because I only get really in my head if I stop to "calm down" so to speak. Mindfulness etc. works for me better as a tool in therapy, not as a way to cope. So try things out and see what works for you specifically.
But you asked for my go-to coping methods so here they come:
Planning ahead and preparing. For example, if I know that tomorrow I'm doing something that makes me nervous, I plan my day out the night before so that I don't have to worry about it tomorrow. I do this often with meals too, I usually already know what I'm eating the next day.
Checklists. I love getting achievement points, like that's pretty much what keeps me going in life, so when I get to check something off a list, it immediately makes me feel good and calmer. I have a monthly checklist and a daily checklist that I do regularly, but if there are stressful days coming up, for example, an exam week, I make myself a checklist of everything I need to do to make the workload seem more manageable.
Distractions. This could be anything but my usuals are either working on some project I have (songs, drawings, writing, dolls, crafts, whatever) or just straight up starting a new save file on some really grindy video game that I can sink a ton of hours into to get a break from stressing out or to soothe anxiety.
Cleaning. No joke, I'm one of those assholes who like to clean. But seriously tidying up your space can work wonders, even if it's just your bag or your desk. I go into full on cleaning sprees if I'm anxious, and that makes me feel like I have some control over things and that I'm not just sitting around doing nothing. It's not for everyone, but I like it.
Being forcibly gentle😠💝 Sometimes I have to walk myself to the kitchen to make myself tea, put on a sheet mask and sit my ass down, whether I feel like it or not. I tend to be really hard on myself and it's been really strange for me to start practicing this, but it's helped a lot with how I deal with anxiety and stress. My therapist usually ends our sessions with a suggestion that I should do something nice for myself that day and by now I've added selfcare into my daily checklist so I remember to do it more often.
Talk about it with someone. It's one of my least favourite but definitely one of the most effective ways to make stress and anxiety more manageable. I hate it, it's uncomfortable, it's embarrassing, but it really does help, especially if you have a tendency to overthink or if you have a lot of disaster scenarios running in your head. I talk with my mom, my friend and my therapist about the things that stress me out and it's always a good decision when I do. They usually have really good advice and offer to help out where they can, so it's worth the discomfort of bringing it up.
Retail therapy. Unless you're filthy rich, this isn't very sustainable, but in small doses it can be very effective in short term relief. One of my favourite retail therapy moments was when me and my mom went and bought everything pink we saw in a store to make me feel better after crying all day. It worked pretty well ☺💖 Just buying a cute pair of socks or a cool looking soda can might already give you a boost for the day.
Fake it until you make it. This doesn't always work for me, but sometimes it helps to just adopt a more confident posture. If I'm walking some place and feel uneasy, I might start imagining how someone really cool would walk and then try to walk like that. Often if I'm waiting for something somewhere, I might spend sometime playing a role in my head where I'm some secret agent or a mysterious poet or whatever. It helps me to stop thinking about how anxious I am and it also helps me feel more confident. It might sound super stupid but try it, it's pretty fun 😂
I hope even one of those will help you out. Try things out and see what makes you feel calmer and safer. It also doesn't hurt to ask yourself sometimes, what would help you right now and what you'd like to do right now, and see what you come up with.
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anitabyars · 5 years
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Title: A Perfect Lie
Author: Lisa Renee Jones
Release Date: May 14, 2019
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Secrets. Lies. A man. There's always a man. And there's always a truth to be told.
I'm Hailey Anne Monroe. I’m twenty-eight years old. An artist, who found her muse on the canvas because I wasn’t allowed to have friends or even keep a journal. And yes, if you haven’t guessed by now, I’m that Hailey Anne Monroe, daughter to Thomas Frank Monroe, the man who was a half-percentage point from becoming President of the United States. If you were able to ask him, he’d probably tell you that I was the half point. But you can’t ask him, and he can’t tell you. He’s dead. They’re all dead and now I can speak.
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“Can I join you?” he asks, motioning to the table.
There’s interest in his eyes, the kind a man has for a woman, but who knows, maybe it’s real or maybe it’s not real. Maybe he knows who I am and sees a path to power and fame. The way Tobey wanted me for money and power, right up until the moment I’d called his number aka his agenda; thus, he has not called me since I left. Maybe Harvard will lie even better than Tobey did. Maybe Harvard will at least kiss better than he did, and the lies would taste like temptation rather than convenience. At least then, if I’m used, I’ll enjoy being used.
Whatever the case, it’s clear I might actually be angry with Tobey and that aside, the interest that Harvard has shown in me, must be controlled before my Denver sanctuary is destroyed. “You can join me,” I say, “but only because I’m trying to save the rest of the place from the attorney in the house.”
I am pleased when Harvard laughs, where Tobey would have scowled, proving that Harvard has a sense of humor, which is rare for those in my life. I’ve barely completed this thought when he moves forward and claims the seat next to me, not across from me, settling his briefcase on that chair instead. In the process, his leg brushes my leg and for the briefest of moments, I’m transported back to the place that I’m now trying to forget: to Austin, to Drew’s leg next to mine, his wink, and I do now what I did then. I jerk back. If Harvard notices he doesn’t react. “Since we haven’t been formally introduced,” he says, resting his naked hands on the table. “I’m Logan. Logan Casey.”
“Logan Casey,” I repeat trying to ground myself in the present, at least for now, but some part of me is still swimming in that memory, which naturally has me wondering if this man is a shark in the water around me. “Two first names,” I add. “Sounds like your parents fought over who got to pick your first name. Did they draw straws for which choice became your middle name?”
“You’re actually right on target,” he says, laughing again, and it’s a nice, masculine laugh, and oddly this thought feels familiar while Logan does not. “No one has ever guessed that,” he adds. “My mother won the name war. The women always win. Speaking of names. Do you have one?”
“Hailey Anne Pitt,” I say, “and in my house, my father won the name war.” Because in my father’s world, I add silently, the women don’t win the wars. At least, not that he knows, not in an obvious way. I’ve learned this well.
“Well then, Hailey Anne Pitt,” he says, “what’s a Stanford girl like you, doing in a place like this? You’re a long way from school.”
I’m smacked in the face with a lesson I’ve long ago learned and forgotten with this man; strangers do not always remain strangers and all offhanded remarks can come back to haunt you. “That was a joke,” I say, shutting the door connected to my real life, and a path that leads to my father. “I hate attorneys, remember?”
He narrows his eyes on me, and for no reason other than instinct, I believe he’s looking for a lie that he won’t find. I’m simply too well-taught from birth, too skilled at being more than one person to allow such a detection. Well that, and the fact that I really do hate attorneys, which is why I’ll be a good one.
“That was a joke?” he confirms.
“Yes,” I say. “Are you amused?”
“Yes, actually. I am. What does a lawyer-hating smart ass like yourself do for a living?”
“When not busy taunting those who went to law school,” I say. “I’m an aspiring artist.” Both honest answers, if you put a “was” in front of the “aspiring artist” which I’d thought that I’d come to terms with, but the knot in my stomach says I have not.
Logan motions toward the art room. “Your career explains why you ended up here.”
“I guess it does,” I say, as this place serves me well to reconnecting to the Pitt part of my life, which is a place I really need to be right now, for all kinds of reasons.
“Are you good?” Logan asks, as if he’s read my mind.
My father’s words answer him in my head. Art is useless unless you’re famous, he used to say often, because of course, it was inconceivable that I might be good enough to be famous. “Art is like movies and food,” I say, shoving aside that bad memory. “Good is subjective.” I don’t give him time to reply. I ping the conversation back toward him. “What kind of law do you practice?”
“Corporate,” he says, and this time he pings back to me. “Do you live in the neighborhood?”
“Yes,” I say simply. “Do you?”
“I bought a building a few years ago where I live and work which means this is my home turf, and why I know you’re new here.”
“I am,” I say and since he’s clearly going to ask for details, I quickly preempt with an on-the-fly story. Actually, it’s the suggested story, Rudolf included in my file. “I came here for a job, and my new boss owns a house he’s rented to me for dirt cheap.”
“And what does an artist do but create art for a living?”
“I’m working for a private art acquisitions firm. I now hunt for treasures for a living.” This lie is actually my dream job that I’ve never been allowed to entertain.
The horror flick loving waitress delivers my coffee and brownie. “Thank you,” I say, because every politician’s daughter has manners beaten into her.
“No problem,” she says, “but if you come to your senses and want a better version of that coffee, just shout.” She eyes Logan. “I already know you want a crappy tasting coffee, on endless pour and a chocolate chip cookie. Coming right up.”
“Thanks, Megan,” he says, giving her a wink that I don’t classify as flirtatious, just friendly, and Megan is gone.
“Obviously you’re a regular,” I comment, “and they even like you.”
“And they like me,” he confirms, “despite knowing I’m an attorney.
“Because you’re good looking and use it to your advantage.”
He arches a brow. “You think I’m good looking, do you?”
“Oh, come on,” I say, crinkling my nose. “Everyone thinks you’re good looking. I’m simply stating a fact. We use what we have and those of us that are smart, know what we have.” I move on from what is really quite inconsequential. “Why work here, not at home, or in the office?”
“I find I get a lot of work done with a cookie, coffee, and no access to streaming television,” he explains.
No one in my D.C. crowd would make an admission of being human and distractible. Some people in my situation might take comfort in that fact, but I don’t. Logan’s an attorney, and my gut, which I’ll confirm with research, says he’s a powerful one, the kind that radiates toward my father. Maybe that’s a coincidence and maybe it’s not. Maybe he’s testing how well I execute my cover story. The possibilities are many. Though in all fairness to Logan, perhaps I’d lean toward his innocence, if not for the laundry list of recent events such as Tobey being gay and the FBI agent, who is likely working for my father, that I slept with to prove I was a) still desirable and b) not a killer.
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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT series.
In addition to the success of Lisa's INSIDE OUT series, she has published many successful titles. The TALL, DARK AND DEADLY series and THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN series, both spent several months on a combination of the New York Times and USA Today bestselling lists. Lisa is also the author of the bestselling WHITE LIES and LILAH LOVE series.
Prior to publishing Lisa owned multi-state staffing agency that was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by the Dallas Women's Magazine. In 1998 Lisa was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.
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My Review!
5 ⭐️
Wow! This is a riveting, suspenseful, mystery that is about greed, destiny, betrayal, secrets, lies, power, money and ambition. It’s about what some powerful people may do to get ahead. But is also the story of a young woman Hailey Anne Monroe whose father has political aspirations to become the President. A father who appears to be disdainful of rules, of laws and of ethics. Raised from infancy to be the perfect daughter, Hailey tells us her story, as she searches for answers, and finds out what she is truly made of. Written in past and present tense it takes you on her journey of what she says is the truth. But is it? Or could it be the perfect lie?
This story took me on a wild ride, making me question every single character and situation the whole way through. There were little hints along the way that built this story, so many little things that started to tick off this list of what was real and who was behind all of this. I spent most of the chapters mentally keeping track of all the big and small clues. My mind constantly racing trying to figure out where this was all leading next. Because we have learned that in politics and life that lies can and are avoided by the many versions of the truth.
Lisa Renee Jones did a phenomenal job crafting this story, and I was held captive until the end. I loved its fast pace and unexpected turns. So clear your schedule. Bring a snack. This will keep you reading late into the night. I couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend this story.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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AFA Open-Chat Series with Tosin Oshinowo pt.2
Tosin: We are a very interesting conundrum, as a continent. We are a series of ethnicities, that were divided into countries in 1835. There isn't a singular identity for Nigerian, Congo, or Uganda or Ghana. We are a series of cultural groups, who by the lining of a boundary line of a country, have been told 'go, and become a standardized identity'. It doesn't exist. In Nigeria we have so many different cultures, if I go to the North, South or West - even what should have been our vernacular, is not the same. It's based on the terrains, it is based on the people, it is based on traditions.
This question of identity is one that I think is terribly fluid; and we were brought into modernism. Modernism was populated across the whole world not just in Africa, yes, in many terms it took the climate into consideration : modernism in Europe look absolutely different from Modernism in Tropical, to North and South Africa; and there are certain consistencies of modernism. But if we are looking for specific identities: I think we are just beginning to see that.
Covid came in as a material, and completely changed the game everywhere. Most of us, we are still building in concrete; a lot of the West builds with steel and they've got more advanced materials. We are stuck in the materials of early modernism, and we are now beginning to appropriate and create identities based off that. Although no one has really documented here, you start to see elements of identities when you step back; and you've to step back. And it's always at the end of a movement that you can actually see and categorize it as such. If I look at Architecture in Nigeria from the 80's, it's very specific and you can actually categorize it as such: the materials that were used and the scaling of the building tells me that. If I look at a building from the Northeast in Nigeria, you can tell that that was a period: by that type of windows that were used, spaces, and the finishes. We do have something, but it's not that distinct. That kind of vernacular and identity is a transition. But in a world where we have a globalization exposure; somebody who lives in Nigeria wants a house they saw in Florida. You've, then, to find interesting ways to carry that cultural identity in modern-day context. Yes, I do think there are nuances of identity but they're not strong in terms of very-striking particular form. Moderator: With a number of architects in Nigeria, do you visually see an impact of the presence of architects currently in your country?
Tosin: I don't think so, but it's not because there are no architects, but how projects are executed. For example, there was an upgrade of an existing train station that was inaugurated recently by our President. But this was done by Chinese contractors, and it doesn't look anything like where it is located; it could've been a spaceship that was just dropped in. There was absolutely no local context included in it; and even the Institute were not aware. When you look at Singapore, there was a big emphasis on marrying local and foreign architects; and there was a cross of information. You can't improve a profession, if you don't allow them to be part of innovative process. When that happens, what value does it add or make of us, if no local consultancy is involved? That biggest impact to show a strong physicality norm of infrastructure on a government-led project, where the government is not involving local practitioners then you can't see the impact. Moderator: We are dealing with the same issues here in Rwanda, we are struggling to make understand the importance of having an architect in the community. Tosin: As Africans we need to make an effort to upscale ourselves as well. Some areas, some architects are still drawing-by-hand. Who's going to call you when you're drawing-by-hand. There are no excuses today. With the information age, everything is online. If you want to learn something, you can learn it. Software companies aren't accommodating to the situation that we have in this part of the world. If you look at a dollar and naira; the naira is like a nonexistent entity that happens to be a dot in the atmosphere compared to a dollar. When you earn in a country with a slightly lower GDP, if you look at GDP per capita, the reality is that the economy is going to determine how much people can afford to build, and to pay towards professionals' fees. If the software is x amount, how do you expect a local consultant to pay for it? Because in this market you cannot command a high fee. What I'd expect is that for these programmers and software companies were really thinking about the professionals; they would make it affordable for a local person because they won't have to kill themselves to get a Revit license. What you happen to have here in a lot of situations, is that people just use bootlegs; but the problem with that is you're not part of the community. When innovations are happening, when new programs are being added, you're not even aware of that information. Information is there, but that barrier of money is also very present. Moderator: We need to raise awareness of that issue, especially even for students; as soon as they graduate they're not going to be able to afford it right away.
Tosin: They need to scale it for us based on economies. I know the West doesn't consider us. For example, if buying an Iphone in Nigeria is different than buying an Iphone in Europe. Some people's whole salary here is the price of an Iphone and less. And they have a better system on how to acquire these things. We are in a skewed environment, but it is still much better than what it would have been in the 60's.
Moderator: Looking then, architects were sketching to the last detail of a building. Do you think we should still invest ourselves in that way? Tosin: We live in a global world, and Africa is left much farther and farther behind. It's worrying how much attention is not being paid to it. I was looking at a project done by Mass Design and they're doing a lot of work in Africa. One of the biggest selling-point is that they have skills, and exposure to research that a local practitioners doesn't have. This is a good age for an American Firm to give back, and they're a not-for-profit organization and it's of value, with policy about social change. It's a good thing, but the reality irrespective if they were doing it or not, these are necessary projects: schools hospitals, etc.. These are necessary projects irrespective if a foreign company was coming in, it has to be done! But the government are more willing to give that project to a foreign consultant because they have the skills. Even not just the government, a private client in Nigeria will pay a lot of money to a foreign consultant because they believe they are getting the best. What happens to people who are pushing boundaries, who are trying to produce work that is global anywhere? This puts you in an awkward position.
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If we don't upscale ourselves, we are going to get further and further behind. Those who have the choice, will rather not use local consultancy. This is not just based on being a good designer, it's about being conscious of what's happening globally. It's about exposing ourselves on technology, and innovation; and bringing that into your work as well. Moderator: It's a competitive market. Tosin: Yes, and I think this is something architects don't realize: you can't tell anyone how to spend their money. It is a market and it's an open market. The sooner we realize that we must equip ourselves with skills to stay ahead, then we will put ourselves in a better position. Moderator: I hope students are listening. Get into the most complicated and innovative way of design and build, and excel in that; and do something that local markets aren't doing currently. I have been 5 years in the career, and I know, I'm still far and I'm pushing myself to learn and excel at these. I'm really glad you highlighted it. How would you advise women architects to invest in their career? Tosin: I think everybody needs to understand the importance of strategies in life, and not just in the profession - especially; as a woman. How many children do you want? Do you want children? Have you thought about how you'll balance life with having children with work? Will there be a point where you'll focus more on your children? Will you be doing half and half? Everybody's approach is different, but you must be intentional. You can't just let life happen to you. You have to decide, 'what do I want?'. When I look back in 30 years, what do I want to have achieved? If you don't have a class strategy or a plan, then that's the beginning of failure; because life will happen to you. And there's no right or wrong. But whatever decision you make, you must make a conscious decision. If you want to be a stay-at-home mom, there's nothing wrong with that - but decide that's what you wanted. If you want to be a working professional with working children, decide that's what you want, and again, there's no right or wrong. For any person who's at the beginning of their career, look at your goals, and make conscious decisions. And follow through! Life will change your plans. I always get confused when I see people letting life just happen to them. How did you not think? And the sad thing is life is very short. I'm 41 now. I see people who are 26, and I tell them, go turn the world! And they' tell me they don't have the time. You have all the time in the world. The older you get, the more you realize that this journey is very short. I'm already half-way, and eventually things are going to start working properly. I've 20 years of professionalism, I've done half of it. Am I happy with the decision I made? Will I continue on this path? Even on my journey, I'm conscious of the decision, I've made, and what I'm trying to achieve. And ultimately, one of my biggest goals is I want to leave a legacy of work. And this is just for me, it might not be somebody else's plan. But I want my great-great-grand-children to know that their great-great-grand-mother added value. I don't want my country to put a plaque on my name, but my children's children who did not meet me, know that their grandma was hard-working. That for me is enough, and that means that I have done my job.
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Moderator: Definitely, and I'll check again, but I haven't seen another African woman who has been featured this much, either on Archdaily or other things as well. You are being intentional. Tosin: Yes, even as a practice now, when I see what I've achieved, I wonder what can I achieve on a global stage? How do I start building networks, and tactical points on how I can build a project in this region? It's no longer impossible in mind. And I've realized that there's so much you can do, without being in a fixed location. I realize now I can work in a global capacity. BurnaBoy won a grammy. For Nigeria, that means a lot. Talent has no geography. If you're good at what you do, the world will come and look for you . Moderator: You have to have a target. As an architect, do I want to stick to what's existing or do I want to do more than that? Tosin: There's nothing wrong with that. Because everybody can't be the super-star; that's the reality. There has to be a place for everyone. Just be intentional. And as you excel, you can check where you want to go next. We all have different paths. Moderator: Whichever level you're at, try to improve what's existing and make an impact; and that's what our career is about. What can architects do, to improve Gender Equity in the profession? What are males can do to level your ground? Tosin: We don't live in Utopia. If you are waiting for people to give you a seat at the table, go and take the chair yourself. No one is going to handle you anything. We have this problem in Nigeria, everybody is waiting for government; what can you do, yourself? Don't wait for anyone. Do what you can do within the limits of your environment. People who are successful do not wait for hand-downs, as they do not get you anywhere. We are born into different situations. Moderator: What practices can someone do professionally and personally to find their niche in the architectural field.
Tosin: That's a very open-ended question. Look at your strengths and your weaknesses. Make sure you try to amplify your strengths. As a professional, you must need balance. Moderator: What career advice would you give to fresh graduates? Tosin: Go work for someone first. Learn the ropes. It's a lot easier to start under tutelage of somebody else. Learn from somebody else's mistakes. When you have gained a certain level of confidence, you can step out on your own. Moderator: What thoughts would you like to share with the world, about the importance of inclusivity? Tosin: I don't like to wait for the world, but the profession could be more inclusive, not just for the female architects but for the African architects, in general. We have always been at a large disadvantage, as innovation is happening in the fourth revolution, we are getting further and further behind. I'm very conscious of it, because I'm paying attention. For the example I gave of Autodesk, actually looking at the realities of our economies of scale, and pricing the software to something that we can afford, would be a massive help. Those are things we don't control.
Moderator: I think we have got everything covered for this interview, Tosin; I can't thank you enough. Tosin: I also want to thank you. I started following you because particularly I was interested to see what other women were doing. I was pleasantly surprised that I'm not alone in this. It's nice to see other people doing interesting things as well; and it's a warming feeling to know that you're not alone. And I really enjoy your Instagram Page. Moderator: Thank you very much. How accessible are you, and how can young architects reach you, for mentorship and more career advices? Tosin: It's becoming a little difficult to be honest. I do have some people I do mentor now. I have someone I mentor from Bahamas, London, and in Lagos. It's becoming a little difficult with everything that I'm handling. If you send me an email, and you have a very specific question, I'll always answer because I know the importance of the people who also supported me when I was a young professional, and please be very specific. Moderator: On this topic, I actually love this mentorship rotation you do on your sites Tosin: On Thursday's every two weeks, I try to carry people along. I was actually surprised about how many people followed with a thousands of views on Instastory. Even highlighting the sites that way online is useful. If you're interested, please continue to watch that. I didn't realize it was a thing, but I know it's a thing. Moderator: It's very much a great thing you're doing! Thank you so much for your time Tosin, if we have more questions we will cover them in other series in the future. We are thankful to have you as an advisor, and your enthusiasm is really great for us - I wouldn't be here otherwise. Tosin: And keep it up as well! Thank you so much for having me! Thank you for reading and to everyone who participated in this live and is supporting this platform and helping it grow. Written & Edited by Lise Isaro, founder of AFA. Published 21 August 2021
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aresmarked · 6 years
what are some tips you have for slay the spire? i've been playing it and i've found that i'm... bad at it. i enjoy it!! but i'm awful at that game
okay, first of all, a disclaimer and assurance:
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(that’s 13 victories and 193 deaths btw, if you have difficulty with images. in about 85 hours of gameplay.)it’s a hard game!  there’s a bunch of rng to work around and with! so don’t feel bad about having difficulties ascending the spire. it took me a while to actually win as ironclad--i beat the spire as the silent first. so let’s talk about some key points... which really all amounts to planning, and minimising/acting around the randomness. So discussions under the read more
Planning the Path: The game lets you see the floors. Use this accordingly. Try to hit up shops if you’ve got at least 50 gold (I’d double mark this one, since it’ll give you, essentially, a floor you won’t lose any health on--and there’s always a chance for that sweet sweet Apotheosis, which is usually around 200 gold), elites, question marks (depending on you, but I love seeing if I can get some helpful event), avoid ‘basic’ fights when you can. Consider carefully what health you have before the potential choice of a boss fight. and if youre around 50-75% health at campfires (lean to more if it’s the section’s boss) consider smithing a key card, or whatever activities your relics offer you that run.
Know Your Enemy: This is one, really, that can only come with fighting and maybe (often) dying. The enemies have patterns to attacking. sometimes it’s increasing their strength and blocking, before a bigger hit. other times it’s smacking you with a debuff that’ll add dazed cards to your drawpile if you use skills. still other times is forcing you to not attack a turn-unless you kill them first. as you grow more familiar with the enemies, you’ll be able to weigh the risks and rewards of particular actions better. especially important if you’ve got cards that set up the next turn. Keeping in mind the final boss of each section when deciding may also save your ass.
Pick a Card (’nd a Relic too): there’s only so much you can plan for your deck and what relics you’ll be able to pick up, but again as you get more cards and learn their effects, you’ll learn which cards synergise well with each other, and with which relics. You might have mixed decks which use bits and pieces of different categories. A few general ‘rules’: smaller decks increase the stability of each turn’s hand, larger decks run greater risk of not pulling a card you’ll need right then. Even if a card greatly benefits you, if your deck’s ‘shape’ is already set and it doesn’t fit well, consider just bypassing that choice of cards.
Consider carefully the order which you play cards, and which ones. It’s easy to get pulled along in the ‘flow’ only to realise you could have amplified your damage or your block if you’d done x first. Speeding through fights can come with time. And try to remove the basic defends and strikes. They’ll eventually be outstripped, so they’re best transformed or removed. Unless you’re aiming for the Bite event, or using Perfected Strike. But we’ll talk about exceptions after.
Some general deck types (which you’ve probably had in some shape or form, but it’s good to go over):
For the Ironclad:
Exhaust. Basically rewards you for burning those cards. Bit of a risk in longer fights, but works surprisingly well with the right cards and relics. Good cards include Corruption, Feel No Pain, Sever Soul, Second Wind, Dark Embrace, Fiend Fire, Immolate (with Evolve and Power Through especially, or an otherwise cursed deck). Getting exhaust-related relics will just increase stability.
Strength. Fairly straightforward, build up that extra attack power to deal massive damage. Demon Form is expensive but if you’re willing to burn a turn for it/got the extra energy for it, it really ramps over time. Flex gives a bit extra oomph in a turn, and more if you can get Limit Break (even more with upgraded, since it won’t exhaust). Heavy Blade becomes monstrous, especially when upgraded.
Block builds. I’d argue these are the most stable, barring being hit with the Frail debuff. Cards that will give this type of deck the most are Barricade (do upgrade it, it’s expensive), Entrench, and upgraded Body Slams to turn all that sweet, sweet defense into almighty offense. Of course you gotta build up that defense, so pick your blocks as you please. I like Flame Barrier myself, Power Through if also exhaust/Evolve is on.
There are also cards that reward burning HP to deal damage/give Strength, but you’d have to be very measured about it, to not accidentally kill yourself. Bringing in healing and block so enemies don’t hurt you too much is wise.
For the Silent:
Poison. Honestly one of my fave builds, meshes well with a Block-heavy deck. You sit happily behind your shields while their health gets eaten away. Noxious Fumes, Envenom, and Bouncing Flask are all big players, and if you can get Catalyst and upgrade it, it will triple any poison a enemy has.
Shiv: Getting in a handful of essentially free attacks every turn is delicious. Meets the poison build well with Envenom, but by itself: Accuracy, Blade Dance, Infinite Blades+ (to have it always at the start). A Thousand Cuts and Afterimage also work especially well with this build, since every card played will deal extra damage/get extra block, respectively. Panache too, though it’s not a Silent-specific card. Storm of Steel is wonderful if you’ve pulled a few extra cards first.
Draw and Discard: the Silent is a planner; there are several cards that encourage such, some giving you energy now or next turn, increasing draws... Secret Technique, Secret Weapon, and Thinking Ahead will further improve this. Special note goes to Masterful Stab and Grand Finale. It might be difficult to actually use those two, but they reward you for careful draws and discards.
Keep in mind! You don’t have to get all those cards to make the deck types work, they just benefit greatly. And of course there are the cards that are technically of a ‘family’ of cards, but benefit other deck types too. And cards that don’t really belong to any. And cards that benefit defying the usual (looking at you, Mind Blast). 
Just keep in mind what you already have in terms of cards and relics. Someone on steam has a general guide to relics, and it’s worth looking at to get a general sense of relics do, even if you don’t necessarily agree with all the ratings (the Lizard Tail has saved my ass more than once, and allowed me to win).
But again: this is a roguelike! It’s hard! And sometimes things just aren’t in your favour. But it’s okay, just think about where things might’ve gone differently. and maybe where you need to defy the general rules. The most success I’ve personally had, is with relatively bulky decks. Which goes against the small deck logic. So experiment, try the challenges. Eventually, after a long time, you’ll get a win. And it will be oh so satisfying.
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How do stop yourself from thinking things beyond your current skill set? I constantly map out things that are wayyyy out of my reach, even planning ahead for years, and I don't feel like it's very good. It feels like I'm putting pressure on myself to get better faster, and I feel like that's not... ok. I want to get better, but not by stress and frustrations. But I don't know how to stop. Also, I'd like to thank you for everything, for making this possible, thankyou.
Don’t worry, it’s not abnormal to plan years into the future (at least for me anyway 😅)Having seemingly unreachable goals can help to motivate and inspire you as an artist, but only if you accept that it’s a long term goal, and that it’s going to take time.There is no rush to become amazing at art. Many famous artists started well into adulthood, so in a way, you have a head start :)Just remember that there are people who will support you whether you’re drawing stick figures or painting the next Mona Lisa, so just go at a pace you’re comfortable with, and in time, you’ll be able to make the things you imagine a reality.
- advisor🌚
It’s not uncommon to think this at all, really. I do it allllll the time unfortunately, and I understand where you’re coming from with feeling like you’re trying to push yourself more than you should be.
One of the things I tend to do when this happens is to imagine the full picture as usual, but then focus on a small part of it, focusing on the detail and technique I’ll need to be using and refining to make part of the scene/picture I’m imagining. It works out well because once I feel like I’m good enough to try focusing on something else, I can use the skills I’ve gained for the other part(s) to improve the new bit I’m working on. It’s just baby steps really, and you can’t really stop yourself from imagining so I’d simply suggest to use it to your advantage, instead of letting it be a crutch.
- advisor 🔐
It’s normal to think like that because you set basically some goals for yourself you want to reach. Every artist have this problem, but do not push yourself to them today, tomorrow or even this month.
You will improve step by step. Just don’t think so much about the goal, but just some parts.
Yes, do it on parts. And try to do them until you’re okay with them. If you are not, don’t push yourself. Everything will get better, you need just patience and practice.
- advisor💫
Ironically, you could view your situation as an art piece in itself! You know what you want it to look like, but if you just say “I’m going to make this” it can seem intimidating and overwhelming. You have to think about the base, the sketch, the linework etc. and build it up!
(Or, if you’d prefer, you can think of it as a cake instead: you might have a picture of the final cake, but without the recipe (done in the right order!), then making it seems impossible.)
So don’t feel too bad for thinking ahead, just so long as you keep trundling forwards, you’ll get to where you want to be eventually!
- advisor ☀️
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sxpositive · 4 years
(1/2)Hey so I just recently found your blog because I was looking for some advice on a relationship I'm pursuing and was wondering if you'd give your two cents on it. So this guy and me have been friends since we were kids and this year he chose to attend an out of state college. Over spring break he was coming home so he asked if I wanted to go out on a date and I said yes. Even though we've know each other forever we never really became good friends. Anyhow, both of us are super awkward.
(2/2) people so that was reflected in the first date. Even so, we decided we wanted to give the relationship a go and have been doing stuff together, and I feel have been getting closer. However, both of us move into new relationships really slowly (it took me two months of being around a person to consider her my friend) and due to this a mutual friend of ours has expressed that she doesn't think we'll work out because we didn't have an immediate intimate connection. It's much more complicated.
Well I guess I needed more space to write. But don't have the space 😅. But her statement just caused me become anxious about the relationship because he is the first guy I've dated so literally no experience. So my question is do you think that our relationship can work into something even if we didn't have that "initial intimate connection" because I think the pace I move at is friend first then relationship. But I don't know how these things work lol.
Relationships can definitely work without an initial intimate connection. Each one is really unique and what will work for one couple won’t work for another. I can see where your friend is coming from though. You need to ask yourself if you want to pursue this relationship because you think you would logically work as a couple, or you are legitimately interested in him. 
I’m sorry for the cliche but do you get butterflies in your stomach? You need some sort of chemistry that draws you together because if you don’t want some sort of intimacy eventually with this person then why pursue it. That desire for intimacy needs to not be an abstract thought you’ve attached to a convenient person, but originating from your connection to them. You need to figure out which one it is before someone gets hurt. 
I do trust that you know your own head and heart and I respect your agency and choice to want to pursue him. So I’m going to go ahead assuming you have legitimate chemistry that is being held back by shyness and awkwardness. 
Shyness can put a damper in good communication and the creation of healthy boundaries within a relationship. These are extremely vital components in any relationship but especially long-term ones. In healthy relationships you need to feel comfortable telling that person anything. As someone who was both shy and awkward myself, taking that first step of trust that I would be accepted was so hard I can’t explain to you. It’s terrifying. But I’ve been in relationships where I felt too shy to communicate and they just didn’t work. Partners should support you through everything and be open to hearing your darkest shames and secrets. As this is your first relationship this will be a learning curve. Don’t expect yourself to miraculously have all these communication skills - they’re learnt over time. But it’s something to think on and work towards. 
If he doesn’t accept your authentic self - who you are without inhibitions and holding yourself back (also called awkwardness) - then he is not the person to you. That’s not a bad thing or a reflection on you. Some people just aren’t meant to be together. And you will most definitely find someone who accepts you entirely. Don’t settle for less. You also deserve to be comfortable with someone. 
If you think you can have a beautiful relationship with this person then take all the time you need hun, if you have lingering doubts that can’t be settled through communicating with him then that’s probably a sign. 
Pro-tip: Communication can be really scary so texting can be a wonderful way to get comfortable with someone at first. Make sure it’s reciprocated though hun! No one thrives in a relationship with unequal communication. 
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