#i'm going to do a draft eq
akielzx · 11 months
Hello, May I request a onshot including cuddles with Johann Chu at night? Ty. <3
bro i'm so sorry i had this in my drafts i think for a month, i'll then write the other submission later :sob:
maybe i just wanna be yours !✦
#;oneshot, johann chu x reader
tags // just tad bit spoiler (the info abt shavee in the chat n all and only that i think, maybe also abt his dad), comfort, slight misunderstanding but it's fine in the end, understandings, johann bby muah muah, also johann might be a bit ooc so bear with me, this is kinda long [keyword: kinda]
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johann chu wasn't the one to be expressive of his feelings, and understand his feelings. hence why he felt bemused about [name], they certainly made a huge imprint on him.
yet shavee had also had an impact on him. but [name]'s case was slightly different. even if he had missed an opportunity to have her, it was okay now. he was healing a bit.
when they were chatting and johann had slipped this information to [name] and some other emotional turmoil, he yet puts training first once again.
nonetheless, all was well in the end. it was night and johann thought of something. [name] was doing quite well in their training, but he heard from a little birdy that they weren't quite doing well in draconic history.
maybe stress was getting to them? either way, as their senior, he felt obligated to help them out. it wasn't in a negative light, but he somehow felt like it.
as they were conversing, he then brought up their history course. [name] surprisingly did mention how they were struggling to understand a little and he offered to help them.
they asked where the both of them should go and he bluntly said at his dorm. [name] was confused at first why they wouldn't be doing it at the library.
he simply said it might be a bit troublesome for them as to referring to the girls that swooned over him, even if some girls do have self-control, he still didn't want to risk it.
and he wanted to spend more time with [name] not in training. he wanted to know more about them. miscellaneous things would suffice.
as the day passed, it was finally the time they decided to meet up that johann proposed. he asked [name] to meet him at the basketball court so he could escort them to his dorm.
when they finally came, he started to escort [name]. it was a bit awkward at first, given how the girls they passed by would look at them in envy.
[name] would try and flip them off by either going to scratch their cheek, getting something out of their eyes, or tucking their hair behind their ear using the middle finger.
but johann caught on and said that it doesn't matter and just ignore them for the best. they slightly grumbled, but begrudgingly complied as he is their senior and they didn't want to hear a lecture from a certain someone.
johann sighed, slightly amused but it went unnoticed. as soon as they entered the lionheart's club base, there susie was. she exchanged words with johann until she spotted [name].
she then asked if they were going to join, but johann answered for [name] that they were just looking around and dismissed susie. that made them confused, but thankful either way for their senior for answering for them.
he then led [name] to his dorm, and there they both discussed where they were struggling a bit. they shyly confessed that even tho they could've said that they would just research it, they were thankful for his help.
they can, but it was much more understandable if someone was there teaching it because they could get their possible unanswered questions answered.
johann nodded understanding. it is preferred that most should have a study group so there's a chance someone knows the subject they're studying and can answer simple questions.
as time passed, [name] started to understand more. they scribbled in their notebook while listening to johann. "so.. only the light king, priest- 'inazami' possessed equal power to nidhogg?"
johann nodded, confirming the statement was true, [name] scribbled again and continued, "but she also failed to rebel and renounce his position.. right?"
"yes. you are correct, i must say i am impressed by you..- not only you are quite the fast learner when we train, but also a good listener." [name] scratched their head a bit, "eh.. haha. it's just that i- wait no, you're a good guide and tutor is all.."
'and i like hearing your voice..' [name] felt a bit awkward and looked at the time, it was getting a bit late. they then start to stand up from their comfortable position.
johann was a bit confused at this sudden action, he still wanted to ask some questions. the not-too-personal ones. he couldn't think straight this time and grabbed [name]'s wrist.
"where.. are you going?"
[name]'s eyes widened a bit and looked at him.
his grip on [name] wavered a bit, his action seemingly getting him off-guard. he then loosened his grip and backed away. he pondered about something.
"..i don't know what this feeling is… i feel a sense of euphoria when i see you or… sometimes everything's better when you're here."
"huh?" [name] looked at him dumbfoundedly.
"i'm really glad you're here, but at the same time, i'm not because i'm scared. i'm scared i might lose you too."
"johann senpai? what are you-"
"i hope you know how much you mean to me. i wish you could see in you what i see in you."
[name]'s eyes widen at the sudden statement. they stood in their place shocked. "i… i don't understand you johann.." they ask, their brows furrowing in confusion.
"i don't either. but.."
"i'll hear you out on this. but i don't want it to be too long."
johann looked at [name] in anticipation, yet they stayed quiet. he asked once again, and [name] suspired.
"because… i don't want to make more assumptions and fall harder."
"why would you fall harder..?-"
"johann senpai, i've had harboured feelings for you. it feels off sometimes. i don't know if- if it's okay given your circumstance and mine."
he looked at [name] expectantly, yet stunned. he didn't expect his junior to also like him. but his brows furrowed. when [name] decided to speak once more, as he had an unanswered question.
"it's not just an infatuation i have for you, it's not just any epitome that i admire. but the way, you are you senpai. i've never loved anyone the way i love you before..''
[name] then took a deep breath before continuing.
"i'd accept your flaws in any way possible, i'd try and understand you better with how you act and maybe i understand.. but i don't. i don't understand how you feel about me. i appreciate you for you-"
"and i do too."
the sudden intervention has [name] stunned. they decided to look at johann, just to see him furrowing his eyebrows. his grasp went back to [name]'s wrist and slightly pulled them closer, but not harshly.
"i like spending time with you. it's nice. i feel calmer when i’m with you. it’s weird. i never thought i could feel like this, but you showed up. now, it’s like i don’t wanna go on knowing i might lose the feeling. and i might end up losing you."
[name]'s hands slightly quivered as his voice wavered. he felt their hands slightly shaking and he held it with the hand he grasped their wrist with.
"..are you okay [name]?.."
[name]'s breath hitches for a bit before taking a deep breath from their mouth and shaking their head, "yeah.. i'm- i'm fine johann."
"no. you aren't fine, did.. did i say something wrong perhaps..?"
johann squeezed their hand gently and rubbed circles on it, this action made [name] tense but relaxed a bit after they snapped out of their trance.
"wha- no!- no, you didn't. i just-"
johann took both of [name]'s hands and held them close to his chest, making the both of them close to each other, but not too close.
"i'm sorry if that caught you off-guard. i just couldn't-"
he was cut off as [name] hugged him and nuzzled their head close. they hummed to themselves and hugged him tighter,
"i like spending time with you too.."
"..then spend the night with me"
"of course."
ok bro i know that wasnt really cuddling but man idk :sob: thats all you get please accept it p;ease. im beiggin you
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kafus · 9 months
file too big for tumblr so you get a youtube video but HIII I DID IT!! I BEAT THORTON!!! I GOT THE GOLD PRINT BABEY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS TO HAPPEN TONIGHT!! months of on and off grinding and then 3 days straight of doing this nearly all my waking hours and losing so many streaks and I DID IT!!! this is one of the hardest things you can do in gen 4 ever i think i'm losing my mind. pthgss battle factory does NOT fuck around
some commentary below the cut if you're interested in my thoughts/strategy while doing this
when i saw whiscash i swapped into scizor because i thought it was safe and i wanted to preserve weavile's strength, speed, and fake out for later... and i did my calcs wrong. i've been hunched over calculators and spreadsheets for hours to have the best odds of winning this streak and somehow i was calculating doubles damage instead of singles so EQ was stronger than i expected. embarrassingly i didn't notice this until someone pointed it out to me after the fact LOL. i don't even know how i didn't catch it, of course EQ does more damage, it's STAB!! so that was actually a pretty damn dangerous switch! but he missed stone edge i am BLESSED stone edge more like stone MISS AHAHAHAFSDKFSDAL
anyway after whiscash was down i let entei take out my scizor because scizor is slow and was already on low HP, if i tried to preserve it it would probably just get outsped and die to a legendary or something later. and entei had two dangerous sets in particular it could possibly be so i really needed to scout its fire move. tbh when i saw entei my heart sank, i knew my team was really weak to fire and that it could be a problem but i just never found any good pokemon to swap while climbing round 7. i just hoped that garchomp resisting and having earthquake would suffice... but the entei had a shuca berry (halves a super effective ground hit) so outrage actually did more damage. if entei crit me at any point it would have been over but otherwise it would have been impossible to take out garchomp in two hits thankfully. and i had a persim berry if outrage ended in two turns and confused me. but didn't end up mattering!
my heart SANK when the focus band proc'd on latios (a 10% chance) but then i was like YES!! THIS IS WHAT WEAVILE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!! THERE'S NO WAY IT PROCS TWO MORE TIMES IN A ROW RIGHT?! because weavile using fake out would give me a chance, and then if focus band proc'd again, the flinch from fake out would let me get a second turn and weavile outspeeds that latios SO it was pretty safe unless i got insanely unlucky. AND IT WORKED OUT!!!!
i dunno if i deserved this win because my round 6 (the round before this one) was INCREDIBLY lucky, like, i got the round 7 staraptor in my draft and it had choice band brave bird and just decimated EVERYTHING except a couple bronzongs which i had a strong vaporeon for, so... it was basically a freebie and then round 7 had some close calls but also i got garchomp from trading with the literal first trainer (who i almost lost to but shhh) and then all the stuff with scizor/whiscash... BUT. it's been long enough i'm TAKING IT
anyways POGGERS
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i'm probs gonna upload this battle video to the dns exploit server later but i gotta wait for my parents to go to bed so i'm not interrupting them using wifi by turning on the gen 4 compatible guest wifi lol
(btw if you want to do factory yourself please look up smogon's resources on it and use calcs and stuff i promise without it it will be a living nightmare 10x more than it already is)
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
I need to know more about this attempt at a fourth Emily book
Oh gosh, I really haven’t thought about this for YEARS, this was a product of me being like 15 and naive enough to try and write an Emily x Dean happy ending without realizing that a purely romantic Dean was neither in the spirit of how LMM wrote him nor very interesting.
Basically, I erased a few of the years that passed between Ilse calling off the wedding and Teddy coming back to New Moon, so that the year after Emily and Teddy married, WWI began. Naturally, both Teddy and Perry would have been drafted. I envisioned Ilse moving back to PEI, and she and Emily would do comic and Rilla-ish things for the war effort. Meanwhile, Dean—who of course wouldn’t have been able to fight—comes back as well. He writes a book of pacifist poetry or something not particularly patriotic, which doesn’t endear him any better to the locals. In my teenaged mind, he and Emily would then resurrect something of romance. Whether or not it’s actively something consummated, Emily would have betrayed Teddy in spirit if not in body.
Now, though, if I were to follow this war-themed plot thread, I think I absolutely wouldn’t go that route. I think Emily’s attitude to Dean and to herself would have completely changed as she grew older and seen more of the world. She would understand him better and perhaps pity him just a little—she was so nearly him, losing the love of her life to someone else. I’m not entirely settled about how Dean would react to this change: On the one hand, I’m tempted to think that he would miss not being able to patronize her anymore (I'm sure he would try and it wouldn't work the way it used to). As with many Gothic pairings, their relationship relied on inequality. On the other hand, if underneath his possessive jealousy he really does care genuinely for Emily—which we might infer if only from the final scene when he admits that she can write—they might be able to negotiate a new kind of friendship, where Dean can claim his corner of her life without it being unnecessarily fraught. Even now, I'm not sure how much of this is possible--despite Emily's newfound cynicism, she still seems a bit naive at the end of EQ about what he intends about claiming a corner of her home--but I do believe that her own literary achievements would be able to help her hold her own against him.
In the end, I always intended Teddy and Perry to come home—as much as I enjoy tragedy, I couldn’t sacrifice either in good faith—though I assigned Perry many heroic war wounds. Emily also would have written a Great Canadian Novel based on the war that would have been set up as a counter to Dean's pacifist poems. In some ways their literary output would mark more than anything the divergence in their lives.
Thinking about this now is really interesting though in terms of our previous discussions of Walter in a pairing with Dean! I’m tempted to start writing fanfic scenarios about this instead now.
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gohdelle · 2 years
I talk a lot of big game for someone who hasn't uploaded a new piece of music in over a year, so here's 2 things : This first draft I started on a year ago:
And it's current form, with some musical changes and better (and worse somehow, mixing and mastering is impossible and I hate it) mixing/mastering, which still isn't finished 'cause ADHD lol:
(Listen with headphones preferably)
These are leagues apart skill-wise from the stuff that's currently on my soundcloud 'cause I learned SO MUCH in between the time of making those and these, like I taught myself basic music theory, how to eq, how use a synthesizer, etc. I actually want to go back and redo/finish all of the tracks on my soundcloud. Pre-2021 I was stumbling my way through each track but post-2021 I actually know what I'm doing (for the most part) lol
I have some more newer stuff that I'll post soon. Gonna work on some dj mixes too 'cause the few I have recorded are from 5 and 6 years ago when I was using a dj app on my phone and thus are kinda bad in some spots lol
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hospitalterrorizer · 5 months
tuesday - wednesday
obligations are unendinggggg.
tomorrow will be errands day, today was the meeting w/ the short film director, and it went well, i have more freedom than i thought, so i think i'll try something strange/improvised, rather than super thought out. just try to respond to images but the sounds i end up liking. there's a fucked up and weird thing i already like in the new thing draft.
other music is going okay, i got an actual new song exported so i can sit on it easier, see what it needs and stuff. i think the thing right now is the guitar tone, or idk if it's the tone. i want it to be a bit louder, have more body, more tonal stuff needs to come through i think. there's some fucked up stuff i did w/ split eq early in the chain so maybe i just undo some of that, and then maybe bring some lows back in, another thought is to get rid of some of the gain on the amp sim. however, i did not mix any of the songs on the list, and i didn't do vocals.
also though, on the new song, the kind of riff i wrote, and the kind of drumming i have, it's not the kind of thing that's ever gonna be clear. or at least, it's never clearly presented in the kind of music i'm listening to, so it's probably okay for it to be kind of a mess, i just want a more satisfying mess, if i can get one (i know i can).
since tomorrow is errands day, idk how much time i'll have to get much done, hopefully in the morning i can get one song done, and then another when i get home maybe. or maybe more, we'll see. the next one up is probably gonna give me some trouble but hopefully not too much.
anyway check this song out, wish i could find this whole album like anywhere:
it's got these super faggy vox, weird synths, this person is like, an ancestor. or a bunch of bands feel like ancestors, but this is another one.
i might have to buy this cd and rip it or something cuz like, this needs to be somewhere, + i can get it out there for others. would be sssick.
anyway, enough thinking abt what i should waste money on. i need to sleep ,so
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May 21st
I think for the most part I have all the instrumentation I will use in the final product, and will spend most of tomorrow tidying and cleaning up again to work out what exactly this should sound like. I also need to
1) Tidy up the bass guitar. I like how it is at the start, pulsing with the synth bass but not hitting every note. I also quite like what I have done in using Ableton's Utility function to set the bass frequencies of both of those in mono, but have split the higher frequencies so the bass guitar is panned left and the synth bass panned right. It keeps the bass where it ought to be but spreads out the flavour-y bits so that the song feels fuller. 
2) Figure out bridge (as above)
3) Figure out intro – I don't want this slow transition I have, I would much prefer it to suddenly stop and then kick into electronic variant with energy. Also the vocal lines are crap, but with elements I like, so I might chop it up how I'd like it to draft it and then re-record it. I've also noticed the guitar chords I have don't sound great – they should be higher. I have three options to solve this
A) EQ boost the higher frequencies – but I don't think this will do enough to actually solve what I'm hearing
B) Play them an octave higher.
C) Play them less than an octave higher, and then when the change happens it is a key change as well. This idea is something I would usually go for but Im wondering if it defeats the concept of it being the same song but with more energy when it exits the intro. I'll have to try it and see how it sounds.
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mmmariey · 2 years
ZIYI YANG’s MUSC2653 class!
SID is 520192636
This composition was a big challenge for me, it was the first time I had approached music, and without a basic knowledge of music theory I was completely unable to move on to the next step when I made my first musical idea. Despite my professor try to explain everything about the basics of digital music to us in class, the truth is that there were some musical words that I real don’t understand, so afterwards I needed to go through all the points I had covered in class, but musicality and arranging skills need to be built up step by step and trying to get a big improvement in a short time is definitely not possible, and in my case I couldn't even find the mix two days before. So what I'm about to say might not be so professional and correct! And I hope you can give me some comments after listening to my tunes so that I can improve them later.
Well, without further ado, let me tell you about my creative process!
Firstly, the whole tune is in C major, 4/4 for the beat, I used the main melody of a Chinese pop song as my base track and then changed it from there, of course its main melody has been altered a bit by me, like the riff played, the rhythm, the pitch etc. It's going to be a bit more upbeat than the original, and all the tracks were slowly pushed out by myself, except for the stuff in the sound library. When I was playing it, I didn't have a particularly good control of the intensity yet, so in the first draft, the sound was simply a bit disastrous, with each track interpreted individually, and it sounded very confusing, but after my constant revisions and the increasingly comprehensive knowledge taught by my professor, the tune seems to be OK now. I added an allegro (beat) sound effect at the beginning of the piece, which I think gives a more rhythmic and catchy foreground to the piece, and then allows the taiko sounds (foreground) to gradually enter, which I think should be articulated in this section, which is not too bad. I also added the sound of the gong (auxiliary percussion), a sound effect that makes the whole piece more Chinese and rhythmic. The pipa(a traditional Chinese instrument) sounds crisp, bright and grainy, like a jade pearl walking on a plate; and the GuZheng (also a traditional Chinese instrument), its sound is agile with a hint of unrestrained and heroic. To make the main melody has more layers, I added two bass chords entering at different times. A small section of flute also gives the whole melody a little more mood. Finally, for the closing section, I also chose a section of guzheng, drums and gongs, and the drums on this side are still very different compared to the original piece. It may not be perfect, but it's the best I can do at this stage. This is the general composition of my instrumentation.
In fact, this piece was originally written without the allegro sound, but then I was watching a program called “ShuLaiBao" during the arrangement process, and I found the allegro sounds so interesting and different. The allegro is a traditional rap, and there are many interpretations of it, but here I chose the rapid one, which I found in the Garage band. I think this rhythm was close to my foreground tune, so that the tune would not sound too abrupt.
In figure 1, you can see that I have adjusted the balance (the balance knob) and by changing the direction of the knob, I can control whether the sound comes out of the left or the right side, which makes the whole tune more three-dimensional and you can feel sound around you. But, as far as I can tell my current adjustment is not perfect enough, it still feels a bit confusing for the left and right channels. I think I can look more closely at what the professor is talking about and improve it a bit afterwards.
Figure 2, is about the EQ, I tried to adjust the values on the EQ to try and make the music as compelling but not harsh as possible. When I tuned the EQ, I lower down a little bit of the frequency of the drum, which I hoped would give the music a more subdued and mellow tone; and I adjusted the frequencies of the guzheng, pipa and flute to upwards, to make these sounds more louder and fullness, I mean sounds are closer to our ears. For the flute part, I pulled up the frequency of the treble part to 10,000-20,000Hz, at which frequency the whole sound would become more "airy "and brightness. For the string loops I used values of about 200 to 400Hz, I remember these being taught in class by the professor that the music in this frequency range would have a warm feel. Of course practice makes perfect, and with a little more adjustment the string parts do become softer. But the pieces haven't blended particularly well, I mean it seems like there is a cohesion missing, I want the piece to be able to embody something that is both upbeat and jarring, but it seems like it's difficult at the moment, my knowledge base is far from adequate.
Figure 3, I did some mix, It was using a technique shown in class, where you keep the original clip and layer a somehow changed version of the same clip. But you can see it in the first picture, compared to the ones in my last posts. I didn’t change the distortion at all, only added back the original to give it more layering. Again, this was a technique that was taught in class, and when I tried it out I thought it definitely sounded better. Each section of the sound source was reset for loudness, as well as the fade state at the beginning and end of playback. This is the most satisfying change I've made to the tune so far, it may not be my ideal, but it looks pretty good to me. As you can see in the picture, I lower the volume at the beginning of each section, and this operation allows me to have a more natural flow between passages, and it doesn't make a certain kind of sound appear out of place (it's a little quieter).
In the end, this class is really interesting, it taught me a lot, since I even knew noting about digital music before!
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havenandart · 3 years
I'm so glad you made your own ask meme!! My questions are: what breed influences do your faves have, and if I may go off script (feel free to ignore this tho), why did you choose those? also if they had a discipline of choice, what would it be? (anybody but I am most curious about cairo and amara!)
14. What breed influences do they have?
10.If they had a discipline of choice, what would it be? (Dressage/Barrels/Working Eq etc)
Most horses in Whiterock have some sort of draft influence from a few horses that broke out of captivity in the late 1800s/early 1900s, but there's been a few different strains that can be noticed through herds.
Apollo is your typical old-style, classic mustang type. When you see him, he embodies the "American West." Stout, bit long in the back, not super tall, good thick legs, the overarching topline brought down the line from the Spanish horses themselves. He's part mountain goat, really; he's navigated some pretty risky climbs into the deeper areas of Whiterock and seems unphased by the bedrock in the mountains. #10 for him is answered here!
Cairo is built more like the equivalent of an Appendix cross that looks most like the chunky Quarter Horse side. He's likely the result of a more-recent introduction of domesticated horse lines about two or three generations back. It makes him agile and taller, but not necessarily able to adapt to various terrain, and thus his lineage has kept him from chasing his rival up into the gulley. His foil to Apollo has much to do with his physical differences. #10 answer!
Amara is... honestly she's influenced by a bit of Irish Draught/Arabian vibes. Her head and neck are on the relatively petite side, but her bones are dense. She's quick on her feet and drop-dead gorgeous when she starts moving; her gaits are very floaty in the disney princess sort of way. It stuns suitors who come to woo her and she turns from this beautiful, wonderful mare to a fucking demon possessed because she has ZERO interest in being bothered. She's like. An angry angler fish. You follow the light in the dark and get a double-barreled kick to the chest instead. It's great! Her beauty and pain alike teach everybody manners. #10 answer!
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a-leo-baby-girl · 6 years
What will I do now?
It sucks not having a burning passion for anything. It sucks more when you are also not good at anything particular. To add the cherry on top: everything you have tried until now, you done terrible at it.
I am in my 2nd year in college, the year in which I believe I should have at least figure out what I am going to do. In reality, I don't.
All my life all I do is follow the paved road. Everything is safe. I have never have to try my hardest because I'm too lazy, I know that I am blessed with a good brain and I understand that no matter what, my parents have the financal to help me fall back on. That's why, right now, when I have to take responsibilities, I am scared.
I am scared of everything. My abilities aren't enough. I don't know what to do or how to do with my life for it to reach its fullest potential. I don't have friends. My EQ is low. I can't talk to people without making it awkward. Everything is just too much and too fast and I can't keep up.
I don't know what to do.
Can someone just come and point me what to do so that I don't have to take responsibilities with my happiness and my life?
HOWEVER, after the mental breakdown and beating myself up, I HAVE TO FIND A WAY. Tomorrow, I WILL draft out some solution and let's see how everything went from there.
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