#i'm going to start using that excuse any time i have art block now. sorry these shitposty cartoons are just TOO BEAUTIFUL to be contained.
sabh0 · 10 days
Little rant and probably a controversial opinion, please don't burn me at the stake for that If i asked you to guess how many dazai anon accounts have i blocked here till now, what number would u think of? Bc i just checked - i currently have 9 of their accounts blocked. 2 from this week alone. And it's not like i go around hunting for them. I just randomly open tumblr to check what silly things did ppl say about my art, and then i see 50 different reblogs, comments or asks from dazai anon alone, being no longer only mean to Chuuya or skk, but bashing my art or telling me to off myself!!! Yay!! And u know, it wasn't a problem in the beginning. The stuff they write is comedic with how stupid it is. I could also interact with em smh (ngl, they left me for a good while after i drew them and chuuya making out that one time). And as i said, before they didn't attack me personally. But then i started getting comments that i shouldn't interact with dazai anon bc something something they're mentally unstable? Like im sorry, but how is this my problem. They come to me and regularly tell me to hurt myself, but i can't even reply to them bc "sab, it's no use, they're sick smth smth smth, just block them"?? Like bruh aight, it's just that sitting silently actually starts to affect me. Bc no matter how many accounts i block, they come back with a new one the moment they realize they're blocked. And the whole carousel of "block, dont interact" starts again. I just think it's not really alright to tell ppl that they can't in any way stand up for themselves? Why do i have to care about personal wellbeing or a sad backstory of someone who doesn't respect mine? Why should i even know about their problems? They're a complete stranger to me and i don't really go around reading random people's biographies on the internet. Like aughhh it's seriously starting to annoy me now,,,, i'm not saying ppl ACCEPT what dazai anon does, but using the excuse that they're not okay mentally just doesn't sit right with me, idk. Mental health problems should never be an excuse for hurting others, imo.
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ramadoodles · 2 years
Grave errors: Or how to learn an entirely new art movement in 30 days or so
Hi guys. Sorry about the month-long hiatus.
I have several excuses prepared for it which I will not bore you with, because I have figured out the reason why I was delaying my posts.
The reason I have been delaying the cubism series, is because cubism is hard. It's like an expanding book, the deeper i dive into it, the broader the field gets. And considering the attention span of people on the internet, I don't want to dive too deep and make the post too big, because I have grown attached to the amount of likes and reblogs I receive on these posts.
So finally I gave up and asked a proper professional for advice about how to go about learning an entire new field of art with almost prior knowledge. Here are the tips that I learned from them, which I hope I can pass on so that you do not make the same mistakes that I have made.
(Also in case the professional in question is reading this- in case I got anything wrong, please let me know!)
Tip 1: There are multiple levels to understanding an art movement.
Level 1- Conception
This level is achieved by the original artist or artists who start thinking "what if I take these disparate concepts and combine them into something entirely new and never before seen?" Think Picasso combining African masks and impressionist paintings (or, as it was explained to a nerd like me, think of Einstein wondering what light would look like if he travelled alongside it, a precursor to his developing the theory of relativity.) Understandably, we students can't achieve this level of understanding of an already developed movement.
Level 2- Style development
After Brach and Picasso developed their first line of funky new cubist paintings, a whole bunch of artists decided to copy them and understand how they were made. They were really focused on the nitty-gritties- a cubist painting is made of multiple distorted perspectives of an object, but how many perspectives? How much distortion? How much of the object is still understandable?
After they learned the exact technique that pucasso and brach had used, these artists started experimenting with the rules by adding more distortion, fewer perspectives, more color, removing all semblance of the original object, etc. From this level, two subcategories were developed, Analytical and Synthetic Cubism, but that's not really as important.
What's important is understanding how we, as students, can achieve level 2 understanding of any art movement- by understanding the exact rules of how these paintings are made, and then experimenting with them. That requires copying (ideally) many different paintings of a variety of subcategories inside the art movement. I'm currently doing this, and progressing much faster in three days than I have in the last three weeks.
Level 3- Mannerism
The basest understanding of an art movement. Imagine if you simply added a bunch of geometrical faces to a drawing of say, an apple, and claimed that it was a cubist drawing🥲. (I'd link my own apple drawing as an example, but I'm not going to shame myself that much.) To come back to my Einstein example from level 1, imagine if someone told you "Einstein is famous for inventing the theory of relativity, E=mc^2" and could not tell you what E, m or c were supposed to be. And the level of visceral rage a scientist would feel at that remark, is probably what an artist feels every time they hear about cubism being a bunch of blocks stacked on each other. I feel deep sympathy for artists now🥲.
Moving on from my self-pity, if you want to avoid falling into the trap of this style of art, then you need to draw as many paintings of your chosen art movement as possible. They need to be of a large variety, and also not too difficult for you to get discouraged. (Trust me, I learnt it the hard way.)
I'll put up a list of paintings that I'm going to start copying tomorrow morning. I should churn out one every two days if I regular about this, so hopefully you can expect regular posts from now on. Let's see how it goes.
Tip 2: Art movements tend to be reactionary.
That is, they tend to oppose whatever art movement came before them. To make it more understandable, you know how fashion always cycles every twenty years, and whatever was popular ten years ago is hated today, only to be loved ten years from now? Art has a similar concept.
How is this useful to us? When you're looking at an art movement, it's always a good idea to look at the movement which came before it, which it is now opposing. It helps you to get a better sense of the movement you're trying to understand. I haven't gotten far enough to try this out yet, but i'll make a post on it when I do.
That's all for today, i'm dead tired. Goodnight y'all.
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All of your excuses sound like Lizzo when she said "celebrities don't have as much power as you think they have" or some similar shit. Do any of you anons know what difference it makes to post some thing? To talk about something? To protest againts this genocide?
I'm so angry I couldn't make it to this nonsense of anons on time like 2 hours ago.
You all should be ashamed of talking like that, what on earth does your fy pages look like? Cos mine looks like genocide, death childre, starved people and bombs. If mine looks like that and yours look like 'met gala this, beyonce that, taylor this' them I'm sorry to tell you, but you just wanna be blind and you're doing it all by yourself. And yes I have attended Taylors Paris concert and yes I have fun with art and streaming music and I try to live a normal life but that's not a fucking excuse to not care about it, to say nothing about it, to deny the need of famous people posting a simple story about it on their instagram.
We give celebrities the power of representing us just like politicians. Celebrities are our mirror. If we don't like that mirror anymore or we are dissapointed with it that's completly valid. Celebrities are in charge of giving voice to SO MANY people, they can do it with a simple gesture, they just don't do it because "going against your country supporting a genocide" it's bad for their PR teams.
Honestly I have started just blocking celebs at this pint because I jnow they are never gonna talk about it, not even now.
(Again it's alright if you are done with the conversation for today and don't want to post this. i know i'm late to the topic and the stupid anons and all)
No, no, you’re totally right. At this point, an attitude of “keeping the peace,” is tantamount to complicity and silence that’s why, the other day, I said that liberals are the same as conservatives. The whole thing of “it’s fine to protest but do it peacefully.” Or “it’s great that you care but people have the right to not give a shit.” Mate, just say you’re a racist fuckface and let’s get it over with.
What’s funny is that these are the same people who shake their heads when they learn about the holocaust and slavery and the civil rights movements. They’re always like “where were all the good people!” HERE. LIKE YOU. BEING COMPLICIT. What people are saying now about student protest is word for word what they said about MLK. At the time of his assassination, he was wildly unpopular. Democrats have always been silent in the moment. They wait 20 or 50 years then turn around and name a monument after you or write a chapter about you in a textbook. But when it comes time for action, they’re just as bad as their right wing opponents. I’m sorry but civility is over. Either be humble enough to fuckin listen and learn, or I’m going to yell at you. I don’t care.
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jinxxedmisery · 1 year
I just wanted to come here and say, I'm sorry I haven't been active lately.
I haven't gotten around to requests in like months.. thankfully only one is in my inbox right now.
I also haven't been doing a lot of art.. things have happened which I will vent about... because my therapy appointment is over a month away and where else can I vent if not tumblr..
Tw mental health stuff, general health stuff, transphobia, relationship drama.
So happy Pride Month... it's nearly over, I know.. but oh well. Like a lot of people are saying, this pride month feels different.. less safe.. I came out as nonbinary to my family last year and started socially transitioning and I have known I was pansexual since 14.... so this stuff kinda hits hard.,
Even being in Canada it's scary seeing all this hate.. it's not as bad here.. but haha.. I happen to live in Alberta.. half the population here is homophobic, godfearing, truckers, cowboys, and farmers.... so I feel a sense of danger every time I'm open about it..
I went to a parade in my town.. we have a yearly event in June.. it's not pride.. but I kinda treat it as a form of pride.. I wore my pronoun pin badge I bought shortly after I came out. One of the town four churches has a Vacation Bible School program and a woman who is a pastor's wife always every year comes up to me and tells me she wants me to volunteer to help them out and kinda forces me to take an info packet....
Yeah.. this year she looked directly at my pin badge and talked to my parents instead basically pretending I didn't exist which was kinda funny and a huge relief.. hope this stops her from bothering me In the future... I did notice a few people look at it as well and like body block their child... which was so stupid.. istg conservatives think we're the boogeyman or some shit. Also kept getting misgendered... some lady who knew me from my childhood says "oh you've grown into such a beautiful young lady" and I straight up felt ill..
Anyway.. during that event my mother had a medical emergency.. she had a mini stroke.. my mom was very confused wasn't aware of her surroundings.. she's normally super resistant to going to the hospital and will fight you.. but she was so confused she got up, got her shoes on and got into the car and walked into the hospital without a fight...later she nearly punched me in the face while we were trying to hold her down so the nurses could get an IV in.. (they don't have daytime security at the local hospital and they don't have restraints) she said she doesn't remember any of it..,
As for my relationship.. I still have a boyfriend.. he's been pretty busy with work though.. his boss moved him to a super inconvenient schedule 3pm to 9pm.. every single day, no days off..
He's also had so much trouble with his car that it's not even funny. It's all been the coolant.. he thinks he's fixed it though so.. I'm hoping that won't be an issue as much.
So it's been hard for us (especially me.., because.. like my last relationship ended shortly after my ex couldn't make it out to see me.., he did finally admit it was excuses so.. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was afraid of that happening again) but we're enduring it.. he's a sweetheart and has been making time to talk to me after work almost every night until he gets too tired to continue..
It helps a lot.. he makes me feel wanted and he is trying his best to make it work so we can see eachother in person 😊he'll be coming out tomorrow morning and staying until 1pm.. we only get 2 hrs together but it's fine.. any amount of time with him that I get is worth it.
I promised him one day if he's able to visit for longer we'll watch Heathers: The Musical and get slushies... mountain dew, cherry or lime flavored ofc (iykyk) he's into that idea thankfully lol..
it's a requirement that everyone in my life watches Heathers at least once... I've seen it so many times I could almost recite the entire thing... 🤭
But that's all for now, when I get the motivation I will write requests!
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starlessea · 3 years
Eye For Detail (Daryl Dixon/Reader)​
Sequel to Sketchbook Confessions
Summary: You try to sketch Daryl in return. Except, you draw his smile a little crooked, and the eyes are wonky... And Daryl completely loves it.
Words: 2490
Warnings: Language.
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The courtyard was still and quiet, free from the dinner-time rowdiness going on behind prison walls. Well, it was almost quiet; Daryl's scribbling over paper sounded out faintly beside you, as you watched him work. At first, he'd been opposed to the idea of company, but after a while it has become almost like a weekly tradition - in which you'd both bask in the comfortable silence together. You'd even started to bring your own notepad, in your attempts to learn how to sketch from the man.
At first, your drawings were anything but good. Sometimes, even you couldn't tell whether you'd drawn a landscape or a strange, abstract fruit bowl. Yet, Daryl was a good teacher. Where he lacked patience normally, it seemed like he had ample to spare with you. He'd shown you how to use the different charcoals, and had even come back with more art supplies after his latest run.
It was coming up to dusk, and the sky was a brilliant mix of blue and grey hues. There were clouds gathering overhead, too, and you wondered whether there was a storm brewing behind them. Your notepad remained closed over your lap, since you still hadn't gathered the confidence to open it yet. Daryl hadn't noticed, however - too absorbed in his own work to pick up on the way you tentatively thumbed over the spine of your book.
"I tried to draw a person the other day," you finally admitted, "I don't know how you do it."
Daryl stopped what he was doing, rubbing circular motions over the paper to try and blend out his charcoal lines. He looked over at you, and you laughed gently at the black fingerprints littering his cheeks.
"Who was it?" he mumbled, eyeing you as you gathered your sleeve over your hand.
You shuffled over to the man slightly, and used the material to wipe away the charcoal stains over his skin, feeling him squirm slightly beneath your touch as you did so.
"It was you," you told him, and finally he kept still.
His stare bore into you, and suddenly it felt as though you'd been set on fire. You regretted the words as they came out of your mouth, and edged away from Daryl as soon as you'd finished cleaning him up.
You cleared your throat, trying to think of an excuse you knew he wouldn't believe. You sighed, knowing it was no use.
"Well, it was a poor attempt at Daryl," you confessed, glancing down at your sketchbook sheepishly. "Maybe a Darren at best."
You'd expected him to laugh at your joke, but he didn't. Instead, he seemed intrigued. He closed his own notepad, and you worried about whether the charcoal would smudge.
"Show me." Daryl said softly, his eyes flickering over to your lap.
You bit your lip, wiping off the cover of your sketchbook before opening it.
"Don't laugh," you warned him, shaking your head slightly.
You didn't think that he would, but you suddenly felt self-conscious. You'd drawn the portrait in your cell a few nights ago when you couldn't sleep - with the page illuminated by soft lamp-light. You remembered the feeling of the linen sheets beneath you as you sprawled out over your mattress, trying your best to shade the stubborn parts. You had tried - really you had. Except, you'd discovered that art came more naturally to some than others.
"Your eyes are crooked, and I drew your nose too big." you grimaced, settling your gaze over the portrait as you inspected its faults. "I'm sorry."
In natural lighting, it looked a lot worse than you had remembered. You tried to snap the book closed, but Daryl's palm prevented you from doing so. He was silent, and you watched his eyes slowly trail over the paper, taking in all of the details.
"Fine, you can laugh," you exclaimed, overwhelmed by his lack of response. "Okay, just say something-"
"Can I keep this?" Daryl interrupted, glancing up to meet your eyes.
You opened your mouth to speak, but no sound came out. It took a few seconds to comprehend his words, before you finally shook your head a little too quickly.
"No!" you cried, trying to snatch the book from his grasp. "I can draw you a better one."
Daryl didn't give up his grip, and only shook his head back at you in return.
"Nah, I wan' this one."
Any argument you had bubbling up was quickly quelled when you caught sight of his expression. He seemed deadly serious, and you felt your own fingers loosen over the sketchpad as a result. The man slipped it away from you, and brought the book onto his own lap, continuing to look over it.
"But it's bad," you retorted, weakly.
You knew you had lost at this point. You had learned your stubbornness from Daryl himself, after all. The man never was one to know when to back down.
The courtyard seemed a lot darker than it had only a few minutes ago. The clouds had gathered to be more dense and thick, and blocked out the remaining light left over from the setting sun. It would be hard to keep drawing like this, you thought - yet, Daryl seemed more preoccupied now.
"E'eryone gotta start somewhere" he told you, "an' I don' want ya to throw it out."
You watched as he trailed his charcoal-stained, calloused fingers along the page - careful not to leave any marks over the pristine, white paper. Even your sketchbooks looked worlds apart from one another. Yours was neat, each drawing labelled, and your lines clean; Daryl's was a collection of blackened fingerprints alongside scrawled handwriting, and the occasional crumpled page.
"Shoulda seen my first drawings," Daryl went on, looking out towards the field, and at the forest behind it. "Merle found one when I was a kid an' told me it was a shit donkey."
You cocked your head to the side, listening to him.
"Was meant to be superman," he explained, with an expression far too serious for his words.
You snorted, and the man whipped his head over to scowl at you.
"I'm sorry-" you choked out, not missing the way his lips quivered as they fought back a smile of his own. "I must have swallowed a bug."
Not long after that, the feeling in your gut turned out to be right. The storm clouds had finished gathering, and soon the first droplet of rain landed over your paper - smudging the line you'd just drawn. You glanced over at Daryl, but before he'd even had time to reply, the downpour started. It went from a single raindrop to a raging storm in a matter of seconds, leaving you both scrambling to collect the strewn sheets of paper and charcoal pieces trembling over the ground. With your supplies bundled up in your arms, the two of you ran towards the cellblock - yelling through the sounds of the rain along the way.
Once you had reached Daryl's cell, you were soaked through. The man had dragged you there since it was closer, but it hardly made a difference. Your shirt was stuck to your skin, and you were left clutching soggy handfuls of paper - bleeding ink over Daryl's stone floor. He helped you set down the supplies onto his desk, gathering up whatever was salvageable, and throwing the rest away. Luckily, most of the pastels and charcoals had been kept safe, but a lot of loose sheets had been sacrificed to the greater good in the process.
You laughed, taking in the sight of the man. His hair stuck damply to his forehead, and you watched as stray droplets ran over his cheeks. He quickly glanced around the room and retrieved one of his shirts, before offering it to you. You took it from him and smiled, waiting for Daryl to turn his back on you before starting to change.
"Looks like the weather had other plans," you noted, pulling the dry shirt over your head. "At least it washed away that god awful drawing I did of you."
You untucked your hair from the collar, and smoothed out the material over your body. Behind you, you heard the sound of a zip, and peered over your shoulder to see Daryl taking off his own leather jacket. As he did so, you noticed that he'd been concealing something beneath it, and squinted to try and make out what it was.
"Looks jus' fine to me," the man mumbled, holding up the dry piece of paper for you to see.
You scoffed; he'd stuffed your drawing there to keep it safe. You couldn't prevent the smile spreading over your face as you looked at him in disbelief. He gave you a teasing smirk back, before setting the picture carefully onto his desk with the others.
"Y'know," Daryl said quietly, "s'a lot easier to draw from real life."
You glanced over at your drawing, knowing what he was getting at. You were acutely aware of its flaws, but you just didn't have the experience to know how to fix them yet.
"I know what you look like," you quipped back.
It was the truth. Perhaps you even knew a little too well.
"Mhm," he hummed back, before walking over to where you were standing.
You could tell from the tone of his voice that he didn't entirely believe you. One of the first things he'd taught you was that there could never truly be a good enough replacement for the real thing. Though, you had to disagree. You felt like you knew exactly how Daryl Dixon looked - you just couldn't translate it to paper.
The man stopped directly in front of you, so close that you could see his chest rising and falling. He lifted one hand slowly, tentatively even, so that you didn't get scared by his actions. Then, he hovered his palm gently over your eyelids, flicking them shut so that your world went dark.
"What colour are m'eyes?" he asked.
His hand was cold over your face, from where the rain had soaked his skin. You knew that he was trying to teach you a lesson, but you thought that perhaps you'd use the opportunity to teach him one back.
"Blue," you answered, without hesitation.
You desperately wanted to see the man's expression, but all you could do was imagine it.
"An' what-" Daryl continued, but you cut him off.
"A greyish blue," you went on, not entirely satisfied with your answer. "Like the colour of the sky before a storm."
Daryl removed his hand from over your eyes, but you kept them shut. Your fingertips brushed over the hem of his shirt that you were wearing, and you felt like you could picture the way it looked in your mind just from the texture of the material.
"Your hair is brown. The same shade as that desk near your bed," you told him, pointing in the direction you remembered it to be. "And it falls just above your neck, and is slightly curly at the ends." You laughed, considering your next words. "Especially just after you wash it."
Daryl remained silent, and you tried to picture the type of look he had in his eyes. You thought that perhaps you should stop, that you'd made your point clear - but you were in too deep to turn back now.
"And you have two moles," you said quietly - and wondered whether he had heard your voice tremble, too.
You reached out your hand slowly, trying to find the other man. Your palm made contact with his chest, and you let your fingertips trail up until you reached his neck, and then his face.
"One by your nose," you told him, resting your palm over his cheek, "and the other near your lip."
You tried to find it, but your thumb accidentally brushed over his lip, instead. Your heart jumped in your chest, and your eyes flickered open unintentionally.
"I'm sorry-" you blurted out, but the words tapered off as you noticed Daryl's stare.
The man stood perfectly still in front of you, letting your hand rest over his cold, damp skin. You quickly pulled away, glancing off to the side nervously. Though, the both of you knew that you'd gone too far to make any poor excuses now. You'd passed a boundary, but you couldn't say that you wanted to take a step back, either.
"Tha's one eye for detail ya got," Daryl said, after a few seconds had gone by.
You shook your head. "Only when it comes to you," you admitted.
Daryl looked off to the side, and then back, but you continued before he had the chance to interrupt.
"I know I'm not the best artist, but I wanted to show you how you look through my eyes, too."
Daryl raised his hand again, but this time it wasn't to block out your sight. Instead, he just rested his palm softly over your cheek - and despite how cold it was, you leant into his touch.
"Ya jus' did," he said, and gave you a small smile.
You could still hear the storm outside, as the occasional breeze whistled its way past the cracks of the cell block, or made the tree branches batter up against the windows. Sometimes, the draft even made those loose sheets flutter over the desk, in a kind of muffled, paper applause.
"Maybe I should just swap out pencils for words," you told the man. "They seem to do the job better."
He nodded in agreement, letting his hand drop back down to his side.
"Hey, Daryl?" you asked, but you already had his full attention.
You decided to put your words into practice straight away, so that you wouldn't forget exactly how you felt in this moment.
"You mean a lot to me," you admitted, "in a way I don't think I'd ever be able to describe."
Daryl's eyes widened slightly, and you wished to have the talent to capture that expression with pencil and charcoal one day.
"But I still wanted to try," you finished, and waited for his response.
Except, Daryl wasn't a man of words - and he reminded you of that as he reached for his sketchbook. His fingers were still damp, and you watched as they left watery prints over the pages as he flicked through them. He finally stopped once he reached the last one, showing you his latest sketch.
It was stained with raindrops that hadn't dried yet, from where the storm had first broken out and Daryl hadn't reacted quick enough. Yet, even though it was a little smudged and wrinkled, you could still make out that it was you - from where you had been sitting right next to him in that courtyard.
The man set the book down so that the page remained open on his desk, and picked up the other loose-sheet drawing that you'd done of him - and placed them together.
"Me too," Daryl said.
And that was all you needed to hear.
Feedback is always welcomed; I love hearing what you all think - so feel free to comment, send in an ask, or just message me if you want to chat!
Also, here is my buy me a coffee! If you enjoy my writing, tips are always appreciated. Thank you for reading!
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A/N AHH. I just loved this 2 part story.
Tag List:
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rinnissance · 4 years
with you
pairing: Tartaglia (childe) x gn!reader
a/n: loosely based on good little girl (adventure time), let's just say that childe was in liyue during the lantern rite
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The lantern right festival is in full swing and everyone in Liyue Harbor is buzzing with excitement. You try your best to wear your best customer service smile but nighttime is just around the corner and you are exhausted.
You massage your shoulder to relieve it of its pain, you're seriously starting to regret coming into work today. (You'll never skip work anyway, you'll feel too bad for Chef Mao.) You love celebrating the lantern rite and being able to contribute to the festivities. However, the hard work that comes with it leaves your body aching and your mind wanting some rest.
As you pass by Mr. Zhongli's table you can't help but snicker at the sight of Childe struggling with chopsticks. You recall the past few weeks of the traveler (apparently they're from another world) and Mr. Zhongli trying to teach the poor man.
"Still can't use chopsticks huh?" you say smugly to him, he playfully rolls his eyes.
"Practice makes perfect!" he says with a proud grin on his face, "one day I'll be able to master the art of chopsticks and you'll be eating your words (l/n)(f/n)."
"Hopefully it'll be a filling meal then."
You acknowledge Childe's companions with a smile, "Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening."
"Paimon's definitely enjoying the night!" Paimon says with her mouth full.
"I can see that," you wave goodbye to the four, "back to work! Xiangling and Chef Mao can't do the work all alone."
"Archons! I am so tired," you groaned in your hands, "I'm too tired to look for a perfect spot."
Chef Mao gives you an apologetic smile, "Guess I overworked you this year again (Y/n), sorry about that."
"Don't worry Chef," you say reassuringly, you rub your hands together and put them between your thighs, "It is my job after all."
"Next year we need to hire someone new!" Xiangling says with enthusiasm, "well I'm off to meet Chongyun and Xinqiu now!"
"Bye Xiangling stay safe!" You call out to her, you slumped against the wall of Wanmin restaurant's kitchen, "I wish I could have fun too."
"Who said you can't have fun?"
You almost smack the man in front of you out of reflex, luckily he's fast and was able to block your incoming attack. "Woah, woah, chill."
You place your hands to your chest and huffed, "Don't surprise me like that!"
Childe rubs the pack of his head, "Eh~ it's not my fault you weren't paying attention, what if it was a strange person and not me?"
"You are a strange person."
Childe merely chuckles and grabs your hand, "Let's go (y/n)! Let's have some fun!"
You don't have the energy to decline his request so you went along with him. You visited different stalls together, helped him pick different souvenirs for his family back in Snexhnaya, played theatre mechanicus and walked around Liyue waiting for the main event.
"The first full moon of the year is almost out (y/n), let's go and look for the perfect spot to see the mingxiao lantern and the moon." Childe says but got no reply, he looks back to where you're supposed to be but sees you sitting in a bench.
"Can't we look at the Mingxiao lantern and the moon here? My feet hurts and I don't think I can go any further." You whine, Childe gives you a grin and crouches in front of you leaving you confused. "What-"
"But this isn't the perfect spot," Childe reasons with you, "c'mere i'll give you a piggy back ride if your that tired, though i'm pretty sure you just wanted an excuse to be carrie- ow!"
You smacked him in the head before he finished his sentence, "As long as you don't drop me then I guess its fine." You say before riding his back.
As Childe walks to "the perfect place" you bury your face in his back to hide the stupid grin on your face from the view of passerbys.
"Well here it is."
"Well i'm quite impressed." You nod in approval. "Now we should release our xiao lanterns."
You lean into Childe as you both fell into a comfortable silence. You watch the sea of lanterns with a soft smile on your face and in turn, Childe watches you in awe and curiosity. You turn your eyes away from the glowing lights and looked at Childe, your faces too close for comfort and your heart is beating faster than usual.
"You aren't so bad after all, Mr. Fatui."
Childe looks at you questioningly. "Not so bad? You're so wrong darling," he cups your face with his hand, "I'm a bad guy, I kill lots of people."
You can't breathe, now he really is too close you can even feel his heart beating as fast as yours.
"I know that," you look away for a moment, "but there must be a reason right?"
Childe frowns and touches your forehead with his own, "So you know that I'm bad but still spent the night with me? Didn't know my darling's attracted to danger, I guess I'll have to protect you now."
"Protect me then." You whisper and sealed the promise with a kiss.
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ripspaghet · 4 years
↳ series m.list | 00 | 01 | ongoing
→ pairing: jimin x reader
→ word count: 3,309
Prologue Summary; You and Jimin have been neighbors since you were four years old and hated each other ever since. It isn't until the two of you head off to college that fate, or rather, a certain baby with wings, decides its time to teach the two of you a lesson.
→ warnings/genre: bodyswap au, enemies to lovers, slight smut, eventual smut, slow burn
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It's not always in the dead of the night, or the middle of a downpour, that the people we love decide to leave us.
A splash of yellow paints across the canvas of a blue sky, wings fluttering against a cool breeze. Curious little things - butterflies that is - the way they flutter about and land on anything colored brightly, your windowsill for example.
The people we love often leave during ordinary days, just like this one.
Holding your breath you inch the tip of your index finger towards it. Of course, you know butterflies aren't meant to be touched. Though, what four year old is going to pass up something as pretty as this? As you itch closer it startles, but not from you. An abrupt slam of a door shakes your walls and you turn a cheek to the retreating insect. You stare at your bedroom door. Pushing yourself off the windowsill, you make your way over, feet brushing against the carpet floor, and out the door.
"How could you!" Another slam ricochets through the house and you flinch back, nearly retreating to your room, "How dare you!"
After that moment in life, you were no longer the type of person to let serendipity rule you - so, it's only natural that you ignore it when it falls into your lap - turn and walk away as if it'd never been there, to begin with.
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A week before the Switch
It hadn't been long since the sun peeked out from the horizon, but the warm body next to you is what stirs you awake, limbs stretching and contorting. Going against your better judgment you let a heavy lid peek open, only to snap it shut again. 
"I saw that." An arm snakes around your shoulder and pulls you into a toned chest, his sun-kissed skin warm against yours.
"Then you should apologize for waking me up." You try wiggling out of his hold, but he follows you, nose nudging the crook of your neck while his slender fingers press into your hip bone. 
You sit up, "Let go," Pushing the blankets from your sweaty skin you realize you wouldn't be getting any more sleep with him beside you - the literal sun himself. 
His sleepy gaze follows you as you move towards your dresser drawers, "Come back. I'm sorry for waking you."
It takes only one glance to determine his motives, almond-shaped eyes flickering up and down your bare skin. He lays on his side, an elbow propping up his head, fingers combing through dark messy hair. You can't help but let your gaze wander down over the thin cotton sheets draped across his lower half. A smile ticks up the edge of your lips. More often than not, this guy has a way of forcing you to convey urges you push down. It's one of his many endearing qualities that annoy the living hell out of you.
"Come here."
Rolling your eyes you push your drawer shut again and make your way back to the bed. As soon as you slide back into his reach his hands are on you, tugging you to his lap as he rolls over. He looks up at you - eyes lowering to your exposed chest then waist, where his hands begin to wander up. When he reaches the swell of your breasts his fingertips graze along the supple skin, eliciting a sharp intake of air from you, "Say it."
Your eyes flutter open, annoyance coming full force, "That's a little cliché, don't you th-" His thumb and forefingers clamp down on your nipples and a submissive whine falls from your lips. 
"I said, " He hisses, lips pressing against your sternum, "say it."
You let out a sigh, "Hoseok, "
A satisfied smile lights up his face and he releases you, letting his hands fall to your thighs, "Good girl,"
You snort, trying to distract from your flushed cheeks, "What are you getting at?" You nudge the fingers that caress you, "Don't tell me you want more this early in the-"
"I do," He leans in, speaking between slow and teasing kisses that he places along your neck, "but," He sighs, "I do need to ask you something first."
"Ask me what?" You pull away.
"Ah, " He groans, "won't you let me soften you up first?" Hoseok has always been like this, avoidant of serious topics and more than active during the sexual or unimportant ones.
His eyes shift away from yours, finding your pastel sheets more interesting, "I don't want to ruin this."
"Oh, yeah?" You begin to pull away from him again, only his grip on you tightens.
"Alright," He hums, snaking his arms around your waist, "will you be mine then?"
You freeze against him, staring with wide, unmoving eyes, "Excuse me?" 
"I know, but I care about you. I even-"
"No." You shove his arms off to crawl out of the bed.
"You don't have to say it back. We can just-"
"No, we can't just. We had a deal. You were supposed to tell me if you ever developed feelings. I'm not the slightest bit interested in a relationship, or you for that matter."
He rolls his eyes as you put your clothes on, "I've always had feelings for you. I only said I didn't so I'd have a chance."
You freeze, turning to look back at him as he sits up, "Seriously?"
"I'm in love with you ____." He smiles as if he's just said the simplest thing in the world. Like it's easy for him to just give away everything he is to someone else - someone like you no less. A person who couldn't give a rat's ass for his so-called feelings.
You let out a dry laugh and turn towards the bathroom, "Love, huh?"
"Give me a chance to prove it and I'll have you falling for me in a week."
"I have no interest in love, Hoseok."
Hoseok clicks his tongue, "So cold, you won't even budge an inch?"
"What is it with men and not knowing what the word no means?" You pick up your toothbrush only to feel hands smooth over your hips and enclose you in a pair of strong arms. Where your skin meets him, a flame blooms, though you choose to ignore it to instead squeeze toothpaste onto your brush.
"Say you'll think about it."
You turn around to face him, your chest touching his, "If I say that, will you get out?"
He nods with satisfaction.
You place your toothbrush in your mouth and push him away from you, "I'll think about it."
"Good, " He smiles, "I'll be going overseas to visit my sister this weekend. By the time I get back, you'll have decided. Right?" 
"Sure," You feign interest and begin brushing your teeth.
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"'Think about it', as if." You scoff, "I've told him a thousand times over that I'm not interested. After this, we're done. I've already blocked him."
"I mean, I can't blame the guy. You've been going at it for over a year now."
"Jin," You grab the finger his pointing at you accusingly, "he knows next to nothing about me."
He hums, taking his hand back, and passing you a paper bag that's filled with your favorite breakfast pastry, "I just saying, maybe you should give him an actual chance this time."
"Why?" You raise an eyebrow as you take the bag from him, "So he can prove me right?"
"You haven't been in a real relationship since high school. You can't act like you know what it's gonna be like."
"How much different can relationships be now? They're nothing but trouble. I fail to see how that can change just because I'm older." You furrow your brow while picking at your food.
"Relationships aren't trouble, they're work. You're just too lazy and cold hearted to see that."
You groan and take a drink from your coffee, "Whatever, as if you'd understand. You fall in love with everything with a pulse."
He nods at you, unashamed, "Love is the seasoning of life - to live without it is to be dead."
"You're so melodramatic."
"Alright, change of subject. I've been hearing whispers from people." Jin smiles brightly at you.
"Oh? And what's that? More gossip?"
"Gossip?" He scoffs, "I'll have you know that this is top-quality news I'm gathering day to day and I ought to be running an article for this school."
"Tch, " You take a bite out of your breakfast, willing yourself to ignore your elder.
"Anyway," He huffs dramatically, "as I was saying, this Valentine's Day there's going to be a big party at the Jjang house-"
"There's always a big party at Jjang."
He narrows his eyes at you, "If you'd let me finish I was going to say, they're making it so that everyone who shows up has to wear red and a mask, or you're not allowed in."
You swallow your food and cough, nearly choking, "Huh?"
"Yup, they finally got sick of all the hate the art department dishes out on them."
"Can you blame us?" The booth cushion dips beside you and you turn to see another one of your friends now leaning over you to steal a piece of your breakfast, "My grandmother could throw a better party than those guys and she's dead."
Jin chokes on his drink, "Jungkook! Your poor grandmother!"
You snort, "Hey, Kookie."
Jungkook gives you a goofy smile as he chews before turning back to Jin, "My grandma is alive and well, Hyung. It's only a metaphor."
"A metaphor?" Jin sputters, "Do you even know what a metaphor is?"
Jungkook shrugs and smiles when you pass him a bag of donut-holes, "Not exactly."
"I think what he said can be implied as a metaphor."
Jin's eyes cut over to you, "Yeah, well, you're as much of an idiot as he is, if not more so." A sack of donuts slaps against your chest and you catch it before it falls into your lap, "You two need to go before you're late to that practice again."
"Alright, but before that how'd it go with that girl Yuna?"
Jin's eyes snap back in your direction as he sucks in a sharp breath of air, only to choke on the egg sandwich he'd been chewing. Coughing profusely, he lets out a croak, "What the hell?"
You bite your lip to keep from laughing, watching as your friend wipes the egg off his face, which is more than you can say for Jungkook. He's cackling so hard that people in the cafe are starting to turn their heads.
"Honestly, I bought you both breakfast and now you're harassing me in public," Jin grumbles under his breath.
After a bit more "harassment" you and Jungkook leave Jin to head to your practice. As strange as it is for an art major you've had an obsession with sports since you could remember. So, you joined one of the few sports teams available at your university your freshman year. You also convinced Jungkook to join alongside you. Convincing him wasn't that difficult either, seeing as both of you are extremely competitive. All it took was a bit of taunting.
"Early as always you two." A hand pats your shoulder and you laugh nervously.
"Sorry, Irene."
"Whatever," She drops her sarcastic tone, replacing it with a cheerful laugh, "just hurry up and get changed. I swear you do on purpose."
You turn to look at her,"Do what?"
She glances at Jungkook, who's already left you behind to get changed, "Oh, nothing." She pats your shoulder again with what you might call a forced smile, "I wouldn't want things to be awkward."
You raise a brow as Irene leaves you be to start warm-ups, "Okay?"
Irene is the team captain and a good friend of yours. It's hard not to be her friend when she's so easy to get along with, although you've shared a few weird moments with her that suggests something to do with Jungkook. You've suspected for a while now that she may have a crush on your best friend, but being unsure you refuse to help her or get involved in any way. Jungkook hates when you meddle with his love life, which you learned from experience when you tried to set him up with a girl in your anatomy class. Long story short, Kookie was forced to turn that girl down and was upset with you for a week about it. Ever since you've refused to help any of the girls that have approached you to get to him.
Once in the dressing room, you quickly change clothes and lace up your shoes after tying your hair up.
Love just isn't something you should involve yourself with. Whether it's for yourself or your friends. Who knows, maybe bad luck with love runs in the family.
You leave the dressing room and approach where Jungkook waits for you on the court, "Warm ups?"
"Yeah," He nods, "Irene wants us to catch up with the others. So, she's probably going to give us more to do once everyone is finished. Let's get this done as fast as possible."
"Alright, full speed ahead." You playfully bounce on your toes a few times before making your way to the other side of the net across from Jungkook as he tosses the volleyball from hand to hand, "Show me what you got, virgin."
He laughs, "I think you have the wrong idea about me."
"Then you shouldn't have a problem proving it, right?"
"Just ask your sister."
"I don't have a-"
"Wait nine months."
With that Jungkook tosses the ball up and jumps for it, landing a harsh slap on it that sends it hurtling through the air toward you - only, you're caught off guard when someone suddenly shouts at you and your head whips around. The ball slams into your chest, knocking the wind out of you with a dramatic 'oof'. And stood there, at the entrance of the gym, is a group of dance majors that you can't stop yourself from scowling at. Especially, when you notice him silently avoiding your eyes at the center of the group.
The one on his left laughs, having seen you land firmly on your ass, "Did you both see that?"
"Glad we came in late today. We could've missed it, right, Jimin?" The other nudges him.
He hums in response but doesn't look in your direction, just continues toward the dance studio.
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Sixteen Years Before the Switch
"She's pretty isn't she, Jimin?"
The boy shifts his gaze before hiding behind his mother's leg.
"Why don't you go play? I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere."
"Can I?"
She nods with an encouraging smile, "She won't bite."
Jimin was only five at the time, you four and typically, when two children are neighbors they become friends, sometimes best friends for that matter, but that just wasn't the case with you and Jimin.
"Hi, I'm Jimin. Me, my mommy, and daddy live next door."
You didn't respond, just continued playing with your blue toy truck, quietly ignoring the boy next to you.
"I like the color of your truck."
You glanced over your shoulder at him, only to quickly look away again when you met his eyes. His presence was making you nervous, you only wanted him to go away. But, he didn't take your rushed gaze as a sign to give up and go away, if anything it only made him think to try harder and that's when he reached for your hand, "Let be friends-"
"Leave me alone!"
Sure, you didn't necessarily bite him, as his mother had suggested, but you sure as hell pushed him away and ran. Admittedly, it wasn't Jimin's fault. Moving to Busan had been the beginning of the end for you. Your Mom hoped that maybe Jimin and you would hit it off. After so much change in your lives, she wanted at least you to be happy, even if she wasn't. Though, the similar interest in sports and sweets made no difference. The bickering never ended between Jimin and you. Coaches were forced to put one of you on the bench, while the other played, or someone was getting hurt. If your families ever had dinner together, you fought over dessert.
"You'll only get hurt."
"Me being a girl makes no difference in my abilities to plow you into the ground, Jimin!" You throw the soccer ball at his face, landing a satisfying thwack.
You think Jimin grew to hate you for it. Not that it mattered at the time, since you disliked him first.
"But that's the last piece, Momma."
"Jimin is our guest ____. Don't be rude."
"No buts."
You glared at Jimin across the table, wishing your legs were long enough to kick him from where you sat.
The older you got, the worse it became.
"What did you say?"
Your teammate scowls back at you, "I said, you're a girl and outta act like one."
"And who are you to say what a girl outta act like?" You shove him into the lockers just behind him and he yelps in surprise.
You pause, head-turning to the left where the entrance to the hallway is.
"Don't you think you're being a bit reckless?"
Stepping back from your teammate, you sigh, "Great, just what I need."
Jimin has always been the popular type, loved by everyone for acting like someone he isn't. That's probably what annoyed you the most about him when you got older, he was never himself. He always lied about what he thought or how he felt to please others while acting completely different when no one else was around.
"Leave him alone and go to class, ____."
"Or what?" You laugh dryly, "You're talking as if I'm bullying this guy when he's the one who-"
"Didn't you hear me? Are you deaf?"
Your glare sharpens, "Oh, I heard you, Park."
Long story short, that was the first time you'd ever been suspended. Your mother was pissed, to say the least, and you quit the soccer team that year.
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A week before the Switch
Jimin eyes you from the entrance of the gym, expressionless as his friends cut up on either side of him. You can't help the scowl that contorts your face, nor the tension that builds up in your shoulders. It's been a few months since you've seen him on campus and you'd almost forgotten about him, until now.
"You alright?"
You take Jungkook's hand and stand back up, "Fine." You dust off your bottom with a sigh. Another thing, none of your friends know about Jimin. Seeing as he is someone you wish you never knew, it makes sense that you avoid even the subject of him like the pledge.
"Let's start over, you hit this time." Jungkook passes you the ball then turns to head back under the net.
With a solid nod, you force yourself to relax, putting all your tension into your fingertips that now grip the ball.
Jimin just so happens to also have a love for the arts, which has lead to the two of you attending the same university - him being a dance major and you, art. Luckily, you rarely see each other since dance majors normally reside on the opposite side of campus. On the off chance, you do see him it's always because of volleyball practice or one of his friends, who just so happens to be an art major.
"____, earth to ____?"
"Sorry," You toss the ball up and slam your hand against it, sending it through the air and over the net.
"Nice," Jungkook bumps the ball back to you. You run for it, the feeling of eyes following you.
You have a sinking feeling that something super annoying is in the works.
To be tagged send an ask🏹💌
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englishknightsky · 3 years
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I posted 8,386 times in 2021
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I added 197 tags in 2021
#south park - 56 posts
#asks - 25 posts
#my art - 21 posts
#tweek tweak - 21 posts
#sp creek - 20 posts
#craig tucker - 17 posts
#kenny mccormick - 10 posts
#pip pirrup - 9 posts
#selfie - 9 posts
#eric cartman - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i blocked gaud bc their posts were just so unfunny. not even in an offensive way. just so ridiculously lame that i couldn't stand it anymore
My Top Posts in 2021
r2 to 3po after the memory wipe in the prequel trilogy
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142 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 03:59:57 GMT
5 year old Craig in a home movie meeting newborn Tricia: Why can't I be an only child again?
10 year old Craig watching the video : Good point, why can't I be an only child again?
Stan: I was at the park and a dog came up to me and put his head on my knee. I was really excited until his owner told me he was a support dog who could sense depression.
Clyde: If I was sick could I do THIS?
Token:... Are you gonna do something?
Clyde: Am I not doing cartwheels?
Token: No, no you are not.
Craig: I started dating a cheerleader.
Clyde:... What.
Craig: They're all practising in the gym right now. Wanna see them?
The gang follow him to the gym.
Tweek in a cheerleader uniform: Hi babe!
Craig: Told you I was dating a cheerleader.
Clyde: I almost had a heart attack.
Token: I hate you, Craig.
Wendy: Gregory, I'm in love with you!
Gregory: Oh Wendy, I'm so sorry to tell you that I'm a flaming homosexual.
Christophe: Gregory, you beetch! Get your big ass over 'ere so I can slap it!
Gregory: Coming!
Stan: Wow, you didn't know they were gay, Wendy?
Nurse: Now I'm gonna take some blood for a sample.
Tweek: Okay.
Tweek: Yeah it's always coffee at first but there's some blood in there somewhere.
Liane: Don't worry so much, Sharon. All kids get nicknames at school. Eric's is 'One inch wonder', whatever that means.
Token: Next bachelor is Kenny McCormick! Kenny has no job, no education, and a credit score of negative sixteen!
Kenny: This is cool, I hardly ever take the bus to school.
Stan: You hardly ever GO to school, dillhole!
Kenny: Oh yeah, I think you might be right.
Kenny: I took a job at the doctor's office because they give me a discount and I am packed with diseases.
Cartman's mic suddenly cuts out as he's screaming.
Craig: I can't tell if he rage quit or ate his mic.
Stan: I'm a triple threat: I eat like shit, I feel like shit, and I look like shit.
Tweek: Dad, why do you tell me so many pointless stories?
Richard: I like stories.
Garrison walking around the room lightly patting every student's head: You're overly emotional, you're gonna grow up real ugly, you have severe daddy issues...
Craig: Hey babe, can I use the latte art printer?
Tweek: Okay, but only if you don't print that meme aga-
Craig: Haha, nice cock!
Craig: Dad! Stripe just had babies!
Thomas: Dammit, Craig, I thought you being gay meant I didn't have to worry about any accidental pregnancies!
Kyle: Ike's insults are lame, he's called me a butthead four times already.
Sheila: Kyle, he's four. What do you expect?
Kyle: I just wish he was a little more dynamic!
152 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 01:26:47 GMT
Gerald: Your mother and I haven't been getting along recently.
Kyle: Uh, what's up?
Gerald: Sexual stuff.
Ike: Oh my god!
Kyle: Dad!
Craig: I worked out that Tweek and I have been together for 61,320 hours.
Tweek: Aw, that's sweet.
Craig: But we've only been intimate for-
Tweek: Please don't work that one out.
Security Guard: Excuse me, sir. Is this overweight man bothering you?
Cartman: Ey!
Kyle: Yeah, but he's my husband. I signed up for this.
Principal Victoria: For this performance we have Tweek Tweak on piano, Token Black on bass, and with a flute up his nose... Kenny McCormick.
Thomas: Is it an ape?
Craig: What?
Thomas: Your tattoo. Is it an ape?
Craig: Why would I get a tattoo of an ape?
Thomas: To remind you of where you came from.
Tweek: Not a bad reason, actually.
Sheila: Your dad sneezed all over a baby today!
Kyle: That's nice. Good morning to you, too.
Butters: Pip was religious, right? He'd want a nice, wholesome, Catholic funeral.
Tweek: It says in his will he wants a Satanic funeral.
Craig: There's something really important I want to ask you... hang on, let me find the card.
Tweek: What card?
Craig: I wrote down everything I wanted to say so I wouldn't forget it.
Tweek: Is this the card?
Craig: What does it say?
Tweek: "Tweek, from the moment I met you I never wanted to be with anyone else. I have nothing to offer except all of my love. Will you marry me?" Oh my god, Craig!
Craig: That's the card. Give it here.
Stan: My mom's fucking nuts. I think she went off her post partum meds.
Kyle: You're seventeen, she still takes them?
Stan: Yeah, that's how long she's been depressed about me.
Craig: Tweek's dad caught us fucking and smashed the bedside lamp over my head.
Cartman: Hello?
Craig: Is your refrigerator running?
Cartman: Uh... yeah. Why?
Craig & Tweek: You're gay!
Craig: Your family is shit. You should get a new one.
Tweek: Trust me, I would if I could.
Craig: You can, we can start a family.
Stan: Have you ever had the dream where you die and go to Heaven?
Cartman: Yeah, but I always go the other way.
Clyde: Hey Craig, still mad you got your license revoked?
Craig: Yep.
Token: Wanna come with us to the zoo?
Craig: Nah, Tweek drives like an old lady.
Tweek: At least I have a license.
Stan: Small creatures are way more vicious 'cause there's less room to contain their anger.
Cartman: That is such bullshit. Give me one good example.
Kyle: Wasps.
Kenny: Spiders.
Butters: Terriers.
Craig: Tweek.
Kenny: I've fallen asleep not doing it and woken up doing it!
Stan: That's why they won't put him to sleep at the dentist anymore.
Bebe: You're coming to my house tonight, and we're gonna 'study'.
Clyde: But me and the guys were gonna go out!
Bebe: My parents won't be home so they won't bother us while we're... 'studying'.
Clyde: Ugh fine. But I'll complain all the time!
Craig: God you're dumb.
Clyde: Guess that's why I have to study!
Stan: Here Sparky, come get the cheese slice!
Kenny: Ooh cheese!
Stan: Kenny no! There's a worm pill in that!
Stan: Hey Heidi.
Heidi: Hey, aren't you the guy who threw up in my tuba last music lesson?
Stan: Actually I believe it's the school's tuba.
Cartman: I'm still mad at that buffet for kicking me out last time!
Kyle: It was for your own good, you were having heart palpitations!
Cartman: But I didn't eat all I could eat!
Tweek: Just requested next Saturday off and got denied. My boss is my father and next Saturday is my birthday.
Craig: Tweek, dating you is amazing. I haven't been this happy since... Huh, I guess I've never been happy before.
201 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 18:32:58 GMT
Random South Park Headcanons
- Kyle took Cartman to see Jojo Rabbit and Cartman started crying before Kyle.
- Craig names all of his guinea pigs Stripe because when he was younger he walked in on his mom cleaning out Stripe #1's cage and she had to very awkwardly explain 1. death in general 2. that she accidentally stood on Stripe and 3. that she was going to replace Stripe with an identical guinea pig and hope Craig wouldn't notice, Craig offered to call the new guinea pig Stripe anyway, so Laura wouldn't technically be lying to him
- Clyde kisses his homies goodnight and tells them he loves them. Sometimes he goes out of his way to assert his heterosexuality while also loving his homies, but the guys don't mind.
- Butters is the youngest in class and the rest of the class treat him like their little brother. Nobody can pick on him but them.
- Tweek was a teen pregnancy and sickly methbaby and feels a lot of shame about it, even though nobody but Craig knows. The Tweaks don't have any baby pictures of him to keep up the facade of a normal family. Craig tries his best to forget the 'Crack Baby Athletics Association' and feels really, really guilty.
- Timmy lets just about anyone sit in his lap and ride around with him, except for Cartman. Similarly, Jimmy will let his close friends play with his crutches as long as they're careful with them. He has spares, just in case Clyde accidentally flings one through a window, but he keeps that a secret.
- Damien and Pip spend a lot of time together at the cinema, even after Pip dies. They like to sit right at the back and eat popcorn they didn't pay for in seats they also didn't pay for.
- Kenny knows what the delicious flavour packet in beef jerky tastes like, but refuses to tell anyone.
- Cartman absolutely hates Neo-Nazis and Holocaust Deniers.
- Stan's really good at poetry and songwriting, sometimes his metaphors go over his friends' heads, but the Goth Kids always understand his intentions.
- For the kids' senior prank they decided to burn down the school, it was incredibly well planned out and executed, and nobody got hurt or arrested. People called it a freak accident and the kids pretended to be sad that their "actual" prank was destroyed in the fire. They also set off a number of smaller group pranks during the week up to the main event, like releasing three calves into the hallways labelled #1, #2, and #4.
- Mr. Mackey can pretend all he wants that the kids were nothing but trouble and he's glad they're gone, but he cries the hardest during their graduation.
- Damien's phone number is 666-6666-666, it rings at all hours of the day and it drives him crazy. He threatens most people who call him with curses, but never actually curses anyone because he's lazy.
- Damien can also be summoned by saying his name in a mirror three times, but thankfully nobody's figured that one out yet.
- Tweek has a reputation for being unreliable but he's the only person everyone trusts with carrying spare meds. He keeps a big medkit on hand at all times that's full of his friend's medications.
- Stan keeps sneaking stray animals into his bedroom. All cats go to Cartman and all mice and rats go to Kenny.
- Kenny has been officially banned from the weekly sex ed classes, he had to sign a contract to never go near the classroom or share his experiences again. Several people are in therapy after listening to his stories.
- Ike kept the Newfoundland he rode in Splatty Tomato, his name is Tiny and he only behaves for Ike.
- Craig, Clyde, Token, Jimmy and Tweek have completed all the Just Dance games as a team.
- Damien and Pip are the source of all ouija board activity in South Park. Other spirits and ghosts and angels and demons are around, it's just that Damien loves playing with the boards.
- Tweek's signed his name as Tweek Tucker multiple times. Craig hasn't mixed up his surname, but he has been caught doodling hearts with 'C + T' in them in the margins of his books.
- Scott and Jimmy are gym bros. Jimmy appreciates that Scott finds every joke he tells funny, even if he's already heard it.
- Big Gay Al and Mr. Slave run the yearly pride festival with the help of Craig, Tweek, and their highschool LGBT club.
- Stripe recognises his daddies by scent, Craig smells like cheetos and Tweek smells like coffee.
259 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 20:39:01 GMT
there's apparently a chinese bootleg comic of the original star wars that gets so many things both right and wrong, but also features a kiss between r2 and 3po, so now it's canon to me
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827 notes • Posted 2021-01-30 16:47:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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levinneheart · 4 years
Trouble Ahead
A collab w/ @old-me-is-gone
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➳ Description: This is a story between enemies; a middle school friend turned salty, a high school partner turned full debate sessions, and an unfortunate girl stuck in the middle… it seems there is going to be trouble ahead.
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➳ Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Feisty!F!Photographer!Reader x Akaashi Keiji
➳ Prompt: Frenemies, Enemies to Lovers, Love Triangle, Shy Confessions
➳ Word Count: 4,010
➳ Written by: @old-me-is-gone and co-edited by (banner also by): @levinneheart
➳ Disclaimer: Pictures used are not ours and are all credited to their owners. Haikyuu characters are owned by Haruichi Furudate.
Routes: Wit’s End || Partner in Crime
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Middle school is meant to be a time where kids can develop and find themselves. In [Y/N]’s case, middle school was the time she garnered a skill and adept talent for photography while also meeting her first friend after moving from Tokyo.
Standing by the counter where she was waiting for her recent photos to be developed while she picked at her nails. The darkroom had become a place of solace for her. Moving from Tokyo to the middle of nowhere, a place also known as Miyagi, hadn’t been easy and starting middle school without any friends was even harder. Since no one made an effort to at least try and befriend her within the first month, [Y/N] had decided that she didn’t need anyone else. So being in the darkroom seemed to be the only valid option for her.
When her mom asked her about her day, she would ramble on and on about the fake experiences she had at school. In her fake world, she was popular and had a lot of friends. In reality, she was just the weird loner girl who took photos of trashcans around the cafeteria. [Y/N] had the darkroom all to herself as she was the only member of the photography club. Although, sometimes other clubs would use her clubroom to store excess club materials and such.
Leaving her to have a single counter for her photos. To make it an actual working darkroom, she used a red tissue paper that she had attached to the hanging ceiling light with a rubber band and blacked out the windows with random cardboard from the kitchens. The other two walls that she didn’t use were reserved for the volleyball club to shove extra netting and brooms into.
She really should have printed out a single paper that wrote: ‘Please Knock, Photos in Developing Stage’, that’s at least what she learned from the hindsight when the door opened again for the nth time and she was greeted with a single sliver of light. [Y/N]’s eye went wide as she stopped picking at her nails. “Wait! Don’t-”
The door slide completely open and [Y/N] squinted at all the sudden light. When she realized what had happened, she rushed to the tins of developing liquid and tried to cover them with her hands so her photos wouldn’t be exposed to light.
“Damn it.” She groaned. She tugged at her hair as her photos went streaky and the coloring blended in together from the light. [Y/N] felt a pang of sadness hit her heart as she whipped around to chastise the person who opened the door.
Standing in the doorway was an oddly tall blond boy. His hair seemed to glow from all the light streaming in. After rubbing her eyes slightly, [Y/N] could make out the glasses on his face and recognized him from the volleyball club. Tsukishima Kei.
Always pleasant visitor. She thought sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“What the hell are you doing just hanging out in a darkroom?” Tsukishima walked in and inspected the shelves, looking for some equipment.
“Hey! Wait a minute! You should have knocked! Because of you, all my photos are ruined!” She exclaimed, huffing and stomping her foot as she brought Tsukishima’s attention to her by acting tough.
Tsukishima tilted his head before rolling his eyes and grabbing an air pump. Tossing it into the air before catching it again. “Because of me, your photos are ruined?” He scoffed at her, his tone was condescending and sarcastic.
[Y/N] stretched her hands out and gave a quick ‘duh’ in response. Tsukishima gave her a wicked smirk that begged to be punched off of his face. [Y/N] didn’t care if she was a lot shorter than him, she just wanted him to apologize for ruining her photos.
When Tsukishima started to walk towards the exit, [Y/N] ran to block the entrance while holding her hand out on either side of the frame and looking up at him as she sneered, “You need to apologize.” Tsukishima fake lunged at her, causing [Y/N] to flinch and bring her arms to her body while he grabbed hold of her shoulder and moved her away from the door with ease.
“I don’t apologize to entitled brats like you.”
“Entitled brat my ass,” She mumbled before chasing after him. “Get back here you tall excuse for a human!” When [Y/N] realized she wasn’t going to be able to stop him with force so she swallowed her pride and jumped on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and holding onto his neck with her arms.
“What the fu-” Tsukishima turned around, before trying to pry her off.
“Not until you apologize!” [Y/N] argued.
“I’m sorry. Now, get off of me!”
“It doesn’t sound sincere enough.”
Tsukishima thought back to all the times he had jumped on Akiteru’s back, and how his brother had managed to get him to hop off all on his own. So, remembering what Akiteru did, Tsukishima dropped the air pump and started pretending he was being chocked.
[Y/N] immediately hopped off and ran in front of Tsukishima and held onto his shoulders. “Holy hell. Are you alright?”
Tsukishima held back a smirk as he faked being upset. “No. You really hurt me.”
“What can I do to make it up to you. Hell, I'm really sorry. Like really sorry.” [Y/N] rubbed her elbow and shuffled her feet. [Y/N] rubbed her elbow and shuffled her feet in guilt.
“I’ll think of something.” Tsukishima would never admit it but in the short period of time that he had known the strange (h/c) haired girl, he wanted to be around her more. Nobody had ever had the courage, or sheer idiocy to even try and stand up to him before.
[Y/N] threw her hands up into the air and glared at Tsukishima. “Great, you asshole! Now, I feel indebted to you for some emotional reason.” She picked up the air pump and started walking down the steps towards the gym when Tsukishima called out to her.
“What are you doing?” He walked down to her with a few short strides in his step.
“Helping you. I can work off this icky guilt by helping you. Okay? Let's go.”
Months went by after that. Tsukishima and [Y/N] most definitely didn’t become friends. They just sat together at lunch and hung out at the park. [Y/N] went to all of Tsukishima’s volleyball games whilst Tsukishima went to all of [Y/N]’s art shows. So no, they weren’t friends. They were, merely, people who shared a common experience and decided to continue building upon that shared experience.
Then, news of [Y/N] moving back to Tokyo happened during their third year in middle school. Someone heard [Y/N] talking to her dad on the phone about it, and eventually it spread like wildfire. Some people were pretty upset, after having gotten to know [Y/N]. Other people just honestly didn’t care, but instead wanted in on the drama.
The drama was that apparently since Tsukishima still didn’t know that [Y/N] was moving. And the entire school wanted to see him explode when he finally found out. Which meant that hordes of people hovered around Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and [Y/N] as they went about their days.
“Do people just actively look for ways to piss me off.” Tsukishima grumbled as he took another spoonful of his chicken noodle soup. Tsukishima felt the eyes of the people hiding to the side of the wall right behind him.
“Tsukki, I honestly doubt it's that!” Yamaguchi comforted. [Y/N] was busy snapping photos of the trees far off while Tsukishima let his eyes and mind wander as he stared at her trying to find the right angle to take a picture. His Adam's apple bobbed when she stood up and stretched her back out. She knelt back down to take a photo but lost balance and fell on her butt, she laughed lightly at herself before getting back up. Tsukishima could feel his heart pound in his chest and his face heat up.
“Are you alright? You're looking a little red there Tsukki?�� Yamaguchi took a bite of the cookie his mom packed for him, talking with his mouth full.
“I'm fine. But, hey, why have so many people been like, extra nice to L/n? A whole bunch of guys from the volleyball club pitched in and bought her a polaroid camera.” Tsukishima wished that the group of underclassmen would have asked him to help pitch in to buy the yellow camera that she adores so much. She never left it alone, keeping it tucked away in its case amongst her school bag.
“Oh? [Y/N]’s moving to Tokyo. Remember?”
Tsukishima dropped his soup, the contents spilling all over the courtyard as he tightens his fists. “What?” He growls out while Yamaguchi slaps his hand over his mouth.
Mumbling his apologizes profusely, “[Y/N] said not to say anything, Tsukki please don’t hate [Y/N], she was just doing what she thought was best- “Tsukki, where are you going?” Tsukishima slams his hands against the table and pushes off, storming to where [Y/N] was standing.
“[Y/N]!” Tsukishima never yelled at her. So, she whips her head around to see a red-faced Tsukishima. [Y/N] thought she saw smoke coming out of his ears. “Were you going to tell me you were moving, or am I just an afterthought?” [Y/N] almost drops her camera from shock. She holds it tight to her chest, cradling it as she cowers away from the raging boy in front of her.
“I was gonna tell you.”
“No, you weren’t.” He spat. He gripped her forearm to pull her closer but when he did, [Y/N] dropped her yellow polaroid camera and it shattered, glass and parts of the camera flew around the concrete courtyard while her eyes glazed over with tears.
“You jerk! Don’t try talking to me, until you're ready to apologize for being such an asshole!” Tears fell from her eyes and spilling over her face before swinging her satchel over her shoulder as she marched to the school building. Tsukishima’s hands ran to his hair, pulling it tightly as he let out a short scream that sounded like a grunt. Yamaguchi walked into the school building and he knew, there wasn’t going to be a way to comfort Tsukishima’s mood when he got like this.
[Y/N] packed up and got ready to move. Putting all of her belongings into suitcases and duffle bags. When she was putting her pictures into her collection of shoeboxes, she glanced at the ones of her and Tsukishima. Her favorite picture was one she had originally given to Tsukishima for his birthday, but she liked it so much she had her mom scan it and print out another copy that [Y/N] laminated.
In the photo, [Y/N] had rubbed birthday cake all over Tsukishima’s face. Giving him a frosting mustache and his hair mixed in with chocolate cake. She pulled him in close, and Tsukishima rested his arm over his shoulders, he gave a side smile while rolling his eyes. Then she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, getting a photo of her giggling as Tsukishima turned to face her with a blushing face and cake all over him, his eyebrows shot up into his forehead.
Then [Y/N] remembered back at how he had grabbed her arm and made her drop her Polaroid camera. In a fury, she ripped up the photo, sliding down her bed and staring at the now empty wall that was once full of pictures of friends and family.
The next day, while saying goodbye to Yamaguchi, when her mom asked where Tsukishima was, [Y/N] simply said, “We aren’t talking at the moment.”
“Are you sure? I can always call his mom, and we can wait for him to come over so he can say goodbye?” Her mom waited outside the car, but [Y/N] got into the backseat and buckled her seatbelt, refusing to say more on the matter while Yamaguchi waved goodbye to her car that had begun driving off. He hoped that Tsukishima had gotten his text message. And he did, as of right now, he was begging his mom to drive him to [Y/N]’s house.
Tsukishima ran after her parents’ car, hopping out of his mom’s car and tried chasing after [Y/N]. Before realizing, she had already driven too far that his yells for her to come back fell to deaf ears. Tsukishima fell to the ground and stayed silent as he rubbed his thumb of the package of a yellow Polaroid camera that had a simple ‘I’m sorry’ written on a green sticky note.
When his chest began to heave, and his heart felt weighed down while watching her car got out of view. Because, for the first time, he longed for someone who was now gone. Someone who was really gone. And every day over the entire summer, he beat himself up more and more for not apologizing. Because not apologizing had meant that he lost the person he had grown closest to.
[Y/N] was used to going to new schools and moving around a lot in primary school, she had to adjust to all of the changes. But high school was a big jump. A bigger jump than any other jump she had ever taken. Luckily, Fukurodani had accepted her based on both her grades and her talent in photography, saying that such a talent must be nurtured with the right tutelage and proper education. Which [Y/N] thought was just a bunch of pretentious bullshit in order to try and use her grades on their average grade scale.
Needless to say, [Y/N] started her first day. Her dad had bought her a brand-new blue polaroid to make up for what had begun to be known around the L/n household as the ‘Tsukishima Incident’. Armed with a positive attitude and her blue camera, [Y/N] took the first step out of her house and into her high school career.
Trains move fast. And the train system was just so complex and so utterly beautiful. People rush around without a second thought. [Y/N] just had to capture that. Taking photos as she stepped onto the Fukurodani train though, probably wasn’t a good idea though. Because she bumped into someone and dropped her camera. When she heard the plastic crack she cringed and she turned around to face who she had run into.
A boy. A cute boy at that. One with dark blue eyes, with green floating around them. His black hair seemed to be slightly curly, or at the very least slightly wavy. [Y/N] opens her mouth slightly to try and say something but, no words come out as the boy stares to the side of her, not meeting her eyes. [Y/N]’s first thoughts were: wow okay, he’s hot and he’s intimidating.
Akaashi sighed before muttering, “Please pay attention, you could hurt someone.” He didn’t want to stare at her, so he opted for not meeting her eyes. Taking a mental note of her broken camera, and the way she didn’t wear the school skirt but chose to wear the pants instead. Not that he would admit that he was starting at her hips, or her legs for that matter.
“It's fine. Just don’t go bumping into people again okay?” Akaashi got off the train, the girl hopping off as well.
“Yeah of course.” [Y/N] paused, wondering if this could be the amplest time to make a friend at her new school, but when she looked back to him, he was gone.
Finally arriving to class, [Y/N] slipped into her new seat, and she bounced her leg up and down. Being in a mixed class with first and second years was going to be pretty exciting. She thought about all the people she could learn from and all the interesting things she would learn throughout the year. When the pretty boy walked in. [Y/N] stopped bouncing her leg in favor of just staying frozen.
Embarrassment flooded her senses. Akaashi sits down and makes conversation with the fellow second year next to him. [Y/N] slides down her seat and tries to cover her face with her long sleeve beige sweater. When the teacher walks in and brings the class to attention, [Y/N] clears her throat lightly and sits back up. Hoping that the boy doesn’t notice her sitting in the back row.
“For the rest of the year, I’m going to assign you partners.” Students immediately turn to look at each other and whisper about being partners. “Partners that I will personally assign.” Disgruntled cries erupt for a second before the teacher shoots a quick glare onto their pupils.
The teacher lists of names, and students shuffle around to sit next to each other. With every passing pair, [Y/N] feels her heart race.
“Akaashi Keiji and L/n [Y/N].” [Y/N] looks around for a moment, wondering about this ‘Akaashi’ guy before her throat goes dry. Sitting down next to her is the same guy she bumped into on the train. Akaashi recognizes [Y/N] from the train.
For the first week the two don’t talk. Merely passing homework between themselves to correct or when [Y/N] forgot a pencil that one time so Akaashi lent one of his to her. They were resigned to this emotional withdrawal from each other. Until they were assigned a project.
“I think it should be on the history of the modern developing process for film and such.” [Y/N] throws out. Tapping her pen against her notebook, accidentally causing ink spots to freckle across the page. Akaashi takes the pen away from her, in order to stop the incessant tapping sound that was beginning to distract him from coming up with an idea for the project.
“Well, the project should be something simple and straightforward. So, how about the history of volleyball? It can be traced back clearly through the Olympics and all of the data is already there.” Akaashi titles her page with VOLLEYBALL HISTORY. [Y/N] rolls her eyes before crossing it out and writing Camera Film Development History. Akaashi pulls out another piece of paper and titles it with the volleyball one. To which [Y/N] wrinkles her nose, before crossing it out and putting her idea down on the paper.
“Stop it.” Akaashi grumbles.
“Never.” [Y/N] writes her idea down and rushes up to the teacher. Akaashi shoots up and grabs her by the hand, pulling her into his chest.
Akaashi promised he would never use the trick Bokuto taught him, but considering the dire situation he was in, he decided that he had no choice. Leaning his head close to hers, [Y/N]’s eyes widened as she moved her head. “Let’s use my idea, Princess.”
[Y/N] fake a gag before slipping out of his grasp. “Ew, no. Never do that again.” When she tries to go to the teacher again, Akaashi groans before pulling her away again. “Let go of me!” She states, trying not to raise her voice.
“Never.” Akaashi mimics her tone from earlier. And [Y/N] turns her face into an image of disgust.
“I said to let go of me!” [Y/N] kicks Akaashi’s shin, making him yelp out in pain. The teacher, having been aware of their argument from the beginning, just sighs and sends them off to the principal’s office.
Akaashi isn’t angry, he’s just upset. But because of a wild and reckless first year, he is the one being punished. Even though [Y/N] is also going to the office, he feels like he’s the one being criticized. He wants to protest and say that she was the one who kicked him, and she was the one who refused to do a compromise with him.
[Y/N] bites down on her tongue as she sits outside the Principal’s office. It's only the second Monday of the year and she is already in trouble, so much for making a good impression on others.
Regardless, through the months that pass, Akaashi and [Y/N] still argue. They don’t physically fight; they just bicker incessantly. The seats in front of them and behind them were vacated once the students had realized their fighting wasn’t going to stop.
[Y/N] tried her best to fit in. But when she was informed that there wasn’t going to be a Photography club, she felt deflated. But when a pair of girls stood around the entrance of the school trying to hand out fliers, [Y/N] too the opportunity to say hi.
The girls, that [Y/N] was now informed of as Yukie and Kaori, asked her if she would be willing to be a manager for the volleyball team which [Y/N] happened to be familiar with, so she agreed. The two girls invited [Y/N] to start training as a manager during a training camp, to which [Y/N] happily agreed to as well.
The training camp had started off well enough. All the third years had started off introducing themselves and had politely begun to ask about [Y/N] and her likes as well as her dislikes. Akaashi spotted her before she spotted him. He groaned and pulled Bokuto aside. “You have got to be messing with me, right?” Akaashi ran a hand through his hair before toying with his hands.
“What do you mean Akaashi?” Bokuto folded his arms while he tilted his head to the side.
“She’s insufferable.” Akaashi stated, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I dunno, [L/n]-kun seems really nice.” Bokuto tapped his chin while shrugging.
“I had to go to the principal's office because of her, remember.” Akaashi leaves out the finer details of the reason why he went to the office though, figuring that Bokuto didn’t need to know all of the information.
Bokuto walks back towards [Y/N] before calling out Akaashi, “She might be different outside of school, you never know ‘Kaashi.”
Akaashi leans his back against the brick wall. Exhaling deeply and closing his eyes. He doesn’t even notice when [Y/N] walks up to him and inspects his jersey. When she taps his shoulder, Akaashi flinched a bit before sighing deeply to calm his nerves. He tries to walk away and [Y/N] immediately grabbed hold of his hand.
“I'm sorry it feels like I'm invading on your life. But the third years are all really nice to me.” [Y/N] holds her hands behind her back as she digs the tip of her shoe into the ground. “And I was wondering if we could actually have a civil conversation about our project. I'm willing to compromise now, if you are.” She looks at him with puppy dog eyes.
How can Akaashi have it in his heart to deny her? When her tone got ever so soft when she talked about the third years being kind to her? Akaashi doesn’t like the way his heart bubbles up at her actions.
Tsukishima drops his duffel bag, his arms going limp at the sight of her with a second year from Fukurodani and wearing its uniform. And he didn’t like the sight of her smiling since the last memories of her he had were of her with wet eyes and rage. Tsukishima rushes to pick up his bag. Yamaguchi, who had seen the whole scene unfurl, ran after Tsukishima.
Once Tsukishima had stopped, now hiding in the bus, Yamaguchi had finally caught up with his friend. Yamaguchi grew tired of the way he could dance around the topic of [Y/N]. She was their friend, the three of them grew up together. “Tsukishima. What are your feelings for [Y/N]? Tell me the truth.” Yamaguchi crossed his arms and Tsukishima looked up at him with a blank stare, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
[Y/N] only saw Tsukishima for a moment before he rushed away. She looked back to Akaashi, whose face was slightly red but he still had a blank look plastered on. She had a choice to make. Go after her broken friendship with a childhood friend, or stay with the new and intriguing project partner.
Either way, she knew that there would be trouble ahead.
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Routes: Wit’s End || Partner in Crime
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odyssey-system · 4 years
Enchanted: Part of Your World #1
"Can you do me a favor, sweetheart?"
Fiona Seville was on the phone with her father Dave as she sat on the couch in her apartment. Her frizzy hair was a slight mess as she adjusted her legs. "Y-Yeah, of course, Dad."
She could hear him sigh on the other end of the phone, along with a cough. "I was supposed to go to a benefit masquerade ball tomorrow night. The one that I go to every year."
"Right! The one for state arts programs?"
"That's right. Well... I can't make it this year. I ended up with bronchitis and your brothers have to take care of me at home."
Fiona frowned. "I'm sorry, Dad..."
"It's alright. I was just wondering, since you were closer, could you make the donation in my place at the ball?"
She bit her lip. She was not typically a person to deal with large crowds, but for the only parent in her life, she'd take a leap of faith. "O-Okay but if I make the donation for you, can you transfer me replacement money after?"
"Of course, sweetheart. You have my word."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After a few phone calls with her agent, Ethan Blake, Fiona was able to donate money, book a ride and acquire an outfit for the night. She'd spent the past few days looking around for pop culture tidbits she might have missed over the past week or so. She practiced talking to people in the mirror, and she arranged to get out an hour early from work that day.
So now, here she was, sitting in the front seat of a Dryve car in a stunning silver ballgown made by one of Ethan's friends, Addison Sinclair. The driver wasn't much for conversation, preferring to listen to the radio, but she didn't mind.
Eventually, the car pulled up to the designated drop-off point for the masquerade in front of the Sheridan Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, a line of paparazzi along the velvet roped red carpet. Fiona put on her mask and took a deep breath.
Fiona made her way out into the stream of flashing lights, walking toward the start of the red carpet. She only recognized one face in the line of paparazzi: Ana de Luca of Trend Magazine, one of her favorites. She put on her sweetest smile as she heard murmurs about how no one knew who she was, and she prepared for the barrage of questions with a nervous glimmer in her eyes.
Surprisingly, none of them approached her but she was asked to pose for pictures, to which she obliged.
What mattered more to her was getting inside after speaking to both of the hotel's front door bouncers and the bellhop, who helped her find the ballroom in which most of the event was held.
The ballroom was massive, much more extravagant and intimidating than Fiona could have ever imagined. It felt like she was walking around in a fish tank full of people.
It terrified her.
"This place is pretty cool, isn't it?" A young man in his early twenties asked her confidently. "Definitely better than my prom."
Fiona smiled, the conversation alleviating some of her nerves. "Yeah, it's beautiful in here."
"Is this your first time going to this?"
The man gave an understanding smile. "Me too. I'm Chadley."
"I'm Fiona." She fixed her hair and her mask, shifting her remaining nerves into movement.
Chadley smiled. "Do you want to go get something to drink?"
Fiona nodded back at him. "I'd like that."
The two made their way over to a table with refreshments, Chadley immediately going over to the flutes of champagne. "Bubbly?"
"No thanks." She tried looking for other drinks but only ended up finding water on the table. She grabbed a glass and a reusable straw kit, following Chadley.
"How'd you get an invite to this party? Did you have to pass some initiation or something?"
Fiona laughed. "No. Why, did you?"
"Yeah, kind of! Mr. Groot said that I needed to start sharing my brain cells with my kind and jump into a canyon with no braces for my teeth." He said it with nonchalance, making Fiona recoil a little. His eyes widened. "No no, it's okay! My agent Ethan told me that it was his way of saying I needed to venture out of my comfort zone or something.
She sighed in relief. "This Groot guy might need to find a better way to come across with what he's saying correctly... But at least you have Ethan. He's my agent too."
"Oh sweet! He always has the best suits."
Fiona could think of a few other outstanding qualities about Ethan that would rank higher, but she did have to give Chadley that. "What do you do?"
"I'm a film actor. What about you?"
"Oh! Um..." Fiona's cheeks tinged pink slightly. "I'm a barista but I do have this character acting gig. I do birthday parties and stuff."
"That's cool! Do you like it?"
"Yeah! It's fun to make characters on your own that you can help people with, you know?"
"Hell yeah! So are you working during this party then?"
She shook her head. "No, my dad's a composer. He comes here every year, but he got sick and couldn't make it this time. He wanted me to make a donation this year for him, and I'd do anything for my dad."
"I get you. I'm gonna go talk to more people but-" He took a napkin and wrote down a set of digits. "Here's my cell phone number if you need something. I've gone to some stuff like this, I can help you."
Fiona smiled warmly. "You're so sweet, Chadley! I appreciate this, thank you."
"No worries, Fiona! Hope I see you around." He went off into another portion of the ballroom.
Afte watching him go and making sure he was alright, Fiona went to go sit next to the stage. It was sparsely used at the moment, a few musicians tuning and doing mic checks. She took a few minutes to browse her Pictagram feed idly, pausing on a post by the Wilshere siblings when she noticed something familiar about the backdrop.
"Excuse me." A tall male with shoulder-length hair and a beard said as he approached, gentle and calm with his security badge visible on his belt. "I need you to not block the stairs, ma'am."
Fiona blushed and glanced at the stairs. "Sorry, sir..."
"It's okay. Some of the acts are just ready to sound check."
"Right, of course." She followed him out of the way before spotting a pair of blondes approaching the stage: the Wilshere twins.
Fiona was in awe.
The male of the pair nodded to the security guard. "Thank you, Damien." He turned to Fiona. "Sorry for making you find a new wallflower spot. We just don't want anyone to get hurt, especially a charming young thing like you."
"Arthur! Don't tease the poor girl!" His sister strode over and gave a wide, warm smile. "Sorry about him." She took Fiona's hands. "You seem overwhelmed, love. Are you alright?"
Starstruck but true to Avery's observation, Fiona bit her lip. "I'm not used to navigating parties like this."
"I understand. These things can make a girl feel so small in a world so big, especially for your first time at one of these parties." She squeezes her hands. "There's a few different rooms next to the ballroom being rented out for the ball as well. Those might help you find a smaller group of people around here."
"Avery? Your turn for sound check," her brother called out.
The blonde sighed. "I have to go. But you've got this. I believe in you."
Fiona watched Avery go onto the stage, still anxious but more hopeful than before. She gave both her and Arthur a wave before walking around the ball a bit more.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After half an hour of roaming all of the other rooms, Fiona found herself in one that resembled a casino. It was a bit smaller than the other rooms, which helped her anxiety, but it felt very much like a boys' club in there with the amount of older men. Several men stared at her as she walked in, appraising her like jewelry. Or worse. She did her best to not give them any ideas or pay them any mind.
Unsatisfied playing games with any of the older men, she made her way over to the bar that was for the most part unoccupied. She sat on the other end of the bar, ordering a coffee instead of alcohol because of her need to have a clear head to survive the night.
When her coffee arrived, the waitress also placed a notebook in front of her, a pen tied to the spiral. She opened it cautiously, seeing neat handwriting on the first page.
Are you alright?
Fiona looked up from her spot and noticed the only other patron at the bar: a younger male but still considerably older than her, nursing a glass of scotch in his hand. His eyes met hers, and he smiled genuinely back at her. She pointed to him and then down at the notebook. He nodded in response. She quickly wrote a response after grabbing a pen from her purse:
Yeah. My first time at one of these events. It's a little scary.
She slid the notebook over to him so the waitress didn't have to do it. She watched him write, moving his hand in a gentle and elegant fashion, before he slid it back to her.
I understand. I didn't want to scare you and add to that. Do you want to sit with me?
Fiona took a moment to collect her thoughts before sliding her purse onto her shoulder. She collected the notebook and her coffee, walking over to sit next to him. "Sorry. I-I just figured if my answer was yes, I didn't want to be redundant.
He nodded in reply. "That's alright. I'm Thomas, by the way."
She smiled. "I'm Fiona."
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
Thomas crossed his legs, right over left. "So what got you to come out here tonight, Fiona?"
"I-I came for my dad. He normally comes down here but he's sick this year."
"What's your last name?"
The name seemed to click in Thomas's head. "Ah yes, I believe I'm somewhat familiar. Dave's his name, right?"
"I remember him. We've met in passing before, I believe. The most I know is that he's a composer. Are you in the music industry as well?"
I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break, it's in a million pieces
Fiona shook her head. "Not exactly. I'm a barista most days, but I also do children's birthdays and other stuff like that as a costume actor. Sometimes it involves singing, but it's not the bread and butter of what I do."
Thomas smiled. "Impressive. You definitely achieve the Disney princess aesthetic tonight."
She blushed. "Thank you. You look nice too."
Hush, when no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tip-toes Spinnin' in my highest heels, love Shinin' just for you
The two could hear the bartender turn on the television, and a picture of Thomas without a mask on flashed across the screen as part of a television tabloid, along with his full name.
Mortified, Thomas partly covered his face with his hand.
Fiona looked at him sympathetically, reaching for his empty hand. "Is everything okay?"
Hush, I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tip-toes Spinnin' in my highest heels, love Shinin' just for you
"I... I have a problem with fangirls sometimes." He held her hand gently. "I'm sorry."
She shook her head. "D-Don't be." She looked around. "In all fairness, half of the people here look like you because of the masks and everything."
He uncovered his face. "You're not even a little starstruck at me?"
Fiona smiled and shook her head again. "I-I mean, I *do* know who you are now. But... I mostly look at Trend and music industry magazines, so I don't get your exposure a lot."
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I can change everything About me to fit in
Thomas took another sip of his scotch, contemplating her words. "Well... What is your impression of me, then?"
You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten
She looked at him thoughtfully. "I-I think you seem like a hard worker. You have ambitions that aren't always in the realm of reality, but you try. And you make every effort to keep your private life and your work separate. You think art is a second life in and of itself."
Thomas sat silent for a moment, stunned. "And how did you manage to decipher all of that?"
Fiona's smile hinted at a hidden laughter. "You don't seem like you've sold your soul to any towel rack of a tabloid, Mr. Hunt."
He knew the game she was playing now. She seemed to warm up to him quickly, something that could hurt them both if they weren't careful.
But the angle she was going for now? Two could play at that game.
Hush, when no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tip-toes Spinnin' in my highest heels, love Shinin' just for you
"You'd think correctly, Ms. Seville," he said with a regal and teasing side-smirk. "However, seems it's my turn to pick your brain."
Fiona flushed, almost retreating from the teasing as her fingers on one hand started playing with the edges of her frizzy hair. "G-Go ahead."
Thomas was gentle as he shifted on the barstool, taking a full look at her. "You are definitely in touch with your inner child in a way I don't see often around here. Not necessarily the innocence, but you tap into that with your curiosity, your sincerity, your kindness."
Fiona shied away slightly at the very accurate read of her.
He let her have a moment to recover before continuing to speak. "I would love to have more time to figure you out fully, to get to know you, person to person... if you'll have me."
Hush, I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tip-toes Spinnin' in my highest heels, love Shinin' just for you
She looked up at him with soft silver-blue eyes, searching herself for the answer as she contemplated his request. "O-Okay. Can some of that time be without a crowd...?"
He smiled. "I know just the place." He took her by the hand and led her out to an open balcony, pulling her into a slow dance as the door closed after them when they got outside. He led her, one arm around her waist and the other holding her head protectively to his chest.
And they called off the circus Burn the disco down When they sent home the horses And the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me
She pulled away from the close embrace, moving to hold his hands again. "I-I..."
Thomas smiled, a patient ease to his posture. "Yes, Fiona?"
"Can we have... more than just tonight to know each other?"
He held her cheek. "I would love nothing more."
And I'm still a believer, but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me
In an instant, her lips tilted to reach his.
And nothing else that night mattered for a weightless, ethereal, eternal moment.
Because I'm a mirrorball I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
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ikemensengokufandom · 4 years
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I have no intention to reblog her post on tumblr but you guys can see how self-entitled this woman is.
Firstly, the way you phrased "I have my rights to voice out my opinions as a whaler." You DID NOT indicated that "how unnatural it looks" or "angle seems odd" from the beginning.
FYI, you're the one who started this comment thread?
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^ Need a reminder? Here you go 🙂
Secondly, you said you spent money on the game, but not to be passed off with such manner with the art. Excuse me, did you even know what's the baseline and how does it actually works within the industry? Your first respond was "They photoshopped it" instead of what you explained about the unnatural pose etc.
Firstly, not just PAPER but in EVERY aspect of the gaming industry, reuse of material is somehow the norm. One way is to save cost, time just so that the developers are able to quickly produce the product.
No, I'm not siding the developer on this. But do note that they are a company themselves and it's their job to milk consumers' money, and they're not the only company that are doing that. And to justify the pricing based just on artwork just shows how plain ignorant you are because you don't just fuckin' compare the pricing based on artwork. Developers in general have to be constantly active with different servers, and not to mention the new functions they added on etc? That's how you see whether if a game is worth paying for.
And to you being a whaler and spending 10k gems and all, it's your choice whether to spend or not to spend the money. PAPER did not force anyone of the players to spend couple of hundred bucks on their game. If you have problem with it, you can don't spend any dime on it, or just give up on the event right? 🙂 sure, we all know how shit PAPER are in terms on how they treated their consumers lmfao, trust me even I have problems with them but did I rudely shut off the others just so I can argue my point to prove that I'm right just because "I'm a whaler and I spent hell lot of money so I'm the king everyone must bow down to me?" Excuse me, you are not the only spender in that game.
The reason why the admin were pissed is because you acted on your own accord with your superiority complex and pissed off the other members. Ouch, you do know that CN and EN fandom are of different culture and opinions right? The admin were not being rude towards you at the beginning, it is you who 作死 that couldn't tolerate the facts that they cared for other members in the group.
Oh and please don't use criticism as an excuse, because your first response towards the other member(s) who disagree with you was "If my comment bothers you, you may skip it." Criticsm and nick-picking are whole lot of different meaning, but instead of criticsm and learn how to tackle with it, you got salty because not all of the members accepted your so-called criticism.
While you told others to skip your comment, you on the other hand didn't follow what you've preached and in fact somehow stalked Yume's account just because she removed your comments and what you did was "Fuck you" while she is just doing her job as an admin, aka SHE CREATED THE GROUP. So what, she has no rights to rant on her OWN FACEBOOK TIMELINE RIGHT AFTER YOU CUSSED AT HER RUDELY? 🤷‍♀️
So you're salty just because she did her job and prioritize the members instead of saying "yes" to the big whaler? What logic is this excuse me? 🤷‍♀️
And FYI to the group rules:
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RESPECT EVERYONE'S LIKE: Lol you didn't seem to respect other people's views and opinions from the way you spoke. You told people to skip your comment yet you have rights to voice out, like wow as if the others' opinions are inferior 🙄
NO HATE SPEECH OR BULLYING: You just told admin to "Fuck you" and had proceed to stalk her facebook timeline and posted it on public 🙂
And now you're trying to victimize yourself just so you can mislead the others? Oh no, you're not getting away for that 🙂 You started the thread, you disregard other people's view while you expect the others to respct yours with that self-entitled attitude of yours. For someone who's from Singapore like me, older than anyone of us AND a long-time player, you should be ashamed of yourself.
And one last thing I would like to add on; you argued your point AS A CONSUMER while SHE ARGUED HERS AS AN ARTIST HERSELF. You claimed that they only take side to people who followed their scared rules, so does this sound like she's taking any sides?
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Oh nooo.... Don't try to get me into "don't twist my words" and "I sabotage you" or calling others "crazy, delusional" etc once you lost an argument. That bullshit and attitude of yours has been lingering for YEARS until 都看的出来了. I honestly do not want to give a shit about this, or even write a tumblr post to rebuke yours as I do not want to get involved with you again. However, after 5-6 years you still have that shit self-centered fragile heart that still wants to twist the tales and portray yourself a better person? Sorry, you don't do that towards my friends.
This is not what you did few years ago anymore. Nobody's a young, ignorant dumbfuck anymore and your same old "twist the tales" methods ain't gonna work anymore. A few members are already pissed off with you way before this minor issue, and the admins themselves have high tolerance to bear with you and not kicking you out.
Sure, leave the group, nobody cares 😂 we are thankful for that lols.
And yeah Yume blocked you because unlike you, we can just simply delete someone like you from our life instead of being vengeful as fuck. Go ahead, continue to write a long-ass twisted tales about how shit you got treated in that group, or stalk someone's facebook timeline to justify yourself. If you can rant in your platform, so can us 🙂
奉劝您老人家一句,做人善良一点。 您别气坏了身子啊~ 不然就像您所说的,容颜会越来越老的,不是吗?
您要活在您自己的世界,那请便。我们这种人对您来说只会把您的地盘弄脏了~ 这样莫须有的罪名,老娘们可承担不起啊~💁‍♀️
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
ᗩᑭᑭOIᑎTᗰᗴᑎT, ᖇᗴᗪ ᐯᗴᒪᐯᗴT ᗩᑎᗪ ᗰᑌᖴᖴIᑎՏ
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Rhythmically mellifluous waves of notes echoes after bouncing back from anile theatre's walls, the trill getting softer the more I firmly place my chin over the tail piece.
Eye lids slip shutting at the flurries of heart chasing the last cadences, pinky shivering as the middle and ring finger pushes the string down while the bow touches through the strings simultaneously producing the last chords.
Feels like a voyage over a baby leaf that's leading me through a pallid wind.
My chest heaving vigorously and lifting my jaw from the violin my head snapped in the direction of loud claps flowing. After a hectic performance the seats went empty and instead of going backstage I tried to play a melody for myself.
I was so lost finding my way through strings that didn't even noticed when Azi came. He's the owner of this old hideously beautiful theatre, his love for arts has this place still running without compliance knowing else it would have left baren just like the other popular theatres they shut years ago.
"Well done Harry, people seemed to love your performance last night and today." A smile quenching from my inners causing the bottom lip to tuck in between my teeth.
A feeling like no other spiralling around my ribcages, this's all I ever wanted.
"They were properly soused into your magic and we know what that means, shit loads of money." I remained quite putting my violin and bow aside while he spoke with a tobacco cigar rolled in between his lips.
I never wanted to play for money but nor do I've problem if we're getting it because half of the people in theater needs it. They deserve it.
It's not their fault they've to die in return of loving the devotedness that's gifted naturally.
Their talent and adroitness is the only thing keeping them in this world even though they've to remain veiled from the ordinary people.
Azi drags the stash of money on the table in my direction causing me to shake my head in refusal, "you know that I don't need this money. Save it for the renovation of theatre before we all get buried deep under it." He laughs lungs rumbling from his old age.
For God's sake the ceilings are about to cripple and chandelier might bonk my head one day.
"Or' maybe double pay our ballerina she was prepossesing last night." The twitch of his wrinkles at the corners of eyes smoothed down sadly and he sighed loudly piercing a hole in my stomach.
Anticipation wrapped around my head shoving me into the sea of worry where I'm finding it difficult to process, "what happened-" my words choking in my windpipes when he cuts me off revealing the horror information.
"She was abducted last night, her body was found shot near the suburb of where she lives." Everything's feeling claustrophobic around me and I keep on gawking him in astonished dread.
She was one hell of the great dancers, the only ballerina of our theatre. She didn't not deserved this; fuck it nobody does. I refuse to believe.
Fuck this government. Fuck this stupid world.
Gripping my hair from roots I looked him straight in the eyes, "Tell me if her family needs any help." Then the realization dawned upon me like a heavy dust she never had a family. This theatre, her skills were her only family.
"Harry my boy listen I know you'll take it as a hard toll but believe me we can't do anything for what has happened, go home have a rest you've a performance in the coming month." I was taken aback when he hugged me assuring me like a father would do, not utterly sure how to respond to interactions like these I raised my hands several times only to let them fall back.
Memories of her on tips dancing beautifully on the stage displaying infront of me as I stored my violin into case putting it aside.
We weren't close. But the few times we had exchange of words in the middle of lunch breaks and her full concentration on my foolish jokes was worth than any friendships I ever had; which I unfortunately never had.
Without even noticing the whispers let out of my chest, "I'll miss ya." Never thought you could yearn to have a single glimpse of people last time even though they were barely in your life.
I didn't changed into comfortable clothes letting the flashy suit stick to my skin, so the weigh of it will keep on making me realize that the world has no place for us.
A sacrifice for living praise.
The alley outside's pitch dark with the sun roguishly trying to dawn from the horizon.
Azi Theatre's situated at the most lifeless spot in the city possible, you've to walk through several hidden allies to reach there.
While, walking past the streets and avoiding to ruin my trousers by splashing my boots into puddle my brain havoced with unnecessary thoughts.
Thousand of faces with erastz beauty passing in mili seconds on these vast fulgurant billboards their mocks appearing like arrows to my already wounded guts; though it's all in my head it's still crawling under my skin.
A peek of cognisance from the day she made me ate her red velvet muffins dizzied around in my mind painting sorrow over me.
Even though I protested with my nonsical excuses she won ending up handing me one of her perfectly shaped muffin on my palm with a huge grin.
Just like that alot of people's smiles in my life petered out in the lost pocket of my mind.
In the littlest remembrance of her I made route to the small bakery situated two blocks away from the building I live in. The city's sleeping the only thing's shop's boards blinking and hazy bakeries showing through the thick fog.
It's open twenty four hours seven. The sky tweeked with ribbons of brume and the digital clock showed 5:00 sharp in the early dawn the large glass windows fogy from weather. The counter lady's wrapped into a comfy blanket trying not to fall asleep.
The bell chimed startling the cute old lady when I stepped inside passing by the wooden counter, "uhh..hi sorry to disturb. I'll look in myself." She nodded slumping back into her seat soon about to knock off.
Strolling in between the squeezy aisles my eyes roamed over empty refrigerators ceasing to the one at the far corner.
There in the transparent domed box are four cherry-red muffins attracting every dull view of bakery towards themselves. They're perfectly shaped and snow-flaked into red coconut shudders but failed to water my mouth.
I've no appetite to eat them. Her's used to be baked into undescribeable funny shapes but atleast I had a company while chomping them in one bite.
A reel of same memory binging and before it could permanently imprint in my brain I cleared my throat raising my pointy finger as a habit, "I'll have these!"
We said in a unison. Hold on. We? Am I that exhausted that I've started to hallucinate.
My head snapshoting towards the person from whom the feminine voice billowed in the dense warm air.
Resplendent. Florid and kaleidoscopic were the first words that striked my confused mind when my vision raked from the faux suede ankle boots richer in pigment than the red velvet muffins resting inside the refrigerator; then straight towards to meet their eyes.
Her gaze projecting warmth in this wimtertide and out of curiosity I met her eyes to recognize their colour.
Golden syrup. They're like the glassed honey pool that has squeezed the bee in the syrup lake as if it's greed for honey became it's trap, hazel speckles caged inside the rim of irises flickering with her slightest of eye movement.
We both keeps on looking at eachother the morning peace surrounding us too unsure how to break the spell.
She's wearing a cerise peach long trench wool coat a sweet rose enamel pin attached to where her heart is. Her nose and ears pink from the cold outside, but her lips plump from under the translucent violaceous bubble gum coloured gloss.
Burnette tresses of hair loose till her covered shoulders, the peach tealed beanie intact on her head.
The women standing infront of me is in abstract contrast to the pastels of the bakery and the luster of gray buildings out of these bakery walls.
The pastelish hues still prominent in her and crimson peaked up my neck at the fact that she caught me intriguing her by my peer.
Boldly her eyes remained fixated at my suit that's very exotic for strolling into a bakery. She might think so I'm a bellend idiot.
The cashier lady came to us yawning placing her hands on her hips done with two strangers just looking at eachother but she doesn't know that both of them are inquisitive of what the other is wearing this early where anybody's barely awake.
"We've the only box, decide it quick kiddos that who'll get it." The lady yawned for fiftieth time taking the box of muffins out of refrigerator.
"I came here first and I was the first one to ask." I frowned for an obvious reason and the lady was about to give me the box when a honeyed voice again melted in my ears.
Now I really wanna hear her talk for a long time, "but I pointed at it first!" She whines softly jutting her lower lip.
"But vocalisation matters the most." I quipped arching my brow at her and she glared me but her beatific personality radiating naturally from her is breaking the bitter demeanour she's trying to pull towards me.
"Kay. We can leave it upto the rock, paper and siscorss." She smirks mishveously raising her brows several times in a challenge.
Her tongue poking out from her glossy lips with her one leg straight and other bended perpendicular she placed her on foot over another balancing with only one leg like a flamingo.
The cute small lady groaned, "are you really gonna do this?" Our eyes widening and chuckles spiraling when we once again we said 'yep.' In unison.
She was ready to launch her hand in a paper and mine was stone so I quickly interrupted looking down at her legs, "why are you standin' like a swan?" Her eyes slitting into a squint and lips shrinking into a pout.
Tilting her chin towards me and standing in the same position as before just the difference now's that her hands are on her hips to convey the offend.
She ruched her lower lip inside her mouth to stop from giving a smile, so she's a buoyant person...
"Because maybe I am?" And she doesn't have simple answers to straight questions. Our fists still raised into air and the cashier lady hissed this time ready to throw hands.
"You kids are worse than my grandchildren!" She gasped comically at the words of short lady.
"That's very mean of you..." I'm clearly surprised that she isn't one bit influenced by lady's sharpness instead she's further engaging in a conversation that will result in the loss of time for all of us. "...and your daughter wouldn't be very happy to know."
"Kay. Back to where we left." She quickly turned her head towards me her complete concentration struck over me making my stomach go fluttery and funny.
"Uhm..yes- rock, paper, siscorss!" I never thought I'd play a game with some stranger who's looking so cozy and comfy in the early dew, for some muffins in the middle of empty bakery when I scarcely interact with people.
"Yes! I won." I punched the air when my siscorss cut her paper and her jaw went slack for a moment.
What the fuck you're doing Styles!?
Out of shyness and awkwardness I abruptly combed back my curls rubbing my hand down the nape of my neck not meeting her eyes.
The lady handed me the box with a boring expression while Hers stayed ticked to it, "anyway I don't even like red-velvet muffins." Yeah. Grapes are sour when fox can't get it.
She was about to walk away near to step out of shop. I want to call her but don't know her name; so out of sheer rampage I blurted out the only word that the department of my brain could manage at the time.
"Swan!" She halted in her tracks torso turning and with her chin atop of her shoulder she looked back at me smiling coyly.
"Yes. Sparkly?" She's probably calling me that because of my glittery black suit and I'm sure my ribcages did something at the name. Getting made fun of doesn't sound very good; but it is at the time.
Today's an odd day.
"Um..we can share if you want to?" Her grin etching to the corner of her lips and she jumped excitedly clasping her hands together,"Really!?"
A timid smile crawling over my features watching her get delighted at the littlest of fact. "Yes. There are two pair of muffins we both can have one pair if you like to?" I told her and she bobs her head while going towards the cash counter, patting the counter with a huge grin indicating me to put the box down.
"Your total's $8.25." We both payed half of the total price and I shoved my hands into my trouser's pockets scrutinizing my surrounding while the annoyed cashier lady packed two muffins separately for one of us.
And she rummaged through her wallet which has alot of ebullient key-chains hanging from it, who's this girl?
Why I've never seen her here before? and I've never seen a person this cheerful in the crowd of prosaic people of city.
The lady handed us our respective delights with a roll of eyes and I was the first one to take mine and quickly sprinted out of there, because I didn't know what else to do.
A whiff of pungent vanilla, mulberry pomegranate sprouting with cocoa made it's way in my nostrils when I passed beside her. Her fragrance's divergent.
You know a scent that addictively clouds your senses but it's so rare you never get to smell it again; but if out of nowhere you get to it brings back nostalgia for no reason, she smelled like that.
When I glanced back the two women were still watching my weirdness in amusement through the glass windows of bakery.
It appeared like her rose enamel pin winked at me from far.
Mick was tangled up into cassette tapes when I stepped inside my flat, the tiny bugger he is jumped atop me straddling me to the floor.
"You're lookin' like a disco ball. No need to be so proud." Instead he gave a long slicky lick to my cheek woofing at me.
He's being too cheeky but it wouldn't last long when I'll take him for a checkup. He fucking envy his doc. I'm already sensing sympathy seeking whining from him, happens every year.
Shaking my head I grunted skiding from underneath him but he's fast and climbed up in my lap while I struggled to open the box.
The minute red hilly muffins were infront of me it reminded me of honey the ooze of golden, treacle eyes. Her eyes.
Shit. It's getting hard to get rid of her delicate image that's playing like an aesthetic reel in the back of my mind.
I was jerked into reality when Mick lurched greedily eating the delcious muffin from my hand in one bite, leaving his slickness at the tip of my fingers. Before he could attack my muffin too I quickly grabbed it.
"Mick you wouldn't believe what happened today!?" I spoke in an animated voice scratching his sweet spot under his ear my mouth full of red coconut and he looked up at me with his sick puppy eyes.
"We wouldn't have been able to eat these if I wouldn't have won from...." I stuttered pondering over the fact that the nameless peachy coat girl's too stubborn and wouldn't leave my fuzzy thoughts alone, "...from swan."
Mick just barked at me going to his sleeping pillow and I practically rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms to bring myself to some consciousness from that bloody bakery fantasy.
When the proper morning hit I made myself breakfast and the longer I stared it the more it impeded my appetite.
With one hand offering Mick treats to deceive him into the idea that I'll take him to the park for a walk which instead will end up in a clinic's room and other hand diligent in searching word puzzles over the newspaper my jaw worked to chew the sandwich.
Throwing a sweater over my head and slipping into white washed jeans quickly I got ready to take Mick with me.
I had to scoop Mick up in my arms when he sprawled onto footpath of veterinary clinic the second he realized what was about to happen.
The kid leaning against the wall giggled loudly watching me practically drag my dog across the floor because he's too socially akward, fucking wow.
The waiting area's already full of pupils alongside their pets, someone stood up from the last bench and taking the advantage of opportunity I strided towards it sitting at it's edge.
Fifteen minutes passed since I've been caressing and comforting my scared bud, tucking his crown under my chin to make him at rest.
There's loud raucous noise when the elevator doors to the floor we're at opened wide gaining everyone's attention and when the person in tizzy strided inside the corridor I had to look at her twice.
What the fuck she's doing here? She never owned a pet and the one for whom she'll get this worried about.
Lyida's exactly same, her eyes bright as always and she has become more striking from when she was with me.
But she's not mine now, she never was.
She lurched over the receptionist with the box in her hand and distress of having to meet her eyes creeped inside me. The girl beside me threw daggers at me when I stood up hastily causing the whole bench to shake. I apologised for the disturbance.
My hands fumbled with the knob of nearest door right beside me and I had to shush Mick sternly when he kept on whining.
Heavy puff of breaths escaping my lungs when I stumbled inside some empty doctor's room shutting the door behind me, back meeting against the wooden plank of door, cold sweat breaking under the nape of my neck and I blinked several times taking in my surrounding.
I'm a weak son of a bitch.
It's fuckin' gruelling to be in her presence. It's hellish to meet her sympathetic gaze for me and I'm a bastard who's pathetic as hell.
I have to be away, I've to go right now. Trotting towards the large window panes I uncliped them stepping outside the shared balcony of room.
There's a drain pipe so I can climb it down to the ground and get the hell away from here.
Maybe, Mick was right it was a bad day and idea to come here.
Adjusting Mick inside my armpit I threw my one leg over the rail and then the second, my breath wavering as I gripped the rail tighter taking baby steps towards the plastic pipe.
The smack of air stinging my eyes while the cars are being parked infront of me at the parking lot.
A delucet voice clamoured from inside startling me to death and Mick barked lowly in reaction, "Whoops! Sorry to interrupt your suicidal mission." I turned my head steadily to see who's it even though I can comprehend the sherbet similarity.
Her voice has melted like a hot maroon stamp into my ears since the dawn hour and with the corner of my eyes I watched her leaning against the stretcher.
"But let me tell you Sparkly this height would cause you nothing but two broken ribs, one fractured thigh and you might loose your brain memory. No more than that." I gawked her appalled while she remained peacific arms folded infront of her chest, into different cardinal clothes now.
Again a replete splitness to what every other person's wearing outside.
Even though my intentions are nothing like that but saying this to someone who's about to take their life doesn't seem very pleasing.
I was about to speak something into my defence that she misinterpreted things but she cut me off popping her chewing gum and capturing the ropes of sticked bubble around her lips with her teeth.
A/n; Please lovies. Reblog it and gimme feedback alot of kisses!
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sushigirlali · 4 years
If You Don't Love Me, Lie To My Face - Part I (Reylo Fanfic)
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Part I | Part II | Part III | Epilogue 
Summary: Grifter!Rey helps U.S. Senator Leia Organa's son, Ben Solo, out of a jam when a couple of muggers invade her turf. Afterward, she debates robbing the rich American herself, but can she protect her heart while stealing his?
Pairing: Rey + Ben Solo | Finn + Poe Dameron
Rating: E
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: For the first time ever, I’ve actually written most of the story before I started posting! I think it will be way less stressful since I don’t have to “keep up” with updates. New chapters will be posted each Friday. Enjoy!
Master list –> AO3 | ff.net | Tumblr
If You Don't Love Me, Lie To My Face - Part I
By: sushigirlali
Kennington, London
There are moments in life that make you question everything that came before. A look from a stranger, an incident at your job, a terrible movie... things Rey Niima was usually able to push past without pause, but tonight, she was finding it extremely difficult to ignore the feeling that her life was about to change forever.
"Hey, give us your wallet!" A pair of brawlers had cornered a man at the mouth of a nearby alley, drawing Rey's attention as soon as she stepped out the back door of her favorite pub, The Black Prince.
"Excuse me?" the would-be victim responded indignantly. His voice was deep with an American lilt, his stature intimidating.
Did these fools really think they could steal from a man like that? But then, not all criminals were as intelligent as her.
"You heard me! I want your wallet!"
Rey hung back from the potentially violent situation unfolding before her, sizing up the assailants. Their outfits were all black, including the ski masks covering their faces, but she couldn't see any identifying marks or gang affiliations. "Must be lone wolves," she thought.
There was something familiar about the tall one doing the talking, but she couldn't place them. It probably didn't matter, though, because the redwood with the nice accent looked like he could take the both of them with one hand tied behind his broad back.
Still, for some reason, she was finding it hard to walk the other way. Definitely not because the man was the most striking person she had ever seen. No, it had to be due to the fact that these bums were causing a ruckus on her turf. At least, that's what she kept telling herself, frozen to the spot as she was.
"Listen, I just got done volunteering at a shelter all day and just want to get home. Please allow me to leave unmolested."
"Volunteering at a shelter?" she muttered under her breath. "Well, fuck. But it's not your business, don't get involved." Rey was turning around to go back inside the pub when the sound of a gun cocking drew her up short.
"Don't make me repeat myself again, pretty boy."
"Whoa, hey, there's no need for that!"
"Then empty your pockets! Now!"
"No," he said crossly. "Put that thing away before somebody gets hurt."
"Dammit," Rey groaned, retrieving the silver baton clipped to her belt. Sometimes, she really hated having a conscience; in her line of work, it was a real liability.
"Hey, get your hands off me!"
"Oh, for fuck's sake," she growled, resolutely stalking toward the turbulent scene. "Oi! You lot!"
The big guy and his sidekick paused to look in her direction. "What?" the leader said in a surprisingly feminine voice.
"Not a guy," Rey mused. "Based on your absolutely abominable bullying technique, I don't think you're getting that guy's wallet any time this century, so why don't you just leave him alone and move along."
"Excuse me?" the woman said threateningly.
"I'm sorry, did I stutter?"
"You move along, little mouse, this doesn't concern you!" the shorter guy spat.
"You do know who's neighborhood this is, don't you?" Rey said tauntingly.
"Yeah?" the first one said dismissively. "So what."
"So, knock it off! We don't need the fuzz coming down here because some hooligans are roughing up a foreigner."
"Hooligans?! And who the fuck are you?"
"Me?" Rey sneered, flicking the baton out to the side so that it extended into a long poll. "I'm no one."
"Phas," the skinny guy said nervously, obviously recognizing her at last, "we should go."
Rey had never been so proud of her reputation as a grifter who was just as likely to steal an expensive piece of art from the peerage in an elaborate heist as kick a thug's ass in the street.
"But the boss—"
"He'll understand."
"Fine. But don't think this is over!" the woman yelled before running off with her companion.
"Well," the American said slowly, "that was an experience I never wish to repeat again." He smiled at her. "Thank you," he said sincerely.
"You're welcome," Rey replied gruffly, still riding high on adrenaline. "Do you always walk around by yourself at night in a city not your own?"
"Do you always save unsuspecting passersby from thieves?" he retorted.
Her phone went off, but she didn't answer it. Up close, the man was even more attractive than she had initially thought. "Suit looks expensive, too… and is that a Breitling?" Perhaps it was her lucky night after all. "Only if they're handsome," she said smoothly.
"Oh, uh…" he flushed at her compliment.
"Hmm… not the reaction I expected." It was kind of refreshing, though. "Sorry, I—ugh, one sec," she said as her cell went off again. "My brother," she explained, checking the caller ID. "I have to take this or he'll just keep phoning until I pick up."
The man shrugged, "No problem, I'll just wait over here." He stepped up onto the curb and walked a few paces away.
Rey nodded and lifted the phone to her ear. "What?" she said shortly.
"Who's the stiff?" Finn asked without preamble.
"Right," he huffed. "Are you working him?"
"Undecided, stop pushing."
"Whatever you say, Rey. Just be careful."
"I will. Where are you anyway?" she said, humored by his tough older sibling act.
"Hanging outside the pub, just around the corner. Why? You need me?" Finn teased.
"No, I'll catch you later. Don't wait up." She ended the conversation before he could respond and stuffed the phone into her back pocket. "Sorry about that, uh…?"
"Ben," the stranger supplied, moving closer again. "Ben Solo."
"I'm Rey," she said, holding out a hand.
Ben's lips quirked and he gave her a firm handshake, his huge hand dwarfing hers. Rey felt a shiver run up her spine at the brief contact, but she shook it off.
"So, what's that for?" he indicated the weapon still in her hand. "Joining the circus?"
"No," she grinned, "it's a bo staff. I use it for self defense."
"And the defense of others," he said warmly.
"On occasion." She folded the bo staff back into a baton before reattaching it to her belt.
"Can I get you a drink?" he nodded toward the pub. "To say thank you?"
"I was actually on my way home before I… bumped into you."
"I could… walk you home? If you want." He didn't sound desperate, but it was a near thing.
"I'm not from around here," she said evasively. She couldn't really bring him back to her base of operations, which was only a few blocks down the street, but she didn't want to stop talking to him either. "What a dilemma."
"No? Where are you from then?"
"Okay… Well, I promise I'm not a pervert or a serial killer or anything," he said earnestly, "so you can come back to my hotel with me if you want. It's late and I'd hate for anything to happen to you."
She crossed her arms. "Because I'm a woman?"
"Hey, I'm 6'3" and double your weight and I almost got jumped like ten minutes ago," he reminded her. "It can happen to anyone."
"Fair enough," she allowed, lowering her defenses. "Still…"
"I can call my security detail if you want verification that I'm not a psycho," he offered. "I'd just like the opportunity to get to know the woman who saved my hide."
Rey's interest sharpened. "That's sweet, but uh… security detail?"
"Yeah," he said nonchalantly. "My mother is a U.S. Senator. I'm in town on her behalf. She was supposed to come herself, but her re-election campaign is heating up and she couldn't spare the time."
"You disapprove," she said perceptively.
Ben's dark brows shot up. "Yeah, actually. You a mind reader, Rey from nowhere?"
"Something like that," she smirked. "I prefer the term grifter."
"Grifter?" he said curiously. "What does that mean, exactly?"
"Oh, you know," Rey winked for effect, assuming the privileged American was about to run in the opposite direction, "I swindle rich people out of their valuables by preying on their weaknesses. Basically, I'm a professional bad guy."
Ben looked hopelessly confused by her explanation. "But you just helped me."
"Well, sometimes I like to help out the little guy." Rey looked him over. "Little big guys too."
"Like Robin Hood?" he said, disarming her with a crooked smile.
"What? I wouldn't say I'm—I'm a hero or anything," she stuttered.
"Well, you're my hero," he said smoothly, holding out a hand. "That's my driver pulling up over there, in the black Jag. Join me? Please?"
"I… okay," she agreed, placing her hand in his, "but just for a little while." This time, she couldn't ignore the shiver.
Alarm bells should be going off in her head, but Rey felt perfectly comfortable with her new companion. It was odd, considering her trust issues, but Ben didn't seem to be only interested in her looks. And she knew she looked good tonight, her dark leather leggings were basically painted on and her lacy bra was visible through a mostly sheer black tank top. Add on her subtle smoky makeup and half-up hair style that emphasized her cheek bones and...
She loved the way he said her name, almost like a caress. "Yes?"
"Are you hungry? I haven't had dinner yet."
"Oh, sure," she said, never one to give up a free meal. Though she did kinda wish something else was on the menu… "What is wrong with you? You just met the man! Note to self: masturbate more."
"Chinese okay?"
Her mouth watered. "Perfect."
"What do you like?"
"Besides you?" she said without thinking. "Uh, I mean—anything, really. Noodles, if they have them."
Ben let her comment pass, but he was beaming. "I like noodles too. Maybe some kind of chicken? Orange?"
"Excellent," she seconded.
"You're easy," he said, but then caught himself, looking horrified. "I mean to order food for, not—"
"It's okay," she laughed, patting his thigh. "I know what you meant."
"Sorry, I haven't done this in a long time," he said sheepishly, catching her hand before she could remove it.
"Gone on a date."
"Oh." Was this a date? Rey couldn't remember the last time she had been on one. Pretty much anytime she'd been alone with a man not her brother in the past ten years it was because she intended to rob them.
"Not that this has to be a date," he said quickly, releasing her hand. "Sorry, I keep saying stupid things."
Dammit, but he was cute. "You don't have to keep apologizing," she replied lightly. "Let's just have dinner and talk and see where that takes us." Maybe the night would lead to some fun extracurricular activities, maybe not, but at least she'd be able to case his place. Based on what she knew so far, the guy definitely came from old money. "Just keep reminding yourself that he's potentially a mark, not a boyfriend, Rey."
"Sure," he smiled, looking relieved. "Hey, Poe?" he said to the driver. "Can you pick up some food after dropping us at the hotel? We're starving."
Ben fumbled a little opening the door, but quickly recovered and ushered Rey inside with a gallant sweep of his arm. The hotel was nice, but not extravagant, something she found odd for the son of a U.S. Senator. Then again, he had apparently been helping out at a shelter all day, so maybe he really was as down to earth as he seemed.
"The bathroom is through there if you need it," he pointed toward the bedroom.
"I'm fine, thanks."
"Okay, I'm just going to grab a quick shower. Poe should be back within the hour, so make yourself at home."
"Can I join you?" she was tempted to say. "Sure, I'll just watch the telly."
Ben nodded and left the room. A few seconds later, Rey heard the water start. Flipping on the TV, she left it on the cartoon channel before having a look around.
There weren't any expensive electronics or pieces of art in plain sight, so Rey could only assume that anything valuable would be in his room. "Oh, well, nothing gained, nothing lost. Better update Finn, though."
Yanking her cell out, Rey sent a quick text to her brother with Ben's name, the hotel's address, and a couple sentences about the modest state of his living room. He answered her almost immediately, sounding concerned.
Finn: Are you sure about this bloke? If you're not there to rob him, I assume that means you're interested in something else?
Rey: Yes? Maybe? I don't know. We just met, but…
Finn: At least text me later, okay? So I don't have to worry
Rey: I will. Love you 3
Finn: Love you too, peanut
Finn: ...check the room safe if you get a chance. Those types of hotels always have them and you never know what might be inside ;)
Rolling her eyes, but knowing he was right, Rey listened for a moment. It sounded like Ben was still in the shower, so she took the opportunity to pop into the bedroom and search his closet. A standard issue hotel safe was at the back, surrounded by some very nice black suits.
It wouldn't have been hard to crack the safe if she had her gear, but her heart wouldn't have been in it even if she did. She didn't want to rob Ben Solo, which was a first. Still, she did appreciate a challenge...
"Did you need something?"
Rey whipped around to see her host in nothing but a low slung white towel. "No, I—uh…"
"Would you like something to change into?" he inquired kindly.
Unable to respond with his magnificent chest and long thighs on display, Rey just shook her head in the negative. His brow creased and she felt like a kid who had been caught snooping for Christmas presents. "Shit, shit, shit, I've totally blown it!" Backtracking to the living room, she wasn't surprised when he followed. "What should I do? Oh, god, I don't want him to think…"
"Rey, what you said earlier… about being a… what did you call it? A grifter? Are you—mmph!" he started, unable to complete his thought as Rey impulsively reached up to kiss him.
But instead of pushing her away and demanding an answer, Ben threaded his fingers through her hair and dragged her closer. Taking his response as permission, Rey wrapped her arms around his waist, gripping his bare back as the kiss went on and on.
Somehow, they ended up next to the couch. Rey pushed Ben into a sitting position and climbed onto his lap, rubbing her clothed core against the tent in his towel. "Rey," he whispered, lips trailing down to her neck, "Rey, I want you."
"Yes," she responded as he reached for her waistband. Coming up on her knees, she growled when he yanked her leggings and underwear down her hips with one forceful tug. Things were getting out of control, going too far too fast, but she didn't care; she wanted him too. "Help me," she demanded, legs trapped by the constricting garments.
"I've got you," he huffed, reaching behind her to unzip her black combat boots and pull her pants the rest of the way off.
Meanwhile, Rey tore her top and bralette over her head before going to work on the towel barely covering his lap. "Wow!" she blew out a breath, zeroing in on his ardent erection when it was uncovered. He was big, maybe bigger than anyone she'd ever been with. Would he fit?
"Fuck," Ben sighed, sitting back to stare at her body, "you're beautiful, Rey."
Feeling weirdly shy about the sincerity in his sinful voice, Rey kissed him again in lieu of a response, reaching between them to spread herself for entry.
"Wait," he said, gasping for air, "what about protection?"
"Implant," she mumbled, rubbing her slit against the tip of his penis. "I'm clean, are you?"
"Yeah, I haven't—oh, god—uh, done it in a while."
"Good." She felt strangely possessive of him, this man she had just met. It pleased her that he didn't sleep around. "Fuck me, then. Raw."
Ben slammed his mouth down on hers again, positioning his dick with one hand and gripping her left buttock with the other. But he didn't ram himself home, instead he teased her hole, sliding only a fraction of the way in before retreating. He did it over and over, mimicking the action with his tongue until she was incoherent with desire, squirming, imploring him to fill her…
And then he was, and she found that he fit very well inside her indeed. His thick cock seemed to be made for her, hitting all the right spots and ones she hadn't even known existed until now. "Ben!" she cried, furiously pumping her hips in time with his thrusts. "This is—you're—"
"I feel it too!" he returned, palming her breast and teasing her erect nipple. "From the first moment I saw you, I—"
She licked his mouth, begging for entrance, not wanting to hear his sweet words even as they made her heart soar. He opened for her, but was obviously frustrated that she had cut off his declaration. Before she knew it, the hand squeezing her ass drew back and lightly smacked against her butt-cheek.
"Oh!" Rey jolted at the slight sting, but it wasn't in pain. On the contrary, she requested, "Again! Ben, do that again, please! I'm—"
Knock, knock.
"Oh, shit, Poe's at the—"
"Don't you fucking dare, Ben Solo," she growled, bouncing up and down on him with renewed vigor. But the driver started knocking harder, likely because of the guttural sounds erupting from Ben's throat. "Come on, man, can't you tell we're busy?!"
"But—shit!" Ben hauled her against him, no longer playing, just looking for relief before his friend broke the door down.
Rey found his soft grunts and swears endearing, so she took pity on him and increased her pace even further. "Come for me, Ben," she instructed, grinding down on him with all her might. "Come now and then we can eat. Or you can eat me, whichever you prefer."
The dirty talk seemed to work, because in the next minute, Ben was biting down on her shoulder, shaking with the force of his orgasm. Not far behind, Rey led his hand to her swollen nub, needing just a hair more stimulation to tip over the edge. Almost instantly, his trembling touch sent her into climax. Still vaguely aware of what's-his-name banging on the hotel room door, she pressed her mouth to Ben's pectoral to muffle her cries and came for what felt like ages…
"That—was—amazing," Ben panted, hugging her so tightly she thought she might pop. "The—best—I've—ever—had!"
"Me—too," she couldn't help but admit.
Loosening his hold, Ben cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly. "Thank you."
"Ah—you're welcome," she said, smiling like an idiot. Before she could lean in again, Poe resumed making his presence known.
"Ben? Are you okay? Answer me! Did that woman kill you? Your mother will be so pissed if you're dead." He hit the door again. "Either answer me in the next ten seconds or I'm going to get security!"
"I'm fine, great, alive, whatever!" Ben called back loudly. "And annoyed," he said to Rey. "Go into the bedroom for a minute while I get rid of him."
"Okay," she agreed, gingerly getting up. They both groaned when he slipped out of her, which Rey found gratifying. "Can I use the shower now?"
"Sure, there are towels under the sink. My sleep shirts are in the top drawer of the dresser," he offered.
"He wants me to spend the night?" she mused, feeling giddy and terrified all at once. "Alright," she said aloud, picking up her clothes and disappearing into the bedroom she'd been casing earlier, "call out if you need backup."
"Will do," he chuckled, "will do."
Ten minutes later, Rey emerged from the bathroom feeling fresh and back in control. Picking a long sleeve shirt out of Ben's dresser at random, she pulled it over her naked body before toweling off her wet hair. The black cotton was as soft as it was big, but Rey didn't mind; it smelled like Ben.
Catching her reflection in the floor length mirror by the closet, she was amused to see that the garment fell to her knees like a sack, giving her already slender body exactly zero shape. "Oh, well, it's not like I plan on wearing it lon—"
A disturbance in the living room suddenly diverted her reverie. Sneaking to the door, she carefully cracked it and peaked out.
"You can't just keep her here!" Poe nearly shouted at Ben.
"Keep your fucking voice down," he snarled back. "You're not my boss or my mother and you can't tell me what to do. I'm a grown ass man!"
"Maybe so, but you're acting like a teenager! You can't just sleep with some chick you picked up off the side of the road when Leia is counting on you to—"
"I told you," Ben said through gritted teeth, "she saved my ass and I wanted to get to know her. I didn't hire her for the fucking night!"
"Could have fooled me," Poe scoffed. "For all you know, she could have been in on the attack and—"
"Get out!" Ben ordered, clearly at his wit's end. "I'll call you when you're needed again, if you are."
"Are you firing me?!"
"Not yet," Ben said grimly, marching to the door and flinging it open. "Just go before I forget that you're my best friend and say something I regret."
"Fine," Poe said, storming out of the apartment. "Let me know when you come to your senses!"
Ben slammed the door shut, then turned around and leaned on it. Scurrying back into the bathroom before he caught her eavesdropping, she started combing her hair, attempting to look natural in case he came in after her. When he didn't, she tried not to feel disappointed.
Leaving her damp hair hanging loose around her shoulders, Rey found him sitting at the dining table in his towel with several brown paper bags in front of him. He looked lost in thought and she hoped he hadn't taken Poe's opinion about her motives to heart. "Wotcher, Ben?" she asked hesitantly.
"Hmm?" he said, looking up at her. "Sorry, I was just...uh…" The arrested look on his face made her toes curl. "Wow, you look amazing."
"This old thing?" she joked, sidling up next to him. "I borrowed it from a mate."
"He has good taste," he said, opening his arms.
"I certainly think so," she said coyly, moving to sit sideways on his lap. Rey curled one arm around his neck and placed the other one on his chest. "Are you still hungry?"
"For food?" he choked, holding her so that she wouldn't slide off.
"Food," she nodded, leaning her forehead against his, "and other things."
One of Ben's large hands inserted itself between her thighs. "These kinds of things?" he murmured. "I think we can—fuck!" he bit his lip as he discovered that she wasn't wearing anything underneath his shirt.
"We can certainly fuck," she teased, "but—oh!" Rey gasped as he stood with her in his strong arms. "Ben? What are you…?"
Before she could get the words out, he'd pushed their dinner out of the way and laid her down on the table. Placing the backs of her knees in the crook of each arm, Ben pulled her forward until her butt was on the edge of the table and her pussy was level with his mouth.
"Having dinner," he said in the most ridiculously sexy tone of voice she'd ever heard, flipping his nightshirt up so that she was bare from the waist down.
"Oh, god!" she whimpered as he lowered his head. "Ben, you don't really have to—ah!" Gripping the back of his head as he started to lick her folds, Rey shuddered every time his long nose bumped against her clit.
"Enjoying yourself?" he said a little arrogantly. "Is this why you came home with me? Cause you wanted me to make you feel good?"
Considering how very well he was treating her, and the uncertainty on his face, she decided to play along. "Yes, Ben, I wanted you the second I saw you!"
He smiled slightly, then resumed tasting her. "So, does that mean you want to come?"
"That would be lovely," she sighed, enjoying the pressure of his wide mouth.
His mouth quirked at that. "Never heard sex described that way before."
"Then you're doing it with the wrong people."
"Oh?" his gaze turned hot. "And how many people have you been doing it with?"
"Not many," she said hurriedly, "and not in a long time."
"Good girl," he said silkily. "So, if I were to put my fingers inside you, would your cunt feel… full?"
"Yes!" she panted, so wet she was dripping onto the table now.
"Let's see then."
Arching her back as he slid two fingers inside her body, Rey realized that she had never really known sexual satisfaction until tonight. She was twenty-five and still basically knew nothing about sex and relationships. "Huh."
Ben stopped moving, lifting his dark head to look at her. "Rey? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah," she said dreamily. "I guess I've just never felt this way before."
He held her eyes for an extended moment, amber striking against hazel. "Yeah, me too." And then he was fingering her again, sucking and teasing her slick opening until she was crying out his name in ecstasy.
Afterward, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind them. Needless to say, they skipped dinner that night.
Rey grunted as she felt Ben leave the bed the next morning. He had been her heater since the sheets and pillows were strewn about the room. "Come back," she said hoarsely, throat worn from use. "I'm cold."
"Just a moment," he laughed, opening the bedroom door to fetch something from the living room. "Your cell has been going off for an hour straight."
"My cell?" she yawned. Then, "Oh, no." She sat bolt upright. "Wait! Don't—"
"Rey?" Ben called in disbelief. "Who the fuck is Finn?"
A/N: I love Kingsman and always think about Rey being a punk with a heart of gold like Eggsy. I didn't include the spy angle, but I was able to visit The Black Prince, where scenes were filled for the movie, a couple years ago and have fond memories. Anyway, reviews are appreciated! <3 
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oceniram · 5 years
Rose Red: Snow-White’s Sister
Everyone knows the story of Snow-White, you know the one with the evil queen, the seven dwarfs, and the poison apple, but does anybody remember little Rose-Red, Snow-White's twin sister? No, thought so. You see our Mother wished for my sister the one with hair as black as carbon. Skin as white as snow, and lips as red as a ruby. Our dear Father wanted a boy whom would be as brave as a lion, a boy who would show great leadership to be worthy of his heir, and one who would be honorable in combat. Too bad for him, he got stuck with Snow and me.
Snow and I were playing out in the garden; when all of sudden a bear comes at us, our mother told us not to be afraid, while our father mumbled that if he had a son we would be having bear meat tonight. For the record, we were only seven at the time, that didn't matter to him he took out his sword and slew the bear right in front of us. Snow was frightened by this, I on the other hand was filled with joy, and fascination at the sight of a master swordsman at work. Our father loved us very much even if he did prefer a son over a daughter.
On our tenth birthday, our mother fell ill, we grieved her for months to come. Our dear father thought we needed a mother, so he got remarried to a beautiful, but a vain woman. She plotted against our father. She overthrew him by poisoning him and turned my sister into her personal servant. Before she was able to get me, I fled against my will. Our father had many knights- none were as good as Sir Drago, he was the best, so while we lived in the castle I studied him learned from him something that brought my father both proudness and disappointment. Now that we were on the run from my stepmother I vowed to rescue my kingdom I'm not going to let it get destroyed by the Evil Queen.
The men that were loyal to my father were murdered brutally. I witnessed most of their deaths, the warriors on the Evil Queen side didn't tire like most men. Sir Drago took me out as fast as possible, he was going to try to get Snow unfortunately for us the moment we left the border of our kingdom we couldn't get back in. It was as if an invisible wall was blocking it. Sir Drago took me deep into the forest. "Train me," I demanded he looked at me as if I grew a second head or something. A few minutes later he answered me "Fine." "O come on I want to- wait what?" I asked I couldn't believe he was actually going to do it; all those years of watching him train were finally going to pay off. I don't know why but I think this was going to be extremely awesome and painful. "I said fine, my lady."
"First thing I'm going to teach you, is how to hunt and fish." "But we don't have any bows, arrows or a fire," I kept on wondering how are we going to do those things. I saw the knight in gold armor go look for a stick. He was explaining to me what type of stick would make for good spears, and what type would be for fishing. "When do we get to the good stuff, like how to cut an enemy in half?" The Gold knight told me to be patient; that I had to learn to live off the land since I didn't have my cushy lifestyle anymore. Living off the land was harder than I originally thought, but the worse part was that we kept moving farther away from my land. The lessons on fishing and hunting continued, however, one night we stopped at this creepy' s  man place "Alright Princess choose the material for your armor and weapon." "Huh" I was a bit confused why would we come to a creepy cottage in the middle of nowhere to get this stuff when we could easily get it from a blacksmith, as if he was reading my mind he answered my question "The blacksmith are good at creating weapons, but you need to choose the material; this place has everything you need. Remember your weapon is your best friend." The knight imparted his wisdom on to me.
We came to a clearing after we got the materials I chose turned into armor and weapons. For the armor, I chose an armet helmet, gauntlets for the arms and chausses for the legs my torso was covered with a plackrat. For my weapons, I selected a sword and a shield. Once my weapons were done the Knight took me to a training field "Listen up kid I'm going to teach you how to fight." I was excited that he was going to start my lessons.
"Okay, what's first?" I asked barely able to contain my delight at my first real fight. The Knight responded by telling me that he was going to strike and I had to block him. We kept at it for days. He was the best in our kingdom and I always watched him, so I knew some of his techniques. The problem for me was that he was holding back and he still managed to disarm me. "Never let your guard down," he would reprimand me every time I dropped my sword. You know what's funny I don't think I know his real name unless Drago is what his parents named him.
A year has passed since my stepmother took over the kingdom; I haven't seen my dear sister in a long time. My training with Sir Drago is coming along nicely. I'm not sure how we're going to break the magical spell. "ROSE FOCUS!" I heard the gold knight yell at me. We were in the middle of a lesson which I totally spaced out. "Sorry I was just thinking about my sister and the year we lost everything. Don't you miss your family?" The answer to my question was written all over his face. Rose-Red, I can't imagine what you're going through, but if you stand any chance of defeating the Queen you have to pay attention."
Evil Queen's Point of View.
My life started with misery. My o so wonderful parents would beat, and torment me for days that one day I had enough. I got so mad that, I made the whole village tremble back then I didn't know it was me; which caused me to get scared "daddy," I cried to my father, and my mother looked as if she was having a panic attack  "KILL HER!" My mother shouted from the corner of our small kitchen "KILL THE WITCH!" she screamed at my father. My father looks at me with pure raw hatred as if he has never loved me before. I decided that it would be in my best interest to run very far away and never look back. 
In the middle of running, I saw a small but angry dwarf who was practicing the dark arts. It was at that moment that I realized what I have done.  I begged the little dwarf to teach me his art. To my surprise he agreed, however, there were conditions for his help the first was that I should refer to him as master, the second was that I now belonged to him, in other words, I wasn't a person anymore, but a tool for him to use any way he saw fit. I took a deep breath. This felt like making a deal with the devil either-way I needed to learn control and he was my only option so I prepared to sale my self.
 "Yes Master," I whispered hoping that he wouldn't make me say it again, unfortunately, I will be repeating those words more often than I ever wanted to. "Good girl, follow me, SLAVE," the dwarf led me into the woods. The dwarf put emphasis on the word slave. My thoughts betrayed my actions I kept thinking this was all a mistake. We ended up walking for miles until we came across a large cottage followed him which happened to be blocked by many trees this place was a mess "Well SLAVE get to cleaning," he ordered handing me a broom.                                             "Yes, master."  It looks like I traded a bad home for a worse one believe it or not the dwarf was more caring than my actual folks. Like I said from the start my parents were awful my father, for example, would smack me for having our home clean that's right my dad used to hit me for doing chores the right way. While mother found any little excuse to tell me, I'm a monster that needs to learn her place.
My mas... No, I mean the dwarf ordered me to clean his clothing without water when I asked how am 'I  suppose to do that he simply said "Magic."                                                                                    "But Master, you haven't explained to me how our magic works.  How am I going to use magic if I don't understand how it works?" The dwarf gave me a full glance then he went on to explain that magic is tied to our emotions. The more we feel the stronger our magic becomes. Anger, happiness, fear, love, and rage. Any emotion will do he told me that the ones he loves the most are the ones that require fear and rage. So for the next couple years of life, this pathetic little creature had me do the impossible task such as go to a market and come back in half an hour the nears market was inside the kingdom which happens to be at least 20 miles away. Another task that he made me do was to get the scales of a dragon, tears of a bear, and eye of newt. What is it, with every spell needing an eye of newt I wondered. 
One winter afternoon when I was running an errand for my mast...for the dwarf came across a family. This family was made of four  a long-bearded man with his loving wife by his side which made me sick and there two precious little girls I'm  not sure why but this family brought out the rage in me especially the little girls
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