#i'm gonna be petty & never again watch a single thing she's in from now on lmao fuck!!!!
cinnamonsikwate · 2 years
stephanie hsu and angela bassett i will avenge you
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some-pers0n · 9 months
Hey guys I was gonna reblog to @avianreptiles's cool reblog thread of your current art WIPs (which you totally should do)(sharing art is cool) andddd I wanted to share something myself. But I didn't write it yet. I then got carried away with writing it. Here ya go.
It's a scene from my Albatross fic that I've been trying to figure out how to do for a while. It's framed as a oneshot for now, but yeah it'll be integrated later on. It features a dead wife and sad aromantic Albatross.
Reblogs are always appreciated!! I adore seeing the notes people leave behind. They make me giggle and kick my feet. I love you guys <33
Albatross never got the point of funerals. Others tried telling him that they were worth his time. "It's a celebration of life!" they would say. They'd frame it as a commendable event. That he should be happy that somebody is dead.
He couldn't imagine a place he wouldn't rather be than here, standing before her grave.
Marlin, his wife, had passed away a few days ago. Albatross was the one to find her. He will never forget the utter horror that was seeing her lying on the floor, bleeding out with a single cut on her neck. She was long gone by the time he got there. He tried everything he could, even desperately begging for his magic to somehow bring her back, but to no avail. She was lost.
It had been a blur from then and up until the funeral. A dazed state of vague emptiness. A fog of numbness. He hadn't cried since discovering her body, something he felt guilty for. Manta and Eel, their very own dragonets, had been bawling nonstop. Even Lagoon was weeping earlier. Surprising that she had emotions.
No, he shouldn't say that. Being petty gets him nowhere. She was so distraught over Marlin's death. Even if he found the ceremony obnoxiously long and overdramatic, especially when she got upset at him refusing to speak, he should be grateful he set this whole thing up. 
Marlin deserved a nice send-off. She deserved a lot better than what she got in life, so she deserved just as much in death.
The grave was in the center of one of the Island Palace's gardens. It was where they got married and was always her favourite spot. Echoes of memories flowed through him. The feeling of warmth watching her tend to the bushes and flowers. The sweetness of seeing Manta take up an interest in her mother's craft. She loved this area.
Now she's memorialized with a grave. A marble statue erected where her body was buried, complete with aquamarines for her eyes.
The sky was overcast and grey. The wind wasn't cold, but humid enough to be slightly uncomfortable. It was as though he was standing in a world where the life was drained from it. Any joy or hope that could've been had decayed.
It was late into the evening. Everyone had already gone up and left. Manta and Eel were put to bed an hour ago. The only one awake in this palace was Albatross himself. He didn't feel too happy with the service. Many mourned the loss of Marlin, but more than anything, Albatross wanted to spend it alone.
"I'm sorry," he said. He didn't know why he said it, but it felt better to hear his voice. "I'm sorry for, well, everything." He glanced at the bushes around them. Some were trampled and stomped on, disturbed by the guests. "I wanted a private event. I wanted it to be just me, the dragonets, and you. I didn't want it to be this whole thing. But, you know, Lagoon insisted." He scoffed.
The statue did not respond. He wasn't expecting it to, but the apathetic silence was deafening.
"A lot of things between us shouldn't have been as public as they were. Lagoon." A faint smile cracked across his snout. "You always said I should've been more assertive. Not let her push me around. And you're right. I really, really should have." 
His expression faded away. "You wouldn't have liked it being like this. I'm sorry about that. I should have been firm with her, but she just kept pushing about it and..." He winced. "She brought up her again. Used her as an argument against me, again. Then, she brought you up. She never said it, but I knew what she meant. She thinks I could've saved you. If I had been there, I could've protected you. I could've gotten to you before you died."
He sat down, folding his wings to his side. The words were spilling out of him. "And she's right. I'm a coward. A stupid, childish fool who's afraid of his own shadow. Because of it, I ruined Sapphire's life. Because of it, I let you die." He tapped his talons against the ground. "I don't think I could do anything to make it up to you for what I've done." 
He glanced up at the statue. He was met with the frozen stare of those teal gemstone eyes.
"You did more than I deserved, quite frankly. You gave me two wonderful dragonets. I cannot thank you enough. If there's one thing I could do for you, it's giving them a life that is better than ours. They are the light of my life." He smiled, lost in thought over them. "I'll be a good father."
He heavily sighed, his grin washed away. "It's a shame they came from Lagoon pressuring me. She wants another animus. Obvious why. I'm sorry that you were roped into all of this." He walked closer to the statue.
"Everything about us was dictated by her, really. Even our own marriage she arranged. Maybe, had you been luckier, you wouldn't have ended up with me. You could have had a lovely life with a better partner. A partner who...actually loved you."
His jaw quivered. "I was never clear about that, but I think you knew. You were the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen. You brought me more joy and happiness into my life than I deserved. But, even as I said my vows on that very night when we were wed, I lied." He bit his tongue. "I never felt more disgusted by myself when I told you 'I love you'. I didn't. I never did."
He blinked, feeling tears well up. "There's...something wrong with me." He looked at his talons. "I don't know whether it's this magic or something I was hatched with, but there's something deeply wrong with me. I wanted to love you. I treated you with so much care and respect. I liked you, Marlin. Every moment we spent together was one I cherished...but I never felt that spark."
His voice began to break. "Every day I wished that somehow I could fix myself. That one morning I would wake up and magically the hole in my heart and begin to feel any sort of attraction or love to you. That we could be together forever. End up like a couple in a storybook, where we rush off into the sunset forever, full of only love with one another."
He rested his head on the statue. "And I'm sorry that I'll never be able to give you that. You deserved someone who could love you in a way that meant something. You deserved a better life than what you were given, and I'm so...so sorry..."
He gave way to incoherent weeping, quietly murmuring to the statue the same thing over and over again. He was sorry. He couldn't do anything to fix it. He could only feel pity for himself. For being incapable of making a stand. For being incompetent when it came to social situations. For being a terrible, horrible partner.
Marlin was dead, and Albatross was left with nothing more than the cold, unfeeling statue that stood before her. As though her life was little more than a name on a garden decoration. A footnote in a long, long history of SeaWing royals. She would be forgotten by the sands of time.
So long as he lived, he would ensure she would be remembered. That, somehow, her story will be recounted even thousands of years later. It was the one thing he could promise.
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currymuncherxxx0 · 9 months
Obey me demon brothers with a Chav! Mc
Okay so this hc is gonna be comedy lol. Its the obey me brothers with an mc who is such a chav. A chav is basically a very popular British girl in British schools or anywhere it doesn't have be in school lol. If you're British you'll understand lmao. #chav
As you arrived in devildom you had a very salty look on your face. Your fake lashes falling off, your face looking disgusted and your orange foundation and dark contour stands out.
Lucifer: Lucifer will obviously be very annoyed and irritated. This human causes more chaos than mammon himself. She's too loud and petty. And not to forget, the litres of Victoria's secret perfume sprayed on herself and in her room. It killed his airways. Lucifer comes to her to scold her about spraying too much perfume in the house of lamentation until she replies "Oh my god bruv, it actually bare stinks in this room yeah, you lot need to know what hygiene is." With that, Lucifer got frustrated. "MC! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU CONTINUE TO SPRAY PERFUME IN THE HOUSE??! IT WILL DAMAGE THE AIR!!" "Okay and, I don't care fam. It still smells like clapped pussios." Lucifer gets more confused now. More and more confused. He don't know a single thing about British slang. But as time went on, the MC and lucifer did have a love hate relationship. In fact, Lucifer even wanted to visit London with MC.
Mammon: Being the second born tsundere, Mammon is obviously gonna be like, "Oi, I don't like ya, MC!" and then he blushes. But when the MC is like, "Okay and? You keep staring at me like a bare madman still. You're clapped anyways." Mammon got more confused. What is clapped? As soon as he finds out what it actually means, Mammon starts sobbing into his pillows every day and night. Although Mammon was an idiot, he was never insulted by someone he loved. Since all of his brothers treated him like shit and insulted him badly. He had to cope with that trauma. A few weeks later, the MC realises how much she's hurt his feelings. "Look bruv. I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings still. It's just that I grew up having to be a salty skept. Forgive me still." With that, Mammon is a bit skeptical but forgives mc. The next time any roadman try to shank MC up, Mammon is here with her in his demon form. And if any girl tries to steal Mammon away from the MC, MC will smoke them still.
Leviathan: Now we all know that Levi is always in his room, watching some random h3nt@1 shit or playing video games. And he probably didn't shower for weeks. And because of that, MC does laugh at him. "Oi you man. What the fuck did you do with your hair, why does it look like some purple bowl? Are you Justin Bieber on crack mate? You're butters! Take a shower as well, fam." With that, Levi was just like "w-well you're obviously not gonna l-like a-an o-otaku like m-me." I swear, this guy gives pick me boy vibes. But the second that Levi takes off his shirt and his toned, outlined 6 pack and chest is showing, the MC is more confused now and also intrigued. "O-oi, MC, s-stop l-looking at me!" "Alai, you're actually so fit icl. You're leng. Since when did you have a chocolate bar shaped body when you're in that prison all day just busting shit?? You're tasty, bruv." And with that, the two of them have hate love relationships again. Levi swears to protect the MC from the opps. And MC swears to scrap anyone who even steals her bf away.
Satan: Well, Satan does has anger and daddy issues. So don't fuck with him or else you'll get smoked by him innit. "Oi, you! Yeah you, you yeah! You look like Cat Noir from poundland still." With that, Satan gets angry. "Well at least I'm smarter than you, kid." He's a bit angry. "You're calling big man a kid?? Nah. I'm a big man, pussio. I'll chef you and your dad up, wait you have daddy issues lololol" Satan has turned intona green flash and then into his demon form. "WTF DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, B***!! ILL FUCKNG BREAK YOUR NECK!!" Satan was destroying everything around him now. "Okay okay fam, calm down fam. No need to act mental and that, get a grip mate. Sorry fam. Geez, you're so sensitive blud." Throughout time, they're still enemies. Yeah.
Asmodeus: Asmo is gonna be the one that the MC hates the most. MC thinks that he's too feminine as a man. As Asmo applies a heavy amount of foundation, concealer, contour, blusher, face powder, glittery pink, orange and yellow eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, long long false lashes, highlighter, bronzer and purple lipstick, MC just looks at him, weirdly. "What the fuck are you doing, bruv? You look bare zesty." Asmo does not know a single thing about British slang so instead he says this. "Oh, sorry for stating the facts that I'm beautiful hun. You're just jealous that I can blend my contour and concealer better than you, you just look more orange than Donald trump, your crusty musty looking concealer lips." MC gets angry. "Oi, what the fuck did you just say to me, bruv?? Do you wanna scrap?? I'll smoke you fam, don't fuck with me innit." Asmo isn't scared at all. "Well try and do that, love. You won't be able to walk the next day, hun~~~ 😏" of course he's gonna be some horny ass mf.
Beelzebub: Tbh, I think MC would kind of get along with Beel. Yes, she would find it irritating that beel eats the whole fridge but still. I have a feeling tha MC would actually have a crush on Beel. "Oi, Ed Sheeran looking man! Yeah you! You're leng still! You look fit! Man eats the whole fridge and still has bare tits and biceps." And yeah, MC and beel just have a nice friendship. As time went on, Beel smoked more oops and roadmen who touched MC and MC scrapped any chav that would lay a finger on her bodybuilder bf.
Sorry I didn't add belphie, I'll try to do that in the next part 😭
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papirouge · 2 years
Ugh, believe me, i was also cringing at many of the comments on those threads. Supposedly, theres this trend of redhead characters being changed to being black, like Annie, Starfire, Mary Jane, or April from the ninja turtles.
Oh, and speaking of such, they were also whining because april is gonna be black in a new TMNT movie... She already was in the newest cartoon, but they wanted her to go back to being white. Also, whining about her being fat and unattractive. We're talking about a kid here, since shes younger in this incarnation, so why even care if shes hot 😭 I bet half these dudes dont even care about TMNT... To be fair, the TMNT fans did raise some hell when shredder was gonna be white in a movie, since hes originally japanese, but i doubt they're even the same ppl.
The little mermaid thing is just very sad. I feel specially bad for the actress, specially after finding out shes just 19! I hope shes just ignoring the comments, because some people can be really cruel. Even some latinos were against the decision - i think theyre quite divided, but many were making racist memes and all. I guess we cant always relay in 'poc solidarity' or whatever.
Another good point you raise is how the japanese and many other east asian countries don't care about the white race or sees them as equal (once a friend of mine actually got targeted when she went to Korea). Also, I remember reading somewhere that the japanese public liked the appearence of younger white people, basically pre-puberty, but disliked the adults, specially the men as they lose the 'soft features' from infancy.
And youre right, i really shouldnt be visiting these places: they only make me sad or angry. I dont know why sometimes i cant help but hateread those threads. When people are behind a screen, they really can spew the most vile shit thats on their minds. Like they always say, just dont read the comment section...
As I already said: every single person remotely bothered by the skin color, sexual orientation, gender or attractiveness of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS is way too old to watch/play whatever show or video game they are from. Period.
That being said, I think there's a psyop of Black characters being shoved into random thing to get White simpletons mad and seethe about White erasure. Of course, they'll never bother looking into WHO produce those show or pick these Black artists to be featured in them..... Whites need to sort between each other their obsession to use POC as props for their agendas.
Black people never bothered about The Little Mermaid or TMNT like that....sure, this (positive) representation is great and that's why the community got hyped (and let's be honest, seeing some Whites seething fueled even more fire bc one thing we Black ppl be good at is being petty lol) but to act like Black people/wokistan are actively trying to erase White people, heterosexuality, masculinity or whatever is ridiculous. Again: they have to go after the higher-ups responsible of those casting choice (not Twitter randos) - and chances are they arent Black, non-straight or female¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Taking a peep at top companies CEO entirely debunks the oppression complex narrative of antiwoke acting like the statuquo was under attack.... It's not. They just want to play the victim - while pretending to fight wokistan victim culture 🙄
Halle is perfect to play a mermaid. She had those slightly alienish features (her eyes are quite far apart lo') but still conventionally pretty. I can hardly think of any actress having the same energy. Maybe Ana Taylor Joy, but she's now botched and is an anachan which may sparks controversy if she ever gets casted in a Disney production....
And I'm absolutely not surprised to see Latinos hating lmao Latinos are huuuuge negrophobe and I'm side eyeing them so bad whenever they try to leverage their non Whiteness calling White "gringos" when they are themselves pale and are descendants of European colonizers in south America 💀 I mean look Argentinians priding themselves "not looking like a Disney movie" (= not visible Blacks in their population).....those people Looooove aligning themselves with White whenever it comes to diss Black people. Therefore Black people are extremely distrustful of Latinos anyway ; we see how they treat they darkskined citizens
POC solidarity is a myth. Unmelanated non-Whites hate actual people of COLOR, and all races look down on Black Africans...That's why I'm foremost defending MY people.
Yeah, there's this misconception of thinking that bc they dye their hair blonde and wear color contact, East Asian want to 'look White'. i think they definitely fancy the diversity of White ppl's phenotype such as the eye and hair color, but for pretty much all the rest, they cater to their own specific beauty standards (especially when it comes to bone structure and face proportion). White people tend to favor sharper bone structure while Asian are all about rounder and softer ones. I don't think Asians look up White people face structure (that make them look older and faster). This contrast was really striking with Kotakoti stunts in japanese magazines where she looked so out of place : despite her dolly blonde hair and blue eyes, she still had those strong adult Westerner features which were so different from her japanese pals' 🥴 (more soft and rounder)
East Asian beauty culture is hysterical though, and even though Asian men have softer features than Western men, their obsession with 'softness' compels them to look more soft than they naturally are. Ultimately men regardless of their race are men ; if Asian men were naturally looking like soft potatoes they wouldn't need to resort to all these procedures to look like that🥴 Men with square jawline botching themselves to have egg face shape is a crime against humanity btw. (square jawline are beautiful on both sex imo♥️)
And the internet isn't a safe space for Black women. There was a stat showing that Black women were more at risk of online harassment compared to any other demographics..... Social medias (especially Twitter) literally feed off your anger (for engagement), so thread lightly. That's why Tumblr is my favorite social media ; it's mostly an image board, and my dash is only curated with what I choose to see.
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lareinenoir · 3 years
THE PURGE; Sanctuary C.E x black reader
Tumblr media
60 Days Until The Purge
"I'll order take out. I know you like Thai-"
"Don't order anything. I'm actually not even hungry." You said as he took your bag and put it on his shoulder. "What?" He was looking at you weird and it made you frown.
"Where's the rest of your stuff?"
"You asked me to stay the night. That is my overnight bag." You replied folding your arms and walking over to the couch. Your hand touched your forehead and you sighed. You could still feel him looking at you as you tried to relax with your head leaned back. "After I tell Shonda about our situation, you're signing the papers."
"What do you mean-"
"You know what I mean." You shot back
"Ok, well theirs a lot to consider now." He motioned to your stomach and you sat up straight. "We're having a baby, now."
"No no no." You shook your head feeling your petty insides bubble a bit in sarcasm. "I'm having a baby. Me. Just me.”
"Obviously I want to be apart of our baby's life." Chris argued back and you frowned and scoffed. He put your bag down and crossed his arms as you brushed it off. "You can't seriously think I won't. V that's insane."
"You wanna know what's insane? You think you're gonna get anywhere near it. Why in the hell would I allow you and your broken promises anywhere near my child? Do you think I'm stupid? To make the same mistake twice!"
"Again? V what do you want me to do?" He asks throwing his hands up. "Acting is what I do, that's my job-"
"I don't care about that. I'm not asking you to chose your job or me-"
"It damn well near sounds like it. I would never make you choose." He countered back and you gripped your fists together.
"You may not have said it directly, but there have been many times where you have indirectly patronized me. I just found out I'm pregnant and I have been trying so hard to deal with it." you replied watching him pace back and forth and shake his head. "I have been getting the worst headaches, I can't keep any food down and I literally get lightheaded on set every single day because hiding my pregnancy has been a real joy ride." You replied sarcastically with a small chuckle
"What do you want me to do? I tell you to tell the producers, you get mad. I tell you to take a break, you get mad. I tell you to come over and you’re mad.” Chris said in disbelief. “I don't know what you want from me." He shrugs brushing the hair from his eyes.
"Not once since you found out have you asked me how I'm doing? My whole career is at risk I could lose my job. And you don't even seem to care.” You said
"V, I do care." He reached for your shoulder and you took in another breath. "I want you to stop worrying all the time. And you're right, I should be concerned more about you. I should be there for you-I should've been there for you in the beginning.” He admitted and you folded your lips again.
Are For real this time? Should I let it go and move past it? Again? No because it'll start all over again.
"This baby is mine. This is a life changing thing that's happening, I can't let you ruin it too." You spoke
" I'm taking responsibility because this is something I want. Ok? Can't we find some common ground? You of all people should know what it's like to grow up without a father!"
"You know too!" You shouted back. Chris' dad had died when he was younger. He talked about him sometimes but not as much. "I'd rather have had my father six feet under then to have him choosing when it's convenient for him to show up!" You said with your foot down shaking your head.
"Forget the divorce. Me and you living here happily married for the years to come. Whats so bad about that? Why can't I have that? What's so wrong with the picture of two parents raising a child?" His voice was loud and he was getting frustrated. He didn't shout, but you could tell how passionate he was about it. He always wanted to be a daddy, a parent. "Huh?"
"It's not just about you!" You said stepping closer. "Because..." You shrugged feeling your eyes water as you suck in your cheeks. "I knew the kind of man I was marrying. So involved with his job it took him almost fifteen years to actually start dating. It's not about you or your career. This baby is all I have right now.”
He looked confused as he relaxed his brow and pinched the bridge of his nose. From two feet away you could feel his heartbeat and you felt a little bad for how foolish you probably looked. You still loved him, not like you ever stopped, but you remembered that you still loved him.
Because, it's not about me either anymore. You thought
"Forget the papers okay..." You said swallowing your own pride. "just forget it. You’re right. I want our child to have two parents who will love him unconditionally. But it has to stop, because it takes two. I can't have you with one foot in the door." You admitted
“Yeah yeah.” He nodded “yeah I get that. I’m not going anywhere.” Chris said and you walked forward and took his hand kissing his palm as you placed it on the side of your face. “I promise V.” He cups your face and stares into your eyes. His stubble poking at you a bit as you held his wrists.
“I love you.” You said with a small smile
“Still?” He laughed making you roll your eyes as you giggled a little. “I love you too. Are you sure you aren’t hungry?” He asks again
“Yes.” You nodded “now shut up and come take a nap with me.”
“Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!” I said throwing the phone on the couch. I had called five times and her phone went straight to voicemail.
“This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. ALL Weapons have been authorized for use during the purge. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 121 days. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until December 15, 12:00 o’clock midnight, when the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all.”
My tv was replayed the message nine more times before shutting off. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Today is august 15, Vanessa’s birthday is tomorrow which was when she’d be 17 weeks. We had marked it on the calendar together. More than half my wife’s pregnancy would be spent during the purge. I needed to find her!
I didn’t support the purge. Something about killing people to be “cleansed” just didn’t sit right in my gut. It made my heart ache thinking about the clean up at the end. I could bring Dodger, but he can only do so much. Maybe he could help track her scent. Grabbing my coat I folded my lips together.
“Fuck!” I shout
With what weapon? How was I going to run the streets looking for my wife without a gun? I loved the idea of owning one, but Vanessa made me swear not to bring one in the house if she was there. So I just dropped the idea. Looking in the kitchen I grabbed one of the Chef knives off the rack. Maybe this would be enough for now...
“Damnit!” I curse looking at Dodger. “She said she was at Topanga Park. Start there?” I asked, as if he’d answer back. I grabbed her bonnet from off the bathroom door handle and stuffed it in my backpack.
I didn’t hesitate l. I locked up everything and jumped inside my truck. Dodger sat on the passenger side and I felt my hands start to shake as I put my foot on the gas. I started to promise god I would go to church if he would keep her safe.
“I don’t even know if you’re even listening or you even care. I love her, I’ve been such and idiot and I don’t wanna lose her.” I looked at Dodger and he was sitting up straight. “I remember you didn’t like her. You wouldn’t let her anywhere near me, you bark and squeeze yourself in between us when we sat down in the room to watch movies.” I chuckle wiping the little tear that slipped from my eye “You stole one of her wigs too.”
“WHAT THE FUCK!” she shouted chasing you around the house. “DODGER GIVE IT BACK! COME BACK!”
We chased him around the house and Dodger thought it was some sort of game. We had been officially dating for a month. I had started laughing when I caught him and held her headband wig in my hand. She stood their with her arms folded while I petted his head and she rolled her eyes.
"I told you he doesn't like me." She said as I stood up and she took the wig from my hand.
"Come on, he's just getting used to you."
"I've been over here every day. Your dog hates me."
"What?" I tilted my head to the side and touch her nose with my index finger. "Deal breaker? If my dog doesn't like my girlfriend, I'm gonna dump her? Tell me where that makes sense."
She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist looking up at the ceiling as I kissed her neck. "I guess you have a point." Vanessa sighed.
"He's just warming up to you that's all."
"What's stopping me from breaking up with you?"
"Over a dog?"
"This is his third assault against me. First it was tearing up my purse, then chewing up my crocs, not to mention the little shit I found inside of them. And now stealing my wig and playing cat and mouse." Said Vanessa as I rested my head on top of hers. "Luckily this is a backup wig."
“Aren’t you wearing one right now?” I asked
“Headband wig. And that wig your dog has destroyed,” she gave him the side eye “it was my favorite and expensive.” She gritted her teeth
“I’ll buy you another one.” I offered
She purses her lips and shook her head. “I don’t want you buying me anything. I’ll just break up with you. For real this time.”
"Fine then..." I baited her shrugging my shoulders. "Break up with me."
“Over a dog?” She frowns mocking me as I smile down at her and her eyebrows bend downward a little as she caressed my face. Her finger was gentle and she stood on her top toes and kissed my lips. “Never.”
I look over at Dodger and pat his head. "We'll find her. I know we will." I say trying to lift my spirits.
When we arrived to Topanga Park, it was a sight. I didn't even want to leave the truck. I felt my heart race a little more. "What the hell..."
In the middle of traffic-in between the cars were bodies. Dodger started barking at the train of blood that stained the streets. It was empty, but I could feel a heavy weight on my back. Walking behind me, next to me...it was all around me. I hadn't realized I had my hand over my mouth an nose, it was hard for me to breath as the stench of dead bodies. Dodger kept barking and that led to me chasing after him. I had her bonnet in one hand and I called after him.
I came to a halt when I came face to face with another person. He had Dodger in his hands and I felt my muscle tense up. He was tall and very familiar looking. I swallowed the lump in my throat and held the kitchen knife in my hand with a firm grip.
"Captain America?"
I tilted my head sideways and licked my lower lip narrowing my brow a little. "Yeah, give me the dog and we can go our separate ways. Ok?"
He nodded his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and put the dog down. I wasn't really concerned about who he was I was trying to prepare for a fight. He dropped his gun on the ground and held up his his hand.
"I'm not going to kill you. I'm looking for my wife." He said "She left her watch in that building." He pointed to the school and slowly pulled the watch from his pocket.
"In there?" I asked
"Yeah." He nodded, but I still couldn't shake the feeling I knew him from somewhere. "My name is Jared. My wife's name is Gianne, I'm pretty sure she was with someone else-are you looking for someone too? Maybe we could help each other. There was something written on the chalkboard in there, I wasn't something Gia would write, but she was here. All I wanna do is find her-"
"Supernatural?" I asked turning my head to the side. Vanessa loved that show. Whenever she had spare time she would watch it or on those many night she'd spend the night at my house we would watch it-well not really watch it. The Netflix and 'chill' was emphasized. "You said something about some sort of message on the wall?" I asked motioning with my hand. "what did it say?"
"um, CE equals BE or something like that." He shrugged
I laughed a little. Vanessa Evans plus Chris Evans equals Baby Evans. It was a stupid joke-an Easter egg if you will. Shonda put in the show on the whiteboard in one of our love scenes as a way to announce our pregnancy to the audience. She often left clues to the next episode in every episode except this one was not only in the show but in real life.
"Chris Evans." I say extending my hand out to him. I'm pretty sure he knew by the little smile playing on his face. He shook my hand and nodded his head.
"I know. I'm a big marvel fan, I know all your lines." Jared chuckled and then cleared his throat as he nervously laughed. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jared Padalecki - I know I said that already..."
I introduced him to Dodger and I felt a little more relaxed. I gathered that she was alive and we both came to the assumption that they were traveling together.
"Where do you think their headed?" I asked as we walked to his car which was tricked out and full of ammunition and guns. Not to mention government level protective gear.
"While I was in there, I picked up someone else. Heavy footed and big, traveling with dogs. Hair everywhere." He went on tossing me a bullet proof vest. "You heard of Sanctuary?"
"The safety place? Yeah, but it's hard to find. It's for people who get caught in the Purge right?"
He narrowed his brow and shook his head. "No." Said Jared sharply. "Sanctuary is a secret government funded task force. It started off as a conspiracy some myth to explain all the random disappearances throughout the year. It's a government project designed for population control." He went on
"Ok...what does that have anything to do with the Purge?"
"Everything. An organization designed to control the US population. We're talking Pro killers who were once on a leash, but when that horn sounded and the Purge began, they are just as free to kill anyone they want." Said Jared handing me an ipad. It was a list of celebrities. From pro athletes like Steph Curry and their immediate families to movie stars and singers like Rhianna and Tom Cruise. "There are rumors that they are hunting celebrities. The kardashians and Jenner's are fair game. If not the stars themselves then they choose their parents, brothers and sisters."
"And do what?" I asked quietly as I saw mine and Vanesssa picture
"Most get auctioned off to the highest bidder, I've also heard they kill them on the spot for money or bring them in to fight for the death. Bottom line, there is a bounty on our heads. During the Purge everyone is fair game, their is no protection."
"You're telling me she's out there being hunted by them right now?" I asked
“Possibly. The dog hair isn’t a breed we know. They are a combination of hunting canines, bloodhound, foxhound, Labrador retriever with the built and aggression of a something like a pit bull a Rottweiler.” Said Jared as I looked up from the iPad and gave it back. “You’re gonna need more than a kitchen knife. We find the dogs and the hunter and we’ll find them.”
He held a gun out to me and wiped my mouth with the palm of my hand trying to mentally prepare for what is to come."
“Do you believe in the Purge?” I asked still questioning why his car was full of weapons. “You kill people?”
He nodded his head. “Yes. I don’t believe in hiding or waiting for someone to kill me. We all have the right to Purge."
"What's stopping you from killing me?"
Jared sighed and shook his head. "I'm hunting them. I'm surviving and if you decide to threaten my survival, then I'll kill you." He went over to the driver side of his Ford charger. "Get in. Knowing Gia she is headed for Roberts hole."
"What's that?" I asked climbing in the passenger seat of the car.
“It’s a Cassino for celebrities. Jack Black owns it. It’s locked up right but open to his favorites during the Purge.”
“They’ll be there?”
“Relax.” He out his hand in my shoulder and looked at me as dodger sat in the back seat. “We will find them. You know how to shoot don’t you?” Jared raised his gun in the air and nodded my head.
I guess it wasn’t confidently and he chuckled. “Vanessa isn’t a fan of guns.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll practice. Ok?”
A/N: Sorry it took so long😬 don’t hate me, please. Lol, I hope everyone is doing well and safe out here. If you wanna be tagged leave it in the ask box, Anyways…Untill next time!
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 4 years
Varsity Jacket | j.jh
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synopsis: your highschool boyfriend has a reputation of not showing affection in public nor sharing his clothes with other girls so why was he doing those things with you?
pairing: boyfriend!jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: highschool!au, sexual themes with some fluff on the side
warning: lots of touching “we’re touching each other, it’s all about interaction, we gotta be social” ~ mark lee
word count: 1.9k
Part 1 | Part 2
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
once you walk in your see jaehyun standing up and looking towards where you were, he smiles once he sees you and waves you over to his table. you’re about to walk over when you see your friends at a different table. you sighed, you blew off your friends the previous days already and you were beginning to feel bad.
you raise one finger to jaehyun and he nods sitting down. you walk over to your table, they smile at you immediately.
“are you sitting with us today?” mira asked.
“cant. I’m really really sorry” you reply feeling bad.
“it’s fine,” she says smiling softly. “yes it’s okay to be with your boyfriend” seongyeon winks at you. you smile and nod walking away but you couldn’t help but feel upset.
“there you are” jaehyun smiles as he notices you, he stands up. he looked so good at that moment, your boyfriend was incredibly sexy. it drove you crazy, he drove you crazy; especially when he was shirtless. you loved licking his abs. you could feel all the individual packs with your tongue. you even left hickeys on them and that’s why there were always dark red/purple marks on his abs when he changed for basketball practice, this hadn’t gone unnoticed by his teammates either.
“you kept my jacket on” he smiles when your closer to him and you nod at him.
“yeah I did because it’s comfortable and warm” you hug him.
“good” he smiles sweetly. “I’ve been thinking about you since I last saw you” he digs his head into the crook of your neck. you wrap your arms around his waist and kiss the top of his head. jae has always been clingy like this, he hugged and kissed you all the time.
“oh yeah? what were you thinking about?” you asked letting your hand travel down the sides of his torso and you slide your hands up his shirt feeling your way around his body.
“having you in my arms, smelling you, kissing you, and also touching your body” his hands explore your body freely, moving his hands up and down the grooves of your curves.
“how do you want to touch me,” you ask genuinely.
“I wanna explore every inch of your naked body,” he says in your ear making your breath hitch. his hands go down to your ass and he squeezes it tightly, you moan softly as he starts to kneed with his fingers and palms.
“are you guys gonna film a porno in front of us too?” johnny says directing all the guys’ attention to you both.
“I probably would just because I wouldn’t care” jaehyun turns his head to them and you do too. all their eyes meet yours for a reaction and that’s what you give them.
“you wouldn’t care but I would” you twist your face at him.
“well you heard her, we won’t be filming a porno in front of you guys” jaehyun stands up and takes his hands away from you, grabbing your hand and sitting down at the table.
“wow, jaehyun conforming to what a girl wants instead of just thinking about himself. that’s a rare sight” haechan says in a surprised voice. you wondered why that was. why did jaehyun treat you differently than past girls?
“this is not a girl, this is my girl,” he says looking at all of them. you caught that however, you needed to know now. why are you different?
“jae can I talk to you alone?” you whisper in his ear.
“sure princess. hey guys I’ll be right back” he stands up and grabs your hand.
“they’re gonna go fuck” and they all made noises. at least the boys didn’t seem to hate you at this moment. jaehyun chuckled and guided you out of the lunchroom and into what you both called your special place. it was a place up on the roof, it had all kinds of colorful flowers. it didn’t sound as magical as it was but it was a sight to see.
it was where you first came in contact with jaehyun. you knew him but he didn’t know you at the time, the more and more you and him saw each other, the more your crushes developed on each other. you guys were friends until finally, you confessed to him. it went well because here you guys were a year later, together in a relationship.
you both step onto the ground outside and he brings you over to the iconic spot.
“so what do you wanna talk about?” he sits down and pulls you into his lap so you're straddling him.
“I wanted to know why I'm different from other girls” his eyebrows furrow and you decide to explain further. “you’ve never given other girls your jacket but im wearing it and you don’t show affection in public but you showed a lot of PDA today” you wrap your arms around his neck and play with the hairs on the back of his neck.
“it’s because... I could see a future with you,” you raise your eyebrows not expecting him to say something like that. “I mean your wifey material and they weren’t. you’re the longest relationship I’ve ever been in but that’s because I couldn’t see myself marrying them or being with them long term. don’t you see? I can see myself marrying you and having kids, having an actual family with you because that’s how much I love you” he says, the whole time you were biting your lip and looking into his eyes. how did you get so lucky?
you place your hands on either side of his face and immediately pull him in for a kiss as soon as he was done talking. he smiled against your lips and kissed you back, gripping your waist. you move your lips to his cheeks and down his neck.
“you're so fucking beautiful,” you say softly in his ear and kiss under it.
“I should be the one saying that to you” he chuckles and pulls your face back up to his, kissing your cheeks gently.
“no, you’ve loved on me all day. it’s my turn to love on you now” you move down to his neck and nip at it.
“i’ll let it slide for right now princess” he tilts his head so you have more space. you smile against his neck and plant hot open-mouthed kisses on his neck, sucking on his skin a bit until bright red marks formed.
“today I got an argument with a girl and it was about you,” you say against his neck.
“why?” he rubs your back.
“because she thought she could look at me any type of way so I gave it to her straight. she was delusional, she called you her man and everything like who says that shit when you know that guy is taken?” you look up at him through your eyelashes.
“what did I tell you beforehand? don’t get into petty arguments, this is what I didn’t want happening” he says softly and kisses your head.
“yeah but at the end of the day who's receiving all your love? who’s getting kisses and ass grabs? who’s fucking you and making you groan? me that’s who. baby your mine, all… mine” you turn his face to yours and plant small kisses on his lips until he pulls away.
“you can’t just say some shit like that and then kiss me like that. fuck that was so hot. I love it when your possessive” he slips his hands up your shirt and lets his hands roam your skin. “I want you so bad right now” he groans. you knew he was telling the truth because you could feel his hard-on right beneath you.
“nope let’s go I’m not taking care of your problem right now” you stand up and hold your hand out to him. he groans in annoyance and takes your hand.
“your mean” he pouts.
“suck it up buttercup” you lead him back into the school. the walk was fairly quiet, both of you were enjoying the presence of each other.
“hey, baby?” you say before you walk into the cafeteria, making you stop in your tracks.
“yeah, sweetheart?” he stops walking also and looks at you.
“I can see a future with you too, I can see us having our own house with our own little family,” you smile at the thought and then look into his eyes. “that’s what I see when I look into your eyes, jaehyun your eyes are full of life they’re so pretty,” you place your hand on his face and caress his cheek. “your so pretty” you whisper.
he doesn’t say anything and instead looks into your eyes too, you both were intoxicated by the other; neither of you moving a single muscle that was until the bell rung and people started pouring out the room.
jaehyun immediately grabs your hand and pulls you off to the side. he pushed you against the wall and stroked your bottom lip.
“did you mean what you said? every word?” he asks biting his lip softly and his tone lower than usual.
“yes I meant it all. jae I can see our kids running around the house with smiles on their face while me and you are cuddled up next to each other watching them.” you instantly smile. “our kids would cute as hell too” you chuckle.
“for your genes obviously. your drop dead gorgeous from head to toe” he looks you up and down. “and your all mine that’s the crazy part”
you shake your head. “you definitely carry the looks in the relationship and will carry the looks in our kids genes”
“stop that non sense and kiss me” he looks deep into your eyes, his fingers dancing on your waist.
you do as he said and grip his biceps pulling him closer. you move your lips against his at the perfect pace, the kiss was full of passion and love you could feel it. you really loved him no doubt about that, you didn’t care who watched or stared now because he was yours and you were his.
“jaehyun come on we have class” doyoung says, making you both pull away.
“I guess i’ll see you later baby” jaehyun pecks your lips multiple times before you push him away gently.
“jae your gonna be late go” you chuckle and he quickly pecks your lips again before walking away.
you bit your lip as you watched him walk away. damn he was all yours. how in the world did you get so lucky.
“y/n let’s go” seongyeon says, pulling you by your hand and with that you were off to your next class, with jaehyun on your mind.
a/n: that’s the end! i know that was a weird ending but i wasn’t sure how to end it nonetheless i happened you all enjoyed it!!
NCT Masterlist
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beann-e · 3 years
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um wow , idk what to say i’m a bit flustered but i hope i say it right. I was only gone for a couple of days and this is what I come back to. 😮 Tysm guys I love you all thank you for taking the time out of your scrolls to even follow me >:’) So, I decided to follow through on my haikyu x police force idea and here it is a sneak peek! I hope you enjoy !
May 1 , 2021
-recording take one
" I am under oath to tell you that everything being said here today will be used to further the investigation against yourself. That being said If you choose to answer a question or provide a statement I will have no choice but to write it down to be processed and turned into someone of higher authority than me is that clear "
" i'd say that's a bit — well stupid to me saying yes when your the highest fish on the food chain no? "
" what else can I say except lucky you that everything you say won't be passed around and relayed much less having your words twisted by those listening "
" cute "
" i'd say same goes to you if you weren't chained up in front of me right now — I might've just asked you out on a date "
" i'm free friday at 10 — though it's in the morning so I pose the question— Would you like to sneak me from my court case baby I promise i’ll make it up to you "
" mm i'll think about it seeing as though i'm the one escorting you to your new cell anyways we might just have to have a uh a talk inside hmm"
" what no balls ? "
" sadly none —or at least physically seeing as though i'm a woman "
" I never would've guessed if it wasn't for the way that suit hugs your curves — your pretty full out huh you must be fun "
" i've gotten that before though people tend to say i’m a bit more fun elsewhere "
" aw you wound me you didn’t tell me I had competition babe “
" of course not your first in line in my eyes, it sucks that the ring on my finger says differently though "
" isn't that sweet I might just have to take you up on your offer "
" oh? didn't think you'd be so excited ,much less interested on being the first one on my list to be put in jail but, I guess i'll try my best to speed your trial up for you if that's what you want "
The rooms silence was heavy as the camera panned the room. Your fingers silently being clawed into the table as it drained all your anger from you.
Your shoe tapping against the floor with a slight grimace appearing on your face when you heard the buttons on the camera in front of you being pressed.
" what no slick comment ? " A heartfelt laugh moved to fill the once silent room as you watched small hands wrap around the camera and fix it to where it showed nothing but your upset face—fingertips slamming down one by one on the table
" don't you have a fucking job to do glasses "
" aw what happened no more flirty y/n ? "
"your an asshole— I don’t know why I expected much in the first place seeing as though you were trained under him "
" such a foul mouth — you do know this is going on your transcripts right ? " the eyes in front of you narrowing on you the voice only coming out in mock care for your situation " you wouldn't want the jury — much less the judge reading this when their deciding your sentence right ? "
Your fingers glided over the table and into a fist in front of you as your head went to look down at the table
" you've grown submissive so fast "
" I find it hard to believe you don't like that kind of thing fucking pervert "
" aw you wound me — but if I had to supply you with an answer to your question— I can imagine your dying to know since you've been flirting with a married woman this whole time "
" married? "
" I know your observant y/n you have to be " the next words making you breathe heavily " I mean the way you noticed your s/o was cheating before they could even notice themselves is just wow"
The click of the door being heard as a deep voice made its way in the room " Kiyoko your not allowed in here "
" I have just as much right to be in here as anyone else — "
" but I could’ve sworn I just said you don't — so again why the hell are you in here ? "
The room turning cold with the woman in front of you straightening herself up not wanting to go back and forth with the male in front of her but, at the same time not wanting to come across as small, being seen as a woman down here was hard much less having your own husband be relatively close to the one in charge " I came down here to test out inmate 4890 psyche"
" did anyone give you that kind of permission? that kind of clearance ? to even get down here in the first place ? "
" I mean their hidden underground so i'd say their the main event down here "
" you can't just come down here to see it whenever you see fit "
" but I was interested in the way it's mind works "
" what the hell am I an attraction at sea world? "
" your whatever the fuck I want you to be " your once strong eyes were met with brown ones that held your gaze almost testing you— daring you.
You seeing the hate swirl with annoyance meeting to radiate off of him. His face made up in a snarl as he finally turned his whole body to you.
Arms crossed across his chest eyes now lazily focused on you causing a chill to move through your spine. Youd never wanted to grow submissive to anyone and you never had not in all your years of living so why were you now?
Kiyokos eyes moving from between you to the male in front of her and back. Her body already telling you she knew something was off by the way you'd just been playful with her until you felt the energy shift by someone elses approach showing how easily your personality could changed.
Something was off and she was interested
" if necessary I can always stay and play mediato— "
" your ok " he smiled widely " we're fine together — down here "
your body shifted in the seat wrists being pulled back and down to the table by the chain in front of you when you heard his claim.
" y/n ' s good with that — their fine ive known them a long time I can speak for them — we’ve done this before countless times this isn't their first crime maybe one of this stature yes but "
" mhmm " the woman in front of you shook her head lightly before leaving the room your heart clenching tightly when you heard the door click closed
" I just wanna do my job and then i'll get out ok y/n " the fake sympathy in his voice shining through as he put down his clipboard on the table before standing behind the chair at the table across from you
" god " his voice was heavy as he spoke " it's like you get hotter and hotter everytime we see each other " his body moving around the small rectangular table " it's such a shame "
Your body tensing when you felt him nearing you only to keep going past you.
Body letting out a breath you didn't even know you were holding only to restore another one when you heard the click of the camera turning off and powering down.
Your eyes darting around the room to watch him out of the corner of them reaching up to turn off the corner camera that showed the police force what was happening in the room
Not that they would care seeing as though he was chief he could do anything he wanted to you and not have to tell anyone in his unit. It didn't help that you were a world renowned criminal now you'd fully fucked this up for yourself
" crazy how your fucked yourself over " his words only confirming the thought in your head " you were only into petty crimes before so I could barely get my hands on you i'd always have to pass you over to everyone else because no one of my status ever needed to intervene — though I would've loved to— just to feel the way your face would drop anytime I entered the room or to even feel the shift in your attitude like I felt earlier— holy fuck is that powerful and now look at you "
He laughed at your body that sat slumped in your chair trying to cover your face with the cuffs on the table " pathetically sitting in a room bawling your eyes out in front of me "
His words only feeling closer now as his breath hit your ear.
Heat from his mouth moving to your neck instantly causing you to scoot away only for him to grab the back of your neck " have you no respect for yourself "
You gritted your teeth together at his hold on you " I said have you no respect for yourself "
You bit at your lip trying to decide what to say you always wanted to spit a comeback at the male but right now was definitely not the time with his heavy hand on your neck moving slowly into your hair to grip tighter
"ah every single time we do this — it's almost even more pathetic than the droplets I keep seeing falling and landing on my perfect fucking table that I bought with company’s money— fuck their gonna cut my paycheck "
His hand tightening as he spoke again " one more time asshole " his voice held all the rudeness to it " have you no respect for yourself "
" y-"
The action was quick as he slammed your head hard into the table in front of you. your vision blurring before he sighed blood dripping from your forehead and leaking out of your nose onto your lips as it trembled slightly
" ugh I hate when this happens with you —- you always bleed so fucking easily " he huffed " I ask you something you answer learn something about respect for once in your life and maybe you'll take better care of yourself "
He scoffed " your so fucking pretty and yet you do things like this — you slut yourself out in my business and then turn around and get arrested god your such a fucking ditz "
your head being brought to meet the table once again as you whimpered tears mixing with your blood brain muddied and shut down by his actions
" i'm so tired — so so tired of sweeping everything you do under the rug— I mean you act like I can’t fucking see you y/n i run the whole fucking thing I don’t— I don’t understand you your just fucking stupid so so so stupid it just blinds me and throws me for a loop sometimes "
His voice was low almost as if he only wanted you to feel the weight of his words " and then you never even say fucking sorry " he pushed your head down again " i'm the fucking cleanup crew ,, the shitty bodyguard when you drag yourself in some mess ,, the contact list when you need a plug ,, the boss when you need a job i'm fucking tired y/n "
" I know I know and i'm— im so sorry really please i'm sorry "
you braced yourself for another push as he backed away the heavy hand leaving your neck as he peered down at your head that was still hovering over the table
" what the fuck do you want another bash ?What are you doing "
" no — no please no”
" then bring your head up — god you seriously take your role on as the youngest dont you " he sighed as he moved his hands to pinch at the bridge of his nose. Your eyes darting to the camera kiyoko left and feeling hope enter your body thinking of how she would see the whole scene that’s played out with the male in front of you
" your not staying here "
" what—what "
" you can't — I dont want you here— i’m outta this your not my responsibility anymore your 19 now so I don’t know what to say except get it to fucking gether — you stay here your never gonna go to jail you'd just stay in a confined room for moths — fuck i’m always getting dragged in this shit "
" how — what do I do — what am I gonna do "
" the hell do you mean ? what am I gonna do ? as if the shits not obvious your gonna do fucking nothing while everyone else does all the work for you again "
your voice grew quiet as he scoffed " that's what I thought god — one day i'm gonna get fired "
your eyes darted to the camera and back down " for what exactly "
his eyebrows creased as he stared at you eyes moving all around your face before he spoke ignoring your question " you got yourself in some real bad shit this time y/n "
" but it wasn't even my fau— "
" you don't say shit — you know it wasn't suppose to go down like that and when one goes down we go down together you swore it— that’s how you got our trust don’t fuck yourself over again or you’ll be down in hell by yourself "
" like what ? "
" don't fuck with me y/n "
he moved to grab his clipboard your body lifting when he walked off and forgot about the camera only to drop the clipboard to the floor with a loud clang and start using his shoe to tear the papers apart
" wh-what are you doing " your voice came out soft as your eyebrows creased
His body moving over to the table and throwing the camera youd just put all your hope into someone seeing what you went through being thrown to the ground and stepped on harshly with the heel of his shoes.
Though it wasn't broken broken it was unsalvageable and couldn't be fixed your eyes going wide unable to process anything before he walked to the door and opened it his hand coming up to cup around his mouth
" THEIR ATTACKING " he screamed your body trembling at the way the table shook along with it " calling all units anyone in the vicinity the inmate I am locked up with is having a tantrum of some kind and I do not think I can handle it alone "
Your heart broke as you watched the male in front of you turn back to look at you holding nothing but hate in his eyes " I ask that you help me remove the inmate and get them out of our station immediately "
Several people running in cleaning up the scene and taking pictures before someone uncuffed you and dragged you towards the tall male by the door.
" Chief where do you want em "
" I want em on the next bus to tokyo "
Your head swirling " wh— "
" everyone exit while I talk to the inmate quickly alerting them of their next adventure " everyone moving silently to follow his demands his eyes going directly to yours as everyone raced down the hallway and away from you two
" your going to tokyo — I can't fucking do this — "
" but what would I do there's no one "
" go see bokutou — at this point you've pissed me off I can't do much else for you just — go ask for a new life really " his voice came out in a short laugh at his ending words
" boku— "
" y/n I said i'm pissed off and done with you — you keep interfering with my job and honestly this murder charge was the last strike for me— your of age now I can’t get you outta this shit— so if you could just get a new identity and get the hell away from me id seriously appreciate it "
" daichi I "
" you don't say anything "
" your my — your my brother we’re suppose to be there for each other and you "
" i'm not your anything as of right now you prick " his voice was sharp and held meaning as he snapped at uou " not your brother — your friend — your back up call when you get into weird shit I — I wanted to be a nice police officer and move my way up to chief I wanted to have kids a — a family y/n " he scoffdd " not a shitty sibling who keeps using my job against me and has me pulling strings that shouldn't even exists "
" but "
" you see how I keep cutting you off it's because I don't want to hear you y/n — you annoy the fuck out of me so seriously " he moved his shoulder to glide through the doorframe and past you "just go do what you criminal assholes do and get a new identity and the fuck away from me as soon as possible I want nothing to do with you "
" sooooo thats how you ended up with me " the air in the new room shifted from confusing to happiness as the dual colored male in front of you screamed " THATS AWESOME YOU HAVE SUCH A BADASS BACK STORY "
He jumped up and covered his face dramatically before he spoke "twas a dark night when y/n changed their ways and gave birth to a criminal — a murdering criminal who came to the one and the only — bokuto koutaro the amazingily cool , strong , funny , king of connections — thus creating a beautiful friendship and a dark and powerful villian story "
He smiled at your beat and battered face youd received from your brother a day ago before he spoke again his hair drooping slightly " too much ? "
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bluecrusadearcade · 3 years
@fanficparker this is for u 💗
My favourite moments from your series 'Faking, falling' that made me feel things, Part 1
" Fake it, till you make— it was just a small phase with an unknown source, no available citations, no shreds of evidence available of how effective it was, yet so overrated. Maybe that was the prime reason why you accepted it as a mantra. A mantra that would solve a specific problem in your life, a problem that goes by the name of Harrison Osterfield."
I second that, Harrison Osterfield is a problem. Also why does that opening paragraph sound like like something Anthony Mackie would say in context to Tom Holland 😂😂😂😂
"You were falling for him and he was faking it from the very beginning."
What a pompous arsehole. Alexa delete my feelings.
“Sorry, darling but I don’t do feelings. And anyways you are not my type of girl.”
Mr. ' I dOnt dO feEliNgs bEcaUse iM sO cOol ' . God I hate people who say those words so fucking much. You don't like me? FINE, YOUR LOSS.
"You gasped and opened your eyes, seeing him back up, completely dry while his friends were standing on top of the staircase with a now empty bucket laughing like a maniac and right then Harrison Osterfield started laughing too. He laughed hysterically while you watched him with your hairs dripping from alcohol, clothes spoiled, fists clenched and vision already blurred with tears."
Surgery for my legs because I can't STAND THESE HOES
"Truly a magic boy who knew nothing but cheap tricks."
"Is that all you've got? A cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?" "Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography." IS THIS A REFERENCE TO IRON MAN 3? PLEASE TELL ME IT IS
“I guess it’s time for getting another eye checkup, specky.”
Bold words coming from another specky👀☕☕
Seriously Y/n, out of everyone you chose to have a crush on him?
me, after I get over every single crush I ever had. This is the most relatable line in this whole series. And I'm not even kidding. Men are trash. "buT noT aLl meN" and you know what? You're right, Peter Parker could NEVER.
“You okay?” Harrison moved closer to you, studying your finger.
why the snik snak tik tak Frick crack do you care you abominable shit goblin?
why did this made me laugh I'm soRRY-
" "Sorry babe, I was thirsty," she simply said, "
"He nodded ignoring the beautiful girl whose presence was mentally strangling him."
I love how all writers come up with variations for " I dislike x person". The other day I read somewhere that, " His voice made my brain go through a cheese grater." Like that's GENIUS 🎉
" But he didn't want to look disrespectful or create any scene. "
"Sometimes he asked himself why he was even considering them friends. They weren't anything like Tom or Tuwaine or the twins. But the latter were now no more his friends."
so no one told you life was gonna be this way 👏👏👏👏👏
she sells sea shells on the shore - try saying that 5 times faster lmaoooo
" "It's two and a half hours past six. The photographers were really pissed. It's dangerous for my reputation. How am I supposed to face them again? Should I shut this project?" George slid into the chair, hands on his face."
""I mean I would really help Harrison with his punctured car if I was there. I got out of the home after 8 myself and found him speeding. I have no idea. And basically, Cath drives via highway and is still on time, I don't know how Harrison got stuck in the traffic. Is it so Harrison?""
""It affected my self-esteem." He said quietly which made you look at him. "Like you cared for mine at Rick's party. I didn't ask you to lie, to pretend as if... as if you like me. And how did you treat me?""
I can't tell you how much I laughed sinisterly at this (my sister thought I was going insane) , love when someone gets a taste of their own medicine 😂😂😂😂
"There's isn't just any article available on the internet to teach you how to hate someone."
Yup bros, turns out adulting is just googling the stuff you don't know how to do.
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Light of my Life - Kun
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GN High schooler Reader X High schooler/brother's friend Kun
Soulmate Au: glowing hearts
A/N: Hey guys. Writer 😝 here this is the second story of our series. Don't forget to let us know how you like it. Credit goes to the original owners of the images used in the collage. Also since the other writer and I are two different people there will be some different writing styles. By the way in this story, you will be in high school at the age of sixteen.
"Is your room cleaned and do I know this friend?" Your mother replied with her typical questions.
"Ugh, why do you always ask that when you know the answer?! I never get to have friends over because of it!" Your brother yelled.
"Maybe it's because you need to do what you're told to in the first place," Your sister, Bluebell, speaks up from where she's sitting.
"Maybe you should be quiet!" Adler snapped at her.
"I'm not going to listen to this. Mom, can I go to the movies with Y/B/F, please? Yes, my room is clean" you asked answering her question before she could ask it.
"Homework-" She started to ask.
"Done same with my chores" you cut her off.
"Then yes you can" she answered.
As you start walking out the door you hear your brother yell, "That's not fair!"
You rolled your eyes as you continue to walk. He's been like that since he found out why we didn't have a father and why he had your mother's last name. Instead of yours and Bluebell's last name. He had always been starting some type of argument with someone mainly your sister. Everyone was starting to get tired of it. Your sister was more focused on finishing high school and getting into college instead of the petty arguments though. You on the other hand just wished you could meet your soulmate. Yeah, your mom and dad weren't together anymore but maybe he wasn't her soulmate. Or maybe it was a big misunderstanding. It's not like it mattered to you though. You never knew your dad. Maybe someday, you always thought but for now, you were content without him.
You were so lost in thought you didn't even realize that you were at the movie theater already, "Y/N there you are!" Y/B/F exclaimed.
You jumped at the sudden intrusion of your thoughts, "Huh? Oh, hey!"
"You were lost in your thoughts again weren't you?"
"Yeah" You replied sheepishly. You had been doing that a lot lately and didn't know why.
"Come on I got the tickets," She said tugging on your arm.
You watched the movie peacefully. Everything you were thinking about was pushed to the back of your mind. Except for one thing, your soulmate, you wanted to know who he was already but at the same time, you didn't. You were content not knowing. All your friends, except for Y/B/F, knew theirs. You were happy that you weren't the only one being single in your friend group. It wouldn't matter though because when you do eventually find your soulmate, he'll have to put up with both Y/B/F and you. Which could be a dangerous combination itself. 
The movie got over and you checked your phone to see that you had a text from Amanda. 'Why would she be texting me' you thought. It turned out all she wanted to know was if you could do her homework. You rolled your eyes and said no. 
"You wanna go to lunch? We can get Subway if you want." Y/B/F asked, once again pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah, that'd be great," you replied thankful that this was your best friend. She always could tell when attitudes were getting to you and when you needed just a few hours out of the house, even if you didn't want to go.
You both talked and ate your lunch having a great time. You talked about anything and everything. She said one thing that caught you off guard though, "I found my soulmate!" she blurted out.
"What?" you asked confused and not sure that you heard it right.
"I found my soulmate." She repeated looking guilty.
You felt your heart shatter. You were the only one now and you didn't even realize it, "Who?"
Y/B/F took a deep breath, "It's" she paused not sure if she should tell you, "Your brother" she finally said.
You couldn't believe it you knew they hadn't met before but now they had. Your best friend and your brother?! You were excited but at the same time mad that he hadn't told you before. "When did you meet," you asked her.
"A few days ago we ran into each other at school. It happened so fast."
"This is great!" You exclaimed. "You're gonna be my sister in law!" excitement and happiness filled your body.
After lunch, you both decided it was time to go home. She insisted that she walk home with you. You reluctantly agreed. You walked and talked the whole way there. When you both walked through the door you were surprised to not hear arguing. Your mother was in the kitchen cleaning. You checked your sister's room not surprised to see her studying. Finally, you checked your brother's room surprised to see his room clean and doing homework. 
"Yes?" he asked calmly not bothering to look up.
"I thought you might want to see Y/B/F" you replied.
"You finally told her?" he asked nonchalantly.
"Yeah at lunch" She replied calmly.
You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to my room" you informed them.
You went to your room thinking about everything that had just happened. You couldn't believe it, your best friend found her soulmate who just so happened to be your brother. It was weird knowing that you were now the only one in your friend group who didn't have a soulmate yet. 'What if I don't have one' you started thinking. 
"Mom, can the new kid come over?" You heard your brother ask.
"If everything is done then yes" you heard her reply. 
About thirty minutes later you heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" Your brother yelled. 
"Mom this is Kun," You heard your brother say. You heard her reply with something that sounded nice. Adler took Kun to meet your sister then Y/B/F next. You heard a knock on your bedroom door.
"Come in!'
Adler and the other kid which must have been Kun walked in, you couldn't help to stare at the boy, he had dark blue hair, which matched his skin tone, he had a white t-shirt on along with black jeans. "Hey, I'm Kun," he said timidly.
"I-I'm Y/N" you stuttered. Then it happened both of your chests glowed. Not your whole chest but the part where your heart is. You finally found your soulmate.
"No way" all three of you said at the same time. 
"Mom!" Adler yelled.
Your mother came into your room to see what the problem was, "Yes?"
"Y/N and Kun are soulmates!" he practically shouted, at that, your sister and Y/B/F came rushing into your room. 
You couldn't help but be excited. After your brother blurted that out both, Kun and you, blushed. Bluebell had a shocked look on her face, while both your mother and Y/B/F were smiling very brightly. Everyone was speechless, Kun settled on looking at his shoes. He was new to the town after all. After everyone ate supper Kun and Y/B/F had to go home. You walked Y/B/F out of the door and hugged her saying that you'll see her tomorrow at school. Then you decided to walk Kun to his car. 
"It was nice meeting you and hanging out with you and your family," Kun said with a small blush on his cheeks.
"It was nice meeting and hanging out with you too" you couldn't help but smile.
"Can I put my number in your phone?" 
"I don't see why not. As long as I get to put mine in yours" he chuckled at what you said and agreed. You handed each other your phones. You both put your numbers in each other's phone in no time and set the contact names for each other. 
"Don't look at the contact name just yet" he said smiling. 
"Okay" you laughed, "Can I have a hug before you leave?" you asked a bit shyly. 
"I don't see the problem in that," he said already taking you into his embrace.
You stayed like that for a few minutes. Soaking in everything. That day had been perfect besides the attitudes that morning. You both finally let go of each other. You told him that he better text you when he got home and saying that you'd see him at school the next day. 
You went back in and went to your room thinking about everything that had happened that day. You ended up reading a book and lost track of time. You heard your phone notification go off and checked your messages. You smiled and laughed at what Kun put as his contact name. He had put 'Light of my Life'. He told you that he made it home and couldn't wait to see you again. You texted him back saying the same thing and said that you loved the name he put for himself. You both said goodnight to each other shortly after.
The next day at school you found out you had a lot of classes with Kun. Which you didn't complain about. You both talked in all your classes that day and you caught him up on what he didn't understand. Y/B/F kept giving you both knowing looks and would talk but for the most part, left both of you alone. There were some girls though that kept talking about Kun and kept trying to see if he found his soulmate or not. He just ignored them though which was good because each time you were getting more and more jealous. At the end of the day, Kun took you home.
It went the same way for a few more years. Kun, Y/B/F, and you would always hangout. After you turned nineteen Adler proposed to Y/B/F and Bluebell found her soulmate in college. You started college and so did Kun. You ended up sharing the same dorm room together. One night he took you on the perfect date and he got down on one knee and pulled out a box with a ring. "Y/N, meeting you was my favorite accident I would never change anything about how we met. I love you and I want you to be my forever. So Y/N will you do me the honor of being my forever, more importantly, my wife?"
"I-I. YES," you finally answered very excitedly. You were completely shocked.
You both hugged and kissed each other. This was the best night ever for both of you. You were both finally with the one that will never getaway.
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billdenbrough · 5 years
i'm going through some rough stuff atm and i've been feeling pretty bad for a while, but the shark puppy au made me smile for the first time in days. thank you so much, to you and to all of the people contributing to it. you made someone's day a lot more bearable
first off, i’m so sorry you’ve been having a hard time recently! i feel that a lil deeply, rip, but i’m sending you all the vibes and care i can, and i really hope things shift for you, because that’s an awful way to feel, but i am so, so happy that anything we did or said today/last night made anything a little easier for you 💕it’s nearly 3am and i have work again in the morning (fucking rip) but i thought i’d put some more shark puppy stuff out there in the hopes it might make tomorrow a little easier for you too!
so this morning before work i answered an ask abt shark puppy and was talking in the tags abt patstanlon (essentially just. thinking abt how to execute it)
and so tonight once i was finally home from work i was talking to a few of the others abt it and @benverlesbians brought up patty’s BA and also how in the book she says bill isn’t a real writer bc he’s a novelist (tangent but i just went back to read the start of that chapter and a, ouch, but b, “Stanley drove a Mercedes diesel—teasing him, she called it Sedanley” this will never not make my heart yell) and that led jem to the conclusion that patty thinks real writing is either non-fiction or non-prose, i.e., journalist or poet
we settled on journalist for her career, but she has a background in poetry from college
@benverlesbians: “patty and mike are like “we both got BAs in english and we are both perfect human beings” and they are correct”
anyway this interview takes place after the Scathing Review from the Conservative Magazine (after richie’s bi ass jeans)
jem posited that bev’s rly protective of the band (and herself, ofc herself, and why wouldn’t she be) and tends to like, vet the interviewers pretty hard, bc she has to be sure she can trust them with their words and their image
and then we were thinking abt how that’s interesting bc like. patty probably isn’t super overt on social media (certainly not just showing her whole self on there, miss ‘wouldn’t admit to thinking richard dawson’s watch chain was sexy if wild horses tried to drag it out of her’), which is like. frustrating for bev’s purposes, but also… kinda relatable? and bev can respect it, on an intellectual and empathetic level, even if it’s annoying that it runs counter to her purposes (but there’s also—-part of bev thinks maybe, someone who can be private with themselves can have some integrity with others, but then there’s another part of her, those self-preservation instincts honed from years of not being able to trust… men specifically, but it’s made all trust harder now, and that part is wary, hard-pressed to give people the benefit of the doubt, not when it comes to her and her friends)
jemma: “bev is like “why don’t you have instagram” and patty’s like “this isnt you interviewing me, this is me interviewing you. please pass the maple syrup, my pancakes are dry as fuck"”
(it starts at a kitschy diner (jem’s idea) bc like, well, there are seven of them. like. that’s too many. but they’re probs not all at the diner, maybe just bev, stan, mike & eddie (deliberate choices from bev, given how she couldn’t find too much on patty—-some good testimonials that convinced her to give the interview anyway, even if patty works for a buzzfeet analogue, bev has less personal hang-ups with them than stan does, even though she loyally disavows them with him—-and she trusts stan and mike to hold their own, and while eddie can be a wild card (it’s not wild, she thinks, not really, because it doesn’t come out of nowhere. it’s just that he’s brave and good and loyal and principled, like he’d have her back, have all of their backs, and wouldn’t let anything slide he wasn’t okay with), she’d rather have that inability to back down at her side when their words and image are on the line than some of the impulsive nonsense richie and bill pull, and ben has a tendency to be too earnest, too quick, and if bev wants to be careful, be sure, before exposing ben’s heart and sentiment and big fucking eyes to that, well, sue her) but then patty is interviewing them, and she’s thoughtful, questioning without being probing, framing things in interesting ways that keeps them talking, keeps them interested, and bev’s already halfway to inviting patty back to the clubhouse (their studio) where the others are when stan, like, references some swedish poet whose translated works he was reading when he and mike wrote one of their songs, and patty, like, gets it? and works tomas tranströmer into her next question, and stan’s expression is just. and he glances at mike, and mike grins (bev doesn’t even know why stan bothered. mike’s clearly thought well of patty the entire time), and stan cocks an eyebrow at bev, and she almost can’t believe it, bc since when does stan ever want to allow interviewers more access? but it’s stan, and he never asks, and so of course she turns to patty, and asks: “got a couple more hours?”)
@chaoticbisexualalien: “pre-meeting stan journalist!pat on twitter giving their album a four-star review but singling him out as exceptional and then a bitter fan is like "oh did he eat you out for that review” and she’s like “I would have given them five stars for that"”
@striffyisme: “omg,,,, the fans start calling her Petty Patty for her excellent clap backs”
britt: “stan sees it and doesn’t get involved directly because he doesn’t want to fan the flames but he admires her from afar and then later on he finds out that she’s interviewing the band and he’s like ”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!“ inside”
alex: “stan, instantly in love and adoring from afar, patty falling for him as she gets to know him, everyone outside the band thinking it was the other way around lmao”
which, yeah, bc when the others catch on, they realise… patty working for a b/zzfeet analogue isn’t a speed bump for patstanlon to overcome, but rather just something stan was holding onto as like, a reminder to himself that ‘objectively she’s not perfect, and the only perfect person in this world is probably mike hanlon, be quiet rich’ but he’s wrong! she’s perfect too! he knows two perfect people! and by the time she’s gotten a job offer for her frankly thoroughly fucking excellent article abt shark puppy and has quit her job at the buzzfeet analogue, he’s pretty much forgotten about that hang-up until she’s like, “god i’m glad i have an actual adult workplace now” and mike laughs and stan feels his heart grow three sizes in his chest
@dykeeddie: “Okay I’m just gonna say it if she’s working at a b*zzfeed analogue for any period of timeShark Puppy Styles Me For A Week… there are 7 of them it’s the only way”
anyway the article is fucking bomb, everyone stan patty blum, and it blows the conservative scathing review sky high into a void of irrelevance
(at the clubhouse, patty makes such an expression at one of bill’s lyrics that richie actually chokes on his coke from laughter)
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Her eyes, the stars - Bucky Barnes x Reader (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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[I know, I am a ghost. Sorry guys. Enjoy.]
The reminiscence of a rose - the single flower that’s so impossible to hate, delicate and pretty, even when it stops blooming. Her voice could calm even the most chaotic oceans, always soothing with soft notes of comfort. Even her eyes could mesmerize the most soulless creature; her sweet face left him dreaming in heartache. On the nights his loneliness stung him harder than cheap liquor; he was always thinking of her. For he reveled in the memory of her heart placed on his hands. As he tried to get drunk on other people’s skin. Yet all that regret still burned his chest. And he realized that he once had the best. Since she loved his highs and lows. He thought about what he once held. He regretted leaving her. But she deserved more than his pettiness and demeanor.
She begged herself to stop loving him.She hated herself for all the mistakes she had made, all those wrong decisions - she blamed him for he made her vulnerable. He was the sun, never really committed to one planet, always dancing around the universe, with bright colors revealing themselves, leaving her in awe. Her heavy blues of night opened to reveal the chariot of the sun lighting up the sky with various shades of yellow and gold. The feeling was almost theatrical and the dramatic intensity was palpable. How could they end up in the same sky, when he was the sun and she was always so fond of the night? They were just celestial objects, trying to find the one perfectly still moment, so they could co-exist in harmony without worrying about nature's balance. That moment had passed them by, ignoring their desperate attempts to escape the chaotic force.She was a whole universe in motion - he had guessed that was why she seemed so tired lately...It must be an exhausting, yet beautiful thing to brush the orbits of all the universes she walked by. He had tried to stop thinking that he made her so unhappy. He couldn't. Instead, he tried to understand her a bit better than before, to get close to her, without hurting her. Again. She was no pawn in his game, she was clever and cunning - but just to hide her true self.
"You think you can define me, that I am a tick in just one box. Like my being is a door that a single key unlocks. But let me tell you something - something I figured out after you broke me. I have the universe inside, I hold an untamed ocean with a constantly changing tide. I'm home to endless mountains with tips that touch the sky, flocks of grand migrating birds and deserts harsh and dry. Please, don't tell me that you know me. That "this right here is what you are", trying to get an old and very dead version of me back. I am the universe in motion, for I was born from the stars" she was talking to him, trying to make a point, to seem sure about what she had become - but she was scared of her heart. Oh, the things it made her do. He wasn't taken aback, which surprised her. He was looking into her eyes, watching the soft colors of the sky fooling around with the dark strokes of her irises. It was true, her eyes held the stars. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the swirling feelings inside her. She felt every single cell of her body begging for her to forgive him - there was nothing to forgive, really, for he had done nothing wrong. It was her that could not - would not - handle things. She never saw herself in a relationship - so many obligations. She was not made for ballgowns and parties but for battlefields and saddles.
"I am yours, forever yours… and when the last star of the universe blinks silent, I will still be yours", his answer came naturally to him. It was the most sincere thing he had ever said. He knew her as a sea breeze, but now she met her as a hurricane. So he knew, she needed to be alone. She had been craving freedom so long and he had been blind. He was a liar- he lied to her, to the entire world, to his own self. He wasn't the Golden Boy, people made him to be. He had hurt her in ways he couldn't have imagined before. She softly smiled to his words, because she knew he was being honest. Once upon a time, everything was magical and they were found themselves walking through a chaotic paradise. The entire multi-universe had changed.
"I might have been too harsh, Stevie. Truth is that this, us, has turned to dust right after we were defeated. Five years now, we have been foolish enough to try and make things work. We have been lying to everyone, we want them to move on and be alright when I know that all those sleepless nights we have been thinking of a way to make everything as it was. I also know, and please do not try to deny it, that you are not mine. Not really, not entirely, not ever. For you, it's always gonna be Peggy. Accepting that, was the hardest thing I have ever done". His face twisted in a guilty way. Everything she had experienced for the first time, had been with him. It hurt her but she would move on, find someone else to make her feel alive again.
"I... I am sorry. I love you, you should know that. It's just. I can't shake the feeling… I am so sorry" he calmly apologized to her. He couldn't control his heart.
" And I love you. You can't unlove someone. You can, however, become just friends with them. I wouldn't want to lose you from my life. So... Hey dude" she tried to change the dark and painful situation into something less... 
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It all happened so quickly and slow at the same time. It was a disaster and a triumph. Everyone came back - well, not everyone. Once she laid eyes on Bucky, she ran like hell and almost knocked him down as she enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. How she had missed him - her best friend, companion and well...it would take her a while to admit it but there were butterflies, even though she did push them away every time, convincing herself that it was nothing more.
"I missed you Jay, so damn much" was all that she managed to say before Steve called them to assemble. 
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They won. And they lost. All thanks to the amazing Tony Stark. After a horrific scene of Thanos wearing the gauntlet and snapping his fingers - only to realize that Tony had stolen them right on time - everyone's heart fell and crushed and burnt. Yes, Tony defeated Thanos but at what cost?
He had always been the only father figure she knew- if she thought that standing against him with the Sokovian Accords was devastating, this was torture.
When things slowed down, Steve looked at her for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime. Her porcelain-like skin was bruised, stained and twisted forming a pained mask, her hands were trembling and she was leaning against his best friend- why was this the first time he was noticing the look on Bucky's face? Why was this the first time he felt that his friend craved to be more than a friend to her? 
Life has a strange way of revealing her secrets, a dark sense of humor. It goes on, like a circular river, never-ending, never resting. After the simple ceremony to honor Tony's memory, she took a step back, asking for a few weeks off of the team to help Pepper and Morgan. All she wanted was to feel normal again. One more task before that though.
Seconds before Steve stepped into that platform to be teleported back in time, she called for him. He knew it and so did she. She had seen it in his eyes after they had mourn Natasha. In all honesty, she understood why - he deserved the life that was taken away from him, without asking him if he liked the alternative options. Bucky knew it. He knew it when he saw him on the blood-stained battlefield. He felt it in their hug. He also knew that she knew- he was the one both her and Steve had asked for help before Thanos. He was the one who swallowed his feelings for her and gave her a friendly shoulder to rest her head. "Thank you" Steve mouthed to her. She smiled, eyes covered in tears threatening to spill. "Go".And he was gone. Bucky gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she turned to face him. Unknown him, she had become aware of his feelings. And her own, slowly but steadily. "A soul that carries empathy is a soul which has survived enormous pain" she softly whispered as if she didn't want to be heard. He felt that she could read his mind. All those years ago, another Bucky had existed- one who flirted shamelessly with everyone. He had to get in touch with him if he wanted a chance with her, he thought, only to be proven wrong after a while. He just had to be himself. 
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She had finally realized that Steve and her were exactly like the moon and the sun- and their time together was an eclipse, a breathtaking phenomenon, a glimpse of what it could have been. A moment. And that was okay. She regretted nothing. It was perfect in its imperfection.
She found herself knocking Bucky's door, not knowing why. All she wanted was to see the stars but somehow when she was greeted by sliver blue eyes, the stars seemed inefficient. He was the night, she thought.
"Can I stay here for a while?"... because I am scared when I am alone? He opened up his door to let her get inside because he knew the part of the sentence that left unsaid. His room was warm with a serene view of the night sky. He knew that she loved to gaze the stars, how she would always complain that the moon was a hypocrite. But not tonight. She felt gravitated towards him which made him blush, thankful for the darkness. To say that he hadn't wished for a moment with her, it would be a lie. He was pulled towards her like a magnet and in all honesty, he didn't want to leave far away and get over her.
"Can't sleep?" he asked her in a hushed tone as he laid to his bed, eyes watching her every move. She let a tired chuckle and sat down next to him. He pierced her eyes and she felt naked - and she didn't mind. It was okay for him to see her in all her doomed glory.
"Jay, its past midnight and I’ve pretty much thought of all the words hoping to find something that can remedy this... I can try but my vocabulary falls short when it comes to describing the matters of my heart. My heart. Not yours - mine. I could fill pages about the likes and dislikes of your heart. What makes you tremble what softens you up. I know you like the back of my hand. I know your anger and I know your vulnerability. Vulnerability…. what does that even mean? I guess it happens when you finally take the leap to open up to one who might not ever see you the same again. I guess that your weakness is not supposed to be a different form of feeling when it comes to me. And it isn't. I guess that attachments don’t exist between the two of us. But it does. And I guess, well I guess, that I love you a bit more each day and bit less on the days you choose to ignore me. No, wait, that's a lie. And I know that this is way too forward and yes, he was, is, your best friend, and my ex, which can be a bit awkward -  but you know what? He made a choice, but not before I do. I had already fallen for you and if it's weird -" he did not let her finish. The words coming from hee mouth were burning fires inside his head, for years now. His lips were ever so gently upon hers. It almost didn't feel like a kiss.
In the end, everyone wanted to be like Icarus, hoping to fly high and soar far. Nobody was satisfied with their standing and kept pushing their limits. And that was human...  full of life, blinded, arrogant, wonderful... always falling in the end. But not every fall hurts. She landed softly on his lips, her hands caressing his face and his were holding her tight as if she was a dream and he would soon wake up.
He was the stars and she was the moon. Finally, it worked.
'From stars we came, to stars we'll return and in the middle is all we are'
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aresaphrodites · 5 years
i hope i'm not too late for the sentence starters! if i am just ignore this oop. Archison + "Forget it, you're a fucking asshole."
You’re definitely not too late and can I just say THANK YOU FOR SENDING ME THIS. Archison is my freaking LOVE and the fact that it’s nearly nonexistent is so tragic to me. Almost as tragic as them in this little fic, that I hope you enjoy. ;) 
Archie Andrews stares at the couple in front of him, his heart feeling like it’s going to fall out of his chest. He’s never been a jealous guy. He’s never felt any kind of anger towards any of his exes; not even when Veronica broke up with him for his best friend, Reggie. He had just smiled and told her he understood, because he did. He’s nothing if not an understanding and easy going guy. It takes a lot to throw him off and even more to piss him off. Unless your name is Jason Blossom. 
This thing with Jason was supposed to be just that; a thing. It was one of those things where they’d gotten a little too drunk at a party, were way too comfortable around each other, were way too touchy, and somehow it ended up with them shirtless and kissing in Jason’s bedroom. It should have been just that; a drunken kiss between two, otherwise, normally straight dudes. 
Except Archie kissed Jason again and again and again. He kissed him so much that he can remember the feeling of his lips against his own as he lays down for bed. He kissed him so much that when he’d gotten dared to kiss Toni at another party, he’d chugged a bottle of Vodka instead. He kissed him so much that he knows he definitely is not straight anymore. Archie’s kissed Jason Blossom so much that he’s somehow fallen in love with him. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, either. Cheryl and Toni are a couple. Veronica confessed that she’s bisexual and even Betty had admitted that even though she’s very happily taken, she’s always been open to dating anyone. So really, the fact that Archie’s playing at being straight doesn’t really make sense, but he does it for one reason and one reason only. 
‘If my dad finds out I like guys, that’s it.’ Jason’s cheeks are red from the wind blowing harshly against him, but Archie feels like it might also be because he’s nervous. ‘I’m out of the house, I’m out of the family.’ 
‘Cheryl’s a lesbian and he doesn’t seem to care about that.’ It’s petty and childish and Archie’s fully aware that he’s not being fair, but he can’t help it. He’s so tired of having to watch Jason be the stupid playboy that everyone seems to think he is. He’s so tired of having to pretend that they don’t sneak away for hours just to mess around. He’s tired of hiding. 
‘It’s different for Cheryl. She’s the angel of the family, his little girl. She’ll never be able to do wrong in his eyes. I’m his son, the man who has to lead this family one day, who will have to run the Blossom empire. I can’t do that if I like boys.’ The words sting but Archie just clenches his jaw. 
‘You don’t even want the family business!’ Because Jason’s told him that, because they talk in the late hours of the night as they lay down, wrapped up in each other on Archie’s too-small bed. 
‘I can’t like boys,’ Jason says softly like he’s trying to talk Archie off an invisible ledge. ‘Not publicly.’ 
Which is how he ends up a dirty little secret. He’s used to sneaking around. Mr. Lodge hadn’t liked him, so the majority of his relationship with Veronica had been a huge secret, at least from her parents. He sneaks Jason in and out of his house so his dad doesn’t catch them, even though Fred Andrews is well aware of the fact that his son likes boys. He’d given Archie a lovely speech about acceptance and love and the importance of protection “even if neither one of you can actually get pregnant” that Archie tries to forget about. He’s used to sneaking around with Jughead as they pull pranks on their friends and classmates. So yeah, he’s used to sneaking around, but he hates that he has to lie about Jason being his boyfriend. 
That’s what he is, even if he won’t outright say the words. Jason Blossom is his stupid fucking boyfriend and Archie wants to scream it from the top of the highest building in Riverdale, but he can’t. He can’t tell a single soul. 
“You good, man?” Jughead, the wonderful friend that he is, nudges Archie once he realizes that he’s not paying attention to their group of friends and hasn’t been for a while. 
“Yeah,” Archie whispers and then clears his throat, forcing himself to tear his eyes away from Jason and Polly fucking Cooper, of all people. “Yeah, I’m fine.” But he definitely is not fine. 
Jason isn’t actively flirting with Polly, Archie knows that, but the blonde has her arms wrapped around his bicep as she leans her head against his shoulder. They’re playing beer pong and Polly’s watching Jason like he hung the damn moon when all he’s doing is throwing a stupid ball into a stupid cup. Archie doesn’t understand how he’s even doing that with Polly hanging off of him. 
Betty follows where Archie’s eyes had been and rolls hers once she catches sight of them. 
“God, it’s so annoying, isn’t it? Polly hasn’t shut up all week about how Jason asked her out to the movies.” 
Archie’s entire body goes cold at his best friend’s words. He looks at Betty and she just looks annoyed at the news, maybe even a little grossed out, and Archie can relate because he feels like he’s going to throw up. 
“What?” He manages to get out. “When?” 
Betty shrugs. “I think they’re supposed to go this weekend, I don’t know. Why?” 
Why? Because that’s not part of the fucking plan. Archie stays in the closet for his stupid boyfriend and in return, Jason doesn’t have to worry about any rumors over why he spends so much time with Archie Andrews. That’s the plan. He’s not supposed to go on dates with other people. He sure as hell isn’t supposed to go on dates with Polly Cooper, who is the literal embodiment of an angel. She’s gorgeous, smart, funny, kind, a fucking River Vixen, and she’s the exact kind of person that his parents would approve of. The realization hits him in the chest and he suddenly feels like he can’t breathe. His eyesight is going blurry and he blinks a couple of times to try and make the stupid tears go away. 
“Arch?” Betty’s worried voice rings out. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“Archie!” Jughead snaps when he stumbles out of the chair he was sitting in. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” he finally gets out, but his voice is shaky and not at all believable. “It’s just a little loud in here. I’m gonna get some fresh air.” 
“Do you want me to come?” Betty asks, but both her and Jughead stand up. 
“No, no. It’s okay. I’ll be right back.” 
He turns and runs out of the living room before they can try to question him anymore. He doesn’t want to have to answer to them, or even see them, because he knows that he’ll break down and tell them everything. It’s all starting to get to be too much and he doesn’t know how much longer he can do this for. 
He’s counting his breaths to himself as he sits down on the cold grass when he feels someone come up behind him.
He closes his eyes at the voice. He loves that voice with everything in him, in a way he’s never loved anyone else’s, but the excitement he usually feels at hearing it is suddenly replaced with an intense kind of hurt that he’s never felt before. He thinks that might be the worst part of all of this. 
“Go away,” he says petulantly.
“Archie, come on.” Jason sounds exasperated, but there’s an edge to his voice like he’s pleading with him. “Don’t be mad at me. Please?” 
He whirls around to look at Jason and it’s not until he’s finally standing up and facing him, that his eyes start to water again. He’s so beautiful and he’s looking at Archie like he’s the most precious thing in his life and maybe Archie would have believed that at one point, but he’s not sure that he does anymore. 
“You asked her out on a date,” he says and he hates how broken he sounds. 
“It’s not like that,” Jason sighs and he even has the audacity to sound annoyed. 
“Then what is it like, Jason? Please, tell me!” His voice is rising now, but he’s so past caring. 
“Lower your voice.” Apparently Jason is not. 
“How would you feel if you saw me flirting with Veronica right in front of you?” Jason frowns and takes a step back as if the idea of it is too much. “Or what if I asked Kevin out on a date?” 
Jason goes pale, which is funny because he’s already so fucking pale against the moonlight. Archie would laugh if any of this was even remotely funny. 
“You wouldn’t,” he says, but it sounds more like a broken plea. 
“Of course I wouldn’t!” Archie yells, because he doesn’t care. They’re alone outside and the music is so loud in the house that there’s no way anyone can hear them. “Because I love you!” Jason recoils at the confession and Archie smiles sadly. “I’m in love with you, so of course I would never do that.” 
“Archie…” Jason’s looking at him like maybe he can give him the answers to all of this. “Archie, I…” 
“Forget it,” he says, voice resigned. “You’re a fucking asshole, Jason. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t pretend to be just your friend while you go and ask another girl out on a date. I can’t.” 
“What do you mean?” Jason asks, voice coming out slightly hysterical. “Hey, hey!” He reaches out to grab Archie’s hand as the other boy tries to leave. His eyes are wild as they search Archie’s face. “You can’t… you can’t be done, Arch. Please, I just… I need time.” 
“I can give you time. I can give you all the time in the world, but I can’t sit by and watch you flirt with other people and date them too. I won’t do that, Jason. I’m sorry.” And he is. He’s so sorry. 
“Please,” Jason begs. “I can’t lose you, Archie.” 
“But I’m just supposed to lose you, right?” Archie pulls his hand out of Jason’s gently. He’s not mad. He’s just… he’s tired. “I’ve always been yours, Jason. But you were never really mine.” 
A tear falls from Jason’s eye and he opens his mouth to say something, but Archie doesn’t hear him. He’s already halfway gone. 
send me a sentence starter + a prompt 
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Its the ep before the grand finale and well... I AM STILL BACK
So, ep 29, lets do this :
He was even too weak to resist Martín, still Martín avoided meeting his eyes. He wasn’t too excited to find what they held for him now.
Well, what do you think was gonna happen Martin? What? You think He'll be like "oh, no no no its all cool"
No, you moron he'll be pissed and he has a right to do so
“What will you do, huh?” she grinned, “wait, let me guess, you’ll kill me! Such a brillant, novice idea Martin,” she mock-clapped
“Ah, Sergio, you’ve grown into a charming man, but don’t worry about it, I’m already getting what I want. This” she gestured at Andrés and Martín, “is what I want. And you’ve killed my right-hand man too, this is obviously unforgivable. Go on Martín, play the little doctor you are and treat him,” she grinned at him. “You know, I’ve always known you were jealous of me, always wanted what I had, so I’m not surprised you attached yourself to him like this. I’ve watched you the past years, watched how happy you were, not a single moment of remorse for what you’ve done.”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tatiana monolouging like a villain 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
As this point, I'm taking back my words from ep7 (or 8 idk)
I am willing to bet you screwed Federico while being married to Andres 😡😡😡 You cheating, lying fucking bitch.
Even Silene is more tolerable than you. And everyone knows how much I adore Silene
(Although, Silene is 65% redeemed after the last chapter. And I still want Raquel to at the very least slap her and Martin & Paula high-fiving in the background)
Martín noticed the door in the back get slowly pushed, but Tatiana amidst her speech and her back to it didn’t seem to notice, Martín decided to go along with it.
“I wouldn’t have had to do anything had you had a little more common sense, I tried to explain to you that there was nothing there, I told you to leave him be. Everyone understood, but you just imagined yourself smarter than the rest—”
“Not you? What the fuck would you have done? Even if you remarried him, you couldn’t just live with him with Bogota’s son forever—”
Door : *slowly opens*
Martin : Its time to use my most treasured weapon :
Also, I love the fact Martin helped take out a villain just by his pettiness 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Duck!” Martín screamed at Julia, who managed to sneak so far behind Tatiana, but had Tatiana turn with her gun raised at the last moment. She moved but not enough, she still got a bullet in her arm. But before Tatiana got to shoot another, the old man with Julia threw a rope around Tatiana’s neck and pulled from the back. 
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Okay, okay the convo between Sergio and Martin made me go :
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(Thats my dog comforting me)
🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 Okay, moving on :
Sergio and Martin went from : Ima destroy the other for Andres. To : I was ready to kill my own brother/friend to save Andres and that is so beautiful 😍
Also, Martin did everything to save Andres, even tho he couldve followed along Tatiana? Excluding everyone but Sergio from the will & willing to pay from his own pocket to save him...... I.....
My dog : Oh God no 😨
Me : *bursts into tears again*
Me :
My dog : Please not again. Please no
Me : No, no I am good
*narrator voice* 5 seconds later
*proceeds to start crying again*
My dog : *hands me a bar of chocolate and some water*
Me : *sniffing* thank you, sweetie
Ok, back to review, again :
Agatha is so fucking badass 😍
She be like :
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That entire scene is mindblowing 🤯 Absolutely amazing. Also, shout out to Axel for being the best assistant 😄
And Agatha cooing at the baby 😍😍😍 Such a shame we didnt get to see Mama!Agatha in canon 🙁
I love the fact that Alicia and Agatha have their own stuff going on apart from the telenova nutcases 🤣🤣🤣
Also, I dont know whatever witchcraft you did, but you, you made me root for the Agatha/Alicia ship so bad, at least for this story
As carefully as she could, she opened the front door. She looked back one more time at her, the child sleeping peacefully by her side, and left.
😍 Agatha and Alicia running off int..... well never mind 🙁. But I expect a happy ending for both of them and its non-negotiable
But as Andrés took off of the house, not as steady as he tried to seem, nearly blind with everything, and crossed the road with only one thing ringing in his mind, the physical pain of his heart shattering
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Unaware of his surroundings, a car that was going too fast for its own good, that someone else, Andrés even in another time, might have saw coming in time, clashed with him, raising him off the ground.
Okay, I am NOT kidding but I was reading this on my mobile and my dog was sitting beside me. When I read Andres being hit, I squeaked and my mobile slipped outta my hands and I accidently (slightly) bonked my dog and yes, hes fine, he just got spooked a bit.
Hello again!! Great to see you back!
Oh yeah, he honestly have every right to be angry. I can't even imagine.
She is! This is a telenovela and monologuing villains will monologue. Omg, can't believe I managed to get you that pissed off her lmfao. Okay but look, Federico is about 10-12 years younger than Sergio, who is about 10-12 years younger than Andrés. He's probably about half Andrés' age and Andrés and Tatiana got married when they were pretty young. So yeah Federico was at worst not even born and at best a few months old agshshhs. She's evil, but not that sick. And I got Silene 65% redeemed omg agshhs can't believe I've gotten those two reactions from you.
Yes lmfao Martín's role in her take out was to be so pittiful and distracting.
HE IS. Our hero.
(I got distracted for a moment here at how pretty Wanda is, wtf) seriously so, so happy you felt for the Sergio and Martín moment, I genuinely loved writing it. Yes, despite all else, Sergio and Martín reached the understanding that they'd both do all for Andrés.
Yes!! Martín really pulled all that up for him. Your dog is so good and nice. You and him are the powerful duo.
AND SHE DID. Amazing, really, I would have even left my own son and ran away. And YES thank you for acknowledging Axel's hard work. He is the best assistant ever.
Oh yeah, both seperated pretty early on from the rest and had their own shit going on lmfao. Like they still used Martín's store but Martín is really beyond noticing anything now.
I'm so happy you rooted for them!!!
Don't worry. You'll find what your heart desires in the finale.
OMG so happy your dog is okay but also so happy I got this reaction afabhahshshs so glad it surprised you like that!!!
Thank you so much Kal. Again and Again.
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Can I get an emergency ask of the paladins saving S/O from an abusive relationship and them falling for each other? Don't worry about doing this if you don't have time, I'm just looking for some paladin love to get through a tough spot. Thank you
Shit hon, I hope you’re doing ok! I’ll be sending good vibes and mental hugs your way, since I can’t do petty revenge over the net. I hope your situation works out with as little trauma as possible
now he’s not a man to go after somone else’s S/O, but he’s still drawn to your side
he’s very content to be besties, or at least very close friends
even if his heart is telling him he wants more
but when he finds out your current relationship is abusive? He’s fucking pissed and filled with a self-righteous fury and it’s only the thought of you getting caught in the middle that stops him from stomping over to beat the ever living shit outta them
so he makes it a point to hang out with you as much as he can, being your human shield
if he witnesses any sort of abuse he quickly shuts that shit down. nuh-uh, not in front of him. no fucking way
and if your current s/o starts trying to hide it, Shiro will call them out the moment he finds out
ends up finally confessing to you not longer after becoming your impromptu knight in shining armor
he’s sobbing but it’s mostly because he knows you absolutely deserve better. And he may be biased but he honestly thinks you deserve the world and even if it’s not with him, he just wants you to be happy
and he’s ecstatic when you tell him you like him back because now? Now he can do something rather than just be a buffer
offers for you to stay with him if you need to. as a safe place.
if you don’t want that then he’s still gonna be like a guard dog, staying around as long as he can. just in case.
absolutely is present when you tell your ex it’s over. he’s not gonna argue for you, but he’s gonna be your threatening support. 
you know you’re safe as long as Shiro is around
afterwords he just takes you back to his place and rolls you up in a comfy blanket, holding you and murmuring words of encouragement about how strong you are, and how much you deserve to be happy
he rubs your back and his hands through your hair until you can fall asleep
your peaceful face fills him with sorrow and happiness; he’s so mad and upset that you’ve had to survive an abusive relationship, but he’s here now to show you how a proper relationship works. you call the shots here.
your ex is a fight-on-sight for Shiro. but only if you’re not around. he doesn’t ever want you to see him be violent. in case he triggers some form of PTSD for you.
the most supportive and sweet man
your sweet vengeful angel, really
he knows you’re in an abusive relationship and he hates it, he hates it so much 
wants to burst in and punch your s/o and then pick you up over the shoulder and walk out like a bamf. 
like he puts on shades and there’s an explosion behind him
and then there’s confetti and a parade with victorious music
he’s daydreamed about this a lot
he can’t do anything you don’t want him to, so he settles for being your best friend. the number one supportive mom friend who’s always available for you
he’s so easy to talk to. and he never makes you feel guilty about anything.
he’s clearly very angry when you talk about the abuse, but he always thinks about you, what you need from him.
doesn’t mince words though. turns out Hunk curses when he’s angry.
“Yeah, that’s gaslighting and it’s abusive as fuck.”
“They did what? Ok, not cool. You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry they’re shitty and insecure and take everything out on you.”
“You want to know what I think? I think you need to fucking leave. That’s what I think. I’ve thought about it at length, Y/n.”
“You’re your own person, Y/n. They aren’t allowed to control everything you do.”
One day he realizes that he’s taking everything extremely personally because he loves you
“...I would never treat Y/n like that. They deserve homemade breakfast, flowers, teddy bears with chocolates, and gentle kisses. I would make them feel cherised, and loved and...Oh my quiznack...I love Y/n.”
he might be worried that his feelings might scare you off, but he’s always going on and on about honesty so he can’t be a hypocrite now
tells you his feelings after picking you up after a particularly hard fight. 
after you’ve calmed down and realize you’re in a safe place, of course
he didn’t mean to tell you, it just kind of burst out when he was hugging you that he loves you. no tact this man.
there’s a panic moment before you tell him you love him too and then he’s ecstatic because he’s gonna be your Disney Prince, of sorts...
like with the Balmera, Hunk has no time to waste. he needs you safe and sound, and he needs it now. everything gets put on hold.
he’s calling everyone else for support and before you know it you’ve got all of team Voltron supporting you as you prepare to break it off with your abusive s/o
you feel undefeatable with Hunk at your side (and it helps that everyone else is around too.) 
as you’re leaving Hunk decides to have a few words with your ex. In private. He doesn’t tell you what he said, but you never see them again and Hunk is pretty smug
isn’t above petty revenge. he in canon killed someone for tailgating, man
might have put sand in their gas tank. when you have an alibi of course. in case ‘McDouche’ tries to press charges. Hunk puts you first, even in his revenge
they got plants outside? well now they’re dead. salt bitch.
loudly talking shit about them when he sees them in public
probably routinely leaves flaming dog poop around
might have seriously contemplated giving them a serious punch to the face. but decided they weren’t worth potential jail time. or possibly making you feel uncomfortable.
ok, probably handles things the worst
no fucking joke the moment he finds out you’re in an abusive relationship he’s all action
straight up just bursts into your s/o’s home and proceeds to beat them up. now you know why Keith got expelled from the garrison.
unless they’re female, then he’ll at least restrain his fists and just yell at them. getting in her face and just going off
he tells them to never go near you again, they aren’t worthy. You deserve better than them and they should count their lucky stars that he cares about you enough to not put them in the hospital.
and of course you’re floored and kind of scared because Keith was terrifying
he realizes that he may have made things worse just a little too late
but he’s in for it now so he just, “Get your things y/n. You’re done with this asshat.”
he lets you collect things on your own. he’s content to watch over your ex. they don’t get to speak. they lost that right the moment they thought they could hurt you.
Keith apologizes to you vehemently the moment he’s got you in his car. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n. That was probably really wrong of me and I know that but I couldn’t just let you suffer for a moment longer with that-that thing. You’re too precious to me and I....I know this is inappropriate, b-but I think I love you? B-but I totally understand if you never want to see me again after this because I ju--”
You shut him up with a tight hug
he doesn’t even know that you daydreamed about him saving you for a while now. 
you didn’t let yourself entertain the idea that he felt the same way
Keith is a good nugget though
he doesn’t rush you. at all. he’s determined to let you have some time as a single person before rushing straight into another relationship
but his feelings for you never waiver and he’s content to let you call the shots. He’s just feels lucky to be able to be in your presence.
oh no, he’s got it bad
this boy, this boy falls fast and he falls hard but he respects that you’re in a relationship 
but he’s still flirty, not like over the line though. more like, he’s absolutely down if you ever become single
and he ends up becoming like, a best friend. the ride or die friend.
and somewhere between the late night text comfort sessions and wiping away your years, he fell in love
realizes that he has to tell you. you deserve to know.
wasn’t expecting you to like him back
“Wait--what? But, you’re with whatstheirface? I-I don’t understand?”
then you have to tell him more about your current relationship, and about how abusive it is
and oh, HELL NO. 
Lance is pissed, so pissed. because his momma and poppa raised him to respect his partners and you don’t deserve that--that monster!
he’s offended for both of you
“Ok listen, I’m gonna get you out of this. But we need some help.”
His plan? He’s gonna show up on a white horse, use it to kick your s/o in the face. pull you up onto the horse one handed. make the horse rear while the sun sets spectacularly behind you, and ride off into the night.
but he doesn’t have a horse.
so new plan. You and Lance sneak over to their place, get any stuff you might have. Switch the locks for giggles while Shiro and Keith stand guard.
Hunk finds their car and slashes 3 tires while Pidge makes sure no video feeds have proof it was him. 3 tires bc then the insurance won’t pay for it.
Lance then uses your phone to call your current s/o to let them know that under no uncertain terms where they ever to contact you again, the abusive bastard. then there’s some more ranting in spanish where Lance continues to call them out until he runs out of creative names
and don’t worry about your ex trying to get back at you. Lance spends every moment he can with you, he’s a Paladin for Voltron’s sake, he’s gonna protect you
also he has everyone on speed dial in case he needs help
brings you flowers weekly, takes you out on dates all the time
he’s determined to make you feel like his princess
because as far as Lance is concerned, every moment spent with you is a gift
a simple girl. but doesn’t fall in love right away. she’s just a friend for a while, someone you can chill with every once in a while
until she happens to randomly notice your s/o being abusive then they think no one is around
“Hey Chucklefuck! What the hell was that?!”
She’s furious, she’s yelling at them and not letting them defend themselves. No turning this around on you, because she saw the whole thing.
then she turns to you and asks if you’re gonna be ok. because she is there for you. absolutely, 100%. 
from then on Pidge is your go-to. She’s always making you feel better and helping you realize that you don’t deserve any of the bad shit that’s happening to you
she’s tiny and angry but vehemently supportive
at some point you both realize you like each other more than friends, but what do you do?
Pidge takes off her glasses, “Well it’s simple really,” she puts them back on, “We kill them.”
“Nah, I’m kidding. Well, half kidding.”
Her ideal plan? A snap of the two of you with the caption “I stole ur bae, bitch bye”
buuuut, that’s probably not good for closure. so she opts to be your support for confronting your s/o
she stands there angrily, glaring daggers as they try to defend themselves
she can only hold her tongue for so long and when they start shifting the blame to you she snaps
she’s up in their face, not caring about how tiny she is because “there is no way on God’s green Earth that I am letting your abusive ass hurt Y/n. You. Fucking. Monster!”
continues to defend you and yell at your now official ex, not letting them get a single word in edgewise because they don’t deserve to
she’s absolutely livid until you both leave, happy to have the whole ordeal done and over with.
then she kisses you on the cheek, offers you her arm, and is now determined to be a proper girlfriend
might routinely dox your ex and write letters to their employers about what a piece of shit they are. for giggles.
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