#i'm gonna be so obnoxious about this for at least minutes every day this entire week okay
funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Diamante d’Italia: Chapter 6
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(Chapter 6: Fools fly where Angels fear to tread...)
Narancia rather liked solo missions.
Sure, a mission with Mista or with Fugo was always a wild time too, most espescially when they got to kick the shit out of someone, then laugh about it, before blasting the shit out of them if the target didn't cooperate.
Those missions were ALWAYS chaotic, VERY explosive, PACKED with action and punctuated by the voices of six shrieking bullets but most of all, they were the most memorable.
Missions with Bucciarati could be a treat, a little on the more rare side however as the man almost always paired himself with Abbacchio when not flying solo (he and the others swore those two were a thing but lacked any evidence to prove that just yet).
Just watching how many times the man could unzip someone to pieces and make unusual objects spill out of their mouth before they finally cracked was just always funny to Narancia. Not to mention, listening to Bruno talk and stir up a plan so easily on the spot was something akin to dazzling in the boys eyes.
It always made him feel like he was invincible and he could feel himself glowing from the inside out when the man praised him for doing a good job, Bucciarati was his hero afterall.
Sometimes he'd even get treated to some gelato afterwards.
Missions with Abbacchio could be fun, being also on the rare side and only sometimes chaotic. Watching Abba beat the absolute shit out of a dirtbag (whether it was their actual target or just some chump who made the mistake of telling the Mafioso that makeup was for Women) was always entertaining, but the mission itself really depended on the Goths mood and their target.
His favorite memories with the stone-faced man however would be when they drove down the highway, blasting some sort of loud and unholy music from a strange screaming punk-rock band Abbacchio liked while sipping on fizzy sodas, whether to or from said mission.
Yes, going on missions with his friends were fun and all.... but he absolutely loved going solo once in a while.
Aerosmith circled overhead, high above the buildings of the street and trailing behind Narancia like a tamed hawk would with its master. Narancia walked the streets casually, keeping his eyes out as he compared the man in the picture he had been given to the other bystanders on the street around him making their morning commute.
Today would be simple enough; find the asshole, get the info out of him where a recent traitor to the Boss was and if he refused to cooperate, use "gentle persuasion".
He hoped it wouldn't come to that of course, he didn't quite like to torture-... er.... "persuade" people himself and hopefully the idiot would be smart enough to know that if he fought and perhaps even got away he'd be hunted down by someone else much, much more powerful than Narancia or even Bucciarati for that matter and be given a more unmerciful and much crueler demise than just being shot by a small bombing plane.
There was an entire organization above their little team afterall. A big, BIG organization of thieves, thugs, hitmen, dealers and Mafiosi alike all working under one Man.
Narancia was quite literally just a snowflake resting on the very tip of an iceberg.
Still, being out on his own was always exciting. It always made him feel important when Bucciarati trusted him with these things.
He could go about things how he wanted it, put his own mind to the test and then proudly brag about his skills when reporting back.
Bucciarati always treated him very well after a successful solo mission of course.
He could hardly contain his excitement when he finally spotted the bastardo ducking into an alley off the street ahead, he couldn't have chose a better place to go in behind because it was right behind the spindly teens favorite Gelato spot.
The stronzo matched the picture alright; olive skin (check), strange yellowish hair thats texture sort of reminded him of rice (double check), scar on the cheek (checkaroo), wonky looking left eye (checkity-checkcheck).
"Bingo." He grinned, casually stuffing his hands in his pockets, tucking away the picture along with one, as he shuffled down the street. That intel was already as good as his.
The only thing he had to worry about now was what flavor Gelato he was in the mood for when this was all over.
Once in his life Josuke believed that there was absolutely nothing better in this world than treating yourself to some Icecream on a warm sunny day.
Now however, he knew better.
Because if there was anything better than that, it was treating yourself to some Gelato on a warm sunny day in Italy.
Christ, he never knew how rich and smooth this frozen dairy treat could be.
All this time, he and Okuyasu had been scammed into being sold the now seemingly regular-old-not-at-all-exciting Icecream when he could've been tasting this absolute delicacy all along?!
He felt like he had been robbed, cheated even, dare he say betrayed, his whole life and didn't realize it until now!
The place he had stopped at wasn't quite like the shop he frequented back in Morioh before school on Monday either, not a cheep little stand on the sidewalk where you grabbed your cone and had no choice but to keep walking for fear of the guy running the place shoving you along with a broom for "loitering", this place was a store in itself and right out in the open too!
A sea of flavors and colours coating the entire counter, all scrumptious frozen dairy treats that absolutely dazzled the eye.
It was like finding an Oasis out in the scorching desert to someone who was dying for something sweet and cold on such a hot day like today.
They even had an area out front of the counter to sit and enjoy everything. The tasty treat, the sights and sounds and smells of the streets and all.
Italy just kept getting better and better by the second.
'Why on earth would someone ever leave here? Or even want to leave here?' The teenager couldn't help but wonder as he finished the last delectable lick of his Vanilla Gelato.
Tonio was always very vague on the topic of his move from Naples to Morioh and usually didn't say more than a simple "I wanted to fulfill my dream!" Or "I needed to see the world!" Before quickly changing the subject to his food and the art of his cooking.
None of them ever pressed the man for the details but now that he was experiencing this place and all its wonders himself, Josuke found himself wishing that he did know why Tonio left.
Maybe one day he'd be lucky enough, or perhaps close enough to the man at least, to find out....
A low hum rang in his ears, coming from right overhead.
His metaphorical thought-bubble was promptly popped with the sharpness of the noise and his attention was ripped away from his reminiscing of Home.
It sort of sounded like-
"A plane?" He muttered to himself, bringing a hand over his eyes and squinting to block out the bright golden sunshine of the late morning.
A tiny little red spot circled overhead, for something so small it puttered really loudly. No one else around seemed to notice it however.
It flew closer into his sights, it was a plane alright with wings a propeller and everything.
It swerved through the air, rolling over once as it sharply turned and disappeared behind the building suddenly with an almost obnoxious whirr.
Was it a toy? He had seen some pretty sweet remote control toy cars and helicopters much like that plane before when passing toy shops or flicking through store magazines that came with the loads of junkmail every week.
He glanced around, hoping to spot the kid who might be holding the remote control (he wouldn't admit aloud that he wanted a turn with it if you perhaps asked him).
'Not a toy.' Came a voice from the corner of his mind, he could feel the phantom of Crazy Diamond standing by his side, though not manifested. 'That was a stand, I could feel its energy.'
In an instant, Josuke was out of his seat, his eyes growing more and more huge by the second as he remembered Moody Blues and all their glory from yesterday.
Another stand? And a special one at that! Non-Humanoid stands were even cooler than the normal ones. And this one was a PLANE!
He looked around, no obvious signs of a user from what he could see, the streets held a few passerby's but nobody seemed focused on the stand like he was, so presumably the plane was following them into the alley?
"Oh wow!" Josuke whispered in excitement. "I gotta take a closer look!"
He would never forgive himself if he never saw the little plane again without finding the wielder of it. He started off down the street, turning into the alley, keeping his ears open and his eyes on the sky.
"I'm tellin' ya kiddo, I don't know nothin'!" Osso Bucco, a much taller and more built man in size than Narancia, said putting his hands up with a helpless smile. "I don't even know what you're askin' about."
Narancia rolled his eyes, folding his arms as he glared down the man. They had been going back and forth for a few minutes and this was just getting tiring.
"Yeah sure, you don't dipshit." He snapped. "So I'm gonna help you jog your memory."
Osso was always a man of keeping himself in check, keeping your cool was a sure fire way to getting out of a mess like this.
He knew this spindly little shit was a stand user under that damned Passione but as long as he kept himself calm, he would be walking away without a worry and could get back to helping his new Boss organize some things.
Starting a rival Organization was tough under the threat of the one already in motion but as long as he stuck to the plan, his Boss assured him everything would work out in the end.
Osso liked to follow a stronger side afterall, it was just the way you survived out on these streets.
The beefy man barely even twitched when a deep puttering whirr came just inches about his head, clenching his hands into fists when a little plane hovered at Narancia's side, the teenager already had his radar out over his eye.
"I'm gonna ask you again, cazzone. What. Is. His. Name?" Narancia growled out, giving it his all to seem like a brooding threat (all his time watching Abbacchio being his bitter self really helped with that) as Aerosmiths gun turrets appeared, locking right onto its target.
It seemed like a neat trick, having a working plane at your own whim and all, but Osso knew he had an even better one up his sleeve.
Or rather... set in stone.
The corner of his lip twitched as the unmistakable vibrations of oncoming footsteps passed through the stone beneath his feet, someone was headed this way, a street rando was now at his disposal.
This was going to be easy for him to give the runt a slip. Chances were this little stronzo probably didn't even know shit about Earth Angel, the stand of his own possession.
His Boss ensured the discreet nature of all his workers, most especially their abilities.
"Y'know kid. You shouldn't be playin' with guns." The big man said as casually as he could, keeping his hands raised as he waited with all the patience in the world to feel the footsteps come within his range. "You could end up hurtin' someone."
Narancias brow twitched, he had him now.
Ossos lips curled up, it was time.
Josuke had barely rounded the corner before suddenly, his foot caught on something.
Or rather... something caught his foot.
The teenager fell forward, right down into the hard stone pavement, skinning his hands in the process as he yelped.
For a split second he thought he had tripped over his own feet in his hurry (he knew he was clumsy afterall), but nothing could prepare him for when he rolled over to see a hand made of stone stretching out of the very ground, fingers wrapped tightly around his ankle.
He tried to scream but it barely came out, turning into more of a loud inarticulate grunt, and frantically tried to pull his leg from the hand in blind panic.
The fingers crackled as they tightened into even more of a vice-like grip, they were hard like any rock but undeniably humanoid and mobile.
The hand pulled and Josuke clawed at the ground in a momentary desperate attempt to fight back.
He realized that the pavement was swallowing him up suddenly, not like he was falling down a hole but akin to being dragged into water, the hand pulling him further and further down.
His final cry was drowned out as he was swallowed whole by the stone, along with the last bit of sunlight he could see.
His hand was the last thing in sight to the world around him before he vanished completely.
Narancias head snapped in the direction of the sound of someones voice coming down from towards the end of the alley, leading out to the street.
Someone had screamed, almost as if crying out for help but it had cut off suddenly. Narancia blanched at the feeling of a shiver creeping up his spine, the deafening silence that followed was absolutely haunting.
His focus faltered for a moment, alarm bells ringing in his head as he realized someone was in danger.
His focus snapped onto place again as Osso began to laugh. Narancia opened his mouth to yell for his stand to fire at will before jumping back, the command dying in his throat as a figure shot straight up from the ground between them, effectively blocking Osso.
Two figures that was.
Josuke had no absolutely idea what in the Hell was happening once again. One second he was running, next he was on the ground, then he was underground and now he was here?!
He squirmed, the realization his arms were pinned tightly at his sides hitting him as he tried to scream again, only to have a hand made of stone clamp tightly over his mouth.
Narancia gaped, staring in shock at the squirming teenager trapped in the vice-like embrace of a tall Angelic statue.
Earth Angels expression was stoic, somehow bearing that sweet sadness feeling of nostalgia when looking upon a carved memory of an ancient one in the soft, yet chiseling, features of its stone face and body.
The way it moved was almost mesmerizing, so mobile and unstiff as if it were completely human but carried that hard and undeniable look of stone, the sound of rock grating and clicking as it moved.
"Now, ya'wouldn't want to be shootin' a kid now, would ya?" Osso grinned, peering around the neatly tucked concrete wings of his stand to take a look at the helpless Josuke, whose eyes were darting around frantically in wide sockets.
"You BASTARD!" Narancia roared, clenching his fist as his chest started to burn with rage.
He hated this cheep fucking move, it was nothing but cowardness to have to threaten the life of an innocent and unaffiliated person just to make a quick getaway.
It happened only a few times to him on a mission, but only when he had been with one or two of the others, and they barely succeeded each time.
Once there had been a VERY close call, where their target threatened to throw a lady he held hostage off a bridge. Thank goodness for zippers and the  portals it opened that day.
But that was then and this was now.
And Narancia was all alone.
The young Mafioso tried to move, ready to pounce on the fucker himself so he could get out of that poor confused teenagers way and get a clear shot at his ugly mug, but stumbled slightly.
His violet eyes went wide as he looked down at his own legs.
They were becoming one with the ground, rooted to the very spot he stood but worst of all, turning to stone.
It was almost up to his knees now, his legs looking very much like he had gotten the great Michelangelo himself to carve him a set of ampute limbs.
He whimpered unconsciously as the stone started to creep higher, he could feel a horrible stiffness in his knees and thighbones already, worse than any arthritis he may ever experience in his later years.
That spindly boy, the weilder of the little plane, was in trouble. Josuke knew this and his heart screamed for him to do something, however Earth Angels grip was powerful and unrelenting.
The soft grating of stone clicked close to his ear as the statue turned its head to look at him with its pupiless half-lidded eyes, their soft carved expression never changing.
If he wasn't being attacked by it, he might've actually been comforted by the ethereal beauty perfectly captured in marble they radiated.
Josuke knew he had to stay calm and focused. Whoever this big guy controlling the statue was, he seemed like bad news.
He now fully knew how that poor lady being held hostage felt that time he and Okuyasu witnessed that convince store being robbed.
The plane started to circle by Narancias command, looking for a place to open fire on Osso.
However, the alley was very narrow and there was no open space for the stand to make a full circle, forcing Aerosmith to have to fly up one end and round back quickly.
Josuke almost screamed again as it came barreling back down the alley, gun turrets ready, before the statue moved (dragging Josuke along with it) to block the man from his exposed side once more.
If Narancia hadn't reacted half a second before he did, Josuke would've been packed full of bullets.
"Nice try, kiddo." Osso grinned. "You don't give up, but you ain't gonna win today."
The teenage Mafioso now started to scream as stone crept up his body more and more, faster by the second. It was up to his hips now and starting at the tips of his fingers as well.
Josuke watched in silent terror of it all, his heart wrenching a little as Narancia actually started to cry.
Josuke wracked his brain, trying to formulate a plan, readying to summon Crazy Diamond at his side. Maybe he could break the statue and then get a good shot at the asshole pulling the strings for torturing this other kid.
Narancia Ghirga was sure he was going to die and he didn't want to die, he really REALLY didn't! There was so much stuff he still wanted to do with Fugo and Mista and Abba and Bucciarati!
A thousand things flooded his head as he stared in utter terror down at his marble legs.
Mista still owed him a soda. He had tutoring with Fugo at 3:00 today. Abbacchio had promised him he'd teach him how to properly do make-up. He was going to show Bucciarati the Sailor Moon series this weekend.
He wished Bruno had paired him up with someone, he really did, because he couldn't do this on his own.
He needed help.
He desperately needed his Family!
And worst of all, this other kid was gonna die too! Narancia bit back a sob as the very thought of it came to mind.
"You're gonna be one hell of a statue kiddo." Osso laughed cruelly, indulging in Narancias loud reactions almost as much as he enjoyed watching him continue to try and shoot him. "Ya got no choice now, if you keep tryin' shit, it'll just go faster. Or worse, the freak with the mop gets it."
Josuke froze solid, the plan he had been trying to scrap up his head suddenly getting wiped clean from the slate.
The world around him seemed to slow and the sounds of the lean teenager crying out in fear deafened as his ears rang.
His heart started to pound, thumping so hard in his chest you could see it rattling his collarbone.
What did he just say?
What did that fucking piece of shit just say?
Josuke was unaware of his teeth grinding painfully in his mouth, his fists clenching so hard his knuckles shined white, his own face burning hot red like a knife that had been thrust into fire.
'He called your hair a mop.' Came the bitter answer, whispered in his head.
The soft grating of stone in his ear as Earth Angel turned its head to stare at him again wasn't heard to Josuke.
Osso had even stopped laughing, tilting his head to listen closely to the low growl the kid was emitting, that animalistic look in his unfocused blue eyes made him raise his eyebrows in question.
What the fuck was wrong with this weirdo?
Narancia had even stopped screaming, the dread he felt now forgotten as he watched with apprehension and interest.
Oh shit... he had definitely seen this before.
This guy was MAJORLY pissed off.
Far, FAR too many times had be been on the receiving end of this look with Fugo before to know what exactly was happening.
There was practically steam coming out of his ears, this stranger was going to blow! The sight of a bright fire emitting off the pompadour sporting teen almost didn't phase him because it fit how fucking pissed he looked.
'He called my hair a fucking mop...' came the only thought and it rang in his head over and over. 'HE CALLED MY HAIR A FUCKING MOP!!!'
Josuke didn't see. He didn't hear. He didn't think.
He didn't even feel it when his own fists tore through stone.
[To be continued ...》
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4 notes · View notes
whottheactualfudge · 7 years
pairing — kwon soonyoung / hoshi (svt) | reader
genre — friends to lovers | fluff | non-idol au
warning — drinking (of age) + a lot of kissing
word count — 3892
summary — moving into a new apartment wasn’t the only thing that was going to change for you
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The night was only beginning as your two friends waltzed into your living room, shouting to announce their arrival in your new apartment.
  “Y/N!” one of your closest friends, (F/N (friend’s name)), yelled.
  “In here!” you responded from a nearby room, poking your head out to smile at them before hurrying out to greet them swiftly. “Sorry, I’m almost done.” You knew that many more people were about to arrive, so you air-kissed them quickly and ran back to your room.
  Looking at yourself in the mirror, you sighed, seeing that your makeup still needed a little bit of adjusting, as well as your hair. 
   "Ahh Y/N, you have to relax," your male friend, Soonyoung, commented. "It's just a party. You've had them before."
   "But I'm super late —"
   "You're not late at all!" He interrupted, smiling, but shaking his head. "No one's here yet."
   You let out a groan, beginning to curl your lashes. "That doesn't mean that I'm not late!"
   "Soonyoung’s right," F/N said as she stood to your left and looked at you in the mirror. "Chill. It'll be great."
   "Easy for you to say," you retorted, applying mascara. "You're ready." A smile stretched across your face when you glanced at her for a brief moment. "You look great, by the way. I love your hair."
   She grinned before lightly punching you in the shoulder. "Thank you! It took about two hours!"
   To your right, Soonyoung grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, you both look good and it takes you both forever to get ready; we get it."
   "Shut up." You scoffed, adding finishing touches to your hair as you looked at him. "Besides...you also look good, Soonyoung."
   "Ha, I always look good." He joked, doing a hair flip that didn't exactly work since he had short hair.
  “I think it’s great that you’re having this party,” F/N mentioned before you could sarcastically reply to Soonyoung. “It’s the best way to announce, ‘this is my new home. Come on over and trash it whenever you want to’.”
  It was your turn to roll your eyes. “It’s a housewarming party, F/N. It’s not like you guys were gonna throw one for me.”
  “If you had asked, we would have!” Soonyoung countered, overreacting offense.
  “Whatever.” You said. “Let’s just clear the boxes before anyone else shows up. There’s room in the back.”
  Without a word, F/N walked out of the room. You started to follow when Soonyoung abruptly stopped you by putting his arm around your waist. He looked at you and smirked, flirtatiously raising a brow.
  With a nervous chuckle and a slight shake of your head, you curiously looked into his brown eyes. He had been acting quite strange recently; flirting with you a lot and doing a lot of things he never did at first. You were giggly and full of butterflies whenever he did so, therefore it wasn’t much of a problem — but, you couldn’t help but feel like it was a bit odd, and wonder, why now, after 3 years of knowing you and being a close friend to you?
  A part of you didn’t like it since that part of you worried that he was only doing it for a reason you hated to admit to yourself.
  (Just. Sex.)
  “What?” you smiled, feeling a blush creep into your cheeks.
  “Are you going to wear heels tonight?” he questioned, removing his hold off your waist.
  “Most probably…why?”
  “Argh,” he threw his head back as he groaned. “Nothing, nothing…just don’t wear anything that would hurt your feet. Whenever you wore heels somewhere, you always end up taking them off. Do I need to remind you?”
  “Soonyoung, that would only happen after hours upon hours of walking. This is my apartment; I think I can manage to walk around in here as much as I want to without feeling the need to remove them.”
  He seemed unconvinced. “Are you going to get incredibly drunk?”
  For some reason, the question bothered you. “No, not tonight; I’ve got early plans tomorrow.” You answered with a frown, and he took notice.
  “All right,” Soonyoung nodded. Looking away, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry for all the questions. It’s a new neighborhood…”
  A part of you felt like it was an excuse for something you couldn’t quite understand, but you let it go. “It’s fine, Soonyoung. I appreciate it.”
  Looking up, he smiled at you unevenly, and you couldn’t help but return it.
  “…D-did I tell you that you look beautiful?” he murmured, clearly nervous as he inched closer to you, making you take a step back.
  “I think so,” your smile almost faded as your blush deepened; a part of you held your ground while another part wanted to back off. You weren’t exactly sure which part of you was louder – or rather, which was the right one to listen to.
  “Am I third-wheeling here?” F/N exclaimed from behind Soonyoung, carrying plastic plates and cups in both of her hands.
  Soonyoung visibly jolted and looked over his shoulder at her, but didn’t say a word.
  “N-no, no, sorry, F/N,” you stuttered, walking past Soonyoung and joining her. “He just wanted to discuss something about the apartment.”
  “OK, good. Let’s get started, then.”
                                            ✧ ✧ ✧
Finally, the party had come to an end.
  The apartment felt warm and smaller than it actually was, and you felt comfortable; as though you had been living here for an entire semester already.
  “I’ll see you next week!” you called out after your last guest departed your new home. “Bye!”
  You closed the door and leaned against it briefly before striding over to your couch, dropping onto it with a smile on your face. You weren’t sleepy, but you were tired, and you couldn’t wait to go to bed.
  Scratch that — you didn’t want to go to bed; you barely wanted to move. You pulled the blanket on the couch over your legs and let out a deep sigh, letting go of the stress that had been sitting on your shoulders the entire night.
  “Aaaand done!” Soonyoung appeared to your right, clapping his hands together as though he had just finished building something. You faintly jumped at his exclamation, thinking that you were alone in the flat until he showed up. “Your apartment is now as clean as it can be, after its first party. Congrats! It has been deflowered.” He snickered at his silly joke.
  You groaned as you sank further into your couch, kicking off your heels and putting your legs up. “Thank you so much, Soonyoung. You’re a godsend.”
  “So I’ve been told,” he shrugged, joining you on the sofa and placing the blanket over himself as well. A couple seconds passed before he turned to you and asked, timidly, “Do you mind if I…?”
  He meant to put his arm around you as he gestured to your shoulders. His slightly uneven jawline made his small, unintentional pout even cuter than it already was.
  Without hesitation, you replied with, “No! Of course not; why would I? I mean, not from you, at least.”
  Chuckling, he placed his arm around you as you leaned onto him and located your head on his chest, wondering whether or not you could put your arm around his waist this time. You kept thinking of asking him, but the words never came out, and you didn’t know if it were because you were tired, or shy.
  Endless thoughts began to race through your head; it was the first time you and Soonyoung did something like this. Suddenly, he asked, “What are we watching?” interrupting your train of thought.
  “Flip through the channels.” You smiled, when in fact you weren’t even remotely focused on what was on the TV ahead of the both of you.
  What did this mean, if it meant anything at all? You wondered, somewhat anxious. Has Soonyoung liked me the entire time we were friends, or is it something recent? Does he even like me at all, or is he just being really nice? Are we going to start dating now? Or is this some sort of ‘sign’ of extreme friend-zoning me…? Like when girls are extra touchy with their gay best friends?
  You never thought of Soonyoung in that way; there were a few times when the thought would cross your mind, but you never actually – seriously – considered it. And at that moment, you asked yourself, why didn’t I?
  The notion intrigued you, in a way. Your train of thought returned, bringing forth endless scenarios as you recalled all the times you spent with him. It’s not like you two had been close friends since childhood – no; you two met and became close right before the two of you graduated from high school. Speaking to him and spending time with him was the highlight of your days, especially since he could always find ways to make you laugh.
  Still — there was a lot to go on.
  You questioned every move he made. And then began to question yourself.  This was what you had in mind as the minutes passed:
  Dating Soonyoung PROS:
• He’s so!!! cute!!!!!!!! But also sexy?
• SO talented. I could listen to him singing forever
• Always making me laugh. Hilarious
• Is my closest friend!! <3 thankfully. I’m so lucky to have met him
• One of the BEST people I know. Seriously. So open-minded and accepting.
• Supportive and encouraging. Wouldn’t have done so many things if it weren’t for him
  Dating Soonyoung CONS:
• Can be obnoxious and mean. It hurts me, sometimes
• Will totally make F/N the third wheel –  which is the worst thing!
• Is my closest friend…
• So…it might ruin the friendship if it doesn’t work out. Maybe there’s a way to avoid ruining it?
• Often childish (((((not immature))))) but still annoying in a way
• Not always available…busy. So many times when I wanted to talk to him, he was busy
  “Closest friend” ended up being on both lists since you didn’t know if it were an actual con or a pro. Talking to him about what’s been going on in your life was the only stress reliever you knew you needed – there were not many people you could open up to the same way you opened up to Soonyoung, excluding F/N, since you could tell her anything.
  Still; with Soonyoung, it was different.
  Maybe deep down, I always knew there was something more, you thought.
  “Aw hell yeah!” he abruptly exclaimed as he adjusted himself on the couch beside you, which resulted in his hand finding its way to your waist — again. “I love this movie. I hope you don’t mind me restarting it.”
  “No, go ahead.” You looked at the TV but your mind was elsewhere; mostly, you were focused on him. The sound of his voice and his steady heartbeat, the way you shifted when he laughed, and the way his thumb was rubbing your elbow and his fingers clenching around your clothes – like he wanted something a bit more.
                                 ✧ ✧ ✧
“Psst, Y/N. Wake up. It’s almost 3:30. I gotta go.”
  You felt a soft tap on your cheek as Soonyoung gently shook you to consciousness. “Why are you still here…so late?” you asked, slowly lifting yourself off of him and faintly opening your eyes, looking at him. Even though you had just woken up, you immediately took note of your arm around him. “And why did you let me fall asleep?”
  “I was watching the movie,” he said, as-a-matter-of-factly. “And…I couldn’t wake you. Not right away. You deserved to sleep – even if it were just for a little bit – after such a busy day.”
  You sighed, feeling yourself cave in from his thoughtfulness. “You’re so sweet, Soonyoung. Thank you.”
  He chuckled, removing his arm from around you as he glanced away briefly, and then looking at you again. It was quiet; you watched his eyes dart from your own, your lips and your surroundings. For a moment, it appeared as though he wanted to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth.
  It felt like the both of you were slowly inching closer to each other. You watched as his eyes began to close —
  And then, it happened. Your nerves took over, making your heart pound and your insides shake.
  You didn’t know who exactly initiated it, or who leaned in first; all you knew was that…it felt so wonderful. It felt like something you had been wanting for the longest time, and now, you finally have it; like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in a closed-off room for hours.
  When the kiss was over, it was silent again. Soonyoung’s cheeks were visibly pink as he gazed at you, only inches away from your face; the tips of your noses still touching, along with your lips. He said your name, but you only hummed a response.
  You breathed in his scent as your eyes closed once more, enclosing the space that separated the two of you. Placing your hand on his neck, your fingers entwined with the tips of his hair as you continued to kiss – slowly, as though you had all the time in the world, as though you two had been in love for the longest time and the truth had finally revealed itself. In a peculiar way, you felt liberated.
  He’s kissing me back, you thought. For the second time. It must mean something, right? He didn’t reject me, after all. Didn’t change the subject. Didn’t awkwardly move away or dig up an excuse to leave. Could this be the beginning of something new between us?
  His hand roamed your back as his other hand ran up your thigh, delicately pulling you closer. You took notice of the way he was kissing you; like it was something he had always wanted to do as well, breathing you in and gripping you close, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
  And you did the same: stayed as near to him as you could be, your fingers in his hair and your hand on his neck, unable to detach yourself from him as you fell for the way he moved and the way he smelled.
  He took one deep breath before reluctantly parting from you, however still placing small kisses on and around your lips.
  “U...um…” he breathed, leaning on his shoulder as he watched you through tired eyes. You separated, becoming two individual beings once more. “I should get going.” He continued, rubbing his eyes before ruffling up his hair. He looked down at where his hands were now resting on his lap, and glanced up at you again. For some reason, you felt as though he were upset.
  He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you, and smiled softly before turning and standing. “Sorry if I kept you up.”
  “No, Soonyoung,” you peeped and then cleared your throat. “You didn’t…what’s wrong?”
  “Nothing,” he sighed, disheveling his hair again and shaking his head, looking at the front door as if he wanted to leave right then and there. “I just…I thought it would be different. I wanted it to be different.”
  You blinked. “…Different?”
  Had he been planning something…? And how long was he planning it for?
  “Yeah,” he admitted, glancing at you. “A bit more…romantic, I hoped. Not after a party…”
  “Yes.” He sighed heavily, plopping back down onto the couch and rubbing his face. It looked as though he were preparing himself to say something. “I’ve…” he was staring at his hands, playing around with his fingers, looking for the right words to say. “I kind of…really enjoy being around you…and… maybe, like you, in a way, so I wanted to confess differently. Do things a bit differently.”
  You couldn’t say anything, especially when he looked at you. You didn’t know what exactly was going to happen after the kiss, but things were abruptly clearer to you, and in your head, you kept telling yourself, I should have thought about it more; about what would happen once the kiss was over.
  “It’s okay…” you managed to say, not entirely sure that you, yourself, believed in it. “These things usually happen when you least expect them to. I think that makes it romantic, in a way, too.”
  He looked tense. “…And?”
  “And…? And what?”
  “What do you think?” he looked at you, back at his hands, and back at you, continuously, nervously. “Do you like me…?”
  Only a part of you knew the answer to that, but at the same time, you weren’t sure. Still, you felt the need to reassure him. “I mean…I kissed you, didn’t I?”
  I do like Soonyoung, you told yourself. He’s my closest friend. And maybe…maybe something more, from now on. I’m certain that I like him.
  “…You’re not drunk…or tipsy at all, are you?” he questioned carefully, almost seeming like he regretted the question as soon as the words left his mouth.
  You chose not to complicate it. “I did drink a little bit from here and there, so I am a little tipsy, even after a nap…but I’m being honest, Soonyoung.”
  At the sound of your words, he grinned. You saw the happiness reach his eyes and you wanted to do nothing more than embrace him tightly, caress his hair and continue to kiss him.
  He bit his lip, holding back a laugh, still looking at his hands.
  He’s so cute.
  “Okay…” nodding slowly, he chuckled, appearing relieved. “Okay, then. It’s not exactly what I had in mind…but I’m okay with this.” He turned to you and smiled, making you blush and smile in return. “I’ll come back later, okay Y/N?”
  “Where are you going?” you snickered, unable to stop smiling. It was unexpected, but you were happy, too; it was as if his presence made you all warm and fuzzy, for the first time.
   He must’ve seen the sad look in your eyes since he started talking faster – but he also laughed. “Not-not because I don’t want to stay…I want to, I really do, but I have to go. I have an early shift tomorrow and it’s almost 4 AM…my shift starts at 8.”
  “I like you, Soonyoung.” You blurted, not thinking about it. Your confession caused his eyes to momentarily widen. “I really do.”
  “I like you, too, Y/N. I like you a lot.” He was stopping his mouth from stretching out into a smile by pressing his lips together and leaning towards you to place a soft kiss on your cheek. As soon as his lips left your cheek, he started to giggle impatiently. “I can’t believe it.”
  “Yeah,” you grinned, half confused, half excited. “Me neither. But I’ll see you later…right?”
  “Of course,” he beamed widely, standing up and gathering his things. Clearly, he couldn’t control his facial expressions anymore. “Call me before you come to visit, okay Y/N?”
  It was a dopey smile that drew you into him a lot more – more than you thought was ever possible, with Soonyoung. The fact that the feelings you were feeling were directed towards him was strange and new, but utterly thrilling.
  I can’t wait to see him again, you thought, genuinely feeling that way.
  “I will.” You smiled back, abruptly feeling lightheaded as you turned off the TV and went back into a lying position on the couch, closing your eyes. I guess I’m still tired and sleepy. “I’ll…I’ll call you later, Soonyoung.”
  He let out a loud groan and suddenly, his arms were under you. “You don’t expect me to leave and let you just sleep out here, do you?”
  Before you knew it, you were off the couch and airborne as he carried you into your room. Giggling, you put your arms around him, feeling his fast heartbeat against you, making you blush. You reached up to kiss him, which he didn’t return since it took him by surprise.
  But to you, it already started to feel natural, as though it was something you were supposed to do and something you should’ve been doing for a long time.
  “One, two,” he counted, still grinning from ear to ear as he placed you down on the bed and began covering you up with the blankets. “Stay warm and sleep well.”
  You hummed, looking up at him with a sheepish smile. He turned to leave, but you stopped him. “Wait. Why don’t you stay the night?”
  “You want me to sleep over?” he hesitated, already standing near the entrance to your bedroom.
  “Why not? It wouldn’t be the first time you do.”
  “I told you…as much as I’d love to stay over, Y/N, I have to go in early tomorrow,” he explained, slowly striding in your direction. “I don’t think it’ll work out tonight.”
  You didn’t want to force him, even though, if you had, it also wouldn’t be the first time. Still, you groaned and rolled your eyes. “Okay, I guess…just…”
  “What?” he chuckled, stroking your cheek. “It’s only a few hours.” He joked.
  “Not that, Soonyoung. It’s just that…I have one key. If you leave and lock the door, taking my key, I’ll be locked up in my apartment.” It wasn’t a lie, but it was definitely the perfect excuse to have him sleep over — or so you thought, at least.
  “Ha-ha, you’re cute.” He shook his head. “You’re forgetting that you already gifted F/N and I extra keys to your new place?”
  Your eyes widened, and then you sighed as the memory hit you in the face. “…I remember.”
  “Y/N, I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?” he said, giving you a kiss on the cheek and turning away again.
  You whined, intentionally. “Soonyoung…”
  He rotated back to face you, throwing his hands up in confusion before understanding what you wanted.
  “If I had known you felt so strongly about me…” he teased, leaning down to you once more. “I would’ve planned for this more carefully.”
  “Shut up,” you grumbled, putting your arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer for another kiss. It resulted in him sitting on the bed, trying not to fall over when he was standing.
  I could kiss him for hours…
  “I’m not staying over,” he breathed heavily once he forced himself out of the kiss, pushing his hair back as he sat up. “You can’t make me.” But you both knew that that was a lie.
  “Fine,” you gave in, rolling your eyes. “It was worth a shot.”
  He groaned. “How do you expect me to leave like this?”
  “Hey,” you shrugged. “It’s not my fault.” A giggle escaped your lips, and Soonyoung perceptibly clenched his teeth.
  “I’ll get you tomorrow,” he warned, pointing a finger at you as he stood up and hurried towards the door. “Same time and place, yeah?”
  Nodding, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. “Yeah, same time and place.”
  Once again, he shook his head, and finally waved a goodbye. “Goodnight, Y/N!”
  “Goodnight.” You smiled, watching him vanish in a flash. “Soonyoung.”
  You hummed to yourself, repeating his name and attaching a cringe-worthy nickname after it, such as ‘gumdrop’ or ‘cupcake’, smiling and laughing yourself to sleep as though he were still in the room.
  And, for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were going to explode from happiness.
  I can’t wait…to see him again.
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xaphrin · 7 years
obiyuki; you're the hot neighbor who jogs by my house right when I'm watering plants AU
Shirayukibit back a curse as she shuffled through the dry grass to her finickyroseplants. Her nose scrunched up and she reached out to stroke theleaves, wondering if it was the heat, or the lack of water, or poorsoil… or maybe it was just a combination over everything.
Probablyeverything, honestly.
[more under the cut]
Thesummer was getting ungodly hot, and nearly all of her plants werestarting to show all the effects, wilting this way or that andlooking at her as if they were crying out for relief. There had beena dry spell through the last few weeks, and her plants were barelyclinging to life as Shirayuki watered them only as much as necessaryto keep them alive. She was trying to do her part when it came toconserving water.
Shesighed and moved toward the side of her tiny house to unravel thehose, setting her nozzle to mist.Checking off a list of things she needed to do in her head, Shirayukiwas distracted as she moved into her front yard, watering her plantsalong the way. Today was a rare day that she had completely off, andthere were at least ten things on her To-Do List that had moved toimportant spots this week. If she finished those things by at leastnoon, then she could meet Yuzuri for lunch and-
Shirayukiwas yanked out of her thoughts by a sound that was practicallyobscene,and she jerked backward in just enough time to see the mist from herhose watering something that was notherpants. Her cheeks flushed and she couldn’t help but oogle the dropsof moisture that fell into dark hair before sliding down darklytanned skin and a toned chest. Her throat grew suddenly dry andShirayuki wasn’t quite sure when her words would reunite with hermouth. She just stood there dumbly for a moment, watching longfingers curl through dark hair before falling at his side.
“Thanksfor the spray, Miss. It was getting hot.” His smile was lopsided, alittle teasing, and he leaned against the picket fence. He was allease, his voice playful even though he’d gotten a face full of hosewater. “I don’t think I’m what you were aiming for though.”
“Myroses… they’re a bit dry…” Shirayuki tried to look anywhereotherthan his smiling face and molten gold stare, but as she pulled hereyes down his body she realized with no small amount of shame thathis jersey shorts had gotten wet… and there was nothingleftto the imagination. She nearly squeaked out of shock and turned tostare at her roses, praying she could just disappear into theirleaves. “Ah. I’m sorry… I can… I can go get you a towel.”
“Nah.It’s fine. It’s gonna be so hot today, I’m sure I’ll dry in afew minutes anyway.”
Theease of his voice made her look up again. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah.”His smile cocked to the side, as he looked at her with question. “Youjust moved here, right? I mean to the neighborhood.”
Shenodded, her hands tightening around the nozzle for the hose. “Idid… I just moved in a few months ago. I haven’t really metanyone yet, but the place seems nice. I like the family next door.”
“Yeah!The Fosters. They’re nice. Kids are cute, dogs are obnoxious. Theybark at everything.I think the Curtis’ are on the other side of you, but they’resnowbirds so they only come up in the summer, and even then you neverreally see them.” He smiled and flicked his hair out his eyes,suddenly looking a bit bashful, as if he realized he’d been talkinga bit too much. As if to distract her, he slid over his arms andwiped a few drops of moisture from his skin, letting them flick ontothe pavement. “Anyway, I live with some friends down the street…in 1402. You should come hang out with us tomorrow. We’re cookingout.”
“Oh.”Shirayuki tried not to think about the water that was still clingingto his skin, and she looked back up into his eyes. Before what sherealized her mouth was doing, she was already confirming plans fortomorrow. “I um… sure? I can bring something over… I’d liketo meet some more neighbors, if that’s okay.”
“Oh,yeah! Bring some friends if you want. It’ll be pretty chill. I’lllet my roommates know you’re coming.” He looked a littlepanicked, as if he wasn’t expecting her to say yes, and thenfumbled for a moment to pull himself together. Flashing her anothersmile, he reached over her picket fence and offered his hand. “I’mObi, by the way… I don’t think I introduced myself or anything.”
“Shirayuki.”She couldn’t help but note that his hand felt strong,long fingers and a firm grip made her cheeks flush with fantasiesabout how dexteroushishands really were. “Do you always run this early in the morning? Idon’t know if I’ve seen you before.” Did that sound weird? Ohgod. That probably sounded weird. Shewasweird. Whywas he making her act so weird?
“Usually.”He shrugged and looked down the street before glancing back at her.“I don’t usually run this way though, so I’m glad I did today.It was a happy accident to get all wet by you.”
Washe flirting? Shirayuki didn’t know how to flirt!The last time shehad tried to flirt with someone, she’d made a fool of herself infront of an entire study hall. What in the world was she supposed todo? She swallowed the lump that was building in her throat and felther eyes drag back down his body before she could stop herself. “Ah…right… sorry. About the water, I mean. The towel offer still standsif you want it.”
Wasshe flirting? Probably not, but at least she was trying.
“I’llhold you to it.” His watch beeped and he glanced back down beforelooking back at her. There was a flash of reluctance across his face,as if he was warring with himself about what he wanted to do next.“Ah man, I gotta get going. It was nice to meet you…” Heshifted his weight again, trying to drag out the time he was spendingwith her. “So, will I see you tomorrow?”
Shirayukiblinked. “For the cook out or for your run?”
“Well,that depends…” His smile returned, all lopsided and charming, andhe leaned against her fence, looking like the epitome of casualflirtation. “Are you going to be watering your plants same timetomorrow?”
Shewas now. “Yes.”
Shirayukinodded, knowing that she probably looked like an idiot, staring athim with wide eyes and a burning red face. “I guess I’ll see youtomorrow then.”
“Good.”He pulled back, watching her carefully. “Then I guess I’ll seeyou tomorrow sometime.”
Shirayukinodded, realizing that her roses were going to be sowell wateredthissummer.
Obipushed open the side door of their house to find Zen sitting at thekitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee as he flicked through messageson his phone. His shoulders were hunched, but Obi could see a flashof a picture on his screen. Of courseZenwould spend his morning looking at pictures of his ex. What a greatway to start the day, actually. His eyes flicked to Obi for just amoment before looking back down into his phone with a snort.
“You’regrinninglike an idiot.” His tone sat somewhere between a question and anaccusation, but he was ultimately curious. Happiness always made Zencurious and it was so weird. The poor guy just needed some love.
“Well…I just met the girl who lives in 1205.” Obi’s smile widened.“She’s cute. Looks single. Nice yard. Oh!” He snapped hisfingers, as if remembering something for the first time. “She hasthe roses you compliment every time you pass.”
Zen’sjaw ticked and he glanced up at him. There was the heavy silence thatseemed to weigh over the kitchen as he realized exactlywhatObi was doing, and howhewas doing it. Zen swallowed the rest of his coffee in one gulp andstood up. Ooo, Obi had worked him up, this ought to be fun to watch.“No.I won’t have you setting me up with a neighbor.And I don’t care how nice her roses are I’m not-”
“Oh,come on…don’tsay you don’twantto take a stroll in her rose garden.” Obi’s smile widened at theinnuendo, and Zen just balked, taking a step back. Obi laughed andpoured himself a glass of water. Zen just glared at the back of hishead. “I’m telling you, she’s cute. She could help you getover-”
“AndI’m telling you no.”Zen huffed and made his way to the door. “I don’t want you tryingto hook me up with everyone you see.”
“Pity.”Obi gulped down some water and grinned again. “Because I invitedher to a cookout tomorrow.”
Zenpaled, eye wide. “Whatcookout?”
“Apparentlyone we’re throwing tomorrow.” He picked up Zen’s keys from thetable and jangled them in front of his face before heading out of thekitchen. “Guess we’re going to the store.”
“You’llthank me later, I promise.”
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Touch My Soul (Hold It Tight) - Chapter 8 - Take A Deep Breath
A/N: The title for this chapter comes from Cold Water by Major Lazer/Justin Bieber/MØ, but I prefer the cover by Conor Maynard because it’s much more gentle and calming.
Also I literally didn’t proofread so I’m so sorry if there’s any mistakes 😅
“Camila, hurry up we’re gonna be late!”
“I am literally a sloth in the morning! You should know this by now!”
It had been about a month since that first date, and things couldn’t possibly be better. Camila and Lauren have been seeing each other as often as possible between Lauren working at the coffee shop and Camila studying for exams. Lauren had tried to help her study once, and they didn’t exactly get any studying done, so they haven’t tried again since.
They were currently on their way to meet up with Normani, Dinah, and Ally for brunch and naturally, they were running late.
“Dinah is going to make a ridiculous amount of sex jokes if we’re late and you know this!” Lauren shouted from the entryway.
“How much do you want to bet that Mani and Dinah go to the bathroom and get it on while we’re at the restaurant?” Camila said as she walked out of the bathroom.
“Oh you’re so on, $20.” Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila’s waist and gave her a peck on the lips, “You look stunning, babe.”
Camila blushed at the compliment, still not used to the compliments and affection Lauren gives her. The barista couldn’t speak for the girl in front of her, but every time she was in the brunette’s presence she felt like she was floating. “Now come on, we’re gonna be late.”
They arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes late, naturally. As they arrived, Lauren ran around to the passenger side of her car to open the door for Camila, who rewarded her with a sweet kiss and a beaming smile. As they walked inside, hands clasped together, they heard the one and only Dinah Jane yelling obnoxiously loud.
“Well shit, it’s about time, Camren!”
“Dinah, you literally got here two minutes ago,” Ally pointed out.
“Doesn’t matter, the point is I wasn’t last! Unlike these hoes,” Dinah sassed back.
“Oh shut the fuck up, we’re here now so let’s get it over with,” Lauren jested, making Normani laugh and Dinah scrunch her face up in annoyance.
“You’re so damn mean, why am I friends with you?”
“Because I put up with yours and Normani’s loud ass sex.”
At that, Camila was literally wheezing from laughing so hard, Normani was blushing profusely, even Ally was giggling.
“I ain’t even mad,” Dinah chuckled with a wave of her hand.
The girls spent their time gossipping about people on campus, talking about shitty work stories (and reiterating great ones), and stuffing their faces. Over the course of the month, Camila and Dinah grew extremely close as they were huge dorks and extremely childish, Lauren and Normani bonded over their like mindsets and maturity level, and Ally became a sort of mom to their entire group.
They had been there for at least an hour and were finally starting to tire out. As they began saying their goodbyes, Dinah started to tease her best friends, like usual.
“So Lauser, are you actually gonna be home tonight?” Dinah said with a wiggle of her eyebrows, causing Ally to slap her and mutter something about “sinful children”
“Actually no, Camz and I have a date tonight.”
“Ooooh go get your girl, boo.”
“Cheechee I’m literally right here,” Camila spoke, unamused at her best friend’s antics.
They all laughed and hugged each other before leaving the restaurant and parting ways. As Lauren and Camila were walking back to their car, the latter turned to Lauren.
“So.. Camz?”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t catch that..” Lauren began, “I can never say it again if you wa-”
“No, I like it,” Camila cut her off before she could freak out. “No one’s ever called me Camz before. it’s special, like you.”
Lauren could feel her face burning from the massive blush spreading across her face, but she couldn’t contain the smile on her face.
When they got back to Camila’s apartment, the brunette shut the door and was immediately pressed up against it by a smiling Lauren.
“Hey babe,” she spoke, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“H-hey there, w-what are you doing?” Camila’s voice shook as she spoke. She looked at Lauren, noticing that her normally bright green eyes were considerably darker, and it was making it incredibly hard for Camila to concentrate.
“Oh, nothing important,” Lauren said as she leaned in, casually placing open mouthed kissed all over the side of her neck.
“O-Oh,” the brunette stuttered, trying not to let her eyes close in pleasure. She could feel the barista getting rougher with each kiss, until Camila was sure she would leave marks.
“Let’s go get ready, baby,” Lauren husked, nibbling at the brunette’s earlobe. She pulled away before Camila could grasp what was happening, sauntering away with an extra swing in her hips.
“You’re such a fucking tease,” Camila whined.
After a wonderful dinner of carbs on carbs on carbs, Lauren and Camila were walking the campus grounds again, hand in hand. It sort of became their thing after their first date, they would just walk around campus and talk about anything their hearts desired; from what the best dessert is to their opinion on string theory.
(“I’m just saying, Lauren, in another universe I'm actually Batman.” “Yeah well in this one you’re a huge dork, you win some you lose some.”)
On this particular night, they were relatively quiet. Not the awkward sort of quiet, they were just content to be in each other’s presence. Camila noticed that Lauren had her “thinking face” on, the one where her her brows are scrunched together and her lips are set in a tight line, and it was enough for her to get worried.
“You okay over there?” She asked, snapping the barista out of her thoughts.
“Oh yeah, I’m great! Just thinking, like always.”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“I know what you want,” Lauren sang in response without thinking twice, chuckling to herself. Camila however, was so taken aback that she stopped walking.
“Wait wait wait wait, you can sing??” Camila shouted incredulously.
“Uh.. y-yeah. I just don’t like, sing in front of other people.. Like ever..” Lauren replied shyly.
“What the hell why! Oh my god I only heard you sing for like two seconds and it was so raspy and heavy and.. UGH!” Camila rambled with a flurry of hand motions, making the barista chuckle.
“Thank you, Camz,” Lauren replied blushing.
“So.. what were you thinking about?”
“I was just.. reminiscing , I guess. Laughing at all the stupid names you gave me because you were just too damn stubborn to give me your real name. I miss it sometimes, getting a new name to call you every time I saw you.”
“Aww Laur, you’re so cute,” Camila gave her a loving smile before wrapping her arms around her waist, pulling her in for a hug.
Lauren pulled away after a moment before she spoke, “I was uh.. I was wondering if I could give you a new name, for old times sake?”
“Of course! What did you have in mind?”
Lauren took a moment to look at the girl in her arms. She took in the sparkle in her chocolate colored eyes, the smile so wide it could light up the sky, her beautiful brown tresses. She couldn’t help but have a deja vu moment, remembering the first time they were like this, and made sure to lock this in her memory forever.
“How about mine?”
Camila gasped, “You mean..?”
“Will you be my girlfriend, Camz?”
Camila beamed at Lauren, nodding frantically. “Yes, god yes,” she practically shouted as she pressed her lips onto Lauren’s.
Yeah, today couldn’t get any more perfect.
A/N: Hey everyone thank you so much for reading this! A lot of you did indeed threaten to fight me so the story will be continued! My updates are either going to continue to be daily or they’re gonna be hella sporadic so I apologize in advanced.
Also like I said I did not even bother to proofread this because I wanted this out before midnight lol.
You’re literally all so amazing you make my heart so happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have a great day babes, be safe and stay strong ❤️
(As always, you can find my story on wattpad here)
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