#i'm gonna tweak the sketch more tomorrow
wildflowercryptid · 1 year
i'm heading off to bed but before i go...
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we're so fuckin' back, babes. 😏
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calliegallieblog · 4 months
hello friends i have Returned with more Casey art and information
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this was the first sketch i made! fun fact: in order to get the colors for them, i literally took a png of a goat, raised the saturation, and used the eyedropper tool lmao
i'm actually kinda proud of this one! usually i'm kinda bad at anatomy this is a nice change of pace
NOW before we get on to the other art stuff
here's some new information:
Their gender is, and I quote: "Gender? I hardly know her!" (Reminder: Pronouns are they/she/xey)
I mentioned in the previous post that they "come off as arrogant", and I thought I should elaborate on that! They aren't a bad person. Like, it's clear that they genuinely care about those around them. HOWEVER. Without revealing TOO much, they are VERY conscious about how others see them. They want to seem "cool" and "tough". That's where the faux-arrogance comes from. Hope that makes sense, because that's all you're getting about that for now!
Please, do not let her near an oven. Do not let xem cook.
Xey're not a big fan of authority! (Well, to an extent. In a way, they are an authority. I think.) To be more specific, if they're told not to do something, they're gonna need a good reason.
She's not formally acquainted with DogDay and the gang. They've heard of them through the universal medium known as Water Cooler Talk™, but that's about it.
OKAY that's enough of that. back to the art!
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here's a design for the uh
what's it called? the battle outfit?
The Outfit They Wear When They Kick Ass
there we go
the colors on this one are a bit...cluttered...to say the least. i may have to tweak them later.
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lastly we got the casual fit
i kinda got lazy on the colors (i was gonna color it but it's currently midnight and i have school tomorrow i'm SORRY)
as basic as it is i like this sketch too. silli goat
AND THAT will be all for today!
of course, special thanks to @onyxonline for making the space riders au!! if you haven't checked them out yet, do so NOW.
cya later callie crew
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HOLY HELLO, SKETCHY FANS! Loor is back, and we are here for a [slightly delayed] Sketchy Saturday! This week is the First Saturday of the month, and that means it's a pallet prompt! ... buuut I didn't wanna get rid of my old pallet so soon, so I tweaked it a little bit and turned the contrast way up.
If you're planning to participate, hit that 'read more' link and make sure to read the rules BEFORE you send in a request. I'm giving away freebies here, please show respect by reading the provided material <3.
For your request to be VALID, you must send an ASK to my ASKBOX containing the following information:
What character you'd like to be sketched ---- Canon and OC's are both welcome, so long as they're part of the Fallout universe :D ---- If you're sending in an OC, please send reference information to my Tumblr IM AFTER you have sent your request to my askbox.
The number of the pallet you'd like them sketched in, chosen from the list below ---- Not sure which pallet to pick? Send in 'Dealer's Choice!' and the artist will choose for you. ---- Got more than one favorite? List up to THREE pallets you like in order of preference. If someone's already used your first choice, I'll go to one of the other ones :D
With that outta the way... THE PROMPT!
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That's it! I know this weekend's timing is a little wonky, but once this post is online I'm gonna unplug for the rest of the day and get a little RnR time in. Sketching is gonna kick off tomorrow morning at 9 AM US Pacific Time [google it], and the askbox will be closing at 6 PM.
See y'all tomorrow, ~Loor
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Day 76 of being out of art puns (for now, muahahahaha). Played around with Magic Poser and think I've got something I'm satisfied with for a reference. Can't do anything to make facial expressions but I've always kind of winged those. I'm probably gonna tweak it a bit more tomorrow and see what I can get out of it, but there's an equal chance I'll move on to the thumbnail or the base sketch. We'll see!
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