#i'm hoping to get the new lady that just released but tbh i just came back in the hopes of getting a c2 albedo
ethaneldritch · 5 months
tbh i'm really glad i isolated myself from the genshin fandom.
Whether intentionally or not, everyone talks about lore events as if you've been following the game since release day, which means spoilers abound everywhere. i tried to hang around when inazuma released even though i'd only just gotten to liyue, but it was literally impossible to avoid spoilers. even something as nonchalant as background footage in a commentary video wasn't safe; i basically had the entire plot shoved immediately in front of me before i had the chance to experience it at my own pace.
however, now, i've finally gotten the chance to get back into playing it regularly. i'm about three YEARS behind in the story at this point, it'd be such a drag trying to catch up if i already knew what was happening. all the surprise would be ruined.
Genshin's writing is phenomenal, but it's a lot to sit through, and there's no point to doing that if you already know how it's gonna go anyway. i just wouldn't care enough to shlog through all that dialogue just for a cutscene i've already seen twenty times.
i didn't go into Sumeru expecting much. I enjoyed the inazuma quest well enough (although everyone tells me it sucked), but my progression through this game's material is fairly disjointed, which often messes with my perception of story beats.
Sumeru has had me hooked.
like, the minute that first beep went off i audibly went "...oh".
The setup is tense and fascinating. I have absolutely no idea where it's leading, but the writing is TIGHT, the cutscenes are GORGEOUS, this whole arc is making me CARE about characters i didn't give a second thought to when they released...I am SO ready to see where this goes and SO happy i stopped following genshin lore when i did.
maybe at some point i'll finally be caught up and will be able to rejoin the theorycrafting community. but for the time being, i will happily remain on the sidelines getting my first taste of this fantastic game.
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Frank Leibman, 19, New York
i mean so basically i found this band in 7th grade. this girl i was friends with and i were making jokes about emo people and then we were working on an essay and she was like have u ever heard the black parade and i said no and listened to the entire thing. i became obsessed immediately. since then like i’ve listened to every song they’ve ever released and i’m just so obsessed. HELL I'M STILL ON MCR TUMBLR😭. i feel like most fans nowadays are great but there’s still a few that are genuinely just mean, but tbh even when it happens i kinda remind myself like, they listen to MCR like they’re clearly not okay i’ll give em the benefit of the doubt
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 5-8 years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 2-4 Favorite album: I have more than one favorite album Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/21/22, Prudential Center, Newark
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? okay so i went to three of them but the new jersey show i had my tickets since they day they came out in 2019
Did you attend with anyone else? so i bought tickets with my friend emma and we’ve been excited about it for so long but then she was like idk if imma be able to come down from boston so my sister came with me and me and my friend emma went to Albany show together
If you camped out, how was that experience? Was it worth it? i didnt but i did bribe the security to let me into GA
What did you wear? i wore emo makeup
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? PLANETARY GO
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? on the way there i said i hope they play make room and planetary go
What was your favorite moment from the show? moshing during our lady of sorrows
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? getting into the pit!!!
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? it felt like i was finally where i needed to be. i definitely never felt anything like it at all
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? the elder emos were a lil lame in the pit
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? so i mean they’re my favorite band ever but i’ve been listening to them so much more since the shows like SO much more
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? be more open to getting into it. i feel like the crowd was just a bit lame
Thanks, Frank! He can be found on the internet at frankleibman on Twitter and Instagram. He also makes Youtube videos on a channel called frank leibman.
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astralaffairs · 4 years
think of it as like an au or something, but I'm just curious to see how president thom would react to seeing someone forcing themselves on mc at like a state dinner if they're not together, i feel like he'd try to stand up for her but also it'd be kinda sus of the president standing up for some press figure who's been talking shit abt him
i love this concept omg. i got an ask similar to this a while back, so i’ve been sitting on a lot of ideas for it. tbh thomas would hardly be able to restrain himself from fucking throttling whoever’s harassing mc, but he isn’t gonna refrain from stepping in. anyway, his standing up for her then makes the media hail him as a feminist icon for like the next 3 weeks
this broke my heart to write tho lowkey </3
"You're… you're Y/N L/N, aren't you? With the Washington Post?"
Y/N had been sour all night. Her feet were cramping in her heels, the tag on her dress was starting to itch, and worst of all, her editor had forced her to take the invite Alex had extended her to the state dinner. She’d had no plans of interacting with the Jefferson administration — in fact, her plan had been to stay as far from them as possible so that she could focus on work, but she mentioned the state dinner offhandedly to a coworker, another had overheard, and the next thing she knew, her boss had found out.
Moreover, she was fairly certain that Thom– no, President Jefferson had only invited Alex to antagonize him, so it was no wonder he didn’t want to go. However, when he gave her the invite, she protested that, since it wasn’t addressed to her, she couldn’t go, and she certainly couldn’t go without him, but both Alex and her editor had insisted it’d be fine. There would be enough people present that she’d slip under the radar, so what was the harm?
And slip under the radar she did. As Vice President and Second Lady, James and Dolley were unattainable company for the evening; they were busy with the heads of PACs, with senators, with members of the State Department. The latter group included Lafayette — he’d been promoted not long after President Jefferson took office, which ruled him, too, out of her options for who she could hang out with. He was off wooing foreign diplomats.
So, there she was, standing alone at the side of the room with her expensive champagne (there was an open bar, thank god) and the small-but-growing pile of business cards she’d collected throughout the night.
At least, she was alone until the anonymous man in question approached her. She turned to him with her eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m Y/N,” she said, surprised that she’d been recognized. “I’m not with the Post, anymore, though.”
“Of course. My mistake,” he apologized, and when he extended to her a hand to shake, she stuffed her newly-acquired business cards back into her purse “I’m Richard Lestrade. I work in the Department of Defense.”
“Nice to meet you.” She had little interest in chatting with him, but she politely shook his hand. “What can I do for you?”
He laughed softly, but it made Y/N raise an eyebrow. “I don’t have some kind of agenda. I just recognized you from your time as a news analyst and thought I’d come introduce myself.”
“Of course.”
She only responded so as to placate him, and she thought that how curt her reply was would deter him from trying to strike up a conversation. She met his eyes with an expectant eyebrow raised as she took another sip from her champagne.
“So how’d you get an invite here tonight?” he asked after a moment. “I mean, I was invited because I work for him, working on naval strategy and all, so it’s just a perk of the job, but I’m surprised to see you. With how much you’ve done to keep President Jefferson from being elected, I wouldn’t think you’d end up on the guest list for state dinners.”
She shrugged. “Alexander Hamilton invited me, actually.”
“Secretary Hamilton was invited? Really?” At that, the disbelief in Richard’s expression was almost patronizing. “Wow, I didn’t hear that he and President Jefferson had buried the hatchet. I always thought they were rivals, or even enemies.”
“Oh, make no mistake, they hate each other,” she said coolly.
“So why would Secretary Hamilton be invited?”
“So Jefferson could rub it in his face that he won the election.” She shrugged, turning back to face the room before them, but Richard seemed surprised.
“No, no, he wouldn’t be that petty,” he scoffed, but his tone was condescending, as though her theory had absolutely no foundation. “He’s the president. I think he has higher priorities than antagonizing someone who’s old news.”
Y/N resisted rolling her eyes at his calling Alex ‘old news,’ as though Richard was somehow a higher calibre of invitee to the state dinner. “You underestimate how catty politicians are. Jefferson included.”
“President Jefferson,” he corrected her, and she gave him a sidelong glance, eyeing him warily.
“But anyway, I suppose I’m glad President Jefferson invited Hamilton, if it means you’re here, too.”  Richard raised his glass to her as though in tribute, and she was sure the smile she offered him came off as more of a grimace. She had little appreciation for his heavy-handed advance.
“That’s nice of you to say,” she replied mildly before draining the remainder of her glass. She turned to him with a nonchalant, nearly-blank expression. “And as great as it’s been to meet you, I think I have to run. I’m heading out soon and need to say a few goodbyes.” Truthfully, she had no intention of leaving. Her editor would have her head if he found out she cut bait so early in the night, and if she fled before Jefferson addressed the entire room, she wouldn’t be able to provide her boss with the synopsis of the presidential address. She only wanted to leave that conversation.
“You’re leaving so early? Why’s that?”
She shrugged. “I suppose the Jefferson Administration isn’t really my scene. I’ll see you around, Mr. Lestrade.”
“Please, it’s Richard,” he corrected her. “But you should stay longer. If you leave now, you’ll miss President Jefferson’s address.”
What was it with this guy and using Jefferson’s full title? “Please, consider for a moment that missing it may be entirely the point,” she said dryly, and Richard gave a light laugh.
“Oh, please. I’m sure that even a democrat like you can appreciate a good speech.” ‘Even a democrat like her’? What was that supposed to mean? “As a journalist, this should be right up your alley.”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to find the transcript online in a few hours. I’ll survive.”
“It’ll have a much greater impact in person,” he countered, and she sighed. “So, please, stay. Can I get you a drink? What are you drinking?”
“Thanks, but I’m okay,” she said. As though she was about to let a man she’d met only minutes before handle her drink. That would be a recipe for disaster. “I really should get going.”
“No, wait,” he protested, and when she began walking away from him anyway, he caught her by the arm, pulled her back. She turned back to him with an expectant expression, trying to quell the anger building in her chest. “You can’t leave yet; dinner hasn’t even been served.”
“I can fend for myself on that front,” she assured him, and although her teeth were clenched, she plastered on a smile. “So if you’d kindly let go of my arm, I’m going to be on my way.”
“I was hoping to get to know you, actually.” He released her, but her immediately marching off toward the center of the room caught him off guard. “No, wait!” She stifled a groan when she heard him hurrying after her, and as he came to a stop in front of her, blocking her path, she narrowed her eyes. “Come on, Y/N. Come sit down with me and some of my friends; it’ll be a nice time, okay? I’m a nice guy.” He wore a hopeful smile, apparently convinced of his words as she folded her arms.
“I’m sure you are, but I need to get back to my table to retrieve my coat,” she said apologetically. Her anger didn’t show on her face, thankfully. “So I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
“Oh, sure you can; you’re just being stubborn,” he insisted. He took a step forward toward Y/N, and she took a step back. “Now, I know we’re from opposite parties, and all, but I’ve been a fan of your reporting for a long time, and I’d really appreciate it if you just came and sat down with us for a few minutes. You and I have a lot in common. I have a feeling we’d hit it off.”
The coy smile he wore made her want to grimace, and when he added a wink, she did grimace, visibly. “This is nice and all, but I’m not really interested.”
“Sure, because you don’t know me yet,” Richard countered, and he took another step toward her, grabbing her by the elbow as he came to stand next to her. Y/N could feel her heart pounding as he forcibly turned her, pointed out his table. “Let’s go. We’re sitting right over there.”
“No, really, I’d rather not,” she repeated, and as she tried to pull her arm away from his grip, he pulled her toward him with an arm around her waist — it was then she realized she couldn’t do nearly anything about it without making a scene. And given her history, a scene was the last thing she wanted. “Please let go of me.”
“You don’t have to stay long; I’m not asking much.” It was then that he began leading her toward the table, and as she stumbled alongside him, panic was rising in her chest. She was looking around for some way out, some familiar face — Dolley, Lafayette, someone — but nobody appeared. “Just have a seat. Let me get you a drink.”
And there he was, repeating his offer. No matter who it was, the insistence on drinking with her would make her wary, but this man already had worry building in her throat, so the feeling only compounded with his words. “I don’t want to come with you. Get your hands off of me.” He didn’t stop, though, and she finally had to dig in her heels, trying to pull back from him. She knew he was stronger than her, but her resistance to him dragging her along certainly grabbed his attention. Richard frowned.
“Oh, come on, don’t be such a–”
“‘M fairly sure I heard her tellin’ you to let go of her.” The voice was stern, and it made both her and Richard freeze, and for entirely different reasons. Y/N would’ve been able to recognize it anywhere, the southern drawl, the lazy enunciation, and her pulse was then spiking for an entirely different reason. Richard turned immediately toward the sound, releasing her, but Y/N stayed put.
“Mr. President,” Richard said breathlessly, his eyes wide. “It’s an honor to meet you; I–”
“What’s your name?”
“Richard Lestrade, sir.” He sounded excited to have courted Jefferson’s attention, apparently oblivious to the undertone of anger in his voice. Y/N recognized it clearly, though, too clearly, and it made her sick to her stomach. She resented the familiarity.
“D’you work here, Mr. Lestrade?”
“I work for the Department of Defense, sir. I’m a naval strategist. Graduated top of my class from the US Naval Academy; I actually helped plan the–”
“I don’t remember askin’ for your resume.” Then, the annoyance Jefferson exuded was clear, unmistakable in his snarky interjection. Y/N had to purse her lips to keep herself from laughing, especially as she glanced over at Richard and found him pale as a ghost.
“Of course not, sir. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t think I’m the one you should be apologizin’ to, now,” Jefferson said frankly, and Y/N didn’t see him watching her until she reluctantly turned, glancing between him and Lestrade. “Ms. Y/N L/N, correct?” he asked, and she nearly winced.
“Yes, that’s me.” Her strained smile was fooling nobody, but when he saw it, Jefferson’s composure didn’t waver.
“Did I hear you tellin’ Mr. Lestrade not to touch you?”
When he addressed her, she forced herself to shake her nerves, he jumbled emotions, off for the time being, and she pushed her shoulders back, presenting a front of confidence.
“You did, as a matter of fact.” She looked up tentatively to meet his eyes — and she immediately wished she hadn’t. While his expression exuded nonchalance, his casual authority over the situation, she knew him well enough to recognize the concern in his eyes: his forehead was creased almost imperceptibly, one eyebrow was quirked up, and one corner of his mouth twitched down. Her jaw tensed as she swallowed her heartache.
She was grateful that he then turned back to Richard. “Care to explain yourself, Mr. Lestrade?”
The interaction had stirred a bit of a crowd around them by then; the others in their immediate vicinity had ended their conversations at once upon hearing the confrontation, but the hush seemed to be spreading further across the room, and Richard was glancing left and right as he gaped at Jefferson. “Oh, no, it was just a misunderstanding. Look–”
“I’m not sure it was,” Jefferson cut him off, and his tone was biting. “Forgive me if this is too presumptuous, but I don’t think there’s anything unclear about a woman tellin’ you to take your hands off of her.”
“We were just chatting.”
“That wasn’t what it looked like,” Jefferson said, folding his arms. “From where I was standin’, it seemed like you grabbed a woman against her will, and you refused to let go. ‘S that accurate, Ms. L/N?”
She wished desperately that he’d stop addressing her. Her throat went dry as he all but admitted he’d been watching her, and she could only nod, unable to find her voice. Thankfully, he took that as enough of an answer.
“I never meant to hurt Y/N, sir. Honestly, I’m so sorry if I did–” Richard turned to Y/N. “I’m so sorry if I hurt you, but my intention wasn’t–”
“You blatantly ignored me telling you to stop,” she said. His speaking to Y/N once again made her blood boil, and she couldn’t help but snap at him, despite how lightly she felt herself to be treading in present company. “Don’t pretend like this was some unfortunate accident.”
Lestrade went from gaping at Jefferson to gaping at her, then. “I… I’m sorry, again, but come on, you know I was just trying to be friendly,” he defended, and she rolled her eyes, getting tired of his excuse. The edge of aggression in his tone made her take a wary step away from him, though. “I invited you to–”
“You said you work for the Department of Defense, correct?” Jefferson cut him off, diverting his attention from Y/N, and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, silently thanking him for bailing her out.
“Yes, sir.” Lestrade offered a weak smile, but his fear was obvious in how he was holding himself. Jefferson regarded him with an air of disgust, looking him up and down.
“Well, you don’t anymore.” Y/N’s eyes widened at the declaration, but President Jefferson paid her no mind. “ I’ll be in touch with your supervisor to have you dismissed.”
“What?” Lestrade asked, “but, sir, that’s my job. I need to–”
“Not anymore, it isn’t.” President Jefferson’s words were firm. “Now, please, I’d like to ask you to leave now so it isn’t necessary for me to have you shown out with a security detail.”
Lestrade froze, and for a moment, Y/N expected him to protest, but when he saw all the people around them watching him, anticipating his next move, he turned on his heel, flushing bright red, and started toward the exit. Y/N and Jefferson were both scowling as they watched him leave.
However, it wasn’t long before Jefferson turned to Y/N, although she hadn’t turned back to face him.
“Are you alright, Ms. L/N?” he asked mildly, and she was sure her surprise pertaining to the whole situation was written across her face when she met his gaze. She nodded hesitantly. “I’d appreciate hearin’ you say it.”
“I’m just fine,” she assured him, voice shaky, and his tense shoulders relaxed, although he didn’t look fully convinced. “But thanks for your concern, really, Thom– sorry, Secretary– I mean, President Jefferson.”
She saw the corners of his lips twitch up when she almost called him Thomas.
"Of course. Let me know if there's anything I can do." His words were wary, careful not to cross any lines or to impose upon her, but she smiled.
"I think that firing Mr. Lestrade on sight was quite enough," she said, and when a grin split Thomas’s– President Jefferson's worried expression, her stomach turned; her smile was strained. Everything about him felt too familiar, painfully familiar.
"Fair enough,” he acquiesced. At how ill-at-ease she appeared, though, his smile wavered. “Hope I didn't go overboard."
She shrugged. "He deserved it."
Thomas Jefferson laughed, and the sound was as warm as she remembered it being. She hadn’t heard it in person in nearly three years, and for her to have come across him so suddenly, it was jarring. She was quite sure she was going to be sick.
“I s’pose you’re right.” By then, those around them had begun to disperse, so after glancing left and right, he took a step closer to her, furrowed his brow, and every muscle in her body tensed. Yet, she didn’t move away. His voice was soft, gentle when he asked. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine,” she insisted, swallowing hard. “Don’t you have some politicians to get back to?”
He pursed his lips, and she was sure the tense grief in her expression wasn’t hidden as well as she’d have liked it to be. “I guess so,” he finally said, but he didn’t move, looking her over, and his voice was quiet when he said, “‘S good to see you, though. You look good.”
“Yeah, you too,” was all she could manage in response. He gave her a sad smile, nodded, and the silence between them stretched on Just as she thought he was about to turn, head back to where he’d been previously, he stopped himself.
“Will I see you around?”
The hope in his voice made her throat tighten, and she took a deep, shaky breath. She shook her head, and her voice nearly broke when she answered, “I don’t think you will.”
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mskatesharma · 3 years
Re British Vogue, I think you might be onto something. Before S1 came out Rege and Phoebe did a photoshoot for British Vogue, which is fairly standard for actors in a period drama tbh, however now that Bridgerton is a big established show I could see Simone getting a cover.
And you know who also got a British Vogue cover before her new season of a big Netflix show? Emma Corrin. And the pre show release promo you mentioned with Simone? Emma also had the same thing, Vogue party, Miu Miu fashion show, etc. This could be their management being really good at their job or even Netflix wanting to promote their actors.
Now the big issue is gonna be timing, if Bridgerton S2 does come out in the spring the chances are better, Zoe Kravitz is more likely to get a US cover for her big superhero movie, same with Elizabeth Olsen. Maybe one of the Downton Abbey ladies could get it? But that movie isn't a big deal as a new season of Bridgerton so unlikely but not impossible. The biggest "competition" would be Lily James who had a buzzy tv show in march and Anya Taylor Joy who has a new movie in april.
So we'll see. At the very least I'm expecting one British Vogue photoshoot with her and Jonathan (or maybe even solo?) and her getting the cover of a smaller magazine and probably a few more photoshoots.
Anonymous said:
I don’t think it’s *impossible* Simone gets a British Vogue cover tbh…aside from her obviously being on their radar, Simone’s PR honestly really good for her basically being an unknown still; she has a top stylist and has been ingratiating with designers. I can see BV positioning it as her big “debut.” Usually one or two newcomers will get a cover each year and Edward would definitely be for supporting a young WOC. Especially since Simone will be promoting her role where she’s inhabiting a kind of role that has otherwise exclusively been the domain of white women.
So I think Simone getting a cover is a bit of a long shot, but not totally impossible? I went back and checked who had covered British Vogue since Enninful became editor, and I would say the ‘unknowns’ who have been on the cover are Naomi Scott (April 2019) when Aladdin came out, and Emma Corrin (October 2020) when season three of The Crown came out. Like the first ask talked about, timing is going to be key, because it depends what other films and tv shows are out at the time.
I am hoping we get a photoshoot at least, similar to RJP and Phoebe, and I could see them doing more of an interview with Jonny and Simone? And even if we don’t get them together, I think we could get an interview with Simone, even if she’s not on the cover? Clearly Simone seems to have good PR, and so far she’s being clever with how she’s using fashion. I think that, plus Bridgerton being a big show would make her attractive for publications to interview? And that’s not even talking about her being a young WOC, and specifically playing a role that’s been the exclusive domain of white women.
I think some of this could hinge on what she does between now and the release of the show, and if she books/ announces any other projects in the mean time, but it’s not necessarily a deal breaker. If not British Vogue, then another publication will do an interview with Simone I’m sure, it’s just that Simone’s relationship with BV does feel like it’s building up to something. (I’m hoping we at least get a ‘what’s in my bag’ video lol.)
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Hey! This is kind of random but I'm looking for nice songs in Korean. Unfortunately, all the songs I know are from different dramas, and I want songs that are not a part of any show's OST. I remembered seeing you posting a lot about K-pop, so I thought you might have some recommendations?
Hii Sorry this took so long to get to!! This was realy hard for me to put together (because of course it’s my current fandom/obsession) so this ended up getting kinda long woops
but first things first i love your avatar~~~~
Winner’s Fool and Really Really just came out this week, andboth of them are really good!
I’m really like super partial to BTS’s Spring Day and NotToday (leaning more towards Spring Day because that’s more what I like), butthen again, I’m super super into like all their music right now. Also, Blood Sweat & Tears, Let MeKnow, War of Hormone (my first mv by them though at the time i wasn’t really able to pay close attention), Butterfly, Save Me, and Fire are all other bonuses (I justpicked random songs I like woops but like they have so much good stuff)
Mamamoo’s Decalcomanie, Piano Man, You’re the Best, and Woo Hoo arereally good. Also, I Miss You is a supergood ballad by them holy crap
Girls Generation is like a circle of queens oh my gosh. Um…Genie is always good, and I’m really liking Lion Heart and Sailing at themoment. Also these are japanese releases of theirs but My Oh My and Paparazzi are amazing
Oh My Girl’s Closer and Liar Liar are fantastic plus they’re adorable and i love them
SHINee’s View and Married to the Music are bops~
Quite a lot of Big Bang’s stuff is really good. I wouldn’teven know where to start with them but Last Dance is my new favorite slow song from them, but I also love Let’s Not Fall in Love, but Bang Bang Bang is agreat hype one. Also, I”m just gonna put this performance in here because its’ awesome
Block B’s Very Good, Jackpot. Nillili Mambo, A Few Years Later and Toy (also that whole albm is amazing)
FT Island’s Take Me Now (and the entirety of the Where’s teh Truth album) is AMAZING
Exid’s Lie is amazing and Hot Pink gets stuck in my headsuper easily
GOT7’s If You Do and Just Right are some of their best ones tbh. I also really like Fly and Never Ever
AOA’s Good Luck, Like A Cat, Heart Attack, and Bing Bing areall super good
4Minute’s Crazy and Blind are really good
Monsta X’s Hero is great for an intro to them~
GFriend’s Navillera is my current favorite by them
Wonder Girls’ Why So Lonely is fantastic and Nobody is aclassic in terms of kpop in general
Brown Eyed Girls with Sixth Sense and BRave New World!!!!!
Exo’s El Dorado I will always hype up. Also, Monster and LuckyOne are good, but also you can’t go wrong with Growl or Sing For You.
Sistar’s I Like That has a gorgeous MV and the song is sogood
Miss A’s Hush is my current ringtone
Kara’s Mamma Mia and Step and Damaged Lady are gold
UKiss’s Neverland is a classic, but other gold ones areDoradora, Someday, and 0330
2PM’s My House is great as fuck (plus there’s a bunny that cracks me up)
Super Junior’s Mamacita is a catchy as fuck song, and othergood ones are Evanesce, This is Love, Mr Simple,  A-Cha, Butterfly
F(x)’s Red Light, Rum Pum Pum, Dracula are all excellent and more people need to appreciate them
BAP’s Wake Me Up, One Shot, Skydive,  Feel So Good, Young Wild and Free, and Badman arereally good songs
Everything by DBSK/TVXQ/JYJ is so good I don’t even knowwhere to begin but they have quality stuff and I don’t even know where to beginwith them . Uh.. Mirotic, Keep Your head Down, In Heaven, Good Night,  Catch Me, Wish (which has Kyuhyun and Ryeowook from Super Junior in it), Don’t Say Goodbye, I could goall day on this one
I hope you find something you like! I tried to stay away from ones that were OSTs ^_^;; I added like 30 while linking everything woopssss
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