#i'm just .
bakudekublogblog · 2 days
ever think about how both ochako and katsuki carry around all might merch that reminds them of izuku because they both have romantic feelings for him
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wolveria · 1 day
Catching glimpses of the body glove underneath clone armor feels so slutty.
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cnnrrnr · 3 days
You telling you won't crumble on to your knees in sheer relief and overwhelming joy of being called a friend. And how someone did something for you because you are a friend to them.
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soaps-mohawk · 6 days
So, I know I've been sort of absent today but I've been having some technical difficulties (my wrists) and some massive rewrites (4k words down the drain 🙃). I've been busting my ass trying to get chapter 24 out, but I may need to delay it again by a day this week. Depends on how much I can get done today. It's been a week y'all.
Also I have like 2944738 asks in my inbox (jk its like 9) that I'll get to eventually. So if you've sent me an ask in the last couple days I promise I'm not ignoring you, I've just been busy.
🫡 struggle bussing is my middle name atp
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rudegizmo · 6 days
Trying to practice walking in Bettel boots Hard™
Dawg I am short, and at this point used to like, platforms. I feel like I am being held up by a freaking ziti in these things
I need lessons ☠️
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I am not adapting well to becoming host I fully won't lie I am too young for this I should be at the clubbbb (high school cafeteria)
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browniefox · 9 days
another fucking day and another fuckign rejection i swear
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millicent-dagworth · 10 days
Watched the new Dragon Age trailer. Made a meme based off my feelings.
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traincarsandstars · 12 days
Guys. Guys, they all match. They traded paths: Trailblazer- preservation, Dan Heng- destruction, March- hunt. And in this patch, they're all the same element- imaginary. ( ╥ ᴗ ╥)
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chaesvoguerice · 13 days
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sawthefaeriequeen · 14 days
Do employers just surrender their humanity at the gate when they become employers?
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devourcr · 15 days
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spoilers ABOUND
i don't think this is the show's fault, but i want to make it explicitly clear that armand is not a victim in paris. i keep seeing shit about louis being abusive and exploitative and tbh i'm squinting really hard at people saying that.
armand can and does use innocence and submission as a manipulative tactic. submission, for armand, can also be an act of domination. to me, the bench scene is those two plotting together. louis has an idea and armand is rolling with it. i'm sorry, armand went from fucking strangling claudia to "yes, maître," and i think people are twisting it into something dark & sick. this feels like "you take the lead." louis is giving a suggestion and armand is saying yes.
please remember this is a 500 year old vampire. a monster. a monster who could have stopped everything from happening this way. i highly doubt this isn't going according to plan and i'll continue to portray it as such.
i feel like his backstory is supposed to throw us off of him a little. to make us more sympathetic, but as much Shit as he's gone through, he's also put others through Shit. ( was he honest, vulnerable, and raw? yes, i think he was. and yes, i think it took a great deal of trust in louis to open up that way, but i also think that there's a reason he chose right then to do it. )
i'm just making a point to say i will never water down armand to vilify louis. and i don't think the show is doing that either.
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deoccchi · 16 days
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Martha sketch I made in break from uh drawing for my exam week (it's already this week hah)
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mexashepot · 16 days
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Why do this to the north when you could be doing this to the gov instead?
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lixenn · 17 days
Dad worried: What's going on?
What I want to say: I exist in a constant state of exhaustion that doesn't disappear even when I get a solid eight hours of sleep. I feel like crying most of the day and actually randomly burst into tears when life simply gets too much for me, which is the case more often than not. I'm drowning at sea and don't know who has thrown me overboard. I cope by constantly distracting myself simply because I can't stand being miserable all the time but distraction takes energy which I don't have, making me even more tired, which just feeds my never ending circle of exhaustion. I don't want to go to work but would feel like shit for taking an even longer break, so I will clock in anyways. I'm scared this won't get better. I'm tired of being tired and just staying in my bed for the rest of the month sounds way too appealing for my peace of mind.
What I actually said: My brain is mean to me.
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thebluespacecow · 18 days
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