#i'm nearly done with the inking so hopefully i can work on the inking when i get up
wildflowercryptid · 9 months
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i need to sleep, but let it be known that i'm feeding the kieflo masses for new years.
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hi morri!
you talked about doing a page for your WIP, and I'd like to ask how do you do them?? I've tried to make pages for my WIP before but coding is not a language i understand sadly T-T
do you have mayhaps some tips? or general advice? or something because I've tried for ours and i never end up doing anything and I'm so tired T-T
thanks, love
Hi Carmen!
NOTE: This is kinda gonna assume that you have never touched a custom code in your life and have no idea how html works. I tried my best to make it simple, but also cover as much as possible. Be warned, it's a REALLY long post. But hopefully it's helpful!
Ah, okay, well, there's a lot to get into here. But I will try my best to explain it all!! First off, if you've never made a custom page before, you need to ask staff to add JavaScript support to your blog. You can do that really easily, and it should only take them about 24 hours to get back to you.
Once you have JS enabled on your blog, you need to actually make the new page, like you would any other page. (Open your blogs theme editor on desktop, scroll down on the sidebar until you see "pages" and hit the plus/new page button.)
Once you've done that, click where it says "default layout" (or something similar) and change it to "custom layout". Choose a url for your page (for example, my page for ATQH is just "memento-morri-writes.tumblr.com/atqh".) You only need to put anything that would come after the /. (So in my case, I'd just put "atqh" in that box.
Okay, now you need a theme. There's not a lot of them out there when it comes to ones built specifically for written WIPs. @bebewrites has some amazing ones on her blog! (05 and 02 are my personal favorites.) Also, this page by @/seyche is gorgeous!
Once you've chose a theme, open the link to the code hosting site (github, pastebin, etc.) and copy all of the raw code. (You can highlight and copy it manually, or sometimes there's a button that says "raw" that makes it easier.)
Paste all of that nonsense into where it says "html here" on your blog. Hit "update appearance". You should see a little, sort of squished preview of the page.
Now comes the hard part. Editing the html. I'm gonna go into detail about this under the cut, since it'll get long.
Firstly, a lot of codes have some degree of instructions written in them. Any text that looks slightly greyed out is "comments" or code that doesn't do anything, but is there to give you guidance. Keep an eye out of those as you go through the code!! They'll often tell you where new sections begin or end, so you know what you're editing!
Firstly, start at the very top of your code. Nearly the very first thing on there it's going to say <title> [some kind of text] </title>. This controls what shows up on the browser tab! So make it descriptive, but short and to the point. (I usually just do the story name or it's abbreviation.)
Next there's gonna be a very long section called <style>. Most of this you don't need to worry about, unless you really know what you're doing, but there are some important bits.
Directly under where it says <style> is where you should look for this next bit. It should look something like this, but it might look different depending on the code. There are hundreds of "right" ways to code a page, it's all up to preference.
Alternatively, if there's not a nice, neat section for all the colors and fonts, you can hit "ctrl + f" and type in "color", and you can arrow through the results until you find one that mentions background/text/heading color.
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The important thing here is the numbers and letters in red. Those are Hex Codes!! (hex cause there's 6 digits.) They're just a way for the computer to know what color you're talking about.
You can use a website like htmlcolorcodes to find any color you want. When you have one you like, click in the top box on the website and copy the 6-digit hex code. Paste it in place of the one in the code. NOTE: You need to keep the #. Otherwise the code won't recognize it as a hex code.
Some Quick Hex Codes: - Pure white is #fff - Pure black is #000 - #eee is a very lovely off-white that is much easier on the eyes than pure white.
Keep acessibility and legibility in mind when choosing colors!! Don't put white or off-white text on a pastel pink background! Conversely, some people have a hard time reading super high-contrast stuff, especially bright text on dark backgrounds. So try and avoid something like pure white text on a pure black background. (Light and dark is generally fine, but go for "softer", less saturated colors.) If people are getting a headache reading about your OCs, they're gonna decide it's not worth the trouble.
Okay, back on track. You can also change the font size for the headings, subheadings and body text. If it's not neatly given to you, you can do a "ctrl + f" and search for "size". That should help you find it.
Sizes are shown in pixels (px). This is the default measurement for font sizes, and really the only one. Sometimes referred to as "points". So if you hear someone say "12 point font", they mean a font that's 12 pixels tall. Pixels and points mean the same thing, so don't worry too much about it. But for html, you need to use the "px" after the number. This functions a bit like the "#" before the hex codes. It tells the computer what you want done and why. (Kind of.)
NOTE: I'm not going to talk about changing the fonts in this, since it's already getting really long. However, I will gladly answer an ask about it!
Now, onto the fun part!! Adding your information! Scroll down, or do a search for where it says "<body>". This should also be pretty clear cause the text will go from lots of colors to largely white with some green. This is where the actual content of the page starts. Or at least the content you care about.
From here on out, things could be arranged in any one of thousands of ways. So, I'm just going to walk you through the basics of html content.
First things first: basics. In html, every "type" of element or content has a symbol. That's what the stuff between the <> is. And for every one of those symbols, you need an end piece. A set of <> without a slash starts an item, while a set with a slash ends it. So a complete set would look something like this:
<[symbol]> [content] </[symbol]>
Exactly what those symbols are varies, and that's what I'll get to in a minute. Keep in mind that when you make a set of starting <> (ie no slash), tumblr will automatically add a closing set. However, it's not always the smartest, and you can end up with double ending sets. So double check that you only have one starting set and one ending set.
Now, no to the specifics.
Links are kinda wonky when it comes to html. The symbol for a link is "a", but you can't just go "<a>" and be done with it. A complete link looks like this:
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Yes, you have to put the space, and the equal sign, and the quotation marks. So what does all that stuff mean?
Well, the space between the quotation marks is where you put the url. If you're linking outside of your own tumblr blog, you need the full url, copied and pasted from your browser bar, including the http nonsense. (It's not nonsense, but-) If you're linking something within your own tumblr blog, you only need to include what would come after the / in the url. For example if you wanted to link someone to your wip tag, which is "wip: cos", then you would put "/wip: cos" inside the green quotation marks.
NOTE: When you're linking outside of your own blog, get rid of that slash!! It's left there as a courtesy/spacer by most coders since they assume most people will only be linking within their own blogs. If you leave it with outside urls, things will not work.
Okay, but you don't just want a giant URL showing up in your pretty text. And html knows that. That's where the space between > and < comes in. What you put between the starting set and the ending set is what will actually show up on your blog. Just like when you highlight and link something via text on tumblr.
Here's an example of a "complete" link in html:
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What this will actually do is when someone clicks on the words "wip tag" in your blog, it will take them to the tag "political fantasy wip" on your blog.
Text Changes:
So, earlier I mentioned being able to bold, underline, italicize text. Yep, you can do that!! In order to do that, you just put starting and ending sets around the text you want to be changed, like this:
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The symbols are different for every type of text change, but here's a quick list:
Bold -
Italics -
Underlined -
Emphasis (looks different depending on the code) -
Strikethrough -
Images are also kind of weird. You can't just upload them from your computer. If they're images from unsplash, etc., you can just right click and click "copy image address". If they're ones you made, or that are on your computer, you'll have to upload them to a hosting site like imgur, and then right click and copy image address.
NOTE: Pay attention to image ratios and dimensions when using codes!!! If you put in an image of the wrong ratio (say, 5:7 rather than 4:5), the code will force it to fit and you'll end up with a very ugly picture! So just pay attention. If it's not obvious (1:1 (square)) or specified in the code, trial and error is fine!
So what do I need those image addresses for anyways? Well, here's a complete image code.
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That bit in the green quotations is that image address you copied earlier.
That was a really long post! But I hope it answers some questions people on writeblr might have about editing page themes!!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask or DM!
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moonlightchn · 2 years
A letter arrives in the post addressed to Chan, the return address is somewhere in Olympus and is scribbled on the back of the pretty light blue envelope. The handwriting on the front is neat and pretty, written in sparkly silver ink. The letter inside isn't nearly as elegant as the enevlope. The sides and backs of the paper are covered in crayon doodles and scribbles, all colourful and a bit janky looking.
"Dear Moonbaby,
It's Haneullie here! It's been a long time since I got in touch with you and wanted to.
Life is good up here in Olympus. Beanie has started school and absolutely loves it. My afternoons are filled with her ramblings about her friends and what they learnt at school that day. You know, they've been teaching them about plants and Yeseul has been growing her own little pea plant. It's so cute, it's the first thing she's responsible for and she's doing a super good job! The little pea shoot just made its appearance yesterday!
When I told her I'd be writing a letter to you she demanded that she show you her art skills, hence the little scribblings on the front and back of this paper. She said "want uncle Chan to have colour in his house and something to remember seullie with" so she wants her art to be displayed.
I've been able to work on my art too! I'm now running courses for the people here to learn in their free time! It's been so rewarding and people are having fun with it so it makes me happy!
How are you doing? I've been checking on you when I can, I hope you don't mind. I felt bad about leaving so abruptly and worry about you. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to tell you properly... You deserved better from me.
I want you to know that I'm here for you, I might not be reachable like before but I'm still gonna look after you as much as I can okay?
I hope that this letter reaches you safely. And I really hope you'll write back, it would be wonderful to hear back from you after so long. It's okay if you don't want to though! No pressure hehe.
I love you lots Moonbaby. Stay healthy and happy okay?
Attached are some instructions on how to get mail to Olympus with a small post it note which reads "just in case you want to write back <3"
Chan looks out the window curiously at the sudden change around, almost as if a burst of something had made it through the property in a flash, the air feeling lighter, different. It's not a change strong enough for humans to notice probably, which explains why he's the only one heading out, but the boy just knows something's up.
Thinking it could've been the fox playing around the wolf steps out, expecting to find her hiding, but is only met with a perfume he knows all too well.
There's a sudden ache in his heart, a burn almost as he follows the scent, hesitantly, to his mailbox. The envelope sticks out the side of the box slightly, the blue paper too easy to recognize even before he takes it out.
Staring at the name, her name, Chan takes a deep breath before walking back inside, straight to his bedroom.
Not today.
Maybe someday Chan will have the strength to read through another heart-shattering letter from someone he loves dearly. Maybe someday he will be healed enough to not feel the ground opening beneath his feet as the earth tries to eat him alive. Maybe someday, hopefully even, Chan will be at peace enough with himself to not feel the whole weight of the universe on his shoulders at the simple thought of those he's obviously failed–. Otherwise, why would they leave?
But it's not today.
Placing the closed envelope inside his bedside drawer, he traces the name softly with his finger. God, he misses her. He misses her terribly, he's dying to open the letter and know what it says. What she says. There's not a thing he wouldn't have done for her to stay, she just had to ask and he would've provided, but this is just how things were supposed to be if this is how they happened.
The doorbell brings Chan back to reality, hand pushing the small furniture closed before he walks out of the room without looking back again.
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Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
Word Count: 5.7K
Warnings: 18+. Smut. Sex pollen. Dub-con due to the sex pollen. PIV sex. Unprotected sex. Inproper use of magi. Fingering. Oral - m and f recieving. Kind of hate fuck vibes to begin with.
A/N: So this is my first time writing for Loki and honestly I was nervous as fuck but hopefully it doesn't suck.
It starts with an argument. 
With you and him hissing insults and bickering like children over who's more suited for such a high stakes mission. With your hands itching to bury deep in ink spilled curls if only to yank his face back from where it's obnoxiously tilted close to yours and watch those mocking, glacial eyes widen in shock. 
You had put the work in, assembled all the information and hunted relentlessly for the location of the weapons lab only for him to sweep in at the last moment and use mortality against you. It's an excuse that strikes a dangerous match in your blood, heats your skin to an unhealthy temperature whilst your eyes narrow to vicious slits.
"You mortals are frail and weak, too easily breakable. I'm obviously a much better choice, what could their feeble minds possibly create that will harm a god." 
It makes you nearly scream that the others vote in his favour. Rage - ugly and knotted - sticking in your chest at the insinuation you should be seen as fragile when you've fought for years among advanced tech suits, super soldiers, master assassins and an indefinitely more likeable god.
You're not proud of the way it burns at you, plucks at some pitiful insecure string you've tried to bury by pushing yourself harder, always harder. He's made you feel like you're not good enough to be here despite all you've done and it gathers venom on your tongue faster than you can blink. 
"Don't come crying to me when you fuck up, I'll be here waiting to laugh in your face when the shit they're packing knocks you of your pedestal."
The words are sharp and scathing, spat over your shoulder before you're storming out and leaving everyone to stare after you. 
You miss the arrogant smirk falter on his lips the moment you're gone. 
Guilt comes to you swiftly. 
You didn't really mean what you said, you hope he succeeds, people's lives count on it and deep down you even hope that he's right and in no real danger. 
It's not like you to lose your temper and be petty.
It really isn't. 
It's just Loki. 
He's rubbed you the wrong way from the moment you met, his arrogance, patronising drawl and insatiable need to get under your skin bringing something immature and half feral out of you without fail. Before him you didn't know what it was like to hate someone, to have someone manipulate every nerve you have with lithe fingers until there's flames in your blood and violence in your eyes. 
It irritates you more that he's so fucking pretty, that his body looks like it's been carved from marble in an artist's quest for divine perfection. You'd been attracted to him almost immediately until he'd opened that poison mouth of his. 
And unfortunately there's still moments where it snags at you like hooks in your skin, where it feels like you could give in to the temptation to claw and sink your teeth into him as he pounds you so fucking hard you see galaxies. You feel it when he's pressed - hard and unforgiving - against the soft give of your body, when you've managed to incense him to the point he's prowled towards you, anger cracking in his eyes like chipped shards of ice, until your back has hit a solid surface for him to crowd you up against. 
It's then that the energy between you snaps raw - hits it's most volatile like it's gathering itself to an explosive peak. You both linger in it, let the moment seep thick in the heat until it edges along the line of pain. 
But someone always eventually draws away and you wonder if there's a dark pit, a chasm of unknown want, in his stomach like there is in yours whenever you do.  
When Natasha appears at your door the first thing you think is that she's come to talk about before. You know she sees more than most people and she's always sneaking subtle questions into your conversations about the God of mischief. 
The second thing you think is that the universe must fucking hate you and your previous guilt had obviously not been enough to make up for your behaviour. 
"You're needed in the lab, they need what you know on the bio weapons made in that place - Loki's been hit with something." 
"Hit with what?" 
"He said it was some kind of dart." 
"Did he say what the liquid looked like? Was it blue or purple?" 
"Blue I think, why?" 
"Good news, he's not going to die a horrific, painful death from his systems shutting down one by one." 
"And the bad news?" Thor grimaces, his brow heavy with concern and thick arms folded over his chest as he peers at you.
"He could possibly die of… something else." You wince, feeling the awkwardness of embarrassment flooding your tongue. "The thing he's been injected with is an aphrodisiac, a really fucking strong one, they basically manipulated it to cause as much pain and discomfort as they could whilst also making victimns more pliant to what they wanted." 
Thor stares at you for a long moment, face blank whilst you watch him working over the information you've given him, then suddenly he blinks, once, twice. 
"You're saying Loki needs to fuck someone or he'll die?" 
"Possibly, I'm not - I'm not one hundred percent sure okay." You sigh. "That's what happened when someone human was injected, your brother is a god - the effects could be different - milder maybe." 
"So there's a chance he could be fine?"
"Yeah but I'm not a scientist or a doctor, he should really get… checked...out. Wait - Thor, where the hell is he?" 
You hadn't even had a chance until now to notice the presence of a huffy, irate raven haired god was missing from the situation. His brother had practically snatched you up as you'd ran towards the lab, his face panicked as he'd word vomited a thousand and one questions about the drug, its effects and the danger it posed to Loki . But as you peer around the suddenly quiet god of thunder now, there is definitely a rather worrying absence - the lab empty besides the doctor. 
"Oh, he's in his room." Thor confesses awkwardly, one of his large hands scratching at the the back of his neck whilst he offers you a sheepish smile. "I tried to bring him here but he was somewhat violently against it, he threatened to stab me again." 
You snort. Of course he did, the overgrown fucking child. Trust Loki to be injected with a lethal substance and rather than be monitored for potential risks to his health he'd prefer to pout in his room. 
"Thor, someone needs to go there and bring him down - this is serious." 
He grins then - charming and radiant - and god help you because you know it's coming, both of you fully aware of the soft spot you have for your blonde Asgardian friend and the fact you can't say no when he asks you for something so politely. 
"I think my presence will do nothing more than irritate him further." He says, soft ocean blue eyes pleading at you. "Maybe you can go and try and lure him out? He's always more easily persuaded when it comes to you." 
Highly fucking doubt it - you want to scoff at him - if anything the mere sight of you is enough to set Loki off on a tangent. But he's staring at you all hopeful and sweet and there's nothing you can do but curse these two gods that have clearly been sent to be twin pains in your life. 
"Fine." You grit instead. 
You're not sure how long you pace outside the door before he calls to you. 
Long enough that he berates you for trying to wear a hole through the floor, his voice dripping in amusement and a tinge of something rough that your mind doesn't register until it's too late. 
He's the epitome of composure when you slip inside his room, causing you to frown as you narrow your eyes and scan the length of his body. He's still in full leathers, his legs stretched across his bed and ankles locked whilst he leans back regally against the headboard. 
There's something you can't put your finger on. Something not right about how he looks, not even a hair out of place or a scratch on his leathers to say he'd just returned from a mission - he looks too perfect. 
"Come to laugh in my face, have you darling?" He drawls, smirking when your eyes snap to his face. "It's a shame then I must tell you I'm perfectly fine." 
"They told me you'd been injected with something." You say softly, gaze still searching for something out of place whilst you edge closer. 
"Ah and you thought you'd come and witness my suffering did you? Thought you'd see a god brought to his knees by some pathetic mortal drug? Apologies for the disappointment." 
You shake your head and stare at him in disbelief, just how much does this man think you despise him to want to watch him writhing in agony? 
"Loki no." You argue. "I came to bring you to the lab, the drug you've been injected with could seriously harm you, you need to be tested and kept under observation." 
He scoffs, eyes rolling and arms crossing over his chest. "I take it my brother sent you in hopes a pretty face would sway me. I will tell you like I told him, I am fine, I have no need of your doctors." 
His voice tries for nonchalance, arrogance even but there's an underlying coldness you detect that seems unwarranted and leaves you feeling frustrated. 
"You're being unreasonably stubborn." You huff, your hands curling to fists on top of your hips whilst you stride towards the bed and glower down at him. "We're only trying to help you, you have no idea what this could be doing to you!."
"And you're being irritatingly stupid." He spits. Long legs swing gracefully off the bed and landing either side of yours, the blue of his eyes pulsing dark as his lips pull back and bare teeth. "I do not need your silly little midgardian doctors, I do not need some stranger poking and prodding at me whilst I'm expected to just lie there vulnerable." 
Oh. Oh fuck you have been stupid. Thor had filled you all in on some of the things Loki had been through, that he wasn't completely innocent of the deeds he'd comitted but they hadn't been entirely his doing either. It had been enough to make you shudder, the thought of the kind of torture that would have to be inflicted upon a god to make him crumble to another's will. 
Of course he'll be wary of someone wanting to take bloods and hook him to machines and do any other tests they had in mind. Of course it'd bring back terrible memories for him. You feel wretched for not understanding sooner, your eyes softening and the anger bleeding from your body quicker than it had arrived. 
"No one is going to hurt you Loki." You murmur, letting his gaze narrow to suspicious slits as he searches your words and face for the barest hint of a lie. "We just want to make sure you're okay." 
His eyes widen for a moment, expression faltering to something raw and unguarded whilst he stares up at you and your fingers twitch with urge to run themselves along his jaw, over his cheek and through the soft looking curls of his hair in some surprising need to offer comfort. 
But then he shutters. His expression turns mischievous and haughty and you can practically sense the sarcastic quip of his tongue before he's even opening his mouth. 
"Worried about me, are you darling?" He arches a dark brow, lips quirking into a smug grin. "I must confess I like seeing you all bothered about me like this." 
Infuriating man. 
You go to tell him to fuck off, go to spin on your heel and march down to the lab and declare that he's absolutely fine, just peachy and his usual rage inducing self. But then your eyes flick up on a whim and see the sweat beading along his hairline, dampening the finer hairs and slicking them to his skin. 
You've seen this man fight, witnessed him slice through countless enemies without so much as a stilted huff of breath let alone physically breaking a sweat. It's something he practically prides himself on, ridiculing you for looking like a dishevelled mess whenever you emerge from battle after him. 
The next move you make is on reflex, a common habit that you resort to without thought. You lift the palm of your hand to his forehead to check his temperature, your skin already grazing his before his panicked stop...don't! filters through your concern and your mind is only capable of registering the wrongness to the feel of him, the absence of the cold that comes with Jotun blood, before the world is suddenly swept out from beneath your feet. He's blistering hot.
Loki snarls the second your hand makes full contact and there's a sudden pulse of energy that ripples through the air, stealing your breath and prickling your skin. You don't realise what it is until he's grabbed you and caged you beneath him. 
Magic. A shattered illusion. 
He's definitely not fine. He's panting and shaking, his arms trembling whilst he hovers over you, face shiny with sweat and cheeks flushed fever pink. When he peers down at you, you inhale sharply, the blue of his eyes has all but disappeared - swallowed whole by the ravenous expanse of his pupils.
"Loki." You whisper and a violent shudder racks his already taut body, the movement dragging your eyes lower before they snap back to his face as you let out a startled squeak. 
His illusion had hid more than you'd been able to realise before he'd tossed you on the bed and now the image of him half naked, in nothing but unlaced leather pants that are doing a poor job of concealing a very large bulge, is burned into your brain - even as you close your eyes and take a deep breath to try and calm your racing heart. 
Your squeak seems to snap him out of the lustful haze he's in however, a shocked slash of clarity in his eyes when yours fly back open to find pain streaking across his face as he drags himself from your body and rocks back on his heels. It seems to physically hurt him, peeling himself from you and you lie stunned as he buries his face in his hands.
"I'm sorry - fuck, darling - I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." He gasps and he looks so genuinely distraught that you almost reach for him again, only snatching your hand back when he senses the incoming contact and flinches. 
"It's alright Loki, I'm okay." You soothe. "I want to help you if you'll let me, just tell me how." 
He laughs - something croaked and hollow - and removes the heels of his palms from his eyes to stare you down.
"You shouldn't ask me that." He husks. "The things I want - if you knew - you wouldn't ask me that." 
Well fuck. You hadn't meant it like that, you'd been thinking along the lines of taking him for medical help he'd be comfortable with or running to get his brother.
But now.  
There's something about the way he says it, the way he looks saying it, the heat that slips back into his eyes as he mentions want, that makes you very much need to know. It makes your stomach twist in an intense way, a spike of fire spearing through your belly and the words are out of your mouth before you can ram your hand against your lips to stop them. 
"Tell me what you want, let me help." 
He glares at you then, slashes of piercing blue glowing hot from beneath curling tendrils of dark hair, nostrils flaring as if you're truly testing the limits of his patience. His head has dipped low, fingers twisting themselves in the strewn bed sheets in an effort to ground himself as another tremor sweeps through him.  
"What I want." He seethes, tossing his head back to pin you with a furious look. "I will not take from you, not like this." 
"Why not?" You push yourself up - confused - and he hastily shifts back, keeping a safe distance between you whilst anger and frustration crawls across his face.
"Because when I take you I want it to be because you want it!" He snarls. "Not because of some warped sense of duty or self sacrifice that you and the rest of your idiotic team consider heroic." 
It's as endearing as it is insulting. You're heart beats a little faster that he's thought about fucking you, about you wanting to fuck him, that he wants it just as much as you. But the insinuation you'd only be with him because it's your job to save people brings a type of rage thrumming through your blood that only Loki is capable of summoning. 
"You think I'd fuck you just because it might save your life? That I'd offer myself for a fucking pat on the back for helping you?" You spit offended. "I thought gods were supposed to smart, or is it just you that is this extraordinarily stupid." 
The situation feels familiar now, the two of you forgetting everything to return to spewing venom at each other because neither of you know how to proceed from the weight of such a moment. And for a moment it works. It distracts Loki from his pain, from his reluctance to be close to you, touching you - he lunges - knocks you back against the mattress and buries you beneath the weight of his powerful body.
"Careful with that mouth darling." He threatens, dragging his nose across the curve of your cheek before savage eyes lock on yours. "Or I might be tempted to find something other than your poisonous words to fill it. 
You say his name, soft as silk, legs opening like the petals of a flower to welcome him to sink against you and his eyes blow wide - stunned like he can't quite believe you're real and inviting his touch without an ounce of disgust before you tell him. 
"That's what I want."
He groans ragged like you've wounded him, like you've shoved your hand through his chest and yanked at something vital. 
His hips ram up against yours and it's enough to make your mouth run dry. The quick glimpse of him you'd had is nothing compared to the feel of him pushing against you. It makes the tension bloat, electricity crackling upon your skin and you don't know how he isn't half mad with the drug when you feel like you could combust just from this alone. 
He makes a rough, desperate sound in the back of his throat when you wrap your legs around him, eyes burning pitch black and starved as he trails his nose along the side of your face and growls.
"Darling - perfect little thing - tell me to stop. I can't - tell me this isn't what you really want." 
You remove your hands from their bone knuckled grip on his arms, brushing the pads of your fingers over the curve of his cheekbones and cradling the sharp lines of his jaw. You pull him down to where his lips just ghost over your own and stare straight into the insecurity shrouding his pretty face. 
"I want you Loki." You murmur. "Let me make it better, let me give you what you need." 
He snaps then, lunges forward and claims your mouth in a crushing kiss, drinking you in so deep that you can barely breathe but you'll suffocate before you even think of asking him to ease back. You've never been kissed like this before, with a brutal force of tongues and teeth and so much raw need that you'll feel like you'll split apart at the seams from the searing heat of it. 
You tangle your hands something fierce into the silken depths of his hair, give a sharp tug when he buries his teeth into the pillow of your lip and sucks on the tender spot like he wants nothing more than to mark you everywhere and with every part of him. The pull of his hair draws an inhuman snarl from his chest and his hands turn to iron on your thighs, fingers sinking in deep and wrenching your legs apart so his hips can slam against your core. 
"Loki!" You gasp, his name turning to a choked moan on your tongue as he licks and suckles at your throat and you can feel the smug grin of him but like hell are you gonna give him shit for it right now. 
"That's it pet - say my name - let me hear how good I make you feel." He purrs. 
You push at him then, fight for control and take advantage of his distraction to flip him on his back and fuck he looks almost criminally good beneath you. Eyes blown wide and his lips parted in shock before they spread into a sharp, feral grin. 
It's impossible to resist falling back into him, sweeping your tongue into the fever-hot, well of his mouth and swallowing the moans that pour from his lips to yours whilst your hips circle over the needy thick of him. 
He likes to be constantly touched, you've surprisingly realised, craves it, a soft note of disappointment always slipping through his gritted teeth when you remove any part of yourself. So you touch him everywhere. Your hips remain fused to his and your hands never cease roaming, scratching and tracing every ridge and dip of his body whilst you kiss, nip and lick at him until he's a whimpering mess beneath you. 
You slip down the length of his body when it seems like he'll fracture if you take your time with him any longer, gentle hands peeling the leather of his trousers apart and dragging them down, releasing his large cock to wrap your fingers around the velvety thick weight.
He hisses at the contact, body going rigid and jackknifing from the bed as your thumb grazes up over the leaking head and you begin to stroke him. He croaks out your name like it's a plea to the heavens, his breath falling to ragged pants when you drag your tongue across the slit of his cock before sinking your mouth down onto his length.
"Fuck." He snarls. 
You waste no time by teasing him, swallowing him deep into your throat and sucking hard, tongue sliding over the thick vein running underneath as he throbs and and his hips stammer against your face. There's words, curses you think, in a language you don't understand falling rapidly from his lips and when your eyes flick up to him his are screwed shut, his head thrown back against the pillows, neck beautifully bared and his fingers wound so tight in the bedsheets it's only a matter of time before you hear them shred. 
His eyes snap open to stare at you when you hum around him, his lips parting and a hand shooting out to grip your hair. He looks wrecked and it does something funny to your chest when he chokes. 
You hum around him again and he loses it. Fists your hair tight and rocks his hips hard and fast into the welcoming heat of your mouth, his cock hits the back of your throat and you gag slightly, thighs clenching together as he groans at the feel of your throat closing around his length. 
You're dripping just watching him like this, shifting your thighs again for some kind of friction and this time, Loki notices. 
"You like this don't you pet?" He grunts. "Fuck, I can smell you - needy little thing - let me help." 
From the corner of your eye you catch a faint glow of green and then you jolt, eyes widening as you moan desperate and wanton around his cock. 
There's a pressure, some kind of energy, swirling at your sex, the feeling of tight circles being drawn over your swollen clit driving you mad as if he's actually dipped his own fingers inside your pants and was touching you. 
It's so much. His cock driving into your mouth whilst his magic thrums at your aching pussy. Your eyes roll back when he slows this thrusts, matching his pace to that of phantom fingers pushing inside your walls. 
"That's it darling." He praises breathlessly when you whine around him, eyes never leaving your face as his cock slides into your mouth and reappears slick and shiny with your spit and his need. "Want you to cum whilst my cock is fucking your mouth." 
His words strike a match that ignites something cataclysmic in your gut and you're done for. The muscles of your belly clenching tight before they spasm and you break apart, a muffled scream vibrating in your throat and around his cock as your pussy gushes. 
It tears a sound you've never heard in your life from Loki, something raw and wounded and so utterly blissed out shoves it's way out of his throat and his fingers are curling almost painfully tight, yanking you down to the base of his cock whilst you cry and mouth sloppily at the swelling length of him until he shudders and bursts. 
You swallow down the salty ropes of cum and then his hands are clawing at your arms, hauling you up to his chest to bury his frenzied tongue in your mouth whilst he trembles. 
"More." He bites out. 
Pleasure makes him burn possessive. Makes him roll you over and crush you with him, cage you with his body as his teeth carve marks into your skin and usually talented fingers rip clumsily at your pants.  
You moan when he stuffs you full of his fingers - spears you open and strokes your slick swollen walls, his voice a dark, lustful whisper snaking in your ear. 
"So fucking tight darling girl - bet that sweet little cunt looks so pretty stretched out on my fingers - be a good girl and cum for me again - cum for me and I'll give you my cock." 
You think he wants you to break just like this but then he's pulling his fingers from your heat, ignoring your frustrated whine as your pussy clutches around thin air, to shred the clothes from your body and pressing the broad width of his shoulders between your thighs.
He shoves his face into the glossy folds of your sex, drives his tongue through the evidence of your previous release and gulps it down with a gut wrenching moan of satisfaction. His fingers scissor back into you whilst he sucks your clit between his lips, making you buck wildly into his grinning mouth as you cry out and rake your nails across his scalp. 
It's rabid and feral the way he eats at you, tongue flicking wet and messy over your clit and his fingers twisting to reach a spot that has your body buckling in on itself. He thrusts knuckle deep until your wailing, hiccuping his name as the orgasm builds in your belly with terrifying velocity and then he gives your swollen bundle of nerves a sharp nip with his teeth and you shatter. 
You arch from the bed with a scream, flooding his mouth and gasping unintelligible half broken words as he groans and licks at you desperate like he's dying of starvation and you've spilled honey on his waiting tongue. 
There's no resistance when he slithers back up your body, face streaked with your desire as he pushes you back into the bed and rubs the hard length of his cock against your puffy folds. You go boneless. 
Your legs part wide for him, pussy fluttering, still pulsing with aftershocks whilst he catches at your entrance and then he's pushing inside you and the blunt stretch is so fucking good you can't breathe. 
He drops to kiss you and when he pulls back his eyes are striking, endless pools of crystalised blue slashed with a deep, vicious hunger. You both hiss as he spears the final inches inside you, burying himself to the hilt.
Your legs loop around his waist so you can press your heels into his ass to push him deeper and he growls, yanking himself out of you until only the thick head of remains inside before he's snapping back in with a rough cant of his hips. 
"Fuck, Loki. Yes!" You mewl and it's like any restraint he may have been still clinging to evaporates. 
He buries you in him, snakes his hand into the thick of your hair and sinks his teeth into your throat whilst he pounds into you. It's like he's lost to the blooming heat of your pussy, the lewd sounds of the wet slide of his cock slamming into you whilst he chases the frantic need to be sunk deep over and over again. 
You cling to him - nails scoring crimson marks into the milky skin of his shoulders as he fucks you like he wants you to splinter to pieces beneath him so he can burrow among your bones and make himself a home inside you. 
He reels back suddenly, slots his knees beneath your ass and pulls himself upright. You want to protest the loss of him but then he's grabbing your legs, hitching them higher until they're slung over his shoulders and using your thighs as an anchor to ram himself deeper. 
It's almost too much when his fingers slip to where you're joined, rubbing at you whilst his cock pumps inside your fluttering hole. Almost too much when he stares and licks his lips as a hot gush of liquid rushes out of you and coats his cock, belly and thighs. You're whimpering, pleading with him to make you cum, to feel him cum inside you and his growl pours like silky smooth liquour from his throat . 
"Pretty little thing, you need to cum? You want to strangle my cock until I fill you up?" He purrs - wicked and dripping with a violent kind of pleasure. He tilts his hips, angles himself so his next thrust plunges into the soft tissue that makes your cunt spasm and a loud wail tear from your lips. "Fuck - go ahead little one, let me feel it, let everyone hear you gush all over my cock." 
His name claws out of your chest on a broken sob, the sound of it jagged and ruined as all the muscles in your body lock tight until you explode around him and everything becomes pure pleasure and dizzying bursts of light. 
Your cunt clamps tighter and tighter until he's snarling and hissing like a feral cat, the rising crescendo of slapping skin suddenly faltering as his manic thrusts grow sloppy and his cock swells. 
"That's it darling - my pretty little goddess - beautiful thing, all mine."  He praises before he chokes and fuses his hips to the flesh of your ass, cock stiffening and spilling thick, sticky streams of his spend inside the soaked clasp of your pussy. 
It goes on for hours. Until the desperation has bled from his veins and his skin has cooled to a normal temperature. It's deep into the night when the two of you finally collapse into the sheets exhausted, the cool press of his body tangled with yours a blissful relief to both your mind and the flushed heat of your own sticky skin. 
Every inch of you feels swollen and raw - littered in marks from his fingers and teeth and painted with a mess of both your fluids. 
Loki holds you tight to him, draws you close against the sharp rise and fall of his chest and cradles your head like you're something infinitely precious. He doesn't speak though and you have a feeling his mind is struggling to process the sudden leap in the relationship between you, picking it apart and trying to discover what this makes you to him. 
The silence blisters and pricks at you until you can't handle it any longer and you blurt out the first thing that comes to your pleasure-addled brain.
"Well… good to know you're not going to die." 
His chest shakes lightly under your cheek and you realise he's chuckling, a soft, light sound slipping from his lips that you don't think you've ever heard from him. 
"That drug was never going to kill a god." He scoffs, trailing feather light fingertips down your arm. "But I can see how it would be dangerous for mortals, which is precisely why I insisted on taking your place." 
You lurch up and twist in his hold to look at him, his eyes - guarded and hesitant - as he watches you silently and attempts to gauge your reaction. 
"You took my place to protect me?" You whisper, inhaling a sharp breath he nods. 
There's something blooming in your chest, something you don't want to look at too closely so soon, something that also bloomed sweet and soft when he called you his. But as soft as his gesture makes you, it also bothers another part of you, the part of you that is an Avenger - a warrior in your own right - and more than capable of dealing with dangerous situations. 
You tell him as much and he grumbles. 
Something along the lines of. "Do you really expect me to stand by and let something happen to you if I can prevent it? I don't want to you to be harmed and mortals are so -" 
He doesn't get to finish before you're planting your hands firm against his cool chest and growling. "If you say fragile or weak, I swear I will ruin this otherwise sweet moment and punch you in that perfect face." 
His eyes narrow, glinting dark and tempting, and his voice drops to a wisp of coiling smoke.
"You can try darling." 
You almost laugh, disbelief alight in your chest that he's trying to seduce you again after he's just finished ravaging you for hours before you settle your face into a soft scowl. 
"Stop trying to distract me." You swat at him angrily. "Next time just come along and work the mission with me, do not get me taken off again or I will stab you. Deal?" 
He watches you for a moment, arches a brow at the way you so unashamedly threaten him before huffing. "I suppose you have a deal." 
There's barely any time for you to grin smugly at your victory before he's hauling you back down and rolling you beneath him, his razor sharp smile gleaming above you as his eyes pitch dark once more. 
"Now, how about we seal it." 
Main taglist: @autumnleaves1991-blog @ecuadorlady @readsalot73 @acourtofsnakes @justanotherblonde23 @tiffanyblew @alexmarie29 @simsiddy @dihra-vesa @gingerbreadandpaper @sleep-tight1 @prettylilhalforc
Loki Taglist: @brandyllyn @sfr99 @ayamenimthiriel @profoundtyrantharmony
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amethystpath-writes · 4 years
BTHB Communication Suddenly Cut Off
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Original work!
Communication Suddenly Cut Off
Hero adjusted her shoulder, elbow on the arm of her chair. "No way!" She dropped her spoon into her bowl of cereal. "She actually said that to him?"
On the other end of the line, Friend laughed. "Oh yeah. I don't blame her a single bit! I mean, he was borderline stalking her. You remember when we were at Max & Erma's and he dressed up as a waiter just to see her? Insane."
Picking her spoon back up and shoveling it into her mouth, Hero mumbled a 'Yeah, guess you're right'.
"So what have you been up to? I missed you at the party today. You doing alright?"
Bending forward with legs bent on the cushion, Hero put her bowl on the coffee table in front of her. She grabbed her phone with a hand instead of holding it between her head and shoulder. Hero was cramping enough without having to take up weird body positions.
"I'm alright," she said. "Just exhausted from work, you know?" Exhausted from fighting a villain you hopefully know nothing about.
Friend was silent for a moment. "I get it. It sucks not seeing you though. Maybe we could have a movie night." Her voice pitched at this. "Be exhausted all you want that way. I'll get us some popcorn. And! I'll get the nacho cheese stuff to sprinkle over it!" Hero smiled in her seat. "I'll pick up a few movies from Redbox, too, so we don't have to watch a bunch of oldies. Okay, that's it. That's the plan. Now," Friend hummed then began mumbling, "It's five o'clock and Mom needs eggs from the store. I'll try to be there by-"
The line went fuzzy, a quiet chshhhhhh. "Friend? Hey, you're cutting out." Hero stood from the chair, walking to the window. Maybe there was better reception there? If it was on Friend's end then it didn't matter much, but she could at least try. "Friend? You there?" She pulled the phone away, the screen of her phone lighting up. Hero was on a second call. No name though. Weird. She hung up, or at least tried to. The screen hadn't changed when she tapped the little red phone. Hero tapped it again, but nothing happened.
Next time she tapped the counting timer that told her how long she was on a call with Friend. The phone call returned normally and the other disappeared. She shook her head.
"H-ero? I th-ink-"
Hero cut to the chase. The call wasn't getting any better. "What time?"
Damnit, Hero thought, and peeked at her phone again. 'Unknown Caller' it read for a second time. "Hello?" she said impatiently. No answer. "Hellooo?" Nothing.
She hit the home screen, tapping the text message icon then tapped on Friend's contact. 'Hey. Phones are acting weird. What time do you think you'll be here?' Hero typed. Hitting send, a red and encircled X appeared. 'Message failed to send' it said below. She touched the X and then touched where it said 'Retry'. The X reappeared. Hero repeated the process once. Twice. Three times. Four. Five. Nothing, nothing, nothing. "What the hell?" Her phone was slow sometimes, but never this bad. "She'll get here when she gets here I guess."
Her phone began to ring just as she tossed it on the couch across the room. Sighing, she went to pick it back up. 'Unknown Caller'. No. If it was important, they could leave a message or text her. Hero didn't pick up from numbers she didn't know, or from numbers that didn't appear on screen. She pushed the lock button on the side of the phone, rejecting the call.
"How rude, rejecting my call."
Hero froze. Her shoulders drew tight, her spine straightened so much that it cramped as badly as when she held her phone with a shoulder. Her jaw clenched and her eyes went wide, staring vacantly at the couch cushion in front of her. Was Hero breathing? If she was, she didn't feel it.
"Won't talk to me on the phone and now not in person either, hm?"
Goosebumps rose along her arms as she heard the villain stepping closer. How had he gotten in? She turned. "How did you find me? Where did you get my information? What else do you know?" Information being both her address and phone number, maybe even her specific phone if he was able to block her communications the way he did.
Villain looked so casual, he always did. You'd never expect him to be a madman who plotted humanity's demise. He looked like a fancy historian; brown pants, black turtleneck, plaid and half buttoned jacket. He had his hands planted in his pants pockets now. Hero still had no idea how he managed to get inside of her apartment.
He chuckled at her uptight-ness. "Can't we just chat for once- for a minute before you question my how-comings and motives?"
"No," Hero responded shortly.
Villain fake-pouted. "How's come? You and your friend seem great. I would love to gossip to you the same way."
Hero rolled her eyes. Her shoulders were still tense, but she was relaxing- not so far that she wasn't prepared, but just enough that she wasn't uptight beyond movement. "You didn't answer me. What else do you know? How did you learn anything about me?"
He smiled at her. "Now that's a fun story. Guess I get to monologue after all."
"Make it short."
"Or what?" He dazzled her with a wider smile, one that showed teeth. Was it just her or were they sharpened? It was just her, definitely just her- and her anxiety, her terror.
Villain strode to the chair Hero had been sitting in just minutes ago. He plopped down, ankle on knee, arms on either side. "Go on," he told her. "Sit."
"Maybe you should stand."
He chuckled without moving. "Darling, I don't think you understand how easy I have been on you. In multiple ways, actually." His eyes fell from her own to the couch behind her. "Sit." Villain looked at Hero again and she swore something changed in his eyes. They almost seemed darker. She obeyed.
"Now, I think you recall that little stalker of your friend?" Hero squinted, but nodded. "Did you know he's able to take up the appearance of anyone he wishes?" He didn't wait for a response. "In that, he's also able to project his own appearance onto bystanders, even control what they would do as him. Very talented, very...mindfully aware."
Hero shook her head. "Where are you going with this?"
He shushed her, softly, as if she was a baby. "He came under my employment about a month ago. Remind me," he said, "how long ago it was that your friend became ill."
Her eyes went wide and she nearly launched from her seat, realizing what he meant. Villain might attack her if she acted out so suddenly though. Hero remained seated.
"What have you done with her?" she demanded. It made sense what he said. Whoever his worker was, he made himself look like Friend 2 then made anyone else appear like him. But where was Friend 2 if she hadn't been with Hero and Friend all along?
"Nothing too dastardly. She isn't starving, but I'm sure she would appreciate a nice chicken dinner."
"And Friend?" she asked, somewhat panicked. Friend was okay, she had to be. Yeah, the phone call ended somewhat abruptly, but that was just because Villain interfered. Beyond that, she was fine, right?
Villain shrugged. "What do you think?"
Her eyes stung with tears she refused to let fall. She shook her head. "Why are you here? What are you doing?"
"Entertaining myself mostly. You're my opponent. I wanted to brag."
"I'll kill you," she swore. "If not tonight, I will find you like you did me, and I'll kill you when I do."
Villain's eyes twinkled from afar. "Cute. Very cute." He laughed heartily. "I told you already that I've been easy on you, right?" Again, he didn't wait for an answer. "I'm here for more than bragging rights. I want you to come with me. I've given you opportunity enough to back down on your own; I'm giving you another now. Come with, or I'll have to force your hand."
Her eyes became squinted and her lip lifted. "I'm sorry?"
"Surrender," Villain said simply. His legs uncrossed and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "If you don't I'll take you away forcibly."
Hero huffed a laugh. "As if you could. When have you ever bested me?" In truth, she was terrified. He was being serious, no amusement crossing his features. And the number of times he'd mentioned 'going easy on her'...what if he was telling the truth?
"Try something now then. Lunge at me." His lips were in a straight line. No emotion.
She considered him. Serious. He's serious. Villain was inviting her to attack him. Maybe she should take the opportunity.
Without another thought, she leaped from the couch, ready to tackle Villain, even though he was in a chair. She would have knocked the whole chair back if she could. But, something stopped her, a- a wall of sorts, one that glimmered like a bubble. "What-?" She touched that wall. Her fingers couldn't pass through. Shaking her head, she spun on a heel trying to return to the couch. Unfortunately she ran into another wall. "You're doing this," Hero muttered, facing Villain once again. She swallowed seeing his smile.
"So, you'll come with on your own. Otherwise I can push you along myself, and I think that would be rather humiliating, don't you?"
"This doesn't prove anything. You can push me, but you can't command me."
"Isn't it the same?" Villain sighed seeing Hero's fiery stubbornness. "Fine then. Let's have a little charade." He stood from Hero's chair, face forming into something...something Hero didn't quite understand. "I forgot to grab something to drink before I came here. Do you have something for me to drink, Hero?"
Her lips moved. "Yes, of course, Villain. Let me show you to the kitchen." Her hand flew to her mouth afterward. She hadn't said that. She hadn't said that. Hero's eyes found Villain's.
"Lead the way," he said.
Hero's feet moved on their own, leading the two to her kitchen despite how she tried to resist. She couldn't even feel herself pulling back. There was no resistance except for in her thoughts. She began unwillingly talking again. "There's some water bottles in the bottom right drawer. Fruit punch juice boxes on the left- though my younger cousin will be disappointed when she finds not only me missing, but her juice as well." 'When she finds not only me missing.' So this was how Villain would take her, by commanding her just like she said he couldn't.
What was almost worse was that what Villain made her say was exactly right. Water bottles, bottom right drawer. Fruit punch juice boxes in the left drawer. One of three things could have happened. One, Villain had that stalker, body-switching guy, go through her home while she was gone. Two, Villain himself went through her house while Hero was absent, or when he somehow snuck into her house while simultaneously messing with her phone today. Three, he had access to her mind. The last one would have sounded ridiculous if it weren't for the way Villain was controlling her now.
"You're realizing you have no choice now, aren't you?"
Hero nodded her head. She couldn't tell whether it was her doing it or if Villain was still possessing her. Either way, he was right.
"Why?" she asked. Villain tilted his head. Hero believed he could have gotten his answer if he wanted. Still, she continued, "Why are you doing this? Taking me? Is it not enough that you've taken my friends?"
Her body turned to the exit. She began walking through, walking to the front door of her apartment. They were really leaving. She was going to get sick.
"I'm tired of you fighting is all. It will be much easier to accomplish my goals if I don't have to worry about turning you away every time."
"Then kill me." She swallowed after she said it. Hero didn't really want him to kill her, but she also didn't want to be taken. Villain said Friend 2 was okay, not starving, but would certainly be happier if she was given more. Hero had a feeling she wouldn't be given the same treatment. Villain might actually starve her because of her putting a kink in all of his plans, for not surrendering when she was given multiple chances to.
"Am I really so awful to be around?" Villain asked behind her as she led the way to the elevators. "I should think my style makes up for any unpleasantness. This jacket was bought yesterday. I'm rather dashing in it, aren't I?"
Just as unwillingly as before, Hero said, "Yes, very."
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