#i'm not good at holding conversations online and idk man i love you all but i keep forgetting and feel bad about it and its a never ending
quebrntahuesos · 1 year
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elvisqueso · 25 days
I appreciate you for being one of the few people I sadly see online that talk fondly of Pocahontas (1995). Why do you think folks cannot seem to separate fiction and reality when it comes to this film? There is so much love towards films like Anastasia (1997) for example, and as much flack Pearl Harbor (2001) and Marie Antoinette (2006) received back in the day, nobody seems to dunk on it the way they do with Pocahontas. Do you think only a group of people can have the rightful opinion about the film as opposed to other works of historical fiction? Pocahontas and John Smith are not the only people in history to have been romanticised in works of art over a span of centuries so I would like to know what you think, have a good day!
Hi, anon! It certainly is a lonely position to have in online spaces, and I'm glad there's some people who see my stuff and appreciate it. <3
This has always been a very hairy question when it comes to Pocahontas. On the one had, you want to have respect for Native voices when they say the film is damaging or hurtful. On the other hand...I've yet to see much in the way of actually explaining why that is.
From what I've gleaned, there's a few valid criticisms one could make about representation in the film. It edged towards a "noble/magical savage" trope in some instances, and one could argue that Kocoum - a Native man - was 'fridged for the plot. Once could also argue (although I will disagree) that the Powhatan are not shown to be vindicated enough in their position against the English invaders. That Pocahontas's stand on the clifftop somehow took the rug out from under the Powhatan's position as the good-guys of the film. Some people have argued that Pocahontas is also sexualized which...I don't really see, personally. But idk maybe I'm missing something there. I suppose they mean to criticize her character design specifically.
All-in-all, these are generally decent, relevant criticisms that deserve conversation. It's important to talk about how media portrays Native Americans and how narratives can be interpreted in different, more-or-less negative ways.
The criticisms I also see that I don't find very compelling, however, tend to be centered solely around the depictions of racism in the film (they somehow take this as the film itself being racist) and on the fact that this film is attached to the folklore around Pocahontas at all.
I've seen complaints online from some Native Americans that they - on the whole - are rather sick of having to talk about Pocahontas. It's like the go-to for non-Natives' somewhat ignorant questions. It's the comparison many Native girls grow up with hearing from their non-Native peers. In short, there's some very personal annoyances among the online Native community over just the topic of Pocahontas in general.
This is understandable and valid. Everyone has at least one case where something that happens in real life spoils the enjoyment of a piece of art. But is it truly fair to hold this against a movie on the whole? I don't personally believe so.
As for the outrage over the reality of Pocahontas's/Matoaka's life: this is also rife with misinformation, ignorance, and outright contrarianism. The fact is we know very, very little about the real Pocahontas, and what we do know is often extrapolated to absurd degrees in online spaces. There is a tendency for people to latch on to only the most horrific, traumatic narratives about Pocahontas they can find—almost to a fetishistic degree—in order to...what? Feel satisfaction in the supposed knowledge that a real human woman suffered the worst horrors their imaginations could come up with? A supposition that isn't even supported by historical evidence, whether written record or oral tradition? I've seen some scholars make gross conjecture about Pocahontas's life in their writings, which is then twisted and taken as pure and solid fact by people online who can't recognize the difference between evidence and theory and, oh, is that terribly disheartening.
But one could say similar things about, yes, films like Anastasia and any number of other films based on real life events and the mythology that evolves from them. So why Pocahontas? Really and truly, why this film above all others? @artist-issues wrote an excellent post about what problems people have with the film not satisfying their idea of what they think the representation should have been. It's not unlike the tone-deaf literary criticism that "these characters aren't acting perfectly logically and rationally at all times, therefore the characterization is bad. How dare this film portray complex, entirely human characters!"
But I'm going to go further into the real world and say something that some people are probably going to have a reaction to: I genuinely think a big issue people have with the film is that it portrays an interracial relationship. Worse yet: an interracial relationship between a woman of color and a white man.
Now why this? The short answer: racism and misogyny. The long answer? Women are yet seen as things to be conquered, and men as the ones who conquer. It doesn't matter that, in the film, Pocahontas is the one takes the lead in the relationship. It doesn't matter that, in the film, John Smith was willing to submit and die for her. It doesn't matter that, in the film, the two sides were of equal but opposing standing (two houses both alike in dignity, if you will). It doesn't matter that they genuinely love each other. What matters to many (I'd argue most) fervent critics is the color of their skin and their gender.
In the eyes of the fervent critic, a woman of color has been conquered by a white man and they won't see it as anything different. There's still a real, real problem with common sentiments leaning towards anti-miscegenation. At the time this film was made, interracial marriage had only been legal across the States for less than thirty years. That was less than sixty years ago today.
I'm going to make some comparisons for a second: there were two major Hollywood epics that were set during white-Native conflicts made a few years prior to Pocahontas. These were Dances With Wolves and The Last of the Mohicans. Oscar-winning films. Lauded and praised films. These films were violent, grand in scope, and attempted to portray the integration of a single white man into a Native society. Interesting detail to note: each man conveniently found a white woman to be his romantic counterpart.
Even in these films, which sought to build a bridge between sympathetic whites and Native Americans, they would not portray an interracial relationship. That Pocahontas did (and portrayed them as deeply in love) was an amazingly ballsy thing to do in 1995. (It should be noted that previous portrayals of the Pocahontas and John Smith romantic narrative involved the casting of a white woman in the role of Pocahontas. Again, avoiding the presence of an interracial match on screen).
I've seen enough responses to similar racial dynamics in other fandoms to know this is not isolated or unique: racial misogyny is alive and well. And many people don't recognize that they have internalized it and are reacting negatively to these relationships because of it.
The film never treats Pocahontas as anything other than an entirely self-possessed, driven, and passionate person. John Smith is never portrayed as being dominant or unwilling to bend. The core problem some people have, in my view, is that she is Native and he is white and they kiss twice on screen.
Thank you so much for the question, anon! I hope I was able to answer everything.
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
its a hell of a feeling though {Dream}
Sequel to don't threaten me with a good time, but I don't think you necessarily need to have read that to enjoy this.
Summary: A different kind of will-they-or-won't-they. Y/N and Dream's guide to somehow saying nothing while telling the absolute truth, or; How Long Can They Say They Love Each Other Before The World Figures Out It's The Truth?
A/N: 4676 words. this is just fluff. i got florida man speed runner brainrot. i literally cannot stress how this is just TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. maybe a bit ooc and i am sorry about that. idk if this is good its 5am. as always, i love comments and feedback!!
Warnings: implied nsfw
{ Idiots-To-Lovers 'verse } | { 2 / 4 }
Neither of you tell people, and at first your reasoning is that, well, what is there to say? 'Half of you are right in your intrusive speculation about the physical nature of our relationship and this is our blessing to go on tweeting about us but not @ing us about what you think out sex life is like.' No thanks. What you have right now suits you both fine; clearly close to any outside viewers, a teasing, flirting online relationship that belays a genuine friendship. It was the truth, even if it wasn't the whole truth anymore, it was truth enough for you to both be comfortable. They've been calling you the FlowerDuo well before you'd brought each other flowers, thanks to an incident in the SMP, but even now you've seen a divide, a subsection if you will, tagging RoseDuo that denotes a romantic connotation rather than just platonic. It's popping up more and more... maybe you don't want to say anything because it kind of feels like everyone knows.
And besides, it's much more fun to tease your few friends who do, in fact, know the whole truth.
"Come on George, don't you love me?" Dream teases during a stream; you're alternating between watching George's side of the interaction on your phone, and resting your head on Dream's shoulder to watch him play.
"I don't think I should be answering that, I don't want to step on anyone's toes," he says with a faint, knowing smile - you're endeared, while still attempting to hold in your laughter.
"Sap loves you too, man, he won't be -" Dream plays dumb for all of five seconds before George is rolling his eyes.
"You know that's not who I'm talking about."
"Whose toes are you worried about stepping on?" You finally speak up, voice the picture of innocence. George looks like he's aged ten years hearing your voice come from Dream's end, "also hi, Gogy, love you!" You add, before he's giving a deep sigh in response, simply refusing to say it to either of you now. Pressing your laughter into Dream's shoulder, you're content to remain quiet as the conversation picks up where it had before you'd announced your presence.
It's comfortable, it's familiar; it's where you find yourself feeling at home the most, apart from your own little apartment.
"I'm hanging out with Dream a lot?" You find yourself reading your chat on a chill stream you hold, not too long after you'd actually gotten together. You smile faintly, "well yeah, that's what friends do," you say it with an implied 'duh', ignoring the thirty other questions that pop up about the nature of your relationship. There's a moment where your expression softens as you consider him, consider everything that's happened and the changes that have occurred in the past few weeks, and you feel your heart growing warm.
"I'm just glad he actually puts up with me," you give a faint chuckle, "god knows I can be dense sometimes, but he's... he's..." then you look to the camera, far too aware of how vulnerable you were being, but feeling strangely comfortable with your audience seeing this; your smile brightens, "he's my best friend for a reason, right?"
And your chatter moves on, but you still have that warmth sitting in your chest, only growing stronger when you check your phone and see the message [shut up youre so cute wth] from the man on your mind.
"Come on, don't be shy, tell the class," you're grinning wide and teasing, looking back into your camera knowing he's watching, knowing he can tell what you mean, and moments later you see the same message pop up again, amid the chat's general confusion. You genuinely didn't think it was possible for your smile to get wider. From the outside, it looks like the same dynamic you've always had, always challenging one another, but you both know better. Like this, it feels like before but better, heightened; if he showed up at your apartment like he did from time to time, you knew you wouldn't be able to keep up the ruse of being platonic.
Except, you realise as time goes on, as it gets more apparent how little your relationship has appeared to change to the outside viewers, neither of you want to be the one to admit online that you're together as much as you want to see how far you can push each other and tease each other and speak so honestly and clearly about how you feel before people realise that it's no longer a joke.
That's the thing that's changed the most, you find yourself thinking after you wrap your stream up; there's a giddy rush that comes with challenging him, or getting challenged, because now more than ever there's a chance of a follow through that there wasn't before.
You tweet out asking how many treats you would have to give Patches before you're her favourite, and Sapnap comments that he's still attempting to buy the cat's love with treats with no indication that she's changed favourites, to which Dream's response is incredibly smug. Of course when you jokingly offer to bring back your cat ears and pick Sap as your favourite, Dream just response 'HEY WAIT' before deleting it less than five minutes later. It's chum in the water for the fandom, and you delight in the chaos and fanart that ensues. The number of cat!Y/N fics on AO3 skyrockets.
"Why are all the good fanfic about you and George?" You ask idly one... well it's technically morning now, and you're at the tail end of a stream where you'd been playing flash games. It's one of the rarer times you had Dream sitting in in person; usually you prepared to head to his place to sit in his little office, rather than him in your little studio apartment, potentially risking exposing his identity somehow with your facecam, but he still joined you time and again. You paused for a moment, before he has time to answer, amending, "no, I mean there's some good ones about us, but none I can think of off the top of my head that've broken websites, you know?"
Dream's hidden his whole face in his hands, muffling his laughter at the thought that you've decided to voice.
"I like that you know there's good fanfic of us out there," he surfaces, giving you an endeared, if exasperated look. Your smile widens.
"Of course, but I also don't want to name any because I've seen the author's notes, they don't... they don't want me reading the fics about me, and I don't them scattering and deleting good fics in a panic," you muse, glancing to your chat for a moment, "I like fics about me, hint hint."
"You're relentless," Dream deadpans. Your grin turns sharp.
"I'm a Twitch streamer, there's some level of self-obsession there already -"
"Maybe they just think me and George would be cuter together," he's saying it to get a reaction out of you for your stream, and while you're aware of this, you also don't mind playing into it. When you gasp dramatically, you look at him with betrayal.
"Fine, green boy, you can head home, I'm done being romanced by your clearly unloyal ass for tonight -" while you're ranting, he's grinning off camera, and blows you a kiss, "- go romance Gogy." You tell him, trying to keep your composure.
"You're hot when you're mad," he teases; your throat goes dry.
"Get out of my house." Your resolve is breaking; you're fighting back a smile.
"Come on," his tone is sweet and endeared, "you know I'm kidding, I love you, dude," he tells you, and you squeeze your eyes closed, which may look like you're trying to simmer down your anger, while in reality you both know you're fighting the urge to walk over there and kiss him until you can't breathe.
"And with that, chat," you turn back to your computer, "I think we will end the stream for today -"
"Say it back," he pipes up, and you know that tone all too well, but play dumb anyways, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye.
"I love you; say it back," his tone is turning earnest, and you swivel to face him properly, expression soft.
"Of course I love you," you've said those words what feels like a million times before to him, so why is he looking at you like that, like he's hearing it for the first time. You duck your gaze, "you're so needy," you joke, but you're heart's not in it, discomfort twinging in your stomach as the words leave you, so you turn back to your monitor, glancing at the chat, "there's your RoseDuo and-slash-or FlowerDuo content for the day, folks," you tell them, still finding yourself feeling abashed.
The moment the stream's over, an apology comes tumbling from your lips, much to Dream's confusion.
"You're not needy," you clarify, "please don't stop asking me to say it back," and then, for good measure, "I do love you."
"I know," he says with a faint laugh, clearly unbothered by what had been weighing on your conscience for the past few minutes.
"Say it back," you murmur with a small smile of your own, and he does, quiet in your cosy studio apartment, beckoning you over to join him.
And when you join him where he's sitting on your bed, curling yourself into his arms and pressing your face into his chest for several long moments, he's quiet, holding you close.
This moment is nothing but the hum of your heater, and the neon glow of your ring light. I love you, say it back, on your head in repeat, I love you I love you I love you, it's all you wanted to say at the time. It feels stupid to pretend otherwise; why play this silly game with your audience when you're practically bursting with the love you feel.
"You know I mean it every time I say it," you mumble against him, and he hums in quiet acknowledgement, "I always have; I've loved you as a friend for years, and now I - dude I cannot believe how lucky I am to tell you I love you and mean it romantically, and I do."
"I know you mean it," his voice is so gentle, so understanding, and you raise your head to meet his gaze, to see his wide, warm smile, "I mean it too; always have and always will."
"I cannot believe there's still people who think we're just friends," you can't help but snicker, your anxious heart finally easing with his assurances. There's still a giddiness that comes with kissing him, even now, still feeling strangely lucky that everything had worked out like this, that everything had lead to you and your best friend in your bed after you finish a stream.
It gets less subtle online, as you ignore and block the people calling you a clout chaser, and you find yourself caring less about the world finding out after actually discussing it with Dream.
"If they find out they find out, it's not like anything's going to change if they realise the shit we say isn't a bit anymore."
It puts you at ease, less worried about slipping up if you're both on the same page about the information potentially getting out -
"The rose?" You laughed on stream once, after people began pointing out the single rose in the background of your shot, "yeah, of course it's from Dream," like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "I think he stole it from someone's front yard for me; he's still intent on romancing me, it seems." You say, tone tinged with amusement, your chat spamming rose emojis, and of course, RoseDuo.
And of course, there's the much-clipped moment from one of Dream's streams where the only thing the audience hears is your faint 'dude' and yawn, before he abruptly mutes for several minutes, only to come back, tone almost forcibly level as he quickly lets everyone know he has to go. Those thirty seconds of silence on his stream are wildly speculated about for the next few days, but both of you will stay quiet on the matter. In the present, from where you're leaning against the doorframe, freshly showered and wearing shorts and your oversized version of his hoodie, you can't help but grin. All you'd asked was if he wanted to come to bed.
Even your friends, both those who are aware and those who aren't, end up playing into it, playing into your perceived dynamic -
"Wait, am I on loudspeaker?" Tommy asks while you're filming for one of his main-channel videos. You're currently abusing the ability he's granted you with this latest mod, shooting lasers from your eyes, and only vaguely paying attention.
"What in the hell do you mean, Tommy?" Wilbur cuts in, confused but humouring him.
"I mean," Tommy said pointedly, "that I'm not talking to the rest of you, I'm wondering if I'll need to end up crediting- " and he struggles for a moment, a hint of a laugh in his voice, "world record speed-runner, Y/N's boy-toy streaming buddy, in this video."
"Y/N's what?!" Charlie wheezes, as the others all break out into laughter. You can't even stop yourself from grinning, gaze flicking to Dream, laying on your floor out of view of your camera, scrolling through his phone, blissfully unaware of what was happening in your headphones.
"Y/N's boy-toy," Wilbur clarifies as seriously as he could muster; you can practically picture him fighting back laughter, and you wonder if this will make the final cut of the video.
"Boy-toy streaming buddy," Tommy clarifies further, pointedly, "and I'll ask again, am I on speaker, Y/N?"
"Well, no," you finally concede, "you're in my headphones, and the boy toy is laying on my floor doing- babe," you take one of your headphones off your ear, and Dream looks up, blinking like he'd surfaced from a trance at your call, "you still on Twitter?"
"I found an article about tropical fish - wait, what'd you call me?"
In your ear, you're hearing the others squawk both 'babe' and 'boy toy' in varying states of hysterics, while you yourself reiterate both nicknames, asking which he was referring to, trying to play innocent. Then, before Dream can properly answer, you turn back to your monitor to roll your eyes as you hear Tommy in your ears again, and so you tell him;
"Then edit this part out if you don't want to credit him, it's my apartment, you can't tell him to piss off."
While Dream props himself up on his elbows, eyes wide and disbelieving.
"Did that little weasel call me your boy-toy?"
"Yeah, but is he wrong?" The grin you throw over your shoulder at him is all teeth.
The day the video drops, with the whole bit included - with both your's and Dream's approval, of course - is the day you read the tweet from a fan [every single day the Y/NWasTaken/RoseDuo conspiracy becomes less of a conspiracy. y/n and dream both owe me financial compensation for the emotional stress they're putting me under] and then replying to themselves with [raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimised by RoseDuo]. The reason the tweets had come up on your timeline at all was because Sapnap had replied with a raised hand emoji. You screenshot the whole encounter and text it to him, with 'dude???'.
Instead of any kind of response you'd expect, he asks if he can take a screenshot of your message and tweet it, captioning it with something about how he was currently being victimised by the RoseDuo. It's... okay yeah that's pretty funny; you give your blessing.
"For the record," and then, the moment he's posted it, Sapnap opens his bedroom door to actually talk to you where you and Dream are sprawled out on the sofa, watching a documentary, "I like having you around, Y/N, that was all a joke, you know that, right?" And you beam sunnily at him, though he does have an addition, "but the next time I catch you eating my cereal out of the bag I will put you on blast."
Slowly but surely, the others start to ask for clarification on their assumptions, their tone always gentle, always making sure that you knew you didn't have to answer if you didn't want, and never while anyone was live.
"Are you and Dream actually together?" It's Tubbo who asks you first; you know Dream's already had this conversation with Wilbur, and a longsuffering George who had been aware since the beginning. You pause for a moment where you'd been chopping down a tree in-game.
"Yeah," it feels good to admit out loud, and there's a long silence that follows.
"Really? For real?" Tommy pipes up.
"Really truly," you find yourself nodding, tone sincere, "for a few months now."
"Good on you," Tommy tells you with a sincerity of his own, which you quietly appreciate.
"I thought so, you two act so cute it's kind of gross," you can tell from Tubbo's fond tone that he's not all that mad, and you can't help but laugh, apologising faintly, "nah," Tubbo says easily, "I'd like an apology if it was all just a joke, but I can't get mad at love."
"That's a strong word, Tubbo," Tommy says carefully, but you're not shy about your feelings.
"Yeah, but its accurate."
And after your friends find out, their teasing somehow becomes both more and less direct. They're smart about their tone, teasing you both with the truth in a way that makes it seem like a simple joke.
"And where is your lover this fine morning?" Wilbur asks you in a lofty tone after greeting you on the server, to which your expression wrinkles with displeasure. While you were live, you were on your laptop, your setup greatly reduced to little more than the laptop itself and a microphone on a tray table in Dream's study.
"Don't call him my lover, that's such a gross phrase," you mutter, and, from where Dream's at his desk editing he echoes the sentiment, despite not hearing Wilbur's comment that had come through your headphones, only your response.
"Ah, you lover, right by your side-" Wilbur continues with his tone like a Victorian gentleman, and you flatly tell him that it costs zero dollars to shut the fuck up, with an exasperated smile.
"At least they moved on from the boy-toy bit," Dream mutters mostly to himself, though you try and warn him that your mic was still on, but it was too late. Wilbur practically lights up with glee remembering that particular nickname.
The 'joke' becomes known as the honest truth the day you and a few members of the SMP, Dream included, are invited to play Among Us with a few people you're more distantly acquainted with.
It's the afternoon, golden sunlight streaming through the window as you find yourself laying atop his duvet. When you reach up, grasping at nothing in particular, the sunshine, and the moment, is golden. You get another notification on your phone, which is resting gently on your chest, but you ignore it for the time being. Soon you know you'll be logging in to start streaming, you'd brought your laptop for the even, not bothering to head home since you planned to stay the night anyways, but for now you can bask in the sunshine.
"It's a nice day," Dream's voice is gentle, as is his smile as you find yourself pulled from your thoughts and back into the present. He's not looking at the blue sky outside from where he's leaning in the doorframe, he's looking at you, nothing but unguarded affection in his eyes.
"Do we spend to much time inside?" You ask with a grin, and he muses on it for a moment before conceding that, yeah maybe probably. It was a day like today, you muse as he joins you, kicking the door shut behind him and sprawling out on the covers to look up at the dust particles floating through the air in the sunlight; it was a day like today that you'd told him you loved him. You hadn't been able to see his face for the light, maybe it's why you had the confidence at all, maybe it made seeing his smile after your revelation all the better.
"You sure you wanna stay here to stream? I'm happy to stay here if you'd rather the office, or..." he's focused on his hand raised, fingers dancing in the light like yours had been, and when you look at him, it takes him a moment to realise, his words trailing off as he meets your fond gaze, "what?"
"I'm comfy here, I don't mind my setup being a little makeshift," you assured. It seems you're focused on admiring the little things today, entranced watching how his expression shifts to a smile.
"Everything alright in there?" He asks after a few moments of silence, vaguely concerned about how you're just watching him. Even after being called out, you don't look away, though you do find an embarrassed smile curling at the edges of your lips.
"I'm in a sappy mood," you muse.
"You're always in a sappy mood," he teases, and you scrunch up your face; he's right but still.
"And whose fault is that?" You asked, and his grin widened.
"Stop it, you're gonna put me in a sappy mood!" He couldn't help but laugh, a flush creeping up his cheeks as he looked back to the ceiling. There's time enough before the stream starts that you decide to push yourself up from the bed, moving to straddle his hips, turning golden in the sunlight as you brace yourself over him, grinning.
"You know you're the reason I'm like this, take some accountability."
"Oh yeah? And how would you have me do that?" And he reaches out, into the light, fingertips gentle along your cheekbone before he cups your face. You can feel your heart beating hard against your ribs, overwhelmed with the reality that this is your life.
"I can think of a few ways," you murmur, finally leaning in to kiss him; he hums appreciatively in response, smiling against your lips.
When the stream starts, your spirits are high, sitting in front of your laptop at the desk in his room, headphones on, listening to your friends chattering away. You're all waiting for the last few members to show up, shooting the shit as more viewers joined your various streams, milling around the Among Us lobby.
"You streaming from Dream and Sap's place again?" Quackity asks you, which you weren't expecting anyone to realise, and when you make a noise of confusion, he clarifies, "you don't have a facecam," he pointed out, "I usually assume that means you're at their place."
"I just respect their privacy; the world doesn't need my shitty, laptop webcam's view of Dream's bedroom in the background," you clarify easily.
"His bedroom -?!"
"Hey, I offered them the office," Dream cuts in to defend himself, as you explain that you're in separate rooms so you don't mess up each other's streaming audio, and you all hear a derisive snort from Quackity.
"Sure that's why," you could hear his smug little smile as he teases you both, and you very pointedly stay quiet. Sapnap, however, does not have the same restraint, and cackles.
"You're not the one who lives with them," he pointed out, and even without a webcam you're hiding your face in your hands out of embarrassment.
"I thought Y/N lived by themselves," Corpse muses, and you sink further into your seat.
"I do," you speak up, only for Sapnap to snort a laugh.
"Could have fooled me."
"You asshole," Dream himself laughs, and you just let out an embarrassed groan, "I spend just as much time at their apartment as they spend here."
"Yeah, but buddy, if you're at their apartment, then they're not alone;" Sapnap points out, all kinds of smug, "my point's still valid."
"Okay, I'm officially confused," Valkyrae pipes up.
"They're in love, your honor," is how Quackity decides to clarify the situation, and for the barest moment you realise that the line between heavily implied rumour and confirmation is but a gossamer thread.
"Wait, really?" Valkyrae asks, tone endeared, and you confirm as much without really thinking.
"Really really," you say blithely, struck only moments later, as most of the others have gone quiet, what you've said.
And then, surprising the rest of the VC, yourself included, Dream fondly echoing your confirmation.
"Really really."
"I'll allow it," Corpse breaks the silence, unphased, playing along with Quackity's bit, and Dream, sceptical, asks if Corpse actually knew. He hesitates, "I mean, I had my suspicions; I figured you could recreate the photo of you with Y/N as your cat without Y/N actually needing to be there in person to be all cute and cuddly and shit with you," he hesitates, and you press your lips together, bowing your head out of embarrassment, knowing he was definitely right, "but I wouldn't have said anything about it unless it was confirmed, you know?" Then, softer, a little embarrassed himself it seems, "this actually might be the only situation I would ever have to bring up the fact that I paid that close attention..." and then, quiet enough that you almost miss it, "what am I doing with my life?" He snorted a laugh, and the chatter returned as the tension broke.
Over half the fandom's response to the news is, of course, We Knew Already, which didn't surprise you in the slightest. It's a relief to have it out in the open, to not have to dance around it. And okay, it was kind of amusing seeing people go back through your streams together from the past few months, and posting clips with only exclamation marks as they finally heard the truth through your teasing, flirting banter.
"Fuck you," you found yourself muttering out of frustration on stream, trying to beat Dream in the shitty, little flash game you'd found.
"You wish," he snorted, and your pulled from your frustration by a sudden realisation, irritation dissolving with amusement.
"That bit doesn't work anymore," you voice your thought, and he crows with laughter; taking one of your earphones out, you can hear it down the hall.
"Well neither does me answering with 'you have my address', since you're in my house," he pointed out.
"Now how am I going to let you know I'm frustrated at your bullshit-obviously-cheating -"
"Hey! That move was perfectly legal," he countered, "and I dunno, I guess you'll just have to suffer." Ass.
"I cannot fucking believe I'm in love with you, you asshole," you rolled your eyes but couldn't stop smiling.
"But you are~" he practically sang, and the truth of it had the last of your irritation disappearing.
"Shut up," you mumbled, leaning back from your laptop, your fond smile wide and bright. He gave a thoughtful hum.
"Make me," and you didn't need to be told twice, pulling out your earphones and making a beeline for the office, throwing the door open. Dream seems unphased, simply swivelling to face you, grinning up at you from his desk. As you approach him with intent, you muse that maybe you hadn't confirmed your relationship for your followers' benefit; they're quickly coming to learn that the two of you are insufferably cute.
"Yes, can I help you?" Dream asked blithely, head tipped to the side as he looked you over. Leaning in close to him, lips a hairs breadth from his, you reach over to his mouse.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," your mutter, and mute before kissing him hard.
{sequel: lost my mind in a wedding gown}
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hnderyx · 4 years
hey can you do their reactions on first date? i'm loving your posts
WayV's First Dates
Hey anon :) Thank you so much for your request~!
I hope you enjoy
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Kun had recently asked you out on your first date
You honestly didn't know what you were expecting to do when he came and picked you up from your place
But spotting a cute little picnic basket and a checkered sheet in the back seat of his car, it clicked
He was going to take you out on a picnic, duh
He knew after your years of friendship that you adored his cooking
So he thought "maybe I should just cook something just for them and I"
When you two arrived at your destination, being the gentleman he is, he helps you out of his luxury Mercedes
(He wouldn't admit it but he wants to flex a bit for you)
And honestly, this place was beautiful
"Kun, it's stunning here.. Wow"
You marvel at the lush green grass and the beautiful weeping willows decorating the open field
He linked his hands with yours, the picnic basket and sheet in his other
He led you to a very specific spot, next to a small trickling stream
"I come sit here sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed, y/n. I thought that since you know.. we're dating now I should begin to show you my safe places" he said as he spread out the checkered sheet and set the basket on top of it
You planted yourself on top of the sheet, and he followed
After opening the basket, he pulls out your lunch
It was simple, but adorable
He had made precious little bite sized sandwiches and beautifully decorated heart shaped cookies
Two cans of coke for you two to drink as well
And a bag of chips
"I hope this is alright, y/n.. I know it's not much bu-"
"Kun, it's absolutely precious. I love it so much."
He smiles and laces his hand with yours
You two spend hours sitting and enjoying nature
Maybe you two fall asleep in each other's arms and wake up 3h later when the sun is setting
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Ten was extremely nervous about picking you up for your first date together
He was slightly worried that maybe you wouldn't enjoy what he had planned
Slightly? I mean he was nearly shaking because he really wanted to have many many dates with you after this one
If he messes up now, it could nuke the possibility of any other dates
He had told you to dress somewhat formally
Preferably in a suit and tie or a flowy dress
So when he sees you walking to his car from your door, he's starstruck at how you look
He had planned taking you to a waltz class and then to an Italian dinner
Guy wanted to be extra
So when you arrive at the class
And you realize what he had planned
You're flustered because
Holy shit, you're expected to dance with the man that is known in the music industry partially because of his dancing?
You're nervous, yet so grateful
He guides you slowly and eventually you get the steps
And the way it feels to be in his arms as you two dance together ignites a fire in your heart
All you feel for Ten at that moment is just an insane amount of love
After the class is finished, you're in awe when he takes you two a dimly lit restaurant
A candle lit restaurant as well??
Damn, Ten really knew how to get you in the loving mood
When he drops you off at home, you invite him in for tea
He asks you for a dance
And you two waltz around your living room like a couple of fools
But a couple of fools that were in love
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It took months before Winwin actually got the guts to ask you out
He'd manage to get half the question out before changing the whole conversation
So when he finally forced it out, and you accepted
He was over the moon
But now the problem is..
Where should he take you?
He decided to settle for something easy but just as special as anything else
And that was taking you for a walk in your local park
It was fall, so the leaves were turning and the air was somewhat chilly
"y/n, to warm our hands, do you want a warm drink?"
"Yes please, Sicheng"
You two went to get coffee/tea
And with your coffee/tea in your left hand and Sicheng's hand in the right
It gave you a feeling in your chest like a roaring campfire
You two talked for what seemed like an eternity
About anything and everything
Sitting on a bench, hand in hand
As you watch people and their dogs stroll by
Eventually, you started to get a bit cold
So you two made your way back to your apartment
You invited him in for snacks and maybe some TV
As you were watching some randomly picked out b-movie
You two fell asleep in each other's arms
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He's actually adorable. I just wanna hold his hand.
When Lucas originally asked you out
He never thought that you'd actually agree
So he didn't think of anything past the idea of asking you
When you went "sure, I'd love to go out with you. What would you want to do?"
He halted
"I don't know.. Maybe just go see a movie on Friday night?"
It was a basic idea, but an idea nonetheless
So when Friday night came and he picked you up
Poor guy was super nervous
You two settled on seeing some action spy movie thing
You didn't want to admit to him that sometimes during these movies, you get motion sick
So when you get the slight nauseated feeling from keeping your eyes on the fast moving screen
You hide your face in Lucas' shoulder, doing deep breath exercises
You grab his hand and as he realizes you're not exactly feeling well
He rubs tiny patterns into the top of your palm
"Do you maybe just want to go walk around the mall, y/n? We can leave now if you'd like"
"Yes please.."
He guides you out of the theatre and into the adjoining mall
As your eyes land on Build-a-Bear Workshop, you give him puppy eyes
"Xuxi, let's build a bear together!"
Oh, how could he say no?
So you two build a stereotypical teddy bear together
But with one of those hearts that they put in that does the little heartbeat thing
He admires the way you look as you butt-fuck the stuffing into the bear (idk how else to describe it I'm so sorry)
And honestly, he has a bit of a hard time letting you take the bear home but he has to be the charming "yes, you can have the bear" type #MatureXuxi
He's so happy when you agree to another date ;)
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Xiaojun preformed at your local bar on Saturday nights
As his best friend, you'd always agree to be there
Until he asked you something that genuinely surprised you
"Do you maybe want to come and see my show as... my girlfriend and date? I mean, you don't have to but..."
"I'd love to, Dejun."
You had been having certain feelings for Xiaojun shortly after you two developed a friendship
On Saturday night, he had picked you up
At the bar, you helped him prepare for his performance
Setting up the microphone, tuning his guitar, etc.
He had written a song for you that he would perform in front of the audience
And God, if your face wasn't flushed at the way he introduced you to the crowd as his girlfriend
Then it definitely would've been after he sang this song about how handsome/beautiful you were
After his performance, he sat across from you at your table
"Did you like it, y/n?"
"Y-Yes, I loved it.."
He reached his hands across the table and grabbed your hand
"I love you, y/n."
He pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your hand
Quite a weird first date, but a very heartfelt one.
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You and Hendery had a specific place to always go as friends
And that was the arcade
He loved how you'd jump around and smile after beating the high score on one of the flashy machines
He also found it hilarious when you'd input "ur mum" as your name after you've absolutely obliterated 1st the place score
So when he asked you
"y/n you think you'd like to go on a date with me to the arcade? I mean like.. a date date"
It kinda hit different
I mean, it was the place you'd always hang out with him
But this wasn't as homies
This was as blossoming lovers
You were unreasonably nervous, and so was he
You two eventually stopped being shy around each other
And started pushing each other around if you or he wanted to play one of the games you've played millions of times before, first
The way he cheered you on as you played some type of Street Fighter
It really opened your eyes to how you truly felt about Hendery
Every compliment that he spilled
It'd make your face flush
I mean, you knew you had a bit of a crush on him in the first place
But now? Now you knew you were undeniably in love with him
After this little occasion, you two started to go on more date dates to other places besides the arcade
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You and Yangyang spent the majority of your time at the PC cafe with each other
Playing some online games
Sometimes other members of NCT would join you as well
It became something you'd look forward to at the end of the week
You and Yangyang were almost ALWAYS teammates
You weren't too sure if he always requested to be on your team because he liked you or because he thought you were a good player
Maybe both?
Definitely both.
After your hangout with Yangyang and a handful of NCT members, he asked you out for a trip to the bakery
"y/n, you maybe wanna join me to the bakery? I'll buy you something... it'll be a little date"
A date?
"Sure, Yang. I'd love to. Free food is a bonus too."
Your face went red as he slips his hand into yours and pulls you towards the bakery
You two unknowingly kept your hands grasped to each other's as you picked out a small dessert
"Yangyang, do you maybe... like me?"
"Like you? Of course I do" he squeezes your hand "I think I like you more than a friend should like a friend"
Oh so this..
This WAS a date
"I like you like that too, Yangyang..."
He flashes you his signature Yangyang™ smile
"Then lets do little dates more?" he asks
"Yeah, I'd love to..."
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Yeah I'm honestly a bit surprised by how passionate and vocal people are about hating twenty one pilots? It's kinda upsetting that when I try to interact with content about them I'm always a bit worried in the back of my mind because I'm a pretty sensitive person and it's hard not to let stuff get to me.
I don’t know why it’s always felt like twenty one pilots has gotten a ton of hate for no reason? I’ve been into them since 2013-2014 so pure unadulterated vessel era, I’m a very old fan of them and their music, like one of the oldest picture in my phone is this
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(This picture isn’t important I just love it, plus something fun to look at with a not so fun subject material)
(Long history as a fan rant incoming lol)
I’ve been an emo kid for a really long time, back when all of the emo bands were big, when seeing another kid wearing a panic! shirt always meant you talked to them in the mall, I still remember when I would wear the one twenty one pilots shirt I could afford outside, that anyone who knew who they were would come up and start a conversation with me
And it’s like through the years the hate has changed to be... somehow worse
Back in the early days tøp used to get called not a true emo band because they didn’t have anyone playing the guitar so everyone hated them because they weren’t emo Enough
Plus there was the whole ‘emo trinity’ ‘emo quartet’ infighting nonsense but that’s so long past idk if anyone even remembers it lol
Then blurryface rolls around and fans are being made fun of for dressing funky and going through that one fandom phase where everyone was calling the boys smol beans it was great and cute, we were all really close, we called each other frens, told each other to stay street it was great! So what people made fun of us or whatever we were absolutely vibing
Twenty one pilots felt like the coolest secret gang of fans, we were absolutely huge, more so than most people would think, and man it was awesome!! If you saw a tøp fan you knew that you were cool with that person and that person would be cool with you!! It was amazing!! Sometimes I do miss this vibe!!
But then Stressed Out ended up on the radio...
I feel like it really all changed here, all of the sudden the old fandom things were cringy, the boys were sell outs, and every family member you knew was suddenly the biggest fan despite only knowing stressed out
I remember being upset around this time because of strangers invading my space, this was my group, filled with people who understood what the lyrics meant and knew and understood how much they meant to all of us, and suddenly it was filled with people who didn’t belong
I didn’t blame the pilot boys, obviously they can’t control what’s on the radio, I’m fact, there’s plenty of pilot songs that mention never being played on the radio because of one reason or another, so my problem was never with the boys, it was with the influx of new people, and by new people I don’t mean new fans, I mean news outlets and tv show host, and with that influx came the people who didn’t get it, you know? That were rude and outright nasty and refused to understand anything about the genre and effort put into the story and why it mattered to us
(Tw for suicide mention, and uncomfortable themes involving people making fun of themes involving it, tw for mentions of school shootings)
All of the sudden we were the fans of Tyler Joseph the man who ‘Glorifies Suicide’ and actively is supposedly encouraging that behavior
We were the cringy fans everyone knew in high school and hated who were described as being ‘JuSt So QuIrkY 🤪’, instead of the mentally ill kids we all were, by people who hated us
We were the fans of those ‘white boys who look like school shooters’ (this one honestly rocked me to my core, it still hurts to even see??? Like idk why but it almost makes me want to cry)
At the same time a lot of the old fans were turning their back on the pilots, they didn’t want to be involved anymore, they hated ALL of the new fans whether they were respectful or not
It was a REALLY hard time to be a new fan, very few people were open to having them involved in anything, I think this is when a lot of hatred happened in the fandom not only fan-fan fighting/hatred but also fan-band sentiments weren’t great either
The more songs that ended up on the radio the more the hatred grew, in fact this got so bad Tyler did this
Here’s a transcript in case it’s hard to hear
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Like... this was the state of our fan group.... it was suddenly cool to hate all the songs that ended up on the radio so much it affected every part of our music journey
There was a lot of infighting, it was an awful time to be a fan, new or old
Then came silence era, in which every tøp blog I followed except like 2, became kpop blogs and I’m not sure any of them ever came back lol, I actually really disliked kpop because of this for a bit in like a jokey kind of way in my own head lol (ahh how the turn tables have turned... kpop and tøp are the only things I listen to now haha, actually because of all my tøp mutuals becoming kpop blogs I vowed to myself to not change this blog to another group so I have two music blogs now, which makes me laugh but also shows how important music is to me so it makes me happy anyways you know?)
It was kind of a sad way to have the fandom disappear, everything was strangled, the boys were gone, and no one kept up with the fandom, it felt really lonely
When Trench era clues started back people started coming back, the mood was different, we had something to do and it was fun to work on something with others, we had the Clancy letters, and all the clues, and the tower of silence and the vultures!! It was great! It started to feel like we had rebuilt something from the rubble of what we had been
The fandom started calling Tyler stinky and he called us b*stards it was great, sometimes people were a bit meaner than I think they thought they were being, but it worked you know?
When the album released we had more people come back and things slowly started fitting back ok again, more songs ended up on the radio and a lot of older fans said the same things they’re saying now, but it wasn’t that bad, it was mostly very positive
And then we got to the over the summer drama, which........... is a sensitive subject, but I legitimately do not understand how it was Tyler’s fault that people assumed he was talking about something when he wasn’t talking about it at all... especially when people have been begging him for years to talk more about mental health, he wanted to introduce whatever he was going to do with a joke, I personally never though he was talking about the big issue at the time of the incident, but it blew up like wildfire and the next thing you know he’s canceled because Other People Assumed Something
So now it’s ‘Morally Justifiable’ to hate Tyler because he’s r*cist or something, despite it never being his intention and because people assumed something
It’s literally not even with good reason that people are doing this, but because it blew up when it did and about what it did, no one knows what really happened and people just wanted a morally justified reason to hate them because you can’t just dislike something anymore without it being justifiable I guess? I feel like with all of the years I’ve spent on the internet everything has only become more hateful...
All this to say.... yes, it hurts when people hate the things that you do, I get really sensitive about it as well, especially with how long and how many arguments I’ve seen, and I am extremely sensitive to discourse and hatred, it’s why I don’t engage with much of it online, in fact I was about to delete the post complaining about everyone hating on them before I saw it was really resonating with you guys
I guess my best advice to you anon, would to try to understand where it’s coming from, that’s what’s helped me, I know a lot of people dislike the pilots because of the fact that they became ‘mainstream’ during blurryface era, and people are really upset by that, so understanding that, even when it hurts, I can acknowledge that they feel that way and that it’s ok that I feel differently
It’s easy to take that point and test it against your own morals, ‘do I think twenty one pilots became mainstream, or only makes songs to get on the radio?’ If your answer is no, then you can both say ‘I don’t agree with them but they’re allowed to have their own opinion’ and kind of give yourself a wall and barrier against what they say
I know this isn’t perfect advice, but it’s helped me a lot
I know there are two big arguments against this album, that it’s mainstream and made to have radio singles (the underlying argument here I guess being Tyler and Josh are money hungry and no longer care about the music)
And that it’s no longer lyrically meaningful, but I think this has to do a lot with how involved people are in the Dema lore, if you’re not a fan of lore I would imagine this album being propaganda and supposed to be fake and bright to prove a point would really bug you if you didn’t really get it
To best thing to do is digest an argument (only if you can handle it emotionally of course 🖤) and know it’s ok that think differently than other people, and that the chances of someone being mad at you are very slim
A lot of things I’ve enjoyed have been stolen by the fear of getting hated on for something - while in actuality, the very few times I’ve gotten real hate over something barely affected me
I admit the fear of getting hate bothers me a lot more than actually getting it, but I just want to encourage you to stay strong in the face of it, it will pass, as it all does, but if nothing else in this post resonates with you, PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR JOY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN! And don’t let ANYONE take it from YOU!!
If twenty one pilots makes you happy, just remember that the only person who can take that true joy away from you is yourself, remove the people who make you feel sad out of your life, I apologize if this is a physical person in your life as this makes it a lot harder, and sometimes impossible depending on the situation, but on the internet unfollow anyone, block anyone, don’t engage and leave them alone, it’s not with your energy or effort, and they’ll never change their minds but they can change yours you know?
Being sensitive in a time when everything is hateful is hard, especially when everyone tells you you’re a bad person if you aren’t engaged, but you really don’t have to be, you get to choose your own destiny you know? Don’t let other people choose it for you
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
For the 4:02 am asks!! 92 and 93? ✨🌙
oh hi
92-Do you speak multiple languages? Which do you dream in? What language would you want to learn?
No, sadly I'm a stupid american and I'm not fluent in anything other than English although I Keep Trying and failing to learn others
I know a fair amount of spanish, but not enough to hold a conversation, and I'd say the same with latin, I've tried to learn japanese like four times over the course of my existence and again i know just about as much as I do of latin but i keep Giving Up because i have no motivation at all to do something on my own especially with duolingo and I really fear that my window for being able to actually learn languages will just close and I never will learn anything else because America
all of my online friends seem so smart compared to me how do you do it
but i dont dream in language at all?? i dont know i dont think in words i think in pictures idk how to explain that
93-Do you draw meaning from your dreams, or do you disregard them?
Honestly, that's a good question. I don't usually remember my dreams, and when I do, they're almost always a set of recurring nightmares that I've had consistently ever since I can remember. Most of the dreams that I remember follow a very set path.
I am wandering through some building that is an amalgamation of various places I've been (my mom's office building, my preschool, my grandma's house, my old friend's house, weird bits of my neighborhood/places from books I picture when i read)(however sometimes it's just a landscape i literally have no idea what their inspiration comes from and those ones scare the shit out of me) and I am lost/I am dead/I broke in and have to figure out how not to get caught/I'm being chased by some sort of monster/It's after my bedtime and I wanna go home
The dreams always start as a fun ahaha im exploring type beat and I am and it's fun but then I get lost or then I realize I've broken in and I'm gonna get caught or I'm being chased by some sort of monster and then everything turns not fun so fast and it becomes claustrophobic and awful
It's always inevitable that I will be caught or die and I usually give up on purpose and turn myself in which always comes with a lot of relief and then the nightmare is either over or i just spend the rest of the time like. dream dead which is really nice tbh
I know that logically these all just come from natural brain processes, it just processes the memories I've gotten through the day and the feelings that I have and spits them out into something weird as shit however Man they are literally always the same and always like that
I love traveling through those weird locations and exploring and stuff but it always gets tiring and then it gets frightening and then the death wish comes out
So I think these dreams are a metaphor of Im Suicidal and life is hard and I'm a pussy mystery solved
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: okay I need Ali: like fucking Ali: total seriousness from you right now Ali: can you handle that Tommy: whoa Tommy: alright yeah Tommy: unless you're preggo I ain't keeping that to myself for the next 9 like Ali: god no Ali: i know you're gay as hell so the birds and the bees don't worry you none but if anything you should KNOW that means I'm good right now Ali: but this is going to sound like as much of a joke Ali: but it ain't, yeah? Tommy: what you and your girlfriend do or who ain't none of my business but obviously we ain't here for that, are we? Tommy: I'm sitting down, go for it Ali: sure, sure, I'll make you go red later Ali: preferably when I can see/laugh but no, it ain't so Ali: fuck Ali: so this is weird like Ali: beyond Ali: you know Joe finally made an apperance here yeah Tommy: you're scaring me, Kat Tommy: unless he came out I don't reckon I'm ready to hear this Ali: I can't say if that's unwarranted or not, like Ali: soz Ali: basically, he came to me for a drugs hookup Ali: like, that's what the fuck weird enough but you know Ali: do you Ali: so I sent him to Drew, you know, Meena's brother? Ali: he deals now Ali: and then he hit me back up and shit Ali: you gotta tell me if this is some kinda sick joke but the boy sounded deadly serious, like HE was scared Ali: he said Joe asked for heroin, Tommo Tommy: nah nah he's gotta have it twisted Tommy: like he's pretty so he don't have to be the smartest, yeah Tommy: it'll be like a bad brain day so he needed to go harder than his prescription maybe but Tommy: not that fucking hard Ali: I wanna think that but Ali: he looked sick, Joe Ali: and idk how they could've had that miscommunication like smack is smack it's not like, nah I want this type of pill not that Tommy: probably got his slang fucked up Tommy: he's like an old man you know Tommy: sometimes Ali: he ain't that green Ali: fucking hell, even Ro could list a few names for it Ali: I literally do not know what to do Ali: because as soon as he came back, basically Ali: he's gone Ali: said his uni friend was in a car crash or some bullshit Ali: maybe it ain't but the timing reeks of it Tommy: fuck Tommy: this is so bad Tommy: did they see him, ma or da? Ali: nope, mum was taking rocky to the park or some shit whilst dad did the shop so they're all due back any time and I've gotta pass on the message Ali: minus the drugs, presumably Ali: what the fuck Tommy: don't say shit to them Tommy: she'll fucking Tommy: alright, where are Bea & Fraze like right now? Ali: idk Ali: not here, he waited long as he could to sneak out like he was never here Ali: should I tell them Ali: I swear to God I ain't got no wires crossed Ali: I've got all the messages from Drew, it's black and white so unless he's a real mentalist and just taking the piss Tommy: you deffo ain't that green & jesus all signs really are pointing to proper smackhead Tommy: Meena's brother's loads of things but I don't reckon he'd go this hard just to get your attention Tommy: no shade honey Ali: my thoughts exactly Ali: unless he's one of those people who's ultimate fantasy is to be murdered and I'm the master criminal for the job Ali: it just isn't something you lie about, unless you're totally cracked in the head yourself Tommy: we can kink shame him later like Tommy: but you gotta hit up the IT couple with this Tommy: I can try & talk to Joe but a screen's easy to ignore if you ain't shooting up heroin so I dunno reckon my luck's out Ali: I don't even know what the hell he's gonna say Ali: but I can't just Ali: sweep that one under the rug, can I Ali: Joe was like, gone, and not in a this is a bad brain day way like a Ali: I don't know Ali: let's say there was no putting the kettle on and convincing him to stay 'til the 'rents were back, like Tommy: we can't just Tommy: I'm here for this Tommy: and you can say like a skaghead Tommy: might have to Ali: fuck Ali: how Ali: why Tommy: I dunno Tommy: who's he with Tommy: what's he do Tommy: who the fuck is he Tommy: what's he playing at Ali: all valid questions but who knows Ali: none of us Ali: it was so easy to say like, 'don't blame him' when he didn't come home ever but Ali: it's weird, we're taking like any possible excuse not to be here Tommy *~ Yeah Tommy: do you want me to come back? Ali: no Ali: you should stay there Ali: if there's an intervention I'll buy you a ticket Ali: god knows you can't be missing out on that drama Ali: but realistically Ali: you know this family, what's getting done Tommy: cheers Tommy: but you ain't told Fraze yet, you know he's done crazier than get on a plane to start shit Ali: true Ali: Jesus Tommy: if throw us & the lovebirds in a group chat that's the best it can go Tommy: she'll calm him down Ali: I truly hate this family Tommy: you & me both, Kit Tommy: Drew isn't gonna say shit is he? Ali: I don't think he would Ali: like what's he got to gain from that Tommy: like don't tell your girlfriend I said so but use your feminine wiles if you have to, yeah? Tommy: if ma finds out about this it's gonna properly wreck her Ali: that's why I'm kinda glad he left 'cos it was fucking obvious Ali: but still, what are we gonna do Ali: lock him in a cupboard legit, let him out when he's ready to behave Tommy: she lost it enough over you all summer no way she can handle this Ali: are you saying I should've done smack Ali: got my moneys worth like Tommy: I'm not not saying it Tommy: fucking hell Ali: ah a summer of regrets Ali: seriously Ali: I wanna puke Tommy: you had the best time Tommy: but summer's well and truly over now Tommy: should we pray to sexy Jesus or what Ali: yeah, put down the needle, Joe Ali: it can't hurt, we're in theory catholics so Ali: say sorry and he'll do anything for us Tommy: so out of my depth with this Tommy: this school is well straight edge and there's no religious imagery anywhere Ali: 'cos real rockstars don't go stage school, babe 💔 Ali: maybe he was just gonna smoke it? ehhh Ali: literally the best consolation I've got for any of 'em right now Tommy: I don't wanna be a rockstar honey, that's you Tommy: maybe it was for a 'friend' lol Ali: don't Ali: if he asked drew for a condom too we'd have to dash to the airport like it's love actually Tommy: I wouldn't make that boy use protection but enough about me Ali: THOMAS Ali: behave Ali: this is so serious Tommy: I'm sorry but I'm not used to the kind of gay panic where I'm a gay just panicking like Ali: if you could send me a video of you flapping your limp wrists about, so I know it's real, tah Tommy: least I can do Tommy: I'm really fucking scared, you know Tommy: like, it's Joe Ali: me too Ali: I'm not trying to be a hypocrite but it's fucking heroin Ali: like how are we at defcon1 Tommy: he's not gonna die, yeah? That's only a just say no tactic, right? Tommy: like its not cut with rat poison anymore or Tommy: whatever the fuck Ali: I mean Ali: it's a risk with all drugs but like Ali: you kill off too many punters you get a rep so let's hope his shit is clean-ish Ali: and he knows how to dose Ali: though how the fuck this is even a conversation we're having about JOE Ali: just Tommy: that's a point what did Goldilocks give him 'cause I know he ain't stocking that Tommy: ma would've kneecapped him if he was dealing that hard Tommy: shit Tommy: I dunno Tommy: how is this our real life Ali: he said, Drew, this is, that he just gave him benzos Ali: but it sounded like he got like 50 which he surely did not go through before he left Ali: so he's either got on a fucking plane with 'em or he's left an emergency stash here Ali: do I check his room like that paranoid mother or Tommy: 50 like 5 0 Tommy: Christ almighty Tommy: yeah you should before you tell Fraze Ali: like that's a months worth Ali: idk why he'd get that many just to see him through, even if Drew was being a dick and seeing how much money he could get Ali: probably wiped out his supply of, like Ali: I will Ali: watch me get the blame for them, hope he's written his name on like it's houmous in the fridge or something Tommy: this is so fucked Tommy: how big is his bastard habit Tommy: like I can't Ali: you don't think Ali: oh God oh God Ali: is he online rn hold on Tommy: you think he's Tommy: shit Ali: I'll phone him fuck this Ali: and I'm telling Fraze like, right fucking now Tommy: you have to Tommy: if it's Tommy: we're out of time Ali: okay shit, I'll stay on here to you so you ain't left in the dark but I am also on it Tommy: yeah alright Ali: [a while but not forever] Ali: made him facetime me and he was at the airport, like he said Ali: basically, there's a 'fuck school is nearly here' party so he got that many for it and he reckons 'cos he's got a prescription for 'em, he just filled up his empty box and no one's gonna know, he'd gone through so like Ali: he had got away with that Ali: he seemed more with it, genuine Ali: I dunno Ali: I wasn't getting 'phone the ambulance now' vibes from him, it was reassuring, I wouldn't bullshit you on that Ali: not when it could be so bad Tommy: fucking prick Tommy: I thought like Tommy: thank god Ali: I know Ali: he was having a fucking coffee like Ali: I don't reckon you'd go spend your last in a fucking airport, even if you were done with life Tommy: bleak wouldn't be the word Tommy: next time I see him he's dead though Ali: seriously Ali: there's still the heroin issue but Ali: at least he's not actively killing himself like right this second Tommy: are we 100% that Drew's not just a really really shitty dealer Tommy: like did he say heroin Tommy: I'm grasping at straws and I fully hear myself but Ali: sadly I don't think he's hearing the H bomb just to say he ain't got any Ali: if he had a load to shift, I'd buy it Ali: but Ali: not buy it buy it Ali: this isn't a convoluted cry for help Tommy: don't make me laugh right now Ali: soz Ali: I can't help being such a natural comedic talent Tommy: yeah yeah genius we know babe Ali: gotta milk it whilst I'm still a kid Ali: the shine really gonna dull when I hit 16 Tommy: I'm sure your girlfriend is living for your prodigy status Tommy: I'm beating the boys off (yeah also a euphemism bye) & its only hard work Ali: good for your art, I'm sure Tommy: good for me Tommy: sod my art Ali: sorry Ali: I'll be happy for you when I'm coming down from my heart attack Ali: I am Tommy: me too Tommy: no worries Tommy: we can celebrate me being a hoe any other time Ali: we will 💚 Ali: thanks for not letting me/Joe die alone though Tommy: come down one weekend with your love interest Tommy: I promise to make it super but not intimidatingly gay Tommy: kinda my thing Ali: 'sounds good man Ali: maybe Halloween, bet you do some mad gay shit Tommy: 'course Tommy: Ali, you know I love you, yeah? Tommy: like being dramatic is also my thing but I mean Ali: 'course I do Ali: I can put you down as having me as favourite too, yeah? Ali: say it back if so Tommy: obviously Tommy: Rock's cool but he can't hang like you so Ali: get in Ali: 'til his bed time is past 8pm he can suck it Ali: love you too Tom-tom Tommy: I'd love to go to bed at 8 sometimes Tommy: this school is fucking knackering Ali: I bet Ali: worth it though Ali: yeah Tommy: maybe Tommy: probably Ali: more worth it than here would be Ali: definitely Tommy: full of more fit lads definitely Tommy: at least that are out Ali: god bless Ali: can't all be turning straights Tommy: so last century Tommy: trust you to find one in the first place Tommy: everyone's got more labels than the wardrobe dept usually Ali: 😏 Ali: your bubble is gonna burst so hard man Ali: enjoy it whilst it lasts Ali: seriously Tommy: I'll blow another one it's alright Tommy: that and my own horn of course Tommy: soon as I'm out of here Ali: it's a party 🎊🎈🎆 Tommy: any and everywhere we tread honey Tommy: and you know the drill, whoever's asking I'm dancing like Ali: 👍 Ali: let you get on with all your beating now Ali: keep you in the loop vis a vis whatever the fuck is happening with this Joe thing but Ali: twiddling my thumbs 'til then so Tommy: cheers 🐱 Tommy: laters yous 💛 Ali: 💚
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wedadatef · 7 years
badassصلب، قوي Yea its you One and only Trademark yourself before someone steals you نعم لكنت واحدة والعلامات التجارية نفسك فقط قبل شخص يسرق لك hi!! how are you? good cool what's up? every thing is fine oh cool tell me what happened with you last time? ??? what? you said you will tell me tomorrow sorry i was updateing on twitter just forget it oh! it's okay so tell me againnnn tell u what just over it i don't know what are you talking about tell me why are you reacting that too narrow last time ?? when i asked you.you said you will tell me tomorrow i told you accept me like that u don't like it just scape this chat   you know you're the most innocent girl i know thats why i am talking to you too freely please don't hate haha i don't u force me to hate when i said just forget it just do it no we had a nice chat last time did i begged you for pictures?? did i forced you to do such forbidden things ? i just a want an open minded friend عليا و عليكي حياتي sorry send it wrong okay but please anwser me did i begged you for pictures?did i forced you to do such forbidden things ? i just a want an open minded friend a one female friend who can share everything with me and i can share everything with her that's it we can be friends then? talk all time about sadness and happiest everything but not about your bra size or talking from that u understanding me orr will you be in flirtationship with me?? More than best friend and less than relationship it will be fun nope no issues just share your feeling and thaughts with me and i will share mine with you what the point ? what's problem in that?? the point is you can tell me about your desires and your wishes and i will share mine with you okay ?? lol nuh no just said yes then i will ask you a question that you have to answer i don't how would you react if i asked that question you will think that i am illiterate or get dropped from college or a man with illness but it's very interesting question and think that muslim community has it's answer ????! answer me muslim community yeah you're muslim i know what do you mean about muslim community just said yes yes i am i just do get what u said okay ask me do you believe in spirit and super natural things? or paranormal stuff? yes u don't i believe in black magic too same.. i believe it but some people call me i am just faggot are u a muslim too no i belongs to Christianity what the f*** ??? what?? ok brother we are one muslim or Christian religion does not matter okay but why did you said What The Fuck ?? is there any problem talking to Christians?? What relationship between believed in ghosts and faggot no i called u a bro u think it's a broplem they think i am idiot no u don't no when i said i belongs to Christianity then you said WHAT THE FUCK i am asking you that is there any problem with me ? believe in spirit and super natural things? or paranormal Stov I think the spirits and the supernatural found in the Bible and the Qur'an because i am Christian no no no no no i have many friends even i love justin bieber sooooooooooooooo much and selena gomez and they are Christian yeah but now days humans think that science is god is it wrong okay k i don't like it when you said what the fuck okay have you ever heard of these things? about spirit and super natural things? اسم شبح ghost, shadow, bogey, sprite, phantom, apparition روح spirit, soul, life, essence, psyche, ghost خيال imagination, fantasy, fiction, silhouette, shadow, ghost طيف spectrum, shadow, ghost, vision, phantom, shade ظل shadow, shade, umbrage, umbra, ghost روح شريرة evil spirit, poltergeist, ghost, ghoul زور ghost, spectrum yep yes tell me About it my brother see 3 ghost You received a photo! Click and hold to viewreally?? when tell me from the beginning A deserted place for a long time was a mill for wheat just that yep yes tell me About it my brother see 3 ghost You received a photo! Click and hold to viewreally?? when tell me from the beginning A deserted place for a long time was a mill for wheat just that and? when did they see ghosts? Message failed to send: that what he said that what he said last year in march oh cool what are ghost doing? nothing just show off and disappears can i ask why did you ask me that? Coz you're muslim just that cuz i'm muslim yeah u didn't know whay?? There is a program on the radio about the true horror and the ring was inhabited for hotels, hotel inhabited all located in America, Canada, Italy You received a photo! Click and hold to view Mar 14, 2017, 11:16 PM i know that show are u arab for god sake no i am not an Arabic Guy hahahahahahhahaa cuz u say i know it i know that show not arabic that's an arab show on the radio no i think i watch other one then Ghost Hunters i watch that show and that's not even in arabic language https://youtu.be/1iZ5T8a4JGQ i know   Mar 14, 2017, 11:26 PM then?? why did you told me i am arabic? i feel oor u older man idk i'm not even usually awake by then by the way why u wake ? well idk couldnt sleep was feeling idk i I used to wake early from college then i wake up now what time is early for you? 5 am all the week i wake up at 5am WOW yes im travel to coolege and go home how long does it take to go to college? 2hour omg yeaah wow you are dedicated my name wedad nice talking to you Wedad! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT8F4TbX2t4 everything is possible ...but true love is impossible Hi Looking for a decent female for a friendly conversation Let's have a chat Clean chat only...! Can't even stand my own attitude sometimes, another person's is impossible! so please keep it simple... 15 مارس 01:28 ص What do you do?? I am a doctor i'm a student 4our year agriculture and biology college You live in Egypt? Good May i look at you? y? Maybe we can good friends Photo opened!it that debented on a pic? Nop or? Just wanted to see arab people You people look more cute aha good answer but not convince me I don't want to convince you so Why I convince you? I am not going to propose you send ur pic who told you i will agree if you going to propose me I know your response ? That's why I am not proposing lol ok send ur pic Photo expired Mar 14, 2017, 11:59 PM What are you doing now? Mar 15, 2017, 12:02 AM nothing How many members are in your family? You have boyfriend? nope 5 Why you don't have boyfriend? You look cute when i have a boyfriend he will be my husband not just a boyfriend That's good YUP You have fb?? We can chat there? no Thanx i have to go right now Going Where? we can talk later at night if u still online So late When you will be back baby? After how much time Mar 15, 2017, 1:01 AM ???? i am not an older man Mar 15, 2017, 12:46 AM hey!! Mar 15, 2017, 1:26 AM HII AGAIN hahaha so tell me more about ghosts i just believe it i don't know much to tell you ok tell me about yourself and your family my name wedad Wedad? ok have 5 members in my family what does that mean? yes it's my name if u wonder about meaning it's about love eachother and be kind and frieandly my baba passed by since 2012   that name is matched to your personality that my name meaning cool awww that's so bad RIP your Dad yes it so hard to lose most person u love most hardest if he is your father yeah it is i am so sorry and how many sisters do you have? 3 cool hey u ask me u didn't say anything about you i am only one in my fam mom dad have three cousin Kenita Raphile Kristen My real name David Johnesburg Love's to dance hate violence flirticious but good from heart 1m what? wait i'll be back oh okay back so did you read my bio? darkkness don't be afraid? haha yeah i was the most daring guy in college once i saved poor older guy from thugs got broke my ankle and get deep cut Wrist nearly half of my veins get ripped a man return from darkest nightmare you know i wanna be a muslim guy like hashashins heros from 1300 century i'm soo sorry wait i'll be back again okay hashashins؟ i can't read it yeah what is mean u such a hero save a man from bad things they are the ones who work in the dark to serve the light hahaha i want everyone to be happy and want to be there hero good are u here in this app all time online every time so that if i get died on one day my relatives and the ones who knows me wil tell everyone how they know me no just enjoying holidays after exams i wonder if i wanna talk to u again so where i can find you on chatous u can't be online again i will be u just said just enjoying holidays after exams ok give me your WhatsApp i don't have oh!! i will be there at this time daily i even don't have a phone mine was stolen last monday i told ya before give me your number oh yeah you told me once actually there is restriction ؟ for giving our phone number to other Muslim citizens sorry تناقض contradiction, conflict, discrepancy, inconsistency, ambivalence, opposition تكذيب denial, contradiction إنكار denial, negation, renunciation, refusal, disavowal, contradiction التناقض الكامل contradiction, polarity كلام مناقض لنفسه contradiction that rule was passed by that fucking idiot trump even in canada i don't know why the fuck this happens You received a photo! Click and hold to view Mar 14, 2017, 9:12 PM Prevent Muslims from entering the country do not take their phone numbers justin trudeau is a nice guy i don't know why did he accepted Trump's suggestion wait u was asking for my WhatsApp why contradiction yeah coz you want to be in contact with me? right i can't give you my number yup but u can give me yours that's the rule no i can't too forget it okay no problem so now we're in Flirtationship with me ? Message failed to send: NOPE NOPE just kidding HEHE and pulling your leg discreet حصيف, متحفظ, عاقل, حذر, حكيم, سري reserved محجوز, متحفظ, محتشم, كتوم, مفرد لغرض خاص, مدخر للمستقبل cautious حذر, متحفظ, محترس reticent كتوم, متحفظ, صموت, قليل الكلام, متكتم aloof متحفظ careful دقيق, حذر, شديد الحرص, معتن, يقظ, متحفظ secretive كتوم, متكتم, مكتوم, مفرز, متحفظ, إفرازي close قريب, أساسي, حميم, دقيق, ضم, متحفظ incommunicable متحفظ, متعذر إبلاغه wary حذر, محترس, متحفظ, يقظ incommunicative متحفظ uncommunicative صموت, متحفظ taciturn قليل الكلام, صموت, كتوم, متحفظ, سكيت self-contained متحفظ, متميز بضبط النفس, مستقل stand-offish متحفظ
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