#i'm not super efficient so can't help just curious
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General LU Headcanons part 1
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Heya! So I'm starting this blog with some general headcanons about the boys, I think I'll divide it in three parts so it's not too long. First up are Four, Hyrule, and Legend! Hope you enjoy :D
Part 2 Part 3
It takes him so long to emerge from sleep
Like he'll be in a haze for like 20 minutes, not able to form any coherent thoughts
Which is kind of a surprise because he's one of the early risers, and is super reactive once fully awake
He tends to talk to himself a lot, mostly when he does something or thinks through a problem
It's mostly to exteriorize all the noise inside his head tho
The others aren't as weirded out by it than he feared, and he's thankful for it
Whenever they're in a market or just in a town, he always finds himself drawn to craftsmanship
Like if they need to interrogate people about monsters and stuff, he'll go ask artisans mostly
He feels more comfortable around them
It feels like home
Also he likes to compare his work to other blacksmith's
He feels like he has a lot to learn still, and he's very curious about how the craft has evolved with time
He doesn't know first aid and the scent of blood makes him sick, but if his teammates need tending he'll do his best
He tries to see their wounds as metal work needing repairs
It helps him keep his cool
But he'd rather leave it to someone else
Another early riser, but he hates it
He loves sleeping in and wishes his body would let him sometimes
But oh well, when it's time to wake up it's time to wake up
He's a very light sleeper too, like the wind blowing in the leaves above would wake him up
He hates it
Botany nerd
Loves keeping track of the new plants he finds along the way
He always asks the Link from the Hyrule they're in if he knows about it, and will pick them up if he can't get an answer, to study them later hopefully
He rarely can, but when they have a moment he'll either find a plant book (and a Link who can read it for him) or straight up ask someone if they know about the plant
He's always so polite and genuinely curious, people can't help but answer
He accidentally set Sky's stuff on fire once when showing off his fire magic to Wind
Sky was too impressed to truly be mad at him tho
(Also Hyrule replaced all of the stuff that couldn't be repaired, don't ask him how)
He doesn't mind blood and grime and gore, but can't handle anything with maggots in it
He'll stitch up anything, he'll put bones back in place if necessary, but one bug? In a wound? Don't count on him
He can keep his calm even before the grossest injuries, which is why he's often fixing up the others after a fight
He rarely uses his healing magic tho, he knows he'll tire too easily, and he can't help them if he can barely stay awake
So potions potions potions
He's a gentle caregiver but you better do as he says when you're hurt
A heavy sleeper, and he dreams a lot, but he never remember them
Probably for the best if you ask him
He usually wakes late, but never truly rested unfortunately
That never stoped him from being immediately efficient and fully awake tho
He knows he has a reputation of being sharp and closed off, but he's a really good listener
He's the kind of person curse the world with you when you vent until you're in the right headspace to find a solution
He kind of encourages the others in their dumbest ideas just to see what'll happen
(not the too dangerous ones, of course)
But he's curious, and after all the adventures he's been through, he believes that if he survived all of this, surely Wild will survive trying to cook a bomb flower
He did, but Twilight almost died of stress
He's the one who helps Warrior with refilling their inventory when they're low on supplies
He's a great negotiator and can get them twice the supplies for the same price
He's sometimes even charming enough to get them all a free meal
It's his favorite skill
He doesn't mind blood but will not look at broken limbs
Not his own, not other's
He tries to keep his cool around the others to not make them panic, but he really hates broken bones
If one of them is hurt, he'll try to distract them and make sure they have water and enough heat
He'll also keep them in place if they move around too much for Hyrule or Warrior to work on them
He's not gentle, but he's still reassuring somehow
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adventures-in-re · 9 months
wait so,,, how are you looking through the code??? i’m so curious and so so fascinating by what you’ve found
for the most part it's actually just a lot of asset mining. not 100%, there are some things i had to learn through deeper decompiling of C# scripts (although i'm still kind of trying to figure out efficient ways of decompiling the scripts, because while C# scripts are, in theory, super easy to decompile, Fictif and The Arcana use this thing that comes with Unity called il2cpp, which is basically code protection, and makes decompiling the scripts really goddam difficult, and there's a lot of code that i straight up just can't get to at this point) but you'd be surprised how much is just. sitting there in the assets, if you know where and how to look.
See, both games are built in Unity using a visual novel building library called Fungus. And what's interesting about Fungus is that all of the actual important information for the visual novel gameplay itself is stored in MonoBehavior object assets. If you were to asset mine the games, you'd notice that there's a LOT more in there than just sprites and textures. Take a look at this:
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What you're seeing here are Fungus commands. All of them are JSON objects. Most of what I'm doing is looking at their contents.
The hard part, and what has taken me a lot of time studying and reverse engineering the code to figure out, is, number one, how to piece these objects back together to form dialogue trees. Because honestly, to use an analogy, what's pictured in that screenshot above there just amounts to loose leaf pages of a book scattered about. If you dump the assets and don't know what to do with them, it's not going to be much use to you.
Do you see those numbers on the side there, in the PathID column? Those are, to follow the analogy, page numbers. Essentially what I'm doing is putting the book back together.
But also, number two, I have to know how to actually read the information in the objects.
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Here's a Menu choice command object from Last Legacy, Felix chapter 13. There's a lot of useful information here, but it might not make much sense if you don't know what you're looking at. But from just this I can see:
(obviously) the text displayed on this choice
Where this choice leads, by following the pathID of the target block
That this menu option is a "reversed" choice and that it has a medium choice weight
That it is interactable (i.e. not greyed out) and that this choice will not disappear if it's already been chosen and this menu is called again
among other things that usually aren't relevant.
Figuring out how to read these has been a combination of
reading through the publicly available source code for Fungus and seeing how it works
doing my best to decompile the C# scripts (for things that aren't part of the base Fungus library, such as upright/reversed choices)
and something very interesting... there's actually some .txt files that got left in the assets for fictif, presumably by accident, that are just. pseudocode for entire chapters of certain stories. there's only a handful, but comparing it to the actual code of those same chapters has helped me to decode a lot of it, which has helped me read other chapters for which no pseudocode txt files were left in.
You should see the long documentation I've written out for my own personal reference on how to read every single type of command object... it's a lot.
anyway. sorry this post got long. tl;dr i have way too much free time and love solving puzzles
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crystalelemental · 3 years
Hello! Recently i got a pull of Falkner & Swellow. I was curious his kit might be worth for a support candy for a sync grind or not. Maybe some team build analysis too? Thank you for your time 🙏
Okay so full disclosure, I super big underestimated Falkner as a unit and no one else should make that mistake.
General Overview Is Falkner the best support in the game? No. But damn if he's not up there. The sad part of his kit, and the part I disliked, was the passives. Ridicure and a +1 speed buff on dodge, but his main dodge ability is Fly, which is inefficient as can be. But his main kit is actually really good. Dire Hit All+ is always great, but dude's trainer move is +2 to both offensive stats for the entire team. This isn't just good, it's fairly unique; I can't think of another unit who this efficiently buffs all offensive stats. Now granted, it takes 5 turns, but that flexibility is hugely important. Plus he is a godsend for units who need both offenses, like Lusamine or...other units whose sync moves are distinct from their main damage move for some reason. I think NY Lance has that issue?
But then you hit his grid, and it's like...wow. Okay. There's options. Synchro Healing and Sync Cure. He can heal the team and all status. That's actually super good for the Legendary Gauntlet coming up. Falkner is just incredible as an offensive buffer. I'd consider him a more rounded but slower Hilbert. He's able to max out both offensive stats, but takes 5 turns to get there instead of like...two. Hilbert's obviously better for pure attack, but there is a specific value for Falkner here that makes the slower buffing more legitimate. EX Support. He gives double damage on sync, keeps buffing, and his allies can spam their biggest attacks worry-free. Falkner's really good. Like, really good. And with MPR on trainer move at only 2/5, he's the rare instance of not actually needing 3/5 or EX despite being a general pool.
Team 1: Falkner, NY Lance, Winona/May/Archie It was NY!Lance, his sync is physical despite Hyper Beam. So yeah, Falkner is a fantastic support option for NY Lance, who appreciates all the buffs he can get his hands on. Just add a rain supporter and he's good to go. Best of all, Flying theme skill match with Falkner, so he's operating at full capacity.
Team 2: Falkner, NY!Lillie, offensive unit of choice This is a bit goofy, but I stick by it. Falkner regains HP when he dodges, and gets a pretty hefty chunk of it. NY!Lillie can buff evasion, but can also take pressure off his buffing with crit support. But there's something else important here: Legendary Gauntlet. As mentioned, Falkner can heal on sync at 3/5 if desired. And he heals the full team. As a result, these two supporters make a very effective combo for increasing survival of your offensive unit, both with dodging the AoE attacks outright, and healing up on Falkner's sync or Lillie's sync regen.
Team 3: Summer Lyra, Serena, Falkner This one's for me, and possibly only me. I like Summer Lyra a lot, and she needs a lot of help. Falkner can be that help. So good at being that help. She's another that has split sync/main offensive coverage, so she especially appreciates his buffs. Serena also likes having the crit buff.
Team 4: literally any team that needs Hilbert, but use Falkner I'm serious, any team that uses Hilbert works here. N/Volkner/Hilbert, Princess Hilda/Hilbert/Kukui, etc. All of these teams work just as well with Falkner, if a little slower, but with more healing potential. Why is this so significant? Gauntlet. There are so, so many teams that thrive off of Hilbert's specific support, and while some are required to have the speed buffs like base Elesa or base Hilda, those who don't necessarily require the speed can utilize Falkner just fine. And keep in mind that while much, much slower, Falkner can still buff speed with Fly. So while a slow burn, most Legendary Arena matches are, and he's a really good options to bring.
Team 5: any time I've said "Kimono Jasmine or Sabrina" I complain a lot about there not being a lot of great special attack buffers for teams that need it, like with base Lance/Lucas/special buffer, or even Gardenia/Blaine/buffer. He works well with all of these options too. He's slower than both, but he has the same potential to get them running, and if they have a single X Sp Atk then he can do it at 1/5.
Final Thoughts I have trouble with bringing in specific teams. I think that's more just me being so fried today, but also Falkner's just kinda...easy to fit wherever you need an offense buffer. Having all three of attack, special attack, and crit is pretty unique, shared only with Kiawe as far as I can tell. And while Kiawe can get there eventually, Falkner is a turn faster to cap, without needing four rolls of MPR. Granted, Falkner doesn't bring Potion or the secondary effect utility, but give and take. He's incredibly good at his job, and I honestly think hilariously well-suited for Gauntlet tomorrow. The surprise healing options are fantastic for a mode where damage numbers tend to roll low.
That said, to answer your first question I forgot about: don't candy him. He's general pool, he'll show eventually. His grid is good, and he gets some fantastic sustain tools at 3/5, but his main role as a buffer is perfect at 2/5, but even 1/5 can get the job done for anyone with X Atk/X Sp Atk.
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the-fiction-vixen · 3 years
The Tale of Jin and Zuko Chapter 3: Living After Midnight
"I heard there's a new zoo that suddenly popped up in the Agrarian Zone. Let's go check it out!” Jin suggests excitedly as they hide behind her house in the dead of night.
“Now? There’s a curfew in place, how are we going to get there? We're not even supposed to be outside right now,” Zuko responds quietly.
“I happen to know of a super-secret passageway that can take us outside of the inner wall. But you need to promise to keep it a secret, okay?”
Why is he feeling so nervous about sneaking out of town just to go see some zoo animals? He's done many things that were a lot riskier and he didn't think twice about it then, so why now? His alter ego is the Blue Spirit, after all, and he's quite skilled at sneaking around. When Zuko doesn't respond, Jin continues, “If we have each other's backs, I'm sure we'll be just fine! And if we do get caught we play dumb, tell them we just moved here and didn't know about the curfew. It worked for me in the past!” Zuko narrows his eyes at her, “You've done something like this before?” She waves him off, “That's not important right now. Come on!” Zuko assesses the situation for a moment: The full moon is both a blessing and a curse. It'll be easier for them to see where they're going but, at the same time, it'll make it easier for the guards to spot them. If they travel on higher ground, it'll be more difficult for guards to see them due to the high-density housing situation in the district, and this will also mean that they will likely see any guards before the guards can see them. “It'll be safer to travel on the rooftops, less chance of getting seen by guards patrolling the streets,” he explains and helps her carefully climb up onto the roof of her house. He takes the sack she's carrying on her back (the contents of which are unknown to him), grabs her hand and leads the way towards the inner wall, “Let's go.” Lucky for them, the lower ring population is so dense that there isn't a whole lot of space between the houses so they easily navigate from rooftop to rooftop, Zuko expertly calculating the most efficient path. Jin giggles quietly as adrenaline rushes through her body, and Zuko can't help but smile at how adorable she sounds. As they get close to the wall, Jin stops him to explain where the secret passage is. “You see that house over there?” she points to an old abandoned building located right next to the wall, “a few years ago an earthbender created a secret tunnel from that building that leads into some old unused sewer pipes. That’s how we sneak out.” Zuko scrunches up his nose, “Sewer pipes?” Don't worry, they haven't been used in decades so there's nothing in them. Well, nothing gross at least, just the odd bug or rodent. Come on!” “How do you even know about this?” “I heard some rumours on the streets and I got curious, so I checked it out for myself one time. It's really neat and the guards have no clue that it exists!” At that moment Zuko spots a guard and motions for Jin to lie low and be quiet. They keep an eye on him, simultaneously taking in the rest of their surroundings to check for any other signs of life, but there is no indication that anyone else is around. As soon as the guard is out of sight, they make their move, Zuko climbing down first, then helping Jin make her way onto the ground. Sticking to the shadows, they swiftly make their way to the old building and climb in through a broken window. They both sigh with relief, sitting down on the dusty ground to catch their breaths for a few moments. Zuko has to admit that this is rather thrilling, Jin's excitement is so contagious it's impossible for it to not rub off on him. She walks towards what used to be the living room, pushes an old chair out of the way and lifts the rug underneath it, revealing a trap door. “This way,” she beckons him as she opens it and climbs down a ladder. Once in the hidden basement, she pulls a dilapidated tapestry on the opposite wall to the side, revealing a narrow opening that eventually leads into the sewers she mentioned earlier. The tunnel seems never-ending, but when they do reach the end of it they find themselves right next to a river in the middle of the Agrarian Zone. “We made it!” Jin exclaims loudly.
Zuko panics, “Quiet! What if someone hears us?” “No one lives here so there are no guards stationed in between the inner and outer walls. We won't be spotted by anyone here. Until the sun rises, it's just the two of us,” Jin explains, grabbing Zuko's hand, “The zoo is this way.” Unfortunately, when they sneak into the zoo, it's dead silent. “They're all asleep... I guess I didn't really think this through, huh?” she notes, sounding slightly disappointed. “I'm sorry...” She beams at him, “Lee, it was never really about the zoo or the animals, you realise that right?”
“What do you mean?” “I just wanted to spend time with you silly.” Zuko squints at her, “You broke the law just so you could spend time with me?” “I may have instigated it, but we both broke the law together. We're partners in crime now,” she giggles. He smiles softly. Her laughter is like music to his ears and he'll never tire of hearing it. They settle down next to a pond, Jin taking a blanket out of the sack Zuko had been carrying for her and spreading it over the grass. Together they watch the night sky, and Zuko's basic knowledge of using stars for ship navigation comes in handy as he points out all the constellations. They spend hours like this, alternating between talking and comfortable silence until they both accidentally drift off to sleep. Also on Ao3
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riderdrauggrim · 4 years
Day Unknown. Sat, Sep 26, 2020.
Nervous about randomly hiding in 4G Motorsports parking lot, I'm awake a few short hours later around 6:30. I have the tent packed by 8:30, and huddle beside the bike, waiting for staff.
9:00 rolls around and I approach the doors, making my way back to the Parts/Service desk. A young woman who's family shifts her between Alberta and Toronto seems thrilled to meet someone else from Ontario. We check if they have a replacement battery in stock. They do not. And their mechanics are not in on the weekends.
There's a MAGNACHARGE Battery megaemporium RIGHT across the street!
Heartened my luck might be improving, I trot over.
They're closed on weekends.
I trot back to 4G, on the way calling Riverside Honda in St. Albert, the blokes who'd changed my tires. They sold their last YTZ14S on Friday. BUT they'd ordered more and they should arrive at the start of this coming week.
I run over my problems with their parts guy. He suggests I remove the battery and try starting the bike with another random battery attached; That might be able to isolate if it is my battery or my starter system/charging stator/rectifier/words.
Sounds good.
Back at 4G I ask if they have a charger or a booster. The parts girl knows where a tender is, but not how to use it. It's okay, I do. They graciously let me push the bike inside their service bay so I can tinker on it, good thing too as it starts to drizzle outside.
So! My battery: Out and Charging.
My bike: New battery hooked up to test the ignition.
My key: In the ignition, turning to activate the bike-*Crack*.
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One of the few flaws I've found with the NC750 design is the key is needed in a secondary lock. Turn one way to unlock the frunk (front trunk) where the gas tank USUALLY sits on a motorcycle. Turn the other way to unlock the latch securing the passenger seat, this allowing you to lift it up to reveal the gas cap to fill the tank, which sits under the rider. The problem with this lock is the key does not fully insert. It's about 3/4 depth to the ignition proper.
Over time, this has created something of a weak point on the key itself, occasionally twisting ever so slightly if too much pressure is applied, if the latches are sticky, or the frunk is overfull and a bit jammed. This was usually corrected by sticking the key in and turning it the other way, straightening the blade out again. For this trip, due to the tail luggage making lifting the passenger seat incredibly difficult at best, I had opted to outright remove the pillion cover, leaving the gas cap exposed for easy access. All I needed the secondary lock for was to get in and out of the frunk, which I was doing several times a day to fetch out Goose and Hat, or store drinks, or change power banks.
Perhaps it was this excess of one direction twisting that finally did the blade in.
Perhaps it was just six years of use and wear.
Perhaps life just wanted to take the difficulty level up a notch.
In any event.
I was left holding the top quarter of my key. The remainder still inside the ignition. Even if I can get a new battery, I can now no longer turn on the bike.
My coworker who helped fund this adventure texts me to see how things are going. I tell him my key just snapped in half. He says if I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. We discuss options. I'm 3,505 km from home. I'm 427 km from the nearest Honda dealership. I just want to Abandon Quest and Hearthstone out of here, but that's not an option. So I work through various plans.
I call Riverside back and get the Service department. Nick remembers me. I fill him in on the last twelve hours. "Wow." Indeed. He puts me on hold and consults his coworkers. If I can get it there, they'll try and squeeze me in and get this sorted. Some people have good luck using super glue to get broken keys out and then jury rigged back together. With my luck, I'll make a mess and fuse the tumblers and need an entirely new ignition system. The key is also a newer blade style, not a normal tooth house lock key. It's supposed to be stronger, amusingly enough. But it's not the sort of thing local locksmiths should be able to replicate, it needs a Dealership. So even if I got a Fort McMurray locksmith to fish the main part out, if he can't make a new one, I still can't Go.
AND there's the pressing matter of the battery.
During all this my battery on the tender has completed charging. I restore it into the bike, or try to, as the damn nut in the contact for the red lead slips out of the holder and falls precisely through the ONE (1) hole at the bottom of the compartment and somewhere onto the engine block. I don't hear it hit the belly pan, and wedging my fingers into every nook, curve and cranny yields nothing but grimy hands.
I call CAA anew. I get the same woman as the night before, so that helped since she already knew the first part of this story. I now have Multiple Problems that can not be fixed locally. St. Albert is outside the Alberta tow range of 350km. But my membership is from Niagara, and I'm covered for 500km. She calls them to approve it. They say 'of course'. One hurdle down.
She contacts the tow company. New hurdle.
Due to the nine hour round-trip commute, they don't run every single broken vehicle south to Edmonton every time someone breaks down. They wait for multiple items, load them all on a long truck, and do a couple runs a week. So. Yes, they can get my bike to St. Albert. Eventuallllyyyyy.
I get it; from a logistics and efficiency and financial perspective it makes perfect sense.
From a "but... my bike..." and waiting for a nebulous amount of time in a hotel somewhere just for it to get TO the mechanics, nevermind the unknown timeframe of the shop having time to look at it, figure out what's wrong, order new parts if needed, and install them.... Hrrrggggnnnnn.
So EMI came with the short bed and picked up the bike from 4G. The logic being, now it's in their secure compound, ready to go, and when they have a load ready, they'll shove it on and take it south for me. Solid.
How do -I- get back to Edmonton.
Well, there's several buses that run the corridor, presumably for the mine workers to get up and back around their shift days. Awesome!
Oh but they don't run again until Monday. Less awesome!
But what can you do.
My bike won't leave until monday at the /earliest/ anyway, so me being there any sooner really makes no difference.
I book a ticket - cheap at 65$! For a nearly five hour trip? I paid 85$ plus tip for the 20 minute taxi ride from Supertest Hill to Fort McMurray the night prior.
Leaving Monday at 8:30am, arrive near downtown Edmonton. Found a hotel for 80$ within a block of Riverside Honda, not as cheap as my beloved Whitemud, but Whitemud Inn being at the south center of the Edmonton bubble, I'd be paying more than the 15$ a night difference in a cab to get up to St. Albert region. So I'll be right nearby the bike if we can get it going, or I need something from my bags.
In the meantime.
I found an RV campsite literally next door to the bus stop. I called the owner and explained my experiances, and my need for somewhere to simply hide in a tent until Monday morning. Sure, I could try and hide -anywhere-, but for my own safety, and nerves, if I can do this cheap and legal, the better for it. She says she can help me out. She offers a site for a price considerably cheaper than the nearby hotels, which I of course agree to. It's a twenty minute walk from 4G, made longer by hauling two drybags of tent/sleeping bag and essentials, and a third partial of food. Plus wearing my gear. And being somewhat small and scrawny. I take several rests. I drink my Gatorades. I make it. She has the sweetest tabby cat with white socks, no tail, and the SOFTEST fur. Name 'Trouble'. Awwww.
Transaction complete, I set up my tent, kindly serenaded by a curious magpie.
I hear a nearby RV owner pull up, truck doors closing, and then I see a giant white monster making a beeline straight for me. My best guess would be Lab/Samoyed. The head was very much the rectangle block and jowls of a lab, but the pelt was definitely a living cloud. It gives an very quick sniff at my tent, and promptly accepts me petting it. I realize I've been pet-starved during my journey. All my stress is put on pause as I scruffle the heck out of this random dog's sides. In fact, twice I tried to move one hand to teach for my phone for a photo, and he turned in annoyance to see why I'd partially stopped. I hear a woman calling, and ask if he needs to go. He makes no move. In fact he tries to push backwards closer. On a whim, I drop to my rear and make a bowl with my legs. He promptly fills said bowl with his rump. Me on my butt and him on his haunches, I came up to his shoulders.
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Good dog.
A woman shouts again, more insistent. I give him a bump with my leg. He resigns himself to getting up and heading home. I realize the owner can't see us, so I pop up and apologize for stealing her dog. She realizes he hadn't just ran off for no reason, and laughs, saying he loves people. Yes, I had learned this.
I needed that.
There's a valley beside the camp ground.
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The trees are spent matchsticks, grey and charred and empty against the sky. New growth slowly fills in around the dead wood. I don't know if this is a remainder of the BIG fire of 2016, or another more recent event. It's a staggering amount of devastation, and only a small fragment of the damage done.
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The clouds out here... I love skyscapes.
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mybodyliberation · 6 years
A Performers Touring Hacks
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If there's one thing being on the road has taught me, it's that trying to carry life around on your back like a turtle won't work, if I plan to weigh myself down with things that are absolutely unnecessary.
Last month I had an epiphany! I need to scale down, become minimalist and feng my shui.
Honestly just knowing that there was a multitude of clutter I know longer needed sitting in a storage cage that I was paying way too much for was honestly so stressful. So I organised, donated, chucked out and threw out anything unnecessary.
It was brutal and I felt instant regret but I also felt like I could breathe for the first time in months because I was no longer chained to the sentiment of having "stuff".
So here are some of my touring hacks because they apply to life and travelling and important to remember!
1. Have Your Own Containers
Meal prepping is life for me because with all my allergies and being financial unstable, I can't be eating out for every meal. So do yourself a favour and ensure you've got containers you can stack and that won't take up too much room.
2. Travel Utinsels and Condiments
This is off of the back of the first one. You also won't always know how well stocked up your digs are or how clean so make sure you've got yourself backed up with at least one wooden spoon and a salt grinder.
I can be very trusting and that has landed me in some not so great positions when it comes to accommodation and travel. It sounds super simple but you'd be surprised how quickly you rely on the word of others just to be able to worry about one less thing. Instead? Worry about it! Make sure you do the very basic research and if you can do some more advanced research do it! It will keep you sane knowing you've prepared as much as possible!
4. Filter Water Bottles
Sure they are expensive but it also means that you are making your health a priority. Your body can respond differently depending on the balance of local water and when you're run down the smallest things can add an issue to your already tired body. Illuminate the water concerns by getting a self filtering water bottle. Also it means you're cutting down your environmental impact on the planet by ensuring you're not buying or using plastic bottles.
5. Try Packing Cubes
Y'all honestly this has been my favourite hack thus far on tour. How do you pack for months and months on the road and also for a multitude of unpredictable British weather? Packing Cubes! This can really help you narrow down on what you're packing and also ensure you're efficiently using the space.
6. Get The Right Luggage
Take it from someone that has already had to replace several suitcases and backpacks, make sure you have the right luggage. Listen, it's worth paying for the slightly more expensive brands because it means the quality so be higher and most likely have a better durability meaning you're not constantly have to replace things every few months.
7. Book Transport Early
Get ahead of those price inflations and book things as soon as you possibly can. Then with the money left over you can put it in your savings or you can treat yoself!
8. Steer Clear Of Deposits
If you can, when booking accommodation, avoid paying out the full amount in advance and avoid paying large deposits. If they are catering for theatre people they should already know Smwe aren't laid large amounts in advance. So book early to avoid disappointment.
9. Have Digital Copies
It's easy when you're moving from place to place to lose really important things or leave them behind, do yourself a favour and have a digital copy of your important documents backed up on a laptop and then also have a copy sent to yourself so that you've got it saved in your email.
10. Explore The City
This is something I'm slowly getting better at. Anxiety and fears of being a singular young woman walking around unfamiliar territory sometimes make a me feel like I shouldn't explore, but I don't want fear from stopping me experiencing some of the new places I'm visiting. The UK is steeped in a lot of history and I'm curious to be as informed about it as possible. As well as exposing myself to local culture.
If you guys like this particular post I will glad write a part 2 on touring hacks, but the most important thing is to find what works for you. It's all trial and error, but look after yourself and get as much as rest as possible with your busy schedule!
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