#i'm on vacation
sexyalexa87 · 2 months
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t-yari-d · 1 month
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Don't wander through the forest!
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Hi :)
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
I'm visiting somewhere humid enough for ferns to sprout from tree bark everywhere I look, and I feel like that would fit well in a fantasy world too.
Benevolent fairy magic? Sure. Ominous invasive magic? Also sure. Both at once, with one imitating the other? Sounds like a story to me.
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justjeremystims · 21 days
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huzr · 14 days
I haven't been at my computer for 4 days to look at anime characters getting tortured so last night I had 3 dreams about torture
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inspectorcosmo · 30 days
e ei ei
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i'm on vacation every single day
cause i love my occupation
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chrysochromulina · 2 months
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yaknowlikenyah · 3 months
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Worshipping the feesh
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
Also, that being said, if you ever feel the urge to add snippets to the Backhoe universe please do 🫡🫡🫡🫡💖
I do have the urge to write some Backhoe snippets but I also need to manifest free time when I am not so deeply brain dead tired I fall asleep immediately which has been difficult as of late.
But I was just thinking today that I kinda want to write them on 4th July a year later after the first community fireworks show they attended together?
They're officially engaged now and last year everyone had kinda thought Steve was Becca's boyfriend but he's actually Bucky's fiance so how do they navigate that when half the town comes up to them and is like, "oh it's the guy from Brooklyn!" And then tell Bucky wedding bells are going to be in the air soon, is he ready for that?
And they look significantly at Becca and it's supposed to be a sorta low key sexist joke about how Becca is getting married to some guy from Brooklyn and Bucky's expected to be protective of his sister's virtue. And honestly it makes sense on paper that they'd assume that.
Becca is the one who lives in Boston for college and is more likely to have met some kind of skinny artist city boy to bring home, but anyone with eyes willing to really look could tell from a mile away while riding a bucking bronco that Bucky is the one who is running headlong and desperate to marry the guy from Brooklyn.
So Becca says, "he's ready, but I ain't so sure" and they laugh real hard because they think she's just made a joke like Bucky wants to marry her off to the first guy whose come calling so he has one less sister to take care of and the sassy way she rolls her eyes at Bucky makes everyone say something like, "you got your work cut out for you with all these sisters, Barnes!"
And Bucky says, "Lawwww don't I know it, cain't imagine it otherwise. Busy hands, full heart, as mom always said," which is what his mother always used to say when someone said something like that to her. And the random person walks off.
This interaction repeats itself in various iterations a dozen or more times over the evening. But every now and then someone wanders over to say hi to the Barnes conglomeration picnic blanket and immediately clocks Steve and Bucky for a young couple that's so in love they're about to burst.
Like Mrs. Wilson's pastor, who pulls Bucky up out of his chair and into a bear hug, whispering something into Bucky's ear that no one else can hear.
He let's Bucky go with a broad grin and a hearty slap on the back and a wink for Steve. "You got your work cut out for you with this one, Steven," Mrs. Wilson's pastor booms in his low voice with a wink. Bucky's eyes are glossy with a few tears from whatever the pastor whispered to him and Steve is overwhelmed with how beautiful his fiance (FIANCE!!) looks.
"Busy hands, full heart," Steve says, and Bucky's eyes get even shinier, and Steve really wants to kiss Bucky, but they are surrounded by Bucky's entire county so he doesn't.
It's the first year Poppy doesn't fall asleep at the fireworks show. Bucky almost cries realizing she's growing up, and he doesn't have to carry her to the van. But on the other hand she's 4 inches taller and a fair bit more than 4 pounds heavier than last year so he's kind of relieved he's not lugging her the half a mile back to the van. So it's complicated.
After they get home and get all the girls upstairs for bed, Bucky asks Steve if he wants to go on a walk.
They don't make it too far before Steve grabs Bucky and presses him hard against a tree, all strong hands and desperate lips. It's all a dream until they try and get too creative and fall in the creek.
Some time later they stumble back to the house laughing and giddy and exchanging lazy debauched kisses with wet hair and their shirts off and pants barely done back up (because the creek caused a pause but was not sufficient to cool them off).
Bucky stops up short and freezes because Hannah and Becca are sitting on the front porch, drinking ice tea and chatting in the dark out on the porch swing.
"It's after midnight, y'all should be in bed," Bucky says automatically.
Becca let's out a peal of laughter. "You are not in a position to lecture others about who should be in a bed for their evening's planned activities."
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railraptor · 14 days
Downside of being out east (left Virginia behind, hanging in Gettysburg PA for the next couple days) means there's no way I'll be up for Critical Role tonight--central timezone is hard enough to avoid falling asleep, but out here? Hells no.
(it's not live these days can we change the start time goodness gracious lol)
Oh well. It'll give me something to watch on the way back to Wisconsin on Saturday
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soupedman · 1 year
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vacation drawing number one
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fenharael · 9 months
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Girl I knoooowwwwwww
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theoneandonlyyeti · 7 months
being a girl with ibs is so hard... today the world is against me
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lobotomylad · 1 year
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quebec city queen
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sidekick-hero · 10 months
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blazingsaza · 1 year
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