#i'm onto something
kingmagnificoofrosas · 9 months
The man, the legend, our beloved Magnifico!
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Well, or as he is in my story ✨️
Clothing wise, I gave him much more simple ones, since over the years it just was more practical and nr. 2 his old royal clothes became a bad reminder 🥲 ...
About him in my story (spoiler free for now, unless you ask me for some 😌🫴🏼)
- Magnifico has been locked in a timeless realm. He cannot get out (for now) seasons change as does day and night but he doesn't. He's caught in a loop where he doesn't age and doesn't die.
- He residents in an old mansion, half ruin half intact, deep in a forest area (no one really knows where)
- stripped of all the magic powers and resources, he had to teach himself many new things (hunting, sewing, cooking, etc.) His alchemie skills also came in handy. Though not able to age or die, he would still feel all the impacts if he wouldn't eat or sleep for example.
Writing my story and continuing to tell his has become one of the most fun things I ever did so far. I'm putting great effort into this and I cannot wait for the day I finally give out the first parts for you to read. 📖
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 months
Arthur Morgan and Joan of Arc.. both plagued by visions.. followers who became leaders for the good of their people.. the parallels..
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spytefull · 8 months
Soooo if everything is canon unless disproved in the show, if Addict and its lyrics are canon...
Then the concept of Cain is a thing.
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thyandrawrites · 3 months
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I'm starting to notice a trend in my blue lock faves
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guildwarszeke · 5 months
Taimi being the name of a lesbian dating app as well as an engineer prodigy in guild wars 2 is definitely a cosmic sign
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westgreenzeke · 6 months
the parasocial bond between a neurodivergent and a squirrel they see outside for no more than 3 minutes tops
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againstme · 1 year
julius xe/xyr
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noys-boise · 9 months
oh god my mom is telling her boyfriend about my theory that all Broadway actors are created in the Broadway factory to be either Frank or Charley
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fyregrl · 2 years
well now I’m imagining this movie. Come. Imagine with me.
We start out with Magneto flying down the road on a motorcycle. Whole suit of armor, helmet on, cape blowing out behind him all cool, on his way to mess somebody up.
and then there’s Peter, wedged into the sidecar, wearing his goggles and one of those bowl-looking helmets and trying to eat a thing of pringles or something.
Title card.
then there’s a flashback of Peter anxiously informing Erik of their relation. This news is received well. Happy stuff.
then some other stuff that I can’t figure out right now but basically Peter’s a little Bad now like it’s said in the video (and if anyone can come up with solid reasoning for this help me out here) maybe he’s actually fed up with the way the world treats mutants maybe he’s tired of being ignored or overlooked by the X-Men maybe he just wants his family maybe it’s a combination maybe it’s something else.
anyway now Peter is Erik’s little sidekick/minion (green suit???) and is doing some morally questionable stuff that the X-Men largely wouldn’t do but it’s not evil, like some kinda Robin Hood stuff y’know?
and of course there’s plenty of familial bonding and maybe some Wanda/Wendy stuff (if she’s alive or not) and fun slow-mo scenes. Maybe even Peter developing metallokinesis.
I want to watch this soooo bad.
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dasmondkuss · 7 months
Yes, you, with the male muse... Tell me how long their hair is, and I'll tell you how deep their hatred is.
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playingmyselfafiddle · 10 months
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Maxwell and Zlatan live together for a few months = Zlatan sleeps on a mattress on the floor next to Maxwell's bed = Zlatan gets uncomfortable sleeping on a mattress next to the floor every night = asks to sleep in bed next to Maxwell = Maxwell says "Okay" = they sleep in the same bed = Zlatan cuddles up next to Maxwell in the night during his sleep = the two are spooning now = the two wake up in the morning, flustered at how close they are = Blah blah blah you get the idea
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corgoship · 2 years
LPS but they're customised to look like animal versions of brbabcs characters call that shit littlest meth shop
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romantisto · 2 years
GODDAMN. just thought about writing a 4some between arisu, niragi, last boss and chishiya.
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nenekobasu · 1 year
lorenzo and kaiser their dreams on their necks dreams that have been fulfilled and that require constant fulfillment
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deathricedrawn · 2 months
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i'm ready to try
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griftersbone42 · 4 months
omg the Protocol was the reason the Magnus Institute burned down
We know that the Protocol is destructive, as the letter said it would destroy Newton's laboratory, so I think it's a fire
The letter was written in 1684, which is only 18 years after the Great Fire of London (1666), which I think they were referring to when they said they had to use the Protocol on the whole city
edit: just found out that historically Newton’s lab did actually burn down so that’s more evidence
edit 2: the letter mentioned an "awful plague" before the Protocol was activated on London, which was probably the Great Plague of London in 1665-1666 (last major bubonic plague epidemic), which the fire actually helped to stop
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