#i'm seeing my extended fam on my mom's side
otterandterrier · 1 year
send me strength to be around family tomorro
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uenodivision · 6 months
Leave It to Me (Yozakura Forever!)
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Bring the Beat!
["New" Yozakura:]
(We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!!)
(We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!!)
Through highs and lows, in every song
We stand strong together 'cause life goes on
Though our birthplaces and roads may all differ
The place we all end up will be the same, yo
(Leave it to me!) I'm not ashamed to say it loud
You girls make me feel alive
(Using the power of a gale) We're going to rise from the bottom, straight to the top!
I look in the mirror, my past a blur, tales untold
But I'm thankful for every hug, every laugh, memories like gold
My friends and fam, they're my light, my heart's delight
We stand together, unbreakable, through every day and night
I'm the muscle of our crew, strong and always ready
In every battle, every quest, D.Vil stays steady
Fighting side by side, for them, through every struggle
Yozakura's power, through every life's puzzle!
My past family's gone, but their spirit's still with me
In my heart, their love lives on, as strong as it can be
Found a new family, a sister young and sweet
A new mom's embrace, where love and hope meet
Trust me, the memories I have aren't frightening
No, in fact they're brightening
My love for you all is shining
Simply amazing
I'm the captain of this ship, steering through the fray
Thankful for Yozakura, even when they disobey
They test my patience, but still, they're my clan
(We're annoying?) Sure, but you're part of the plan
We're a quirky squad, but together we stand tall
I love them, quirks and all, they're my call
Leading this band, through every trial, we're blazing
(Together, we're a force, undeniably rousing!!)
Through highs and lows, in every song
We stand strong together 'cause life goes on
Though our birthplaces and roads may all differ
The place we all end up will be the same, yo
(Leave it to me!) I'm not ashamed to say it loud
You girls make me feel alive
(Using the power of a gale) We're going to rise from the bottom, straight to the top!
["New" Yozakura:]
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (Our hopes and dreams extend to the sky!)
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (We've come too far to just let it die!)
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (When we're together, we're always so DOPE it's HIGH)
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (That's right, Yozakura is forever!)
From the shadows of yesterday, we paved a path to the light
Brick by brick, with my friends, we built it just right
A road from my past to a future so bright
Their faces are a welcome sight
Together, we will ride on
Fear of the unknown is all gone
To the dawn we march upon
Yozakura's time has just begun
With a smirk and a verse, I spit fire, call it a gift
Sarcastic wit's my charm, with my crew, I uplift
Cause of them, everyday I've a smile, not a frown
Our music will knock you down!
Newcomers step up, but they can't match our groove
We're the originals, in this game, we only move to improve
Our music's immortal, echoes in the streets, so clever
We're here to stay, our rhythm, our bond, forever
When I think of when we all met, I just can't help but laugh
No matter how bad our pasts, we've all grown stronger from the pain
Can anybody out there beat us? No!
Keep climbing until we reach very the top, yo
And through the clouds, we'll see the very ground
["New" Yozakura:]
Through highs and lows, in every song
We stand strong together 'cause life goes on
Though our birthplaces and roads may all differ
The place we all end up will be the same, yo
(Leave it to me!) I'm not ashamed to say it loud
You girls make me feel alive
(Using the power of a gale) We're going to rise from the bottom, straight to the top!
["New" Yozakura:]
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (Our hopes and dreams extend to the sky!)
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (We've come too far to just let it die!)
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (When we're together, we're always so DOPE it's HIGH)
We, we just Bad Girls!!!!!!! (That's right, Yozakura is forever!)
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fallenraffe · 9 months
Diamon Fire by Ilona Andrews
<b>2.5 stars</b>
the prologue >>>
<b><u>things I liked:</u></b>
× the prologue of Nevada meeting Connor's mom for the first time (I was ready to throw hands when we didn't get to see it at the end of book 3, so this made up for that) - that alone would be an easy 4*, its just the rest of it that dragged this down
× seeing a lil more of Connor and the rest of House Baylor, my beloveds
× meeting poison girl - Rune? - who I'm pretty sure is gonna have a thing with Burn (hell yeah)
× getting to see Rogan's extended fam, even if most of them were terrible and I totally understand why he likes to avoid a large chunk of them
× Rogan & Nevada's wedding (even if we only got crumbs)
× wrapping up the Kelly situation - it was v quickly done and not at all the way I had hoped to see it play out, but at least we got some resolution, which I was v much missing at the end of wildfire
honestly, all of the above would have me considering a 3 or 4* rating, but sadly there's more, so
<b><u>things I did not like:</u></b>
× Catalina 💀
× nah but fr, i was not a fan of her POV at all, soz
× some of her thoughts / descriptions of Nevada really didn't sit right with me (particularly when she was thinking about how Nevada kept firing the wedding planners and then the whole boque issue, let the girl have some blue flowers if that's what she wants god damn) - idk they just rubbed me the wrong way & she came off p disrespectful to me at times & i so not condone the Nevada slander✋
× (i've seen ppl say Rogan & Nevada get some p unfortunate character assassination in catalina's books, and reading this i can believe it💀)
× (also been considering soldiering thru the catalina trilogy in large for the Rogan&Nevada crumbs, but I just read a review that said they went for the R&N crumbs too, but there was barely any..)
× I get that she's only 18 and having insecurities is tots legit an all, i.. just.. really didn't vibe with her thoughts & issues and it all came off as v bottom ya - no thx
× tbf I love House Baylor and would've loved to read about p much everyone in that fam, except for Catalina, she was OK as a side character, but I didn't really care for her, gimme Arabella, Burn, Leon, hell I'd even be down for meemaw Frida (badass that she is) and Penelope's stories, that fam is full of awesome characters and instead we get saddled with wet noodle Catalina😭🤧
× don't even get me started on her powers💀 she now apparently has wings and sings... cool cool cool <s>not</s>🙄, but nooo that's not enough, turns out she can basically do the same thing as Nevada & their "evil" meemaw, but in a nice, non intrusive, humane way, where they don't feel violated, in fact!! they won't even remember, if she doesn't want them to!! <b>meet the new & improved Nevada 2.0</b> it now comes with a bunch of insecurities too!! - hard pass
× i saw someone describe C+A as the angsty ya version of Rogan & Nevada (but worse, sm worse lmao) and if this book is any indication, I'm inclined to believe its true
i wish this was written in Nevada's POV and more focused on Rogan & Nevada (its their damn wedding after all), but I get why I.A. would use this as an opportunity to segway into Catalina's trilogy - it makes sense, doesn't mean I have to like it🤷🏻‍♀️
at least we got some resolutions I was missing at the end of Wildfire & it was worth the read for that prologue and the crumbs of Rogan, Nevada and the rest of House Baylor
(I really love Rogan&Nevada, and I really wanna see more of them, there's also a lot of side characters I'd be interested in seeing more of, but if that means having to suffer thru 3 more books of Catalina's POV + some of the other stuff I read about.. I think I might be better off cherishing the memories of the first 3 books, at least for the time being, and if we actually get around to Arabella's trilogy I might have to reconsider..)
first 44% on 2x, the rest on 2.8x
I think that speaks for itself)
(the narrators were good)
(PS.: was doing audio - obvi - so idk how the guys name was written and I don't claim to know how it was supposed to be pronounced, but they are Spanish, right, so whenever i heard CHavier I kept thinking wtfff isn't it supposed to be Javier pronounced as Havier? or is it some secret other name I wasn't aware of🤔 honestly CHavier sounded so bad I'm having a hard time believing they weren't just mispronouncing Javier💀)
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1d1195 · 6 months
EXACTLY WHAT I THINK TOO! Which is why I full on thought you had a brother lol And it's sweet that your sister helps you out! What is your style though or like aesthetic that you tend to gravitate towards?
My dad wants to look more into the native tribes around the area he was born because apparently his grandmother spoke a fluently a native language?! Crazy lol And honestly bestie I support you unleashing extended family DRAMA! It's for the ✨plot✨. Oddly enough I've mentioned to my mom she should do one but she fears it will cause drama on her side and dare I say i would like to see that unfold lol
I LOVE a good deal so whenever I have time/energy I am in there! I forgot that you were like a full on young adult when they were popular which makes more sense because although it was definitely a CHOICE on my end I was a child lol. BUT I understand why you were hesitant and that's okay!
I GET IT SO MUCH ABOUT BEING EMOTIONAL!! And it hard to have so much love to give yet the people who you want to show it too don't accept it or it's just not expressed in a way that feels like its for you. That post right there is such a good example, I loved reading it! And I think overall the act of being SEEN is so fulfilling and craving that is valid! Expressing love or anything remotely "soft" depending on your environment can be draining and sometimes feels embarrassing since your the only one. But it seems you have so much to give because that's natural to you and that's not weird at all. It's hard to be the first one to do things that may seem "weird" but it's YOU, you can't keep suppressing the love that you have, it may feel/sound selfish but trying for yourself is enough! easier said than done you deserve that nourishment that you give to other too!
AND SAM YOU LITTERALLY SAID WHAT MY THERAPIST HAS SAID TO ME HAHA But really though i feel so much and so the instances where I have gotten hurt for sure have closed myself off but I do appreciate you saying those things💗
I had such a BUSY weekend that the book was not on my mind at all lol BUT I DID GO TO A CONCERT AND IT WAS GREAT! I needed that honestly and so worth the lack of sleep lol Which explains why my reply is so late so sorry for the wait! But I hope yours was good at least!
Now... THE BALCONY EXTRA 😭 Tell my why I had a feeling she was going to be pregnant😭 and the way HARRY FIGURED IT OUT 😭 ugh it was so cute seeing how he was trying to not freak out haha and I love the comedy aspect that you add to your stories like that pee joke was hilarious i giggled lol That was such a cute little extra it made my heart feel so warm! Great as always!! Also side note, that divider was so cute!!
Ily so much Sam! Hope the week is treating you well!-💜
LOL style. I think it's called "millennial-retro classic" ☠ I don't think I have style. I am a skinny jeans, cardigan, side-parted hair (granted my hair is frizzy/wavy/curly so I look like a serial killer with a middle part), ballet flats kinda girl. But I'm also a teacher so I feel like I dress like one most of the time. This looks like how I dress:
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I'm pretty reserved when it comes to clothing but I almost don't care? It's just pretty much I buy what I want to buy. I'm a leggings/jeans and t-shirt combo on my days off hehehe. What's your style like?
I don't want to pry into your family life too much but it sounds like you could snag a GREAT deal on your FAFSA if your fam is such a high % Native 👀 Also on the family thread, I love the vibe. I'll let you know if the drama is ever unfolded in my life. I just like the vindication of being right. It's petty and mean of me but the family I love but don't like is often two-faced and I think they could all be knocked down a peg.
I went to an extremely judgmental high school (I know every high school is like that) but I grew up in a pretty affluent/vacation/trendy area and it felt like I was less for not having real Uggs or a NorthFace jacket. Then I went to college and everyone was like "just get it at Target" and I was like "WHERE?!" Eye-opening. The real stuff they don't tell you about college hahaha
I never expect anyone to take my advice but I know since we're so similar it's nice to hear from other people what you want to hear (even if you don't use the advice) it's kind of like confirmation? So of course, do what you have to do and live your life how you see fit. I just don't want you to have any regrets 💕
A CONCERT how nice! Who was the concert for? It sounds like a nice pick me up! My weekend was once more exhausting. My school district has their spring break next week. ALSO I was in the partial eclipse path yesterday and it was SO cool and just what the little astronomer in me needed 💕
THANK YOU SO MUCH. (Tbh I think I'm hilarious--I'm my own target audience) but of course it's so nice to hear that you think my humor fits in well enough to my stories! I really didn't know what to do with them so I thought making her pregnant might be a vibe hahaha I'm glad you enjoyed as always!!
Glad you had a good weekend and hope you're having a good week too!
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theninjasanctuary · 9 months
Again, an unintentional pause in updating. I haven't even started the year-in-review post either. Solstice and Christmas were fine, mostly low-key, only an extended fam dinner on the 23rd (did not get Covid nor the flu), and then staying home, as the plan to visit my dad's side of the family were postponed again. I did lots of laundry and ironing, finally mended the to-be-mended pile of socks and other clothing items, etc., ignoring work as hard as I could, basically. Did visit some friends, too, and meet up for a museum visit+coffee with my girl cousins (one of them missed the extended fam dinner). Side note, so odd that I actually have 2 more girl cousins these days, since my mom's little brother decided to start another family in his late 50s, and they're 4 and 2. Their grandpa was born in 1909 and has been dead since 1987, and these girls might live to see the 22nd century.
I also finally saw a hand specialist at the best hospital in town, after complaining to my new GP that my wrist has been hurting over 2 years with no progress led to being referred. And within 10 minutes, she had a diagnosis (De Quervain's syndrome), and a treatment plan, which starts with 2 weeks of prescription anti-inflammatories along with 5 weeks of wearing a prescription brace day and night (it's reasonably comfortable, moreso than the elastic ones I had). If that won't fix it, there's a steroid shot, and beyond that, the option of surgery. In any case, it seems like there's finally some hope of fixing it.
Speaking of the new GP, I dragged the boyf over, too, which had been the plan since October, and he's now on blood pressure meds he should probably have been on sooner, but it is what it is, and after all this reluctance he now seems kind of happy with it (like I told him he might be). He also got alllllll the blood, etc. tests, but the results aren't in yet.
I'm still waiting on all the treats I got myself, since I used a forwarding service and some of the stuff is still making their way to their main depot with all the holiday delays. Which of course did not stop me from ordering 2 more sweaters from Sellpy (more Pringle and Lacoste, will try on and return if not up to expectations). I did put extra into the retirement index fund, too, so there's that, but tbh should try a lot harder on that front. As pretty much all others.
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chaosflight · 10 months
saw my parents' pics of a vacation they took with my grandad on my mom's side and that side of the fam and
woof i am having feelings
for one, none of my mom's side know how to smile naturally for a camera, i'm realizing, which is probably where my brother gets it
for another.. i am still filled with so much love for them. my parents have made such strides regarding me and my gender and 'new' name (it's new to them, still, i guess). idk what my extended family thinks about it at all, and i had weird and distant relationships with them before i realized i was trans and queer and such.
but i see their faces. and i am happy for them. and wish that i could be part of that happiness, without it being extremely painful for me. I. dont actually know if i'll ever get to have that. It may always be that, if i want time with some of them, it'll be at the cost of my mental health in some way.
I wish i'd gotten to know my nana better. she's gone now. i want to know my papa better. i don't know if i'll get to, without compromising my health and wellness significantly. i don't know if that's worth it to me. i don't know.
i love them, even if i dont know them well. and i know they love me, but they definitely don't know me. i don't know if i can have both. i may always be yearning for a kinder world that i simply won't get. i dont know. i dont know
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coveredinsweetpea · 6 years
jEsus. I'm listening to Why by Bazzi and its a mood? Like not following the song but an imagine w sweet pea trying to push you away bc he doesnt know y u would like someone like him, so homeboy stopped persuing bc he sees how her 'friends' (out of spite bc he's a 'player' that hasn't paid them any mind but damn sure set his sights on u.) n fam judge + poke at their possible relationship and he low-key thinks they're right or at least that y/n does deep down. But she don't? && let's his ass know.
I suck at angst, I’m sorry, I tried! 💛-He wasn’t ashamed of himself. Never had been and thought he’d never be, but frankly, right now, he had no idea how he was feeling. Confusion maybe? Who knows. It’s been eating him up night after night yet he never said anything, and maybe now it was time to let it all out. But how? When it came to his less than perfect upbringing, questionable antics and unhealthy habits, Sweet Pea never felt like he needed to hold back. He let you all in, and he felt safe and at peace. The small fight that ignited when the topic of meeting your parents came up, should’ve been a red flag, but you two just took it as a warning sign and considering your way of thinking, you just walked past It, never giving it a second glance. When your dad almost threw Sweet Pea out of the house the night you invited him over for dinner, put thoughts in his head.“Fuck it” you scoffed as you walked outside the house, “Fuck him and his stupid misconceptions, I know you, I know you probably don’t care what my dad thinks, but please know that I don’t care either” “I know, doll” Pea sighed, kissing the top of your head. The lie slipped right from between his perfect lips a little bit too easily, too bad you were too blind to catch it.“He isn’t right, bub” you said softly as you took his hand and started walking down the street. Your father’s words echoed inside your head, ‘Y/n get this thug out of my house’ and they stung a bit, “If he was right, and you really were all those things, I wouldn’t be able to love you like I do now”“I love you too, angel. I appreciate it”You thought that was the end of it, but you had no idea how many nights he spent inside the wyrm drowning his liver in gallons of alcohol with the hopes of getting your dad’s cruel words out of his head. You weren’t there to see it and you didn’t have anyone to tell you. You knew Toni and Fangs. Met them briefly a couple of times, but you didn’t take things further. You had your own North side friends, friends who this time failed to have your back.“What the hell are you doing here?” Veronica snapped, seeing Sweet Pea leaning against his parked bike right outside Pop’s.“Hey calm down” he defended himself, throwing his arms in the air, trying to keep things civilized, “I’m here to pick Y/n up”“What?” Archie yelled, turning around to face the shop just in time to see you come out the front door. “I thought we told you to break up with him!” he growled, walking towards you.“And I told you to mind your own fucking business” you scoffed walking past him and to Sweet Pea’s bike. As if it wasn’t obvious in his eyes, the veins protruding along his neck made it fairly clear how hard he was trying to keep his calm.“Y/n, we can drive you home” Veronica said softly, realizing that yelling at you was going to do no good.“It’s ok, V” you smiled, as Sweet Pea hoped on his bike, biting hard into his lower lip in order to contain himself, “I’ll see you in school tomorrow”She tried to argue some more, but Archie pulled her back. You stood until you saw them get in their car and then jumped behind Sweet Pea.“I didn’t even get to tell you hi” you whined kissing his cheek the best you could.“Hi angel” he smiled, looking at you over his shoulder, “See? I kept my calm”. He sounded like a kid bragging to their parents about getting a good grade, and your heart melted a bit.“You could’ve told them off for all I care” you said, wrapping your arms around his middle, waiting for him to start the engine.“My place?” he asked following a heavy sigh.“Yes!” you exclaimed happily, tightening your hold around him.This is where it all started and now that you thought about it, you had no idea how you didn’t see it. All the things your friends called him, accused him of and blamed him for, aren’t easy for anyone to look over. How you managed to think he wasn’t bothered by these things was beyond you now.“I’m sorry” you breathed, gripping tightly into the edge of a t-shirt you stole from him ages ago.“It’s not your fault, babe” “Don’t! Stop! Don’t babe me after you told me you want to break up with me!” you growled, falling onto your back on his couch, “How is this happening?”“Listen, it’s for the best-” he tried to get a word in, but you stopped him.“The best? For who? For me? You think it’s ok to tell me you still love me but that you still want to break up with me? It makes me feel crazy because I can’t comprehend that” “Y/n” he sighed standing up and extending a hand for you to take so you could follow him to your feet. After you did, he continued, “I do, I love you, with all my heart. It flutters when I say these words to you. Every fucking time. And it’s because I care and I hear and I see things and-”“You shouldn’t give half a crap what people say-” you tried to interrupt him.“Listen to me” he added, his voice 10 times calmer than yours, “It’s been weeks. I haven’t heard something this morning and then made up my mind. I’ve been thinking about it, for quite a long time now. I’m not saying your family and your friends are right when they say I’m a low life. I don’t see myself as that and someone like them isn’t gonna change my mind. But even if I’m not a thug like they say, I’m still not what you need. I’m fine, I’m just not good for you”“You know… my mom thinks I’m with you just as an act of rebellion” you said walking away from him. The amount of emotion his words dumped on you were too much for you to bear right now, so you found a different way to get your point across, “Because that’s all that she knows about you, just like my dad. And Archie and every one. I don’t see it as that because I know why I’m with you, and don’t make me go all sappy now by enlisting every reason”“I don’t want you to do that” “Yeah, but do I have to?” “No, babe, that’s not the point”You looked at him dumbfounded, “What? Wasn’t that the whole point? That you don’t know why I’m with you?”“My head is spinning” he whispered defeated, plopping back down on the couch.“Pea, you make me feel safe in the dangerous side of town at 3am and then two hours later you’re laying in my arms begging me to play with your hair. I love you because you’re honest, and you’re you, and I know you. And you know me like no one else does so just please, if you really want me to leave, please let it be because of me or because of you and not because of someone else”As you finished talking, silence settled. To be honest, you regretted the way you decided to end your rant. You wish you hadn’t told him to break up with you if he wanted, but you had to give him that. It was only fair.“I don’t want you to leave, Y/n” he said eventually, “But I’m gonna try to change for you, and we need to work things out with your parents at least”“You don’t have to change” you countered, sitting down beside him.Sweet Pea turned to look at you, his eyes holding such a heavy coat of pain, you almost broke at the sight of them, “Now I feel stupid for trying to do this”“Don’t feel stupid” you said, grabbing his hands, “I should’ve seen everything happen too, I don’t know how I didn’t realize how they could affect you”“Not your fault” “Kinda is, but let’s just let it go for now, please”“I’m sorry I got you down” he whispered, cupping your cheek in his palm“It’s not you” you shook your head, before leaning in to kiss him.
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whatsupgoodbuddy · 3 years
I need to take a moment and think
I'm not very close with my extended family, and that could mean anything. Specifically, we're 30-50 minutes apart from one another but we see each other once a month on average. It's whatever. Parents divorced. This is mom's side. Dad hasn't spoken to them in years. Kinda very sad. My dad is a good dude, that Kim. There's no hostility amongst the fam, so I don't see why it's been like this for so long. He's also about 30 minutes out from them. I dont knowwww.
I was at my cousin's baby gender reveal party (gross) but it's not as gross as it sounds. just the fam. Very crowded. I was not a fan. In the car on the way there, I already was struggling not to dissociate. Just mainly thoughts about how the only person I will ever be able to understand the most (not even fully) is myself, and as much as I can try to understand the way other people think or feel or the processes their brain goes through, I will never know because all I have are their words.
But this is when art steps in.
Now this is not where I expected this post to be going, but art is one of the best ways for people to connect. I've always enjoyed music, and in middle school, I finally found artists that explained what I felt in my soul. Listening to certain lyrics and realizing they sum up your feelings perfectly, and your chest starts to fall harder, and your heart disappears, and you feel your face flame up. Tears welling. Your nose is tingling, and your vision is blurring from the water about to leak down your cheek to your chin.
You have a good cry and move on to find another song. Then go back to that song to dwell on the lyrics for way too long until they mean nothing. forget and come back years later to find yourself relapsing.
Even so, such emotion is rarely spoken aloud or evoked in a way that will make you cry tears of joy or sadness. Elation or loss. Devastation or love. This is why when someone sends a song for me to check out, I do so. I must understand what they like. What they relate to and what they feel.
You ever kick a child while yelling for your mommy causing it to yell for its mommy? Pure Comedy.
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