#i'm so peeved right now i feel like I dont get noticed at all on tumblr anymore
scarfacemarston · 1 year
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iid-smile · 1 month
kabedon!!! , gojo satoru
x fem!shortgirlfriend!reader ! , gojo's a little tease, includes, mentions of a candy cigarette, gojo asking the reader to "punish him" multiple times, dont worry, there's nothing sexual.
author's note: felt the need to balance out sweet gojo in "haircut" with teasing gojo, so here! i kinda hate the ending, but its wtv cuz i couldnt think of anything else anyways... sign me up to kabedon him myself btw???
gojo likes you, you like him, you're dating. simple. and for a while, actually. you're his tiny, pretty and assertive girlfriend. he's your tall, pretty and pouty boyfriend.
these days, he's been annoying you. taking pictures of you while you sleep, vacuuming in the middle of the night (and he isn't cleaning shit because you always clean up the house before you go to bed), eating all of your favourite snacks, sticking miniature soldier figures to the toilet (what?) and claiming that he used the toilet right after (what???)... almost every prank in the book. you're peeved, fuming, even. you need to tell him, or rather show him who's boss.
on this particular day, you've been staring him down since he woke up. he's definitely noticed, giving you nothing but a teasing grin or smirk every time. whether it was him eating lucky charms first thing in the morning, or him getting ready to go to work, or and then, when he's leaning on the wall, on his phone, a moment of vulnerability..!
bang! kabedon!
your hand could only reach up to about gojo's chest as you hit the wall, but close enough. you look up at him, pulling out a fake candy cigarette from your pocket. you give the best sheriff-like accent you could and say...
"what games are you playing at, gojo satoru?" your words are slightly slurred, as you're trying to keep the cigarette in your mouth.
his eyebrow raises. now this was something new. "nothing too serious," his voice feigns innocence, leaning down to meet your gaze but still towering over you. "a few little pranks," he says, a small smirk crossing his lips.
just a little bit, his head tilts to the side, and his facial expression appears to be concerned. overly furrowed eyebrows, wide eyes, the works. "you're not mad, are you, baby?" he exaggerates, taking the candy cigarette from your lips and placing it between his own.
you can't help but scowl, making an attempt to take your cigarette back, and failing. the sheriff accent completely dropped at this point. "i am mad, just so you know."
"oh, boo-hoo..." there's a pout on his lips, one hand coming up to cup your face. "you gonna punish me? punish me then."
somehow, it feels like you're the one being punished in this situation. gojo knows exactly what he's doing, and he's not backing down from it. "no... i'm good."
"no, no, no! i insist! punish me." and to push your buttons, he leans that little bit forward, nearly no space in between your faces. you try to push his face away, but he scoops you up in his arms, swinging his body side to side with overexaggerated noises of... god knows what. "oh! you're just so cute..."
you didn't get out of his hold for a while.
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peachpitmp3 · 3 years
bestie if there was a way to fight your sleep schedule i would do that for you >:(
oh wow yeah !!! lurking and typing in the chat is just. my entire vc experience shdklfjdsf. either that, or sitting entirely still and breathing as lightly as possible so i don't make any sound, but it still looks like i have my mic unmuted.
!!! right. "*waves goodbye like im some woman with a hat in the 1920's watching my lover leave on a boat* farewell jatp hyperfixation! may you return to me soon with many gifts including but not limited to a GODDAMN SEASON 2." FHSDKLFJLSDF I LOVE THAT. SO MUCH. that is exactly what i'm going to be thinking of if/when i ever change my pfp-
it's honestly a little scary how much some people write fhsdkljf. how??? so technically. i've published one (1) fic, for jatp. but unofficially, i have a bunch of google docs for a lot of different fandoms. i wrote stuff for jatp, tua, marvel, kotlc, and probably a lot more but i either forgot them or they're kind of embarrassing so <3 i swear though, i'm writing a marvel fic now-ish and i wILL FINISH THIS ONE. and i'm also planning a jatp x tsoa au, and then in general i'd just like to have more. substance fhsdkljf.
OH MY GOD !!!! DUDE DUDE DUDE. that sounds wonderful and the vibes !!!! incredible. "i'd definitely have a few bookshelves and i'd organize the books so they're not all vertical so they look *aesthetic* and then i'd put some lil fake plants everywhere and i'd put fairy lights EVERYWHERE" THIS!!! SO MUCH AESTHETIC. i love everything about your bedroom holy shit <3
i have never heard that motivational saying but good gOD that's stupid. jesus that's just ???? so stupid wtf.
YES YES YES YES YES !!! i love writing, i really do, and when you can just GO and write the hell out of something. even if you never publish it!! it's still just. so fun and cool.
hfsdljfskd that is certainly a list /lh. the only reason i can talk is that i never write tv shows down, i just forget them all *lip bite* (that was. something, and not a good something fjsd). !!!!! i've heard of all of those, except elementary, and they apparently are all very good! i'm going to write those down on one app and then forget where i put the list and. hence why i never watch anything lmao
i've been meaning to watch,,,, uhhhh. atypical, toh, criminal minds, finish b99. and a lot more i just can't remember them. are most of them just bc that's what my mutuals have watched? mAybe but so what- i swear i do have original ideas. sometimes. maybe.
oh damn,, idk. movies are really cool because there's more of a Vibe, and they're definitely easier for me to watch. and it's pretty incredible what people can fit into a one to two hour film. but tv shows are great for something more casual? and i feel like it's much easier to find a fandom for a show than a movie. idk. there's probably a limit, i'm just not sure what it is yet. something with over ten seasons would definitely be less appealing than something with 2 or 3. i'd say 40 min episodes, because it's easier to have a story with more time, and it hopefully wouldn't be rushed. and it feels more substantial? or less like "oh man i watched 30 episodes in one sitting jesus cHRIST".
i think a forest. the idea of being stranded in mountains feels a little scary ngl, and while there is a lot of shelter, that's also a lot of climbing. so maybe not best for survival, and i also don't know where to get food on a mountain. island sounds nice, but i think a forest would be cooler :)
if you could have any job, even if it isn't something that's an actual job (like tumblr blogger, etc) what would you choose? would YOU rather be stranded on an island, in a forest, or in the mountains? if you made a tone indicator that doesn't exist already, what would it be? do you have any pet peeves? - 🌵
hfsdfjsfl thanks you and me both bestie <3
oh my god no i do that too!! i dont want ppl to like. notice that im muted or anything so im just. silent like 'do not perceive me"
dude i've changed my pfp a bunch and it feels so weird like jatp i love you but- ????? sdfjejsdigisjkf
JATP TSOA ??? BESTIE YOU OWN MY HEART??? YOU WILL BREAK IT ???? you break jules heart?? you break it like the *shit whats a thing you break* mirror during an angsty movie scene??
thank you if only it could be a thing lmao <3
yeah it's real dumb. im very tired
yeah exactly!! like just the feelings of words pouring out of you so fast so fast is just amazing and so satisfying.
LIP BITE SDFGSGHSDLKJFSDKLFJSLDF PLEASE. ok no that's such a mood though, writing it down and then forgetting where you wrote it. literally i just remembered today i had a list of movies i've been meaning to watch. and then i found 3 separate notes because apparently i kept forgetting lol.
ahhhh omg cm!! criminal minds is pretty good and omg b99 my BELOVED!! can't really speak to the other ones but i've heard they're good so :D
yeah that definitely makes sense, tv shows are for sure more casual. in a weird way movies sometimes feel like more commitment? even though shows are technically longer lol. LMAO something over ten seasons... bestie do not watch criminal minds there are 15... yeah 40 minute episodes are great!!! i feel like also it really depends on the vibe of the show!! like if there was a 40 minute sitcom episode i don't think i'd be able to watch it.
oooooh omg forest yes that's so valid. a forest would definitely be cooler :D
i would choose to be an Emotional Support Jules™. my only purpose would literally just be to vibe around whoever hires me and give them hugs and positive energy. im portable and i can travel with them if they pay for my plane ticket :D batteries sold separately
huh idk being stranded anywhere is very scary but uhh. forest so maybe we could be in the same forest and we could find mushrooms together!!
ooooh a tone indicator that doesn't exist. hmmm. i don't know if this counts for tone but maybe just like /v and /a when venting about something, /v for just venting without wanting advice and /a for when you do want advice? just so people know how to respond.
dude i have so many pet peeves and uhhh. i forget every single one of them. im sorry bestie.
questions for you: what would your ideal job be, even if it's not an "official" job? would you rather have a mattress that is too hard or too soft? your thoughts on country music? do you enjoy icebreakers? if you didn't have to sleep, would you still choose to?
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Dog Days - Chapter 2
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Summary: You take the stray dogs home and clean them up. Then you search around, hoping to find the rightful owners. But what happens the next day changes EVERYTHING.
You opened the door to your apartment. Ben walked in, tail wagging happily, as if he owned the place, Matt was more anxious and cautiously walked in. You looked down and Kylo was staring into your apartment, he didnt go in though. You kneeled down beside him and he looked at you.
"What's wrong, Kylo?"
He looked at you from the corner of his eye and huffed. Then he turned around and sat in front of your doorway. You assumed he meant he was going to stay and guard your apartment, the thought of it made you giggle so you pat his head and stood up.
"You can guard the fortress from inside, goofball." You joked. Kylo growled a little bit and got up, walked into your apartment and sat by the doorway. You followed him in and closed the door behind you, making sure he saw you lock it. You walked pass Ben who sat on the couch while Matt was walking around your apartment, trying to make a mental map.
"You boys stay out here for a sec. I'll be right back." You said as you walked into your bedroom. After the door closed, Ben rolled onto his back on your couch, getting snug.
"I could get used to this."
Matt stood by the couch, looking around once more.
"Don't. We wont be dogs forever. Someday, somehow, we will figure out how to change back."
"I hope it's soon."
Matt and Ben looked over to Kylo, who had been quiet up until now.
"Oh really? Because the way i see it, you're her favorite so far."
Ben was trying to make Kylo blush but being a dog, he couldn't tell if it worked. But kylo did feel a bit embarrassed by it.
You came out of your room in some comfy pajamas and smiled at the dogs as you walked into the kitchen.
"How about some dinner? You guys look like you're starving." Ben and Matt walked into the kitchen excitedly, kylo of course staying by the door. Ben and Matt pulled chairs out from your dining table and jumped up and sat in them. You didn't think much of it, assuming it was a trick their previous owner had taught them, either way you thought it was both cute and amazing. You made a big dinner, you didn't eat much but made sure you had plenty for the dogs to eat. Kylo eventually got hungry and came over to eat, luckily you thought ahead and made him a plate. After eating, you gave each dog a bath. Ben tried pulling you into the water with him but other than that they were all well-behaved. Matt seemed to appreciate it the most and surprisingly, Kylo didn't fight it.
You were drying off Kylo when you had a sudden realization.
"Oh, you guys probably have an owner, or owners. Tomorrow I'll take you guys into work and see if you have chips or if anyone has reported missing dogs. But until we find your owners, you can stay with me." Kylo listened attentively and seemed to nod in agreement with your plan.
It wasn't too late at night so you and the 3 dogs congregated in your living room to watch movies. Halfway through one, there was a knock at your door. Kylo stood quickly and rushed over to the door but didnt bark, the other 2 couldn't care less.
"Wonder who that could be. Nobody ever visits me this late...or ever." You got up and walked over to the door, patting Kylo's head when you reached him. You unlocked it and opened it slowly, peering out into the hall.
"Did you fill out the proper paperwork to have dogs?"
It was your neighbor, Armitage Hux. He was a ginger haired, obnoxious, by the book kind of guy but seemed like decent enough person that you didn't see him as any sort of threat. You rolled your eyes and chuckled as you opened the door more.
"Well hello to you too, Armitage."
"(Y/n), you know I'm deathly allergic to dogs, right?"
You laughed a bit and Hux blushed as he folded his arms. You looked at him and shook your head.
"No you're not, you just don't like them."
"Same thing. And three of them? Are you that lonely?"
You stopped laughing and kind of glared at his comment which he of course noticed, he tensed under your gaze.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Why have 3 dogs when you can have 1 boyfriend? Come on, (Y/n). It's one date. Some dinner, a movie, you name it."
He kind of whined when he said it and you huffed.
"Hux, i told you, I'm not the type to have a boyfriend. Anyway, i gotta head to bed soon. Goodnight."
You closed the door and heard Hux sigh as he walked away. You looked at the three dogs who were all staring at you, looking as if they were waiting for an explanation.
"That's my neighbor. He's been trying to get me to go out with him since the day i moved in."
You walked over and sat on the couch. Kylo stayed by the door just in case, Ben was quick to jump to your side and Matt sat in the recliner that you had. You smiled at all the dogs.
"Who needs human boys when i have the cutest doggy boys?" You gently grabbed Ben's cheeks and mushed them and rubbed noses with him.
Ben got into your lap and licked your face, making you laugh. Eventually, you had to go to bed. And of course, Ben came to sleep in bed with you. Matt was hesitant but followed as well and laid at the foot of your bed. However, Kylo stayed awake, patrolling around your living room but eventually fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning came and you put all 3 of the dogs on the leashes you kept at home for situations like this. You walked all 3 down the sidewalk and they were calm and made walking to the clinic a breeze . You reached the vet clinic and you walked in. The boys looked around the lobby and you felt comfortable letting them off their leashes. Matt stayed with you while Ben sniffed around and Kylo followed behind you.
"Hello? Anybody home?" You joked.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?!"
Poe poked his head out from the back and saw you. He rushed out to greet you and but halted when he saw the dogs.
"Um...(Y/n), what's going on?"
You blushed and awkwardly scratched your hand, still in bandages.
"You remember the dogs i was telling you about?"
Poe became tense and looked at the 3 dogs before his eyes landed on Kylo.
"And i'm gonna guess that's the one that bit you."
You kneeled down by Kylo, who didn't care for Poe's unapproving look.
"Yes, but he also protected me from some guy who was gonna rob me .... and possibly rape me. So you really should be thanking him."
Poe rolled his eyes and pulled you away a bit.
"(Y/n), what are they doing here? And what are YOU doing here. You know the boss said you aren't supposed to come back until you for sure dont have rabies!"
You chuckled and Poe gave you a confused look.
"I'm actually here as a client."
"Uuuhhhh, what?"
"Can you check them for chips and see if anyone has reported 3 missing dogs?"
Poe rolled his eyes and took your hand in his gently.
"I'll do it for you, sweetheart. No charge. But promise me you will take care of yourself and this hand."
You nodded and looked to the 3 dogs, who had all grouped in front of you and Poe.
"Okay, boys. Go with Poe and he'll take good care of you."
"You talk to them like they're people? Geez, (Y/n), you are something else." Poe teased. You laughed and sat down. The boys followed Poe obediently and after about and hour and a half, they all came out with treats in their mouths. You looked at Poe, hoping he'd have addresses to their homes.
"Nothing. No owners, no shot records, nothing. These dogs only have names on their tags, (Y/n). That's a little strange, don't you think?"
You did find it strange but you questioned Poe further.
"What about missing dog reports?"
Poe shook his head. You found that really strange.
"Maybe someone was trying to get rid of them."
"Why would anyone want to get rid of these sweet boys."
Poe looked at Kylo who glared in response.
"I can think of a few reasons."
You stood, a bit peeved by Poe's comment.
"I'm taking them home. Thanks for everything, Poe."
You sincerely meant thanks but were a bit mad that Poe only seemed to recall Kylo biting you.
Poe told you to be careful and you leashed up the dogs and walked out of the clinic.
You looked around and it was a pretty decent day and you decided to take the boys out for some fun on the town. You smiled at the dogs and they all looked at you with confused looks.
"Let's go to the park."
You had arrived at the nearest dog park and let the 3 off of their leashes, but to your surprise, they didn't seem interested at all. You kneeled down by them.
"What's wrong, guys? It's a dog park. Don't you wanna go play with the other doggies?"
The 3 dogs all looked at each other and then you before they split up and walked around the park. You chuckled and got up to go sit on a bench. Kylo saw you go sit down and went over to join you, jumping onto the bench to sit next to you. You pet him and watched as Matt was frightened by everything around him and Ben was playing tug of war with some boxer dog. You looked at Kylo, he had also been looking out at the other dogs.
"Kylo, don't you wanna go make some friends?"
He only huffed and you laughed at him. He did a sort of bark grumble and it made you think, what was he saying? You looked back to the other 2 dogs.
"I wish i understood you, Kylo."
Kylo's ears perked up and he looked at you. You noticed and smiled at him, petting his head just behind ear.
"You guys always seem to know what I'm saying. It's so cute. I just want to be able to understand what all of you are saying, too."
You laughed at the thought of the dogs talking when suddenly Matt rushed up, whimpering, which brought you from your thoughts and you saw him being followed by a few other dogs. When Matt reached you and hid behind your legs under the bench, and Kylo jumped off the bench in front of you. The dogs following Matt stopped dead in their tracks when they made eye contact with Kylo, and ran off with their legs between their tails. You sat on the grass in front of the bench and coaxed Matt out of hiding. He lunged into your arms and you hugged him tightly. You looked over to Kylo and smiled, reaching out to pet him.
"Youre such a good boy, Kylo."
Kylo leaned into your touch more, wanting more affection, which you happily gave. You decided it was time to take the boys home.
When you reached your apartment, you heard some meowing from the other side of the hall. You looked over your shoulder to see Hux's cat, Millicent. You smiled and unlocked the door to your apartment, opening it to let the dogs in, Millicent took the opportunity to follow them in. This was a common occurrence when Hux was in a rush to get to work, and is actually how you met your neighbor in the first place.
"Millicent? Millicent?"
You put down the box that you were unpacking, and went to your door. It was open and you peered out into the hall. A sharp dressed, red-haired man was frantically searching the halls. You watched for a moment but suddenly felt something brush against your leg, you looked down to see an orange cat looking up at you as it leaned against your leg.
"Millicent. Milli-"
"Is this who you're looking for?"
The man turned around and when he made eye contact with you, he felt his face become heated as his breath was being taken away. He swears he had just seen an angel, and in this angel's arms was his beloved cat. He calmly rushed over to you and you handed Millicent over.
"Thank you so much. I was in such a rush to leave for work, she must've snuck out while i wasnt looking. Um, i take it you're the new tennant."
You nodded and pet Millicent as your new neighbor held her.
"Yup, as of today. I work at the clinic and this was the closest place with available apartments."
The man offered you a hand while holding his furbaby with the other.
"My name is Armitage Hux. I live across the hall."
"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you."
You picked Millicent up in your arms and pulled out your phone. It went to voicemail.
"Hey Armitage, it's (Y/n). Millicent got out again so I'm gonna hold onto her until you get back. Bye."
You put your phone back in your pocket and shut the door with your foot after entering, kissing and petting the purring cat.
You set her down and walked into the kitchen. Millicent followed you and the 3 dogs all watched and inspected the cat.
You smiled at them and pet Millicent again, showing them that she was friendly. You glanced at the dogs again, they still didn't know how to react to the cat. Maybe their previous owners didn't have cats. You thought more about the dogs' previous owners and how cruel it was that someone might want to get rid of these 3 sweethearts, but you also thought that maybe there was someone out there who was worried about them. You took a few pictures of each dog and made a post on your social media pages, showing the dogs and stating that you had found them and would hold onto them until the rightful owners came to get them. You hoped they would be able to return home soon and be with their families.
You spent the rest of the day at home, cleaning up and waiting for someone to call and ask about the dogs but nobody did. The afternoon seemed to sneak up on you and Hux came to retrieve his pet. You locked up for the night and went to bed, the dogs doing just as they did the night before.
It was 3 A.M. and the phone rang. You jolted awake, waking and scaring the dogs. You grabbed your phone and checked it, but the number was unfamiliar, and you answered anyway.
"The brothers must learn their lessons before they can return to their true forms."
The voice was that of an old woman. You looked at the dogs, confused, and they returned the looks.
"I think you have the wrong number, m'am."
Just as you were about to hang up, the voice spoke again.
"(Y/n)! You must listen. You are the only one who can help them!"
This made you more anxious but you listened.
"The brothers are beast, in the mind and in appearance. You must help them fix the mistakes they have made."
"Lady, i don't know the brothers you are talking about." You tried to explain.
"They will know. They will tell you."
Then then phone hung up.
"What the hell? I must be dreaming."
You pet the dogs and told them it was nothing and you all went back to bed. But that night, you had a strange dream.
3 tall boys were laughing and talking with you but you had never seen them before. 2 of them had long, shaggy, black hair and one had blonde hair and glasses, but they all had similar faces. You felt so safe being with these boys you didn't recognize. It was sunny and warm where you all were. You smiled, enjoying the company of such sweet boys.
You woke up suddenly. You felt your eyes flutter open and slowly all your senses woke up too.
"I'm just saying, if we lived in a town like this, we'd all be getting laid. There are so many hot women in more populated areas."
"You're so gross, Ben!"
You sat up quickly, panic already setting in. You looked around your room. The dogs were missing and there were strangers in your home. You quietly got out of bed and snuck to the door, peering out into the living room.
"I wonder when she's gonna be up. I'm getting kinda hungry."
You looked out but didn't see anyone, this was starting to really freak you out. Where were the dogs? Suddenly you saw Matt jump onto the recliner.
"Be patient. She was nice enough to let us stay here and cook for us out of the kindness of her heart, she's not our nanny."
Your jaw dropped. It WAS the dogs.
"Holy shit."
You covered your mouth immediately. The dogs looked at you and you quickly backed into your room, slamming the door shut and locking it.
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Hey Lolly! I just got a line number for Staff Sergeant! I'm excited but super nervous. I know you're already an NCO and I think you're pretty cool, so I wondered if you might have any advice for me? My biggest worry is that I want to do right for my troops and be understanding and set them up for success without being a pushover. :'D
I’m sorry I didn’t answer this earlier, i was away at warfighter training, wheee. So FIRST OFF, I’m sorry if most of this stuff is what you’ve already heard of. I am not trying to insult your intelligence I promise. Just putting emphasis on important things I’ve learned along the way!!
THE TRANSITION TO NCO CAN BE ROUGH There is a huuuge jump between junior enlisted and NCO. You are now accountable for your actions as well as your officers, and subordinates. Also your junior enlisted pals are..not just pals anymore. They are now your subordinates and need to see each other a little differently now. If not? You’re going to have to put your foot down and it’s gonna suck. But none the less, be the leader you needed when you were junior enlisted and you’ll do just fine. =)
YOU’RE GOING TO FUCK UP SOMETIMES We ALL fuck up as brand new NCOs. It’s GOING. TO. HAPPEN.  Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward, my friend.
THEY ARE LIVING, BREATHING HUMAN BEINGS, NOT NUMBERSNever ever put them through hell if you’re not capable of handling it yourself.
KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NECESSARY DISCIPLINE AND SELF-REWARDING ABUSEDo not punish a subordinate just to make yourself feel better or vent off steam you’ve had on them. Only punish an equivalent of the ill meaning action they made. Use your best judgement, not your heart on these decisions. Make time in your schedule for them if need be for the corrective action. (ex: PT failure, you make them go to the gym with you to ensure they are getting the right exercise and can pass) 
FAKE MOTIVATION IS BETTER THAN NO MOTIVATION Fake it till you make it! Being a NCO will rip you out of your comfort zone very, VERY often. Remember, they’re looking up to you for guidance! 
DON’T SHOW THAT THEY’RE GETTING TO YOU Expectations on you multiply tenthfold by everyone. There are times where even your best wasn’t enough and you get chewed out for something you had no actual control over. Hold it in until you can cry on the shower floor alone in the middle of the night if you have to, but don’t let them have that power over you.
A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY… Say hello to everyone, check up on them, ask little questions every once in a while. Learn little things about them so that when they’re really sad or mad, you’ll know how to perk them right up and defuse situations. You’d be amazed at how receptive people will be if you just take the time to notice them.
ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GET PROMOTED: Constantly ask people of the progression for their next rank and promotion packets. Make sure they’re getting slots for their schools, and that they’re talking to the right people. Make sure they have “I Love Me” books too. 
LEARN TO PROJECT YOUR VOICE, NEVER LOOK DOWN AND KEEP SPINE STRAIGHT WHEN WALKING...Looking the part is halfway there, and actions will drive you home. Speak from your diaphragm, not your throat. Inject confidence into your words like they're indisputable. (which they naturally should be)
RAPPORT RAPPORT RAPPORT RAPPORT: There will be times when its not what YOU know, but what THEY know too. Crosstalk with other sections and learn what they do too! You’d be surprised how beneficial others can be to you (and likewise)
YOU WON’T MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY Sometimes you’re going to have to make some really cringey decisions you really don’t want to do. Use your best judgement and stick to your guns. 
YOUTUBE IS YOUR FRIEND!!!! Freshen up with a manual as well as watching youtube for visual. Literally almost anything you can think of is on that site. It’ll save a life trust me 
CTRL+FThis will save you so much time when looking up something on google or when you’re researching an online manual or any other resource for that matter. 
LEARN TO “FORECAST”/PLAN AHEADDon’t just tell your peoples to be at the motor pool for clean up duty and not think to bring/tell to bring any cleaning supplies. Predict what you’ll need and act accordingly. ACT, DON’T REACT. 
CONSTANTLY WRITE DOWN NOTES, ALSO GET A WATCH, ALSO EXCELWrite down all the things, especially times, dates, and locations as well as which subordinate you sent on which task. Get a watch since there will be times you cant use your cell phone. Also, if you know how to use excel minimally, it’ll make your life so much easier with keeping track of things and compiling information. With the power of all these combined, you’ll be top tier highspeed. 
LEARN TO DELEGATE!! DONT LEAVE THEM OUT IN THE COLD!! Remember that your subordinates are there for you just as much as you are there for them!! Use any moment you can as a teaching moment. Doing some complicated paperwork or task? Dont ignore them, teach them as you go along! Teach them what YOU know! Be on the same page so that when you’re super busy and could use a hand, you can give them tasks with confidence of their abilities. Give clear instruction, and a time limit if need be. Not only does this keep them busy and out of trouble, but also good for future bullet points on awards for promotion points…. *WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE*
DON’T FORGET HOW IMPORTANT INITIAL COUNSELINGS AREMake your boundaries known to your peoples, especially your pet peeves. Set the standard as well as your own personal ones on day one. Make sure you both have a solid copy of the counseling so that if they try to come back at you for something, you can simply show them your copy as proof. ;)
FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE NOT END ALL, BE ALL/RUMORS ARE DUMBSee for YOURSELF that a person is genuinely a shitbag. Remember that there is a such thing as toxic leadership and some people were just doomed to fail under circumstances not in their control. Give them a chance to blossom under your leadership, and have faith. You never know.. 
REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO!!! Listen, I know you want to save the world from itself constantly…. But every once in a while.. you just gotta take a step back and take care of yourself. 
There are so many more things I want to say but…I’ll leave it here. I really hope at least one of these things help you out. Congrats on your stripes and welcome to the NCO Corps. YOU ARE NOW THE BACKBONE OF THE MILITARY, YOU BADASS
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