#i'm soooo normal about that leak guys
rochenn · 1 year
tagged by the one and only @charrhylis <3
last song:
"missionary man" by ghost. honest to god banger
currently watching:
star wars rebels which i'm just having a good time with ig. i went into this show knowing plenty of major plot points and character deaths etc but somehow that's making it even more enjoyable to me
currently reading:
i've been chewing through dracula for months now and it's great but i keep getting distracted by ao3. it is what it is. i'm also reading "was politiker nicht sagen" by gregor gysi (wahoo german politics jumpscare), it's a pretty interesting subject matter!
current obsession:
this might surprise some people but i'm really into star wars! furthermore i won't apologize for the person i will become on july 28th. i'll try to limit my screaming about good omens to my super dead twitter account but you never know 🤡
no-pressure tags: @mudpuddless / @prahacat / @kote-wan / @tobytost / @bucketking /@legobenkenobi (some of you have multiple blogs, i wasn't sure which ones to tag so feel free to use any of them to answer!)
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charlescoded · 9 months
I'm neutral about mpreg charles until the video and you mentioning all the mpreg charles plots, arranged marriage and omegaverse vampire. Your vision is sooooooo good! But what I like the most is max kneeling and kissing charles pregnant belly. I'd sell my kidneys to read this scene.
im soooo not neutral about it, im incapable of being normal about it actually lmao, but glad you liked the ideas! i have many more, but most i'll keep contained in my head or the dms for safe keeping
so yeah, anyway, this took me 50 minutes to write, but here you go, it's based on the lestappen arranged marriage idea:
Charles lets out a loud groan as soon as the door slams closed behind him. He leans back against the dark wood and scrubs his hands over his face, frustration leaking out of him. When he drops his hands they slide past the now obvious bump of his stomach. He looks down and grimaces. Maybe it was a mistake after all, maybe he should—
He flinches when someone knocks on the door. Charles grits his teeth before replying, “Go away.” He shouts. They’d fought enough today, and Charles had no intention on continuing the conversation. All they ever did was call him reckless, or a fool, or a whore, or everything all at once. 
“I just wish to know whether you’re alright, my prince,” A soft voice says, and Charles rips the door open in sudden haste. Max stands on the other side of the door, armour moulded to his body in all the right places, a worried frown adorning his face, and Charles is distracted for a moment.
“I’m fine,” He says once Max closes the door behind him. “Just frustrated. They were complaining about how they’ll never be able to marry me off to some other old guy when I already have a kid.”
Max’s gaze is calculated. “It was not just that, was it?”
It’s a rhetorical question. Max must have heard something while he stood guard. Charles deflates. “Yes, well, they were calling me selfish and incapable of putting the people of my country first when I act like this, but what else is new…”
When Max extends his hand, in offer, in question, Charles takes it. Max guides him to the side of the bed. “Sit, my prince,” He murmurs. Charles gives him a dirty look but does as he’s told. Max kneels down in front of him and Charles allows him to take off his boots. Max presses a soft kiss on the inside of his knee. “They’re wrong about you,” He whispers. Blue eyes pierce through Charles and he shudders under the attention. “You’re far more capable of compassion than they ever will be.”
Charles swallows dryly. “Not that it matters. They’re the ones in power.”
He watches as Max slides the soft material of his hose down his thighs, unable to look away. He bites his lip. “They’re not, that’s why they’re angry you’re not listening to them.”
Max leans forward and trails his lips up his leg and towards his crotch. Heat pools in his stomach. “I must listen to them or it will harm my people, Max, you know this.”
When Max shakes his head, Charles sits up straight to protest, but his voice falters when Max places his hand over the swell of his stomach. “You’re not, Charlie,” The soft nickname sends a shiver down his spine. “Your baby—our baby—, that is your proof. You can go against them, you have, they cannot harm you.”
“But,” Charles places his hand over Max’s. “They could harm the baby.”
Max shakes his head. “That would be stupid of them, you could easily get pregnant again.”
It’s so blunt that Charles can’t help but smile. “Would you?”
“Would I what?”
His smile grows. “Get me pregnant again?”
“Of course,” Max’s hands slips under his shirt, sliding it up to expose his stomach. He leans forward and presses butterfly kisses along the expense of skin. “I’d give you as many children as you want.”
Charles licks his lips, arousal growing. “Yeah? Maybe we should start to practice then…”
The corners of Max’s eyes crinkle as he smiles up at him. Then, for a moment, he turns serious. “I would protect you, you know, you and the baby, always. No harm will befall any of you.”
“I know.” Charles whispers, and he means it. Whatever mistakes he might have made, choosing Max wasn’t one of them.
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blps · 2 years
I'm fine with leaks.- Lani
Also beware I REALLY vented out there :)
And then. Also. Today. I saw. The leaked sumeru characters and…… well I’m really getting really big orientalism vibes for the sumeru region and my culture is one of the many that will be mixed in that region so I’m just expecting the worst ya know :) I really wanted the dendro archon but if the leaks are true…… easy skip for me lol like where is my tall tan sumeru archon woman? We were ROBED I am so disapointed ToT like the only character I see I like is Collei (also because I’m Amber main) but the other two? I thought the guy was a mondstadt related character and the little girl? A “genie” ToT I don’t want the ‘looks like a child but is actually 10000 years old’ because that’s the vibe I’m getting like (disclaimer I don’t know anything about her and I don’t intend to know more) pls I thought you were better than that hoyoverse. And where is Cyno?? At least I will be able to save for him but he’s the only character I like from sumeru with Collei so far…. Yeah I hope they will have a comeback and will review the dendro archon design
Normally I love their character design or don’t feel strongly about them but now?? Bro that’s they are the worst ToT
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
Masturbation | FKBU Headcanons
Ever wondered what Daisuke and Haru would be like when they touch themselves?
Characters: Kambe Daisuke, Katou Haru
Tags/warnings: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sexual activity, male masturbation, headcanons
A/N: I just wanted to write about them stroking their cocks. I'm thirsty, alright? Cut me some slack 😩 Personally, I'm very much a fan of what I've written for Haru, but that might just be my tastes...
Anyway, thanks for reading, and please enjoy! ♡ And please consider voting in this poll to help me celebrate 100 followers! Thank you! ♡
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♤ Kambe Daisuke ♤
Daisuke isn't masturbation-mad he drowns in pussy, so he doesn't feel an overwhelming need all the time
But every now and then, he'll get the urge, and if there's no one around who can satisfy him... 🤷‍♀️
Doesn't feel at all guilty about it because he knows that basically everyone does it and he would probably talk very nonchalantly about it with you if you asked, so if you're into that, you're in luck *wink wonk*
With Daisuke, it's either about pure practicality, or unadulterated indulgence
Either he's hard and distracted, and he needs to not be, so he rubs one out–
Or he's feeling like absolutely spoiling himself, drawing it out as long as possible and making himself feel ~amazing~
If he's being practical, he'll try and get it over with quickly, probably into the toilet or something. No fuss, etc.
If he's feeling like indulging himself, he'll get the whole freaking bedroom ready: soft sheets, high quality porn in HD ready, bottles of lube yes, multiple, different toys all laid out ready to be fucked like crazy–
He totally has Pornhub Premium and has no qualms leaving comments on his favourite videos 😂
He doesn't have to think about anyone in particular when he's masturbating. Sometimes it's a face he knows well, others a stranger he passed in the street. Sometimes they're faceless he's flexible
And, like I said, he has no shame about it. It is what it is 🤷‍♀️
Soooo, Daisuke's favourite toy is a fleshlight that he can mount to a table surface etc. He loves being able to go at it like a real pussy with no hands, and not have to hold back with his thrusts
But the rhythmic banging sound of him fucking it can literally be heard down the entire length of the hallway *dies*
Daisuke, ya ain't slick 😂😭😂
When indulging, he's definitely a fan of gently caressing up and down his cock with a Magic Wand vibrator y'all know the ones I mean until he's covered in precum 😍🤤
If he's in a relationship or seeing someone, he has no shame in video-calling said person and fucking himself in front of them I mean 😳😳
I volunteer as tribute!!
And he's happy for them to join in and start touching themselves too the more the merrier!
He's comfortable with flaunting just how hard you they make him 🤑
He'll definitely keep his favourite pictures and videos of his encounters on his phone to ~use~ at his leisure
He'll casually scroll through the special folder on his phone at incredibly inappropriate times and smirk to himself
His face doesn't change too much when he's stroking his cock. It gets a little serious and he frowns like when he's pissed off and serious in the anime and his cheeks are tinged with a light blush, but on the whole, he's pretty collected
And you won't hear much from him other than grunts, heavy breaths, and stifled groans they're deep and gruff, and so fucking hot 🥵
But he is pretty strong and vigorous, I will say that. No soft, delicate touches and submissive moans here
Daisuke doesn't make love – he fucks, and that's exactly how he gets off by himself hnngg
Sometimes he just likes to see how long he can last, edging himself over and over for hours, sensitive and shaking, until he cums and shoots a massive load 😳🤫
I know I said he's not masturbation-mad, and he's not. He doesn't do it that often, but he likes to be at the top of his game, and he likes feeling good 🤗
There's a particular vein on the underside of his massive cock, that from past experiences if it's stroked or caressed, produces a highly pleasurable and intoxicating feeling
And he'll use this to his advantage, deliberately thumbing over it with fervour he likes to imagine someone's tongue curling up and down it 😏
Like, yes Daddy 🥵 let me suck your cock for you 🥺
He's literally so confident about it all. Absolute king 👑
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☆ Katou Haru ☆
So, like Daisuke, Haru's not exactly crazy about masturbation, but rather than it being an occasional thing, it's more like a phase that comes and goes?
He'll go for a month or more with hardly needing to touch himself at all
And then – BOOM! Man can't go more than a couple of hours without needing to cum again
Literally can hardly do it enough
When he gets in that rut, Haru gets... desperate and it's so hot
Unlike Daisuke, Haru is very vocal when touching himself etc.
His face gets incredibly flushed, his eyes get hazy, and his hips basically move on their own I want to see iittt, pleeaase 🥺
Haru can't really afford toys etc. and would literally die of embarrassment from purchasing them so what he tends to do is:
Use his hand to stroke his cock
Make a homemade pocket pussy look up how, my peeps. It's quite easy
Or his most usual way humping things like crazy
One of his favourite ways of getting off, is taking two cushions/pillows, sliding his cock between them, and thrusting into them I highly recommend if you enjoy the movement of thrusting
I'm told it's surprisingly more intimate than stroking your own cock
When he gets like that, it's a because of an immediate need to be satisfied, and sometimes he won't even fully take off his trousers
He'll just be grinding away at it, desperately gripping the futon underneath him as he imagines being inside a tight, warm pussy, his hips getting faster and sloppier until he cums 🤪🤤
Lorddd, my body is readyyy 😩
Completely the opposite to Daisuke, Haru gets incredibly embarrassed about the whole topic, and also feels a strong amount of shame and guilt 😔
Especially when he thinks about an actual person which is why he tries not to, but he really thrives off of intimacy and connection, so it's hard
If he's in a relationship/seeing someone, he'll always make sure they're okay with him masturbating, thinking about them, etc. beforehand
Haru's the kind of guy who'll have a wet dream and start grinding against the futon in his sleep, and wake up just in time to feel himself orgasm and it normally gets all over him
Idk if that really counts as masturbation? I mean, I guess, right?
The tip of Haru's cock is really sensitive, so when his uses his hand, he likes to gently encircle it with his thumb which makes him leak so much precum 💦
Oh, and Haru is also a big fan of milking himself 😍
When he's in a rut and feeling desperate, he likes nothing better than to spend the entire mornings or afternoons of his day off cooped up in his flat, fucking himself over and over, until his cock's drained and he's completely worn out 🤫🤭🤤
Guess what he'd want to be doing with you on his days off...
But then, almost as if it never happened, like a switch has been flipped, he'll be back to normal for a month or so, and won't feel the need to jerk off more than a couple of times a week
And he gets so embarrassed about it 😭😭
He throws out the pocket pussy he made literally dying thinking about how many times and how desperately he fucked it so then he always has to make a new one all over again 😭😭
He gets scared about people finding out horny he gets and what they'll think of him 😫
Like, hush baby. I'd love to take care of you when you're like that 🤗 Cum inside me as much as you want 🥺
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, please consider voting in this poll to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you!
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
What!? Since when has Tom ever made a fool of himself like what is this anon going on about and when has he ever dragged anyone else down with him. The Hyde park thing was a totally normal thing he was at a festival with some friends having some drinks and was spotted getting cosy with a girl so what he is allowed to date. It’s not like he was walking around the festival high or getting in to fights with people or anything like that and the hate that Olivia received came from crazy fans not cause of Tom. He posted he’s girlfriend at the time to his Instagram after discussing it with her first and at the time obviously didn’t think the relationship was going to end so soon after he did. If he is smoking that’s he’s choice and yes it’s a bad habit but how is it making a fool out of himself. And this raya dating app thing there is nothing wrong with being on a dating app. We now know that he was using it when he was single before Nadia and just like millions of other single people around the world he got a profile on a dating app again not making a fool of himself or making stupid decisions. I honestly don’t understand how some people think sometimes. Tom is one of the most famous young actors on the planet yet instead of stumbling out of clubs drunk/high all the time or being seen with a different girl on his arm every few months or having nudes or a sex tape exposed he just loves his normal life he goes to work and then he comes home and hang with his family catches up with his mates for a beer at the pub doesn’t go getting in to bar fights or anything is always described by people he works with or that meet him as the sweetest kindest guy and just spends he days off playing golf and yet someone who those are stupid decisions and he’s making a fool of himself .
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And yea, having nudes leak is waaaay more "scandalous" and "embarrassing" (imo) than anything that Tom has done rofl. 😆
And just for the record, an MCU Marvel Actor DID have his nudes accidentally leak, by himself (of all ppl) lol! Chris Evans lol! 🤣😅
Look.....Even if smthg DOES leak, ppl can just take a page out of Chris Evan's book. He made a joke out of it on Twitter and said smthg like: "Well, now that I have your attention.... go vote!" Or smthg like that lol 😆🤣😅
I felt soooo embarrassed for him 🙈 (I did not even look even though he's one of my celebrity crushes lol), and I just wanted to maintain his dignity, but ppl talked about it for like a couple of weeks, and then MOVED ON!
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I mean.... sometimes embarrassing, stupid stuff happens, and you just have to move on. Like Tom said.... "Sh*t happens" lol. 😏
You all DO know RDJ went to prison and used to have a horrible drug addiction right lol? 🤣😅 NOW look at where he is today!
Ppl have admired how far he's come and are just happy he was able to turn his life around. I'm sure going to prison really changed his life as well.
Believe me, Tom is a white male in society, he will easily be able to brush up any "nicks" on his "squeaky clean" image if he plays his cards right.
So far however, I don't think he's done anything in the public eye that even remotely qualifies as "scandalous" imo.
Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
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